#communication for the win
To Rate a Hug part 2 of ?
Tags: Alastor x Reader, Lucifer Morningstar x Reader, humor, antics, shenanigans, Alastor is a petty bitch, Lucifer is a dork, Reader is also a dork
part 1
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Alastor’s ear twitched at the sound of someone shouting your name. He glanced over, seeing Lucifer skip up to you like a lovestruck fool.
“Hey, Luci!” You said with a grin, scooping up the fallen angel in a hug. Lucifer’s eyes briefly took on a heart shape as he hugged you back, a light blush on his cheeks.
Alastor turned his attention back to his reading. A low growl permeated from his chest without his permission which agitated him even more. Wasn’t the thing you said at that silly little activity about wanting his attention? Why now has that shifted to Lucifer?
Was it because he gave you what you wanted?
Alastor gritted his teeth, grin straining. This is a ridiculous waste of thought. If this pettiness is simply because he wouldn’t indulge in your strange desires than it wasn’t worth his time-
“Alastor, you okay?”
Your voice snapped him out of his musings. He quickly composed himself and gave you a bright smile.
“Of course, my dear!” He said “Whatever makes you think otherwise?”
“Um. Probably because you’re hunched over in the corner growling.” Lucifer said, crossing his arms over his chest.
Alastor’s eye twitched. Why was this idiot still here?
“Don’t you have something you need to be doing?” He said with mock interest “I imagine the King of Hell has quite a full schedule.”
Lucifer shrugged “Not really. I’m kind of just here to look pretty.”
You snickered at that, covering your mouth with one hand. Lucifer stood up taller, puffing his chest out.
“Yes, well. I do.” He said, slipping away into the shadows.
Your ears went down, watching Alastor slip away. Did the conversation from the other day bother him that much? If that’s the case you’d need to apologize. And, well, no time like the present.
“I’m going to go talk to him.” You said, shooting Lucifer a smile. The King jumped a bit at your voice, startled out of the glaring contest he was having with where Alastor just was. He frowned at you.
“Um. Maybe you shouldn’t?”
You picked him up and held him out at arm’s length “Listen, I get where you’re coming from, but I think this is partially my fault, so I need to talk to him.”
“How is it your fault he’s an asshole?” Lucifer said, flailing his arms about.
“Well…Maybe my comment in the Truth or Dare thing made him uncomfortable…”
“That’s his problem, then.” He snorted, crossing his arms.
You sighed, gently placing Lucifer back on the ground. You put his hands on both of his shoulder and leaned down to be eye-level. “Again, I appreciate where you’re coming from. But I feel like I should talk to him about this so I’m going to.”
He bit his lip, brows furrowing. “Uh….Okay.” He ran a hand down his face “Just. Just be careful, all right?”
You grinned “Nah, I’mma run with scissors.”
“That’s like, the opposite of careful.” Lucifer pouted. He took a deep breath and gave you a small smile. “See you later.”
You said your farewell and scuttled off. Alastor would likely be in either his room or his radio tower, you figured. Which were both typically off-limits but you’d be sure to get his permission before barging in. You stopped by his tower first and knocked on the door a couple of times. When that got no response at all you scurried over to his room and knocked a couple times.
“Who’s there?”
Oh boy you could not resist. “Owl says!”
“…Owl says who?”
“That they do!” You said, cackling at your own stupid joke. There was another staticy cackle that quickly joined your own. The door opened and Alastor grinned down at you.
“Very silly joke, my dear. What can I help you with?”
You snorted, wiping a hand under your eyes to brush away the tears. “Well, you’re in a better mood.”
“Difficult not to be when someone surprises you with a horrible knock-knock joke.” He said with the slightest shrug of his shoulders.
“Good point.” You said “Hey, can I talk to you?”
“Fascinatingly enough, you already are.” He said, tilting his head.
“Not what I meant-“
“I know, I know. Come on in.” He said, putting a hand between  your shoulders and pushing you inside. He kicked the door shut behind him with the heel of his shoe and stood there probably doing something but you weren’t paying attention, staring instead at Alastor’s room.
