#companies making sassy twitter accounts to build traction for their brand? marketing
swordcats · 6 years
i'm getting increasingly annoyed by all these you are not immune to propaganda posts and i can't quite place why so pardon me whilst i rant in the tags to work it out
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williamexchange · 4 years
5 Customer Engagement Strategies That Marketers Can’t Ignore
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We live in an always-on world, and customers expect brands to anticipate and meet their needs in real time.
For marketers, this means that the membrane between customer service and marketing is getting thinner and thinner. The customer experience is about so much more than just the sales journey — it’s about feeling heard, getting answers to questions, having problems fixed, and feeling a connection to the brand.
In addition to marketing and customer service, brands need to be thinking in terms of customer engagement.
What is Customer Engagement?
Customer engagement is about encouraging your customers to interact and share in the experiences you create for them as a business and a brand. If you are looking for help in website development then Website Developers in Dillon, CO are here to help you as we are the best website developers in Dillon and we also provide a strong customer engagement strategy that will foster your brand growth and loyalty to your customers.
Businesses that focus on customer engagement are focused on value creation, not revenue extraction. They give people something meaningful beyond a sales pitch: a brilliant end-to-end customer experience, great content, or interactive, real-time customer support.
How to Engage Customers?
Here are seven customer engagement strategies for building a loyal customer following:
Customer Experience should be Your #1 Priority
Humanize your Brand
Get Sassy on Social Media
…But Understand Where the Line Is
Personalize Customer Communications
1. Customer Experience should be Your #1 Priority
As Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon will tell you, obsessing over your customers is key. It starts with your company culture and ensuring your customer support team, the frontline of your business, is empowered by and shares your focus on providing an amazing customer experience. For example, Zappos, the leading online shoe retailer renowned for their customer service, doesn’t enforce call time tracking because they believe their reps should spend that little extra time with customers rather than be focused on getting through each call.
The customer experience you provide is important because it gives marketers and business owners a way to increase satisfaction, loyalty, and advocacy. A study by White House Office of Consumer Affairs found that 80% of U.S. consumers would pay more for a product or service to ensure a superior customer experience.
Think about your business model and how you can best serve your customers. When do your customers need you? What hours do you need to be available to them? Seamless, the online food ordering service and one of my favorite companies (not least because I love to eat at all hours!), services customers in different time zones across the US.
Not only are they fantastic at providing customer service around the clock but they’re stellar at timely, relevant offers like snow day discounts and engaging you with fun food facts across their Twitter and email channels.
2. Humanize your Brand
At the heart of everything, it’s important to understand that every customer wants to feel you understand their needs and that they can relate to your brand. This is easier for fun consumer brands like Red Bull or Nike than for more conservative brands like banks or B2B companies. But even these businesses can be humanized without trying to squeeze themselves into a contrived persona that won’t resonate with their audience. For example, find a personality within in your organization who is passionate about your brand and a natural communicator. Grow that person into a thought leader and give them a voice to humanize your brand and engage your audience.
Create opportunities for them to build their presence and promote your brand – they can regularly blog on your own site and guest blog on others, be used in video content, engage in speaking opportunities, present webinars and publish white papers and ebooks – all ways to establish your brand’s voice with a trusted face.
3. Get Sassy on Social Media
Social media is a great place to let your brand off the leash a little. Voicey personas are common on Twitter, and it’s a great way to get interest, interaction, and even viral traction for your brand.
For example, Wendy’s has gained a lot of attention for their hilarious tweet roasts of other burger chains:
This has gotten them a ton of attention, with Twitter users begging Wendy’s to make fun of them. But it went even farther when a nugget-loving young man tweeted this:
The nuggs tweet has gone so mega-viral, @carterjwm, aka Carter Wilkerson, ended up on an episode of Ellen as he threatened to break her retweet record. You can’t buy that kind of publicity. Literally, you can’t.
4. …But Understand Where the Line Is
Sassy is good, but offensive is very, very bad. I’m sure every social media manager has the brand social fails that haunt them in their dreams, from pre-scheduled posts that appear right after a tragedy to misjudged jokes to accidentally tweet a link to x-rated material from the US Airways corporate account. Here’s an attempt at a jokey tweet that crossed the line last year:
Razer was attempting to tease Apple about the lack of SD drive on the 2016 MacBook Pro, but instead offended a lot of people. What’s the opposite of customer engagement? It probably looks something like this:
5. Personalize Customer Communications
70% of US retailers are making customer personalization a priority in 2017. Personalization can take many forms, from the auto-generated happy birthday email to a sophisticated algorithm that recommends products based on browsing history.
