shunukitrash · 1 year
I'm in physical pain you are grown ass adults stop shipping yourselves with minors
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scruffiandraws · 16 days
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Been thinking about Mcbc in punk rock holocaust 2
Gore of my comfart character 💔
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birdghost · 1 year
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yourtamaki · 8 months
I've been reading all your Zoro smut and I LOVE IT! Keeps me entertained while I'm board in class.
Can I ask you to write a sub zoro fic please? Only if you're comfartable
thank youuu! i wrote this lil drabble about sub zoro awhile back if you haven’t seen it :3
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asksuccubussides · 1 year
What if you were an asexual succubus, wouldn't that be fucked or what Chapter 6
Masterpost of the chapters
'Aight. I told Emile I'd like lost my sunglasses by the balcony so we should have some like alone time now' Remy signed while sitting down beside Remus 'Sooo like what's our game plan?'
"Plan?..Like for destroying the planet or just some casual murder?"
'Girl! For when you gotta go back to earth to feed!' Remy gave him the look equivalent of calling him stupid while making a sound equivalent to "????"
"What!? Prison cells got doors don't they!? If I get caught I'll just go on home to hell! Or I can finally try to gnaw my way out through concrete babbeeeyy!"
'Do you even think you can like feed off a human without like going all killer and trying to eat one again??'
Remus huffed and puffed to pretend to be offended "Uuuuh I'm not a wild animal dude. If anything I should be making detailed plans about how to murder angels!"
Remy tightly held onto their friend's wrist "You're. Not. Going. To. Heaven!"
He pushed them aside and forced their hands off of him "I don't want to feed off humans anymore"
"Oh so you're just like choosing death via starvation then??? yeah sounds like such a totally good idea. Real cool. I guess it¨s more badass then being sent to heaven but it still fucking sucks!" They threw out their arms "There's no other way for you to survive girlie!"
"Cause your attempt at eating a human went sooo weellll"
Remus opened his mouth and smacked his lips as if he was about to argue back while desperately trying to think of a good argument. He waved his finger around before wheezing out.
"My first try at sex didn't go good either soooo" He shrugged "I mean genitals are kinda fucking weird y'know. No one had told me you couldn't switch genties midway through....Okay somebody had told me not to do it. But I wanted to see what would happen!!"
"Don't remind me. And Girl you're not eating anotha human"
"I won't! You try to eat a human ONE time and suddenly people think it's your favorite hobby! I wasn't even gonna eat All of them! Just a few parts!"
Remus spun around and tapped his feet like he was about to leave when Remy asked "Do you think you can...you want to like....feed on a human ever again?" He didn't answer "If you really can't like take the whole sex with humans thing anymore I'm like totally sure I can like help you..." They rolled their eyes slightly while moving their hand as if to make their point more obvious "Like if fucking a friend is like better"
"Dude I'd rather chew on your foot and then regurgitate it onto the floor. I-" Remus nervously plucked at scabs on his hands, He had already bitten his nails down to the point they bleed "Whatever. I need to go read up on how to kill angels!"
"Should you tell Roman?"
Remus just waved their question off as he hurried to leave the room. He did a big point of sulking and slouching with his hands deep in his pockets and his curls falling down in front of his eyes as he walked towards the library of the succubus quarters.
There was no way Roman could know. Aside from her being terrible at keeping secrets, the worry would tear her apart....And what if she ratted him out to the manager. What if she hated him that much.
The succubi library was sparse and small. There were a few bookshelfs and a table in the middle of the room with a tiny pitiful lamp. The chair wasn't even comfartable and of course the entire room was drenched in that awful white color every room in the succubi quarters seemed to be. The books weren't even categorised in any way!
His eyes wandered over the book spines and most of them seemed to be written by demons. Some biographies and memoirs from the pride circle, self help and weight loss books from the envy circle, a book about crypto from the greed circle. Though honestly most of them were clearly just self indulged dream projects.
