#college craze bryce
stephschoices · 1 year
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College Craze Inkspot Summer Special
[Day 7 - Swimwear Saturday] with Bryce, April, Blair, & Jace
@collegecraze 🏖️
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collegecraze · 6 months
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Will we ever see what’s under the cap? Tune in for Chapter 7 to find out! 🧢
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A Forseen Consequence of Laissez-Faire
Summary: Daphne has something to tell Bryce. He reacts better than she expected.
Rating: T - Suitable for teens, 13 years and older, with some violence, minor coarse language, and minor suggestive adult themes.
Words: 1200
Notes: I’m testing stuff out with Trish. Let me know what you think.
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Bryce lets out an incredulous scoff, breaking the silence that hung between us and having my heart sink to the depths of my stomach in despair. I knew this would not be easy, and I tried to gather as much mental fortitude for it as I possibly could, but I do not know if there would ever be a time for it.
How do you tell your boyfriend that you are pregnant?
"You're joking right?" He asks, taking a puff of the cigarette between his fingertips.
He throws his legs over the side of the bed, turning to throw me a sideways glance over his shoulder. My heart pounds painfully as I clutch the sheets to my chest, biting at my lip and sending him a small shake of my head. I would not kid with something like that, he knows it, but I think he is just in denial.
Oh, well, it is not like I can fault him for that. I am still a little unsure about the whole thing, in spite of the tests I took.
He looks down and I panic, wondering that this will be it, the end of our relationship and the end of our friendship. It is not like we both did not realize this could have happened, as he is very neglectful in the realm of protection, but, then again, so am I.
We never really worried because we never really did much thinking when it came to sex. After Trish, after my stalker, after my scholarship, after college, after his family, we tended to live in the moment, wary of the next challenge that comes out to break us apart. It served us to keep us grounded, keep us happy, to remind us for what we struggled so much to achieve.
Funny how our laissez-faire attitude to the whole thing is really what may break us apart in the end. The irony is certainly not lost on me.
We may be happy today, but we have struggled a lot to get to this point. The Montgomery family did not take too kindly to me dating their son, and nor did my father and Rosalie, for that matter. Besides, it is unavoidable to state that I met Bryce as a taken man.
First and foremost, Trish was his friend, and when I came to that realization, I understood that I could not take that away from them, even if they were hurting each other on the daily. It had been a process for them to slowly understand that they did not work as a couple, and that there were other, healthier ways for them to nurture the love they held, something that brought me closer to both.
His lips part as if he is going to say something but he just takes another drag, holding the smoke in his lungs before forcing it out. His brows furrow gently, his eyes portraying all of the emotion that he is not communicating: fear, disappointment, but also a sense of gentleness.
He is not angry, and maybe he is not even shocked. My stomach unknots slowly, as some relief runs through me. I can work with fear and disappointment.
"What are we going to do?" He asks, softly and uncharacteristically serious.
There is something about him using the pronoun 'we' instead of 'you', and the look in his eyes tells me all I need to know. We are going to be alright.
"I have a good job. I have my own apartment, in a good neighbourhood. Sure, it's a little small, but..." I trail off, as I gauge his reaction.
His gaze shifts a bit to something soft and eager rather than anything resembling disappointment, and then he laughs. "I'll be a shit dad."
My eyes roll almost instinctively to his self-depreciation. I know that he has never had a good father figure and there is no reason for me to think that he would be a good father, but maybe he will be simply out of spite for Clay. Perchance, he learnt from the mistakes of his own experience as a child, and that can lead him into being at least better at it.
Sticking around, trying our best, it is all any of us can ever expect, after all, and just that would be a great improvement over any alternative.
"Debatable." I snort, pulling the sheets off of me and crawling closer to him.
He watches me with curious eyes as I settle my head in his lap, his eyes wandering lower than they should. I reach up, placing my hand on his cheek as I guide his gaze back to mine.
"You’re already a good daddy as it is. We’re just adding a new title to it, yeah?" I smirk at him.
"Daph, shut the fuck up." He chuckles sheepishly, cheeks blushing vividly.
His hand settles on my lower stomach, his thumb rubbing small circles below my belly button as I smile softly up at him. All of my anxiety quickly dissipates at his tranquillity, and I am suddenly taken by the realization that I am not alone, that I will not be alone anymore. It is something so beautiful and so strong to me that I feel the urge to cry, but I hold the tears in.
