#cognitive diversity
gudguy1a · 3 months
Lack of Success in the AWS Data Engineer Job Market
Wow! Talk about disappointment, the job market is definitely tough right now for AWS Data Engineers. Or, Data Engineers overall. The oddest part though, ~85% of the emails/calls I receive, they are for Senior or Lead Data Engineer and/or Data Scientist roles. When I am trying to break in at the mid-level Data Engineer role because I know I do not yet have the Senior level experience yet. But…
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happyceostrategies · 1 year
The secrets to building a successful team?
Strategies that consist of creating teams that are diverse in terms of thinking styles are more effective than creating homogeneous teams of people who get along well.
How to harness the power of cognitive diversity in teams You may have heard of the DISC (Red, Blue, Green, Yellow) or Hermann (Left, Right, Brain, Lymbic) psychological models and tests which are theories about individual preferences (1) (2). These tests are based on a simple idea: that each of us has a different way of thinking and solving problems, and by combining these different styles, we…
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thisisgraeme · 1 year
Embracing Neurodiversity in Adult Education: Celebrating the Rich Tapestry of Human Minds
Embracing neurodiversity in education means celebrating the natural variety of human minds. Learn more about this concept and its implications for adult education in my latest blog post. #neurodiversity #education
What is it? Neurodiversity is a concept that helps us understand and appreciate the natural variety of human minds. Just as we celebrate diversity in nature, culture, and human appearances, neurodiversity encourages us to embrace the different ways people think, process information, and experience the world. This idea recognises that conditions like autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and others are not…
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archangeldyke-all · 4 months
wow, okay, transphobia isn't fucking welcome on this blog! and if you have a problem with that i'll block you, bitch!
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kenyatta · 2 years
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Over-reliance on English hinders cognitive science: Trends in Cognitive Sciences
Here we integrate a diverse body of recent evidence to highlight the theoretical and practical limitations stemming from this Anglocentric bias. We do not presume to be exhaustive, but rather aim to showcase a range of phenomena where over-reliance on English has led cognitive scientists to premature claims of universality (due to the over-sampling of English speakers) or has limited the cognitive constructs being examined (due to the use of English as a meta-language in scientific endeavors).
We consider examples of English use in its broadest possible sense, including the specific nature of its representational format (spoken, written), as well as its vocabulary and grammar, and the interactional style of its users. For each, we illustrate how the default presumptions stemming from English are hampering progress in various areas of cognitive science which, although including the study of language itself, go far beyond it into the cognitive and neuroscientific study of perception, memory, reasoning, social cognition, and more.
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Hey people of tumblr I have an idea of a way to help support Gaza. This one's especially for people living in Christian areas with a lot of mainstream acceptance of israel. It's only a few days until Christmas and as for all Gazans, things are incredibly desperate for the small population of Christian Gazans. In particular here are some articles talking about fears all Christians in Gaza will be dead soon.
So how about we call up our local churches and ask what they're doing to help the people of Palestine?
The articles I've linked come from a variety of backgrounds. Some predate oct 7th. All focus on the plight of Christians in Palestine. Take your pick for what source you think will speak to your audience.
I want you to find a church that is ignoring the genocide or even praying for israel and then point out it's not just people being murdered. It's their people being murdered. Contact your local church like "Hey I'm Name, I'm not really a member of any church these days but it's Christmas and I really want to do something to help people in Palestine. I was wondering if you have something planned over Christmas? Maybe a prayer meeting or a protest or something idk 🥺" Then if you recieve any pushback switch to "oh but I'm just sooooo worried about our fellow Christians unable to celebrate Christmas".
It's a great place to ease people into caring about genocide who normally wouldn't. And if you convince a priest they might tell their whole congregation about how this christmas they have to show up for persecuted christians in jesus' birthplace. Worth a try?
#free palestine#free gaza#christmas#christians in gaza#i did not fact check the articles i linked i wanna be upfront about that#this is from a place of emotive headlines i assume ppl will barely skim bcus thats how ppl engage with me when i link them things#i skimmed the articles and i straight up dislike some of them!#some of them are from right wing backgrounds so ugh#some make such a point of bashing hamas and its like sure yes hamas have done some bad things too does this really need such focus rn#but i reckon some ppl will have a way easier time with their cognitive dissonance if you gave them that article rather than a more focused#also and this is obvious i am not an expert maybe my idea isnt that good pls school me if im an idiot#im not palestinian#im white and was raised christian and like i read the part where they said being mean was a sin and was like okay why are yall ignoring????#so basically this is coming from my background with christian cognitive dissonance and how what they say and what they do are very at odds#but if you learn to point that out using juuuuuuust the right lingo you can make them do better#they generally genuinely do want to be good they just Do Not See the same things i do#and like my autistic ass cant see what all the other kids at church saw so diversity ig#also heads up if you do this you have to be down to pray like a bunch with nice people on the phone or whatevs#the churches i rang arent having separate prayer meetings but did pray with me on the phone and like my relationship with religion is weird#but it was ~emotional~#anyway they are all already praying for palestine near me so thats something ig#i checked in on a church that kinda scared me out of the faith by being homophobic years ago and theyre already prayin#so like idk everyone in the world really is praying for gaza
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lemonbubble · 10 months
video: it's the holiday season! me (<-southern hemisphere): well, this is true i guess, i am not feeling excluded from the target audience just yet video, 1 second later: [stock animated snow falling overlay] me: ah. there it goes.
