#code geass bloodlines
alicent-vi-britannia · 8 months
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This beautiful drawing was a gift from a dear friend and a reader of my fanfic, @kireikoami. I think it's a great way to celebrate that today I finally finished writing my Code Geass fanfic. Code Geass: Bloodlines.
It took me tears, sweat, blood and several headaches, but I did it! You cannot have the slightest idea of the immense satisfaction I felt when I wrote the word "end." Not even I can describe it. It's an extraordinary feeling that can't be compared to anything (well, I like to compare the creative process with labor, although I think that the creative process is more enjoyable despite everything; I don't know, I'm not a mother). Some authors don't like to use that word. I suppose because it will seem childish to them or the story of the characters doesn't conclude after the final point. I do it more than anything because of the meaning it carries for me. It's the end of a project that I have spent several years of my life working on with love and dedication. It's my farewell to some characters that I became attached to after giving them a fair ending. It's my break and theirs.
I must say that I cried a couple of times writing the ending and if I start to remember the final scene, I would start crying (I was already crying when I wasn't writing it yet, because I knew it was going to move me at the time). I suppose it will be inevitable that I will cry again when it is time to edit the epilogue to publish it. So it's not the "final goodbye" for now, it's the "see you soon."
I loved writing to Lelouch and accompanying him on his journey. I trust that I won't disappoint readers or the source material. They will read it in a few months and tell me about it. The fanfic has a total of 45 chapters, including the epilogue, and I have uploaded chapter 39 so far. With this, I'll be able to be more constant with updates.
I'm a little sad that I can't continue updating the English version of my work, but I wasn't the one who translated it. It was my friend who since she started her new job months ago she doesn't even have time to talk to me for a few minutes about the weather. A shame.
Now that I've freed up a bit, I hope to bring back this week an analysis that I wanted to do. Expect it soon.
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neonpixel-pixie · 1 month
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| orange | yellow |
[ love, power, impulsiveness, determination, passion, danger, aggression, sexuality, confidence, dominance, anger, pain ] → link here
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1. TYLER DURDEN from Fight Club
| MR. SELF DESTRUCT by Nine Inch Nails
2. HARLEY QUINN from DC Universe
| PSYCHO by Muse
3. ALUCARD from Hellsing
| BLOODLINE by Slayer
4. KALLEN KOZUKI from Code Geass
| WARRIOR by Helloween
5. CERISE HOOD from Ever After High
| ANIMAL I HAVE BECOME by Three Days Grace
6. MIKURA SADO from Kakegurui
| THE NAMELESS by Slipknot
7. ALASTOR from Hazbin Hotel
| RADIO by Rammstein
8. LIGHT YAGAMI from Death Note
| NO W REDUX by Ministry
9. GASTON from Beauty and the Beast
| MACHO INSECURITY by Dead Kennedys
10. CLAY PUPPINGTON from Moral Orel
| MY WAR by Black Flag
11. AYANO AISHI from Yandere Simulator
| MANIACAL by Cannibal Corpse
12. PATRICK BATEMAN from American Psycho
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witchail · 2 months
making a dumb decision by reading the r2 novel using google translate and learning new things like :
cc and vv's code has their own nature / ability
the novel explanation of r-cells and c-cells.
marianne being bat shit insane, and allowed nunnally and lelouch to be experimented on as infants.
marianne being obsessed with bloodlines of kings and their geass capabilities. she was extremely happy to know lelouch, who was given r-cells, had a very high compatibility in receiving geass and nunnally who was implanted cc-cells had a much stronger 6th-sense.
oh she also wanted her kids to have kids in the future so that the bloodline will be evEN MORE POWERFUL. ( no im not joking marianne definitely WAS OBSESSED but it also links to the mobile game re: code where those "genetic children of lelouch exist. )
marianne was well aware cc did not approved any of these experiments and hid it from her. this caused this two to start drifting apart.
it also explains why cc in the beginning was searching for lelouch, because marianne told her that lelouch has a very high potential in granting both her wish and geass.
and there was a brief exchange on how suzaku came from the kururugi bloodline, who unlike the britannian royal family, possessed the "guardian bloodline". and originally they were connected to the geass order in japan ( ex : renya of darkness ). they aren't compatible with the r-cell and thus cannot receive geass. however, their guardian bloodline is sworn to protect the divine --- and in this case, the code bearers are considered the closest to the divine. this also explains why suzaku has such high physical prowness.
also schneizel lives rent free in marianne's head. that woman absolutely hates him for being a people pleaser.
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avenger09 · 1 month
Code Eikon: FFXVI/Code Geass Crossover
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Many things have decided the course of history, Ambition, Will, Love. But none more so then the that the Dominates, individuals gifted godlike power and able to transform into avatars.
Through their coveted power, nations have risen and fallen, as have those who wielded them.
Once many, now only eight are publicly known:
Pheonix, Dominate of Fire
Garuda, Dominate of Wind
Titan, Dominate of Earth
Ramuh, Dominate of Lightning
Shiva, Dominate of Ice
Leviathen, Dominate of Water
Bahamut, Dominate of Light
Odin, Dominate of Darkness
All others are remembered only in the annals of history, with Leviathen being the most recent to number among these lost eikon's, its dominate vanishing in a fierce battle with Shiva over the Bering Strait a century past. Yet hope remains by those who belive that these lost simple lay await for one's worthy of their blessings.
But as these giants quaked the earth with their presence, another power, known to only a few has coexisted in the shadows, veiled by its subtle graces, the power of Geass.
Tied to influencing the minds of men, save for those of the Dominates, it's proven eqully a blessing and a curse. Should one ever hold the power of both, there is to telling what upheaval will be unleashed. Could such a person save the world, or usher its ruin?
Britannia - Eikon: Bahamut (Formerly: Knights of the Round)
An ever expanding nation, ruled by the Britannia royal family. Once able to call upon the spirit of the orignal Knights of the Round Table to fight in battle as host to the spirit of King Arthur himself by becoming a holy Paladin, however this power vanished from the Britannia bloodline when Charles Vi Britannia ascended the throne and began is imperialistic conquests.
