#comedic literature
joncronshawauthor · 6 months
📚 Milestone Achievements & New Beginnings | Author Diary March 29, 2024 - Writing Updates & Reading Ventures 📖✨
🎉 Completing “The Wolf and the Wyvern” Redraft: I’ve hit a significant milestone this week – the redraft of “The Wolf and the Wyvern” is finally complete! It’s a momentous occasion in the journey of the Ravenglass Legends series, and I’m thrilled to have reached this stage. 📘 Starting Book 3: With “The Wolf and the Wyvern” now in its next phase, I’ve begun drafting the third book in the…
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anghraine · 18 days
I know this isn't only an autistic thing or always an autistic thing, but over the least few years, I've realized that a lot of my difficulties with humor are not actually with humor itself. If anything, there are specific kinds of humor that really work for me and I end up laughing so much harder and longer than everyone else that it's uncomfortable or embarrassing.
But a lot of popular humor fundamentally relies on saying things that aren't true. Sometimes this is drastic exaggeration, sometimes it's OTT parody that is far more about Being Funny than about the actual thing being parodied, and often it's flatly false and that's what is supposed to be funny about it. And yes, that's a humorless and ungracious way to describe that kind of humor—I don't mean to say that this is objectively bad or something.
I even understand the jokes intellectually. But in the vast majority of cases, there is something deeply unfunny to me about jokes reliant on something that is either obviously untrue or which I firmly disagree with.
I've seen quite a few posts recently about how, in online fandom, mocking your faves or being amused at other people mocking your faves is an important part of fandom culture. But for me, jokes about my faves based on things they actually said or did, or qualities they clearly possess, can be very funny, while jokes that are based on misrepresentations—even obvious, it's-all-in-good-fun-and-we-all-know-the-truth misrepresentations—are tedious at best.
For an easy example: Anakin and Luke Skywalker are two of my main Star Wars faves. Jokes about sand or Anakin mass-murdering children in his good phase or Luke being far less concerned than Han over the revelation of who his twin is or "it's not faaaaair" can still be really funny to me when told right. Jokes about Anakin obviously mind-tricking Padmé or Luke being obviously an eternally optimistic loser twink are intensely annoying to me regardless of context or delivery, not because they're comparably objectionable or anything but because they're not true.
Functionally this does cut out a lot of humor—especially online humor—but it's not that I literally don't understand it. I get it. I just don't get it.
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lemonhemlock · 7 months
not to be a hater on main but i just stumbled on a tik tok claiming that tsh both takes itself too seriously and could use more absurd comedy and it nearly made me punch a wall
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fallensapphires · 10 days
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Genres: Comedy
Comedy can be a cathartic way to deal with personal trauma.
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couriernewvegas · 1 month
wait in the vein of having things to listen to at work anyone have podcast recs
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s3janus · 1 year
The idea that Victor should have cared for the creature is so funny because yeah, he shouldn't have abandoned him, but I also can't begin to imagine how Victor would've been able to do that inside his university apartment
I think that would be a decent concept for a sitcom
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okapiandpaste · 1 year
at first i didn't understand why the original lupin stories were so popular but now that i've realized how absolutely committed to the bit they are, i completely understand the vision. every time without fail it's this and i love it so much
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asamitaka2003 · 1 month
"Please keep no taps on me, cause I'm a girl with no brain."
- Another kawaii gurl.
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cherry-bomb-ships · 1 year
Btw maybe this is just a skill issue for me, but I'm finding it incredibly hard to write fics for my ship wif Cortex 😭😭😭 And the main and perhaps only reason is I cannot figure out for the life of me how to write cartoony antics without it sounding deranged 💀 Like in a cartoon when you see violence as physical comedy it reads as funny because you're watching it happen, it's quick and brief and funny and you understand the characters as being malleable and not affected by it, whereas reading it takes time to go through the words and lingers on it longer than it should. How the fuck am I supposed to write R. Marie slamming Cortex in the back of the head with a metal pipe and not make it sound like an unhealthy relationship 💀💀💀
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ancientroyalblood · 11 months
The Art of Writing Humor: Making Readers Laugh and Think
Laughter is a universal language, a bridge that connects hearts and minds. As I ponder the art of writing humor, my thoughts dance with the delightful challenge of not just tickling the funny bone but also engaging the intellect. In this exploration, I seek to unravel the techniques that transform words into laughter, making readers not only chuckle but also reflect. Understanding Your…
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isawhitney · 1 year
There’s a girl in my attic - or so I am told
By the spectre that lives on the stairs -
Who delights in disturbing my vampire bats
And perturbing my phantoms with glares.
