#clone wars Revan AU
a worse foe
The blaster bold freezes in mid air, and Krell and the clones all stare at it as it crumbles to nothing.
"Fives," a voice, filtered through a voice modulator, says softly. "Take Dogma's blaster."
Lord Revan is standing at the entrance to the cellblock, tall and imposing and crackling with the energy they know as the Force. Fives takes the blaster from Dogma and unarms it, then tosses it aside. Dogma looks small at his side as Revan approaches, and lays a gloved hand on the side of his neck, thumb brushing just above where Dogma's blacks end.
"It's alright," Revan says softly, and leans forward slightly. Dogma meets him, resting his forehead against the cool, emotionless metal of Revan's helmet. "Fives, take your little brothers back to the barracks. Rex, can you stay?"
"Yes sir," Rex says. "Jesse? Kix?"
"We can stay, sir," the troopers answer.
"Good," Revan says, and everything is quiet as Fives gathers Tup and Dogma and heads to the barracks.
Once they're gone, the rumbling Rex has felt in the air becomes a roar, and then Krell is slammed against the wall.
"You don't scare me," Krell snarls. "You carry his name, but you are just a knight wearing old armour."
"Is that so?" Revan says, quiet. His hands go to the release clasps on his helmet, there's a hissing sound as the suit depressurises, and Revan lifts the helmet free.
It falls unceremoniously to the floor, and the sound echoes out across the room.
Rex sees Krell's throat contort as he swallows.
Revan's eyes are burning, flickering from red to gold to green, every line of his handsome face twisted in rage. His hands are clenched, muscles shaking, the Force roiling around him like a cloak. "You believe you can control the Dark?" Revan asks, and he pulls an unfamiliar lightsaber from inside his robes. "You believe you could be a Sith? You are nothing. You are an insect, vermin, compared to the Sith I have known. Have trained. Have inspired!"
The saber lights, and a ruby blade illuminates the room.
Krell's body is lying smoking and decapitated only a few hours later, tortured with lightning and lightsaber and terrible mind tricks that leave him screaming and babbling for mercy. For death.
Rex doesn't feel sorry for him as he picks up the decapitated head and hands it, smoking stump and all, to Revan, whose eyes still flicker between red and gold and green, but he's relieved to see the green appear more often than any other colour.
"Did Wolffe tell you?" Revan asks, taking the head and shoving it into a cryo-bag. "About-"
He holds up the lightsaber with the red blade, giving Rex a pointed look.
"You being a four thousand year old Dar'Jetii who is also the hero of the bedtime stories Fett used to tell the CC's?" Rex says. "No. General Skywalker complains about you a lot, some of that confidential information slipped out and Ahsoka filled in the rest."
Revan nods. "I want Dogma transferred," he says. "The 104th would be better for him that the 501st, he's lost his trust in the Jedi...Plo will be good for him."
"Permission to speak freely, sir?" Jesse asks.
Revan nods, and picks up his helmet.
"You'd be better for this army if you took command," Jesse says. "If you're really...really the Conquering Jedi-" Revan sighs at the title "-then you should be leading us, not the Council, not the Senate. You...you've done this before. You beat a better army than Grievous and Dooku."
"Mand'alor the Ultimate was a challenging opponent, yes," Revan says. "But after, the Republic faced a worse foe, one I could not defeat."
"Who?" Kix asks, always one for the stories. His eyes are big and full of wonder.
"Me," Revan says, and puts his helmet on. "The reason the Jedi don't want me heading an army is because they're worried I will turn it against them, like I did the last time someone gave me an army."
"But you wouldn't!" Jesse exclaims.
"Maybe I might," Revan says. "Perhaps I might start a war over you all."
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bojangos · 2 years
i am Thonking on a ‘revan in the clone wars’ au universe, but i am STRUGGLING to come up with what revan’s unit(s) are like.  
personality and name mostly, because i know they are absolute Wackos because:
1. they are made up of like 50% commando units if not more 2. the unit standard color is black.  and I don’t mean black stripes, i mean they all look like fuckin’ purge troopers in glossy black plastoid 3. they are like the Blackest of Black Ops. the armor is a pun 4. they absolutely can and will Destroy anyone who gets in their general’s way, including their brothers, other jedi, and the supreme chancellor himself 5. their commander is an Alpha-Class. enough said
this is all to say! Help me name some clone children!  some Personalities for these wackos! can’t guarantee i’ll use anything but I need to get the gears turning!
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gingersnappish · 7 months
The 2024 Fandom Trumps Hate Charity Auction is LIVE!!!
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Bidding runs 5th March 8am EST to 9th March 8 pm EST!
@fandomtrumpshate is an online multi-fandom auction that benefits a lot of progressive non-profit organizations! Fans 'bid' to donate directly to a listed charity and the winning bidder receives a thank you gift for their donation in the form of the personalized fan work- You can read about exactly how it works HERE and see the FULL LIST OF NON-PROFITS!
Star Wars Fandom has a lot of really lovely works being offered this year - 34 creators are offering their time and talents as a big thank you to the winning bidders for their donations! Please, check them out!
And then...
Help out some wonderful progressive charities (and get a lovely custom fanwork as a thank you gift !
The following are brief summaries and not comprehensive. Please read the full offerings before bidding! The full Star Wars TAG contains all the following listings in their entirety!
Written Fanworks
@shadow-spires is offering a <5K piece for Prequel Trilogy or The Clone Wars! Loves working with Cody, clone culture, and fix-its, AUs, angst with happy endings, and more!
@marroniere is offering 20-50K for Andor, Thrawn Trilogy (new canon), Thrawn Ascendancy, or Ahsoka! Especially interested in anything Thrawn and Chiss, as well as Mon and Cassian from Andor! Versatile in genre and focussed on how characters relate to one another and heal!
finkpishnets is offering 5-10K for Prequel Trilogy or Clone Wars! Happy to work with Obi-Wan/Anakin or Obi-Wan/Cody in canon, diveregent, or AU settings! (also comfortably familiar with the Kenobi series canon)
@dirtbag-linecook-kyloren is offereing 5K per $10 donated! Sequel Trilogy Kylux author specializing in Modern AUs!
