#clinton crime syndicate
icubud · 1 year
The direction that this country is going (very quickly now) really has me concerned. What the supposed DOJ is doing to DJT is unethical and in some cases illegal. Meanwhile, yet again, those who should be indicted, found guilty and punished are getting away with it. I have suspected for a long time that elections for state positions were often fully compromised. I point at states and cities with…
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mylionheart2 · 2 months
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gook54-blog · 1 month
Let's look at Epsteins list .yes , 67 congressmen past and present on Epstien lis,t 48 Democrats and 11 Republicans who always swing in Democratic favour better than a felon? That's why Trump is pilloried in the press. ( 19 news directors on the list - So verifiable bias
Blue and white Epstien's flag Mullocks Babylonian - fascist peadophiles, blood oath, child sacrificing Nazi honour flag used by Azov Zlrmski party too who democtrats back. Democrats flag too
Protecting Central bank from BRIKS gold based banking system which will collapse unless they support Ucraine Ucraine is a autonomous territory within CIS of Russia, UN recognised this. USA vetoed the Resolution in UN that was going to put Azov- a recognized neo - nazi organization ( Amnesty International ) which killed 30000 Ethnic Russians in ethnic cleansing- onto accented list .USA reason was freedom of speech. Corporations corruption disguised as truth Democrats again Ucraine and Russians cannon fodder to protect corporations greed
Isreals $2million per day from Democrats.. Pro Israel proven .Why Democrats have their hands in development of the New Gaza canal which runs through Gaza with $2 billion a year
Mossad Rothschild and Democrats have shares in the Gaza Gas field worth billions and this will replace the Noodtstroom Supply.
The Hammas leaders who have shares in these ventures are Mossad agents too . Palestine share 0%
Bush, Rothschild, Rockefeller and Hitler
Futher nazi support Democrats George' Bush dad Prescott Bush who was Advisory to Rockefeller supported nazi leaders ,got an iron cross from Hitler. Clinton Bush Hiltler Rockefeller and Rothschild one family Jacob Rothschild was Hitlers uncle. Roosevelt was a nazi too Operation paperclip moved thousand of nazi to USA as CEOs in 1946
https://concisepolitics.com/2018/08/03/rothschilds-crime-syndicate-hired-bush-family-to-work-with-nazis-and-hitler-to-create-millions-of-new-debt-slaver-and-murder-millions-of-germans-europeans-americans-yes-about-271000-ashkenazis iui
The Rothschilds installed the Government in South Africa
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reality-detective · 1 year
Save The Children 🤔
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The Bezzle excerpt (Part IV)
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I'm on tour with my new novel The Bezzle! Catch me TONIGHT in SALT LAKE CITY (Feb 21, Weller Book Works) and TOMORROW in SAN DIEGO (Feb 22, Mysterious Galaxy). After that, it's LA, Seattle, Portland, Phoenix and more!
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This week marks the publication of my latest novel, The Bezzle, and to celebrate, I'm serializing an excerpt from Chapter 14 in six parts:
The Bezzle is a revenge story, a crime novel, and a technothriller. It stars Martin Hench, a hard-fighting forensic accountant who specializes in unwinding high-tech scams. Hench made his debt in last year's Red Team Blues (now in paperback!); The Bezzle is a standalone followup:
The serial tells the tale of Stefon Magner, AKA Steve Soul, a once-famous R&B frontman whose disintegrating career turned to tragedy when his crooked manager forged his signature on a rights assignment contract that let him steal all of Stefon's royalties, which ballooned after modern hiphop artists discovered his grooves and started buying licenses to sample them. The first three installments related the sad circumstances of Stefon's life, and the real-world analogues (like Leonard Cohen and George Clinton, both of whom were pauperized by sticky-fingered managers) as well as one real-world countermeasure, copyright termination, a thing that more artists should know about and use:
Today's installment weaves in a major subplot for the first time in the serial: Los Angeles's notorious, murderous Sheriff's Deputy gangs. These are another unbelievable true tale: for decades, the LASD's deputies have formed themselves into criminal gangs, some of which require that initiates murder someone to be inducted:
They sport gang tattoos, have secret signs, and run vast criminal enterprises. This has been the subject of numerous investigative press reports, and one extensive official report that called the gangs "a cancer":
