#coattails memes
chapter 19 & chapter 23 Coattails!Sebastian be like:
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from @pain-in-the-butler 's fanfiction Coattails
I literally made this blog just to share this lololol
obviously, he doesn't blame the midford children for their absence lol I just wanted to fill out the meme format. Despite his feelings, I do think he recognizes that the midfords's help in their own distant way
This might be the best piece of content I think I've ever made about kuro. I really want a strong start to this blog haha
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malwarewolf-mocs · 2 months
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It’s officially
Gahlok Gursday
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eemoo1o-animoo · 1 year
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Chapter one of Coattails be like
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"My child fell down the stairs."
Coattails Sebastian: Why were you not watching her? Are your stairs not bubble wrapped? Are you not feeding your child organic home- grown food?DID YOU NOT DOUSE YOUR CHILD WITH ESSENTIAL OILS?!
Also Coattails Sebastian, but a year ago: LMFAO
Added bonus:
Canon(?) Sebastian: Catches him in the most flamboyant, extra manner. Now Now, Young Master, if you wished to go to the Salon, walking down the stairs would have sufficed. You needn't hurl yourself down them. ;)
Stolen from this image
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pain-in-the-butler · 2 months
Holy ravioli. It's here 🫠
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purpleandstarlight · 1 year
Currently continuing Coattails by @pain-in-the-butler . Made another meme about it.
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Live Sebastian reaction
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genericpuff · 1 year
there is ONE thing i will absolutely curse out tears of the kingdom for
y'see, i wrote a zelda fanfiction way back in the day that i would later decide to pull the plug on and adapt into an original work to get it away from its roots
link would turn into hale who still slightly resembles the vibe of link but has dominion over time and matter and eventually goes on to lose his hand in a skirmish with a friend
and now here we are, a decade later, and link has lost his arm and gained dominion over time and matter
somehow, despite all my efforts to move away from zelda, zelda has decided to get the leg up on time gate and beat it to the punch
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this somehow feels like petty revenge for that one spite comic i made back in 2017
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time gate's just been sitting here, idly manipulating the universe around it but never given credit
always the bridesmaid, never the bride
.... if i play my cards right, maybe i can get nintendo to give link a secret boyfriend-
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deutsche-bahn · 3 months
I took your quiz on a whim no google translate straight rawdogging it just hanging on the coattails of four years of the most buck fucking wild meme-ridden Deutsch class chaos the ameriacn public highschool education system had to offer. Good quiz! Anway, Ich bin dein Großvater.
What a strange and cruel thing to inflict upon yourself. Exactly what my strange and eccentric grandfather would do. Godspeed
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thesilverhunt3r · 4 months
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Reading pied avocet's Coattails fic
Have a meme
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old meme I made a long time ago was inspired by @pain-in-the-butler 's coattails. he never says this in the fanfiction but I thought it really really captures his internal vibes lol
I have more memes of this fanfic hehehe
Original textpost/meme here:
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dlartistanon · 11 months
the arknights endfield lore potential looks great (the statue of patriot, rhoses island landship crashing into the tower of babel) but the character designs....... why is the female endministrator so much shorter than the male one and why does the ch'en-looking lady look like... that
At first I wasn't wild about the designs and I even joked that the female administrator was the default/"canon" gender because they showcased her for their alpha testing... but the more I'm sitting on it, the less impressed I am.
It's not just the lackluster designs, but the creeping realization that they're riding on the coattails of other "3D anime games" as of late. The suspiciously similar UI, the vague futuristic sci-fi setting, the apparent weapon gacha??? If it's not craftable weapons, then yeah sure, let's copy super predatory monetization systems as well. This doesn't feel like AK. It just has AK's name on it to entice existing fans.
One of the things that makes AK stand out among other mobile games is that their monetization isn't so... in-your-face. Prominent. Aggressive. There is no weapon/equipment gacha. No BS RNG weapon stats. When you get an operator, after skill mastery and levels (and maybe a module), they're already at 90%-95% of their power. Dupes are negligible.
Part of me wants to delude myself into thinking this is some maneuver to grab some of that sweet HYV money and then funnel it back to OG AK like how it was memed how GI was just a fundraiser for HI3... until I learned that MHY screwed over HI3. (sorry, HI3 fans...)
But anyway, let me leave you with stuff I already said
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thebreakfastgenie · 15 days
I really think in a twisted sense that many online leftists want Trump to win because his existence validated their existence.
His extremism made their cause seem powerful and correct and the only righteous option without them having to really do any actual work or have to actually do anything of value, because many of them just simply never actually do anything except ride the coattails of the people who actually do the work and make the effort to understand the nuances of the situation.
