#cold but sunny 🌞
thunderandroses · 5 months
Vibes I get with my Deities 💒🌈🌞
Loving yet super protective of me,I feel like a Princess whenever I feel his Presence. He reminds me of a Empty field on a Sunny day 🌞♥️
She's like a Mother,Sister and Friend all in one. It's hard to form words to express how much I love her. I feel like a Goddess myself and am truly in my Divine Feminine when I spend time with her 💕🫧
Mama Marie
The softest pink and the most loving motherly presence ever. She inspires me to be Humble and to stay strong in all situations 🌙🌹⭐
St.Therese of Liseux
Omg she literally stalks me!! 🥹 I can always feel whenever she something for her Shrine and I just love her so much,And she always protects me from Demons Cold Cathedral on a Super 🌞 day vibes 🌷🌷🌷
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*me blowing kisses to my Deities*
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bellyasks · 5 months
weather & food ask gameeeee [which could also function as prompts] [make your answer as innocent or as zesty as youd like]
🌞 It's a beautiful sunny day, perfect for a picnic! What's your character bringing? Does anybody go with them?
⛈️ It's a dark and stormy night, and your character is enjoying a scary movie. What's their favorite movie snack?
🌧️ It's a gloomy, rainy day outside, and your character needs something nice and comforting for dinner. What would they like to make?
🌪️ Your character hasn't been grocery shopping in ages, and right now it's too stormy to go to the store. What are they most likely to have left in their kitchen? Can they scrape together a meal out of it?
☁️ Your character is laying in the grass watching the clouds go by, and all they can think about is food. What food do they keep seeing in the shapes of the clouds?
❄️ It's freezing out! Your character needs to warm themself up after coming in from the cold, and there's no better way than a nice hot meal. What are they making?
☔ It's raining cats and dogs, but your character is braving the weather to get to their favorite eatery. What's so enticing that they're willing to travel through the downpour for it?
🌡️ It's absolutely sweltering out, and your character needs to eat/drink something to cool off. What sounds good to them?
🌈 It's good to maintain a colorful diet. Does your character have a favorite food for each color of the rainbow?
🌬️ Your character is eating something outside when the wind blows it over and onto the ground. What do they do?
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savethelifeofmychild · 8 months
im sorry i know the world is being destroyed and it should be dreary and snowy as fuck right now but yayyyy its so sunny beautiful my soul has been lifted its so nice to not be cold.....there is a swirling south wind blowing in fresh air i hear windchimes in the breeze and the sparrows are flying around and chirping and gathering in the trees... the branches are blowing and the leaves are rustling and flying around and every time the puppy goes outside she chases the blowing leaves through the yard and puts her face up into the wind and sits down in the sunshine🌞🌷🫂🩷
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Thank you so much for sending in an ask, Anon, and participating in the special event for Sprinkles' birthday! Please enjoy this Sunny & Hero Friendship headcanon 💛💙
Sunny, Hero, and the "Magic Socks"
When a young Sunny was once very discouraged and nervous about having to present a school project to his grade school class, he went to Hero for advice asking him where he got his bravery and confidence. Though he was unsure how to explain to Sunny that he didn’t actually consider himself all that confident or brave, Hero tried to share with Sunny some of the things that helped him when he was feeling nervous including some advice his grandfather had once given him: “If you think you might get cold feet, all you need is some warmer socks.”
When he gave Sunny a pair of socks as part of his encouragement and support, however, Sunny misinterpreted and thought they were actually “magic socks.” He wore them every day for a week leading up to his big presentation but found a lot of confidence in the belief that they were magic and would make him as brave and as wonderful as Hero.
Hero didn’t have the heart to correct him until Sunny aced his presentation and he could proudly tell him that he had done it all on his own (no magic socks needed). Sunny didn't really believe him until he got older, but even now when he knows they are, in fact, just socks, he still has the “magic socks” and wears them whenever he needs that boost of confidence and some encouragement.
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10, 18 and 29!!
10. I'm excited for upcoming concerts I'm going to! Cold Chisel, Jimmy Barnes and Pearl Jam!
18. Yes, I still love stuffed toys (of course) I own way too many. "Oeoeoh but soft toys are for girlssss" kys
29. Definitely afternoon 😊 nice, warm and sunny 🌞
Thank you for the ask!
