#compass prong setting
starrymoissanite · 5 months
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raayllum · 8 months
So what's the Mirrored Trio Theory?
The Mirrored Trio theory is, for lack of a better explanation, a two pronged theory regarding the way the main trio will parallel both the generation that led to / immediately received Aaravos upon his fall (himself, Leola, and a speculative human who may or may not have been a mage / helped to found Elarion) and how they may also parallel the Orphan Queen, Jailer, and Aaravos yet again. So put your tinfoil hats on and strap in because it's going to be a speculation heavy one, lads! We're going to get deep in the weeds.
Fallen Trio
So the first trio we want to talk about is what I'm going to, for lack of a better term / meta simplicity, refer to as the Fallen Trio, consisting of Aaravos, Leola, and 'Elarion' — our stand-in for a potential human Aaravos had a close dynamic with that may be intertwined with the human city of Elarion.
First, I want to talk about Aaravos and Leola. We get our first mention of Leola in S5, specifically with Leola's Last wish being a star for both Xadians and for humans, who use it to navigate and "to find their way in the endless darkness of the night." This is fitting given that what we know of unicorns from the book one novelization — that they gave primal magic and stones to humanity out of mercy and compassion — and that Tales of Xadia singles her out further as the specific unicorn to do so, although it omits primal stones from the equation:
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This is, of course, a big parallel between Leola and some details we know from Aaravos as well, who also gave gifts to humanity: the relic staff that Ibis identifies as truly belonging to Aaravos ("It was a gift from one of the Great ones" / "If you seek to return that staff to its true owner...") and, as Claudia says, dark magic:
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However, there's also been indications that Leola might've been a Startouch elf (tweet from Aaron Ehasz identifying her as the Startouch child + the star on the star chart map, although it's not entirely clear), that star magic can be reality altering, that Startouch elf designs had unicorn like horns protruding from their foreheads, and that history can change and shape things differently than they necessarily were.
Either way, unicorns are one of the few creatures we know to also possess the Star arcanum and, seemingly like the Startouch elves, are all but gone from Xadia (+ the Pentarchy)'s physical plain. And that she, like Aaravos, were two Star(touch) beings who both wanted to help humanity and help them develop magic, but did so in very different ways. Whether they are literally related or the same species, I think this parallel between them means they're set up to have an almost sibling-esque bond — one that existed, and one that accordingly fell apart under the brunt of dark magic and other disagreements, as TDP is prone to do.
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(Put a pin in Callum and Ezran for now, cause we're going to circle back to them shortly.)
Bare minimum, Leola and Aaravos will have to be foils if not contemporaries of each other, given the closeness of their original goals in manifestation, regardless of motivation. This is particularly true given that Aaravos preys on mages in particular and that dark magic (plus a little Star magic, maybe?) allows him to literally possess people who have done dark magic, which can be no happy accident.
Given that Leola seemed dead set on giving humans primal magic, it seems unlikely she might've been too keen on a dark magic, alternative development either, which we know came after, thanks to Ripples.
It happened long ago, when humans had only just learned to hold fire in their hands without burning. They nurtured their precious primal flames secretly—in the dark of night, beneath shadows and shrouds—as cultivating its glow drew the eyes and ire of monsters. Eventually, for the audacity of their fire, they were hunted, and—though they looked to the stars for salvation—the stars, too, looked down upon them with disdain. Humanity had been given something it was never meant to have.
So again, you have two characters with very similar goals/desires, but very different ideas of how to achieve said goals. This one of the reasons why, I think, that TDP loves to have siblings disagree, as it's an effective way of having more worldviews on display with some hope for reconciliation or the tragedy of deterioration, or both. Callum and Ezran stand alone as the one sibling pair that hasn't been terribly wrenched apart by political or ideological disagreements thus far, save for Sarai and Amaya, who were torn apart by Sarai's death.
Which brings me to my next point: if Aaravos and Leola had a sibling like bond, did he lose her to their potential ideological disagreements, or did those disagreements actually cost her life?
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Whether Leola just walked away and likewise abandoned him (like Soren), became too distant in disagreement to continue having some sort of bond (like Harrow and Viren, and Janai and Karim), flat out died (like Khessa, Harrow, and Sarai), or all three, that could be one of the many cogs motivating Aaravos to keep turning the wheel of the cycle, as grief has often been the primary motivator throughout history, even amongst the 'villains'. A "song of love that loss" that Aaravos has chosen handpicked "instruments" for, after all (4x03, 4x04).
And like I said, Callum and Ezran are long over due to have a disagreement, given that they haven't had a substantial one since season one, and given that Ezran has grown to only be more assertive than he was since then, not less. This could easily be over Runaan (Callum, having already sworn himself to helping Rayla free her parents, and Ezran, understandably holding onto anger and grief concerning Harrow's death). I'm sure there are also plenty of other things they could heavily disagree over in the future, like military aid or action or how to approach trying to defeat Aaravos, etc.
The point to all of this is that I think Ezran could be a very good stand in for Leola — at least in terms of being selfless, deeply compassionate, uncomplicated, and adamant about giving people their freedom even at the cost of themselves and even if that gift can be misused or discarded (3x04) — which means Aaravos could offer a potential parallel to Callum in the sibling split. Aaravos, who turned to dark magic as an option regardless of or precisely because of the potential violence, and Callum, who argues for the Nova Blade whereas his brother still always champions a non-violent route thus far.
After all, TDP loves to have their "person A is estranged from their sibling and is determined not to lose their lover" parallel, given that it's happened four times (Harrow, Viren, Sarai; Viren, Harrow, Lissa; Claudia, Soren, Terry; Janai, Karim, Amaya) already.
Now, this could be wildly off base as we know very little about Leola and even less about her potential dynamic with Aaravos, but if we follow along with the idea that Ezran could parallel her and Callum could parallel Aaravos, I think now maybe we can talk about Elarion and Rayla.
Years ago we learned that there was a place on Xadia's map (both sides) that was named after someone who had a deep connection to him, and that many of his choices are based around this relationship. Given the Midnight Star poem, people defaulted to Elarion ("Elarion, black-eyed child / her twisted roots spread deep and far / The humans’ might sparked by the light / of Aaravos, her midnight star") although I've also considered Kalik.
And while I'm still not unconvinced that Elarion isn't just a name like Elara and Laurelion, before Aaravos changed his name, combined, I do think Elarion has to be important in Aaravos' backstory, and that it's more than likely that a founder of Elarion / a human involved with Elarion for a variety of reasons.
For starters, while we can be told that Aaravos had a soft spot for humans at one point, giving us a specific person or dynamic to think of is helpful in regards to emotional investment, and in helping to explain why he may have developed said soft spot. We also know, thanks to a birthday post years ago, that a human once gave him a gift:
He thinks that if he cared for the idea [of birthdays], he’d like to remember the taste of a smooth red fruit a human had plucked from a tree for him, once. It had been so crisp, and so sweet.
While this could've been the Orphan Queen (we do know, thanks to 1x01, that there's a tree planted in the castle courtyards 300 years ago, but we don't know it was an apple tree), an apple transfer like this one feels far more "Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden and knowledge isn't always a Good thing" type schtick. Not only does it seem to indicate a more intimate bond, it also might foreshadow the reason Aaravos Fell.
One of the most interesting, but perhaps more discreet, reasons I think there's a connection between 'Elarion' as a person and Aaravos is because of the nature motif running between what little we know of Elarion and to do with Aaravos' mirror and appearance motifs. The Midnight Star is riddled with flower and nature symbolism, referring to it as a "trembling seed" and "fading bloom," that "her roots took hold" and later became "twisted," and that before the gift of Aaravos, she was "wilting" with "bone-white branches". And Aaravos' mirror and the box that held his matching key have blooming flowers on it.
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See the flowers along the bottom on the actual frame of the mirror, then sculpted along the sides, and the top? Yeah. We also know that flowers themselves, thanks to Tales of Xadia, are featured in a story told both in Katolis and amongst the Moonshadow elves in particular, featuring an elven thief who steals what you value most, leaving only flowers in their wake. This is the only story in all of Tales of Xadia that we see two cultures share, even if they interpret it wildly differently.
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Flowers that were always gone by morning, and gifts that couldn't be accepted or understood ("I’ve got one more gift for you, Callum: I'm going to keep you safe. I have to. I love you too much not too [...] Taking on hard choices and going to dark places is an act of love. It’s a gift. So, please let me give you this gift, Callum. Stay safe, and stay in the light").
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We also know that whoever Aaravos loved, he inevitably lost whether due to time or tragedy. While this form of grief is one the show has explored, it was previously largely only through Harrow, who mourned Sarai for 9 years upon losing her, and who avenged her by slaying Avizandum, and more briefly through Ethari believing Runaan was dead.
That was, until season four, where Callum grieving Rayla and dealing with the fallout of that grief and distance turned it into more of an accentuated plot point, both before and even after her return.
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Before, losing your partner in this manner would've been something Callum had witnessed, but not experienced. Now, whether the show wants Callum to sympathize with Aaravos or not, it is an experience that they could both understand, particularly if it is going to be one of Aaravos' main motivators.
Thus, we have a disagreement set up between 'siblings' (Leola, Aaravos; Ezran, Callum) as well as lost love (Elarion, Aaravos; Rayla, Callum) as a big motivator for choices, grief, and what possibly led to the fall. That Aaravos, at least in practice / thematic lineups, being a Callum who lost his Rayla and his Ezran*, and then lost himself.
Aaravos — Callum
Leola — Ezran
Elarion — Rayla
[ * This is not to say that Callum would pull an Aaravos and go on a hellbent 1000+ year revenge scheme, because he's not like that, but I do think it could be a very poignant and apt parallel of giving him and Aaravos more in common than they currently have, which is about nothing but magical curiosity and connection. ]
However, 90% of this is all speculation of things that have been kept supremely under wraps. For something a little more tangible simply because we have slightly more information, let's talk about the
Imprisonment Trio
The Imprisonment Trio, as the name implies, refers to the two humans who seemed to directly (the Jailer) and potentially indirectly (the Orphan Queen) be involved in imprisoning Aaravos (the third in this trio). This time, however, I'm going to argue that Aaravos — in terms of his imprisonment — is going to parallel someone other than Callum, but we shall see.
To start, I want to look at the Jailer and the Orphan Queen, since their parallels to Callum and Ezran respectively are the most obvious.
