#collect worms for fishing
mizar113 · 2 years
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Collect worms for fishing.
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yingxtkm · 22 days
I’m sure y’all are tired of the string worm saga so I had to end it off with a plot twist.
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whimsicmimic · 2 months
once again thinking about The Worms and the greater lore implications wrt zazie my best friend zazie
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risingsunresistance · 2 years
any tips for lava fishing? i am in love with the crimson isle update but still trying to figure it out. those piglin guys tho. such a good choice i adore all of them
YES it is currently my favorite thing to do :] i have absolutely no advice on fishing for sea creatures tho bc my fishing level is too low to do it myelf, my only advice is for trophy fishing. if you wanted sea creature advice uhhhhhhhhhh sorry you can just ignore this entire ask ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
first of all, this is how to catch all of the trophy fish. some things worth noting: the mana requirement for the mana ray is 1200 as far as we know. the sulphur skitter is caught near sulphur blocks after an eruption BUT people can mine them so make sure to find a pretty hidden one if you can. for the "obfuscated" fish, you can use the first one as bait for the second, and the second one as bait for the third. the rarity of the one you're using as bait DOES NOT affect the rarity of the one you can fish up. use a bronze as bait, you can catch a bronze/silver/gold/diamond or the next tier :0
i would recommend getting the hunter gear asap by catching 15/18 of the fish at bronze rank, then talking to odger at the top of the volcano (he is also where you get a lava rod if you didn't already talk to him). it keeps you from fishing up sea creatures, so you get A LOT more trophy fish. you can talk to odger and fillet the fish, which gives you back magma fish. they can be used to make better rods and a few other items, it counts towards the collection, and if you want you can also sell them for a decent bit of money :D
every lava rod you craft has two random attributes! you can combine fishing rods with the same attributes similar to enchants to make them higher tier, and they go all the way to level 10. the starter rod doesn't have these attributes. here's the ones i'm using rn
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shuttlecarrier · 10 months
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some concepts that have been plinking around in my mind.. assortment of some handmade toys from the geoling homeplanet and a child begging their older sibling to let them play with their collection of Annu. optional loredump info about this stuff under the cut ->
since geoling kids take a long time to grow up (they're considered an adult at 22-25 years old), they need a lot of attention and activity during that time period. they would be hell for a human to raise but visually very cute, they're babies that come up to you and babble meaninglessly one moment and then trying to bite and nip at you the next.
they are still quite small at this young age though, so one of the main toys they're given is Kcheha variants. they're stuffed animals constructed from fabric, furs, animal glue, clay (or bone), thread, and nontoxic paints- and come as either an upright plush or something large and floppy.
the more upright kind are more for playing with and being dragged around. they're made durable enough to withstand being chewed on by a child, since babies like to investigate and play with things with their mouth where a large portion of their sensory organs (those whiskers they have especially!) are located near. the floppier kcheha variant are larger usually weighted with fine sand or beads. these are softer and made for sleeping with. normally geolings sleep in large piles containing several members of their familial group, but young children are at risk of being injured by an adult rolling on top of them in this situation, so kids either sleep in their own pile nearby or are kept by themselves in a comfy mountain of floppy toys that simulates typical sleeping circumstances. upright kcheha are typically fashioned after bugs, fish, or other animals and floppy kcheha are often made to resemble geolings. the one in the image was designed to look like one of Wyu'hlkee's remaining island giants, a relatively peaceful animal that digs for tubers, shellfish, and large grubs.
eventually when kids reach their teens and lose their baby stripes or just when they get big enough, they get Annu toys. these are filled with sand and constructed with several layers of a plant derived burlap-like fabrics and a twine made from similar stuff, and come in natural shades of light red to deep purple. they are easy to make and survive wear and tear easily, which is good considering how high energy and more aggressive teenagers are. grabbing a sand filled toy and smacking it against walls (fun and satisfying) or trying to hit a sibling or cousin with it as hard as possible is extremely common (and so is the related: hitting your cousin so hard with a toy they start wailing and you beg them not to tell on you).
however since almost all annu are sand based they have some consequences if torn apart or broken. for geolings, sand has some particular spiritual significance in several of their cultures, and there are superstitions or beliefs that when you fill a toy with sand it invites passed on creatures to live in the constructed body. if you destroy it and the sand falls out you're expected to apologize for it and fix it. they are expected to get damaged though and it's good for teaching repair skills and restraint. most of these toys have the marks of being patched up from years of being thrown around and accidentally shredded. most annu are like big sand filled socks. fashioning them into the form of snake and worm creatures is pretty common. the ones depicted here have the popular look of the geolings 'sea dragons' which are giant worm-eel things that live in the oceans. dragons have been and remain as a very cool thing.
lastly for these Glass Based figurines are usually only for special occasions and given as gifts on holidays. those living on the islands and coasts make elaborate displays with them and enjoy collecting them. they're not great toys if they're more elaborate but smaller more blob looking ones are good for playing certain games with.
they have other more complex types of toys but I only drew a few for this because artfight is coming up and time to draw personal stuff is little. o7
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stoned-eren · 6 months
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cabin boy eren <3
the solitude of living in a cabin significantly improved eren’s life. he became calmer, much more level headed. of course, he still had moments. bursts of rage and pure passion upon thinking about the circumstances you two were in, the cruelty of the world. but moments like these became farther and fewer in between. he could smile more, love more, live more.
the two of you have to work together in order to get resources like food and water, so you’re in each other’s presence very often. and eren wouldn’t want it any other way. he’s so delighted to spend his days with you.
eren had to cut his hair. although he prefers the way he looks with longer hair, it kept getting in the way(and he kept losing his hair ties), so he figured cutting it would be best. he cut it himself, needing your help halfway through. it came out slightly uneven.
eren always insists on doing the more labor-intensive tasks, so you don’t have to lift a finger. if it means you can relax more, eren is willing to put in extra effort. unless you want to, eren takes it upon himself to carry heavy logs and jugs of water back to the cabin.
he enjoys gathering firewood. once a week he gathers it, and always comes back with just the right amount of firewood. but it takes him a while to do it every time, since he insists on checking the wood for the right “moisture” of bark.
brings back cool things he finds whenever he goes out. whether that’s a colorful rock, or some pretty flowers, he always stuffs something in his pocket to bring back to you. it’s rather endearing that he’s thinking of you even while he’s gone, but you have to remind him not to touch any flowers or plants, since they might be poisonous. not that he listens though
there’s a serene garden in your backyard, full of different kinds of fruits and vegetables. though you tend to the garden more, eren will occasionally do the parts of gardening that you don’t enjoy as much, like pulling out weeds or warding off bugs.
collects little worms and caterpillars while he’s doing his part of gardening. whenever you come up to eren, asking him how he’s doing, he’s got a little circle of bugs next to him, an ecstatic grin on his face as he shows you a massive worm he dug up. and of course, he has different names for each of the bugs.
loves to cook for you. although eren isn’t the greatest cook, he tries his best. typically, he spends extra time in the kitchen, sometimes extra hours, just second guessing himself. he’s slightly panicking as he throws together spices, questioning if everything, at the very least, is acceptable. there’s a sense of pride that flushes through him whenever you enjoy his cooking. the dish he’s the most confident in is his stew, since you seem to genuinely love it.
there’s a small lake by the cabin you two live in. both of you happily spend your time there, either absentmindedly fishing or simply appreciating the way the breeze feels, the way you two can simply be in each other’s presence. cuddled naps are very common by the lake. the area is also perfect for spotting deer and other wildlife that happen to scramble by.
one of eren’s favorite ways to spend time with you is setting up a fire in the backyard area. watching the dusk slowly slip into night, while the stars begin to illuminate the darkness outside, is overwhelmingly calming for him. and having you there with him, your gentle smile and your soft touch, convinces eren that he doesn’t need anything else. just you.
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iguanodont · 9 months
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Illustrations and notes on two small invertebrate animals found along the Twowi coastline.
