#classic dean girl episode
dogwood-designs · 2 years
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Always thinking about this episode
Acrylic on Canvas
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my toxic trait is listening to classic rock and becoming convinced that actually i can totally fail my classes and somehow get a classic car and pursue my middle school dream of being a paranormal vlogger getting income from ???? and this is totally realistic
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museenkuss · 2 years
My favourite thing about reading tumblr style DeanCas meta is that usually I’m gripping my thigh clenching my teeth while reading it whispering “please be aware of what you are saying please rewatch this scene lest you say something that will make conclusions necessary which you might regret”
People are so committed to doing elaborate analysis and accidentally set up narratives that lead to a very specific end result
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lambmotifz · 4 months
bob singer on separating sam and dean for an episode in scarecrow: “it’s a good dramatic thing. what’s the classic love story? boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl back. it was that.”
they really said sam is dean’s girlfriend huh
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wellofdean · 3 months
how can a show be about hatred of women when there are no women in it who are important that aren't doomed by the narrative? now misogyny is for men? supernatural hates and kills women, and you want to claim that that the misogyny is towards the men? god forbid women do anything i guess.
You know what? Your unwillingness to own your opinion publicly and your tone notwithstanding, this is actually a good question, anon. You are referring to this post, I think.
Misogyny in its simplest definition is hatred of women. For me, though, that definition feels a bit too narrow and a bit too gender essentialist. As a rejector of gender essentialism, I would broaden that definition to say that misogyny is the hatred of that which is seen or understood as feminine, or all the things that appear to exist on that side of the binary -- man over woman, logic over intuition, rationality over emotionality, etc. The things on the feminine side are weak, irrational, soft, untrustworthy, dangerous.
I like philospher Kate Manne's take on it -- she calls misogyny the enforcement arm of the patriarchy in her excellent book Down Girl: The Logic of Misogyny, arguing that misogyny (like racism) is not about personal feelings, it's “a social and political phenomenon with psychological, structural, and institutional manifestations”, and it's mission is to maintain the status quo of gender hierarchy. Misogyny operates as patriarchy's "police force" to enforce gender roles, punishing those (usually women) who deviate from them, and keep everyone (again, usually women) in their rightful places, and while obviously misogyny is directed at women, and this is the topic of Manne's book, I would argue that if women under patriarchy have a place to be kept in, so do men, whose deviation is, in some ways, even more threatening to the status quo.
I said in my post that the overt misogyny directed at women in Supernatural is cartoonish and ridiculous and feels too obviously stupid to be unintentionally placed there, and amounts to a depiction rather than a replication or approval of it. Meanwhille, Dean's masculinity is often just as cartoonish. He's practically play-acting Fonz Solo when he shows up at Sam's in his daddy's big leather jacket and muscle car. However, while Dean does performatively pose as the ultimate man's man and womanizer, leering at college girls and cheerleaders and even Sam's girlfriend, when he is actually called upon to interact with a woman who is not troped to the gills with hot girl stereotypes or posing for Sam's benefit, he is very consistently nothing but respectful and does no leering whatsoever.
Meanwhile, though Sam is too cool and urbane for the leering, he is lying to Jessica about his life and his family, which endangers her and gets her killed, while Dean, we learn soon enough, told Cassie everything the minute he thought he was in love with her. Dean play acts misogyny, but Sam is the one infantilizing his woman. And, even though Dean spends a lot of energy aggressively big upping his man-cred, the fact is that he is the intuitive, emotional one, and he plays an undeniably feminine role in his family. He's John's partner, Sam's mother. He's the one who wants to hold the family together for the sake of love.
All of this is in the FIRST SEASON. Watch it again. Think about the way Sam only agrees in the end of episode 1 to go with Dean after Jessica gets classically fridged, so Sam gets called to his hero's journey. Think about how Dean went to his brother, vulnerable, alone and afraid, needing help, and how, in the end, Sam's acceptance of their quest is not an acceptance of Dean at all. Think about how Sam is a direct mirror to John who has deserted Dean at the time the story begins. John wants Dean to submit himself to John's will, but he treats Dean with scorn, and respects Sam, who refuses to do so. Think about how trope-loaded Mary's white nightgown and Jessica's skimpy tomboy/girlish and self-consciously cute briefs and smurf crop-top are -- how what is being killed when they both die is symbolic mother/modern-twist on maiden (or whore?) femininity, which sends John and Sam on a revenge quest, and about how Dean DID NOT CHOOSE to be on that journey; he was DRAFTED.
The final episodes of the season make Dean's role explicit when he pleads with Sam and John for family, for love; tells them they are all he has, and Azazel, possessing John, praises Dean for being the one who keeps them together, who always looks out for their family, and think about what a knife to the heart it is that that's how Dean knows that John is possessed: his real father would never value those things about him. He'd think they were too soft, too feminine.
If you watch Supernatural from the beginning, keeping an eye out for every time Dean is feminized or someone (often SAM!!) drags him by impugning his masculinity (I think @ilarual is doing a tally of this? Or someone else?) it's really hard to unsee once you start noticing it: Dean is subjected to misogyny ALL THE TIME, and he subjects himself to it -- pushing down all his softer feelings until all he has is anger and fear -- it's the kind that tells him that he's isn't man enough.
Like, can you not see that a saying 'Supernatural kills female characters' ergo it is a misogynist story is just...too blunt an instrument? Supernatural kills women, and it also kills and tortures men. Is there misogyny in it? ABSOLUTELY. Misogyny is a deep vein running through absolutely everything in it, but most of that misogyny is THE REASON TO TELL THE STORY. The fact that it is a story ABOUT MEN is not misogynist in and of itself, particularly when it is so critical of what men become and and are forced into by hegemonic masculinity. For my money, Dean is intentionally and thoroughgoingly queered from the off! It is no accident. It would be difficult to do that as completely as they do without it being part of the actually DNA of the story.
And PS. the fact that you think none of the women in SPN are important is pretty misogynist of you.
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dianawinchester03 · 2 months
Season 2, Episode 11 - Playthings
Series Masterlist
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Authors Note: Oh my goddd, this is my longest chapter yet. It’s exactly 16k words. 💀I got wayyyyy too carried away with adding in my own scenes in here😭
I know you all love long chapters, so I know you don’t mind it at all.
Also, here’s a little bit of Sammy for all the Sam girls that read my book, lol. Hope everyone enjoys!😘
Third Person POV
Dean and Y/N walk into the motel they've been staying at while Sam was on the phone, missing persons posters of Ava Wilson was plastered on the wall. "Okay. Thanks Ellen" Sam thanked Ellen before hanging up. "What did she have to say?" Y/N asked hopefully. "Uh, she got nothing. Me, I've been checking every database I can think of. Federal, state and local" Sam sighed, as Y/N handed him his food, disappointment etched on her face.
"Thanks. No one said anything about Ava. She just- into thin air, you know?" Sam muttered sadly, resting his food down on the counter. Y/N frowned at this, "What about you two?" He asked, "No. Same as before. Sorry, guys" Dean shook his head, his tone sympathetic as he handed Y/N her coffee and Sam his own. "Yeah. Ellen did have one thing" Sam added.
"What?" Y/N asked, taking a seat next to him at the table, sipping her coffee. "A hotel in Cornwall, Connecticut. Two freak accidents on the past three weeks." He informed them, sipping his own coffee as Dean pulls out his phone, walking over to his bed. "Yeah, what's that have to do with Ava?" She questioned, "It's a job. I mean, a lady drowned in the bathtub. Then a few days ago, a guy falls down the stairs, head turns a complete 180" Sam explained.
"Which isn't exactly normal, you know?" He added as Dean puts down his coffee and strips his jacket from his body. Both Dean and Y/N nodded in agreement, "I don't know, Sam, it could be nothing" Y/N suggested. "I already told Ellen we'd think about checking it out" Sam responded. "You did?" Dean raised his brows at this. "Yeah" Sam nodded, earning a surprised look from his brother.
"You seem surprised" Y/N pointed out, taking off her own jacket. "Well, yeah, it's just, you know...not the patented Sam Winchester way, is it?" Dean shrugged, this made y/n snort back a chuckle because he did have a point. Sam furrowed his brows at this, "And what way is that?" He asked them curiously, "Just figured after Ava, there'd be, uh, you know, more angst and droopy music, and staring out the rainy windows" Dean listed off a bit mocking, sitting on his bed.
Sam shot them his classic bitchface. "Now you're just being a dick" Y/N rolled her eyes at Dean, "Yeah, I'll shut up now" He smirked, taking up his coffee as he leaned back in his bed. "I mean, we're the ones that told her to go back home. And now her fiancé's dead and some demon has taken her off God knows where, you know?" Y/N stressed, the guilt both her and Sam shared was insane.
"Exactly, we've been looking for a month now and we've got nothing" Sam sighed sadly as he walked back over to his own bed, "So I'm not giving up on her, and I know y/n isn't either but I'm not gonna let other people die either. We gotta save as many people as we can" Sam said determined, y/n nodded in agreement, "You're right, I'm with you on that. Count me in" Y/N offered him a small smile but it didn't quite meet her eyes.
Sam returned the smile gratefully with a nod, happy that she's on his side here, Deans eyebrows knitted together, "Wow, that attitude is just way too healthy for me. I'm officially uncomfortable now, thank you" He said sarcastically in a joking manner, causing Sam and y/n to hold back a laugh as they shook their heads. "Alright, call Ellen, tell her we'll take it" Dean told her with a light chuckle, she fished out her phone, "Sir, yes, sir" She mumbled, pressing the phone to her ear.
Cornwall, Connecticut
The Impala and Harley pulled into the parking lot of the hotel, y/n peeled her helmet off after putting Quinn in park, shaking out her hair as she stared at the large almost fancy hotel agape, a low whistle leaving her lips, "Dude, this is sweet" Dean said her thoughts out loud excitedly as the brothers hopped out of Baby. "Yeah, we never get to work jobs like this" Y/N agreed, mounting her bike and walking over to the trunk of Dean's car that Sam already had open, taking out their stuff.
He passed her, her duffel, "Like what?" He asked confused. "Old school haunted houses, you know?" She shrugged, "Yeahh, the food, secret passageways, sissy British accents" Dean agreed cheekily as Sam locked the trunk, all waking up the porch. Sam and Y/N chuckled at this, "Might even run into Fred and Daphne while we're inside" Y/N added, earning a low chuckle from Dean. "Hmmm, Daphne, love her" Dean thirsted, y/n cocked her eyebrow at this.
"She was hot" She agreed before adding, "But I was more a Shaggy girl. He could 'Zoinks' me any-day" She countered in a lustful tone. That had earned a laugh from the brothers, rolling their eyes at her. "God, you two are so weird" Sam chuckled, Y/N winked as they all walked up the stairs. Something caught Sam's eye, "Aye, wait a sec" He stopped them, they turned to him confused.
"I'm not so sure haunted is the problem" Sam muttered, walking up to a urn on the porch where he spotted a familiar symbol. "What do you mean?" Dean asked, both him and y/n's brows furrowed in confusion as Sam pointed to the symbol, "You see this pattern here? That's a quincunx. It's a five-spot" Sam told them, realization dawned on them. "Five spot?" Y/N muttered, "That's used for Hoodoo spell work, isn't it?" Dean added.
"Right. Yeah, you fill this thing with blood weed, you got a powerful charm to ward off enemies" Sam explained as y/n looked around. "Yeah, except I don't see any blood weed" She pointed out, "Don't you think this place is a little too...uh...white meat for Hoodoo" Dean added in a knowing tone, "Maybe" Sam shrugged as y/n nodded. They all shared a look before walking back up the stairs.
Dean opened the door, allowing y/n in first and then Sam. The second she stepped in, she could've sworn as gash of wind blasted over her the way that all too familiar chill rose to the back of her neck. Indicating there were definitely spirits around, Sam and Dean noticed how she tensed up.
"You okay?" Dean asked quietly as Y/N looked up at him and nodded. "Yeah, just the classic ghostie feeling, that's all" She muttered. Dean shut the door and looked around, "You said two people died here recently right?" She asked Sam, "Yeah, freak accidents" Sam nodded, "Okay, that makes sense" She sighed in relief, assuming the spirits could still be lingering due to their sudden and abrupt death, it wasn't unusual with recently deceased.
They made their way to the receptionist desk and rang the little bell, out walked a beautiful middle aged brunette woman. Her hair pinned back, her heels clicking against the rustic hardwood floor, pleasant smile on her face directed towards the three. "May I help you?" She said in a polite tone, "Yeah, I'd like two rooms for a couple of nights." Dean responded professionally as two little girls came rushing out of the room, one bumping into Y/N.
She felt that chill at the back of her neck again, "Hey!" The woman yelled sternly at her daughter, "Sorry about that" The woman apologized sincerely, "No problem" Y/N assured her with a sweet smile, "Well, congratulations. You could be some of our final guests" The woman says in a bit of a sad tone but cheerful. "Sounds vaguely ominous" Dean commented, looking over at his brother and y/n who had feigned amused looks on their faces.
"No. I'm sorry. I mean, we're closing at the end of the month" The woman clarified before taking a look at Sam and Dean, "Let me guess, you guys are here antiquing?" She asked knowingly, Y/N's brows shot up at this, picking up instantly on what the woman was putting down. She subsided laugh, Sam and Dean looked confused before Dean feigned a smile, "How'd you know?" He went along with it.
Oh my god, you're digging yourself deeper here, honey. Y/N thought to herself, putting her hand over her mouth to hide her amused grin.
"Oh, you just look the type. So, uh, a king sized bed in one room and a single for the lady?" The woman suggested, y/n bursted out laughing at this point as the brothers face contorted into pure horror. "W-what? No!" Sam exclaimed horrified, as the woman looked up confused. "No. No. Two singles. We're just brothers and this is my brother's girlfriend" Sam informed her.
Comically, shoving Y/N into Dean a bit roughly, with a hint of annoyance because of her laughter at the assumption that he and Dean were gay. She flashed her best friend a quick glare before feigning a smile to the woman while Sam wore a sly smirk on his face.
"Hahah. Yes, that's us. The happy couple" Y/N chimed through gritted teeth, a wide cheerful faux-smile on her face. "Oh....oh. I am so sorry" The woman gasped embarrassed at her assumption as Dean wrapped his arm around y/n's waist, a bit of an awkward and mortified smile on his face. "Yeah. What'd you mean that we look the type?" Dean asked flustered, y/n's amused smile rose back on her face as the woman looked speechless.
"You know, uh, speaking of antiques, you have a really interesting urn on the front porch. Where did you get that?" Sam changed the topic. "Oh I have no idea. It's been there forever" The woman responded honestly before handing Dean his card back, "Here you go, Mr. Mahoggoff" She smiled politely before ringing the bell. "You'll be staying in room 237" She handed y/n a key.
"And you'll be staying in room 238" She said to Sam, handing him his key. "Thank you" Y/N responded sweetly. "Sherwin, could you show this lovely couple and gentlemen to their rooms" The woman politely said to the elderly majordomo behind them as Dean and Y/N let go of each other. Sherwin looked between Sam and Dean before saying, "Let me guess. Antiquers?" Sherwin assumed with a smile.
Making the boys grow uncomfortable, face red as Y/N bursted out into laughter again. The brothers side-eyed their friend who was laughing at their expense, but who could really blame her?? It was hilarious.
"I could give you a hand with that bag" Dean offered Sherwin, who was dragging their bags with their weapons up the stairs, unbeknownst to carrying a brothel of deadly objects. "I got it" Sherwin assured him as the bag thudded against the wooden stairs, "Okayy" Dean murmured, putting his hands up in surrender. "So the hotels closing up, huh?" Sam made small talk as they followed behind the man.
"Yep. Miss Susan tried to make a go of it. But the guests just don't come like they used to" Sherwin sighed in response as they made their way down the hall. "Still, it's a damn shame" He added with a shake of his head. "Oh, yeah?" Y/N questioned curiously. "It may not look it anymore, but this place was a palace. Two different vice-presidents laid their heads on our pillows" Sherwin bragged to them.
"My parents worked here. I practically grew up here. I'm gonna miss it" Sherwin explained with a twinge of nostalgia in his tone as he reached Dean and Y/N's room, shoving the key in before turning the lock. Doing the same to Sam's room across the hall. "Here's your rooms. Sam took the key to his room, "Thanks"  before walking into his room. He said politely to Sherwin who put his hand out to Dean.
The elder Winchester looked down at the man's hand awkwardly who had his eyes narrowed in his direction. "You're not gonna cheap out on me, are you, boy?" Sherwin sassed, Dean rolled his eyes before fishing out his wallet as y/n snickered, resting her bag on her bed.
Sam was sat at the desk doing research in Dean and Y/N's room while y/n was sat at the window still, smoking a cigarette. Dean chuckled amused as he looked around the room, a big wedding dress hanging on the wall.  "What the-?" Dean mumbled as he took in the old white dress. "What?" Y/N raised her brow in his direction. "That's normal." He snorted, pointing at the dress with his thumb.
"Why the hell would anyone stay here? I'm amazed they kept in business this long" He scoffed in a judgemental tone as Sam sifted through the papers, shaking his head at his brothers amusement, "Alright, victim number one, Joan Edison, 43 years old, a realtor. Handling the sale of the hotel." Sam listed off as Dean took a seat across y/n on the creaky bed, almost falling from how low the drop was.
