#cloneshipping big bang 2022 2023
fanoflotofstuff · 1 year
Squad #16- The Betrayal Cuts Deep - Master Post
Organized by @cloneshippingbigbang
Writer: Me
Artist: @King_Carbonele
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 5,066
Pairings: None?
Tags: Clone Trooper Dehumanization, Clone Troopers Deserve Better, Corrie Guard, Coruscant Guard, Coruscant Sucks for Corries, Sheev Palpatine is his Own Warning, Clone Trooper Inhibitor Chips
Summary: The Coruscant Guard are present when ARC Trooper Fives confronts the Chancellor- and he confronts the sha’buir about the Chips- and other things that The Chancellor has done, and might have done. The Coruscant do not so much as twitch at his rants- and does nothing, silent, like statues as The Chancellor reveals himself in all of his vile glory. He escapes after attempting to end the threat- and is hunted down by the Coruscant Guard. How could they turn on their vod’e like this?! How can they not care?!
Art Link Here
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bejeweledgoth · 1 year
Squad #22 - All The Cracks and Breaks That Still Remain - Masterpost
Organised by @cloneshippingbigbang
Writer: BejeweledGoth
Artist: Neon_Black
Rating: Explicit
Wordcount: 40,238
Pairing: CC-5576-39 | Gregor/CT-7567 | Rex/CC-3636 | Wolffe, CC-5576-39 | Gregor/CT-7567 | Rex, CC-5576-39 | Gregor/CC-3636 | Wolffe, CT-7567 | Rex/CC-3636 | Wolffe
Tags: Trauma, Healing from Trauma, PTSD, Post-Order 66 (Star Wars), Order 66 (Star Wars), suicide ideation, Minor Character Death, Suicide, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Happy Ending, (or as happy as post order 66 can get), building a life together, Life on Seelos, Gregor Lives, Polyamory, Threesome - M/M/M, Smut, Anal Sex, thigh fucking, blowjob
They were all three of them broken and shattered, what remained of them less than whole, but those ragged edges fitted perfectly together, the sharpest corners of them smoothed down by each other, and now they were only ever whole when they were together.
After Order 66 Rex felt it was his duty to try and save as many as he could, to try and find those whose chips might have malfunctioned or never even activated. He finds two whose minds are still their own, Gregor and Wolffe, but many of the others they saved who did execute the order admit they would rather be dead than saved, unable to live with the memories.
Only three of them with the will to live, still, to try and pick up the pieces of who they were and form them into who they can be, together, away from all the hurt and grief that was meant to have been their destiny. What lies ahead will be a long road full of healing and learning the softer side of life, of maybe even learning to love.
Read the fic here
View the art here
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anstarwar · 2 years
Squad #11: CloneShipping Big Bang Sneak Peek
I'm so very excited to share this sneak peak on behalf of me and my awesome fantastic lovely teammates @catbuir @elsaanna007 and @mock-arts! We've had a blast working on this and can't wait for everyone to see it.
For now here's a little sneak peek, with the full story to be posted in April!
Title: So There's This Guy Authors: @catbuir (Ao3) and @elsaanna007 (Ao3) Artists: @mock-arts (Ao3) and @anstarwar (Ao3)
Rating: E, 18+ Word Count: 75,000+ Pairings: Echo x Fives Tags: cloneship, cloneshipping, Echo/Fives, friends to lovers, nsfw, mutual pining, first kiss, first time, masturbation, oral sex, orgasm delay/denial, smut, explicit sexual content, hand jobs, sexual tension, resolved sexual tension, clone trooper culture, clone troopers deserve better
The war is over!
Jesse, Kix, Echo and Fives live together in an apartment on Coruscant. 
Echo finds himself in a new romance with a beautiful woman named Hehna. After finding himself lacking in experience, Fives offers to help him out with advice and practice.
Unfortunately for Fives, this awakens some feelings he thought were buried deep and he doesn’t know what to do about them. He decides to put them aside and be happy that Echo has found someone.
Fives’ advice does help Echo become more confident with his new girlfriend, but something is holding him back. His thoughts keep returning to his best friend and he’s not the only one who notices.
Will Fives keep his role as the best friend, or will Echo realize that his attraction to Hehna pales in comparison to his feelings for Fives?
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Snippet below the cut:
Fives watched his best friend’s eyes, his stomach twisting in on itself at the way they lingered on his lips as he slotted his face in closer and closer. He closed his eyes - when he was sure that there would be no more sudden movements - and nearly sighed in relief when he felt the slight brush of Echo’s lips against his.