@captainlilja is offering 5-10K for Sequel Trilogy or Rebels! Especially interested in Finn/Poe, Finn/Poe/Rey, Zeb/Kallus, Hera/Kanan and happy to work with AroAce characters, AUs, fluff, and kinky-fluff where everybody is in love!
blackat_t7t is offering 5-10K for Book of Boba Fett, Clone Wars, or Mandalorian! Interested in M/M or Genfic, Angst, canon-divergent AUs, anything with a Clones focus or BobaDinn! Also appreciates rairpairs and characters!
Tathrin is offering 5-10K for any of the Trilogies and/or Legends/Extended Universe! Enthusiastic about world-building and plot and queering canon! Classic Legends stuff is a favorite, with a love for snubfighter pilots, YJKs, Leia, nb-Revan, and original flavor Boba Fett!
hoebiwan is offering 5-10K for Original and Prequel Trilogies or Legends/Extended Universe! Interested in crack, grief, recovery, anxiety, trans and queer themes!
@geekymoviemom is offering 5-10K for Prequel Trilogy, Clone Wars, Rebels, or Rogue One! Happy to write Anakin/Padme, Cassian/Jyn, Obi-wan & Anakin, Kanan & Ezra, and family stuff for Clone Wars and Rebels Fam! Canon-divergent or in-universe AUs please!
@treescape is offering <5K for any Star Wars! Familiar with all eras and happy to work with most characters or pairs!
@xenomorphic-warrior is offering 10-20K for Original or Prequel Trilogy, Andor, Clone Wars, Mandolorian, Kenobi, and Rogue One! Especially interested in Cody/Obi-wan, Bariss/Ahsoka, Din/Cobb, Lando/Han, Lando/Leia/Han, Cassian/Jyn, Cassian/Jyn/Bohdi, Cassian/Kino and are fond of speculative AUs like horror and sci-fi, mythology, and canon-divergence!
van1lla_v1lla1n is offering <5K for the Sequel Trilogy! Enthusiastic about Rey/Kylo (one or both of them queer) and will write in canonverse or modern AUs! Likes to work with erotic and heavier themes, ambiguous endings!
solas_oiche is offering 10-20K for any Star Wars! Enthusiastic about anything Ahsoka-centric and open to themes and tropes you may want to see!
Kartaylir is offering &lt;5K for Legends/Extended Universe and the Old Republic! Especially interested F/F, darker themes, world-building, and weird lore details! Familiar with Thrawn Trilogy, Shadows of the Empire, and Tales of the Jedi comics, KOTOR, and have written lots for SWTOR!
Ninja is offering 5-10K for Original or Prequel Trilogies, or Mandolorian! Especially interested in working with Fluff, H/C, happy endings, magic, plot twists, crack, and humor! Loves zany hijinks! Good at taking an initial prompt and running with it!
@s-c-g-s-c-g is offering <5K for Prequel Trilogy, Clone Wars, and Legends/Extended Universe! Especially interested in Jedi characters, pre-quel era fic, gen, bonding, H/C, canon-adjacent AUs, and found family! Primarily experienced writing Gen but open to some rairpairs!
Ternary is offering <5K for Prequel Trilogy and Clone Wars! Likes queer themes, ace&aro themes, and exploring disability themes, as well as trauma-recovery, and emotional H/C! Interested in Obi-Wan’s Legends padawanship, Obi-Wan/Quinlan, Obi-Wan/Cody, Quinlan/Fox!
geniecat2 is offering 5-10K words for the Prequel Trilogy, Book of Boba Fett, or Clone Wars! Especially interested in the AceAre spectrum, found family, platonic and romantic CodyWan, Jangobi, and lineage exploration, as well as Clone and Jedi appreciation, JediCorps too!
@musetotheworld is offering 5-10K for the Original and Prequel Trilogies, and Legends/Extended Universe! Loves Legends-inspired plots and has read most of the Legends books! Experience with writing F/F ships, M/F is fine too, also cool with AUs!
Stens_McHenry is offering 5-10K for All Trilogies, Book of Boba Fett, Mandolorian, and Kenobi! Prefers to write M/M ships and happy to work with AUs and canon-adjacent/divergent works!
MaudeZbornak is offering scaled-by-donation wordcount ($5 = minimum 5K) for All Trilogies, Book of Boba Fett, Mandolorian, and Kenobi! Happy to work with any pairing for Star Wars and welcomes detailed prompts!
thebeespatella is offering scaled-by-donation wordcount ($10 = 1K) for Andor, Clone Wars, and Rogue One! Especially interested in F/F, trans/gender and exploring corporate surveillance, identity and conformity, colonialism/diaspora, radicalization, trauma, moral injury, and interfacing with technology (cybogs)! Likes Clone troopers, clone culture and clone ships, Imperial/Rebellion era, and spy/thriller AUs! Experienced writer of Cody/Rex!
MayQueen517CactusDragon517 is offering <5K words for the Original and Sequel Trilogies, Rogue One, or Solo! Open to many ideas, smut included! Likes exploring alternative identities like a trans or non-binary or ace/aro interpretation of a character! Likes to communicate lots with their winning bidder, building ideas and sharing snippets!
@elthadriel is offering scaled-by-donation wordcount ($10 = 1K up to 10K) for Clone Wars! Especially interested in Clone troopers and their culture and ships, Imperial/rebellion era, missing war scenes, PWP, Cowboy AUs, bittersweet vibes, Cody/Rex, Echo/Fives/Fox, Thorn/Fox, Rex/Fives/Echo/Cody, Cody/Fox, Ahsoka/Bariss, Bly/Aayla, Cody/Maul!
@cabezadeperro is offering <5K for Prequel Trilogy, Clone Wars, Legends/Extended Universe! Interested in open endings, Imperial era, missing war scenes, cloneships, Jango Fett/Obi-Wan, canon divergence, complicated relationships, codex, Fives/Echo/Fox, Cody/Fox, rewalker, qi’rahsoka!
darktenshi17 is offering two auctions for 5-10K fics for the Sequel Trilogy as well as the Original Trilogy! Open to most ideas (with the exception of Kylo/Rey) and interested in working with F/F, polyships, genderswap, trans or nonbinary characters, unhappy or ambiguous endings!
commanderdameron is offering 10-20K for the Prequel or Sequel Trilogies or Kenobi! Loves character and relationship studies! Interested in exploring canon in more plot-centric ways and excited about world-building from a character-driven mindset! Obi-Wan, Poe, Leia, and Rey are favs, so things that focus on their relationships are welcome!
