#completely unmotivated to play in the save i’ve been setting up
softerpixels · 4 months
trying my hardest not to let this sims slump eat me alive
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studyiish · 5 years
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i’m starting the second semester of my junior year soon, and recently i’ve been dealing with a feeling of burnout and lack of motivation. it’s hard to force myself to study and power through.
one thing that has really helped is taking good study breaks! it definitely also helps if you’re staying up late studying or having a marathon study session... like for finals ;)
when should i take a study break?
here are a couple of options—find what works for you, or try a bunch of different methods!
pomodoro method - this generally involves working for 25 minutes, then breaking for 5 minutes. after 4 work sessions, you can break for 15 minutes. good pomodoro timers are the marinara chrome extension and tomato timer for iphone!
between subjects
between different assignments (ex. after a paper, then after a worksheet)
whenever you feel tired or unmotivated!
study break DON’Ts:
watching 5-10 minutes of a longer tv show episode - my ULTIMATE don’t. you’ll just be tempted to watch the full episode...and 3 more afterwards! save the tv-watching for after you’re all done. tv is meant to be compelling and enjoyable - NOT something you just watch 5 minutes of at a time.
reading a chapter of a book - for the same reason why tv-watching is super ineffective! you’ll just want to know what happens next.
watching 5-10 minutes of a longer youtube video
playing a video game
sleeping/napping - super short naps are ineffective and you’ll just be groggy. HOWEVER if you’re staying up super late and set an alarm to wake you up, a 30-minute power nap can be good!
scrolling through instagram/twitter
doing stuff you do before bed like showering or skincare - this will make you sleepier since you associate it with going to bed!
basically, don’t spend your study break doing things that are meant to suck your attention! save that for when you’re done and you can actually enjoy it :)
study break DOs:
eat a small snack
clean up your study area
wash your face or brush your hair - super effective, especially when studying late at night. splash cold water on the back of your neck!
listen to your favorite song and sing/dance along
drink a glass of water
do something boring - give your brain a break and do something important but super boring. send an email, get some forms filled out, etc.
and my ultimate study break tip...
this may seem really counterintuitive. why spend a work break doing MORE WORK? however, working out is SUCH A GOOD STUDY BREAK. it gives you a sense of accomplishment, gets some endorphins flowing, and COMPLETELY takes your mind off of studying. 
my favorite study break workouts:
pretty much anything from blogilates:
really hard weightless arms workout
another really hard weightless arm workout
extreme abs
under 10 minute yoga practices
10-15 min yoga
i hope these help you! in 2020, let’s start conquering procrastination and lack of motivation together!! :-)
- amulya
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wrinkledparchment · 6 years
for the asks: saturday, september, october, november, and yesterday? :'))
Thank you so much Sadie! Sorry I didn’t get to this quicker but I need a rest :)
Saturday -  What gets you excited whilst writing?
There’s quite a bit! I’m really unmotivated when it comes to writing and I get distracted real easily, but the thing is,,, I love sharing it. Writing genuinely warms my heart, I love doing it, and seeing everyone like it, reblog it, or tell me how much they like it really encourages me to do more. 
The other thing is,,, I genuinely love seeing the completed product. I love reading it over and over again and then being able to look back at it like “Damn, that was me who wrote that?” 
September -  Share a comment or review which still warms your heart?
As a relatively small writer in this community, I don’t really get a lot of love. However, when I do, it is absolutely heartwarming. I mean heartwarming. Probably the fic that gets the most love to this date is Blood and Petals, which is the oldest fic I’ve ever written for DBH. I still get shoutouts from people saying they liked it, saying it was one of the most memorable fics in the DBH fandom this year.
Just a weird thought of mine about the whole situation... I don’t get it. I’m all about self-love especially for things I create, but I’ve written so much better. I’m thinking of re-writing it just because, I love the idea, I love the picture it paints in my head but I could’ve been so much more evocative, you know?
October -  Name the darkest or angstiest fic you have written and/or posted?
I don’t have a lot of dark or angsty fics for Connor, and if Kat is the RA9 of Connor angst, I’m the RA9 of Connor fluff. I write so much fluff, so much, Sadie. It’s honestly quite unfortunate. 
I’m sure if you’ve been paying attention to my feed you’ll see that I have a lot about ‘fall from grace;’ the WIP I’m currently working on. That is probably the angstiest but also simultaneously fluff. If you’re talking any fandom, though, Blood on My Hands is a fic I wrote a bit ago from the IT fandom. It’s pretty freaking sad.
November -  Do you have any rituals or requirements for getting in the mood for writing?
I absolutely do! I’m a maladaptive dreamer, a disorder in which you feel compelled to constantly daydream and it ends up ruining your life and stuff. I could make another post about it, and I probably will. It’s essentially so intense, so immersive that you can lose yourself in your fantasy for hours. 
This disorder used to ruin my life, and I’m still picking up the pieces, but ever since I was put on antidepressants, it’s been much better (but that’s a story for a different day). 
However, I’ve always been one to flip my weaknesses on the head and show them who’s boss. I’ll probably post something about how I managed to do this in the MADD community on tumblr later, since I think this is such a cool story that people need to hear, but I use my immersive daydreaming as a tool to become a better writer. 
I use my immersive daydreams as a way to picture settings, to figure out dialogue, and to truly bring to life my vision for what I want each story to be. I only started doing this recently but it’s worked amazingly well. It was a really hard process but I’d be more than happy to share it if anyone is interested!
Yesterday -  Favourite way to write angst?
Like I said, RA9 of Connor fluff. However, I find that a perfect way to write angst is to do it in the dark. Environment plays such a huge role in writing and I find that I write my angstiest things in the cold, at night. I’ll have just finished crying my eyes out or screaming into a pillow, and I envision a scenario. 
Once I have what’s happening down, I almost dip my toes back into what made me angry or sad. Not enough to cause a mental breakdown, but just enough for me to channel my emotions into writing dialogue. I save detailed writing for after I’m sane and my hands aren’t shaking, but I still tend to have an idea for everything that’s happening. 
However, I’m somehow a very emotionally mature person. I matured way too quickly and went through several situations where someone else’s life was in my hands, and in which I had to remain stable so they had something to fall back on. I know a lot of people out there don’t have this kind of tolerance, which is absolutely fine, and so in their case, I advise them not to do this. It could seriously damage your well-being. 
This has been a rollercoaster, oh my god. But thank you for the asks, my dear!
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Cannabis Coach Quit Smoking Marijuana Audio Program
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/cannabis-coach-quit-smoking-marijuana-audio-program/
Cannabis Coach Quit Smoking Marijuana Audio Program
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 Buy Now
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    From the desk of The Cannabis Coach: Date:
Dear Smoker,
Before you question it, the heading at the top of this page is COMPLETELY true! My program has a very high success rate, which helped me and many other pot smokers to give up for good! Since I released it to the public many individuals who were still struggling with marijuana has been joining my program.
