#classroom of the elite au
simplegenius042 · 6 months
Late WIP Wednesday & Six Sentence Paragraph Friday
Tagged by @socially-awkward-skeleton @cassietrn @cloudofbutterflies92 @direwombat @voidika @nightbloodbix @aceghosts and @adelaidedrubman
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Three WIPs for Far Cry The Silver Chronicles, A Radioactive Calamity Of Love, Bombs & Gore and six sentences paragraphs for a little Classroom Of The Elite AU fic not related to any of my series as of now (though I do have a separate fic in the making for The UnTitledverse). You'll find these under the cut:
Here's a WIP prologue for The True Sinners, where Joseph, per the Voice's orders, seeks out the Tarot Card Holder to tell him of his family's fate in a clearer form than the Voice can give as well as the identity of the Muse. The Voice had only given Joseph one warning; to take the Tarot Card Holder's words with a grain of salt, though his Tarot's knowledge is indispensable for their... newest wrench in the plan, the Holder himself should be considered untrustworthy and far beyond the human he had once been. Enjoy Joseph trying to keep his cool as the newest dickhead in the series, the Tarot Card Holder, tries to strike our favorite prophet's nerves down below:
The humming continued on as the Holder seemingly glided along the wooden planks from inside his stand. Joseph could not see his legs from underneath the extensive robes he wore, and watched in silence as the Holder, with his disproportionate size, did not disturb the various items he skimmed past in his little shop.
Hooded back turned to his customer as he rummaged through his piles of oddments, Joseph cleared his throat, proceeding with the matters he wished to discuss, "I've come here to seek your help, actually."
He received no response or reaction from the Holder, who ceased his humming in favor of grumbling, callously picking items up and throwing them away.
Seeing that didn't get the Holder's attention, Joseph continued, "It's of the upmost importance. The Lord had guided me here to help me understand what it is I'm not seeing in my visions. The old world is on the brink of a great Collapse that will-."
The Holder piqued up at that, stopped rummaging through his messy mound of junk. His hooded head slightly turned towards Joseph, indicating his attention had been reached, and his deep voice rumbled out, "A Collapse you say?"
Joseph let out a breath, briefly smiled to himself as he proceeded to explain, "Yes. I have seen visions of a Collapse that will end the current world and-"
"-And bring forth a new one, wipe the slate clean, etcetera, etcetera," the Holder interrupted, tone radiating mild annoyance as his hand motioned with haste, "I know what a Collapse is. I'm just confused on why that sadistic prick of all mechanisms wants a last resort of horrifying proportions like that to come this early in such peace."
Joseph blinked, brows furrowed as he sets his aviators back up. He watched the as the Holder's robed arm returned to dig around once more. The Holder stopped his movements, tugged at the object he found, and yanked it out of its little hidey hole.
Finally turning to Joseph as the stacks of trinkets collapsed and collided into clatters behind him, the Holder paid it no mind as he approached the front of the stand to see Joseph, face-to-face.
Or rather mask-to-face, considering the Holder's porcelain disguise.
The Holder leaned over the counter with one arm, and even without the stool Joseph sat on, or the size of the stand giving its owner an extra foot in height, he understood that the robed clairvoyant would still be two feet taller than him.
Joseph felt slightly intimidated being looked down upon by such a huge person, especially with all the Lord had said of this person. And yet, Joseph still held onto his faith. As long as he had faith, he would be safe from whatever vile temptations this man had.
"Whatever peace you may think is occurring isn't set to last for long," Joseph insisted, "And the Lord had guided me here. In His own humble admittance, in his own infinite wisdom-"
The Tarot Card Holder snorted with a shake of his head, "More like desperation."
Joseph breathed in a calming patter, just as his beloved had once taught him, "I am here seeking your help to know the fate of my family. A fate that he himself cannot foresee anymore."
The Holder hummed, resting his chin on his gloved palms, the triangular hood holding up like a strong tent, undisturbed by the motion, "And so it sent you to me of all creatures. You both must truly be desperate to get a win for once, huh?"
Joseph face crinkled as he eyed the Tarot Card Holder with weariness. A "win"? What is he talking about? Is this the deceit the Lord had warned me of?
"I don't know what you mean..."
The Holder's eyes, barely seen through his mask, bore down on Joseph. Letting out a huff of air, the Holder explained.
"I figured," he started, "But I must ask, how well do you know of the Muse chosen to take the role of "Hell"?"
Joseph did not comment on the words the Holder spewed out of his forked-tongue as the Voice had instructed, but he did close his eyes in thought, remembering the words and visions the Voice had shared with the Father. The fire. The Garden. Himself. And the ever-shifting future of his siblings, their life and their deaths. That was not the reason to why the Voice tasked him with seeking out the demeaning figure of the Holder.
No, he recalled, it had been the inconstant shape of Hell's figure which led God to push me towards this very stand. He remembered how volatile Hell's setting, form, and voice was within those visions.
"Nothing at all," Joseph admitted conclusively.
"I see," the Holder noted as he tilted his head, the mask betraying no emotion, revealing no humanity, "And yet you said you were here to know of the fate of your family. You do know the knowledge of someone's identity and the fate of loved ones don't exactly coincide correctly, right?"
As the Holder placed his hand from his chin to the counter, Joseph gawked in surprise as the Holder stood taller from within his stand, adding an extra foot in height than what Joseph initially believed. However, this stupor was momentary, as Joseph hunched forward, hands clasped together as he placed them on the counter, his rosary stuck between them.
"I am here to know the fate of my family and the identity of this "muse", this Hell who haunts my mind," Joseph elaborates, neck aching at having to look up so high at the broader figure, "I was under the impression you could provide me both."
The Holder chuckled, shaking his head as if he was admonishing a child, "You neglect the cost of such knowledge. If you've come seeking the Tarot's help free of charge, then I'll be the first to gleefully tell you that you can't have both. Pick one or the other, and hand over whatever possession you have on your person to complete this exchange."
The Holder glances from Joseph's face, which scrutinized the Holder, to his rosary to roaming around the rest of his body.
"Unless... you have another possession to offer alongside the one in your hands?"
Joseph caught on, glancing to the rosary in his hands, gripping it until his hands drained pale.
He avoided the Holder's eyes, and the larger of the two softly hummed, whether in understanding or waning patience of the exchange Joseph couldn't bring himself to focus. The Lord never mentioned this...
"It didn't tell you, did it?" The Holder deduced, chuckling, "Ah yes, such exchanges as these require you to offer something of equal value in return. Often time a gift from a loved one, regardless if they reside in the mortal realm... or have already departed."
Joseph brushed the ornament of the cross, the beads digging into the palms of his hands as he held on to it, like he was holding her hand again.
She always had faith. And she shared that faith with me, giving me back something I thought tainted and lost to the words and hands of Old Man Seed. Gifting me a piece of her, an immortalized memory, like the ink on my arm.
And he was expected to let it go?
"Why?" Joseph breathed out, voice so timid that he was surprised when the Tarot Card Holder scoffed in response.
"Why else?" his baritone voice drilled into Joseph's head, not so dissimilar from the Voice, yet this was more... cold indifference on the Holder's part. Irritation reeked out of his words, an annoyance that has grown over time from spending the many years, perhaps decades, answering the same questions over and over again.
In the Holder's eyes, Joseph was no different from any other person seeking out the Tarots' wisdom.
Taking Joseph's silence as lacking an answer himself, the Holder explained further, "A possession that was a gift from another is far more valuable to the individual than it would be if they got something for themselves. The level of care one must put in to preserve such gifts, makes it harder to let go."
The Tarot Card Holder's broad shadow encompassed Joseph's body, the shorter man hesitantly looking up to find the Holder had leaned closer to his face. And in the empty chasms of the masks sockets, Joseph spotted the dim glow of inhuman gold irises glowering into his pleading blue.
"So, Prophet. Are you willing to give up her rosary for the sake of your family? Or will you give it up for a stranger's face and name?"
Here's a WIP for The Waters Of Life Flow, my Fallout 3 fic in the A Radioactive Calamity Of Love, Bombs & Gore series. Imagine wanting to find your dad with your best friend but some strange, blindfolded woman hijacks that plan to get you to show her around the Wasteland that you've only set foot on (and can't back out under what may have been a threat of "consequences"... however vague that can be considered a threat). This is still in its early stages of development. Anyway, Alph and Amata walk Marissa "Ress" Bishop to Megaton as seen below:
The heat of the sun simmered down on the trio as two begrudgingly walked in front of one, a situation more likened to a warden keeping watch of her wards rather than two "locals" giving the "newcomer" a tour as their unofficially branded captor insisted.
Alph glanced to Amata, his best friend taking the heat outside the air-conditioned vault as well as he is. He could guess that her jumpsuit was itching against her skin as badly as his own was, the material clinging too close for comfort, the blue clothes damp from sweat.
He chanced a look back to the woman behind them, the glaze of her long platinum blonde hair shining with an ethereal beauty, almost like how he envisioned angels would have from Dad's descriptions.
However, Alph wasn't foolish enough to neglect the memory that this woman was anything but angelic. He saw how she killed those crazed people at the school. While not ungrateful for saving them, forcing both him and Amata to walk her around the area with his old, yet still functional, Pip-Boy was a different story entirely.
Especially since there is practically nothing noteworthy marked on my map, but she wouldn't know that.
Which was true, the two maps on his Pip-Boy only showed the markers that indicated the only Pip-Boy wearers in the vicinity, and the trails had made. The surrounding area around his marker was dark on the map.
Amata helped him mark down the coordinates of their Vault and he had the foresight to mark down the location of both the school and what had once been a neighborhood.
And now we're on our way to "Megaton"... or at least where I hope it is.
Alph snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a curious hum. His focus returned, and he realized that the woman had noticed his gawking, in spite of the fact she was still wearing a blindfold.
When she gave him what he assumed to be a friendly grin, he couldn't help but remember the manic one she wore when she slaughtered their captors. Freaked out by the bloody image, he turned his eyesight straight ahead, focused on maneuvering around the boulders in scattered around them rather than the woman behind them.
He heard her snort behind them, and Amata turned her head slightly to look back at the woman, but paused in the action, and shook her head as she kept forward.
Her face was flushed, dark skin boiling under scorching sun. He wasn't any better, with his lighter skin turning an uncomfortable red. How in the actual fuck is the psycho behind us not dying in those clothes?
Though the better question would be to ask how her pale skin hadn't been burned to a crisp from the flamethrower that mohawk guy blasted at her earlier, but he chalked it up to just defective equipment... for now.
He heard Amata gasp beside him, grasping his arm as she pointed forward.
"I-I think this is it!" she stated aloud, relief and joy flowing out of the laugh she let out. Alph focused forward, really missing his glasses, but through his blurry vision, he could see a mass of metal welded together to form a gate. There was also a robot out the front of it, the corpse of a giant insect full of charred holes only a few feet away from it.
Alph smiled, checked his Pip-Boy, and saw that the predicted coordinates were a match. He almost let out a chuckle.
Until he felt the hand of that woman pat his shoulder, then he soon lost his smile.
"Good job you two," she congratulated them, arms slinging over both their necks, "I knew you'd make perfect guides. Now unless you don't mind burning in daylight, I suggest you get a move on. Capiche?"
And here's six paragraphs for a small Classroom Of The Elite AU fic I've been working on, a little "What If" canon divergent scenario I've come up with. Essentially it boils down to "What if Kiyotaka Ayanokoji was accompanied by Takuya Yagami and Ichika Amasawa to the Advanced Nurturing High School?" as a ploy orchestrated by Atsuomi Ayanokoji to see how the masterpiece can perfect the two fifth generation students to be equal to him and give these two a chance to help Ayanokoji adapt socially. I haven't ironed out the exact details of how this is done, but I mostly wanted to write a fic where Ayanokoji was like an older brother-like figure to both Amasawa and Yagami (...in his own way) and how this would fuck up the plot. Also, my man Yagami needs a win after being done so dirty in the source materials. I will be combining elements from the anime, manga and light novel because I'm insane like that (especially for Yagami and Amasawa). Anyway, here's the six-paragraph introduction:
The bus ride had been uneventful thus far. We passed by Cherry Blossoms and the dwindling city buildings of Tokyo, and as a vehicle of public transport, occasionally pulled up at stops to pick up further passengers; few were casual citizens, most were high-school students.
I fell under the latter; amongst the seated boys and girls wearing white shirts under red blazers with gold trims, though with definite differences in the uniform depending on the student's sex, was myself, standing with one hand on my backpack, the other on the straphanger above me. I involuntarily shook as the bus drove on the road to my new location.
I kept my idle gaze out the bus window, the flurry change of Tokyo's scenery from declining pink to the increase of concrete tempting me the chance to ponder on whether the sociopolitical status of Japan's society met the standards of equality, but I had held off on following that thought, especially with two eyes fleeting glances at me from the seats behind.
I found their staring difficult to ignore, more annoyingly so due to my keen awareness of the fact. I had wanted to remain inconspicuous, but their fidgeting would bring unwanted attention towards me, and on themselves, if they were too frequent. Perhaps not consciously, but subconsciously the rest of the students could become curious or worse, intrigued by my presence if the two continued their prolonged stares.
Though I couldn't exactly fault my kohais; regardless of how ridiculous the notion was, their observation of me was not unfounded. For Ichika Amasawa and Takuya Yagami, I was an enigma, a living legend in their generation. Not only a name, but a title, a successful set of data that they were expected to surpass in the curriculum.
I wasn't so concerned about Amasawa, as her apparent admiration of me likely outweighed any desire to do anything against me. Yagami though... despite his gentle demeanor, I suspected he was hiding his true thoughts of me underneath the surface.
Nothing I could do now; we were all on the same bus, heading into an unknown ocean of variables and outliers. A consequence of Matsuo's kindness upon taking care of the three of us, I suppose.
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iamumbra195 · 1 month
Detective Conan/DCMK characters in a Classroom of the Elite setting would be so interesting to watch/read.
I've only just finished the CoTE anime (Seasons 1-3) so i haven't read the manga or the light novel but the Advanced Nurturing Highschool or AHNS for short is so, so shady. If it and the White Room existed in the DCMK universe, I have no doubt in my mind that they would have some connection to the Black Organization.
So just imagine an AU where Shinichi caught Vodka doing an arms deal in middle school but didn't get caught by Gin like in canon. Imagine him trying to investigate them but coming up with nothing until he, Ran, and Sonoko are on a train ride for the first day at AHNS where he runs into Gin and Vodka, just like he did in canon episode 5.
He learns their codenames there and saves the people on the train from being bombed to hell. Unfortunately, this ends up making him, Ran and Sonoko late for their very first day. They're thankfully excused because the incident was out of their hands before being placed into their respective classes.
You can have adult characters like Jodie and Amuro be teachers and business owners while also acting as undercover agents.
Important student characters at the school:
Hattori Heiji (he can be in the same class as Shinichi where they are both antagonistic at first but later become allies and friends)
Toyama Kazuha (they were made for each, I will never seperate them)
Kuroba Kaito (who also happens to be Kaitou KID and regularly sneaks off school campus for heists. Jii Konosuke cases places for him and he contacts the man using a secret phone he smuggled in. He tends to downplay his academic and physical skill to be somewhat average so he's in Class C or B)
Nakamori Aoko
Akako Koizumi (no magic in this AU but she's interested in spirituality and shit like tarot cards and all)
Hakuba Saguru (suspects of Kaito of being KId and regularaly requests time off from school to go to the heists)
Eisuke Hondou (but only for a little while near the end of 1st year as a rival for Shinichi and love interest for Ran before going back to America to pursue the future he wanted)
Sera Masumi (would be introduced in 2nd Year when Shinichi starts investigating Bourbon as a potential subject because she somehow found out he has connection to the maker of the pill that shrunk her mother)
Important characters outside of school
Agasa Hiroshi (supplies Shinichi with spy tech)
Haibara Ai AKA Miyano Shiho (shrunken and lives with Agasa just like in canon, specifically sought Agasa out because he was a connection to Shinichi, who was involved in her sister's case and was a detective at that. They contact each other through secret phone. She also happens to be one of the failed subjects of the white room)
Miyano Akemi (During school break, Shinichi went back to Beika where he was then approached by Masami Hiroto and the rest goes like canon with her dying in his arms)
Akai Shuichi (still don't know what I'm gonna do with him but he's important)
Rena Mizunashi AKA Hidemi Hondou
Side Characters in school
Nakamichi (Shinichi's soccer friend)
Eisuke Aizawa (Shinichi's soccer friend)
Kazumi Tsukamoto (a third year in Ran's karate club)
Tashiro (Ran's friend)
Hidaka (Ran's friend)
Anyways, I imagine Shinichi being in a different class from Ran and Sonoko and just thinking about ShinRan competeing but also saving each other's asses from time to time is beautiful.
Having Kaito and Shinichi's respective Black Organization be one and the same would make it more interesting as well.
Anyways, I think these characters are fun to play around with in this setting, mixing the dramatic school life in CoTE with the looming threat of the Black Organization as Shinichi delves deeper and deeper into the case.
Idk how this would be resolved but it would be so, so fun to read if written well. Shinichi's gonna be so paranoid by the end of this lol.
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natedogx15 · 7 months
Elite of the Hero's Academia
So, this is a bit of a twist on the All For One decendent au ideas.
The H.P.S.C. discovers a descendent of All For One after the massive battle between him and All Might. Worried about the future of Japan after the symbol retires and in need of someone to replace Lady Nagant, they decide to train this child with/instead of Hawks.
For years, the H.P.S.C. has been secretly bringing corrupt or annoying heroes in and having the descendent take their Quirks while training said descendent to wield them to become the perfect weapon. Eventually, the descendent has a chance to escape their control. This could be someone in the H.P.S.C. going behind their back to enroll them in U.A., a high-up hero finding out and stopping it, or possibly Nezu pulling some strings.
Whatever way, the descendent, whether it's Midoriya or not, gets to experience a relatively normal high school life at a hero school. While there, they cause an uproar due to having multiple Quirks and All Might finds out who they may be.
Things they could do is, demonstrate the efficiency of their power in the Sports Festival by stealing the other contestants' Quirks before giving them back, taking Muscular's Quirk during the training camp, or (if Midoriya isn't the descendent) bringing Midoriya back in an intense fight between the new generation of All For One and One For All.
Things could be really interesting if Midoriya isn't the descendent and actually bonds with them. Since the previous wielders and All Might could try and get in the way due to their dislike for All For One and most may not trust the descendent.
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andromesa · 1 year
Suspicions and Threats
A Classroom of the Elite / Spy x Family crossover fic.
“Ostania, huh?” Ayanokoji Kiyotaka stepped out of the bus that had driven him from the airport to where he would be staying for the next month. This special test didn’t seem as if it would be too difficult to get through, but his more academically challenged classmates may have their fair share of problems ahead. It seemed that instead of a normal 2nd year school trip, they would be traveling to a different country where a certain school had authorized a student exchange program. The rules of the special test were simple, it was essentially graded based on the grades that they received while studying at this elite academy for one month. The school in question being the famous Eden Academy, known for being a prestigious school, mostly for children of the most esteemed families in the nation known as Ostania. They wished to have the students stay with families of the students during the foreign exchange test. What will happen when Kiyotaka was assigned to the Forgers, a fake family unbeknownst to him. As well as the intervention of WISE in his situation planning to cause its fair share of troubles. Maybe this trip wouldn't be as carefree as he thought.
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cannellee · 13 days
TOKYO REVENGERS OMEGAVERSE (boarding school au!) ☆ part. 1
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୨୧ yandere! alpha! tokyorev x omega! f! reader (harem : mikey, draken, mitsuya, chifuyu, kazutora, baji, ran, rin, izana, kakucho, kokonoi, inupi, sanzu, kisaki, hanma)
— you're joining an elite all-boy (and alpha) boarding school and they all turn out to have a very dark affection for you.
cw : reverse harem, yandere themes, harassment, bullying, blackmailing, stalking, possessive and controlling behaviour etc.
a/n : I had the idea thanks to this post and from the kdrama hierarchy I just finished watching + I hope it's not messy + they'll be multiple parts to it I think...
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having a girl attend an all-boy school is unusual, but an omega enrolling in a place filled with alphas is almost unheard of.
let's simply say that your father was suddenly transferred to another school, forcing the both of you to move in tokyo in the course of a week only. your dad is offered a room directly inside the building with other of his colleagues and for convenience, his only daughter was allowed to reside here as well.
the school is pretty far away from the rest of the city too, and with all the wealth this school has accumulated, they find the generosity in themselves to let you attend classes with the others in exchange for your father's appreciated hard work.
there aren't a lot of students you point out, but they seem to all stand out in their own way. your class is composed of the elite, boys all born with a golden spoon, privileged lifestyles and a brilliant future.
you're intimidated at first, scared even, not used to being surrounded by so many alphas at once. you feel like a prey once you enter the classroom for the first time, the news has passed around quickly and the students grew very curious of the sweet faced omega who was going to join them soon.
you quickly got to learn the name of the rep, who has been nothing but welcoming to you and made your arrival as pleasing as possible. mitsuya made sure to show you around, he was kind and reliable, giving you his number almost immediately after your first encounter.
you had spent the day glued to his side, shyly smiling to his friends and listening attentively to the advices he gave you. the next morning, you came a bit sooner, rushing over to the empty seat he had kept for you right in front of him, happily thanking him for his kindness.
mitsuya is quick to present you his closest friend draken, a big and strong alpha who's just that tall you can't help but notice him. despite his menacing appearance, draken is calm and collected and keeps his pheromones in check. you even notice how pleasantly odourless the whole classroom has been since your arrival. you had expected to feel your nose burn from the intense pheromones and testosterone alphas usually emitted, but you had to admit they were rather well behaved and you mentally thanked them for their thoughtfulness.
draken helps you out during sport lessons, shows you how to score when playing basketball, catches the ball for you before gently handing it to you and makes sure the others are being careful around you.
mikey's the one who offers you his sweater once it gets cold during the late night classes or when it gets dark outside and going back to your rooms through the immense garden is a bit of a challenge. he doesn't really let you argue and throws it over your shoulders, he doesn't give room for discussion and you're too cooperative to refuse anyway. you notice that the others instinctively act a little less clingy when he's interacting with you, you find their group dynamic quite interesting and you like how comfortable they make you feel.
his scent often lingers on you for hours afterwards, even going the next day with a tiny patch of mikey's distinctive aroma on your shoulder. you sometimes see him eyeing that exact spot with a lot of intensity that if often destabilises you. when you look up at him with a puzzled look, he simply gives you a kind smile, hiding behind it how possessive you make him.
you later meet kazutora, who doesn't waste time introducing himself to you. you notice that he's pretty popular, always in the middle of all conversations, laughing loudly with the other boys and receiving every invitations to every parties. he always tries to get your attention one way or another, bragging about his good grades, casually flirting with you before someone else reprimands him for that. you should come and see one of his game soon ! he's in the basketball team with draken and the both of them would love to see you cheer on them in the bleachers.
chifuyu's room's right next to yours. when mitsuya first showed you your room, he had called him to help you unpack and settle here comfortably. chifuyu's awkward but he's got the spirit, almost choking on his own saliva once he catches a sniff of your sweet scent for the first time. were all omegas supposed to smell this good or are you just the exception ?
then there's kisaki, who visits you quite often, pretending that he likes it better to be in your room after classes only because it's easier to talk without the hubbub of other students. you notice how sweaty his palms are, nervous gaze desperately trying to find something to look at if not your chest, and hands fixing his glasses every minute or so. he helps you out with your homework, of course your level is nowhere near theirs. they're the elite, born and raised in the best conditions possible to rise and become part of the top of society. he's sighing a lot, slightly mocking how hard you find your homework even though all of them are able to finish them with ease. he explains it all, shaking his head at how cutely dumb this pretty omega is and how helpless she'll be once thrown into the big wide world. will you be able to survive on your own ? kisaki is skeptical...
by hanging out often with kisaki, you're naturally bound to meet his best friend, hanma. he's exactly what you would think of when imagining a "privileged delinquent". he smokes behind the building, skips classes but still manages to score high and doesn't take shit from anyone. you would find funny how easy life is for them if the power they hold over the teachers and their school headmaster wasn't pretty horrifying. the hierarchy clearly wasn't anything close to normal, as every family of those students were very influential, a tantrum from one them is all it would take to have a teacher fired on the spot. you quickly learned that when a new professor tried to teach hanma some manners and reprimand him for carrying cigarettes with him. the poor man didn't get the justice he should have had and instead was gone the next day.
but no matter he says, hanma is actually pretty thoughtful. he always tells you to stay away from those toxic garbage and that only he is allowed to do that. he makes sure to never smoke near you and sprays perfume before coming over to you. you can scold him all you want as well, he likes to hear you nagging him. but that's just you, nobody else.
anyways, hanma warned you that if one of those assholes (students and teachers alike) were to bother you, you should simply talk to him about it. he seemed very adamant about making your year here very pleasant and you thank him for that, even if you don't necessarily approuve of his methods.
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lately you've been feeling like somebody's following you... but you simply shrug it off as baji is always with you. he's confident and assertive, you don't feel nervous around him. he's part of the swimming club and invites you over during his competitions. he drags you to one of the privatised pool under his name at your school and helps you out in the water, enjoying more than he should how you cling to him whenever you get too tired and he won't let you go back to edge. he feels your soft boobs pressing against his firm skin and sees the sweet panic in your eyes and his instincts jump out immediately.
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saint valentine's near and you can practically hear them all whine with impatience. of course their adorable omega was going to bake something, isn't she the best ? tight apron tied around your perfect waist, you're trying hard to make as many chocolate as possible, putting them in small boxes and decorating them with a pink ribbon.
you're glad they let you use their own kitchen, the one you and your father had along with his colleagues was nothing sort of dreamy, used and damaged. theirs was huge, clean and filled to the brim with the latest and most sophisticated tools you could only dream of. they told you to use it whenever you had something you wanted to bake instead of that poor excuse of a kitchen, living inside that garbage was a crime they thought, they couldn't let their precious omega walk around in such filth...
sanzu almost begged you to bake some chocolate for him, you even thought he was gonna end up on his knees from how hard he was pleading... you laughed a bit at his antics and gave him his holy grail with your usual smile that never fails to make him want to bite your cute cheeks. mikey's eagerly waiting for his own share of chocolate and you promptly give them all theirs without forgetting to thank them for how kind they all were since the beginning of the year.
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that's... weird. you never thought you would've felt unsafe inside the buildings of this school with how protective they all were. but again, you should have expected that from at least one of them, you're in an all-alpha school after all...
but now you're all alone, the late night snack you left your room for tightly held in your fist and frantic eyes searching around you for anyone awake at this hour too. you didn't think someone would actually assault you in such a place, but here you were...
the corridor is empty, dim lights don't help your vision at all and the foul scent of an alpha is invading your nose.
the boy starts to dig his nose inside the crook of your neck and you physically recoil at the intrusive action, shaking at how forcibly submissive it makes you.
lucky for you, the lights turn on and a familiar small group of alphas arrive after a minute only. mikey's the one to give the first blow before leaving the rest to baji and sanzu. kakucho is as kind as ever, the most reassuring person you could wish for and softly makes sure you're alright after the small scolding of mitsuya. of course you should've called one of them if you were hungry ! only a helpless omega like you would have done that, so vulnerable and in need of a saviour... how did you even survive on your own before meeting them ?
you honestly can't answer nor think straight anymore next to the pleading of the beaten up boy, the two angry alphas spreading pheromones you wish you didn't smell because of how strong they are...
                                    · · ୨୧ · ·
— second part coming soon...
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delicatebarness · 3 months
but daddy i love him | prologue
Summary: As the daughter of a notorious mob boss, you must balance loyalty, love, and the ever-present danger of concealing a forbidden romance with Bucky Barnes, your oldest brother's closest friend.
