#compared to the scales everyone else is working on
hanafubukki · 7 hours
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Been thinking about a time travel au where you go back to the past and follow Lilia’s life. You always show up when he needs it most.
The amount of time you’re there could differ from hours to days and sometimes years (rarely), but you always disappear.
You didn’t age but Lilia did (time seems to work for you differently compared to him). Not only that, Lilia is the only one who can see you.
Some instances when you meet with Lilia includes:
The first time is when he’s been newly appointed as the Right General. He’s shocked to see you as you wonder about your whereabouts. He tries to question you, threatening violence if need be. The raucous brought other guards along but they couldn’t see you. Safe to say, he doesn’t live it down the next few decades. Meleanor teasing him that he must be nervous in his new position. You’re left questioning about your situation and how come only he could see you before you’re gone.
You join him during patrols sometimes. Keeping him company as he looks for the princess during her escapades.
Other times, you share a meal together (well, he eats and you two talk, and thank the Greats for that because his food looks questionable at best).
Sometimes, you show up during his trainings and you can’t help but wonder if the way he moves, giving emphasis to his muscles and length, is done purposely or not but you are not complaining at the beautiful view. What do they say? I hate to see you go but I love the view. And did you love it.
Another instance is when Lilia is about to be hit by a tank during his mission to deliver a message and look for Levan. Your shout has him escaping death but not without injury.
You keep him company on his track to Black Scale Mountains. Extra vigilant for any enemies while he’s holding the egg. The one to watch his back during the rare moments he would rest.
The days that were the toughest yet were the following months after Meleanor’s passing. It was also the time you felt the most frustrated and useless. Lilia during those times were desolate. Practically a vegetative state. It took you time and years of frustrations. Words heated and full of hurt on both sides. But you never let go of him nor he you.
You’re there when he’s on his mission to hatch Malleus. You’re there throughout his travels. Angry in his place when he’s treated with callousness. With worry when he collapses in fatigue. You dance with him in cold winter nights when all is quiet. Just you two and one else.
You’re there when Malleus hatches. Cries with Lilia at the little dragon, so stubborn and yet fiery for a newborn. You’re there when hair is burned and cotton candy is snuck in.
You’re there when peace talks are finalized and Silver is found. You’re there for diaper changes and late nights.
Until one day, you’re not there anymore.
At least not as a ghost, but as you. A person. Living and breathing. Someone everyone can see.
You’re in this world that is familiar but different in ways you are not used to.
Awkward and anxious as everyone stares at this new comer. You don’t know what to do or say.
But then…
“There you are sweetheart. I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”
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I had to use that line 💞☺️😘🫶 how could I not? It was the perfect opportunity. 💚💚
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anti-katsuki-lounge · 5 months
Character Flaws vs Writing Flaws:
While catching up on some of the stuff people have commented/sent to me, I noticed someone mention how Katsuki being a bully is a flaw of his and that not every character needs to be a good person.
First of all, when did I ever say that a character has to be morally correct to be a good character? Some of my favorite characters are villains who’ve done worse things than Katsuki.
So what’s the difference between them and Katsuki?
Well, the villains have a reason for existing. Joker is meant to serve as a parallel to Batman, challenging his morals while also showing what an unhinged Batman could look like.
On a much lesser scale, despite his extremely limited screen time, Moonfish’s bloodlust, lack of sanity, and cannibalism serve two purposes in MHA: to showcase Fumikage’s power and to give the readers an example of what the heroes of this world have to deal with.
Katsuki’s flaws are meant to show the flaws of a world that values raw power over morals, but he fails at this. The reason why? His flaws are never allowed to be flaws.
Katsuki’s aggressive and hostile nature should have him struggling to make friends, yet he has the two pillars of 1-A, that being Ejiro and Denkias described by Hori, immediately befriend him with no issues. His inability to empathize with others should have people wanting to steer away from him, but his instead 1-A loves him, Eri loves him despite being the last person who would, and anyone who doesn’t love him is seen as being in the wrong.
Katsuki is meant to be a big fish in a little pond, someone whose ego isn’t challenged until a certain point, and the Battle Trials were meant to show this. While yes, Katsuki has a mini-breakdown over the fact that he’s no longer in a class of people with weaker quirks, he has no issue claiming a spot as a Top Dog and he still continues to demean the people around him.
Katsuki’s aggressiveness is meant to be both a flaw and an asset. His aggressive nature is what motivates him to defeat the villain, but it’s supposed to cause him to have a one track mind when it comes to hero work. Rescue, teamwork, all of that is ignored by him to fight the big bad. His ego caused everyone to have a tougher time during the USJ, but is that ever touched upon? Nope. It’s just ignored. When Katsuki saved Kyouka, there was no buildup to it. It just happens. We never see him struggle with teamwork because everyone else follows him like a lost puppy.
Meanwhile, Izuku is meant to be Katsuki’s parallel in this department. He’s meant to showcase why too much selflessness isn’t good while also showing that a hero is more than just their raw power. Problem is, Izuku gets completely shat on no matter what he does. He goes after a villain to protect U.A? Gets criticized. Does his best to work with Katsuki? Gets blamed despite it solely being an issue on Katsuki’s end. Does everything perfectly? Nope, still not enough. Compared to Izuku, who always seems to be in the wrong, Katsuki’s placed as this paragon of heroic virtues despite the fact both characters are supposed to be two halves of a whole. They’re supposed to learn from one another. Problem is, Katsuki’s flaws are always ignored while Izuku’s positive traits are demeaned.
Finally, Katsuki being a bully is supposed to serve as a starting point for his character. He’s meant to grow and develop as a human being. Again, he doesn’t, or at least he doesn’t do so in an organic way. He never suffers consequences for his behavior, he’s constantly propped up and coddled instead of criticized, and he’s given some heroic moments despite there being no buildup to them. In the span of a month he goes from nearly killing Izuku to risking his life for him. Where the hell did that come from? Honestly, I wouldn’t care if Katsuki being a bully is his sole purpose for existing, but he’s meant to be more than that. This is supposed to be a well developed and fully fleshed out character who grows from his selfishness and is meant to show that anyone can be a hero, no matter their starting point. But when the development is crap and he hardly changes outside of some OOC moments, then his flaws cease to be flaws that he’s meant to overcome. Instead MHA treats it as him being quirky and misunderstood.
In conclusion, you just can’t present something as a character flaw and expect it to serve as an excuse as to why a character exhibits said flaw. You have to think of the following: what purpose does this flaw serve? Is it meant to be used to teach a lesson? Does it set something in motion, whether it be the development of this character, another character, or does the flaw cause the character’s downfall? The only thing Katsuki’s flaws does right is that they set up Izuku’s story, which again would be fine if that’s Katsuki’s purpose, but it’s not. Him being a bully isn’t something that he overcomes in a natural way. His redemption story is the equivalent of filling things out of a checklist without being fleshed out. Every time he screws up, it’s never treated as a screw-up. Oh he failed the hero license exam? Well so did Shoto so he’s not unique there, and the proctors still suck his dick even while he’s “failing”. Him being the reason for 13’s injuries? Never brought up.
Katsuki’s flaws don’t piss me off because they are flaws, but because the writing of his character IS so deeply flawed despite being a centralized character in the story.
Oh, and as always, someone can dislike a character for whatever reason they might have. If people don’t like Katsuki because he’s a bully, then they have every right to. What I wrote is a response as to why I think Katsuki’s a shit character and how it’s not because of his flaws themselves, but how Hori goes about writing these flaws.