His fingers tightened of their own accord, digging into the muscle just above Echo’s hips, wanting so badly to pull him in closer and deepen the kiss, but his mind thankfully resisted, insisting again that the purpose of this kiss was just a simple tutorial.
“Touch me,” Fives murmured against the soft but barely moving lips against his own.
Echo’s mouth froze even as he shifted on his feet. Fives could tell he was hesitating. He could practically feel Echo overthinking everything, so he tipped his head slightly and pulled Echo’s lower lip between his and sucked gently. He felt a hot puff of air escape Echo’s nose seconds before tentative fingers traced his cheek.
The touch felt painfully reverent and it sent shivers through his system, desires for things he shouldn’t be wanting beginning to take shape in his chest. He hummed encouragingly and pulled back just enough to separate their lips so he could focus. 
He’d intended to offer a compliment for Echo’s swift mastery of that first technique. He had planned on going over some suggestions on what to try next and maybe stressing the importance of taking things slow and enjoying it. He’d expected questions. He’d predicted some degree of self doubt or second guessing.
The one thing he hadn’t anticipated was Echo chasing his lips, the smooth and almost sure way he cocked his head to the side and sealed their mouths together once more. This time, he mimicked Fives’ kiss so perfectly that he couldn’t help but part his lips and swipe his tongue tentatively across Echo’s bottom lip. That move must have spurred Echo into motion, though, because almost immediately he felt Echo’s tongue slip between his lips quickly. Too quickly.
Fives squeezed Echo’s hips, reluctantly breaking the kiss before Echo could attempt to take things any further. He felt the body tense beneath his fingers and he lifted one hand quickly to cover Echo’s where it still rested on his cheek. He guided Echo’s palm to slide sensually over his skin, curling his fingers carefully between those of his best friend and leading him down, past the stubble of his jaw and the scratchy cut of his goatee until it landed on the side of his neck.
“Easy… okay?” He opened his eyes just far enough to see Echo nod in understanding. “Now, deepen the kiss. Gently.”
Echo swallowed, his throat bobbing as his tongue darted out to wet his lips and Fives almost moaned at the sight.
“Lead the kiss, but let yourself react to my touch as well,” he whispered.
Echo’s eyes slipped shut as he leaned in and brushed their lips together with an ease that definitely hadn’t been there before. There was a new sense of confidence rippling through Echo this time and Fives felt a surge of pride that he seemed to have already mastered this part of the lesson at least. Not that it really surprised him. This was Echo after all. He’d always been a fast learner.
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fanoflotofstuff · 1 year
Squad #2 - Time Is an Illusion, The Galaxy Makes No Sense- Master Post
Organized by @cloneshippingbigbang
Writer: Me
Artist: @afinedeath @shadowlight17
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 50,065
Pairing: Boss/OC, Scorch/OC, Sev/OC, Fixer/OC
Tags: Temporary Character Death (Boss), Game Mechanic Shenanigans, Brain Surgery, Clone Commandos, Republic Commandos, Alternate Universe, A/B/O, Clone Trooper Discrimination/Dehumanization, Clone Troopers Deserve Better, Clone Trooper Inhibitor Chips, Sheev Palpatine is his Own Warning, Yandere Clone Troopers, Dark Clone Troopers, Possessive Clone Troopers, Dubious Consent, mentions of non-con off screen, Magic Sith Space Zome Clones, Zombie Clone Troopers, The Force, Magic-ish
Summary: Boss has an Unusual Defect, one that makes it seem like he can travel back in time to a point in the past. Usually, once he has been healed up at a bacta tank dispenser. One of the things that he realizes is, not only is he shifting through time, he is shifting through Alternate Dimensions and Timelines, most of them are very similar to the ones that he originally came from, and some of them are very different. But as a Commando, he was trained to roll with the punches, and flying blaster bolts, and is determined to keep his squad alive. No matter how many times he has to die to get a happier ending.
Art Here
Art here
Story Here
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anstarwar · 2 years
Squad #4 CloneShipping Big Bang Sneak Peek
Excited to get to share another collaboration for the CSBB! This time with the lovely @flowerparrish and @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan
Title: No One Mourns the Wicked Author: @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan Read By: @flowerparrish Cover Art By: @flowerparrish Art By: @anstarwar Rating: E, 18+ Pairings: Dogma x Tup Tags: Songfic, Clone Trooper Reconditioning, Tup/Dogma, Clone Trooper OCs, Coruscant Sucks for Corries, CC-1010, Marshall Commander Fox, Reconditioned!Tup, Fox Kills Chancellor Palpatine, Major Character Death (it’s Palpatine), Behavioral Control Chips, CloneShipping Big Bang, Tup/Dogma Summary: Tup has been reconditioned before- he had once been a Corrie Medic named Trill. Regardless of who he was and who is now, he has a deep, fierce loyalty to his vod’e and the Republic. He falls in love with fellow Trooper Dogma- then… Umbara happened and Dogma went away. He meets a Corrie named Specter and feels starts to flourish as the war ends.