Warnings: This story contains themes of secrecy, forbidden romance, and familiar conflict. High School/Mob AU. - Also, a lot of what happens in this series will be done while the characters are underage, for example, alcohol and drug consumption.
Word Count: 1110
Spotify Playlist | Support: Ko-FI
Series Masterlist | Next Chapter
A/N: Hello again. So, this is the start of the rewrite of ITHK and Safe & Sound, I have tried to blend the stories together to create a new one. I have added the tag lists from the series below, but please let me know if you'd like to be added or removed from this series. - Please feel free to leave feedback or let me know where and how you want the story to continue, this is just as much yours as it is mine. - B
I Think He Knows: @bigtreefest | @caplanbuckybarnes | @angelbabyyy99 | @mega-kittyglitter-1 | @cjand10 | @armystay89 | @itvy5601 | @spider-mans-hoe | @buckys0whore
Safe & Sound: @wintrsoldrluvr | @mostlymarvelgirl | @abaker74 | @scott-loki-barnes | @buckys0whore | @all-will-be-well-love | @cjand10
Everything: @hallecarey1 | @pattiemac1 | @uhmellamoanna | @scraftsku35 | @ozwriterchick | @sapphirebarnes | @rach2602 | @thetorturedbuckydepartment
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In the heart of New York City. beneath the towering skyscrapers and blinding lights, lay a world where shadows concealed secrets and power whispered through the alleys. As the youngest and only daughter of a city's most notorious mob boss, you’ve learned to live with the constant hum of dangers that surrounded your family’s empire.
Attending Brooklyn Prep, a private high school, you maintain the facade of the diligent student, blending in with the privileged children of New York’s elite. And, beneath your polished exterior lay a hidden truth– your forbidden relationship with Bucky Barnes, your older brother Steve’s best friend. 
The epitome of loyalty and righteousness, Steve saw Bucky as another brother figure in your life. Dismissing any inkling of suspicion, he firmly believed that Bucky saw you as nothing more than a sister. “Bucky’s just looking out for her,” Stever would often reassure your twin brother, Peter, whenever his suspicions surfaced. Yet, you knew the truth. There was a passion that simmered beneath Bucky’s protective facade, your stolen glances and hidden smiles told a different story. 
One afternoon, as the school bell rang, you made your way toward an empty classroom at the end of the hall. The door opened with a creak, and before you could say a word, Bucky pulled you inside. His hand gripped your waist as his lips crashed onto yours. Your knees felt weak as the intensity of his kiss made you melt into his embrace, forgetting for a moment the world outside.
“I’ve missed you, Sunshine,” he murmurs against your lips, his voice thick with longing. His hands roamed up your back, pulling you closer. 
“I missed you too,” you whispered back between kisses, your fingers tangling in his hair. 
His kisses became more urgent, his breath hot against your skin. “We need to be more careful,” he muttered, breaking away for a moment, resting his forehead against yours. “Peter’s been watching us again. He almost caught me slipping a note into your locker yesterday.” 
Your heart skipped a beat. “I know. He’s suspicious, but Steve… Steve keeps dismissing him.” 
Bucky sighed, brushing a stray strand of hair behind your ear. “We can’t let our guard down. If Peter finds out… if your father finds out…” 
Placing a finger on his lips, you silenced him. “We’ll be careful, we have to be.” 
Just as your lips met again, the sound of footsteps in the hallway made you both freeze. Pulling away reluctantly, you straightened your clothing and tried to calm your racing heart. “I’ll see you tonight,” he whispered, his eyes locking onto yours with a mixture of longing and resolve. 
You found solace in the garden of your family’s estate that afternoon. The vibrant blooms and gentle rustle of leaves provide a calm sanctuary for your mind. Sat on a stone bench, under an old oak tree, you lost yourself in a book. The pages offered a temporary escape from the tension of your double life. 
However, the tranquility was short-lived as the sound of abrupt footsteps approached. Glancing up, you see Peter emerging from the shadows– a chill cast over the serene garden. 
“What are you doing out here?”  he asked, his voice dripping with contempt as he approached. His gaze was cold and calculating. 
“Reading,” you replied, keeping your voice steady as you gestured to the book in your hands.
Peter scoffed. “Of course,” he muttered, his eyes narrowing as he surveyed the garden. “I wonder if Bucky would be interested in your taste for quiet corners. Or, maybe… he’s already familiar with them.” 
Your grip on your book tightens, your knuckles turning white as his words cut deep. “Leave me alone, Pete.” 
A cruel smile tugged at the corners of his lips, his eyes gleaming with malice. “Make me, Princess,” he taunts, seizing the book out of your hands. Frustration coursed through your veins as his actions were fueled by his desire to provoke and intimidate. 
“Give it back,” you demanded, rising to your feet.
Peter laughed, a harsh, mocking sound that echoed through the garden. “What’s the matter, little sister?” his taunts continued, flipping through the pages. “Can’t handle a little fun?” 
The urge to lash out nearly overwhelmed you as your fists clenched. Thankfully, the years of conditioning yourself to keep your emotions in check and not steep to his level held you back. “Just give it back,” you repeated with a sigh.
His grin widened, thriving on your discomfort. “Or what?” he challenges. “What are you going to do about it?” 
Before you could respond, a voice cuts through the tension, sending both you and Peter snapping your heads around in surprise.
“What’s going on here?” Steve stood at the edge of the garden. An expression mixed with concern and disapproval as his gaze flickered between you and Peter. “Pete, Dad wants a word.” 
Peter hesitated for a moment, his eyes narrowing in defiance. But, he ultimately tossed the book aside with a dismissive flick of the wrist, indifference spreading across his features. You let out a shaky breath as Peter disappeared back toward the house. The tension drained from your shoulders as you knelt, reaching for your book.
Waiting for Peter to be out of earshot, you turned to Steve with a furrowed brow. “Did Dad really want to talk to him?” 
Solemnly, Steve shook his head. “No, he didn’t. But, if there’s anyone Peter’s scared of, it’s Dad.” 
You nodded. Despite being your twin brother, Peter’s demeanor and motivations often baffled you both. “Thank you, Stevie,” you said softly, your eyes filled with gratitude as you met his gaze. 
Later that evening, as dusk settled over the estate, you stole away to a secluded spot in the garden. The spot you had discovered years ago was a blind spot in your father’s security system, a place where the cameras couldn’t reach. It had become your sanctuary, a hidden nook where you and Bucky often met secretly.
The air was thick with the scent of night-blooming jasmine, adding a touch of ethereal beauty to the clandestine meeting. Bucky took your hand in his, his touch warm and reassuring. “I wish we didn’t have to hide like this,” he murmured, his thumb brushing gently across your cheek. 
“Me neither,” you whispered back, your heart aching with the weight of secrecy. “But, he’d kill you if he knew.” 
Bucky nodded, his jaw tightening. “I’ll find us a way,” he vowed, his voice unwavering. “I won’t let anyone come between us.” 
You leaned into him and in the quiet sanctuary of the garden, you and Bucky found a brief respite from the tumultuous currents of your lives.
Series Masterlist | Next Chapter
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Emperor | Yandere Qin Shi Huang
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Yandere Pantheon College AU (4/7) | Master List
“Mao Mantai!”
The Chinese club supervisor and professor for advanced languages was quite the character
Oddly enough slamming through the shoddy facilities he’s allowed to have classes in
That is when he doesn’t find a neglected classroom on the elite side to teach his kids or hold club activities in 
“Mr. Huang you cannot teach your classes in here!”
“Ha! As the emperor of the Chinese club, I see no reason I should leave. In fact, I think you should leave on the account that you’re irritating me. Students!”
“Yes sir!”
Because of his…emperor complex(?) he’s the hardest person to reign in when it comes to the average teachers attempting to ‘unionize’ 
Not that he doesn’t believe in the cause
He’s just so set on just existing where and with what he wants because he can
He’s not one for all the legalese
At least that’s before you petition him
“Uh Qin are you in here? I was told the club gained some new exploits….”
“Qīn'ài de rén! Glad you finally decided to come by you’re just in time for your fitting!”
He’d stolen one of the elite lounges for himself 
filled with all the luxuries they shared lounges or just the average lounge in general
Coffee maker, shaved ice maker, half a kitchen, 
nice furniture–courtesy of those dedicated club members
He was quick to make sure it screamed Chinese royalty in here
Shooing off the students and some teachers who were always at his beck and call 
You make your case
“Qin I think it’s great that you got this room but I heard that you beat up the guidance counselor and that one teacher that came to confront you—we really can’t have you—”
“Red or green, Bǎobao?”
“You really set the group behind because we–wait what?”
“Red or green for your hanfu! Now that I think about it maybe I should just have you match mine!”
“...why does this matter?”
“Every emperor needs his empress!”
“What?! But I’m a–”
“As an emperor, the path is where I lead!”
Honestly, he’ll have you eat, play board games with you, and have you sit in his lap before hearing you out
It’s a real negotiation when he’s being serious
As an emperor, he doesn’t feel the need to go through paperwork or intimidate the elite side into respect because he’s more than prepared to do whatever he feels like to get what he wants
You might have to just back up Brunhilde and have her debate with him 
And through much deliberation
He’ll finally agree
…with some conditions
After all, they were all fighting the same foe
“Hǎo! Now let’s talk about my conditions!”
“Whatever you want we can do it. It’s a pleasure to officially be working with you.”
His first manner of business is making sure you wear some article of Chinese fashion that matches his
“Do I have to wear this? Some of these are just so…out of my style.”
“It’s either that or I could cover you in another mark of mine…that actually might be better…”
“Ah! On second thought I’ll let you overhaul my closet.”
The second demand is that when you’re on break you’re doing your work on his lap
Wherever that might be
Third, should anything happen to you average or elite he better be told, and he’ll deal with it himself
“I think these are reasonable terms.”
“I agree thank you for being merciful, Emperor Qin!”
“I’ll say! Brunhilde don’t play up to his weird fantasies!”
“Oh Huánghòu, you’re anger makes me want to ravish you!”
“N-n-not here!”
“The path is where I lead!”
223 notes · View notes
edenesth · 1 year
The Secret Admirer
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Pairing: school rival!San x fem!reader (featuring Wooyoung)
AU: high school au (enemies to lovers)
Word Count: 14k
Summary: As a new transfer student in KQ High, you start receiving anonymous love notes and gifts that leave you both intrigued and confused. It becomes a secret admirer mystery at school and everyone has their theories about who it might be. Could it be your crush, Wooyoung, as you'd hoped or the annoying Choi San?
A/N: This is lowkey inspired by ATEEZ's The Real music video. San looked so good here, he's literally unreal.
ATEEZ Masterlist
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Mingi let out a sigh filled with anxiety, his gaze fixed on the imposing school building that would be your new home. You pursed your lips, throwing an arm over his shoulder as best you could, your best friend towering over you by at least half a head.
"I'm really scared." He admitted, shoulders sagging under the weight of his apprehension.
In an attempt to ease his tension, you playfully nudged him on the head, "Oh, come on, Mingi. We didn't leave our old school behind just for you to remain scared here. I promise things will be better."
He managed a forced smile, wanting to show strength for your sake.
Your previous school was a nightmare, a toxic environment where bullies ruled the place, and even teachers struggled to maintain order. Wealthy students received special treatment, while the rest of the students became targets of the elite.
Poor Mingi had suffered the worst of it.
He endured relentless bullying that left him with severe anxiety.
As his best friend, you had done everything in your power to protect him, but the odds were stacked against you when you, like him and everyone else, were only from a regular-income family.
In the end, you two suffered together, united by the daily struggle.
You had talked to your parents about the situation, and together with Mingi's parents, they agreed to transfer both of you to a new and more promising school in the neighbourhood.
That's how you found yourselves standing before KQ High.
It was your first day at this new school, and while you were filled with optimism, Mingi still carried the weight of his old fears.
"Hey, no matter what happens, I'll be right here with you, okay?"
His genuine smile finally broke through, and he pulled you into a side hug, "Thanks, buttercup. You're the best."
You smirked and dramatically flipped your hair, "I know. Now, let's get going, dumbass. We can't afford to be late on our first day. Trust me, you don't want to be a laughingstock."
With his laughter accompanying you, you both headed towards the unknown, already feeling a little lighter and more hopeful about the new journey ahead.
Lucky for the two of you, the first period of the day turned out to be an unexpectedly pleasant surprise.
As you and Mingi settled into your seats in the classroom, you exchanged a look of amazement. This was already a stark contrast to your previous school, where you had grown accustomed to the oppressive atmosphere of fear and hostility.
Today, however, there were no bullies in sight, and the atmosphere felt refreshingly different.
Everyone in the class greeted you both with polite smiles and warm words of welcome upon your first meeting. It was as if they genuinely cared about their studies and the well-being of their fellow classmates.
The teacher, Mr. Kim, a kind and enthusiastic educator, introduced himself with a cheerful demeanour.
He took the time to get to know each student, making sure to pronounce everyone's names correctly and asking about their interests and aspirations.
It felt like a breath of fresh air compared to the apathetic instructors you had encountered before.
As the class began, you found yourself immersed in the subject matter, something that had rarely happened at your previous school. The other students seemed equally engaged, and there was an air of camaraderie as you all shared your thoughts and ideas.
During a group activity, you and Mingi teamed up with a couple of classmates, who were eager to include you in the discussion. They listened attentively to your input and shared their own insights. It was a stark departure from your past experiences of being isolated and ridiculed.
The minutes passed, and the first period drew to a close.
As you gathered your belongings, Mingi turned to you with a smile that reflected his growing sense of relief and happiness.
"Can you believe this, buttercup?" He whispered, his eyes wide with amazement, "No bullies, no weird stares, just normal people treating us like... well, normal people."
You returned his smile, "I know, Mingi. It's incredible. I think we might have finally found a place where we belong."
Mingi nodded, and together you both left the classroom, carrying a newfound sense of hope and optimism. The journey was just beginning, but for the first time in a long while, you felt like you were on the right path, surrounded by classmates who were genuinely kind and a school where learning was valued above all else.
But perhaps you might have spoken a little too soon.
In the blink of an eye, a rather intimidating figure appeared before you just as you were making your way to your locker.
The collision was unavoidable, causing the stranger to drop his stack of books. You gasped, immediately bowing multiple times and apologising profusely, not wanting to escalate the situation.
Considering how kind everyone had been so far, you expected this guy to graciously accept your apology.
Oh boy, you couldn't have been more wrong.
Reality proved quite different as he responded with a withering glare, accompanied by a muttered curse under his breath. He then scoffed, "Sheesh, get yourself a pair of glasses if you can't see properly."
Your heart sank, and you could feel your optimism from earlier wavering. It seemed that not everyone was as welcoming as you'd initially thought.
Should've known things were too good to be true.
Not one to back down easily, you rolled your eyes and clenched your jaw in annoyance, "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that a rat crawled up your ass and died there, because what the heck, dude? There's no need to be rude, it was clearly just an accident."
Mingi's eyes widened at your audacious response, panicking.
He quickly grabbed your arm and attempted to pull you away, stammering, "N-no, she didn't mean that! We're new here, so she's not familiar with the rules yet. She reacts strangely to shock... ha ha... We'll just be on our way, sir."
You scoffed, tugging your arm stubbornly out of Mingi's grasp, determined to confront this douchebag, who you now knew as Choi San, thanks to his name tag. You huffed in irritation, "Sir? I think not. Stay put, Mingi. I've got this."
San responded with a smirk, his disbelief evident in his expression, "You? What are you going to do, Miss Smarty Pants?"
To your best friend's absolute chagrin, you rolled up your sleeves, sizing the bully up daringly, fully prepared to fight if necessary.
But before you could do or say anything rash, someone stepped in between you and San, "Whoa, whoa, calm down, let's all take a deep breath. There's no need to fight, I'm sure this is just a misunderstanding."
He turned to you after shooting San a quick glare in warning, "I apologise on behalf of my friend here. He's just having a rough day. I assure you, he's not always like this."
You wished you could respond with collected composure, but you were utterly captivated by the stunning young man who had just intervened. Mingi, sensing the atmosphere, joined you and bowed, "I'm truly sorry as well. She isn't usually like this, I promise."
The guy shook his head warmly, reassuring, "No, please, you have nothing to be sorry for."
While you were momentarily lost in admiration, your best friend took charge of the conversation on your behalf, "I heard you both are new?" The guy inquired, and Mingi nodded, introducing both of you.
He offered a friendly smile, "Oh, it's nice to meet you two. I'm Wooyoung, and this is San. We happen to be the president and vice president of the baseball club. Perhaps you could both come over and take a look once you've settled in."
Finally finding your voice upon hearing this invitation, you enthusiastically chimed in, "We'll definitely be there!"
San couldn't hide his annoyance, clearly vexed by your shift in demeanour due to his best friend's presence. After exchanging a few more pleasantries with Wooyoung, you went separate ways.
As you and Mingi walked home together after school that day, he couldn't help but express his concern.
He shot you a reproachful glance and said, "Seriously, you almost got into a brawl with San back there. You can't just let your temper get the best of you like that."
You took a deep breath, your expression softening as you explained.
"Mingi, I didn't want to fight. I just... I wanted to make sure we don't become targets like we were at our old school. Sometimes, you've got to let people know you're not someone to mess with so they'll leave you alone. It's not about aggression, it's about self-defence."
He sighed, realising your perspective, "I get it, buttercup, but let's try to handle these situations differently, okay? We're in a new place, and maybe things will be different here."
You nodded, understanding his point and promising to exercise more restraint in the future.
Just like your nickname, Mingi named you after the Powerpuff Girl who resembled you the most. While you enjoyed teasing him and playfully referring to him as your princess, you were like his protector; embodying the qualities of a tough hotheaded tomboy, much like the actual Buttercup.
The conversation then took a lighter turn as Mingi began talking about the president of the baseball club, "Did you see the way Wooyoung handled the situation? He's so cool. I hope I can be like him one day."
A dreamy smile crossed your face as you thought of the handsome baseball club president, "Yeah, Wooyoung is something else, isn't he? So confident and composed. It's like he's got this natural charm about him."
Mingi chuckled, catching the starry look in your eyes, "Someone's got a little crush, huh?"
You rolled your eyes playfully, but there was no denying it – there was something undeniably captivating about Wooyoung that had left an impression on both of you.
As you continued your walk home, you wondered what other adventures and encounters awaited you in this new and intriguing chapter of your high school life.
A week had passed since you and Mingi had started attending KQ High, and things were shaping up quite well.
The two of you had managed to make some new friends here and there, and the best part was that you could finally focus on your studies without the looming fear of being bullied.
As you both sat down for lunch in the school courtyard, the sun shining brightly overhead, you felt a sense of contentment. The atmosphere was different here, and it was refreshing to know that you could be yourself without constantly looking over your shoulder.
Mingi took a bite of his sandwich and then turned to you, a mischievous glint in his eye, "You know, I've been thinking. We should pay a visit to the baseball club soon."
You grinned, realising where he was heading with this, "I was just about to say that! I mean, Wooyoung and San did seem pretty cool, it wouldn't hurt to check out what the club is all about."
He nodded in agreement, excitement in his voice, "Exactly! We've literally already met the most important people in the club. Wooyoung's the president, and he's so sweet and welcoming. Plus, San's the vice president, he might not be as warm and fuzzy, but he's still part of the team."
You both chuckled at the thought of San's initial grumpy demeanour.
You were willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps Wooyoung had been right, perhaps San was just having a bad day.
Your best friend continued, "Besides, I hear the baseball club is pretty popular here. It could be a great way for us to finally get more involved in school activities."
With a determined nod, you replied, "For sure. Let's finish our lunch, and maybe we can swing by the club after classes today. I guess it's about time we step out of our comfort zone and try doing what normal students do for a change."
His eyes lit up with enthusiasm as he agreed, "Sounds like a plan. Who knows, maybe we'll discover a hidden talent for baseball or make even more friends along the way."
As you both finished your lunch and chatted about your upcoming visit to the baseball club, you felt a sense of excitement for the adventures and friendships that awaited you at KQ High.
The afternoon sun was dipping low in the sky as you and Mingi made your way to the baseball club's practice field. You were both excited to see what the club had to offer and meet more of your new schoolmates.
However, as you approached the field, you couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Wooyoung was nowhere to be seen.
Instead, San was there to greet you and Mingi.
You tried to shake off the uneasy feeling that had settled in your stomach, reminding yourself that maybe San had just been having a bad day when you first met him.
As you approached, his expression remained stoic, and he barely acknowledged your presence. He turned to Mingi with a polite nod and said, "Hey, you're Mingi, right? I'm San, the vice president. Nice to meet you."
Mingi smiled and extended his hand, shaking San's, "Yeah, that's me. Nice to meet you too, San."
You felt a pang of frustration.
San had greeted Mingi with politeness, but when he turned to you, his demeanour shifted completely. He didn't offer a handshake or a smile; instead, he crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.
"And who are you?"
The blatant hostility in his tone caught you off guard.
You felt your patience wearing thin as you replied, trying to maintain your composure as you gave him your name, "I'm Mingi's friend. We're both new here, and we wanted to check out the baseball club."
His response was a scoff and a dismissive wave of his hand, "Figures."
You exchanged a bewildered look with Mingi, who seemed equally taken aback by San's attitude. It was clear that the vice president had something against you, and it was infuriating to be treated so poorly when you had done nothing to provoke him.
Before the situation could escalate further, you decided to take the high road and simply said, "Well, we'll leave you to it then. Sorry for bothering you."
Mingi nodded in agreement, and you both turned to leave the baseball field, your excitement from earlier now replaced by disappointment and frustration.
You couldn't figure out why San had such a strong dislike for you.
A few days after your rather disheartening encounter with the vice president at the baseball club, you and Mingi were surprised to find Wooyoung approaching you both with a warm smile on his face.
He seemed genuinely apologetic as he began, "Hey, I heard about what happened when you first visited the club. I was away for a meeting that day, and I just wanted to apologise for San's behaviour. He was being unreasonable, and I've spoken to him about it. Sorry about that."
You exchanged a glance with Mingi, your initial tension easing at the club president's friendly demeanour, "No worries," Mingi replied diplomatically, "We understand that everyone has off days."
Wooyoung nodded appreciatively, then made an offer that took you both by surprise, "Well, how about I personally give you a tour of the club and introduce you to the other members? I promise you won't have any trouble with San this time."
You hesitated for a moment, your previous encounter with San still fresh in your mind. But the Wooyoung's sincere offer was hard to resist, and you nodded in agreement.
"Sure, that sounds great. Thank you, Wooyoung."
A few days later, you and Mingi met up with the club president at the baseball field.
He was as charming and friendly as ever, making you feel at ease. As he began to show you around and introduce you to the club members, you were impressed by the teamwork and talent on display.
But your anxiety resurfaced when you noticed San's presence.
Wooyoung had assured you that San would behave civilly, but as the tour continued, it became painfully clear that the club's vice president had no intention of including you in the proceedings.
He interacted with Mingi, offering insights and sharing stories about the club, but he completely disregarded your presence. It was as if you were invisible to him, and you couldn't shake the feeling of being an outsider.
You tried your best to remain composed and not let his behaviour get to you, but it was hard to enjoy the tour when you felt so excluded. Wooyoung noticed your discomfort but didn't address it directly, choosing to focus on showing you the positive aspects of the club.
Once the tour ended, you and Mingi thanked Wooyoung for his time and kindness, genuinely appreciating his efforts to make you feel welcome. But the unresolved tension with San lingered in the air, leaving you with mixed feelings about your visit to the baseball club.
After much contemplation, you and Mingi decided not to join any clubs for the time being, and instead, chose to focus on your studies and adapt to your surroundings first.
As the days turned into weeks at KQ High, your relationship with San seemed to evolve from animosity to outright rivalry.
Every interaction with him felt like a challenge, as he continuously sought to get on your nerves. He never missed an opportunity to one-up you, whether it was by bragging about his grades or teasing you for having slightly lower scores.
In the classroom, San always seemed to find a way to sit near you, making snide comments about your work.
If you scored well on a test, he would downplay it, claiming it was just luck. When your grades were slightly lower than his, he would never let you forget it, making sly remarks about your academic abilities.
Despite his childish behaviour, you were irritated by his constant need to compete. It was as if he couldn't stand the thought of you outperforming him in any way. Your rivalry with the vice president of the baseball club became the talk of the school, with classmates often teasing you both for your ongoing battles.
Amidst this rivalry, Wooyoung seemed to sense your frustration.
He became extra caring and attentive, making an effort to balance out his best friend's behaviour. The club president went out of his way to support you in your studies, offering to help you with difficult subjects and encouraging you to join extracurricular activities.
His kindness and understanding provided a stark contrast to San's behaviour, and you appreciated his efforts to make amends for his friend's actions. Wooyoung's friendship became a source of comfort and encouragement during your high school journey, and you found yourself growing closer to him as a result.
As time went on, you realised that despite the challenges posed by San's rivalry, you had a strong support system in Mingi and Wooyoung, who helped you navigate the ups and downs of high school life.
Your determination to succeed and prove yourself only grew stronger, fueled by the competitive spirit ignited by your rivalry with San.
During a brief break between classes, you were walking alongside Mingi, casually complaining about your favourite chocolate milk running out in the school cafeteria. It had become somewhat of a ritual for you to enjoy that chocolatey goodness during your short breaks, and its absence was deeply felt.
"I can't believe they ran out of my favourite milk again," You groaned to Mingi, shaking your head in disappointment, "It's like they always do it right when I need it the most."
Mingi, ever the empathetic friend, sighed in agreement, "I know, right? It's like they have a radar for when you're craving it."
As you approached your locker during the break, you prepared to grab your textbooks for the next class. However, when you opened your locker, you let out a surprised gasp.
Inside your locker, right next to your textbooks, was a carton of your favourite chocolate milk. You blinked in disbelief, your eyes widening, and your heart skipped a beat.
You reached for it and found a note attached.
Mingi's excitement was palpable as he watched your reaction, "What is it? Did someone leave you a surprise?" You pulled out the note and read it aloud, your voice filled with astonishment, "I hope your favourite milk can cheer you up. Enjoy!"
His eyes widened even more, and he couldn't contain his excitement, "Ooh, you have a secret admirer!" He exclaimed, his voice a little too loud for the quiet hallway. Your face flushed with embarrassment as the attention of your fellow students turned towards you.
You stammered, "I-I don't know who it could be."
Mingi grinned mischievously, putting two and two together, "Maybe it's someone from the baseball club, trying to impress you."
The thought had crossed your mind as well, but you couldn't be sure.
As the mystery of your secret admirer hung in the air, you felt a mixture of curiosity and delight. Who could it be that knew about your love for chocolate milk and wanted to make your day a little brighter?
As time passed, the mystery of your secret admirer deepened, and the gestures of affection continued to pour in.
Every day seemed to bring a new surprise, from your favourite snacks and drinks to essential items to get you through the day. The notes that accompanied these gifts grew sweeter by the day, and it was clear that this person knew you extremely well.
One day, you found a note that simply read, "I hope this makes you smile today," along with a bouquet of your favourite flowers.
Another time, a cosy scarf appeared in your locker with a note that said, "Stay warm and happy, always."
Your secret admirer seemed to anticipate your needs and desires, brightening your days with their thoughtful gestures. You felt a warm sense of connection with this mysterious person who seemed to know you so intimately.
Unbeknownst to you, your secret admirer had become the talk of the school.
Everyone had their own theories about who it might be, and gossip about the identity of this mysterious person spread like wildfire. Some speculated it was someone from the baseball club, while others believed it could be a classmate who had been secretly watching you from afar.
Throughout all of this, your rivalry with San continued.
He would often tease you about the "silly" gifts you were receiving, making fun of the person who would actually like you. Although his comments annoyed you, they also fueled your determination to uncover the identity of your secret admirer.
On the flip side, your bond with Wooyoung continued to grow stronger. He would occasionally do things that made your heart flutter, like lending you his jacket when you were cold or giving you his umbrella when you forgot to bring yours.