The image of a lone demon quietly writing away under the covers at night came up as soon as Remus grabbed at some silly adventure book or short novel about love.
Finally he managed to find some factual books but most of them were about sex. Safe sex, dangerous sex, radiactive sex. All the kind.
All of a sudden it started to feel like something was pressing down on Remus' chests but he didn't know why. It got hard to breathe and his sight got blurry but he tried to ignore it and just keep looking for information on angels but he couldn't find anything. he couldn't see anything.
The taste of human flesh filled his mouth again as his stomach turned.
"Rem-bem? I didn't even know you knew where the library was" Emile's airy voice followed by a chuckle made Remus nearly jump out of his skin. "Have you seen my honeybun's sunlgasses? They said they'd lost them somewhere around here"
His eyes twitched as he turned to look at Emile "I-" He tried to keep his breathing as stable as possible but his voice still shook "I'm- I-"
Emile moved forward and gently put his hand against Remus' forehead "You look like you're running a fever. When was the last time you ate?"
Remus parsed his lips to say that he'd eaten enough but all he could get out was more shakey words before finally gasping out "I'm going to die"
"Please, modern medicine makes a fever hardly anything to die over. Let's sit you down"
He helped Remus to the uncomfortable chair next to the table before jumping up to sit on the table. He kicked his feet mindlessly over the edge of the table while patting his friend's hand. Remus dug his fingernails into Emile's hand.
"You know anything about angels?" He spat out between ragged breathes.
Emile let out a forced laugh "Only as much as any other demon would know"
His nails pierced through their skin "Remy always says they like angels. They think they're cute. Even the wings. Rem gets like all of their info from you, you gotta know something"
"Pff, they don't get ALL of their information from me. I know absolutely nothing about sleeping like a sloth for example! I didn¨t know snor mimimi meant sleep! They taught me that"
"I just need to know something- anything about them!"
Emile cupped his cheeks "Has something happened?"
"I want to kill them....I...don't want to go. I don't want to go!"
He brought Remus into a hug and let his head rest against his own chest as Rem kept shaking. he didn't have to say anything more, in that instant Emile knew he had done something irrevercable.
"I think Roman said he was going to come back to hell around noon so he should be here soon" Emile said while combing their hand through Remus' uneven hair "Do you want us to talk to her about this whole situation?"
Remus shook his head without moving away from the hug.
"Okay...That's okay. We can tell her at some other time. It's okay buddy" Emile stared at the white walls while thinking "...Angels aren't as scary as the gossip makes them sound like. They're just like demons. An angel would have been in just as much danger if they were suddenly dropped into hell as we would be if we got sent up there"
"I don't wanna go"
"I'm not going to let you-"
Emile suddenly quieted and held his hand lightly over Remus' mouth. His eyes darted around as he listened for something. Until he just as suddenly started pushing on for Remus to go.
'Hide!' Emile signed in a hurry.
Remus ran to the corner of the room and hunched down behind one of the bookcases. He pressed himself as close as he could to the ground and held his breathe. From between the gaps in the books he could see Emile grabbing the closest book and flipping it open to pretend to read it.
It took a moment until Remus heard it. The distant sound of footsteps approaching with the kind of weight behind it no succubi had. He held his breathe and listened to the door to the library creak as it opened. Light shone in but it didn't reach his corner.
The light turned into a light hue of orange as the manager stepped into the room. Out of the corner of Remus' eye he could see the tall six armed demon walk up to Emile. He'd never seen them in the same room together before, Remy had always been so sure about telling Emile to not join them in their meetings.
A sick feeling started in Remus' mouth and clogged it's way down his throat until it filled his entire chest as he wondered why The Manager was in the succubi quarters when there wasn't a meeting. He knew why but he tried to pretend like he was still asking why.