It is clear to all, including Empeor himself, that those whom Britannia claim heritage to do not condone Britnania's self appointed reign over the world, but none dare speak this aloud for fear of losing face. Undeterred, Britannia instead makes use of the House Lesage, cousins to the royals, and dominates of Bahamut, the current being the beloved and courageous Prince Dion whose wings and flight of loyal dragoons, are a joyous sight to behold by Britannia forces, and dreaded by her enemies.
European Republic - Eikon: Titan
A conglomerate of nations and corporations bounded together by the promise of mutual gain and resistance against Britannia, the most powerful being DhalmekiCorp owned and headed by the Dominate of Titan, Hugo Kupka.
Though shrewd minded enough to leverage his influence as an invaluable asset, Hugo's infamous temper and the tremendous strength of Titan he wields is the true reason his word is often considered law among the European Council.
Rosaria (Annexed) - Eikon: Pheonix 
For years Rosaria stood as the sole nation able to resist Britannia on its own soil, by the grace of the Pheonix and the guile of the Rosfield line, they acted as a buffer between the bulk of the Imperial War machine and resource rich lands of its northern neighbor, fostering a strong fraternal alliance between the country's.
All this came to end sadly, when during a pilgrimage to the sacred site of Pheonix Gate the Duke and his loyal retinue came under attack by turncoats and Britannian black ops, in a traitorous plot engineered by the Duke''s own wife, Annabella, to gain favor with Britannia by returning them lands seceded.
During the fighting the Duke's two son's, Clive and the young Joshua, went missing, with the Duke Elwin found dead from gunshot wounds in his car a short distance from Pheonix Gate, the prevailing theory being that Joshua had primed for the first time during a failed getaway attempt with his father, only for his sickly body to become consumed by the power of the firebird, leaving no trace. However, despite the efforts of Britannia information suppression following Rosaria's annexation, survivor's of that terrible ordeal have been able to circulate that a second Eikon's flames may have burned that night, and that its dominant, along with the Rosfield's loyal canine Torgal, were seen being carried to parts unknown by a man in purple garb.
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Silverplaine (Annexed) - Eikon: Shiva 
A land rich in natural splendour and resources. Long an ally to its neighbour Rosaria, the commonwealth and the duchy have held each other in high regard, safeguarding the other from the covetous eye of Britannia.
Japan (Annexed) - Eikon: Leviathen (Lost) 
A nation with a storied history, Japan's past is rife with various conflicts as warring factionsz sought to guide it's destiny, however upon the openingg of its borders Japan united as never before when it beheld the various powers which threatened to swallow the island whole.
Modernising at a rapid rate, Japan sought to secure it's position on the world stage as a force to be reckoned with by seeking dominion over the Pacific, it's impressive navy and air force, flaked by the dominate of water, Leviathen, seemingly invincible as it expanded across the waves. However these aspirations were literally forzen in their tracks when Japan's military excursions into the northern territories protected by the Silverplaine Commonwealth brought the attention of the Frost Maiden, Shiva herself, who sealed the Lord of the Depths beneath the very waves they commanded.
Without Leviathen, Japan retreated back into a period of isolationism, but as superpowers such as the Chinese Federation, and the European Republic began to arise, the nation switched tactics once more, hoping to secure it's independence by foster of stronger diplomatic ties with foreign powers such as Britannia,  which seemed promising initially, with the Emperor giving two of his own children, the Prince and Princess Leuloch and Nannaly, as ward's of the Japanese prime minister. Tragically this proved but a ploy, with Britannia invading and annexing the island with its new knightmare frames in a swift and brutal war which seemingly claimed the lives of the young Prince and Princess as victims in the crossfire.
Now Japan is a nation occupied, its people denied even the dignity of a name, save the designation of Area 11, as various factions arising to resist their conquerors even seven years since their  official surrender, from remnants of the army, to youths continuing the fight their elders began, with little success against the substantially more advanced occupying forces. But a unifying factor may yet deliver salvation from this tyranny, even from an unexpected source, while others yet cling to the hope of Leviathen's resurgence to enact vengeance in Japan's name, needless of the danger that such hatred filled tides may drown them along with their foes.
Waloed - Eikon: Odin and Garuda 
A rising superpower orignating from Scandinavia, for the last fifty years Waloed has steadily grown into a nation to be reckoned with under the rule of Barnabus Tharmr, who seized control of his homeland when his powers as the dominant of Odin manifested. Renown throughout the world as the "Last King" for being the only remaining monarch still recognized outside of Britannia, Barnabus has successfully beaten back every foe he's faced, with not even the most advanced knightmare frame being a match for the Warden of Darkness on the field.
While their initial expansion made them an opponent of the European Republic, Tharm was able to form a tentative peace with them when the Chinese Federation siezed the opportunity to take control of the E.R's Eureasan territory when Barnabus' campaign began, in exchange for acting as a buffer between the two powers.
Though its clear to all the Republic now regrets this bargian, having underestimated the amount of territory that Waloed had the abiltiy to hold once the Federal forces were evicted. Now they must tread carefully less Odin's eye again turns to their borders. But Odin alone is not their only advantage, for the last few decades Barnabus has sought out Dominates seemingly for the purpose of bringing them under his command and securing his kingdoms position, rather then eliminate rivals as others have done in the past, and while this objective has had a setback when the dominant of Ramuh split from Waloed, the dominant of Garuda, Benedikta Harman remains steadfast as the head of the Waloed Intelligence Bureau, who rumour had it continues to hunt for her former mentor across the globe. While Britannia had in the past been content in ignoring Waloed as a potential rival, that soon changed when Britannia sought to contest their  ownership of Iceland, marking the first official engagement between the two powers.
However Britannia is reluctant to escalate the conflict beyond skirmishe with the majority of their forces still engaged with the European Republic, all the same it led to a spectacular event for the opposing armies when word of Prince Dion joining the fight prompted a appearance from Barnabus himself, the Eikons of Light and Darkness clashing in the skies above Iceland soon after, the island yet remains in dispute.
What many subject is truly given Britannia pause is the existence of two massive submersible vessels capable of launching powerful burst missiles, as well as drone support, which guard the nation, preventing any large scale air or sea assaults, the only means that Britannia would have of reaching Waloed territory. Indeed so long as the Skinfaxi and Hrímfaxi remain operational, any hope of challenging Waloed directly will remain out of reach. 