The first is a soft bodied creature from a diverse family of benthic invertebrates characterized by lack of eyes, echinoderm-like tube feet, and an ability to generate copious amounts of mucus from the dermis. Affectionately referred to as “little shrouded sister” in the local language, this creature is a rare but handsome find in the bottom of deep pools during Twin Moon tides, when the water recedes the furthest. It defends itself from predators with acrid tasting toxins in the mucus coating its “shroud”, which are released within seconds of being attacked. According to local legend, they are born of unfed larvae thrown into the sea, which survived by latching onto the backs of fish.
The second is a shelled animal whose name means “jointed worm”, though another common moniker is the “mud-rattle”. It gets this name from its peculiar shell, which links to each previous molt to form a long, articulated tail reminiscent of a rattlesnake’s. However, this armored tail carries no warning; it is simply an eye-catching distraction. As long as the vital organs in the first segment remain unharmed, this worm can live to grow another tail. They inhabit muddy sea floors across a wide swath of the world’s oceans, and range in size from just 2 cm to more than a meter. Ease of collection and tender flesh make this creature a popular seafood; boiled, steamed, or fried; it is arguably the “shrimp” of birg cuisine. The handsome shells are also commonly re-articulated for a second life as rattles and jewelry.
Also available as a print!
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bogleech · 10 months
Why do the adult stages of insects have short lifespans?
Most animals can't reproduce, and most don't even develop the organ systems to do so, until almost the end of their development. Many mammals are actually rare freaks for their ability to start reproducing as little as a third into their lifespan, and keep reproducing over and over until they die; it's an extreme and radical survival strategy we evolved that comes with some pretty severe trade-offs, in that we have high energy demands and require so, so much food in proportion to most other organisms, not to mention all the ways those reproduction systems can take on illness, malfunction or hurt us. Other animals like birds and reptiles and various fish opted instead to reach adult size as fast as they can, build the reproductive system, and then just take it easy: they live a long time and can mate more than once, but they don't do so constantly and don't make that many young. The MOST common strategy in nature, basically the default norm is to devote most of your life just to eating, growing, and storing resources in your body, then "spend" all the resources you can on reproduction, giving so much of your energy to your babies that it actually kills you. The upside is that this is why most animals make hundreds or even thousands of young in one go, which better guarantees that at least one will survive. Salmon and octopuses are two of the most famous non-insects that do it that way, but so do thousands of other mollusks, fish, members of the various "worm" phyla and others. Many insect groups hyper-streamlined this, so they have a larval stage that's just an eating machine, like caterpillars and maggots, possessing only the bare minimum anatomy they need to keep on eating and growing and nothing else, usually incapable of even traveling from the same food source they were born on. They then use up all of this stored energy to create a body that is perfect for perpetuating their species, including more mobility (such as wings) to spread their population further. Insects exhibit almost every variation there is, but many insect groups hyper-streamlined the basic method so they have a larval stage devoted to non-stop eating, like a caterpillar or a maggot, devoid of any anatomy that does not help it collect all the energy it can as continuously as it can, then use up that energy to build an equally dedicated mating form, which may last only days or weeks because it even gave up the ability to eat as it devoted as much of its body as possible to making those babies in that one big go. There are still many exceptions including insects like cockroaches who mirror the mammal strategy of mating over and over for a relatively "long" adult life, or insects that still only mate the one time, but still at the end of a fairly long adult life that continues to eat and store energy. The most extreme exception to this might be aphids, which continuously develop clone offspring and give live birth to them for their entire life, by which I mean some aphids are born already pregnant with their first clone. These actually still go through a normal mating process too, though, when a winged male finds them near the end of the year, and then they die after laying proper eggs that can survive the winter. The non-stop clone babies are just so that one female has even higher odds of mating with at least one of those males, because now there's 10,000 of her for him to find. To understand basically everything in nature you just have to understand that: 1: life forms actually work like video game characters in that they constantly "farm experience" (nutrient energy) they have to spend on their unique spread of stats and abilities (every body part and system comprising them) 2: every life form evolves as if the only goal of that entire game is to generate offspring and increase the odds of their survival, literally no matter what must be sacrificed.
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bethanythebogwitch · 8 months
When they say "be there or be square", today's Wet Beast Wednesday subject chose "square". I am referring to boxfish. Also known as cowfish, trunkfish, and cofferfish, these real-life Minecraft fish are bony fish in the family Ostraciidae, sometimes called Ostraciontidae. This makes them close relatives of pufferfish and file fish in the order Tetraodontiformes. While all the Tetraodontiformes are weird-looking fish, the cowfish are easily the strangest, they don't even really look that much like fish.
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(image: the yellow boxfish Ostracion cubicum. They literally named it "cube")
The squarish shape of the boxfish comes from their unique skeleton. They have a carapace made of overlapping, hexagonal plates called dermal scutes that are the equivalent of scales in other fish. Each plate is composed of a soft and bendable collagen layer and mineralized surface layer. This carapace is very sturdy, with holes in it to allow for the eyes, mouth, fins, and cloaca to pass through. In game terminology, the cowfishes are stone walls. Because of the composition of the carapace, boxfish are fully rigid and cannot bend their bodies in any direction. This, combined with their not-overly hydrodynamic shapes, makes them slow and weak swimmers. When they filled out their character sheets they went all-in on defense and neglected speed and offense. A boxfish won't be winning any races, but the carapace is extremely hard to bite through or puncture, giving an effective defense. Despite their small sizes (the largest species can get up to 50 cm/20 in long, and most species are much smaller), adult boxfish have almost no natural predators. It's worth noting that while boxfish are slow swimmers, they are very maneuverable. They have the ability to create small vortices around their bodies to help maneuver.
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(image: a boxfish skeleton)
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(image: a boxfish with its hexagonal carapace visible through its skin)
Not satisfied with having an impenetrable shell, many species of boxfish developed another defense mechanism. When stressed, they can release poison into the water. These poisons are surfactants, substances that break up surface tension, that can damage the cell membranes of other animals. While each species has their own specific chemical and not every species is poisonous, these toxins are collectively called pahutoxins. Poison is a pretty common thing in the Tetraodontiformes. Famously, pufferfish, close relatives of boxfish, are highly poisonous. Most poisonous boxfish species are brightly colored. This is called aposematism and is used as a warning to potential predators that the animal is dangerous. A famous example of aposematism is the brightly-colored poison dart frogs. Young boxfish are typically more colorful than older ones.
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(image: a longhorn cowfish Lactoria cornuta)
Boxfish are voracious omnivores that will eat just about anything that can fit in their tiny mouths. The majority of boxfish species live in coral reefs and their diet consists largely of algae that they scrape off of coral. Additional foods include sponges, tube worms, mollusks, and small fish and invertebrates. Some species can spit out water to blow aside sand and search for buried food.
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(image: Ostracion meleagris, the spotted boxfish)
Boxfish are typically solitary, but occasionally come together in small groups. These groups typically consist of one male and a few females. Scientists speculate these groups are formed for reproduction. They are known to reproduce by swimming to the surface of the water, releasing their gametes, and quickly swimming away.
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(Aracana ornata, the ornate boxfish)
Because of their unique appearances, boxfish are popular in aquariums. They are recommended for experts only because of their ability to release poison. Boxfish are easily stressed and can kill themselves and other tank-mates by releasing toxin. Aquarists usually say they should be kept in solo tanks or with smaller, mild-mannered tank-mates. In addition, they need to be in tanks with minimal water flow as even the current of a decently-sized filter can blow them around uncontrollably. People who keep boxfish have called them shy, but highly inquisitive and even playful. They have been reported spitting water and their handlers, apparently in an attempt to get attention.
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(image: Lactoria forasini, the thornback boxfish)
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hxjikonn · 1 year
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(Artist: @/wrt_428 on twtr)
Octavinelle trio x GN!Reader who loves exploring the ocean
☆Staring☆: Azul Ashengrotto, Jade Leech, And Floyd Leech
TW!! Just some foul words and cusses (all in a light hearted manner though nothing serious)
Synopsis: Octavinelle trio reaction to GN!Reader who loves to dive under the sea to explore.