"Oh..." There was a surpised tone to the manager's voice, nearly bordering on disappointed "Hello. Aren't you Remy's little pet? The traitor? I thought you would have been discarded and dead by now"
"I'm reading and you a disrupting me" Emile loudly slammed his book shut "So if you could be a dear and leave that would be nice"
"Well I am looking for the angry twin. You should know who I mean if you know Remy. Have you seen him" It was said as less of a question and more in the harsh tone of an order.
"You're not my manager so therefore hmm" The sound of Emile clicking his tongue and pretending to think came "That means I don't have to answer to you!"
There was a sudden slam like a fist hitting a table. Remus turned his hands into tight fists in case Emile needed his help. Instead he heard a low hissing sentence coming from the manager, as if he was pulling the words from deep in his throat.
"Yes you damn do! One word from me and you slut and that deaf idiot is getting-"
"They're my lover" Emile's smile could practically be heard.
Another slam into the table "I am very aware of how hard your kind has when it comes to lying convicingly so you will tell me where the twin is and you won't even try to trick me because I already know you know"
Emile tilted his head "Which twin was it you were looking for now again?"
"You know damn well which one!"
"It's not his fault your squadron is so low ranked. It was low ranked even when I got here. I think you're just putting the blame onto him so you have a reason to let your blatant anger issues out" Emile was laying on the sickingly sweet therapy like voice extra thick.
A loud sound came but Remus couldn't understand what it was. He shifted ever so slight to the left and began to crawl along the floor trying to get closer to the other two.
"If you know I know anyhow why do you even have to ask me" Emile continued "Unless you only want to make me throw my friend under the bus to have a way of controlling me"
The manager lowered his voice "The only reason you and Remy are still alive is because killing someone like you wasn't beneficial! But it's been decades Emile! You really think anyone remembers you. Really think anybody would care if you were killed"
"I wouldn't want to live with myself if I hurt a friend like that anyhow"
"Would you rather live without Remy then"
A beat passed and then a sudden scream from Emile. Like nothing Remus had ever heard from him before.
Remus grabbed the nearest book before jumping out from behind the bookshelf he'd been hiding. He threw the book so it hit the manager right on the head.
The manager stopped and turned his head towards Remus. He was holding his arm above his head with Emile desperately reaching out to grip onto his hand.
"I just now climbed in the backdoor to scare you...Bitch!" Remus lied while signing for Emile to go! go! go!
Emile had turned pale as a sheet as he slowly retracted his hands and backed out of the room. He didn't stop staring at the manager until he was just about outside the room when he immediately ran away to find Remy.
Without saying a word the manager went to close the door before looking back at Remus. His towering frame made it impossible for Remus to try and run away.
"You hurt a human"
Remus blood ran cold "I didn't have a choice" He spat back.
"Yes you did" There was no emotion in the manager's voice "And either way violence is not something succubi are made to do. If you were in any actual danger you should have just let it happen. You have known the rules and your purpose ever since you were made! And yet you still did it!"
"Roman wasn't there. He doesn¨t know"
The manager chuckled lightly "Obviously! Otherwise the other twin would have been here same as you" He took a few steps closer to the succubi "I have always been fascinated by you...And annoyed, irritated, hateful. But mostly fascinated"
Remus felt his skin hit against the table as he tried to back away.
"The demons creating your lot has been doing this job for centuries. How could they have gotten it so wrong when they made you. I've even wondered if msking you was some sort of joke, as if they were trying to make the worst possible succubus"
The succubi scraped his fingernails against the downside of the table to try and feel how sharp they were.
"..How about this" The manager were as close as he could be "I could look aside this little incident, the human didn't even die after all, if you...let me fix you"
The manager placed his hand against Remus' thigh and let his fingers wander upwards while leaning so close his harsh breathe hit against Remus' cheek.
within an insant the succubi had stabbed his nails into the flesh of the manager's hand. But he didn't draw blood, he didn't even break the skin.
"THERE'S NOTHING BOUT ME TO FIX!" Remus screamed "And the only things wrong with me is my demented fucking brain and my shitty sense of humor!"