"You're not mad?" I double check.
He is quick and emphatic into shaking his head in negative.
"No. It's not like we were exactly careful." He laughs, as he shoots me a toothy grin that spreads across his cheeks. "Plus, I think Trish will be happy, since she gets to keep you in Sugardale for good."
He never lets an opportunity to bring that up in jest, knowing how often Trish brings it up her desire for him to 'knock me up already’ so she can finally be an aunt. This time, at least, I get to laugh at him too, as we are in this together.
"Do you want to keep me?" I ask, gazing up at him through my lashes.
"Debatable." He mocks, pinching my hip.
I squeal, inching away from him, but he does not let me leave, holding me tightly to him as he glances down at the burning cigarette that is still lit between his fingers.
"Should probably put this out then, yeah?" He mutters sheepishly, leaning over me to dab the lit end against the ashtray beside his bed.
There is a sense of pride that swims in my chest, my heart aching but in a different way, happy tears flooding my eyes at his approval. He shifts suddenly, standing up beside the bed as he grabs me by the ankles, pulling me to the edge of the bed before sliding down on top of me, cupping my cheeks sweetly as my head spins.
He smirks, with that stupid frat boy charm of his. "Alright, mommy-to-be, we should probably enjoy our alone time while we've got it."
Bryce dives into my neck with energy, sucking and licking it. I moan and grab his shoulder blades.
We enjoy our afternoon together with no care in the world. It is not like I can get pregnant again, after all.
College Craze Masterlist
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prettyinkgames · 2 years
Unpopular opinion here I like bryce 👀 could you tell more about him?
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Bryce Facts!
Bryce is an Aries
Favorite food is Pizza, he's really not a picky eater though and will eat just about anything if you put it in front of him.
Gets super excited to watch gameshows. They were the only thing his grandma would watch when she was on her deathbed and they bonded over them before she passed.
Was responsible for 7 neighbors' broken windows on his street one summer, due to the fact that he's terrible at both catching and throwing all sports balls.
Bryce has one older brother, who he doesn't speak to.
Bodycount: 21
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utterlyinevitable · 4 years
What do you think Bryces headcount is?
Hi. I love you. 
I’ve never actually thought about this 😂 in my mind no one else matters but mc and bryce in the now and forever. 
Sooooooo let’s talk this out, yeah? 
Even though teenage bby boi said he was a handful and a scoundrel and super hot in a leather jacket, I think he had much more respect for the girls he was dating than trying to get in their pants. So Bryce Lahela did not succumb to peer pressure and fuck his prom date. That doesn’t mean he’s celibate - the boy has amazing hands and an even more exceptional tongue. 
So maybe 2 practice girlfriends pre-sex. 
Then he goes to college and meets someone and they make plans to make it special when her roommate went away for the weekend that first semester freshman year. 
I think his parents shit happening not long after really shut him down. He couldn’t really trust people and some of his relationships (romantic and platonic) certainly fell apart. And because of that he went on a string of casual hook ups when it felt right - which really, wasn’t often. Bryce liked parties and making out with people at house parties or that he met at the bar he worked at, but it never went all the way. feels like drunk girls would be bowing down to blow this present from heaven herself tho. 
Possibly he had a partner junior/senior year of undergrad but I don’t see it lasting more than a year. 
So his undergrad sex count is 5, maybe. When with some of those random hook ups they both got carried away. (but boy-o is very good at wrapping and tapping). 
We know Bryce had a boy/girlfriend before residency. So I’m going to assume they’re from med school. I’m also going to assume they’re long-term. 
So 1 sexual partner in med school. 
Yeah, Bryce is confident and comes off cocky and he’s totally at peace with his sexuality, but - at least for me - I don’t see him as a sex-crazed deviant. He knows boundaries and just plan ol’ cares about the people in his life and he’s not ashamed to show it. He’s more about all the things encompassing sex and intimacy rather than just penetration. 
My Bryce would take cuddling MC all weekend long over an hour sex-session any day. 
In short: I think Bryce has had 6 penetrative sexual partners before MC. 
