#clarks getting the jason treatment
oifaaa · 2 years
Apollo survived the war world saga he was just captured and I believe mind controlled. (iirc only lightray and manchester black fully died in that arc but I might be forgetting people). Also I don’t think they’re in nightwing’s generation they’re still batman/superman ages of like anywhere from late 30s to 40s (I think they have a slow aging thing but that might have been taken out in the current iteration? I love them but boy does dc not)
I don’t think Jenny Quantum/Jenny Quarx’s has a confirmed current status. I know she sacrificed herself in the 2008 wildstorm and was in the 2011-2014 dc stormwatch but I don’t believe she’s really been referenced since. The 2017 The Wild Storm reboot had Jenny Sparks? JQ should be 23 now but I think dc just doesn’t know what to do with her and she’s got that thing where she’s too powerful and not popular enough for writers to want to use her
See I remember the mind control thing I just honestly don't remember him getting fixed from that tbf that arc went really weird at the end it felt like it went straight from they won to being back on earth but I might of just missed an issue or something
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avalon-of-babylon · 1 year
I fucking love genuinely out of touch rich guy Bruce Wayne. Like realistically, yeah, he knows the value of a dollar and how far it gets you but just off the people around him it would be fucking hilarious.
Dick who's lived his entire life in the circus asks for some lunch money.
Rich guy™️ Bruce hands him a thousand because he doesn't have anything smaller.
Reporter Clark Kent casually venting about his 2 mortgages.
Rich guy™️ Bruce tries to relate by talking about how hard it is to juggle his 27 private properties across the world hidden in various shell companies full of millions of dollars worth of batman gear.
Meanwhile Oliver Queen who just has the 1 house, shoves everything into a gym bag and flies his own ass places is sitting there like what the fuck.
Jason certified street kid and son of a drug addict currently splitting rent 5 ways "Yeah it's been hard to keep the lights on with Roy in rehab"
Rich guy™️ Bruce "why don't you dip into your trust fund?"
Jason certified problem child perpetually on the edge of getting disowned. "My what now?"
Commissioner Gordon, father of two, fully aware his daughter is batgirl, spends half his paycheck on his son's indefinite psychiatric treatment, cant afford to leave the rent controlled apartment he's had half his damn life, with a literal nightmare job in the worst city in the world, paranoid because of the stupid amount of corruption around him constantly, and is always on the edge of a mental breakdown.
Rich guy™️ Bruce "You need a vacation. There's this amazing place in the Bahamas you should try-"
Commissioner Gordon, whose idea of a vacation is faking his death for a week in a sting operation, already sobbing.
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envysparkler · 5 months
In a world where Batman never joined the Justice League, Superman rescues Robin in Ethiopia.
Batman arrives at the exploded warehouse, too late as usual, but Superman is there. Superman tells Batman he took Jason to Themyscira to heal from his wounds, and Batman demands to be taken there as well.
In this universe, Batman has a strong suspicion of the Justice League. His demand for the League to stay out of Gotham is half-fear, since the League is full of gods and aliens that he cannot hope to beat in a fair fight. To make matters worse, Dick left Gotham for Bludhaven, took a Kryptonian name, and refuses to talk to him.
Of course, in response to Batman's standoffishness, the Justice League doesn't much like him either.
Themyscira is Not Happy that Batman's there. They're happy to heal Jason, but an adult man who radiates hostility? They only let in Batman on Superman's word, and Wonder Woman demands Batman disarm completely and follow all their rules. So Bruce is left weaponless on an island of people far stronger than he is and are predisposed to despise him.
When Jason wakes up fully, he gets into old arguments with Bruce and screams at him to leave him alone. Bruce is forcibly escorted out and more than one person comments on his parenting skills.
Things come to a head at some festival-type thing that Bruce is forced to attend. He drinks something that makes him feel very fuzzy, snapping the razor thin control over his panic, and has a breakdown. Wonder Woman calls for Superman, but that doesn't help, Bruce just begs Superman not to take Jason away from him like he took Dick.
Bruce passes out. When he wakes up the next day, he runs immediately to Jason's room--his heart stops when he sees Superman there. Clark gently asks him how much he remembered of the previous night and Bruce is unable to fully hide his fear. Clark promises he won't take Jason away. Jason, for all his snappishness, is very alarmed at the idea of being taken away from Bruce, and clings tight to his father, hissing at anyone who tries to separate them.
Diana apologizes for their mistaken assumptions and his treatment here, and Clark finally flies them both back to Gotham for Jason to complete his treatment there. Bruce really only calms back down when he gets to the Cave and confirms that there are no Justice League members anywhere near Gotham.
The next day, there's a knock on the door. Dick looks uncertain of his welcome, but Clark was very insistent he show up to correct some misunderstandings. Bruce hugs him tight and refuses to let go of either of his sons for quite some time.
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cyberghostdraws · 1 month
⩩﹕🩵៹ Yume Sieheart ; CALL OF DUTY: Black Ops/Cold War OC
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Name: Yume Sieheart (夢ジーハート)
Alias: Angel - Angel of the Morning.
Date of Birth: December 16, 1945
• Black Ops 1 (1968): 22 years old
• Cold War (1981): 35 years old
• Black Ops 2 (1986-2025): 40 - 80 years old
• Current (2024): 79 years old
Place of Birth: Osaka, Japan.(Although during part of her adolescence she was briefly in Liverpool, England. Her father was British and her mother Japanese.)
Height: 1.70
Weight: 60kg
Hair color: Black (natural)
Eye color: Sky blue
Languages spoken: Japanese (native language), English and Spanish.
Personality (MBTI): ISFJ (Defender).
Faceclaim: Nanao Arai
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Backstory: Yume Sieheart was born in Osaka, Japan, the daughter of George Sieheart and Himari Sieheart.Yume showed at an early age to be quite observant and intelligent with her surroundings and to know what she used to observe. Yume was attracted to medicine since she was 8 years old when she went with her mother to houses around the town where she would attend to sick and wounded people at that time as well as hand-to-hand combat which was one of her greatest strengths and her father taught her the use of weapons. Her mother taught her different methods of healing with plants/herbs and knowledge in the area of medicine in general until Yume entered the medical academy. Due to Yume's great career as a doctor over time, she was allowed to join the CIA; her father had contacts with MI6 as well as the CIA so it was not a problem for Yume to join his team being assigned as a combat medic.
Personality: Yume is a very calm person, mostly she is quiet, however she is someone kind, friendly, nice and understanding, she will not hesitate to help others. However, she can be strict and sometimes tends to have a sadistic and cruel side with her opponents.
• Alex Mason
• Frank Woods
• Jason Hudson
• Adler Russell
• Eleazar "Lazar" Azoulay
• Lawrence Sims
• Bell
• Helen Park
Other affiliations:
• Aleksandra "Aleks" Clarke R. (@alypink ©)
• Anastasia Perez Ivanov (@alexa-mwll ©)
• Vasili "Bell" Solokov (@welldonekhushi ©)
• Oscar "Wolf" Yamaha ( @piouswolf © )
History during the events of Black Ops 1: During the Vietnam conflict, Yume spent most of the time with Alex Mason, Frank Woods and Joseph Bowman. Being a fundamental piece for the cure of Mason's brainwashing; since, for Yume, his case was unusual in order to find some kind of cure or treatment for the symptoms he presented with the issue of Reznov and his flashbacks that relate the numbers with Jason Hudson. Although during that time Yume continued working on a treatment of which Mason was still practically amnesiac and with the issue of Reznov's whereabouts although in the end Jason mentioned to him that he is dead something that Yume was about to tell him however this generated discussions between both.
History in Cold War:During January 1981 Yume was entrusted with Alex and Frank during missions, she was briefly next to her other companions with Lazar, Sims, Adler, Bell and Helen. However, she had been working on the brainwashing that had occurred with Mason next to Jason Hudson. To which that led her on occasions to be closer to Hudson.
History in Black Ops 2: Yume was working with Frank and Alex in the 80's until, after the events of the kidnapping of Menendez, she decided to leave the CIA since she had decided to go to Mexico with the objective of getting away after what happened. On that journey, she meets Manolo Reyes, a corporal in the Mexican army, Yume decided to work as a hand-to-hand combat instructor who took a liking to him and took him as her apprentice. In 2025 she is 80 years old, sometimes she traveled to visit Frank Woods and David Mason whom Yume knew since he was a baby as well as was a great help for the labor and was present at some moments with him when he was a child.
Profession: Doctor with specialties in military medicine such as internal medicine and general surgery. Likewise, she is a martial arts instructor who has great knowledge in techniques of the variety of disciplines.
Skills: Yume is quite observant, she knows when someone is lying to her or being honest. She can read people with great ease and has good qualities in terms of reflexes.
Defects: Yume tends to have self-destructive behaviors by drinking until the next day even though she knows that it can be harmful to her own health.