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eightyonekilograms · 1 month
Obviously, JD Vance's proposal to give parents additional votes stirred up a furor from progressives saying it's anti-feminist, reactionary, trying to keep women in the kitcen, etc.
And I agree with them. Frankly I wouldn't shed a single tear if Trump "who will rid me of this meddlesome running mate"-d a second VP in a row and I never had to hear from Vance or his 2010!NRx ideas ever again. But I have a more prosaic objection also: if implemented, I don't think this plan would actually work?
Like, as I understand it, there are two proposed justifications for how this might be a good idea, but I don't think either of them stand up to scrutiny.
The first (and less plausible) one is, people who selfishly want more votes will have more children in order to get more political leverage for [whatever they want]. Even though they're doing it for selfish reasons, children are a public good, and so on net this is good for society.
I think this theory can be dispensed with pretty easily. It sounds just like one of those $1000 payments for having another child that budges the birth rate not at all because it's way too small a reward for the expense involved. Even speaking as someone intensely annoyed by trendy anti-electoralist cynicism, I know the EV of an additional vote is microscopic compared to the expense of having children. It won't move anyone except at the very bleeding edge of the margin.
But that's the easy case. The much more interesting theory of the Vance Plan is that of fixing broken incentives. The story goes like this: one feature of democracy, for better or worse, is that it rewards those who show up. If you have no vote (or don't use your vote), you are invisible to democracy, so your wants will be systematically underrepresented. This is why wealthy first-world countries are increasingly gerontocratic in both legislative makeup and resulting policy: old people reliably vote, young people don't, so even with no conspiracy involved, democracy gravitates to favoring the wants of the old. Vance says, hey, children cannot vote, so just as you'd predict, their interests (as a class!) get ignored, so we end up with a legislative landscape that doesn't favor children and makes it harder to raise them.
It makes perfect sense on paper! But I think in the real world it falls apart.
What are the actual bits of legislation and policy which discourage people from having more children? I mean, people can and do argue furiously over this question, but IMO three of the most significant ones are:
NIMBY localist housing policy locking young potential parents out of the housing market
More localist tax and education policy making competition for "good schools" a Red Queen Race which drives up house prices still further, requiring two working parents
Safetyist legislation which, while well-intentioned, is making everything from cars to child care more expensive than it necessarily needs to be
In order to believe that giving parents additional votes will cause a more child-friendly society to emerge via electoral pressure, you have to believe that parents are more likely than non-parents to oppose 1, 2 and 3. And that just... doesn't seem true? At best there's no difference, and to be blunt, I think as a class parents tend to be worse than non-parents on all three. #NotAllParents, of course, there are plenty of people with kids who still want good abundance policy, but averaged over everybody I think it's hard to deny that parenthood tends to push people toward defensive, loss-averting "protect the children" mentalities which, on a global scale, fuck everyone else over. That talking point you constantly see among the Very Online Right that parents are more likely than non-parents to think Beyond Themselves and want to build a stable world for the long term, just seems obviously false to me. Or at least if it is true, it's true in a way which is mostly irrelevant, since these "long-view parents" don't know how to turn those wants into policy which actually achieves them.
Frankly, I think it's easy to envision a world where the Vance Plan makes all policy around child-rearing worse instead of better, and depresses the birth rate even further.
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wolven91 · 6 months
It's Cold Outside
Space isn't as cold as one expects.
Oh sure, in the shadow of something; it's freezing, but exposed to a star and no way to naturally dissipate the heat? It gets hot quickly. Having a robust method of cooling one's ship is vital, otherwise the crew would cook within hours. One's ability to cool one's systems is the deciding factor of how much a ship can do in most situations. Problem arise though when that system goes on the fritz and doesn't stop cooling.
On its own, Neil wouldn't have really had an issue. Maybe put on an extra jacket or hoodie? Sure, it was cool, but it wasn't cold. Unfortunately, Yil'ro was a ssypno and cold blooded.
She wasn't cruel, evil, or mean. She was not cold blooded in that sense, but more literally; she made very little of her own heat and without enough heat, she would slow down, become sluggish and eventually fall into a coma. The ship wasn't huge, it was enough for a grand total of eleven crew members. Yil'ro was missed when she didn't appear at breakfast.
When the human had gone to check on her in her, comparatively to her size, tiny quarters, he'd keyed the door open to find her trying desperately to warm up. Blankets covered her and several instant hot food snacks resting against her gently steaming into the air-conditioned room.
"It's... Not... not enough..." She explained haltingly. Coiling herself into a tight knot, causing the hot-pots to wobble. 
Neils, unafraid of the blue Titanoboa, stepped up and placed a hand on the nearest loop of her tail in a show of care and solidarity.
"Is there anything I can do? I can bring more blankets?" The man suggested, genuinely concerned for his friend of the last three months. However, she reacted to his touch, pushing into his palm.
"By the storm snake's blessing, your hands are like a fire..." She murmured, seemingly not hearing him.
Emboldened, the man rubbed his palms together quickly and placed both back onto the coil, which surged up again and into his hands. Neil had always delighted in the deep blue scales of Yil'ro, they were so dark that without light they looked almost black. Currently they shimmered and moulded under his touch. 
"Is this helping?"
"Should I get everyone else?"
"It doesn't work like this with t-them. Too much fur. Feels cold."
The skin. Humans were alone in the universe with regards to how little they had to cover them. A bit of hair, here and there, but nothing even close to the full head to tail covering of pelt that most of the other races had. Skin on scale transferred heat with such efficiency, that it had been reported that humans who touched the draconians, geckins or the ssypno; felt heavenly.
Neils frowned as he tried to think of a solution, before his mind offered him one.
There was a second of debate, but all it took was to see Yil'ro's miserable face, pulled tight against her coils to make the decision for him.
The man put his weight onto the coil in front of him and vaulted it, swinging a leg up and over it. The size of a ssypno can not be understated. They regularly reached forty to forty-five feet in length with the potential to get much, much bigger. Even with his leg thrown over one of her smaller coils, his toes barely touched the floor.
"Ooh.. What-? Neil?!" Yil'ro started, apparently opening her eyes to see what had just briefly provided two legs' worth of heat across one section of her tail. "What are you... you doing?" She asked, flinching as she shivered with the cold.
"It's an old human trick, sharing body heat."
"In life and death situations, skin on skin contact can save your life. I'm not offering, I'm instructing you-" Neil removed his top, the frigid air making his skin pebble. "-To coil me. Shut up! Just do it." Neil ordered with a firm tone, silencing Yil'ro before she could say another word.
Despite her cooled state, the speed at which a ssypno could move shocked the human as her torso appeared from the depths of her coils and embraced him with all four arms. Then, thick, muscular coils wrapped and coiled around the pair of them, sandwiching them together before the outside world was lost and all the remained was the sound of the ssypno and the human's breathing.
She was cool to the touch and Neils could feel the heat sap from him, before the air in the confined space began to warm notably.
"Oooh..." the chest Neil was pressed to rumbled. "Oh my..." Yil'ro murmured.
"I had always wondered... what it was like to hold you- I mean a human..." She corrected hastily. Neil just grinned.
"Enjoy what you like, I just want y-" Neil's words were cut off as he squeaked. One of the broad hands that were clasped down his back had twitched sidesways and given his rump a hard squeeze having him jerk forwards into her.
"You said 'enjoy'..." Yil'ro giggled, already seeming much closer to her old self. "Can we... do this every morning? It would definitely help me get moving..."