These gestures were so attentive and thoughtful that they set your crush on him into overdrive, something even Mingi wouldn't do.
As the days went by, the secret admirer mystery at school only intensified, and you found yourself torn between trying to solve the puzzle and cherishing the daily surprises that brightened your life.
One afternoon, as you and Mingi sat together in your favourite spot in the school courtyard, the topic of your secret admirer came up once again. Ever the imaginative friend, he threw out a series of wild suggestions, each more unlikely than the last.
"What if it's Seonghwa from the calligraphy club? I mean, you did have that one conversation with him." Mingi proposed, his eyes dancing with mischief.
You rolled your eyes at the idea.
"Oh come on, that's a bit too far-fetched, don't you think? Seonghwa is way too sophisticated to have a crush on me."
Mingi didn't stop there, "Okay, okay, how about Yunho from the biker's club? He did lend you a pen during that exam, after all. Could be a sign."
You couldn't help but chortle at Mingi's wild theories.
"Dude, you're trippin'. Yunho is practically a legend in this school. He's got way better things to do than leave me love notes."
Mingi shrugged, conceding, "Yeah, you're probably right. And then there's Yeosang, the untouchable genius and president of the student council. Maybe he's secretly smitten with you."
You burst into laughter, "Mingi, you're freaking crazy! Yeosang is way out of my league. Besides, why would someone like him be interested in me?"
Mingi finally gave up on his outlandish guesses and turned to you with a smile, "Alright, buttercup. Who do you think it is then?"
You felt your cheeks flush, and you hesitated for a moment before shyly admitting, "Well, if I had to pick, I kind of wish it was Wooyoung," He grinned, nudging you playfully, "Ah, so you've got a soft spot for the baseball club president, huh?"
You blushed even deeper and playfully swatted his arm.
"Don't tease me, it's just a silly crush. I doubt he's the secret admirer anyway," His smile was warm as he ruffled your hair, "You never know, silly. Sometimes, the person you least expect can surprise you."
After your admission about your crush on Wooyoung and Mingi's continuous teasing that lasted for days, the gifts and notes from your secret admirer strangely stopped. It was as if someone had flipped a switch, and your daily bright spots had disappeared. You had grown so accustomed to the surprises that you now felt like everything was going wrong without them.
One day, as you sat in an empty classroom after school, fulfilling your cleaning duty, you couldn't shake off the feeling of disappointment. You missed the small gestures of kindness that had brightened your days.
It was a particularly gloomy afternoon, you couldn't help but mope.
But your already sour mood took a nosedive when the last person you wanted to see made an unexpected appearance in the classroom. San strolled in with an arrogant smirk, clearly relishing the opportunity to get under your skin.
"Aww, still pouting because your secret admirer ditched you?" He taunted, leaning casually against a desk.
You tried to ignore him, focusing on your cleaning duties, but his relentless teasing was beginning to wear on your nerves. He continued to make snide remarks about your admirer, insinuating that you might have been sending the gifts and notes to yourself just to create the illusion that someone would like you.
"Are you sure you didn't send yourself all those things just to make yourself look desirable? I mean, who in their right mind would even like you enough to do all this?"
Each of his words stung like a needle, and you clenched your fists in frustration. You had no idea why your secret admirer had suddenly stopped, but the insinuation that you were faking it only fueled your irritation.
Finally, you couldn't hold back any longer.
Turning to face him, you snapped, "You know, San, not everything revolves around you and your constant need to belittle others. Just because you can't stand the thought of someone being nice to me doesn't mean you have to make up stories to feel better about yourself."
His smirk faltered for a moment as he realised the depth of your anger. You had rarely spoken up to him in such a manner, and it took him by surprise. Before he could respond, you turned away and focused on finishing your cleaning duties.
The emptiness in your heart weighed heavily on you, and you wondered why your secret admirer had disappeared and whether you would ever find out the truth.
As you continued to clean the classroom, feeling down after your encounter with San, you didn't expect anyone else to notice your mood.
But as you were lost in your thoughts, you suddenly heard a familiar voice calling out your name.
"Hey, are you okay?"
You turned to see Wooyoung standing in the doorway, concern evident in his eyes. He had apparently noticed your sombre expression and had come to check on you.
You managed a weak smile, not wanting to burden him with your troubles, "I'm fine, Woo. Just a bit tired, that's all." He didn't seem convinced but respected your response.
Instead, he offered, "Well, how about we grab some ice cream after this? It might help brighten your day." The offer caught you by surprise, and you felt a glimmer of hope. Ice cream sounded like a perfect way to lift your spirits.
You nodded in agreement, "Sure, that sounds nice."
As you walked to the nearby ice cream shop after school, Wooyoung did his best to engage you in conversation, trying to cheer you up. His genuine concern and friendly demeanour made you feel a bit better, but you couldn't shake off the nagging thought about your secret admirer.
Sitting in the ice cream parlour, you stared at him as he talked animatedly about various topics, you wondered if he could be the secret admirer. The thought played like a broken record in your mind.
Part of you wanted to ask him why he had stopped the gifts.
But the logical part of your brain reminded you that it couldn't possibly be Wooyoung. If he were the one behind the thoughtful gestures, he wouldn't be here with you right now, trying to cheer you up in person.
So, you pushed aside your doubts and worries, allowing yourself to enjoy the moment with him. As you savoured the sweet taste of your ice cream, you appreciated his kindness and friendship, even if the mystery of your secret admirer remained unsolved.
After your outing with the baseball club president, you found yourself pondering your feelings and the mystery of your secret admirer even more. The conflicting emotions swirling within you left you feeling confused and unsettled.
Unable to contain your thoughts any longer, you decided to confide in Mingi. As you both sat in his bedroom, you opened up about your feelings regarding Wooyoung and the secret admirer.
"Mingi, I just don't understand," You began, your voice tinged with uncertainty, "I've been so fixated on this secret admirer, but I really like Wooyoung. He's caring, attentive, and he's been there for me. So why do I feel so sad about the gifts and notes stopping?"
Mingi regarded you thoughtfully before gently pointing out.
"It sounds like you're describing two different people. If you like Wooyoung and he's been caring towards you, then shouldn't that be enough? Why does it matter if the secret admirer stopped?"
His words struck a chord, and you realised he was right.
Why were you so bothered by the absence of your secret admirer when you believed it to be Wooyoung all along? Did you secretly wish it were someone else? Had your feelings for Wooyoung not been as strong as you thought?
You let out a deep sigh, feeling the weight of your conflicting emotions, "I don't know. Maybe I got carried away with the idea of a secret admirer, it shouldn't diminish what I feel for Wooyoung."
Mingi nodded in understanding, his expression gentle.
"Exactly, buttercup. You don't need a secret admirer to validate your worth or the kindness Wooyoung has shown you. Sometimes, our own expectations and fantasies can cloud our feelings."
Reflecting on Mingi's words, you realised that your fixation on the secret admirer had indeed overshadowed your true feelings for Wooyoung. It was time to appreciate the genuine connection you had with him and let go of the mystery that had consumed your thoughts for so long.
As you decided to let go of the idea of the secret admirer and focus on your budding relationship with Wooyoung, life seemed to return to normal. You enjoyed the time you spent with him, cherishing his caring gestures and the genuine connection you shared.
But one day, as you sat in the school cafeteria with Mingi, you expressed your frustration, "Ugh, can you believe it? They've run out of my favourite chocolate milk again. It's like they do it on purpose."
Mingi sympathetically patted your shoulder, "I know. It's their conspiracy against you, clearly."
After lunch, you returned to your desk in the classroom, expecting another mundane afternoon. But as you opened your bag, you let out a gasp of surprise. There it was, a carton of your beloved chocolate milk, sitting neatly on your desk.
Mingi's eyes widened in disbelief as he stared at the milk, then at you.
"It's happening again!"
You were equally shocked, your heart racing with a mixture of excitement and curiosity.
The return of your secret admirer was unexpected, and you wondered who could be behind it. Picking up the carton of milk and examining it, you find a familiar note attached. It simply read, "I thought this might make your day better."
The mystery had resurfaced, and you exchanged puzzled glances with Mingi. It seemed that your secret admirer was back, and you couldn't wait to uncover the truth behind these thoughtful gestures once and for all.
As the days went by, you noticed that Choi San seemed to be everywhere lately.
It was as if he had suddenly taken an interest in your daily activities. He would pop up in unexpected places, finding clever ways to get your attention, though his teasing had taken on a different tone.
His jokes had shifted from being insulting to more lighthearted and harmless. While you still found yourself annoyed by his constant presence, you couldn't deny that his newfound playfulness was less aggravating than before.
Despite your long-standing rivalry and the initial bad impression you had of each other, you noticed that San's behaviour had changed. He was no longer the relentless tormentor but rather someone who seemed to enjoy engaging with you in a teasing, albeit less hostile, manner.
You found yourself in an odd position.
While you didn't exactly hate him as much as you used to, the memories of your first encounters and the rivalry that had defined your relationship still lingered. It was hard to completely let your guard down around him, even though his intentions appeared to have shifted in a more positive direction.
As you navigate this newfound dynamic with San, you wonder if there was more to his change in behaviour. Was it possible that he had also grown tired of the constant rivalry and had decided to take a different approach in your interactions?
The uncertainty only added to the intrigue of the situation, leaving you both baffled and intrigued by his unexpected transformation.
One afternoon, you found yourself in the library, engrossed in a study session with Wooyoung. The two of you had been diligently working on your assignments and preparing for upcoming exams. The peaceful atmosphere of the library was perfect, and you were grateful for the club president's presence.
But your concentration was disrupted when you noticed San approaching your table. He wore an unhappy expression, and you grumbled in annoyance at his sudden, unwanted presence.
"Hey, Woo," San said with feigned nonchalance, "Mind if I hang out with you guys for a bit?"
Wooyoung, always the peacemaker, smiled and gestured to an empty chair, "Of course, Sannie. Join us. But please, be nice to her."
San acted as if he reluctantly accepted the invitation.
In between your study session, Wooyoung received an urgent phone call that required his immediate attention. He apologised for having to leave and promised to return as soon as he could.
You sighed as Wooyoung left, knowing that you were now alone with San. You asked, "Why are you still here, San? You said you wanted to hang out with Wooyoung," He shrugged, feigning indifference, "Well, I also need to study, you know. Can't be slacking off all the time."
You rolled your eyes, sceptical of his true intentions.
"Fine, whatever. Just don't disturb me."
As you continued to work on your assignments, you came across a particularly challenging math problem that left you frustrated.
San, who had been quietly studying himself, noticed your struggle. Surprisingly, he leaned over and said, "You know, I'm pretty good at math. Need some help?"
You were taken aback by his offer, not expecting such a gesture from someone you had considered your rival for so long. After a moment of hesitation, you reluctantly agreed.
"Okay, fine. Help me with this one."
His explanation turned out to be clear and concise, and you couldn't help but acknowledge that he was indeed skilled in math.
As he helped you in solving the problem, you thought to yourself that maybe he wasn't as unpleasant as you had initially thought. It seemed like he still had the capacity to be a decent person when he chose to be.
The following day, you sat alone in school as the rain poured outside, your chances of staying dry were dwindling rapidly.
Wooyoung was absent, and Mingi had to leave school early for a family emergency, leaving you to face the downpour alone. To make matters worse, you had forgotten your umbrella and raincoat again, a rookie mistake that left you feeling like a complete idiot.
You sighed deeply, hoping against hope that the rain would subside, but it only grew heavier as the minutes passed. After waiting for over an hour, you realised you couldn't stay in school forever.
With a resigned determination, you wrapped your arms around yourself and braced for the inevitable.
Running out into the torrential rain, you were immediately drenched, and your vision blurred as the water streamed down your face. It was a miserable situation, and you cursed your bad luck.
Like the idiot you were, you ended up tripping over something on the ground, scraping your knee painfully on the wet pavement. The pain was sharp, and you couldn't hold back the tears that welled up in your eyes.
You've got to be kidding me, can this day get any worse?
As you sat there in the pouring rain, nursing your injured knee, a shadow appeared in front of you. An umbrella was unfurled above your drenched body, shielding you from the relentless rain, and a hand was extended toward you.
You looked up in surprise, your vision still blurred by raindrops, and to your astonishment, it was San who stood before you.
The last person you expected to come to your aid.
"Need some help?" He asked, his voice surprisingly gentle.
You hesitated for a moment, torn between your ingrained rivalry and your need for assistance. But the pain in your knee and the relentless downpour pushed you to accept his help.
You reached out and took his hand, allowing him to help you up from the wet ground.
As you stood under the umbrella he provided, you felt a strange mixture of gratitude and disbelief because it was San, of all people, who had come to your rescue in your moment of need.
He walked you to the nearest bus stop, offering some protection against the relentless rain. Surprisingly, he was gentle as he helped you sit down and examine your scraped knee. You instinctively pulled away, insisting that you were fine, but he was undeterred.
He knelt down beside you, a look of genuine concern in his eyes.
The sight of him worrying and caring about you was so foreign that you wondered if this was the same Choi San you had known all along.
"Let me take a look." He said softly, reaching out to inspect your scraped knee.
Reluctantly, you allowed him to examine the injury.
He was surprisingly gentle, his touch careful to avoid causing you any more pain. It was a stark contrast to the way he had treated you in the past, and it left you feeling perplexed.
San reached into his bag and pulled out a bandaid, holding it up for you to see, "I always carry a few of these just in case." He explained.
You watched as he helped you apply the bandaid, his actions careful and considerate. Despite your reservations and the history of animosity between you, there was no denying that his concern was genuine.
Looking at him more closely now, you never fully appreciated how handsome San truly was. His slightly damp hair from the rain, coupled with the intense look of concentration on his face as he tried not to cause you more pain, proved to be more appealing than you had expected.
You couldn't believe this, he was making your heart race.
As he finished applying the bandaid, you wondered who this person was and what he had done to the real Choi San.
The conflicting emotions within you made it clear that things were far from simple, and you found yourself questioning your long-held animosity towards him.
After the unexpected kindness from San during the rainstorm and the way he had treated you lately, you felt confused and conflicted. It was a stark departure from the rivalry and animosity that had defined your relationship for so long.
Seeking some perspective, you decided to talk to Mingi about the vice president's sudden change in attitude. As you both lounged in your favourite spot in the school courtyard, you hesitantly broached the topic.
"Mingi, have you noticed how different San has been lately?" You asked, trying to make sense of your feelings.
Your best friend, ever the optimist, offered a reassuring smile.
"Maybe he's just grown tired of the rivalry too, buttercup. People change, you know? Perhaps he's realised that it's best to act civil and put the past behind us."
While Mingi's words were comforting, you still struggled with your emotions. The disdain you had for San had been ingrained in you for so long that accepting his sudden kindness and change of heart was a challenge.
A small part of you resented him for making you feel this way, for shaking the foundation of your long-held beliefs about him.
It was difficult to let go of the past and embrace the possibility of a different relationship with someone you had considered your rival for so long.
A small part of you worried about the possible evil intentions behind his change. The uncertainty left you feeling torn between your deep-seated animosity and the possibility of a new beginning.
As time went on, you continued to receive more and more endearing gifts from your secret admirer. The notes accompanying these gifts became sweeter with each passing day, and it was clear that this mystery person knew you well.
The thoughtful gestures brought a smile to your face, brightening your days and making you feel cherished.
Oddly enough, the timing of these gifts seemed to align with Wooyoung's actions in a way that left you wondering. Many of the surprises were things that he had observed you enjoying or had casually mentioned in conversation.
As a result, rumours began to circulate among your classmates, and the popular theory was that the baseball club president was your secret admirer.
The idea filled you with hope and a flutter of excitement.
The thought that Wooyoung might be the one behind these gestures made your heart race, and you couldn't help but imagine a future where you could be with him.
However, amid this whirlwind of gifts and speculations, San's behaviour remained an enigma.
He was still working on redeeming himself in your eyes, often intervening whenever you and Wooyoung seemed to get closer. It was as if he couldn't stand the thought of you and his best friend becoming a couple.
His actions left you perplexed.
You wondered what had prompted his newfound determination to change. The more he tried to insert himself into your life, the more it fueled your curiosity about the true nature of his intentions.
As the days passed, you found yourself caught between the allure of the secret admirer's gifts and the complicated dynamics between you, Wooyoung, and San. The mysteries and complexities of your high school life continued to unfold, leaving you in a state of both excitement and confusion.
Today, you were on a school trip to the museum for the history class.
The class was filled with a sense of anticipation and curiosity that seemed to revolve around you and Wooyoung.
Everyone around you, including Mingi, seemed to be paying close attention to your interactions with the baseball club president. It was as if they were fully convinced that he was your secret admirer.
You hadn't exactly been oblivious to the little squeals your classmates would occasionally let out whenever Wooyoung did something sweet, like draping his blazer over you when it was cold or taking his time to patiently explain what you didn't understand as you walked through the exhibit together.
San, on the other hand, trailed behind the crowd with a sour expression.
The vice president of the baseball club disliked the sight of you and his best friend getting so close. The rumours and speculations had reached their peak, and he couldn't hide his frustration.
When the group settled down for lunch at the museum cafe, you found yourself sitting with Wooyoung, Mingi, and a few other members of the baseball club.
San, unfortunately, had no choice but to mix with other classmates since your table was already full.
During the meal, your friends couldn't resist teasing the club president about his attentiveness to you, jokingly asking when he was going to reveal himself as the secret admirer. Wooyoung blushed from the teasing, and you stared at him, curiosity and anticipation building within you.
With a slight smile, Wooyoung bit his lip and locked eyes with you.
"Must I be the secret admirer for you to like me?" He asked, his voice soft but filled with a hint of vulnerability, "What if I tell you, I'm not that person?"
The revelation hung in the air, leaving everyone at the table shocked and speechless. You, in particular, felt overwhelmed by the unexpected turn of events. You had been so convinced that he was your secret admirer, and now it seemed that the truth was something entirely different.
The mystery had deepened, and you were left wondering who could be behind the thoughtful gifts and gestures that had captured your heart.
As the shock of Wooyoung's revelation settled in, you felt a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts swirling within you. It was a perplexing mix of confusion, disappointment, and self-reflection.
Initially, you had been so convinced that Wooyoung was your secret admirer, and the prospect of that idea had excited you to no end.
But now, faced with the truth that he wasn't the one behind the anonymous gifts and sweet notes, you found yourself questioning why you had been so upset.
You realised that you had allowed your feelings for Wooyoung to become entangled with the idea of him being the secret admirer. It was as if you had equated your affection for him with the mysterious gestures and thoughtfulness of the anonymous person.
In reality, your crush on Wooyoung had been based on his kind actions and his charming personality, not on the deep connection that you thought you had developed because of the secret admirer's gestures.
Deep down, you couldn't deny that you felt a stronger connection to the secret admirer, as it seemed like this person knew you better than anyone else.
The gifts and notes had felt personal as if they were tailored to your likes and preferences. It made you question the authenticity of your feelings for Wooyoung, realising that they might have been built on a more superficial foundation.
As you grappled with these conflicting emotions, you told yourself that your feelings for Wooyoung should be independent and not dependent on what the secret admirer did or didn't do.
Wooyoung was, after all, his own person and your feelings for him should be based on who he was, not on the anonymous acts of kindness that had momentarily clouded your judgement.
After a moment of silence that seemed to weigh heavily on both of you, you could see a slight hint of disappointment in his eyes.
You couldn't let this moment pass without addressing his question.
"I'm sorry, Woo," You began, your voice soft and apologetic, "I do like you, I really do. But I need to find out who the person behind the anonymous gifts and notes is first, it's important to me."
His expression shifted, and he forced a smile, "I understand," He replied, his voice filled with understanding, "Take your time. I'll be here, waiting for your answer."
Mingi, who had been quietly observing the exchange, sensed your discomfort and decided to step in. He offered his gratitude to Wooyoung for taking care of you so far and claimed that he would take over looking out for you after lunch.
The tension in the air seemed to dissipate.
You were grateful for the understanding and support of both Wooyoung and Mingi. It was a complicated situation, but you were determined to unravel the mystery of your secret admirer and figure out where your heart truly belonged.
As the teacher continued explaining the historical artefacts at the museum, you found it increasingly difficult to focus.
Your mind was still trying to digest the fact that Wooyoung was not your secret admirer, and the revelation had left you feeling somewhat distracted.
Lost in your thoughts, you suddenly felt a presence beside you.
It was San, and he couldn't resist teasing you for not paying attention. His playful jab was enough to snap you out of your trance, and he challenged you to a quiz to see who could answer more questions correctly.
At first, you hesitated, still feeling a bit overwhelmed by the recent turn of events.
However, his persistence and friendly competitiveness eventually won you over. You accepted his challenge, and together, you both started paying closer attention to the teacher's explanations.
As the quiz progressed, you found yourself engaged and focused, eager to prove your knowledge. San's enthusiasm and determination were contagious, and he pushed you to think critically about the artefacts and their historical significance.
In the end, the quiz ended in a draw, with both of you answering an impressive number of questions correctly.
You were touched by his effort to help you get back on track and stay engaged in the lesson. It was a small gesture, but it made you realise that maybe, just maybe, your rivalry could turn into something different.
The bus ride back to school after the museum trip had ended found you somehow seated in the final row between Wooyoung and San. Mingi couldn't resist throwing you sly glances, wiggling his brows in a playful manner. You scoffed and rolled your eyes at his antics, trying your best to ignore him.
As the journey continued, the rhythmic motion of the bus and the hum of the engine started to lull you to sleep.
Your eyelids grew heavy, and soon enough, your head swayed and landed on Wooyoung's shoulder, causing a few students to let out affectionate coos at the sight.
San, however, had other plans.
He gently moved your head from Wooyoung's shoulder over to his own, a small, smug smile playing on his lips as he watched you unconsciously snuggle closer to him.
Mingi, sitting nearby, widened his eyes at the unexpected turn of events, making a mental note to tell you about this later.
Wooyoung, on the other hand, looked away and focused his gaze out the window, his expression unreadable but clearly upset. It seemed like both San and Wooyoung were having an internal battle between themselves, each trying to win your attention and affection in their own way.
The tension between the two of them simmered beneath the surface, creating an unspoken rivalry that was beginning to take a toll on their friendship.
In the days following the museum trip, Wooyoung seemed to sense your need for some space and gave you a bit of room to sort through your feelings and thoughts.
The revelation that he wasn't your secret admirer had left you somewhat confused, and you found yourself wanting to uncover the mystery more than ever.
Mingi, always full of wild ideas, suggested that it could be San who was behind the anonymous gifts, especially considering his recent drastic change in behaviour toward you.
It wasn't entirely impossible, but you couldn't bring yourself to believe it.
After all, the gifts had started arriving when you and San were still rivals, and he had even mocked you for receiving them, insinuating that you might be sending them to yourself. The idea that he could be your secret admirer just didn't add up in your mind, and you were adamant that it couldn't be him.
There's no way in hell it could be Choi San.
As you sat alone on the bleachers one day, deep in thought, San suddenly appeared beside you, holding a carton of your favourite chocolate milk.
Your eyes widened in surprise.
The chocolate milk had become a special symbol of your connection with the secret admirer, and it left you wondering how San could possibly know about it.
He offered you the carton with a casual smile, his gaze meeting yours as if he had something important to say. The puzzle pieces in your mind began to shift.
Holy crap, could he be..?
"I found this on your desk, I'm guessing your secret admirer must have left it there." You let out a sigh of relief, realising that, of course, he couldn't have been the one behind this gesture.
He was just being friendly and helpful.
As he settled down beside you, he noticed the contemplative expression on your face and asked, "What's on your mind?"
You wondered when it had all begun, this change in his demeanour towards you. He was treating you so casually, almost like friends, and it left you both intrigued and perplexed.
But you chose not to voice your thoughts out loud, not wanting to risk a quarrel with him.
Instead, you decided to be honest and opened up about your problem with the secret admirer, "It's the thing with my secret admirer... It sucks but it bothers me that it isn't Wooyoung. I just can't figure out why I'm so disappointed by the truth. I guess I just... really wanted it to be him."
To your surprise, San offered you genuine advice.
"If you're disappointed that it's not Wooyoung," He began, "Maybe it's because he's not the one you truly like. Perhaps it's the secret admirer that you really want to be with."
His words struck a chord with you, and you couldn't help but ponder them. His insights were unexpected, and you found yourself considering whether your feelings for Wooyoung had been based on the wrong foundation all along.
It was a moment of introspection that left you with more questions than answers, but at least now, you had someone to discuss them with.
"Tell you what, I'll help you find out who this mysterious person is."
San's willingness to help you figure out the identity of your secret admirer took you by surprise. After all, it was San who had initially ridiculed you for receiving these anonymous gifts and had even been quite mean about it.
You expressed your genuine astonishment, turning to him with wide eyes, "You're really willing to help me with this?" You asked, still somewhat taken aback by his sudden change of heart.
He looked at you, his expression softening with a touch of guilt.
He admitted, "I shouldn't have said those mean words back then. I didn't mean them, and I wish I could take them back if it were possible."
His sincere apology caught you off guard, and you could see the regret in his eyes. You appreciated his honesty and his willingness to make amends, and you were thankful for his apology.
With San by your side, offering to help uncover the mystery of your secret admirer, you wondered if there was more to him than the rivalry that had defined your relationship until now. It was a surprising turn of events, and you were beginning to see a different side of him—one that left you curious and intrigued.
"Hey, San. Be honest with me, why the sudden change in attitude?"
Your curiosity got the better of you, and you finally mustered the courage to address the elephant in the room.
You observed him closely as you posed the question, watching as he attempted to keep his facial expression neutral. It was clear that he was holding back a lot when he finally answered.
"I guess I just... realised how childish I'd been the whole time," He began, his voice measured, "And I grew tired of all the unnecessary fighting between us. I also should've said this earlier but I... I'm really sorry for the way I've acted in the past, I know I was a complete jerk."
His words seemed plausible, but there was something in his eyes that suggested there might be more to the story. It wasn't entirely the truth, but you chose not to press further, not wanting to make him any more uncomfortable.
Instead, you accepted his explanation and appreciated his efforts to change for the better. It was a step towards building a more cordial relationship, and you were willing to see where it would lead.
As he had promised, he diligently assisted you in unravelling the mystery of your secret admirer. Consequently, the two of you ended up spending more time together than initially anticipated, and through this process, you gained a deeper understanding of him.
You came to recognise that when San set his mind to it, he could be just as caring and attentive as Wooyoung.
At this point, you had lost track of how many times he had managed to evoke emotions in you that you had once believed only his best friend could elicit.
The Choi San you now knew was a stark departure from the person you had first encountered, but you had no complaints about the transformation.
It wasn't until that one fateful day that you truly grasped the depth of your feelings for him.
'Hey buttercup, soz I can't walk home with you today. Got a meeting with my project groupmates, I'll see you at dinner tonight.' - Princess Minki💕
As you prepared to leave school, a sigh escaped your lips upon receiving Mingi's text about his meeting with his project groupmates, you resigned yourself to the idea of walking home alone. You didn't want to bother Wooyoung since he had been giving you space lately.
However, to your surprise, when you reached the school gates, you found San standing there, waiting.
You blinked in confusion, "San? Why are you here?"
He smiled, "I'm waiting for you. I saw Mingi leaving with his groupmates, so I thought I'd wait and walk you home."
Your heart did a little flip at his unexpected kindness, "Oh, you really don't have to do that," You said, genuinely touched by his gesture. But he insisted, his tone firm, "I wouldn't forgive myself if something happened to you while you walked home alone. It's the least I can do."
With a grateful smile, you nodded, feeling a warmth in your chest at the realisation that perhaps your relationship with San was slowly evolving into something more.
During your walk home with him, every step seemed to resonate with a sense of closeness that went beyond mere friendship.
