#cody finds him tho. i promise <3
meebles · 1 year
Years into the war, Cody gives Obi-Wan a letter.
"I hope you never have to read it," Cody tells him. "If we both see this through, I'll read it to you myself."
Obi-Wan doesn't want to accept it. He wants Cody to read it to him now, to tell him everything he feels he can't say until their duty is done. Wants to tell him they'll both see the other side of this war, even if he has no way to promise such a thing.
Obi-Wan has so much he wants to say to Cody, but doesn't. He understands, now, and he accepts the letter. He keeps it with him always. He hopes he'll never have to read it.
Months later on Utapau, when Cody hands him his lightsaber, Obi-Wan thinks of that damned letter tucked into his robes and hopes that this is the day he finally gets to destroy it, because there's no need for it, because he'll have memorized every word in the sound of Cody's voice.
He's wrong.
Years go by on Tatooine. Obi-Wan still has that letter, unopened. He looks at it every day. He cannot bear to read it. He cannot bear to destroy it.
"I hope you never have to read it."
If there's love in that letter, he worries it'll break him completely.
The unknowing of it hurts, of course. But ignorance, in this case, he thinks it might be sweeter.
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mitchtheficus · 2 years
A Golden Lovers Timeline
the lovers return to japan, have an 8-man tag against Suzuki Gun [LINK - April 29, 2018], Kenny returns to his DDT-era angelic babyface blond hair, and then it’s May and time for Dontaku
the first night (May 3, 2018) Kota faces Cody again in a singles match [LINK]
I feel like every time Cody has a match with the lovers there’s the obligatory “and Cody continues to be a Weirdo about this” part and uh it’s that time again!
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[ID: Cody is kind of spooning Kota against the ropes and he leans over and kisses him on the cheek before letting him go. Kota seems disgusted. End ID]
In case you were wondering, yes he is still being Like That
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[ID: gif of Cody looking down at Kota and announcing delightedly “oh he can’t satisfy.” End ID]
(Cody says the lovers do definitely fuck but like badly lol)
Throughout the match there’s a desperation in the way Kota fights, and that risk-taking ultimately leads to Cody’s victory
In the post-match we find out where that desperation was coming from: he wasn’t just trying to beat Cody for himself. Kota was hoping to put an end to the bullet club feud, and he failed
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[ID: two pictures of a sad, sweaty, and defeated Kota saying: “This won't do anything to end the bullet club’s feud. Since i couldn't win this, i don't have a say in it.” End ID. LINK]
Kenny faces Hangman in singles competition for the first time that same night. [LINK]
the match is great. Kenny gets a cut on the top of his head, and as the match goes on, the blood seeps down and turns more and more of his hair red
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[ID: gif of Kenny with blood seeped into the blond hair on the top of his head, he’s making a fight-y face, in the background women are laughing and clapping and looking at hangman who is on the ground. End ID]
(it’s kind of a Look tbh)
Kenny wins. Hangman hasn’t reached his full potential yet, but it’s coming (just not in this story).
Kenny is so sweet with the Japanese crowd now that he’s a face, apologizing for being too groggy to speak Japanese well after his victory, asking their permission to speak a little English, and promising he’ll do it all in Japanese next time [LINK]
The next night of Dontaku (LINK - May 4th) the lovers have another multi-man tag match, this time against Cody’s faction of the BC (which NJPW has deemed includes the bucks, tho they seem uncomfortable with this booking decision)
both of them, but especially Matt, are visibly distressed at the sight of Kota being hurt
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[ID: gif of the bucks while cody and hangman attack Kota. Nick is talking to Hangman and he puts his arms out like “what the hell are you doing?”, Matt is leaning away from where Kota is being attacked, like he wants to get away from it, looking distressed and uncomfortable. End ID]
And when Page angrily tags in Matt while Kota is in the ring, Matt can’t even bring himself to try to hurt him
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[ID: Matt looks down at Kota with pursed lips and tries to hype himself up into being able to fight him, then he gives up and backs into the ring corner, extending his hand for a teammate to tag him out, shaking his head. End ID]
They get into the ring later to try to talk to Kenny, and Kota is like “um can we do the fight thing that we’re here to do? This is a wrestling match?” and Nick is like “wth kota we’re basically brothers now!”