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legion1227 · 2 years
74 shows I watched this year: Ranked from least favorite to Most
74. Resident Evil (2/5)                    (Lance Reddick Wesker is only good thing)
73. Mike (2.5/5)                             (Poorly paced)
72. Shenmue (3/5)                         (Decent animation, middling plot)
71. Murderville (3/5)                       (Peaked with Conan o Brien episode)
70. Wednesday (3/5)                      (All the guys in the show suck)
69. Haikyu!! (Seasons 1-2) (3/5)       (Cute, but not for me)
68. Ms. Marvel (3/5)                       (Liked first half more)
67. The Walking Dead (Season 11: Parts 2 & 3) (3/5)     (Decent final ep)
66. Doom Patrol (Seasons 1-3) (3/5)              (Great cast)
65. Assassination Classroom (Season 2) (3/5)    (Season 1 was better)
64. Bel-Air (3.5/5)                                  (started fine, lost steam)
63. Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight (3.5/5) (great to have Jack Black back)
62. Euphoria (Season 2) (3.5/5)     (Enjoyable schlock)
61. Violet Evergarden (3.5/5)         ( Amazing animation, likable main lead)
60. The Orville (Seasons 1-3) (3.5/5)        (season 3 elevated the show)
59. The Righteous Gemstones (Seasons 1-2) (3.5/5)   (chaotically endearing)
58. Book of Boba Fett (3.5/5)              (Should’ve focused more on Boba)
57. Tekken: Bloodline (3.5/5)            (other characters needed more screentime)
56. The Proud Family (Seasons 1-2) (3.5/5)    (Penny is my favorite character)
55. Schitt's Creek (Seasons 5-6) (3.5/5)    (Not the funniest, but I love the family)
54. Reacher (3.5/5)              (Strong first half, kinda falls apart 2nd half)
53. Insecure (Season 1-3)       (Issa and her friends are an intriguing bunch)
52. Disenchantment (Season 4) (3.5/5)     (luci, bean, and elfo, fun trio)
51. Handmaid's Tale (Season 5) (3.5/5)   (its very good, almost great)
50. South Park (Season 25) (3.5/5)    (wayyyyyy too short for a season)
49. The Last Kingdom (Season 1-2)    (Dreymon as Uhtred is a good main lead)
48. Moon Knight (3.5/5)        (oscar isaac is amazing in the role as moon knight)
47. Re: Zero (Season 1-2) (3.5/5) (fun cast and action sets)
46. Baki (Season 1-3) (3.5/5)      (over the top action fest thats a roaring time)
45. Black Mirror (Season 1-5) (3.5/5)    (mixed bag but mostly good episodes)
44. Code Geass (Season 1-2) (3.5/5)    (lelouch is a good anti-hero) 
43. Whose line is it anyway (CW seasons 1-7) (3.5/5) (bit predictable but still hilarious)
42. Love, Death, and Robots (Season 3) (4/5) (best season they had yet)
41. Archer (Season 13) (4/5)  (RIP Jessica Walter, still managed a solid season w/o her)
40. Zootopia+ (4/5)   (episodes that are as gratifying as the movie)
39. Baymax (4/5)      (Baymax helping others is just so cute) 
38. Baki Hanma (4/5)   (more focused than other seasons)
37. Rick and Morty (Season 6)  (4/5) (Big step up from season 5)
36. Avenue 5 (Season 1)  (4/5)   (Uproariously funny)
35. Legend of Korra (Seasons 1-4)       (4/5)  (besides season 2, its incredible)
34. Scrubs (seasons 1-4)  (4/5)  (carried by great character work)
33. Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (Seasons 1-6) (4/5) (last 2 seasons weak, iconic tho)
32. Jeen-yuhs (4/5)           (the kanye fall of is so damn depressing)
31. Stranger Things (Season 4) (4/5) (another solid season for the show)
30. Vikings: Valhalla (4/5)   (savagery at its finest)
29. She-Hulk: Attorney At Law (4/5)   (Jen Walters and cameos are dope)
28. What We Do in the Shadows (Season 4) (4/5)  (season 3 was better)
27. The Witcher (Season 2) (4/5)    (better than season 1)
26. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (Stone Ocean) (4/5)   (beautiful ending)
25. One Piece (Whole Cake Island & Wano Arcs) (4/5) (peak storytelling)
24. Tales of The Jedi (4/5)   (love what they did with Ahsoka and Dooku)
23. Atlanta (Seasons 1-3) (4/5)     (Prefer seasons 1 & 2 over 3 just a bit
22. House of the Dragon (4/5) (confusing names, but compelling family drama)
21. Dexter (Seasons 1-4) (4/5)   (Serial killer drama at its finest)
20. Blindspotting (4/5)  (4/5)     (lack of Diggs and Casal is felt, still great tho)
19. Obi-Wan Kenobi (4/5)   (return of mcgregor and Christensen was lovely)
18. The Sandman (4/5)   (Excellent cast with clever ways of dealing w/ enemies)
17. Umbrella Academy (Season 3) (4/5) (great but hate what they did with Allison)
16. Big Nate (4/5)  (loved reading the books growing up, cute show)
15. Arcane (4/5)    (one of the best video game adaptations)
14. Demon Slayer (Season 2) (4/5) (love way more season 1)
13. Chainsaw Man (4/5) (animation and characters are fascinating)
12. Cuphead (Season 1-3) (4/5) (an even BETTER video game adaptiation)
11. Regular Show (Season 1-8) (4/5)  (wild, ride of a show from start to end)
10. The Boys Presents: Diabolical (4.5/5) (superb snack to quell Boys hunger)
9. Mob Psycho 100 (Season 3) (4.5/5) (beautiful sendoff to amazing people)
8. Smiling Friends (4.5/5)   (funniest show I’ve watched in a long time)
7. Peacemaker (4.5/5)    (funny, but has better action and drama)
6. Harley Quinn (Season 3) (4.5/5)  (top tier character arcs
5. Don't Hug Me I'm Scared (4.5/5) (wayyyy funnier than I thought it would be)
4. Barry (Season 3) (4.5/5)  (balance of comedy and drama is masterful) 
3. Attack on Titan (Season 4 part 2) (4.5/5) (only 1 subpar episode)
2. The Boys (Season 3) (4.5/5)      (the best season with the best episode)
1. Better Call Saul (Season 6) (5/5)       (literal PERFECTION) 
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cold-steel-eyes · 2 years
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(Yo, I go by Radio. 24, she/her, asexual biromantic, autistic, gemini.)
favourite colour(s): Even though I only really wear black lol, my actual favorite colors are pink and orange.
favourite flavour(s): I love anything that is spicy or savory. I actually really hate sweets unless it's chocolate lmao.
favourite genre(s): Anything in the horror category. I like me a good old revelation of the human psyche with unwavering dread thrown into the mix.
favourite music: Now that's a tough one. I'm not picky at all about my music taste, but I primarily listen to anything in the rock genre. Alternative, Industrial, Heavy Metal, etc...