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Azul Ashengrotto
Was weirded out by you. As in “I’m gonna keep an eye on this odd human who like to go down the ocean to play with fish just incase”
He met you at a beach at night (and no not the romantic “beach at moonlight love at first sight” thing) he was looking for coins for his coin collection…and you…you just dived into the water
He didn’t care at first cuz you were just one human, but he noticed it’s been too long since you’ve went down. He thought you drowned😭
Slightly concerned he went after you but then saw you just swimming around following a group of sea horses
He kinda sorta just watched you play around, lay on the sea bed, collect a few shells and rocks you thought were pretty
You occasionally came up for air, and when you do he hides behind big rocks thinking you wont notice. (You did.)
Neither of you made a move to approach each other though. Untilllllll you found a pretty shiny coin.
Azul gasped (underwater?? Idk if you can do that but whatevs) you heard it and for the first time you actually made eye contact with the human octopus guy
Azul thought you’d be afraid of him so he started scaring you that he was a sea witch and that he’d curse you if you don’t give him the coin.
Your dumbass (yes I’m calling you out) laughed…underwater…and you were waayyy down to get up the surface without drowning.
Azul thought he scared you too much (he’s sorta dumb too lol) so one of his tentacles grabbed you and swam up as fast as he could.
Long story short, after you vomited the gallon of sea water in your system, you thanked him and gave him the coin, he was happy but didn’t try to make it obvious (it was very obvious)
You started looking for him whenever you went diving since that day, he was lowkey waiting for you everyday too and is sad when you dont come
When you do come you ask him tons of questions about his tentacles and use them as your personal chair, or cling to one of them when Azul starts swimming just because it’s fun
He acts annoyed, but he really enjoys your company. Even finding ways for you to stay underwater longer so you could stay with him more often
He tries to keep you near shore, he wants to show you around more but you’re a small human. Perfect prey for big underwater predators.
Helps you collect shells and rocks, thinks it’s endearing that you have the same hobby as he does.
And ofc Azul isn’t azul without his contracts, practically sales talk you to make a contract with him so he can make you breathe underwater
Not because he’s worried you accidentally drown or anything no totally not that /sarcasm folks *wink wink*
It’s because according to him “he wants to make you his coin searcher so he can complete his coin collection” (it’s already complete, he has like 25 complete albums just of coins…)
You never agree though 💀💀💀 I guess Azul just has a human to watch after now so they wont drown
Jade Leech
Would be fascinated by you. Bro would “observe” you for hours…
When he found you, you were laying on the sea bed…eye closed…star fish pose…he thought you were a dead body 😭😭
“Floyd forgot to clean up his mess again…” he said to himself…thinking Floyd prolly went on a squeezing spree again
He approached you, because he was gonna pull your body up shore so the other humans can deal with. But when you opened your eyes and saw the long wiggly worm fish man you freaked out
You freaked out so hard you inhaled water 💀 And it took him a few seconds to realize that you weren’t dead…but you were about to be if he doesn’t get you up
He did though, really quickly too. You thought you guys were gonna jump through a different dimension due to how fast he swam.
Once you were up, and you got the sea water you inhaled out of your system, Jade was still watching you…just staring at you with half his face still in the water, his unblinking eyes are the only ones that are surfaced…
You were scared outta your damned body but you still thanked him for saving your stupid ass.
You were more scared when he talked. 💀💀💀
“HOLY SHIT YOU CAN TALK?!!?” “yes. ^^”
He started asking questions about why the fuck you were laying down where he found you cuz tbh who wouldn’t???
You explained to him that you just like to stay underwater and explore, and that you can hold your breath for a long time so it doesn’t bother you that much
He apologized for scaring you and offered to take you to different parts of the ocean when you go diving again…
You agreed of course, and after that he’s stuck to you. Fascinated by the human who loves being underwater.
When he takes you to places, he doesn’t really go exploring with you, he just follows along, watching you curiously look at everything
You two made a signal where you blink two times to tell him you need to go up for air, and he would swim you up and wait for you to catch your breath before swimming back down
He lets you cling onto him when he swims cuz he knows you have fun when you do that.
He keeps you away from danger too, he can fight but he rather not considering you’re a fragile little human who he might put at risk when he fights off predators who’d want to eat you.
Thinks it’s cute that you play with fishes, so cute he almost buys you a collar with “Jade’s pet human” written on it 😭
Is sad when you have to go home, he understands you need to go back to your home up shore cuz your a human and you get tired
But he ALWAYS asks for an extra hour, if you’re tired, you can use him as a bed…underwater…where he’s close to you.
Tries to send subliminal messages to Azul for him to turn you into a fish already so Jade can keep you with him and you never have to leave.
Floyd Leech
Thought you were trying to find creative ways to die 😭💀
He wasn’t in a good mood when he found you, he wanted to squeeze the life out of you for trespassing in his territory
But then he saw you dancing with jellyfishes… “what in the spongebob squarepants are they doing?” He thought.
Saw you get stung a couple of times and expected you to get angry at the jellyfish but you didn’t, it hurt sure but when you got stung you just rubbed it and continued on
You were happy with what you were doing which is what made Floyd more curious, he silently followed you around after that, he didn’t bother hiding from you
In fact you notice him following you, and look at him a couple of times thinking he wants to eat you, but he doesn’t even make a move, just stares
As much as he was curious about you, you too were curious about him. So one time, you saw his tail poking out form behind a rock….you touched it…he was shocked so his first instinct was to strangle you thinking you were some guy tryna pick a fight with him…you passed out 💀
When you woke up you were up shore…instead of the sky though, you saw a couple of dilated pupils staring back at you…
“Uhhh hi?” You blinked at him a couple of times
He thought you died, he was happy you didn’t cuz he was amused by your guts to touch his tail like that knowing you could probably die
He asked if you were okay before squeezing you into a tight soul crushing hug claiming that your “his human” now
He asks you lots of questions and you try your best to answer each one, still shaken up about the near death experience you had just went through
After that he waits for you at the beach everyday, he wants you by his side all the time from then on
He clings on to you all the time when you’re underwater, wraps himself around your little body, does the swimming for you since he thinks you’re slow carrying you with him
Gets bored when you collect shells and rocks but still tries his best to be patient since you looks so cute and small just searching the sea bed for them
He doesn’t see value in the things you’re collecting but when you gave him a green rock he kept it on his shelves at home always looking at it and smiling
His mood cant always tolerate your rock and shell collecting so takes you to a ship wreck to collect shinier things.
Scares, kills, beats the living shit out of any predator who tries to harm his little human companion
He has his mood swings and the first time you encountered that you didn’t know how to handle him, he ended up hitting you with his tail hurting you in the process
You got hit so hard you thought flew across the Pacific Ocean…(I was being sarcastic on this part😭🤚🏻 y’all in replies are sending me💀💀)
When you swam up badly hurt he followed you realizing what he did and rushed to help, but you were already running out the beach when he got there
Floyd was upset the whole week, you didn’t come back and he was afraid you never will come back ever again.
When you did though he squeezed you (gently) trying not to hurt you even more he kept apologizing and for the rest of the day he was just wrapped up around you not letting you go
Doesn’t ever snap at you when he has his mood swings ever again.
Possessive of you, doesn’t want you to meet others like him cuz he thinks you’d make a lot of friends and leave him behind
“Mine.” “Floyd no.” “Floyd yes.”
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A/N: This was fun to make, laughed a lot while writing this. Again…I did not proofread this I never proofread 💀💀 I’m lazy like that
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frenziedfireworks · 9 months
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Dating the HL Boys!
(Sebastian, Ominis, Garreth)
Sebastian :
I feel like he definitely has insomnia. He is not able to go to sleep easily and hates it. Help the poor guy to calm down & give him cuddles. If you pamper him he will go to sleep easier. 
He’s very thoughtful and remembers important dates and anything you look at. You kept staring at that book in the window? It’s on your desk. Your coat ripped? You suddenly have a new one. He doesn’t care how hard he has to work to spoil you - he will do it.