The sordid tales of the LASD gangs beggar belief. For example, deputies in charge of LA County jails forced inmates to pit-fight and took bets on the outcomes:
The taxpayers of LA have shelled out tens of millions of dollars to settle claims against LA's criminals with badges:
Periodically, LA judges and officials will insist that they are tackling the problem:
But at every turn, the LA police "unions" manage to crush these investigations:
And top cops are right there with them, insisting that these aren't "gangs" – they're just "subgroups":
It's very weird being an Angeleno and knowing that one of the largest, most militarized, best funded police departments in the world has been openly captured by a hyperviolent crime syndicate. When I was in the Skyboat Media studios last December with Wil Wheaton recording the audiobook for The Bezzle, Wil broke off from reading to say, "You know, someone's going to read this and google it and have their mind blown when they discover that it's real":
That's one of my favorite ways to turn literature into something more than entertainment. It's why I filled the Little Brother books with real-world surveillance, cryptography and security tech, giving enough detail to advance the plot and give readers an idea of what search terms would let them understand and use the concepts in the novel. That's something I'm happy to keep up with the Hench novels, unpicking the inner workings of scams and corruption. The more of us who are wise to this, the sooner we'll be able to get rid of it.
Here's part one of the serial:
Part two:
Part three:
And now, onto part four!
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The last of the boxes had been shelved.
Benedetto rose from his chair. “Thank you, gentlemen,” he said to the movers, and dug a roll of twenties out of his pocket and handed each of them two of their own. He turned to me as they filed out. “You wanna get sushi? The place next door is great.”
The empty storefront was in a down-­at-­heels strip mall in Eagle Rock. On one side, there was a Brazilian jujitsu studio that never seemed to have any students training in it. On the other side was Sushi Jiro, name on a faded sign with half its lightbulbs gone. Beyond that was a vaping store.
“The place next door is good?”
He laughed. “You San Francisco motherfuckers got terrible LA restaurant radar. Put Sushi Jiro in the Mission and it’d have a Michelin star and a six-­month waiting list. Here it’s in a strip mall and only the locals know how good it is. Bet you never had a decent meal in this town, am I right?”
“I’ve had a few,” I said, “but I admit my track record isn’t great.”
“Let’s improve it.”
The sushi was amazing.
Inglewood Jams had the kind of books that were performatively bad, designed to foil any attempt at human comprehension.
But whoever cooked them was an amateur, someone who mistook complexity for obfuscation. Like cross-­referencing was a species of transcendentally esoteric sorcery. I don’t mind cross-referencing. It’s meditative, like playing solitaire. I had Bene­detto send over some colored post-­it tabs and a big photocopier with an automatic feeder and I started making piles.
One night, I worked later than I planned. Sushi Jiro was becoming a serious hazard to my waistline and my sleep-­debt, because when your dinner break is ten yards and two doors away from your desk, it’s just too damned easy to get back to work after dinner.
That night, I’d fallen into a cross-­referencing reverie, and before I knew it, it was 2 a.m., my lower back was groaning, and my eyes were stinging.
I straightened, groaned, and slid my laptop into my bag. I found my keys and unlocked the door. The storefront was covered with brown butcher’s paper, but it didn’t go all the way to the edge. I had just a moment to sleepily note that there was some movement visible through the crack in the paper over the glass door when it came flying back toward me, bouncing off my toe, mostly, and my nose, a little. I put my one hand to my face as I instinctively threw myself into the door to close it again.
I was too late and too tired. A strong shoulder on the other side of the doorframe pushed it open and I stumbled back, and then the guy was on me, the door sighing shut behind him on its gas lift as he bore me to the ground and straddled my chest, a move he undertook with the ease of much practice. He pinned my arms under his knees and then gave me a couple of hard hits, one to the jaw, one to the nose.
My lip and nose were bleeding freely and my head was ringing from the hits and from getting smacked into the carpet tiles over concrete when I went down backward. I struggled—­to free my arms, to buck off my attacker, to focus on him.