My ADHD makes it so that I need to throw myself through a wall at incredible speeds with the intensity of the music.
favourite movie(s): My childhood favorites would have to be Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Cats Don't Dance, and Treasure Planet.
As I got older, I became more interested in different genres of animation. Rock and Rule, Dead Leaves, Redline, Ghost in the Shell, Angel's Egg, Akira, and anything by Satoshi Kon or Hayao Miyazaki.
favourite series: I don't watch any shows unless you count cartoons lol.
Anime: FLCL, Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt, Soul Eater, Lucky Star, Evagelion, Hellsing, Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Death Note, Hunter x Hunter, Code Geass, Trigun, Serial Experiments Lain, and Cowboy Bebop
Video Games: Animal Crossing, Jet Set Radio, Stardew Valley, Minecraft, Kirby, TF2, Fallout: New Vegas, OFF, Silent Hill, Bioshock, Yume Nikki, Bloodborne, Shin Megami Tensei, Killer7, Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, Stalker
(There are two wolves inside of me in case you couldn't tell)
last song: Waffle - Sevendust
last series: Tiger and Bunny season 2
last movie: The Last Man on Earth (1964)
currently reading: I have way too many books that I need to get caught up on but all I've been reading lately are fanfics about my favorite fictional pairings lol.
currently watching: No commentary walkthroughs of indie horror games
currently working on: Fixing my sleep schedule XP
tagged by: stole it from @vulpxes
tagging: @cowardlycourier, @daggersandsparks, @explosivedarling, and YOU!
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songsofadelaide · 10 months
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Asleep Among Endives
💛 Original Character Information
✦ Fic Masterlist ✦
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Some visual references of the Koganei Clan's main family. From left to right: Kaminari Kyouya (Hibari Kyoya TYL ver. - Katekyo Hitman Reborn), Koganei Kazuya (Ichinose Guren, Seraph of the End), Koganei Suzuna (Marianne vi Britannia, Code Geass), Koganei Chiemi (Saimori Kaya, My Happy Marriage), and Prospero Metherlence (Dino Cavallone TYL ver. - Katekyo Hitman Reborn)
✦ The Koganei Clan
Not even Ryomen Sukuna dared to covet that which should be untouchable— the most precious, golden tears of Suzaku. As the legends go, phoenix tears possess healing powers so immense that they can even successfully resuscitate any creature on the brink of death. While Suzaku existed as a protector in the past, the Koganei Clan of Tokyo became well-known for its own illusionary phoenix during the Golden Age of Jujutsu, a vessel that cried tears of molten gold meant to sew injuries closed, to mend broken bones, to heal what had been hurt— a cursed technique deemed more of a blessing than a curse when made use of, yet difficult to master and even harder to manifest.  Reverse cursed technique users were so rare a commodity, even for the Koganei Clan, who specialised in it. The number of family members that inherited the Kin'iro no Namida since the clan's formation can be counted by hand, each one carefully recorded in the family history. What was started out by the solitary Koganei Masahito of Edo, a goldsmith by trade, grew to become one of jujutsu society's age-old families. Though the Koganei were not as powerful as the Great Three Sorcerer Clans, the uniqueness of their technique became well-known to a point where they were in no position to refuse to assist both sorcerers and non-sorcerers in this golden age of sorcery.    The master Masahito sired many children with his wife Uesugi Karui in the hopes one like him would be born again. He also took many mistresses and the bloodline most flush with the ability soon became the main family, exalted for birthing children with the clan's gift. Apart from his cursed technique, the Koganei Clan gained fame and notoriety as a smithing family business, a front held up by Masahito's marriage to a daughter of the Uesugi Clan, the proprietors of the Sado Gold Mine. He sired children until he could do no more, and his family historians believed his final days to be a frenzy of final attempts to ensure the longevity of his precious cursed technique, and to an extent, his family name.  In modern-day Tokyo, the Koganei Clan now made their home alongside the golden ginkgo trees that lined part of the Meiji-Jingu Gaien, part of the aged estate shrouded with a curtain due to the perennial nature of the golden trees within the gated property. With a keen eye, any sorcerer would be able to knock on the gates that were hidden from the normal human being.
The Koganei Clan is a sorcerer family founded by Koganei Masahito, a goldsmith by trade who married Uesugi Karui, a daughter of the proprietor of the Sado Gold Mine. They are a recurring theme in my JJK fics and have a gold motif to them, evident in the words I used to name their techniques.
小金井 - Koganei, which literally means 'tiny gold town'. Kin'iro no Namida - Golden tears
The main family is composed of the following people:
Koganei Otome (YN) (born 1990), born to Koganei Kanade, a daughter of the clan's lower echelons. When you were six, you were discovered to have possessed the clan's prized Kin'iro no Namida, leading to your adoption to the main family. Suzuna did not treat you kindly in your childhood and only started to mellow when you decided to rise and accept your fate as the next clan leader. You and Satoru share a soulmate's bond after coming into contact with each other's souls and seeing each other's colours.
Koganei Suzuna, the matriarch of the family. Suzuna possesses the inherited cursed technique Kin'iro no Shishu, or Golden embroidery. As your adoptive mother, she is cruel but considerate and can't seem to comprehend all the attention you've been receiving.
Koganei Kazuya (born 1989), the first-born son of Suzuna and Kyouya. Kazuya inherited the Kaminari Clan's lightning-based cursed techniques, Lightning Rod Sorcery and Raiden (Lightning God). Unlike his mother, he is warm-hearted and quickly accepted you as his younger sister despite the fact that you stole his birthright. He and Satoru are good friends, but he doesn't like Naoya that much.