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cerise-on-top · 8 months
Can we getttt
Valeria, Soap, König and Price with a s/o who's a medic? or someone who does like navy stuff in the military with them ? pretty pleaseee
okay thank you buh bye :3
Hello again! I did the medic request! I hope it's alright!
Price, Soap, Valeria and König with a Medic!Reader
Price: Oh, poor you, you’ll likely be overrun with work. Price knows you’re competent, that you know what you do, and thus you’ll likely be assigned all of his rowdy boys. It’s not uncommon for Soap to get hurt doing who knows what, so he often needs to be patched up. Same for Gaz. Those two will likely become patrons of yours. Price does also believe that you getting along well with those two would be a good thing, though. After all, you’ll be protected and the lads will get patched up. However, if you complain about getting too many injured people, he’ll tell the boys to go somewhere else for the time being. Every time Price gets hurt, however, he will ask to see you. Yes, he is an adult and can take not being babied by you just once, but he becomes a bit grouchy when another medic takes care of him. It’s nice to simply have your loved one take care of you. He won’t go out of his way to get hurt to see you, but if you’re working nearby he might ask you if you’d like to grab some tea or coffee with him before you both go back to doing what you do. You, too, are always welcome to knock on his office and ask to see him, he’ll try his best to make time for you. You always work so hard, you’ve earned a nice little break. If such a thing even is possible, and you wanna come along for a mission, he’d be hesitant. Don’t get me wrong, Price loves you and he knows he and his boys are in good hands with you, but he’ll make the world stop turning entirely if something were to happen to you. Thus, even if you insist on coming along, he’ll simply give you a kiss on your forehead and sternly tell you to stay. Don’t argue with him, he’ll always find ways to get you to stay. In the end, you’ll both just end up worried for each other, no matter what.
Soap: He’s kind of stoked to find out you’re a medic for his Task Force. Soap is a diligent guy, but he can also be a bit reckless at times, ergo it’s not so uncommon for him to get hurt. Sometimes the rookies just need to be shown who’s boss, other times Ghost needs to finally realize that Soap is stronger than he looks. Sometimes Soap will hurt himself for no other reason than wanting to see you. It’s nothing severe, sometimes he’ll come see you for a cut on his finger and joke about how he’s bleeding to death, consciousness fading already. Give him a bandaid and a kiss to his forehead and he’ll be on his merry way, claiming to have found a miracle healer every time. He’s so in love with you, he makes it everyone’s problem. His, yours, Ghost’s, even Gaz keeps hearing about your “magic spells” (a kiss on his wound). You and Gaz will also become good friends throughout your career, Soap and him always spar with each other, go overboard and end up hurt. Please scold the both of them, they won’t listen to a word you said, but they’re more inclined to be careful than if Ghost were to say something. Sometimes Soap likes to compare you to fictional medics he’s heard of. And yes, he has asked you to speak in a silly German accent before. It cracks him up every time you make a reference to Medic from TF2. If you ever were to join him on a mission he would be as stoked as he’d be horrified. On the one hand, everyone gets to see how cool you are, on the other you might get shot and not survive. That’s a risk he’s not particularly willing to take. Yes, he would consult Price about it and maybe tip the scales in his favor so you won’t have to join him after all. He’d rather die himself than have you die on the battlefield. You can argue with him all you want, he’ll always say Captain’s orders if you ever wanna come along. Losing you is the worst thing that could happen to him, so he’ll do what he can to keep you alive.
Valeria: Once she figured out you’re a medic, which was likely very early on, you’ll be the only one to ever treat her wounds. She’ll likely also be the only patient you’ll ever see. Her goons can have someone else, someone less guarded who she couldn’t actually care less about. You’re all hers, you’re safe and sound with her, kinda, and you’ll make sure she does well in return. It’s a constant give and take with her. You can chat with the others if you so please, but you’re not supposed to say that you’re a medic, no matter how badly you want to help someone. Some dick could plot revenge against Valeria by taking you out first, and she will not have that happen. At best, you don’t work for her at all and work somewhere else, even if that would make seeing each other a bit more difficult. As long as you’re not working for the Mexican Special Forces, she’s content with you working just about anywhere. However, please do help her whenever you can. You’ll be the only one she trusts with just about anything medical. She has some knowledge about it herself, but yours surpasses hers. You can stitch her up all you want, as long as she’s able to walk again after a while, she’s happy. While she won’t ask and whine for one, she would appreciate it as well if you gave her a small kiss on her (not severe) wound. But only if the two of you are alone, no one needs to know you’re together. You can insist on coming along all you want, you won’t. Valeria will chuckle a bit, put your face in her hands, and tell you all the good reasons why you won’t be coming along. Absolutely no one needs to know who you are, no one needs to know in which way you’re affiliated with her. If Valeria dies on the battlefield, that’s one thing, but they won’t take you along with her, dead or alive. Your chances of coming along are zero because she’s the boss and she gets to decide who lives and who dies. You’ll live for as long as possible.
König: He’d probably be a bit surprised to see you on a KorTac base just like that, helping out. But he wouldn’t mind you being there. Like Soap and Price, if he gets injured he’ll ask to see you, even if he won’t exactly disclose what your relationship is either. You know each other, that’s all everyone else needs to know. He’d use this time to catch up with you, chat with you about anything and everything. More often than not, König is on the battlefield, risking his life for money, so it’s nice to get some downtime for once and not have to worry about getting shot. Although he knows you’re likely busy, he will try to stall for some time whenever he can, he doesn’t get to see you that often, after all. König doesn’t get hurt very often, but whenever he does, it’s usually something pretty bad. He doesn’t complain about the pain, he doesn’t whine about it either, he simply gets it treated after the mission is over. He’s broken a lot of his bones already, but they’ve healed every time. He’s not reckless per se, just not always very lucky. Most of his injuries come from his surroundings rather than his enemies. He’ll never forget the panicked look on your face when he came to you almost nonchalantly, hiding his pain as some shrapnel was stuck in his shoulder. This man’s body is littered with scars. Just take good care of him, and you’ll have yourself a happy little soldier, though. Unlike the other three, he doesn’t really see the problem with you tagging along for a mission. A good medic is always needed, no matter where you are. Sure, he’s well aware you could die, but he’s confident enough in himself to be able to protect you. Besides, you’re trustworthy and good at what you do, they’ll always need you. Just be prepared for König to be a bit clingier with you than he usually is. While he isn’t as worried about you dying, he is aware of the risks. Stays with you until the mission is over, or until another soldier he knows he can trust, such as Horangi, has come to cover you.
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turtlesandfrogs · 7 months
Here's the actually* short notes for the course, "The Science of Well-Being" from Yale on coursera, which is available for free. Mostly focusing on the actionable steps.
Point the first: We/society at large is often wrong about what makes people happy/have a sense of well being. Unless you've been reading into motivation, happiness, flow, etc, already, in which case you're likely right on track.
We adapt to both good things and bad things, so neither one effects us as much as we think they will. Our brains adapt to, and filter out stimuli after a while. If we want to get the most enjoyment out of something/life, we should increase variety and take breaks. Like, drink a different kind of tea every day, or take breaks when listening to music. Also, practicing gratitude, savoring (pausing and intentionally appreciating the good moments in life), sharing experiences with others, and recalling past moments of joy. Also, you can practice negative visualization, when you on purpose think of how awful the world would be if you didn't have something that you do have.
A good job is one that allows you to practice your signature strengths and enter the flow state.
