icezansky · 9 months
boys in the boat more like boys FUCKING in the boat amirite
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Black Watches "The Duchess Approves"
TV: You're watching the black-and-white, period peace, old lady boring movie channel. Black: *looks around for the remote and can't even find it* Black: Grey! I can't find the remote and I refuse to stand up! TV: Stay tuned for the Friday night movie, "The Duchess Approves", starring Sterling Stembleburgiss as the Duchess and Grampton St. Rumpterfrabble as irascible cockswain, Saunterblugget Hampterfuppinshire. Black: GREY!!! ["The Duchess Approves" opening sequence begins with a beautiful orchestrated piece] Black: NO! NOOOOOOOOOO!!! [Later...] [Black is seen eating a tub of ice cream she got from the cold storage, still fixated on the movie.] The Duchess: I don't care about dukes or commoners, or His Royal Highness Lionel of Cornwall. I'm not afraid anymore, Mother! The Duchess's Mother: Duchess. I forbid you! The Duchess: I may be a Duchess...but I'm also a WOMAN! Black: Yes! YES! In your face, Elizabeth! *sobbing* It's just like my life...in a way! [Finally, the end of the movie...] Black: Ah, the wedding! I've waited so long for this. Oh, look at her in that dress! [Suddenly, the doors open wide as the crowd gasps in surprise.] Black, Surprised: Count Lionel?! What's he doing here?! Count Lionel: I've come to reclaim my bride! Black: You've had your chance at the cotillion, you! Saunterblugget: You've had your chance at the cotillion, you! Black: THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING!! [Black furiously rips the TV out of the wall and smashes it through the door, much to the shock of Grey, who was just about to enter.] Black: Uh...couldn't find the remote.
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ginandoldlace · 4 months
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Eton Collage
Each boat has its distinctive uniform; the crews of the upper division wearing dark-blue jackets and trousers, and straw hats with ribbons displaying the name of the boat in gold letters; those of the lower wearing trousers of white jean, and all ornaments and embroidery being in silver. The cockswains of the upper boats are dressed in admiral’s uniform, with gold fittings, sword and cocked hat; those of the lower, as midshipmen, in appropriate dress, with huge nosegays as big as themselves stuck in their breasts. Upon a given signal from the stroke-oar of the ten-oar, all embark; and the procession, headed by a quaint, old-fashioned boat rowed by Thames watermen, containing the band of the Life Guards, passes in front of the spectators and carriages on its way to Surly Hall. The scene, as the boats’ crews warm to their work, is wonderfully striking. Military bands strike up; the Windsor bells peal out; there are nods and wavings of handkerchiefs from the banks; the silken flags are dipped so as to trail along in the water; and there is much cheering and general clapping of hands from the assembled thousands of sight-seers. After a few toasts, and as much champagne as can fairly be disposed of in a short time, the captain of the boats gives the order for all to re-embark; and the flotilla returns to Eton in the same order.’ Charles Pascoe in A London Directory for American Travellers, 1874.
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lowkeynando · 2 years
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lacnunga · 3 years
Jack Aubrey, president of the ‘protect Bonden’ club
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manuscript-or · 4 years
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: CreamHeroes (Web Series) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Coco/Momo (CreamHeroes) Characters: Lulu (CreamHeroes), Lala (CreamHeroes), TT (CreamHeroes), DD (CreamHeroes), Coco (CreamHeroes), Momo (CreamHeroes), Chuchu (CreamHeroes), Original cat characters Additional Tags: Pirates, the typical violence and fighting that comes with pirates, idk man, no tags head empty Series: Part 4 of Pirate AU Summary:
In their search to get revenge, TT takes Lulu and Lala north, looking to recruit the aid of Coco "Cockswain" Dewl.
All of the pirates are coming together for a final battle, hoping to end things once and for all.
i promise i’ll stop bothering u after this
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jelliegirl · 4 years
i just came up with the phrase “youre the cockswain of your own destiny” and its stuck in my head
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teenknifecrime · 4 years
cockswain (26 Oct)
no matter how swan the neck my fingers graze or how gilded tongue will dance, there's no getting past the platinum emptiness of miles to the hazel-eye behind the glass.
she tries to play to strengths, lets ribbon lips thin loose— a supine duke in hopes a bed’s enough distraction.
I don't bother faking interest when she uses hip skin like sandpaper. she's too good at sniffing out the pearl and sucking them through her teeth slick when she feels a boy is bored.
there's a reason no one’s got a taste for the silver that keeps coming when you suck it from her thumb.
In 2010 I wrote a poem a day, everyday, for the entire year. It was an exercise in endurance and agile writing and editing and I learned so much about myself as a poet.  A decade later it seems right to mark the achievement or at least revisit the work. In 2020 I'll be choosing a week at random every month and doing rewrites and reedits of those poems. I might talk about the pieces or apologize for them, but probably will let them do their thing on their own.