Koganei Chiemi (born 1991), Suzuna's daughter from another man and Kazuya's younger half-sister. The servants know better than to treat her with contempt even though she's what they would consider a bastard daughter. Chiemi was conceived out of Suzuna's desperation to birth a child with the clan's prized Kin'iro no Namida, but she instead inherited a milder version of Kin'iro no Shishu. She is spoiled and self-centred but eventually grew out of her childish disposition after an encounter with Nanami in 2006.
Kaminari Kyouya, Suzuna's rightful and legal husband. He is the second-born son of the Kaminari Clan, another minor sorcerer family with ties to the Tokyo Saenome Clan, who manages the region's Tsukumogami. He and Suzuna were childhood friends and he chose to marry into her family out of his great love for her. He loved Suzuna to the point where he willingly looked away when she decided to have a child with another man.
Prospero Metherlence, Chiemi's biological father. Prospero was born in Manchester, England and was a foreign operative in Great Britain's Secret Intelligence Service's Special Sorcery Sector. He has since retired from his work and lives comfortably in Japan. He and Suzuna had a one-night stand but he would have married her anyway if not for her status.
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Some visual references of the young clan heirs. From left to right: Amamiya Ryuunosuke (Sakurayashiki Kaoru, SK8 the Infinity), Amamiya Risa (Ayasaki Remi, Horimiya), Sakashita Yohan (Takagi Yasu, Nana), and Sasoriza Yorihise (Seijurou Akashi, Kuroko's Basket)
When wintertime rolls in, signifying the start of the new year, the venue for clan leader gatherings is reset, and the representatives of sorcerer families near and far converge to Kyoto— the heartland of jujutsu society— to the fortress-like estate of the esteemed Zenin Clan. 
✦ The Fledgeling Clan Leaders
The Amamiya siblings Ryuunosuke (born 1989) and Risa (born 1991). They are a pair of good-looking siblings who radiate nothing but sweetness. Ryuunosuke is the heir to the Amamiya Clan, a minor sorcerer family. Risa stands as the lady of their house while her brother is still unmarried. They were present on your seventh birthday and gifted you a precious item. They went to Sesui with Kazuya and Chiemi. You affectionately refer to Ryuunosuke as Ryuu-kun, much to Satoru's annoyance.
Sakashita Yohan (born 1990), the heir to the Sakashita Clan, a minor sorcerer family. He also appears in my other fics as an older man and an enforcer of the Koganei Clan. He was present on your seventh birthday and gifted you a precious item. As an heir to clan leadership, he is friendly and cordial with his fellow heirs, though he kind of looks a bit scary. He considers you a senpai of sorts since you inherited clan leadership much earlier than others.
Sasoriza Yorihise (born 1990), the heir to the Sasoriza Clan, a minor sorcerer family. He was present on your seventh birthday and gifted you a precious item. Unlike Ryuunosuke and Yohan, Yorihise is mean and a bit disrespectful. He doesn't fear reprisal and can be a little reckless, much to his family's embarrassment.
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More info to be added...
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powerbottomlelouch · 4 years
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grabs you by the ears and forcibly beams this image into every cell of your brain* ^__^
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ziracona · 2 years
For the record what /should/ have happened at the end of Inquisition is Solas is going to break some of the veil to restore magic and power [[not somehow inexplicably be going to nuke the world?? To death?? Like I’ve been in the fade as a human a dwarf an elf and a qunari we were all just fine??? Or letting the old gods out again??? Which was the whole reason it went up?? Like..:Anyway]], enough of it to change how the world works, which will eternally upset the power structures in Thedas, and then use that power to lead an army to restore lands to the elves, since they’ve been thrown out of even the shitty reservations Andraste gave them.
He should have been awake for centuries, trying alone to fix things in better ways and failing, driven to isolation even among his own, in the burned wreckage of his good intentions, not awake for one year and viewing everyone he sees as not a real person [[Boring and unlikable motivation??? I mean I’m glad they had him change that by the end, but? It’s like a boring ‘intellectual bro’ failing that kind of guy would give his D&D pc. Also doesn’t really fit his characterization in-game? Like damn bro for someone who didn’t see anyone as people most of the time you sure cared if we delivered flowers or made life better for the mages]]. All of that would be in line with history of the game! The knights who tried to protect the Dales during the Exalted March of the Dales were all followed by a wolf companion? Him, trying to help. Trying to save them again. Let him have lived in the ashes of every attempt for centuries. Let him have been pushed and drained, not just woken up and still somehow feeling the most qualified around for every choice after seeing his last choice broke things in half.
He should have tried everything else and given up after a string of ‘I’ll act and make it better, I’ll act, and make it better,” all falling to a memory of “he ruined it, he caused this.” Alone for centuries. Chosen to do the only thing he could and go all the way, accepted dying alone and dying as the villain as inevitable, and decided to at least make that worth it to himself once, and leaned hard into the “I’m big and bad and doing this alone.” Become an expedient force of destruction carving out lands and a chance for his people, becoming everything, to draw blame from the elves onto himself, and pursued the most expedient from A to B path forward possible, despite the carnage, to assure the results he knew would be best, even if he knew it would probably also get him killed alone, and painted the villain forever again. Because nothing else had worked, and it was too late to back up after everything lost. We could have had a fuckin Sword of Damocles and DA could have knocked it out of the park ripping off Code Geass twice in one series and they just biffed it so hard!!
EDIT: OH and I should have been able to see that if my little Qunari did nothing, the man would die alone succumbing to his eons old fate one last time and ending in his biggest fear, still trying to, and sort of doing, something deeply good, for which he will be hated for all time, while my guy had the power to save him from that. But knowing if he tried to help, he would himself be seen as a beacon of evil and all he’d sacrificed to gain, in chantry reforms, in freedom for Mages, in lives for the elves of Orlais, in perception of the Qunari, would be turned against them and called into doubt and leave them in the ashes of his good intentions. And fighting should have broken out full scale at the end of the game, and he should have been able to, instead of either choice, abominate himself into a dragon by calling on his bloodline, and go out shielding the guy from a falling mountain or something just once at the start of a war Zhuzhi Lang style and been at peace.
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cynthiaandsamus · 3 years
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I posted 6,793 times in 2021
5471 posts created (81%)
1322 posts reblogged (19%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.2 posts.