She snickered in amusement, taking a drag from her cigarette. "And victim number two was Larry Williams. Moving some stuff out to Goodwill" Sam finished. "Well, there's a connection, they're both tied up in shutting the place down" Y/N pointed out as she let the smoke out of her nose. "Yeah. Maybe someone here doesn't wanna leave. And they're using hoodoo to fight back" Sam suggested.
"But there are spirits here, that's for sure" Y/N added. A cheeky smile made its way onto Dean's lips, "You got th-"
"Dean, is you say ESP feeling one more time. I will put my cigarette out on your ass" She cut him off, threatening with a glare in his direction. Dean smirked in return at her empty threat, "Promise?" He smirked. Y/N's eyes widened at the flirtatious comment, "I will kick you in your balls." She warned.
"Don't threaten me with a good time" He retorted, looking her up and down in a teasing manner. Y/N's brows shot up at this, a surprised smile making it's way onto her face. She concluded with flipping him off, a dramatic middle finger pointed at the elder Winchester. Dean chuckled in amusement, "Wow, how mature. Real mature." Sarcasm laced his voice as he rolled his eyes, trying to suppress the amused grin on his lips.
Sam looked up from the paperwork in hand, raising his brow in their direction. "You two done flirting?" Sam questioned, a sly smirk on his face. Y/N choked on her smoke as soon as Sam piped up, coughing into the crease of her elbow. Both momentarily forgetting Sam was in the room, the two flirting idiots faces flushed with embarrassment but quickly schooled it.
Both flipping of Sammy, middle fingers aimed in his direction. Dean with both hands up and Y/N's hand propped on her knee. "Anyways!" Y/N changed the topic as she put the cigarette out in the ashtray provided by the hotel. "Who do you think our witch doctor is? That Susan lady?" She went back to the topic they were talking about prior.
"No, it doesn't seem likely. I mean, she's the one selling" Sam pointed out, shaking his head. "So, what then? Sherwin?" Dean suggested not too convinced, Sam frowned deeply, thinking for a second, "I don't know" He sighed, Dean looked down at his hands. "Of course, the most trouble question is, why do these people assume you two are gay?" Y/N piped up with a snicker, covering her mouth.
"Well, Dean is kind of bitch. They probably think he's overcompensating" Sam sassed, making y/n burst out in laughter for the umpteenth time for the day since they got here. "Burn!!" She cackled, moving over to the table to give Sam a high-five, which he returned. "Right" Dean muttered with a roll of  his eyes, flashing his brother and friend a sarcastic smile.
Dean and Y/N were now walking down the hall of the first floor when y/n's eye caught something on a table pressed against the way. In a vase was a familiar symbol, "Hey" She whispered to Dean next to her, picking up the vase to show him. "Look at that. More Hoodoo" She pointed out the symbol Sam spotted outside that was craved into the rim of the vase. Next to the table was a door with the word, 'PRIVATE' in all caps on the door.
Dean looked around before gently knocking as y/n put the vase down, walking next to Dean. Susan opened the door to be greeted with smiles from the hunters, "Hi there" Dean said politely. "Hi. Everything okay with your room?" Susan asked a bit confused as to why they came knocking. "Yeah, yeah" They nodded in unison, "Yeah, everything's great" Y/N assured her, "Good" Susan smiled sweetly.
Dean curiously eyed the inside of the room as she cleared her throat awkwardly, "Well, I was just in the middle of packing, so..." Susan said attempting to dismiss the conversation when Dean spotted something, "Hey, are those antique dolls?" He asked curiously as he eyed the dozens of dolls on the wall. Y/N internally grimaced, gulping when she noticed them.
She always had a hatred for dolls, teddy bears were find but dolls scared the fuck outta her the same way clowns scared Sam. One or two were fine, but a whole room of them. She could shit her pants on the spot. "Cuz my girl here.." He chuckled, wrapping his arm around y/n's waist, pulling her closer to aid the act of being a couple, though he was secretly enjoying this.
Y/N however was wreathing on the inside, she loved the act of being a couple but constantly chanted Dean's words in her mind, 'It doesn't mean anything, it doesn't mean anything, it doesn't mean anything' but the flustered look on her face betrayed her.
"She's got a major doll collection back home. Don't you, baby? Huh." Dean exaggerated, a sly smirk on his face, enjoying the clear discomfort she projected when she saw the dolls. He pumped his eyebrows in a way to say, 'Just go with it'. Y/N shot him a subtle glare, gulping before resting her hand on his chest with a faux-smile towards Susan. "Big time" Y/N chimed in a feigned cheerful tone.
"Big time" Dean added with a wide smile, tracing circles on her hip with his thumb. She had to clear her throat again but not because of the dolls, but because of Dean's heavy hand that's planted firmly on her hip.
Lord, I'm begging, I'm gonna lose it. Give me the strength.
She internally prayed. She was never one to pray often but right now, she needed all the damn blessings because she would've hopped his ass in that goddamn hallway with the heat that was growing in between her thighs.
Susan gave them a confused smile at their nosey behavior but went along with it for the sake of professionalism. "Yeah. She could- well we could come in and take a look?" Dean asked Susan hopefully, she shook her head, "I don't know..." She said unsure causing y/n to feel relieved. only for that momentary relief to be taken away, "Please? I mean she loves them" Dean pleaded, making y/n's face drop again.
"She's not gonna tell you this. But she's always dressing em up in these little tiny outfits.." Dean chuckled as y/n shot him a very obvious glare now, pressing her nails slightly into his chest. He held back a wince covering it up with a slight cough, "..I mean, you'd make her day. She would. Huh? Huh?" Dean turned to Y/N with a sly smile, his hand now slowly dropping to her ass.
Y/N stiffened initially at this, clearing her throat again before relaxing into his touch, flashing Susan a tight smile. "It's true" She deadpanned. Dean turned back to Susan with a hopeful smile, "Okay, come on in" Susan smiled sweetly, moving aside so they can walk in, her back turnt to them. "Alright. Alright" Dean said excitedly, guiding y/n in with his hand placed at the small of her back.
She took his guidance, walking in first but a deadly glare pointed in his direction as he smirked wickedly, roughly shoving his hand off her back. The more they got into the room, the more dolls there seemed to be compared to the outside view. Dolls on the couch, the bed, everything damn surface in the room had a doll on it. "Wow. This is a lot of dolls" Dean commented looking around with scrunched eyebrows.
"I mean, they're nice, you know, they're not super creepy at all" He murmured lowly, earning a chuckle from Susan. "Yeah, I suppose they are a little creepy" She said amused, crossing her arms over her chest. "But they've been in the family forever. A lot of sentimental value" She explained as y/n's eyes landed on a large replica of the hotel, she was taller than it by barely a couple of inches by the size of it. "What is this? The hotel?" Y/N asked curiously, pointing to the model.
"Yeah, that's right. Exact replica, custom built" Susan nodded as y/n walked around the back of it. She noticed a small plastic figurine on the ground behind the replica, bending down to pick it up. Her brows shot up as she looked at it, "His head got twisted around. What happened to it?" She asked curiously, giving Dean a knowing look before showing it to him. It was his turn for his brows to shoot up.
"Tyler, probably" Susan shrugged. "Mommy! Maggie's being mean" A little girl in a school uniform came into the room, pouting at Susan. "Tyler, tell her I said to be nice, okay?" Susan said sternly to her daughter, "Hey, Tyler. I see you broke you doll. You want me to fix it?" Y/N said sweetly to the little girl, "I didn't break it. I found it like that" Tyler said walking closer to her. "Oh. Well uh, maybe Maggie did it" Y/N suggested in a soft tone with a little smile.
Dean smiled as she interacted with the young kid. "No. Neither of us did it. Grandma would get made if we broke them" Tyler insisted, "Tyler, she wouldn't get mad" Susan said softly, resting her hand behind her daughters head gently. "Grandma?" Dean chimed in. "Grandma Rose. These were all her toys" Tyler informed him. "Oh. Really? Where is Grandma Rose now?" Dean asked curiously, eyeing the dolls. "Up in her room" Tyler stated causally.
"You know, I'd really love to talk to Rose about her incredible dolls-" Y/N attempted to find out more but, "No" Susan snapped quickly, earning puzzled looks from the hunters. "I mean.." She apologetically smiled, "..I'm afraid that's impossible. My mothers been very sick...and uh...she's not taking any visitors" Susan denied them access.
Now exiting the room, shutting the door behind them. "Well, what do you think? Dolls? Hoodoo? Mysterious shut-in Grandma?" Dean questioned as they made their way down the hall. "Well, doll are used in all kind of Voodoo and Hoodoo, like curses and binding spells and-" Y/N listed off but Dean cut her off. "Yeah, well maybe we found our witch doctor" He suggested.
"You know, I oughta slap you for that stunt" Y/N huffed, Dean snorted, turning to her with innocent eyes, "Paybacks a bitch, sweetheart. That's what you get for laughing at me" He teased as she crossed her arms over her chest in annoyance. "Asshat" She scoffed, "Nutcase" He retorted with a smirk, she attempted to keep the serious look on her face but her mouth betrayed her, breaking out into a smile.
"Alright, I'll go see what I can dig up on Booming Granny. You tell Sam what we found, get on-line, check old obits, freak accidents. That sort of thing. See if she's whacked anybody before." Dean instructed her, y/n turnt to enter into Sam's room. "Right" She nodded. "Don't go surfing porn, that's not the kind of whacking I mean" Dean taunted, a smirk on his face as he walked off.
"Bitch, please. You'd like that" She countered with a wink, flipping Dean off before pushing Sam's door open.
"Hey, Sammy?" Y/N called out, gently rapping her knuckles against the door before walking into her friend's room. Inside, Sam was already sitting on the bed, skimming his computer. As usual. "Hey, what's up? Any luck?" Sam asked, glancing up from the screen of his computer. Y/N approached the bed, taking a seat before explaining what they found out about the grandma.
"Booming Granny?" Sam echoed, snickering at the cheesy name, Y/N shrugged in response, giving him a small smile. "It was your brother's words, not mine" She laughed. "Of course, sounds just like him" Sam chuckled, rolling his eyes. He then turned to face the computer again, as Y/N got more comfortable next to him on the bed.
Sam closed the laptop with a heavy sigh before saying, "I'm gonna go get something to eat, want anything?" He asked her, "Surprise me" She shrugged. Sam nodded before standing up. "Alright, I'll be back soon" He assured her, before exiting the room and shutting the door behind him.
Y/N took the opportunity of solitude to lay back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. She hadn't noticed how exhausted she actually was, the adrenaline from the hunt draining out of her, leaving her tired and worn out from the hours on the road. Deans confession about John telling him to kill her and Sam was weighing on her. But also Ava's disappearance. She could only imagine how much it was affecting Sam.
Her eyes scanned the room, flickering over to the mini bottles of alcohol on the mini fridge. She narrowed her gaze at it, contemplating whether to have a drink or not. It's been a while since she's had some hard liquor, it's always beers with the boys. Yeah, they were in the middle of a case but...."Why the hell not?" She muttered, pushing herself up from the bed before strolling over to it.
Y/N picked up one of the small glass bottles, reading the name, Jack Daniel Single Barrel Tennessee Whiskey. The whiskey reminded her of her father, Jack was always his favorite. "Huh" she muttered as she examined the bottle for a moment longer. Her heart twisted in her chest, y/n shook her head before unscrewing the top and taking a swig.
The strong, sharp taste instantly hit her tastebuds, causing her to recoil slightly. She swallowed the small mouthful and winced for a moment, the alcohol leaving a burning feeling in her throat, although she kind of liked the feeling. "I'll never know how those fellas do that with a straight face" She gagged, grimacing from the burn in her throat. 
She sat the empty bottle back down on the fridge before taking a seat at the edge of the bed with a heavy sigh once again, glancing at the door to Sam's room, wondering when he would get back.
Y/N then got back up and reached for another bottle, unscrewing it before tossing the liquor down her throat. The burning feeling returned. She set the bottle back on the table and headed into the bathroom, turning on the tap and cupping the ice cold water in her hands, to wash her face.
The cold water was refreshing, helping her to wake up a bit more, and it also helped to quench the burning feeling in her throat.
An hour later and six mini bottles of Jack in. She was pretty drunk by this point, more drunk than she had been in a long time. More drunk than she intended to be. Y/N was currently sitting on the edge of the bed, her head feeling a bit dizzy and foggy, and her movements were a bit more uncoordinated and sloppy.
Sat at the window still once again, her mind raced a million miles as your, speeding up every time she brought the cigarette to her mouth. Inhaling the sweet yet bitter essence of the nicotine laced tobacco into her lungs.
Sam had finally returned with their food. He had walked in, holding two brown bags with take out in it along with two cups of soda. He was greeted with the sight of Y/N half-drunk, sitting alone on the edge of the window.
When he entered, she looked up at him and a goofy smile appeared on her face, her cheeks flushed and eyes glassy. He set the food down on the bedside table, giving her a knowing look. "You're drunk" He stated bluntly, crossing his arms over his chest. "Ahhhh, whatttt?" Y/N slurred defensively, waving her hand in a dismissive manner.
"I was gone for one hour and you managed to drink that much?" He gestured to the empty bottles in confusion. Y/N merely chuckled and shrugged, "I was bored" She retorted as she crushed the butt into the ashtray, causing him to roll his eyes with a slight scoff. "We're working a case, y/n" Sam chastised, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Don't be judgy, little Winchester. Join the party!" She exclaimed, wobbling over to the array of alcoholic selection, picking up a mini bottle of Gin before tossing it to Sam. "Gin because mentally, you're an old man" She teased her best friend. Sam caught the mini bottle, looking at it for a moment hesitation. Y/N was right, he could use a little bit of alcohol in his system, and he was definitely in need of a distraction from his thoughts.
"Very funny, y/n/n" he retorted dryly, a small smile playing on his lips as he unscrewed the top and took a swig, not reacting at the sharp taste. "Cheers" he muttered sarcastically. "Gahh" Sam grimaced, shaking his head from the sting, before resting the bottle down on the table. "You..." He pointed at y/n who still had a goofy smile plastered across her face.
"...are a bad influence" He snorted as he got a couple more bottle of the Gin. Y/N feigned a horrified gasp, her hand clutching her chest and her expression turning comically shocked. "Me? A bad influence? No way!" she responded, her voice full of mock-indignation as she feebly attempted to look offended by Sam's accusations.
She couldn't help but burst out laughing, the alcohol making her even more cheerful and carefree than usual. Y/N wobbled over to the bed, plopping onto it with a "Oof!" before resting her head against the headboard.
Sam shook his head laughing at her drunken state, grabbing the burrito and fries, handing y/n her bag and soda, taking up his own before sitting across from her on the bed. "Seriously though, when was the last time we ever drank together? Like gotten black out drunk?" She questioned curiously as she reached into her bag for a fry.
Sam seemed to think for a moment, his eyes narrowing slightly as he tried to remember. "It's been a while" he admitted, taking a bite out of his own burrito. "Probably before I left for Stanford". Y/N nodded, a knowing look crossed her face. "Ah, right" she said, taking a sip from her soda. "That was what...six years ago?" Sam's eyes widened slightly at the mention of the time, causing him to chuckle.
"Damn, has it really been that long?" He shook his head, not realizing how much time had flown by. "Oh I remember, it was senior prom!" She exclaimed, drunkenly laughing at the memory. "Right, right" Sam mused, a smile forming on his face at the memory. "You were so wasted" he laughed, shaking his head.
Y/N huffed at the comment, but couldn't help but smile too. "You weren't far behind, dipshit. You were just as wasted as I was" she retorted, giving him a playful shove. "Yeah, but I wasn't the one who almost spewed chunks in Dean's car when he dragged our asses out, crackhead" Sam retorted with a cackle.
Y/N rolled her eyes, groaning at the memory of her drunken teenage self in the passenger seat of the Impala, on the verge of puking her guts out - thanks to too many trips to the spiked punch bowl and a lack of food.
"Yeah, yeah yeah, whatever" she grumbled, taking another fry and shoving it in her mouth, trying to hide the embarrassment that had appeared on her face. "You were acting like an idiot all night, trying to get everybody onto the dance floor" he chuckled, shaking his head. "You were worse than a high school cheerleader" he teased, causing y/n to scoff and nudge him with her shoulder.
"I was a highschool cheerleader!" She laughed. "Yeah, I remember" Sam chuckled. "You used to wave those little orange and black pom poms around like your life depended on it" he joked, causing her to throw a fry at his face. "I wasn't the one that told Cindy Wu her hair looks like a peacock. I mean who tells the girl they wanna bang that they look like a peacock!" She retorted with a scoff.
Sam coughed as he was shotting another bottle of Gin, "Hey, cut me some slack, I was plastered" Sam defended himself, a sheepish grin on his face. "Besides, in my mind, it was a compliment because peacocks are beautiful and she looked beautiful" Sam muttered, the alcohol loosening his tongue. Y/N couldn't help but snicker, "That's sweet but your execution was terrible." She snorted.
This time, she was the one who got a fry tossed at her by it landed right in the middle of her boobs, laying between her cleavage. Sam bursted out laughing, almost choking in his burrito at y/n's unamused expression. His laughter was filled with disgust and amusement as y/n just casually picked the fry from between her breasts and popped it into her mouth.