The world around you faded into insignificance as he held the umbrella over both of you, sheltering you from the gentle drizzle that had started. The soft pattering of raindrops on the umbrella's surface created a soothing backdrop to your conversation.
His attention to detail was astonishing, like the way he would glance at you out of the corner of his eye when he thought you weren't looking, his gaze filled with a warmth that sent shivers down your spine.
Each shared joke felt like a secret shared between the two of you, a bond that was growing stronger with every laugh.
And when your bag slipped from your shoulder, hitting the ground with a thud, you expected to bend down to pick it up yourself, but before you could react, he had already swooped down to retrieve it for you.
His act of chivalry caught you off guard, making your heart skip a beat. It was these seemingly insignificant moments that left you questioning the nature of your feelings.
As your steps echoed in rhythm with his, you felt a magnetic pull towards him, and your thoughts began to revolve around this unexpected connection that was steadily blossoming between you two.
Without realising it, your focus gradually shifted entirely to San when you were with him. Unlike with Wooyoung, your thoughts no longer wandered to the mysterious secret admirer.
He had a unique way of capturing your full attention, and you found yourself drawn to him in a way you hadn't expected. It was a surprising development that left you in a state of denial about the butterflies he was stirring in your heart.
As you neared your home, engrossed in a conversation with him, you didn't notice the car that swerved dangerously close to the sidewalk. It happened in the blink of an eye, and before you could even react, San sprang into immediate action.
"Watch out!"
In an instant, he had wrapped his arms around you, shielding you from the potential crash.
Time seemed to slow down as you felt his strong, protective embrace. Your heart pounded in your chest, and the world around you blurred into insignificance as you found yourself pressed against his chest.
Once the danger had passed, you slowly pulled away, your breaths coming in shallow gasps.
You stared up at San, your eyes wide with a mixture of emotions. At first, you had feared for his safety, but now, as you gazed into his eyes, you felt your heart racing for an entirely different reason.
His eyes locked with yours, so full of emotion that it left you breathless. It was as if he had been so afraid of you being in harm's way, and that depth of concern was something you had never expected.
At that moment, everything seemed to change between you.
The world around you regained its focus, and you realised that you were still standing on the sidewalk, in the arms of the person who had just saved you from potential danger.
It was a powerful, intense moment that left your heart racing and your mind in turmoil as you tried to make sense of the emotions swirling within you.
The next morning, as you walked to school with Mingi, your heart was still racing from the previous day's encounter with San. The memory of his protective embrace and the intense moment that had followed played over and over in your mind.
As you approached the school gates, you scanned the crowd, looking for any sign of San.
It was almost as if your subconscious was seeking out his presence. And then, like a scene from a movie, you spotted him coming your way from the opposite direction.
Your breath caught in your throat as he drew closer, a warm smile spreading across his face, "Good morning." He greeted you, his voice friendly and genuine.
"Morning." You managed to reply, feeling a strange mix of excitement and nervousness.
San continued on his way, walking alongside Wooyoung, who had been right beside him the entire time. It was at that moment that you realised something shocking: you hadn't even noticed Wooyoung's presence until now.
The realisation hit you like a truck.
It wasn't Wooyoung who had occupied your thoughts, even when he was right next to San. It was San himself who had captured your attention, making you question your feelings and priorities.
You couldn't pinpoint exactly when it all started, but the vice president of the baseball club had somehow become a constant presence in your thoughts. And you had lost track of how many times your heart had fluttered just from catching a glimpse of him.
Almost everything seemed to trigger thoughts of San, and you now realise that these were reactions even Wooyoung couldn't elicit from you during the time you were crushing on him.
Mingi observed you quietly, having heard about what had happened with San the previous day.
He chose to remain silent, knowing that you needed time and space to process your thoughts and emotions. As your best friend, he wanted you to find clarity in your feelings, whatever they may be.
As you entered the classroom with Mingi, your eyes were immediately drawn to your desk, where your favourite chocolate milk sat, accompanied by the usual heartfelt note.
But this time, the note held a surprise.
It didn't contain the usual sweet message; instead, it instructed you to meet up on the rooftop during lunch break.
Your heart raced as you read the note, your eyes widening in astonishment. Your secret admirer was finally revealing themselves, taking the first step towards unveiling their identity.
You couldn't believe it was happening, and a sense of excitement mixed with nervousness coursed through you.
Showing the note to Mingi, you both exchanged wide-eyed glances, realising that the moment you had been waiting for had finally arrived.
It should have filled you with happiness, but deep down, a conflicted feeling gnawed at your heart. You couldn't believe that, despite all your initial reluctance, you found yourself secretly wishing that your secret admirer would turn out to be San.
Everything about him screamed that he couldn't possibly be the one behind the anonymous gifts and sweet notes.
But as determination welled up within you, you considered the possibility of rejecting your secret admirer, someone you had admired from a distance, in favour of someone you had never imagined having feelings for; San.
The thought left you grappling with a whirlwind of emotions as you prepared for the lunchtime rendezvous on the rooftop, unsure of what lay ahead.
The rest of the morning went by in a blur, you hadn't even the slightest clue what Mr. Kim had taught you all in class.
"You can do this, buttercup!"
Mingi encourages, pulling you in for a quick hug before he pushes you towards the staircase leading up to the school rooftop.
Anxiety gripped your heart as you made your way up to the rooftop, each step echoing your pounding heartbeat. You couldn't believe the moment had finally arrived to meet the person who had been behind all the gifts and notes that had brightened your days for the past few months.
Your mind raced with questions, doubts, and a flutter of hope.
As you reached the rooftop door, you hesitated for a moment before pushing it open. The anticipation in the air was palpable, and you could hardly contain the whirlwind of emotions churning inside you.
Your heart nearly stopped when you stepped onto the rooftop, your eyes falling upon the back of a familiar figure.
A sense of suspense hung heavy in the air, and you couldn't bring yourself to move or speak just yet. The person slowly turned around, and as their face came into view, your heart sank.
It was... Wooyoung.
Your disappointment was palpable as you uttered, "Oh, it's you," in a tone that betrayed your shattered expectations. You couldn't control your reaction, and it hurt to know that it wasn't the person you had secretly hoped for.
Unfortunately for you, Wooyoung had seen your reaction clearly.
He smiled sadly, a mixture of understanding and acceptance in his eyes. He had come here not to reveal himself as your secret admirer but to confirm that you didn't return his feelings so that he could finally move on.
Realising that you had hurt him with your reaction, you immediately apologised, "God, I'm so sorry, Woo. I didn't mean to sound disappointed."
Wooyoung's smile remained gentle as he reassured you, "It's fine, really. I understand."
He took a step closer to you and spoke softly, "But I think you should know that I'm not the one who has been sending you those gifts and notes."
Confusion and curiosity washed over you as you turned to face him, your heart pounding in your chest, "Then who is it?" You asked, unable to hide the eagerness in your voice.
Wooyoung smiled once more, but this time, his gaze drifted past you, "Your secret admirer is standing right behind you."
Your heart raced as you turned around slowly, each second feeling like an eternity as you wished desperately for it to be the person you'd come to secretly hope for.
Suspense hung in the air, almost suffocating, as you finally set your eyes on the figure standing there.
And then, you saw him.
Choi San.
Your heart soared at the sight of him, holding a bouquet of your favourite flowers in his hands. His smile was so sweet that it melted your heart, and you couldn't believe the person you had once despised could be your secret admirer.
Wooyoung, having fulfilled his own purpose, discreetly left you two alone for some privacy.
San walked up to you slowly, a playful "surprise" escaping his lips as he presented the bouquet to you. You accepted it shyly, your fingers brushing against the delicate petals, but you couldn't help the flood of questions that overwhelmed your mind.
Sitting together on the bench on the rooftop, you looked at him with a mixture of astonishment and confusion, "Is this some kind of prank?" You asked cautiously, your guard still up despite the sincerity in his eyes.
He shook his head gently, his gaze unwavering, "No, I promise you, this is not a prank," He assured you softly, his eyes locked with yours, "It really has been me all this time."
A wave of disbelief washed over you.
The person who had once been your rival, who had teased and challenged you relentlessly, was the same person who had been secretly showing you kindness and affection.
The contrast was staggering.
As you looked into his eyes, you couldn't believe how you had misunderstood him for so long, and why he had chosen to hide his true feelings behind the guise of a secret admirer.
There were so many questions, but one thing was clear: your perception of Choi San was about to change in ways you couldn't have imagined.
It was time to clear the air, to understand the mystery behind the secret admirer you had come to appreciate and admire, "Okay," You began, your voice tinged with scepticism, "You need to explain everything, from the beginning. How did this all start?"
San sighed, his eyes focused on the ground for a moment before meeting yours with a hint of regret.
"I guess it all started on that first day," He confessed, "It's true that I was having a really bad day when you bumped into me, I was actually going to apologise for being rude. But then you responded with so much feistiness that it intrigued me. I've never met a girl as gutsy as you, and I found it... attractive."
Your eyebrows shot up in surprise, "Wait, you found it attractive when I fought back?"
He chuckled, a faint blush colouring his cheeks.
"Yeah, I did. I was disappointed when you didn't react the way I expected during your first visit to the baseball club. I thought you'd fight back, but you left so timidly. So, I decided to ignore you the next time I saw you, hoping it would get a reaction out of you."
Your mind was reeling from this revelation.
The rivalry between you two had been initiated because he enjoyed seeing you argue back. It was a strange reason, but it explained a lot about his behaviour.
"So, you admired me because of our arguments?"
He nodded, a sheepish smile playing on his lips, "Yes, I admired your spirit and intelligence. But I also realised I couldn't express my admiration openly because of our rivalry. So, I chose to become your secret admirer."
You laughed at the irony of it all, "Wow, this is so unexpected. I thought you just enjoyed tormenting me," He grinned, a glint of mischief in his eyes, "Well, that was part of it. But there's more to it than just that."
As you continued to talk, you realised that the person you had once viewed as your rival had harboured feelings of admiration and attraction towards you all along.
San shifted uncomfortably on the bench, his expression more serious now, "There's... something else too." He began, his gaze fixed on the bouquet of flowers you held.
Your curiosity was piqued once again, "What is it?"
Taking a deep breath, he continued, "I... I know I stopped leaving you the notes and gifts at some point." You immediately knew what he was referring to, remembering how upset you had been.
He glanced at you, his eyes filled with a hint of remorse, "It was around the time I overheard Mingi teasing you about your crush on Wooyoung. It saddened me because I thought maybe it was time for you to focus on being with him."
You furrowed your brow, surprised by this revelation, "You stopped because of that?"
He nodded, his expression conflicted, "Yes. I didn't want to stand in the way of you and Wooyoung, especially since he's my best friend."
His lips curled into a small, self-deprecating smile, "And that's where I messed up. I thought it was a selfless act, but then I saw how upset you were at the absence of the gifts, and I decided to tease you about it. I wanted to see your reaction, and that's when I realised I really hurt your feelings."
Your eyes widened as you recalled that particular encounter, "I was genuinely angry that day," He nodded, his gaze downcast, "I deserved it. I realised that's not how you treat someone you like."
You both sat in silence for a moment, the weight of his confession sinking in. It all made sense now, that was the point when he had suddenly started being nicer to you.
It was clear that San had been struggling with his feelings and the situation had become even more complicated when he saw you growing closer to Wooyoung, just like everyone else, believing he was your secret admirer.
The jealousy he had felt was something he hadn't expected.
"But... why didn't you just talk to me about your feelings?" You finally asked, your voice soft. He sighed, his shoulders slumping, "I guess I was scared. Scared that if I revealed everything, I might lose our friendship, and I couldn't bear the thought of that."
You reached out and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, "San, you don't have to be scared anymore. We can figure this out together."
He looked up at you, his eyes reflecting a mix of relief and gratitude, "Thank you for understanding."
With your newfound understanding, you both continued your conversation, unravelling the complexities of your relationship and the unexpected twists and turns that had brought you to this moment.
The rooftop seemed to hold its breath as you absorbed all that San had shared with you.
The weight of the past few months, the ups and downs, the misunderstandings, and the revelations hung in the air. It was as though a puzzle had finally been pieced together, and you could see the bigger picture clearly now.
As you took a deep breath, you noticed that San was fidgeting, his gaze shifting between your eyes and the ground. There was something he needed to say or do, and the anticipation gnawed at you.
Finally, you couldn't contain your curiosity any longer.
"San," You began gently, "Is there something else on your mind?"
He looked up, meeting your eyes with a mixture of nervousness and determination. His voice was a bit shaky as he spoke, "Actually, there's one more thing I need to ask."
Your heart raced as you waited for him to continue, wondering what else could possibly be left unsaid after everything you'd discussed.
With a deep breath, he scooted closer to you, his eyes locking onto yours, "I've liked you for a long time now, and I've realised that I don't want to hide it anymore. I want to be with you. So, um... Would you be willing to be my girlfriend?"
Your breath caught in your throat, your heart pounding loudly in your chest.
This was the moment you had never expected but secretly hoped for. You looked into his earnest eyes, and a warmth spread through you, washing away any lingering doubts or hesitations.
A smile broke across your face, and it was filled with genuine happiness, "Yes, San. I'd love to be your girlfriend."
His expression shifted from nervousness to pure joy, a radiant smile matching yours. He reached for your hand, and you willingly entwined your fingers with his, sealing the moment.
It felt as though the weight of all the misunderstandings, rivalry, and secrets had been lifted, leaving behind a newfound connection and the promise of something beautiful between you and Choi San.
As your hands remained entwined and the smile lingered on your faces, he felt a surge of happiness and anticipation. The rooftop, once a place filled with secrets and uncertainties, was now a witness to the beginning of something new.
He leaned in closer, his heart pounding louder with each inch he closed. The moment felt right, and he was ready to kiss you, to seal this new chapter between you two. But just as he was about to close the gap, you suddenly asked another question, pulling him back from the brink of that sweet, anticipated moment.
"Wait," You said with a curious expression, "So, Wooyoung knew about you being my secret admirer this whole time?"
San blinked, caught off guard by the unexpected interruption. He chuckled at your inquisitiveness, "Well," He began, "Not exactly. He found out on the day of the school trip when my jealousy got the best of me."
You chuckled along with him, realising how strange and tangled the web of emotions and secrets had become. He continued, "We decided to have a fair competition from then on, letting you be the one to choose who you liked more."
Your laughter filled the rooftop as you shook your head in disbelief at the absurdity of it all, "I can't believe all this drama happened behind the scenes."
He grinned, his thumb gently caressing your hand, "Life's full of surprises. But hey, at least it all worked out in the end."
With that, he leaned in once more, and this time, there were no more interruptions. Your lips met, sealing your newfound relationship with a sweet and memorable kiss.
On that rooftop, amidst the laughter and revelations, you and San found the beginning of something beautiful, free from rivalry and filled with the promise of love.
As the days turned into weeks, your relationship with San blossomed, and soon enough, you became the talk of the school.
The first time the students saw you both showing up hand in hand, they gasped in disbelief. Whispers and surprised glances followed your every move. But the attention didn't faze you or San; you were too wrapped up in each other to care.
San became a constant presence in your life.
He'd walk you to your first-period class, bending down to plant a gentle kiss on your lips before heading to his own. During lunch breaks, he'd wait for you patiently, and you'd share meals and laughter with Mingi, whose perpetual presence as the third wheel now felt like an integral part of your daily life.
Wooyoung, once a central figure in your life, gracefully accepted your rejection. He moved on, finding happiness elsewhere, and he was genuinely happy for you and his best friend.
The baseball club's dynamics might have shifted slightly, but it remained as strong as ever, with you visiting occasionally to watch their practices and games.
Your relationship with San brought not only love but also newfound friendships.
San and Mingi grew exceptionally close, despite your boyfriend's initial annoyance at your best friend's constant presence. The two eventually bonded over their shared affection for you and their mutual admiration for each other.
With each passing day, your connection with San deepened, and you found yourself falling in love with him more and more. The days of rivalry were long behind you, replaced by a sweet romance that left you both feeling fortunate to have found each other.
On a bright, sunny afternoon, you and your boyfriend found yourselves on the school rooftop, enjoying a cute little picnic date. The rooftop had become your special spot, a place where you could escape the hustle and bustle of school life and just be together.
As you laid out a checkered blanket, he couldn't resist stealing a sweet kiss from your lips. Your laughter filled the air, and you playfully pushed him away before retreating into his warm embrace.
His fingers gently traced patterns on your arm as he gazed into your eyes, a look of pure adoration on his face.
San, his eyes soft and contemplative, looked out over the campus below before turning his gaze toward you, "You know, I've been thinking... Would you have liked me if I hadn't riled you up so much when we first met?"
Your smile widened as you considered his question.
It was true; your initial encounters with San were filled with endless banter and rivalry. But as you thought back on those moments, you realised something profound.
"Ooh, that's an interesting question. Honestly, a part of me is glad you did. It made your presence known, and, well, quite impactful," He smirked, "Impactful, huh? So, you miss those days of constant teasing and rivalry?"
Your heart skipped a beat as you weighed your response carefully.
The truth was, while those early days had been filled with challenges and unknowing sparks flying between you two, you wouldn't trade the bond you now shared for anything else.
Shaking your head, you responded, "Not at all! I much prefer the sweet boyfriend you are now."
His eyes sparkled with affection as he inched closer to you. He couldn't resist the warmth of your words and the love that radiated from your gaze. Tenderly, he cupped your cheek and pressed a soft kiss to your lips.
"God, I love you so much." He whispered against your lips.
Your heart swelled with happiness, and in that intimate rooftop setting, your love was sealed with a sweet, lingering kiss.
But just as the romantic atmosphere began to envelop you both, a loud groan interrupted your moment, "Jesus Christ! Get a room, you two! We're in school, for Pete's sake!"
You rolled your eyes and snapped your head up to see your best friend standing at the entrance to the rooftop, grinning mischievously despite the complaints as he approached with a familiar carton of your favourite chocolate milk in hand.
"Surprise!" Mingi announced, offering you the coveted treat, "I thought you might want this."
You laughed as you accepted the milk, realising that even on your private date, Mingi managed to insert himself into the picture. It was one of those quirks that made your friendship all the more special.
With the three of you now lounging on the rooftop, surrounded by the warmth of friendship and newfound love, Mingi couldn't help but reflect on how drastically things had changed.
He spoke with a playful tone, "You know, it's kind of funny. You two were literally at each other's throats for as long as I can remember. And now, look at you, all in love with each other."
You and San shared a fond look, both realising that sometimes, the most unexpected journeys lead to the most beautiful destinations. As you cuddled close, basking in the joy of the present moment, you knew that your love story was a testament to the power of change, friendship, and the unexpected.
Your love story had its share of twists and turns, but in the end, it was a tale of two hearts finding their way to each other, against all odds.
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Well damn, this turned out slightly longer than I'd planned.
Anyway, hope y'all liked this! Thank you for reading and as always, I'd love to hear all your thoughts on the story so feel free to leave as many replies as you want! <3
Also, do let me know if you wish to be added to the permanent tag list for all my works (or if you wish to be removed, I'd understand).
Tag list: @aurasblue @marievllr-abg
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691 notes · View notes
neiptune · 1 year
something's not quite right with them
c/w: 2.4k wc, the secret history au, implied incest, implied dark themes, gojo and suguru and everyone else are secretive annoying & disgustingly elite students, the dark academia setting just really does it for me idk i want to play around with dark themes more
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The library is empty enough to give you less excuses not to focus on what’s in front of you, thick books piled on top of each other and messy notes taken on isolated pieces of paper you keep forgetting to arrange in an order that would make sense.
Most of the students have travelled back home for christmas but you’re too behind on your study plan and had decided that staying would’ve made you more productive than joining your parents on a christmas trip to Salzburg. What an idiot.
The only things you’ve been able to focus on during the past hour are the specks of dust lazily dancing in the winter sun filtering through the tall windows, and the group of people sitting two tables away from you. Their presence there is so unusual one might guess it holds the reason of almost every single stare in the room locked to them, hesitation laced with morbid curiosity. But, truth be told, they’d be alluring anyway, anywhere.
There’s something weird and unnerving about how they carry themselves, always so elegant and eerily enticing. It doesn’t help that they’re almost never around, only attend one class and spend their time exclusively with one another.
To state that you never wondered what went down behind closed doors on evenings and Sunday mornings would be a lie. An entire classroom shut down, barricated for just six people and the only professor you’d refused to endear yourself to would pique anyone’s interest.
You don’t like them, therefore you never had any reason to feel lured enough to attempt a conversation like so many have, with fairly disappointing outputs no less. You don’t like the haughtiness embedded in their attentive stares, the smug sense of superiority surrounding each component of the clique like a nebulous haze that bodes ill.
You don’t like how that Utahime girl constantly sits on her sister Shoko’s lap, letting the latter card thin fingers through her hair so languidly one might get the wrongest idea. You don’t like the contrast posed by that bubbly Yu guy, always far too excited to discuss whatever it is they study in their stupidly exclusive, obsolete literae humaniores class. You don’t like Nanami Kento and his insufferable, stoic expression: he looks like he’s carved in stone, the cold and sharp-edged kind.
You definitely don’t like the best friends, Suguru and his sickeningly condescending smiles, Satoru with his infuriatingly cocky smirks and jokes blurted out loud in Latin or Greek to complete strangers passing by their table, only to laugh at their confusion. You can’t quite put your finger on it but those two have some odd dynamic going on, although you’ve never been one to believe the weird rumors suggesting secret relationships, clandestine gatherings at night or straight up incest. People love to make up stories about popular students they can’t approach and the group certainly is weird enough to fuel some unusual fantasies.
Still, that Gojo guy sometimes looks at his friend like he’d want to swallow him whole and you swear you’ve seen Geto tilt his head up with a gentle hold of his chin more than once, speaking in soft murmurs only inches away from his lips.
Whatever they have going on, it’s none of your business. But you do wonder what they learn in that class, if their exams are any different from yours, where the hell they disappear to from time to time, why they all stayed instead of travelling home for the holidays. Don’t they have families? Are the perfect, most elite students of the already disgustingly elite college having trouble keeping up with their study plan too?
Lost in your thoughts, you notice Suguru’s sharp gaze suddenly darting to yours a second too late. You instantly bring your focus back to the notes you have messily scattered across the table but Satoru’s distinctive, petulant chuckle travels all the way to your ears and your hold on the pencil grows a little tighter.
You don’t dare look in their direction again and actually end up getting some work done, taking short breaks every now and then only to reply to your roommate’s texts. Thank god she’s more than a few states away, Hina is never one to shy away from challenges and she also fell victim of an irrepressible (and, quite honestly inexplicable) fascination with the Classics gang, as she likes to call them. She’d meet Geto’s gaze and bluntly ask if she could join their table with one of her charming smiles, not even bothering to mouth the question or get up to discreetly inquire. She wouldn’t care about heads turning and strangers whispering and you can’t shake the feeling that they’d actually end up indulging her. If as a cruel joke or out of genuine interest, you’re not sure.
As you rise from your seat to start collecting all the exam prep materials, a single glance is all you allow yourself. It’s enough. Suguru is elegantly supporting his head on hands clasped underneath his chin, the thought of his feline eyes having been set on you the entire time teasing your spine with a shudder. Satoru follows suit: he’s been clearly chewing the top of his pen and he lets it rest between his pearly teeth as thin lips stretch into a cheshire smile right as your gaze slips away again, the attempt at giving yourself some sort of composure seemingly amusing him.
You clear your throat and unceremoniously shove books and notes into your leather backpack, the pads of your fingers growing increasingly cold as the air in the library suddenly changes. There are less students sitting at the dark, agarwood tables now, the sunset must be a mere half an hour away and for some silly reason, the greenish glow the little electric lamps cast over the chestnut of the shelves and the burgundy of the walls turns unsettling.
It’s nothing, you tell yourself. Then why are your hands shaking while you gather the few remaining tomes you couldn’t fit in your bag?
Let them look if they want to. You’re going to keep your head up and march by their table and the disturbing, fleeting moment will recede to the back of your mind as soon as you’re out of the library, free to focus on a matter of the uppermost importance: what the hell to get for dinner.
Still, the tweed of your skirt feels itchy on your legs and the opaque black tights are sticking uncomfortably to the skin. You hope the way you loosen your tie is casual enough, as opposed to the booming clacking of your chelsea boots along the polished pavement.
You know you’re not imagining the way the table grows silent as you approach it, every nerve deemed alert by gazes still stubbornly, shamelessly fixed on you. And yet, if they think you’re going to attempt some sort of approach, they better brace themselves for a big, fat, disappointing—
“Excuse me?” his voice is as soft as velvet, melodious in a way you never would’ve guessed. It stops you in your tracks and, for some reason, makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up at the same time.
Suguru offers one of his saccharine smiles when you meet his eyes.
“We have a debate going on. Perhaps you could help us settle it”
Utahime is staring at you with an arched brow, not entirely hostile but indifferent enough to make it clear she’s far from being interested in your opinion on whatever matter. Her sister’s arms are loose around her slim frame, one hand comfortably resting on her naked thigh, skirt sitting shockingly high on her legs. Shoko doesn’t smile but shfits slightly forward in her chair when you glance at her, head tilted to the side in quiet anticipation.
“I doubt it” you reply, not adverse either but certainly resolute enough to elicit a chuckle. Yeah, you don’t fucking like that Yu guy.
“Oh, come on” Geto softly reclaims your attention once more “I’d love to hear your opinion on the matter”
“She doesn’t have any valuable opinion on the matter. Let it go, Suguru” Utahime starts to impatiently tap on the book in front of her with a pencil.
He hums, seemingly pensive.
“Is that so?” the fake disappointment in his voice makes a vein on your forehead throb.
You narrow your gaze and shift the weight of the books you’re holding to your left arm. Whatever stupid game or bet this is, perhaps it’s time for someone to teach these assholes the school is far from being their personal playground.
“What debate?”  
Gojo’s smirk isn’t but a teasing curve in your peripheral.
“Some of us believe that Roman literature is too derivative of the Greek one to be deemed original” Suguru doesn’t add a question to his statement, he simply leaves it hanging in the air as he waits for you to bite.
And hell, you do.
“Only because genre-defining works are all in Greek. But should all epics be judged against Homer? Should all history be judged against Herodotus, all comedy against Aristophanes?”
Nanami’s eyes lazily travel to you for the first time but you don’t falter, nor you let Utahime’s scoff distract you from Geto’s magnetic gaze.
“So we shouldn’t compare, say, De Rerum Natura to any of Epicurus’ writings?” the challenge he offers is polite. You simply shrug.
“You could, but would that take away the fact that it remains one of the most original pieces of all ancient literature? Lucretius was the first one to write a didactic epic about philosophy. Latin literature found an innovative way to build depth and exist within an already established tradition, why would you reduce it to being merely derivative?”
He stares back for a moment too long before offering another one of his enigmatic smiles.
“It’s six to one, Hime” Yu grins as he faintly throws an eraser that hits her arm.
“Oh, give me a fucking break” she groans, gaze now fiery confronting yours “Latins were assimilators, borrowers. I’m willing to bet your ignorance goes as far as arguing that everything Virgil has ever written won’t be forever inferior to anything Homer’s ever thought”
You ignore Yu’s low, impressed whistle and take a second to weigh each word she’s spat. Then, you offer a gentle smile.
“Comparing works of literature, particularly when composed in two different languages and centuries apart, is awfully subjective. But sure, I will bite. The Aeneid, the Illiad and the Odyssey are all written in dactylic hexameter but I would argue that, in general, Homeric poetry is just not as cohesive, not as harmonious. The Aeneid is briefer and still, it manages to evoke both Homeric epics beautifully. We can’t hold Virgil accountable for the fact that Homer came first, can we? You’re focused on the wrong comparison anyway, you should’ve asked me to pick between Virgil and Ovid”
Shoko’s giggle is sweet enough to dim Utahime’s deep scowl. She kisses her shoulder and whispers something about knowing when to admit defeat, chocolate eyes never leaving your figure.