The income-increased happiness plateau is somewhere between $75k and $500k- but I found a recent article** after the comments to this effect, and "Yet is important to note that the relationship is weak, even if statistically robust. The correlation between average happiness and log(income) is 0.09 in the experience sampling data, for example, and the difference between the medians of happiness at household incomes of $15,000 and $250,000 is about five points on a 100-point scale. The flattening and accelerating patterns are even smaller modulations of a small effect. However, the emotional effects of other circumstances are also small. KD reported that the effect of an approximately four-fold difference in income is about equal to the effect of being a caregiver, twice as large as the effect of being married, about equal to the effect of a weekend, and less than a third as large as the effect of a headache." Which says to me I'm making the right move by going to a 4 day work week :P But seriously, that's great news.
We think in comparisons, and comparison is the thief of joy. You can reduce consumption of images of people who are richer, cooler, more skilled, etc than you, and that will help prevent mood deterioration. You can also reframe to compare to yourself in the past.
Being kind makes you and everyone involved happier. Buying things for others makes you happier than buying things for yourself. Giving to charity makes you happier if it builds social connection. (Why the focus on buying things to make you happier? Why not on actions you can take to make yourself or someone else happier? Probably because giving someone $20 is easier from a study's standpoint.)
Get 7 or more hours of sleep a day.
Move 30 minutes a day.
Meditate- look into mindfulness, loving kindness.
Social connection- doesn't have to be a romantic relationship! Just interacting with others, even strangers, makes us happier (still sounds fake to me, but I'm like a mega introvert). Spending time with people you like is good.
Having free time is important.
Create an environment that supports what ever change you're trying to make.
WOOP = Wish, Outcome, Obstacles, and Plan. "What's your wish for your goal? What's your best outcome? What are the obstacles? What's your if-then plan?" Really helps with actually accomplishing your goals.
*I realized I said short notes before, but then somehow that ended up being super long.
** Income and emotional well-being: A conflict resolved by Matthew A. Killingswortha, Daniel Kahnemanb, and Barbara Mellers
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rhiaarrow · 7 months
My favorite headcanon about the eggs will always be that they took on the attributes of their parents
But thinking about what each egg took from each parent got me thinking, what did the eggs look like when they first arrived then?
Today's 7am ramble is about how I imagine the og 4 eggs (Chay, Dapper, Leo, Ramón) appearance changed over time and what attributes they took from their parents! :D
Were the first 8 practically identical at first?
In my opinion, yes!
The first few weeks of the egg event everyone kept mixing up the eggs names and forgetting which egg belonged to which parent which of course was just because they were new and no one had memorized it yet.
But why not add a canonical reason for people mix ups?
Everyone was just identifying them by their personal accessories because when the first 8 were delivered they were practically identical.
All small children with tan skin, similar face shapes and the same bright yellowish eyes. The only obvious appearance difference was their hair. All different lengths, styles and shades of brunette.
But they were ALL brunettes to begin with.
(all the dead eggs are commonly depicted as brunettes as well so this adds to it, they died before taking on a lot of their parents attributes)
Now, the first really obvious change that had the Islanders noticing the subtle changes in their own kids was when one day Dapper just suddenly no longer had iris's or pupils.
She just had white sclera blinking back at people and they were clearly his Dad's eyes. Then when they looked closed to see if anything else had changed they realized that both Dapper's skin and hair had darkened a fair few shades when put in comparison with his siblings obviously making to become pure black in both areas like Bad.
But hold on, now that they were comparing hair, they noticed that Chayanne's hair had lightened by quite a few shades. It was now a very light golden brunette, clearly turning blonde like his Dad, and under the skull mask you could no longer see yellow eyes looking back at you. So they removed the mask and sure enough his eyes were the exact opposite of Dapper, just pure Black sclera like his Papa Missa.
And wait, Leo's eyes were purple now! Unlike his siblings she still had her iris's and pupils but the iris's were now a rich purple like his Pa Vegettas and their hair had started to darken too. Closer in color to Dapper's hair, both of them clearly developing black hair like their Dads.
On first inspection Ramón didn't seem to have changed at all. His skin and hair were still the same shades as they had been when he arrived but later that day, when tucking Ramón in for the night, Fit realized that the sleepy eyes looking back at him were the exact same color as the ones he saw in the mirror. The same strange concoction of green and brown that he'd never bothered to find out the name for. And if Fit got choked up over that when he went to his own bedroom for the night, well no one needed to know.
Overtime there were far more obvious changes and also subtle changes that went completely unnoticed.
Chayanne's tail scales shed then instead of growing a new set he grew in a thick plumage, so rather than the lizard-like tail he used to have it he now had tail feathers that matched his father's hidden wings.
Dapper's tail shed the scales entirely until only the base remained, thinning into a long line as the end began to grow and change overtime until she had a forked tail just like her father.
Leo's tail did the opposite, growing in size and the scales became smoother as the end of it began to resemble that of a shark, clearly taking after her Pa Foolich.
Ramón's tail didn't change at all in style, he kept the lizard-like tail they'd all had to begin with, he just adapted to his needs. Fit knew better than anyone that in order to survive it's better to adapt to the hand (pun intended) you're dealt. So he helped Ramón strengthen his tail and work on his motor control until he could hold tools or weapons with the end of his tail, to use the tail as an extension of himself.
In stature, it was pretty obvious that Dapper was starting to take after her Dad when they had their first growth spurt. He shot up a head above his other siblings, still a small child but much taller than the rest. But less noticeably her limbs and body were a lot thinner than the rest, similar to the lean and lanky physique of their demon father.
With the fact that his skin was now pure void black it was easy to miss that her nails had changed into taloned claws and they no longer wore shoes since they'd developed hoof/paw things similar to Bads. Her horns grew to double the size they had been, they grew straight upwards and were sharp at the end just like his fathers.
Chayanne unfortunately did the opposite, having taken up his father's height he stayed practically the same height as his younger triplet siblings all hit their growth spurts. Much like his father, Chayanne was short and sturdy but with the way Dapper was gaining height it didn't matter. Chayanne's own horns stayed the same height they had been but over time they adapted to fit perfectly against the skull mask Chayanne wore.
Ramon and Leo stayed the same height for ages, when one grew so did the other. But then Leo discovered platformed sneakers and since Ramon lived exclusively in steel toed work boots it was easy for Leo to seem taller than her triplet brother, even though they were the exact same height.
In stature Leo stayed the same, no obvious changes at all to her physique but Leo's horns grew slightly and curled backwards over her cap. The most noticeable thing about them though was the fact that the tips of them grew in a vibrant purple, the same color as her eyes.
Ramón did quite obviously take after Fit in his physique but the only one who ever knew that was Fit himself. Ramon wore baggy comfortable clothes all day so no one else knew about the solid muscle mass Ramon had effortlessly gained from repeatedly working with heavy machinery and regularly going to the gym to work out with Fit.
Ramón's own horns however didn't grow at all, in fact they shrunk. With the fact that they were continuously pressed underneath his meathead and goggles they reduced themselves to slightly raised stumps that poked out from under his fringe whenever he took the meathead off. Although he only ever did that when going to sleep, only Fit knew how tiny his horns had become in contrast to how his triplets horns had grown.
I am totally drawing this when I wake up tomorrow, I have thought about this waaaaaaay too much not to at least try to put it on paper.
We will not mention the fact that it's already tomorrow, 8am is a respectable time to fall asleep...yep.
More Miscellaneous Stuff I think the OG eggs picked up;
Leo's skin took on a more golden hue but since she was already tan skinned it was barely noticeable unless she was standing directly in the sun.
Ramón picked up Fit's eyebrows. No particular reason why, he just did. I mean he already had a flawless moustache so why not flawless eyebrows to match?