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[ID: two gifs of the bucks and the lovers standing in the ring. based on body language, Kota seems to be suggesting to Kenny that they just fight the bucks and get on with the match, but Kenny seems reluctant. Nick opens his arms and looks at Kota like “what the hell, man?” and backs up a step when Kota gets close. End ID]
The bullet club guys are SO CUTELY SUPPORTIVE OF KOTA 
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[ID: gif of Kota kicking Cody so hard he falls down. Tanga Loa and Tama Tonga clap and cheer Kota on in the background. End ID]
that’s their guy!! i swear they like Kota more than Kenny
throughout the match there’s respect and camaraderie between the bucks and the OG BC guys and after the match, with Kenny and Cody out of the picture (off fighting each other somewhere), the rest of BC is able to reconcile
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[ID: picture of kota watching from outside the ring as the BC guys all do a two sweet in the ring. End ID]
And now it’s time for my boy Kazuchika Okada to re-enter this story.
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[ID: gif of Okada’s entrance. he’s wearing a huge colorful sparkly coat, a big sparkly necklace, the giant heavyweight belt around his waist. Okada bucks fall from the ceiling above him. His arms are out stretched as he looks up and then forward with a determined, confidant look. End ID]
The last time we saw Okada was nearly a year ago at Dominion 2017, where he and Kenny fought to a draw. He has held the IWGP Heavyweight title ever since that night. At Dontaku 2018, he wins his 12th consecutive title defense, breaking Tanahashi’s record for most successful IWGP Heavyweight title defenses in NJPW history
After his victory he lists off the opponents he’s faced and beaten one by one, and then he looks at the crowd
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[ID: Okada, looking a little sweaty and tired after his match, looks up and out at the crowd and asks: “There is one draw, isn’t there?” End ID. LINK]
The one flaw in his perfect record. And he hasn’t forgotten that Kenny beat him during the G1, earning him a title shot that he hasn’t yet asked for.
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[ID: Okada stands in the middle of the ring with his sparkly golden pants and his title around his waist and he yells into the mic: “KENNY OMEGA!” and turns to look at the entrance ramp. End ID]
And the crowd goes nuts
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[ID: Kenny, blond and shirtless, walks down the entrance ramp, putting his arms out to touch the reaching hands of the fans. He keeps looking at where Okada is, his expression is wary and ready, but not excited. End ID]
Okada tells him that this time, there will be no draw, because this time there will be no time limit. Kenny asks for a 2 out of 3 falls match (a stipulation we almost never see in NJPW). Finally they will put to rest who is better.
Okada looks excited
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[ID: gif of Okada looking at Kenny with a small, anticipatory smile. He says: “No time limit... two out of three falls...” End ID]
(Gedo not so much)
Kenny is kind of surprised by this turn of events.
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[ID: picture of Kenny in the post-match. He’s smiling and saying: “Honestly, I’m surprised he chose me as his next challenger. Because I haven’t gone after titles in a while, and I’m with Ibushi now.” End ID. LINK]
For so long Kenny was focused on getting that title, defeating Okada, reaching new heights... but ever since reuniting with Kota, his inner life has been restructured. it’s not that he’s no longer ambitious, it’s that ambitious is no longer the only thing he is allowing himself to be.
so much of his past motivation to get titles was wrapped up in the way he was perpetually chasing Kota
“Ibushi has been there since the beginning of my career in Japan and we very quickly established a friendship with one another,” explained Omega. “For 10 years he was a friend, a rival, a partner, and yet always a distant figure I was struggling to catch.”
- SI article from March 23rd
but now, Kenny has found a bone-deep certainty and restfulness in their relationship. he’s kind of accepted that he’ll always have to struggle to keep up with Kota, that Kota may in fact always be better than him, but that doesn’t frighten him anymore.