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mutineerbay · 5 years
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Pirate Terms and Phrases If you think that there are only a few pirate terms and phrases to learn, you are absolutely mistaken! After reading this list, you will see that there is quite a bit more to speaking pirate than running around and say "Aargh!" We have included the pirate phrases, as well as the modern English translation of that phrase. All hands hoay=Everyone get on the deck Avast ye=Pay attention Black spot=Death threat Dance the hempen jig=To hang someone Dungbie=Rear end Hempen halter=The noose used to hang people Hornswaggle=To cheat Shiver me timbers=An expression used to show shock or disbelief Abaft=Back area of the boat Binnacle=Where the compass is kept on board the ship Cackle fruit=Chicken eggs Coaming=A surface that prevented water on the deck from dripping to lower levels of the ship Duffle=A sailor's belongings Head=Toilet on board the ship Holystone=Sandstone that was used to scrub the ships Jacob's Ladder=Rope ladder that was used to climb aboard ships Monkey=Small cannon Monkey jacket=Short jacket worn by some of those aboard the ship Orlop=Deck where cables are stored away Poop deck=Deck that is the highest and farthest back Cockswain=The helmsman Flibustier=Pirates of the Golden Age Freebooter=Refers to an actual pirate Landlubber=A person who is not incredibly skilled at sea Powder monkey=A gunner's assistant Black jack=Large drinking cups Davy Jones' Locker=Refers to death Ahoy=Hello Ahoy, matey=Hello, friend Batten down the hatches=A signal to prepare the ship for an upcoming storm Blimey!=Something said when one is in a state of surprise Blow the man down=A command which means to kill somebody Booty=Treasure Buccaneer=Name for a pirate Crow's nest=The place on the ship where the lookout stand is built Cutlass=Type of sword used by the pirates Feed the fish=Meaning that an individual or group of individuals will soon die Heave ho=Instruction to put some strength into whatever one is doing Jolly Roger=The famous pirate flag with a skull and crossbones on it Man-O-War=The name used for a pirate ship that is all set and ready to go to war Old salt=A sailor that has a great deal of experience on the seas https://www.instagram.com/p/B7BN_VFpyC6/?igshid=tgjww6d5iarg
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everyshowjoe · 6 years
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Ham with friends kicking tonight off as @gogolbordello! #hamtheband #cockswain #gogolbordello #yuccataproom #gypsypunk #punk #punkrock #tempe #phoenix #arizona #concerts #concertphotography #android #galaxys9 (at Yucca Tap Room) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpdi1F9l2gw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1m35thaobze60
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bctester · 4 years
Yar Pirate Ipsum
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Shiver Me Hornswaggle Ye Dungbie!
Dance the hempen jig interloper rum ballast brig black spot snow cutlass galleon. Belay pillage spanker clap of thunder interloper piracy Jolly Roger cable ho. List Sink me black spot measured fer yer chains bring a spring upon her cable log aye plunder code of conduct. To go on account Buccaneer blow the man down yo-ho-ho lad weigh anchor pirate cog salmagundi. Gibbet pinnace maroon landlubber or just lubber snow dead men tell no tales belay black spot grog blossom. Rum execution dock line aye tackle Pieces of Eight ho ballast to go on account. Topgallant gun case shot swab crow's nest rigging parley grog blossom brig.
Jolly boat shrouds avast fathom walk the plank sloop pressgang Jack Ketch bilged on her anchor. Haul wind jolly boat gangway Sink me booty sloop take a caulk reef Letter of Marque. Warp crack Jennys tea cup Jack Tar capstan handsomely long clothes wherry belay list. Tender schooner transom Privateer league come about scuttle yawl grog. Cat o'nine tails scourge of the seven seas tender brigantine grapple capstan parley starboard keel. Barkadeer Pieces of Eight rigging chase list interloper cable yardarm belaying pin. Ye cog boom ho rutters barkadeer square-rigged jib execution dock.
Cackle Coaming Duffles Thar Blimey Cockswain!
Measured fer yer chains yard dead men tell no tales yawl gun booty bilge rat snow jury mast. Gold Road ahoy doubloon parrel come about lass case shot galleon Nelsons folly. Hearties topmast jib fluke knave cutlass nipperkin case shot topgallant. Measured fer yer chains gally hail-shot Admiral of the Black loaded to the gunwalls wench code of conduct American Main scuttle. No prey, no pay topsail square-rigged scuppers coxswain swab Pieces of Eight league lad. Matey spirits Jack Tar heave to lateen sail cackle fruit strike colors booty flogging. Belay rigging hornswaggle spanker lateen sail Pieces of Eight plunder tack fire in the hole.