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doodle-pops · 2 years
My lovely sunny Glorfindel 🌞— Can I ask for Caranthir (I mean who else would you except 🤣) + 💋  ─  be caught standing under the mistletoe
Love you lots! Hope you hav fun with tis 😊
☃: Sweet tomato Caranthir being all blushy and red under the mistletoe lol :) I had so many ideas but I didn't want to go the embarrassing path for him :)
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𝓜𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓵𝓮𝓽𝓸𝓮 𝓣𝓲𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼
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Being invited to the noisy Feanorian household for the winter holidays was the most chaotic and congesting event to ever happen in your life. You could feel the stress from Nerdanel as she fought to gain her sons attention while Feanor was nowhere to be found—busy crafting away in the forges. You, Maedhros and Maglor were the only ones assisting their mother while the twins and Celegorm were causing the chaos and urging Nerdanel to kick them out of the house until she got everything under control. However, one particular elf was missing from your sight and you were curious to know where he could be.
Slipping easily out of the living room, as you were making your way up the staircase, you caught a glimpse of a dark-haired elf sitting on the back porch while their hands were busy at work. Gleaming brightly to yourself, you looked around to ensure no one would notice you leaving the house and interrupt before opening the door to the porch. Not once did he notice you as he busied himself with knitting his mischief and talking to himself. “I think Y/N would prefer if it was thicker…cold hands during the winter…loves to put their hands on me to freeze me to death, tsk.”
Standing behind him as he chastised you and complained, you had covered your mouth to prevent the laughter from slipping out but unfortunately, a burst of laughter scared Caranthir out of his seat. Flying out of his chair and swearing at the person until he recognized your face, he was quick to rest his needles down and walk over to you while grumbling, “I told you about scaring me, why would you do that?”
“So you admit then, you got scared? I successfully scared you after months of attempts; your brothers would be pleased to know—”
“—You wouldn’t dare to tell them,” he stepped forward until he towered over you, arms gripping yours and tugging you into him. His face was only mere inches from yours as he grumbled, but knowing Cara, he wouldn’t engage in any intimate acts around his siblings or mother for the sake of turning red.
“And what if I did?”
“Then I’d have to stop you from doing so.”
“And how would you do so my sweet Moryo, perhaps a kiss to prevent those words from slipping past my lips,” you bit your lips invitingly as it turned into a smirk while watching him stutter and short-circuit at your boldness. Little did he know that mistletoe was handing above you both, courtesy of his brothers wanting to catch you both under before the night was over. It was a shame and relief that you were outside and not before them, he wouldn't have survived the night.
“…Now why would I do just t-that—” his nervous voice was cut off by a squeak as you pulled him in by his collar for a breath-taking kiss. The little hitch in his voice as your fingers moved to grip the back of his neck and latch onto a few strands of his hair was adorable. The kiss was short-lived, knowing that you didn’t want anyone to catch you both. Pulling away gasping for air, your breathing was a lot more under control compared to Caranthir who wasn’t breathing at all with a tomato face.
Giving him a small pat on his face, you stepped forward once more to peck his lips, leaving him and his thoughts, “I’ll keep your secret, also your mother is looking for you…and I love the mittens.”
“How? When did—” his words were failing him due to your kiss making his brain malfunction.
“Blame your brothers, they set up all this mistletoe around the house,” your fingers pointed towards the ceiling tightly packed with mistletoe and wondered how did they get this many.
“...You know you're standing under another one right?”
Glancing above, you released a feign sigh as a grin made it's way across your face once again, “Well, would you look at that. Guess this means I get another kiss?”
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destinyc1020 · 2 years
I really love this for them. 5/6 years later and they can take proper vacations together, actually sit on the beach as a couple and not be bothered or worried. They’ve earned this, time to just be loved up on a secluded beach just them.
I agree.... 🥰
Idk where they are atm lol, nor am I pressed about it, but it def looks like some place that's SUNNY and maybe even tropical.... 🌞
I could be dead wrong of course, but they don't really seem to be in the US, cuz we're getting hit with cold weather, rain, snow, flooding, tornadoes, and all types of crazy weather out here! Rofl 🤣
But maybe FL's weather might be different lol 👀
Those skies are so bluuue lol
Either way, I'm just glad they're getting some time off!
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I'm really interested in romancing elias or miloslav i love pain and I can't wait for the demo! Is it possible to give little fun facts about each of the ROs?
Hello Anon 🌞
I will publish a mood board for each of them soon~
In the meanwhile yes, you can have fun facts about them 🤭
So here goes, two funny facts about the ROs.
