hockeychatstea · 3 days
Susanna Ranta posted her playoff jacket, they’re pretty basic
The avs jackets just never do it for me 😭 but they are better than the 2022 ones, lol
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hinamikyoukachan · 4 days
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pennamepersona · 7 days
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Reference image for Col, my dearest darling beloved Dark Urge monk. By god do they look so fucking edgy. I used one of the Decay skin tones, which is why they look just a little bit dead. Can't tell you how pleasing it was to find the hot topic ass dexterity armor and for the sick monk gloves to match. Truly written in the stars
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amateurchefstuff · 13 days
Llobarro al forn, amb col i acompanyat de soja i gingebre
Ingredients: 1 llobarro d´un kilo, un manat de ceba tendra mitja col clàssica 1 tros de gingebre, fulles de cilantre, sal i pebre Per la salsa: 100 ml de brou de pollastre, 2 cullerades d´oli de sèsam, 2 cullerades de vi d´arròs de Shaoxing (o Xerès sec), 4 cullerades de salsa de soja, sucre Preparació: Escalfem el forn a 200 graus. Escaldem les fulles de col breument. Juntem en un cassó…
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violet-amphithere · 18 days
Tikken they/them Tag: Tikken
A slugcrab with some fair skill as a spaceship pilot. Slug's sibling. They have trouble with things like.. assessing their own needs and wants. and relying on other people. They're... stubborn. proud. Nonetheless they want to be trusted to be capable of those things. Tikken's personal plotline involves an unfortunate scrap with Plasma and an eventual friendship or something with Vespir.
Vespir they/them Tag: Vespir
A slugcrab who... well, they would have been a geologist. Vespir craves companionship and community but deep down they don't believe they deserve it. They're painfully lonely. Their personal plotline involves getting their brain rewired by scifi parasites, being banished to space for murder, and... *eventually* meeting Tikken.
Plasma she/they Tag: Plasma.oc
Parasitoid of voidcritrers, and mercenary. Plasma is... proud, uncompromising. cruel. She's a mercenary simply because she does plenty of violence anyway so she may as well get money for it. She's terrified of the reality of being mortal herself. She shows up in a few places. most notably to crack Tikken open like a lobster and leave them for dead.
Slug She/her Tag: Slug.oc
Slugcrab who has made her niche in studying and dealing with meat moss. Tikken's sister. She also has some trouble showing anything she feels is weakness, or relying on others, but she does a decent job hiding it. She doesn't really like other people. Strangers, at least. She'd be a hermit if she could. Currently no specific personal plotline. Figuring it out. Part of it will probably involve going looking for Tikken.
CoL he/him tag: CoL
Sentient AI and marine biologist. CoL has a lot of feelings about abandonment and grief, past and potential, hidden under many layers of humor. He wants stability more than anything. Community and stability. Personal plotline is kind of in limbo. involves waking up in the abandoned husk of his own facility and piecing together the reason why with a bunch of criminal shrimp.
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applerealty · 26 days
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kitebird-hockey · 27 days
tuned back into the radio just in time for "the eastern conference brand of hockey is different: it's boring." thanks mr. connor lol
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hockeychatstea · 3 days
Is miles wood single ?
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roughridingrednecks · 1 month
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Col in Utah
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writingcuzimbored · 1 month
One of my mutuals got me into this game and I don't know remember who
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Tumblr's being weird so I can't get the link to work but there's a Kickstarter for the Cult of the Lamb comic book (it ends in mid-April)
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À l’époque victorienne, les cols amidonnés étaient des accessoires de mode populaires. Cependant ils étaient rigides et si serrés qu’ils présentaient un risque potentiel d’étouffement pour celui qui les portait. Ce qui se produisit en septembre 1888. John Cruetzi, à en effet subit l'amère expérience. Le médecin constate que la tête était penchée en avant sur sa poitrine et le col inflexible qu'il portait comprimait par inadvertance sa trachée. Cette interruption de la circulation sanguine a finalement entraîné sa disparition prématurée.
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em1e · 16 days
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›⠀ THE LOVERS I ⋆ @guav ⋆ bumblebee
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›⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ fidelity demands sacrifice.
i am not writing a mini fic for bumblebee guava.
"lend yourself to the draw of a card."
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›⠀1/39 ⛧
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amateurchefstuff · 1 month
Trinxat de la Cerdanya.
Temps d’elaboració: 45 minuts mes o menys Ingredients per 4 persones: 1 Col d’hivern. 700 gr de patates. 4 talls sencers de cansalada viada fresca. 2 talls de cansalada viada talladeta a trosets. 4 grans d’all. Oli. Sal. Elaboració: Netegeu i trossegeu la col, i la poseu a bullir amb aigua i sal juntament amb les patates, tallades a trossos. Ho deixem bullir 20-25 minuts. Una vegada cuit ho…
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