Visual Fanworks
c_art is offering a comic page (per $50 donation) for the Original and Prequel Trilogies! Enthusiastic about Gen and Femslash as well as rarepairs and unusual ideas! Fluff, angst, slice of life, and action all welcome! Black and white pages - will ask the winning bidder for a script or fic to adapt, higher donations = gets more pages!
@temporoyales is offering a drawing/painting for any Star Wars! Any pairings, genders, sexualities are welcome! Likes working with everyday interactions, environmental storytelling, symbolism, genderbending, and costume design! Starting bid gets a black and white portrait and larger bids increase up to fullbody/color!
@gingersnappish is offering a full color book cover/illustration/drawing/comic page/etc for any Star Wars! Specializes in Kylux but open to almost all characters, pairs, ideas! Happy to work with scifi-fantasy design, animals, detailed backgrounds and tech! Will make 2-4 small sketches for the recipient to choose from and then show a refined sketch before finishing the piece!
@nattyjae is offering a comic/drawing/painting/etc for any Star Wars! Scaled donations $5 = black and white, $15 black and white comic, $20 full color illustration, on up to a full color comic page! Loves Clone Wars, Rebels, and Bad Batch but will be happy drawing any Star Wars! Happy to design characters, redraw scenes or visualize AUs!
Beta Reading
@shadow-spires is offering to beta 10-20K for any of the Trilogies, Clone Wars, Rebels, Rogue One!
birbleafs is offering to beta for <5K for any of the Trilogies, Clone Wars, Legends/Extended Universe!
geniecat2 is offering to beta for 5-10K for the Original and Prequel Trilogies, Book of Boba Fett, Clone Wars, Legends/Extended Universe, Mandolorian, and Kenobi!
Podfic Recording
@shadow-spires is offering to record a <5K podfic for any of the Trilogies, Clone Wars, Rebels, or Rogue One: clones centric and Jedi-positive stuff always welcome, as well as OCs!
flowerparrish is offering to record <5K for any of the Trilogies, Book of Boba Fett, Clone Wars, Legends/Extended Universe, Mandalorian, Kenobi, Rebels, Rogue One! They are especially interested in canon-divergent AUs, fix-its, Poly ships, F/F, trans or nonbinary characters, rarepairs and crackships!
kbirb is offering to record fic with wordcount being contribution-based (Donations: First $10 = 2K, +$10 = Additional 1K)! Open to all three Trilogies, Andor, Clone Wars, Mandolorian, Rebels, Rogue One! Especially interested in found family, soulmate AUs, polyamory, trans clone troopers, neopronouns, Jon Antilles rarepairs, Hevy/Fives/Echo, Cody/Obi-Wan, and period pieces (Regency!) Loves recording for an author who wants to hear their fic aloud!
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yandere-wishes · 1 year
⋆  ⋆ 𝕐𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕋𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕤//𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕓𝕓𝕝𝕖𝕤 ⋆  ⋆
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Yandere drabbles (not fics, but equally as sweet)
Just shorter yandere ideas that me and the anons have come up with. If you're not in the mood to read long format 'x reader' stories then these goodies are perfect for you! Feel free to add/further discuss any ideas you may have regarding these snippets. Full Masterlists Here and Here
Genie's clothing brand (Melancholy and Pitch)
Yandere x Reader X Platonic!Yandere
Marry Me
If evil why husband?
Why did you start writing Yandere?
The darling with no attention span
Is he mentally unhinged?
They're perfect!!
My favorite Disney prince
My spirit is in the 70's
And now I have become her
My two types
Just say I love you!!
This one is for the hot girlies
My aesthetic
How I write a resume
I chose violence
I need more...
Fav Authors
Transformers terminology
The sons of sand😍🤩😍🤩
Tanjiro moodboard
Literal "bloodbath"
💜Genshin impact
Just a dream
▹▹ Wriothesley
Yandere Werewolf Wriothesley
Yandere Werewolf Wriothesley part 2
Wriothesley's cute housewife
Making out with Wriothesley
You're so perfect. You're so scary
Wriothesley's cheerleader
Neuvillette and darling at a ball
Fluffy Scaramouch
Scaramouche x Ballarina!Reader
Kens w/ self-harming reader
Kens w/ a Barbie who liked them before
How to love a Ken
Ken w/ a reader who has intrusive thoughts
Ken kidnapping a human
💜Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker and Darth Maul sharing a darling
🥰Head Empty Just Them🥰
An idea (ft. Maul, Anakin and Baby Luke and Leia)
Spoiled sith lords
Domestic life with Darth Maul and Anakin Skywalker
Future Sith lords drabbles
Maul's robotic legs and Grievous' body
A random cheerleader Au (read the comments)
Star Wars Prequel Analysis
Kiss the Mask (Yandere! Sith Lords)
Ancient Sith Lords(Marka Ragnos and Tulak Hord)
▹▹Anakin Skywalker
Anakin falling for his Padawan
Ghostface Anakin
Ghostface! Anakin future ideas
▹▹Darth Maul
Darth Maul taking a Nightsister as his queen
Darth Maul origins
Extracts from Darth Maul's journal
Pain and Pleasure ft. Darth Maul
▹▹Obi Wan Kenobi
"I'm staying with Obi Wan"
▹▹General Grievous
Cyborg lovers unite
The Bride of Grievous
▹▹Boba Fett
Yandere! Boba Fett x reader (Ft. Fennec Shand)
Yandere Fives
The clones sharing their lover
▹▹Savage Opress
Yandere!Savage and nightsister darling
▹▹Luke Skywalker
Luke my prince 😍
General yandere Revan headcanons
Revan w/ an unwilling and willing darling
Sol repressing his emotions
Paul and Feyd being cousins
Feyd my babyboi!!
Chase scene
Emperor Paul Atreides
💜Twisted Wonderland
Leona Kingscholar vs Fellow Honest
Dorm Leaders as french expressions
▹▹Fellow Honest
Fellow Honest feeding his darling sweets
Fellow Honest and his Darling (first/initial take)
Fellow Honest buying his darling luxurious gifts
Fellow Honest and his foxy nature
▹▹ Tony Stark (Ironman)
Do it for HIM!