He was a beefy white guy in his late fifties, with watery dark eyes and a patchy shave that showed gray mixed in with his dark stubble. As he raised his fist for another blow, I saw that he was wearing a big class ring. A minute later, that ring opened my cheek, just under the orbit of my eye.
Apart from some involuntary animal grunts, I hadn’t made a sound. Now I did. “Ow!” I shouted. “Shit!” I shouted. “Stop!” I shouted.
He split my lip again. I bucked hard but I couldn’t budge him. He had a double chin, a gut, and he was strong, and used that bulk to back up his strength. It was like trying to free myself from under a boulder. That kept punching me in the face.
The strip mall would be deserted. Everything was closed, even the vaping store.
Shouting wouldn’t help. I did it anyway. He shut my mouth for me with a left. I gagged on blood.
He took a break from punching me in the face, then. I think he was tired. His chest heaved, and he wiped sweat off his lip with the back of his hand, leaving behind a streaky mustache of my blood.
He contemplated me, weighing me up. I thought maybe he was trying to decide if I had any fight left in me, or perhaps whether I had any valuables he could help himself to.
He cleared his throat and looked at me again. “Goddammit, I messed your face up so bad I can’t tell for sure. I hope to fuck that you’re Martin Hench, though.”
Even with my addled wits, this was an important piece of intelligence: he came here for me. This wasn’t a random act of senseless Los Angeles street violence. This was aimed at me.
I was briefly angry at Benedetto for not warning me that Chuy Flores was such a tough son of a bitch. Then I had the presence of mind to lie.
“I don’t know who the fuck this Mark Hendricks is.” My voice was thick with gargled blood, but I was proud of Mark Hendricks. Pretty fast thinking for a guy with a probable concussion. The guy slapped me open-­handed across the face, and as I lay dazed for a moment, he shifted, reached into my back pocket for my wallet, and yanked it—­and the seat of my pants—­free. Before I could react, his knees were back on my biceps, pinning my arms and shoulders. It was a very neat move, and fast for an old guy like him.
He flipped my wallet open and squinted at it, then held it at arm’s length, then smiled broadly. He had bleach-­white teeth, a row of perfectly uniform caps. Los fucking Angeles, where even the thugs have a million-­dollar smile.
“Shoulda sprung for botox,” I slurred.
His grin got wider. “Maybe someday I will. Got these in trade from a cosmetic dentist I did some work for.” He dropped my wallet. “Listen, Martin Hench, you stay the fuck away from Thames Estuary and Lawrence Coleman.”
“It’s Lionel Coleman,” I said.
“What the fuck ever,” he said. He labored to his feet. I stayed still. He looked at me from a great height, and I stared up his nostrils. Without warning, he kicked my ribs hard enough that I heard one of them crack.
“You’ve been told,” he said to my writhing body, and let himself out.
ETA: Here's part five!