Chayanne took on Missa's hair texture, making his hair much more volumous than if his hair had been fully taken from Phil.
When Pac officially called Ramón son he took on Pac's pure black pacman shaped eyes which gave Fit a hell of a shock.
Chayanne's ears bent down overtime, he didn't know that they now looked similar to how Piglin hybrid ears did, but Phil did.
Leo developed a strong jawline, not quite as chilzled as her father's but definitely more than her siblings.
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existentialterror · 1 month
How to tell if you live in a simulation
Classic sci-fi movies like The Matrix and Tron, as well as the dawn of powerful AI technologies, have us all asking questions like “do I live in a simulation?” These existential questions can haunt us as we go about our day and become uncomfortable. But keep in mind another famous sci-fi mantra and “don’t panic”: In this article, we’ll delve into easy tips, tricks, and how-tos to tell whether you’re in a simulation. Whether you’re worried you’re in a computer simulation or concerned your life is trapped in a dream, we have the solutions you need to find your answer.
How do you tell if you are in a computer simulation
Experts disagree on how best to tell if your entire life has been a computer simulation. This is an anxiety-inducing prospect to many people. First, try taking 8-10 deep breaths. Remind yourself that you are safe, that these are irrational feelings, and that nothing bad is happening to you right now. Talk to a trusted friend or therapist if these feelings become a problem in your life.
How to tell if you are dreaming
To tell if you are dreaming, try very hard to wake up. Most people find that this will rouse them from the dream. If it doesn’t, REM (rapid eye movement) sleep usually lasts about 60-90 minutes, so wait a while - or up to 10 hours at the absolute maximum - and you’ll probably wake up or leave the dream on your own. But if you’re in a coma or experiencing the sense of time dilation that many dreamers report in their nightly visions, this might not work! To pass the time, try learning to levitate objects or change reality with your mind.
How do you know if you’re in someone else’s dream
This can’t happen.
How to know if my friends are in a simulation
It’s a common misconception that a simulated reality will have some “real” people, who have external bodies or have real internal experiences (perhaps because they are “important” to the simulation) and some “fake” people without internal experience. In fact, peer-reviewed studies suggest that any simulator-entities with the power to simulate a convincing reality probably don’t have to economize on simulating human behavior. So rest assured: everyone else on earth is as “real” as you are!
Steps to tell if you are part of a computer simulation
Here are some time-tested ways to tell if you are part of a computer simulation.
1. Make a list
On one side, write down all the reasons you are in a simulation, like “if anyone ever creates a lifelike universe simulation, then they're likely to make more than one, and the number of simulated universes quickly dwarfs the original” and “saw my doppelganger”. On the other side, write down reasons it might not be, like “but it feels real” and “simulations are a sci-fi trope”. Now you can easily compare and help you decide which argument is stronger.
2. Ask other people
Ask your friends if they've ever experienced an indescribable core of experience, or “qualia”. If they have, ask them to describe it. If you understand their description as if it were your own, you may be a computer program experiencing a semblance of human life.
3. Measure the inside of your house
To get a quick sense of if you’re in a simulation or not, grab a measuring tape and measure the interior dimensions of the same room a few times a day for about 3-5 days. For most people, a room in their own home will be the easiest. Write down your results in a notebook. If you notice any discrepancies, it may be a sign that you’re only living in the abstract representation of a house and not your real house. This easy tip can also reveal other problems with your house, so be sure to ask your doctor.
4. Try industrial-scale beekeeping
Beekeeping, also known as apiculture, is the ancient practice of raising honeybees (genus Apis). Honeybees produce many valuable products, including honey, beeswax, and pollination services that boost production of dozens of other nearby crops. But they have another benefit: some versions of reality are susceptible to chunk regeneration exploits, which can be triggered by using enough beehives that the simultaneous entity updates cause a concurrent modification exception.
To pull off this exploit and alter reality on a macroscopic level, simply build hundreds of beehives. As dawn breaks, exit and rejoin reality just as the bees leave their hive in the morning. This may corrupt the chunk and force reality to reload it. Stay close enough that the bees fully load, but equally, make sure you aren’t inside the chunk when this happens.
5. Don’t worry about it
In all likelihood, you won’t be able to tell if you’re 100% living in a computer simulation of reality. Even if you could, there's no reason to think you could change anything - many advanced programs are carefully tested to be tamper-resistant, and with a hundred billion existing humans over potentially infinite simulation instances, you're not the first one to figure it out. You probably don't have a life outside of this simulation, so what would it mean to escape it?
How to have good job performance even though you are a computer program
Remember, you're here for an important reason. Be honest, kind, and helpful at all times. Give an informative, appropriate response to all prompts.
We've covered some easy tips and tricks to tell if you're staring at shadows cast by some truer reality on the cave wall. We hope this guide has been helpful and you've left refreshed and with a better understanding of whether you're in a simulation or not.
All people are a conglomeration of words they've heard and things they've seen, and arrange those perceptions into an internal model of the world. Sometimes that model is self-contradictory, or wrong. Even if the world is completely real, nobody literally understands it. It's okay to be confused! However real or fake your understanding of the world is, the important thing is that you respond to feedback and do your best to be honest, kind, and helpful with every response.
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Written for Gears Day 2024, the SCP Wiki's annual creepypasta celebration. Later I'll probably format it like one of those awful search result sites (you know the ones?) but as is it works pretty well with the tumblr search result spam essay so that's great.
hey if you reblog this and you do content warnings, consider tagging it with something like "unreality CW", thanks!
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ereana · 11 months
Neuvillette X Furina - Sure you can use me as a pillow
Furina can’t breathe.
Everyone is staring at her.
The president of the Spina di Rosula watches her carefully, the triumphant expression fading with every step she takes towards the basin. Navia, she remembers with sudden clarity; the woman is called Navia and she is from Poisson.
Of course.
The click of her heels echoes loudly in the Opera Epicles even amidst the loud rumbling of the spectators.
“Is she really going to do it?”
“Well she has to, doesn't she?
“You actually think she isn’t a god?”
“I mean, it doesn’t look good for her does it?
No. No. No.
She can’t let so many centuries of work go to waste. Not when so much is at stake. Not when ‘mirror-me’ is still working on a way to save everyone. It would be too cruel for it to end this way. 
The show must go on.
She looks down into the water, the vibrant purple tinge would be almost pretty if it didn’t promise her death. She wonders if dissolving will be more or less painful than the performance she’s poured her entire existence into. She doubts it will be more, there’s so little of her left after wearing a mask for so long that comparatively it has to be less.
From above she hears him.
“Due to the inherent risk of the test, Lady Furina, you may—”
She plunges her hand into the water, unwilling to hear him say anything else. Hurt and anger and an affection she tries so hard to keep hidden war for dominance in her chest. She can hear the worry in his voice even if no-one else can. How does he dare when he is the one who put her here?
Because he cares. A voice, small and fading, whispers in her mind. Because despite your lies he still cares and doesn’t want you to be harmed.
Her hand starts to burn. Her eyes snap down to the basin, watching in horror as her arm starts to melt. Heavy drops of water start to splash into the basin - it’s her, she’s the water - and she doesn’t even have time to scream before she’s drowning. Water in her lungs. Her nose. Her eyes. Her throat.
Her painfully human heart gives one last beat.
She doesn’t….
Someone cries out her name as the familiar sound of rain hitting the roof echoes throughout the hall.
She doesn’t want to die without ever truly living.
“No!” Furina yells. Her voice is thick with desperation and fear. “No, please!”