“It’s a challenge to match his athleticism and to sync with his speed,” said Omega. “But much like a world class couple in ballroom dancing or figure skating, we almost have an empathic read on our bodies and can move in harmony. I may have already peaked as a singles wrestler, but Ibushi is more than capable of taking over as the ‘Best Bout Machine’. I’d possibly even say he’s the only one in the world capable. This time, I don’t mind taking a back seat.”
- SI article from March 23rd
he’ll repeatedly, casually tell us that regardless of actual wins and losses, Kota is better than him as a wrestler. but now that he isn’t carrying the fear of being abandoned due to his own inadequacies, now that he’s full of the certainty that he is loved for who he is as a person instead of only as a wrestler, he’s comfortable with that reality
truly he’s been enjoying just being with Kota so much that it hasn’t really occurred to him to start pursuing singles titles again. and you kind of get the sense that he doesn’t actually want to do it right now. like if he’d gotten a choice, this rematch with Okada wouldn’t be happening yet.
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[ID: picture of Kenny in the post-match, he’s looking a little wishful and saying “But I can’t do anything about it, he chose me.” End ID]
the lovers take the rest of May off to rest and prepare for Dominion.
So after the disaster that was Supercard of Honor, after Kenny telling them that there “is no elite” the bucks tell everyone that they’re shutting down Being the Elite for real. Not kayfabe, for real (bc they’re wrestlers!! And they love to lie!!!) 
And then May 6th they start it up again. And we see, over the course of several weeks, the bucks’ tentative reaching out to Kenny
the bucks have sent Kenny a package
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[ID: Picture from BTE of the package. It has “URGENT! URGENT!” hand written on it and one of the bucks’ merch stickers. End ID. LINK]
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[ID: picture from BTE of Matt looking down at the floor a little sadly. Nick says: “thing he opened it yet?” Matt says: “I think if he would’ve opened what we sent, I think he would’ve called us by now.” End ID. LINK]
Kenny starts carrying the package everywhere he goes, caught between his desire to open it and reunite with the bucks, and the desire to hang on to his anger
Kota is firmly on Team Open The Damn Package Already and gives him a little talk about the importance and power of forgiveness
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[ID: four gifs of Kenny and Kota in Kota’s personal practice gym Kota says: “Kenny, after everything we went through, I forgave you and you forgave me, right?” Kenny says “Well yeah, that’s true.” And Kota gestures emphatically at the box and goes “So...” Kenny picks it up and looks at it. End ID. LINK]
A few days later (may 21st) Matt texts Kenny asking about the box [LINK] Kenny types out an apology for the delay, telling Matt he’ll open it and call him when he gets home, ending it with “I miss you guys…”
But he doesn’t send it. Matt even sees him typing :((((
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[ID: picture of Matt’s phone with the message app open. Matt’s text reads “Hey have you opened the box I sent? It related to what we talked about in room 710. Please call me when you do.” and there are the three dots indicating that Kenny is typing. End ID. LINK]
He texts back later and tells Matt that he’ll contact him “after Dominion”
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[ID: picture of Nick and Matt in the car. The angle is off because they “don’t know they’re filming.” Nick says: “After dominion huh? So he doesn’t want us ringside obviously? I mean to be fair the last time we went to the ring…” End ID. LINK]
It’ll be the first Okada match that the bucks won’t be at ringside for
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[ID: four gifs from Kenny’s first Okada match at WK11. in the first the bucks hug Kenny before his entrance, telling him good luck and that he’ll kill it and that they love him. In the second Kenny has just done his golden triangle moonsault over the guardrail and Matt grabs him and presses their foreheads together asking if Kenny is okay, telling him he’s crazy and that he can win. Nick is there too telling Kenny he loves him. In the third Kenny has lost and is down on all fours outside the ring. the bucks are beside him looking grim and pressing ice to his back. In the last Kenny walks down a hallway and says: “bucks, you with me?” Nick answers: “yep.” Kenny: “oh thank god.” Nick: “Always with you.” End ID.]