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Preview below the cut:
So that no one would know what happened, and to adulterate the scene so that it was shown that it was Separatists that had killed the Senator and the... the Corrie vod'e. The Shiny almost felt sick to his stomach, that he had, unknowingly, killed fellow vod'e.
The soft shells had no chance against highly skilled and deadly commandos- and this showed it to him quite clearly. The shiny hunches his shoulders a little and follows after the slicer-engineer and helps them with cleaning up after the mission.
They leave the bodies of the Senator and the vod'e where they lay and then head back to their ship. Their Sargent, then contact Marshall Commander Fox and informing him that his squad will be arriving to take the Senator Thri'kresh to a safer location in two day’s time- their ship is still a couple days out from docking with Coruscant.
The Shiny Commando marvels, while trying not to cry or vomit or scream, about how well his ori'vod and Sargent can lie to the other vod. The Demolitions expert- the most chatty of the three ori'vod'e in Theta Squad tugs him in for a hug.
They watch him- likely monitoring him so he won't do something stupid. The guilt eats at him, the numb, shocking horror of it. Not that he would say a word of this to anyone. Opsec- for one thing, and another... no one wanted to be a vod-killer.. and he is one.
The Corries are scrambling- three squads of Corries- which had been sent to protect Senator Thri'kresh- who had been in a Senatorial hiding house in one of the safer lower levels were all found dead- as well as the Senator.
Trill is one of the medics checking over the dead- and the slicers are going for the coms and hteammatesfootage- which is a bit grainy and shows that Separatist Commando Droids had slain all of their vod'e and the Senator.
Kark. The Chancellor and the Senate are going to be displeased with their failure to protect the Senator, admittedly Senator Thri'kresh wasn't popular for their Outspoken views on wanting a more peaceful resolution and for vod'e protections.
Theta squad comes waltzing over a criticizing them for their failure to protect the Senator and their complaints about how they didn't have a mission anymore and this better not go on their records as a failure- when it was due to the Corries that their mission charge is dead.
At least- that was the Demo expert and the Combat engineer complaining, one of them was silent- if a bit twitchy, while the Sargent was just watching the situation with his arms crossed and disapproval radiating from him.
"Are you going to help us carry out the dead or just bitch at us?" Sargent Byte of the Corries snaps at the complaining Commandos.
"No- it's not our mission duty to carry failures out." The Sargent said coldly as he turned on his heel and left. His squad fofollowedfter their Sargent, the Shiny Commando pausing, looking back at them, before being grabbed by the Demo expert and tugged along with them.
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bejeweledgoth · 1 year
Squad #22 - All The Cracks and Breaks That Still Remain
I had the absolute honour to be paired with talented Neon_Black for the @cloneshippingbigbang
First chapter is up now!
All The Cracks and Breaks That Still Remain
Relationships: CC-5576-39 | Gregor/CT-7567 | Rex/CC-3636 | Wolffe, CC-5576-39 | Gregor/CT-7567 | Rex, CC-5576-39 | Gregor/CC-3636 | Wolffe, CT-7567 | Rex/CC-3636 | Wolffe
Tags: Trauma, Healing from Trauma, PTSD, Post-Order 66 (Star Wars), Order 66 (Star Wars), suicide ideation, Minor Character Death, Suicide, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Happy Ending, (or as happy as post order 66 can get), building a life together, Life on Seelos, Gregor Lives, Polyamory, Threesome - M/M/M, Smut, Anal Sex, thigh fucking, blowjob
They were all three of them broken and shattered, what remained of them less than whole, but those ragged edges fitted perfectly together, the sharpest corners of them smoothed down by each other, and now they were only ever whole when they were together.
After Order 66 Rex felt it was his duty to try and save as many as he could, to try and find those whose chips might have malfunctioned or never even activated. He finds two whose minds are still their own, Gregor and Wolffe, but many of the others they saved who did execute the order admit they would rather be dead than saved, unable to live with the memories.
Only three of them with the will to live, still, to try and pick up the pieces of who they were and form them into who they can be, together, away from all the hurt and grief that was meant to have been their destiny. What lies ahead will be a long road full of healing and learning the softer side of life, of maybe even learning to love.
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