The results have been ASTONISHING! Within just 2 months I had successfully helped many participants to stop smoking marijuana for a full 30 days. Coincidence? I don’t think so!
Now you can get your hands on the exact same system and material that I am using to help countless of people to quit forever.
Here’s what one of my happy customers had to say….
Thank you so much, Gary. Your audio program enabled me to build a new and better life and it allowed me to leave not only marijuana behind, but also depression and the abuse of other substances/ habits.
This past summer changed my life forever, and it never would’ve happened without your audio program.
Paul, United States
It’s time to get real – most traditional drug treatment programs just don’t work. In fact…
Alcoholic’s Anonymous Anonymous has a very low retention rate according to some of their own statistics!
50% of AA attendants leave within 90 days – and 95% don’t make it past their first year!
97% of drug rehab facilities and programs are based on the AA twelve-step program – a treatment model that just doesn’t work for the vast majority!
If you’ve tried unsuccessfully to quit smoking marijuana in the past, you’re not a bad person… you’re just like so many others who haven’t found the right stop smoking program to help them get off weed FOR GOOD.
I’m the Cannabis Coach, a former pothead now recovered and completely drug-free for 3 years. After trying… and trying… and trying so many different programs to help me quit smoking marijuana, I was once ready to just throw in the towel and resign myself to being a pothead for the rest of my life.
Convinced that nothing would ever be able to help me kick my cravings and turn my life around, I sat idly by, smoking myself into a stupor and watching my job, social life and love life go down the toilet.
I Knew There Had To Be A Way To Quit Smoking Marijuana… Forever!
But nothing seemed to work for me, until I took a new approach…
Did you know that Marijuana Anonymous (MA) and other 12-Step programs are based on the Temperance Movement… how is that supposed to help me, or you, or any other drug addict? I don’t think it does. Once I stopped looking at my relapses as a failure and realized that it was the treatment programs that were flawed, I began to explore other options.
What I discovered changed my life and since I created the Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program, it has also changed the lives of countless others from around the globe.
Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program is PROVEN to get you off weed by:
Helping you to reduce and eliminate marijuana cravings
Giving you back the passion and drive in your life that you lost when marijuana took over
Appealing to all different types of learners with multimedia – audio, visual, memory
Teaching you to recognize and overcome your reasons for failing to quit smoking pot in the past
Guiding you through what you may be feeling, thinking and struggling with, and providing REAL-LIFE solutions that work
Training you to train YOURSELF to make the changes necessary to ensure you don’t fall back into the trap
Using PROVEN strategies to teach you to not only quit smoking, but to improve the areas of your life that led you to become susceptible to addiction in the first place!
It IS possible to stop smoking marijuana and turn your life around. Maybe you’re on the verge of losing your home because you spend your mortgage money on weed. Perhaps your partner is ready to walk out that door if you don’t stop smoking pot RIGHT NOW. You might be walking an extremely fine line with your boss, who is tired of your unmotivated, uncaring approach to your work.
Whatever your reasons for quitting smoking marijuana – whatever your motivation – it’s time to put an end to your marijuana addiction and take your life back, just as I and so many others have done using Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program.
The unique audio components of the program are downloaded to your computer – listen to them, study them and make them a part of your life. Use the worksheets to track your progress and see your goals and accomplishment right there on paper in front of you, whenever you need a boost. Complete the training exercises…
Get committed, get motivated and Stop Your Marijuana Addiction FOREVER!
This program is designed to make the quitting process as SIMPLE and PAINLESS as possible. Together, we will train your subconscious to overcome your marijuana addiction – you CAN beat the cravings and turn your life around.
Imagine your life without having to smoke up every day – free of the depression and foggy haze – with the money you save by not smoking weed to spend as you wish. Don’t lose another second of your life to your marijuana addiction!
Get Started Right NOW and Stay Smoke Free Forever!
This one of a kind Stop Smoking Marijuana program contains everything you need to get off weed and stay off… for good! By ordering today, you will instantly receive:
The Easy Quit Marijuana Addiction 5-Part Audio Program – Almost 5 hours of Cannabis Coach instruction, guidance and support to guide you through motivation, getting ready to quit, what you may be experiencing, how to cope with withdrawal, making effective lifestyle changes and so much more!
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You’re ready, you’re able and with Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program, you have everything you need to kick your weed addiction.
Don’t take it from me… this is what some of the Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program users have to say about the program:
Thank you so much for your help. You know for years I’ve toyed with the idea of going “strait edge” I’ve quit Smoking Tobacco Years ago, Alcohol almost 5 months ago, and now I’m on day 36 with smoking no Pot! I really do feel the changes! Your Sessions really helped me by Inspiring me to continue with the positive changes that I’m going through. I just finished session 5 tonight!
I’ve always thought that I’m not living to my full potential, that I could do so much more! I Believe Pot created a False sense of security of thinking “ah things are just fine” I’m really excited about this Law of Attraction Concept, and definitely going to learn more about that. I could go on for hours about everything, so to sum it up, Thank You Again!
Kurtis, Winnipeg, Canada
After smoking marijuana for over 20 years I can say this program is the only thing I have found to actually change the thought processes that cause the marijuana addiction to take hold in the first place. It is truly a re-programming of the thoughts so that the desired actions can follow.
I would recommend this program to anyone who is ready to get on with their life and is finding that willpower is not enough.
KA, San Diego, California
From the comfort of your own home, you CAN change your life using the PROVEN stop smoking methods in the Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program. This is unlike any other treatment program available today, designed to work with you and for you to give YOU the tools you need to be marijuana free.
Together, we will FIX YOU – we’ll learn to identify and correct the factors in your life that led you to this harmful addiction in the first place! It’s time to turn your life around and to show my support, I’m offering this program at an unbelievable discounted rate for a limited time only.
Other Marijuana Stop Smoking programs are selling for $100, $150 – even $200 – but why would you pay such a ridiculous amount of money for a treatment program based on the same old, twelve-step programs that we know JUST DON’T WORK?
Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program is a whole body and mind treatment program delivered in a format that works with any type of personality, learning style and addiction level. This unique, proven and 100% GUARANTEED Stop Smoking Marijuana program is available now for Not $97, Not $59.95, just $39.95!
I want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase.
So I will make the following promise to you, if at any time in the next 8 weeks you should decide that this program is not right for you then simply send me an email and I will instantly refund your purchase.
No questions asked, no quibble, no hard feelings!
Don’t waste time! People already think I’m crazy for offering this program at such a low price, but I want EVERYONE to have a chance to turn their life around. And in just a few days of not smoking marijuana, this program completely pays for itself! Get yours now before the price returns to its normal rate and get on the road to pot-free recovery!
Best of all, we’ve seen such success with this interactive treatment program that I am completely confident and comfortable in offering my 100% Guarantee – if this program doesn’t change your life for the better and help you stop smoking marijuana, The Cannabis Coach will gladly refund your money.
The Easy Quit Marijuana Addiction Audio Program is a digital download product. Upon successful purchase you will be able to download the MP3 files and Adobe PDF files. Almost all PC’s are capable of playing MP3 files and we provide you with a free download link to get Adobe PDF reader – so you’re all set!