Thank you for asking 💖
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epicanimike · 4 years
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I recently wrapped up the Ink & Watercolor course with Bryce Kho. I've always wanted to work on manga, anime, and video games. It's very hard to acknowledge that I'd have been better off simply drawing what I loved rather than going to college. Then again, the amazing access to this type of education has exploded since then. Instead I've worked in adjacent fields just to deal with the excruciating burden of student loan debt. It's bitter sweet for many reasons because this may be as far as I ever get to reaching that dream and it feels like I won't get to sketch with my buddy anymore. But rather than focusing on 3D and the NFT craze I stubbornly pushed for my dreams. Ironically I'll be back in 3D fulltime starting Monday, for which I am grateful. Someday I'll merge all if these worlds together. In the meantime, it's been fun. #class101withbryce https://www.instagram.com/p/CM23tNXMICZ/?igshid=qyn3w1b4l6as
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collegecraze · 6 months
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Flirty Bryce by @birbwaifu!
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collegecraze · 11 months
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Then vs. Now Trish version: you can call that flipping a switch 😳
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collegecraze · 1 year
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A very accurate depiction of their relationship by @stephschoices
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collegecraze · 5 months
Are we able to date Bryce tho? Like I will actually beg you for the option lol! I know he’s with Trish but that relationship seems fake af 😭
Hi, thank you for the ask! Even if they seem like a burning car crash, he has had his reasons to date Trish so far. How close MC can get to him later one will depend on the story branch you go for more than character compatibility tbh
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collegecraze · 1 year
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Older Bryce by Satan!
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sabineelectricheart · 2 years
Clothing to Share
Summary: Daphne steals a hoodie from her boyfriend’s. Bryce is completely fine with it.
Rating: T - Suitable for teens, 13 years and older, with some violence, minor coarse language, and minor suggestive adult themes.
Words: 1200
Notes: I kinda want for a hot man to mark me. Y’know, like a dog.
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Daphne was in a bit of a bind. She spent the night at her boyfriend’s frat house bedroom on a school night, so she had to get up earlier than usual in the morning.
She knows that this was going to turn out as a mistake, regardless of how much they had fun the day before, as she is certainly going to have to race like a headless chicken, trying to get ready on time, while said boyfriend, instead of helping her, snored softly in the bed.
God, the next time Bryce messaged her at nine o’clock of a Tuesday, she swears she will tell him to just masturbate in the shower like a normal person. Alas, there is no crying over spilt milk now, and so she let it be next morning’s problem.
She woke up in the middle of the night a bit cold, so she wandered the room to try and find something warm to wear. Luckily, one of the boy’s hoodies, black and emblazoned with the university’s logo, was draped over a chair. Bonus points, it was clean. She pulled the huge sleeves over her arms and zipped up, then crawled back into bed with her boyfriend. When he felt her presence again, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer.
Her alarm went off at 5:45 in the morning and it was time to get going. No chance for her to contemplate whether it was really worth it or not. She looked to the side, to the childish figure of Bryce sleeping it off, and shook him awake.
“Babe, wake up. I’m about to take a shower, and you should probably get ready, too.” She said, trying to goad him out of bed.
“I’m tired. I’m skipping first period.” He mumbled at her general direction as he covered his face with a pillow and uncovered his half-naked body to show his bare chest.
Daphne shook her head with a chuckle and stripped down in front of him. He peaked out from the pillow to get a quick look, but went back to sleep as soon as she wrapped a towel around her figure and closed the bedroom door behind her.
The frat house was absolutely silent, and that is the way she likes it. Yes, she had to wake up earlier to get everything ready and sort her stuff out of the mess that was this place, but the main reason is that she cannot have a proper shower if she is harassed by the bros.
Luckily, she learnt pretty quickly that something like a sleeping spell ran around these hallways at five in the morning, and if she can get to the bathroom before six, she can have her shower in peace and be out the door by 7:30.
She stepped out of the shower and dried off, starting her morning routine. She brushed her teeth, took her medicines, fixed her hair and makeup. It was 6:30 by the time left the bathroom, and so it was still much too early for the frat boys to wake up. She strutted out in the hallway undisturbed, slipped inside the bedroom again, dropped her towel and tried to find some clothes to put on.
It is now 6:50, and Daphne was running haggard around the small and cramped bedroom, trying to pick up everything that she would need for the day of classes, as well as putting together a reasonably sociable outfit with yesterday’s clothes.