...hates board games. Because he absolutely sucks at it. Like it's almost as if he does it on purpose. The only one he can tolerates is snakes and ladders because he thinks only the dice matters. But hush, don't tell him even dice can be tricky. 🤫
But, he is good at beer pong.
Fact 2: He enjoys cooking. He's good at preparing simple dishes because he likes to cook whenever his daughter comes to visit. (Yes, Elias is a doting father.) What he likes the most is, when it's sunny outside, to make triangle sandwiches and to go on a picnic.
Who knows, maybe he'll take you to one, one day.
...likes gardening—because she likes to have high quality ingredients for her business—but she is afraid of lizards. If she sees one, she just ends up running, arms raised, throwing her tools around.
Fact 2: She gave a name to all the plants she takes care of. So sometimes, she is standing in her garden, welcoming "Bobby, Gary, Goofyballs, Little Mermaid, Patrick..." but in a whisper. She will not survive if someone heard her wishing a goodnight to "Smartass", her dramaqueen alocasia and "Kiss kiss bang bang" her rosebush.
Bonus: She likes gardening, but she has a developing allergy to pollen. So whenever she gardens at the beginning of summer, she ends up with hay fever.
....are a tsundere. If you try to get them blushing they will end up stuttering which will prompt them to just become even more tensed. And yes, at some point they will just run away.
So, to all the bold Sheppard-mancer out there, good luck 🍀
Beside, they are oblivious to flirting and will just squint at you at first before understanding the innuendos. Even if the innuendos is a real elephant in the room.
Fact 2: Sheppard is the favorite victim of Yu in terms of jokes. To the point that each time Sheppard see them, they tense up immediately because they know they will end up hearing a joke, not understanding it at first and until Yu and Mbaya (unwillingly) will end up laughing.
The thing is, Sheppard don't dislike the jokes. And they know Yu is showing their affection that way.
Bonus : They are so tense that they end up being a real klutz when they walk into a room. A real terror for furniture.
...don't have their driving licence. Or, actually, they do. It's just that they drive so... bad, that it's better altogether when they don't drive at all. But no worries, Yu like to drive, so they always end up picking them up. Otherwise, you can stumble upon Mbaya in public transportation which is funny considering what they are and how old they are 🤭
Fact 2: Mbaya look rafined and all, but they have absolutely no working taste buds. If they say otherwise, they are lying. Upon meeting Yu, they hid this fact to Yu—who caught a cold—who asked them to try some food and see if it was spoiled. No need to say Mbaya, to mess with them, told Yu it was safe and they ended up with food poisoning.
...have a whole collection of small toy found in candy [insert famouse candy brand with suprise toy, here]. It's their secret. That's why they allow no one in their room. They are quite confident in everything but will end up whishing to be buried six feet down if someone stumbled into their room, see their collection and proceed to laugh their ass off.
+ They have the very famous traffic cone into their room as well, which they picked up from a particularly animated night out. And a full road sign with the metal bar and all. But this one, they don't remember how they got it.
Fact 2 : At home, they wear a robe, a satin cap and slippers. And on Sunday night, it's comedy night on Metflix for them. So they end up never answering to text and such. Sometimes Mbaya join them and bring pop corn with them. Those two are besties.
...can't handle liquor. Like, one glass is already the one glass too many. So, each time Yu have tried to invite them out drinking—because Yu is everyone best buddy—Owl declines. They of course understood that fact through trial and errors.
Fact 2: Owl sucks with children. Which is surprising when you witness how they are kind of warm with Lukas. But whenever they are near children, Owl becomes tense. Almost to a Sheppard-level tense. But you can witness the best interaction whenever they stumble upon Leah—Elias' daughter. Because she likes them and Owl just runs away.
Bonus: Whenever they remove their gloves when going home, they end up being shocked by static electricity. To the point when they are silently cursing [insert old types of curses here] when they touch door handles or tap water.
...has absolutely no sense of direction when it comes to city/town or any inhabited area. They are an ace when it comes to forested area, but if you see them walking in town, their GPS is their best friend, really.
They are really patient, but each time they must come to the city to grocery shop, they become grumpy.
Fact 2: Iolrath is terrible at finances as well. Like, they have a grocery list but end up buying this and that because it looks funny and they are really curious about "human custom". So they always end up leaving stores with far too much products costing far too much in terms of money. So, their house is like a modern museum of funny articles. Fortunately, Sheppard always give a hand in the money department as it's part of their job but Sheppard really need a vacation at some point.
