#colony collapse
filosofablogger · 6 months
A Bit Of Uplifting News! 🐝
It seems to me like it’s about time for some positive, uplifting news, don’t you think?  Well, it just so happens that I have some, courtesy of our friend Dan Rather … Oh, Honey! Buzz about a big comeback By Dan Rather 01 April 2024 Credit: Getty Images Spring is springing in much of the country. It is a perfect time to get outdoors and take a break from social media and the relentless coverage…
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pangur-and-grim · 2 months
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I had two colonies! my scabers were in a beautiful planted terrarium with a bark wall. unfortunately after I went on a trip, they suffered a colony collapse - I'd asked my housemate to spritz them with water in my absence, but I'm guessing she either spritzed more or less than I usually do, and the shock killed them.
a third of them survived this event, so I gave the terrarium away to someone with invertebrate knowledge.
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and then there's my vulgare colony! they thrived for years - at one point, there were so many that the ground oscillated like water when I lifted the lid up. and then.....within a month this year, they all died. no clue why. I didn't change any part of my care.
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unfortunately, if I don't understand how I killed them, then I won't be able to prevent their deaths in the future, so I'm done with invertebrates for now. they brought me a lot of joy while they lasted, though!
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refreshdaemon · 1 year
An ending that doesn't entirely make sense nor driven by character makes this both a bit frustrating and cheesy, even if this episode is kind of watchable.
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oopsl · 1 year
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Board Up the House by Genghis Tron, 2008
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cairamelcoffee · 11 months
He tried his best to cheer the innocent baby when he knows himself the catastrophe they’re facing. Ya Allah, please protect the people of Gaza. You know what is best for them. Grant us the imaan, patience and bravery You gifted them
via @/writer_liltash on twitter
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ouroborosorder · 3 months
I think Arknights' Sami may be, outright, one of the coolest ideas I've ever seen in a piece of fiction. Most things would have said "The Collapsals are why Sami is like this!" But no, Arknights knows better. Sami is already a place where snow falls upwards, where you can see the ghosts of people who are not dead, where 4 story tall shadows pass by and block out the stars at night. Sami is strange, illogical, and hostile, but it is not Wrong. It's just a place where the natural order is different from anything else in the world, but you can come to comprehend it, come to an accord with Sami and the way it exists. But the Collapsals are Wrong. Their blood is poison, their bodies are corpses, their knowledge is a curse. You can't comprehend it. You can't come to an accord with it. You can only die. It is one form of strangeness, the comforting unsettling feeling of a different natural order, being intruded by one that is just outright Wrong, uncanny, broken, and evil.
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fuckithomestead · 2 years
Vaccine for bees!
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wllgrchcm · 9 months
save me arrested development season 4 gobisodes… arrested development season 4 gobisodes… save me
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bootleg-nessie · 5 months
Colony collapse disorder is a hoax. The bees are all dying because that fucker Burt keeps grinding them up to put in chapstick
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homosekularnost · 10 months
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pov youre having another meeting with the annoying academics & this person in the back looks kinda familiar
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disasterhimbo · 5 months
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Capitalism, Colonialism, Covid, and Climate Collapse
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cestacruz · 8 months
I wish all empires a very fall
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gentil-minou · 9 months
wangixan modern au ft. a-yuan and big lwj wearing tiny dragonji costume
happy new year!
Wei Wuxian takes A-Yuan along with the Wens to check out the fireworks and light display. It's well past his bed time but everyone is having a blast!
That is until A-Yuan goes missing...
Wwx didn't even let go of his hand for more than a second, just to adjust the pile of sweets they'd bought from the market stalls. But when he reaches down to grab A-Yuan's hand, only chilling empty space greets him.
"A-Yuan?" Wwx whispers, not quite believing he'd lost a child in this crowd of what must thousands gathered by the waterfront.
"Wei-ge, what's wrong?" Sweet innocent Wen Ning asks, not realizing it's officially the worst day of their lives. What a horrific end to the year.
At least Wen Qing wasn't the one to find him, otherwise wwx might not make it to the new year at all.
Wwx frantically explains the situation and then, once he's dumped his haul with WN along with solemn orders to stay out in case A-Yuan returns, wwx runs off to search for him in the crowd.
He barrels through the crowd, heedless of the shoving but keeping a careful eye on the ground since A-Yuan would be too short to see over their heads.
He's not back at the market stalls nor is he dangling off the railing to get a better look at the colorful lanterns dotting the river, thankfully. He's not hiding in the crowd of kids listening to a storyteller weave a tale of dragons heralding in the new year.
As wwx whirls around again, the crowd blurring into nothing but streaks of color, his ears turn their cheers into taunts and jeering.
He can't—he can't lose A-Yuan. Not A-Yuan…not after everything. A-Yuan!!!