The two best friends reminiscing on their high-school days once again.
Hours later, it was now nightfall. Dean had gotten back from his search for information on Rose, Susan's mother, having come up short. Only to see the front of the motel was swarming with police cars. Coroners were wheeling out a dead body as Susan spoke to the police, clearly shaken. Sam and Y/N, who were plastered and still in his room, pushed the curtains aside to get a look of the scene.
Looks of despair on both of their faces. Y/N roughly closed the curtain, tears in her eyes along with Sam. The alcohol had taken full effect on the two, their minds running wild with the events and trauma they've all been through the past two years alone, not to mention the shit they've endured growing up. But the most potent emotion, guilt.
Dean was still downstairs on the front porch, looking baffled, approaching Susan to find out what was going on. "What happened?" He asked her concerned. "Uh, the maid went in to turn down the sheets, and he was just....hanging there" Susan explained, clearly shaken from the events of the night. "That's awful. He was a guest?" Dean asked sympathetically.
"He worked for the company that bought the place" Susan confirmed, red flags went off in Dean's head at this. "Hm" He hummed, "I don't understand" Susan stressed, "What?" Dean questioned, "Had a lot of bad luck around here." She sighed as Dean nodded, his brows knitted together, the woman seemed genuinely shaken from everything.
His gut told him that she couldn't be the witch doctor, "Look, if you'd like to check out, I'll give you a full refund" Susan said to him understandingly. "No, thanks. I don't scare that easy" Dean assured her with a small smile.
Sam and Y/N were sitting in the dark. Sam on the chair across from her, y/n's feet propped up on his lap, both wallowing in silence, the door to Sam's room wide open, the key still on his door. They were both slouched in their chairs as Dean made his way into the room, taking out the key before locking the door behind him. "There's been another one. Some guy hung himself in his room" Dean told them urgently.
"Yeah, we saw" Y/N said weakly, slouched in her chair. Dean didn't notice the lack of energy from the two as he unzipped the bag of weapons on Sam's bed, rummaging through it, "We gotta figure this out and fast. What'd you guys find out about, Granny?" Dean asked firmly, Sam narrowed his eyes at his brother. Displeased by his tone, y/n scoffed.
Also not liking the way Dean is speaking to them as if they were children who needed to follow orders.
"You're bossy" The truth spilled from Sam's lips with a scoff, Dean's ears perked up at this, expecting this from y/n but not Sam. His head snapped over to them, brows knitted together. "What?" Dean tilted his head, "He said, you're bossy" Y/N stated sassily, spreading her arms out as if it's obvious. Sam's eyes scanned his brother before giggling, "And short" Sam added as Y/N joined in on his giggling, pressing her hands over her mouth.
"Are you two drunk?" Dean said in realization as he looked at them weirdly, Sam mimicked the way y/n spread her arms out earlier, "Yeah. So?" Sam sassed. "Stupid" Y/N quipped up, poking her tongue out at Dean in a childish manner. He placed his hands on his hips, letting out as exasperated sigh before turning to the mini bar above the fridge to see several empty bottles of whiskey, jager, gin. The works.
"Guys, what are you thinking? We're working on a case" Dean said in a tone of disappointment. He was beyond taken back by their disregard for the case. Sure they'd all drink and hang out together, but it would usually be after a case. Not in the middle of it. It was unlike any of them and this worried him.
Tears welled in their eyes, y/n's lip quivered as she and Sam looked at each other. Guilt rising in their chests, "That guy who hung himself....we couldn't save him" Sam croaked, shifting in his chair. "What are you talking about? You didn't know. You couldn't have done anything about it" Dean said confused. "That's an excuse, Dean" Y/N huffed, taking her feet off of Sam's lap to turn to Dean.
Now getting a proper look at her from the light shining through the window and casting onto her face. Her teary eyes, the mascara dripping down her face, it shattered his heart. His face dropped as he took in her usual joyful features, etched with sorrow. "We should've found a way to save him. We should've saved Ava too" Y/N stated, her tone pained.
"Yeah. Well you can't save everyone. Even you said that" Dean said firmly, walking over to them. This made Sam snap, pounding his fist against the table in anger. "No, Dean! You don't understand alright! The more people we save, the more we can change!" Sam insisted, his voice coated with distress. Dean is surprised his his outburst. "Change what?" Dean questioned.
"Our destiny, Dean!" Y/N shouted, as Sam wiped his tears away. Dean shook his head at them, "Alright, time for bed. Come on, Sasquatch, you too Princess" Dean rolled his eyes, picking up his brother, wrapping y/n's arm around shoulder to help her up. He tried to lead Sam to the bed, "I need you to watch out for us." Sam pleaded. "Yeah. I always do" Dean said firmly, groaning a bit from both of their weights.
"No, no, no" Y/N said quickly, shaking her head. Taking her arm off of him. Both her and Sam now facing him. "You have to watch out for us." She emphasized on the 'watch out', meaning to not take care of them, but be weary of them. "Alright? And if we ever turn into something that we're not...." She tried to say but the words could leave her lips.
A lump forming in her throat as Dean looked at his little brother and the woman he loved with heartbreak in his eyes at them practically begging him to kill them. Sam swallowed hard before saying,
"...you have to kill us" Sam finished y/n's sentence, the pain potent in his voice. "Sam, Y/N" Dean groaned, attempting to push Sam on the bed. "Dean, Dad told you to do it. You have to do!" Sam growled at his brother. Pushing him back, this made y/n almost stumble off her feet but Dean grappled her, wrapping his arm around his waist to steady her, "Yeah. Well Dad's an ass!" Dean snapped back.
This surprised Sam and y/n, "He never should've said anything. I mean, you don't do that. You don't lay that kind of crap on your kids!" Dean further defended why he shouldn't kill them, "I'm not sorry to admit that John was an ass and so was Dad but he was right to say it! Who knows what we might become!" Y/N blurted out honestly, her voice cracking.
"Even now, everyone around me dies!" Sam shouted with frustration. "Yeah, well. I'm not dying. Neither is y/n and neither are you, okay?" Dean stated firmly. "Come on, both of you. Sit down" Dean shoved them onto the bed but they didn't let go of him. "No, please. Dean, you're the only one who can do it" Sam pleaded, "Promise, Dean, please" Y/N pleaded along with Sam.
Gripping onto Dean's arm. The desperation in both of their eyes. "Don't ask that if me" Dean croaked. "Dean, please. You have to promise" Sam sobbed. "You pinky promised me that you weren't gonna do anything stupid if we died. Now you have to promise us this" Y/N begged, sniffling back her tears. "I promise" Dean grunted out, not meaning it what so ever. Only saying it to get them into bed.
"Thanks" Y/N sniffled, choking on her sobs. "Thank you" Sam sobbed along with her, gripping onto Dean. He rolled his eyes at this before shoving his brother onto the bed to lie down. Sam turned in the bed, laying on his stomach. "Come on, sweetheart. Let's get back to our room" Dean sighed, helping her up from the bed. He grappled her before tossing her over his shoulder.
She yelped in surprise, not expecting that but she wasn't complaining. Dean gave his little brother one last sorrowful look before locking the door behind him. Walking across the hall with y/n still over his shoulder, her arms spread in an eagle position saying, "Weeeee. I'm an airplaneee" Dean shook his head at this as he stuck the key in, unlocking the door.
Christ this woman is bipolar. He thought to himself as he twisted the knob, pushing the door open.
He locked the door behind him after walking in, moving over to their bed, gently resting her on it. She attempted to lie down but Dean stopped her, "Ah, ah, ah. We gotta get that mascara off your face first. Wouldn't want you to break out now, would we?"
"Oh, c'mon. Can we worry about it in the morning?" Y/N whined, rubbing her puffy red burning eyes with the sides of her curled index finger like a baby, causing her mascara to spread more under her eyes. She just wanted sleep. Dean rolled his eyes at her, "Yeah, no. You'll be pissed in the morning that you didn't take off your makeup" Dean chuckled as he rummaged through her duffle to find the pack of makeup wipes.
He grabbed the pack and stood in-front of her where she was sat in the bed, tearing one out. He grabbed her chin, turning head to get a good look at her makeup. "Good lord, how much makeup did you use?" He muttered in disbelief, Y/N giggled at the comment. "Mascara, eyeliner and lipstick. If I could use more, I would Gaga my face. God knows I wish I knew how to do pretty make up like those gorgeous models" She slurred, gushing over pretty models.
"You're prettier than they are, princess" He smiled, rubbing her cheek with the wipe to get it off. She giggled again, letting out a very unladylike piglike snort which oddly made Dean's heart flutter, "I bet you say that to all the girls, don't you?" She teased, raising a brow at him. He smirked at her question, "Nope, only you" He answered sincerely as he dabbed the wet makeup wipe over her cheeks. The mascara's stubbornness getting to him.
Y/N smiled at that, biting her lip. His heart fluttered at this, "Cute. Now hold still while I attempt to get this god damn mascara off of your pretty face" he chuckled, rubbing away on her cheek. "Now you're just trying to make my head big" She giggled. "You're already cocky as hell. I doubt I could make your ego bigger" He teased, gripping her chin, tilting her head back a bit so he could get a better angle to get the mascara off of her lashes.
"I mean what's there not to be cocky about? I'm beautiful, sexy, funny, badass, can kick any guy's ass" She smirked smugly, listing each trait with a flick of her fingers with clear sarcasm. Dean chuckled at her confidence, shaking his head. "Don't forget humble" He teased, now moving to her other eye, making sure to get it all off.
"Oh, I forgot humble" She replied, mockingly. "How could I forget my most important trait?!" She continued to mock, fluttering her lashes, making him chuckle again. Y/N took pride in the fact that she could always make him smile or laugh whenever she teased him, even in a time like this. And it was the same with Dean.
Her mind drifted to what she and Sam just made Dean promise, she might be drunk but she wasn't an idiot. She knew Dean didn't mean that whatsoever, partly because he didn't lock pinkies on it. It was the most sacred vow there is.
Her thoughts were interrupted as he tossed the wipe away, "There, all done" He declared, satisfied. "Can I lie down now?" She groaned, just wanting to rest. "Nope" He replied, kneeling down in-front of her to unbuckle her combat boots. He took one show off at a time, tossing it aside before grabbing her legs and moving her so that she was lying down on the bed.
He picked up the right shoe, taking out the iron knuckle cuffs and the new knife he got for her. Smiling at the fact that she never left anywhere without it. He rested them down on the bedside table before stripping off his jacket. He got into the bed, laying down next to her. "You didn't mean it...did you?" Y/N asked him softly, laying on her side, facing him as he pulled the covers over them.
"Mean what?" He responded, turning on his side to look at her. He gently pushed a strand of loose hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ear. Butterflies swarmed in her stomach when he did this, "What me and Sam made you promise." She teared up. "You can't do it can you. You can't kill us" She said knowingly.
A frown spread on his lips, seeing her tear up made his heart ache even more. He knew that his answer wouldn't be the one she wanted but he had to be honest with her. He reached over to her cheek, cupping it in his hand, "No. I could never" He said quietly, pain seeping into his voice.
A look of heartbreak crossed his face. This got him emotional too, he knew that killing Sam or her would tear him apart. He didn't want to do it, not at all. The thought of ever killing them made his heart break. He didn't want to even think of a day ever came where he had to kill the people he loved, no, not at all.
She sniffled, reaching up to wipe her nose. "I figured" Y/N croaked. "Hey, don't cry. Please don't cry" He pleaded, seeing her tears fall down her cheek broke him in two. He hated seeing her cry, it hurt him so much. He leaned closer to her, holding his arm out for her. "C'mere" He said quietly, hoping that she would crawl into his arms. Feeling the need to comfort her. Y/N blushed deeply, her mouth agape. "Are you sure-?"
"God yes, please" He said desperately. He hated that she thought that she needed permission. He needed her close to him, he needed to hold her. "Please. I need to hold you, princess" He said hoarsely, he was begging. Vulnerable wasn't the best word to describe how Dean was feeling right about now.
She saw the desperation in his eyes, knowing that he really did need to hold her. She bit her lip, nodding. She quickly scooted over to him, pressing her face to his chest and grabbing onto his shirt. He wasted no time, he immediately wrapped his own arms around her, holding her as close to him as possible.
He buried his face into her hair, taking in the smell of her coconut shampoo and tobacco that he loved, it was mixed with the barrel-y scent of the whiskey she was drunk off of. His body relaxed slightly, now that she was safely tucked into his embrace. "You cuddle with all your friends?" She quipped jokingly, wiping her nose again.
"Only the cute ones" He smirked, gently rubbing his hand up and down her back, hoping that would soothe her. She let out a sniffly laugh in response, he felt her smile against his chest.
God he wanted to kiss her, but never in a million years would he do it in a time like now. Not when she wasn't sober. He wouldn't take advantage of her, or any woman, in a state like this, it was wrong. She was drunk, intoxicated to the point she was begging him, along with his brother, to put a bullet in their heads. That was in-no-way consent even if she did jump his bones and begged for it. He wouldn't do that.
But having her in his arms right now...it was more than he deserved. He was beyond content. It was the touch Dean craved, the warmth he was starved from for years and years.
Y/N cuddled up to him, nuzzling her face into his chest, feeling the warmth of his body against hers. The heat was radiating off of him, it was very comforting. More comforting than the blanket tossed over them. She nuzzled her nose against his chest, inhaling his musky scent. And good god he smelt so damn good. She wanted to kiss him so bad, the alcohol had loosened her up. She wanted desperately to feel his lips on hers.
Feeling her nuzzle up to him like a cat was endearing to him but not helpful to his racing heart. It didn't help that she was so damn close to him, cuddled up to his body. Every time she would nuzzle against him, it would remind him of how much he needed her. It was a selfish act of him tonight but part of his mind told him that she too was in need of someone to hold her.
Whether it be she didn't feel the same way about him, he had to hold it in, shoving back his urges of holding her tight, kissing her all over. But instead, he whispered sweet praises to her till she fell asleep as his mind swirled with the remnants of the night and the past two years. The promise he made to them, the one he didn't intent on keeping.
After she fell asleep, Dean gently pried her off of him. Slowly picking up his jacket and his phone before tiptoeing his way over to the door. With the way he was moving, you'd swear they just hooked up and he was trying to beat it before she woke up. But it was farrrr from the truth. He gave her one last look, a soft smile on his face at the way she snuggled into the pillow, incoherently mumbling before he shut the door behind him.
Making his way downstairs, around the hotel. He stumbled on a bar in the building, Sherwin behind the counter. "Find any good antique?" Sherwin chimed as Dean made his way towards the counter. "Uh...no. No. Got distracted" Dean answered a bit flustered. "Have a drink" Sherwin offered, taking up a rocks glass from the side before unscrewing a bottle of whiskey, pouring some into the glass.
"Yeah. Thanks" Dean said gratefully, in definite need of a drink after the night he had, taking a seat at the bar. "So, poor guy. Hmm, killing himself" Dean casually made conversation. "That kind of thing seems to be going around lately" Sherwin shrugged, taking up his own glass as Dean gripped his. "Yeah, yeah. I heard about the other ones. It's almost like this hotel is uh...cursed or something" Dean said ironically as he brought the glass to his lips.
Sipping the dark alcohol, "Every hotel has its spilled blood. If people only knew what's gone on in some of those room they've checked into" Sherwin said in an eery tone before bringing his glass to his lips. "You know a lot about the place, don't you?" Dean chuckled lowly, giving Sherwin a once over at his statement. "Down to the last nail" Sherwin bragged confidently, examining his drink.
"I'd love to here some stories" Dean smirked, "Boy, you should never say that to an old man" Sherwin returned the smirk in a cocky tone.
They were now walking up the stairs leading to the first floor as Sherwin pointed out to the pictures hanging on the wall, "This is little Miss Susan and her mother, Rose. Happier days" Sherwin reminisced, a sorrowful look on his face. "They're not happy now?" Dean asked curiously at his tone. "Well, would you be, leaving the only home you ever knew?" Sherwin asked ironically, Dean shrugged. "I don't know. I never really knew one" He stated.
His mind going back to the few memories he had of a normal childhood before it was snatched from him. "Well, this is Rose's home. It's been in the family over a century. Used to be the family estate. And now she gets to live in some senior living graveyard and they tear this place down" Sherwin informed him with a scoff as Dean clicks his tongue. "That's too bad." He sighed, "I hear Rose isn't feeling well either." Dean added as they turned to walk back down the stairs.
"No. She isn't." Sherwin shook his head. "What's wrong with her?" Dean asked. "It's not my business to say" Sherwin stated firmly, Dean hummed when his eye caught an old picture of a little girl sitting on the lap of a woman of Creole descent, "Who's this?" He asked, pointing to the picture. "That's Rose. When she was a little girl" Sherwin told him, taking up the picture.
Deans eyes widened when he saw a pendant hanging around the woman's neck in the picture, the necklace was the same X-like symbol Sam spotted on the urn and Y/N spotted in the vase.
"Who's that with her?" Dean asked with wide eyes, recollecting himself. "That's her nanny, Marie. She looked after Rose more than her own mother." Sherwin informed Dean, who gulped as Sherwin paced over to the fireplace, resting the frame right in the middle above it.