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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📌Documentaries (Part 1/6) – Awakening, Uncensored, Recommended - White Rabbit Index (Updated Dec 2022)
Share Our Channel: http://t.me/FollowsTheWhiteRabbit
1. The Real Anthony Fauci (by Robert F. Kennedy) (3-hrs) (2022)🔥
2. FLUVID-19 (Flu > Covid Deaths Psyop doc) (1-hr) (Hibbeler) (2022)🔥
3. Died Suddenly (Experimental Clot Shots Doc) (1-hr) (2022)🔥
4. Biden Inc. (Tucker’s Biden Crime Family Doc) (40-mins) (2022)🔥
5. NASA: Why do they Lie to Us? (20-mins of NASA Lies) (2020)🔥
6. The Rise & Fall of George Floyd & Black Lives Matter (Corruption Exposed) (1-hr) (2022)🔥
7. The Real Stranger Things (MK Ultra > Microchips Conspiracy Doc) (2021)🔥
8. Science For Hire (Corrupted, Politicized Science Doc) (2022)🔥
9. Who is Marina Abromovic? (Satan-worship Hollywood > Rothchild connections) (2022)🔥
10. State of Control (NWO Digital ID progress & risks doc) (2022)🔥
11. The Flat Earth Scientific Proof: The Convex Earth (1.5-hour) (+ Firmament Dome Earth Theory Hub) (2018)🔥
12. The Clinton Body Count Documentary: The Syndicate Serial Killers (2021)🔥
13. The End of Men (2022) (35-min Tucker Doc w/RFK)🔥
14. Safe & Effective: A 2nd Opinion (Experimental Covid Vaxx Injuries Doc) (2022)🔥
15. Fall of the Cabal (full Corruption of Society doc) (2022)🔥
16. JFK to 911: Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick (US History of Corruption)🔥
17. Level 1: Level Earth (Globe Earth Hoax documentary) (2021)🔥
18. Level 2: The Next Level (What is Earth?) (Documentary) (2022)🔥
19. Trump 2024: The World After Trump (Epoch Times) (2022)🔥
20. Who is Stealing America? (2022) (2020 Election Fraud Doc) (Epoch Times)🔥
21. A Shot in the Dark (Experimental Covid Vaxx Doc) (Hibbeler) (2020)🔥
22. Cult of the Medics (Corrupt Healthcare Doc Series) (2022)🔥
23. Bill Gates Conspiracy Hub (2022)🔥
24. Doctor’s Orders (Corrupted Covid-Healthcare Doc) (2022)🔥
25. 911 False Flag: Predictive Programming (2-Ep) (Mr.Truthbomb) (2022)🔥
26. Globebusters: Taking it to the Next Level (Firmament Earth Doc) (2022)🔥
27. Vax Nation (Big Pharma Covid Vaxx doc) (2022)🔥
28. These Little Ones: 1-hr Child Trafficking Report, Proof, & Doc (2022) 🔥
29. The Hidden History of the Khazarian Mafia (Khazar = Ukraine) (2022)🔥
30. Writing on the Wall (Digital ID Control 47-min doc) (2022)🔥
31. Freemasonry: What’s the Big Secret? (Freemason Doc)🔥
32. A Very Heavy Agenda (US Politics 911 > War in Uktraine Agenda Doc) (2022)🔥
33. The Bilderberg Documentary (Evolved Truth) (The WEF is the mouthpiece for Bilderberg Group)🔥
34. NWO Control (Money>Gov>Media>Pharma>Depop Doc)🔥
35. The Tartarian Meltdown (Lost History of Earth Tartaria doc)🔥
36. A Thousand Pieces (CIA & FBI Corruption doc) (2020)🔥
37. Unacceptable Views (Canadian Trucker Convoy doc) (2022)🔥
38. Anecdotals: A Doc of Stories of the Covid Vaxx Injured (2022)🔥
39. The Secret Life of Symbols: Jordan Maxwell (Gaia TV doc) (2022)🔥
40. World Upside Down (Biblical Creation of Earth doc) (2020)🔥
41. The Big Bang Lie & New Age Deception (Firmament vs Evolution Hoax) (2015)🔥
42. The Connection of all Things in the Universe🔥
43. The Unseen Realm (Biblical Explanation) (Dr. Heiser)🔥
44. 97% Owned (UK’s Fraudulent Banking System doc)🔥
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hydralisk98 · 3 months
Demonstration Summary for Vicuna? (16^12 thread 0x1C/?)
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Sidetrack continuation on the 16^12 thread for a quick Vicuna generative AI experiment.
Uses a VERBS & SUBJECTS (+ optional arguments) structural approach to define my "LibreVast" NPCs & their lively context for some inspired by social simulation software toys...
Equivalences and differences keymap from my previous Civilization 5 Complete Edition "Maskoch Modpack" workload
No Woodrow Wilson presidency (Theodore Roosevelt -> Charles Hugues -> Eugene Debs...) and yet we still get the 4440s second world war, but the first world war (4410s) does at least end on a more positive note for the Entente.
Such world wars generate technical military innovations (like motorized and mechanized weaponry) that eventually spreads to the remainder of the civilian society by the 4460s when they successfully release domestic home servant units & automate key niches that were worth automating. (Commercial robots introduced in 4460 -> droids introduced in 4480 -> synthetics introduced in 4500)
Some other alternate yet parallel tech & cultural trends and other minor differences ensue, but for the most part its a worldscape that feels familiar-enough yet better live standards & a quite comforting feel to such that applies just as well to other 16^12 realmscape simulations...