I added 4,077 tags in 2021
#ooc - 1388 posts
#toonami - 763 posts
#custom toonami block - 749 posts
#anonymous - 221 posts
#crack - 200 posts
#fluff - 197 posts
#unlimited blade works - 144 posts
#higurashi no naku koro ni - 140 posts
#higurashi - 140 posts
#inuyasha - 135 posts
Longest Tag: 104 characters
#like it's hard to feel anything about the show when it clearly doesn't want you to feel anything anymore
My Top Posts in 2021
(You see this is the key difference between Death Note and Code Geass, Death Note would never have an episode where the Death Note is stolen by a fucking cat and L and Light have quirky slice of life adventures trying to get it back while hiding secrets from each other)
225 notes • Posted 2021-01-09 16:59:25 GMT
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287 notes • Posted 2021-07-01 19:26:07 GMT
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684 notes • Posted 2021-10-07 23:13:39 GMT
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It really do be like that sometimes
872 notes • Posted 2021-05-01 17:07:30 GMT
(I like how they had the chance to give Ed and Al superpowers or a weird bloodline since their dad is a literal embodiment of ultimate power in a human form, but they’re like “Nah you didn’t inherit any of that, you’re just dudes” which shows a tremendous amount of restraint sticking to the narrative guns that Ed and Al are just traumatized kids and it makes them so much better protagonists that they’re not even the most special in their own story, their hereditary connection to the main plot informs their situation but not their identities, everything special about them is stuff they did to themselves)
1478 notes • Posted 2021-02-21 00:38:51 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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ghostmartyr · 5 years
SnK 116 Thoughts
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tfw all of Yelena’s problems can be solved with murder.
So another chapter, another month of having zero clue how any of this could possibly be fixed. You’ve got Marley, you’ve got Paradis, you’ve got unhappy Eldians on both sides, you’ve got a century of brain washing going without an answer, you’ve...
Let’s just... let’s do this by character, I guess?
Pieck gets first billing as Best Girl.
Wants her father to have a bright future.
Holds Gabi’s hand.
good, pure
Knows Marley’s fucked up.
Knows Zeke’s fucked up.
Does not approve of Falco’s underage drinking.
Probably should have just shot Eren.
Wants happy Eldians.
Trusts her comrades.
Make everyone in the world angry.
Especially his friends.
If they aren’t angry enough, try harder.
If anger isn’t an option, despair is good too.
Do punch them in the face once optimal anger achieved.
Do not trust literally anyone.
Do not use Gabi’s name.
her name’s brat now
Do get along with cult.
Do search for brother.
Do lock up all best friends in the world so that in the event of an airstrike they’re all extraordinarily screwed.
(Eren, until further plot developments explain what is going on in that head of yours, your plans are stupid.)
“You would all be much happier if you just accepted that the world would be better off without your bloodline and helped out with us eradicating it.”
“Also I have found God and he’s a baseball furry and his little brother.”
Thinks everyone should die.
just everyone
him too
a lot
To which Paradis has responded:
Further alcoholism can’t make this worse.
“How could we have known that putting all of our eggs in the basket of this woman who keeps shooting bad eggs with her boss who makes a habit of throwing eggs would end badly?”
What I keep coming back to, and keep not having a good answer for, is why in the fuck is this all such a mess? I have made Code Geass and Madoka comments largely in jest, but considering how reckless Eren is being with his public face and international politics, it starts to feel either intentional or careless.
None of his friends are backing him at the moment, barring Jean’s confusion. He’s broken Mikasa’s heart, and Armin and Connie’s trust.
He’s nominally allied with the Yeagerists, but he’s gone to zero effort to be friendly with them. He goes along with Floch’s ticking clock of a schedule, but since leaving his jail cell, he’s been very clear that his only allegiance is to his aim of finding Zeke.
Yelena offers up the rumbling as a way to continue to defend the island before all the Eldians expire, but Eren and Zeke have made the entire world remember the terror of titans. If they ever were willing to forget that one little island, no one is anymore.
Zeke himself believes that the forces of the rest of the world will be at their doorstep soon. Marley’s come first, but the world Yelena describes, where the rumbling deters all further violence against Eldians while their lives slowly end, is a fantasy. There are too many angry voices inside and outside the walls now. One dominant display of force is going to convince the world to leave Paradis alone?
The last time everyone chose to forget Paradis, Paradis came to them and murdered people indiscriminately.
Sure, no more children will be born to become titans.
In the meantime... at absolute best, the Eldians inside the walls go back to being unable to leave the safety of the walls. The titans continue to keep the rest of the world out, and them in.
Only now everyone inside the walls knows that there’s a world outside.
It is much easier to keep people contained when they think they have nowhere to go. Lock all of Paradis back behind their walls, and they’ll eat each other. We already see the Yeagerists. That’s just one group of angry people. With Zeke’s spinal fluid being used to manipulate their entire military, there’s the obvious proof that their government is perfectly fallible.
Paradis has spent years trying to spread out of their box.
The rumbling, at best, crams them back in it until they all die, only opening when every last one of them is gone.
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Thanks for being the voice of reason, Jean.
Not to mention that the rumbling itself hinges on the continued consent of the royal line, and a future Founding Titan and royal heir not deciding that this is all stupid and maybe they should use their power a different way. If you keep the Founding Titan and someone of royal blood alive to the end of Eldians, there is always going to be some wiggle room.
All it takes is one Founding Titan touching a royal heir somewhere down the line. Eren and Zeke aren’t unique in their roles. Their work can always be undone.
Yelena’s defense is that certainties can’t be counted on in any country, and it’s true, but she’s so enamored with the possibility of Eren and Zeke’s joint power that she seems to overlook how they won’t be the last holders of that power.
That’s the literal text of the plan.
For Eren and Zeke to not be the last people who can wield this power.
Well, you’ll probably be dead before you’re directly confronted with all your plan’s problems, so who cares anyway?
Eldians don’t die out peacefully in this strategy. They will die knowing that their existence is such a blight on the world that the only solution anyone could come up with for peace was to wipe them all out.
“I don’t trust Marley. I want Eldians to be free. But... I trust those... I’ve fought alongside.”
One of my primary complaints about the Marley arc was that the things the protagonists of that arc were fighting for were impossible. They could be good people doing bad things. They could be sympathetic. They could have moments of happiness.
They weren’t ever going to win.