Fun Facts:
-Yume loves rabbits, in her childhood she only had two, one called Rin and the other Haru.
-She is a big fan of billiards and alcohol, especially sake although she usually goes with her two friends Mason and Woods.
-Yume's favorite food is Teriyaki and Onigiri with tuna filling.
-She has a preference for Western clothing but she also combines it with formal clothing and jewelry of the same type.
-There were times when Adler he was injured Frank and Mason begged Yume to cure him in exchange for a bottle of sake (she eventually agrees).
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Yume's outfits when she is in the office or at the medical agency.
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Her uniform on missions.
Thanks To read! :)
.ೃ࿔*━━━━━━ 𓏲ֹ۪❪ ⿴ꯨ❛ 🌸 ❜˚❫ 𓏲ֹ۪━━━━━━.ೃ࿔*
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alyrewrites · 1 month
A Good Man
Good men don't need rules. Bruce Wayne was not a good man.
Bruce had many rules, every one of them written in blood. He didn't like the think about the trail of corpses he'd left behind with his time in the league, but, unfortunately, a past like his tended to catch up eventually.
Inspired by posts from @frownyalfred about Bruce having killed people while with the League of Assassins
Bruce Wayne was not a good man.
A good man didn’t need rules, and Bruce had many of them written in blood on the skin of those he failed. A good man certainly didn’t need a rule against killing, and a good man wouldn’t need to have a body count in the hundreds before making such a rule. However, that was what Bruce had needed before he had made a rule to never take a life again. A good man wouldn’t struggle so much to follow that self-imposed rule either, but, to Bruce, that rule often felt like a line in the sand in the face of a rising tide.
Bruce always felt like he was on the edge and that it wouldn’t take much for him to slip back into those old habits, even all these years after leaving the League. When Jason died, Bruce was prepared to kill the Joker. He thought he had, albeit indirectly, when he brought down the helicopter Joker had commandeered. Even more recently, Bruce had left KGBeast crippled in the middle of a Siberian Tundra. The broken neck Bruce had left the assassin with wasn’t necessarily lethal, but it was unlikely that he would be found and treated before he succumbed to the cold. A good man would have taken KGBeast to get medical treatment. A good man would have felt remorse for taking a life, even one as depraved as Joker’s or Anatoli’s. Bruce didn’t. The only regret Bruce had was that Joker had survived the crash and that he couldn’t guarantee that KGBeast would never again be able to harm his family.
Bruce knew he could rectify both of those regrets, but he couldn’t allow himself to actively, personally snuff out someone’s life. Not anymore. Even if he disregarded the spirit of his rule against killing, he needed to at least follow the letter of it. He knew he had no right to sentence someone to death, not when anyone would be well within their rights to sentence Bruce to the same. Clark would probably say that Bruce was being too harsh on himself, but Clark didn’t know the depths of Bruce’s crimes. Clark knew Bruce had killed before, but Clark didn’t know that Bruce had the blood of hundreds on his hands. That Bruce was the best assassin the League had ever produced.
Ra’s and Talia were the only ones who knew the details of Bruce’s actions during his time with the League of Assassins. They were the only ones who knew that he hadn’t just trained by the League, but that he had truly believed in Ra’s al-Ghul. They were the only ones that knew the “World’s Greatest Detective” hadn’t been able to see Ra’s and his cult for what they were.
Bruce had taken to Ra’s teachings like a fish took to water, it was why he had been made the Demon’s Heart and Ra’s al-Ghul’s heir. Ra’s gave Bruce a direction for his purpose, and Bruce had really, truly believed that he was doing the right thing. That by killing these criminals, he would prevent any more children from going through what he had.
By the time Bruce had come to his senses, the blood of hundreds stained his hands. He didn’t know how many of those people were really guilty of a crime other than crossing the Demon’s Head. The first people Ra’s had sent him against were the worst of the worst, but over time, Bruce stopped looking deeper into the people Ra’s had him target. He let the trust and belief he had in Ra’s and his cause lull him into complacency. He swore that he would never allow that to happen again.
Bruce returned home to Alfred and never spoke of what he did while with the League. There were some days when it almost seemed like Alfred knew what Bruce was hiding. It wouldn’t surprise him, Bruce had never been very good at keeping things from Alfred, but he could never be sure. If Alfred did know, he never brought it up. Talia and Ra’s never mentioned it either when Bruce fought them. He wasn’t sure why they didn’t, what they were planning to do with that information, but Bruce couldn’t help but be grateful. It meant that he could still keep this particular bit of his past from his children. He didn’t like to imagine what would happen if they found out, but he didn’t imagine the outcome would be positive.
Dick had never shied away from calling Bruce out on his faults, but he also always seemed to believe the best in Bruce. They had always been able to reconcile before, but Bruce was certain that this would cross the line. Dick would finally see that Bruce wasn’t the man his son seemed to believe him to be. Similarly, Cassandra would see that Bruce was no better than David Cain. They would see that Bruce was far too broken and angry and dark to ever be the father they deserve. They would both walk out and never come back.
He had considered telling Jason of his past before. First, when Jason was struggling with finding out that Two Face had killed his father. He was worried that Jason would want to repay the villain in kind, but his son was so much stronger than Bruce had ever been and let the police take Two Face to face judgment. Bruce had been so proud and also relieved that he wouldn’t have to share something that may change the way his son looked at him.
Then after Jason had died and returned to life, Bruce thought that Jason already knew about Bruce’s bloody past. He’d assumed that Talia would have told him, but it became clear that either Talia hadn’t told him or Jason didn’t believe her. He wondered, sometimes, if it would have helped his second son understand why Bruce couldn’t kill the Joker. He was a coward though and feared that revealing just how much of a hypocrite he is would just push his son even further away. He feared that it would just fuel the ever-present belief that Bruce just didn’t love Jason enough to avenge his death.
Tim’s disappointment would possibly hurt the worst. He had always believed the best in Batman, in Bruce even after having seen him at his worst. If Tim learned that, deep down, Bruce was every bit that vengeful, violent man Tim had tried to save, he would realize how many years of his life had been wasted trying to help a man no better than the one who had murdered his father.
Damian, at least, Bruce didn’t have to wonder about. He grew up hearing stories about that time of Bruce’s life from Talia and Ra’s. Bruce’s actions were the standard to which Damian was expected to measure up. He and Bruce had spoken about it some, and his ability to help his son come to terms with his past actions had been the only good thing to come from it. But in the end, even Damian wouldn’t stay with Bruce if this were revealed to his other children. There’s no way Dick would allow his baby brother to stay with a murderer.
Unfortunately, there was no more running from that part of his past. It had finally caught up to him and now he had to face his judgment. He had been spared from death by the person who most deserved to be his executioner, but he arrived home to a different jury. His children (with the exception of Damian who was still at school for another half hour) were waiting for him in his study when he arrived home.
It happened when he was Bruce Wayne, not Batman, so when the young woman pulled a gun on him, Bruce couldn’t do anything.
“Do you remember me?” 
He did. Even 20 years later, she still had the same look in her eyes as she did as a child. That pain and hatred towards the ones who had taken her parents away from her.
Dick and Jason all but ambushed him as soon as he was in the room. They confronted him with footage from a security camera. Barbara must have sent it to them, but then again, the source didn’t really matter.
“Is what she said true?” Dick asked.
They already knew the answer. This was just Dick giving him a chance, wanting to believe the best in him. Even after all the times Bruce had let him down, Dick kept giving Bruce more chances to disappoint him.
He had been sent to kill a couple. Criminals, but of what variety, Bruce wasn’t sure. All he knew was that if Ra’s was targeting them then the world would be a better place without them. It was a simple mission for Bruce, both targets were dead before either had hit the floor. He could’ve made it more painful, but the risk of discovery by one of the neighbors was too high.
“Mom? Dad?”
For the first time since the night in the alley twelve years ago, Bruce froze.
Bruce sat heavily in the office chair, too emotionally exhausted to muster up any emotion, but pure resignation.
This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. He had been trying to prevent this from happening to any other child. These people were supposed to be criminals, the scum of the earth. Not a mother and father.
Bruce didn’t remember if the child said anything else before he fled from the scene. All he could remember was the look in her eyes. It was the same look he saw in the mirror every morning and it was because of him. And now those same eyes were burning into him from behind the barrel of a gun.
“It’s true. Ra’s al-Ghul ordered them dead and I killed them,” He said. There was no justification for what he had done, and he wouldn’t try to give any.
She couldn’t go through with it, in the end. She lowered the gun and was taken in by the police. No one believed that Bruce Wayne had actually killed her parents. Anyone who actually knew Bruce could see that he had.