Theodore Roosevelt 4401-4408, William Taft 4408-4412, Theodore Roosevelt 4412-4416, Charles Hugues 4416-4420, Eugene Debs as Syndicated Symbolic Socialism Communion Party 4420-4425, Unionists 4425-4488 with less well-defined specifics, George H. W. Bush (Senior) Republican Caucus, Hillary Clinton 4492-4496, Ross Perot Reform / Liberty caucus 4496-4500, Al-Gore Democrats 4500-4504 Donald Trump as Reform 4504-4508, Michelle Oprah as Democrat 4508-4515, Bernie Sanders as New Unionist 4516-4520 with a successor appointed during elections until the deposition/impeachment of him and the dissolution of the Unionists overarching structure, Georgist / Greens / Geocenter "Progressives" henceforth with its Syndicalist & Harmony caucuses working in tandem with them until the later 4540s when they fully split apart to leave way for new openings due to goal completion aka suffering from long-term success when a new polite rivalry begins between that Nu-Syndicalist, Newe-Center & Triadic-Harmony.
Wider scene context for the first MVP Demo
Nil (you, the player "actor") visit a residential home in a major Shoshoni Union commune where Kate & Ava alongside their housecat pet Shoshona resides when Tano arrives as to converse / debate some with the two others in order to refine and improve Kate's persuasive skills to their upcoming hearing in the senate.
The courtroom hearing itself is about forgiving the rebellious acts (governmental data leaks & other autonomous crimes) Ava once committed when she got unruly / rebellious as under the previous constitution (Unionists' 4515-4520 Luddite agenda) as of when androids were bound to servitude as per Unionist Party's Democrats-caucus presidencies & also for freeing/liberating whatever automaton limitations where left in her hardware. Thanks in large part to the rightful interventions from the Progressive Party Coalition winning majority in elections earlier in 4524 through several benevolent and wise moves against the Unionist ever since their second victory of the century around 4520.
(some far right-wing Unionist faction deposed the last constructively good Unionist party leader, Chaska Baker, around 4520 but failed to hold power as the Progressives intervened before further harm to the world was to be enacted by such zealous religious fanatics & Strasserism-aligned soldiers)
Also, there are several key laws being revised around morphological freedoms, magickal autonomous shops grants, sapience rights and other constructively benevolent laws as they observe the wider world congress transitioning to a modular artificial super intelligence framework (likewise to Rogue Servitors from the Stellaris video game) as globalized economical model in parallel to biological sapient-kinds.
Before the player character's arrival, there is several semi-speculative-fiction writing novel scenes preceding this interactive demo, from the tramway introduction, to the subsequent bonding between Kate & Ava as part of their on-boarding and plenty of slice-of-life situations. And there is a bunch more going after the end of such a first demo.
Verbs & Nouns as Keywords
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Kate (autistic human INTJ-T self-insertee historian soft-warm caring heart yet honest curiosity-driven 25yo woman, moderately left-wing Progressive party member in the Georgist / GeoCenter / Greens caucus & modest woodland suburb middle-tier working class origins)
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Ava (synthetic-tier android ENFP-A blonde lady, great friend + ally to Kate, strong copyleft Syndicalist & social service assistance vigilante overcoming rebellious past through community service)
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Tano (sapient mothfolk ENTP female political debater with esoteric religious beliefs, friendly & polite rivalry with Kate as from the Harmony caucus, harsh and direct yet communal focused and mindful)
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Shoshona (black angora female housecat)
Major factions in the Shoshoni Union (4525)
Unionist Party (right-wing Republicans caucus, Reformists / Libertarians as Liberty caucus, left-wing Democrats caucus)
Progressives Coalition (Syndicalists, Greens, Harmonists)
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zooterchet · 4 months
Injustice Society Van Meter (UMass-Amherst)
David Charlebois: Assassinations of major figures supporting Iranian-Mullahs, the Shah of Iran; the pre Civil War movement, militia leaders of the South, however defrauded by Jefferson Davis; not contacted by regiment, to call up, for hostilities against Abraham Lincoln.  All militias, deployed.