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[ID: three gifs from the second Okada match at Dominion 2017. in the first the bucks flank Kenny on either side during his entrance. in the second, the bucks stop Kenny and the rest of the BC from interfering in the match while Cody and Tama yell “LOOK AT HIM!” and Nick yells back “HES GOT THIS!” In the last, the bucks help Kenny walk out after his loss. End ID]
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[ID: one gif from the third Okada match during the G1. Nick has Kenny in his lap and he yells and fist pumps the air, celebrating Kenny’s victory before reaching down to hold Kenny to him. End ID]
But you can tell that Kenny’s anger and hurt feelings are melting in the face of the bucks’ gentle, earnest persistence, helped along by Kota’s prodding. Kenny sends a vlog for the BTE show, his first in a while. it’s a little promo for Okada
the bucks continue dutifully plugging and promoting Kenny’s dominion match along with their own (their first shot at heavyweight tag team titles) and they say they’ll be there for him in the back, offering their support if he wants it
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[ID: two pictures of the bucks in a car. Matt says: “Kenny and Okada Part Four. We were there for all three.” Nick says: “Yeah, it’s hard for us because we’ll probably not be there ringside.” Matt says: “But here’s the thing, we offer our support to Kenny, and we’ll be in the back. And he can have our support, you know, if he wants it.” Nick: “Yeah.” Matt: “But we’ll be watching.” LINK]
And at the end of the last BTE ep before dominion we see Kenny reflecting on the Elite’s time together, their love for each other, their importance to him. And finally, he opens the package.
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[ID: picture of Kenny opening the package. The viewer can’t see what’s inside. End ID. LINK]
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captaingondolin · 4 years
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those are too many wips. 
here’s a list with brief summaries, and then you can tell me what to finish first because i am suffering from big time choice paralysis. anon is on. ask away.
ace Obi-Wan vague idea: what it says on the tin. it was going to involve teen Obi-Wan, friendship with Quinlan and Luminara. in which Obi-Wan is interested in sex... in theory. academically. he’s his suave, charming self, and will experiment for the hell of it. (i was slightly uncomfortable with the premise of, basically, a fic about an asexual character all about... well, sex. but i wanted to work some shit out and what better way than overprojecting over fictional characters?)
Anakin in lingerie: just polishing up an old tumblr post. modern AU.
Anakin in makeup obianidala: again from an old post with subskywalker. but i wanted to give it a structure
Ani5dala FIX IT: OH MAN I WAS SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS. i have tons of notes and no energy to proceed. in which Fox has a plan to keep Fives alive, Fives has a plan to keep the Republic alive - but Anakin is being a butt and Fives needs Pamé’s help. (probably Anakin and Fives were together before? + anidala open relationship, i was thinking, but idk yet)
AWOL Cody: oh boy, i started plotting this for my pod-together 2018 project with litra. in which Obi-Wan is declared KIA, but there is NO BODY and also suspicious footage/Ahsoka saw something and Cody is NOT having it so he goes on a solo mission to save him. codywan.
Darkness is but a passing thing: same as above, it was supposed to be written in 2018, good grief. post rots, sort of time-travellish, i’m not saying more bc most of the plot was litra’s and idk if she wants to share.
Detonate: translation into english of my italian obikin smut, which i promised ages ago.
enemies to colleagues to lovers codywan: this, but with a proper outline this is now being Properly Plotted. there are mindmaps. and a Scrivener file.
Jedi OC: from a prompt from last year’s rarepair exchange: Male Jedi Who Accidentally Keeps Causing Property Damage/Male Owner of Said Property (words written: 0, but the idea was funny)
Laurea traduzione: eng translation of my italian modern au obikin
Leia using the Force: a messy messy file with more than one idea in, actually. i wasn’t sure wether to go with child or teen Leia (post Princess of Alderaan plot) but then i got distracted with making Leia and Kaeden meet. Ahsoka/Kaeden.
million: from a fic exchange request in which someone said they’d read “a million words” of Bly and Aayla being disgustingly in love. just that. with a side of codywan (the irony of Bly being all like “ugh, THOSE TWO” fuelled the first few hundred words).
obianidala with nb Anakin: wait, isn’t this kinda related to the Anakin in makeup one? my plotbunnies are a mess. maybe from this or this post.