He’s very protective of you towards anyone - even Ominis. He knows you can handle yourself but he just wants to make sure you feel safe and nobody is pushing your buttons. That’s his job after all <3
You had turned in bed adjusting your position when a light woke you up. You begrudgingly opened your eyes, adjusting to the shine that was right next to you. Unsurprisingly it was your dearest boyfriend using lumos in an attempt to read instead of sleeping.
“Seb?” Your voice croaked and the freckled man looked down.
“Hey baby. Did I wake you? I’m sorry.” His hand danced over your cheek and a soft kiss was placed upon your forehead. 
“You should be asleep.” 
“I tried. Thought I’d read until I got tired..” You only sighed and pushed yourself up. 
“What time is it?” You looked for the clock and noticed how late, or more so early it was.
“Sebastian, it's 4 am. Merlin’s beard.. I’ll be back.”
“Darling it’s okay-“
“Be quiet and sit.” You grunted and made your way to the kitchen. You were quick to make him a warm cup of tea and flutter back to the safety of your bed. Sebastian’s face was red and he gave you a thankful smile as he took a sip.
“Thank you my love. I don’t know what I did to deserve you.” He leaned in to give you a quick smooch as you laid back down.
“You’re lucky you’re cute. Finish that and cuddle with me, you oaf.”
Ominis :
Once you truly get to know Ominis he is CHATTY. He doesn’t stop talking and asks you the most random questions. He would be the type of boyfriend to ask you if you would love him as a worm.
He makes very cute dates to take you on. Picnics and sitting outdoors kind of stuff! If you don’t like that then he will of course take that into consideration.. He wouldn’t mind sitting in a secluded spot just enjoying time together.
Ominis doesn’t show it as much but I feel like he gets jealous. He will admit it to you if you question him. He gets in fits of not feeling adequate for you. Just tell him you love him and it’s all fine!!
“Y/N?” Ominis’ voice pierced through the silence of your bedroom. You turned in the sheets to face him, hand coming to rest on his chest. 
“Yes?” You questioned. He had a small grin on his face that you could make out from the dim moonlight. You knew it would be another one of your silly nights.
“Would you still love me if I was a worm?” You automatically cackled at the question, expecting anything other than that.
“You’re just a worm?”
“Yes. Just a worm.” 
Ominis snorted again at the ridiculous question and you rolled your eyes. You pressed a kiss against his shoulder and hummed.
“I suppose. I think I’d take you everywhere in a nice cage. We would eat breakfast together while you squirmed in your dirt and you would enjoy your life. Then one day I would take us on vacation to the beach. Maybe even do some fishing..” You held back a giant laugh as he gasped.
“And I am not the bait surely?!” The boy's arm smacked against you and you couldn’t hold your breath. 
“I am not the bait, right?!” He repeated the question and you felt lightheaded. 
“Uhuh sure my love..” You mustered up a sarcastic response and watched as he bobbed his head in annoyance.
“You’re ridiculous.” 
“You’re the one who asked!”
Garreth :
He ALWAYS brings you homemade stuff. Some of it is mildly concerning but he just shrugs it off. After all it is “made with love” as he puts it.
Garreth always brings you on little adventures to collect supplies or sits with you on your hobbies. He thinks it’s the best to just be in your presence. 
He’s very attentive and handsy. Physical touch is definitely a high contender for his love language. I feel like it makes him more calm to always have a hand on you. You’re like a little safety blanket <3
I feel like Garreth has ADHD.. If he gets busy with potions he won’t notice ten hours have passed until you forcibly pull him away. You constantly have to remind him to eat or take a break.
“Garreth?” Your voice filtered into the empty potions room where your boyfriend stood hard at work. You had not seen him all day and was starting to worry that one of his potions had finally taken him out. Walking up behind the boy you let out a cough and rubbed your hand up his back.
Garreth jumped and turned to face you. His eyes were bloodshot and his grin was wavering on a questionable line of sanity.
“Have you slept? How long have you been down here?” You brought your hand to his forcing him to drop the feathers onto the counter. His forehead came to rest on your shoulder and he let out a deep sigh.
“It hasn’t been that long has it?”
“Baby it’s Saturday morning.” You whispered as your fingers skimmed through his ginger locks. He only grunted in response and dug deeper into your shoulder.
“Well I need to finish-“ The boy started but you cut him off quickly.
“You can finish this another day. Your brewing pot is not going anywhere. We are going to put you to bed. Understand?” Garreth only snorted and moved so you could lead the way.
“You’re cute when you’re bossy.”
“Don’t even start Weasley.”
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iamjacksragingboner · 4 months
Gross Childhood Best Friend Soap
Word Count: 1.6K
Alternate Endings Here
Warnings: The tiniest smidgen of angst but it ends nice so you better not complain, not super proofread
A/N: Yeah I dunno, came up with this last night and just crammed it out today in a sort of word diarrhea in which I blacked out and woke up naked and alone in the middle of the bush with this on my laptop screen. Make of that what you will
Contrary to his callsign, Soap is, and always has been, a gross little goober of a man
He’s been gross since you were kids, going digging for worms, collecting hermit crabs to take home from the beach in his pockets, rolling around in the dirt and coming home tracking mud on the carpet. Of course, it wasn’t all bad. He’d always offer to kiss your scrapes and bruises better, even if they were bloody or muddy. He’d always find pretty seashells to give you amidst his hunt for the largest hermit crab. He was gross within reason.
You had many a fond memory of going off to the creek at the back of your neighbouring houses with him. You'd climb up to what felt like perilous heights in your child minds, to sit on the highest point of the creek. From there, you would watch as Johnny dug for the perfect stones for you both to skim, watch him build dams and change the currents of the water. Watch as he would lunge at bugs, fish, tadpoles, lizards, and present them up to you from below, the squirming creatures clutched in his mud covered hands.
At the end of the day, just before your parents would call you back home for dinner, Johnny would climb up on the rock with you, just to sit and hold your hand. If he was feeling particularly bold, he would plant a kiss on your hand, and tell you he was going to marry you one day. You called him gross for that too, but latched onto the idea all the same.
Your early teen years, where puberty had begun for the both of you, was plagued with a myriad of varying smells and odours. Forget sweating like a pig, Johnny sweat like a boar; walking home from school with him after P.E. was a nightmare for your nasal cavities. You didn't mind though, he made good enough conversation that you ended up getting used to the stink.
For the amount of afternoons you spent in his room, you'd think you would eventually get used to the sight of his dirty clothes and mugs littering his floor and desk. You never did, always scolding him for not keeping his room clean knowing he had a lady coming over. He would always laugh, even as you threw his pillow at him, copping it square in the face.
So many nights were spent laying side by side in his bed, talking late into the night, curious hands too scared to do more than brush pinkies with the other laying inches away. You always felt as though you could feel him staring at you in the quieter moments of those nights, but you never caught him.
You spent your later teen years feeling bitterly towards him. You went from thinking you'd be best friends forever, to being an afterthought for Johnny. You did try, of course, to keep close to him.
In his late teen years, Johnny was gross in the sense that he’d go off to parties just to see how many people he could make out with. Would have sex with anyone who offered, just for the hell of it. Accompanying him to parties was a nightmare.
"You promise you won't abandon me this time?" You found yourself asking this more than once, each time slightly less optimistic than the last, but never losing your faith in him.
"Of course not, lass," he would always say. "Yer ma' girl! I'll stick right by yer side this time, lass. I promise."
What shallow promises they were. You were always demoted to the third wheel, the one who held the drinks while he went off to flirt with someone new he hadn't fucked yet. You found yourself leaving early and alone most nights, walking home and hugging your sides to keep yourself from falling apart, kicking stones imagining they were Johnny's face. Cursing yourself for thinking this time would be different, and that maybe he'd look at you for once. Going to bed cold and bitter, knowing just next door, Johnny would be waking up with someone else next to him in his bed. You just hoped he remembered to keep his room clean for them.