The manager leant back and straightened his posture once more. His eyes flickered up and down Remus "I see" He said in a dry tone.
In one overwhelming dizzy spur of movement the manager's many arms took ahold of Remus' hair and dragged him out into the hallway. The succubi pulled at his hair and swatted with his tail but nothing worked. His body froze when he saw guards waiting outside the door. They took ahold of him in the same way he had seen them take ahold of the oh so many Punished succubi he'd seen.
He kicked his legs and yelled and thrashed his head around and screamed and screamed and screamed. A crowd had started to gather in the hallway, dozens of eyes leering at him.
"I DON'T EVEN REGRET IT! I WOULD HAVE BITTEN ANOTHER FUCKING HUMAN IF I COULD!" Remus yelled while continuing to trash around.
Everything was a blur and the air was thick like oil. His eyes searched for his brother in the crowd. Emile. Remy. Anyone. But none of them were there.
Remus was dragged into the meeting room and the doors shut tight behind him. He fell to the floor on his knees as the guards let him go. His mind was screaming at him to run but he saw the manager's shoes in front of him before he had the chance to.
The manager took a handful of his hair and forced his head back so his eyes stared up at the gleaming eyes of the demon.
"Any last words?"
Remus spat up at him "Next time I'll kill the bastard I'm attacking"
"That's preciesly the spirit you need"
The words didn't really reach Remus as he heard yells coming from the hallway outside. His chest began to ache as he felt his brother trying to get to him. He could just about make out Roman yelling his name over and over.
Even with the manager still holding him in place Remus managed to turn his head around to see Roman crashing through the door. The two guard demons quickly took ahold of her. She trashed around just as he had and even let out her wings in a desperate attempt to free herself from the guards.
"REMUS! LET GO OF HIM!" Roman yelled right into the guard's faces "HE HASN'T DONE ANYTHING!"
She tried to reach out her arm and graps for him but they weren't even near. The last thing Remus saw was tears going down his brother's cheeks before the manager forced Remus to look up at him. One of his many hands held the succubi's face in his palm before his fingers forcibly parsed his lips.
The manager's fingers dug into his mouth and his nails left cuts on Remus' tongue.
"Speak no evil!"
The pain was instant.
His eyessight completely whitened from shock as he to his stomach. His hands stretched out looking for some comfort, some relief. It was hard to move and even harder to breathe.
Something was clogging up his throat and when he coughed he realized it was blood. He puked up the mix of bile and blood onto the cold marble floor. One of his teeth fell out alongside it.
In the blur of pain his eyes darted around the room trying to find his brother until seeing Roman laying passed out on the floor. Her body was shaking and her fingers twitching. Remus tried to drag himself closer but the manager took a single step in front of him and stopped him completely.
Remus glanced up at the demon and felt the fear of heaven fill him.
"You were quite effecient when you hurt that human" The manager said but the sounds just made Remus' head hurt even more.
He parsed his lips and tried to yell out his brother's name but not a single sound came out.
The manager snapped his fingers in front of Remus' face "Listen to me. We want you to go seduce a human and then kill them, okay? It's easy. It's what you said you wanted was it not"
Remus tried to let out a confused whine. Again, nothing.
"Don't worry. You can still talk to humans, I know you're awful at seducing so I wanted to make it a bit easier on you"
The manager placed a knife into the palm of Remus' hand.
"Just make the human sin and then kill them and your twin is going to be alright. Easy. You have my word"
The mention of Roman made Remus nod along even though his head was still spinning too much to even understand.
"Good" The manager half heartedly patted him on the shoulder "The human's name is Janus. Got it"
The manager didn't give him a chance to answer. He pulled Remus along by the arm to the closest door and opened it to earth.
Remus was still trying to yell out to his unconcious brother as he got thrown out onto earth and the door slammed shut behind him.
The rain was pouring down onto the concrete creating puddles around his bare feet. He pulled in the handle and opened his mouth to say the code needed to open the gateway to hell but his heart sank as he realised he couldn't.