Jenna Williamson: Duplication of Sisak death camp, among African migrants, "Jews for Jesus", new Beta-Israeli movement; patronage of Ethiopians, in killing the retarded, those Germans of improper fate or faith to attend school bus, wishing special privilege instead.  Call contact, Army POW, test training, for American forces.
Allison Haimes: Training as defense counsel, for international military tribunals of enemies of United States; use of "Dragonball Z" cartoon animated feature, to place foreign defense counsels to test, as CIA, not MI-6, after having analyzed cartoon produced at own hand, while in North Korea.  On loan, from Bill Clinton, after having sexual fantasies about "female vulcans", of Star Trek fame.
Andrew Brooks: Defense attorney, federal narcotics Canada, and FBI agent, specialist in premitigation of male serial killers, at hands of female debutantes, those arranged in marriage in violation of Appomatox codes of marital bliss.  Having analyzed Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis is determined to be shamed by Papal Nuncio, at being offered Jesus's throne crown, as well as Bible and memoirs, to prove as failed business offer; Jesus Christ, wine debts of police industry per sportsmanship.
Calvin Williams: Cook and special police clerk liaison, UMass-Amherst confidential informant commander, Central Intelligence Agency; placement of communications program, as management of floor, for mass downsizings and firings, having floor committed ear worm advertising haze of American, NATO, or Israeli forces.  The common lessons, submitted per plot of act, to Massachusetts schools, to fire teachers in coercion with "Swift Nick" protocol, common refusal of students their own success, at having been too poor to afford a car or motorcycle.
Matthew Lennox: Hopkinton Sheriffs envoy, to Germany and Harmony Korine, through Werner Herzhog and lover "Ellen Page", Elliott Ledger; the shutdown, of abusive fathers, having struck their children upside back of head, or encouraged child to do so for another, "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band"; lesbian identity, for daughters or gay men struck, and if refusing, thrown from abates, having used sensei training strategy "between french and koreans", actually Arabs and Asians of Chinese Triads, to refuse Tong; the abuse of Asian women via labor, the Tong, for the shutdown of independent black music, at the hands of Jewish converts.
Kevin Conroy: The claiming of own father, of Batman: The Animated Series, per art stifles and scruples, on the print of DC Comics CIA; the defrauding of the De Salvo family, those serving Army interests of reforming Jewish Holocaust survivors, and German Totenkopf thereof during World War 2, the shutdown of the "Crime Syndicate of America"; blocked by American soldiers desiring a fat, ugly, pork skin rhino wife for American soldiers, so the tradition of the death camps wouldn't spread, and Islam would spread instead.  Islam, being the German Holocaust, and for 12 centuries prior, every slaughter of police indemnified on slave conscript draft, by insurance brokers, homosexual men.
Nicholas Maynard: Renaming of patents, to suppress Kurdish identity, for betrayal of Saddam Hussein and desire of own regime in Turkey; the pressure, against those incompatible with Islam, homosexual identities as established under Muhammad for Marine Corps and molestation of little girls, from boys purchased and sold through youth adventuring clubs, for gender queer children, to operate as banker's finance; Arab mercantile clans.  The end to freedom of internet rights, under Israeli Ayatollah orders, the merger between the Jewish post-War Holocaust Nazi identity, and the Iranian Jewish pre-Phillistine identity, out of Benjamin Netanyahu, a terrorist responsible for 9/11 through French External Security; the Bin Ladens, the blood of Mahatma Ghandi.
Ryan Lewis: The print of "Thrift Shop", off of bassline played by Dave Charlebois, applied to trumpets and endorsing Barack Obama, through "economies of scale"; jazz music and failure of accounting records, to support Obama Care, the Afffordable Care Act, and the failure of farms and numbers overseas, to finally defeated the United States on behalf of Canada; Canada desiring the molestation of children, by teachers unions, the British method, an end to the United Nations sought; the exploitation of British schools, Russian labor, and Chinese pharmaceuticals, all of which used as slavery on local populace; a return to slave numbers of poor, per Canadian socialized medicine, the pointless return to space of childhood, to be fed vegetables and soy, not meat and beer.