▹▹ Miles Morales
The prowler and 42!Spidergirl
Megneto my love
💜Important/social commentary
Iranians and the Occupation of Palestine
💜Tokyo Revengers
💜Jujutsu Kaisen
How to get an obsession
💜Honkai Star Rail
Boothill x Housewife!Darling
Never disrupt Boothill's naptime
Yandere!Boothill x Nihility Reader
Yandere!Sunday feeding his darling ice cream
Yandere! Bucky Barnes moodboard
💜Wuthering waves
Somehow, this blew up🤷🏽‍♀️
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setokaibapetty · 9 months
5 + 1 Fic Friday Roundup: Galaxy's Longest Naps
Since we've got a New Year coming up soon, have some fics where a character (or characters) woke up to the future. Which they mostly manage by being frozen Winter Solider style for years and years.
Ner Morut (AO3) - "In one universe, a single clone medic wakes from decades in cryo-stasis to learn that he is the last surviving Fett clone. In another, kinder universe, a Mandalorian bounty hunter finds his stasis pod and brings him to Boba Fett, Daimyo of Tatooine."
A New Purpose, A New Experience (AO3) - "The surviving Alpha batch are put into stasis. They are never drawn out of it. Not until, decades later, one Mandalorian in pure-Beskar armour and his little green foundling stumble on Kamino and deem it a good place to lie low for a while."
Pariah (AO3) - "When Revan asked for those willing to defy the Council and join the war effort, Tel traded her robes for armor and cast aside the Order with every intention to defend the innocent and restore peace to the galaxy. She expected the violence - the death and the destruction it wrought - but she did not expect to witness the aftermath some thousands of years later. Stranded amidst a now unfamiliar galaxy, Tel has but one goal: to uncover how she found herself four thousand years in the future and how to return to her own time."
I believe the world is burning to the ground (oh well, I guess we're gonna find out) (AO3) - "Elisabet lives AU through the events of Horizon Forbidden West"
A Lightkeeper in the Dark (AO3) - "Aloy finds the Alphas to be hidden deep inside GAIA Prime sleeping in cryo-pods. Awakening them with the help of GAIA, the Alphas are introduced to the world they created."
Bonus: Tony Stark Meets an Extremely Unimpressed Time Traveler, or, Thomas Barrow Makes a Surprisingly Good 21st Century Butler (AO3) - "In which Thomas Barrow has a little trouble getting home from the pub, is generally unimpressed with many aspects of the 21st century, never thought of himself as a conservative dresser before, and may or may not be falling in lust with his new employer."
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renesassing · 1 year
i have meditated upon this for some time [aka it randomly occurred to me on my way home from work] but the funniest 'revan in the clone wars au' is them being obi-wan kenobi's wartime padawan.
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le-veilleur · 10 days
I like to imagine Revan as this hyper-responsible, hyper-loyal type who is taking shit a liiiiiittle bit too seriously at all times. and then Malak being the person who periodically has to rein them in. say "dude. chill. let's go on a cantina crawl or something"
which is funny because in a Clone Wars AU I can't imagine anyone else fulfilling that role but Anakin. "dude. chill. let's go idk race some speeders and crash them spectacularly, you can skip defending the clone rights and telling me all about the dark side so that I don't have to wonder and be vulnerable to Palps for ONE FUCKING EVENING"
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itsana004 · 28 days
Droite Star Wars The Old Republic AU
I love ZEXAL and also love Star Wars, I feel like some of it Especially Things Like Episode 3 and the Legends Game Knights of the Old Republic inspired some things in the Anime like the Barians killing Yuma's Friends being similar to Order 66, and how the reveal that Shark and Rio were Barians and the fact they betrayed by Vector was similar to Revan Reveal (and The Fact Merag killing Bronk; I can't pronounce the Japanese Name, Was similar to the dark side ending Where Female Revan kills Carth), so I made up an AU with Droite/Dextra
I should note Her Darth Name is Alexandra
Dextra was a young force user who served as a servant for a Hutt on Nar Shaddaa, Her Force powers caught the attention of Darth Malgus who killed her Hutt Master and made her his Apprentice in 3663 years before the Destruction of the Darth Star at the age of 9, She was trained the ways of the Sith Malgus, her training completed when she was 18 and She gained the title of Darth, and Rechristened herself as Darth Alexandra, The Sith Butterfly Assassin. she took part in the Sacking of Coruscant 3653 BBY, She took part in the attack on the Jedi Temple where she slew the Jedi Grand Master Roku, and defeated his former Padawan Kaze, while her Master killed Ven Zallow.
That's all I got, I may do some for Rio and others some day
I always had ideas for ZEXAL crossing over with Star Wars, Especially the Old Republic era, I really found Star Wars Legends very interesting, like the Clone Wars Multimedia Project
But tell me what you think
That's so cool
I have a slight admission to make, I actually never watched Star Wars
Unbelievable, I know, but the AU sounds really cool even though I might not get any of the references
Thank you for sending it to me!
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vodika-vibes · 10 months
So I had a thought for an AU
13-14 year old Obi-Wan Kenobi is on Melida/Daan, and he's fighting a guerilla war with an army of children, and everything kinda sucks. There's not enough food or medicine, and the Elders are kinda too happy to keep the war going without any thought as to what comes after.
And, like, okay. Neither do the Young? But Obi-Wan gives them some leeway on account that the oldest member of the Young is 16, and teenagers don't have the best forward thinking even when their healthy, his source? He's also a teenager.
Anyway, things continue as they're meant to, up to certain point, except Qui-Gon never comes back for him. Maybe Obi-Wan's comm never went through, maybe he was on another mission- it doesn't matter. In the end, no one comes to help.
And then Xanatos shows up on Melida/Daan, as if the situation wasn't bad enough. And he comes with an army of slavery, and in the end it doesn't matter if the Melida called him or the Daan, but the ending is the same. Xanatos enslaves everyone.
Well. Almost everyone.
You see, Obi-Wan's best friend was a shadow in training, and some things that Quin definitely didn't teach him because that would be against the rules came in handy.
So Obi-Wan sneaks onto Xanatos' ship- there's no way he's staying along on Melida/Daan- and maybe he can't save everyone, but he can save one member of the young, a younger girl who had been playing medic for the Young, who Xanatos was stashing on his own ship.
It makes a little more sense when he notices that she's very minorly force sensitive. Not enough to be a jedi, but enough to catch Xanatos' attention.