“I always knew you were full of shit, but this is a new level,” Jason's voice was tight with some emotion Bruce didn’t have the energy to decipher, “Y’know, I never believed Talia when she claimed that you were the best assassin the League had ever produced. I didn’t think even you could be that much of a hypocrite. Looks like you proved me wrong.”
Jason grabbed the front of Bruce’s shirt and pulled him up, forcing Bruce to meet his eyes. Dick didn’t move to intervene. Bruce felt his gut churn.
“You’ve killed before, people who probably didn’t even deserve it. So why is that fucking clown still alive?”
Bruce heard the real question hidden behind the anger
“I’m sorry,” Bruce said.
Jason scoffed and let go of Bruce’s shirt. 
“You’re pathetic,” Jason declared and stormed out of the room, taking a piece of Bruce’s heart with him.
“I’ll go after him,” Dick said after a few moments of silence, “Make sure he doesn’t do anything too stupid. I wish you had told me B,”
Those words calmed some of the anxiety left behind in the wake of this. It signaled that maybe things weren’t completely unsalvageable, at least with Dick. He still had two other children who hadn’t made their opinions known.
“Do you two have anything you want to add?”
Bruce had prepared himself for more accusations, for anger or disappointment. But he wasn’t prepared for Cass to hug him.
“Knew you killed before,” Cass said slowly. Her face scrunched up as she tried to put together the words she wanted to say. She made a few aborted starts before stepping back from the hug so she could sign instead.
You were like me, Cass signed at him, You were a killer, but you felt shame, guilt. You stopped, like me.
“No, I was never near as strong as you, Cass,” Bruce said, making sure all his admiration for his daughter shone through in his body, “You were raised to kill and rejected it. I was raised knowing that it was wrong and I chose to kill,”
But you changed, Cass argued passionately, You changed like I changed. Like people we save. You saved yourself first, now you save others. You saved me.
“I already knew too,” Tim admitted, “I found out while I was with the League. I saw the records of your time with them, and Ra’s liked to bring it up when I refused to kill,” Tim shrugged with a feigned nonchalance, “He’s a hard man to refuse and he knew that. I think that’s why he liked to bring it up,”
Bruce knew what Tim was trying to say, but it wasn’t any excuse for his actions.
“I know it doesn’t negate what you’ve done,” Tim said before Bruce could interject, “I just meant that, I understand it. If I didn’t have you, if I hadn’t had Batman and Robin, I don’t know that I would have been able to hold out.”
Bruce was overwhelmed suddenly by awe for his children. He had been certain that none of them would want anything more to do with him. He thought that they would finally look at the broken man he was and realize that he wasn’t worth it.That both Tim and Cass had known and hadn’t immediately walked away. He needed to stop underestimating how good and amazing his children were. He pulled them both into a tight hug.
“Thank you.”
Bruce and Dick did speak later that night after they had returned from patrol. It went better than Bruce had expected and with significantly less yelling than their conversations of this type normally contained. It seemed that Dick was more upset that Bruce had kept this from him than by the fact that Bruce had killed in his past. Maybe he shouldn’t be surprised, Dick and Jason’s relationship had improved significantly since where they had been when Jason had first returned to Gotham even with Jason continuing to dole out the occasional death penalty.
Jason, who Bruce, a week later Bruce still had yet to hear from. Dick had told him to give Jason some space, that he just needed some time to come around, but Bruce wasn’t so optimistic. They had come a long way in improving their relationship, but it was still incredibly shaky, owing to Bruce’s continual refusal to kill the Joker and his disapproval of Jason’s methods of cleaning up Crime Alley. Jason had pushed Bruce away for less and Bruce wasn’t sure that this wouldn’t be the final straw in their relationship.
It was nearly two weeks after the incident that Jason returned to the manor to confront him.
“Bruce,” Jason said neutrally, leaning against the study doorway.
“Jason,” Bruce greeted awkwardly, setting aside the WE paperwork he’d been reviewing, “Did you need something?”
“Yeah, matter of fact, I do.” Jason pushed off the wall and moved forward to slam his hands on Bruce’s desk. “An explanation.”
“An…explanation?” Bruce was caught off guard. Generally, Jason didn’t care for Bruce’s reasons
“Yeah, for why you won’t kill the Joker,” Jason’s neutrality melted away to reveal the anger that Bruce always managed to evoke, “The real reason.”
“I never lied to you, Jay,” Bruce said, “I can’t go back to who I was back then. I-”
Bruce paused for a moment to collect his thoughts. Jason did deserve a better explanation.
“While I was with the League, I let the anger and the pain inside drive me. I thought killing would end the pain. I thought that if I could kill all the monsters in dark alleys out there, I could finally heal. I was wrong. Killing…all it did was spread my pain with others. It didn’t heal me. It blinded me.
“Protecting Gotham, helping others, caring for you and your siblings, that’s what healed me.
“When I lost you… I lost myself again. The pain was blinding me again, I was prepared to do what it took to kill the Joker. I was sure if I did then the pain would stop. I would have killed him, if the government hadn’t called in Superman to stop me.”
Bruce paused for a moment. He needed to say this correctly.
“I was angry, at the time. I didn’t care that it would cause an international incident. All I knew was that the Joker was a monster who took you from me and that I couldn’t live in a world where your murderer got to walk free.
“I had hoped he had died when I took down his helicopter. We never fished up his body, but he was presumed dead. By the time I found out that wasn’t the case, I had Tim to think about.”
Jason scoffed.
“I did wrong by you Jason, I know that. I failed you as a father and as a partner. When Tim showed up, with the knowledge of our identities and a firm belief that Batman needed a Robin, he reminded me of you so much that it hurt. I knew that I couldn’t fail another son, that I had to be a better man.
“I wasn’t good at it. I nearly killed the Joker again and was stopped. It would have been so easy, and that’s the problem for me. I’m good at killing. I was the Demon’s Heart, the heir to the Demon’s Head, the best assassin Ra’s al-Ghul had ever trained. It would be too easy for me to slip back into that role, and I don’t want to have to kill hundreds in order to get out of it.
“So, I’m sorry Jaylad. I’m sorry that I can’t give you what you need, but my weakness has nothing to do with how much I love you, son.”
Jason’s silence hung over Bruce like the hangman’s ax.
“I still think you’re full of shit,” Jason declared after what felt like eternity, “but I guess I get it,”
Bruce found himself, once again, overwhelmed by love for his children, and their ability to forgive his many, many flaws. He wouldn’t have blamed any of them for walking out on him for any number of things in the past, but they kept giving him another chance. He didn’t deserve them. Bruce stood from his desk and pulled Jason into an awkward hug, earning an indignant squawk from his Jaylad.
“Fuck off, old man,” Jason said, but there wasn’t really any heat behind it. Jason, tellingly, did not pull away from the hug. “This doesn’t mean we’re cool or anything, you’re still the biggest fucking hypocrite on the planet. And you don’t get to give me anymore shit for killing. None.”
His biggest secret, his deepest shame was revealed to his children and he didn’t lose everything because of it. Bruce wasn’t a good man. It still haunted him, how easy it was for him to kill and how close he was at any time to crossing that line once again. Bruce wasn’t a good man, he wasn’t sure he ever would be, but he could try. He would try and keep trying, so that maybe, one day, he could be at least a fraction of the man his children seemed to believe he was.