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We don't know for sure whether the Jailer came from Katolis, but we know that the Orphan Queen did, eventually taking on the throne from the previous royal family and starting Harrow and Ezran's royal line, first hinted at in 3x05 with "Only orphans can ascend to the throne". Ezran has been directly compared to her in both role and appearance by the show's framing and by characters like Rex Igneous in 4x08: "I should have seen it before. Long ago, it was a human who saw through the Fallen Star's schemes and helped Xadia put an end to them. You look so much like her." This plays well into Ezran's tendency to discover or unearth long lost things, most notably Zym's egg, just as the Orphan Queen became the Truthteller of Aaravos' treachery.
Callum, for his part, is a human mage, just like the Jailer. He's clever, very talented with magic, and despite being Aaravos' preferred prey as a mage will ultimately — like the Jailer — play a role in his defeat. He will also work with and for the archdragons and their wills, but has no problem being disobedient either, in the name of concern or mercy, much like how the Jailer kept Akiyu alive rather than tell the archdragons the truth. And like the Jailer, he understands the potential danger of knowledge: "The entire world would be in danger if she let him live with this knowledge" / "I need you to kill me."
Like the brothers, they were a (future) royal and mage working together, starting off what perhaps was a long tradition of Katolian monarchs having high mages. If, as often theorized due to having an Aaravos-y twin box (S2 novelization) and his love of puzzles, Kpp'Ar is indeed descended from the Jailer, that adds another layer onto Kpp'Ar being one of Callum's predecessors as High Mage. While Ezran has the job and the bloodline of the Orphan Queen, Callum would've more directly inherited the position of (high) mage from the Jailer's thematic and occupational line.
Granted, there are differences. Most notably, the Key of Aaravos was given to Callum, not to Ezran, although there could be potential future parallels between the brothers and the Sunfire siblings, with Karim unable to undo Kim'Dael's chains because his sister is still queen, and the brothers needing to work together to fully use the cube. I wouldn't be surprised if Ezran learns more about the cube and the Orphan Queen in S6 while Callum still has some unknowns to its true meaning, leading to some delicious dread and dramatic irony. But I digress.
The point is that the Jailer and the Orphan Queen both had their roles to play in imprisoning Aaravos, and that Callum and Ezran, respectively, will both have their roles to play in trying to keep Aaravos contained, only to inevitably somehow fail in a way that allows him to escape, if by another's hand. We do know the brothers will be going to weird ruins in a future season thanks to some out-of-context spoilers that have yet to pass, and the Ruins of Elarion would certainly fit:
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Which, just like the out-of-context spoiler card, you might've noticed that I haven't mentioned Rayla and who she's going to be paralleling yet. Well, that's because this time / generational pass around, I think she's going to be the primary foil to Aaravos.
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Now, this train of thought isn't new by any means. I've thought Rayla paralleled Aaravos reasonably well since S3 aired largely due to their status as ghosted/banished elves, a compassion for humans (at least implied for Aaravos) that other elves disapproved of, and their dynamics with Callum and Viren, respectively.
Both Rayla and Aaravos have to work to earn their high mage's trust ("And should we trust you? Have you told us the truth about everything?" / "And why should I trust you?") over the course of season one for Rayla and season two for Aaravos, ending in promises of allegiance and togetherness: "You've got to stay with me" / "I will stay with you" (2x09). Aaravos leads Viren to his doom in being tackled off the Pinnacle, and Callum throws himself off the Pinnacle after Rayla.
You can imagine my delighted surprise, then, when S4 simply cranked it up even further: Rayla was hunting Aaravos' mage ("I spent two years hunting"), and Aaravos was hunting Rayla's mage ("Yes, mages were his prey"). Rayla wants to protect Callum and kill Viren, and Aaravos had promised to save Viren and use Callum. Even for Callum himself, 4x04 and 4x07 seemed like clear set up for Rayla symbolizing agency in Callum breaking free from Aaravos' control someday, putting the two in literal opposition to each other. Two potential paths (although picking Rayla, at least at first, may not be mutually exclusive from picking Aaravos).
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Rayla, who was also harshly punished by Xadia with no trial.
This isn't to say that Aaravos didn't do anything wrong and is being unjustly punished — far from it — or that Aaravos' imprisonment and subsequent freedom won't have parallels to anyone else like say, Callum, who will likely be imprisoned by Aaravos through possession in S6 and ultimately freed by Rayla. More so that imprisonment of different sorts has been a running theme throughout Rayla's arc, and that Callum — who is primed to be Aaravos' chain breaker, whether through possession or not — could also be hers (if not just her parents') the way he has routinely been in the past, whether it was from instigating the events that eventually led to her binding (chain) coming off or saving her from being emotionally stuck (3x08) or from doing anything for her freedom (5x01, 5x08). He's primarily been someone who is tethered to freedom when it comes to recognizing and breaking cycles (chains of history) or literal restraints, and it's only in season four and season five that he's shifted to being both tied to freedom and having himself restrained.
I've speculated in the past this may result in Callum (and Ezran) leading to Aaravos' release in order to save/free Rayla; however, the show may not want as much of a repeat from 5x08, and freeing the Moon fam from the coins also resulting in Aaravos' freedom through an escalation of events would also keep that ironic thread, so it could really go anywhere.
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Two humans, one elf, and endless tragedy, repeating and breaking cycles all at the same time. Ezran, discovering important info about his ancestor and possibly the Key; Callum, following in the Jailer's footsteps and unravelling the final puzzles of the prison and figuring out how to undo it; and Rayla, ghosted, banished, vying against Aaravos for the control and agency of his latest pawn who also happens to be the love of her life.
So for the Imprisonment Trio:
The Orphan Queen — Ezran
The Jailer — Callum
Aaravos — Rayla
In Conclusion
Is any of this something? I don't know, honestly. I think it's plausible, at least partially. I think it'd be neat. We know TDP likes varying intergenerational parallels and looking at how history repeats, whether that's directly through family (blood or not) lines, or by having repeating plot points (the dragon quartet, or Rayla being immobilized) and trials (Rayllum facing Sol Regem, much like Ziard, etc). We know there was someone Aaravos loved and lost, we know he's not above using what people want against them, and the connections between Ezran and the Orphan Queen are just Text at this point, although how they may manifest further, we don't know.
This is just one particular stab at it, and an examination of three of the series' most interesting (potential) trios. We'll simply have to see if anything here hit the nail on the head.
As always, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!
—Dragons Out
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bladeweave · 6 months
Golden Generosity
Shadowheart & Wyll, 2k words
“I suppose it was too fanciful a notion to hope these would go away after it all ended,” Wyll sighs, looking up at his horns.
Shadowheart can’t say she agrees. With everything that has happened to all of them, it wouldn’t be so outside the realm of believability to think one last miracle was possible.
“Is there truly no way to be rid of them?” she asks.
“That’s what the contract said: they can’t be removed by any means short of divine intervention,” Wyll recites rotely, “But it’s not as if I’ve ingratiated myself with any gods, have I?
The phrase makes something inside of her come to attention.
Being granted Selûne’s favor had been exhilarating and frightening in equal measure. With so many years spent fruitlessly laboring away for approval she would never get from Shar, receiving such a gift from the Moonmaiden after not even a month in her service feels undeserving somehow. Shadowheart sometimes feels like she’s still waiting for the other shoe to drop, for someone to come out and say she’s not worthy of such a blessing.
“It’s too bad we didn’t let Gale take the crown, then. He might have done you a favor,” she murmurs in reply, her mind elsewhere.
She had intended to save her opportunity to plead for Selûne’s help to use against the Netherbrain, hopefully turning the tide if things went poorly. Of course, it happened that she hadn’t even been asked to join the party for the final fight. She and Wyll had stood outside the High Hall, heads craned back to watch the effects of the skirmish happening so high above. They flinched at each crash of light and flash of noise with the worry that it spelled their friends’ defeat.
But everyone had come out the other side no worse for the wear, and then the question of what to do next came up.
“He’s a better friend to us mortal than in Elysium, Shadowheart,” he scolds her gently. Not willing to betray that infallible moral compass even for a joke, which is so very Wyll.
It’s not an idea she would even consider if she were still in the service of Shar; The Dark Lady would never be so kind.
But Selûne? She was once the patron of beauty, and Wyll is certainly a handsome man. He considers his additional features a flaw, which few others do, but if removing them made him feel more beautiful…
Selûne had also overseen purity and joy. Shadowheart has never met anyone remotely close to as pure of heart as the former warlock, and he’d certainly be overjoyed to have those infernal reminders gone.
“Wyll, can I try something?” she asks. He nods immediately, so trusting.
Shadowheart moves to kneel on his bed beside him, holding her hands over the front of his horns. She concentrates on how he used to look, on the idea of those horns disappearing and the ridges smoothing.
There’s a little cosmic twitch. Some minute recognition of her intentions that feels somehow attentive yet distant.
Wyll waits patiently until she pulls her hands away and sets them in her lap.
“Is something on your mind, Shadowheart?” he asks.
“Would you truly want to be rid of them completely? Horns, ridges, bumps, prongs and all?”
He makes an ugly face at her wording but replies, “Yes, of course! I’d get them gone in a heartbeat if I knew how.”
She takes a deep breath. “I think I could do it. Or at least, I’d like to try.” She lets a touch of magic out to emphasize her meaning, the glow of silver light emanating from her fingertips.
“You’ve healed me plenty of times before,” Wyll says, looking at her hand, “And it never fixed any of this.”
“This is something different. I’m going to pray for her intervention.” She doesn't need to lean hard on the ‘her’ to make it clear who she means.
“Why would Selûne do that for me?” he asks, all wide-eyed and wondering, “I’ve never done anything close to worshipping her in a way that would warrant her succor.”
“She would do it for me. I was granted a boon, the promise that she would intercede when I needed it most. But the time for that has come and gone, and I find that I’m unsure of what to do with it now.”
Wyll pushes away from her like he’s afraid she’ll do it at once, pressing his back against the headboard.
“You shouldn’t waste an opportunity like that on me! There’s so many more deserving people out there in much worse positions than I am,” he rushes out.
“I don’t really believe that, Wyll,” Shadowheart says plainly.
“You could…” he shakes his head like he’s trying to chase something away, “You could bring your memories back.”
Shadowheart sighs. “They’re not happy ones. It may be cowardly on my part, but I don’t want to remember the person I was then. Who I am now is who I’m proud to be.”