You both graduated, with Johnny leaving to join the military and you leaving to go to university. You kept in scarce contact over the years, occasionally calling to catch up, Johnny telling you where he was stationed, you telling him what you were working on at uni, apologising for missing birthdays, missing holidays, promises to call again soon, promising to catch up when he's home, all shallow. At least, that's what it felt like to you.
Until one night, when you were out at a bar with you friends, celebrating your recent graduation. You were all discussing with great vigour what you would all get up to with your newfound freedom from studies, when you felt the familiar feeling of eyes boring holes into the back of your skull. A little unsettled, you took a look around the bar, trying to see who could possibly be staring at you so intensely, but you couldn't quite catch their eye. You sipped at your drink, a frown furrowing your brows for a moment, before you brushed the feeling off altogether.
An hour passed and you'd forgotten the feeling in the haze of the alcohol. You were ordering yourself another drink, and as you reached into your wallet to grab out your card, another hand swooped in front of you to pay for your drink. You looked up, startled, before you met his gaze. Johnny. Staring down at you with a smile that could melt glaciers.
"Johnny, you didn't tell me you were in town," you murmured, eyes greedily taking in as much of him as you could in this moment of reunion. Scars on his chin covering the one he got from splitting his chin riding a bike for the first time. Stubble covering his jaw. The corniest mohawk that he had always talked about getting, sitting on top of his head. Your face flushed beet red when your eyes dragged over his built form; apparently that childhood crush you'd had on him all those years ago hadn't quite faded as much as you'd thought it had.
"You didn't tell me you'd graduated university, lass," he replied, the sound of his voice—finally in person again and not over the phone—sending shivers down your spine. "Had to find out myself from yer mum."
You hid your guilt behind the drink you tipped back into your mouth, averting your gaze as he watched you with dark eyes. "Thanks for the drink," you breathed, and he laughed.
"Don't even mention it, 's the least I can do. Why don't we go sit down somewhere 'n catch up, aye? Come on, lass."
You found yourself being guided over to a booth, Johnny's hand on the small of your back, sending ripples of warmth through you and into places the alcohol couldn't quite reach. You sat down first, with Johnny shuffling in close beside you, your shoulders brushing, electricity coursing through your veins.
As you sat and spoke, catching up on what you've missed in each other's lives, you found yourself noticing something. Johnny was using all the moves he used to use on people he fancied in high school, the ones he used to get them all flustered, to get in their pants.
You had to admit, you could see why so many people slept with him; he was charismatic as all hell, that boyish charm spawning those all too familiar butterflies in your gut, and he was quite literally always in contact with you. Whether it be the arm resting behind you on the seat of the booth, his knee gently nudging yours beneath the table, or a hand tucking a hair behind your ear, it seemed Johnny had turned the charm up to the max.
It was nice to be on the receiving end of it for once, but there was a certain bitterness that still lingered behind like a foul taste in the back of your throat. Was this just meaningless flirting to him, were you just another girl on his list to fuck and be done with? With all the alcohol in your system, you were well and truly past the point of caring, but you knew that if you woke up tomorrow morning in an empty bed you'd not only be cursing him, but yourself as well.
You let him lean in closer, tracing a finger down your cheek, and you let yourself be giddy, blushing like a schoolgirl when he winked at you. You let yourself swoon when he kissed you, cradling your face in his calloused palms. You let him take you back to his parent's place, nestled just next to your own home. You let him take you upstairs and into his room, holding your hand and shushing you when you both laughed a little too loud.
You let yourself feel like teens once more as you stumbled into that all too familiar room, hit with the smell of Johnny, the smell of home. You felt guilty, ashamed, as you let yourself savour the taste of him, the feeling of his naked body pressed against yours, his hands raking along your body as if you'd disappear if he let go. You let yourself fall asleep in his arms, smiling as he carded his fingers through your hair and pressed kisses to your scalp, whispering incoherent things into your skin.
You awoke the next morning, expecting to find Johnny's bed empty. But it wasn't. And neither was it the next morning, or the morning after that. In fact, the pair of you spent a lot of time waking up together.
This is where you find yourself now, lying in the early morning light in Johnny's bed, the man in question sprawled out next to you, snoring with his mouth wide open, drool leaking on his pillow.
"Gross," you murmur to yourself with a fond smile, tucking yourself into his side and closing your eyes once more.
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meowmeowmeowmeow4x · 18 days
Dark Blue Moon and the Suffering Sun Chapter 5
I hope ya'll enjoy :D please comment and reblog, it really helps out (i just want that juicy feedback babyyy)
Two pristine white suits stood in the doorway. The laboratory's glaring white light bared down from behind the two men, framing them in an uneasy, uncertain shadow. Despite being indoors, the agents wore cold sunglasses, and one would be forgiven for assuming they were permanent fixtures on their heads.
"Our deepest condolences, Mr Wayne." The so-called Agent K said. Bruce Wayne noted not the slightest hint of condolence or sympathy.
He considered himself an effortlessly logical person. Someone who got what needed to be done, done. Someone who push away fear and stress in order to chip through the walls and find a path to victory in any situation.
But now, as he stared at the pile of bloody and torn clothes laid on the examination table, a DNA test on the side showing MATCH in bold letters, Bruce found himself blanking for the first time in years.
The first time since Jason...
Damian's tracker had blinked its last only hours before, and Bruce hopped on the first boat he could procure and organised a search part, recruiting the help of the local and governmental siren hunters, not that he was not still suspicious, but man power was man power, and his son was on borrowed time.
Time that had to be paid back.
"We could not find a body, sir. Your son has likely been consumed by the sirens."
No body. None. And that was not for a lack of trying. Divers had scoured the ocean floor underneath vigilant patrols. Sonars echoed across the bay and surrounding reefs. Nothing, not hide or hair or even a bone.
Bruce needed to stay calm, to stay effortlessly logical. There was no way to confirm a death just by some bloody clothes and a lack of a body. He needed to find a way, the only way.
"Thank, gentlemen. I'm gonna need a moment alone. I'll be returning to my room." The crack in "Brucie's" voice was not fake.
When Bruce got back to his hotel room, its emptiness like poison to his eyes, he beelined to his laptop. There he opened the staticky and blurry video showing the moment of disaster.
Damian was on the boardwalk, taking a moment for himself to get away from the hustle and bustle of yet another vapid party. All he wanted out of this trip was to see the fish...
An explosion rocked the boardwalk, sending splinters flying. The camera blurred into static. All that could be made out was a hand grabbing onto Damian's foot and pulling him under. The feed cut out.
Bruce played the recording again, and again, and again. Just like he had been doing all day. It was so blurry he couldn't even identify the colour of the hand.
Each time, his heart broke a little more. A tear came closer and closer to tearing its way out behind the barrier he'd put around his heart. The barrier these damn kids have wormed through over time.
Bruce dialed the phone. It answered on the first ring. "Dick, gather the family. I have some bad news..."
Danny buckled the last belt in his collection around his tail. Funny thing about belts, is that they're still useful even if you aren't wearing pants. The Fenton waterproof torch, the Fenton Stinger, Fenton Lipstick Laser among several other greatest hits slotted neatly into the loops of his belts along his tail. All he needed was a jacket and he might have a biker aesthetic to rival Johnny's.
Damian had spent the past hour or so pacing back and forth, trying to get a hang of his fins and occasionally bumping into a wall. Kid was itching to go out, and had taken to waving the Fenton Anti-Creep Stick around at imaginary enemies, despite having complained about the "inelegance of such a crude weapon."
"You will know suffering." He muttered. "I will make you beg for deliverance." He scowled.
Maybe Danny should introduce him to Sam. He feels like they'd get on like a house on fire.
Damian clung to his shoulder again, little arms wrapped around his neck for purchase as he swam out the cave. The Anti-Creep stick sat comfortably in a holster wrapped round the kid's waist with a knot Danny had to retie six times because he was so small. It was mid afternoon and the sun bathed the reef in bright colours like a warm blanket.
"We should keep an eye out for any other weapons. Our current stock is not enough."
Danny snorted. "You sound like a serial killer talking like that, you know?"