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
Percy,Miles and Jason are very important to me as the 'los tres amigos' trope because it's exactly a dynamic that fits and benefits all three of them
Miles is a soft sunshine boy who's clearly trans and autistic and a troubled kid so Percy would date adopt him as her little brother within three days TOPS of knowing him like she does every other character like that she meets in canon and Jason and her are the perfect setup for her classic enemies to frenemies due to being forced to work together to ride or die best friends she had with Thalia,Clarisse,Zoe and more and Miles is so sweet but has the same mouth running she does and Jason shares it too but he's got the same mean attitude she does so it's a perfect balance and she's got nothing to do with Bruce because they met straight after Utrh as a metaphor for Jason letting Bruce go for people he actually needs and wants and she ends up being part kryptonian because of old Jackson interdimensional shenanigans so Clark's her new dad instead of Poseidon's deadbeat ass and she can actually enjoy the revelation after processing it because it's a Sally thing
Miles never gets included in crossovers despite his whole franchise being about interdimensional hoping and making platonic soulmates along the way and the most recent installment having him break canon word for word because he knows better and i think we all know WHY the DC fandom obsessively ignores him despite their famous motto and why him and Percy have zero content together despite all their parallels but as someone who's read everything Jason's in and watched and played most of his adaptions and games,i know for a fact he's the only male superhero Jason would instantly like and that Miles would be fond of him back and there's good angst and darker storylines potential with Jason not outright telling him what he does for a living and the leadup and aftermath to the reveal and Percy being willing to kill too from the start makes things all the more interesting and on a lighter note,they'd give him special treatment 24/7 and initially only stick to eachother for his sake and their influence makes him tougher and more self-confident and he gets a Blue Lantern ring and Apollo's Blessing out of pure awe at his sheer artistic talent and love for his craft
And Jason gets an actual legit canon team,something DC has NEVER given him the grace of and yeah that's a pun but fr his and Artemis' dynamic and her lore remixes are literally the only good thing to come out Rhato.Instead of the Roy and Kory fuckery,Jason gets Miles,who he genuinely likes as a person and loves hanging out with and he fumbles sometimes but is good older brother at the end of the day and Miles makes him be good again without even trying just like he does pretty much everybody he interacts with that's got some fucked up shit going on and Percy,who's allowed to be not just a female lead but a trans woman one and is on equal grounds with him because again,he actually likes who she is and loves spending time with her inspite of their bickering and Miles and Percy get powerUPS instead of powerDOWNED and are allowed to be just as their own as him instead of walking talking props that aren't even good for him,much less him them.Also,Spider Mutant Jason that ended up that way because of constant exposure to Miles' spiderperson dna + Lazarus Pit dna + Middle name is deadass 'Peter' and he learns how to make special greek mythos items for backup
It's such a random ass crossover on the surface but there's a reason it's and they're called The Anomalies!!!They're supposed to be weird,not fuckass sanatized fandom tropes,they're supposed to find home in eachother,they're supposed to be stories told in the form of characters and sick as fuck powers and layered jokes and wholesome cheesiness that feels genuine because it IS genuine on my part and everybody else i've gotten into it has the same feelings on them i do!!!!Call me Odysseus the way i care them so much🤞🏾🤞🏾🤞🏾
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triviasghost · 1 year
Incorrect Batfamily Quotes as things I've heard in psych treatment Pt. 5?
Steph: Sometimes I have thoughts.
Damian: Maybe you shouldn't.
Bruce: I tried it in college. It didn’t do much for me.
Clark: Pathological lying or marijuana?
Bruce: Both.
Tim: Duke, are you straight?
Duke: Yeah. Wait, are you asking if I'm good or if I'm gay?
Dick, to Tim: I'm allowed to listen to Mitski while driving because I'm afraid of pain. And dying. You on the other hand—
Jason: I'm really good at keeping secrets because I'm really good at forgetting what people say.
Tim: Y'all, I'm proud to say I think Vyvanse is fixing me.
Dick, recalling getting shot: I didn't know who our president was for like six months.
Steph: I got a new emotional support water bottle, please pray for me during this difficult transition.
Duke: I don't have the balls to do that. I would shrivel into myself like a human foreskin.
Tim: You can't imagine how much of a slut I'd be if there was a guy who would stab me and manipulate me here.
Tim: My psychiatrist said grapefruit every once in a while is okay, just not every day.
Damian: Bad Timothy. We will not be eating grapefruit and tempting fate.
Tim: No, he literally said it was okay.
Jason, snickering: Bad Timothy.
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blackreaderfics · 1 year
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welcome! 👩🏾‍💻
⁕ you can call me laila. i write for whatever I'm hyperfixated on
⁕ this is a safe space for black readers. non-black readers are also free to read ofc. ‼️as always minors dni/dnf this is an 18+ blog‼️
⁕ I’m pretty hard kink friendly so… dni if you’re not into that…
⁕ unless otherwise stated, all fics are written with a black AFAB reader in mind~
⁕ i block empty/untitled blogs with no pfps so please personalize your acc so I know you’re not a bot!
⁕ ask box is open. please be kind or get blocked!
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⁕ i also appreciate comments/reblogs/thoughts on my fics 🙏🏾
current fandoms : titans dc • dcu • twd • tianami • exo
😍: dick grayson •jason todd •darryl dixon •clark kent •jongin
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⁕ Clark Kent x Reader/Black!Reader
꒰ ° My Adventures with Superman ꒱
Coffee Run | 💘 Clark Kent x Black!Fem!Reader
Off the Record Pt. 1 | 🍒 Clark Kent x Black!Fem!Reader
Pinky Promises | 💘 Clark Kent x Fem!Reader
꒰ ° Man of Steel (Henry Cavill) ꒱
My Little Mermaid Pt. 1 | 🍒☔️ Clark Kent x Black!Reader
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⁕ Dick Grayson x Reader/Black!Reader
꒰ ° Titans DC ꒱
Tell Me How You Really Feel | 💘 Dick Grayson x Reader
꒰ ° DCU ꒱
Checking In | 🍒 Dick Grayson x Black!BatsisReader
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⁕ Jason Todd x Reader/Black!Reader
꒰ ° Titans DC ꒱
Wildcard |🍒 Princess Treatment |💘🍒 Jason Todd x Reader (update!)
꒰ ° DCU ꒱
*coming soon
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⁕ Nanami Kento ꒰ ° Jujutsu Kaisen ꒱
Hygge | 💘 Nanami Kento x Tiana
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©️ blackreaderfics // credit to cafekitsune for the dividers
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bluejaysandblackbats · 3 months
Hair Trigger
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam, Superfam, YJ98
Summary: A junior at Gotham University, Jason finds it difficult to conceal his worsening mental health from his family and his friend, Jon Lane Kent. Family secrets are revealed and boundaries are pushed as Jason and Laney struggle to navigate through school, their romantic feelings, and their trauma. Could the reintroduction of Laney Kent be more trouble than it's worth, or is it just what Jason needed to confront the demons of his past?
I will also do trigger warnings for chapters and if there is smut I have the chapter(s) tagged so you don't have to worry about nsfw in the fic if you're just here for the story itself.
Chapters: 13/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Jonathan Lane Kent, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Cassandra Cain, Tim Drake, Conner Kent, Natalia Knight, Jonathan Samuel Kent, Cassie Sandsmark, Chris Kent, Bart Allen, Original Character(s)
Relationships: JayLaney, Clois, TimKon
Additional Tags: University AU, No Powers AU, Sharing A Bed, Romance, Angst
Chapter Thirteen: Self-Soothe
Lois and Laney sat in the waiting room together, and Laney knocked the back of his head against the wall. "Stop that," Lois whispered as she fixed his hair. Laney messed his hair back up. "Lane, let me fix it—."
"I don't want you to fix it," Laney mumbled.
Lois breathed and reached to fix his collar. "Just let me—."
"Ma, cut it out," Laney whispered, "I'm gonna get a soda. Do you want something?"
"Lane, sit down. She'll be out in just a minute," Lois replied, "I'm anxious too. Just sit, okay?"
Laney kissed Lois's temple. "I'll go see if they have strawberry—."
"Lois and Jonathan?" a small mouse-like voice called. Lois stood up, and Laney followed her into the therapist's office. Laney sat on the couch next to Lois and said good morning to his therapist. "How has everyone been since the last time we spoke?"
"Mom, do you wanna go first?" Laney asked. Lois shrugged.
"Sure, I can go first... Conner called Wednesday night and surprised us with a visit. That was really nice. He's still there, and I think he's trying to warm up to tell us something," Lois whispered, "And um... Sammy is giving me the silent treatment because he thinks that I'm treating him like a baby."
"Does that bother you, Lois?" their therapist asked.
"Theresa... I'm not gonna lie. I was angry at first. Then, I had to remember what it was like when the boys were his age, and I get it," Lois replied, "But it doesn't make it any less frustrating."
"Everyone wants to be a grownup until they're a grownup," Laney chuckled. Lois smiled.
"Exactly! But I bet you figured that out when you became an adult—."
"Nuh-uh. When I came home from boarding school that last time," Laney whispered. Lois pushed her hair back and pulled it up into a ponytail.
"Laney, I feel like there's a lot of things that happened to you that you haven't talked about... I sort of wanted to talk about boarding school, if that's okay," Lois fixed his hair once more.
"What do you want to know?" Laney asked.
"Why didn't you sleep in your bed that first night back home?" Lois asked.
Laney took a deep breath, and he pushed his hair back with both hands. "My anxiety was so bad I felt like I was gonna be sick the whole night, and I guess I just wanted someone to hear me if I had to get up... I didn't want to be alone," Laney whispered, "It wasn't because of what my counselor did. All he did was try to kidnap me. That was it. I was just-. I felt crazy because I did something as stupid as that. I didn't want to tell you or Dad because I thought you'd be mad at me."
"We wouldn't have been angry. We thought you ran away, and we weren't upset with you. You were so shaken up. All we wanted to do was take you home," Lois confessed, "And you really haven't been yourself since then... We didn't want you to feel different, so we didn't say anything. All we wanted was to give you your space."
Laney didn't say anything. He just bounced his leg and hid his face in his hands. "Jonathan, do you need a break?" Theresa asked. Laney shook his head.
"Cricket, come here," Lois whispered as she took his hands and made eye contact with him. "It wasn't your fault. I love you so much." Lois embraced him.