“Requiescat in pace” Yu sticks his tongue out and effectively dodges the eraser being thrown back at him, boyish grin making his eyes glimmer with malice.
“Would you like to sit?” literal honey trickles from Suguru’s relaxed tone, a closed hand now resting on his cheek, index finger pressing to the temple. He looks absolutely unfazed by his friends’ antics, much more focused on studying you instead.
“Suguru!” Utahime’s hiss is certainly rewarding, just not enough to convince you to accept what suddenly feels like an offer there is no turning back from.
Right as you’re about to speak, Satoru straightens up in his seat and you can no longer resist the urge to glance in his direction. You’ve heard about his eyes before, the not so quiet gossiping involving the group always surrounding him the most. He truy does look as perfect as they say, disturbingly so actually, so much that he instantly reminds you of Aether, son of Erebus and Nyx, personification of the sky.
The way he smiles makes you take a tentative step back for good measure: whatever element balances the blessing of such ethereal beauty, must be extraordinary in its darkness.
“Cubitum eamus?”
It’s impossible to blink back your surprise, one that has the corners of his lips curl further up. The boyish inflection of his voice doesn’t pair well with the wicked glint in that otherworldly, challenging stare.
Suguru lets out a good natured huff, Nanami’s scoff sounds much more sincere. It gives you the courage not to succumb to the blood rushing to your cheeks, undesired heat making your insides churn with sincere revulsion.
“Malo mori quam foedari” you murmur it as a prayer to keep yourself safe and don’t spare any of them a single other glance as the urge to get out of the room finally becomes unbearable.
Some would find the deviant laughter that follows you all the way outside of the building amusing, perhaps even satisfying. But all it does is leave a rancid taste in your mouth and as you make your way back to your dorm, you can’t help but feel as if you have taken one too many steps toward something you really don’t want to have anything to do with.
Satoru watches your upside down figure walk away, chair leaned back as he throws his head back in laughter.
“Suguru” he smiles, the tip of his tongue running along his upper lip while he still eyes the wooden doors that have swallowed you “she’d be fun to play with”
“You’re repulsive” Kento’s eyes run along the page he’s so focused on reading, disapproving frown by now a habit more than a timely reaction.
“I think we should get to have a little fun” Shoko ignores her sister’s glare as she sweetly mirrors Gojo’s smile, hand warm as the pads of her fingers sneak underneath Utahime’s skirt to soothe her irritation.
“Let me have her first” Satoru feels ignited as he meets his best friend’s gaze, he recognizes the dimmed flame beginning its faint flicker within it “let me ruin her just enough for you”
Suguru knows he’s lying. All Satoru does is take and take until there’s nothing left, he consumes everything he touches way before anyone else has the chance of getting their fair share. He lives for himself and is still arrogant enough to like that Geto can see right through his bluffs, gets a twisted pleasure from pushing his limits more and more to find out when the wire will snap.   
Sure, he’ll let him have it his way yet again. Suguru doesn’t appreciate rush, knows that true corruption takes time and, boy, does he have all the time in the world.
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index vocabulorum:
requiescat in pace - rest in peace
cubitum eamus? - will you go to bed with me?
malo mori quam foedari - death rather than dishonor
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alinmihai · 2 months
What happened that night at school?
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Content: enemies to lovers, fluff/comfort, modern/high school au, fem reader, terror, geto being a good brother, gojo ends up traumatized, the story keeps getting darker
Word count: 15223
Author's note: it's my first post :D and english isn't my first language so sorry if there's any error in the grammar!
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{Reader} is sitting on the classroom, listening to the history teacher while she says something about the agricultural revolution. Satoru, sitting right behind her is the heir of his family's company, a rich handsome boy who is new to the school. For what she heard from her brother, Satoru had always went to private elite schools, so he didn't have so much friends.
They're not close to each other by any means, but they've had interactions here and there because of Suguru, {reader's} brother and Satoru's friend. Satoru's a business major, but he decided to go to a public school just for the fun of it.
He takes a quick glance at {reader}, and sees how focused she looks.
"So... you free later?" he whispers to her with a small grin on his lips as he half pays attention to the professor.
You try to pay attention to class and ignore him.
"Not a talker, huh...?" He murmurs to himself. He leans a bit closer to you with a smirk and teases, "You're cute when you're so uptight."
You narrowed your eyebrows but keep paying attention to class, ignoring him one more time.
He grins, noticing that you are not talking but noticing your reaction, and says, "So cold... it's almost as if you hate me." He pokes your cheek with a finger, amused by your attitude.
"Stop it!"
Your scream fill the classroom and suddenly everyone, including the teacher, is looking at yours and Satoru's seat. Your cheeks turn into a dark red and Satoru seems shocked for a moment, but to your surprise he laughs gleefully.
"You're so damn loud."
The teacher pauses and looks over, shaking her head in disapproval. "Disturbing the class again... Mr. Gojo and Miss {Surname}... You two are going to get a detention due to your behavior during my class and for distracting the rest of your classmates. At the end of the day I want you here to clean this classroom. Understood? Now... What was I saying? Ah! The agricultural revolutions affected how people worked and got their food. The first caused people to grow crops and raise animals for food..."
As the teacher gets back to explaining the subject, you look back at Satoru, he grins, amused that he got you to yell out loud. He can't deny that he was happy to spend some time alone with you.
Satoru sighs after the class ends. He's slightly annoyed that he got detention, and yet he's also amused that *you* got detention as well. He looks at {reader} from the side and says with a smirk, "Looks like we're gonna be together for a while."
"You're a nightmare! You have many girls to bother! Why always me?"
He shrugs, unbothered by her words, and says, "You're different. You don't swoon over me like the other girls do, and I find it interesting." He grins and asks, "...You hate me that much, huh?"
"Oh so you're starting to get it... Finally..."
He smirks confidently, not bothered by your answer, "You don't drool at the sight of me, and you don't act like you're obsessed with my attention or my money. You also just said I was a headache. Not exactly the words someone would use if they were swooning over me."
You stayed in silence this time. It's true that you think that Satoru is annoying as hell, but you don't really hate him. In fact, you feel a little bad for him. He always has that arrogant and haughty attitude but he's a lonely boy. He has money. A lot of money. He was not raised by his parents, they were always busy at work, so they give Satoru whatever he wanted to try to cover the lack of love with expensive things. At all the private schools he went he was idolized by his intelligence, strength and good looks. This leaded to a spoiled rude boy who thinks that he can do anything. But he wasn't stupid, he knew that all the "friends" he had just were with him because of status. All the girls that were interested in him was because of his money, not because of him as a person. Satoru, when a kid, liked the attention, but as more he grew he started getting tired. So he decided to go to a public school to try to start again.
His first friend was Suguru, your brother. Those two couldn't be more different: Suguru (and you) came from a humble but amorous family, he's kind and caring, more emotional yet serious when it's needed. He likes to help the others and it's loved by everyone. On the other side, Satoru is more rational but tries to hide it with a nonchalant facade. He's boastful because of his past but really cares for the ones who he love.
Besides being this distinct, they got along very fast. Suguru invited Satoru to your house a few times and that was when Satoru started getting interest in you. Even if you don't like his attitude you can't deny he's very handsome... and attractive... and clever... and tall...
Satoru grins while you were lost in your thoughts, enjoying your silence, and leans back in his seat. He says with a cheeky smile, "You're blushing like crazy right now. Are you thinking of me princess?"
You woke up from your mental sleep, seeing that everyone was already gone, leaving just you and Satoru in the class, where the orange tones of the sunset came through the windows, creating a comfortable atmosphere. "I was not thinking of you..."
He laughs and says, "You were! Don't lie." He gently pries your hands away from your face with a smirk, wanting to see your embarrassed expression again.
"Step out! Stop harassing me!"
He grins even more. "Not until you admit you're blushing." He gently pins your wrists down so you can't try to cover your face again and leans closer with a sly smile.
"Satoru I told you to step out" you try to move away from him, just for him to come even closer.
He smirks at the sound of his name coming from your sweet voice and shakes his head, amused. "Nah." He leans closer until his face is only a few inches away. "I'm not stepping away until you admit you're blushing because of me."
Without any of you noticing, the history teacher entered the classroom to tell you where were the cleaning supplies. The teacher freezes at the sight, a shocked yet disapproving look on her face. She quickly clear her throat and say in a stern tone, "Mr. Gojo, step away from Miss {Surname} and sit in your own seat."
You and Satoru seat on your chairs as the teachers gives you a lecture about how do students should behave in class. She glances at you with a frown while explains how you must clean the room. "...mopping, wiping the desks and putting all the things back in place. Understood?"
"Understood." You say in chorus.
The teacher nods, satisfied with your response. "Good. I'll be in my office until 8PM. Call me if you need anything." The teacher leaves the classroom, leaving the two of you alone.
"Satoru, we need to get the cleaning supplies."
He sighs, getting up from his seat and stretches his arms above his head. "Alright, alright. I'll go get them." He looks at you, a cheeky grin plastered on his face. "You gonna watch me do all the work?"
"Yeah... I would like that. I did my nails yesterday, I don't want to ruin them." You tease him showing him your white nails.
He laughs and says, "Too bad. You're helping as well. No complaining." He walks out of the classroom to get the cleaning supplies, leaving you alone for a moment. When Satoru is coming back your phone begins to ring. He looks at you curious, "Who's calling?"
"Why do you want to know? It's none of your business." You said taking your phone from your backpack.
His eyes narrow slightly, and he responds with a slight glare, "It's not important. Just get the call." He tries to act nonchalant, but it's apparent he's bothered trying to read the name appearing on your phone.
You get out of the classroom answering the call. It's your brother.
Satoru watches as {reader} leaves the classroom to pick up the call and crosses his arms, a slight frown still present on his face. He can't help but try to eavesdrop on the conversation, even though he knows it's not his business.
"Hello?" you greet while you walk through the hallway looking at the sunset rays flooding the school courtyard through the large windows. Suguru's voice can be heard through the call. "Hey there, how are you doing? You're late." Suguru's classes ended 3 hours ago, so he must be home waiting for you, since your parents are out of town this week.
"Yeah... I'm fine, it's just that I might be late for dinner... You can eat without me. I got detention today..."
Suguru's voice sounds surprised yet amused. "Detention? I never would've pinned you for the type to get detention. Who'd you piss off?"
You laugh a little. "Who'd I piss off? You must be kidding... You know that friend of yours? The one who is always wearing sunglasses? What was his name?..." You act like you don't know Gojo Satoru damn well. Suguru's voice is laced with a hint of annoyance, but he chuckles. "Ah, you're talking about Satoru? What did he did to you? You know he is hard to ignore and he likes to tease you. What happened? Do I need to talk with him?" He seems to try to hide a laugh but he seems worried too.
You sigh. "When I get home I'll tell you everything. Now we have to clean the whole class... It's our punishment."
"What? You have to clean the classroom?! Let me guess... It was the history teacher that gave you detention. You know she has a cleaning compulsion..." Your brother laughs a bit before getting serious again, "And you get to clean up because of Satoru? I'm going to talk with him, so he stops bothering you. I know that you don't like him that much but... Try to be nice... Even if he's a hard person to live with... He's a good guy." Suguru seems more annoyed and sighs again, "I swear that guy is such a damn troublemaker..."
"Oh if you'll go talk to him tell him to stop flirting and bothering me in class..." You say, tired of having Satoru behind you in class. He often tries to talk with you and throws rubbers when you don't answer him. If that doesn't work too he would kick your chair. You have already tried to change places but nobody wants to be in front of Satoru, so you stayed in the same place.
Suguru goes quiet for a moment, processing the information, and then he exclaims in disbelief. "Wait, what? He was flirting with YOU?!? How the hell did that happen? He knows you're my sister! I'm going to have a serious conversation with him tomorrow..."
"Suguru I have to go now... We can talk latter, I want to do this quick so I can go home. When I end up cleaning I'll call you." Your brother had always been protective over you so his tone doesn't scare you. You wait for a moment before his response.
"Alright, alright. Call me when you're done. And be careful around Satoru. Stay away from him. He's a charmer and he knows how to use his charm to get what he wants."
You let out a giggle, imagining your brother's face. "Okay okay I'll be careful... He might bite me", you joke a little since Suguru is now being overprotective, "I'll be home in less than 2 hours, anything is going to happend. Bye, I love you!" Suguru's voice seems to smile: "Love you too, see you latter".
The call ends, and Satoru, who overheard everything, raises an eyebrow, a slight frown on his face, "So, you have a boyfriend, huh?"
"None of your business." you said getting into the classroom again, leaving the long silent corridor behind.
His smirk returns, and he leans against the wall, his arms crossed. "Oh, it is my concern. I'm interested in you, and finding out there's a boyfriend involved is definitely relevant information for me."
"And if I have would you stop bothering me?" He laughs and says: "Of course not. A boyfriend might make things a bit more complex, but it won't stop me from pursuing you."
You stop when you heard his words and look at him in shock. He looks at you and finally says, "...Don't worry... I was just kidding... You know, if you have a boyfriend I respect that..." He seems sad now. His smirk disappeard and now he has a grimace on his face. You feel a little bad.
"It was not my boyfriend. It was my brother..."
He pauses mid-step, surprise flickering across his face. He blinks once, then bursts out laughing. "Your brother? Suguru? Seriously? I thought you had a boyfriend! I was getting worried!"
You sigh, "I don't have a boyfriend at the moment..."
His laughter subsides, and he grins, his arrogance returning. "Well, that makes things a lot easier for me then." He stands closer, towering over you and looks down with a smirk. He's much taller.
"Get of me. Go find another girl to bother."
He laughs mockingly and leans in closer, his smirk widening. "And why would I do that? You're the one who's caught my attention, and I don't give up on what I want easily. But now that you said that I admit that I can easily get any girl I want."
Is he trying to make you jealous? Probably... But you can handle the provocation, after all you know you to tease too.
"You're such a virgin... That's why you keep chasing me, no girl wants a guy too full of himself like you."
His smirk falters for a moment, and a hint of annoyance crosses his face. "What did you just call me?"
"A virgin. That's what you are. You can even talk to a girl properly without shaking."
He scowls, his irritation growing, and pins you against the wall, trapping you between his arms. "You think you know everything about me, huh? Think I can't talk to girls? I can talk to girls just fine, thank you."
"Not what it seems, everyone in our class seems to hate you because of that atitude." When he heard this his expression darkens, and he grips your wrists tighter.
"They hate me because they're jealous. They can't handle the fact that I'm rich, smart, and handsome. But what do you know about me anyway? You don't know anything." Wrong, you know Gojo Satoru better than he thinks because of his best friend who is also your brother.
"And I don't need too know much to see that you are nothing more than a spoiled brat that have parents with money, nothing more!" You didn't mean to say this, but your argument seem more serious now, even if it started just by teasing each other.
He sneers and presses against you more, his eyes narrowing. "You have no clue. I've got more to offer than just money. Way more. I'm confident, talented, charismatic, and damn good at what I do. You just haven't seen my true potential yet."
"If you have that much talent clean the fucking classroom!" You scream to him trying to get out of his grip. He grins arrogantly.
"So bossy. You really think you have the authority to order me around, huh? You're just a little insect compared to me." You try to push him away one more time and you succeeded.
"You know what? I'm going home! I'm in detention because of you! You must deal with this alone! Clean this fucking classroom by yourself!" He stumbles back a bit but regains his footing quickly.
"Hey, hey, where do you think you're going? We're not done here yet."
"It's your fault that we're here!" You yell again.
He scowls and steps forward, closing the distance between you and says: "My fault? You're the one who got caught for not paying attention in class. You're just as responsible as I am."
You don't want to fight anymore. And you have to admit that it was your fault too. You have to clean the classroom as much as Satoru.
"Sorry... Let's just... Forget this fight and start cleaning... After we clean the class we can ignore each other and act like nothing had happened." You said while you pick up a cloth and start wiping the desks.
His smirk returns, and he crosses his arms. "You think it's gonna be that easy? I said I was interested in you, and I meant it. This won't be the last time we see each other, sweetheart."
You didn't answer. Even though you want to deny it, you have a little crush on Satoru. Even with that attitude. But does he feels the same? Or is this just a game for him? Are you just another girl on his list? Or he just want to tease Suguru flirting with his younger sister? You were lost in your thoughts again.
"Did the cat got your tongue?" Satoru asked, noticing your mood change, while he grabbed a mop and starts mopping the floor.
"Like... Are you really into me? Or just on my looks? Or just..." He interrupted you.
"I'd be lying if I said your looks didn't catch my attention initially, but there's more to it than that. Your sharp wit and feisty attitude intrigue me just as much as your looks." He chuckles softly and looks at you.
You didn't say anything. He stops mopping and leans against the mop handle, studying your expression: "You seem surprised. Did you really think I was only interested in you for your looks or something? Trust me, I've met plenty of beautiful girls before, but none of them have captivated me like you have."
You throw a cloth on him. "Than stop calling other girls beautiful! That's not a complement when you call other girls pretty! You men are mindless..." You said this but inside you were happy. Really happy. After all he really likes you, you're not just a toy for him to play.
He blinks in surprise as the cloth hits him straight on the face, but then he laughs and peels it off. "Hey, hey! Calm down. I didn't mean it like that. Fine... I won't call other girls beautiful. You're the only beautiful girl to me."
You look at him trying to stay serious but you let out a little giggle. Suguru was right. He's quite charming.
"{Reader}, I don't want to argue with you anymore, I really like you. I've never met a girl like you. You're smart, feisty, sarcastic, and not afraid to put me in my place. I find all of those traits really attractive. I know that Im hard to deal with but I don't want to hurt your feelings you know... I genuinely like you..." He admits while he takes a step in your direction, leaving the mop where he was cleaning. It's the first time that he uses your name and not some stupid nickname.
You look down. Your heart is beating fast. This is the first time that someone confessed their love for you and you don't know how to act. You have a crush on Satoru but you are not ready to have a relationship yet. You have to know him better, spend more time with him. "Satoru... I like you, but not at the point to date you already, we must spend more time together so I can be sure about my feelings..."
He reaches out and gently lifts your chin up, meeting your gaze. "I get that. I'm not expecting you to agree to go out with me right this moment. I understand that you want to know more about me first... But give me a chance, alright? Let me prove that I'm not just a spoiled rich kid with a charming smile. I'm more than that."
You look at him and smiled, "Thank you." He grins and tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
"I'll be good. Now that you know that I like you I have no need of bothering you that much, I was trying to get your attention you know. And you have my word, no more complimenting other girls. I'll save all my compliments for you, sweetheart. You're the only one I have eyes for. Happy now?"
"Happy." You let out a genuine smile.
He grins and ruffles your hair affectionately. "Good. I like knowing that I've made you happy. That's a start, right?"
"Yeah... Just one more thing. I don't want my brother to know about us." He frowns and raises an eyebrow.
"Suguru can't know? Well... He doesn't know that I like you... At least I think so... But I had to tell him at any moment. Why can't he know? Is he gonna go all protective older brother on me or something?"
"Well, I told him that you flirted with me while we were on the call and he almost got crazy." He scoffs and rolls his eyes.
"Oh, please. I'm not afraid of him. I can take a few hits. Besides, I'm not gonna let some overprotective brother stop me from pursuing you." You laugh a little.
"So you're saying that if it's necessary you would fight Suguru for me? You know he's strong right?" You teased him a little. He grins confidently and puffs out his chest.
"Of course I'd fight for you. If it came down to it, I'd take on your brother in a heartbeat. I'm not afraid of a few punches. Besides, I'm not weak myself. I'm pretty strong too, you know."
You laugh again. "Yeah yeah I get it you're strong... But seriously, don't tell him by now."
He smirks and flexes his muscles jokingly, "What, you don't believe me? I'll have you know I work out, sweetheart. I may have a pretty face, but I can also throw a punch. Suguru won't stand a chance against me."
"You're really tall, I can confirm that... But you seem too skinny." You continue teasing Satoru.
He pretends to be offended and scoffs, "Skinny, huh? You wound me, sweetheart. You don't think I have muscles under this shirt? I'll have you know, I have muscles in all the right places."
You laugh once more. "You're funnier than I expected!"
He grins and flexes his arm jokingly. "What can I say? I'm a package deal - good looks, charm, and a sense of humor. A little slice of heaven, if you will."
"You've repeated that like 5 times today. I know that you have a high self-esteem but that's too much." You replied, throwing another cloth at him.
It was already night when you finished cleaning the classroom. You talked about everything and got some fun while cleaning. The class was finally shining.
"Okay, it's done! We can go home now."
Satoru looks around and smirks. "Finally, we're done. That took way longer than it should have." He grabs his bag and slings it over his shoulder before offering you his hand, "Ready to head out, princess?"
"Yes! It's already night and I'm hungry." You accepted his hand while you putted your other hand on your belly.
He chuckles and leads you out of the classroom: "Of course you're hungry. Well, lucky for you, I know a great place we can go to grab a bite. My treat, of course."
You gave him a sad smile, "I would like to go with you, but I told Suguru that I was going home when I got out of school..."
He feigns disappointment and pouts dramatically. "Aww, that's a shame. I was looking forward to spending some more time with you, baby. But I suppose family comes first. Next time, then." You look at him without saying anything, just pouting, and he gave you a reassuring smile: "Hey, it's alright. I understand. Like I said, family comes first. But promise me, next time you're free, we'll go out together. Just the two of us. No older brothers interrupting us."
"I promise." You smile.
As you and Satoru went to the school gate, it was already closed. Satoru tried to open it with his strength but it didn't work. His hands were in a dark tone of red now, a little scratched with some blood as he tried to force the gate before.
"What are we gonna do now? I've tried but it didn't open... And it's too high for just two people climb..." Satoru says.
"I don't want to get locked all night in school!" You replied. You were hungry and tired. All the cleaning thing tooked like 2 hours, you and Satoru were exhausted.
He looks around the empty grounds of the school and sighs in frustration. "Neither do I. This is a pain in the ass. What are we supposed to do now?"
"Well... I think we have to wait till morning... Someone has to open the gate for us to get out." You sigh as you respond Satoru.
He groans and leans back against the wall, "Great. Just great. So we're stuck here for the whole night, huh?"
"Yeah... Where do you want to go... Maybe the canteen has some food...? I'm hungry..."
He rubs the back of his neck and sighs, "The canteen's probably our best bet. Let's check it out and see if we can find something to snack on while we're stuck here."
You two were on your way to the school canteen. It was dark... Really dark. All the lights were off, just Satoru's phone flashlight illuminatting the path. Since it's late at night you start getting cold. The wind was hitting the trees and bushes and they were both swaying. It was possible to hear what seemed to be animals walking through the gardens.
As you walked you decided to call your brother to warn him that you were not coming back home that night. Suguru answers after a few rings: "Hey, what's up? You're calling pretty late. Are you coming home?"
You tell suguru what happened. After a minute he answer: "So you're locked in school with satoru? And you are gonna be there all night?"
Suguru sighs and sounds annoyed, "I can't believe this... You're stuck in school all night with that punk... I don't like it. Why did you two take so long to clean a fucking classroom?!"
"Suguru calm down! We're going to be fine... There's food in the canteen, there are many restrooms, and we can stay inside a classroom or something to get warm. When the gatekeeper arrives we'll get out."
You heard Suguru sighing, "Ok, ok... Be careful and try to eat something... And tell Satoru to keep his hands to himself and to not try to do something funny or I'll break every bone in his body. Understood?"
"Understood..." Your brother is reminding you of your history teacher when she was yelling at you and Satoru. You say goodbye to him as you arrive the canteen, turning the lights on.
"Was big bro concerned about his baby sister?" Satoru speaks after minutes in silence due to your call.
"He's just... Too protective sometimes... He's always been like that."
Satoru grins, "Yeah, he definitely seems like the protective type. I can't say I blame him though. You're pretty easy to look at." He teases you with a smirk. "Aw, come on, no need to blush. I'm just calling it like I see it. You're beautiful, sweetheart."
You let out a shy smile as you two explore the canteen, you eat at school sometimes but you haven't entered into the kitchen zone. It was all tidy and clean, without any living soul or noise.
"Alright, so this is the kitchen. Doesn't look like there's much left to eat, though. I guess we'll have to make do with whatever we can find."
"After we eat our food where do want to spend the night?"
Satoru thinks for a moment before responding, "Hmm... that's a good question. Maybe the gym? It might be a bit cold, but at least there's plenty of space, and we can use the exercise equipment as makeshift beds to get comfortable."
"Good idea! You're intelligent when you want to be, you know?" You tease him a little.
"Oh, so you're finally admitting that I have brain after all? I thought you thought I was just a pretty face."
"Hum...Not even a pretty face... Just a wealthy boy."
Satoru feigns offense and dramatically gasps, "Oh, you wound me with your harsh words! I'm not just a rich boy. I'm also ridiculously handsome, charming, and strong."
You laugh because of how repetitive Satoru can be, "Oh, so can the rich handsome strong amazing boy cook?"
He responds confidently, "Of course I can cook. As I said, I'm a man of many talents, and cooking happens to be one of them. Why? You want me to make you a five-star gourmet meal with only a few random ingredients we can find in the canteen?"
You laugh again before answering, "Not a five start gourmet meal, but just something edible."
The boy scratches his cheek, "Heh, well, I can at least promise you something edible. I can whip up something simple like pasta or a sandwich with whatever we can find here."
"All right! You cook, i seat here and watch!"
Satoru rolls his eyes playfully and responds sarcastically, "Great, so I'll be the chef while you sit back and relax. Just don't complain when it doesn't come out looking like a work of art, okay?"
"Okay okay... Can you do me scrambled eggs chef?"
"I got it, your highness. Scrambled eggs comin' right up. Just sit back and watch the chef work his magic."
He then starts searching for all the ingredients, organizing the kitchen as you sit in a chair near him. You stay there a few minutes watching Satoru before your bladder begged you to empty it. You told Satoru that you were going to the restroom really quick. He waved at you and you went out of the canteen.
You finished your business in the restroom and exit the cabin to wash your hands. The sink is clean and the water runs clear. You look at yourself in the mirror, taking a moment to freshen yourself up before heading back out to the canteen. The restroom was clean and well-lit. The cabins doors were all closed, and there's no sign of anyone else inside. The only sounds are the usual hum of the fluorescent lights and the distant sound of dripping water from one of the pipes. As you leave the restroom and start walking through the corridor that leads to the canteen area.
The corridors of this school are really big and have large windows so everyone can see all the school thanks to them. You look through that big windows. It's night and dark. No one is at school at this hour, just you and Satoru. The atmosphere is strangely quiet, without students shouting in the hallways, teachers screaming at them or any other school staff talking to each other. You keep walking still looking through the windows. And you saw it. The music classroom.
You freeze.
You just can't move or look away.
You pause as you notice the light emitting from the music classroom at the other building of the school. There's a faint glow, and the sound of a piano playing can be heard gently wafting from inside.
You must be dreaming.
You need to be dreaming.
The rumors about that class come rushing into your mind. Many students say that classroom is haunted by a ghost of a professor that died 40 years ago there. The causes of death are unknown, but it is said that he was a music teacher, he didn't notice that he died, so he continued to go to the room to give his piano lessons. You've heard many rumors from your friends, students reported hearings piano sounds when nobody was inside the room, others claim to hear a man singing and other even say that they have seen the ghost. At night everyone says that the spirit of that professor plays the piano all night, his favourite song.
The same that you were hearing right at this moment.
You went pale and you feel your knees giving up. You couldn't move.
After what seemed hours looking at that classroom you gain control of your body and run back to the canteen where Satoru was waiting for you.
He is still busy cooking the eggs, his back facing you as he stands over the stove, stirring the scrambled eggs in the pan. He heard you coming into the kitchen and looked over his shoulder, smiling as he sees you return, "Ah, there you are. Just in time. The eggs are almost ready."