The fond, awed look on his face is exactly what she was trying to provoke.
“That’s not cowardice, Shadowheart. There’s so much strength in making that choice, in knowing how to forge a new path and find the new you,” Wyll says in that horribly earnest way of his.
She tips her head to the side. “So if I don’t want to use it for that, what could I? Travelling across the world in an instant instead of by foot? Smiting enemies that I no longer have? It’d be a waste of her gift, I think.”
She leans closer, not letting Wyll escape her gaze.
“But giving you back your humanity is something that only she could provide. If she grants me this– if she grants you this, it would be the best possible use of her power that I can imagine.”
“If you’re sure,” Wyll murmurs, “If you’re absolutely sure that you don’t want to keep it for yourself.”
“In all honesty, I was thinking of going to the temple tomorrow and asking her to… take it back. Such an offering feels like too much to be carrying around in my back pocket.” The only thing that had stopped her doing so today was the fear that doing so would make her seem ungrateful; she’s anything but. Taking a lighter tone, she adds, “So if you take me up on my proposal, you’ll save me the trip.”
“Okay,” Wyll accedes, “You can try. But there is a chance it won’t work, correct?”
“There’s a chance that something else will happen, but I don’t know what,” Shadowheart admits. Selûne’s magic is not like Shar’s. It’s not less complicated – in some ways is more straightforward, more even-keeled – but it’s a complex power nonetheless. She’s still getting used to it.
“Okay, I’m ready whenever you are,” Wyll blows out in a shaky breath that doesn’t hide the tentative excitement in his voice.
She raises her hands again and calls upon her goddess, concentrating on that little node of magic that’s been living under her heart.
Selûne’s presence meets hers in a surging tidal wave of influence. She is so acutely responsive in a way Shar never was that it nearly brings tears to Shadowheart’s eyes, but she dismisses that rush of emotion quickly. She’s on a mission.
Shadowheart focuses all her concentration on the image of Wyll as he was when they’d met, on supplicating her Lady’s kindness in returning him to his former glory.
There’s a wavering moment of consideration, of her goddess studying Wyll with cool regard. Then, there’s a rush of power like nothing else she’s ever felt before. Selûne’s grace pouring through her feels like all the force of a raging river with none of the harshness, like a straight shot of pure divinity suffusing her entire being.
Shadowheart steers her mind back to the thought of Wyll as he originally was, of his authentic self not marred by devilish magic. Selûne responds, threading so much arcane energy through Shadowheart’s veins that she’s humming with it. Her hands move as if of their own accord to skim the surface of Wyll’s horns. He makes a sound, says something that she must ignore to keep her control.
She thinks on his entire body being restored. She lets her goddess’s magic stream through her, using her as a conduit. She remembers his easy confidence and how much it hurt to see him lose it. She wishes for him to be whole and himself again. A final surge of Selûne’s grace pushes a gasp from her mouth before the connection drips down to nothing, like closing off a faucet. Despite the slow recession of it, she still feels breathless for the loss.
“Oh my Gods,” Wyll gasps.
Shadowheart doesn’t remember closing her eyes, but when she opens them she sees exactly what she’d been hoping for.
Wyll’s hands are roaming his face, feeling over his unmarred cheeks and smooth forehead as if in shock.
“It worked,” she says. He looks at her and tears well up in his eyes, the good one now pleasantly white and brown.
“Oh my Gods,” he says again as he pulls her into a tight embrace. It must be such a relief to him, not having to worry about racking her with his horns as he does so. He trembles under her hands, as if the elation he's feeling is more than he can handle.
“Everything’s alright? It all went right?” she asks hazily, still coming down off the buzz of so much magic.
He squeezes her shoulders as he chokes out a warbling, “I’ve never been better, Shadowheart. Oh, how am I ever going to repay you for this?”
“You don’t have to, Wyll. Invite me ‘round for tea every so often and we’ll call it even.”
“Consider it done.” He releases her from his grip to wipe hastily at his face. More tears stream down his cheeks to replace them. Shadowheart shifts back to lean on the footboard to give him some space to breathe.
“What’s going on over here? We heard a commotion,” Gale calls out as he and the rest turn the corner by Shadowheart’s bed. Upon seeing Wyll, he exclaims, “You look like… yourself again!”
“I am,” is all Wyll can say before another sob catches in his throat.
Gale goes to his side to hug him around the neck, leaning down to rest his head against Wyll’s.
“Hey, I remember that face!” Karlach says as she jogs over to join them. Wyll laughs at both her rejoinder and how she puts an arm around both men and shakes them.
“Was this your doing, Shadowheart?” Lae’zel asks.
“I asked Our Lady of Silver for her generosity in removing the marks of Wyll’s contract. It seems she was feeling generous,” Shadowheart says, intentionally too light. Her friends don’t all need to know she’s still reeling from the experience.
“Who knew our Shadowheart was so generous?” Astarion teases as he leans against the wall.
“Perhaps some of Wyll’s soft-heartedness has rubbed off on her,” Lae’zel says. Shadowheart pretends to swat at the gith even as she’s too far away to reach.
“I’m plenty tough enough for anything you want to throw at me. But I think we’ve all earned a little kindness after everything.”
“Yes, we definitely have,” Astarion agrees with an odd look on his face. When Karlach and Gale step away, he crouches by the bed, putting one arm around Wyll’s shoulders and briefly touching their cheeks together.
"Lae’zel, do you want to be the odd man out?” Shadowheart asks archly.
“You don’t have to hug me if you don’t want to,” Wyll says, as accommodating as ever.
Lae’zel rolls her eyes. She steps over Astarion, ignoring the vampire’s indignant outburst, and presses her forehead to Wyll’s.
Their eyes are closed as they breathe each other in.
"A celebration is in order," Lae'zel announces when she stands straight again.
"I can certainly get on board with that!" Wyll says. Everyone else agrees.
Shadowheart feels her spirit finally settle, leaving her oddly aware of her own body.
The experience was strange, she thinks, as she listens to the chatter of her friends planning what sounds like a raucous party, but entirely worth it. For her, for Wyll, for all of them.
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saltieststar · 10 days
I've somehow talked myself into having Wyll be a second main POV in the fic that covers the BG3 events. Gotta make up for the fact that Wyll really should have been the main character on a non-Durge run. I just think Wyll and Durge mirror each other in such interesting ways. An evil character attempting to figure out what the right thing to do is while lacking any moral compass, and a good man trying to let his moral compass guide him while fighting off the corrupting influence of the shield. I love the idea of both of them realizing that they don't need to rely on an evil source of power, that their strength is their own, and watching them choose to carve a path for themselves instead of following the one their respective fathers paved for them.
*DIA spoilers*
I'm committed to the idea of Wyll being bound to the Shield of the Hidden Lord now. The corrupting influence of the shield is subtle and not immediately obvious. The shield proved invaluable numerous times in Avernus, and it helped Wyll come to his senses about Karlach. It has an ulterior motive, of course. Having Karlach in the party ensures Zariel will continue to send devils after them, devils who may be capable of freeing Garguath. It's because Wyll possesses the shield, and it's corrupting the minds of those nearby that the druids chose to complete the rite of thorns. The voice told the little tiefling girl to steal the idol and whispered to Kagha that an example needed to be made. The shield is feeding off the fear of those around and is essentially playing the devil on everyone's shoulder. While Wyll can at first delude himself into believing that the shield can be used for good in the right hands, he's doing the right thing by keeping the shield out of the hands of those who'd use it for evil. It becomes harder to continue to do so when the corruption manifests physically (Some ridges, bumps, and prongs; claws and elongated canines; and finally, a set of horns). He's provided an easy solution, with Raphael offering to take it off his hands and reverse all those devilish traits he's acquired. If Wyll declines for the right reasons, that Raphael's hands are the precise hands he's trying to keep the shield from -he's eventually drawn to the Temple of Helm in Baldur's Gate, where he receives a vision of what to do with a shield. His arc wraps up with Helm accepting him as a true paladin, and Wyll can either decide to stay and pick back up on the path his father set or to set out on his own path.
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abbatoirablaze · 1 year
AOD, All For You, Chapter 6
Word Count: 1.3k
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Bucky woke up feeling groggy.  When he attempted to move, he was held back by a strap across his chest. 
“W-what the hell?”
“James!” Bucky’s attention snapped towards the familiar voice.  And all too quickly two small, warm hands were on either side of his face, “oh my god, James...you’re awake.”
“Shuri?” he asked, brows furrowed as he tried to figure out what the hell was going on.  He went to reach up, but only his flesh hand stroked her cheek.  He looked to his left arm and noticed the mottled, ruined metal, “mother fucker.”
“They thought you died,” she whimpered, stroking his cheek.  Bucky hissed in pain, and she frowned, “I’m sorry…you do have some burns where your arm didn’t protect you.”
“Call it in to Drysdale and Nicola,” Nick huffed as he moved around your mother’s place.  He sighed to himself as he waited for Ransom to respond to the quick message.  Your mother was nowhere to be found, and the geotagged location at the docks was set for Curtis and Ari to investigate. Nick stopped in the living room and crossed his arms, shaking his head, “I’m thinking it was a test from Pronge to see if she would show up with the kid.  Call Everett and Levinson.  See if there’s any movement at the docks.”
Bucky felt it in his bones though. 
Something was off. 
Something was wrong. 
4 pm-the estate
5 pm-the penthouse
6 pm-the mother
8 pm- I get my son and you walk away alive.
“Something’s missing Nick.”
“What are you talking about?”
“What happens at 7?”
“What?” he chuckled, “What are you talking about?”
At 4 he burned her estate to the ground, at 5 he bombed the penthouse.  At 6 he took her mother.  And at 8 he’s supposed to get his son back and she walks away.”
“Seven’s missing.”
“Seven’s missing,” Bucky repeated.  He looked around the room nervously, “Nick…I think we’re seven.”
Bucky pulled out his phone once again and realized that it was 6:59, “Shit!  Get out, NOW!”
The younger man dropped his phone and ran after Nick as fast as he could.  They’d made it to the door when a ‘dinging noise went off and a loud explosion was centered behind them.  Bucky pushed Nick out of the way and covered him as much as he could with his arm and his body. 
“If you didn’t push him and cover both of you, you both would have died, James,” Shuri pointed out.  Her hand reached out again, and she stroked her former lover’s cheek once more.  Only this time, Bucky leaned into it, “you are a far cry from my white wolf, James Barnes.”