Ordering today gives you INSTANT ACCESS to the entire program! You will be directed to a secure ordering site and will receive the entire program via instant download immediately afterwards.
   Yes! Send me my complete Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program RIGHT NOW for just $39.95.
Pay by credit card, PayPal or e-check
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We guarantee that your purchase is 100% secure. Your credit card number is NOT being saved or stored anywhere. The order is processed through a 100% secure SSL server.
Your purchase is completely safe, secure and 100% private. You WILL NOT see any details of your purchase on your billing statement!! Your billing statement will show a charge from CLKBANK*COM.
Our product is sold though ClickBank.com. Clickbank is a trusted online retailer.
Congratulations! You’ve taken the biggest step in overcoming your addiction – you’re seeking help, and with the Cannabis Coach on your side, you’re more likely than ever before to successfully overcome your marijuana addiction.
Let’s get started!
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Gary Lewis The Cannabis Coach ™
P.S. Don’t waste another day in a cloud of smoke – if you are SERIOUS about quitting, today is the day! Click here for instant access to the entire Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program for just $39.95.
P.P.S. You have absolutely nothing to lose! Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program is 100% guaranteed to get you off of marijuana addiction for good, or I will refund your money – no questions asked!
P.P.P.S. If you smoke even 2 marijuana joints a day, Easy Quit Marijuana Addiction Audio Program will have paid for itself in just 5 days!!! What are you waiting for? Click here for instant access!
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kalynnicholson-blog · 7 years
What motivates you to wake up and continue to do what you do right now even when you feel weak or tired? You're an inspiration and your videos have been helping me throughout my hard times so thank you! ❤️❤️❤️
Whenever I’m feeling uninspired I go back to the drawing board... literally.  I have a monthly dry erase calendar and I will no word of a lie wipe it completely clean and start fresh.  I’ll fill in the mandatory things I need to do, then plan some fun things I want to find the time for, then some goals I want to hit by certain days whether it’s running for a week or a book by the end of the month.  From there I’ll go to my agenda and start breaking down all the events or goals I set in the monthly dry erase by day.  As I do all of this I burn candles and play some bomb chill music.  Once done, I look at what I can do right now right in front of me and how I can do my best at whatever it is.   Then I grab one of my highlighters (it’s disturbing how much joy this part brings me) and I cross off whatever it is I'm about to do that way it’s like I've promised myself I'm going to accomplish it no matter what.  By the end of the week, your agenda is full of highlighter colours of tasks completed, the dry ones and the fun ones, and from there the inspiration and motivation comes back.  Making any kind of plan will save you whenever you feel unmotivated or uninspired.  You’ll be more prone to sit around and wait for the motivation to come back to you, but action breeds motivation which breeds inspiration.  Action > Motivation > Inspiration > Repeat.  So even if you don’t feel like it, get up and do something.  Make a plan, make a list, make a goal, make a move.  
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sondescent · 7 years
*:・゚✧inactivity✧*:・゚ {a long-ish post}
 here’s to the fam who care about my “problems”...
okay i know how bad i am at staying up to date in this community anyways and i’ll get round to telling you why in a sec. but first allow me to rant about something that is completely stupid.
so a little while ago i was working really hard on my next followers gift { ty and love all 5,184 of you btw }. and there was this one piece of clothing in it that i particularly liked, and thought you guys would too. i made the preview look uber nice and i was hyped to release it when everything else was done. i’m not gonna say what it was for reasons that you’ll understand in a sec. so i stopped working on this set of stuff for a tiny bit because i was feeling unmotivated anyways. and upon browsing some new cc find tumblrs { because i don’t already have enough goddamn cc } there it was. the same fricking piece of cc that some cute little simblr had made. it looked EXACTLY like mine. same design, same mesh. fucking god dAmMIT. i mean obviously i can’t blame them, they weren’t to know, it’s just the worst coincidence ever to have ever happened { drama-queen, uh yes }. it wasn’t a hard thing to make per say, it’s just so annoying that i can’t upload it as part of the gift now aghhhh. even the same little edited logo that i chose to put on it. poop. so overall this made me SO angry { not at that simblr of course, at myself for some reason }. and that’s why i haven’t posted the gift, or anything more recently.
onto my bigger situation with the game and my current setup:
i have a laptop. and no shade to laptops that perform excellently with games like the sims 4 and such. but mine? shocking. it can do cas, sorta. but it’s getting worse. to make things better, my sister wanted to try and play the game to see if it’s something she wanted to purchase for herself. so i logged in to origin on her *:・゚✧new pc*:・゚✧ and let her download the game to test. i was in awe. it was SO smooth guys. and she was getting pissed off when she’d ask me questions and i’d just be sat there like drooling at the screen. never in all the time that i’ve owned the game have felt so in love with it’s sheer beauty. IN GAME. the lighting reflection of the windows oh my god. ultra settings, guys, ultra. i actually copied my main save and all my cc to it for a little while just to see, and it was just so pretty, and i loved it. getting to the end my long winded story here, i’m finding it really difficult to stay patient with my laptops ability to run the game. so for the time being, i’ve uninstalled it. that’s not to say i wan’t relapse and re-install it, but just for now; i’m not feeling it. 
as for what i’ll be doing, i’m currently downloading minecraft as i haven’t played it in a very long time and i’m kinda digging the thought of it. i might post screenshots and keep you up to date with my game if you’d like?
i’m also currently kind of in the process of saving up for a proper gaming pc. it has been reccomended to me to maybe ask for donations or to monetise my downloads which idk? i mean i haven’t thus far and, from personal experience, i don’t like ad-fly when i try to download others content, so i don’t do it to my own. {no disrespect to those who do use ad-fly; it’s just not my thing} but i suppose me getting closer to a new pc, faster, would mean MUCH more content,and to a far better standard.
is a donate button too much? i like the idea of a non-compulsory support feature to my simblr but i don’t even know if what i do is enough? or if anyone would donate? please let me know, leave a reply or message me { i won’t make your thoughts public if you don’t want me to }
thankyou for reading this super long post, sorry if it’s boring, love ya guys xxx
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me-gongoga · 8 years
Alliance, Ch. 6 - Cassian Andor x Reader
Pairing: Cassian Andor x Reader/OC, hints of Poe Dameron x Reader/OC, Slowburn
Summary: At the General’s will, a begrudging intelligence officer is paired off with a seemingly inexperienced Resistance pilot on a reconnaissance mission.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5
Ao3 - Fanfiction.Net
[Reader Replacement Key: “Moira” - Your first name]
Cassian and Moira sat hunkered down behind a small covering of undergrowth just outside of the Great Temple. Night had fallen on Yavin-4 and their intention was to use that to their advantage. As Cassian had predicted earlier, the outside of the temple was anything but well lit, which he attributed to the Order’s subdued numbers.