You rush to hug him desesperated, still very pale. Satoru is caught off guard by your sudden hug. He can sense that something is wrong, "Hey, hey. What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost or something..."
You went even more pale after he said that. He frowns, noticing your paleness growing even more, "Hey, seriously, what's going on? You're looking really pale right now. Did something happen while you were gone?"
"Satoru..." You clutched his clothes even harder and tried to hide your face into his chest. His expression softens as he sees how distressed you are. He sets the pan down on the stove and wraps his arms around you, holding you close and stroking your hair gently.
"Calm down, it's okay. You can tell me. What's got you so frightened? "
"Let's eat first... I'll tell you when we finished eating..." You couldn't tell him right now, you need to calm now first. You couldn't even talk properly.
Satoru nods in understanding and releases his embrace but keeps one arm around your waist, "Alright, let's eat first. But you have to promise me you'll tell me what's going on once we're done eating. Deal?"
The boy smiles reassuringly and gives your waist a gentle squeeze before returning to the stove to finish cooking the eggs. "Okay then. Let me just finish up these eggs real quick, and then we can sit down and eat. You gonna be okay for a bit longer?"
"Yeah... Just don't leave me alone..."
He nods, acknowledging your need for reassurance, "Don't worry, I won't leave your side. Just give me a moment to plate up these eggs, and then you can cling to me as much as you want, okay? You can sit by now."
He puts the eggs on a plate for you eat and you two sit next to each other. You were calmer but still afraid. After a few minutes you told him everything, the light, the music, the rumours. Satoru listens intently as you recount your experience in the corridor, his expression growing more and more serious. When you finished, he let out a sigh and putted down his fork, "Damn, so you actually saw something that confirms those rumors. I've always thought it was just an urban legend... You say the light was coming from the music room and you heard piano music?"
You nod and tell him that you don't want to get close to that class. You were planning on spending the night on the gym, and to go there you need to pass near the music classroom. He agrees, understanding your trepidation, "I can understand why you're frightened. Seeing something like that can really shake you up. We don't have to go anywhere near that class if you don't want to. We can just eat here in the canteen and then find somewhere else to spend the night. We could spend here but it's too cold and the food smell it's too strong."
"...Satoru... Be honest... Do you believe me?"
He looks at you, his expression serious and considerate, "Of course I believe you. You're not the kind of person to make up stories or jump at shadows. If you say you saw a light on and heard the piano music, then I trust that you did. Besides, there have been other reports of people experiencing similar things in that class before, remember? You're probably not the only one who saw something."
"...What do we do now?"
Satoru takes a moment to consider your options before responding, "Well, we have a two options. We could either go to the gym, which would mean passing by that class, or we could try to find a different room to spend the night in, like one of the classrooms. Neither option is ideal, but we have to make do with what we got."
He tooks a glance at you and sees that you were still pale and shaking a little, so he continues: "But if you don't want to go near to the music class we must spend the night in other place. We'll find somewhere cozy and safe. Don't worry, you are not alone, I'm here with you, and remember, I got to protect you no matter what, or Suguru would break all my bones"
He winks at you playfully and you let out a small smile because he was trying to make you laugh.
"Thank you Toru."
You give him a side hug and he wraps his arms around you and hugs you back tightly, his chin resting on the top of your head. His voice is soft and comforting, "You're welcome, {Reader}. I won't let anything harm you, I promise. Just focus on relaxing and eating, okay? We'll figure everything out together."
Satoru releases the hug but keep one arm around your shoulders, drawing you closer to his chest. "Now, come on. You need to finish your food. You're probably feeling shaken up, but you gotta keep your strength up. Eat a little bit more, alright? Just a few more bites, for me." You eat the rest of your food while he waits.
Satoru grins and gives your shoulder a gentle squeeze, "That's the spirit! See, you're already feeling a bit better after eating. That's good. Now, let's go find a room to stay in for the night. Are you good to walk or do you want me to carry you?"
"Would you carry me if I ask?" You giggle a little, trying to forget that image in your head.
He laughs at your question. "Of course, I will! Just say the word, and I'll carry you wherever you want. No need to trouble yourself with walking. I'll princess carry you if that's what you want."
Satoru starts walking out of the canteen, holding you in his arms like a princess. "We're heading to one of the empty classrooms. It'll be cleaner and more comfortable than staying here in the canteen. And it won't be near that haunted class at all."
You were happy that he didn't force you to go to the gym, but still worried when you thought about something: "But we have to pass through the corridor that have a window with a view of that class..."
Satoru nods, his expression becoming a little more serious, "Yeah, we do have to pass by the corridor, but I'll make sure you don't look out that window at the class. Just focus on me, okay? And if you start feeling uncomfortable, just bury your face in my chest and cling to me as tight as you want. I won't let anything happen to you."
You do what he said, you cling into him as your help depends on it. He holds you against his chest like a precious treasure, his arms securing you tightly. He walks down the corridor carefully, shielding you from any potential sight of the class. His body feels warm and solid against yours, and his scent is comforting as he keeps you close, "Don't look out that window. Just keep your face on my chest. We're almost there, you're doing great. Just a little bit more, alright?"
Satoru continues walking through the corridor, keeping you tucked securely in his arms. The sound of his footsteps and the steady rhythm of his heartbeat help to soothe your nerves. As you finally reach the end of the corridor, Satoru lets out a small sigh of relief.
"We made it. See, we're fine. That wasn't so bad, was it?"
"...Did you saw it?"
Satoru shakes his head. "No, I didn't see anything. I'm focused on you and you only. I didn't look at the class even once. You can trust me on that. "
"Thank you... Really."
"No need to thank me, I'm just looking out for you. You're safe with me. And once we get to the classroom, you can rest easy and forget all about that creepy class. Just a little bit further, and we're there. Just hang in there a bit longer, alright?"
You keep walking until you finally reach an empty classroom. The boy carefully places you down on your feet, opening the door and flicking on the lights. He then shuts the door behind himself, making sure it's locked.
"We made it. Finally somewhere safe and comfortable, without any spooky music classes nearby."
Satoru takes a moment to look around the classroom, making sure everything is secure. Seeing that everything's in order, he turns his attention back to you.
"Alright, we're good here. You can relax now. No windows, no haunted classes. Just you and me in this room."
You nod at him, thanking him again, "Do you have your phone with you? What time is it?"
Satoru nods and reaches into his pocket, pulling out his phone. He quickly checks the time, "Yeah, I've got my phone. The time is..." He brings the phone closer to his face, checking the digital display. "... 11:47PM. Geez, it's already that late."
"And we have to wait until 6AM, that's when the school staff arrives to open the gates." You add.
Satoru lets out a sigh and runs a hand through his hair. "Yeah, we have a long night ahead of us. We need to stay here in this classroom until someone comes in the morning. That means about 6 more hours..."
"Do you want to sleep?"
"Nah, I'm not tired just yet. Plus, I want to make sure you're alright. You've had quite an eventful night, huh?"
"...You're right... I'm exhausted but even if I want to I just can't sleep... I need do distract myself from that... thing... What do you want to do?"
"Well if you want to be awake we could play a game... Like truth or dare. We can get to know each other better and you'll distract yourself. What so you say?"
"Yes... That's a great idea." You liked his idea. Really. But you just can't get that music out of your head. You can't stay safe knowing that something or someone is with you at this school. Satoru is trying to cheer you up, so you force a smile while you sit in two chairs at the back of the class.
"Great! Let's start then. Since I suggested the game, you get to go first. Truth or dare?"
He smirks, thinking of a good question, "Okay, truth question... hmm, let me think... Oh! I got one! Did you ever dated someone? Like, did you have a boyfriend?"
You are surprised by his question. But you remembered what he said moments ago, with this game you can get to know each other better, so you finally answered, "No. Like... I never had a boyfriend before."
He raises an eyebrow, a hint of disbelief in his expression: "You're serious? You're saying you've never dated or had any experiences either?"
"No... There were a few boys that were interested in me... But Suguru won't let them get close. And if im being honest im not that concerned about relationships or anything, we're im high school, we're young. We have a whole life to experience that things. Now we need to focus on other things you know? But as I told you, even if I wanted to date anyone, Suguru would probably scare them away..."
"Ah, now it all makes sense. No wonder you're so untouchable. I guess your brother kept any potential boyfriends away, huh." He says jokingly, "So never dated before? Guess were in the same boat..."
"What do you mean? The great Gojo Satoru never had a girlfriend? Really?"
"I know it's hard to believe... But all the girls that were into me were more interested in my money or my family status, so I never had nothing serious."
His face flushes with embarrassement and he looks away. You laugh a little at his shyness, "Don't need to be shy! So were both inexperienced..."
"Okay okay..." He quickly changes the subject to hide his red cheeks, "Your turn to ask me."
"Truth or dare?"
Satoru grins and leans back against the wall, his cocky behavior coming back, "Dare! Hit me with your best shot. I'm not afraid."
You think for a bit. Even if Satoru is trying to make you feel happier and comfortable you're still frightenedd because of the music classroom. You can't take that moment from your mind, you were paralyzed, looking at the class while you heard a low sound of a piano playing. You can't stay here 6 entire hours at the dark while something is at school too. You tried to be more rational... It could be a person. Yeah... A person... Someone who stayed inside of the school like you and Satoru, maybe someone from the school staff or a student... Maybe even the current music teacher. It can't be a ghost or a spirit... Right? You were lost in your thoughts when Satoru called for you. After a few seconds you answered.
"Well... I'm gonna be honest. I'm still with that classroom in mind... Why don't you go check that it? You don't even need to enter, just get close and see if it's someone there."
The white haired boy raises an eyebrow at your dare and looks at you with a mix of amusement and curiosity, "You want me to go near that haunted classroom? Are you sure about this, princess?"
"Toru I'm still afraid, I need to confirm that's nothing wrong there... And you are not afraid as I am..."
Satoru studies your face, seeing the genuine fear in your eyes. He takes a deep breath and nods, "Alright, if it'll help put your mind at ease, I'll do it. Stay here. But if anything happens, scream and I'll be right there, okay?"
"Thank you. Go with your phone and if anything hapends call me, okay?" You give him a small but genuine smile, grabbing his hand to encourage him.
He nods, pulling out his phone and holding it in his hand, "Don't worry, I'll have my phone ready. Stay right here, princess. You're safe, I promise."
Satoru takes a deep breath, turns the knob, and slowly opens the music classroom door. The student slowly steps into the classroom, holding his phone as a makeshift flashlight. The room is eerily silent, and the air is cold. He glances around, trying to spot anything out of the ordinary... His eyes scan the space carefully, looking for any signs of movement or anything unnerving. The room seems deserted, but the dark shadows in the corners play tricks on his eyes, making him feel slightly uneasy. He takes a few more steps into the room, his phone flashlight illuminating the space in front of him.
Satoru continues exploring the classroom, his footsteps echoing in the empty area. He checks behind desks, peeks into supply closets, and surveys the entire room. He tries to keep his cool, but the eerie silence and darkness start to get under his skin. His heart rate picks up a bit as he continues to search the room. He checks every nook and cranny, searching for any sign of a ghost or anything out of the ordinary. The silence is deafening, and every sound he makes seems amplified in the empty space. As he turns to check behind the last row of desks, he suddenly hears a soft shuffling noise coming from the other side of the room.
He freezes immediately upon hearing the sound. His eyes widen, and his heart starts beating faster. He grips his phone tighter, the dim light trembling in his hand. He slowly and quietly turns in the direction of the noise, trying to pinpoint its location. The sound grows louder, a soft shuffling noise coming from the corner of the classroom. Satoru cautiously approaches the area, his mind racing with possibilities. He tries to keep his breathing steady as he shines his phone flashlight into the dark corner, bracing himself for what he might see.
As the boy approaches the pile of boxes, he can sense that something is off. The shuffling noise seems to be coming from directly behind the boxes. His hands shake slightly as he slowly moves the phone's light back and forth between the boxes, trying to see what's hiding behind them. The shadows dance around him, and he can't shake off the feeling that he's being watched. He takes a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves, then reaches out with a trembling hand and pushes the boxes aside, revealing... nothing.
The corner is empty, with just a few cobwebs and dust bunnies remaining. The shuffling noise suddenly cuts off, and Satoru's heart beats wildly in his chest as he stares into the dimly lit space.
Satoru stands there, frozen in place, his heart still racing. He shines his phone flashlight into the corner once more, just to make sure. The empty space seems almost mocking, with no signs of any creature or ghost. He takes a few deep breaths, trying to calm his racing heart. Was it his imagination? Just the wind playing tricks on him? No, the windows were closed... Or was something there, hiding just out of sight?
He waits a moment, hoping the shuffling noise doesn't start up again. When everything stays quiet, he slowly backs away from the corner, his eyes still locked on the empty space. He takes a deep breath and finally tears his gaze away, trying to shake off the unease that he felt. He turns away from the corner and slowly makes his way to the classroom door, ready to leave that unsettling place behind.
Satoru walks out of the classroom and closes the door behind him, relieved to be out of that eerie space. He stands there for a moment, leaning against the door, and tries to catch his breath. The adrenaline from the experience slowly fades, and he realizes how tense he was. He takes a final deep breath and walks back toward you, a slight tremble in his step. As he approaches you, he forces a small smile, trying to hide the lingering unease he feels. He stops in front of you, pocketing his phone in his jeans, and shrugs slightly.
"Well.. good news, there's nothing wrong with that classroom... You were just imagining things. You are exhausted... You could have imagined it. Your subconscious may have associated the rumors at the music classroom and created an audiovisual effect on your mind."
"Really? So the light and the sounds?... It's true that I'm tired... You must be right."
"Yeah. There's nothing there. I checked the whole place, no sign of any ghost or even a person, whatever. The lights were off and the the cover that protects the piano keys was closed. We're safe."
Satoru was still trying to maintain his composure. He runs a hand through his hair, trying to dismiss your concerns. He heard something. He knows that something is wrong with that place. But he didn't want you to be scared.
"Thank god!" You get up and hug him, "You're my hero!" Finally you can rest. You don't need to be suspicious about a spirit of a dead professor.
Satoru smiles as you hug him, his arms wrapping around you instinctively. He laughs at your words and shakes his head, "Hey, no need to be dramatic. I just checked a dusty classroom, not saved the world or anything."
"You saved me! I was really worried... Now I know nothing is wrong with that class! Thank you!" He grins, enjoying the way you're clinging to him and leans down a bit and gently pats your head.
"You're welcome, princess. You don't have to worry about that classroom anymore. It's just a typical, boring classroom with nothing exciting going on." You laugh a little, you much happier and chill now.
"Yeah... So what do you want to do now?"
Satoru pretends to think for a moment before a mischievous grin spreads across his face, "Hmm, I can think of a few things we can do while it's just the two of us here in a completely deserted school..."
"You perv! We're not doing anything! Suguru would kill you!" You hit his arm jokingly. The boy laughs heartily and steps closer to you, still holding you in his arms. He raises an eyebrow and grins, "Hey, I didn't say anything perverted. But you're right, Suguru would probably kill me if he found out I did anything inappropriate with you. He's so overprotective sometimes..."
You laugh more, before saying, "Now that we know there's no ghost do you want to go to the gym? We can sleep there, we need to rest, and it's comfy, we have to pass through that class, but you checked so we're gonna be fine!" You smiled at him, not noticing that his eyes widened. Satoru considers your suggestion for a moment, weighing the options. He didn't want to go, but you needed to rest and he didn't want to scare you. He glances in the direction of the haunted classroom and then returns his gaze to you, "Hmm, the gym, huh? That doesn't sound bad. And yeah, I checked that classroom already, so we're good to go. Just, uh... stick close to me, okay?... Just in case."
"All right hero... Let's go!" Satoru grins at your nickname for him and tightens his arm around your waist, gently guiding you towards hallway. He keeps a close eye on you, making sure you're feeling safe and comfortable, even though he's the one who's shaking now, "Alright, princess. Let's make our way to the gym and settle in for the night. And don't worry, I'm the hero now, remember? I'll protect you from anything."
You start on your way to the gym, which is located at the back of the school, surrounded by tall large trees. The night is calm, silence settles throughout the school, with only the sound of the wind ruffling the leaves of the trees. Your crush walks alongside you, his arm still around your waist. He looks around the deserted school, taking note of the eerie silence. When you approach the last corridor you have to go through to get to the gym, the hallway of the music room, Satoru looks at you and tries to smile, "Almost there. Just a few more steps, and we'll be at the gym. Are you doing okay? Not too spooked out by this whole situation?"
"Not anymore. You checked. I trust you." You're not lying. You're a lot calmer now. If he told that wasn't anything there, you believe him, there was no reason to be afraid of silly rumours. But Satoru's sure there's something strange happening in this school. After all he heard it. In front of him.
As you both pass by the classroom where the strange shuffling sounds came from earlier, Satoru can't help but feel a pang of unease. He tries to brush it off, telling himself that he already checked the place and there's nothing there. But some lingering doubts remain in his mind, "Yeah, I checked and found nothing... Just an empty classroom... no need to worry." He continues to walk, but his pace is a bit slower now as he grapples with the nagging feeling in his gut. He keeps his arm protectively around your waist, pulling you closer to him. He tries to hide his unease, not wanting to worry you, "We're almost there... just a few more steps to the gym."
As you both finally arrive at the gym, Satoru releases a breath he didn't realize he was holding. The gym's welcoming atmosphere contrasts sharply with the unsettling feeling in his gut. He glances over at you, hoping you didn't notice his momentary discomfort.
"Ah, finally here. The gym is always a good spot to unwind and relax."
"Yeah. I'll go find the blankets or something that can keep us warm, you close the door."
Satoru nods and watches as you head off to find the blankets. He takes a moment to gather his thoughts and try to shake off the lingering unease from earlier. He walks over to the gymnasium's entrance and closes the door, securing it. He takes a final breath before turning back to look around the spacious room. The white hair boy looks around the gym, taking in the familiar surroundings. The familiar sight of basketball hoops and gym equipment brings a small sense of comfort. He walks over to where you are and notices you searching for blankets.
"Having any luck finding those blankets, princess?"
"I found one! We can share."
Satoru grins at your discovery and smirks, "Oh really? Just one, huh? I guess we'll have to share then. I hope you don't mind getting cozy with me under the same blanket."
"Pufff don't think anything stupid." He feigns innocence, putting on an exaggerated shocked expression, "Me? Thinking of something stupid? Perish the thought. I was just thinking about having a nice, friendly snuggle under a blanket. Nothing more, I swear."
You smile at him, "We're just cuddling you stupid." Satoru's grin widens at your invitation. He saunters over to where you are, a playful glimmer in his eyes, "Well, if you insist, baby. I won't say no to a cuddle session." He reaches out and takes the blanket from you, then sits down on the gym floor and gestures for you to join him.
After you sit he drapes the blanket over both of their laps, creating a cozy cocoon for the two of you. He puts an arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer to him and resting his hand on your hip.
"Comfy? This blanket is thinner than I thought. I guess we'll have to cuddle closely to stay warm."
"You're right." You answer and add "We should sleep... All that ghost story made me tired..." You were so tired yet happy that the ghost was "false" that you didn't even notice that Satoru had a change on his mood. Satoru watches as you yawn and snuggle closer to him, oblivious to his lingering unease. He forces a small smile and nods, trying to hide his own tiredness and concern: "Yeah, you're right. It's been a long day with all that ghost talk. Let's get some sleep. You can rest your head on me if you want."
"Okay. Thank you. Just put an alarm for 6AM, so we can go to the gate and go to our houses to rest."
He pulls out his phone, setting an alarm for 6AM, saying "Alarm set for 6AM. We'll be up and out of here before you know it." He tucks his phone back into his pocket and looks down at you, wrapped up in the blanket with your head resting on his shoulder.
As you drift off to sleep, unaware of the turmoil in Satoru's mind, he remains awake, holding you close. The sounds he heard earlier still haunt him, and despite his efforts to dismiss them as his imagination, he can't shake off the feeling of unease. He glances around the gym, the dimly lit room taking on an eerie cast in his mind's eye. The white hair boy tries to stay focused on you, taking comfort in your presence. But every little sound, every shadow that moves in the dim light, sets his nerves on edge. He tries to rationalize with himself, reminding himself that he checked the place earlier and found nothing but the sounds he heard keep replaying in his mind. He can't shake the feeling that something's wrong. Satoru continues to hold you close, his heart racing. He looks down at your sleeping form, feeling a mix of protectiveness and worry. He knows he should wake you up, but he doesn't want to worry you, not when you're looking so peaceful. He tries to ignore the eerie sounds that seem to be getting louder, telling himself that it's just his imagination playing tricks on him. But as the minutes tick by, his unease grows.
Satoru's breath quickens as the sound of shuffling footsteps fills his ears. His grip on you tightens involuntarily, and he looks around the gym, trying to locate the source of the noise. The shadows seem to move more erratically, making it harder for him to tell what's real and what's his imagination. The shuffling footsteps grow louder, and a chill runs down Satoru's spine. He can feel his heart pounding in his chest as adrenaline surges through his body. He glances down at you, still asleep on his shoulder, and debates whether to wake you up or keep you blissfully unaware.
The footsteps seem to draw closer, and Satoru can hear a soft, shuffling noise as if something is approaching from the shadows. His mind races, torn between his desire to protect you and his fear of what's lurking in the darkness. He glances anxiously around the gym, trying to make out any shape or movement in the dim light. The footsteps come to a stop, and an eerie silence falls over the room. Satoru's breath catches in his throat as he strains his ears, listening for any sign of movement. His eyes dart around the gym, searching the shadows for any sign of an intruder. But as the seconds tick by, the silence becomes deafening, and his thoughts begin to race again. His heart beats faster as the tense silence stretches on. He feels a bead of sweat running down his forehead, and his grip on you tightens. He tries to maintain his composure, but the tension is palpable. The room feels charged, as if something is about to happen. Satoru's eyes scan the shadows, his mind racing with worst-case scenarios.
Suddenly, a loud thump echoes through the gym, causing Satoru to jump in surprise. It sounds like something heavy being dropped or moved. Satoru's heart rate spikes, and any lingering doubts about the reality of the situation disappear. He squeezes you protectively, his mind racing with fear. His breathing becomes ragged as the reality of the situation sets in. He quickly fishes out his phone from his pocket, careful not to wake you up. With shaking hands, he unlocks it and dials Suguru's number, desperately hoping his friend picks up. Satoru listens anxiously as the phone rings, each second feeling like an eternity. Finally, after what feels like an eternity, he hears Suguru's groggy voice on the other end of the line.
Satoru's voice trembles as he whispers into the phone, "Suguru, it's me. Please tell me you're awake... I need your help. There's something... someone... here with us in the gym, and I don't know what to do."
Suguru, hearing the panic in Satoru's voice, instantly sits up, fully awake, "What? Satoru, what are you talking about? What's going on?"
The student glances around the gym, his eyes darting nervously as he tries to keep his voice steady, "There's... there's something in here with us. I can hear footsteps, and something just made a loud thump. I don't know who or what it is, and I... I'm scared, Suguru."
Suguru's voice is serious and concerned as he responds, "Stay where you are, and don't do anything stupid. I'm on my way. Just keep yourselves safe until I get there, okay?"
Satoru takes a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart, "Okay, we'll stay put. Just please hurry, Suguru. I don't know what to do if that... thing decides to approach us."
Your brother's voice is reassuring as he responds, "I'm coming as fast as I can. Just stay safe, and don't worry. I'll be there soon."
Satoru nods, even though Suguru can't see him, "Okay, we'll be fine. Just hurry, please." He continues to hold you tightly, his mind racing with anxiety as he waits for Suguru's arrival.
Minutes feel like hours as he anxiously scans the gym for any signs of the intruder. The room is eerily silent, broken only by the sound of his ragged breaths. He desperately listens for any hint of his friend's arrival, his grip on you tightening with each passing second. And finally, after what feels like an eternity, Satoru hears a soft knocking on the gym doors. His heart races as he immediately recognizes the sound, relief flooding through him.
"Suguru's here...."
The boy gently shakes you awake, careful not to startle you too much, "Hey, wake up. Suguru's here, and he's at the door." You wake up groggy, "... What? What is he doing here? It's already 6AM?..." You ask a little confused while you rub your eyes.
Satoru nods, still feeling anxious, "No... It's not 6AM... But... we had a bit of a situation. Can you just go open the door for me, please? I'll explain everything in a second."
"Open the door?" He nods again, his tone gently imploring.
"Yes, can you go open the door, please? Suguru's waiting outside, and well... you're going to think I'm crazy once I explain."
You get up and cross the gym, still rubbing your eyes, looking for the door. It's still dark and there's no noise other than the loud knocking on the gym's large door. You finally reach the door and open it. Your older brother stands at the door, looking concerned and a little disheveled from being woken up suddenly. He glances at you with a mix of worry and relief in his eyes, "Is Gojo there with you? Is he okay?"
"Well... He is there... He looks weird... We planned to sleep and wait untill the gate of the school opened, but he woke me up and told me to open the door..." Your sleepy voice echoes through the big space.
Suguru's concern deepens as he listens to your words. First, he looks up and down at you, trying to catch any wound and when he sees that you're fine, he gives you a quick hug and then glances past you, trying to catch a glimpse of Satoru, "Is he okay? He didn't tell you what's going on? He just woke you up and told you to open the door?"
"He didn't told me anything, I was sleeping... what happened and how did you enter the school? The gates are closed..."
Suguru leans slightly closer, his voice lowered, "The gates are closed, yeah... but I know how to climb the fence. I was worried after Gojo called me and told me that you guys might be in danger. He was freaking out on the phone. Said he heard something in here with you, and he was scared something bad was going to happen. So I told him to stay where he was, and I'd come right over and check it out. That's why I'm here."
"...What?... He heard something?"
"Yeah, he was really panicked. He said he heard footsteps and something making noise in here with you. He sounded genuinely worried. That's why I came over as quickly as I could."
You stayed in silence, paralyzed as you were hours ago when you heard the piano sound and saw the light from the music classroom. Did Satoru heard something? On the gym? That's crazy... You thought that everything was fine, that you had just imagined things. But after all... You were right... That's something wrong in this place... Your older brother looks at you with concern, wondering how you're processing this information. He continues to speak in a quiet voice and a serious face.
"So, is he in there still? Is he okay? Can I come in and talk to him?"
"...Yes yes... Enter."
He nods and steps into the gym, his eyes immediately scanning the room for any signs of danger but nobody else is here. His senses are on high alert, and he cautiously approaches Satoru, who is still sitting on the floor with his back against the wall. Suguru crouches down next to Satoru, noticing his anxious and frightened demeanor, "Hey man, you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." He notices the look of fear in his friend's eyes and places a comforting hand on his shoulder, "Hey, talk to me. What happened? Did you really heard something in here? You look terrified." Suguru's voice is gentle as he tries to coax Satoru into speaking, "...Come on, man. Talk to me. I'm here. Just tell me what happened. I wanna help you. Me and {Reader} checked, there's nothing here..."
"Toru is everything all right? Did you heard anything when I was sleeping?" You ask this time. Satoru takes a deep breath, his voice shaking as he responds:
"Yeah... I heard... footsteps... and something moving around in here. It sounded like someone or something was in here with us while you were sleeping."
Suguru notices your paling complexion and the shock on your face, "Hey, take a deep breath. Everything's going to be okay. I'm here now, and I'll make sure nothing happens. You're safe. But first, why don't you sit down. You look like you're about to pass out." You sit down and you tell everything that happened to Suguru since your detention, the spirit of the music classroom, when satoru went to check and told you that everything was ok...
He listens intently, his expression becoming more serious as you recount the events, "So, you guys were just about to sleep in here when Gojo heard footsteps? But before he went out to check but came back saying everything was fine?" You nod and he continues, as his eyebrows furrow in concentration, "That's weird... He said he heard footsteps and something moving around... but when he went to check that classroom, he told you everything was fine. Why would he do that? Gojo wouldn't lie about something like that. He looked terrified when I came in."