"I am more dangerous than a serial killer." Damian huffed. Danny could feel the offence radiating off him. To think that a himbo like Bruce Wayne could spawn someone with this many sticks up his ass. "And more intimidating."
"Please threaten me more. I'm shaking in my non-existent boots."
Damian growled. A deep guttural sound that rumbled his chest and tickled Danny's scales. Well, it would've been deep if Damian weren't half Danny's size.
"Where is your map and compass? How are we to get to Panama without navigation equipment?"
"Relaaax! We don't need a map because I've got a little something called celestial navigation." See Sam and Tuck? His space obsession was useful in his siren life!
The smaller siren head sank and banged on Danny's. "It is broad daylight."
Danny grinned over his shoulder. "Yeah that was a joke."
Damian screeched.
Danny laughed as he surfaced and got himself some fresh air. Calm waters for miles around them. Slowly he kicked off the swim, building up speed. "Relaaaax. It doesn't take a genius to figure out we need to go south."
"The only reason I have allowed you to live is because you are my only way home."
"As if I couldn't literally sit on you and you'd be helpless."
"I should invite you to try!"
Thousands of miles of blue ocean stretched on in every direction Damian looked. Below the two of them, the ocean floor lay deep enough that all Damian could see was a blur. Just above, the surface of the water rippling from slow winds blazes past. Phantom's strength lets them cut through the water at breakneck pace. The water rushing past his ears and fins reminds him of flying with Jon, if only much thicker than air in the upper-atmosphere.
Light from above, and unending darkness below. It was the darkness that Damian focused on. Occasionally, a tingle spread down his back and through his tail, like a warning, only for nothing to be visible underneath. The first few times, he shivered from surprise. Then it just unnerved him.
He'd read about lateral lines on sharks and other fish before, as a curiosity. Never had he imagined he would come to possess one himself, and never that it would feel so natural that it was difficult to parse it out from all his other sensations. The idea of not feeling this new sensation felt foreign, and unnerving, even though this form was the foreign one.
He would never admit this to anyone, but he didn't know much longer he could deny the creeping feeling on his neck. For all Phantom appeared friendly, Damian knew nothing of his motivations, or even his true character. If Phantom decided he didn't want anything to do with Damian, then what? With no weapons save a measly baseball bat, no contact with the outside world, no armour, no legs, no support and no knowledge of how to survive, he would be good as shark meat.
Damian tightened his grip on Phantom's neck. He was supposed to be above fear, and yet why was his heart pounding so hard?
A series of fast clicking echoed from the distance. Damian jerked his head to the left. Through squinted eyes hie made out long slender forms swimming parallel, their tails undulating up and down.
"Are those dolphins?" Damian muttered.
Phantom turned to the same sight, and raised his eyebrows. "Huh, I guess they are-" Damian jerked Phantom to their direction.
"We must approach them immediately!"
Phantom's body almost tumbled out of his normal swimming rhythm from the shock. "What? What for?"
"We must! The only reason I agreed to come to Amity Island was to see the sea creatures."
"Dude, you know dolphins can be total assho-" But Damian was having none of it. To solidify his point, he clamped his teeth into Phantom's shoulder, focusing them on the part where bone jutted out. Even if they couldn't penetrate, the blunt force against bone would be very painful.
"YOUCH Alright alright alright alright can you please stop biting me!"
Phantom rerouted their course, and Damian chittered in satisfaction. "Excellent."
The dolphins were as beautiful and majestic as he could have ever imagined. It was a small pod, comprising of about five adults, all swimming together in stunning synchrony. Phantom swam at a cautious distance, close enough to admire but too far to touch. How he longed to pet a dolphin... Even Damian slapping him with his tail could only move him an inch closer.
"Dude, I've dealt with dolphins before, and they're literally the most evil beings on the planet, right next to toast and Vlad."
Damian huffed. If only he had a camera on him. To swim alongside dolphins at top speed, out in the wild... He was pretty sure he was drooling, or would have been.
He'd just have to commit the scene to memory, and paint it when he got home.
The thought of home made his fins droop a little.
He felt a finger poking at his cheek. "Hey Damian, you ok? Fine, I'll give like two inches, but that's it."
Damian snappes teeth at him. "I am perfectly fine. Just thinking."
Before Phantom could get closer, Damian saw one member of the pod swerve right for them. Instinctively, he ducked, only for the dolphin to somersault overhead, twirling three times before 'landing' right of them. Two more of its podmates followed suit as they danced in circles around them. One of them came so close he could even catch its scent. It smelled tangy, like freedom and excitement.
Seeing dolphins performing manoeuvres at aquariums was one thing, sitting in dries seats what felt like half a world away from the water, but here? Damian felt the water stolen from right out of his gills.
And the best part was rubbing it in to Phantom. "What was that you said while disparaging these beautiful creatures?"
"Dude, don't these guys smell weird to you?" Even now he was suspicious? The dolphins smelled perfectly fine.
"Not in the slightest. I believe you are just trying to save face."
"Dude, I've seen dolphins before. Plenty of them, but none of them smelled this.. familiar."
Then again, now that Phantom mentions it, those moves seemed just a bit too disciplined for a wild animal. Just a bit too measured...
Damian's hackles spiked up. They were surrounded.
"Phantom, get us out of-"
Deafening squeals blasted from every direction. The noise was so horrible Damian could barely see. His ear fins felt like cracked glass. His field of view was getting darker. They were sinking.
Phantom moved Damian so he was flat against his chest and curled up. The boys crash landed into the barren sea floor. Pain erupted from every surface as debris and particles tore scales and broke fins. Phantom's screaming mixed into the water with teal blood. He held onto Damian like a vice the entire time.
They finally came to a stop. Damian's head spun and spun and his ears rang. He dimly noted the criss-crossing ropes of a fishing net entrapping them. Above him, the blasted dolphins loomed over them in circles like they were sharks, and in the centre floated a man in a large metal suit, a metal suit sporting a malicious, leopardlike grin, a grin that for a moment he could not place, until his mind cleared.
That was the last thing he ever had ever seen as a human.
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joshlmbrt · 2 months
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˚ ✦.·˖✶ ⋆.✧̣̇˚ SOMEONE WHO LOVES YOU WOULDN’T DO THIS | e. munson x reader
w; part of ‘truck driver!dad!eddie universe’ - but can be read as a standalone, parent death, grieving, mentions of pregnancy, eddie has a sister, usage of pet names, mentions of past alcoholic father
playlist; even if we try - night beds, infinity street - richard walters, let down - radiohead, a quick one before the eternal worm devours connecticut - have a nice life, family line - conan gray, waiting room - phoebe bridgers, motion sickness - phoebe bridgers, happier than ever - billie eilish, mum - luke hemmings, i’m tired - labrinth, zendaya, solas - gibran alcocer, think of me once in a while, take care - take care
an; this one is a bit deeper, i apologize. but i hope you all enjoy :)
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Eddie didn’t know why he was here in a hospital waiting room, waiting for any news for the man who caused him torment for most of his life until had kicked him out of the trailer. 
His knuckles rests against his chin as his eyes stare at the shiny floor. He’d left work without a word. He still smelled of grease and had tied the arms of his work uniform around his waist. He still hadn’t called you or Wayne. He knew you’d be getting worried, especially if Warren, his boss, had called and asked if everything was okay at your end. 
He glances up at the time, standing from the uncomfortable chair that had made his lower half numb from sitting. He walked towards an exit - he needed a smoke and to call you. 
He’s reaching into his pocket, pulling a cigarette from the pack and lights the stick with shaky hands. He hadn’t had one in almost three months, trying to stop since you were pregnant. 
He broke his streak all because of his father - if he could even call him that. 
His eyes land on a pay phone when he blows out some smoke, walking towards it. He lifts the phone from the receiver, pulling his wallet from the pocket on his shirt, fishing out some quarters. 
He slots two into the machine, deciding to call Wayne first. He still needed to collect his thoughts on what to say to you. He knew as soon as he heard your caring and tender voice, he’d break down. 
It picks up after the third ring. “Hello?” 
Maybe he shouldn’t have called anyone. He can feel the burning of tears. 