Theresa allowed them to collect themselves before asking Laney if he felt like his experience in his boarding school still affects him. Laney nodded, and he tried to put together an answer, but he found himself struggling to make sense. He stumbled over his words until he finally managed to say, "It's hard to feel close to people... It's hard to tell people when I'm struggling, or when I need to talk to someone, or even now with Jason.
We're dating, and I don't know how to-. I don't know how to tell Jason that I want to wait a while before we-. I mean, I have to wait six weeks anyway, but I think I don't want to do it right away because I want it to mean something. I've hooked up with people before, so I'm not new to that part of things, but I just want to wait."
Lois kicked off her shoes, and she sat with her feet up on the couch. "Do you mind if I weigh in on that?" Lois asked. Laney shook his head. "I think you're doing what's right for you, and that's smart. I think Jason will understand that."
They all spoke for a while, and Laney and Lois went back to the car once their appointment ended. "You owe me a strawberry soda," Lois smiled, "And you never told me about how your date went."
"Oh, we went bowling because he'd never been. He had fun... Then he took me to this restaurant, and we ate at Robinson Park... It wasn't anything spectacular. It was just okay," Laney whispered.
"Do you not want to go out on a second date?" Lois asked.
"I like dating him, I just... I don't know. It all felt like a formality. It didn't feel the way that it does when we sleepover at each other's places," Laney shrugged.
"Did you tell him that?" Lois asked. Laney shook his head. "Want to split a large pizza?"
"Only if it's at one of those fancy Italian places that serve ravioli," Laney replied. Lois punched his shoulder.
"I love the way you think," she smiled as she got in the passenger's seat. "Your dad was looking at old videos of you boys when you were little, and he found this one of you when you were three."
"Yeah?" Laney asked as he put on his seatbelt and backed out of the parking space. "What'd I do?"
"Do you remember the pizza video?" Lois asked.
"Mom, please tell me you're not gonna make me listen to that while I drive," Laney replied.
"Fine...But do you remember waking me up at two in the morning to heat up your leftovers?" Lois chuckled.
"Please tell me you didn't show that video to my roommate," Laney groaned.
"I didn't, I swear," Lois snickered. "I loved how dramatic you were as a little boy," she smiled.
"Remember when you asked me if it would kill me to wait until you were done working, and I pretended to drop dead in your office," Laney chuckled.
"Trust me, I remember. You still do that to me," Lois laughed.
"I do not!" Laney giggled.
"You just did! Remember three months ago when I said I couldn't go to IKEA with you and you accused me of being mad at you?" Lois asked.
"Because you sounded like you were—. Wait, are you mad at Conner?" Laney asked.
"Am I mad about the tattoo that he got on his shoulder? No, and I'm not mad at you for letting him borrow your ID—."
"I can explain—."
"You don't have to. Are you getting one to match Conner?" Lois asked.
Laney made a face. "Absolutely not. I can't believe he sat through that. It did make me smile to see it, though. I thought he was too little to remember," Laney grinned before slamming on his brakes. "What the hell is wrong with you? Pay attention!" He laid on his horn.
Lois chuckled. "You lay on your horn first, sweetheart," she corrected him gently.
"Oh, thanks for the priceless motherly wisdom," Laney laughed as he pulled into a restaurant parking lot.
Once they were inside, they spoke to the cashier and made their order to go. While they waited for their food, Lois gave Laney one of her earbuds. "I wanna see how Conner and Clark are getting along while the boys are at school," Lois whispered. Lois did a facetime call, and Clark answered almost immediately. "Good morning, babe."
"Good morning, Lois. Good morning, Laney... Conner, come and say good morning," Clark beckoned him on the camera.
Conner sat down next to Clark, his hair standing up all over his head, and he looked as if he was wearing one of Sammy's shirts. Laney started to laugh. "You look great... No, really, that's a look—."
"I get it... Sam kept me up all night. He said he was sick, but I think he just had a bad dream or something," Conner yawned.
"Why didn't you wake me up?" Clark asked.
"Because he wasn't actually sick, Dad. I took his temperature with the forehead thing—."
"Still a thermometer, genius—."
"Lane," Lois nudged him.
"Thanks, Mom. Anyways, we watched something on tv until he fell asleep, and I carried him back to bed," Conner finished his story and asked Clark if he was going to finish his coffee. "Thanks, Dad."
"Conner, did you take the ferry by yourself?" Laney asked.
"No, I drove... Dad let me drop the boys off at their schools this morning. That was fun," Conner yawned.
"You dropped them off dressed like that?" Laney laughed. Lois got up and picked up their order.
"I didn't have to get out of the car. Are you and Mom having pizza?" Conner asked. Laney stood up and put the earbud in Lois's ear for her.
"Uh-huh. Hey, we'll call you guys later, okay?" Laney replied, and they hung up. He let Lois drive to the park, where they sat down and opened their box of pizza.
"Lane, remind me before I leave tomorrow night to get three big pizzas to take home," Lois replied, covering her mouth as she chewed.
"Mm! Mom, is Chris still asking if he can spend the weekend with me?" Laney asked as he opened his little container of ravioli.
"Yeah, I wasn't sure if you really meant he could stay over or not, but I know he has a half-day in three weeks if you want to keep him then," Lois replied. Laney looked on his phone calendar.
"What is that like the first weekend in October?" Laney asked. Lois nodded. "How do you do that? You didn't even look at a calendar."
"Mom powers. So, is that a good time for you?" Lois asked.
"Mhm, and if Sammy wants to come, he can too, but I can't promise you that I won't keep one of them," Laney joked.
"Be careful what you wish for. I could always send the boys to stay with you for the summer," Lois smiled as she went in for another slice of pizza.
"Maybe I'll keep them for a week or two in the summer. It'd be nice. Sylvia's probably gonna be out of town. They could have her room while she's gone," Laney replied.
"Jon Lane?" a man's voice exclaimed. Laney started choking on his food, and Lois knocked the heel of her palm against his back.
"Are you okay?" Lois asked. Laney looked on in shock as the man approached him.
"Hi, Lane. How've you been?" he asked as he reached out to shake Lois's hand.
"Laney, who's your friend?" Lois asked. Laney swallowed hard before running off to the park bathroom, leaving Lois sitting alone. He shut himself in a stall and paced back and forth as he tried to stop his heart from racing. He closed his eyes and tried to remember what Clark taught him to do.
Laney mumbled his brothers' middle names from youngest to oldest and then his parents' middle names. "Samuel, Lawerence, Elliot, Lane, Joanne, Joseph. Joseph, Joanne, Lane, Elliot, Lawerence, Samuel. Sam—."
"Jonathan? Are you in here?" Lois asked. Laney took in a sharp breath and stopped pacing.
"This is the men's room, lady—."
"So are all the bathrooms in my house, buddy... Jonathan Lane Kent, I know you're in here—."
"Mom, you can't be in here," Laney raised his voice through the stall.
"Well, can we go back outside?" Lois asked. Laney opened the stall, and she gestured with her head for him to follow her out. He sighed, and she led him around the back of the bathroom building. "What happened? Who was that?"
"He—. Mr. Forrester, he's Mr. Forrester..." Lois turned to walk back toward where they were sitting, and Laney grabbed her arm. "Mom, please."
"I'm not going to say anything to him. I'm just going to hurt him—." Laney tugged at her arm, and she turned to see the tears in his eyes. "I don't know what to do. I can't—. I can't fix—." Laney burst into tears, and she embraced him.
"I really messed up," Laney cried. Lois let go and held his face in her hands, and she shook her head.
"No, nuh-uh... That wasn't your fault. You didn't know... And Clark would be so mad that I touched your face with pizza hands," Lois whispered. Laney let out a weak laugh. "I bet you if you let me go now, I still have enough time to get one good punch in."
"Mom," Laney chuckled, "Stop."
"Clark will tell you himself. I have a mean right hook. I knocked G. Gordon Godfrey's tooth out at a party once," Lois replied.
"No, you didn't," Laney laughed.
"I did, and he deserved it," Lois replied. She kissed Laney on the cheek and gestured once more for them to go.
Once they got back home, Laney washed up, and he curled up on the couch and lay his head in her lap. Lois pulled his hair back from his face and into a top knot. "I need a haircut," Laney mumbled.
"I can do it. I've given Sammy his last few haircuts," she whispered.
"Are you trying to trick me into taking a nap?" Laney asked as he turned to look Lois in the eyes.
"Oh, no, I would never... But, if I was, would you say it was working?" Lois asked. Laney nodded. She drew small circles with her fingers on his head. "Clark's a master at this. You never asked for me unless you'd just had a nightmare. Remember?" Laney made an affirmative noise as he closed his eyes. "You used to say Clark wasn't scary enough to check the closet."
"Monsters couldn't eat you. You were too tough," Laney mumbled. Lois smiled and nodded.