The next morning, Y/N stirred in her sleep. Waking up with a pounding headache in her head, the sunlight shining through the curtains was not helping. She rolled onto her back, reaching up to shield her eyes. Sitting up in bed, rubbing her temples in pain. Looking around the room lazily, noticing that Dean wasn't there.
She tried to remember anything that happened last night but suddenly her stomach turned, the overwhelming need to throw up hit her out of nowhere. Her eyes widened, "No, no, no" Y/N murmured to herself, crawling out of bed. Quickly throwing off the blanket before racing to the bathroom, barely making it to the toilet in time. She was now hunched over, emptying last nights burrito into the toilet bowl.
She felt sick to her stomach as her body tried to purge the alcohol from her system. She clutched onto the toilet bowl, holding onto it like it was her lifeline. A knock at the door snapped her out of her puking just for a second, lazily wiping her mouth to weakly answer, "Who is it?"
"Uh, it's me. Sam" Sam's croaky voice came through the other side. "It's open, I think". Y/N groaned, laying her forehead on the rim of the toilet. Sam twisted the knob, pushing the door open before practically limping in. Just as hungover and sick as Y/N, if not, worse.
"You look like crap" He groaned while gripping his head. "Yeah? You look worse" She replied, lifting her head up weakly. Sam chuckled despite the pain in his head, he couldn't help but laugh a little. "I actually came to ask if you got Tylenol" Sam said, Y/N weakly pointed to her duffle. "Thanks. God, I feel like my head is going to burst" Sam muttered, rubbing his temple while he closed the door.
Y/N groaned in agreement, her body suddenly hurled again. She leaned forwards once more, letting her stomach empty itself. He would go over there and hold her hair for her, but Y/N's puking started to make Sam himself feel sick, that burrito in his stomach threatening to make a guest appearance.
While Y/N was vomiting her guts up, Sam tried to hold back his urges to throw up himself, but every time he heard her gag and puke, it made his stomach twist itself into knots. He took deep breaths, trying to calm his stomach from vomiting himself. "Remind me to never take advice from you again when it comes to drinking" He groaned as he unscrewed the bottle of pills, the sensation of puke creeping up his throat.
He didn't even get to take any out because soon after, Sam's tall figure was hunched over the sink next to y/n, now barfing his guts out. Y/N let out a small choked laugh at the sound of Sam puking next to her. She was miserable, but the thought of Sam and herself, puking side by side in the bathroom made her find a little humor in this situation.
They both kneeled on the tiled floor, hunched over the sink and toilet. Both puking violently, letting their bodies retch up the alcohol. God why did they do this?
The door creaked open and in walked Dean with an amused expression on his face as the sounds of Sam and Y/N puking their livers out. "How you feeling Sammy and y/n/n?" Dean chuckled as he stripped his jacket off. "I guess mixing whiskey, gin and jager wasn't such a gangbuster idea, was it?" Dean poked fun at the two, tossing his jacket on the bed.
"You know, I'll bet you two don't remember a thing from last night, do you?" He snorted, but was secretly hopeful they didn't remember making him promise to kill them if they go dark side. Especially his little moment of vulnerability cuddle session with y/n. "I can still taste the tequila." Sam groaned before returning to barfing. Dean cackled at this, enjoying this way too much.
"I don't even remember drinking tequila" Y/N whined, pressing her head on the bowl. Dean nodded content at this, internally cheering that neither of them remembered a thing. "You know, there's a really good hangover remedy. It's uh...it's a greasy pork sandwich served up in y/n's dirty ashtray" Dean continued to mock them, the mischievous smirk on his face widening as they groaned again, this time more painfully.
"Oh, I hate you!" Sam huffed between barfs. "I know you do" Dean snorted, "Go to hell, man" Y/N groaned, banging her already pounding head repeatedly on the toilet rim, making Dean cackle even more. He walked to the door to inform them, "Hey, turns out when Grandma Rose was a tyke, she had a Creole nanny who wore a Hoodoo necklace...ugh" He groaned when he smelt the inside of the bathroom.
"So you think she taught Rose Hoodoo?" Y/N croaked, turning her head to the elder Winchester. "Yes, I do" Dean nodded. Sam steadied his breathing, "Alright" He sighed before pushing himself up from the sink, leaning against the doorframe. "I think it's time we talk to Rose" Sam breathed out heavily, his face flushed as Dean grimaced from the scent of his breath.
"Ugh, you need to brush your teeth first" Dean gagged, moving back over to get the Tylenol that Sam tossed on the bed. He emptied four into his hand before pacing over to the fridge as Sam went to limp out of the room. "Yo" He stopped his brother, tossing him the bottle of Tylenol. Sam quickly caught the bottle before muttering a, "Thank you", shaking the contents in the bottle before limping out of the room, clutching his stomach.
Dean turnt to a hunched over and dry heaving y/n who was still infront of the toilet, walking into the rancid smelling bathroom. He crouched down, a bottle of water in his hand and the four Tylenol tablets. He placed the bottle next to her on the floor, gently rubbing her back with his free hand. "It's alright, Princess. Let it out" He softly encouraged her, pushing her hair out of her face.
"Come on, sit up" He said, keeping his voice kind and calm. Y/N gently sat back up, resting her back against the porcelain bowl. Her breaths trembled. Dean held the bottle of water to her lips, softly commanding her to drink. "Drink" He ordered gently, sweat beading down her forehead in beads. She gulped the water down greedily, trying to cleanse her mouth of the repulsive taste of acid and alcohol, spitting some into the bowl.
Dean pulled the bottle away from her lips, grabbing a strip of toilet roll and handing it to her. "Blow your nose" He said in a tone softer than the previous one. She weakly did as she was told, blowing her nose into toilet tissue. Dean opened his hand with the four Tylenol and held them up to her face, "Take these" He ordered. She looked at the pills in his hand before looking up at him.
"I'm gonna vomit again, you know" She croaked in an annoyed tone. Dean chuckled lightly at this, "You got anything left in your stomach to throw up?" He responded in a somewhat mocking tone, making her roll her eyes to his face.
Dean smiled slightly, "I'm just teasing you, alright? Come one, take them. They'll help with the pain" He insisted, gently shaking the capsules in his hand. Y/N groaned, begrudgingly opening her mouth for Dean to place it on her tongue. Dean did exactly that, handing her the water bottle. "Good girl" He smirked, patting her knee.
Y/N swallowed the pills with the water and leaned her head back against the bowl, closing her eyes as she steadied her breathing. She groaned once more, opening her eyes to glance at Dean. He studied her, examining how wrecked she looked. He felt a pang of sympathy for her, feeling bad for her current state. He watched her face, silently admiring the way her eyebrows were now slightly furrowed in concentration.
Probably trying not to puke again. He couldn't help but think that she even looked beautiful like this. Even in a hungover, sick state she was still drop-dead gorgeous. He felt his heart twist in his chest, aching to pull her into his hold again. He mentally slapped himself, Get a grip, Dean. His brain scolded him, She's in pain, you should be taking care of her. Not staring at her like a damn love sick teenager.
"I am never drinking again" She moaned as Dean sat back next to her. She dropped her head on his shoulder with a weak whine. Dean chuckled at her statement before pulling her head into his lap, gently resting her head on his thighs. She didn't protest to this, being too damn tired and sore to care. "You've said that before, y/n/n" He mocked her, she weakly slapped his thigh in response, making him smirk.
"Shhh" He silenced her, placing his hand on her forehead before threading his fingers through her hair. She groaned a little when he started to gently massage your scalp, but it felt so good. She closed her eyes again, enjoying the feeling of his fingers massaging her head. "God that feels good" She admitted, her body relaxing as he continued massaging her aching head.
"I know it does. I'm good with my hands" He mused in response, his smirk widening. She just groaned again, but he could tell she was amused by his comment. Thankfully her head was on his lap, so he couldn't see how flustered she was by his comment. His hand continued to tenderly stroke her scalp, massaging and soothing the stress from the headache. Y/N bit back a powerful moan from the way his touch sent shivers down her spine.
A little later after Sam and Y/N recollected themselves, they were now in-front of the room marked 'PRIVATE'. Sam brought his knuckles up to the door, gently rapping on it. "Hello? Susan?" Sam called out, as Dean and Y/N canvassed the area with their eyes. Making sure no one was in sight, "Clear?" Sam asked them, "Mm-hmm" Dean hummed, y/n took initiative and crouched infront of the door.
The brothers used their bodies to block her from view as she picked her Bobby pin out of her hair, beginning to pick the lock, shimming the pin into the small hole. Within seconds, she got it opened and twisted the now unlocked knob. Pushing the door in, she made her way in first, then Sam and Dean filed in behind. Dean was last to enter, locking the door behind him.
"Holy fuck, you guys were not lying" Sam muttered as he took in the dozens dolls in the room. "It's fucking creepy." Y/N grimaced with a uncomfortable shiver, earning an amused snort from Dean. They scammed the room, moving over to a door as the other side. Dean gently twisted the knob, pushing the door in. The passageway lead to some stairs.
They followed behind him, slowly walking up the flight of stairs, seemingly leading them to an hall. At the end of it, was a slightly jarred door with light gleaming through it. Sam and Y/N checked behind them to make sure no one was following as Dean lead the way towards the room. He gently pushed the door open, revealing an elderly woman with her back turnt to them, in a wheelchair. Seemingly Rose.
"Mrs. Thompson?" Y/N called out to Rose gently, she didn't answer for y/n called out again. "Mrs. Thompson?" Her tone dropped, feeling that chill at the back of her neck again. This time it was hard to ignore, she's beginning to doubt it's even Hoodoo. "Rose?" Sam said quietly as they all made their way around to look at the woman. Y/N offered the feeble woman a small smile, crouching infront of her.
"Hi, Mrs. Thompson, we're not here to hurt you, it's okay. We-" Sam said in a kind and gentle tone but her eyes were trained out the window with fear. "Rose?" Y/N said gently as the woman began to shake just a bit, softly grunting in response. Y/N and Sam shared a look, picking up on why Rose couldn't respond. Sam nodded his head to the door, nudging them to follow him. "This woman's had a stroke" Sam pointed out.
Deans brows furrowed, "Yeah, but Hoodoo's hands on" Dean also pointed out, now realizing she couldn't be their witch doctor. "Yeah" Y/N nodded. "You gotta mix herbs and chant, build and altar" He added. "So it can't be Rose. And honestly, I doubt it's even Hoodoo" She said to them honestly, earning confused looks from them. "You know, she could be faking" Dean doubted the possibility.
"Yeah, but what do you wanna do, poke her with a stick?" Sam scoffed but by the look on Dean's face, it seemed like that's exactly what he wanted to do. "Dude, you're not gonna poke her with a stick!" Y/N muttered lowly in a disapproving tone. "I'm sorry fellas, but this dead end proves my theory. It's definitely a spirit. I'm telling you" Y/N insisted and the boys couldn't deny.
"Okay, if it is then who's is it?" Dean questioned, "I got no clue but we gotta look into anybody else who's di-" Y/N attempted to suggest but Susan's voice boomed behind them, "What the hell? What are you doing in here?", before rushing over to her mother upon seeing the three.
"We just wanted to talk to Rose-"
"The door was open-"
"I thought I heard-"
They all panicked with three different response each, "She's scared out of her wits" Susan said shakily as she leaned down to check on her mother. "I want you out of my hotel in two minutes or I'm calling the cops" Susan threatened them firmly, eyes wide with anger at the invasion of privacy. They all shared a panicked look so y/n took initiative and snatched the boys by their wrists. Ushering them out of the room, they gladly followed behind.
Susan watched as the Impala and Harley peeled out of her hotel parking lot, arms crossed as she gritted her teeth. Making sure they left before walking back into her hotel.
Tyler sat above playing with her friend Maggie as her mother walked in, "Have you started packing yet?" Susan asked, resting her hands on her hips. "No" Tyler responded lowly. "Why not?" Susan asked again, this time more firmly. "I don't wanna move" Tyler pouted. "Yes, I know. But we have to" Susan sighed, "But Maggie says we're not allowed to" Tyler back talked.
"Tyler, enough. Maggie is imaginary. You're too old to have an imaginary friend and I am done pretending" Susan snapped angrily, before walking off. Tyler turned to Maggie with a depressed look, "I don't like her" Maggie snarled, her spirit flickering. Clear indication that there in fact was a spirit in the hotel. Maggie was that spirit.
Susan was almost done loading up most of her boxes belongings into the trunk of her car, currently resting the last brown box into her car as Sherwin pulled up in his red truck. "I could lug those boxes for you" He kindly offered, "I got it, Sherwin. Thanks" Susan politely assured with a smile. "Okay, then. See you later" Sherwin responded with a smile before driving away.
Meanwhile Tyler was playing upstairs in the private room with the replica of the hotel when suddenly one of the swings on the mini swing set on the replica started to swing on its own. This caught her attention.
Back downstairs, Susan slammed her trunk downwards, locking it as the outside of the hotel became windy, leaves flying around. She took a deep breath as the area became chilly, clutching her coat to her body when the swing set in the yard began squeaking, swinging on its own. She began to walk closer to the play area, her eyes widening when the seesaw in the yard began moving back and forth on its own.
Behind her, the engine of her car started suddenly, no one behind the wheel. Susan had yet to notice this, her focus on the seesaw as she brought her hand up to stop its movements. Confused by all that's happening. Susan became even more startled when the merry-go-round began spinning violently, again, on its own. Her heart began racing with fear, tears streaming down her face as she stumbled backwards.
That's when her car started racing towards her, Susan was terrified, running in the opposite direction but the car was gaining on her, luckily Sam tackled her, shoving her out of the way and into safety causing the car to miss Susan and crash into a trees. "You okay?" Sam asked her concerned and out of breath. "I think so" Susan gasped out as Dean and Y/N appeared, helping Susan up in a hurry. "Come on, let's get inside. Let's go, come on" Dean told her urgently.
Sam helped Susan in, his hands on her shoulder comfortingly as they walked to the bar of the hotel. "Whiskey" Susan breathed out, heaving with fear. "Sure. I know the feeling" Y/N muttered, giving Sam a knowing look before pacing over to the whiskey at the bar counter. "What the hell happened out there?" Susan asked, shaken as she sat at a table in the bar.
"You want the truth?" Dean huffed, "Of course" Susan stressed. "Well, at first we thought it was some sort of Hoodoo curse. But that out there?" Dean pointed to the yard, "That was definitely a spirit" He sighed, his eyes wandering to y/n who was walking back with a glass of whiskey in her hands. "Here you go hun" Y/N said gently, handing Susan the glass, who was looking at Dean with wild eyes.
"You're insane" Susan gasped before gulping down the liquor, "Eh, it's been said" Dean shrugged, "Look, I'm sorry Susan. We don't exactly have time to ease you into this. But we need to know when your mother had the stroke" Sam said apologetically as Susan swallowed the whiskey, tears flowing down her face. She looked between them confused,"What does that have to do with-"
"Just answer the question" Sam interrupted her, "Uhh- about a month ago" Susan responded, her tone shaky. Dean and Sam nodded in realization, "Right before the killings began." Y/N said knowingly before looking at Dean with a face that said 'I told you so'. "See? What if Rose was working Hoodoo but not to hurt anyone, but to protect them?" Y/N suggested. "She was using the five-spot urns to ward off the spirit" Dean agreed.
"Right. Until she had her stroke and she couldn't anymore" Sam added, Susan was bewildered by all of this. "I don't believe this" Susan gasped shaking her head, causing Dean to roll his eyes, not having the time for this. "Listen sister, that car didn't try to run you down by itself, okay" Dean huffed as y/n raised her brows at his statement. "I mean, I guess it did but the spirit can- Forget it" Dean attempted to explain but cut himself off at the end.
"Just believe what you want, alright. But bathe fact if, you and your family are in danger." Sam tried to warn her gently, taking a seat across from her. "Alright? So you need to clear everybody out of here. Your employees, your mother, your daughters, everyone" Y/N added calmly, listing off who she needed to clear out. "Um...I only have one daughter" Susan informed them, furrowing her brows.
The hunters became confused at this, "One?" Sam questioned, confused, "I thought Tyler had a sister named Maggie" Dean pointed out, "Yeah, I saw her when we first checked in. The little blonde girl who bumped into me with Tyler and- Oh my-" Y/N added before realization dawned on her. Placing a hand over her mouth, internally cursing herself for not realizing it sooner. "What? No, Maggie's imaginary!" Susan shook her head, the three shared a knowing and scared look at this. "Where's Tyler?" Sam asked urgently.
Upstairs in the attic, Maggie stood in front of a feeble Rose, who looked terrified, grunting in pain. "She's going to stay here with me. And you can't stop me. There's nothing you can do about it" Maggie taunted Rose with a sadistic smile, "Maggie, don't. You're not supposed to bother Grandma" Tyler appeared in the doorway, whispering to Maggie, unaware of the danger she was in.
"I know. Come on. Let's play" Maggie smirked, moving towards Tyler. "Can we have a tea party?" Tyler asked hopefully. "We can have lots of tea parties. Forever and ever and ever" Maggie continued to taunt Rose as she exited in an unease tone.