“Bryce, last chance to get up. I’ll make you some breakfast if you get up now and go get ready.” She bargains with him.
“Tired.” The blond boy grunted into his pillow. “Can you come over tonight instead so we can make dinner?”
“Fine, fine, you win.” She pulled the pillow up and gave him a quick peck on the lips. “Try not to miss your other classes. I’ll see you around, alright? Bye.”
She dropped the pillow back down and walked through his room before pausing in front of the oversized jacket she wore last night. She contemplated if she should take it or not, but ultimately decided it would not hurt. At the very least, it would cover up the ratty shirt that clearly showed that it spent the night on a frat house floor.
Daphne pulled the sleeves on once more, zipped up, grabbed her bag, and headed out.
She decided to ditch her bicycle at the frat house that morning, electing to walk across campus today, as she would inevitably have to come back there either way. It was predictably a bit chilly, but it was quiet and relaxing, having the quad slowly come to life as students like her took equally peaceful tracks to their destinations.
Her morning classes went by fast, so when Daphne was heading out Arroyo Hall for her next period the next block over, she saw Bryce waiting for her. When she caught his eye, he gave her an odd look.
“Is that my hoodie?” He asked when she got close enough. She got quiet for a second. “Daph?”
“Maybe?” She sheepishly answered and he cocked an eyebrow. “Alright, yeah, it is. But, in my defence, I was cold during the night and it smells like you.”
He smirked. “So, you just took my hoodie? I was looking for it this morning, y’know?”
She whined and wrapped her arms around him for a hug, hoping to placate him in any case. “I’m sorry, babe. Are you mad?”
“Not at all, you look adorable.” The blond jock grabbed her hands through the sleeves. “Look, your arms don’t even reach the ends of the sleeves.”
He laughed, and she pouted slightly. He did not have to point that out.
She looked up and tilted her head at him. “You’re not even mad that I took it without asking? I mean, I must’ve stolen the last piece of clean laundry in your closet.”
Bryce brushed some hair out of her face and smiled at her question.
“What’s mine is yours, babe. Not a problem.” He poked her nose and gave her a soft kiss to the lips.
“You really mean it?” She bit her lip to hide a smile.
“Of course, I do! You can even keep it, if you like. It’s good, so the guys know that you belong to someone.” The blond took her chin in his big hand. “Besides, I enjoyed the view you gave me this morning. That makes us even.”
Daphne cocked an eyebrow in confusion. “What?”
Bryce leaned over her, a smirk in his face and wickedness running through his eyes.
“Y’know, this morning, from before your shower. It was quite a show.” He whispered and made her blush.
“Oh!” Daphne realized just then what he was referring to and donned a smirk of her own. “Well, you can get a better view tonight, if you’d like, hm?”
“Oh, yes, I would.” Bryce kissed her passionately by the front door of the building for her next period and pulled away. “Now get to class, I don’t want to have to wait an extra hour after school to wait for you to finish your homework or some shit.”
College Craze Masterlist
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sabineelectricheart · 9 months
Dining Out in December
Summary: Bryce and Daphne go for a night out, but the venue is too busy. He lies and threatens their way in.
Rating: K+ - Suitable for more mature childen, 9 years and older, with minor action violence without serious injury. May contain mild coarse language. Should not contain any adult themes.
Words: 1000
Notes: Don’t bully service industry workers. It’s not worth it. Ask for the owner, they’re the one to bully.
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If there is one thing that Daphne Anderson really hated, this thing was a fucking scene. It might be because of her discrete demeanour, or some kind of pride that she keeps in being above petty disputes, but if one ever wants to shame or vex her, it is just a matter of screaming in her near vicinity, attracting everyone’s attention.
Unfortunately, her boyfriend does not have the same outlook.
"Listen, dickhead, this is my dad's venue! I'm on that fucking list!" He shouts at the bouncer.
It is late December and, even in a college town like Sugardale, people want to go out for a nice dinner. The venues are full and there is no conniption that could change it.
God, he’s such a Karen! She thinks, feeling the weight of the collective gaze coming from the line behind them, hoping no-one had the idea of filming them yet.