And we're seeing the massive cracks in their ideology, how easily swayed and manipulated they can be by other authoritarians so long as the latter tells them what they want to hear, how easily they can be just as bigoted, cruel and nihilistic as the enemy, that they're so desperate to pretend COULDN'T be the case for them "unlike those liberals and fascists".
They NEED Trump and the destruction of America to stay relevant even if it destroys the world they claim to value, because actually fighting for a better world means having to stop with the online memes and clout, and actually roll up their sleeves and work with people they don't like to get anything done. And that's too morally unclean for them, compared to the self-righteous glow of letting everyone they hate die while claiming they're not responsible because they didn't "do anything" to make things worse, even though inaction to spite other people and allow them to suffer under the evil they proclaim to oppose is just as vile and evil in its own right.
Yeah I definitely think there's a lot of truth to this.
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I've been wondering why Nestor's shirt has the flap in prisoners of the Sun (I can't remember if it shows up again) there's probably a reason but I haven't found anything of the sort
I suppose there's always the answer of
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With old-fashioned tuxedos that had coattails and the fancy white waistcoats, men would also wear a tuxedo bib that was stiff and gave the illusion of a perfectly pressed shirt. It also hid anything that was see-through underneath the actual shirt. It was worn over the shirt, so I don't know why you can see his chest... but anyway-
The big was tucked into the front and worn with either the waistcoat I mentioned earlier or just with a buttoned jacket in later, less-formal events.
A similar thing also happens in the Peter Pan movie with Mr Darling, though his has been turned into a treasure map.
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Hope that makes sense and also the meme is hilarious
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pain-in-the-butler · 3 months
they grow up so fast. he's gonna start smoking doobies under the bleachers and questioning authority😔
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Bard would be proud though
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purpleandstarlight · 1 year
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Meme inspired by Coattails by @pain-in-the-butler . Let me know if tagging you in my memes is annoying you! I know I'm posting about coattails a lot while I read, sorry abt that!!
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musubiki · 1 year
Hi, I'm lost, what's m34th?
ah its okay i dont think ive extensively talked about them(?) !! heres a lore post so i can refer back to it as well!! (lengthy bpp incoming) ->
general history:
the m34th was originally founded in the central kingdom as a group of witch hunters/killers as part of the general anti-magic mindset that was common in a lot of the regions following the fall of the witch king
after a while they figured out that killing a witch wasnt practical/efficient because 1) they were loosing a lot of people and 2) even if you kill a witch, it doesnt kill the magic, the familiar just goes and finds someone else to be the host and then you have to find that witch all over again
and they also realized that witches in general were not commonly evil or harming the public, but at the same time the kingdom still saw them as a threat and wanted to erase them from the public eye, so the m34th became a kind of regulating force
ie, they wont kill or harm a witch (unless as a last resort), but if a witch is being a bit too....public?? they will step in. (so this is the reason no one really knows about witches/excuses it as myth. also the reason why witches are forced to find backdoor ways to fulfill their oath of helping people instead of just coming out and curing cancer left and right--the m34th wont allow them to ever be public)
in very EXTREME stubborn situations, they will actually kill a witch if shes too much trouble and just hope the next [insert animal] witch is less of a pain in the ass
so not to say that witches fear them, but they do consider them enemies because 1) a witches life becomes much more restricted under the eyes of the m34th and 2) soilders of the m34th are ACTUALLY capable of killing a witch
general information:
the m34th is made entirely of black canvases (highest possible magic resistance), since the whole point of their existence is fighting witches and magic. (marshal is an exception--he is extremely talented and whatever he lacks like magic res he secretly makes up for in potions)
they also are meant to be magics bane in the sense that in tcwg theres a struggle between technology and magic--technology was created to fill the vacuum that magic left when witches became outcasts, and so its the idea that technology does what magic does (but often slower and less effectively, like healing)
the m34th though is like any government where they have ample funds and resources, and hide a lot of technology and secrets from the public. that being said, the kind of machines and tech the m34th uses is WAY beyond what the public sees/uses/comprehends.
(slaps on *ancient technology* meme because i cant explain it. think really cool technological shit. limes hovering comm device. they probably have frictionless hoverboard bullshit. set your phasers to stun. the kind of technology that could counter and stand up against magic)
they wear almost all white as representation of anti-magic (to contrast witches traditional black attire)
they are the third component to the main magical groups that are in constant conflict with each other: witches, m34th, coattails which represent magic/technology/dark magic respectively (dark magic is a wip but its the forbidden magic of tcwg) and they balance each other out like a healthy ecosystem
another way to think of the m34th is like the cryptic men in black. if you as a citizen see too much or know too much, expect a visit from these guys who are gonna flash the memory pen at you to keep you and everyone in the public ignorant
(for the final conflict against the first witch king the m34th and witches actually do join sides to fight so theyre best thought of as anti-hero types)
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