But no matter where he looks, there's no trace of his little radish.
He hastily rubs away the tears from his eyes and grits his teeth before more can fall. Theres no way he can give up now.
The crowd begins to thin the further away they get from the light display. A-Yuan had been most excited about seeing "the dragon in the sky!!!" so there's little chance he'd be here...but wwx is willing to scour the earth for as long as it takes.
Frankly, he's debating diving into the river to search that too, just in case, when he hears a beautiful, wonderful, familiar joyous shout.
Relieved tears flood his vision as he spins around and drops to his knees to welcome his little radish and never let go…
Except, although that is A-Yuan's excited shout, wwx isn't the one A-Yuan is talking to.
"Dragon-gege, this way!"
No…the one A-Yuan is clinging to, tiny little hands wrapped around oversized synthetic claws, is a person dressed as a life-sized cartoon dragon mascot.
(Please imagine, for your viewing pleasure, a life-size version of tiny dragonji. Thank you)
His costume looks less like a dragon and more like…
When Wei Wuxian was young, he'd seen a tv show about a big purple dinosaur that was really more terrifying than kid friendly.
That's what this guy looks like, except his suit is light blue with a hole cut out for his face that's just out of view with how he's turned away. And written on his big white belly are the characters for "Gusu Electronics."
Gusu Electronics?
Finally, the man turns, giving WWX a full view of his face that holy shit happens to be, of all people, his old dormmate Lan Wangji.
Lan Wangji. Lan Zhan, who Wei Wuxian hasn't seen in years since he'd dropped out of school for reasons, who he'd never said goodbye to…
Who is currently being dragged around by a toddler while wearing a giant dragon costume, with all the solemnity of a king.
WWX bursts into laughter, lighting him up from the inside.
A-Yuan is safe. That's what matters most. Lan Wangji would keep him safe.
A-Yuan is also clearly trying to guide his bewildered Dragon-gege away. Though Lan Wangji's expression is still so difficult to read, it's clear from his hesitancy that he's not sure how to handle A-Yuan's stubborn determination to get his way.
WWX decides to put the poor dragon-guy out of his misery.
"Lan Zhan!"
At sound of his name, LWJ whirls around, the plastic horns on his costume bobbing dangerously with the movement.
Unfortunately, the tail attached to the back of his costume whips around too, knocking A-Yuan over.
WWX howls with laughter at the sight of A-Yuan on his bottom, staring up at LWJ with a look of utter betrayal only a 5-year-old can muster.
LWJ's puffy dragon arms reach out towards him as he glances back and forth between WWX and A-Yuan, eyes wide and stricken.
"Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan wait! Let me help!" WWX sputters between lingering stray giggles.
Something about wearing a glorified dragon onesie makes LWJ look especially vulnerable. Even his horns seem to droop and the feathery scales that circle his head look sheepish.
WWX helps A-Yuan back to his feet, though that doesn't stop the boy from looking balefully up at LWJ.
If it were possible for a grown man to deflate, that would be it. LWJ attempts to kneel in forgiveness, only it looks like the padding in his knees is too thick to do so.
Instead, he inclines his head—also difficult given that this his costume doesn't have any actual neck to twist—and apologizes seriously.
A-Yuan narrows his eyes and gives his Dragon-gege a cold, hard stare.
Finally, he deems his apology satisfactory and nods, then promptly sticks his thumb in his mouth.
WWX has to bite his cheek to keep from dissolving into a giggling puddle.
"So! Lan Zhan! What are you doing, uh, dressed like that."
A-Yuan tugs on his hand, drawing his attention, "That's Dragon-gege, Xian-gege."
"Ah yes of course, my mistake, Dragon-gege. May I ask what your esteemed self is doing?"
LWJ glowers at him, which means WWX /has/ to send him a cheeky, teasing grin in response.
"…Xiongzhang volunteered me." LWJ replies, pointedly avoiding eye contact.
"Ah, that makes more sense! Why else would the Gusu heir be wearing a costume like this?"
WWX would know; one of his part-time jobs involved dressing up as a meatbun during a humid stretch of summer. Definitely not something Lan Zhan would do for fun.
A-Yuan gasps. "Whoa~ Dragon-gege is an heir? Like a prince? Dragon-gege is Prince Dragon-gege!"
"That's right A-Yuan. Remember, how to greet princes? Just like in Popo's dramas?"
A-Yuan proceeds to execute a pretty accurate, if somewhat messy, curtsy, his two hands pressed together and his face adorably serious.
LWJ looks like he's about to combust, maybe actually breathe fire. The thought sends WWX into another round of uncontrollable giggles
A-Yuan directs his patented big, pleading brown eyes up at LWJ, and oh no. WWX knows that look.