He was stuck on earth.
Still he banged his fists against the door until his knuckles were bloody and when he couldn't anymore he took the knife and tried to jam it open but nothing worked.
He hit his head against the door before curling up with the knife close to his chest. The puddles of water reflected his face back to him and he flinched as he saw that a single streak of his hair had turned the exact same shade of white as Remy's hair.
When he opened his mouth he realized his entire tongue had turned white as well.
Janus. The name of the human he was supposed to make sin and then kill filled his mind and soon enough he felt his heart being pulled towards the direction of the human in a similar way to how he had been able to feel where his brother was. His chest ached at the loss of not feeling Roman.
He clinged to the knife in his hand. All he had to do was kill and then everything would be alright again and Roman would be okay and Remy and Emile would be safe and nothing would be wrong.
Like in a trance his feet stumbled forward across the pavement onto the soft grass wet from the rain. The college he was in front of was dark and quiet aside from a lone light shining from the library building.
Remus held the knife tightly as he peered in through the window and saw Janus sitting all alone.
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artemispt · 1 year
Hey hey its me again ( softly because I do realize it's the middle of the night and you wouldn't want me screaming ) aside from that darling I just wanted to let yk that I would legitimately listen to you talk about anything and none of it would ever be a bother. This makes me realize that you probably don't want to obviously share stuff on your asks because that might make you feel uncomfortable maybe so istg very very soon om gonna find the courage from somewhere to just message you so we can talk ( only if you want really only if you comfartable) I'm kinda bad at keeping friendships so I'm scared to message you and then somehow I mess up and then we never talk again so I promise I'm gonna get over myself and just talk to you (again only if you want ) and darling you don't have to reply to this I just wanted you to know all this and tell you I really want to listen to you and talk and laugh with you and tell you it's never a bother . I love the beginnings of new friendships.
(Wait are we friends ??)
Sorry for telling you this unpromoted please please tell me if me telling you this makes you uncomfortable. I am truly truly sorry if it does.
No, it doesn’t make me uncomfortable at all. My DMs are open for you whenever you feel comfortable to message me ❤️
“Wait are we friends ??” - this made me remember the Carlando whisper challenge 🥺 “Did we just become best friends?” (Sorry to always bring Carlando to the chat today, but I’m still so happy with their podium).
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Hi Eri! I saw some people venting to you and i thought about giving it a shot. It's totally fine if you don't answer this! the last thing i want its to make you or someone else feel bad but i don't really have anyone irl that i could tell this.
I'm in my early 20's and lately its being so painful...i'm very scared of not being loved the way i love people...of course,i have friends and family that i know they love me and i love them back but maybe i'm hard to be loved by a partner.A few days ago i was thinking that maybe i should change things to be considered more "cannonically pretty" or change the way i dress,my taste in music or even my personality and it hurts so much because i've spent so many years trying to be comfartable with the person i am today (even though i want to change things to be a better version) i have been bullied by a lot of people,kids,teens,teachers and myself,i've been told i was a freak,not enough,a lost cause and more hurtful things. The thing is that even tough i've been treated like this i could NEVER make something to hurt others...i'm one of those kind of people that never lost their heart of gold,i also never stopped being a hopeless romantic,i guess thats why i suffer so much. Then Eddie comes to the scene. I've got sooo infatuated by him its insane. He is my comfort character and one of the reasons i've been waking up everyday since May and trying to have a better life. I love him for a lot of reasons,one of them is that he is the type of person i needed when i was younger,a mentor,a fellow freak who told me its okay to be different and shouldn't be ashamed of it and maybe its silly but it made me realize one of my life purpouses is create a safe space for people (specially young ones) to be themselves and not being afraid of it. But my insecurities get the best of me. I'm not cute and pretty like Chrissy or confident or strong enough to stand up for myself,so a part of me thinks he wouldn't see me or even like me or love me and that creates more pain and more insecurities.
Thank you for letting me vent here Eri!