*...I don't know Suguru, I just woke up... But since you're here we better get out of the school, you will help us climb the gates."
"Yeah, you're right. Let's get out of here. I'll help you climb the gates. Gojo, can you get up, or do you need a minute?"
Satoru stayed in silence.
Suguru offers him a hand, helping him to his feet, "Come on, man. You look shaken, but we need to get out of here. Can you walk?" He didn't answer again. Your brother puts a supportive arm around Satoru as they start making their way towards the exit, with you at the front, "Lean on me. I got you."
"It's still night... What time is it?" Suguru glances at his watch as they walk and responds you, "It's around 5am. The sun should start rising in about an hour." "Do you want to wait till someone came? It's just one hour left. Or you prefer to climb?" You asked.
Suguru considers the options for a moment before responding, "We can wait if you want, but I'm not comfortable staying here any longer than we have to. We don't know if whatever was in here is still lurking around. I think it might be better if we went ahead and climbed the gate. We'll be safer on the outside."
"Yeah... You're right... It was a stupid question, sorry... Satoru are you okay? You didn't talk since Suguru got here..." You said as you leave the gym passing through that class again. Satoru nods slowly, still shaken but slightly more composed than before, "Yeah... I... I'm okay. Just a little spooked. Let's just get out of here." As you pass through the haunted classroom, Satoru's eyes dart around nervously, straining to see or hear anything out of the ordinary. Suguru keeps a firm grip on Satoru, his eyes also scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger.
You finally approach the gates and peer up at the towering fence.
"Alright, you ready? You're shorter than us... I'll boost you up, and you climb over. I'll follow right after." Suguru says and positions himself next to the gate as he prepares to give you a boost up. He laces his fingers together, creating a makeshift step for you to use as leverage, "Okay, step on my hands, and I'll hoist you up. Then you grab the top of the gate and swing your leg over. I'll be right behind you." Your sibling helps you out, and your outside the school. He climb the gate alone since he's stronger, but waits until his friend climb too. Just Satoru's inside now.
Suguru lets out a sigh of relief once you're safely on the other side of the fence. He turns his attention back to Satoru, who's still inside the school grounds, "Hey, Gojo, you need a boost? You can grab my hand. Hurry up and get out here."
Satoru looks one more time to the music class.
Suguru furrows his brow in confusion as he notices Satoru staring at the music class, "Hey, Gojo, what's wrong? What are you looking at?" He follows the blue eyed boy gaze towards the music class, his concern growing, "What do you see, Gojo? Is something there?"
Satoru saw it. Right in front of him. The man. The professor that died 40 years ago. Looking straight into his eyes.
Gojo Satoru freezed. He couldn't move. Not with that death glare staring into his soul. The man is wearing a fancy black suit, glasses and a beret. He's standing up with hands behind his back in front of the piano. A cold face and very pale skin.
Suguru notices the look of horror on Satoru's face and his gaze fixated on the music class, "Gojo, what is it? What do you see?" He looks into the music class, trying to spot the object of Satoru's fear, but didn't saw anything.
"Satoru get up! Suguru is waiting!" You scream this time, already on the other side, near Suguru's car.
Satoru snaps out of his trance upon hearing your voice. He peels his eyes away from the man, his heart pounding in his chest. With one last glance behind him, he quickly rushes over to where you and Suguru are. Your brother looks at Satoru with a mix of concern and curiosity, noting his rattled state, "Gojo, what happened? You look like you've seen a ghost... or maybe, like you actually saw one." His expression shifts to one of seriousness as he tries to make sense of the situation, "...What did you see in there? Be honest with me." Suguru leans closer, his voice gentle yet determined, "Come on, man... You need to tell me what you're thinking. There's something inside that scared you, yeah? You can trust me. Just tell me what you saw in there."He waits patiently, his gaze never wavering from his best friend. He can see the turmoil in his expression and the hesitation in his demeanor. He speaks softly but firmly, urging him to open up, "Satoru, whatever it is, you need to tell me. It's okay. Just let it out. I'm here for you."
"Suguru hurry! Put satoru down! And get in the car, we can talk about this at home!"
Suguru nods in agreement, realizing the urgency of the situation. He turns to Satoru and gently grabs his arm, "Come on, Gojo. We're going home. Let's get in the car and talk there." He leads Satoru towards the car, helping him into the passenger seat. Once he's settled, Suguru quickly rounds the car to the driver's side and gets in. He starts the engine and starts driving, the silence in the car tense as you make your way home.
"Toru you okay?" You finally broke the silence.
Satoru lets out a shaky sigh and nods weakly, his eyes fixed on the road ahead, "I... I don't know... I just... I saw something... something I can't explain."
Suguru glances over at the boy, his concern growing at the troubled look on his face. He decides to press further, "What did you saw, Gojo? What was it that has you so shaken up? It must have been something pretty damn scary if it's got you this messed up..."
"Satoru... You went to check on the music class... You told me that there was nothing there... I don't understand..."
He nods slowly, his voice barely above a whisper, "I... I know I did... but when I went in, I didn't see anything out of the ordinary. I just checked the halls and the classroom. Nothing weird or unusual. At least, nothing that I could see... I just... Heard noises... Weird sounds... But I didn't wanted to scare you more..." He tried to continue but his voice broke.
You and your brother can hear the uncertainty in Satoru's voice, the confusion and fear in his tone. Suguru takes a deep breath before speaking again, trying to find the right words to say, "So, you looked around, and everything seemed fine, right? Not mentioning the noises of course... Then why do you look so scared, Gojo? I know you saw something there." He glances over at Satoru again, trying to gauge his expression in the dim light of the car. He can sense the distress bubbling beneath the surface, and he wants to help, "Man, whatever you saw... or thought you saw... please tell me. I can't help you if I don't know what's going on, man. You're scaring me and my sister..." The car falls into a tense silence as the black haired boy continues to drive, the only sounds coming from the hum of the engine and the rain pattering against the windshield. Suguru can practically feel the tension radiating off of Satoru, and he can see the troubled expression on his face in the dim light cast from the street lamps.
"Suguru stop... If he don't want to tell us it's all right, maybe he needs time to think." Your sibling lets out a heavy sigh, realizing the truth in your words. He glances over at Satoru, who still looks shell-shocked, "Yeah... you're right. Maybe he just needs some time to process. But I'm worried about him. I've never seen him so shaken up before."
You grab your crush's hand and try to comfort him: "It's all right now, we're out of that school, and Suguru is here..."
Suguru watches as you gently take Satoru's trembling hand, offering him words of reassurance. Satoru's grip tightens around your hand, as if seeking comfort and support and he finally speaks, "I know... I know we're out... but... I can't shake this feeling... like something's watching us still..."
"Gross! Don't say that!"
At your outburst, Satoru lets out a small, strained chuckle and nods, "Yeah, sorry... you're right. I didn't mean to freak you out. It's just... it's like I can feel something lurking nearby. Watching us..."
"...Do you think it's following us?..."
"I… I don't know… maybe? It's just... this feeling won't go away. Like there's something or someone following us, just out of sight…"
He continues to hold your hand tightly, his grip growing increasingly more tense as they continue their drive. His eyes flit around the surroundings outside the car, searching the darkness for any signs of being followed. It's dark and your family's house is out of the town, a little far away. Your family doesn't have much money as Satoru's family so you live in a village in the middle of plantation fields where there isn't much movement, just huge trees and wild animals. You had to admit that was a bit of a scary path. But before you leave the city you had an idea to try to cheer up the boys.
"Suguru! I want to go to McDonald's before we get home, let's get food, me and Satoru didn't eat almost anything last night."
He chuckles softly at your outburst and your attempts to lift the mood, "Yeah, alright. McDonald's it is. Might take our minds off things, even if just for a bit."
The three of you now sit spread out on the floor of Suguru's room, surrounded by the remnants of your McDonald's meals. The atmosphere is somewhat lighter, but Satoru still seems distant and troubled, his mind clearly elsewhere. He excuses himself and heads to the bathroom, your brother turns to you, a concerned look on his face. He lowers his voice so that Satoru can't hear from the bathroom.
"Hey... you think he'll be alright? I haven't seen him like this before. It's starting to worry me."
"I think it's from the shock... From what he told us he heard something, but was trying to act cool for me not to freak out... Give him some time... He will get better..."
"Yeah, you're probably right... He's always been like that, trying to be the strong one and not let anyone see him struggle. But this... this is different. He couldn't hide how freaked out he was, and that... that's what's worrying me."
Suguru leans back against the wall, his eyes fixed on the bathroom door, waiting for Satoru to come out. The room is filled with a tense silence, broken only by the occasional sound of the rain tapping against the window. He glances over at you, a worried expression etched onto his face, and he mutters softly, the words barely above a whisper, "He'll be alright though, right? He's strong... he can handle this."
"...Do you think that the ghost was real? Or just our imagination?"
"Honestly, I'm not sure... I want to say it was just Satoru's imagination, that it was a product of fear and exhaustion. But... there's something about the look in his eyes, the way he's been acting... it's like he truly believes he saw something. But... spirits don't exist, right? They're just stories and superstitions. Something that our grandmother tell us to scare us when we were little, right?"
You don't answer. Instead you get closed to your brother trying to find any comfort. Suguru notices your gesture and immediately puts an arm around you, offering you a warm embrace. He gently rubs your back and ruffles your hair, trying to soothe your worries as he speaks, "Hey, hey... it's alright. No need to get so worked up. We're here for each other, remember? We'll figure things out and help Satoru, okay? Just rest your head on my shoulder for now. Everything's going to be fine."
"Thank you Suguru... If it wasn't you, me and Toru would be in that school with that... Thing..."
"No need to thank me. We're family, right? We look out for each other. I'd never leave you and Satoru alone in a situation like that. Besides, I'm the big brother. It's my job to protect both of you. So don't worry, okay? I won't let anything bad happen to you guys."
You notice that the sun is starting to rise but you're all exhausted due to want happend in the night, so you decided that's best if none of you go to school today. You can stay at home and rest all day. So when Satoru leaved the bathroom Suguru turned with a gentle smile and said:
"Hey, I think it's a good idea if we all just stay home today. None of us got much sleep last night, and you're clearly worn out. So why don't we just take the day off today? We can chill, relax, and sort through what happened last night."
"I agree with Suguru... What do you think Toru?
Satoru, who had just emerged from the bathroom and overheard your conversation, nods in agreement. He looks visibly exhausted and worn out himself, his eyes tired and heavy, "...Yeah... I think it's a good idea. I don't think I'd be able to focus on school today anyway, with everything that happened."
"Let's sleep a little. None of us slept."
Your brother nods, feeling relieved that everyone is in agreement. He glances towards his bed, which is big enough for all three of you to sleep on comfortably, "Okay, sleeping sounds good. This bed's big enough for all three of us, so let's just rest for a bit. We'll talk more once we've had some sleep."
You crawl into bed, finding a comfortable position on the spacious mattress. Suguru takes the middle, with you and Satoru on either side of him. The room is quiet and tranquil, the only sound coming from the soft breaths and shuffling of the sheets as you all try to get comfortable. The sun's rays enter through the cracks of the window creating a comfortable atmosphere, neither too bright nor too dark, for you sleep. Suguru gently wraps an arm around you as you snuggle closer to him, resting your head against his shoulder. The exhaustion from the previous night catches up with both of you, and slowly, you both drift off to sleep, a sense of comfort and security enveloping you in the safe confines of your big brother embrace.
Satoru tries his best to sleep, but his mind is restless, unable to shake the feeling of being watched. His eyes dart around the room as if anticipating something to come out of the shadows and jump at him. He can't seem to find comfort or peace, and even his closed eyelids fail to shield him from the unsettling sensation that something is still watching him closely. He continues to lay there, his mind racing and his heart beating anxiously. The teenager tries to distract himself by listening to the soft breaths coming from you and Suguru as you sleep, but the feeling of being watched only grows stronger. His eyes dart around the room, looking for any sign of something unusual or out of place, but all he sees is the comforting sight of his bestfriend and his (almost) girlfriend, peacefully asleep next to him. As the minutes tick by, Satoru's anxiety and unease continue to grow. The feeling that someone or something is watching him becomes increasingly intense, making it nearly impossible for him to find any semblance of peace or relaxation. He tenses up as he tries to discern what could be causing this sensation, his mind plagued by a myriad of possibilities and scenarios.
Now, in his mind there is only one question:
What happened that night at school?
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simplegenius042 · 2 months
WIP Wednesday & Last Line/s
Tagged by @socially-awkward-skeleton @noodlecupcakes @voidika @imogenkol @josephseedismyfather @aceghosts and @inafieldofdaisies
Tagging @icecutioner @derelictheretic @shallow-gravy @shellibisshe @direwombat @strangefable @rhettsabbott @josephslittledeputy @cloudofbutterflies92 @skoll-sun-eater @cassietrn @carlosoliveiraa @adelaidedrubman @g0dspeeed @wrathfulrook @afarcryfrommymain @strafethesesinners @turbo-virgins @raresvtm @softtidesworld @starsandskies @ladyoriza @la-grosse-patate @florbelles @titiagls @minilev @yokobai @thewanderer-000 @omen-speaker @justasmolbard @alypink @thesingularityseries and @nightwingshero + anyone else who'd like to join.
Guess who finally got their documents working again! Anyway, WIPs and Last Lines for The UnTitledverse and The Silver Chronicles. Specifically; a WIP for Jurassic World: Before The Storm and The True Sinners, and a Last Line for two Classroom Of The Elite fics and Silva's Hope and No Snake, Only A Boa In The Garden. Kind of a lot, but I've missed this so much. You can find these below the cut:
Here's a WIP for Chapter 2 of Jurassic World: Before The Storm:
That is what overcame me when I followed Lisa off the ramp of the ferry.
Once I stood on sturdier ground, the unforgiving heat swept over me quickly.
Lisa had told me to put some summer clothes on; the sleeveless shirt and accompanying short skirt that she had paid for had been her initial suggestion. But I didn’t want to wear those. I didn’t want strangers to see how scrawny and soft I was. And the loose long-sleeve shirt, long baggy pants and my jumper were just too cozy, even if they were more for the colder months.
The uncomfortable temperature had me reconsider if this was a small lapse in judgement.
But no one was paying me much mind, so maybe the clothes helped. If that’s right, then maybe a little heat wouldn’t be so bad.
“Jackie,” Lisa gritted my nickname past her teeth, impatient towards my slow pace. I hadn’t realized that my baggage would be so heavy. I obliged her by picking up the pace.
Though I sped up in pace, Lisa was swifter, and the increasing amount of people clustering together made it more difficult to stay behind her lead.
Luckily the crowd started to dissipate.
I rushed to be by Lisa’s side, lugging my baggage with as much force as I could. The sun lifted an unwanted blanket of hot air over us, and I could not find it in my heart to appreciate the climate. In response to this uncomfortable pressure, I unzipped my jumper. I took a glance at Lisa and found her attention elsewhere.
Here's The True Sinners WIP, where Silva's planning murder while making coffee... but who can blame someone whose recently been kidnapped by the resident ginger soldier:
Jacob dragged Silva through the halls of the old veteran's center, his right hand gripped onto the hem of her dirty coat.
They reached what she assumed to be his office. Jacob opened the door and unceremoniously threw her forward inside. She caught herself from falling, twisting around to face her captor.
He shut the door behind him, the handle's lock clicked in a twist. Jacob crossed his arms as he regarded her, face thinned into a stoic mask.
Blue eyes raked over her disheveled body, specifically how she positioned herself; legs spread apart and slight bent, her left arm spread forward in preparation while her right arm remained closest to her hip, and her dull grey eyes glaring at him. Focused.
He sharply exhaled through his nose, almost like a whistling snort. He leaned against the wall next to the door, eyes on her. Silva didn't drop her guard, not even when he gestured over to a small table.
"Coffee," Jacob tells her. Silva remained in her stance, though confusion did etch across her face.
Jacob gestured once more to the small table. Silva hesitated, eyed Jacob's stature. She took a brief glance over to the table, not enough to lose Jacob in her peripheral though, and opted not to change her stance either, just in case.
She spotted a kettle and some paper cups, and what she assumed to be a jar of grounded coffee beans.
She swiftly placed her eyes back onto him, uncertainty and anticipation brewing within her. Jacob must have noticed, as he stated, "Get yourself a cup of coffee. And if you get one for me, I might be open to explaining your purpose here."
Her eyes narrowed, but refrained from speaking. Silva wasn't sure what his game was. She focused past him to the office door.
She silently exhaled, taking small steps toward the table, grey eyes always on Jacob in case he made any sudden moves.
Once she planted a gloved hand on the small tabletop, she gave one more glare towards him before reluctantly turning her back to him.
With an ear out for any inconspicuous movements Jacob could make, Silva quickly pressed a knuckle against the kettle. Finding it lukewarm, she flicked down the switch.
She dared another glance at Jacob while the kettle heated up, only to stiffen when their stares connected. A palish blue invading her dull grey. A contrast to the sharp grey of Father and the pale hazel of Paul.
He was a militar man. The green forest jacket with the Americana flag was enough to tip her off when they first met, but the ambush... the training grounds of the veteran center had all confirmed her suspicion.
She had been unprepared when she fought back during the raid, only managing to catch him off guard with an admittedly surprised hit, but nothing that could have incapacitated him with his support running at her.
But now they were alone... and once she heard the rising whistle, she twisted her fingers around the handle of her new weapon.
Here's four Last Lines, two each for The UnTitledverse and The Silver Chronicles.
The first Last Line is for a Classroom Of The Elite chapter in The UnTitled Stories (a collection of short fics). Ayanokoji and Horikita have lunch together:
"So," I had paused to swallow down the crumbed fish before I asked you, "The first step is to rehabilitate the failures?"
It hadn't been an unsound plan. In fact it was quite logical, which made sense, in hindsight.
"If you've grasped that, you can guess what I'm about to propose," you had told me, and you were correct. The implication was as easy to notice like a car speeding down a crossing.
My initial response was to decline. The word 'no' was on the tip of my mouth, but I refrained. I took a glance at you, and reconsidered my reply.
Knowing you thus far, you would never have allowed me to get as close as you'd already let me back then if I had rejected your proposal. You had made sound points and made your intentions clear. While I had no ambition to reach Class A, as it had not been my goal, you were a curious oddity that I wanted to learn more about. And helping you meant getting one step closer to the answer I sought.
So, I made the only acceptable answer.
"Okay, I'll help."
"I thought you'd say-," you had paused mid-sentence, my words being swiftly picked apart in your mind as you realized what I had said, "Wait, seriously?"
"Dead serious," I parroted your words back. I'd imagine the look of momentary shock should have been amusing, though I couldn't find much humor in the displace as my chopsticks picked up the rest of my crumbed fish.
The second Last Line/s is for a "What If?" Classroom Of The Elite scenario where Amasawa and Yagami went with Ayanokoji to the school. Anyway, have Class D's reaction to the trio:
As Ayanokoji began to depart from his desk, he paused. Horikita heard him let out a sigh, and much to her confusion, dropped his bag on top of his desk.
"What are you-?" Horikita wanted to question, but Ayanokoji soon interrupted her.
"Accepting my fate," he disclosed, not with much emotion, but certainly not his regular monotone.
Horikita blinked at him, shaking her head in confusion, "Huh?"
Ayanokoji only pointed toward Class 1-D's door in response. She turned her gaze toward it, the sliding door left ajar by the few students who left for break. She wasn't sure why...
She stopped her thoughts when she heard it; the rushing steps of someone fast approaching. It wasn't until a familiar magenta-haired fiend slid in front of the door way, cast her gradient dark-red eyes onto her target and propelled herself inside the classroom at such unnatural speed.
"Senpai~!" the twin-tailed girl cheered out as she threw herself at Ayanokoji, who (reluctantly) welcomed her with deflated open arms. The girl tackled Ayanokoji, the force causing both of them to crash to the floor. The ruckus caught the remainder of Class D's attention.
Before Horikita could process what she just witnessed, she heard another rush of footsteps towards the doorway, but this one slowed down to reveal the second of Ayanokoji's companions; a boy with brown hair and green eyes, softly panting and non-discreetly leaning against the frame to recover from the chase.
The third Last Line/s is for Silva's Hope, and Silva gets a short break and a new friend:
"Hey, Dep, so... you hungry?" Boshaw asked, fidgeting with the beer bottle in his hand. Silva glanced at him, raising a brow, "I was gonna heat up the leftover pizza I had in my fridge, and since you're crashing the place, I'm just wondering if you want some."
He seemed anxious, giving her a forced smile as he awaited her answer. At the mention of food, the rumbling pain in her gut demanded she attend to its needs. Silva blew out a relenting exhale.
"Honestly Boshaw... I'd love some pizza," she told him, and she saw how his brown eyes lightened up; like how Elsa was given permission to do a dangerous stunt or Hurk given the go-ahead to blow a Peggie chopper out of the sky. Or given the thumbs up to set something ablaze.
With that reminder, she quickly added, "As long as it's not reheated with your flamethrower. Understood Boshaw?"
Boshaw blew out a playful huff as he stood up on the trailer's roof, "Nah, I learnt my lesson last time I did that. Gets too charred. Don't worry, I've got a microwave laying about inside. And ya can call me Sharky, Dep."
Silva chewed the inside of her cheek, but after some thinking, couldn't see the harm of calling him by his preferred name, "Alright Sharky... as long as you call me Silva. I'm doing a lot more than what's in a deputy's paycheck. Deal?"
She opened out a gloved hand for him to shake on, and it lightened her mood to see the wide cheerful grin as he took her hand, and managed to pull her up onto her two feet, "You've got a deal there, Silva."
The final Last Line/s is for No Snake, Only A Boa In The Garden, and have a crumb of Hudson and Pratt content... as they chat waiting for a passed-out Coroner!Silva to wake up:
Watching how quietly [Silva] slept on as Pratt had loudly chugged down his coffee, Joey couldn't disagree with Pratt's comment, regardless of how ill-mannered the jest was.
She's almost like a corpse, she conceded, frowning at the soft breathes she could barely see part their coroner's lips, the egg-shaped timer ticking beside the dark-haired woman's head, within arm-length.
"Hudson, you need to relax. She's a grown woman, remember? She's made the decision to deal with her personal issues herself," Pratt yapped on, and shared a thought, "Not the best way to deal with any issue, true, but it really isn't up to us to interfere if it hasn't affected her job thus far. Besides, you've got to admit she's a bit fun when she's tipsy. Night-outs are never short of entertaining when she's around. Cheeky and funny, too."
Joey gave Pratt a deadpan look, and sighed, "I don't know Pratt. You ever wonder why she drinks though? It worries me. We're pretty much the only ones here she goes out of her way to talk to, with exception to Earl. And she's just cooped up in here, surrounded by... death."
She gestured around the morgue, to the units housing whatever bodies were brought in this week. Once again, she settled her gaze on the deep bags under Silva's eyes, a combined result of the coroner's known insomnia and the amount of effort in she puts to stretch herself thin in overworking herself. Joey huffed, a somberness in her voice, "It's so... isolating. She never shares anything outside her personal life either, and we're the closest people to friends that she's got. It's not normal."
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iamumbra195 · 27 days
I've been obsessing over Classroom of the Elite and recently the idea of crossover between CoTE and Spy x Family struck me.
This scenario would take place in an AU where Anya and the Eden kids are aged up to be the same age as Ayanokouji. Eden and the Advanced Nurturing High School (ANHS for short) are both incredibly competitive so combining the different aspects of the schools like the existence of Stella Stars, Tonitrus Bolts, Imperial scholars in Eden and class/private points and the student council in ANHS. In this scenario, the Imperial Scholar with the most Stella stars would become the student council president. Characters like the Horikita siblings, Nagumo Miyabe and others from CoTe would be interesting to explore in this kind of setting. The different halls/classes compete for the top just like in CoTE but perhaps a little less intense.
Moving on, let's say Ayanokouji was accepted into the school at the age of 16 through some intervention by the school's headmaster/chairman despite the fact that he typically wouldn't have been accepted. Anya thinks nothing of him at first but as time goes by, she begins to notice the contradictory nature of his thoughts. She discovers the existence of the White Room and is unpleasantly reminded of her own past and so, she decides to befriend him. Being raised by a spy and an assassin amid a cold war, she didn't mind the callous and rather Machiavellian nature of his thoughts. His schemes were fun to play along with, almost like she was six and trying to help her father's mission succeed all over again.
To Ayanokouji, Anya was a bit of an enigma. She wasn't the most academically intelligent but she was sociable and friendly, surrounded by teens with influential backgrounds like Becky Blackbell and Damian Desmond when she herself seemed rather ordinary. But at times he couldn't help but find her intuition and ability to read between the lines a little uncanny. She had a way with people that almost made it feel like she was reading his mind. Not that he minded, of course. It made her more useful to him.
Honestly, I just wanna see Ayanokouji hanging out with the Eden kids and I think this would be an interesting AU to explore.
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aoharushiyo · 3 months
the recipes for... | track 2 — gâteau au chocolat
Translation: en Proofreading: aca, dimi, kimi, myun, jay, jelly
School. Classroom. Lunch break. After eating my lunch, I spent the rest of my break at my seat, devotedly poring over manuscripts as usual.
School. Classroom. Lunch break. After eating my lunch, I spent the rest of my break at my seat, devotedly poring over manuscripts as usual.[1] I had been holding back from spending because of yesterday's standee, but now that yesterday had happened, I had impulsively splurged on as many of the doujinshi that had escaped my grasp as I could.
Even though I had been reading in little spurts during class breaks, there were still pages upon pages to read. This must be heaven. Really, I couldn’t care less about school and classes. I was happy in this little world of my own.
And so, while I was carefully keeping a straight face — despite the wonderful world of ReiOu I was drowning in — I overheard the voices of a couple of girls whose names I didn't even know.
"Hey, have you read today's pre-release issue of Weekly Shounen Dive yet?" "Not yet!"
I mean, I'd already gotten my hands on it, of course.
"Listen, listen! In the new PatiBattle chapter, Reito and Minoru partner up!" "…Tch."
Without even thinking, I stood up from my seat. Are they stupid? Just saying spoilers like that? Something's gotta be wrong with them. At this point, it might as well be a public nuisance. I didn't want to catch another stray bullet coming my way, so I quickly made for the door.
"Get this: they're getting along really well!" "…"
The comment reached me as I was walking away, scoffing internally. A new ship being born? Whatever. I'll gladly crush new ships without any substance under my heel.
"Ugh, it's no use, I can't concentrate. It's all their fault…"
Not even seeking refuge in the Home Economics classroom had helped me concentrate on reading at all. As I'd expected, my mind only kept wandering. It's all their fault for yapping spoilers all over the damn place! The hell do you mean Reito and Minoru partnered up?
Minoru… Ugh, that Kaju Minoru! I had been planning to quietly read the new chapter in the safety of my room once I got home, but now, all I wanted to do was dash back to the classroom and check what really was in the new chapter.
"I can't believe people are shipping it, but I guess things are getting interesting…"
That was the charm of the manga that had me in a chokehold: PatiBattle!, which had been serialising in Weekly Shounen Dive for years. With a super-elite boarding school as a stage, its students each aim to be the world's finest patissier. A passionately youthful story harmonising dessert battles and friendship.
"The pinnacle of entertainment, the peak of passion… that's PatiBattle."
PatiBattle's Chiyoda Reito: the favourite to top all faves. Just saying that his specialty is chocolate and that he's the good-looking type obviously isn't enough to describe everything about him. Those girls from earlier must have mistaken Reito's partner as Kaju Minoru, because Reito's partner will always, always be the source of their one-sided rivalry: Tentsuki Ouji.[2] Putting Ouji's specialty, pudding, with Reito's chocolate makes for the cutest ever ship name, ChocoPudding, but the hell do you get when you put Reito and Minoru together? ChocoFruits??[3]
"I seriously can't believe it~."