“I’ll always be your white wolf, my queen.”
“You have gone soft.”
“Being a father will do that,” he reminded her.  She gave him a soft look and he kissed her palm, “I’d do it all again for you Shuri…every second.”
“I know, James.”
“I want to come home.”
“The Wakandans haven’t forgiven you…”
“Your father is dead,” he sighed, “your brother is in power.  They don’t need to forgive me…do they?  Just T’Challa.”  
“He hasn’t forgiven you fully,” she sighed in response, “it will be a long time until you are fully forgiven, James.  I was seventeen.”
“I gave it all to him,” he cried, his lip warbling at the thought of how he gave his entire empire up for the promise that her father would let her keep their children and continue to protect Shuri, “I told him that I would pledge my allegiance to him…”
“And that’s why I haven’t been married off!”
“One day, Shuri,” he promised softly, “I’ll find a way, my queen.  And I’ll make up for every second that I missed with you.  That I missed with our children.”
“T’Challa wanted me to give you this.”
Before Bucky could question it, she had moved out of the way, and a case was in his line of sight, “Wh-what’s this?”
She opened it, and revealed a sleek black and gold arm, “it’s vibranium…and it’s Wakandan.”
“I thought you said that they were mad at me,” Bucky said snarkily, “and that he hadn’t forgiven me.”
“T’Challa recognizes acts of power and compassion,” she reminded the father of her children, “he knows that you are trying, James.  He knows that you are a far better man than when we were together…he wants you to know that he sees that.”
“That’s why he let you come.”
She nodded, “yes.”
“But Kanarie and Te’Kai.”
“They know of you.”
“He still won’t let me see them.”
“Would you want our ten-year-olds to see you like this?”
Bucky frowned, “No.”
“You are allowed to come back to our estate with me though,” she offered, “he wants to talk to you after I fix your arm.”
Bucky’s breath hitched in his throat, “h-he does?”
“He does,” she confirmed hopefully, “about what, he refused to tell me…but let’s get your arm on and we’ll head to the estate…okay?  I’m sure that he’ll let you see them after you two talk.”
“Okay, Shuri.”
“And James?”
He looked at the mother of his children.  She looked tired, and he knew that it was largely in part to him.  She’d taken care of the twins without him once her father found out about her pregnancy.  He was lucky to evade death when he knocked her up, but not lucky enough to see her again. 
Her father had made sure that she kept the children as per his side of the promise, but Bucky was allowed nowhere near her.  The Wakandans blamed him for ruining the intelligent princesses’ purity and pushing away the suitor who wanted to marry her with his own selfish actions. 
But they weren’t selfish to him. 
He loved her since the first second he met her.  He begged her father for her hand in marriage.  But he’d rejected the idea, stating she had a suitor already.   But when the pregnancy was found out, he disappeared like dust in the wind.  Shuri hadn’t been promised to anyone since.
She gave him a soft look.  The same soft look that she’d first given him the day she met him all those years ago when they were just two kids shadowing their parents.  The look that made him fall in love with her in the first place.  She leaned forward and Bucky’s eyes fluttered closed. 
Suddenly he was transported to back when they were younger, and Bucky had offered to give her a tour of the estate, but at the first corner they turned, she’d pushed him into a wall and their lips met. 
“Don’t do anything stupid, James…this is an olive branch!” she whispered softly.   Bucky moaned, pulling his lover back to his lips with his flesh hand.  She sighed contentedly against him as their lips worked in tandem. 
“I love you, Shuri…” the older man whispered.
“I love you too, James.”
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She let go of his hand when they reached the estate, and it was like a piece of him became missing once more, “Shur-“
“Would you like to go in first?” she asked. 
Bucky bit his lip before reaching for the door.  To his shock he saw T’Challa already waiting there, and two ten year olds standing in front of him.  His heart ached as he noticed their silvery blue eyes and lighter skin tones.  His heart felt like it was about to give out. 
He hadn’t expected to see them waiting at the door for him. 
Shuri took his hand once more and Bucky looked at her with a shocked expression.
“You are forgiven of  your transgressions, Bucky Barnes,” T’Challa said firmly, “from this day forward, you are a Wakandan…and you shall take your rightful place in the family, with my sister’s hand.”
“Welcome home, white wolf…” Shuri said with tears in her eyes.  Bucky’s heart soared as he pulled her back to his chest, their lips meeting in a heated passion. 
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ohmygodshesinsane · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love
hihi! thank you for sending this 💞 i have been sooo absent it's not even funny. but i will rec my five fave fics atm that i've written!
Seventeen - 'James and Lily host a party they never thought they would get to see. Their miracle.' This is a Jily Lives! AU set on Harry's seventeenth birthday, written for AllThoseDarlings' Prongs Party earlier this year. I got surprisingly emotional writing this story, and it made my heart hurt for about a week.
you are sick and you are married and you might be dying - 'Daphne’s laugh is very unlike Astoria’s. “That’s the thing,” she says. “That’s the thing. You’re both too bloody busy people-pleasing." Gabrielle has seen too much to believe in asking the universe for anything, so she wants nothing and takes whatever she gets. When her life tangles with Astoria Malfoy's, this becomes significantly more difficult.' This one isn't Jily, but was written for a HP Femslash microfic prompt. I got out of my comfort zone for this one, but I'm really pleased with how it turned out.
Mercy - 'The Potters are not killed that night in Godric's Hollow, but Lord Voldemort is defeated. Lily has to navigate the consequences of war and raise a family in the shadow of loss in a world that has been nearly torn apart. OR: Compassion to oneself, Healer Armitage says, is often the hardest to extend.' This was for a jilymicrofic prompt in April, and is essentially a character study of Lily if she and James had survived. Again, I got just a little bit emotional writing it 😅 and I think it really helped with my characterisation of Lily throughout my fics.
creature comfort - 'Look, James Potter is trying not to be an arrogant berk. Lily Evans has been given a prefect badge and the role of 'swot', but she has other ideas. Sirius Black would love to have a normal life, honestly, as would Remus Lupin. Severus Snape wants to leave his muggle heritage behind, and Dorcas Meadowes spends more time in her own head than the real world. Peter Pettigrew is sick of being left out, Mary Macdonald wants to fit in, and Regulus Black is walking a well-worn path. Growing up is hard at the best of times, and these? These are the worst of times. [1975-1976]' This one is a massive labour of love, and while the earlier writing isn't my best work, this fic has been a massive opportunity for me to improve my writing and to really get into the nitty-gritty of the way I see the marauders. It's helped me learn how to craft plots and write different dynamics. If you want, essentially, The Ultimate Guide to Finn's Writing Style and Progression Over The Last Three Years, this is it.
You're On Your Own, Kid - 'Marlene is on her own and fine with it, really, honestly, truly. She has her friends (until the war claims them) and her freedom (until the war takes that, too) and prefers flying to putting roots down (until that's stolen from her forever). But she'll manage on her own. She always has. What's a little bloodshed anyway?' This one is another character study, this time of Marlene McKinnon, and was written for the HP Ladies Fest. Writing this helped me work through a lot of my own feelings and is the only fic of mine I return to to read for pleasure, not just for continuity purposes.
So here we are! Five self-recs from me ❤️
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mitchipedia · 1 year
Gadgets and Gizmos that inspired Adam Smith
Virginia Postrel at Reason.com:
Pocket gadgets were all the rage in Adam Smith’s day….
The best known are watches. A pocket timepiece was an 18th century man’s must-have fashion accessory, its presence indicated by a ribbon or bright steel chain hanging from the owner’s waist, bedecked with seals and a watch key. …
… At a coffeehouse, a gentleman might pull out a silver nutmeg grater to add spice to his drink or a pocket globe to make a geographical point. The scientifically inclined might carry a simple microscope, known as a flea glass, to examine flowers and insects while strolling through gardens or fields. He could gaze through a pocket telescope and then, with a few twists, convert it into a mini-microscope. He could improve his observations with a pocket tripod or camera obscura and could pencil notes in a pocket diary or on an erasable sheet of ivory. (Not content with a single sheet, Thomas Jefferson carried ivory pocket notebooks.)
The coolest of all pocket gadgets were what antiquarians call etuis and Smith referred to as “tweezer cases.” A typical 18th century etui looks like a slightly oversized cigarette lighter covered in shagreen, a textured rawhide made from shark or ray skin. The lid opens up to reveal an assortment of miniature tools, each fitting into an appropriately shaped slot…. An etui might contain drawing instruments–a compass, ruler, pencil, and set of pen nibs. It could hold surgeon’s tools or tiny perfume bottles. Many offered a tool set handy for travelers: a tiny knife, two-pronged fork, and snuff spoon; scissors, tweezers, a razor, and an earwax scraper; a pencil holder and pen nib; perhaps a ruler or bodkin. The cap of a cylindrical etui might separate into a spyglass.
Parallels to today’s smartphones and other pocket gadges are obvious. Mike Elgan discusses them in this prescient 2010 column predicting the return of the wristwatch:
Five years after Mike published his column, Apple introduced the Apple Watch. I did not wear a wristwatch when Mike published his column, but I do now.
Mike also wrote a column titled “Why Smartwatches Failed” in 2017. Nobody bats 1,000.
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onewomancitadel · 2 years
I was actually thinking about what makes Knightfall so interesting (and occasionally unwieldy to discuss when you're starting from a fresh base) is that you've got a causal link of Knightfall which embodies Cinder's redemption arc and Cinder's redemption arc embodies the redemption of the Maiden powers and Cinder's purification embodies the use of Ruby's eyes and all of that sets up the Ozlem resolution, which means you're talking about a multi-pronged idea.
What you do need is a thematic base to discuss it and is part of what makes it opaque because with R/WBY - and my fandom experience with it since the very start - there's not the same cultural base as, say, SW, but there's the exact same genre problem in that SW is perceived as more sci-fi than mythic space opera (so that fucks your Sequel Trilogy's any hope of reprising the OT in a magical way with that audience) and R/WBY's fairytale/mythic base is pretty much ignored.