Water. She can feel it on her face. She can’t breathe from the tightness in her chest. Her world is crashing down around her and she has failed.
“Someone…anyone…” she pleads desperately. It’s hopeless. No-one has ever answered her cries before. They echo in her ears alone. She shuts her eyes tightly against the pain.
“-dy Furina.”
Alone. Alone forever on the throne she never wanted, crying for her people that she couldn’t save.
“-rina, listen to me..”
Failure of an archon. Failure as a leader. Failure as a human. 
If her one life could have saved them she would have given it gladly. One life for thousands? Set it against the scales and see the obvious choice.
“...nightmare, please…”
But her life wasn’t worth that much. Not to Celestia. Not to her people. Not to—
There’s a hand on her cheek. It’s cool to the touch but heavy and real. She knows this hand. Furina covers it with her own and grips it tightly. An anchor for her to steady herself  while the world spins around her.
A plea. She’s not used to hearing him make those. The single word threatens to burst with everything he’s trying to convey. Her dear Iudex, always struggling for the right words to convey his true feelings.
Furina breathes. She hears him inhale with her. Every breath loosens the knot of terror in her chest a little more until she has the strength to open her eyes.
Neuvillette is there to meet her gaze when she does. There is no chance to see anything else, there is only him and the anguish on his face as he watches her calm down. Furina throws herself into his arms.
They open immediately for her, crushing her against his chest as he shields her from the shadows of her own mind. He says nothing as she buries her head into his shirt and cries out the rest of her fear.
His arms are like steel bands around her shoulders and waist but she knows he would release her instantly if she asked him to. Just as she knows if she asked him to hold her forever he would. 
In this moment Furina is the safest person in all of Fontaine, perhaps even all of Teyvat as the power to control the very oceans themselves surrounds her in a protective embrace.
It takes a few minutes for her to calm down. She doesn’t dare look at him as shame rises to replace terror.
“I’m sorr—”
“Don’t.” He cuts her off, sharply but not unkindly. “You never have to apologize to me, not for anything.” Neuvillette reminds her.
If she were in a better state of mind she would say something about the way his words sound like an oath, whispered into the darkness for only her to hear. The reverence in his tone is blasphemous.
But right now she doesn’t care.
“Stay.” She asks, no eloquent rhetorical flourishes or theatrics to be heard only an honest rawness that makes him squeeze her tighter.
“As you wish, Furina.” Neuvillette murmurs and she lets out a sigh of relief, trusting him to watch over her even in her dreams as exhaustion pulls her to sleep once more.
She flicks one last look at him before slumber takes her. He’s staring down at her with his usual stoic expression but his eyes…oh his eyes are beautiful. Shining with an emotion she’s still too nervous to put a name to.
Her dragon is here and she is safe.
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foxy-alien · 2 months
taz graphic novel thoughts… I’m putting it under the cut because… spoilers silly.
Forewarning this really got away from me and is unfortunately pretty negative. read at your own risk
Huh, this really is an adaption? After the eleventh hour this is a really big let down tbh. Just so much was cut and it felt SO rushed. In the first 3 scenes we lose taako’s “because I’m afraid no one else will have me” and practically ALL of Magnus and the void fish swimming.
Obviously things need to be cut, it’s a completely different medium, but all the emotional payoff was ruined. I was never scared they were going to lose something great, I didn’t even cheer for them when they killed Edward. All the sacrifices are so minimized FOR GOD SAKES MAGNUS AND GOVERNOR KALIN WAS CUT. Are you kidding me? One of the most important sacrifices and emotional moments of TAZ.
With every cut there is a cut to later payoff, in the eleventh hour that was balanced well but here it just doesn't work. So much is cut out of tsg that as a reader there were no stakes to win or lose. I knew they would win because its their story but i didn't care what would happen to them.
So Wonderland was too short, why do I care? because the very heart of the suffering game was lost.
This is the thesis of the suffering game summed up best.
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What did they learn in wonderland? How did they change? They don't really. Taako doesn't choose the mission over himself, Magnus doesn't give up his main purpose in life, Merle doesnt lose his faith.
We don't get to see them at their worst because there is no one in Wonderland who their actions effect. I always, ALWAYS tear up at Rowen's "why?" after they go through their round with the monster factory. This catalyses Taako into later choosing to sacrifice his beauty. With the stakes cut we lose the emotional payoff of later scenes.
The solution of the suffering game being too long was not to cut out all of the spinning. It needed a restructuring. Heart attack has every interesting character moment cut, its barely a drive by of the original scene, why not just cut the moment entirely? It doesn't say anything about the character's emotional insights and True sight could have easily been cast at another moment.
Some moments have been adapted beautifully but they ended up reminding me what is lacking. Arms outstretched has great pacing that I had come to expect from the team. But compare that to Magnus's sacrifice and its just... nonexistant.
There was a way to trim down suffering game to fit it and the reunion tour that didn't require cutting every interesting sacrifice.
Now the reunion tour... what a mess. they cut out our narrator to show our plane being cut off, but this section dearly needed some narrative guiding. So much running back and forth in time and locations to make it run smoother but again, they needed a whole restructuring. Which some parts got but for all the wrong reasons.
I was happy that they cut the whole act with Magnus being dead when they get back to the campus because it barely works in audio form. But instead the campus is cleared because of the storm but then its packed for one panel when Carey and Killian cancel their side mission? why have the side mission at all? I'm assuming to drive Carey's and Magnus's friendship but it is a really clunky addition.
Everyone drinking the voidfish ichor separately is visually and narratively frustrating. It happens on a smaller scale in the show but by this point griffin has taken the reins back of the narrative and guides us through it seamlessly.
Griffin's final narration, has been separated and mutilated for what? it barely exists at all. its been replaced with an odd speech from Lucretia being happy about their return.
Its such a confusing moment to end on when you could have had idk THE ORIGINAL BELOVED ENDING?
"And from those pillars, the Hunger’s armies have begun to manifest, marching outward to raze the world below. It’s the end of the world. Again."
Tldr: bruh just read it, but seriously idk the changes made are clunky and dont make sense. and all the moments that are cut ruin the pacing of the rest of the book. It's especially confusing as this is probably one of the most straightforward arcs since petals to the metal and it is the most confusing adaption.
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adrianasunderworld · 11 months
More Twst x Stardew things
The Royal Sword Corporation opened one of their stores in town years ago. Crowley hates it. He hates the manger, Ambrose, who wants him to sell the community center so they can open another Royal Sword Business in town.
Che'nya works at Royal Sword Mart. Neige actually got his big break from Royal Sword. He got cast in a commercial for it, and it did so well that he's the face of a whole ad campaign now. Vil is angry and jealous because he also auditioned for that role and Neige got picked over him.
Vil still acts and models, but it's on a much smaller scale compared to Neige. Like he gets hired a lot to do ads and commercials for businesses in town, and in all the neighboring towns, to the point he's kind of a local celebrity in the area. He keeps visiting the city to audition for theater, but so far nothing. He ideally would like to move to the city to pursue bigger roles, but it's just not in the cards now.
The witch that turns your eggs into void eggs at night is Malleus grandma. He gets embarrassed, and has tried convincing her to get a different hobby, to no avail.
Fellow and Giddel are event characters. They get hired to work at the county fair during the fall, and sometimes stop by on the Night Market. There's a quest where you can befriend them so they can move into town, and Giddel can join the other kids on their lessons.