Half of it was a fancy-looking hunting lodge, while the other half a swamp. Fireflies blinked in and out over the waters and you could hear crickets and frog chattering. It smelled like damp moss and sawdust with just hints of coffee.
“Nice room.” You said dumbly. Alastor chuckled, pushing you over to the soft-looking lounge chairs and sitting you down. He sat across from you, crossing his legs in front of him and folding his hand on his lap.
“Now, what did you need to talk about?”
“Oh! Yeah.” You said and turned your attention away from the giant gator skeleton mounted on the wall. “I wanted to apologize.”
He tilted his head “…For what?”
“Um. I think I made you uncomfortable.” You rubbed the back of your neck “With the ‘who I’d want to hug’ comment? I really should’ve kept that to myself. I mean, I know you like your personal space and don’t really want people thinking of invading it-.” You stopped your rambling and took a steadying breath. “So. Yes. I wanted to apologize.”
Empty static hung in the air.  You started rocking in your seat, hunching over yourself. Alastor just stared at you, glowing red eyes a sharp contract to the gentle greens and browns behind him.
“I suppose I didn’t expect you to give up quite that easily.” He said, grin unmoving. He tilted his head to the opposite side, eyes squinting ever-so-slightly “If that’s something you wanted so badly, after all…”
You blinked. “Um.” Then realization hit you with a brick “…Did you want me to try hugging you?”
The audible record scratch gave you an answer. Alastor straightened up, clasped hands tightening into a white-knuckled grip.
What he wanted was your attention back on him, and not that fool of a king. What he wanted was you to pursue him and not Lucifer.
“Perhaps.” Alastor said.
You sighed. “Then you should’ve said so, Alastor. I’m not a mind reader. What I got from our talk after that was you thought I wanted something from you and that made you uncomfortable.”
Alastor’s ear twitched. “…So you’re diverting your attention to Lucifer because….?”
You shrugged “Dude’s touch-starved. You give him a hug and he turns into the happiest person in Hell.”
You jumped when Alastor had appeared right in front you. His grin was wide. “So it’s pity that has your attention on him?”
“Uh. No.” You muttered, pushing him away “Really it’s just… Well he gives pretty good hugs. Once I realized I can pick him up to the hug was pretty much perfect.”
“Oh I’m sure I can be much better.” Alastor said with a huff, waving you off. “You wouldn’t have to break your spine or pick someone up for a embrace of much higher quality.”
You rose your eyebrow, ears flicking. “Okay. Before I continue. Our conversation has lead be to believe you want me to try and hug you. Is this correct?”
“I’m sure you can figure it out.”
“Not really, saying giving mixed signals and being cryptic are your favorite past times.” You said with a roll of your eyes.
Alastor’s grin stiffened. His ears pinned back as he suddenly found the swamp more interesting. He snapped his fingers and a piece of paper appeared over your face. You jumped, startled, then took the paper and read it.
Yes pursue the hug thing and tell NO ONE.
You snorted, biting your lip not to laugh. But then you laughed anyway.
“Oooooh buddy you have no idea what kind of game you’re playing now.” You said with a sinister grin. “I’mma hug you.”
“I’m sure your attempts will be amusing.” He said casually, checking his claws.
“I warn you, I have many sinister plans at my disposal.”
“I’m sure you do.”
“Starting my first plan. A-hem. Can I hug you?”
Well that didn’t work.