“Hello?” Wayne repeats. 
“Uh,” Eddie clears his throat. “Alan’s in the hospital.” Eddie used to call him Dad, of course. But now that he’s older, he feels like he never earned that title. 
It’s silent on the other end and Eddie glances towards the door where he can see a nurse in green scrubs leave a room. He brings the cigarette to his lips and inhales deeply. 
Eddie clears his throat again, looking towards the silver keypad. “If you… wanna come to the hospital, I’m here too.” 
Wayne asks if you’re there with him. 
“No, she’s… she’s still at home. Would you mind-”
“No. I don’t mind pickin’ her up. We’ll be there soon.” The line goes dead before he could even say anything. He looks at the last two quarters he had laid out before slotting them into the machine again. 
You pick up on the second ring. 
“Hello? Eds?” 
His heart clenches a bit and brows pinch together. “Hi, sweetheart.” He hears a sigh on the other end. 
“Baby, jesus. Are you okay? Where did you go when you left work? Why didn’t you call me? I was worried sick when Warren called me and told me you left in a hurry.” 
He scratches at his throat with his ring and pinky - he’s trying to sooth the knot forming in his throat. He shakes his head to himself - don’t cry. Do not cry. He doesn’t deserve the tears. “I’m okay, sweetheart, don’t worry your head,” The cigarette seemed to have burned faster and he hisses quietly when the heat tingles at his fingers. He drops it to the ground, stomping it out with the toe of his boot before picking it up from the ground. 
“Wayne is coming to pick you up.” He says. 
“What? Why? Eddie, honey, what’s going on?” 
His fingers scratch at his temple and he shifts on his weight. “I… I’m at the hospital. And before you freak out, I’m okay. At least, I think I am. It’s kind of hard to know what I’m feeling right now. Or understand it.” 
And he wasn’t lying - there were a bunch of emotions swirling around his mind and he didn't know which one stood out more. 
Bitterness because his life was actually turning around - he’d gotten into school to study for truck driving and he was doing excellent. He was about to have his own little family with you. And now, somehow, Alan had wiggled his way back into his life even if he didn’t know it just yet. 
Anger because there was nothing he could do besides sit there and feel as if he’s losing someone - something - who was never in his life and doesn’t deserve an ounce of sympathy. 
Shame because he's feeling that anger bubble up in his chest when he knows Alan never really knew how to be a father so he can’t blame him fully for his actions. 
“Baby, I'm so sorry,” Your voice is soft and it sounds like it cracks at the end of your apology that you shouldn’t even be giving him. Because he doesn’t care. 
“Wayne and I will be there soon. He just pulled in,” There’s a small weight lifted off his shoulders knowing that he won’t be alone in his thoughts much longer. “Have you tried to call Jess?” 
The weight is added back on. Jessica, his oldest sister who he hasn’t spoken to since she had left, doesn’t know anything. He doesn’t even know if she would answer the phone. 
“No.” He finally says. 
You let out a small sigh, deciding to drop the subject since you know how tender it is. “Okay. That’s okay, honey. We’ll be there soon, okay? I love you.” 
There’s a small catch in his throat and he blinks away the tears that had dried up once, and decided to come back. “I love you.” 
The line goes dead on the other in and he’s placing the telephone back onto the receiver, sniffing when his nose starts to tingle. He stuffs his hands into his pockets, walking towards the doors he exited out of. 
His fingers graze over two quarters and he stops in his tracks. 
He turns back towards the phone and pulls the telephone from the receiver once again, slotting the coins in and punches in Jessica’s number. He’s hoping it’s the same number or he would just be embarrassed by punching in the number of a ghost sister.
The phone picks up and he holds his breath. 
It’s Jessica. And the only way he knows is because he sounds like their mother - soft-spoken with a hint of raspiness around the edges of the spoken words. 
“Uh, Jessica?” He asks, even though he knows for sure it’s her. 
“Eddie? What’s going on? You okay?” 
“I don’t exactly know,” He says truthfully. “Dad’s in the hospital. The doctor said he doesn’t have long.”
It’s silent on the other end. He wonders if she is feeling the way he feels at the moment. Confused and conflicted about the way he feels. 
For a moment, he thinks she’s hung up the phone and walked away like she did before. 
He doesn’t blame her. 
But then again, he hates that this is the only time that they’ll talk until something else happens. Eddie and Jessica are the same - whether they like to admit it or not. 
There’s a small sniffle over the other end. “I don’t know why you’re calling me about it. I could care less. Let him die.” 
That makes Eddie’s heart clench a little, eyes closing slowly as his brows pinch together. “You… You can’t even try to come down. To see me at least?” 
“A car works both ways, Eddie.” 
The line goes dead then.
He stares at the telephone when he pulls it from the curtain of curls and blinks, a tear rolling down his flushed cheek. It’s bitter outside and Eddie can’t help but think why didn’t I bring a coat? 
Why did this have to happen? 
What’s next? 
It only takes thirty more minutes after the call with Jessica to see you walk in. 
You pause in front of his seat, fingers brushing back the fringe that rests against his forehead. “Hi, sugar. I’m here.” It’s soft spoken and the world seems to shatter then. 
His shoulders shakes as he sobs, fingers pressing into his eye sockets before his arms wrap around your waist, face pressing into the small bump that was hiding under the sweatshirt you wore. 
Your eyes tear up from his sobs, a gut wrenching, soul crushing sob that comes deep from burying it inside a metaphorical glass bottle - it shatters and leaks over. 
Because you thought you could handle one more thing going inside that bottle. 
His head rests on your shoulder and Wayne had gone back first to see Alan. 
‘It’ll give you a bit of time.’ 
Your thumb traces over his knuckles and you lift your shoulder slightly to catch his attention. “You okay, baby?” 
He nods, lifting his head as he sniffles, nose red. He lifts his hand, wiping at his wet cheeks. He opens his mouth but you’re quick to cut him off. 
“It’s okay,” He turns to look at you, brown eyes swimming in tears. His chin wobbles. Your hand lifts and you give him a small smile. “You don’t have to say anything right now. I know it’s confusing how you feel. But when you’re ready to talk, I’ll listen for however long you need me too.” 
He nods, cheek sliding against your palm. There’s a clearing of a throat that catches his attention. He sees Wayne, a man who he’s only seen cry twice. 
When Mary passed away - Eddie’s aunt who made the best homemade cobblers and had a singing voice you could never forget. 
And when his own mother passed. A woman who smelled of cinnamon and hints of vanilla honey. A woman who truly was an angel and would do anything for anyone. 
This makes Eddie’s third time seeing Wayne’s swollen eyes. 
He’s crying for his brother now. 
“You can, uh-” He pauses, clearing his throat as he shifts on his tired feet, blinking a couple of times as he sniffs. “You can go back and see him.” 
Eddie looks over at you and you smile at him softly, leaning in to press a kiss to his temple. “I’m right here.” You whisper softly. 
His eyes close momentarily and he nods against your lips before standing slowly. 
His steps are slow, his mind's racing, and his hands are fuzzy. He makes a fist a couple of times before shaking them out. 
The last time he’s seen Alan was when his face was plastered on the news for a break and entering he was running from - now he’s in a bed with tubes poked into his arm. 
His breath hitches and he flinches when the heavy door closes. 
He glances over his shoulder before walking towards the right side of bed, staring down at his hand. His own hand twitches at his side. 
He lifts it, fingers tracing over the course and rough skin of his fathers hand. He watches as Alan’s fingers twitch and his eyes dart up towards his face. 
His eyes are heavy, but they're open. 
“Why did you hate me?” It’s coming out of his mouth before he can stop himself. He didn’t know what he wanted to say, or what he was going to say - but that wasn’t in his mind. 
“Why did you hate us?” 
There’s a slow blink and a small quirk at the corner of his lips. Eddie’s brows pinches and he feels the all too familiar sting in his eyes as he notices it. 
Even near death, he’s a man dulled by any sort of emotion. 