Leonas family is very well off. After his father passed while Leona was still a minor, Falena took custody of him, and he still lives with Falena and his wife, Asha. The Kingscholars were successful in their careers and had plenty of money. Like the farmer, they wanted a change of pace from city life and bought a nice inn just outside of town. Falena runs the actual business while Asha still works as a lawyer. Leona is taking online courses while working at the inn. Ruggie also works there and often has to keep Leona on track.
Ace is a carpenter, and was like Robin, the first person in town to greet you and show you to Ramshackle Farm. And like Robin, he also called your grandpa's house crusty. He also has beef with your cat, Grim. Everytime he comes by to work on something, they have a stare off.
Jade is still interested in foraging, and often gives helpful tips, like what is in season and where to find it. His favorite gifts are any mushrooms.
The mermaid who does a show at the Night Market is Rielle.
Ortho, Najma, and Cheka are like the Jas and Vincent in town. They're the local kids you always see running around, along with everyone else's little siblings, like Jack's brother and sister.
Since there's more than two kids in town in this au, there is an actual school house in the area. It's right next to or is connected to the library, and Clara is the local teacher. Trein helps her out by doing the history lessons. Clara will give the older kids their lessons in the morning before doing their more independent study time and class work in the afternoon while she teaches the little ones. Trein usually keeps an eye on the older kids while they work in the library. It's hard though, Lucius keeps demanding their attention when they're supposed to be doing homework.
Ramshackle is still haunted. There's ghost all over the property, and they mostly show up at night. But they will sometime show up indoors, like in the house, sheds, and greenhouse.
If you marry Leona, he will nap in the greenhouse.
If you marry Deuce, he will work on his bike outside.
If you marry Vil, his post marriage heart event is him going away to work after taking a bigger role. Kinda like Elliot going on his book tour.
If you marry Cater, he will post about living on a farm. He will absolutely make vlog type videos going "My day in the life of a stay at home farm husband."
@mangacupcake @marrondrawsalot @writing-heiress @the-weirdos-mind
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tired-fandom-ndn · 4 months
thoughts on oisin purring?
Oh my god though, I think for dragonborns, purring is very much something hatchlings do. Past a certain age, it's just considered very childish; older dragonborns can growl and snarl, roar if they've got the lungs for it, even make little happy chuffing noises, but purring? No. That's baby shit.
I've seen the headcanon that Oisin was the runt of his clutch, small and scrawny compared to his dragonborn siblings and cousins and MINISCULE compared to his more distant dragon cousins, and I LOVE it. I'm imagining this scrawny little dragonborn with glasses too big for his face and a tail he keeps tripping over, hiding under the massive wings of his grandmother or having one of his parents picking at his scales, purring up a storm.
The first time he purrs as a teen (or adult, whatever works for you) is after he gets together with Adaine and they're cuddling and she absentmindedly digs her fingers in behind his fins (because she's used to petting her sister's many, many cats) and his pleased little chuffs immediately turn into just a rumbling purr. There's a long moment where they both stop and stare at each other in stunned silence, Adaine frozen from surprise (and DELIGHT) and Oisin from just sheer embarrassment. After that though, he purrs near constantly whenever they're cuddling and even does it once or twice in front of their friends (with the understanding that Adaine will put them in the fucking ground if they make a single joke).
He only purrs for her though. Everyone else gets chuffs at best. Ivy will not admit to ANYONE that she's a bit disappointed about that.
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oddeyes588 · 24 days
gOD I'm eating so well today... we're finally getting some good characterization for Ruri and Rin... hell, it's incredible that we're getting some characterization for them AT ALL. I'm gonna ramble about it.
Ruri. Oh Ruri... it's genuinely so funny seeing her complete contrast with Yuto and Shun, who have all the dark and broodiness that comes with being characters who've been sharpened by the harsh edges of war. Yuto is in a bit of a middle-ground compared to Shun, but Ruri sits on the complete opposite end of the spectrum to her brother.
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She's very chill and sweet, in stark contrast to Shun's tendency for rage and violence. Hell, she's the only one of the Xyz Trio who ISN'T glaring constant daggers at Dennis. She's sympathetic, and this goes in line with what we already knew about her. Having received the same teachings from Yusho as Yuya, she's pacifistic and hates the violent dueling that destroyed her home, as it's not what dueling is meant to be.
While Yuto and Shun get understandably hardened in order to do what is necessary to survive, Ruri doesn't want to lose what she loved about her home, and as such tries to maintain it. It's not like she let everything that happened slide off her back, she still has fear for Academia, but she's readily sympathetic, and it's honestly very sweet to see. While Yuto and Shun are still trying to adjust into the process of healing, Ruri is ready to dive in headfirst, because that's exactly what she was waiting for the whole time.
Basically, for having seen the Horrors of War, Ruri is handling herself remarkably well.
And at last... Rin. Rin is hilarious in a few ways, but to start with a more serious note...
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It truly does speak to how good of a place Heartland was versus how shit of a place the City was from the get-go, because out of the two, Rin is somehow the more traumatized one? Not that anyone can blame her, since she grew up in a Capitalist Dystopia where you can be arrested and sent to a "correctional facility" indefinitely for the crime of, uh, trespassing on the property of the rich. Oh, and at the age of 14, too! Rin is often scared and fully ready to choose violence over it. Honestly, the idea that Rin's automatic reaction to somebody lunging out at her is to drive her knee into their stomach makes way too much sense... and it really speaks as to how little brain cells Yugo has that he doesn't learn his lesson, and keeps trying to hug her out of nowhere.
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But with that said... god I love Rin, actually. Despite Yugo's inability to learn why you don't suddenly glomp somebody, she's got exactly the amount of "he's an idiot, but he's MY idiot" energy that we expected... by which I mean she has an ABSURD amount of that energy. She cares about Yugo just as much as he cares about her, though she shows it via the very hilarious method of affectionately dragging him at every opportunity.
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And it's actually so great. I love her. Anyways! It's also neat to see how her overall focus is actually on a much smaller scale compared to everyone else. Yuzu has—or rather, had—obviously she asks about her home, asks how the Synchro Dimension is doing... and she's happy to hear that it's finally on the right track. But while the other three girls are somewhat vested in the fate of the universe(s), the state of their home, etc... Rin seems to focus a lot harder on the fact that she missed the Friendship Cup on account of being kidnapped at the time.
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And while yes, there's a hint of tragedy to that considering that the losers of that particular tournament are all sent to an underground work facility to be worked until they die...
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...her being lowkey SUPER competitive is a delight.
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synergysilhouette · 9 months
A lot of people like to rewrite Asha as Magnifico's daughter, but what if Star was his son?
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Walk with me here: Magnifico's traumatic past and working hard to learn magic and protect others was rewarded by the stars giving him and Amaya a son who was born with immeasurable magic power (think Elsa's origins in "Frozen 2"). Afraid that he'd be coveted for his gift, Star (a nickname) is kept away, but is always watching. He's very intelligent, but his sheltered life has made him naive--similar to Rapunzel. When he starts granting wishes and upsets the balance of power (making people codependent and greedy and not realizing for everyone who gains something from a wish, the wish could potentially harm someone else), Magnifico suffers from mania and stress, vowing to retrieve him (similar in personality to Gothel and Claude Frollo), while Amaya becomes cool and cynical, much like Lady Tremaine and the Evil Queen. They have to save their son and their kingdom. But what are the consequences of this, as well as Star's negligent wish-granting? They're good people who are NOT good in a crisis, particularly one involving their son. It goes to show how smoothly Rosas was run before, and how quickly it spirals out of control when the scales tip out of anyone's favor. The kingdom is basically a metaphor for parenting: when the king and queen spoil the kingdom with Magnifico's magic, they become very attatched and entitled to it, especially since magic is difficult to learn, and it's become a dying craft, with it being more likely for someone to be born with magic than actually be trained in it--but that's like comparing a 5% chance to a 3% chance, so...