If you're only viewing the Maiden power as the same lense as Cinder (currently) does and historically even the side of Good did/does - simply a question of power-levels and finding the right vessel - then of course the rest of it is going to be a little more questionable. If you view Ruby's silver eyes as laser beams that kill monsters then of course you're going to miss the point their purpose is to protect life and discovering the use of them will be a trial by fire. If you view Ozlem as ultimately accessory to the REAL story (which is... err... not sure what but let's move on) then anything addressing Ozlem is going to seem weird. If you think romance is just sort of set-dressing and personal wish fulfillment you're not going to understand why it's representing something substantial in a story. If your model of redemption is warped (gestures to my redemption arc tag) you're not going to understand how Cinder could possibly have any meaningful role in the narrative. If you view compassion and mercy as weakness you won't get Jaune at all.
That means when I'm answering an ask about Knightfall I'm not really just answering an ask about Knightfall.
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shoplustre-blog · 5 months
Gemstone Rings: Unveiling the Beauty of Nature
Gemstone rings have long captivated humanity with their exquisite beauty and profound meanings. But what exactly are gemstone rings? Gemstone rings are jewelry pieces adorned with various precious or semi-precious stones, each telling a unique story through its color, cut, and symbolism.
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Importance of Gemstone Rings
Gemstone rings hold significance beyond mere aesthetics. They serve as timeless symbols of love, commitment, and personal style. Whether it's an engagement ring sparkling with a brilliant diamond or a cocktail ring adorned with a vibrant emerald, these pieces evoke emotions and memories that last a lifetime.
Types of Gemstones
Gemstones are categorized into two main types: precious and semi-precious. Precious gemstones include diamonds, rubies, sapphires, and emeralds, prized for their rarity and exceptional beauty. Semi-precious gemstones, such as amethyst, aquamarine, and tourmaline, offer a wide array of colors and affordability.
Popular Gemstones for Rings
Among the plethora of gemstones available, some reign supreme in the world of rings. Diamonds, with their unmatched brilliance, remain a classic choice for engagement rings. Rubies symbolize passion and vitality, while sapphires embody wisdom and royalty. Emeralds, revered for their lush green hue, signify renewal and growth.
Choosing the Right Gemstone Ring
Selecting the perfect gemstone ring involves considering various factors, including the gemstone type, cut, clarity, and carat weight. Additionally, personalized touches such as engraving or incorporating birthstones add sentimental value to the piece.
Personalization Options
Many jewelers offer customization services, allowing customers to design bespoke gemstone rings tailored to their preferences. From selecting the setting to choosing accent stones, customization offers a unique opportunity to create a one-of-a-kind masterpiece.
Caring for Gemstone Rings
Proper care and maintenance are essential to preserve the beauty and longevity of gemstone rings.
Cleaning and Maintenance Tips
To keep gemstone rings sparkling, regularly clean them using a soft brush and mild soapy water. Avoid exposing them to harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners, as these can damage the stones or metal settings. Periodic professional inspections ensure any loose stones or prongs are promptly addressed.
Storing Gemstone Rings
When not being worn, store gemstone rings separately from other jewelry to prevent scratching or tangling. Consider storing them in individual pouches or compartments to minimize friction and contact with air, which can cause tarnishing.
Benefits of Gemstone Rings
Beyond their aesthetic appeal, gemstone rings offer a myriad of benefits, both emotional and spiritual.
Emotional and Spiritual Significance
Gemstone rings are often imbued with symbolism and meaning, making them cherished heirlooms passed down through generations. From representing love and fidelity to serving as talismans for protection and prosperity, each gemstone carries its own unique energy and significance.
Healing Properties
In holistic practices like crystal healing, gemstones are believed to possess healing properties that promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. For example, amethyst is thought to alleviate stress and enhance intuition, while rose quartz fosters love and compassion.
Gemstone Ring Trends
The world of gemstone rings is constantly evolving, with new trends emerging each season.
Current Trends in Gemstone Ring Designs
Contemporary designs often feature unconventional cuts and settings, showcasing the individuality of each gemstone. From minimalist solitaire rings to intricate vintage-inspired designs, there's a trend to suit every style and personality.
Customization Trends
Personalization continues to drive the market, with more couples opting for custom-designed engagement rings that reflect their unique love story. From incorporating meaningful motifs to selecting non-traditional gemstones, customization offers endless possibilities for creating truly one-of-a-kind pieces.
Gemstone Ring Care Myths
Despite their enduring popularity, gemstone rings are often surrounded by misconceptions regarding their care and maintenance.
Debunking Common Misconceptions
One common myth is that all gemstones are impervious to damage, leading some to neglect proper care. In reality, certain gemstones are more susceptible to scratches, abrasions, and damage from chemicals. By understanding the specific care requirements of each gemstone, you can ensure their longevity and beauty for years to come.
Tips for Preserving Gemstone Rings
Simple precautions such as removing rings before engaging in strenuous activities or applying beauty products can help prevent damage and extend the lifespan of your gemstone jewelry. Regular inspections by a qualified jeweler can also catch any issues early on, minimizing the need for costly repairs.
Gemstone Ring Etiquette
Knowing when and how to wear gemstone rings adds an element of refinement to any ensemble.
Occasions Suitable for Wearing Gemstone Rings
While gemstone rings can be worn on any occasion, certain events call for specific etiquette. For example, wearing an opulent cocktail ring to a formal gala adds a touch of glamour, while a delicate gemstone band is perfect for everyday wear.
Cultural Significance
In many cultures, gemstone rings hold deep cultural significance and are worn to commemorate special milestones such as weddings, birthdays, or religious ceremonies. Understanding the cultural context behind each gemstone enriches the experience of wearing and gifting these timeless treasures.
Gemstone rings are more than just accessories; they're embodiments of beauty, sentiment, and timeless elegance. Whether you're drawn to the fiery brilliance of rubies or the tranquil allure of sapphires, there's a gemstone ring waiting to adorn your finger and tell your story.
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wjdexclusives · 2 years
14K Yellow Gold Simulated Diamond Lady Guadalupe Virgin Mary Miami Bracelet 8"
14K Yellow Gold Simulated Diamond Lady Guadalupe Virgin Mary Miami Bracelet 8"
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The Lady Guadalupe Virgin Mary Miami bracelet has a strong meaning of compassion and faith in God. It is the perfect accessory for any Catholic or religious-themed outfit and makes a suitable gift option at all occasions.
Product Specifics All specifications are approximate and may vary for the same model.
Yellow Gold
Metal Purity
High Polished
Link Style
Miami Cuban
Link Type
Clasp Type
Main Stone
Simulated Diamond
Crafted in
Style ID: 10551 ZF-L (internal use only): WJDDK
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glowreusbling · 8 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Peridot 5 Stone Station Bracelet in Platinum over sterling silver 2.5ctw.
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fashionacess-blog · 8 months
Accented Rings: Where Light Dances and Love Whispers in Every Sparkle
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The stage is set for a shimmering revolution in the world of engagement rings, where diamonds aren't just solo stars, but constellations of love, each twinkle telling a chapter in your unique story. This is the domain of accented rings, where gemstones dance like celestial bodies around a central star, weaving tales of passion, joy, and the endless brilliance of your commitment.
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A Symphony of Stories:
Accents are more than just dazzling additions; they're brushstrokes on the canvas of your love story. A delicate pavé halo can whisper whispers of devotion, each tiny diamond echoing the infinite possibilities of your future together. Side stones cascading down the band like a sparkling waterfall can tell of a love vibrant and passionate, always in motion. For couples drawn to celestial inspiration, intricate geometric patterns or contrasting colored gemstones can transform the ring into a miniature galaxy, a map of the dreams you chase together.
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Beyond the Bling: Symbols in Stone:
The beauty of accented rings lies not just in their visual drama, but in the symbolism they hold. Birthstones of loved ones can dance alongside the central diamond, creating a family constellation on your finger. Gemstones with specific meanings, like emeralds for hope or sapphires for wisdom, can imbue the ring with deeper significance, reflecting the values you cherish in your relationship. And for those who find romance in the heavens, diamonds scattered like constellations across the band can be a constant reminder of the promises whispered under the starlit sky.
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From Subtle Shimmers to Grand Constellations:
The magic of accented rings lies in their versatility. Whether you crave a hint of celestial dust or a full-blown supernova, accents cater to every desire. A delicate halo of pavé diamonds can frame your center stone like a whispered promise, while side stones cascading down the band tell a story of vibrant love. For the bolder souls, intricate geometric patterns or contrasting colored Gemstones can transform the ring into a miniature masterpiece, bursting with personality.
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Finding Your Perfect Constellation:
With so many dazzling options, navigating the world of accented rings can seem daunting. But fear not, dear stargazers! Here's your compass:
Consider your lifestyle: A delicate halo might not withstand everyday wear, while a band adorned with prongs could snag on fabrics.
Embrace your personality: Do you crave understated elegance or flamboyant brilliance? Choose accents that resonate with your style.
Budgeting for the cosmos: Be realistic about your budget and research the cost of different Gemstones and settings.
Seek expert advice: Consult a reputable jeweler who can guide you through the options and answer your questions.
A Ring that Sings Your Love Song:
An accented engagement ring is more than jewelry; it's a tangible expression of your love story, a miniature galaxy swirling with meaning, brilliance, and personality. So, step into the dazzling world of accents, explore the constellations of possibilities, and let your ring sing your unique song of love, each sparkle a whispered verse in the eternal poem of your commitment.
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gempiece · 1 year
Buy Natural Rubellite Stone Online
Buy Natural Rubellite Gemstones Online
Rubellite belongs to the red or pink variety of tourmaline varying from dark, saturated to medium hues and is often mistaken for Ruby. It was first discovered in the early 18th century in the Ural Mountains of Russia. It derives its name from Latin, meaning ‘tending towards red’. The other names used to describe the gem are Rubelite, Rubylite, Apyrite, and Aphrite. It is the most expensive and rarest of the Tourmaline family and it is sometimes even called red tourmaline or pink tourmaline.   
It became a popular choice of gemstone during the Art Deco period in the 1920s and 1930s which made use of bold and lavish colors. It is prized for its intense color and beauty. It gets its color due to the presence of manganese and lithium in its crystal structure.
Renée Newman, author of the book "Gemstone Buying Guide," notes that rubellite's rich color is "as close to ruby as one can get"
It is the birthstone for October and it is also associated with the 8th wedding anniversary. If you're looking for high-quality gems at great prices online, look no further than Gempiece where quality is a top priority.
Rubellite is found in countries across the world including Afghanistan, Brazil, Madagascar, Myanmar, Nigeria, Russia, India, and the United States.