"That's right. Monsters can't eat Mama," Lois whispered before getting up to plug in his CPAP in the living room. "Hey, remember?" Laney sat up and put the mask over his nose, and he turned the machine on before laying his head back down on her lap. Lois went back to making small circles on his forehead.
"I feel like you tricked me," Laney murmured.
Lois leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his forehead. "Don't feel bad... I'm kind of an expert," Lois smiled.
"Mom, are you gonna tell Dad about what happened at the park?" Laney asked.
Lois sighed. "Laney, don't you think your dad should know you saw the counselor that tried to kidnap you in the city that you live in?" Lois asked. Laney covered his face.
"He dropped me off at that diner six years ago," Laney replied, "Mom, it's over—."
"It doesn't feel over. You looked like you were gonna throw up when you saw Forrester. What happened?" Lois asked. "Lane, please..."
Laney sat up and took the mask off. "He convinced me that he was the only person that cared about me... That he could be my new family. I spent all my free time in his office. We'd play board games, read books, sometimes he would call me son, and let me sleep in his office...
It wasn't until that day that things started to feel weird. When we were in the car, and he started telling me about my new name, I felt like I was gonna throw up. I did throw up, and I couldn't stop crying... And when you guys came to pick me up from the diner, all I could think about was how much trouble I'd be in if I told the truth," Laney explained.
"You wouldn't have gotten in any trouble... Laney, I knew something was wrong. I did. I just thought you would tell us eventually. Remember that night you couldn't go to sleep, so you woke me up and told me you felt like you were gonna throw up?" Lois asked.
Laney shrugged. "I didn't really feel sick... I was just scared," Laney confessed.
"I know. I knew then. We all sort of knew something was wrong... But then you started school with Conner, and you seemed okay again," Lois whispered.
"Mom?" Laney asked. "Are you gonna tell Dad?"
"I think we should tell him," Lois replied before handing Laney her phone. Laney nodded and called Clark.
"Hi, Lois. I was just about to call you," Clark answered.
"Um, Clark... Something happened a little earlier," Lois whispered. Laney took the hair tie out of his hair and pushed it back.
"My counselor spoke to us at the park today," Laney added.
"That must've been nice—."
"No, babe, listen. He's not talking about his college counselor. He's talking about his counselor from boarding school. Mr. Forrester?" Lois replied.
"Beg your pardon?" Clark asked, a hint of rage coloring his usually cheerful voice. Laney let out a few breaths. "What is he doing in Gotham?"
"I don't know... I just wanted you to know that we saw him," Lois replied, "Where's Conner?"
"He wanted to pick Sammy and Chris up from school," Clark replied, "Lane, I think it's best if you press charges."
"I'll think about it—."
"Think about it? Laney, he kidnapped you—."
"But he never hurt me. I just want to un-say all of this. I just want to pretend it never happened and enjoy the rest of my weekend with Mom," Laney replied, "I saw him... I freaked out, and he probably knows better than to approach me again. It's okay. I'm fine."
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roxineedstosleep · 2 years
Bestie, Fem Bruce brainrot is IN rn. I just imagine Jason in his red hood get up fighting with his mom and Bryce refusing to hit him back and him just breaking apart once he realizes he's fighting his mama 🥺 could we get a small one shot based on that?? just jason crying to a tiny Bryce after coming out of a furious haze. Dick and Damian and Tim being protective until Bryce saying he's their brother and they'll have to deal with that. " I love him. And we have to forgive eachother. Otherwise what's the point?"
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Lazarus' well left a lot to the individuals who used it.
For that very reason, even though he himself used it repeatedly, Ras kept them well cared for and watched over.
Only for wounds and injuries in which it was easier to regenerate all the tissue. A bone case pulverised by a fall or a terribly fierce fight, a sword cut that had cut so deeply that there was no other way to care for it, regenerate eye or ear wounds caused by something dreadful.
Small things, only for those closest or most worthy. Thalia, the beautiful daughter, used it… used it on him.
Jason had a hard time adjusting.
The last thing he remembered was being small, long, with an athletic body and duck-blue eyes. His hair was quite similar to Bryce's, with lovely waves that fell delicately into his thin face. He used to look like his mother; even having the audacity to tease Dick, telling him that he did look like his mother's son.
Now… he had no Bryce look alike about him.
His hair became wild, untamed, his hair seemed to always have movement in it, and now a deadly white streak crossed the end of his forehead. His eyes were now a deadly green. His features became sharp and menacing; worst of all, at least for him, was his body.
He was huge now, his muscles, thanks to the pit and training, had swollen and solidified like hard steel; not to mention that he had grown much larger than Bryce's doctors would have predicted after his first checkups with them.
"Well Bryce, I'll be honest with you" she remembered hearing Leslie say, in his office, he was playing with one of the jigsaw puzzles she had kept in an almost forgotten box "I'm afraid, because of Jason's malnutrition and his past on the streets, we could only hope for him to get a little taller than you. We could put him on a dietary regimen and recycling treatment…. But it would be too painful to force his body to give him something he can no longer be able to do. It would be fair for him”
Jason remembers Bryce looking devastated by Leslie's opinion, only to hear the same from a whole team of other pediatricians. But he didn't mind being short, it meant he could sleep comfortably on his mother's lap and sneak unapologetically into her bed at night.
Now… he looked so different, sounded so different.
With time, and a lot of collateral damage, he was able to accept many of the things that happened to him. But, from time to time, part of the well controlled him.
There was a reason Ras hid the wells.
The well and its water changed people.
Ras had once admitted to him that, when he realised, he was acting completely different than he was the first time he used the well. The same was true for everyone who ever used it.
More savage, more aggressive, more bloodthirsty, more intelligent, more agile.
It all depended on what the individual felt when he used it.
Those who had faith to improve, only their senses were improved; those who were annoyed amplified that emotion, those who were aggressive became savage. But that was only with those who were damaged.
What about the dead?
Jason was one of the few who used it to revive them.
Clark, Uncle Clark had been another. But there was one detail, Clark always chose to be good. Even in his dying breaths.
Jason? He was just a boy who felt all the betrayal, all the rage, all the pain, all the aggression. Tahlia took him out without considering that and used him to get close to his mother again.
And now?
Now he had lapses of aggression or outbursts of aggression.
At first they were not serious at all, but these could overcome it.
When he was in the League, there were no problems, when he was a crime boss there were no problems, when he wanted to be Jason again? no.
When RedHood was fighting Batwoman? less so.
He doesn't know how it happened.
He did.
Bryce, his mother, was looking for him after a fight.
She insisted on looking for him, on talking to him, but when she couldn't do it and demanded answers… alone.
He just snapped.
Hitting, kicking… screaming.
Screams, screams and sighs, his name, his nickname, his surname.
Her name
His mother whimpering, crying to him
Begging him to stop, to react.
Sore fists, scratches on the mask.
His clothes in tatters.
Blood… Why did he have blood on him? Nothing hurts him, but must be his, right?
And he watched in horror at what he had done.
What someone had done to Bryce.
His mother. His mother lying, barely crawling away, made like pulp.
But she kept calling out to him, begging him to react.
What had happened to her?
When he least notices, Dick has arrived.
Dick pulls him down, almost throwing him off the roof.
Dick pulls him away from his mother, almost carrying her, like dead weight, and trying to get as far away from him as he can with her in his arms.
Why doesn't his mother react? Why does she look like a doll?
When he tries to stand up and sees her hands… they were red.
Red, full of blood, but he knew it wasn't his.
Whose was it?
Because he had his mother's blood?
He tried to stand up again, but he couldn't even do it, because Tim has him cornered. One of his large stick has him firmly positioned on the ground. No pressure, no freedom. It's a threatening, challenging, limiting position.
And when Damian arrives… it's all down the drain.
He hears the boy's scream of terror.
An almost animalistic noise.
Shattered, a scream of pure terror and pain.
It reminded him of the screams that many children made when their parents in the streets took the shit out of them. When he himself was still a child and his biological father beat him for defending his biological mother.
Why Damian, he shouldn't feel that way.
The kid deserved to have a happy childhood.
But now.
What had he done to his mother?
"Keep breathing" he managed to make out what Dick was saying over the comm "I know Alfred… I, I know! The wing of the Cave is not enough."
It all happened shabby and slow after that.
He remembers how Tim and Damian left him locked in the cave, while Dick changed Bryce's clothes, putting him in an office dress and making the whole thing look like it was a scene from a botched robbery.
All the media said that Bryce had been kidnapped and tortured by a criminal group, that Dick, who was doing an investigation in the area (bordering Blüehaven) found a pistol and took her to the hospital.
All the media was talking about how all her children were with her, waiting for her to heal and give her statement.
While he had been held in one of the abandoned rooms of the mansion… as if he was a prisoner awaiting the death sentence after murdering a person.
It wasn't far from the truth, it almost killed her.