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crowsofafeather · 1 year
🌞 :)
In the Icy Veil, a bright, sunny day is still decently cold. However, Juno doesn't mind at all, and she prefers to settle in windows with a book to pass the time in the cozy warmth of a well-placed sunbeam.
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cherrytarot · 1 year
hiii i hope ur doing good! i’d like to ask where will I live in the future. 🌞
and my intials are JSP, one fact about me is that I have blonde highlights, my sun sign is sagittarius 🏹
Thank you in advanced 💗💗
somewhere warm and sunny, i got the vibe that you sometimes might feel cold inside and you want to be the opposite of how you are right now if that makes sense
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lottiejjongkyu · 2 years
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FYI me cague de frío 🤦🏻‍♀️ 🇦🇷🦄🧸🐧🐈🎀👑💎🌸🌞🥰😍🖤💙💜 #sunday #spring #sunny #day #cold #outside #dayout #tired #hungry #sleepy #shorthair #love #cute #beautiful #lovely #happy #crazy #selfie #me #girl #buenosaires #city #argentina https://www.instagram.com/p/CkEmAL2rbML/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cyprusqualitytime · 6 days
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Souvla in Cyprus means Barbeque and that’s exactly what you do on a Sunday in Sunny Cyprus. Imagine the anticipation as you relax by the Med, cold drink in hand, and the air is fragrant with the sizzle of Souvla on BBQ🍖. It’s a sensory invitation—an edible adventure waiting to happen. 🔥 With September & October temperatures still 25-30C, join us here and plan your next BBQ meal.🌞🏖️✈️ Lear more about Cypriot food, restaurant reviews, things to do and places to visit on our Coral Bay blog https://prestigebookings.com/souvla-bbq-sunday/ #prestigebookings #visitcyprus #visitpaphos #visitpeyia #coralbaycyprus #coralbayblog #cyprus #cyprustourism #cyprusescape #cyprusholiday #cyprustips #lovecyprus #paphos
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takeoffphilippines · 4 months
Misto at Seda BGC: Family-Friendly and Office-Ready Lunch Buffet Specials All Week Long
I recently had the most amazing staycation at Seda BGC and I just have to share my experience at Misto Restaurant located on the ground floor of the hotel.
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Trust me, if you’re looking for a spot to unwind, whether you’re escaping the hustle and bustle of Metro Manila or simply need a break from your usual surroundings, this place is a gem.
I’ve had my fair share of stressful days at work. Usually, a walk around the neighborhood or a quick coffee break does the trick. But sometimes, you need something extra special.
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That’s exactly what I found at Seda BGC. This hotel offers a fantastic way to relax and explore new environments, and Misto Restaurant is the cherry on top.
Weekday Sizzling Lunch Buffet
Imagine this: it’s a busy weekday, and you’re craving something special for lunch. Misto’s Weekday Sizzling Lunch Buffet is the answer! You get to choose one meat or seafood, grilled on the spot, along with a buffet of soups, salads, appetizers, hot dishes, and desserts.
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It’s available Monday to Friday for just PhP1,500 net. Trust me, it’s worth every peso!
Weekend Lunch Buffet
Weekends at Seda BGC are a feast for the senses with Misto’s Weekend Lunch Buffet. This buffet offers a range of international and local delights with a special carving of the day.
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It’s the perfect way to enjoy your Saturday and Sunday for PhP1,800 net.
More Delights: Misto Café and Poolside Treats
But wait, there’s more! If you’re an early bird or just want a cozy spot, Misto Café is open daily from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm, offering a variety of savories, sweets, and both hot and cold beverages. It’s the ideal place to kickstart your day or unwind after a long one.
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For those who love a sunny day by the pool, don’t miss the Saturday Splash Bites at the poolside. Available from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm, it features munchables and coolers perfect for a day out in the sun.
Make sure to book your table in advance by calling (0917)7024762 or emailing [email protected]
Whether you’re a local or coming from the Metro, Seda BGC is the perfect getaway. Misto Restaurant offers an incredible dining experience that caters to both family gatherings and office lunches.
I couldn’t help but indulge and enjoy every moment of my stay. So, if you’re looking for a new place to relax and savor delicious food, Seda BGC’s Misto Restaurant should be at the top of your list!