That hasn’t really changed, but I like how Pieck puts it. The people who have been in the trenches with her won’t be so quick to abandon her or their people. It isn’t perfect. It’s still horrific and fucked up and an impossible longshot for Eldians to have any kind of future no matter how this pans out.
But Pieck believes in her friends, while Eren’s tossed his in a dungeon.
Somewhere, in the light of that trust, there can be a path to hope. Maybe.
Fuck Marley, though. The fact that they have the tools and the people to derail an atrocious injustice doesn’t change that they have made themselves into monsters and Eldians their slaves. As antagonists, the Warriors are engaging, but Marley as a greater body continues to just be... wrong.
Yelena’s right to say that the end of titans would free Marley from the chain of violence they’ve been perpetuating, and that is so much more noble than I would care to recognize.
Yes, of course it’s much better if people no longer have the ability to turn other people into slaves and set them loose like rabid dogs on the world.
But if you were going to pick a side of the population in need of elimination, the people who have chosen that path seem far more worthy than the people who are abused in its wake.
(I refuse to talk about Marley without saying Fuck Marley. Fuck Marley.)
Going back to the Eren, what we have is a situation where both of the loudest plans are not good. But Eren’s been content enough to follow along with his brother’s Not Good plan, despite everyone around him having permanent question marks over their head at his intentions.
Zeke’s plan is too destructive for it to go the way Yelena describes. For Zeke, who sees death as a release anyway, that isn’t a concern. For anyone who actually wants Eldians to be okay before they die out, and isn’t blinded by their own fanaticism, it is a concern.
Giving Eren the benefit of the doubt, because someone trying this hard to be a dick probably has some kind of reason, and none of the stated ones make sense, this shouldn’t be a plan that aligns with what he wants.
Unless his plan renders what everyone else does irrelevant. Unless the world seeing him as needlessly aggressive and cruel is more meaningful than being kind to the people he loves most in the world.
Look, I’m sure it’s more complicated than that, but until I stop finding it amusing and a more stable idea than half the other stuff my head’s concocted, Eren’s fucking Zero. Of the Code Geass way.
That happy ending was a fairy tale that shouldn’t have worked, too.
My other theory is that Eren’s going to unmake the world in a way that will permanently destroy him, and he needs his besties to not be near enough to fight him on that.
But all I really know
is that I just want an AU where Paradis rejoins the world as people instead of monsters and find allies and solve Ymir’s Curse without sentencing themselves to death.
And none of these idiots with their dramatics come anywhere close to that. The Survey Corps’ been left crying in a corner while Godzilla shoves them into a locker and kicks over their Lego tower. Godzilla, indeed, appears to be going out of its way to destroy as many Lego towers as possible, so whenever the Survey Corps starts moving, they will absolutely step on a Lego while Godzilla tells them it’s for the greater good.
To be fair, this is probably what happens when a handful of people have enormously powerful plot magic that can put the entire world in danger, and they don’t feel like being diplomatic.
It still leaves me in a permanent state of could you have maybe not? with regards to the choices being made. Because at this point so many horrible choices have been made that it’s pretty obvious that other horrible choices are going to get a full commitment to try to dig out of the grave.
Connie wins for the greatest #mood of the chapter.
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In a funny way, we’ve wrapped right around back to the initial premise.
Tiny, powerless humans facing impossible odds.
Only this time, the hero of that story might not be on their side.
Fighting titans never worked for any of Eldia’s enemies. Until technology outside the walls started to advance far enough, no one ever could do anything except fall in the face of titans.
But a tiny band of humans locked away inside the walls looked at all these enemies right outside their gates, and decided that they were no reason to stay inside for the rest of their lives.
They decided, even if it got them all killed, these were obstacles worth fighting.
I can’t object to the story landing back here, but it is exhausting. Everything is in disarray. The possibility of a happy ending isn’t in any of the winning outcomes for any of the presented sides.
Also until canon says otherwise, I’m going to interpret the 104th’s reaction to Armin’s tears as all of them wondering why the fuck Armin’s face does that when he tries to lie.
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Jean is not impressed.
Maybe just because you’re not supposed to agree with sterilizing everyone you’ve ever known, but for now I choose to believe that Jean, who last used a knife when trying to make friends out of enemies, really thinks Armin should be better at this.
None of you are good at this.
Try not to get bombed.
And because I’m me and can’t let it go, this chapter continues the trend of Historia’s new status of a plot mcguffin instead of an actual person.
You could literally replace her with that rocking chair and the story told so far this arc would not be impacted.
It’s becoming strange enough that I’m very sure something is going on, because Isayama doesn’t treat his characters like furniture, and more to the point, her entire arc that the anime just butchered is a direct answer to the euthanization crap.
Not addressing that feels like a cop-out. Among the other problems with literally everything the story has said about her role. Something’s clearly up, but that doesn’t make the situation any less aggravating. I mean sure, maybe her showing up would ruin the Drama because she already has her answer to someone trying to destroy her but but but
Lastly, I am glad Mikasa gets speech bubbles. I am also glad that Jean and Connie care for their buddies. And that Armin is so blunt about “he made Mikasa sad so I hit him.” And that Connie’s anger has calmed into Connie’s sadness. Even if I do not care for Connie being sad.
Somehow, you four might just live.
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Buenos días, abogado Lamperouge <3
Cada vez que me encuentro con un Lelouch vestido formalmente no puedo evitar pensar en el Lelouch de mi fanfic ya que así lo visualizo para distinguirlo de su parte canónica. No me nieguen que se ve sexy con estilo refinado.
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yuichiroswife · 5 years
Roleplay History
The rules are simple! Post ten characters you’d like to roleplay as, have role-played as and might bring back. Then tag ten people to do the same (if you can’t think of ten characters, just write down however many you can and tag the same amount of people). Aside from that, please repost instead of reblogging!
Mikaela Shindō/Hyakuya (Owari no Seraph) | Here.