Beside him, Moira was stretching her fingers into a pair of black gloves, her night goggles resting around her neck. They had both changed into black guises, though it seemed less than necessary once he saw that Moira was not exaggerating about how dark it got after sundown. Cassian could barely see her beside him, despite the fact that she was less than a meter away. And though he had expected a defiant ‘I told you so’ from her, Moira had been nothing but courteous despite his misgivings. In any case, Cassian was at ease knowing that they would have the darkness as their ally tonight.
“Kay,” Cassian whispered into his comlink, Moira crawling closer to him to hear. “What have you got for us?”
“Well, let me tell you,” came the droid’s electronic timbre from the device. “They certainly don’t make it easy to hack into their communications.”
Moira gave a slight chuckle. “And that’s just one reason they’re no fun.”
Kaytoo continued. “I have surmised that this operation is indeed, not officially sanctioned by the First Order. It is being led by one of their higher ranking members as a personal excursion. They are looking for something, an artifact of some kind, that they believe is here.”
Cassian nodded to himself. “Any clue as to the debris we ran into earlier?”
“It would seem they have been instructed to use the outer atmosphere as a landfill.” Kaytoo said, almost as if he was humored by it. “Once thorough examination and dismantling of rebel ephemerae is complete, it is hauled out there and left to rot.”
Moira and Cassian exchanged perplexed looks through the darkness.
“What else?”                                        
“That is all.” Kaytoo replied.
Cassian furrowed his brow. “That’s all you have?”
“I told you their encryptions were good. If I had their frequency master-key I could provide you with a more thorough report on their communications, of course.”
“How thorough?” Cassian whispered back to his droid.
“A comprehensive read-out of all saved and outgoing communications accessible before mandatory code changes at 06:00 hours.”
“Sounds like a pretty good deal,” Moira murmured, brilliant eyes blinking at him in the darkness.
“I have to agree,” Cassian muttered. He tapped the miniscule datapad attached to his wrist. 22:53. They had a good window. “Where would we find that key?”
“Their communications post,” replied Kaytoo’s nimble voice. “But I have not identified its location within the temple.”
Cassian bowed his head and stared down at his watch, running scenarios through his mind. “Base One…” he began. “It obviously had a communications center of its own, correct?”
Moira nodded.
“You remember where it is in there?”
Her lips tempered, as she searched the recesses of her mind before eagerly nodding once again. “Yeah… Yeah, I remember. Why?”
“Well,” he began, the gruff in his voice surfacing. “Low on resources as they are, I’m willing to bet they’ve rigged their own comms on top of whatever was left by the Alliance.”
She smiled wickedly at him. “I bet you’re right.”
“Alright, Kay,” Cassian huffed to the droid. “Stand by. We’re gonna get you that key.” He shoved the comm back into his pocket, and began searching through the bag at his side. After a moment of rifling through the pack, Cassian felt the small rounded container graze past his finger tips. Inside was a small earpiece and a matching communication link, much smaller than their standard issue models. Cassian dug the piece into his ear and handed the comlink to Moira.
“Another comm?” She asked, rolling the device around in her palm.
“It’s a hard-wired, single-feed connection,” Cassian muttered. “Only full-proof way we have of maintaining an open channel while I’m in there.”
“What? You’re going in alone? But you don’t even know the internal layout.” The goggles around her neck flippantly slid about with her every expressive movement.
Cassian simply shook his head as he double-checked the energy charge of his blaster. “That’s why you’ll be guiding me over the comm.”
“Why not just take me in with you as an actual guide?” She questioned.
“Because this requires stealth. I know well enough how to be inconspicuous on my own but I can’t do that if I have to watch you too.” Cassian’s voice was imposing but cooperative – his words meant to be more commanding than assailing. “Besides, I need you to keep an eye on things out here and cover my back.”
Moira’s lips parted for just a moment before she retracted whatever sentiment she had been about to speak. She instead settled for a nod.
“Alright,” Cassian pulled a datapad from the bag, making a few keystrokes before bringing up a render of the Great Temple. Though dull in any average amount of light, the sudden brightness strained Moira’s eyes.
“Where am I going?”
She frowned as he held it out to her, eyes darting back to him. “You’re not going to like this.”
“I’m sure I’ve heard worse.”
Moira pursed her lips and pointed to the diagram.
“Oh,” Cassian muttered, already feeling winded. Her finger rested gently against the very top of the temple.
Yavin-4’s Base One was perhaps the most elaborate headquarters ever held by the Rebel Alliance. Boasting not only an extensive hangar bay and a full height of over thirty-six stories, the Great Temple was further inundated with surreptitious passageways and an extensive underground level. Cassian could only begin to imagine the number of historic things that had been put in motion within the magnificent stone walls. And he could see how easily something could have been looked over or forgotten in the enormous structure. Though he could not say what it was, he was sure the First Order would want to manipulate it for something devious. But perhaps with the communications key and Moira’s extensive familiarity with the temple, they could find it first.
Moira had already effortlessly guided him into the upper levels of the base, rerouted him around an outpost of Stormtroopers, and even gotten him to an unused lift shaft that saved him some dangerous climbing. He was making good time, but that was greatly impart to the sad state of the First Order within the temple. The highest number of troops he had encountered was on the hangar level, several battalions being proudly marched about and dispatched to search, or rather re-search, different areas of the massive space and underground level. Cassian had to wonder if being sent here was basically a punishment for them. It was the most unmotivated and sloppy he had ever seen Stormtroopers. And Cassian had seen a lot.
“You should be hitting the gathering hall soon,” Moira’s voice chirped in his ear as he slid down an empty corridor. “After that, it’s a straight shot up to the comm center.”
“Alright,” Cassian muttered back to her. He still held his blaster at ready, even though he hadn’t seen a single Stormtrooper on the past two levels.
“I really hope you were right. Otherwise, you’ll be going up a lot of steps for nothing.”
Cassian shrugged to himself. “I’ve done far more daunting things for much smaller rewards. Heading past the hall entrance and up the staircase.”
“You know that hall you’re going past is where they held the celebration ceremony for Luke Skywalker after he blew up the original Death Star,” Moira recited quite proudly.
“You don’t say?” Cassian teased in an unimpressed whisper as he began his ascent.
“Okay, well I thought it was cool the first time someone told me that,” she replied, sounding only slightly bitter.  
He could not help but smile at the disgruntled nature of her tone. It was almost endearing.
Cassian continued up the stairs, adjusting his night goggles for the renewed darkness. The steps were daunting and the passageway was narrow. It was nothing that Cassian had not encountered before, but he wouldn’t be keen to call it safe either. “I can’t believe you played here as a child,” he murmured to Moira, suddenly wanting of her distracting babble.
“Well, you can see how it made Poe into the adrenaline-junkie-type you hate so much,” she told him. “A swing set doesn’t really cut it after you’ve dropped into cockpits of old y-wings from bannisters a dozen meters off the ground.”
“I’m surprised you turned out okay.”
“I’ve never quite had the death wish that Poe does,” she admitted, lightheartedly. “I copied him in many ways… but somehow missed out on his charisma and borderline suicidal heroism.”