ObiBail Empire Era AND OR others: frankly. a disaster mess probably inspired by the beginning of Til the casket drops and Wild Space.
ObiBail obianidala Breha super poly dinner: this post, but in fic form
ObiBailRex: this one is funny. i found the first few sentences handwritten in a notebook and i have no memory of where i wanted to go from there, but damn, i liked those. Obi-Wan forces Cody to take some leave, and Cody forces Rex to play babysitter to his General and his Senator friend. shenanigans ensue.
storms: ahahah, another fic pending since..... uuuh...... the clone wars exchange from, again, 2018? (how much shit did i sign up for that summer? i was in the midst of moving!! why am i like this). sorry perspicacia, if you’re even still around. preparing for that fic was how i got in to obi/rex tho? and it still doesn’t have a plot.
unhinged Obi-Wan vs Grievous: this, but with a plot. if i can find the plot. why is plotting so hard? no plotting, only cool scenes. (sith/fallen!obi getting the 212th to follow him and go rogue?? maybe?) see “enemies to colleagues to lovers” above
when the numbers get to zero: a Rex/Padmé i love a lot but that, as usual with ALL my damn fic, has no structure. inspired by the blue shadow virus eps. (i posted a snippet ages ago - oh wait, here’s another one)
now onto the folders!
keep verse
untitled about other Clones finding out, and the consequences. “It’s Bly who finds out first through the GAR grapevine. Cody was supposed to be dead - and suddenly he wasn’t.”
Pilots (ot era)
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Oblivious Pilots - The entire Rogue Squadron is made of oblivious disasters. They share one braincell, and Nawara is the only one who’s actually using it. 
Dark Imperial AU - Luke is raised by Vader. but when he meets Wedge and Tycho...
Skystrike Academy AU - Luke is raised by Owen, Beru... and Obi-Wan. And he signs up to train as TIE pilot as part of a Resistance plan
WedgeTycho - the tiniest spark of an idea. Alderanian philosophy, Tycho being pretentious, sad, grieving, and in need of a hug.
SitS - A Light from the Shadows
SitS stands for “the Sith in the Senate”, the working title for this epic I’ve been plotting since 2018 that might never see the light because I went “I want a well-adjusted, non traumatised Obi-Wan!”, build a whole new canon around that ......and then got bored of it, obviously, since I love to see Obes suffer. but there were tons of things I liked and maybe I should rework it somehow? (it was supposed to be obikin. then obianidala. then i think i got distracted and got Cody to flirt with Obi-Wan. who knows at this point. what if I throw in Jango)
soft now verse
parts 2.1 and 2.2 are there and almost ready and filled with clones feels (yes, this was a fix it obianidala fluff, but CLONES)
Space Dads Extraordinaire
Hope in Unexpected Places pt 2 and maybe 3 or maybe that’s a separate story? I have feelings about smol Boba interacting with Obi-Wan and learning to trust him, but don’t know how to handle them. There should also be the bit where they find Jango’s pet strill, which I promised to Lulu like a year ago.
the life and opinions
this is a cursed title, i started a fic with a similar title in another fandom almost 15 years ago and never finished it. it was supposed to be a biography of Rex and his rise through the ranks and into an AU where the vode have their own governing body. a shitton of Rex and Cody brotherly feels but maybe also ship? why can’t i pick a dynamic
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browser history - Thranto moments told through Eli’s holonet searches
your silence is my favourite word - Emperor Eli angsty smut
new rules - Emperor Eli AU, but make it reasonably happy
see me like this - Emperor Eli AU, angst cranked up to the max
bb Thrawn - Thranto AU in which Thrawn is a weird child, the Chiss have some more contact with humans and Eli & Thrawn meet as kids
forgotten words - Thrawn growing up in the Empire, raised by Palpatine. 