I guess the ship name is pretty cute. Putting chocolate on anything makes it cute, after all. That's what makes Reito amazing. …But ReiMino is a no-go. My body would violently protest against it.
I knew my own NOTPs, but that didn't make me less of a picky otaku. Frankly, it's physically impossible for me to agree with every single interpretation of ReiOu that's out there anyway. But even so… there does exist a one-and-only god whose vision I revere above all else: Sanseiu-sensei.
I want to go to that convention. I want to meet them someday. I want to shake those hands that have created so many masterpieces…
And so, while I was draped over the table and lost in those rambling thoughts—
"So you were here, just as I thought. I was looking for you since you weren't in the classroom." "Muu-chan…"
The door to the Home Economics classroom opened, and Muneuji — the one person in the world who I could trust — stepped inside.
"Did something happen?" "Nothing. What're you doing here, Muu-chan? …Ah."
Just as I was about to stand up, my phone slipped from my grasp… …And clattered to the floor right at Muu-chan's feet.
Right there, on full display, was the page I had been reading ― a steamy handholding scene between Reito and Ouji…[4] ―Crap! Muu-chan's gonna see!
I flew into action. Desperately, I reached down to grab my phone, but just as I did so, Muu-chan also bent down―
"Uwah―" "Waah―!"
I bumped into Muu-chan's chest, sending us both crashing to the floor. I could feel his face, his hands, his arms…
"―ngh, ah―"
Instantaneously, a shock pulsed through my body. The sensation of every hair on my body standing on end grossed me out so much that I scrambled back in a panic. All the while tightly clutching my phone.
I knew I had been rude, but all Muu-chan did, already understanding my situation, was slightly knit his brows in worry. "Is your body alright?" "…Mm. Sorry." "It's not a problem. Don't worry about it."
…Really, everything just sucks. Even though I trust Muu-chan this much. Dealing with this body's shitty tendencies… Not being able to use my money however I want because of the lawyers' administration… Not even being able to walk through crowds to meet Sanseiu-sensei.
If only―
If only that hadn't happened.
[1] He specifically says 同人誌データ doujinshi data here, which means a finished manuscript for a doujinshi, which is then sent to a publisher to get published. Ushio is reading them on his phone; it's implied that they were uploaded somewhere after being physically published.
[2] Ushio doesn't specify which side the one-sided rivalry comes from, just that there is one, but I've taken some context from ch5 and very broadly applied it here to assume the rivalry is Ouji → Reito. It could as well be Reito → Ouji, who knows!
[3] Minoru's name means 'fruit'. Yeah. Literally. His full name together means… 'fruit tree fruit'.
[4] Ushio uses 叡智 eichi here to describe the scene. Literally, it means 'knowledge', but in this context, it's used as an censor for 'ecchi', which has a similar sound and means 'erotic' or 'sexy'. I went with 'handholding' instead as a censor; it doesn't have the same play on words, but serves the same purpose!
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amphitriteswife · 7 months
‘Kiss me, don’t leave me’
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Disclaimer:reader is dark skinned and Amphy ofcourse. And my title got recommended to me by @miss-seanymph-pani
Genre: a pinch of Spice i think or maybe a pinch angst too?
Pairing: Poseidon x Amphitrite reader.
Setting: Academia Au
Tag list: @miss-seanymph-pani @monstertreden @tinyy-tea-cup @vilereign @nicasdreamer
Characters: Poseidon, Amphitrite Reader and some mentions of oceanus.
Language: English
Summary: You were sent to an elite school made for rich young adults. This was all thanks to your father overprotectiveness as he thought that sending you here would intervene with you marrying Poseidon. Unfortunately the man he wanted to protect you from had hust started his career as a teacher on this elite school
。 ₊°༺❤︎༻°₊ 。
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You were walking in the halls of the academia. Despite it being elite, it had many members. Most of them were royals or had parents who held a lot of power. The academia specialized in helping students with finding what kind of job they wanted, for example if they wanted to to a different thing from what they studied in high school. Yet no one payed attention to the lessons. Why? Because most of them would simply take over jobs from their parents. That’s why the school had hired a new teacher in hopes that the students would behave since the former teacher quit.
You were stopped in front of the door of the classroom you were supposed to be in 6 minutes ago. You internally debated since now that you were late you could just skip it anyway. But, the principal of the school was a family friend of your father, and he would surely snitch you. Besides you didn’t even have a good reason to be late…and you even went off campus…so that would surely get you into trouble with your father. You sighed and sipped on a coffee you bought of campus. You decided that you’ll rather take that detention than to see ‘Mr.snitch’. You opened the door and were greeted with a quiet class. That was weird, very weird. Everyone was always chaotic and did whatever they pleased, they got away with it soo since they just usually bribed the teacher. You looked a bit confused and wanted to ask, that was when a cold monotone voice asked ‘You look lost.’ A man with blonde hair and blue half lidded eyes asked you, he wore a dark blue velvet suit and it looked great on him…but you didn’t recognize him. His back was turned to the class as he wrote on the white board, from his accent you immediately knew he was Greek….That mean he was new since most teachers were Atlantean. And lucky for you, you were known to challenge the newbies. ‘I think you’re the lost one, Mr...?’ You looked him up and down. This was going to be a though one. But you’ll manage it. You were sure of it. ‘That’s professor for you, Miss Amphitrite.’ You smiled at him response. You were known to have charming yet unreadable smile with dimples, something you inherited from your father. Poseidon’s eyes were still focused on the board before he put the cap on the whiteboard marker before he turned to you, his eyes still cold and extended his hand. You looked at him with one raised eyebrow, confused by his gesture. ‘Your drink.’ Poseidon said, noticing your violations of the rules no one kept to. Just this time you decided to behave and hand over your drink. ‘Careful, that one was a wait time of 13 minutes’ You said to him as you walked past him to your seat. Poseidon ignored your remark and placed the drink on his desk. He gave you a look before he got back to his boring lecture.
Your eyes watched his moves. He was confident and well reserved. Which would make him harder to crack, but you were no loser. You knew the moment he confiscated your drink that you’ll break him even more. You paid no attention to his lecture and instead pulled out your phone and did whatever you wanted. You opened your group chat, it was filled with lots of other’s who each were in their own lecture at the moment. Some of them were chatting about how they actually skipped theirs, while others talked about meeting after school off campus. You were typing something about maybe going to the convenience store. That was until the phone was snatched out of your hands. You looked up to Poseidon reading the messages on your phone. He even went as far to scroll up. You leaned back in your seat and waited for him to speak, which bothered Poseidon. How could you still be so care free about all of this? It infuriated him. ‘You can say goodbye about going to the convenience store, as well as this phone.’ This raised your attention, he was confiscating your phone. Something that had never happend before. You laughed at him in response. ‘You think this is funny?’ Poseidon asked you. He put the phone in his pocket and placed his hands on your desk. His eyes were narrowed and it was clear he was holding his tongue…which only made you laugh more. In his eyes you were just a privileged brat who had no respect for others. Your phone proved his statement, it was the newest in the collection and the case had an expensive brand on it too. ‘Be careful with that, professor. It costs more than your life.’ You joked to him. Even now with your phone in his hands you were still not even showing the fraction of respect. Poseidon clenched his jaw. He wanted to break your phone if it meant you’d showed the least of respect..but he had to remain calm. ‘If you have a problem with the way i handle things, you know where the door is.’ Poseidon said. He was expecting you to behave now and not disrupt his class unfortunately for him you were known to never listen. So you rose from your seat and walked towards the door, you grabbed the door clink and turned to him ‘I’m back after class.’ And with that you left the class. Poseidon looked at the door with his usual cold eyes, yet he was stunned. His eyes not leaving the door. He turned back to the white board with gritted teeth.
✰ ✰ ✰
You returned to the classroom after school had ended, you stepped into the classroom and was greeted with Poseidon sitting on by his desk. ‘After class, you said. You missed the next 4 periods you were supposed to follow.’ Poseidon said pinching the bridge of his nose. You acknowledged what he said, but you didn’t care for it at all. He noticed this which just infuriated him even more. How could you be so foolish?! He was at his limit with you and he has only been teaching you for one day, hell one period since you missed the rest. ‘You care for an Americano?’ You asked him holding the drink extended to him. ‘What did you put in it?’ Poseidon asked you suspiciously. He did not trust you at all. ‘Nothing, if you open the lid its a real pain to put it back on, so even if i wanted to, i can’t.’ You told him as you put the drink on his desk, you got him a Americano yes, but that didn’t explain why you missed 4 periods. ‘What were you doing off campus.’ Poseidon asked you as he signaled you so sit down in the front row, which you of course refused to do and instead sat on his desk. ‘I got my nails done and grabbed a drink…then i saw a store with some expensive clothes so of course i had to buy that-’ Poseidon interrupted you with a sigh. ‘Young lady, you do not miss 4 periods, especially without a good reason.’ Poseidon told you as he stood up. He stood in front of you, his hands on either side of the desk with you in the middle. He was kind of invading your personal space but you let it slide. ‘What do i have to do to make you behave respectful and not as an entitled brat.’ Poseidon spat at you, he was angry, very angry. But anger doesn’t get far with you, you laughed at him in response and tugged his tie which made him come even closer to you. ‘What are you willing to do?..’ You asked him, the same charming smile, your dark skin close to his pale skin, your eyes were seductive yet mysterious. Everything about you was so…beautiful and perfect. His breath was caught in his throat as he stared at you, you noticed the way he looked at you, he wants you. He was falling for your bait. You smiled and got even closer to him. He wanted to kiss you so bad, but he can’t. You’re a brat and you don’t deserve it…is what he thought. Yet he couldn’t help but feel the opposite. You gave him a smile before your hands reached for your button up shirt. Poseidon saw this and choked on air ‘D-don’t-’ He was a but too late as you had already unbuttoned the button. Your dark skinned breast were heard to miss. His eyes drifted even lower which made him let out a raspy and shocked grunt. He could see the darker skin of your nipples. He can’t take his eyes of it. It was so beautiful, so perfect. His mouth went dry as he felt you press your breast push on his chest. You were being too seductive, it was getting too much to bear. Way too much. His mouth was dry as he looked down at your breast.
‘My eyes are up here.’ You teased him. Poseidon tore his eyes off your cleavage and looked you in the eyes. He took a step back and turned his head to the side before he cleared his throat. ‘I think you should leave…’ he said, not daring to look at you. You got off of his desk and gave him a kiss on the cheek, this made his eyes widen even more as he refused to be anywhere near you. You only laughed at him which made him frown but he didn’t say anything. You walked to the door and spoke. ‘You should wear corsets, they will make your tiny waist even more visible.’ You winked back at him before heading out the door. Leaving a frozen and embarrassed Poseidon in his class room.
~Time skip~
Poseidon had his back to the students, the class was a little loud but he didn’t seem to mind, his mind was somewhere else…that was until the door to his classroom cracked again. He stopped writing and turned his head to the door, a little irritated to see who interrupted his lesson. Upon seeing you in the door way he let out a sigh of frustration. ‘Young lady, we talked about this. Now Go to your seat.’ Poseidon said as he turned back to the board. The class seemed to regain it’s chaotic nature as you sat down. Nobody paid attention to the things poseidon wrote on the board. Many of the students tried to mess with him, that included making comments on his appearance. Yet none of them got to him. Poseidon paid no attention to them and remained with his back to the class. ‘You have a nice waist.’ Poseidon froze upon hearing the comment Poseidon thought back to the little commotion the two of you had. He didn’t know why, but that comment pissed him off. He didn’t care who it was, he was way too angry to care anyway. ‘Get out.’ Poseidon said sternly to you. This confused you. You hadn’t said one word to him at all. ‘That wasn’t m- I. Said. Get. Out.’ You were interrupted by his stern voice. This was ridiculous. You hadn’t done anything besides being late. But it was better than going to the principals office, thats for sure…so for once you actually listened to him. When you rose from your seat and walked to the door poseidon spoke up again. ‘After class i expect you to be here. And not a moment later.’ Poseidon said, referring to yesterday when you were 4 periods later. You smiled at him again and grabbed the doorknob, twisting it and stepping out but just before that…there was a little smirk plastered onto his face. You narrowed your eyes but still stepped outside the classroom, choosing to ignore it for now.
After class you were standing outside the classroom, the halls were filled with students who were going to their dorm or hanging off campus, some of them even greeted you and gave you their best wishes since you had to he alone with Poseidon in his classroom. After everyone in your class had left you stepped into the classroom. Poseidon was sitting by his desk. His eyes locked onto yours. You waled closer to him and leaned against his desk. ‘So…what do you want?’ You asked him, slightly smirking at him. Poseidon stood up from his desk and and trapped you in between his arms, both of them by each of your sides. His face quite close to yours. his eyes half lidded and lips slightly parted. There was a certain look in his eyes as he stared at your big glossy lips for a few moments. ‘You gonna apologize or what?’ You asked him as you stared into his eyes. He scoffed, though his smirk remained. ‘Apologize for what?’ He asked you, still invading your personal space. Poseidon softly brushed his lips against yours. He closed his eyes, his hands grazing the wood of the desk until they reached your hips. Poseidon pressed his forehead against yours his lips parting even more before he spoke in a barely audible whisper. ‘I’m failing you and getting you expelled…only then could you become fully mine.’ His hands had reached your back by the time he was done speaking. His lips were millimeters away from yours. You could feel his breath on your face. He was totally crazy about you. And this made you smirk. You gently pushed him to let him sit in his seat. Poseidon still held onto your hips and looked up at you, his eyes filled with different emotions all at once. His breathing got heavy as you leaned into him. What was he feeling? Love? Passion? Desire? Anticipation? He couldn’t pin point it but he didn’t mind. His mind was way too focused on you and your lips. You leaned in even more while Poseidon brought one hand to your cheek. He looked at you as if you were his only purpose in life, as if you were the reason why he even put up with this school at all. He couldn’t help but desire you in a way he never felt towards anyone. Not even past lovers…His lips got closer to you, way closer than before….And thats when you pulled away. His eyes snapped open, his eyes held a confused expression, perhaps even a pained one. He was so stunned that he couldn’t say anything for a few moments. He watched you as you pulled back with a smirk and walked towards the door. You were smirking as if you had won. ‘Kiss me, don’t leave me…’ Poseidon said in a soft voice. His eyes never leaving your figure who now stood at the door way. ‘A kiss from me will costs you a lot.’ You replies with a flirty voice. Poseidon’s parted lips closed and he clenched his jaw. ‘Fine…you win’ Poseidon said, yet his voice didn’t sound angry at all…it was more in a lovable way. He watched you walk out of his classroom in silence with only the fast beating of his heart being audible. He didn’t care that you pushed him away. Because he the moment you decided you pulled away him was the moment he knew he would be yours instead…
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ooosaiteruoooo · 4 months
saiki k killing game au??
so hear me out
what if saiko wanted to host a cool event for the third years in pk academy, so he hosted a "killing game" (nobody actually dies, there's like some kind of technology they use to simulate killing someone so there will still be evidence but nobody gets hurt) where each person has a randomly selected duo, and whichever duo wins both people get full ride scholarships..
this would take place on an island, sort of like the island arc from classroom of the elite
(in this au saiki doesn't have his powers anymore (post meteor) and then teruhashi and saiki get selected as a duo, and saiki realizes just how similar she is to him in terms of being smart and overly competitive, and they win easily-- imagine how many times he'd hit us with the "good job teruhashi" throughout
i feel like with saiki being a superhuman genius (i wish they used that more throughout the show) and with teruhashi being genuinely godlike in terms of manipulating social situations they really couldn't lose as a duo... but it'd be so fun to watch him and akechi have constant mind games kind like L and Light
to add an extra layer, if someone accurately guesses who your duo is, both of you will be removed from the game, but if they guess wrong, they get removed from the game.. that way, Teruhashi and Saiki have to guess each others thought processes, something they'd be good at because they both intuitively understand each other so well despite having such miniscule meaningful interaction throughout the series
this would just be such an interesting watch, because i love psychological battles, and i also love saiki and teruhashi's dynamic, so combining both of those would just be so, ugh
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foxydivaxx · 3 months
Gossip Girl AU Prequel: Z After Dark Chapter 6
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Hello Upper East Siders, Gossip Girl here. And boy, do we have an eventful week to dissect. GR's meteoric rise ended in flames with that scandalous performance. I wonder if Z had a hand in that? Or maybe S? Or perhaps both? It wouldn't shock me in the slightest—those two would do anything to protect their thrones.
Regardless, GR's ex-career has been spectacularly torched. From what I’ve heard, the voice in the audio backdrop was actually Z’s. So they stole that track and handed it to GR? How utterly shocking.
With school season back in full swing, it's time to swap out those summer bikinis for school uniforms. But the burning question on everyone’s mind: is a certain someone returning to school? Hold on a second… that SUV! That’s Z’s SUV! Z is back, and he's ready to reclaim his place at the top!
Everyone, beware. The Demon King of Pheromenes is not messing around. This time, he’s out for blood. All those old friends who betrayed him better run for cover. Because Z is back, and he’s taking no prisoners. Stay tuned, Upper East Siders, because this is just the beginning. You know you love me.
Gossip Girl
All activity halts as Zoro emerges from his SUV, an aura of confidence enveloping him. Ignoring the clamor of paparazzi lenses, he strides forward purposefully, each step a testament to his newfound self-assurance. Sanji's eyes light up at the sight of him, and he rushes over, enveloping Zoro in a warm embrace.
"Welcome back, my love," Sanji murmurs, his voice tinged with affection.
Zoro's smirk speaks volumes. "It feels good to be back."
Rukia's grin is infectious. "It's about time, to be honest."
Sukuna nods in agreement. "Couldn't have said it better myself."
With their greetings exchanged, the group proceeds inside, drawing every eye in the vicinity. Zoro's swift recovery catches many off guard, a testament to his resilience in the face of adversity.
Amidst the murmurs of surprise and admiration, it's impossible to overlook the subtle transformation in Zoro's physique. His newfound confidence radiates from every angle, drawing admiring glances from onlookers, both male and female.
As Sanji intertwines his fingers with Zoro's, a silent declaration of their bond, the air crackles with anticipation. The simple gesture speaks volumes, confirming what many had suspected — their relationship is more than just friendship.
With their hands joined, Zoro and Sanji navigate the sea of curious stares, their unity a beacon of strength amidst the scrutiny of the spotlight.
Sesshomaru freezes in his tracks at the sight of Zoro striding down the hallway. No way that guy's back in school. Terra needs to know about this. Ignoring his former friend, Zoro walks past him, arm securely around Sanji's waist, solidifying his relationship with the Pop Prince. A quick snapshot of the couple is taken and immediately dispatched to Gossip Girl.
Meanwhile, a new student with pink hair named Sakura navigates the bustling corridors in her school uniform. She looks around nervously, trying to find her classroom. Having just moved to town, she's heard that making it in New York means the world takes notice. East Blue High offered her a scholarship, known for nurturing creative talents like hers. Plus, she's heard rumors about a celebrity couple attending. Witnessing the chaos around Zoro's SUV arrival confirms that famous kids operate differently here. Maybe she should aim to join that elite circle and make connections, but where does she even begin?
Lost in her thoughts, Sakura accidentally bumps into someone, sending her books sprawling onto the floor. "Oh, sorry," she apologizes, quickly bending down to gather them. "No worries," comes the reply. Looking up, she meets the gaze of a girl with long black hair in the same black and white uniform. "Um, hello," Sakura offers with a shy smile.
"New here?" the girl asks kindly. Sakura nods, and the girl reaches down to help her up, assisting with her scattered belongings. "I'm Keiko," she introduces herself warmly. Sakura returns the grin. "Sakura. Nice to meet you." From that moment, the two strike up a conversation and quickly form a connection.
During lunchtime at East Blue High, the cafeteria buzzed with conversations and laughter. Zoro and his circle of friends had commandeered a corner table, their animated discussion veering between school rumors and weekend plans.
"So, did you hear what Sesshomaru said to Terra about Griffith?" Grimmjow leaned in, a mischievous grin playing on his lips.
Zoro scoffed, shaking his head. "Man, that guy just can't stay out of trouble."
"Yeah, and did you see the look on his face when he saw you with Sanji?" Natsu chimed in, nudging Zoro playfully.
Sanji smirked, leaning back comfortably. "Probably realizing he's no longer the center of attention around here."
As they bantered, Keiko approached with Sakura in tow, her eyes scanning the room nervously. "Hey guys," she greeted tentatively, catching their attention.
"Keiko! What's up?" Zoro greeted warmly, pulling out a chair for her. He glanced at Sakura, offering a friendly smile. "And who's your friend?"
Keiko beamed, introducing Sakura to the group. "This is Sakura. She's new here, just moved from the city. Thought I'd show her around."
Sasuke, ever the observant one, couldn't help but glance at Sakura with curiosity. His gaze didn't go unnoticed by Grimmjow, who nudged him with a knowing smirk. "Hey, Sasuke, like what you see?"
Sasuke rolled his eyes, a faint blush touching his cheeks. "Shut up, Grimmjow."
Sanji chuckled, sipping his drink. "Welcome to the madness, Sakura. If you can handle these idiots, you'll do just fine here."
Sakura laughed nervously, grateful for the warm welcome despite the teasing. "Thanks, Keiko said you guys were… lively."
"That's one way to put it," Zoro agreed with a grin, glancing around at his friends who were already planning their next move in the ongoing drama of high school life at East Blue.
Whilst Zoro and his friends were engrossed in their usual banter, their phones simultaneously buzzed with a notification from Gossip Girl. They exchanged curious glances before checking the message, which revealed that Sesshomaru was hosting a party that upcoming weekend.
Zoro's expression darkened slightly as he read the update. "Seriously? Another one of his parties?"
Sanji chuckled, leaning over to look at the message. "Looks like trouble's brewing, huh?"
Grimmjow smirked, cracking his knuckles in anticipation. "You know what this means, right?"
Zoro nodded, a determined gleam in his eyes. "Oh, I know exactly what it means."
Keiko and Sakura exchanged puzzled looks, sensing the tension in the air. "What's going on?" Sakura asked tentatively.
Natsu filled them in quickly, his voice low but charged with excitement. "Sesshomaru loves throwing these huge parties to flaunt his status. Zoro here," he nodded at Zoro with a grin, "he's got a knack for making a memorable entrance."
Sasuke nodded in agreement. "And by 'memorable,' he means crashing in and turning the whole thing upside down."
Sanji laughed, clapping Zoro on the back. "It's always entertaining."
Zoro smirked, eyes narrowing with resolve. "Guess I'll have to remind him who runs this school."
Sakura and Keiko exchanged a glance, sensing the excitement and tension building among Zoro and his friends about crashing Sesshomaru's party. Keiko nodded with a mischievous grin. "Count me in. It'll be epic."
Sakura, though a bit nervous about the idea of crashing a high-profile event, couldn't deny the thrill of joining in on the adventure. "Yeah, why not? It sounds like it'll be a blast."
Zoro chuckled, impressed by their enthusiasm. "You're both brave. It won't be your average party, that's for sure."
Grimmjow cracked his knuckles, a devilish glint in his eye. "We could use a few more recruits. Make it a night to remember."
Sanji leaned back, grinning slyly. "Let's turn this into the event of the year."
Natsu chimed in, already planning logistics. "We'll need a solid plan. And maybe some backup."
Sasuke nodded, considering their options. "We should invite a few more people. The more, the merrier."
Lelouch, known for his strategic mind, raised an eyebrow with a mischievous smile. "What about contacting Sukuna? He's in England right now, but if we can get him on board remotely…"
The group erupted into laughter, knowing Sukuna's reputation for stirring up trouble wherever he went.
Eren, always up for a bit of chaos, nodded eagerly. "Or we could hit up Gojo. He's got a knack for causing a scene."
Sanji smirked, adding fuel to the fire. "And don't forget Levi. He's not one to shy away from a bit of mayhem."
Grimmjow chuckled, rubbing his hands together. "With those guys on our side, Sesshomaru won't know what hit him."
As they continued to plot and plan, the prospect of recruiting these notorious troublemakers only added to their excitement for crashing Sesshomaru's party. It promised to be a night filled with unexpected twists and turns, all in the name of making a statement at their rival's extravagant event.
The weekend arrived, and Sesshomaru's party was in full swing, the mansion buzzing with music, laughter, and the chatter of East Blue High's elite. Dressed to the nines in designer outfits, Sesshomaru basked in the attention, confident that the night would be a showcase of his status and influence.
However, the mood shifted when Zoro and his entourage made their grand entrance. The doors swung open dramatically, and the room fell silent as Zoro strode in, exuding a blend of confidence and defiance. His friends followed suit, each dressed to impress in flashy, attention-grabbing outfits that turned heads instantly.
Sakura and Keiko, standing beside Zoro, felt a rush of adrenaline as they surveyed the scene. They weren't alone—Zoro had indeed brought along Sukuna, Gojo, and Levi Ackerman, notorious troublemakers known for their penchant for chaos.
Sukuna grinned devilishly, his presence commanding attention as he surveyed the party with amusement. Gojo, with his signature blindfold and laid-back demeanor, casually strolled in as if he owned the place. Levi Ackerman, ever stoic yet imposing, surveyed the room with a sharp gaze, silently assessing the situation.
The tension in the room was palpable as Sesshomaru watched Zoro and his crew with a mix of surprise and irritation. Murmurs and whispers spread among the guests, speculating on what would unfold next.
Zoro, unfazed by the stares and whispers, approached Sesshomaru with a smirk. "Nice party you've got here," he remarked casually, his tone laced with challenge.
Sesshomaru, maintaining his composure, replied evenly, "You're not welcome here, Zoro."
Zoro shrugged, his grin widening. "Didn't expect an invitation. But since we're all here…"
The night took a sharp turn as the clash of personalities and egos filled the air. With Sukuna, Gojo, and Levi in tow, Zoro and his friends mingled through the party, turning heads and stirring up conversations wherever they went. The combination of East Blue High's elite and these infamous troublemakers created an electric atmosphere, with tensions simmering just beneath the surface.
As the night unfolded, it became clear that Sesshomaru's meticulously planned event had been hijacked by Zoro and his entourage, leaving an indelible mark on the evening and ensuring that this party would be remembered for all the unexpected twists and turns it had brought.
Zoro couldn't help but chuckle as he surveyed the scene, his friends and the unexpected troublemakers he'd brought along adding a layer of unpredictability to Sesshomaru's meticulously planned party. With a confident grin, he leaned back against a nearby pillar, crossing his arms.
"Never mess with the King of the Upper East Side," he declared with a hint of amusement in his voice, loud enough for those nearby to hear. The statement echoed through the room, a subtle warning disguised as a jest.
Sesshomaru, standing not far away, bristled at Zoro's boldness. His attempt to maintain control of the situation faltered as Zoro's presence overshadowed his own carefully curated event. The clash of personalities and the palpable tension between them filled the room, creating a charged atmosphere that everyone could feel.
As the night wore on, Zoro's laughter and confident demeanor set the tone, solidifying his position as a force to be reckoned with among the elite of East Blue High. The events of that evening would be talked about for weeks to come, a testament to the power dynamics and rivalries that defined their world.
Zoro's master plan had succeeded—it was a night where he had asserted his influence and reminded everyone of his place in their social hierarchy.
Just when everyone thought they were safe, Z decided to grace us with his presence at his old pal's party. But don't mistake it for a gesture of goodwill—the King is plotting something much bigger than a mere revenge plot.
He's poised to reclaim his throne by any means necessary, even if it means playing as dirty as he did at SE's party. The battle lines are drawn, and the key players are emerging more prominently. The question looms: who truly reigns as the King of the Upper East Side? Watch this space closely, because things are about to heat up significantly.
Gossip Girl
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