Susan, Sam, Dean and Rose ran up the stairs. Susan opened the door to the private room, screaming, "Tyler!" As she burst in, only to be met with all of the dolls on the floor, broken and battered. Heads, arms, limbs everywhere from the dolls. "Oh, my God. Tyler!" Susan gasped terrified, rushing up to the room above where Rose was as Sam, Dean and Y/N searched the private room. Y/N grimaced, gulping at the broken dolls on the floor.
Can't blame the spirit there, it was fucking creepy. She thought to herself.
"She's not here!" Susan yelled hysterical, running back into the room. "Hun. Tell us what you know about Maggie" Y/N said in a gentle but urgent tone. "Uh...not much. Tyler's been talking about her since Mom got sick." Susan panicked. "Okay. Did you ever know anyone by that name?" Sam asked. "Uh. No." Susan shook her head, tears streaming down her face as she sobbed.
"Think. Think, I mean, somebody that could've lived here. Might have passed away" Dean urged her. Susan thought for a second until something clicked in her head, "Oh my god, my mom. My mom had a sister named Margaret. She barely spoke about her b-" She stuttered, "Did Margaret happen die here when she was a kid?" Y/N asked again. "She drowned in the pool." Susan informed them. They all shared a knowing look again.
"Come on" Dean said urgently to them all. Running out of the room, heading down to the pool.
On the railings above the pool, Maggie and Tyler stood on the edge, gripping onto the railing behind them. "I don't like it up here. I'm scared" Tyler said fearfully to Maggie. "It's okay. All you have to do is jump" Maggie assured her, trying to lure Tyler to her death. Tyler looked down unsure, "I can't swim" She gulped. "I know. But it won't hurt, I promise" Maggie assured her again.
"And then we can be together. Forever. And no one will bother us." She added in an enticing tone. "Why don't you just come with me and Mommy?" Tyler asked, not wanting to jump. "Because I can't leave here. And you can't leave me." Maggie sighed, "Please? I don't want to be alone" She begged, Tyler stared down at the pool. Hesitate on whether to jump as Maggie manipulated her.
The four ran towards the entrance of the pool, through the glass doors they see Tyler standing in the railing but y/n saw both girls. "Tyler!" Susan screamed as the three hunters attempted to break through the door using their raw strength. "Tyler!!!" Susan called out to her daughter again, "Come on!" Y/N grunted as Tyler turned to her. Maggie turned to Y/N with wide eyes, she then smirked before shoving Tyler into the pool who screamed as she fell in.
Susan's mouth fell open and y/n's heart fell out of her chest witnessing this, banging harder at the door but it was no use. "Is there another entrance?!" Dean asked Susan. "Around back." Susan panicked, "Alright, let's go. Keep working" Dean quickly to them. Following Susan around the back.
As Sam banged at the door, Y/N forced herself to relax, eyes trained at the locked door infront of them, focusing her eyes on its handle on the inside, scrunching her face in concentration. She reached her right hand forward and closed her eyes. Y/N's fingertips gently glowed an aqua blue colour, a slight hum of crackling energy.
Sam stopped banging against the door with a curious huff as he looked down at Y/N's hand, watching it faintly glow and hum with magic. His eyes widened because this was something that never happened whenever she used her telekinesis.
A soft, blinding white glow emitted from her eyes like beams, swirling like a mini snowstorm as it flashed its usual white. The door in front of them started to tremble in its hinges, the glowing intensifying. She took a breathe before clenching her fist, squeezing her hand tightly as if she were yanking a lever. She winced at the feeling, her body shuddering at its intensity.
There was a sharp creak of the hinges and the door was blown off it's hinges as her eyes faded back to its regular colour.
Without hesitation, Sam and Y/N hurled themselves of the ledge, jumping into the pool. Holding their breathes as they swam towards the little girl. The water rushed around Sam and Y/N as they pushed against it, swimming to Tyler who was face down in the pool.
Sam and Y/N reached her and grabbed her, wrapping their arms around her small body to pull her up to the surface. They broke through the water's surface, gasping for air and coughing up a bit of water. They clutched the unconscious girl to her side, paddling back to the side of the pool. Their hearts were racing and lungs were burning from holding their breaths.
Dean and Susan emerged from the back after Dean had finally gotten the stubborn door broken in with multiple kicks to the wooden plank as Sam and Y/N laid an unconscious Tyler at the edge of the pool after carrying her in their arms. Susan's heart broke seeing her daughter like this, sobbing hysterically. Y/N was just about to attempt to perform CPR until Tyler came to and began to cough and hack out water, leaning over as she tried to draw in air.
Susan sobbed with relief as she grabbed her daughter and held her tight. "Oh, my God. Thank god" Susan sobbed. "Mommy" Tyler croaked. "Yeah, baby. I'm here" Susan cried, clutching onto her daughter. They all breathed out a sigh of relief, "Tyler, sweetie. Did you see Maggie anywhere?" Y/N asked the little girl in a gentle bit urgent tone. Tyler looked around before shaking her head,
"No, she's gone" She said resting her soaked head against her mothers chest. "Mommy." Tyler croaked as Shan sobbed.
"You'd really do that for me?" Maggie asked, now stood back in-front of her sister. Rose weakly nodded as she telepathically communicated with her sister, "Yes. If you did, I'd let them go" Maggie answered. "But I don't understand. You kept me away for so long." She gasped, "I thought you didn't love me anymore" She said but Rose weakly shook her head. "Okay....little sister" She smiled before moving closer to Rose. Resting her hand on her cheek.
"Don't worry honey, we're leaving in two minutes, we just gotta get Grandma" Susan assured her daughter, leading her upstairs to Rose's room. "I don't get it, did Maggie just stop?" Dean huffed, confused. Sam and Y/N shrugged, also stumped. "Seems like it" Sam sighed. "Well where the hell did she go?" Dean shook his head, "Maybe she got spooked? She's still here. I got that-" Y/N told them, gesturing to the back of her neck.
Susan's terrified heart-wrenching screams broke their conversation. All three of their heads snapped in the direction of Susan's cries. They exchanged alarmed looks before they all immediately sprinted in the direction of the screams up the stairs. Dean, Sam and Y/N rushed into the room to find Rose's body slumped in her chair, dead. Their hearts sank in their chest as Susan pulled her daughter out of the room.
Coroners were now wheeling Rose's deceased body out and into the van as the three hunters watched with sympathy. Susan was stood at the porch, surveying the saddening loss. They all walked towards Susan, “Paramedics said it was another stroke” She informed them, wiping a tear away. “You think…Margaret could’ve had something to do with it?” She asked sorrowfully. “Uh, we don’t know” Dean said softly. “But, it’s possible” Sam added.
“Susan, I’m sorry” Y/N offered her condolences, “God, you have nothing to apologize for. You two have given me everything” She assured them, grateful for saving her daughter. Sam and Y/N offered her a small smile before she turned to Tyler, “Ready to go, kiddo?” She asked her daughter sweetly. “Yeah” Tyler nodded as she stepped closer to her mom.
“Tyler, you’re sure Maggie’s not around anymore?” Dean asked the girl softly. “I’m sure. I’d see her” Tyler assured them, as Susan held her close. Ushering her down the porch and towards the taxi. “Well, I guess whatever’s going on must be over” Dean muttered to Sam and Y/N. The younger Winchester opened the taxi door, holding it open for the mother and daughter.
“You two take care of yourselves, alright?” Sam said sweetly, Susan then turned to him, engulfing him in a warm hug. Sam’s eyes widened in surprise at the woman's affectionate gesture, but he returned the hug gently back. “Thank you” Susan murmured to him. Sam stiffened a little in Susan’s embrace, not expecting the sudden hug. The woman was a lot shorter than him, so he felt a tad awkward, but he quickly melted into her affection, wrapping an arm around her waist, returning the hug.
Dean and Y/N chuckled a little at the sight, watching the tall man awkwardly return the hug. Tiny smirks twisting on their lips as they watched. She let go of him and turned to Y/N and Dean, “All of you” She added with a slight blushed giving Sam a once over before getting into the taxi. Sam closed the door for her before the taxi drove off. “I think you could’ve hooked up some MILF action there, bud” Dean teased his little brother.
Sam scoffed at this, “Seriously, I think she liked you” Y/N added with a smirk. “She was just grateful. She almost lost her daughter” Sam rolled his eyes at his brother and best friends crude thoughts. “I dived headfirst into that pool and broke the door down. Where’s my thank you hug?” Y/N retorted in a teasing tone.
Dean snorted and patted her on the shoulder, “Poor baby” He mocked, with a smirk. “I’ll give you thank you hug” Dean offered, opening his arms wide for her. She rolled her eyes at his antics before stepping into his hold. He wrapped his strong arms around her, pulling her closer to him. She chuckled, wrapping her own arms around his waist, resting her chin on his chest.
“That, Sam, is a normal hug. What Mrs. Robinson was giving you was the ‘do me’ eyes” Y/N joked, crossing her eyes as she stepped out of Deans hug. “You two should be the last to talk about that” Sam muttered to himself with a scoff. “Huh?” Dean and Y/N brows raised in unison. “Nothing” Sam snorted, shaking his head. Dean and Y/N shared a look before shrugging it off. “You guys saved the mom, you saved the girl, not a bad day” Dean said.
“Course, you know I could’ve saved em myself, but I didn’t want you two to feel useless” Dean said in a smug tone as they walked over to Baby and Quinn. Sam and Y/N chuckled at this, “Alright, I appreciate it” Sam said sarcastically. “Feels good getting back on the saddle, doesn’t it?” Dean asked as he took his keys out, unlocking his door.
“Yeah…yeah it does.” Y/N sighed, taking up her helmet on her bike that was parked next to Dean’s car, “But that doesn’t change what we talked about last night, Dean” Sam added in a low tone. Giving his brother a knowing look. Deans smiled dropped, “We talked about a lot of things last night” He tried to sway the subject, “You know what he means” Y/N gave the elder Winchester a serious look.
Dean’s jaw tightened, his expression hardening as both Sam and Y/N stared him down with a serious look. He knew exactly what they were referring to, but he didn’t want to answer them. He couldn’t answer them.
“You guys were wasted” Dean scoffed, “But you weren’t. And you promised” Sam retorted firmly before unlocking his door and hopping into Baby. Dean turned to Y/N who was leaned against her bike, arms crossed across her chest. Anguish in his eyes, “You didn’t mean it, did you?” Y/N asked in a knowing tone, “We already had this conversation” Dean furrowed his eyebrows. “What?” Y/N asked confused, trying to recall what he’s referring to.
“Wait- what’s the last thing you remember?” Dean asked her, tilting his head slightly. Y/N narrowed her eyes in confusion and thought, trying her best to recall the past night. Her memory was hazy and she didn’t quite remember everything that happened, the alcohol she consumed probably being the culprit. She was silent for a minute, trying to figure out Dean’s question as she tried to recall what she said, or did last night.
“Honestly, the last thing I remember is going ‘Weee’ like an airplane over your shoulder. Everything else is blank” She shrugged, noticing the flushed look on Deans face. “Why? Did I do you say something else?” She asked curiously, uncrossing her arms. Dean let out a nervous chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck as he darted his eyes away from the girl. Sam watched the pair from his seat in the car, noticing the suspicious behavior from his brother and listening in on the conversation.
“Uh, no.” He shook his head, taking a deep breath. Thankful she didn’t remember their cuddle session last night. She eyes him suspiciously, squinting her eyes a little as she noticed the nervous behavior. She wasn’t dumb, she could easily put two and two together. He wasn’t looking at her. He was nervous. He was lying. Something was off, and she could tell.
“You’re lying” Y/N stated bluntly, crossing her arms across her chest. “You told me exactly what you just said. That I didn’t mean it.” Dean cleared his throat, fiddling with his keys. Hoping she’d take the bait. Y/N studied his expression closely as he fiddled with his keys. She tilted her head in confusion, still scrutinizing his every move. She didn’t believe him, there was no way it was that simple.
She wanted to believe, but something was off. And she wasn’t buying it. “And then…?” Y/N asked him. Dean swallowed nervously, shifting his weight from one foot to the other under her intense stare. He could feel Sam’s eyes on him from the car, probably listening intently. He had to come up with a believable lie to get her off his case.
“And then, you called me ‘pretty’ and ‘cute’ and pinched my cheeks” He said to her in a teasing tone, hoping she’d take the bait and dismiss him. Her eyes widened, her face practically paled with embarrassment because it wouldn’t have been the first time she’s done that. Doesn’t make it any less embarrassing though.
Dean noticed the color drain from her face in that moment, and a victorious smirk tugged at the corners of his lips. He couldn’t believe that it actually worked. He was half-expecting her to call him out on another lie, but she looked mortified instead. His smirk grew a little as he teased her even further.
Her cheeks were flushed red, practically burning in embarrassment as she remembered her drunken behavior. She was going to have a very serious talk with herself about her alcohol tolerance. “Oh my god, I am never drinking again” She muttered in a mortified tone. Burying her face in her gloved hands. She couldn’t believe she actually said and did those things. She was a completely different person when she was that wasted.
“You seriously don’t remember doing that? I was gonna use it as blackmail material” He chuckled, jokingly. “I’ve still got that picture of you when you let me do your makeup, Winchester” She snapped her head up at him, narrowing her eyes.
His eyes widened as he froze in that moment, instantly recalling that horrifying event. He completely forgot that picture existed. It was the absolute worst picture of him, with glittery eyelids, blush and a thick line of bright pink lipstick to top it all off. He looked like a complete moron, and he couldn’t deny that it was the most humiliating thing he, Sam and Bobby ever experienced. (see ‘Makeover’ in prequel to understand)
“You wouldn’t dare” Dean said to her in a challenging tone, narrowing his eyes at her. She was always a menace, and he knew she would dare to do those things. The real question was if she would have the gall to actually use it for extortion. “Try me” Y/N huffed, placing her hands on her hips. “Remind me of last night again and you’ll see your ‘pretty’ face on the bullet board at the Roadhouse, deal?”
“Touché” Dean smirked, putting his hand out to shake hers. She rolled her eyes, shaking his hand firmly. “Keep your promise though. I mean it.” Y/N added firmly after letting go of his hand. He knew wasn’t talking about her fake drunken words, but the promise he made to her and Sam. His heart felt heavy as she straddled her bike, snapping on her helmet. Dean sighed, clearing his throat before jumping into Baby.
Sam wouldn’t look at him, the tension in the vehicle undeniably thick as he shoved his key into his ignition. Starting his car, y/n drove out first before Dean pulled out, following behind her.
Authors Note: Patiently waiting to be cussed out right now👀💀
Jkjk, you all know I love a good fluff so I couldn’t resist. Thank you for reading everyone!
Taglist: @hjgdhghoe @rach5ive @tiggytaylor @star-yawnznn @quarterhorse19
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actually-a-fish · 6 months
the best supernatural episodes
according to an autistic person with a special interest and the ability to make a list.
if youre really serious about supernatural spoilers then maybe stay away :)
None of the season one episodes made in on the list but I will give an honorable mention to S1 E2 Wendigo.
S2 E11 Playthings - A classic, creepy girls in a creepy hotel. Special call out to Sam getting SLOPPY
S2 E16 Roadkill - There's a ghost haunting the highway. the Boys help the spirit move on. This is an early example of monster empathy
S2 E18 Hollywood Babylon - Dean loves hollywood. I love dean. this episode makes me kick my feet like a little girl and i will not defend myself.
S2 EP 20 What Was Shall Never Be - all I have in my notes for this one is "Dean Djinn Dream" which was enough for me to remember the episode and get misty eyes. This is SEASON 2 my son will never know peace.
S3 E5 Bedtime Stories -I had to check the wiki on this one, I think i liked it cause it referenced classic fairytales
S3 E13 Ghostfacers! - Im a Facer through and through
S3 E16 No Rest for the Wicked - S3 finale and the Boys are facing consequences! Classic Dean, Sam and Bobby episode.
S4 E1 Lazerus Rising - First Cas Episode. That handprint makes me feel things.
S4 E6 Yellow Fever - What if Dean had anxiety (The Eye of the Tiger blooper is also at the end of the episode which gives it bonus points.
S4 E17 Wishful Thinking - Make a wish? was it for your teddy bear to be diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder? Well thats what youre getting!
S4 E17 It's a Terrible Life - Sam ~ the sales rep. Dean ~ middle management.
S4 E18 The Monster at the End of the Book - There are books about Sam and Dean?! Written by this guy who loves self insert character? Surely the entire show isn't about to take a tone shift?
S5 E3 Free to be You and Me - Sam and Dean are fighting again, but this time Dean has a new heavenly boy toy to play with instead. (Cas has no rizz yet it's actually a little painful to watch)
S5 E5 Fallen Idol - Okay the Wax People episode is on here for one reason and one reason only. Paris Hilton.
S5 E7 The Curious Case of Dean Winchester - Old man Dean and old man Bobby. This is also the episode for HH Husk kinnies.
S5 E8 Changing Channels - Dr Sexy MD is that you?!
S5 E9 The Real Ghostbuster - *in a grizzly voice* "I'm Dean Winchester, this is my brother Sam. Have you experienced anything strange?" "Dude that was so good! Now we can go solve the puzzle" "Man you're breaking the immersion!"