"Will Prince Dragon-gege leave now that A-Yuan found his Xian-gege?" A-Yuan's lower lip wobbles. Oh, the little fiend. "He won't play with A-Yuan anymore?"
LWJ's mouth flops open like a fish trapped on land. A-Yuan adds more of a pout and twist back and forth.
WWX knows the next step if he doesn't get his way is to bring out the crocodile tears, and he's sure that will actually make LWJ combust. As much as he's enjoying seeing his old friend, if he's technically working they can't monopolize all his time.
"Come on little radish, time for dragon princes to run off for their palace. We can't keep him too long, he's got a new year to bring in!"
Unfortunately, this has the opposite effect and now A-Yuan's act has dropped into wide-eyed wonder as he looks at LWJ like a treasured deity.
"Wow! Dragon-gege brings in the new year? We have to play, Xian-gege! For luck!"
This is definitely something Uncle Four taught him, but now A-Yuan is sending the full force of those doe eyes at /WWX/, and WWX is a weak man.
"No! Not the A-Yuan eyes! Anything but that!" He tries to shy away, only for A-Yuan to tug on his arm until they're eye level.
He sets those beams to kill and WWX staggers under the weight of their cuteness.
At least A-Yuan is giggling and completely focused on making his Xian-gege fall over. WWX uses his genius distrction to wave LWJ away, gesturing for him to escape.
Except apparently Lan Wangji sucks at charades because instead of tucking his dragon tail and running off, he says, "I can stay. And celebrate. With A-Yuan and Wei Ying."
WWX jaw drops as A-Yuan cheers and dances happy circles around his Dragon-gege.
WWX tries to pull him aside. Luckily, A-Yuan's excited shouts drown out his whispers. "Lan Zhan, you, you know you don't have to right?"
LWJ gives him a look he can't read, but if he had to he'd assume it meant "Duh" in Lan Wangji-speak.
"I know, I want to."
WWX blinks, trying and failing to understand why anyone would want to spend their New Years dressed in a dragon costume while hanging out with a college drop-out and a toddler who's too good at manipulation.
But before he can protest, LWJ reaches out his hand for A-Yuan to grab and they're off. It's all WWX can do to catch up and run after them, shouting, "Hey! Wait for me!"
LWJ must know this festival better than them, because he instantly finds the best stalls and booths, with games that catch A-Yuan's eye and food that makes WWX drool.
His aim should be terrible and he should be at least a little uncoordinated considering what he's wearing, but no, not at all. Apparently LWJ is somehow stronger wearing a dragon costume, as if he's actually got some new abilities that lead him to win every game and every prize.
Somehow, he even manages to pay for everything too. Before WWX can so much as shuffle the pile of stuffed animals in arm aside to grab his wallet, LWJ has dug up some cash from whatever hidden pocket is in his suit.
He can't find it in himself to really complain though.
Back when they shared that small dormroom, LWJ was always doing things like this. Buying whatever they needed and paying for WWX even when he didn't ask, especially when he didn't ask.
He hasn't had anyone to do this for him in years. He and the Wens are always struggling to make end's meet, so any splurging they do is communal.
WWX had forgotten what if felt like to be taken care of like this. He'd forgotten the warmth that lit up his belly whenever LWJ wordlessly handed something to him. Like sitting next to a comforting campfire.
As midnight approaches, A-Yuan starts dozing off, his tanghulu gradually slipping out of his hand before WWX manages to save it
In one fluid movement, LWJ bends and lifts A-Yuan into his arms, resting his head against his shoulder where the puffy fabric of his costume is softest
A little part of WWX is jealous; he wouldn't mind cuddling with Dragon-gege too.
The other part is too busy trying to get a picture of them as LWJ walks off. WWX immediately sets the photo as his background, refusing to think too much about how his heart races.
Lan Wangji guides them over to a space cordoned off from the rest of the crowd. It must be where festival workers can hang back and relax, and it's blessedly peaceful here. Perfect for A-Yuan to relax.
"You know that costume of yours has its perks, Lan Zhan!" WWX says, whistling at the view. From here they can see the drones dancing overhead along with a pretty decent angle at the barge where fireworks sit at the ready. "Though all those kids wanting to take a picture, only for you to frown at them and scare them away! Haha! Maybe it isn't your thing after all."
LWJ lets out a breath that sounds a bit like a huff as he adjusts A-Yuan, cradling him closer to protect him from the slight breeze.
"This is usually Xiongzhang's idea of celebration. I am simply filling in."
WWX hums his acknowledgement, silently thanking Lan Xichen for giving him this good fortune today. He hangs over the railing, watching the current flow by and the shifting festival lights moving like stars in its waves.
He rests his head in his arms and glances over his shoulder
Lan Wangji stands with his eyes closed, enjoying what must be a refreshing breeze as he rocks slowly side to side. Just beneath the festival reverly, Wei Wuxian can hear him humming under his breath. Something soothing and melancholic as he rocks A-Yuan back and forth.
