#come on he wields some of the heaviest stuff in the game
berserker-official · 7 years
Livestream 8/3
For Honor team announced Season 3: Grudge & Glory (Starts August 15th)
The second PTS is over, and while they are extremely grateful for all the data, more PTS will be on the way because the game will change and evolve, so keep an eye out.
If you’re on the subreddit, the mods are holding a giveaway for 20 Season 2 winner shirts. All you have to do is make content to help potential new players, like tutorial videos.
An event is going on this weekend. Realistic Elimination from August 4 to August 7. Orders will be available that go with the event.
New Content of the Week: 14 new emotes (The sports emotes that were datamined earlier) and 2 new executions for Centurion and Shinobi.
Highlander and Gladiator Revealed
The Highlander is a hard Viking Hybrid with two different forms or stances, defensive and offensive. I assume that since he wields the claymore, the heaviest weapon in the game so far, he might come with big unblockable swings with a lot of range.
Gladiator is a Knight Assassin (can be either male or female!) and should not be considered a Cent 2.0. Gladiator is supposed to be faster and can have some range and separation attacks. It is also said that Gladiator will have a larger stamina pool and faster stamina regen.
New Maps
Sentinel: A ruined castle that comes with a mounted ballista to shoot players
Viking Village: A small shot of the village shows the possibility of lethal obstacles like a spiked barrel that rolls downhill
PTS stuff that is coming to Season 3:
Chip Damage: Changed to 18% across the board. It only applies to regular block. Non-lethal, but the percentage stacks with equipment stats like the chip damage stat, and is not affected by stats like attack or defense.
Revenge activation is now immune to melee attacks. In revenge, you won’t be interrupted by melee attacks, but your melee attacks won’t knock down opponents. This means Cent players can’t knock you down, but as a Cent you can’t knock players down. Other heroes with melee attacks like Warlord are affected by this as well. Shield boost is up from 50 to 75.
There were changes to the parry system in the PTS that will NOT be in the update when Season 3 comes out.
Reducing melee attack stuns on certain attacks so you don’t get locked in a Cent Gank Hellhole.
Certain attacks that have superior block or armor is gone when out of stamina.
Guard switch problems with reflex guard is fixed. An example is when an assassin class wants to block top but reflex guard has them stuck at a different direction which causes you to get hit.
Warlord crashing charge bug which locks the opponent and forces them to get carried long distances is fixed.
Lawbringer’s Blind Justice attack can now be feinted and can use shove on hit.
Other bug fixes and changes listed, but not shared. When the full patch notes drop I’ll write it all down.
Faction War
New territories will be added
Active Duty achievement bug fixed
New feature: War Banner Before you start matches you can deploy a War Banner onto one of your territories, then any assets you gain will automatically be applied to that territory. This still counts as a manual deployment so now you can help your faction without having to constantly deploy.
Among the For Honor devs, Team Onion is the group working on Project Onion, or the Dedicated Servers. The reason it’s an onion is because this project requires time and layers, as well as a lot of crying. They’re also assisting with the Tournament and Ranked modes, which will be arriving in Season 3 in beta. Console and PC players can now play the Duel Tourney mode. Anti-Run penalty will be implemented in both Tourney Duels and normal Duels.
Rematch flow fix. Usually at the end of the match, if there aren’t enough players the game throws you back into the main menu. Now you will be thrown back into matchmaking. If you’re in a group they will follow.
In duel or brawl you can now choose if you want to play the same opponents in a rematch or to go back into matchmaking for new players.
For PC players, a text chat privacy option will be available. This is similar to Overwatch text chat where you can text your group, your team, or everyone in the match. Based on your settings, if you’re in the group scope, you will not be able to see the anybody else’s chats. So if the other team is extremely toxic but you’re in the group or team scope you won’t see the toxic text.
PvAI rewards are back in duel.
Plea to help nip toxicity in the bud. The devs are trying their best to stop it, but there’s only so much they can do. Help them by reporting toxic players.
New Rep Level cap and Equipment
Rep Level 40 with rewards exclusively for high rep heroes (like the rep locked outfits)
Legendary rarity equipment. 4 new weapons and 2 new sets of armor for every hero except for the Season 3 heroes (since they’re brand new)
When you reach Rep 7 you’ll start getting legendary gear.
To react to the new gear, rarity scaling, loot cost, and drop rates after maps are changed. Now newer heroes will get better gear faster to catch up sooner.
Hero customization UI change
Emote and execution menus now have live recordings of the emotes and executions so you can see them in real time with your hero and effect. This also combats against the datamining leaks since they aren’t videos.
Changes to ledge-heavy duel maps
Overwatch: Trap door hell. Now instead of instantly opening there is a timer on the doors. The timer is not revealed yet in hopes players can either be in better positions or already dead before the trap doors open. The bridge is also getting wider, spawning both players on the two separate bridges so they can meet up in the middle area, where the Dominion point A is located.
Forest: The bridge map is now replaced with the area under the bridge.
Tower Ruins: The top of the tower map is now replaced with the gardens area near the bottom of the tower. In addition the spawn point next to the ledging fountain on one side and the broken fence on the other is being changed. The fence will be fully up so you either have to fight or try to drag someone to the fountain.
Map placement is important, and if players move to a certain spot on a map then it deserves to be looked at. Level editors is also willing to look at feedback for brawl maps (I’m probably going to ask about the Forest and Village maps which are slightly problematic) on the For Honor forums.
Hero Series finals and Caster Competition winners
NA PC: Barace, Bandanaa, Skorbrand, SypherPK, Kiritiv
NA PS4: RavelordServant
NA XB1: Seraph
Brazil PC: btU.LorenSid-
EU PC: S O L i p s, Clutchmeister, SB.Alernakin, ZeBiofuze, Hhhhmmm m1, Hanzax
EU PS4: Jamelfr
EU XB1: Ark6712
Casters: KingRichard15, VividNaz
Next Week we get an in-depth look at the Gladiator and Highlander
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