Cassian snickered. “Thank the Force for that. I think you’re all the better for it.”
Moira’s gentle laughter reverberated over the comm. “I think you might be one of the only people who likes me more than they like Poe.”  
Her upbeat voice was not enough to mask the melancholy words underneath. Cassian was sure it had not been easy for to live in the shadow of the ‘best pilot in the Resistance’. But she had put herself there. She had chosen to follow in his footsteps.  Though if Cassian still had anyone like that – anyone like family - he thought he might keep them just as close.
“If it’s any consolation,” he whispered between labored breaths. “I’ve heard plenty of people speak highly of you.”
Another shrill but quiet laugh. “We didn’t even meet till yesterday,” she quipped back at him
“Sure,” he conceded. “But you really think as an intelligence officer, that I wouldn’t know anything about you?”
“I…” her voice trailed off into silence.
He thought he could almost hear her smiling.
Three more flights of stairs and Cassian was outside of the old communications center. He did not even have to pick the lock. The door slid open immediately under his touch, revealing the room to be entirely void of organic life. The only occupant was a silver, First Order protocol droid. Cassian did not even bother to shoot it, rather just switched it off from behind before it could understand what happened.
Thankfully, his prediction was correct; the droid had been overseeing a series of double rigged switches and panels that looked of standard First Order issue. And there, in the middle of all of it, was the key that Kaytoo had described to him.
It was almost too simple, too clean. A feeling of unease settled in his stomach. Had the First Order wanted them to intercept their communications? Did they know they were there? No, Cassian told himself, quickly dismissing the thoughts with his own basic logic. But there was no way to know for sure. All he could do was continue the mission and stay vigilant.
Cassian slipped the datalink into the device, waiting for the indicator light to flash green – indicating a positive connection with Kaytoo’s systems. “It’s in,” he murmured to Moira, surveying the room as the unease in his stomach grew. “I’m getting out now. I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”
“Well you’ve got good instincts,” Moira’s voice came, sounding noticeably drearier than usual. “Because there’s an Upsilon-class command shuttle descending on the platform with a TIE-fighter escort as we speak.”
Suddenly Cassian was dashing down the stairs at a less than cautious rate. In his ear, Moira was rattling off everything from possible back up plans to vague snippets of the ensuing chaos outside. Stormtroopers were being called out to ready positions and technicians sprinting about the platform, signaling to one another. It was clear that no one had expected the arrival.
It was the distinct Upsilon nature of the craft that worried Cassian. He knew they were not simply handed out to officers left and right. It was a sign of distinction; a ship that demanded respect.
“Are you safe where you are?” He questioned, interrupting her incessant prattle, barely staying ahead of his own footing.
She didn’t answer him, instead just rambled on.
“There’s a, oh I can’t remember, I think there’s a trash chute that could be wide enough in the adjacent passageway… no. I don’t know there’s a lot of commotion down here, you could sneak out in it, but what if they… fuck, Cassian, I can’t- I don’t-.”
“Moira,” he repeated, his voice more demanding. “Are you safe?”
“I’m, uh,” her feed cut off for a moment, filling his ear with static. “I’m, yeah, just moving.”
“What? Where are you going?”
“Trying to get somewhere… safer, yeah… the hall. The hall, Cassian.”
“What?” He breathed, nearly crashing into the wall of a turn.
“The gathering hall, there’s these great big transparisteel windows,” she was nearly tripping over her own words. “Some of them open up to the outside of the temple. You could climb down – get out on the other side – nothings going on over there. I’ll meet you.”
Cassian thought over her words, mentally analyzing the heights of the pyramid-like blocks that encapsulated the sides of the temple. Each was maybe just a bit taller than himself. It would not be an easy climb but it seemed more than attractive compared to his other options. The darkness would provide all the cover they would get.
“Alright,” he agreed. “Just… please be careful.”
“Always,” she promised.
Moira was not being careful as she made her way to meet Cassian at the backside of the temple. She had a thriving curiosity to know just exactly who was heading up such an operation on her home planet. She thought maybe it would be helpful - maybe it would do them some good to know. But deep down that was not quite what was driving her. Something else wanted to her to know, some other pulling force. So every step she took, though heading in the proper direction, was just a bit too deliberately placed near the platform, just a bit too close to the fray. But it was worth it.
About halfway to the back she finally had a good vantage point, as the shuttle completed its landing sequence. She pulled her lustful eyes away from the shiny TIEs beside it and focused on the smoke emanating from the landing platform of the command craft. There, a man clad completely in black, descended from the ramp followed by an impressive Stormtrooper escort. He was toward over the troopers and moved with a vicious audacity that sent a chill down her spine. Kylo Ren. Royalty of the Rebellion turned scourge of the Resistance.
An unadulterated rage swelled inside her at the sight of him. He had betrayed the cause, killing dozens, murdered his own father, and even tortured Poe. These were all unforgiveable acts. Though Moira did not see herself as inherently violent, she wanted so desperately to attack him – to meet him with aggression for his wrong doings. But the sight of Cassian descending the stone slabs called her attention elsewhere. He had been quicker than she anticipated, though it was not the first time he had surprised her.
“I see you,” Moira murmured, picking up her pace as she circulated in the rims of the jungle.
“Then that means they can see me too,” he replied back over the comm in her hand, sounding less than agreeable.
“They’re not paying attention,” she reassured him. “Too busy attending to the traitor.”
“Traitor?” He asked, but he processed it quicker than she could tell him. “Ren?
“In the flesh,” Moira seethed back. Though she was focused on Cassian, it was the memories of Poe’s tearful recanting that came to mind.
It was in the wake of the Hosnian atrocity, after the Resistance had destroyed Starkiller base in retaliation, that Poe had so desperately reached out to her. Moira was still stationed with the New Republic on Corellia and one of the lucky few assigned outside of the main fleet. As soon as Poe showed up at her doorstep, they had both burst into tears, just ecstatic to see one another alive. It was there he described to her how horrid his treatment had been at the hands of the First Order, how Ren had toyed with him and bent his mind to his will. And though she would always accept Poe for everything that he was, seeing him like that was borderline shocking. It had killed part of her to see him – the one who had always been so strong for them both – break down before her. It was the very same day that he convinced her to join the Resistance.  
“Moira,” Cassian’s voice cut into her thoughts with his warm resonance. “Where are you?”
“Almost where you are,” she responded, shaking the teary images of Poe from her mind. She quickly turned her casual candor into a sprint. Cassian had nearly descended the entire temple; she could see him climbing down the final rungs of it as she rounded the back. If there was one thing she could say about Cassian Andor, it was that he was committed; she had never seen a Resistance fighter with more tact or allegiance to the cause. And though he had been reluctant to trust her at first, he was embracing her more at every step. She had begun to develop a certain admiration for him because of that.
Moira had been ready to burst out of the jungle towards Cassian when she rather luckily caught the gleam of white in the corner of her eye.
“I see you too,” he said whipping off his own night goggles.