Eddie leans down slowly. “I’m so glad I’ll never be like you,” There’s a certain fire to his voice - raw emotion that makes the words crack. “Mom deserved better than you. Jess deserved a better father than you. I deserved better,” 
His hands clench at the bedsheets. “Why? Why did you do what you did?” 
He sees a small quirk in Alan’s lips again, anger burning in his chest when he hears the flatline. His head whips around before his hands grip at the hospital gown covering his chest. 
“No! No! Why?! I want an answer! I deserve an answer!” The doors are opening and he feels a tugging at his arm. “No! Get off of me!” His arms slip from the grip and his arms are gripping at the tattooed arms of Alan Munson’s dead body. 
“Wake up, you coward!” 
“I hate you! I’m glad you’re dead! I wished you would’ve died sooner!” 
He’s sobbing and hitting Alan's chest, but he’s still babbling, ‘why? Why did you make me feel this way?’. 
Your hands pull at his arms, pulling him away from the lifeless body who left in silence again like he always did. 
Eddie’s head drops onto your shoulder, knees buckling as he grabs at your shirt. Your hands smooth back his hair as your eyes watch them roll Alan away. 
Wayne’s hand meets the back of his neck, gripping softly. Eddie chokes out another sob and turns to lean into Wayne. Your forehead leans against Eddie’s back. 
Wayne’s eyes close, a hand cupping the back of Eddie’s head. “It’s okay… It’s okay, son.” 
Wayne has to keep Eddie’s legs from buckling, his arm wrapping around his back and keeping him up straight as he sags into him. 
There’s a certain distinct smell to old photos. 
Eddie couldn’t describe it if he could, but he still pulls the photo up to his nose, eyes closing as he inhales, hoping to catch a whiff of the day that was frozen in time permanently. 
His hand pulls away from his nose dejectedly, finger tracing over the small version of him standing in front of his mom, her hand placed on top of the sunflower floppy hat that she always loved to wear on sunny picnic days. 
He always remembers those days. She would try her best - make finger sandwiches, little lemon bars, and pack some fruit and chips on the side - and Alan would sip a cheap beer on the open field, eyes filled with a certain emotion Eddie could never place when he was younger. 
Now he thinks he could place it - Anger. Resentment. 
“I hope he looks like you.” Eddie flinches when he hears your voice. He has no energy to turn and look at you - he feels angry at himself that he can’t, but you’d never hold it against him. 
He feels you sit down on the rough carpet, the feeling of sandpaper scraping against the palm of your hands when you make a small noise. You lean into his side, pushing an unruly curl away from his cheek. 
“You okay?” You whisper softly. 
His thumb traces over the picture, blinking slowly. “I remember this day,” He says instead. Your eyes cut away from him and look at the photo. There’s a small smile that plays on his lips. “It was Wayne, Jess, Mom, and I only… That was one of our happier picnics.” 
You smile and reach out to turn his hand a bit so you can take a better look at the photo. “She's beautiful. Now I know where you get your looks from.”
He smiles a bit and places it in the keep pile. There weren't many photos he was keeping. 
The throw away pile was a bit more. 
The next photo he pulls from the shoe box that had chewed holes from rats and a tear in the side was one that made him stop a bit. 
Alan sits on the ratty flannel recliner that he always refused to get rid of, a beer bottle in his hand while Eddie sits on his lap. 
Blind by child joy, he’s grinning - two missing teeth - as he waves at the camera, baby hairs stuck to his forehead. 
Alan sits back, mouth pulled into a frown as he stares at the camera. 
Your hand rubs at his back.
“He couldn’t even hold me right.” 
You know what’s coming when your ears pick up on the catch in his voice. 
He turns to look at you, lip wobbling as he shakes his head. “Why did he hate me so much?” 
Your head tilts and you pull him closer to your chest, holding his head when you feel his shoulders start to shake. 
You couldn’t answer that even if you wished you could. 
There’s a knock at the door. Eddie glances over at you, shifting in the bed as he pulls the covers up more over your shoulder. 
He places a kiss against your forehead, smiling softly when he notices your nose scrunches softly. 
He turns and walks towards the living room, flipping on a light. He unlocks the door and swings it open. 
He’s a bit sleep disoriented from the little sleep he had. He blinks. “Jessica?” 
She smiles softly. “I, uh… I couldn’t come to the funeral.” It’s too final. I don’t want to see him again. 
He nods. “It’s okay.” I understand. You don’t have to apologize. 
She scratches at her neck and clears her throat, a tell. He steps closer, staring at her for a moment, nodding slightly. 
It’s choked but a sound leaves her throat and she tries blinking away the tears. His arms wrap around her neck, her own arms immediately wrapping around his side. 
“I’m sorry,” She breathes out shakily. “I’m so, so sorry. I should’ve… I should’ve been there with you.” 
He shakes his head. “Don’t apologize. You did what I wished I could.” He pulls away, giving her a small smile - it’s shaky. 
“It’s… I should’ve called you more. I should’ve come to visit you more. Now… now you’re gonna be a dad.” 
He smiles softly, nodding. “And you’re gonna be an aunt.” 
The laugh she lets out is watery and she wraps her arms around his neck again. “You’re gonna be the best dad.” 
His eyes squeeze shut at that because he’s been afraid. Afraid that he’ll become his dad even when he doesn’t want to. 
“I’m so proud of you, Eds.” It’s whispered. 
He lets out a little sigh, eyes peeking up at the stars. He watches as one shoots across. 
Hi, Mom. I miss you. 
“I’m proud of you too, Jess.”
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ᡣ𐭩 thanks for reading. reblogs, comments, likes, & feedback is welcomed, encouraged, & deeply appreciated.
— @stveharringtn 2024
[ special tag; @corrodedcherry ]
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sepulchritude · 1 month
So since I have (had?) a perfection file in Stardew, here's what I can see that's new in 1.6 right off the bat!
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There are two new menu tabs. One tracks your animals, and the other tracks your special items. It looks like there are a lot of new special items, too!
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The farmer tab now has a few helpful trackers for which bundles you've completed, your house upgrade level, what floor you've reached in the mines, and the number of stardrops you've collected! I have no clue what the star gauge is for! :D It might be something entirely new, because I don't know why else it would be empty on a perfection file. I also have no idea if the little trees in the corner mean anything. Possibly it is a seasonal thing? On my other file, they're palm trees instead of pine trees, so I assumed it related to Ginger Island.
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As for the collections tab, there are 10 new shippable items, 4 new fish, no new artifacts or minerals, 1 new cooking recipe, 9 new achievements, and 2 new secret notes :0
There are also several interesting new crafting recipes, but I haven't dug through to find them all! There are also probably more waiting to be found as I play. The ones I'm excited about are the tent kit (looks like a one-time use, portable sleep spot so you don't pass out!) and both the bait maker and deluxe worm bin (I love fishing). The crafting tab has also been organized really neatly in a way that I appreciate! It's visually AND logically appealing :D
There are also several mentions of moss and forest neighbors(?) that are very much intriguing me! If you're reading this, you probably know what this stuff is about, but I just opened up the game! I can't wait to find out :DDD
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
Cryptidclaw's WC Prefixes List!
Yall said you were interested in seeing it so here it is! 
This is a collection of mostly Flora, Fauna, Rocks, and other such things that can be found in Britain since that’s where the books take place! 
I also have other Prefixes that have to do with pelt colors and patterns as well!
Here’s a link to the doc if you dont want to expand a 650 word list on your Tumblr feed lol! the doc is also in my drive linked in my pined post!
below is the actual list! If there are any names you think I should add plz tell me!
EDIT: I will update the doc with new names as I come up with them or have them suggested to me, but I wont update the list on this post! Plz visit my doc for a more updated version!
Freshwater Fish 
Saltwater fish and other Sea creatures (would cats be able to find some of these? Probably not, I don't care tho)
Bass (Saltwater version)
Bream (Saltwater version)
Eel (Saltwater version)
Insects and Arachnids
Flowers, Shrubs and Other plants
Rocks and earth
Water Formations
Weather and such
Cat Features, Traits, and Misc. 
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