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February 1st - Server Room
I am logging the reports from last night and as I do Dave has slipped into the hub. I asked him what was keeping him up enough for him to walk all the way across the city. He mentioned he had to find a Groundhog.
I had to look up what that was. We already had several pigs that reside on the ground. I did not know there were different types.
He said no. Then let this oversized rodent scamper through the breakroom!
He pulled it from another timeline, so the poor thing is shaken. I guess it is for a ceremony tomorrow morning.
Dave explained this was a ceremony involving groundhogs who will pop out of their respective hole in the ground. If they see their shadow, this dictated six more weeks of winter. If not, the spring will come early.
... This is not a logical way to tell the change of seasons.
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laiamiret · 2 years
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An eternal light pollinates the night, permanent sun blinds the unknown.
On Earth, the moon, Mars and at home.
Vulnerable rocks, eroded terrain data. Piled up, heavy intimate stones.
Arthritis, hypericum. Arnica, analgesic. Nerve endings. Nerve beginnings? Not knowing, knot knowing.
Reduced visibility, unprotected foot plant, unrestricted touch, insect attractant.
Soft excrements, voluminous excrements, dried excrements, moisturising smell.
Right path, left path, good path, bad path. My path, their path, our path, not our path.
Is there a path?
Incalculable, unknown, sensual discrepancy.
Nobody clicks me, nobody drags me, nobody drops me. Nobody feels me. I touch myself and nobody asks,
But is there a path? Translucent, I can see it.
Once in darkness, I round my lips to tell you that O is 0.
More: https://laiamiret.com/Alternative-Explorer
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 4 months
Fellas, can we stop qualifying raging bigots as "they're a great person, they just have different views I don't agree with"????
I get needing to maintain professional respect for the good of your organization but newsflash, this dude is not a good person. You could sidestep it with just the second part of that sentence -- "he has views I don't agree with (but we're both committed to our team)" or some noncommittal bullshit and move on. But defending the man as a salve to disagreeing with his bigotry is negating your point.
This wasn't just some offhand ignorant comment; the guy was unhinged and insulted just about every equity group out there other than hetero white men. Including trying to drag Travis' own partner into it and knowing exactly what he was doing when he did it.
This shit is infuriating and white men defending and excusing unacceptable behaviour of white men is just so fucking tiring.
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autisticmight · 11 months
getting into the source material of my hyperfixation so i can at least be weird about it faithfully
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gudguy1a · 1 year
Productive & Effective Success - Using Analytical (& Critical), Strategic and Creative Thinking
(repost of an older paper, content that is still very timely) SUCCESS Successful Workplaces & Employees THINKING – Analytic, Strategic, Creative Analytical (& Critical) Thinking Strategic Thinking Creative Thinking KNOWLEDGE Cognitive Diversity Quality Control / Continuous Improvement Conclusion        References                                                               SUCCESS Yes,…
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richardtheteacher · 25 days
What is Dual Coding?
A blog post by Richard James Rogers (Award-Winning Author of The Quick Guide to Classroom Management and The Power of Praise: Empowering Students Through Positive Feedback). This blog post has been beautifully illustrated by Pop Sutthiya Lertyongphati. As educators, we’re always on the lookout for strategies that can enhance our students’ understanding and retention of information. One such…
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phosphenemoth · 2 months
I can't talk right now I am Thought Dispersing by using a combination of cognitive shuffling and serial diverse imaging to try to trick my anxiety ridden brain into a comfortable enough state so that I might sleep for a shorter period of time than any mentally healthy individual could even dream of functioning properly on.
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roysexton · 3 months
“All the World’s YOUR Stage” on Expert Webcast with guest Brenda Pontiff… “Yes … and – how business development and stand-up comedy are two sides of the same coin"
“Playing comedy is hell. The necessity to have an audience love you is perhaps more overwhelming than in any other form of entertainment. With singing, dancing, acting you don’t know until it’s over if you’ve had acceptance or rejection. The comic knows sooner. The audience laughs or it doesn’t.” – Imogene Coca VIEW EPISODE HERE. One might describe marketing and business development similarly.…
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threefifthsonline · 3 months
"The Original Big Lie And its Shape-Shifting Offspring"
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Make sure to catch my upcoming new article entitled
"The Original Big Lie And its Shape-Shifting Offspring" Coming July 8th.
Kevin Robinson Founder, Editor/Publisher
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