With specific regions come specific colors such as darker red rubellite from Brazil, and bright pink from Nigeria.
Rubellite mined from Nigeria, Angola, India, and Russia is known for good quality.
Rubellite has a hardness of 7 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale making it a durable gemstone for use in jewelry.
It exhibits pleochroism, which indicates its property of appearing in different colors when viewed from different angles.
Rubellite can also exhibit Asterism, an inclusion responsible for the star-like pattern in the gem.
It can be used in fine jewelry and in rings, earrings, and pendants. When paired with diamonds or other colored gemstones, it creates a wonderful contrast and visual appeal. The stone would simply elevate your elegance and pop out your style.
Rubellite is said to influence the heart and root chakras, bringing balance and harmony to both physical and emotional state of the wearer.
The healing properties of Rubellite allow better circulation of blood and therefore it facilitates the cure of many ailments such as skin disorders, headaches, digestive problems, sleep disorders, etc.
Rubellite is used in Energy healing practices and so it can be placed under the moonlight, or early morning sunlight to recharge the crystal.
It removes the negative clutter of emotions of its wearer and brings out their truer self by providing them with more courage and strength.
Rubellite is also thought to be a symbol of love and devotion in many cultures. It elevates empathy, compassion, and understanding in its wearers for themselves and for their loved ones. Its energy allows one to be free from any chronic anxiety and helps build stronger and true relationships.
COLOR: The most valued Rubellite is the vivid red variety which is highly sought after. It should be without any orange or brown undertones.
Edward J. Gübelin (renowned gemologist and author of “Internal Worl of Gemstones”) describes its color as "exquisite and lasting color" which is what makes it so valuable and sought after.
CLARITY: Rubellite belongs to type 3 in terms of clarity. Though inclusions and imperfections are common in Rubellite, gems without them are priced higher. Inclusions that cause cat eye in gems also add to the value of the crystal.
CUT: It can be cut into a variety of shapes such as round, oval, cushion, and emerald, and placed in a prong, bezel, or channel settings. But is often preferred to be cut in oval shape by the jewelers to maximize its radiance and color. Faceted or cabbed, they can make a piece of good jewelry when it is well cut.
CARAT: Rubellite is sold by weight like other gemstones and so it determines the carat price. The larger the size, the higher would be the price for a high-quality gemstone.
A few famous rubellites are the Duchess of Windsor’s ruby and diamond bracelet and Rosser Reeves Star Ruby mined in Sri Lanka (138 carats).
You can trust Gempiece to provide an excellent selection of gems without sacrificing quality or affordability. Choose from the array of gemological certificates we provide to determine for yourself the authenticity of the gemstone.
Rubellite is best suited to the signs Cancer, Sagittarius, and Capricorn.
Caners are naturally loyal and loving and the gem influences their energy to allow trustworthy people around them, build stronger relationships and avoid wasting their endearing kindness on the wrong ones.
The cheerful and outgoing Sagittarians can benefit from the crystal which can influence their intuition to place their trust in the right person and provide them with a calmer mind allowing a wiser decision-making ability.
Capricorn-born is ready to go above expectations and stay determined. The crystal helps them stay more rooted and helps them focus without running out of patience.
If you find yourself attracted to this precious gemstone then be sure to get your hands on it irrespective of your sign. Buy online from the wide range of colors of Rubellite Gempiece provides at the best price.
Even with a hardness of 7 – 7.5 on the Mohs scale, it is necessary to care for the gem to prevent it from damage. Here are some tips for caring for your rubellite jewelry:
Use clean water, gentle soap, and a soft cloth to clean the gem.
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Store the gem in a jewelry box protected from heat, humidity, and sun and also from other jewelry than can cause scratches, loss of luster, and other damages.
Rubellite is sensitive to heat and so it is best to not do mechanical cleanings such as steaming and ultrasonic. Also avoid using abrasive cleaners or brushes, which can scratch or damage the gemstone.
Get the jewelry checked by professionals every few years to ensure its good condition.
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sunflowerharrington · 2 years
Stitches - Volume I
part 003: wounded, but reunited
fandom - Stranger Things (2016-)
pairing(s) - Eddie Munson X Reader, Steve Harrington X Reader, Billy Hargrove X Reader (Platonic with a capital P though)
stitches taglist - @vingtetunmars @dallysnecklace @will-byers-is-my-boyfriend @taecube @quickiesgirl @preciousbabypeter i tag here so people can get future updates! comment on this post or my pinned post to be added or taken off <3
taglist - @sunnymunson, @eddies-bat @friendly-neighborhood-ghoul @sympathyforher please let me know if you want to be added or taken off <3
word count - 2.6k
warnings and tags for this chapter - blood, weapon use, levitation, telekinesis, mention’s of billy’s possession, alternating pov’s, resurrection, magic/powers, billy being an asshole (kind of), somebody passing out, vecna’s curse.
author’s notes - special thanks to @thisishellfire for reading over this chapter for me! i love you, doll ❤️❤️❤️
stitches masterlist
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Billy grunted as he leaned the ladder against the wall, stepping up the first prong to test the sturdiness. Seeing that it held his weight he climbed higher, closer to the moving vines and tendrils on the ceiling. He prodded at one with his finger and it retreated into the centre of the slash, so he prodded at a couple more until the opening was clearer, the goop narrowly missing his eye. The bright light from above shone in his eyes and he had to shield them from the sunlight that had been shining through the windowpanes of the same trailer above him.
“See anything?”
“Get up here.”
“Why me?” Chrissy asked, flinching slightly as he raised his voice.
“Do you want your ass saved or not, Cunningham? Get the fuck up here right now!” He uttered loudly as he descended. “Here, take my hand.”
Billy extended his hand out to her and kept her steady as she ascended the metal prongs. As she stuck a hand through the slash, it began to expand and retract, more so as she tried pushing her way through it, the slimy residue sticking to her skin like glue to paper. She squeezed her eyes shut as she tried pulling the rest of her body up, her hands firmly against the trailer ceiling, her heart dropping as she noticed something levitating in the air.
Her own body, dangling from the ceiling, inches away from her face. She swallowed down a lump in her throat and tried to stop the color draining from her pale face.
“Chrissy? Chrissy! Chrissy, wake up! I don’t like this!”
Chrissy reached out as far as she could while still holding onto the ladder and Billy’s hands, which he had outstretched his arms and kept his hands up to attempt to steady her movements. She yelped as she saw her body moving, her bones cracking, and Eddie screaming beneath her. And then she saw her left leg beginning to move by itself.
As Chrissy’s left foot squeezed through the opening, you noticed a burning sensation in the right side of your neck that hadn’t been there before. Bristles of flint brushed rigidly against steel and set your body alight, burning you from the inside out.
Then you remembered what had happened to you. What Papa had done to you.
“Get me a knife, or something. Something sharp” you ordered, wincing in pain as you tried to get the tiny piece of metal, or whatever it was, as close to your first layers of skin as possible.
This “gate” had another meaning, it seemed. Almost like an electromagnetic field that all compasses would point towards when charged, or opened, and all metal near it would be electrified. “Get me a knife and a wooden spoon, Hargrove!”
“Jesus, alright!” He groused, grabbing the nearest knife and spoon handing the wooden utensil to you.
You stuck the handle of the spoon between your teeth, grabbing Billy’s hand to pull him closer to you. “You’re taking this sucker out of my neck, got it? Slit the skin and root around to find it, and I’ll bite down on this spoon.”
He blinked rapidly, looking at you like you were insane, as if he wasn’t out of his mind himself. Yes, your plan sounded insane but what did you have to lose?
“What the fuck, Y/N?! I’m not doing that! I’ll… I’ll fucking kill you!”
“Oh please. It’s our only hope at getting Chrissy and ourselves out of here alive!”
He swore under his breath, squeezing his eyes shut as he pressed the blade to your neck, the electromagnetism causing the metal blade to become charged. Dangerous, but it would have to do.
“Get a move on, we don’t have much time!”
“Alright, alright, I’m doing it.”
Meanwhile, Chrissy was hanging from the ceiling, holding onto one of the vines by the slash for dear life, holding in her screams as she watched her own leg break. She looked down, being met with the cute metalhead from school that ran the Dungeons & Dragons club; Hellfire. He currently had his back pressed up against the nearest wall to him, the same knife in his hand Billy was using to retrieve the piece of metal from inside your neck, undeniable fear written all over his pretty face.
Chrissy let go of the vine, dropping onto the floor and landing on her feet, somehow. With newfound determination she ran up to her own body and jumped, trying to pull herself down by wrapping her arms around her waist, to no avail. She groaned in annoyance as that didn’t work.
Eddie couldn’t see Chrissy, too afraid to move as he might find himself receiving the same fate as she did, so he didn’t see her peeking her head back into the other world to ask for more help. You sighed, clambering up the ladder to stick your right hand and head through the portal, blood rushing to your head and out of your neck as you hung upside down.
You stuck your hand out, energy rushing from your mind to your fingertips, the blood rushing from your head now travelling to your nose and ears as you fought to lower her body back to the ground so her soul could reunite with her corpse. She gave you a thankful smile, tears of joy falling from her bright blue eyes, laying on the ground next to her soul-less corpse.
“How did you do that?!”
“Magic,” you shrugged, sending her an encouraging smile, wiping a drip of blood from your nose, desperately trying to ignore the excruciating pain in your neck.
Chrissy prodded at her own lips with her fingertips, letting her digits slip over her tongue, down her throat, through her veins and into her heart, the rest of her body getting sucked in with it. The squelching noises had become almost unbearable, but if she had a second chance at life she would be more than content to listen to anything and never, ever complain.
And before long she began to feel a sharp pain in her right leg, agonizing, the one she always landed on when doing her acrobatics for her cheerleading performances. Her pride and joy.
Chrissy gasped, clutching her neck as she sat up abruptly, sitting to face Eddie, who’s already pale face grew white as a ghost. Chrissy dragged herself over to sit next to him as he slumped over, catching him in her arms before he could potentially hurt his head from the fall.
“Oh my God, Eddie? Eddie… Can you hear me? Wake up, Eddie! I’m okay, I’m here now. I’m back. Eddie? Eddie, can you hear...?”
The sound of ocean waves crashing against the face of a cliff played on a loop in Eddie’s mind as he began to regain his consciousness, his hand reaching up to rub away some of the pressure on his forehead as an angel sat before him in an uncomfortable position. Princess Chrissy Cunningham, sent from the heavens to rescue Eddie The Banished from the sinister, satanic Cult of Vecna before it was too late—
Wake up, you idiot.