“Hurry,” she implored him, readying herself as he sprinted across the stone platform. It looked like a standard patrol, but they had to be fitted with some kind of night-vision to be wandering about on their own in the darkness. Moira wanted to kick herself for missing them before, for being to distracted by her own thoughts.  
Soon enough, Cassian was closer than close, running towards her in the shallows of the jungle, Moira smiling as he approached, pulling off her goggles to look at him. But it was then that her eyes flickered away, looking past to the blur of white; the blur of white that looked like it was raising its weapon towards them.
“Cass,” she whispered and the sudden flash of light registered in her eyes. Before she knew it, Moira was pulling his body toward her own, alternating their weights and flinging him to the ground.
“FT-2007, why did you fire?”
“I- I, thought I saw movement.”
“Our presence here is to be restrained, if you fire again without order, you will be reported, do you understand?”
“Yes, sir.”
To say it burned would be an understatement. Moira felt as though a red hot blade had been taken to her stomach and twisted in. All she could do was frantically try to breathe as her limbs gave way beneath her, gravity pushing her backwards towards the ground. But Cassian caught her, suddenly on his knees, holding her close enough that she could see the perplexed look in his eyes. She tried to focus on that instead of the smell of her own burning flesh.
“Moira,” Cassian half-whispered, half-cried as he held her. “What did you do?” His voice was anxious and guttural.
“Well,” she muttered, her voice barely above a whisper. “I think I’ve been shot.”
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ulrichfoester · 4 years
9 ways to exercise your body and mind during quarantine (and still get outdoors)
There’s no denying that the Coronavirus (COVID-19) has put a stop to almost all outdoor activities. With increased home quarantines and social distancing measures, cancelling outdoor adventures has become the new norm. This may leave you bored, anxious, and searching for ways to stay fit.  We feel ya! That’s why the team and I at TripOutside.com put together this guide with ways to stay sane and active during the pandemic.
So, to help you cope (and perhaps even flourish!) during this time, we want to share our top tips for keeping our sanity and what we are doing to stay active during corona virus.
Why stay active during quarantine?
Boredom is not the worst thing about being stuck indoors. Staying indoors for an extended period can cause lethargy, restlessness, disrupted eating habits, fatigue, and moodiness. Spending all of your time indoors can even cause a weakened immune system – something we all definitely want to avoid during this crazy time.
Physical activity is also very important for both your body and your mind.  Studies show that staying active will help you manage your weight, lower blood pressure, strengthen bones and muscles, and recover from illness faster.
Exercise is also a proven mood booster, reducing depression and anxiety, decreasing stress, and improving sleep and brain function. All things that we could all use a bit more of at this present moment!
Lastly, breathing in the fresh air of the outdoors and receiving a healthy dose of Vitamin D from sun exposure can help strengthen our immune system.
But how can you enjoy getting outdoors safely while on quarantine or social distancing?
1. Work out in your backyard
No need to worry about going to a gym – they are mostly closed now anyway. Your backyard is waiting. Hanging out in your backyard will help you get that fresh air, sun and outdoor exposure necessary for your immune system. Working out in the backyard will help you emerge from the quarantine with those abs you’ve always wanted.
Here are some top gyms, yoga studios and other resources that are offering FREE online workouts*!
Planet Fitness Facebook work ins– daily on Facebook at 7 pm EST
Orange Theory Fitness online workouts 
305 Fitness – cardio dancingor live steam workouts on its YouTube channel everyday at 12pm EST
Or, create your own workout with lunges, squats, burpees or your other favorite routines.
2. Sustain your body and mind with yoga
Practicing yoga is a great way to stay active during the corona virus quarantine.  Whether you are a beginner looking to learn, or a seasoned yogi, here are some online resources for your yoga practice.  All you need is a yoga mat!
Core Power Yoga online classes 
Tower Yoga free online classes
Do Yoga With Me – Free 2 months!
3. Avoid extreme activities
These confusing days shall pass and you’ll have all the time in the world to begin a new activity or practice your favourite extreme sport if you so desire. However right now you wouldn’t want to risk hurting yourself and having to make a trip to the hospital. Hospitals are the worst place to be right now to stay healthy, and avoiding them at all costs will help limit the spread of COVID-19.
Opting for more simple, safer activities and ways to stay active is also a great way to help ease the problems of an already overwhelmed hospital. It’s the responsibility of everyone to avoid taxing medical facilities any further. France has even banned recreational cycling because of limited healthcare resources and the risk of injuries.
4. Create a workout challenge with friends
Feeling bored or unmotivated with your fitness routine at home?  Kickstart your motivation by creating a burpee, jump rope or squat challenge online with friends or family.  Match or beat each other’s daily activities to keep your body fit and the fun going. Practicing a new behaviour every day will also help you develop better habits.
Using a tracking device like your FitBit or apps like Strava can help you measure progress and report in to other participants easily.  Don’t forget to celebrate your success in completing the challenge with a virtual high-five, and a plan to celebrate in-person once we are past this!
5. Take your pet for a walk
Pets need outdoor exposure as much as humans do. Just like their owners, pets can be quite irritable when not allowed to stretch their legs outdoors. Follow our guidelines below for leaving the house first, and check on your local government’s quarantine rules.  If it’s allowed, take your pet for a quick walk around the block. It will not make your pet mentally and socially healthier; it’ll help you burn some calories, too!
Make sure to follow precautions though. Wear a face mask and gloves if required, and get rid of any disposable gear as soon as your walk ends for added safety.  Have a bottle of hand sanitizer next to the door to rub down before you come indoors, and change your clothes and shower as soon as possible, especially if you have others living in the house with you.  Allow the recommended 6-feet of distance between you and other people you may encounter, and under no circumstances should you leave the house if you’re feeling unwell.
6. Beautify your garden
Gardening is not only a great way to stay moving and keep your mind occupied, but a vegetable garden can help care for your food needs as well while you are in isolation!  Gardening is another great way to get vitamin D, boost your mood, lower the risk of dementia, and combat loneliness!
Spring is the perfect time to start digging out those weeds and prepping for a beautiful flower or vegetable garden that extends all summer long.
How can you get started?  Add seeds to your next grocery list (even better have them delivered!) and allocate a section of your yard to your new garden.  Here is a list of things you can grow quickly during your quarantine!
7. Camp at home in the back yard
Are your kids getting antsy indoors?  Missing that camping trip you had planned?  One great way to bring the outdoors to them is to take a camping trip to the back yard!  You may not get the full experience, but you can still make it a memory of a lifetime.  Pack up everything you need to spend the night (or weekend!) outdoors, set up tents, hammocks, camp chairs and a fire (if it’s allowed in your neighbourhood), tell stories, and sleep under the stars.
One day you’ll tell the story about the time you camped in the back yard because you were under lockdown.
It’s also a great way to teach kids about flexibility, acceptance, and making the best of disappointing situations.