Bryce felt no such shame. It is reasonable to assume that, after so many years dealing with Trish meltdowns, he would have had his fill of them for all of his natural life. However, things turn out to play in the opposite manner, as he seems to have built a natural defence against embarrassment. The man has no shame, nor self-control, ready to fight anyone and anything, with screaming and punching alike.
"Yes, sir, I understand that you are.” The man tries to placate him, but his voice communicated profound irritation. “The problem is that your date is not."
Daphne stood behind her boyfriend, watching his shoulders rise with barely-suppressed rage. She knew this look from experience, and she knew it was not a good omen. Something bad was going to happen if she does not put a stop to it.
"It's okay, baby. We can just go somewhere else? Maybe?" She offers.
Her nervous tone does not reach his ears, however. Nor did he notice the way she had slipped around to rub up his chest soothingly.
His eyes remained on the working man, dark with a heavy scowl. "This is my wife, sir. If I'm on the list, she's on the fucking list."
The guy went to object but Bryce cut him off, voice holding an aura of arrogance once he had found a new approach.
"You do realize that you work for me, right? It would be a shame if I called my father down here to make a scene, especially if I tell him his darling daughter-in-law was disrespected in such a manner." He leaned forward for affect, scrunching his eyes while his head tilt in its signature threatening way. "With one phone call, I could get you and the rest of this entire lousy staff fired, and you know what’s going to happen with your miserable little lives then. Check again, her name's on the list."
Behind him, Daphne is face-palming. Not only they are most certainly not married, and it will be certainly a cold day in Hell when Mr. Montgomery thinks of her in any terms even slightly resemblant of ‘darling daughter-in-law’, none of the involved would ever think of firing this amount of people from a profitable business endeavour on a whim.
He could sense her profound discomfort, and maybe that is why he does not turn around for her until after the employee decided that, “Wait! You know what? She actually is on the list. My bad. This way, sir, ma’am.”
Bryce smirked, huffing in a way that clearly stated, Yeah, I thought so. He turned to his fake wife for the night, meeting her stern expression and broke out in a self-satisfied grin that destroyed her facade.
She should not indulge him in this behaviour but, well, she must admit it feels nice being treated with respect for a change. Besides, he looks kind of cute after destroying service industry workers’ morale, nefarious as this sounds.
"C'mon, mama." He said, reaching for her.
Daphne accepted with little more than a head shake, letting his possessive arm firmly lead her through the posh establishment with a firm hand to the small of her back. When they were seated, she smiled widely at him as he sat down opposite her.
He glanced up nervously. She is probably going to let him have it, and she is merciless about it. Her lower-class sensibilities do not take kindly for him bullying the denizens of the town, regardless of his intent.
"So, I'm your wife now?" She whispered it, eyes scrunched up with the force of her smile.
This surprised him. She is not making fun of him, properly, even if she does find the whole situation amusing. Sensing that, he laughed quietly, pushing his slight embarrassment down in with a bon vivant act.
"You are. Or, at least, you will be." He answered, projecting an enviable certainty.
He winked and she faltered, sitting back in her chair to look at him with eyes wide in surprise. Her heavy blush and the way she teethed at her bottom lip told the young blond man absolutely everything he needed to know. It is his turn to be merciless.
"So..." He paused, a mischievous glint to his beautiful green eyes that only added to her fluster. "What is Mrs. Montgomery in the mood for tonight? Besides me, obviously."
Bryce considered it his chance to vex his girlfriend, and he seized it the best that he could.
He made a point to use that “Mrs. Montgomery” title for the rest of the evening, at any grammatical opportunity. He called Daphne his wife so many times that, by the end of the night, she almost believed him.
What she did not know, however, is just how much he meant it when he said that, in whatever he was concerned, she would really harbour that surname someday, and someday soon. The ring was practically burning a hole in his pocket, especially after that whole venue fiasco.
Now Bryce was just waiting for the right time. He already knew her answer.
College Craze Masterlist
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In an Empty Bitterby Parking Lot
Summary: Bryce gets fired and is thrown into a withdrawal crisis. All that he needs right now is his girlfriend. If only she answered her phone…
Rating: T - Suitable for teens, 13 years and older, with some violence, minor coarse language, and minor suggestive adult themes.
Words: 1500
Notes: I’m the queen of daddy issues. Between having them and dating people with them, I know them inside and out.