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punk-jester · 2 years
when reboot soap gets the og soap scar it's on a mission with ghost. he blames himself and thinks that he could've done something, it was his duty to protect his boyfriend crush best friend sergeant and he shouldn't have let something like that happen (he really couldn't have done anything)
ghost and soap get into an argument because soap tells him that he can take care of himself, he's not some poor little boy that needs to be taken care of and ghost burst out of the room saying something like "it doesn't look like it" they don't talk for a long and painful week after that
when they finally decide to get over their bullshit and try to talk about it ghost tells soap that he knows he's strong and doesn't need protection but, for some reason he can't explain, he feels the need to look after him and when he saw that knife almost cut off his eye he felt like something inside of him died. soap watches him with the most confused (and fond) look of all times because they're both still oblivious
they talk about feelings a little more (like three hours, no one knows where the fuck did they go) and, after years of being friends (and pining), they realise that "oh shit, we're in love with each other"
then they kiss and live happily ever after
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zytes · 1 year
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look alive, sunshine
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some good news!! the spanish state's ministry of equality has finally passed one of the most progressive trans laws on the planet, shielded free and universal access to abortion and banned conversion therapy and genital surgery for intersex babies, among a lot of other feminist policies. the minister of equality irene montero gave a speech thanking spain's lgtb and trans associations for helping her draft these legislations. couldn't be more proud!!
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oro-junestar · 4 months
By cutting out the TQ+, you also cut out:
-Intersex people
-Two-spirit gays and other culturally connected gays
-Gender nonconforming people
-Those who are questioning their sexuality
-Gays, lesbians, and bi's who are supportive of trans people
-Millions of kind, loving, supportive humans who have gone through indescribable, traumatic abuse and wish to build a safe, welcoming community
Why are you so eager to exclude and belittle people? Why do you tell them they 'don't know what real struggle looks like' when their healthcare, their future, and their lives are under attack? Do you truly value 'love', or do you just want to swat away as many people as possible? Why do you continue to hide under a rock and dig yourself deeper into festering hatred, when you can simply come out and support people who can help you?
Wouldn't it be easier to unite with our trans and nonbinary friends to help defeat the growing threat of genuine fascism in our country? Those conservative Christian nationalists and white supremacists who tell you you're "one of the good ones" would gladly turn around and shoot you in a heartbeat, because when they say they're fighting the 'woke gender ideology', they'll mutter in the same breath that you gays are 'degenerates', 'sodomites', and 'animals'. Why would you side with the villains, who see you the same way they see us?
We cannot let oppression continue in any form. We will all be on the winning side of history as we step closer to ending the cycle of hatred and bullying. Open your hearts and minds and you'll find that the everyone around you is just as human as you, and are more similar to you than you'd think. Trans people are people, just like you, and we need your help and support just as much as you need ours.
Isn't it neat how people who are supportive of all LGBTQ+ identities are also kinder, more loving, more empathetic, and more caring towards their friends and loved ones? Just something to think about.
Love wins. Trans rights are human rights.
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marxistlesbianist · 13 days
Fucking wild how ostensibly left-wing people in the imperial core are now repeating slogans like “you shouldn’t have to work to make a living!” Like yeah, sure, maybe not every individual needs to labor in order for there to be enough production to maintain society, but some of them need to—and it should be plainly obvious that the more people there are working, the lighter any individual’s load will be. It only appears to people in the imperial core that everyone can be supported without the need for them to labor because so much of the work that upholds our society is exported to the neo-colonies. UBI is the ultimate demand of the bourgeois proletarians.
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shriika · 8 months
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something is happening at the stillwater....
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maxthefromg · 28 days
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I love when Alice Dyer said “it’s diversity time” and diversed all over OIAR
I say this as I retreat back to my cave
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winterwrens · 7 months
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"If there's anything else that's troubling you, please tell me"
tsukuritai onna to tabetai onna | season 2 episode 12
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ericsnaturalerection · 2 months
dylann can play the flute
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itty-bitty-sunshine · 3 months
It's june, you know what that means
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¡¡Festivity time!!
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mikko-m · 5 months
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wolf and raven
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Game night results (from this poll)
Character selection inspired from extraterezi's post!
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youraveragebtsstan · 5 months
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I'll just leave this here....
Thanks to @steverogered for the GIF.
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pommunist · 7 months
qsmpblr language day makes me realise how crazy it is that tumblr doesn’t have a built in translation tool in 2024 btw
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justdavina · 16 days
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Such a adorable gurl! 👗🏳️‍🌈
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