She’s most sullen and pert, my grim reaper asserts,
And the poltergeists all are in tears.
The living room ghoul’s in a sulk on the rug -
What a pity, my poor little dears!
Perverse, perverted noises pervade the whole house,
Interrupting our gibbers and groans
With a chorus of ecclesiastical rock
And a choir of light baritones.
I have tried several times to ascend to that room
And to beg her to let us alone,
But the door has a crucifix nailed to the front!
I mean, honestly? In my own home?
Oh, I don’t know just what’s to be done with that girl,
For her habits and mine can’t agree,
So perhaps I had better pop down with a letter
And ask Vlad or Carmilla to tea.
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strawberrystainedd · 1 year
i know anne of green gables so well that i know IMMEDIATELY when you people are imposters. “anne of green gables quotes” the bar is so low that i will give you credit for knowing the name and not calling it by the n*tflix name but that is NOT an aogg quote. that is a paraphrased tv quote that some 20 year old actor said on fake tv.don’t you dare put that on lm montgomery if you’re going to fucking quote her get it RIGHT
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giganfan03 · 2 years
How to Eat a Lot of Food and Still Feel Great
I love food. I absolutely love it!
Contrary to what you might think, the key to staying thin and beautiful is actually to eat more food and not less.
I know, it seems crazy, but it isn’t the more you think about it!
Essentially what is going on in your body is like, a ton of workers and they are trying to work so that your body, the machine, can function. But if these workers aren’t fed then they can’t work as well and make the machine function as well as it should. So you have to make sure the body can have enough fuel so all the little workers can do their job.
We live in a time where the minimum wage is going up and that is a good thing. So raise the minimum wage of your little workers!
My day to day diet is pretty consistent but I really try to make it a good eating experience every time.
I will start the day with a cup of black coffee so my body can have some energy, I then will get on a treadmill and walk for an hour at the highest incline option.
While I work on staying fit and healthy, my maids will be preparing my breakfast.
My sweet, sweet, maid will work all through the night to prepare a fresh bone broth for me in the morning. She’s my maid but she also does some cooking which is really nice of her considering we don’t really pay her nearly as much as we pay my personal chef but she still does it. I think she is afraid of losing her job or something but she makes quite a good broth.
Calories are important! To make sure that my body can keep up with the vigorous amounts of work I’m doing I try to consume as many as 200 calories a day!
After my breakfast of a cup of bone broth and a cup of coffee I will start working. I can browse Twitter for hours and after a while, you get pretty hungry! Working on creating a good image for yourself on the internet can be tiring, so by lunchtime my tummy starts telling me it needs more food.
Lunch is a big bowl of my favorite smoothie! I take water and ice and I blend them with a little bit of xanthan gum for thickening and some extra nutrients. I can eat this smoothie bowl all day. It is absolutely to die for!
I get a lot of compliments on my body and it makes me so happy but I just need all the girls of the world to know you really have to take care of yourself to look this good. Like I said before, it’s eating food that keeps you healthy, not avoiding it.
After I’m done with my remaining work I like to go for a little run. It’s just a nice activity to clear my mind. I will run around my property for about 45 minutes or until the joints in my elbows start to hurt.
I may sit on the couch and watch some TV for a little bit before my personal chef makes me dinner: Chocolate coconut macaroon french toast! I have a bit of a sweet tooth so this is just the perfect way to end my night, dinner and desert all in one!
You may be asking yourself how a woman like me can even manage to eat all this and y’know what, it’s just part of my life. After a while your stomach makes room to accommodate your diet so eating all this good food really just makes me feel good and I don’t even notice how full I am. I’m a growing girl and I need my fuel. Thanks GQ for taking some time and allowing me to talk about my wonderful meals of the day!
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Goyhood by Reuven Fenton [A Review]
Goyhood by Reuven Fenton surprises with its unique take on some favourite story types such as the road trip and the male midlife crisis. But more than that, it is a story of faith, grief, self-discovery and a venture into a dark side of forgotten America. At the age of twelve years old, Marty Belkin had what could only be described as a profound religious awakening. Having never experienced an…
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joncronshawauthor · 6 months
Fantasy Writing Insights from the Comedy 'Peep Show'
In the boundless world of fantasy literature, unexpected sources like the British TV comedy “Peep Show” offer fresh lessons. Its first-person view, sharp wit, and imperfect characters provide a treasure trove of ideas for fantasy writers seeking innovation and depth. Let’s dive into Mark and Jez’s absurdly funny world to see what it offers the realm of fantasy writing. Mastering First-Person…
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lbluel-04 · 2 years
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