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“Come on…” Bryce mumbled to himself, his anxiety building in his throat, pressing against his windpipes. “Pick up the damn phone, Y/N.”
The other end of the line continued to ring until he reached her voicemail again.
Hello! You’ve reached the number of Daphne Lichtenberg. Sorry I’m not able to take your call right now, but please leave me a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. Have a great day, bye!
Her voice, sweet as honey, grated on his nerves. That cheerful trill normally had a soft smile peeking from his lips toward the girl, but now it had him gripping his phone tighter until he swore that he heard a slight crack from the plastic casing around it.
The irony does not escape him, and if he ever gets to meet Trish in a friendly setting, he promises himself that he is going to apologise for all the times that he left her on read. He needs his girlfriend, but she does not answer and it absolutely fucking sucks. He is about to go set her workplace on fire if that is what it takes, and this time he means it.
Once the recorded message came to an end, Bryce hung up and tossed his phone into the passenger seat of his truck before lowering his head against the steering wheel. His forehead just barely escapes the horn, a positioning issue he learnt to resolve after the fourth time a loud noise took him off his reverie.
All his pent-up anger and frustration seeped through him like a sickness, some sort of evil miasma squeezing his throat and churning his stomach, until everything seemed to stop. His shoulders curved inwards and a heavy sigh escaped his lips.
“Where are you?” He whispered to no-one in particular, feeling pathetic about it.
Today had been just like any other day this summer: working with his father at Montgomery Asset Management, going over spreadsheets and contracts and discussing plans with potential clients and venture capitalists. It was meant to ease him into the work that was set out for him from birth, and, if he was honest about it, he knows that he has it easier than any other intern in the firm.
Just like any other day, however, Bryce had somehow managed to fuck something up. One morning, it had been accidentally knocking over his coffee onto important documents his father had entrusted him with keeping until a few of his clients were ready for signatures. A few weeks ago, it had been him forgetting to drive to the post office to pick up a shipment of who even knows what for the office.
Specifically, just this afternoon, what was the straw that broke the proverbial camel’s back, he had sent a letter of agreement for collaboration with a highly-esteemed company to the wrong email address. Little things here and there that continued to add up until Mr. Montgomery could not take any more screwups from his newest employee and only child. Today the older man had finally had enough.
His dad had fired him. His dad.
As if that was not bad enough, his hankering for another hit of cocaine just added insult to injury. His hands were shaking from withdrawal, most likely causing most of his mistakes anyway since he could not fucking think straight without the white powder coating his nostrils, and he wished he still had an extra stash hidden away in his glove box like usual.
However, he had promised Daphne that he would stop with the hard drugs, and he fully intended on keeping that promise. He had remained sober and completely clean for six weeks now, since the end of the school year, but it was not getting any easier. He had to erase Rafi’s number from his phone so he would not be tempted to call, and he caught himself driving east to Toffee Springs out of habit only to groan in frustration before flipping his motorcycle around and going back home.
She had saved his ass more times than Bryce could count, and damn him if he did not somehow make it up to her. Besides, he can understand that she is not asking it of him for her benefit, that cutting down on coke is a gain to himself first and foremost, and, considering her money troubles, he admires how this is her only demand upon him.
Now, this is always easier when he has her active support. If only she would pick up, if only he could just hear her live voice instead of a recording, he knew he would be okay and this burning in his veins would go away. He took the hour drive to Bitterby just so he can reach her faster if she picks up the phone, but now he is alone in an empty parking lot, far away from home. It is starting to feel like a mistake.
Daphne… Oh, how naïve he was when they first met each other! He thought that he could play with her, that he could control her, make her his and go on in his merry way, completely scot-free. She was smarter than him, she knew how to put him in his place, and he found that he rather liked it.
This girl meant more to him than he could ever explain, that he could ever understand. He might as well have replaced one addiction with another, but he would much rather be dependent on her than a substance that would just end up killing him a few years down the road.
Bryce banged his head on the steering wheel of his truck, setting off the horn for the fifth time and startling himself. God, he was so on edge, it was driving him crazy.
Reaching over the console for his phone to try giving her another call, just one last time before going back home, he jerked back when the passenger door suddenly opened and the familiar scent of vanilla wafted inside the vehicle and tickled his nose.