Also,take care of yourself,i know you're trying your best and you deserve a break and taking care of yourself. You're an absolute gem!💖💖
Hi nonnie! Some people have been venting, yes, and I’m really sorry for the late reply on this one! I’m happy to listen to people & be here if I’m able to be! The anon function is there for a reason so feel free to vent as you want to. All I ask is that people use trigger tags before their vent if they feel it’s necessary; I am doing a degree in psych with counselling but I’m still in the stages of appreciating trigger tags before anything sensitive. Use your discretion on tags!💖
First of all, I’m really sorry that things have been so painful for you recently.🫂You sent this in four days ago and I’m sorry for my late reply on this but I hope you’re doing better!🫂💞I relate so much to the first part of your vent; after a few shallow relationships in college and one abusive relationship which I found the courage to leave at nineteen, I wrote myself off romantically at 20 and I have a cosmic ache in my chest for the Eddie I’ve been looking for since high school and have yet to find, and though I am genuinely happy alone and I know I’m better off like this, sometimes I ache and fear that I’m not supposed to be romantically loved. 
But, honey, we’re in our early 20′s. We have time. We have our whole lives ahead of us and if being loved by a partner is something you want, then it’ll happen to you. You love hard, deeply, and I’m certain the things you want will happen for you. Maybe not tonight or tomorrow, but they will. I’m so sorry that you’re so scared of this, but I want to tell you one thing which I want you to take away from this, especially if nothing else comforts and/or helps you:
“Never change, Y/N. Promise me?”
Learn to do better, be better, grow into yourself and become comfortable in your skin, but do not shrink yourself down or compromise on the things which make you happy, do not change your taste in music or clothes or anything which makes you glad to be alive for someone else.
That is a SURE way to unhappiness and you deserve better.💞
You’re none of the hurtful things you’ve been told over the years! People love to condemn what they don’t comprehend but that’s part of why it’s so important to advocate for yourself. Life is easier when you’re on your own side. YOU know who you are, and that’s what matters. Stick to your truth, and the rest will find you in one form or another. You’d never hurt others or do harm as people have done to you, and that tells me that a) you are incredibly strong (it’s easier to hate, harder to make the choice and effort to be kind) and b) you have a good and kind heart and you’re none of the things people have told you.🫂
Eddie is such a lovely person, so warm and kind, and I just know he would love you and he’d be so proud of you, hyping you up every single day since May. Like your own personal cheerleader! You love him a lot and I feel the same as you do; he is the kind of person I needed since high school but because I’ve never found him and no longer believe I will, I’m trying to become someone he’d be proud of. It IS okay to be different and you SHOULDN’T be ashamed of it and you ARE amazing!! Creating a safe space for others is a wonderful goal to devote yourself too and again, it’s one I’m aspiring to as well, not just on here but also irl; I’m doing a psychology with counselling degree and I desperately want to help people. I don’t mind how, just so long as I get to. I can’t think of anything I’d rather be doing with my time (one of my love languages is acts of services so it translates well).
You’re more than you know, by the sounds of it. I don’t know you but I do think that you’re better than you think you are. You’re beautiful inside and out, with a heart of gold, and Eddie would be head over heels for you!!! He would see you; you might think you’re shrinking into the background but Eddie sees the people who stick to the walls; he has a great vantage point on top of tables! He would be curious about you, find out about you through the grapevine, and once he found an opening to get to know you, he’d be finding ways to get into your life. He’d coax you up, drawn in by your mental strength and how you never hurt others even when they give you lots of reasons to. He would love you so so so so so so much, and I won’t hear a word otherwise!!! Neither would he!
You’re welcome, anon, and I hope something here was what you needed to hear. I’m sorry again for my slow reply but I hope the length makes up for it.