8. Meditation
New to meditation?  Resources abound for beginners to meditation.  Reet started his practice using Headspace, which has a 10-day free trial, and hundreds of guided meditations through their monthly paid plans.  A free favorite of mine is Insight Timer, which features practically endless guided options by experienced mindfulness teachers, plus sound healing, talks and music.
If there’s one thing we all need right now, it’s patience.  One of the best ways I’ve found to practice patience is meditation.  A saying that I take comfort in is: “This too shall pass”.
9. Learn a new skill
Have you always wanted to learn a new language?  Become more competent at maintaining your own bike or outdoor equipment?  Master a new instrument? Now is the time!
I am working on learning Hindi while we are quarantined indoors, and Reet is working on increasing his fluency in written Punjabi.  Apps like Rosetta Stone and Duolingo offer easy ways to learn or re-learn a language and challenge your brain during this quiet time.
And in case you have been living under a rock, YouTube is the king of 101 EVERYTHING.  Learn to maintain or rebuild your bike and save some money in the process! Or dust off that old guitar and learn (or re-learn) to play!  There are endless things to learn from others on YouTube. It will keep your boredom at bay, and challenge your brain in the process.
Need inspiration for new skills you’d like to learn?  Udemy has over 100,000 online courses with expert instruction on topics like business, design, photography, marketing and personal development.
10. Stay connected with family and friends
Just because you are stuck indoors doesn’t mean you have to be a hermit.  Take time to connect with family and friends over FaceTime or phone calls. Staying connected with the outside world is important right now, and talking to others helps combat depression and loneliness.  This is especially important for those over 70 who are isolated. Check in with grandparents and other elderly friends and family at least every other day.
A quick note: Before exploring locally, check your local government’s rules 
Governments are cracking down when it comes to ensuring that social distancing is followed. Before leaving your house, make sure you’re not going to have a brush with the law by checking your local government’s rules on quarantine and social distancing. Quarantine provisions can be different for every state – outdoor activities can be considered non-essential trips – so it pays to check.  If you decide to go out, preparation is key
Getting outdoors during the Coronavirus pandemic isn’t just different because the streets are deserted. You should take precautions to protect yourself and others from transmission of the virus.  CDC guidelines explain how to best protect yourself and others, including washing hands frequently, maintaining appropriate distance from others, and staying home if you are sick.
Staying indoors is an important mandate we ALL need to follow, but there are ways to still give our body the energy and vitality it can get from staying active and getting some fresh air. By following the rules, being extra careful, and getting a little creative, you can stay sane and active amidst this period of social distancing.   
*This is a condensed version of the article “10 WAYS TO STAY SANE & ACTIVE WHILE SOCIAL DISTANCING” from TripOutside.com. WatersedgeCounselling is not affiliated with any of the services or links connected to this post. Read the complete article here.
Are you anxious and overwhelmed? Do you want to live a happier, healthier life physically and mentally, even during isolation? Here’s what you need to do: Contact Colleen on 0434 337 245, Duncan on 0434 331 243 or Rachel on 0422 177 193 for a FREE 10 minute consultation on how we can best help you or book online.
Julie Singh co-founded TripOutside with her husband Reet out of a shared enthusiasm for outdoor adventure. TripOutside.com is an easier way to research top outdoor destinations, find adventures and gear from the best local outfitters, and book it all online. Julie and Reet explore full-time in their RV, curating top outdoor destinations and making friends with outfitters and outdoor enthusiasts. You can find her biking or hiking the nearest mountain, advocating for the earth & its animals, and cooking delicious vegan food.
The post 9 ways to exercise your body and mind during quarantine (and still get outdoors) appeared first on Watersedge Counselling.
9 ways to exercise your body and mind during quarantine (and still get outdoors) published first on https://familycookwareshop.tumblr.com/
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buzrushblog-blog · 5 years
Ask Questions Get Answers
A local community that may help individuals from all over the world to discuss their know-how and get any question that is imaginable. And, one thing that we made sure is that it was free to use.The site has rapidly grown, become most accessible and exciting question and answer community, which we are proud of. Considering the persistence of each group associate, the site is growing every single day - almost every min. This fabulous site rapdly grow in everymin & eveytime.That location for Ask Questions Get Answers.
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1.There are more than doubly a lot of resolutions as thoughts. Even though many questions or concerns attained no explanations, many people gotten your five, five, or even more.
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Unfortunately, what I’m seeing in Google Questions and Answers is that incentivizing replies is leading to a knowledge base of questionable quality. How helpful is it when a consumer asks a hotel if they have in-room hair dryers and 10 local guides jump on the bandwagon with “yep”? Worse yet, I saw quite a few local guides replying “I don’t know,” “maybe,” and even “you should call the business and ask.” Here and there, I saw genuinely helpful answers from the Local Guides, but my overall impression didn’t leave me feeling like I’d stumbled upon a new Google resource of matchless expertise.
4 Some individuals the general public seem to be confused about making use of this feature. I realized customers when using the resolution segment to say thanks to persons who replied for their question, rather than simply just with all the thumbs up widget.
Moreover, I witnessed individuals making recommendations/claims, in lieu of important questions: And having a little exasperated
5.Some establishments are definitely building a great deal more basic questions than the others. Granted how everyone loves to talk about hotels and restaurants, I wasn’t astonished to see them topping the graphs in sheer volume of answers and questions. What have surprise me had not been observing considerably more doubts being expected of companies like yoga and fitness studios, florists, and locks salons; ahead of I just have the lookups, I might have suspected that pleasurable, “chatty” places like these is going to be benefiting from loads of inquiries.
Huge types almost everywhere are keeping Search engines like google Answers and questions unanswered
But just in case my limited focus was presenting a false picture of how local businesses are managing this feature, I did some random searches for big brands around the state and around the country, i chose San Francisco for my case study because of its general reputation for being hip to new tech.
I ran across issues in short supply of individual resolutions for Whole Foods, Sephora, Taco Bell,Macy’s and Denny’s, Cracker Barrel, Preferred, and T-Cell. As I looked around the nation, I noted that Walmart has cumulatively garnered thousands of questions with no brand responses.
However, the wrists and hands-straight down champion for that one locale in short supply of standard explanations is Google and yahoo in Mountain Point of view. 103 inquiries at the time of my research and nary an master respond to in sight. Alphabet may want to consider setting a much more impressive sample along with their private product… except when I am misunderstanding their eye-sight of methods Google and yahoo Questions and Answers is meant to be employed.
Just just what is the eyesight for Yahoo and google Questions and Answers, I marvel?
As I said at the beginning of this post, it’s early days yet to predict ultimate outcomes. At this point, the current set belonging to the property due to this attribute has rendered me with increased questions than responses:
•Does Google actually intend questions to be answered by brands, or by the public? From what I have witnessed, users are largely not aware of or deciding to ignore this function many periods put up-start up. Businesses are only alerted about incoming questions if they open the Google Maps app on an Android phone or tablet, as of writing this. There is no desktop GMB dash panel section for your have. It is not really a recipes for large adoption. That doesn’t mean your business shouldn’t be, though google has always been a fan of a crowdsourcing approach to their data, so they may not be concerned.