S5 E10 Abandon All Hope - This is here for Crowley's first appearance and not because the end will make you cry.
S5 E12 Swap Meat - "uh... its Audi Nos". Freaky Friday starring Sam Winchester! An angsty teen and April Kepner from Grey/Sloan Memorial Hospital.
S5 E16 Dark Side of the Moon - The Boys lives flash before their eyes. Dean is pissed forever about Sams.
S5 E19 Hammer of the Gods - this is for all my pagans out there!
S6 E4 A Weekend at Bobby's - What do you think this episodes about idjit.
S6 E15 The French Mistake -  “For whatever reason, our life is a TV show.” “Why?” “I don't know.” “No, seriously. Why? Why would anybody want to watch our lives?” 
S7 E4 Defending your Life - consequences? for fucking people over? how about you stand trial.
S7 E20 The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo - The self insert character made for us :) Luv u 4ever Charlie XD
S8 E4 Bitten - found footage will always scare. this one reminds me that this show started as a psuedo horror.
S8 E8 hunteri heroci - Cas tries his hand at being a hunter
S8 E17 Goodbye Stranger - verbatim here are my notes for this episode "Cas chooses Dean, but the way he handles Meg... Fuck Naomi"
S8 E18 Clip Show - If you only want to watch just one episode of Supernatural this should be it. It's not actually a clip show, theres a broment, bonding time with favorite characters and crazy plots that only supernatural could get away with.
S9 E5 Dog Dean Afternoon - Dean is finally a dog person
S9 E11 First Born - Another bro fight leads to shipping <3 SamxCas + DeanxCrowley <3
S9 E15 #thinman - the slender episode feat. GHOSTFACERS. You come away from this episode thinking "supernatural is so fucking gay why wont the boys kiss"
S9 E21 King of the Damned - my favorite crowley era change my mind. Also the way the Boys interrogate an angel is so funny
S10 E5 Fan Fiction - I would unironically fuck w a supernatural musical and if helluva/hazbin taught me anything the rest of you would too
S10 E6 Ask Jeeves - The Clue episode. (Pay attention to the improvised weapons Dean chooses. It brings me joy)
S10 E9 The Things we Left Behind - Cas is suffering a midlife crisis and his besties are there to help him repair his relationship with his daughter. Funnily enough, Crowley is also getting some family bonding in.
Okay, I'm all caught up on my list. Should I have stayed up late transcribing this with an 8am class tommarow?
Probably not but it did bring me great joy. Tell me your favorite episode! I'll continue to add to my list as I continue my rewatch :)
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The Boys: Why the Gruesomest Show on TV Is Also One of the Greatest
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Brash. Brazen. Bonkers. Brutal. Bloody. Bawdy. Bizarre. On the surface, 'The Boys' is a show I should absolutely loathe, yet I love it. Why? Because it’s like nothing else I’ve ever seen before, and that makes it exhilarating! 
In this day and age of remakes, reboots, sequels, and prequels, 'The Boys' is a revelation. It takes everything we’ve come to know and love about the superhero genre and turns it on its head. Actually, it smashes its head in and flies off, covered in blood, with a big grin on its face. 
This alone is a great antidote to the "superhero fatigue” that so many of us have been suffering from. With the DC Universe currently in a Chapter 1 reset, and the Marvel Cinematic Universe in the midst of a very busy Phase 5, ditching the genre (and all the films, TV shows, and spin-offs you have to watch to keep up with it) has been beyond tempting.
In showrunner Eric Kripke's cleverly subverted script for 'The Boys' (based on a comic book series by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson), each superhero, or "supe,” as they are dubbed in the show, is a satirical spin on a classic DC or Marvel character, even down to their collective name, The Seven (based on the Justice League).
However, unlike the more moral idols it takes its inspiration from, 'The Boys' is an R-rated romp that explores the ramifications of giving ordinary humans superhuman powers. Behind all the muscled supersuits and PR-manufactured wholesomeness, our heroes have become outright antagonists, and the so-called vigilantes have become our (anti)heroes.
Soldier Boy is an angry and arrogant take on Captain America. Homelander is a narcissistic, sadistic, and volatile version of Superman. Queen Maeve is Wonder Woman, if she were reduced to a cynical sidekick. All-American girl Starlight is an amalgamation of Mary Marvel, Stargirl, and Dazzler. Kimiko possesses a feral quality akin to that of Wolverine. Tek Knight is a BDSM-obsessed Batman. Black Noir is a masked mercenary in the same vein as Deadpool (minus the sass). The Deep is a dumb, perverted parody of Aquaman, and A-Train is a reckless Flash or Quicksilver. They even have their own Nick Fury of sorts, in the form of Vought International SEO Stan Edgar.
In the era of corruption, celebrities, and social influence, real-life supes would definitely abuse their powers and gaslight the public into believing every bit of righteous bullshit that came out of their mouths. They only (and begrudgingly) do good deeds to get more follows and likes, and most don’t like each other either, viewing teammates and partners as competitors rather than comrades.
This dark, disturbing, and at times hilarious take on the genre is what makes the show stand out amongst the rest. It easily offends, distresses, traumatises, titilates, and grosses you out. But it’s not just done for headlines and shock value. Every single chaotic, cruel, and unpredictable action is there for a reason. It forms part of a character’s motivations, it propels the plot forward, or it sets up a new and exciting direction.
Casting is another ingenious ingredient in the supe soup that is 'The Boys'. Household names (Antony Starr, Karl Urban, Giancarlo Esposito, Jensen Ackles, Simon Pegg, and Jeffrey Dean Morgan, to name a few) are mixed in with relatively new names (Erin Moriarty, Karen Fukuhara, Tomer Capone, Dominique McElligott, Aya Cash, and Colby Minifie). However, all performances are stellar. There isn’t one specific actor who carries the whole show or steals every scene (although Starr can be the most mesmerising). As an ensemble, they all have a role to play, and they play it scarily and consistently well.
Every episode is an intense mix of gratuitous violence, gore, sex, nudity, language, and drug use. Characters engage in orgies, bodies are mutilated and torn apart, heads are blown clean off, religious views are ridiculed, and political agendas are exploited. There are supes who are sexist, supes who are homophobic, supes who are racist, supes who are ableist, and supes cloaked in woke ideology purely for the purpose of infiltration and manipulation.
That being said, and for a show that always feels one scene away from being banned, 'The Boys' has shown incredible restraint when it comes to its ending. Five seasons was what was planned, and five seasons is what it’ll be. Despite top ratings for each season, a loyal fanbase, rich source material, and the potential to introduce dozens more supes and storylines, 'The Boys' can clearly see the value of quitting while it's ahead, and I salute them for it.
I’m confident that the fifth and final season will be f**king diabolical, and I can’t wait!
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saltygilmores · 3 months
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls, 3x8, Let The Games Begin. Part 8-Party People Are You Ready to Cmrh?
Then she Cmere'd... I looked up the full lyrics of this song, Then She Appeared, for the first time today. And I feel this song is quite fitting for Jess and Rory, if for no other reason than they both appreciate References to Things.
Then she appeared Apple Venus on a half open shell Then she appeared The first photograph on Fox Talbots gel
I was a little frightened Flying with my senses heightened Cherubim cheered, then she appeared
Then she appeared As the giggling crew of Mary Celeste Then she appeared Pale Atlantis rising out of the west
I was a little dazzled Catherine wheeled and senses frazzled Know it sounds weird, then she appeared
And the sun which formally shone In the clearest summer sky Suddenly just changed address Now shines from her blue eyes
Then she appeared Brittle shooting star that dropped in my lap Then she appeared Dressed in tricolor and phrygian cap
I was a little troubled Hookah with my senses bubbled All Edward leered, then she appeared
And the moon which formally shone On the marbled midnight mile Suddenly just packed its bags Now shines from her bright smile
Then she appeared Out of nowhere Then she appeared Out of nowhere
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I CANNOT. *leaps off a short building* Every time I'm about to put a pox on AmyShermanPalladino's home for ruining What Could Have Been, I center myself. I remind myself that this is 1000% Milo Fucking Ventimiglia's fault. We could have had it all. But no. He had to break free. He had to explore greener pastures. If greener pastures were unforgettable cinema classics such as Dirty Deeds (the movie where he jerks off into a loaf of bread) And Stay Alive. Amy Sherman Palladino was like, hey Milo, how about 5 years of steady work? And he was like no can do Amy but how about Jess gets hit by a bus for funsies?
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You know what AmyShermanPalladino did ruin, though? This scene by having Rory abandon Jess to go find Dean for some reason.
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That's DIRTY. What part works? Your wiener? Are you saying your wiener is working, Jess? I mean, that's good to know. But moot. The little fella is not going to see the light of the day for the next 8 months.
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Uh oh. She's got that far off look in her eyes, people. Rory wears many crowns in this episode. The Queen of Blue Balls. The Queen of the Smooch and Run. She's got important business to attend to in both kingdoms. Jess will just have to attend to his own, apparently functioning, wiener.
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Sports announcer named Bill who doesnt know anything about sports and is also a referee kinda and the other announcer is named Jim: Bill: Oh, it looks like there's been a violation on the court! To the bench for Gilmore! Jim, I've never seen such flagrant blue balling in all my years of describing television shows while I watch them as if they were basketball games! Jim: This is an unfortunate day for Jess Mariano's wiener, Bill. Bill: An unfortunate day indeed, Jim. Just as it's career was getting off the ground.
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First of all Rory, of course you said "I look forward to many similar occurences in the future" after a mind bending makeout. Secondly, Why NOW? This very minute? Did Dean throw up the Butt Signal or something?
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Yes, let us all Cumurrrh. If only life were made of nothing but sunshine, rainbows, and Cmeres.
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She's still thinking about Dean while this is happening.
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What Jess is going to be doing to his meat for the next 8 months. #beatit #justbeatit #beatthatmeat
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Indeed. Hey, do you think Rory will run into Luke on her way to find Dean? I think his cock blocking mission went awry, he got lost and he's wandering around with a flashlight somewhere on the outskirts of Hartford, he thinks he sees movement in the bushes and thinks it must be Jess and Rory screwing on the ground in public (as it appears everyone thinks they do this) and he's like Aha! Found you! Jesstopher Mariano, as long as you live under my roof you will keep your pants on! It's back to the diner for you! You will work 12 hour shifts! I will pay you in acorns and pine cones and you will like it! And then he shines the flashlight but its just two stray dogs going at it. Between all this cock blocking and blue balling, there is a flicker of light. Of hope. of Joy. of Dean telling Rory to her face that nobody likes her. *wipes away tear* Dean was so real for this.
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We get Dean creeping on Lorelai's window, Jess creeping on Lane's window, Rory climbing a tree and creeping in Dean's window...In none of these instances are any of the people behind the windows surprised or freaked out (Lorelai loved it, in fact). This one is particularly egregious. Girly really left Jess at a gas station so she could risk life and limb to climb a damn tree to talk to this clown with ugly curtains. Just what she needs, another broken arm that everyone could turn around and blame on Jess somehow.
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Rory says she didn't want to ring the doorbell because she'd have to talk to Dean's mom who she thinks must hate her. Dean states his mom doesn't know anything. Yeah, it's probably not something Rory has to worry about, as I'm convinced Dean's parents dont know or care he exists. They just think a family of racoons lives upstairs and they made their den homey with a dartboard and a football poster. In any case, I don't think Mrs F gives a shit about her son's dorky high school drama. Thankfully not all moms are like Lorelai. Constantly meddling and sticking their noses into every tiny nook and cranny of their adult child's personal life. Speaking of Lorelai, Maybe Dean's Mom should be concerned though that he is being hotly pursued by a sexual predator (Lorelai). Okay, so not only did Rory leave Jess to talk to Dean, it wasn't even to discuss status of their own former relationship. She climbed a fucking tree just to implore Dean to tell his mom they broke up and to pout that his mom must hate her and thinks she's a little floozy (why would she think this? Mrs F's own worthless son dumped Rory, not the other way around. Also, Dean's mom better strap in in 2004.) Does my ex boyfriend's mom still love me and if she doesn't then why? Everyone loves me, Rory.
Describe Gilmore Girls Poorly: A show about about not engaging in any romantic relationships within a small town until you can escape and move at least 30 miles away. Again, if you think things are awkward now with your ex's mom... *whispers* 2004... Rory pouts that Dean is going to tell Clara and Clara is going to hate her too. Meanwhile, back at the gas pumps, Jess is realizing Luke is hopelessly lost and takes advantage of the situation.
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Portrait of the jerkoff artist at work.
Sometimes, something happens in an episode of a tv show, something so DELICIOUS, that nothing else that happens afterwards even matters. Closing time, I know who I want to take me home, etc etc.
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I really want to end the episode here because it would be just, UGH, perfect, but alas I still have soooo much rambling to do, while I bask in the confusing glow of Dean Forrester's humbling. Rory starts telling a story about some girl who lived in a tree for a year and Dean tries to close the blinds on her. Rory is not having it. Proceeds to tell a speech so unbelievably packed with lies and bullshit it would make Trump jealous. For every bullshit statement about Dean that comes out of her own, I'm going to zap with her with a tiny painless electric shock. Dean, you were the most amazing boyfriend in the world ⚡️ You made me so happy ⚡️ You made me laugh ⚡️ (when was this, exactly?) My mother liked you (and how!) you were nice to my friends ⚡️, you protected me ⚡️ (your friend had to protect you from his temper) you even came with me to that stupid ball (only after pitching a bitchfit about it first) I really did love you (only because my mommy said I had to love you) ⚡️I'm going to miss you sooo much⚡️(my mom will though) Dean: You're with him now? Rory: I don't want to talk about him. I just came to tell you how sorry I am. Wow. WOW.
Your NEW BOYFRIEND who is FRESH AS A DAISY and whose BALLS REALLY HURT right now is wondering where you went! Oh please Jess, do ask Rory tomorrow why she had to run off so suddenly. Let her stew in guilt juices as she struggles to explain how she ran away after your first real kiss as a couple to feed her ex boyfriend a freshly baked casserole of lies about how amazing he is and how much she misses him and how you, the new boyfriend, aren't even worth discussing. HOW IS DEAN THE HERO IN HIS EPISODE. Luke IS LOST really needs MONEY FOR CAB FARE FROM HARTFORD. She profusely apologizes for how she "treated him". Dean humbling Rory: Necessary on occasion Rory apologizing to Dean for anything: No. Just no. Even if she was at fault for certain things, like playing mind games and running around on him with Jess (Dean doesn't even know she cheated on him). We do not apologize to Dean for anything. Rory climbing a tree to grovel to Dean: Pathetic Rory climbing a tree to grovel to Dean and beg for his mom and 9 year old sister to please like her and tell Dean how uhmazing he was: Double pathetic with a side of Pity Cherries on top. We do not CRY-GROVEL to DEAN FORRESTER from a TREE! *whacks her with a newspaper*
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Oh no..oh no...I swear she was walking away from the couch like she was going to go to bed, then she had to turn around. SHE HAD TO TURN AROUND. Rory: It was...eventful. Lorelai: It was eventful? *Chuckles in Lorelai* *a dark cloud forms* *Salty braces for impact of Couch Speech*
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WHY RORY. WHY. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU. Here's my End of Episode Bingo Card (with two bingos! Almost a full card!)
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fandomtrashhh · 2 years
Updated for Episode 12
So I did a thing. I went back to every episode of The Winchesters and I wrote down everything that Dean has said so far, and I realized moreso than before how EVERYTHING he says not only is the lesson/theme of the episode, but it all also applies to himself. Also, I'm not sure if other people realize this because not everyone is into classic rock as I am, (many of the songs are rock songs) but all the songs also match what the episodes are about. Let's start with episode 1.
Sorry if I overlooked something or for any mistakes, I did not rewatch every episode to make this.
I also apologize for how long this is. If I knew how to add the "read more" on this post I totally would.
Major spoilers for all episodes of the Winchesters ahead!!!
Episode 1, "Pilot": March 3rd, 1972. The day Dad came home from the war, and the day he met Mom. Now I know this story might sound familiar, but I'm gonna put the pieces together in a way that just might surprise you. And in order to do that, I have to start all the way at the beginning.
Obviously, Dean is just starting the story. He tells us this is when John and Mary are going to meet, and he's also foreshadowing what's to come. This is why I have high hopes for this show, because Dean says so in the beginning that even though you think you might know everything, there's really more to the story.
Dean also narrated at the very end of the episode:
What they didn't know is that the Akrida weren't just a threat to Earth, but to all of existence. Now, like I told you, there's gonna be some surprises. Hell, I'm still trying to find all the puzzle pieces myself. But I'll explain everything. And until then, I'll keep picking the music.
Also something to note is that this is the only episode that has a non music related title. I'm 100% sure that if it did have a song related title, it would be "I'd Love to Change the World" by Ten Years After. The beginning, when Dean is first narrating and while John is holding the letter that Dean gave him and pretty much up to the point where John and Mary run into each other, that song is playing. Then at the very end of the episode, when we see Dean in the flesh, it's playing again. I find this VERY interesting, especially since the music applies to everything in this show. This leads me to believe that Dean really is trying to change something because the song literally says "I'd love to change the world, but I don't know what to do, so I'll leave it up to you." (The song also mentions bees, which I thought was interesting. That could be nothing, though.)