Amazon and Netflix are out in front when it comes to recommendation engines, but there are simpler solutions.
True&Co, an online lingerie company, uses a quiz to personalize recommendations for potential customers. This is a brilliant way to help people find a perfect fit online and to make what can be stressful — trying to find a flattering bra — that much easier. In an interview with Emarketer, CEO Michelle Lam explained,  Personalization should be about making the user feel welcomed and known without feeling like you’re strip-mining their data.
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cinderezilla-blog · 7 years
Need Some Ice for that Burn?
What’s Peter Pan’s favorite fast food restaurant? WENDY’S!
Hello zillas!
This week’s blog will be about the good ole’ Wendy’s restaurant. Wendy’s has been roasting their competitors and followers on Twitter for a while now and they are HILARIOUS! Behind that little girl with red hair is someone who is not innocent.
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Wendy’s Twitter
In the last year or so, Wendy’s has been throwing sass at other fast food restaurants through tweets. Their Twitter bio “We like our tweets the same way we like to make hamburgers: better than anyone expects from a fast food joint.” Which basically means don’t mess with Wendy’s because they’ll 1-up you. With over 2 million followers on Twitter and providing good customer service on social media, it’s clear why people would side with Wendy’s instead of Mcdonald's or Burger King.
On the other hand, those that try to have beef with Wendy’s by tweeting “your food is trash” will only get fired back with insults that burn. To some companies, insulting your customers is not the route to go right? Well surprisingly, it works well for Wendy’s. The results of the sassy tweets leads to screenshots and going viral on other social media across the internet. Internet fans are even applauding the person running the Twitter account.
It was harmless when Wendy’s called Mcdonald's Trash
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When I first saw this, I was astonished that a company would act like this. It quickly turned into me cheering and laughing hysterically within 5 seconds because it’s such a relatable feeling. (I personally don’t like McD)
One of favorite tweets and the everyone knows about is the time when Wendy’s embarrassed a guy so bad that he deleted his Twitter account.
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How much chill does Wendy’s have? None because refrigerators are nonexistent.
This tweet is what started others to challenge Wendy’s. Many users attempted to outsmart Wendy’s but only to find out they got burned with a simple one liner. There is one question in mind, is this how Wendy’s will keep talking to their customers? No, and I’ll explain.
Engaging with your Audience
Wendy’s is serving quality, just like their food. Since Wendy’s is now known for their tweets, they have more publicity today compared to other fast food chains. With every platform they use, Wendy’s does a good job interacting with their consumers as if they are speaking to a friend. The person behind the account is down to earth and often times entertaining.
In the article “Wendy’s Strategy to Attract Millennials”  found on Business Insider , the CEO of Wendy’s states “We are extremely mindful of the importance of gaining traction with millennials.” In today’s digital age, it’s important to be updated and engaging online because social media and technology are essential to millennials. Being on top of today’s trends and hashtags will guide traffic your way.
So what does Wendy’s Teach Us About Content Marketing?
In my last two blogs, I talked about how Adobe shares their consumers’ art and how Coca-Cola shares happiness by telling stories. Wendy’s taught us that there should be a unique and friendly voice that engages with their consumers. Wendy’s has built a voice and personality for their brand, and they connect with everyone around them.  
Their personality sets them apart from competition, which allows them to build relationships with their consumers and brings uniqueness to the brand. Wendy’s personality is sarcastic, witty, and casual, they are everything you need in a friend. They are genuine, which makes everyone believe that there is a real person behind a screen everyday just tweeting away.
When it comes to complaints, other fast food chains would respond with a bot that simply says “Sorry to hear about that, send us a message and we’ll get that sorted out for you” but they never get an answer after that. Wendy’s response are immediate in order clear any issues or they are just reply back to a troll. Wendy’s content provides entertaining engagement and the success of it has kept their momentum going.
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Who Can Benefit with a Brand Personality?
I believe all businesses should adopt a brand personality, as it shows there is more to the business than just their products. The customer doesn’t always have to be right but having an authentic tone is better than talking to a robot. Customer’s rely on customer service for their needs, but if they need to be put in their place, then businesses should take notes from Wendy’s.
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I hope this week’s blog made you hungry, I’m craving for a chicken sandwich from Wendy’s right now actually! If there was a brawl fast food joints to make the wittiest comebacks, I would nominate Wendy’s and Mcdonald's. If McD has the clown, Wendy’s got the quality. :P
Thanks for reading zillas!
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