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vivacia-18 · 4 years
May the 4th be with you recs!
Because fanfic is the reason I’m finally getting into Star Wars after all these years XDD
I’m gonna include the fic summaries and my takes, so plopping these under a cut for length. If you haven’t already read these, please go give them some love. And if you have, go give them some more! XD
I’m a fix-it, (at least mostly) everybody lives and (hopefully) nobody dies kinda gal, so while I certainly like something that hits in the feels, I don’t care for angst with no payoff at the end. Many of these are ongoing, but I’m confident enough in the overall feel of them to rec with that in mind. I also like long fics, so most of my recs will reflect that. 
Hunting Towards Heartstill by blackkat
Pairing: Mace Windu/ CC-2224 Cody
Status: Complete, 45 chapters
Summary: Plo has an idea. Mace agrees, and everything snowballs right into hell from there.
(Or: Mace and Cody get married in order to give the clones citizen status. Before they can focus on that, though, they're going to have to deal with ancient Sith artifacts, evil prophets, plots to overthrow the Supreme Chancellor, lost planets, monsters warped by Sith alchemy, inconvenient feelings, and Darth Sidious turning his eye on a potential new apprentice. Just...not in that order.)
Notes: Kat’s going to have her whole section recc’d in a minute, but this one is near and dear to my heart, so it get’s a special spot. This is the one that got me into the Star Wars fandom at all. And by “into the fandom” I mean I have never seen/read a single piece of Star Wars media outside of gifsets and funky graphic t-shirts in my entire life. And now here we are XDD
In short, as with anything kat writes, the characterization is top-notch, the wit even more so, and the feels will leave you broken to pieces only to bring you back together better than when you started at the end of it all. Enjoy <3
All of blackkat’s Star Wars fics, by she who never expected to be a part of this fandom so everyone thank sol for being a bastard and cher for having terrible, amazing, tempting, too-good prompts XD
Notes: As promised, I did indeed just link all of blackkats Star Wars fics XD Most are one shots, with several longer ongoing, and one very special one complete. Pairings and settings will vary, but I can promise you one thing: you can absolutely trust kat with your heart, no matter how angsty it seems (tho take those cliffie warnings seriously!). Enjoy, and may the Force be with you! <3
The Hero With a Thousand Faces by beamirang 
Pairing: Jango/Obi-Wan 
Status: Part 1 is a one-shot prologue, part 2 ongoing
Summary: “We’re going to kidnap a Jedi?” Boba sounds far more excited by the prospect than most twelve-year-olds probably should. And, because he’s Jango’s boy, because he’s too kriffing smart for his own good, he catches on way too quickly. “Wait. Are we kidnapping your Jedi?”
Notes: Fantastic characterization and writing - very witty (as one would expect with Obi and Fett XD) but also excellent on the heavier emotional aspects as well. 
The Desert Storm by Blue_Sunshine
Pairing: None
Status: 17 parts complete, part 18 ongoing
Summary: In Tatooine legend, the sandstorm is Lukka, the Fury, both cleansing and damning. Lukka, the slaves believed, was Justice, was he who remade the world, and remade the soul.The storm screams at him, and Obi-Wan Kenobi screams back.
Notes: It’s a time travel fic! It’s one of my favourite tropes when done correctly, and this one certainly does :) Love the characters, they have so much depth and growth over the series. And while this far it is 100% a “everybody lives nobody dies” kinda story, there is no sacrifice in plot or narrative tension. Wonderful proof that there can be other narrative stakes in a story than just character death. 
Under One Flag by NeurotropicAgentX
Pairing: Padme Amidala/Obi-Wan Kenobi/Darth Maul
Status: Two single chapter parts. Marked as incomplete with no further updates since 2017, but the chapters stand alone, no cliffhangers. 