Episode 2 "Teach Your Children Well": The ties that bind a family together can be complicated. Parents raise you, teach you what's right and wrong, and in some instances, how to kill monsters. But no matter who you are, there comes a time when you have to break from them and make your own way. And if you're not careful, things can get pretty ugly.
“Teach Your Children Well” by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young. Let me show you some of the lyrics:
“You, who are on the road
Must have a code that you can live by
And so, become yourself
Because the past is just a goodbye
Teach your children well
Their father's hell did slowly go by
And feed them on your dreams
The one they pick's the one you'll know by
Don't you ever ask them, "Why?"
If they told you, you would cry
So just look at them and sigh
And know they love you”
A big theme in this episode is parents, the guy who goes missing at the beginning for one, but mostly about John’s parents. John and Millie argue over John hunting and all around the episode is about kids forging their own paths and how it can cause issues which I feel like can definitely apply to Dean and how he discovers his identity away from his father and how the things his father put them through were wrong and how that caused issues.
Episode 3 "You’re Lost Little Girl": There's no map to being a hunter. No playbook. You gotta follow your gut. But that can only take you so far. Truth is, you can't do it all on your own. You need other people to help guide the way-- your friends, your family. Otherwise you just end up lost.
“You’re Lost Little Girl” is by The Doors. Some lyrics:
“You're lost little girl
You're lost little girl
You're lost, tell me who
Are you?
Think that you know what to do
Impossible? Yes, but it's true
I think that you know what to do
Sure that you know what to do”
In this episode, Mary gets taken by a monster and everyone is trying to find her. Mary thinks that she doesn’t need anyone to help her because she’s a good hunter, but she ends up needing them to save her. It’s the same with Dean, Dean is an amazing hunter, but he still needs his friends and his family.
Episode 4, "Masters of War": Fighting the battle between good and evil isn't easy, especially when the first monster you have to face is the one inside yourself.
“Masters of War” is by Bob Dylan.
The lyrics for this song are very meaningful and well done. To put it simply, it’s about war and criticism of war.
“You fasten all the triggers
For the others to fire
Then you sit back and watch
When the death count gets higher
You hide in your mansion
While the young people's blood
Flows out of their bodies
And is buried in the mud”
In this episode, John and Carlos talk about their trauma from the Vietnam War and we really get an insight to how much anger John has in him. John is Dean’s parallel in this episode because Dean has a lot of unresolved trauma and deep rooted anger that is mentioned in Supernatural and it also fits because Dean was used as a weapon in a war against the supernatural from a young age.
Episode 5, "Legacy of a Mind": Spending a lifetime of hunting monsters takes its toll. There comes a time when you gotta let out that pain inside you. If you don't, it'll eat you alive.
The song “Legacy of a Mind” is by The Moody Blues
“He'll fly his astral plane
Takes you trips around the bay
Brings you back the same day”
This can be applied to what happens in this episode where Mary is stuck in her own head and has to face her trauma, and this song pretty much talks about trippy things like the lyrics above.
This applies so well to the episode because this episode deals with the complicated relationship that Mary has with her parents and her dealing with the trauma she has with being trained to be a hunter from a very young age and how it was wrong of them to do that to her, but she still loves her parents. This also applies to Dean, since John taught him about hunting from a young age, the same way Samuel and Deanna did to Mary. Mary is once again the Dean parallel, like she often is in this show.
Episode 6 "Art of Dying": Hunting has a way of changing a person. After a while, right, wrong, good, evil, they all start to look the same. And then it makes you start to wonder, "Who's really the monster here -- them or me?"
This is the only other episode where Dean narrated at the end:
Hunting's not for everyone. You have to be strong, stay sharp, make tough decisions, and it's not easy, but then again, the righteous things never are.
The Art of Dying is by George Harrison:
"There'll come a time when all of us must leave here
Then nothing sister Mary can do
Will keep me here with you
As nothing in this life that I've been trying
Could equal or surpass the art of dying
Do you believe me?"
and then the end of the song goes:
"There'll come a time when most of us return here
Brought back by our desire to be
A perfect entity
Living through a million years of crying
Until you've realized the art of dying
Do you believe me?"
This episode the core four finds a case involving an older hunter buddy of Mary's and it turns out that the monster is the ghost of the hunter's friend who the hunter friend and her group killed because he went too dark in magic. That's how the episode applies to Dean's monologue, along with Lata's fear of turning into someone horrible and letting her anger control her. John also (kinda) confronts his anger in this episode. The monologue also talks about how being a hunter is hard, but doing the right thing never is, which also applies to the characters of this episode, especially Lata. This applies to Dean because he really dealt with feelings like that during SPN, and being angry all the time and feeling like he was a monster, and how he always chooses to do the right thing when it comes down to saving the world, even when it's near impossible to.
Episode 7 "Reflections": There comes a time in every hunt when the fightin' starts. And the difference between winning and losing isn't whether you have the holy water, the wooden stake, or the silver bullet. It's whether you've got the grit to get the job done.
Reflections is by the Supremes:
"Through the mirror of my mind
Through all these tears that I'm crying
Reflects a hurt I can't control
Although you're gone
I keep holding on
To those happy times
Oh, girl when you were mine
As I peer through the windows
Of lost time
Keeping looking over my yesterdays
And all the love I gave all in vain
(All the love) All the love
That I've wasted
(All the tears) All the tears
That I've tasted
All in vain
Through the hollow of my tears
I see a dream that's lost
From the hurt baby
That you have caused"
I think this one represents loss, especially the loss of Henry. Dean's monologue ties into this because in this episode there are multiple instances where the characters show real strength and bravery in order to come out the other side with a win. And this can obviously be applied to Dean and everything he has done and hunted and how brave he had to be to be able to actually get the job done.
Episode 8, "Hang on to Your Life”: Being a hunter, it means living a life of sacrifice-- not a lot of room for dreams. But if you open your heart and get a little lucky, you'll find you gain more than you lose.
Hang On To Your Life is by Guess Who:
“Thinking 'bout it's here and it's real
Wondering how I really should feel
Well you can sell your soul
But don't you sell it too cheap
Hang on to your life, oh life, oh life, oh life, oh life
Hang on to your life
Thinking 'bout betraying a friend
Thinking 'bout delaying the end
Well you can ride the wind
But don't you ride it too high”
This episode is about Carlos’ dream of being a musician and how he had to give that up when he became a hunter. The parts about selling his soul and betraying a friend applies to the band member that Carlos used to play with and how he accidentally made a deal and because he “betrayed” Carlos by selling him out to Loki.
Dean’s monologue applies to the theme of found family in this episode. Even though they’re all a part of this life and had to give up their dreams, there is good that came from it in the form of family and friends, the same way that Dean found himself a family in the midst of it all. This is also the episode where John and Mary decided to get together, again proving that they can find something worthwhile, right before they found the picture of Dean. (Insert Miranda Cosgrove meme)
Episode 9 "Cast Your Fate to the Wind": This isn't how I saw things going when I pushed over that first domino. Thing is, I've had more than a few dances with free will and fate, but as my dad used to say, "Fate is what you make it."
The song here is actually a song that I didn’t know. It’s a jazz song by Vince Guaraldi. Honestly, reading the lyrics to this song make me think SO MUCH of John and who he becomes, and I’m actually going to put in the entire lyrics because I can’t chose one section that I feel is most important:
“A month of nights, a year of days
Octobers drifting into Mays
I set my sail when the tide comes in
And I just cast my fate to the wind
I shift my course along the breeze
Won't sail up wind on memories
The empty sky is my best friend
And I just cast my fate to the wind
That time has a way of changing a man throughout the years
And now I’m rearranging my life through all my tears
Alone, alone, alone
There never was, there couldn't be
A place in time for men like me
Who'd drink the dark and laugh at day
And let their wildest dreams blow away
That time has a way of changing a man throughout the years
And now I’m rearranging my life through all my tears
Alone, alone, alone
So now I’m old, I’m wise, I’m smart
I’m just a man with half a heart
I wonder how it might have been
Had I not cast my fate to the wind
To the wind, to the wind”
Like, come on. This is so John coded in who he becomes and what happens to him. In terms of how this song applies to the episode though, it applies to the theme of fate throughout the episode, which ties in with what Dean says at the beginning. “Fate is what you make it.” This speaks true to John in this episode because he uses the knowledge of his death to his advantage and makes his own fate, which Millie uses the “fate is what you make it” line. I find this episode very interesting because they use the theme of fate in an episode that deals with vampires, and has a whole scene that parallels 15x18 AND Carlos gets to kiss his male love interest. Dean’s monologue at the beginning applies to himself because he’s dealt with fate and free will plenty of times in Supernatural.
I also find it interesting that Dean said that this isn't how he saw things going when he pushed over that first domino, which begs the question of what did he expect? What was his goal in doing all of this? It's also worth noting that immediately after he says that he says "fate is what you make it," saying the two apply to each other, go hand in hand. I don't think it's a stretch to say that whatever his intentions were, whatever he did, had to do with controlling his own fate.
So, just to recap: in an episode where the two main characters are dealing with being in a new relationship and whether or not they want to tell people, one of those main characters dies from a vampire in a direct parallel to the 15x18 confession, and two men have an on screen kiss for the first time, and the entire theme of the episode is fate. That's VERY interesting to me.
Episode 10 "Suspicious Minds": Hunting and happy endings don't usually mix, so when you get your chance, you got to ask yourself, "How far will I go to get it?"
This can be read as a direct tie in to his monologue in the last episode! It's along the same lines!!
Something I've noticed is that each episode I feel like the monologues get deeper and more meaningful, the farther we go the more is revealed.
This Dean monologue ends right as John and Mary get interrupted while they're kissing and Mary says "normal will have to wait another day" while there's a close up of Mary's college application as a mirror to SPN 15x20 with Dean's job application. Something I thought was interesting.
Suspicious Minds is an Elvis Presley song, which I know that the trend here is to include 60's and 70's songs, but knowing the intense meaning of Elvis in the Destiel fandom makes me feel a little unwell knowing Elvis actually gets incorporated into the text.
"Oh, let our love survive
I'll dry the tears from your eyes
Let's don't let a good thing die
When honey, you know I've never lied to you
Mmm, yeah, yeah
We're caught in a trap
I can't walk out
Because I love you too much, baby
Why can't you see
What you're doing to me
When you don't believe a word I say?"
So this is very much talking about one of the big plot points of this episode, a man who tries to bring his dead wife back to life in such desperation that he's willing to kill innocents to do it. Now the parallels drawn in this episode are very intentional to both John and Mary, even including the dialogue they speak after they kill said man and how John thinks that's love and Mary thinks it's horrible and she essentially makes him promise that that will never be them (clear foreshadowing) when in reality, even though it's showing that John already had the mindset of "doing it out of love" as he does in the future, they're both guilty of that. Mary brings John back to life when Azazel kills him, and as we all know, after Mary's death John goes on a revenge mission, wasting his life and putting his children through hell in the process. It's also just a running theme throughout SPN of toxic codependency and how almost every major character is also guilty of going to great lengths to bring the ones they love back. The song lyrics also apply to John and Mary as a romantic relationship as well and can show how their relationship is now and foreshadow what will happen in the future.
The thing that is different about this episode though, is that even though the parallels in this episode can apply to Dean, the actual Dean monologue doesn't, and this is what I find really weird and what I think is honestly one of the biggest indications that Jensen really is writing a fix it fanfiction:
This is the only episode where his monologue doesn't directly apply to himself. Every other episode ties in to his own experiences, except for this one. Dean doesn't go to great lengths to get himself a happy ending. Happy endings for other characters? Absolutely. But not for himself. Why would this be the only episode that doesn't directly relate to him? Well me and a lot of other people think because it really does apply to himself. But not as something he experienced in the past or has knowledge on, but as something he is doing right now. He is actively changing his future, possibly even a future with Cas (I do really think that there's a solid possibility that Destiel will become 100% canon in this show because of how everything is being set up, all of the parallels, and the fact that some of the cast, the social media team, and an executive producer has acknowledged some of these said parallels.) So in the end, how far will Dean go to get his happy ending?
Episode 11 "You've Got a Friend": Being a hunter means always being on the move. But no matter how hard you plan, no matter how hard you work, at a certain point, we all run out of road. It's what we do with those crossroads that define us.
"You've Got a Friend" is a song by Carole King from 1971:
"When you're down and troubled
And you need some lovin' care
And nothin', nothin' is goin' right
Close your eyes and think of me
And soon I will be there
To brighten up even your darkest night
You just call out my name
And you know, wherever I am
I'll come runnin'
To see you again
Winter, spring, summer or fall
All you have to do is call
And I'll be there
You've got a friend"
This represents Betty, and how in this episode she goes from being a potential source of trouble for the gang to becoming an ally, or a "friend" and an inside woman for them. This also can be applied to Carlos and Lata because Carlos was there for Lata and helped support her while Lata told Carlos about her childhood trauma.
In this episode, Dean's monologue is about the choices you make before you die. This can be seen in the choices made throughout this episode by multiple characters (Betty, Mary, John, etc) and this ties in with the song because no matter what choices you make, you'll have your friends by your side, which is true to Dean and just Supernatural as whole with their message of family and found family. Admittedly, I feel like the connection to Dean's voiceover and to the title of this episode aren't as strong as a lot of the previous episodes, but they're still there. (Betty, the "friend," makes a choice to work with the rest of the gang.) At the same time, I believe this can also be another instance of foreshadowing because Dean is dead, he's at that metaphorical cross road, and he's making a choice to go into the past.
As I said above, Lata faced her trauma. This is the 4th or 5th instance of someone on this show confronting their past. At this point, it's become a theme. Why would the show reiterate this point over and over? I think this will tie into Dean's reasons for why he's in the 70's. Not to mention this was yet ANOTHER episode where 2 characters are trapped in a room, and this time because of a shadow monster, and the only way to get out is if one confesses a deep secret. What the fuck.
Something to keep in mind is how much this episode emphasized secrets. This seems to foreshadow the fact that Dean is harboring some huge secrets that will soon be discovered. I think the real question now is how will these secrets be revealed to the audience and to our characters?
Episode 12 "The Tears of a Clown": Hunting is a dishonest business. You lie about who you are, and what you do. But the hardest lies aren't what you tell other people, but what you tell yourself."
The song "The Tears of a Clown" was released in 1967 by Smokey Robinson & The Miracles:
"Now if there's a smile on my face
It's only there trying to fool the public
But when it comes down to fooling you
Now honey that's quite a different subject
But don't let my glad expression
Give you the wrong impression
Really I'm sad, oh I'm sadder than sad
You're gone and I'm hurting so bad
Like a clown I appear to be glad (sad, sad, sad, sad)"
Okay, so this episode gave me a lot of brainrot. What the song is expressing is that even if you seem happy, that doesn't mean you are, and that was the big theme of this episode. Just because you seem okay or even think you're okay, that doesn't mean you are. With John, that applies to his anger issues and his unresolved issues with being charged for a murder he didn't commit. For Mary, it's the issues she already has, plus being unhappy in her relationship with John because she thinks he's using their relationship as an escape, and this also applies to her because even though she got accepted into college, she hadn't really taken any steps towards a normal life since then. In general, this episode was about a clown who lures emotionally vulnerable people into his circus tent so he can force them to be "happy" even though they aren't, like we saw with Roger.
This can very much apply to Dean's voice over, because the characters in this episode, including the clown, are actively lying to themselves.
The thing is, like a lot of Dean's voice overs, it's intentionally vague. He could be referring to literally anything. In the context of this episode, it makes the most sense that this is referring to Dean's anger issues and the fact that throughout the entirety of Supernatural, Dean oftentimes told himself and the people around him that he was okay, even though he wasn't. But at the same time, these voice overs and one like this in particular can be interpreted in different ways. What Dean says about facing the lies you tell yourself can apply to sexuality. Dean could be talking about not only his mental and emotional issues, but he could also be referencing being in love with Cas. At this point, Destiel happening feels like genuine build up. Now all we have to do is wait a couple more days to see if it all pays off.
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youraveragebtsstan · 5 months
💫✨ Supernatural, but it's an early 2000's teen drama. (Think 'The O.C' meets 'One Tree Hill' vibes) ✨💫
Imagine, it's a gorgeous Saturday afternoon in 2003. You're in the kitchen pouring a bowl of Resse's Puffs when you hear Ain't It Fun by Paramore from the living room TV. (Pretend this song was out then.) Knowing the hit TV show Supernatural's theme song by anywhere, you rush to the couch.
Since the hit TV show aired in the early 2000's, its all anyone can talk about. Staring heartthrobs Jensen Ackles and Jarred Padalecki, this show tells the story of brothers Sam and Dean as they navigate life raised by their father John since their mother Mary's pasisng.
🤫 Allow me to set the scene...
Tension between Sam and John has been brewing since Season 1, always butting heads on the littlest of things. Dean says it's because they're an awful alot alike but neither party seems to see it. After moving from school to school, town to town, by Season 3 it's at its peak.
Season 3 opens on an 18 year old Sammy filling out an application for Stanford. He does so in secret, knowing Dean would bitch about it and John- well John probably won't be around to care anyway. Thoughout the season we see him rebell, staying out late and going to parties he probably shouldn't be. Dean tries his best to reason with him, but Sam needs to come around on his own time.