Breathe. In and out, and in again.
And exhale.
In and out.
In and out.
And out.
This was just a dream.
Fucking hell; a pain shot right through his chest as Chrissy’s clenched fist made contact with his chest just like Billy had done with her, putting pressure on his fragile sternum and ribcage as he opened his eyes.
“Eddie?” The girl cried out, hiding her blotchy face in the crook of his neck, lacing her fingers with his, squeezing once.
She woke up. And so did he.
“Chrissy?” He whimpered in pain, maneuvering his body to be even nearer to hers. “Oh my god, don’t scare me like that again!”
Chrissy dragged her gaze from the floor up to meet his beautiful, deep brown eyes, her own eyes glazing over with tears of relief. “Is it really you?”
You sighed, clambering down the ladder. “This feels… strange.”
“What, because they’re both alive and we’re not?”
“Mhm,” you nodded, feeling your throat beginning to swell as your emotions banged against your tear ducts, threatening to escape at any given second. “And we’re stuck here watching them being all in love, and neither of us can do that because we’re dead.”
It felt like a sick joke, or a hallucination, like you could wake up in Peter’s arms at any given second and he’d tell you everything was going to be okay.
“At least we’re not alone here, Y/N. We have each other,” he said, slinging a protective arm around your shoulders that was for both comfort and for his own support. He didn’t want to let you know, but he felt like his knees could give in at any given moment and the sensation of never ending falling could commence again.
You were about to respond, when the male voice from up above clouded your mind. “It’s really me— God, what happened to your leg? Did that happen when I passed out?”
Did Eddie forget what happened already? Or maybe he was in denial, pushing the fact that his crush since sophomore year almost died in front of him in his trailer to the back of his mind.
Chrissy sighed, pulling herself up to sit her back against the cupboard part of the kitchen counter, and Eddie mirrored her movements, sitting next to her, tapping his shoes off each other as he moved his feet from side to side out of habit. She flinched as his fingers made contact with the most tender part of the internal wound on her leg. Broken bones, more than likely.
She craned her neck to look up at the ceiling, watching in horror as the tendrils began to retreat back into the alternate dimension, the ceiling repairing itself, sealing you and Billy inside for good. Shit.
Your heart pounded as you looked up, crashing into something rock hard as you backed away, feeling Billy’s arms wrap around your waist from behind.
“It’s okay, doll. We’ll find another way out of here. I promise.”
From above, you could still hear Chrissy’s shaky voice. “Yes, it happened when you passed out, Eds,” she lied, not wanting to have to explain everything, he would never believe her.
Nobody would ever believe her, especially not Jason or any of the boys on the basketball team or the cheer squad. Even Lucas Sinclair, Hawkin’s brightest male student, who gave everybody the benefit of the doubt.
But he was the only boy she fully trusted, even though he was a grade below her she felt closer to him than any of her friends in the same classes as her. Just never in school.
Lucas was her only hope.
She knew he played Dungeons and Dragons with Eddie but swore to secrecy she wouldn’t tell anyone, and she kept that promise. He would be able to return the favour of keeping a secret, right?
Chrissy looked outside the window, peering through the shutters to see the sun beginning to set in the distance, the sky red, pink and yellow. Almost time for her to be home. She didn’t have long to get to Lucas’ and back before that time; 10pm sharp for tea.
“Think I could make it to Lucas’ house before the sun sets?” She asked, avoiding eye contact. “I um…”
Eddie’s brows furrowed.
“I could hop, or something,” she continued.
“Hot date?” Eddie teased, nudging her side with his elbow, though he stopped when her usual bright smile didn’t show itself. “Let me take you, you can’t be walking around with a limp, you’ll hurt yourself too much.”
He hated this. Hated seeing her scared. Putting her feelings before his own as a need to tend to her more since what had happened happened to her and not him. And he wouldn’t let it happen again. And… a date… with Sinclair? How in the world did Lucas manage to build up that much courage to ask her? Eddie himself could barely even ask for a pencil, let alone asking a girl on a date; though he knew they would all reject him and laugh in his face anyhow.
Maybe it was to get over Maxine? Though it was out of character for Lucas to move on that quickly, and with how vulnerable Max was after her step-brother’s death, Lucas wouldn’t leave her in cold blood. Not yet.
So Eddie still had a chance with the girl of his dreams.
“Thank you, Eddie, really.”
“No worries,” he started, grabbing the keys to his van, leading the girl to the front door.
He ignored the stare of somebody across the park with a dog as he helped Chrissy into the van, driving off almost as soon as he hopped into the driver’s seat.
“You might wanna hold on tight to your seat, sweetheart. I drive fast.”
You heard the engine of the van revving before it drove away from above, and you sighed, throwing yourself back down onto the bed. Billy lay down next to you, his chest heaving as he placed his hands behind his head. You couldn’t help yourself, dragging your gaze down his chest and stomach, slick with sweat. The only other bodies you’d seen before had been covered by white suits and white gowns like your own, so this sight was new.
And what a sight for sore eyes.
You couldn’t decide whether you preferred seeing boys with or without shirts on, but Billy helped by snapping you out of your thoughts.
“Like what you see, doll?”
Would you tell the truth and risk boosting his already sky high ego even more? No way. So you just shrugged and sat up on the edge of the bed.
“How do you get your body like that?”
“I work out,” he replied, rolling over to face you.
“Work out?”
“I lift heavy things, doll. Makes me strong.”
Chrissy’s words from above rapidly circled your mind. Who was Lucas Sinclair? Why did ‘Eddie’ sound so offended? Was this really a date or did Chrissy just want to get out of a study session from hell. But if she did, she would have stayed in this dimension with you and Billy…
“What’s on your mind?
“Do you know who Lucas Sinclair is?” You asked, and his face scrunched up like he just bit into the most sour of lemons. “Chrissy mentioned him when she was up there. Said she’s going to tell him what happened. Did you know him?”
“He’s my step-sister, Max’s, boyfriend,” he said, shuddering at the thought, and you wondered why. “If he even deserves that title.”
What could Lucas have done to Max to make Billy this upset and angry?
“But he’s not important right now. What’s more important is us finding another way out of here. If those slashes appear wherever the thing that happened to Chrissy happens, I know a place we can go to get things so we can go to a place where something like that also happened.”
“Where is that?”
“Brimborn Steel Works… where… I got possessed,” he revealed, taking your hands in his. “We can’t waste any time. I’m going to take you to where I remember Nancy Wheeler’s house being, we’re going to take her bikes and we’re going to go to Brimborn or anywhere we can to find a way out of here.”
You tightened your grip in his hand as he practically dragged you out the door, and he began running.
“Shit. Hargrove, wait!” You shouted, running after him, but as you caught your breath, you looked at your surrounding area;
He was gone.
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proserpina-magnus · 3 years
☘️peter pettigrew
Hii! Like my other nsfw alphabets, this is a bit choppy and horribly edited. I hope you enjoy, mwah.
Peter Pettigrew Nsfw Alphabet
Reader: tried to make it nb as much as possible
Warning: pure smut and no editing.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Super sweet and gentle, definitely encourages you to take a nap and he'll bring you a snack or get you some water. He’ll rub your back and kiss your hot skin to cool you off. He definitely loves giving you praises and he’s spoil you rotten with his words.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He loves your hands, for some odd reason he just finds them so cute whenever you grip his hand for support as you climax or hold his cock.
His favourite body part on himself delphiers between days, but he’s usually very fond of his eyes. He’s very fortunate that he can look at you in such a lewd manner.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He usually always cums in a condom, but he loves cream pies. He, not so surprisingly, likes giving you oral for the exact reason he can taste you, he actually thinks he’s addicted to it.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He’s ashamed to admit, but once he was talking to James about a certain time when he fucked you in the library and James got a hard on. He swore he wouldn’t tell and it’ll be their secret, but he always felt guilty for sexualizing you like that.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s okay, he knew some of the terminology due to the other Marauders but with actual hands on experience; he had no idea. He felt a bit nervous during your first time but he didn’t need much help, he’d just pay attention to your reactions and get a clear view of what you’d like and focus on that.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He likes when you ride him, he likes to hold your hips and just let you use him for your heart's desire. If he had to choose another, doggy would be his favourite.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Peter doesn’t know he’s being funny until you have to stop and laugh, he’ll be confused on what he’d say and get a goofy smile on his lips while watching you laugh. Sometimes just the first awkward start of sex and the small giggles feel better than the serious times, but Peter can be really gentle and intimate if he wanted to be.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He’s somewhat groomed, he doesn’t necessarily care for your hair down there or his own. It’s a bit darker than his head hair, but he trims it sometimes just to keep it neat.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Lots of neck kisses, he needs to constant “I love you’s” during sex even if it’s rough. He’s actually pretty gentle during some moments and cares about your pleasure over his.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He actually never liked it, he likes your mouth a lot more even if it was just for cock warming. He’d enjoy your hands better than his, but he also has a somewhat size kink and seeing your much smaller hands take his cock please him a lot more.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
There isn’t necessarily a set number of kinks, he’d love to try anything that isn’t too “weird” as he would call it. He never really likes to stick to one kink, more like spreading them out depending on his mood. One day he’d want to tie you up and the other he’d let you do whatever you wanted. He adores pillow prince(ss) though.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Anywhere, he’d fuck you in honey dukes, the three break sticks, closets, near the black lake, behind trees and bushes, his bed, your bed, his friends bed, shower, desks, professors desks, anywhere anytime.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Feminine clothing, something about it makes his head spin and he just loves fucking you in dresses. He also has a clothes kink, he’d love to fuck you in his clothes. Don’t even get him started on if you ever decide to wear sexual clothing, it’ll drive him crazy.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Major dom and sub roles (like day to day life style) feels him out, he can’t distribute or give out rules, he doesn’t like that type of control over someone or giving someone that control of him. He likes some parts of d/s and he’d definitely be comfortable with some aspects, but not full on life changing.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He prefers receiving oral sometimes, but he doesn’t expect it everytime. He loves giving, since he feels like it’s the only thing he’s good at. He’ll run his tongue and suck your sensitive flesh until he’s satisfied, giving you oral is more of a pleasure for himself.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Peter’s sex is soft yet rough, sometimes he just takes his time with dragging his cock deep inside of you and pulling it out. Others he just likes to bend you over and fuck you till your dumb. Sometimes he lacks compassion for how you’d take his cock, yet after he’s careful to check you over and soothe out any aches.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Only thing he looks forward to on school days. He’s already emotionally tired but getting a good fuck in a empty classroom or a bathroom stall always helps him get through the day, especially if you tell him you’d wait for him in his dorm later that night.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
It depends what the risk is, Peter likes to fuck you all over the place if he can. He definitely been given warnings by prefects way to many times.James and Sirius always say his animagi should be a bunny with all the fucking they catch you guys doing. Greatest risk he ever took was fucking you during a quidditch game behind the bleachers.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He can go for a couple of rounds, depending if it’s just oral or penetration. He can spend hours just focusing on you, exploring your body and roping out orgasm after orgasm.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He definitely likes using a vibrator, dildos aren’t really his thing. He does have a few anal plugs, but he doesn’t use them as much as he would like too. He usually uses them for your pleasure, but he wouldn’t be opposed to having a cock ring on.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He’s actually a huge tease, he likes to place his hand on your thigh during class and just mindlessly rub his thumb right near your goods. He gives a dumb look like he doesn’t know what he’s doing, but his smirk whenever he catches your heavy breaths are apparent he knows exactly what he’s doing.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
The whimpers are the best part, he rarely moans, just mumble’s of “oh fuck” and heavy breaths. Especially the early morning sex, because his sensitivity is heightened and he’s just making gurgled whined and deep groans.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Honestly, he’d probably want to fuck you infront of his friends. Especially the days when they flirt or tease you, he’d just get this immediate thought to show them that he isn’t sharing you.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
I’d estimate a good 7-9 inches, the exact number isn’t known but all I can say is the girth is the best part.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
It’s in and out, most months it’s normal for a teenage boy but other months he can go days without it, sometimes even weeks. But on the months he’s active, sex is a pretty regular thing everyday to day.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Peter is nocturnal, so it rarely depends on what time of day you guys had sex. If it’s on the weekends during midday, he probably will take a nap until dinner. If it’s in the morning… I don’t even think he could stay awake long enough to finish. But late at night it’s a whole new thing, he would probably cuddle you for a few moments until he knew you were asleep and work on his assignments and homework.