Even with all the pretty festival lights, and the fireworks that will launch any minute now, WWX finds he has no desire to look away. Something about the peaceful serenity on Lan Wangji, the way lanterns cast pretty patterns over his smooth skin. How his eyelashes cast long, fluttering shadows. The hint of a smile, the slightest tease lingering at the corner of his lips.
Why would Wei Wuxian ever look away?
A gust of wind tosses his hair and disturbs LWJ's costume enough for it to slip, revealing the side of his face covered in sweat and tiny strands of hair glued to his skin. LWJ's nose twitches, one of the feathery stands jutting out of his costume tickling him.
But with the limited range of movement his costume provides and the way what little is available is focused on holding a sleeping child, there's little LWJ can do other than contort his face to try and move the strand away.
When he starts blowing air out fruitlessly, his puffed up cheeks sticking out against his costume's hoodie, WWX chuckles softly and reaches over.
"Here, let me."
He carefully moves the strand aside and adjusts the costume so it's back in place. His fingers, cold from the late night winter chill, blaze with the heat of LWJ's skin.
His fingers brush against LWJ's cheekbones. How can skin be so soft?
LWJ stares back at him, eyes wide as the full moon overhead. In its reflection, his eyes seem almost gold with the light of a thousand lanterns living in them.
A hush falls over as WWX's fingers linger over his skin. He doesn't want to pull his hand away. He finds there's nothing he'd want to do less.
LWJ breaths in, and his exhale tickles WWX's nose. When did they get so close?
Distantly, the countdown begins.
Their eyes are still locked when the first fireworks are sent into the sky, a cascade of starfall lighting up the night. Colorful drones dance around them, transforming into a giant dragon chasing after the moon.
"Look, Dragon-gege. Is that you?" comes A-Yuan's sleepy voice from where it's tucked in his shoulder.
Finally, LWJ drags his gaze away from WWX, though tingles still race up his spine. He glances at the sky and says, "No, it's another dragon."
"Does that mean you'll stay here, with us?"
WWX heart clenches as he waits for his answers. LWJ looks at him as he replies, "Mn. If you will have me, yes I will."
The fireworks exploding overhead cannot be as loud as the drumming in WWX's ears.
But A-Yuan isn't finished tearing WWX apart. "Then make sure you kiss. That's the only way it will come true."
"A-Yuan!" WWX sputters. "Really, who taught you these things? That's not—Lan Zhan doesn't need to kiss m—anyone if he—"
"I meant /me/, Xian-gege," A-Yuan explains like hes the one explaining things to a toddler. He rolls his eyes and promptly kisses Lan Wangji on the cheek, happy giggles ringing as fireworks burst overhead.
A smirk twists across Lan Wangji's lips as Wei Wuxian gapes at them.
"Hey! That's not fair! Where's my kiss?"
LWJ lifts an eyebrow. "Would Wei Ying like a New Years' kiss as well?"
WWX's cheeks flame brighter than the fireworks. "I meant from—from—I didn't mean—Lan Zhan!"
A-Yuan giggles as LWJ huffs a laugh that works its way right into WWX's heart. Twin conspiratorial half-smiles creep across their faces, lit up by flashing colors.
LWJ leans over, and together he and A-Yuan kiss WWX's cheeks. A-Yuan's kiss is wet and messy, but the softness of LWJ's lips leave WWX cradling his cheek long after he pulls away, wishing he could trap the feeling there.
"Hehe, Happy New Year, Xian-gege! Dragon-gege!" A-Yuan slips from LWJ's arms and leans against the railing, content to ignore them as he watches the rest of the show.
"Happy New Year, Wei Ying." LWJ says, still wearing that half-smile that twists WWX's insides.
WWX ignores how he must be a blushing mess and leans against LWJ, whose puffy costumed arm slides around his back, lending him warmth as the sky erupts above.
"Why did you have to wear this stupid costume anyway. We could be holding hands," he pouts.
LWJ huffs another silent laugh and presses a soft kiss against the crown of WWX's head.
WWX closes his eyes to savor the moment, then leans back and rests against LWJ, puffy glorified dragon onesie and all.
As he watches the show overhead reach its exciting concluding, listening to A-Yuan's quiet gasps and LWJ's soothing breathing, WWX makes a resolution.
Next year, he'll get a proper New Years kiss.
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halcyonminor · 6 months
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Such lovely talks
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july-19th-club · 2 years
another fun thing about elementary flavor sherlock holmes is the incredible single-minded pettiness that he exhibits whenever someone he meets has the wrong bee opinions
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brbgensokyo · 3 months
ive been dwelling on it all morning and its been a very long time since ive heard a song and went "Wow that sounds like the future"
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