And Obi-Wan doesn't know how or why, but the pair of them manage to remain hidden from Xanatos for as long as it took for the ship to land on the next planet, and they made a break for it.
Eventually, Obi-Wan and Ry, the little medic, make their way to an abandoned Jedi Temple. A temple home to the ghost of former Sith Lord and former jedi master, Revan. Revan, who has an intense loathing for all things sith, was more than happy to drop some hard truths on Obi-Wan and Ry. About the current sith and about Sidious and Plageous, and he lays the responsibility for helping him on their shoulder.
(Look, he's 1500 years old, and Jedi haven't always been the best as to "age appropriate missions" anyway-)
Needless to say, the war starts early, because of Obi-Wan (trained by Revan to be more than a Jedi but less than a Sith) and Ry (bullied into training by the ghost Tarre Vizla).
Well, at least, the commission of the clones begins nearly ten year earlier than it should have.
Ry lands the Nightwing on one of the landing platforms, a doubtful look on her face. "There's no way this is going to work, vod." Ry's Mandalorian now, raised and trained by Tarre Vizla to become the next Mand'alor, though she wants the position about as much as she wants a bullet to the brain.
"It'll work," Obi-Wan, now called Ben, replied as he pulled his hair into a knot on the back of his head, "Do you remember the story?"
Ry rolls her eyes, "Yeah. You're Jedi Knight Ben Evans, you're a Sith who's undercover in the Jedi Order and we're here to claim the Clones for the Jedi."
Ry rolls her eyes again, "Ka'ra, you're annoying!" She bites out, "And, we need the biochips deactivated and removed due to splintering in the Seppie army, and we fear the war is going to last much longer than anticipated, so the enhanced aging needs to be reversed."
"And you're going to distract Jango Fett."
"Ugh. That's literally the worst. I don't want to talk to that...that...dar'buir." Ry grumbles.
"But you will?"
"Yes, yes. I remember Revan and Tarre's orders."
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thatwitchrevan · 2 months
Okay i was just musing about the sw prequels and kotor and was abruptly reminded of aus I forgot I had conceived to play around with, including:
- transplanting Revan into the prequels/clone wars time period wherein she is close with Obi-Wan and therefore helps train Anakin and as expected utterly derails the entire plotline with their help.
- Revan utterly selling out, not going to fight in the Mandolorian Wara, moving to Coruscant, and working her way up to the High Council at an unprecedented young age, and Alek and Meetra absolutely despise her for it.
- Atton (and Meetra but that's a spoiler) getting time-flung into Rebela to throw shade on how bad everyone is at not getting captured and killed by the Sith Empire.
None of which I've written. Anything substantial for or figured out anything about how they work or the characterization thereof. They're the absolute definition of random plot bunnies.
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supersaiyanjedi14 · 1 year
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More of my own Star Wars AU. Here are the Grand Masters of the Jedi Order throughout its history.
-Awdrysta Pina: aka the Green Blade, Grand Master during the First Great Schism.
-Beil Ductivis: Grand Master during the Pius Dea Crusades, later Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic.
-Odan Urr: Founder of the Great Jedi Library of Ossus.
-Nomi Sunrider: Hero of the Great Sith War.
-Vrook Lamar*: Leading figure during the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War.
-Meetra Surik: Rebuilder of the Jedi Order following the First Jedi Purge and the Dark War.
-Satele Shan: Hero of the Great Galactic War, Grand Master during the Cold and Eternal Wars.
-Genarra: Gand master and Supreme Chancellor during the early New Sith Wars.
-Fae Coven: First Grand Master following the Ruusan Reformation, principal author of The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force.
-Yoda: Final Grand Master of the Old Jedi Order, from the High Republic to the Clone Wars.
-Ahsoka Tano*: Unoffical Grand Master in the early years of the New Jedi Order, representative to the New Republic Senate.
-Luke Skywalker: First official Grand Master of the New Jedi Order.
-Rey Strom*: Hero of the Sith'ari War, former Padawan of Grand Master Skywalker.
-Kol Skywalker: Leader of the Ossus Project.
-K'Kruhk: Member of the Galactic Federation Triumvirate.
Vrook, Ahsoka and Rey are all exclusively fanon for the purposes of my AU.
The GM of the KOTOR era is unconfirmed, though Vrook is arguably the most outspoken and influential member of the body.
Ahsoka is the most senior Jedi in the Rebellion with the strongest connections to the NR leadership per her Fulcrum days, though she does make a point of her only being a placeholder until Luke gets the NJO built up enough to formally take over.
My plans for adapting the Sequel Trilogy and its characters are kept to myself at the moment, but Rey does grow into a very powerful and prominent Jedi regardless.
All the others are from official continuity. Xo Lahru, Pra-Te Veter, and Ry Ki-Sakka of the High Republic are also in my AU, I just haven't made micros for them yet. Grand Master Zym does not exist in this AU since...well, he sucks. That's all I'm gonna say.
Also, while Odan, Nomi, Meetra, Genarra, Kol and K'Kruhk were never officially called Grand Master in their respective stories, Odan presided over all the Jedi assemblies in TotJ, Nomi was the one spearheading the Order's operations during the Redemtion arc, Meetra was the one who rebuilt the Order following the Sith Triumvirate's purge (and the Revan novel does not happen here), Genarra was specifically stated to be the Order's leader as well as Chancellor in the Knight Errant Gazzetter, Kol is all but stated to be the leader of the Jedi Council before the Ossus Massacre, K'Kruhk was the Jedi's elected rep to the Triumvirate, and frankly all of them are clearly leading the Order at their respective times, so I'm including them.
credit for my pixels here.
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bojangos · 24 days
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no context for my 'revan in the clone wars' au, aka "jango's no good very bad day/week/month/year"
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iamtaran · 6 months
WIP Title Game! oh good lord
rules: in a new post, post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how nondescriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet and tell us about it!
thanks @allyunabridged for the tag! Lmao I stared down the barrel of not one, but two google drives to gather these and all I can say is
The Twilit Gate (BG3, when in want of more fey bullshit in your BG3, do it yourself!!! TavxAstarionxGalexliterally everyone i'm gay alright???)
Island (The Guest/손 AU, horror and survivalism; Hwa Pyung, Choi Yoon, and Gil Young follow Park Hong Joo's and Park Il Do's machinations out to open sea, to an island with long forgotten history where the real struggle for survival begins.)