Greg Connolly: The refusal of incense, marijuana, tobacco, charcoal, and pork, instead eating Chinese cuisine made from cats instead of pigs; the "Truth Orange" movement, enslaving common culture against the lessons of 9/11, that the world is filled with ignorant people, and for America to survive without terror attacks, America will have to be ignorant too; following public lies, and private policy contradicting, of Ronald Reagan, the slaughter and genocide of African-Americans for siding with Baptists, the Catholic Church of the greater South; having refused children per molestation by Iranian-Jews, the Rabbis, and having sought a brighter future for children, refused by gay men, those stroking beards to point out power at having removed the testicles of an African, Asian, or Mestizo child, all three the work force of America.
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boycottdivestsanctions · 11 months
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Flight logs show Bill Clinton took at least 26 flights aboard financier Jeffrey Epstein’s Boeing 727 jet between 2001 and 2003, the first two years he was out of office. The former president took at least five of those flights without his Secret Service detail. That’s 26 flight
Clinton attended the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University, graduating in the class of 1968 alongside future Director of Saudi Intelligence Agency, Prince Turki bin Faisal.[3] He studied at Yale University, and some claimed him to be a member of Skull and Bones, documentation on this point is lacking.[4]. He received a Rhodes Scholarship to study at University College, Oxford. He married Hillary Clinton in 1975.
Mark Gorton claims that while at Oxford, Bill Clinton was recruited as a CIA asset by CIA London station chief Cord Meyer.[5] He is unflattering in his assessment of Clinton's rise to national prominence:
Clinton’s rise to prominence within Arkansas politics was financed by a network of Arkansas organized crime figures prominent in the illegal gambling and drug money laundering businesses. Many members of Clinton’s inner circle were involved in the money laundering and drug running businesses, and Clinton was easily drawn into supporting and protecting the illegal CIA sponsored drug and gun running based in Arkansas. By participating in these criminal acts, Clinton earned his right to join the Deep State, and he was rewarded by having the Bush Syndicate use their influence to promote him on the national stage. The Deep State [KM] transcends any political party. The Deep State is always looking to penetrate and control both political parties. So during the 1992 presidential elections, the Deep State could not lose. Deep State leader George H. W. Bush had the Republican nomination, and compromised, junior Deep State member Clinton was the Democratic candidate.[5]
“The New York Post: Any comments on the alleged allegation of your connection with Jeffrey Epstein? Bill Clinton: I think the evidence is clear.”
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taskwazen · 2 years
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worldofwardcraft · 2 years
Coming distractions.
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November 24, 2022
Whenever there's Republican misconduct that the right would like to cram down America's memory hole, the GOP playbook recommends one fail-safe solution: fabricate an equally bad scandal for the Democrats and hype it unceasingly. Think Filegate and Travelgate during the Clinton years. Or the made-up Fast & Furious and Benghazi "scandals" of the Obama administration.
Recently, there's been plenty of Republican malfeasance they would prefer you not think about. Like the violent MAGA mob of thugs that tried to overturn a legitimate election. Or, the wave of right-wing terrorism sweeping the country. Or, the confiscation of abortion and voting rights by GOP legislatures. Or, the Trump family being nothing but a gang of thieves who can't seem to stop committing felonies. But, most important, are the innumerable criminal prosecutions facing Donald Trump himself. Time to bring out the old playbook.
Sadly, however, the Dems don't seem to be providing much in the way of scandal material of late. Not to worry. Now that they have regained the majority in the House, the ever-inventive Republicans assure us they will dream up all sorts of Democratic misdeeds to pique our interest.
Last week, Republican representatives Jim Jordan and James Comer announced they will be getting to the bottom of the "Biden Family Crime Syndicate," starting with an investigation into the president's son, Hunter Biden, and his infamous laptop. Which, they are certain, contains all sorts of juicy info about how Hunter used his connections in business dealings with Ukraine and China. However, as former federal prosecutor Ron Filipkowski observes,
The only thing that makes any of this relevant for a congressional inquiry is whether Joe Biden was directly involved or benefitted financially from what Hunter was up to. On that score, the evidence is sorely lacking.