Don’t forget to make a reservation and treat yourself to a fantastic meal. Enjoy! 🌞🍴
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narilily · 7 months
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first things first: do you like spring? Yes! Spring is absolutely my favorite of the seasons. 💐🌦️
what is your favorite thing about spring? This is probably the most obvious answer there is, but... I really love the flowers and the freshness that comes with the season.
what is your least favorite thing about spring? The mud. But it's a minor inconvenience!
do you have a vegetable / produce / fruit garden? Yes! I've got a pretty large garden where I grow all sorts of vegetables that I use during the warm months, and I have a few fruit trees on the property, too.
how about flower beds, or things planted in the house? I have flower beds all over my property and my house is surrounded by wildflower fields.
regardless of what you do or do not plant, are you good at growing plants? have a green thumb? I would have to be, or else I'm pretty sure that they would fire me at the nursery. ;)
what's your favorite flower or plant? Far, far too many to list, but I'm really fond of astilbe, orchids, asters and lupines. If you've never seen a field full of lupines, I recommend it.
what's your favorite scent that you associate with spring? Obviously, fresh cut flowers on the dining room table, with something sweet baking in the oven.
is there a sound that you associate with spring time? Birds! Especially early in the morning.
do you prefer sunny mornings or rainy afternoons? Sunny mornings! ☀️🌞
favorite thing to do on a sunny, warm spring day? Plant, work in the gardens, go on a long walk, bask in the sunshine.
favorite thing to do on a rainy, chilly spring day? Catch up on some reading, host people for dinner, spend time in my studio.
do you celebrate Easter? any traditions you follow for it? No, not really. I'll help out at the Community Center with anything that they might need, though!
regardless of if you do or don't: favorite Easter candy? Jelly beans!
what other springtime holidays do you observe? I mostly get involved in whatever is happening in town, and have gone home a couple of times to celebrate Dano, but that's much later in spring, nearly summer!
favorite place in Merrock to visit in the springtime? I'm a little biased in saying Lavender Lane, but outside of work, either the botanical gardens, or my own home. I really try to make it a springtime paradise every way that I can.
the spring bugs are coming out: do you rescue them and let them out of the house, or grab the nearest shoe? Listen... I try very, very hard to rescue them, since I never want to crush a living creature, but if they catch me unaware, it's game on. 🐛🐞
are you a big spring cleaner? Yes!!!
do you switch over your wardrobe from cold weather to warm weather clothes? Oh yeah, first of April normally, all the really heavy stuff goes in the storage upstairs, and the lightweight stuff comes down. But I do keep some in-between, since the cold weather takes quite a while to really leave.
how about the house: does your decor change for the spring season? do you rearrange furniture? Anything lingering from Christmas or the cold months absolutely gets put away, and I bring out a lot of lighter, floral decor. Hang new curtains, put out new pillows and blankets, all of that. I have a lot of flowers around the house, too!
what color makes you think 'spring'? Soft, pastel yellow.
describe your perfect spring outfit: Depends on the occasion! If we're talking casual; jeans, white sneakers, light pastel t-shirt with a sweat jacket over top. If you want to go more dressed up, a floral sundress with a cardigan and a pair of sandals. Sunglasses and simple jewelry, plus pastel colored bags!
most adorable looking baby animal that you ever did see? Probably baby rabbits, but the baby chickens are cute, and I love kittens... if you've never seen baby raccoons, I recommend it, just don't get close to them. Or bears! Or... any wild animal.
what's a drink that makes you think of spring? Iced coffee with lavender and vanilla cream.
how about a snack? Baked goods. Cinnamon rolls or maybe carrot cake. Definitely carrot cake, actually -- the Easter bunny probably brought it! 🥕🐰
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sennaverstappendiary · 9 months
monaco grand prix ✩ 28.05.2023
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this race weekend, is probably, all in all, my second favorite weekend of the YEAR‼️‼️ i have so many incredible memories of this week, so so many i don't even know where to start!! 💗💌💘💝💥💥 i will start at the beginning!