He almost killed his mother.
His sweet mother.
Every day they left her some food, while only notifying each other that Bryce was responding well. They had put her in an induced coma, so she could heal. The tears and ruptures on the outside of her body had already been treated, and all that was left was the exterior.
According to the group of doctors, or at least that's what Alfred managed to get from Alfred to Dick, in a few months she could be back at the mansion… and on that basis her destiny would be defined.
He listened as Damian, little Damian, cried and bawled so loudly that the moons in his cell vibrated when his cries reached that part of the mansion.
And fear entered him.
He had nightmares, terrible nightmares.
He saw himself, at the funeral, having to watch from afar. He saw his mother, wrapped in sheets and blankets, being lowered into the cold earth.
Lookins soo small in tha grave.
So diminute, fragile.
While everyone in the funeral were crying her a river and an ocean.
While he, on the other hand, was locked up in his old grave again, forced into his old crate and tied up to suffocation by his old bandages.
He would wake up and then the routine would repeat, repeat, repeat.
Nightmare, screaming, crying, food at the door, walking in circles until a hole was created. Trying to force the armoured windows to escape to his mother and make sure she was still alive.
All over again.
All over again.
He doesn't remember ever, after resuscitation, feeling pain in any organ that wasn't externally damaged. No.
He, in theory, was not supposed to feel anything... Why did his chest hurt?
It ached, it burned, it squeezed, and it seemed to fail at times; as if his heart and mind were charging him in advance for all the damage by way of punishment.
Were it not for Alfred's sporadic relenting, he does not know what he would have done during the crises of anguish that occasionally assailed him.
The cycle repeated itself over and over again.
And, as if it was a sign of death coming to pick him up... his door opened.
Bryce was there, fully bandaged, using a wheelchair like Barbara's, reaching for the commands with a grab stick that, knowing her, she stole from one of the boys.
His mother looked much better, or at least better than the last time he could see her.
Her hair had been cut short, her face was bruised all over and she had several bone retainers around her neck and calvulae.
She looked like she was running away from the clinic.
She had run away from the clinic?
She doesn't know, she doesn't care.
She can only manage to cry.
Such a heart-rending cry, she doesn't care.
He can only weep and sob on the floor, petrified.
"Oh no! baby! I'm so sorry my baby I didn't mean to scare you" he thought he heard his mother say, she sounded just as distraught as him "It's just a few things, I'm fine Jaylad".
He doesn't know what happened anymore.
But his mother's bandaged arms were cradling him, trying her best to hold him tightly to prevent him from moving from her side.
He hears his mother's voice. Apologising to him, asking him not to move away from her, telling him that she loves him with all her being.
That she forgives him.
That she doesn't blame him.
That she still loves him and that she is still his mother no matter what happens to him.
Because he is her son. He is her baby.
He is the light of her life, the reason she stands and fights, one more reason why she fights evil every day.
And it feels warm.
It feels good.
Because his mother is now alive and with him.
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(Reminder that Jensen was Jason Todd during one of the Batman films. I can just picture him, growing his hair and beard during his wait for better news from Bryce. That would be him, hugging Bryce, who is still in the wheelchair).
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dairy-farmer · 2 years
just wondering ... in "feel like a brand new person," how does damian's perspective on tim and damian's relationship change as he gets older?
damian and tim's relationship in 'feel like a brand new person' is very unique and completely different from everyone else's. because everyone else in tim's world is on board with the idea that tim is a victim and bruce is the abuser- it's a pretty clear-cut dynamic for them. and despite the fact that damian "overhears" the accusations that dick launched at bruce and he believes that he knows all the pieces and with that information has decided to blame tim for everything that happened- it actually really highlights how damian is too young and immature to grasp what's happening.
damian repeatedly believes that he's mature enough to grasp the situation and is offended that his family tries to hide things because of his age but it's his age that is to blame for his treatment of tim.
he believes that tim is the one behind these accusations that make bruce look like some low, disgusting pervert (even though bruce never denied them and that the "news: was not publicized even among the community of heroes. also that tim was not the one who said them at all- it was dick who confronted bruce). he states that tim is NOT a victim numerous times both to alfred and to tim's face. that tim is not a victim unlike- and the example used is of monica lewinsky who was an american woman that was famously made the scapegoat to an affair with the most politically powerful man in america, president of the united states bill clinton- i think it's interesting to note how damian referred to her as a victim while saying that tim was not one. it reveals how damian's moral compass functions when confronted with nuance like consenting parties, male and female abuse instances vs male and male abuse instances, and other gray areas that make up the main conflict of the fic.
damian's default response as a hero who fights against injustice is corruption is to side with and protect the 'victim' just as barbara, dick, clark, and even jason do (and jason deeply disliked tim until he realized something very wrong was happening- that was enough for jason to pause the feelings he had toward tim and listening to his gut about something feeling off).
damian doesn't do that. instead he defends his father. he points fingers at tim and tries to find a way to shift the blame to him, that HE must've done something because his father would never, HE'D never do what others are accusing him of doing. damian may be a hero but he's also a child and that's his dad. so no i don't think damian would really see the 'truth' of the situation.
when he grows older, maybe even when he's bruce's age or when he has his own children something in him will just...click. and he'll have this '....oh.' moment. and it'll be a tough pill to swallow, the grief of it all will really whammy him. because he'll be an adult man and he'll pass a teenager on the street and he'll realize...that he's at the age when his father first fucked timothy.
for a long time i think damian will resent tim and dick and the whole family for 'screwing' everything up. for making every time his father was in the room filled with tension, for making his father retire early and pull away from the scene. his anger will fluctuate a lot between tim whose life "wasn't affected" (it was tim has limited autonomy for a long time) and with the other bats who spent years trying to take him away from his father. his relationship with dick is strained and damian loves dick he really does but he can't overlook what he did to their family.
i think damian will be in his 30s stewing with the realization and accepting that he may have loved his dad and his dad may have been an amazing person and hero but that doesn't mean he didn't do a bad thing.
he and tim will definitly be estranged but when damian finally gets older, gets exposed to more shit as a vigilante, and matures more- he'll finally realize why what happened was so screwed up.
tim should've been protected by bruce but instead, he was taken advantage of. and maybe his father was mentally ill and desperately needed help and found a way to cope by having an inappropriate relationship with his robin- and maybe the whole family bears responsibility for not spotting and stopping it. maybe timothy also bears responsibility for not being perceptive enough to see that their relationship, his actions, and everything about what was happening wasn't normal.
but that's all in the past and he's only now coming to terms with it.
i feel like once damian finally accepts and comes to terms with that he'll be able to reach out to tim who he hasn't initiated contact with in years and maybe start to build something that they never could've done before.
feel like a brand new person is a pretty bleak and sad fic but as one commenter said 'it ends in an upswing'. you see that things have a light at the end of the tunnel in the far distance but it is still a very far distance.
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knightwar · 1 year
info dump.
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origin / pre-batman v s.uperman.
Origin follows Frank Miller’s Year One and most of canon (pre-52) leading to A death in the family. 
He has been working in Gotham for 20 years and in those 20 years have collected his own rogue gallery, effectively functioning both as an urban myth and a tool conveniently feared and favored by the Gotham Police Department. 
Thematically inspired by TDKR and heavil influenced b the Arkham Games.
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during batman v superman.
He is roughly around mid-40s, still seen as part of the high elite with the party boy and play boy personality for the media, while being CEO of Wayne Enterprises. 
His connection to his mainstay allies have been tenuous at best, especially with Leslie Thompkins and Jim Gordon, while Alfred and Lucius keep guard of him still the best way they can. 
Roughly been 4 or 5 years of operating on his own, after having both cut off ties/abandoned by his ward Dick Grayson and trusted ally, Barbara Gordon since the death of Robin (Jason Todd.)
In their absence, he becomes more cynical, more violent, in the eyes of both the people he saves and the criminals he tries to put away. This is only exacerbated by the introduction of THE SUPERMAN. 
A duration of 2 years gets him invested in his own paranoia, assisted further by the machinations of a manipulative billionaire, into planning the Murder of The Superman at the risk of his potential turning after seeing so many of his trusted friends and colleagues in the last 20 years lose or be turned to the dark side. 
It is only through the clarity of Lois Lane and Clark Kent reminding him of his own trauma through his mother’s name is he awoken to the darkness he has fallen into. And in Clark Kent’s death is he brought back to the light.
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post zsjl.
He is consumed by the guilt of his failure in recognizing the goodness in Clark Kent and devotes all of his time to informing a group of people, and others like Clark, of an incoming threat. Promising, just as he had promised before his death to keep his mother safe, to keep the world safe he had nearly abandoned. 
Immediately realizing he can’t do this alone, he asks Diana for her help. It’s only when she says yes later that some progress is made to form the group that would safeguard the world from the threat of Darkseid. 