“There you are!” A beaming voice called from the side. “I thought I saw your truck parked out here. Thank God I wasn’t mistaken! Can you imagine? Do you want to go for a drive? I think I saw a sign out advertising a new ice cream shop that just opened down the street. I could totally go for some ice cream right now, it’s so hot…”
That honey-sweet voice Bryce had been craving so badly reached his ears and he would be lying if he said his heart did not jump a bit at the sound. His blue eyes met hers as she rested back against the passenger seat, already buckled in and ready to go, sporting the biggest and brightest smile he had ever seen, but it faltered slightly at the look on his face.
“Bryce?” She asked, so softly, that he nearly wept at the gentleness communicated in her voice. “Are you okay? I just got your message, I’m sorry it took me so long to get here, I…”
Her words got muffled in the fabric of his shirt as he pulled her against him. He could practically feel every muscle in his body sigh in relief at the contact. Daphne, his Daphne was here. Finally.
“God…” He whispered, almost incredulous. “You’re really here.”
The girl frowned at the tone of his voice, so fragile and breakable, dissolving in the air between them like a wisp of smoke.
“Shh, it’s okay.” She said, rubbing her hand across his back in soothing round motions. “I’m here now. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I took so long, my phone got busted and then work... I’m sorry.”
She could have sworn that she felt the wetness of tears against her collarbone, but she did not dare say anything. He is upset enough, and if he needs the release, pointing it out might just shame into bottling it up all over again.
Bryce pulled back slightly, putting enough distance between them so that he could meet her gaze, and her heart cracked at seeing his blue eyes brightly contrasted against the red rimming them.
“Thank you.” He said, conjuring up a smile just for her. It was small, but it was there nonetheless.
Daphne ran her thumb along the delicate skin beneath his eye, wiping away a stray tear, before gently bringing her finger over his brow bone, down the slope of his nose, and across the dusty pink hue of his bottom lip.
“You don’t have to thank me for anything, honey.” She pressed her lips to his cheek in a whisper of a kiss. “So, how about that ice cream, hm? I got paid today! It’s my treat.”
That brought a full grin to his lips and he pulled away from her to start up the truck again, wrapping his arm around the headrest of her seat before backing out of his parking spot.
College Craze Masterlist
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Getting Some Rest from the Senior Thesis
Summary: Daphne is staying over at Bryce’s, hoping to get some work done. He wants his due for the room and board.
Rating: T - Suitable for teens, 13 years and older, with some violence, minor coarse language, and minor suggestive adult themes.
Words: 1100
Notes: I almost went insane writing my senior thesis, which was an overreaction, as I was comfortably ahead of schedule.
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“C’mon, babe, are you finishing up anytime soon?”
The whisper on his inquiry lingered from the shell of her ear to the small crevices in her swirling mind, unceasingly darting her weary irises from the piles of books and papers known as her senior thesis to the fatigued blond to her left.
Daphne was absolutely tired. All she wants is to lay her head in a pillow and go to sleep, though some hanky-panky with her impatient boyfriend would also be quite welcome, as in to relieve the stress of the day.
She has been sitting there for so long that the curvature of her ass might as well have been embedded into the mattress after her venture through assignments from the past day over a few hours span, as well as juggling her senior thesis on the side. How Professor Grey thought it was moral and absolutely reasonable to ask for five pages on the female condition in the prison-industrial complex on the same breath that she assigned five new books for annotating is beyond any comprehension.
What was quite frustrating is, though, having to contend with her heavy workload all whilst Bryce went on fine with his day, which is to say doing barely anything productive, holding a petulant smile and cheekily reminding her that she was the one who chose Dr. Gray as an advisor.
She was staying over at his apartment for longer periods of time, as Ruby might as well be a great friend and a perfectly fine roommate, but her webcam business was noisy and intrusive of her study time. The studio, while in a very nice location, in the heart of Honeywood, was also very quiet, well-lit and had a stocked fridge at her disposal at all times.
As his hot girlfriend was too busy to give him the sort of attention he wanted, he tries to amuse himself by cleaning away his apartment, carefully tweaking his fantasy football team and speaking to his father about his status of “chief associate” or whatever while she worked on her assignments.
Upon completion of his effortless tasks, he swung back in his bedroom, a skip in his step. He had assumed that Daphne must have finished with her stuff, but instead he opened the door only to find her in the exact same spot she was hours prior.