in my personal life, things were really REALLY looking up! i was a few weeks into recovery treatment, the sun was shining, dear friends from australia were over for a few weeks, and uni was also going very well!! 💘💕🌷✨✨🌞🌞 i very vividly remember how beautiful the weather was, while i was writing my fuckass lestappen fanfiction in front of my laptop, texting emma and quinine and just having an AMAZING time 💌💘💝 like genuinely... the weather was even good enough to hold a bbq with said australian friends!! they are actually friends of my dad but i have stolen them. my friends now. 💥💥💥💥 i also did k3t with my best friend which was great LOL i was genuinely having one of the best weeks of my life already, even before the race weekend!!! 🌞🌞✨✨🥰🥰🥰🥰
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i remember watching fp2 on friday, something i never do, and going out to eat with mom afterwards 💕💕 the vibes were SO good‼️‼️ on a similar note, i remember drinking sake at this good japanese restaurant a day later and wanting to be home in time for fp3 (i didn't make it, who gaf 😁)✨✨✨ watching fp2 was actually sooo fun i just remember max zooming and me being happy... just happy to be there to be honest as i should be always 🌞🌷✨
if i recall correctly, this was the first qualifying i watched with my brother, my dad, and my now ex all together 🥰🥰 it was a beautiful sunny day outside, we had to close the door because mom told me i was yelling too loudly (true) 🗣️🗣️🗣️ and i was so excited... my brother was too fucking late setting up the laptop tho so i missed cheflop crashing IMMEDIATELY 😭😭 little did we know his flop era had only just began... biami ruined him 😵😵 but of course. the main course of this meal. mayhaps one of the best moments of maxs career let alone season‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ FINAL FUCKING LAP. my brother was so so convinced fernando would get pole ("he got it maple, he got it") because uhm obviously... and also he wanted fernando to win (i told my brother to wait till spain... and then till canada... and then etc etc etc) 😁😁 and somehow, idk how, but i told my brother: just you wait (yes sebastian vettel 2010 reference yada yada 🥺🥺🥺) because i had FAITH in our boy. religious sennacore faith idk what got into me that day 😭😭😭💕💕💕💕💕 i said: he can do it. and i proceeded to lose my voice a second later. what. the. fuck. is wrong with that man WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM. HOW MUCH DID HE MAKE UP IN THAT FINAL SECTOR??? OH MY GOD. MAX VERSTAPPEN FINAL SECTOR MONACO QUALIFYING 2023 YOU WILL ALWAYS BE EXTREMELY FAMOUS AND LOVED 💘💘💘💘💕💕💕😭😭😭🌷🌷🌷✨✨✨✨✨✨💌💌🇲🇨🇲🇨🇲🇨 genuinely i was in tears almost that was one of the best moments ever. period. and then also lestappen moment (i like your suit!) like OKAY? that was made for maple and maple only 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😁😁😁😁💥💥💥 i IMMEDIATELY went out for ice cream with my (now) ex after, being the happiest person in the world, and celebrating max's pole with the usual (a cold cider 🍎🍷). literally one of the best days of my year. except charles penalty but thats neither here or there (i was very upset)
THE RACE ITSELF WAS ALSO SO FUN‼️‼️‼️ like really really fun!!! the rain made everything a little bit more unpredictable, and in some cases, really fucking funny lmfao 🌧️🌧️🌧️ as seen in the gif of lance double-tapping, or checo binning it, or carlos in the wall... in all the chaos i was just very happy that max stayed out of all the drama.. when oscar afterwards said he was following what max was doing because that seemed safe 🥺🥺🥺💕💕💕💕💥💥 SO cute. also esteban ESTIE BESTIE IS ON THE PODIUM BABY 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ iconique moments left and right. 🥰🥰🥰 AND OF COURSE max ayrton parallels w monaco and rain. yeah. 🥰🥰🥰
afterwards i think i bbqed, very very happy and content with my life and with the way things were going for me. it sounds a bit silly, and i don't want to attribute ALL my happiness this year to formula one, but this weekend... it's such a good example of how much this means to me. if max hadnt won, would i still have been happy? yes! of course! but thats because i still had something to look forward to, new friends to discuss it with, a new sense of purpose and joy. thank you formula one, thank you max 🥺🥺🥺💕💕💕🌷🌷🌷🌷🌞🌞🌞🌞💌💌💌
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✩ song of the race: wash - miki matsubara / extra - ken ishii
this will probably be the only time this season that a race has TWO whole songs associated with it, but the reason why is because these are two GREAT songs i came to know during the weekend of monaco‼️‼️💌✨ wash should become the intro for f1 and extra is just SUCH a good trippy song lol 🥰🥰
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kdawn0201 · 9 months
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Merry sunny Christmas - We all agree that if you can't have snow, cold and sunny is the next best thing 🎄 ❤️ 🌞
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