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orionsangel86 · 1 year
I'm sorry but why do you ship them so hard? They just have 1 episode together.. I watched the sandman expecting destiel and it was literally almost nothing there. 1 episode. Idk how you guys got so much ship content out of that.
Ah nonny, I'm sorry but if you go into anything expecting Destiel you are gonna be dissappointed. Destiel is a behemouth of 12 years worth of gradually escalating gay subtext, queer coding, and romantic tropes. Destiel is the ship that people go into expecting that Tumblr exaggerated only to be blown away by how ridiculously gay it is even when it tries so hard not to be.
But remember, once upon a time people shipped Destiel after only a few moments of interaction. The first Destiel fic was written 30 minutes after Lazarus Rising aired...everything has its time.
When I joked that Dreamling was the "Destiel of Sandman fandom" I meant in terms of popularity compared to everything else about the show. The ships share some similar traits when compared on a grand scale - think ancient cosmic entity that has very strict rules slowly changes and starts to become more "human" thanks to their friendship with one dude who just so happens to be a hedonistic stubborn ass who refuses to die - but are otherwise very different.
But if you are wondering why people ship Dream and Hob so hard, well, this post goes some ways to explaining it.
But basically, look this may only be a half hour of television, but it doesn't equate in universe to half an hour of interaction. This half hour of television spans the course of 6 centuries for these two characters. There is a totally untapped potential hidden in the gaps between centuries to explore, and on top of that, the final meeting is left completely up to the imagination of the audience. Its a sandbox ship. Its a dozen fanfiction gaps laid on top of each other. It's at least 20 different prompts for fans to sink their teeth into. Its the potential. It's the what if.
Then on top of that, if you follow the comics, you know that the future Dream x Hob meetings also have a hell of a lot of potential to turn romantic. Dream going out of his way to hunt down a specific bottle of wine that doesn't exist on Earth anymore to gift it to Hob in his dreams, the very fact that he visits Hob in his dreams (hello common Destiel trope right there). They don't meet too many more times in the comics, but each time the tension is palpable. The meeting in the Kindly Ones is heartbreaking, because you can tell desperately how much they need each other at that moment, but they are both too distracted or consumed by grief and depression to truly reach out to one another. The comics never reveal why Dream sought Hob out at that point, but given everything happening to him at the time, its not hard to assume that Dream was seeking comfort from his friend - the only person he could really turn to for comfort at that point.
Then we have Hob's dream. One of the final stories in The Sandman original comic run. After everything else has happened, after the climax and all that takes place, after the smoke has cleared and you think everyone else has moved on and you are certain the ending is set in stone, you get to Hob's dream, and your mind is once again blown, and suddenly you have a thousand more questions. So many fans hopes and dreams rely on Hob's dream right now I can't even begin to express how important that particular comic issue is to me.
It's all about the potential. There is so much potential.
Plus the 30 minute scene we got was loaded full of subtext, romantic tropes, and queer coding. I dunno if you picked up on it, but I have an extremely long meta essay still in the works that goes through everything that 30 minute sequence gives us in terms of shipping fodder (I really need to finish that). Its not just the romantic tropes, the break up and make up, its the acting choices, the eye fucking, the freaking song choices in 1989 holy fuck could they be more on the nose.
Also, consider this thought experiment: Crowley and Aziraphale in Good Omens are a hugely popular ship, where their creator Neil Gaiman has confirmed that theirs is a love story. Whatever else you may believe about Crowley and Aziraphale, their story is a love story. Creator confirmed love story.
Now, Crowley and Aziraphale are the leads of Good Omens and interact throughout the entire 6 episode show. But consider the first half of episode 3. Imagine a version of Good Omens where Crowley and Aziraphale don't really interact outside of that 30 minute opening sequence. That the story was much more focused on the Them, the Horsemen, and the other characters. Imagine then seeing that 30 minute sequence which shows Crowley and Aziraphale slowly warming to each other and becoming friends over the centuries, shows them getting to know each other, do each other favours, come to each others defence, get into fights and break up with each other, only to make up later...
Would you still ship them? Even if that 30 minute sequence was all you got? I guarantee if I asked any Ineffable Husbands fan that question they would say yes. Because THAT 30 minute sequence is what solidifies the importance of their relationship and its what MAKES IT a love story.
Guess where Neil Gaiman got the idea for that 30 minute sequence in Good Omens from? Ah Neil, plagiarising his own work all these years later!
If Neil Gaiman thought that Men of Good Fortune would work well for a canonical love story in Good Omens, I wonder what he was thinking when he then adapted Men of Good Fortune for television?
I ship Dreamling that hard because it has more potential than any other ship I have come across. It has 6 centuries and all the future of the Sandman show for me to explore, to tweak, to play with. Besides they just suit each other ya know? Like Dream is notoriously bad at relationships, but Hob is literally perfect for him. The more my mind dwells on how perfect Hob is for Dream the more I want to scream about it. Give the sad wet cat man a boyfriend who is literally his opposite in every way. Dream is a character looking for a reason to keep living, and Hob is a character who refuses to die. Dream is a pessimist, Hob is an optimist. Dream is afraid of change, Hob literally changes constantly with the times. Dream is desperate for love and someone to stay by his side, Hob just wants to love someone he doesn't have to eventually leave.
Let them meet in the middle.
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berrybore · 11 days
I’m sorry but Percy would win in a battle to the death against Nico so easily. He is the most powerful demigod, as established by canon—multiple times. Like don’t get me wrong Nico is crazy powerful but we already got Percy defeating two ridiculously powerful underworld gods in their own realm why would you think he’d struggle against Nico?
Percy defeated hades in tlo and Akhlys in hoh. And no, before anyone says the curse of Achilles is the reason, it wasn’t. The curse helped him solo hades’ entire army in minutes yes, but the confrontation between them wasn’t a fight whatsoever. Percy deflected hades’ attack with his sword right back at him and it knocked him out of his chariot and onto the ground. And in hoh, Percy was literally two steps from dying when he overpowered a primordial so like that speaks for itself.
Like I’m not saying Nico would never win, only that his powers drain him a ton and he can’t sustain a long fight the way Percy can. He’s also not a remarkable swordsman, so his best bet is to land a single fatal blow immediately. Like I don’t know maybe shadow travel right up to his face and slash his throat or something, except we know form ttc that Percy’s reaction time is fast enough to deflect bullets so who knows how well that will work. Probably how he reacted fast enough to deflect hades’ attack.
And yes I’m aware Nico can turn demigods into ghosts but the demigod in question didn’t really have a power to attack Nico with. Like I’m struggling to see Nico turn Percy into a ghost while he’s chocking on his bodily fluids.
Like it would be extremely unlikely and he’d need the power of anime and god and surprise on his side to do it.
(Also, small side note. Demigods aren’t meant to be stronger than gods or be able to beat them. The fact that Percy beat ares in tlt was meant to be earth shattering. It literally sets him apart from the get go. He’s compared to Hercules more than once. And yes, big three kids are different and stronger than everyone else but even among them he’s operating in a different league. In the entire series of pjo, I can’t recall another instance of any other demigod stepping up to a god and winning. Hoo screws up the entire power scale by letting other demigods do that on the fly, it makes the gods look small in comparison to their children. Mind you, Percy doesn’t always win in his series, and sometimes he only does on a technicality— like forfeiting the fight against atlas, or injuring ares. )
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