No, that would not do. Bryce does not own a shelter for sleep-deprived college students, he deserves some attention after he let her bum around his house for so long, and he is not above to pester his way into what he wants, spoiled brat that he is.
Pester he did. He sat beside his girlfriend for almost twenty minutes, yearning and goading her insistently into taking a break, all so the jock could simply hold her, if sex was that much of a chore. Instead, she made it very clear that her intentions for the night was to scoundrel away at her homework until her irises are tinging in irritation and she is drooling in fatigue. It probably will not be too long, but still.
Decisively taking your eyes off of the book clamoured in information regarding an anthropological study with female inmates in Central America, she cranes her neck to the left where her boyfriend sat. He lounged in the chair by the desk, a smirk fiddling its way into his lips. He was probably feeling smug that she had listened to his silent and verbal requests, that she was just about to concede and do as he say.
Daphne still held enough mastery over her cognitive functions to realise that her psyche does point out that she should most likely continue your schoolwork until the late hours of the night. However, she still had the yearn to lay with her boyfriend and sleep peacefully and gloriously in his delectably comfortable bed, rather than hunched over an essay about something she had considered for so many times, through so many angles and academic perspectives, that has lost all meaning to her at this point.
Whilst she gazed upon the seductive little bastard in pondering thoughts, Bryce delicately brought the pad of his thumb to the jugular on her neck, sweeping the calloused flesh against her own a feeble contrast between scabrous and velveteen.
The peering look that he held in his verdant irises sustained firmly while they gaped at each other, as the small ticking clock was the only other noise in the room, adjacent to the hour of midnight soon about to strike. The pad of his thumb deciphers the clench in her jaw beneath it, his fingers carding their way through her untamed tresses as an anchor for her attentiveness, not that she would find the excuse to move from her spot right now, anyways. The structure of his thumb finding its home right below her ear following itself with absentminded stroking motions.
His lips feebly plant themselves on the smoothness of her own soothing lips, the reciprocation in the feeling of her mouth sealed against his in almost seconds, a flash of light and heat through the air. His minuscule recurrent kisses lulling her into serenity from just the unwavering feeling of the glide of his mouth against her own. 
It was like the tranquillity that lingered was almost too cogent and having the effect on Daphne so instantaneously. The inclination brought itself upon her when Bryce felt the grasp of her fingers against the material of the vermillion-coloured fabric that was clutched onto his midriff.
His lips disconnect from hers for a moment, the only noises breaking the composure was the heaving of her breath rolling off of her tongue while she endeavoured to decompress yourself from the embarrassment that could have been dancing upon her cheeks from his trifling touch.
Her eyes were shut while he moved, nearly perceiving golden stars mingle across her stygian line of vision. Her opportunities to gaze were limited when his hand was now grounding himself at the nape of her neck, the small hairs tickling his palms whilst his lips were smoothing themselves across the planes of her jugular.
Placing a final last kiss to her collarbone before his face was in her direct viewpoint, Bryce stops with his ministrations and rises his head. Her eyes fluttered open along with the flitter of her eyelashes before his nose was affectionately smeared against her own, his lips interrupting the profuse equanimity with the simplicity of his tone.
“Ready for bed, babe?”
Daphne only nods her assent. They proceed to go to bed, but neither sleeps.
College Craze Masterlist
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collegecraze · 2 years
Hey pretty! I’m a huge fan of you, and College Craze. Just really love what you’re doing here❤️ and I hope you’re having an amazing day! Also I wanted to ask(If it’s not too spoilery): On a scale of 1 to 10(or a short description whichever is easier for you😊) how likely are the characters prone to falling in love? Not just with Mc but just in general or both!
Hey! thanks for the love and warm wishes! 🥰 The following is how they come off in when it comes to love in general:
Non-committal: Alan, Chad, Demi, Dr. Gray, Luke, Pierce, Rafi & Ruby
Project: Gabe, Grady, Officer Arroyo, Samir & Thomas
Fight + Fuck: Blair, Bryce, Courtney, Triggs & Trish
Romantic: April, Bernie, Jace, Jay, Officer Helms, Dean Monroe, Prof McGregor & Shaun
Thanks for the ask!
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