I’m trying to take care of myself; tbh the only reason I don’t lose my shit more often is because thoughts of Eddie keep me looking after myself. I won’t shower for ME but for Eddie? I’m in the shower blasting Ozzy so damn fast it makes me dizzy. Sometimes, literally dizzy. I don’t get much of a break this month (or any month) but I’m finding small moments where I can! Thank you for your kind words.🫂💖
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wenellyb · 2 years
Do you ship T’Challa with any men?👀
Hi Anon!!!
I do! So my first ship with T'Challa is Nakia of course! They're top tier ship!
But I do ship T'Challa with other people.
It's such a cute ship and actually got some traction after Civil War and we got some amazing fanart. I loved the easy banter and Sam feeling comfartable right away and teasing the new King of Wakanda. I would say that besides Nakia x T'Challa, Samchalla or T'chalcon (as we used to call it) is my favorite T'Challa ship. I think the ship is very lighthearted and founded on mutual respect, they would teach so much to each other and also laugh together. They're so so cute.
W'Kabi is my fave, and his relationship with T'Challa is si complicated and messy but it has potential, a lot..I read a cute fic about the pairing and I was sold on the ship.
Last one, you're not going to want to hear about this and I'm about to lose some followers for this...but T'Challa/Zemo, I liked both T'Challa and Zemo's storylines in Civil War they both lost they dad (and family) and became obsessed with vengeance but T'Challa chose light when Zemo chose darkness... At some point Zemo went to prison in Wakanda...that's where most of my headcanon comes from. I like angsty stories (maybe not iwtv levels of angst all the time but something close to it).
What about you Anon? Do you have any ships with T'Challa ?
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It’s ok If you are feeling comfartable with the darkness
You just have to control it else you are diving deep into drowning
- shadowpoetry
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ynscrazylife · 3 months
so i look but i couldnt find what you didnt write for so if you not comfartable with this its totally ok.
can you write natasha romanoffx reader where reader struggles with self-harm and natasha finds out.
thank you have a good day 💖
I don’t have specifically what I don’t write for (aside from not writing anything NSFW), however, this is quite a heavy topic and I’m going to refrain from writing this for right now. Still, thank you for requesting. I hope someone can write this for you!
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igindagah · 4 months
Cerita Menikah
Halo, setelah berpikir panjang, rasanya aku mau berbagi sedikit moment bahagia aku disini.
Selasa 16 April 2024 aku melangsungkan pernikahan ku dengan seseorang yang saat ini sudah resmi menjadi suamiku, mari kita sebut saja beliau dengan panggilan manis, Uda.
Pernikahan yang dipersiapkan selama 4 bulan yang masyaallah sangat diberi kemudahan oleh Allah, berlangsung khidmat, bahagia, kental dengan suasana kekeluargaan dan sangat memorable.
Pernikahan di Jakarta, hanya di hadiri oleh keluarga dan teman teman terdekat, aku yang sangat bersikukuh tidak mau menjadikan moment pernikahan ku mengundang orang orang yang aku sendiri tidak kenal, menghasilkan moment pernikahan yang sangat comfartable dan sejuk banget di hati.
Bercerita tentang mempersiapkan pernikahan, tentu tidak luput dari berbagai peristiwa deg degan, seneng, seru, haru, dan kesel lah ya.
Deg degan karena, h-1 hari libur lebaran bouqet bunga ku belum sampe hahaha, bersyukurnya Agita baik banget nawarin aku bouqet bunga dia, kebetulan Agita juga baru nikah, jadi bouqet bungan artificalnya masih bagus banget hihihi, makasih banyak Git!
Senengnya, akhirnya bisa nyelesain persiapan secara baik, rapih dan mantap.
Serunya, karena kek, belum bisa istirahat sama sekali, bener bener kek baru satu selesai terus harus ngerjain yang lain.
Harunya, ya tentu pernikahannya tidak bisa dihadiri ayah, jadi pernikahannya harus di wakili oleh adek aku sendiri. Beberapa malam sebelum akad, aku dan adik laki laki ku berlatih ijab qabul, hihihi. Gatau lagi rasanya dadanya sesek penuh air mata.