But For Grace (SW:Preq's, modern-character in GFFA aka "what to do when you accidentally change things and the Chosen One dies?", started as a silly question but now I'm committed; Qui-Gon Jinn lives; what would happen in a galaxy without Anakin Skywalker?)
The Mage's War (DA2 + DA:I, what if Bethany Hawke was the Herald, Modern/Avvar OC, playing Fade chicken with the Dread Wolf nbd, put on my tinfoil hat for this one re: the Fade, the Abyss/Void, Forgotten Ones, etc.)
In God's Eye (Vampyr, human!Jonathan, ekon!McCullum, Mary lives, I'm a hobby WWI & Spanish Flu researcher so hold your britches I have FEELINGS)
For Want Of Two (Vampyr, wanted more mythological beings & nemrod lore so I'll do it myself gdi, put-that-thing-back-where-you-found-it-or-so-help-me-god.gif ; JxMcCxOC)
Lights All Hung On Nothing (Star Wars Preq's to Clone Wars era, modern-character-in-SW with a big twist, Force + time fuckery, Ani + Obi focus, the butterfly effect changes everything)
The 72nd Cycle (SW: Mandalorian, AU - Grogu is not the only Force sensitive prisoner Gideon had captured. Without room in his ship for multiple students, Luke tags along, not expecting the sad Mando's ride Boba Fett (w h a t) to show up and offer the poor guy use of his bacta tank; well, soon-to-be-his. He just has to kill its current owner, Bib Fortuna, first. You know. On Tatooine(WHAT!!). Meanwhile, on Tattooine: Cobb Vanth gets the nagging feeling his life is about to become much more stressful.)
A Heavy Thing (KOTOR, amnesiac Revan works a shitty food service job on Taris and definitely isn't a Jedi/Sith/Soldier, I mean, clearly. Slice of life becomes tragedy becomes adventure becomes mystery becomes ??? RevanxCanderousxCarth DON'T LOOK AT ME)
Life, Happening (The Shining/Doctor Sleep introspective piece on Danny Torrance, life & death, what it means to be gone, and not gone.)
Led To Water (Mandalorian, Din takes off the armor having broken his Creed and, unsure what to do next, returns to Kuiil's homestead to brood and sweat manfully through his existential crisis; his friends help him through it.)
Mando'ad'ika (Mandalorian/Original SW movies, The Mandalorian is taken into custody and now Leia has to deal with a sweet but stressed frog lady, a green gremlin with too much Force power, and this intimidating tin can who won't budge. Since Han laughed at her, she decides to make it his problem, too.)
Time Travel, & Other Ways To Die (Mandalorian/SW:Bounty Hunter video game, Din & Jango centric, whilst trying to get to Grogu on his magical big rock, Din & Grogu end up chucked through time onto an outlaw space station. Jango Fett's no good very bad day begins. Coincidentally, it coincides with Din Djarin's SUPER no good very bad day. They most assuredly do not bond over this.)
I am, or was. (Dragon Age: Inquisition, a spirit takes an interest in Solas after he helps it in the Fallow Mire and begins following him around like a lost puppy. Which would be cute, if it weren't possessing more and more alarming vessels to do so. The Andrastians are starting to get a bit twitchy.)
Rookie, Shiny, Soldier, Spy (Mandalorian/Clone Wars, Din Djarin accidental time travel into the Clone Wars AU. Caught without his 'gam on a battle field and forced once again to wear trooper armor, he is Not Impressed--and why do all these guys look like Boba?)
This Prodigal Son (Hades/Dragon Age: Inq, Zagreus goes through the wrong Chaos portal. Magister Alexius finds a powerful spirit in the Fade and, as is his way, decides fuck it, we ball. Also his way, it doesn't go very well for him.)
Send me a title via ask and I'll post my favorite bit I've currently written!
Lmao this was wild to throw together given how many WIPs of age past are staring me down; these are just all the recents. Go ahead and chuck some WIPs out there if you're interested @singoallala @narwhalninja @mauverawrites @in-a-trans-like-state @terresdebrume and @jackironsides ! And if you don't/aren't currently writing, everyone loves to see the pet tax paid C:
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gingersnappish · 7 months
Fandom Trumps Hate 2024: Star Wars!
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It’s the final browsing day for Fandom Trumps Hates!
Bidding runs 5th March 8am EST to 9th March 8 pm EST!
@fandomtrumpshate is an online multi-fandom auction of fanworks that benefits a lot of progressive non-profit organizations! You can read about how it works HERE and see the FULL LIST OF NON-PROFITS!
Star Wars Fandom has a lot of really lovely works being offered this year - 34 creators are offering their time and talents! Please, check them out!
And then…
…it’s almost time to bid!
Get yourself some custom fanwork and help raise a bunch money for progressive charites!
The following are brief summaries and not comprehensive. Please read the full offerings before bidding! The full Star Wars TAG contains all the following listings in their entirety!
Written Fanworks
@shadow-spires is offering a <5K piece for Prequel Trilogy or The Clone Wars! Loves working with Cody, clone culture, and fix-its, AUs, angst with happy endings, and more!
@marroniere is offering 20-50K for Andor, Thrawn Trilogy (new canon), Thrawn Ascendancy, or Ahsoka! Especially interested in anything Thrawn and Chiss, as well as Mon and Cassian from Andor! Versatile in genre and focussed on how characters relate to one another and heal!
finkpishnets is offering 5-10K for Prequel Trilogy or Clone Wars! Happy to work with Obi-Wan/Anakin or Obi-Wan/Cody in canon, diveregent, or AU settings! (also comfortably familiar with the Kenobi series canon)
@dirtbag-linecook-kyloren is offereing 5K per $10 donated! Sequel Trilogy Kylux author specializing in Modern AUs!
@captainlilja is offering 5-10K for Sequel Trilogy or Rebels! Especially interested in Finn/Poe, Finn/Poe/Rey, Zeb/Kallus, Hera/Kanan and happy to work with AroAce characters, AUs, fluff, and kinky-fluff where everybody is in love!
blackat_t7t is offering 5-10K for Book of Boba Fett, Clone Wars, or Mandalorian! Interested in M/M or Genfic, Angst, canon-divergent AUs, anything with a Clones focus or BobaDinn! Also appreciates rairpairs and characters!