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plotting assistance.
For friends and allies, post ZJL, he is both distracted by the bigger cause to the point where it might appear that he’s manic ; having little to no sleep, devoted to finding others ; making sure the world is prepared for another invasion where he wasn’t during Man of Steel, to the point where he doesn’t quite care if it costs him his life so long as he can ensure that the League or the World can go one without him. 
With this, comes also, a renewed faith in people where he will try to make amends first and foremost to his family, his closest allies, his kids for practically abandoning them in both his grief and his bitterness at the loss of Robin. So that’s really going to be his main focus as far as relationships goes. 
Basically, he would have a basic connection to most people and plotting can be specific to how much and how deep that connection goes.
For enemies and villains, where he might have turned a lot more violent in the years past, he will try to make an effort to go back to his older ways to a point. He will still use violence and fear as a means to get what he wants but his more extreme methods might be held back unless you’re a piece of shit.
As far as Arkham Asylum goes, while he’s had a hand with it through the years, he’s kind of lost touch with the methods they’ve been using in the last few years and have come back to try and do better with the treatment of the inmates held within its walls. Basically, he’s going to try harder than ever to make sure these people get the proper help they need. 
Except the Joker, he’s going to kill that bastard the next chance he gets.
Romance wise, his ex wifes are canonically Talia (first) and Selina (second.) That's it.
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Sam Rockwell, Frances McDormand, and Zeljko Ivanek in Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (Martin McDonagh, 2017) Cast: Frances McDormand, Woody Harrelson, Sam Rockwell, Abbie Cornish, Lucas Hedges, Zeljko Ivanek, Caleb Landry Jones, Clarke Peters, John Hawkes, Peter Dinklage, Sandy Martin. Screenplay: Martin McDonagh. Cinematography: Ben Davis. Production design: Inbal Weinberg. Film editing: Jon Gregory. Music: Carter Burwell. Frances McDormand and Sam Rockwell got the Oscars they deserved: Mildred Hayes's sour persistence and Jason Dixon's stupidity make them just short of caricatures; they needed the nuances provided by McDormand and Rockwell to come to any semblance of life. But the performer who gives Martin McDonagh's Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri the grounding it needs is Woody Harrelson, one of those actors, like John Goodman or the late Bill Paxton, whose presence in the cast could make any movie just a little bit better. Chief Willoughby, the butt of Mildred's billboards, is not the dumb small-town police chief that we (and of course Mildred) first believe him to be. He's a more complex figure, who even achieves a measure of tragic grandeur with his suicide, carefully leaving a note on the hood he puts over his face to tell his wife not to remove it but to leave that to the police, and then leaving behind notes for his nemesis, Mildred, and for Dixon ("I'm dead now, sorry about that") that set the remainder of the film in motion. He gives McDonagh's acerbic screenplay a bit of warmth, though maybe not enough: I found Three Billboards a less satisfying film than his wonderful In Bruges (2008). But like that film, it has a fascinating texture provided by a supporting cast full of skillful players: Lucas Hedges as Mildred's somewhat exasperated son; Zeljko Ivanek as the desk sergeant trying to bring order out of the office chaos ("You do not allow a member of the public to call you a fuckhead in the station house"); Caleb Landry Jones as the advertising manager who gets the brunt of the town's protests and is tossed out of a window by Dixon; Clarke Peters as the level-headed new chief who manages to restore order after Willoughby's death; John Hawkes as Mildred's hair-trigger ex-husband encumbered with an air-headed girlfriend; Peter Dinklage as Mildred's suitor bearing up under constant reminders that he's a "midget"; and Sandy Martin as Dixon's demanding racist mother. There are also scenes that come out of nowhere, as when Mildred, tending the flowers at her billboards, carries on a tender, one-sided conversation with a deer that has wandered into the field and is watching her. In the runup to the Oscars, when it was a contender for best picture, Three Billboards encountered some criticism for not taking more seriously Dixon's treatment of Black people, especially since the real town of Ferguson is in the same state as the fictional Ebbing. There's some justice to the charge that McDonagh is being insensitive, but satire is always insensitive. It's not a great film, I think, but maybe that judgment is premature. As Mildred says, "I guess we can decide along the way."
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🎧New Audiobook Alert! 🎧
🎤Narrated by Jason Clarke & Shaina Summerville
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A marriage of convenience between a dirty-talking prince and the socially awkward scientist who brings him to his knees...
A marriage proposal from a deliciously handsome and wickedly charming prince sounds like a fairytale.
But for a nerdy scientist with severe social anxiety, it’s a horror story.
Prince Torin O’Grady, with his mischievous blue eyes and cocky grin, is always in the spotlight. And he needs to marry me to inherit the crown.
But we have nothing in common. He’s a future king. And I’m perfectly happy slogging through mud in my work boots.
So why can’t I stop thinking about him?
Maybe because he won’t stop texting me. And sending me gifts. And making me feel like everything I find awkward and weird about myself is special and amazing.
And there’s also that little detail of him offering me my dream job and telling me that together we can change the world.
Well, I could probably work for him.
And if I have to marry him temporarily to get what we both want, then fine. It’s for the greater good.
It has nothing to do with the way he kisses me. Or that dirty mouth. Or the royal treatment he gives me in the bedroom.
Fine. Maybe it does. Still, it’s only a year. Then I can turn in my tiara and come back to my normal, boring, behind-the-scenes life.
But Torin is determined to turn me from reluctantly royal to royally his.
@ErinNicholasBooks @ShainaSummerville @homecookedbookspromos
#ReluctantlyRoyal  #ErinNicholas #ErinNicolle #RoyalsGoneRogue
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crazyllama1 · 4 years
Before Episode 7x13: I love The 100, but honestly I'm glad its ending soon. How Jason has treated people over the years and after the statment that Arryn wrote about Bob and Eliza, watching the show leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
After episode 7x13: Fuck this show, all my homies hate this show.
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rainybyday · 2 years
Wayne Spirit Add-ons Pt 2
+Danny has baby pictures of everyone but Alfred which Bruce both loves and hates because Danny also included some moments of his life he did not wanted to remember (but he loves because it includes all his children as babies)
+Danny leaves photos of blackmail to whoever he thinks will need it the most for reasons
+Tim and Bruce got extra special treatment for when they ripped into Clark about his treatment to Connor (he felt like he was going to burst when he saw them do the same with Lex Luther)
+Danny knows when the Lazarus Pit is acting up from Jason and immediately goes to him to calm the pit
+Danny leave Ectoplasm snacks for Jason, then Cass and Damian later on which they all love (and no other bat can have unless they want to feel a bit more then dead)
+Danny hates when any member of the family either gives each other a cold shoulder or are fighting to the point where he turns everything around him to the negative degrees (that is the signal for every bat to stop because they are making their resident ghost cry)
+All the bats have a competition over what is Danny’s name and his appearance before Duke came around, turns out Bruce won because he did see a glance at him once as a child very young
+Leaves as soon as he sees Catwomen near Batman because… no, just no. He saw him as a baby, he dose not need to see his boy flirt much less kiss anyone thanks
+Danny starts banging his head over the pattern of Dick’a partners 
+Danny reviled himself when Bruce once got kidnapped (before he was an adult) by scaring the ever living shit out of his kidnappers which started the rumor that he was protected by Gotham’s spirit (which later turned to the Wayne’s when Dick got kidnapped, then Jason, then Tim and so on (every kidnapper learned the hard way))
+There’s a couple of ice blue crystal designed tables that the bats put little trinkets and things they want Danny to have or allow him to borrow because their ghost deserves all the presents (they have to pamper him somehow)
+They fight to have Danny with them during Summer which doesn’t work out for them because Danny only goes to whoever he thinks has the most brain cells at that time
+Will pull a lot of pranks at gales to entertain Bruce as a kid and then to all of his children when they clearly want an escape
+Everyone knows Danny is the happiest when they are in the Watchtower because they have a trail of snowflakes behind them when ever they go
+Batman almost killed John Constantine when he tried to exorcist Danny once he saw him clinging on to Batman’s back like a parasite at a meeting
+Captain Marvel/Shazam takes one look at him and waves with a greetings to him with a smile (he gets brownie points with ALL the bats (to the point where other hero’s see how Bats is bias towards him))
+Superman feel very uneasy when he first met Batman
+Mess with Bruce Wayne and you will find your dreams fill with nightmares of endless pools of green and a child who drools the same shade of green as the child grins at them (“Your next.”)
+Danny can not take any of the Bats seriously because he seen them all grow up and is not afraid of any of them, finds their imitation tactics cute (verbally coos at Bruce when he did it the first time and almost cried out of pure joy when Dick, still as Robin, tried to copy him)
+Danny added fuel to Bruce’s adoption addiction by leave adoption papers every time he brings in a child (jokes on him when the Bruce finds out how old Danny is)
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