Shinya Hīragi (Owari no Seraph) | @whitetiger-byakkomaru
Yoichi Saotome (Owari no Seraph) | @mxxnlightrhyme (Under Construction)
Shihō Kimizuki (Owari no Seraph) | @kingxfthedemxnbox (Under Construction)
Mitsuba Sangū (Owari no Seraph) | @heavenshapeddragxn (Under Construction)
Shinoa Hīragi (Owari no Seraph) | @scythebxund​
Koui Sutè Amane - Hyakuya (Owari no Seraph OC) | @promiscxous​
Chess Belle (Owari no Seraph) | @frenchbexuty​ (Under Construction)
Lacus Welt (Owari no Seraph) | @lakebxund​ (Under Construction)
Yuuela Katsumi Amane - Hyakuya (Owari no Seraph OC) | @anxmosxty​
Rain Masanori Amane - Hyakuya (Owari no Seraph OC) | @negligxnce​
Myth Ryuu Amane - Hyakuya (Owari no Seraph OC) | @resxntmxnt​
Saki Nanase/Imanishi (Owari no Seraph OC) | @servantofthevampireprince​ (Under Construction)
Nikusui Tatsumaki Amane - Hyakuya (Owari no Seraph OC) | @prurixncy​
Kureto Hīragi (Owari no Seraph) | @thxnderdemxn​ (Under Construction)
Guren Ichinose (Owari no Seraph) | @unparalleledichinose​
Dodger Stafford, Clarissa Garrison, Dante Hikoyama, Elizabeth Garrison, Mortimer Hikoyama, Alison Hikoyama, and Sylvia Abraham (Owari no Seraph OCs) | @forsaken-bloodline​
Tomoe Saotome (Owari no Seraph) | @yxungmaiden​ (Under Construction)
Kaden (Fire Emblem: Fates) | @kitsune-hxmlet​
Yūichirō Amane/Hyakuya (Owari no Seraph) | @xseraphprince​
Krul Tepes (Owari no Seraph) | @bloodswxrn​
Tenri Hīragi (Owari no Seraph) | @heavens-rule​
Fumie Hyakuya (Owari no Seraph) | @historical-painting​
Heihachirō Hīragi and too many other muses to name (Owari no Seraph OCs) | @grotesque-contamination​
Giyū Tomioka, Inosuke Hashibira, and Koui Yumishi (Demon Slayer/OC) | @aquxtic-beast​
Katsuki Bakugō, Shōto Todoroki, Izuku Midoriya, Andriette Bakugō, and Ove Bakugō (Boku no Hero Academia/OCs) | @desolated-dystopia
Dickson Gerald Reginald Simmons, Philis Roanoke, Victoria Roanoke, Maxwell M. Kennedy, and Tina Muller (Resident Evil 6 OCs) | @desolated-dystopia
Ja’far Al-Barmaki (Magi) | @balalaq-sei
Taichi Hyakuya (Owari no Seraph)
Lelouch Vi Britannia (Code Geass)
Nunnally Vi Britannia (Code Geass)
Horn Skuld (Owari no Seraph)
Koto Hitaroshi (Code Geass OC)
Shuichi Saihara (Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony)
Leo (Fire Emblem: Fates)
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Male!Byleth Eisner (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Eren Jeager (Attack on Titan)
Kokichi Ouma (Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony)
Markus Dumoin (Dragon Ball Series OC)
Vladislav Shindō (Owari no Seraph OC)
Noelle Shindō (Owari no Seraph OC)
Rōnin Shimizu (Owari no Seraph OC)
Itekki Beibi (Owari no Seraph OC)
Tsubaki Konomaru (Code Geass OC)
Nagito Komaeda (Super Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair)
Farah Neith Hypatia Gabrielle Mafalda Parthenia Dielle Ora Kartanon (Magi OC)
Koto Hitaroshi (Working on it actually.)
Farah Neith Hypatia Gabrielle Mafalda Parthenia Dielle Ora Kartanon (Working on this one too.)
Tsubaki Konomaru (Working on it once again.)
Itekki Beibi
tagged by  :  @vaenaera​ tagging  : @anomieheld​, @uwuwrote​, @owowrote​, @demisurge​, @sapphire-emerald-seraphim​, and @fangedsadists​
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witchail · 2 months
plots please gimme the bestiess
⤏ send me “plots please”
you already know my salt and the lack of cc and suzaku interactions. @inuresis
01. we gotta explore the [redacted] s1 potential and why suzaku was able to sense cc despite not having a formal connection. frankly, i still want to explore that novel concept of suzaku's ancestral clan being connected to the geass order. granted, all i really have is a poor google translate explanation, but i honestly feel like that is a great thing to explore. particularly the things book marianne claimed : suzaku cannot inherit geass because he doesn't have the R-cells. -No one in his family was able to inherit the code, because they cannot have geass - the kururugi clan originally being former owners of geass ruins until they split from the geass order. - his bloodline dubbed "the guardian bloodline" and their duty to protect the divine, which historically was those with the code. naturally, this can also explain why suzaku and cc had that unexplained yet symbolic connection that doesn't need to rely on lelouch.
02. taking that in consideration, it makes the whole "sword and shield" thing even more unique in terms of them "becoming equal". neither of them are bounded to the rules of the past and instead are redefining the role of "guardian and code holder". they already possess their own similarities and burdens, there is no mask to be have between the both of them. they have a mission, sure, but that does not mean any interactions should be dropped after the requiem. there is a connection and she too can be a confident.
03. okay ignoring the two points above, just make an AU where suzaku was given geass instead LMAO.
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favourite character tag
ty @brooklynbabybucky for the tag 😘😘
rules: name ten favorite characters from ten different things (books, tv, film, etc.) And then tag ten people.
1. angel/angelus (buffy the vampire slayer, angel)
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2. arya stark (a song of ice and fire, game of thrones)
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3. dimitri belikov (vampire academy/bloodlines series)
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4. isak valtersen (skam)
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5. lelouch vi britannia (code geass: lelouch of the rebellion)
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6. michael langdon (american horror story: apocalypse)
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7. steve harrington (stranger things)
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8. tony stark (marvel)
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9. ysera (world of warcraft)
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10. 002/zero two (darling in the franxx)
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tagging: @thegirlnooneknows5 @polaroid-idiocity @stxvxhxrrxngtxn @thedeathcommander @myysterios
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natedogx15 · 2 years
Writing Prompts For Other Media
Kamen Rider
Kamen Rider crossover story ideas
Duel Spirit Buddy
Code Geass
From Master to Leader to Servant
Solipsist Naruto
Twin Bloodline Naruto
DC Comics
Batman Evolution
The Vigilante Boss of Gotham
Titans Come and Go
Writing Challenges
Three Aspects In One
Scooby Doo
Scooby Doo: Solving the Apocalypse Game
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