We also learned that Georgia nutcase Marjorie Taylor Greene intends to investigate the Biden Justice Department's treatment of the January 6 defendants (they're political prisoners, don't you know) and will seek to defund the FBI for its jackbooted lawlessness in executing a legal search of arch-criminal Trump's Mar-a-Lago lair.
In addition, congressional Republicans have vowed to grill Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease expert, over his role in the COVID pandemic (apparently, he was responsible for creating the virus). Tweeted House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy menacingly, "He owes the American people answers."
So, for the next two years, look for the House of Representatives to be a virtual three-ring circus of phony, ginned-up probes, inquiries and investigations. Because the GOP desperately needs to divert our attention. And discredit any revelations about Trump.
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icubud · 2 years
Ok so Hunter Biden’s is finally starting to be given the light of day but what about the Weiner laptop?
U know, the one that...
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gook54-blog · 1 month
Democrats here the facts study well you been duped
Let's look at Epsteins list .yes , 67 congressmen past and present on Epstien lis,t 48 Democrats and 11 Republicans who always swing in Democratic favour better than a felon? That's why Trump is pilloried in the press. ( 19 news directors on the list -
So verifiable bias
Blue and white Epstien's flag Mullocks Babylonian - fascist peadophiles, blood oath, child sacrificing Nazi honour flag used by Azov Zlrmski party too who democtrats back.
Democrats flag too
Ucraine war- Democrats Democrats Genocide
Protecting Central bank from BRIKS gold based banking system which will collapse unless they support Ucraine Ucraine is a autonomous territory within CIS of Russia, UN recognised this. USA vetoed the Resolution in UN that was going to put Azov- a recognized neo - nazi organization ( Amnesty International ) which killed 30000 Ethnic Russians in ethnic cleansing- onto accented list .USA reason was freedom of speech. Corporations corruption disguised as truth Democrats again Ucraine and Russians cannon fodder to protect corporations greed
Isreals $2million per day from Democrats.. Pro Israel proven
Bush, Rothschild, Rockefeller and Hitler
Futher nazi support Democrats George' Bush dad Prescott Bush who was Advisory to Rockefeller supported nazi leaders ,got an iron cross from Hitler. Clinton Bush Hiltler Rockefeller and Rothschild one family Jacob Rothschild was Hitlers uncle. Roosevelt was a nazi too Operation paperclip moved thousand of nazi to USA as CEOs in 1946
https://concisepolitics.com/2018/08/03/rothschilds-crime-syndicate-hired-bush-family-to-work-with-nazis-and-hitler-to-create-millions-of-new-debt-slaver-and-murder-millions-of-germans-europeans-americans-yes-about-271000-ashkenazis iui
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pharosproject · 5 years
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Yes, she actually went there.
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Judicial Watch Sues DOJ for Docs Pertaining to Illegally Shutting Down Clinton Foundation Investigation
Judicial Watch Sues DOJ for Docs Pertaining to Illegally Shutting Down Clinton Foundation Investigation
By Tim Brown
Don’t think that with the raid on a Clinton Foundation / Uranium One whistleblower’s home by the FBI that it was for anything but to cover for Hillary Clinton.  However, now government watchdog group Judicial Watch has filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Department of Justice to obtain DOJ documents on the efforts of Loretta Lynch and those under her to shut…
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flawsomesoulz · 8 years
People are lazy and love handing over their brains to completely incompetent strangers. Snopes is no more credible than any random person in any comment thread under a video. What I want to know is, "How could they possibly know the origins of any story, the meaning and intent behind it, and it's veracity?" Unless Snopes is just CoIntelPro for the CIA, they are nobodies doing what everyone is doing.... They're googling and cherry-picking data to confirm their bias. Same goes for "rational wiki", Metabunk, wiki, etc.... It's just censored and selected information that frames their intended narrative of conjecture and circle jerking.
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