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Injured Part 2
@canigetanamenforbritney here you go!
Part 1
Warnings: hospital setting, refusal of medical attention, pet names, surgery, negative discussions of someone, stitches, descriptions of medical care, painful wound tending, exhaustion, begging, mean caretakers
*not edited*
"He needs surgery."
"Yeah, yeah I get that. That's not the problem. The problem is, you won't perform it."
"We aren't about to waste supplies on a villain, Hero."
Villain fumbled with consciousness- played with, frolicked with it- until it because a drifting manner. Awake here and there, hearing bits and pieces of conversation. Then the blissful euphoria of sleep. Those moments of painfree unconsciousness were what he longed for, craved.
He didn't understand his situation. He knew that there were people around him, but they didn't seem to be doing much. Only periodically pinching his elbow, leaving him floating in serene waves.
Was this what care felt like? It didn't seem like much, maybe Villain just had an active imagination- dreaming about endless words of compassion, a light touch to his cheek... maybe those sensations were just fantasies.
The people... they seemed to speak above Villain in rumbling tunes. Never aimed at him and even in his foggy state he knew that they were strictly clinical.
It was, to say the least, disappointing.
Very disappointing.
Maybe he did just expect too much.
Hero paced around the hospital bed as the nurses argued amongst themselves. Villain was stable, but not faraway from slipping. Why did she have to do this to him? A dagger in his side, concussion, broken ribs, dislocated shoulder... the injuries went on above this.
And then the fact that he was doomed to actually take care of himself in this state? The very idea that Hero expected him to jump back on his feet- it was disgusting.
How could she be a hero when she allowed someone to suffer?
She saw the trails of blood, the discarded bandages, the opened cupboards. He struggled. Struggle to stay alive.
"We could get fired if we operate on him. Honestly, just hand him over to the center."
"What is wrong with you!" Hero exclaimed when she heard that utterance. "A life for a job."
"You beat him up," that same nurse pointed out, crossing her arms. "Stop your hypocrisy, you are not better than us."
"Yeah if it wasn't for you, he wouldn't be here," another chimed in.
"Shut up! Shut up! All of you, shut up!" Hero growled. "I will pay for the surgery and take full responsibility. If he doesn't die, he will be permanently disabled."
"We know."
"Yeah I know you know," Hero said, huffing and giving an awkward smile. "You know and yet you still don't do anything about it. What kind of sick doctor are you?"
"One that follows the law."
Hero was silent and thrusted her hands through her blonde hair.
"It's nothing against Villain-"
"Yes it is!" Hero roared and flung herself next to Villain's side. His eyes were halfway open. Hero sighed, "Should I give him another dose?"
"No," the head nurse said. "Let him wake up."
Hero waited and waited, foot tapping and teeth clenching in anger, as Villain became more and more accustomed to his surroundings.
"H-hero?" He croaked, nervous fear evident in his eyes.
"Yeah, it's me."
"Mm care... caring f-for for me?"
"Trying to."
Villain groaned and threw his head back suddenly, pain gripping every one of his features. Tears formed in his eyes and as sudden as the outburst happened, he stilled and collapsed back onto the bed.
Everything hurt.
The drugs must've worn off, inviting the pain to eat him whole. Villain groaned and tossed his head about, punching the mattress with clenched fists even though that hurt and...
Villain cried out. Even Hero stepped away from that primitive noise.
Why was he is pain? Why did he have to go through this?
Because I am a villain, he answered himself. Stupid stupid stupid! He shouldn't have delved into the evil side of the world, should've applied for the College of Heroics or be a normal civilian or anything other than villainy.
He cried, his chest shuddering. Small squeaks escaped his mouth. Even the boisterous nurses ceased their banter, looking in pity at the sobbing human on the hospital bed.
"We'll operate, but we won't give him anesthesia," the head nurse conceded.
That was good.
Not ideal, but good.
Hero helped slide on a blue hair net over Villain's head. Wild eyes darted around, creasing at the edges every once in a while, as the pain flared up in many places all at once. His breathing hitched as well.
"What are they doing to me?" Villain wheezed, fingers tapping. Anticipation etched at his body.
"You'll be fine," the hero soothed, rubbing her fingers together. After the surgery...
"Cuff him," one of the nurses ordered, wrapping Villain's wrists and ankles with soft, padded bracelets of leather. He stiffened before instinctual motions kicked in and he struggled.
"Don't. Don't do that," Villain pleaded as he watched the nurses inhibit his only chance to fight and to escape. He gulped, pressing his head back into the hospital bed like his pain was forgotten. But the irregular heartbeat on the monitor betrayed his real sensations and emotions- pain and fear.
Hero frowned at the distressed face before looking up at the nurses.
"Should've we give him something? Like a muscle relaxant? Make the procedure easier?" Hero asked, but immediately wished she hadn't for the villain's face contorted into an expression of pure terror at the mention of "procedure".
"Maybe," one of the young nurses whispered, but the head nurse brushed the idea off with a firm "no".
"Let's begin," that same nurse said and approached the writhing villain. "Begin incision on his right side where we assumed a piece of residual metal is from the dagger."
"Let's not do this," Villain begged, pulling madly against the restraints, but the nurses did not pay attention.
Just as the sliver of metal was about to protrude into Villain's skin, Hero spoke up,
"Where is the doctor? You know, the one who actually does surgeries."
"Why does it matter?"
"Because you weren't trained for this."
Hero was silent, but her gaping mouth spoke loads for her.
"Hero," the head nurse chuckled. "This is a villain. A half-eaten cheeseburger in the trashcan. Relax hon."
Hero bristled at the pet name, but didn't do anything rash. She just pulled up a chair and sat at Villain's side. He looked up at her with large, pleading eyes that broke Hero's heart.
"It'll be over soon," Hero promised. Villain's face relaxed slightly, but his muscles stayed tense in waiting for the inevitable pain.
"Begin incision."
Villain mewled as the thin knife slipped into his skin, right above the infected flesh. His toes and fingers curled in, then stretched out.
"Okay stop," Villain said in a hurried manner. His brow furrowed, nose twitching. "Stop."
Hero placed a hand on his shoulder, but it did nothing to quiet his protests.
"Located the residual. Tweezers."
A tool made of two grated prongs took the place of the knife. Villain sighed as the knife marked its leave with a clatter, but his muscles immediately seized when the bloodied particle was removed.
Villain's eyes widened as a nurse pulled his skin together, shoddily and lazily stapling it. Villain screamed, jerking around each time the plunger cinched his tender flesh together.
Hero wrinkled her nose. The nurses weren't even bothering to use actual medical tools. Literally, the stapler was from the school section at the local Walmart.
The nurses topped their kindergarten artwork with a thin line of some numbing ointment, but that was all. A tiny gift, a mug saying "The Best Teacher Award" on teacher appreciation day.
The next injury the nurses fixed was the dislocated shoulder. Two nurses positioned themselves on both sides of the shoulder. Without warning, they pushed the joint back in.
Villain arched his back up in a desperate feat to escape the miserable pain. He clenched his teeth, holding in a scream that Hero knew just wanted to go.
Then he fell back into the bed, breaths full of pained whimpers.
"Okay. I think we tortured him long enough," Hero said, angling herself to give a more authoritive stance.
"We are taking care of him?" The head nurse replied, purposely making her statement an authentic question.
"Just give him something. At least something to take the edge off," Hero pleaded. "Can't you see? His world is nothing but pain."
Hero sighed, shook her head, and went back to Villain who now had tears streaming out of half-lidded eyes.
"Make them stop," Villain whispered, not even looking at Hero. "I'd rather be hurt. Rather be hurt at home."
Hero felt a twinge of pity, listening to Villain's requests. It was saddening to say the least, someone so hurt just wanting to go home if it meant that they could escape the extra pain of care.
Pain of care, now that didn't sound right.
Hero grabbed Villain's head and stroked it, but the tears and whimpers did not cease.
After a good few hours, the villain was throughly exhausted. He could barely stay awake, just dozing off even as caffeinated nurses shakily sewed the millions of cuts together.
Hero slowly stroked Villain's head, watching as his eyes drifted shut. She smiled. Sleep was his only escape from the pain.
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