By the season finale, tension is at an all time high. Dean reveals to Sam he knows he's leaving them for Stanford after stumbling across his acceptance letter. This prompts Sam and Dean to get into an argument which John overhears.
After some awkward back and forth, Dean eventually blabs to which John says, "Like the college?"
Sam says, "Yeah, Dad- the college."
Dean says, "Isn't that something? He didn't even tell us he applied."
More silence sits netween them before Sam asks John what he thinks. After some thought John says, "Well, if you want to go, go."
Sam looks shocked, "Really?" he asks.
"Yeah," John nods. "But if you're gonna go, you might as well stay gone."
Sam's heart drops, Dean grumbling at his father's carelessness.
This ensues a BIG argument between John and Sam, to which Sam eventually Sam says, "You know what, I will."
Sam heads upstairs to pack, Dean once again trying to be the peacemaker. Eventually the season ends with Sam walking out of the door with a classic one-liner that absolutely shocks the hearts of millions across the world.
Sam isn't actually seen in the following season (S4), giving the audience well needed view of Dean's devotion to John (but also because Jared begins his stint on Gilmore Girls.) His welcome back to the show occurs at the end of the next season where the Original Supernatural starts, but done with a little more class.
On the last episode of Season 5, we see the infamous Impala pulling up outside a college dorm. Someone steps out of the Impala but we can't tell who it is, not just yet anyway. The person walks up to the door and maybe contemplates ringing the doorbell. Eventually he sneaks in and we see him knock something over on the way in.
Upstairs a girl sound asleep hears a noise. Waking up, she shakes her boyfriend saying, "Babe. Babe, I think someone's downstairs." We got back to downstairs where the man is now looking around in the dark- but wait, there's someone behind him. Someone with a bat takes a swing at him, tackling him to the ground. They tussle back and forth, until the burglar is revealed. We zoom in to see Dean, laying on his back with a smile.
"Dean?" says familiar voice.
"Hiya Sammy," Dean replies.
Boom! Hard cut to Sam's face and the crown goes wild!!! Sam says Dean what he's doing there to which Dean says, "Dad went on a hunting trip and now he's missing. I need your help."
Cut to black, end of Season 5.
Lol, dramatic I know, but I just get this awesome feeling of nostalgia whenever I imagine Supernatural as one of those teen drama, sentimental shows. (I've been binging those lately and they're all I can think about..lol)
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collarbjt · 5 months
SPN 1006
Is Supernaturl novel in spn famous now? Performed in school play, just wow
Dean : Out there hunting, is the only normal I know
Again, I’ll kill you john.
Oh, girl acts Dean.
Carry on my wayward son~
Dean’s “NO” face is so serious lol
Wincest Subtext 🤣🤣🤣 so hilarious
Sam got shut down trying to give some old-school stories!! Lol
Spaceships, and robots, and some Ninjas, and then Dean becomes a woman. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Wow is it a mid-term summary?????? Lol whatever, the end of novel Supernatural in spn is Swan song, it would be quiet disappointed to the readers in spn univ.
That word, ‘subtext’, is hit of this episode, yeahhh
D-stiel?? Oh Sam that’s the worst shipping name I ever heard!!! Lol Thx for ‘e’ sooo much. And what the Sastiel, Samstiel??? You wanna in Sammy? Finally Casdean, lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Sam and Dean are too old to be Sam and Dean, lol
Calliope, why greek gods are all in America?
Dean is awkwardly reacting to the compliments about his brother. Hahaha This Samgirl is a great playwriter!!
Road so far, in ‘baby’. Saving people, hunting things, family business- good intro, and summary
Cas is waiting Dean😭 with sad song it’s really sad
Calliope is picky, avoid the spaceships robots and tentacles
Oh,,, this play is now not funny, so sad….I’m impressed.
What… wait that man in vinyl, who’s that????????????
Samulet! Finally the writer realized it’s real Winchesters.
Heyyy it’s not a classic ROCK!!!!!! You guys forgot Adam??? Oh poor boy…
This play is so touching…maybe bet you Winchesters too, right?
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svetaofbelinsk · 6 days
Supernatural Episode Reactions up to S1E19
Episode 1: Sam and Dean look like babies, probably because I'm used to seeing them in more recent seasons.
Episode 2: I thought that not really showing the creature that much was an interesting way to up the stakes of the episode, and probably save money.
Episode 3: This episode was messed up, but it was also one of the first episodes to focus on how humans can create these situations through violence and silence.
Episode 4: I did not know that demons showed up so early in the show, and this one was surprisingly weak compared to the others that I know show up later.
Episode 5: This episode was fucked up and they have to have several decades worth of bad luck after smashing that many mirrors.
Episode 6: I had to text my friends who have seen the entire show to ask if this was the yellow eyed demon or an actual shapeshifter.
Episode 7: The twist of it being the girl who the spirit was latched onto was very fun. Also, there is no way that that fire got hot enough to melt silver, especially not the amount that they were melting.
Episode 8: The bugs being used as the method of death was very interesting and I hope there are more episodes with interesting premises like it.
Episode 9: I immediately knew that the fire spirit was Mary as soon as I realized it was there house. I also thought that John showed up much later in the show.
Episode 10: Again, fucked up episode, but I liked the classic ghost hunting, abandoned building situation.
Episode 11: The fugly scarecrow scene is iconic, and I enjoyed the exploration of Sam and Deans feelings about the road so far, and each other.
Episode 12: I had seen most of this episode at some point, but I appreciate the really hammering down on Sam being just as willing to do anything to save Dean.
Episode 13: I liked the exploration of Dean's character and how he handles relationships outside of his immediate family. I also watched this episode with my mom and she kept saying that the truck was really nice (I know exactly nothing about trucks).
Episode 14: They almost killed Zelda Spellman! I liked the fact that the yellow eyed demon has been confirmed as having killed other people the same way it killed Mary, and that the children of these people have developed similar powers, further connecting these incidents.
Episode 15: I liked that the monster was people, and they were 100% cannibals.
Episode 16: I don't like Meg. I don't know what she is yet, but I do know that she's going to be showing up again, probably by the end of the season. This episode also made me think that John Winchester was not originally intended to be as bad of father as I know he is shown to be throughout the rest of the series. He's still a horrible parent, but he seems to care about Sam and Dean more in the first season than he does later on.
Episode 17: I did not know that the Ghost Facers showed up this early. They're so stupid. Loved the episode.
Episode 18: Fascinating look into the past of Sam and Dean, how Dean and John's relationship works, and how Dean views hunting. I also thought it was spelled "striga" (I have subtitles on).
I will continue reactions tomorrow, and I plan on doing longer, individual posts for each episode. I'll also try to put these into a master list so they're easier to find.
Edit: I'm working on understanding how to make a master list properly, so I might tack multiple reactions into the same post or reblogs for the sake of it not being incredibly long.
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thefirst3chapters · 6 months
I love the work you’re doing with your blog, bringing back older posts and spreading the Literati love 🧡 And your meta posts are so insightful! Would love to hear how you got into the ship, if you feel like sharing 😊
Thank you so much, that is so kind!
I'm fairly new to Gilmore Girls in general and started casually watching a few years ago because my sister (also a Literati shipper) recommended it. I think the first episode I saw was "There's the Rub," and I was drawn in by the generational dynamics right away. It is tough for me to precisely remember first impressions in hindsight, but I didn't particularly care for Dean or Jess as love interests for Rory. My sister said maybe I'd like Logan, but I wasn't convinced on him either. Then Jess's Season 6 appearances endeared him to me a lot more, and he became my reluctant favorite of the three boyfriends. It is a huge testament to Rory's character that she didn't know what Jess would accomplish in the future, and she believed in him right away despite most of the people she trusted disliking him!
Last year is when I really got into shipping Literati. In the classic love triangle setup with a nice, dependable character and an adventurous, brooding character, I am typically inclined to sympathize with the former archetype, but the character arcs of Dean and Jess ultimately defy those categories in interesting ways. Rewatching made me notice more details about how much teenage Jess was struggling, and I really grew attached to him and his relationships with Luke and Rory. I lurked around the Gilmore Girls subreddit for a while and saw so much animosity toward Jess. Even though he's of course fictional, it was still frustrating to see all that directed at a kid who was dealing with a lot, and it made me even more protective of him.
Then I came across a few Literati-focused Tumblr blogs and saw the interest in themes/subtext/symbolism/character motivations and the amazing fan art and GIFs (like yours!) on here. Seeing multiple posts about other people not having a penchant for the subreddit discussions was quite validating. It was an "I've found my people!" revelation, and I've really enjoyed looking through blog archives. There's so many great older posts!
What compels me with Literati, far more than the debates over who was the "best" boyfriend (what does that even mean?), is how narratively rich their story is. It starts and ends with Jess looking at Rory through a window (if the frame around her picture on the mantle counts as a window). In the first and last episodes where they interact, they show each other something they've written because they were inspired by the other person. As this video lays out so artfully, they went through parallel challenges in their lives and helped each other find the strength to work through them (including by writing a book). Then there's all of the intriguing visual cues and emotional depth and period drama reminiscent scenes. Two bookish characters being portrayed in such a poetic way is so fascinating.
Ships that don't get a conventional happy ending are often captivating because there's so many questions to ask and alternative scenarios to imagine. There are a lot of tragic romance elements to Literati, and the angst is certainly not lacking, but the neat thing is that at the end of the official narrative, both characters are alive and on good terms with each other, and it's implied that maybe their story isn't over. The last words of dialogue they exchange mark a beginning of sorts (it's what this blog is named after). How many doomed romances end up with something that positive? I do like to think that Rory and Jess end up together for good after AYITL, but after everything that happened when they were younger, just the fact that they are friends as adults and are so encouraging of each other is a beautiful thing in its own right.
Thank you for the ask!
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alienelvisobsession · 2 years
The Quentin Tarantino Connection
When he was a teenager in the late 1970s and early 1980s, Quentin Tarantino was by his own admission way into ‘50s rockabilly music. “I was like the second coming of Elvis Presley. I dyed my hair black. I wore it in a big ole pompadour”, he said in an interview. In his recent book Cinema Speculation, he writes about discussing cinema with his mom’s black friend Floyd, who was into blaxploitation. He loved hearing Floyd’s first-hand accounts of being a black Elvis fan back in the 1950s, also rebuking claims that the King of Rock ‘n Roll was racist. He even included “Elvis impersonator” in his early résumé and it must have paid out because he was cast as one in an episode of the sit-com The Golden Girls in 1988. Incidentally, Tarantino was born in Elvis’ home state of Tennessee, where his mother is from, and as a kid was even left there for a year, describing his family as “hillbilly alcoholics”.
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Elvis often comes up in his movies. For example in a deleted scene of his now classic film Pulp Fiction (1994), Mia Wallace uses a hand-held video camera to interview Vincent Vega with either/or questions. She explains the game as follows: “There are only two kinds of people in the world, Beatles people and Elvis people”. Mia has no doubts about Vincent’s allegiance. With his swagger, callback to “Grease” and dance moves, John Travolta is an Elvis man through and through.
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Of course, Mia and Vincent later go a to ‘50s themed diner called Jack Rabbit Slim’s, where they have the famous twist contest dancing to Chuck Berry’s “You Never Can Tell”. The waiters are all dressed like dead stars from the 1950s, such as Marilyn Monroe, James Dean and Buddy Holly. Even though, as Vincent would put it, the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll must have had the night off, in Mia’s words “an Elvis man should love it”. Tarantino said that the design for the diner, where the guests sit in booths made like ‘50s vintage cars and the dance floor looks like a tachometer, was partially inspired by the nightclub with race car motifs in one of Elvis’ movies, Speedway (1968).
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Tarantino references Elvis here and there in his work. In the novelization of Once Upon a Time in Hollywood that he wrote, for example, Rick Dalton (Leonardo DiCaprio in the movie) is described by his agent Marvin (Al Pacino) as having spent all his career “running pocket combs through his pompadour”, which by 1969 not even Elvis has anymore.
His biggest Elvis homage came very early on in his career, though. As a matter of fact, to finance what would become his first movie, Reservoir Dogs (1992), Tarantino auctioned a script that he had written, True Romance. It was made into a movie by Tony Scott and it ultimately came out in 1993. True Romance begins with a casual conversation about pop culture in the style of Mr. Brown with his infamous “Like a Virgin” theory in Reservoir Dogs. Clarence (Christian Slater) is at a bar, chatting up a girl. Like Tarantino, Clarence prefers ‘50s Elvis and praises Jailhouse Rock (the movie not the song) where Elvis was everything that rockabilly was about: “Mean, surly, nasty, rude”. And then, obviously interested in picking up the girl, he continues: “Elvis looked good. I mean, I ain’t no fag, but Elvis was prettier than most women, you know. Most women. You know, I always said if I had to fuck a guy – you know, I mean, had to – if my life depended on it, I’d fuck Elvis”. Tarantino establishes the rules for his story right away: just like you have fantasies where you wish you were Elvis or as cool as Elvis, or you wish you could fuck him, this movie is a whole fantasy where you wish you were a hero who had a crazy adventure and passionate love story involving pimps, drugs and guns.
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Clarence, an alter ego for the author, falls madly in love with Alabama (Patricia Arquette), a call girl. Clarence loves martial arts movies, comic books, hamburgers and Elvis, just like the film director. He also wears Elvis glasses and drives a purple Cadillac. Throughout the movie, Elvis pops up several times, in magazines, on T-shirts and on furniture or posters. The most striking appearance is obviously when Clarence sees Elvis (Val Kilmer) in the bathroom mirror, dressed in his gold lamé suit but anachronistically sporting his ‘70s big glasses. Elvis tells Clarence that he has to kill Alabama’s pimp, and there the adventure begins.
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In Cinema Speculation, which sits halfway between film criticism and memoir, Tarantino goes back to Elvis several times. He writes that Elvis could have been the biggest movie star of the 1960s, if it weren’t for Colonel Parker’s greediness and for the weight of his own enormous success in the music business. He even mentions excitedly that Elvis was considered for the role of Sundance in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) opposite Warren Beatty, before the roles went to Paul Newman and Robert Redford.
Tarantino has always took a liking for B movies, so it doesn’t come as a surprise to learn that he’s not dismissive of Elvis movies as a whole and writes about a few of them in detail. He considers Flaming Star (1960), for instance, to be “a truly great fifties Western, and maybe the most brutally violent American western of its era.” According to him, the film director, Don Siegel, who would go on to direct Dirty Harry (1971), was a master when it came to film fistfights and chase sequences. This was because of his background in editing and his penchant for violence. Tarantino also praises Don Siegel’s unexpected use of shocking bouts of violence, of which there are several in Flaming Star. His protagonists, including Elvis’ Pacer, were often at odds with the society they lived in, which reflected the way Siegel felt around film executives and producers. “Pod people” is how he called them, in reference to his movie The Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) and in this category he included Elvis’ nefarious manager, Colonel Tom Parker.
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Tarantino recognizes that Elvis movies weren’t real movies but “ElvIs movies”, but he’s a fan of Roustabout (1964) nevertheless. He describes it as: “a pretty entertaining little picture chock-full of cool elements, Elvis entering the movie on a motorcycle—dressed head to toe in black leather […], a strong Big Valley era Barbara Stanwyck as his colead, a one-line bit at the beginning by Raquel Welch, the best soundtrack of any of Elvis’ color films, including a rarity for the King on film—Elvis singing a cover of somebody else’s hit, the Coasters’ Little Egypt, and the only film where Elvis gets to demonstrate his Ed Parker-taught karate moves.” Because of course Tarantino loves martial arts movies, just like Elvis did. And blaxploitation, hamburgers, comic books and being over the top. They would have been great friends.
Read here my previous posts on Elvis connections. So far I’ve written about Jimi Hendrix, Andy Warhol/Bob Dylan, the Clash and Jim Morrison.
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reality-schmality · 6 days
Since Dean and Sam are never really shown to hustle pool, etc. anymore, and really to barely leave the bunker, from like season 10 and on, I like to headcanon that they have actually integrated into the town more than than what’s shown. The two episodes that they actually exist in the town—when John comes back and when Jack almost makes/kills friends—they’re well-known and people are friendly to them. The liquor store owner and post office clerk laugh and joke with Dean and he knows small personal things about them. The kids warn the new girls in town about the brothers as if they’re the creepy witch who lives at the end of the street. They are clearly integrated in the society and I love it.
But how did they get this way? My personal headcanon:
Sam volunteers at the library as a tutor on weekends. It wasn’t planned and he clearly doesn’t have any of the typical credentials, but the librarians got so used to him coming in for newspapers or more modern research or even just personal reading (because he just needs to stop thinking about the latest apocalypse before his head explodes) that they talked him into it. Dean hangs around the auto body shop and helps out with the classic cars that come in. It starts when he needs a part to fix Baby after a hunt, and another the next week, and another the next week. The owner assumes he’s fixing a car from scratch with how often Dean’s there or fixing friends’ cars because he always seems to need the same parts, and so he strikes up conversations and realizes Dean is super knowledgeable and skilled. And that’s how they each score under-the-table cash flow that keeps them far more secure than they’ve ever been before and it’s what really makes the bunker feel like a home.
Because the memory foam isn’t the only thing that remembers them.
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