Summary: The story of how Padmé Amidala becomes the reluctant Empress of the galaxy and acquires a pair of Force-sensitive bodyguards. Deals with the light and dark side conflict, the politics of an Empire, and Dathomirian Culture.
Notes: A fun little read! The dynamics between the three were interesting, and who doesn’t love the idea of Empress Padme? :D
By A Barista by Tomatosoupful
Pairing: Obi-Wan/Anakin
Status: Complete, 7 chapters
Summary: Obi-Wan/Anakin, Modern Coffee Shop AU unapologetically set in Australia. Some Star Wars story lines and character arcs adapted into modern coffee versions.Anakin doesn't really know why Qui-Gon hired him despite having no experience in coffee making or table service, and he knows this bothers the barista, Obi-Wan, but hey, at least he gets to look at the handsome guy while he complains.
Notes: Another fun little read! I love social disaster Ani in modern settings, ngl XD 
The Snowball Effect by Ghost_Owl
Pairing: Obi-Wan/Anakin
Status: Complete, 2 chapters
Summary: Anakin had not meant to nail the cute guy from his building in the face with a snowball.Obi Wan had absolutely meant to hit him back.
Notes: Another cute read! Once again Ani is a disaster, and Obi-Wan only less so by direct comparison XD I particularly remember this story for the author coining the phrase I now recognize as my favourite paring trope - two halves of a whole idiot XDD
Reprise by Elfpen
Pairing: None
Status: 7 parts, current part ongoing
Summary: Ben Kenobi dies aboard the Death Star in the year 0 BBY. He wakes up shortly thereafter in the Jedi temple in the year 41 BBY. Haunted by memories and regret, Ben must forge a new path for himself in the Jedi Order of his youth while navigating the murky waters of time travel. Crafting a better future from bitter experience is hard, but learning to heal is even harder. Major AU.
Notes: This one I found on the heels of Desert Storm, and while they are initially cut from the same cloth, you’ll find they immediately develop their own unique flavours. If you like time-travel fix-its (which I do ;D) then this is a great read, and has some lovely art to go with it! 
Life and What Comes After by Ibelin
Pairing: None
Status: First part one-shot complete, second part ongoing
Summary: Obi-Wan dies on Jabiim. Anakin blames himself, doesn't know how to go on and yet - he does. Maybe the Force rewards that kind of thing, or maybe he just gets lucky, but when a mission lands Anakin on a vaguely familiar planet, he gets a second chance to do what he knows he should have done in the first place: save his master.(And maybe a chance to save the galaxy, too.)
Notes: *Don’t worry, Obi-Wan does not in fact die!*
Ngl, what attracted me to this fic in the first place was the tag “Unrealistically Well-Adjusted Anakin Skywalker” X’D For all they say that though, his growth as a person is actually written very believably - he’s still Ani, but you see the work he put in. And damn do I love me some real communication between Obi and Ani, and damn do we ever get that here. Obi kinda backtracks that a bit with his own self-esteem issues in part two, but I have no doubt the boys will get through it! 
Definitely recommend, it’s got some really wonderful family feels <3
Witness Me by SLWalker
Pairing: Obi-Wan/Maul
Status: 7 parts, final story part(s) ongoing (part 5 is the main series that’s ongoing, part 6 scattered one-shots, part 7 art for the series)
Summary: Instead of escaping to Lotho Minor, Maul's captured by the Order. Obviously, that changes everything.
Notes: I’m currently reading this one! The first several parts focus on building the relationship between Obi and Maul. Then in part 5 we start to focus more on Maul growing as his own person, though he is absolutely still Obi-Wans other half. Get ready for some clone feels, because I guarantee you will fall hard and fast for the Blackbirds once you meet them <3 <3 <3 I also appreciate that while there is definite censure for the Jedi council as a whole for certain decisions, and Anakin is his canon disaster self, there is no character bashing or throwing under buses, and conversely no hero worship either. Thus far everyone is treated fairly - I really enjoy that we tend to see not only several outside views of characters and situations, but also a lot of introspection as well. 
If you’re in it for the people, this story is very much for you <3
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