Kesel, karena kena pungli KUA wkwkwkwkwk asdfghjkl.
Pada hari pernikahan, aku jam 4 pagi bangun dari tidur super nyenyak ku hahaha, kata orang orang kalo mau nikah ga bisa bobo. Tapi aku bobo pules, alhamdulillah masyaallah :') Jam 4 pagi aku abis mandi sholat dan nunggu subuh dan subuhan, abis tu langsung lah ke mbak mbak makeup. Sambil di makeup-in sambil sarapan HAHAHA, karena aku tau perut ku kalo aku bangun pagi banget pasti bakalan rewel dan berisik, jadi aku dandan sambil makan wakakaka. Alhamdulillahnya badan ku ga rewel dan bisa banget diajak kerjasama hahaha. Setelah selesai dandan, aku menuju ke tempat akad, rumah Pamulang. Lalu aku deg degan takut pak penghulu telat, taunya dia ontime banget wakakaka, malah harusnya jam 9 beliau dateng jam set.9, yaudahlah langsung sat set mcnya mandu acara. Acara dipercepat 30 menit wakaka (takuttttttt)...
Setelah acara ceremonial mulai dari penyambutan, pembacaan alquran, lalu sampailah pada saat yang kalo diinget inget sampe saat ini, itutuh mendebarkan banget, kacauuuu.. Uni selalu ingetin, "doa kak in, sholawat, banyak banyak sholawat" Pada saat beberapa menit sebelum terucap ijab dan qabul, doaku banyak banyak ke Allah semoga calon suamiku dan adik ku diberikan kelancaran, tidak terbata bata dan pelafalannya jelas.
Tepat pukul 09.00, ijab dan qabul terucap, bergetar rasanya hati dan tubuhku, Alhamdulillah mereka Allah berikan kemudahan dalam melafalkan kalimat ijab dan qabul, kalau inget moment itu rasanya pengen nangis haru.. Alhamdulillah, terimakasih banyak adek laki laki tertua ku yang sudah berkenan menikahkan kakanya dengan laki laki yang insyaallah sudah Allah takdirkan dalam lauhul Mahfuz, untuk menjadi imam, pemimpin serta ketua kelompok belajar dan beribadah ini. Terimakasih buat mama, ayah ku tercintooooo walau kita sering debat mulu wkwk sudah memberikan segala restunya, sehingga bisa melangkah pada tahapan kehidupan baru ini. Terimakasih juga buat adek adek ku yang sudah banyak membantu dan membuat aku merasa lebih ringan dalam mempersiapkan ini semua. Tidak lupa juga buat mandeh dan apak makasih banyak tak terhingga bersedia menerima dan keluarga besar, kaka, abang dan adek adek huhuhu terimakasih banyak ya, semoga kehadiran aku menjadi pelengkap kebahagiaan kita semua.
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k00242882 · 5 months
Artist Grayson Perry.
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I would like to try and imitate the work of this artist. He is known for his ceramics and tapestries. He says 'The world I draw is the interior landscape of my personal obsessions..... That resonates with me. I like when art shows the personality of the artist.
I don't have the steadiest hand or a fine touch so I did not try and do anything similar to Perrys. I did not know that there were clay pencils available to me. I think I might have been comfartable using them. I will buy some and do some practice over the summer.
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residentialworlds · 1 year
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shopsyplannet · 2 years
Yodel 3D6 5.0 Bluetooth Wireless In Ear Earphones With Mic Magnetic With Stereo Sound And Hands Free, Black
Price: (as of – Details) Product Description IDEAL DESIGN FOR EXERCISE Ideal Design for Exercise and is designed with advanced Bluetooth 5.0 and enjoys a stable connection for up to 10 meters of range. ULTRA LIGHTWEIGHT YODEL neckband Bluetooth headphones sit effortlessly around your neck for all-day-wear without fatigue. COMFARTABLE TO WEAR Ergonomic design, Well-fitted and never fall…
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