Tathrin is offering 5-10K for any of the Trilogies and/or Legends/Extended Universe! Enthusiastic about world-building and plot and queering canon! Classic Legends stuff is a favorite, with a love for snubfighter pilots, YJKs, Leia, nb-Revan, and original flavor Boba Fett!
hoebiwan is offering 5-10K for Original and Prequel Trilogies or Legends/Extended Universe! Interested in crack, grief, recovery, anxiety, trans and queer themes!
@geekymoviemom is offering 5-10K for Prequel Trilogy, Clone Wars, Rebels, or Rogue One! Happy to write Anakin/Padme, Cassian/Jyn, Obi-wan & Anakin, Kanan & Ezra, and family stuff for Clone Wars and Rebels Fam! Canon-divergent or in-universe AUs please!
@treescape is offering <5K for any Star Wars! Familiar with all eras and happy to work with most characters or pairs!
@xenomorphic-warrior is offering 10-20K for Original or Prequel Trilogy, Andor, Clone Wars, Mandolorian, Kenobi, and Rogue One! Especially interested in Cody/Obi-wan, Bariss/Ahsoka, Din/Cobb, Lando/Han, Lando/Leia/Han, Cassian/Jyn, Cassian/Jyn/Bohdi, Cassian/Kino and are fond of speculative AUs like horror and sci-fi, mythology, and canon-divergence!
van1lla_v1lla1n is offering <5K for the Sequel Trilogy! Enthusiastic about Rey/Kylo (one or both of them queer) and will write in canonverse or modern AUs! Likes to work with erotic and heavier themes, ambiguous endings!
solas_oiche is offering 10-20K for any Star Wars! Enthusiastic about anything Ahsoka-centric and open to themes and tropes you may want to see!
Kartaylir is offering <5K for Legends/Extended Universe and the Old Republic! Especially interested F/F, darker themes, world-building, and weird lore details! Familiar with Thrawn Trilogy, Shadows of the Empire, and Tales of the Jedi comics, KOTOR, and have written lots for SWTOR!
Ninja is offering 5-10K for Original or Prequel Trilogies, or Mandolorian! Especially interested in working with Fluff, H/C, happy endings, magic, plot twists, crack, and humor! Loves zany hijinks! Good at taking an initial prompt and running with it!
@s-c-g-s-c-g is offering <5K for Prequel Trilogy, Clone Wars, and Legends/Extended Universe! Especially interested in Jedi characters, pre-quel era fic, gen, bonding, H/C, canon-adjacent AUs, and found family! Primarily experienced writing Gen but open to some rairpairs!
Ternary is offering <5K for Prequel Trilogy and Clone Wars! Likes queer themes, ace&aro themes, and exploring disability themes, as well as trauma-recovery, and emotional H/C! Interested in Obi-Wan’s Legends padawanship, Obi-Wan/Quinlan, Obi-Wan/Cody, Quinlan/Fox!
geniecat2 is offering 5-10K words for the Prequel Trilogy, Book of Boba Fett, or Clone Wars! Especially interested in the AceAre spectrum, found family, platonic and romantic CodyWan, Jangobi, and lineage exploration, as well as Clone and Jedi appreciation, JediCorps too!
@musetotheworld is offering 5-10K for the Original and Prequel Trilogies, and Legends/Extended Universe! Loves Legends-inspired plots and has read most of the Legends books! Experience with writing F/F ships, M/F is fine too, also cool with AUs!
Stens_McHenry is offering 5-10K for All Trilogies, Book of Boba Fett, Mandolorian, and Kenobi! Prefers to write M/M ships and happy to work with AUs and canon-adjacent/divergent works!
MaudeZbornak is offering scaled-by-donation wordcount ($5 = minimum 5K) for All Trilogies, Book of Boba Fett, Mandolorian, and Kenobi! Happy to work with any pairing for Star Wars and welcomes detailed prompts!
thebeespatella is offering scaled-by-donation wordcount ($10 = 1K) for Andor, Clone Wars, and Rogue One! Especially interested in F/F, trans/gender and exploring corporate surveillance, identity and conformity, colonialism/diaspora, radicalization, trauma, moral injury, and interfacing with technology (cybogs)! Likes Clone troopers, clone culture and clone ships, Imperial/Rebellion era, and spy/thriller AUs! Experienced writer of Cody/Rex!
MayQueen517CactusDragon517 is offering <5K words for the Original and Sequel Trilogies, Rogue One, or Solo! Open to many ideas, smut included! Likes exploring alternative identities like a trans or non-binary or ace/aro interpretation of a character! Likes to communicate lots with their winning bidder, building ideas and sharing snippets!
@elthadriel is offering scaled-by-donation wordcount ($10 = 1K up to 10K) for Clone Wars! Especially interested in Clone troopers and their culture and ships, Imperial/rebellion era, missing war scenes, PWP, Cowboy AUs, bittersweet vibes, Cody/Rex, Echo/Fives/Fox, Thorn/Fox, Rex/Fives/Echo/Cody, Cody/Fox, Ahsoka/Bariss, Bly/Aayla, Cody/Maul!
@cabezadeperro is offering <5K for Prequel Trilogy, Clone Wars, Legends/Extended Universe! Interested in open endings, Imperial era, missing war scenes, cloneships, Jango Fett/Obi-Wan, canon divergence, complicated relationships, codex, Fives/Echo/Fox, Cody/Fox, rewalker, qi’rahsoka!
darktenshi17 is offering two auctions for 5-10K fics for the Sequel Trilogy as well as the Original Trilogy! Open to most ideas (with the exception of Kylo/Rey) and interested in working with F/F, polyships, genderswap, trans or nonbinary characters, unhappy or ambiguous endings!
commanderdameron is offering 10-20K for the Prequel or Sequel Trilogies or Kenobi! Loves character and relationship studies! Interested in exploring canon in more plot-centric ways and excited about world-building from a character-driven mindset! Obi-Wan, Poe, Leia, and Rey are favs, so things that focus on their relationships are welcome!
Visual Fanworks
c_art is offering a comic page (per $50) for the Original and Prequel Trilogies! Enthusiastic about Gen and Femslash as well as rarepairs and unusual ideas! Fluff, angst, slice of life, and action all welcome! Black and white pages - will ask the winning bidder for a script or fic to adapt, higher donations = gets more pages!