Yard man-of-war spyglass carouser warp Yellow Jack dance the hempen jig marooned heave down. Bucko pillage Sea Legs gangplank belaying pin quarter squiffy hempen halter killick. Brigantine Plate Fleet quarter schooner heave to dead men tell no tales booty chase yard. Overhaul flogging bilged on her anchor scuppers tackle aft splice the main brace code of conduct driver. Fore piracy lanyard hulk red ensign transom gaff strike colors loot. Tack Pirate Round clipper topmast driver squiffy Sail ho reef sails hornswaggle. Letter of Marque sloop case shot booty cutlass warp handsomely gabion fathom.
Bilge water carouser cable case shot bilge rat execution dock ballast aye Privateer. Blow the man down spike chandler pink jolly boat coxswain mizzen keel run a shot across the bow. Weigh anchor pirate maroon Brethren of the Coast parrel brigantine scourge of the seven seas schooner Plate Fleet. Overhaul Sail ho gibbet belay lugsail interloper black jack run a shot across the bow lass. Mizzenmast poop deck topgallant avast rum heave to American Main Brethren of the Coast port. Hang the jib execution dock gangway weigh anchor starboard keel ye grog bowsprit. Ho Sink me Nelsons folly run a shot across the bow interloper come about Buccaneer pink yardarm.
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falloutbutch · 7 years
I don’t know what a cockswaine is and at this point I’m afraid to ask
A coxswain (or cox for short) is the person who sits at the stern of the boat and yells at the rowers and controls the steering. They don’t actually yell “stroke, stroke, stroke” like most people think they do, but they do direct us through literally everything else, like when to start and stop, when to increase the stroke rate or pressure, etc. They’re not rowing so they’re basically supposed to be as small as possible so that the rowers don’t have to move as much weight, hence me calling short people “coxswain-sized.”
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norloth · 7 years
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Me as Belle with Lord Cockswain and Star Lord at Weta booth, SDCC 2017.
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sherlolly-fan-art · 7 years
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Art reposted from this @artbylexie post with permission. The first of a two-parter inspired by her wonderful merlolly art.
Captain Sherlock Holmes valued cold, hard, rational thought above all else. He scoffed at sailor’s tales of the kraken, of sea monsters, ghost ships and most of all mermaids. What manner of creature could exist with the head and torso of a woman and the tail of fish? How could such a creature come into existence? Did she lay eggs for some male version of her species to fertilize, or did she have some form of mammallian uterus and give birth to a live half-fish child?
Such were the mocking questions he’d laid at the feet of Anderson, the cockswain when the idiot had been expounding on the dangers of such creatures. Questions he’d uttered rapid-fire wihtout waiting for answers, confident that none were forthcoming.
Ah, how the fates - if such existed, which he doubted somewhat less now than he had only days ago - must be laughing at him now. A fierce battle with Jamaican rum runners, a freak storm, and here he was, thrashing about the ocean, grimly resigned to his death, when she appeared.
He was positive she was nothing but a waterlogged hallucination, the last gasp of his dying brain to offer up some ridiculous form of hope, but that belief vanished when he felt her strong arms around him, tugging him back up to the storm-topped surface of the water. As he coughed up the seawater he’d swallowed she brought him to a drifting bit of wood - no, it was a rowboat, no doubt torn from its moorings against the side of the ship and fortuitously near enough to serve as his savior. Still semi-conscious, eyes bleary from being beneath the tumultuous ocean’s surface for so long, he managed nonetheless to capture the details of her face as she literally shoved him into the rowboat: long, flowing chestnut hair, enormous brown eyes, brow knitted with either concern or concentration as she pushed his legs over the edge to join the rest of his body. Her skin was pale, nearly luminous in the flashes of lightning, but as he tried to croak out a thank you, she pulled away, smiled, then dove beneath the waves.
The last he saw of her, this mythical woman who couldn’t possibly exist, was her tail, iridescent reds and yellows striped with darker blue or possibly black, like some impossible, water-dwelling tropical bird.
As darkness overtook him, his last thought was one of determination, a silent, private vow to himself.
I will find you.
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beerdujour · 5 years
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The double-barrelled edition of Cockswain's Courage is a stonking great bourbon-barrelled imperial porter by @garageproject. Rich porter backbone with a strong bourbon bite, and at an abv of 12.8, worth taking gently. (at Canberra, Australian Capital Territory) https://www.instagram.com/p/BznN26OAC0t/?igshid=1oe4bqxv5lfqy
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rubiesintherough · 5 years
(( open --- Howl ))
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Howl probably should have been more concerned with wringing out his clothes, or working on removing the sword and flintlock currently hanging on his waist. Or maybe, just maybe, finding something to wrap up the worryingly deep gash on his arm. But, no. The point he decided to fix on was ---    “ I’m just saying, the Hurdy Gurdy is a prime example of why pirates shouldn't be trusted with naming anything. Cockswain is another good one.  Fun bunch but, honestly, their naming skills...?  Leave much to be desired. “
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