@temporoyales is offering a drawing/painting for any Star Wars! Any pairings, genders, sexualities are welcome! Likes working with everyday interactions, environmental storytelling, symbolism, genderbending, and costume design! Starting bid gets a black and white portrait and larger bids increase up to fullbody/color!
@gingersnappish is offering a full color book cover/illustration/drawing/comic page/etc for any Star Wars! Specializes in Kylux but open to almost all characters, pairs, ideas! Happy to work with scifi-fantasy design, animals, detailed backgrounds and tech! Will make 2-4 small sketches for the recipient to choose from and then show a refined sketch before finishing the piece!
@nattyjae is offering a comic/drawing/painting/etc for any Star Wars! Scaled pricing $5 = black and white, $15 black and white comic, $20 full color illustration, on up to a full color comic page! Loves Clone Wars, Rebels, and Bad Batch but will be happy drawing any Star Wars! Happy to design characters, redraw scenes or visualize AUs!
Beta Reading
@shadow-spires is offering to beta 10-20K for any of the Trilogies, Clone Wars, Rebels, Rogue One!
birbleafs is offering to beta for <5K for any of the Trilogies, Clone Wars, Legends/Extended Universe!
geniecat2 is offering to beta for 5-10K for the Original and Prequel Trilogies, Book of Boba Fett, Clone Wars, Legends/Extended Universe, Mandolorian, and Kenobi!
Podfic Recording
@shadow-spires is offering to record a <5K podfic for any of the Trilogies, Clone Wars, Rebels, or Rogue One: clones centric and Jedi-positive stuff always welcome, as well as OCs!
flowerparrish is offering to record <5K for any of the Trilogies, Book of Boba Fett, Clone Wars, Legends/Extended Universe, Mandalorian, Kenobi, Rebels, Rogue One! They are especially interested in canon-divergent AUs, fix-its, Poly ships, F/F, trans or nonbinary characters, rarepairs and crackships!
kbirb is offering to record fic with wordcount being contribution-based (First $10 = 2K, +$10 = Additional 1K)! Open to all three Trilogies, Andor, Clone Wars, Mandolorian, Rebels, Rogue One! Especially interested in found family, soulmate AUs, polyamory, trans clone troopers, neopronouns, Jon Antilles rarepairs, Hevy/Fives/Echo, Cody/Obi-Wan, and period pieces (Regency!) Loves recording for an author who wants to hear their fic aloud!
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dirthara-dalen · 10 months
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So I have this au i've been working away at for who know how long called "Force Vergences". Basically the whole idea is these Vergences are time rifts and can happen at any time. The only people who are even semi capable at predicting them are the Voss. When they do occur what happens is usually a certain number of people are either sent forward or backward in time for a certain amount of time then return to their own time as if no time has passed.
So far in history only the Starwing/Xeno line as well as those closet to them are known to be heavily affected by these vergences. The most notable ones being:
Ligastar, Theron and Ky'relea being sent forward in time about 3,000 yr to meet 14yr Lee Shan Starwing who was undergoing his jedi trials.
Ligastar, Cain, Ryn, Solaris, Vilkas and Vector are sent to the good old year 22bby just as the Clone wars are beginning resulting in a reunion with Lee who is now 24.
Each vergence happens after a key event in the old republic timeline like Ligastar defeating the emperor (the first time). The shadow od Revan arc etc. I honestly hope to write this out fic wise someday but i'm still working on it.
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depizan · 2 years
Okay, here's my question related to fiction: Imagine Disney puts you in charge of Star Wars, tells you Star Wars stuff needs to keep coming out, but you get complete creative control (including freedom to reboot anything if you want). What do you do with that universe?
Ha! Well, there are a whole lot of things I'd have done differently if I were in charge of Disney!Star Wars from the beginning, but I don't think going back and redoing those things would help.
So, onward it is.
One thing I think the Star Wars universe desperately needs is something that shows Jedi being what they're supposed to be: the guardians of peace and justice. I'm not the right person to write that, but I'd want to find someone who is, who could do a show about Jedi helping people and being a force for good. So we can see why the Jedi were once so valued and respected. This could be set at any time before the prequel era.
Sticking with the Jedi side of things, the Knights of the Old Republic comic books--the ones about Zayne Carrick, disaster Jedi--would make for a fun series. I'd be tempted to change some parts of it I'm not so fond of, especially in the second story arc, and I'd definitely write it so mentions of Revan don't give them a canonical species or gender.
Those were my reasonable suggestions. Now for my wildly self indulgent suggestions.
Screw current Disney!Canon, the sequel movies were a depressing disaster. Do-over time. Or AU time. Or whatever. Let's steal all the best stuff and give the galaxy a better sequel era! We're going to use parts of the Heir to the Empire trilogy as our base, steal the best characters from Disney!Canon and a few other places, and do a sweeping epic of the galaxy post Return of the Jedi. Rebellion in the Corporate Sector with Fiolla of Lorrd and Odumin and other characters from Brian Daley's books (Jessa? Bollux and Blue Max? Skynx?). The stormtrooper rebellion we deserve with Finn, Poe, and Rey (who is not related to anyone, much less Palpatine). The original Thrawn stuff, only with no (or a significantly redone) craaaaazy evil clone Jedi (but everybody else). Let Sinjir and the others do stuff in a less depressing and fucked up version of the galaxy post RotJ. Maybe we can wedge the Hand of Judgement in there somewhere. And the better parts of the X-Wing books. Basically, we're just kitchen sinking all the stuff I like into an epic series or interconnected series. Empires don't fall with the destruction of one battlestation, or even the death of the Emperor. New Republics take time and effort to rise. But there is hope and there are heroes. And the galaxy will get to be a better place.
On the complete opposite end of things in both scale and time period, I want the goddamn small scale group of heroes story that Disney periodically offers and then promptly fucks up. To that end, we're going to round up some people who can write the kind of stuff I love--and write--and we're going to adapt my fics and have the crew of the Wayfarer's Luck be wandering do-gooders in the Old Republic.
And, hell, there are other SWTOR fics and fic series that would make excellent Disney+ shows. I shall release them all! Mwahahaha!
And maybe adapt Brian Daley's Han Solo trilogy as a prequel to the original movies and the epic series(es) up there.
Let there be Star Wars!
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