•A few of the legitimate-time goals in this function? I see quite a few end users asking them questions that called for rapid right answers, like “are you start now? ” whilst some would help lengthier reply time periods, like in, “I’m planning for a voyage and wish to really know what I will go walking to within your resort.” For time-reactive questions, what makes Questions and Answers fit in with Google’s legitimate talk option, Bing Online messaging, also presented endure summertime? Does Search engines like google visualize unique use conditions for options? If one of the two products will win out over time, while the other gets sunsetted, i wonder.
•The serious, actual pitfalls to brandnames of low-relief? If rants or spam are ignored, i applauded Mike Blumenthal’s smart suggestion of companies proactively populating the feature with known FAQs and providing expert answers, and I can also see the obvious potential for reputation damage. That being said, my modest investigation of San Francisco has left me wanting to know how many men and women (manufacturers or purchasers) have been focusing generally in most industries. Bing Information Solar panels together with the Nearby Locater take-ups are nearing an info bloat factor. Would you like to guide something, look into product reviews, stay conversation, see selections, get savings, get operating a vehicle instructions, make a contact? Internet websites are designed with a wide range of web sites to pay many of these likely behavior. Sticking them all in a 1” box may not equal the best UX I’ve ever seen, if discovery of features is our goal.
•What is the enthusiasm for people to take advantage of the product or service? For me personally, I’d be more likely to just pickup your phone to inquire about any topic which I wanted a fast provide answers to. I don’t have the confidence that if I queried Whole Foods in the AM as to whether they’ve gotten in organic avocados from California, there’d be a knowledge panel answer in time for my lunch. Additionally, a portion of the important questions I’ve wanted to know have obtained unnecessary the right answers belonging to the people, which appears like a complete waste of time for all those persons. Possibly whenever the include selections up energy, this tends to transform.
•Will boosting costs of doubts = growing costs of economic responses? Total numbers of questions for the 1700 locations they investigated nearly doubled between November-December of 2017, according to the GetFiveStars study linked to above. From my tiny take a look at San Francisco, it doesn’t appear to me of the fact that increasing outcome also occurred for individual solutions. For now, what I’m looking for is question volume reaching such a boiling point that owners feel obligated to jump into management, as they have with reviews, although time will tell. We’re not there yet, but if this feature is a Google keeper, we could get there.
So what should you be doing about Google Questions and Answers?
I’m a fan of ahead of time adoption exactly where it makes sense. Speculatively, using an effective Answers and questions activity could turn out to be as being a ranking alert. We have undoubtedly noticed it theorized that make use of of another Search engines like google asset, Google and yahoo Content, may results neighborhood pack search positions. Undoubtedly, leaving it towards the open public to respond to concerns about your enterprise with ranging degrees of exactness brings the possible risk of the loss of qualified prospects and muddying your online presence with the detriment of popularity. If your location has wheelchair access and an unmotivated third party says “I don’t know,” when, in fact, your business is fully ADA-compliant, your lack of an answer becomes negative customer service, if a customer asks. Ignoring the feature isn’t really an option, because of this. And, as i would not prioritize control over Questions and Answers above old-fashioned Yahoo-centered ratings after all this, I would suggest:
1.Do a branded search today and look at your knowledge panel to see if you’ve received any questions. Answer them in your best style, as helpfully as possibl if soe
2.Waste around 30 minutes in the week translating your company’s 5 most common FAQs into Google and bing Answers and questions queries and after that giving an answer to them. Ensure you are recorded in your company’s Google and yahoo credit account in the event you respond, which means that your text can be technically stamped because of the term “owner.” Regardless of whether you proactively article your FAQs whereas recorded for your business’ membership depends on you. I feel it is a lot more clear to do so.
3.If you’re acquiring this component of your understanding Panel isn’t buying inquiries, viewing it once weekly is possibly just going to be good enough with the produce.
4.If you be promotional a company that would be noticing some good Answers and questions action, and you will have the bandwidth, I’d insert verifying this to the day by day social network rounds you earn for the purpose of level of popularity managing. I would predict that if Google determines this feature is a keeper, they’ll eventually start sending email alerts when new queries come in, as they’re now doing with reviews, which should make things easier and minimize the risk of losing a customer with an immediate need. Need to go professional on operations right this moment due to problem quantity? GetFiveStars just introduced a very very helpful Google QAndA observation characteristic, integrated into some of their ORM software packages. Resembles a winner!
5.Do be on the lookout for spam responses and inquiries, and report them if they arise.
This simple infographic will get you going in a flash if you’re totally new to Google Questions and Answers:
My doubts, your answers
My claim investigation is modest. Can you assist extend our industry’s practical knowledge structure by giving an answer to a few pre-determined questions while in the feedback to enhance the photo of a up-to-date charge of adoption/performance of Google’s Questions and Answers? You need to, tell me:
1.Get you requested a subject with this aspect?
2.Do you receive an response and was it valuable?
3.Who clarified? This company, a random owner, a neighborhood Instruction?
4.Have you discover any forms of businesses performing a wonderful career replying to inquiries?
5.Do you know your emotions on Google Questions and Answers? Might it be a success? Definitely worth the time and effort? Any techniques?
Question & Answer Website: https: //community.buzrush.com/
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sarahburness · 6 years
How to Get Fit When You Feel Lazy and Unmotivated
“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” ~Jin Ryun
Can I be brutally honest with you for a moment?
I was the “fat kid” growing up, and I’ve struggled to find the motivation to lose weight and lead a healthy lifestyle my whole life.
I first realized I was fat when the teacher asked for a volunteer to play Santa in the third grade Christmas play, and Aaron Valadez loudly blurted out, “Tim would be perfect for the role since he’s already got the belly!”
I literally died right there. Mortified.
This was the first time in memory when I turned to food to numb my pain and embarrassment. Congratulations to me, I had discovered the emotional rollercoaster known as binging! A rollercoaster which I would struggle to get off of for my entire life…
I can pinpoint the exact moment when I told myself enough is enough.
I was devastated after a recent breakup and was feeling lonely, lost, and depressed.
These were very uncomfortable emotions. And what do I we when I feel uncomfortable emotions? I eat them, of course!
Luckily I had a box of cinnamon buns ready for the occasion. I became powerless to stop myself, as the rush of the binge and my inner saboteur had taken hold. In a moment of sheer ecstasy and gluttonous pleasure I ate eight cinnamon buns in one sitting.
And then….
The rush was over. The sweet taste provided a fleeting moment of relief.
Now all that remained was an empty box, an empty apartment, and an empty heart.
Oh god, what had I done??!!
I shouldn’t be surprised, I had spent the last three weeks repeating this cycle every night before bed.
But today as I was cleaning up the crumbs, I decided I’d clean up my act too!
Tomorrow will be different! I finally had found the motivation to stop the binging, stop the bad habits, and stop treating myself like I was worthless.
Tomorrow, I thought, will be the day I start a healthy diet, start a daily exercise routine, and start treating myself right!
But tomorrow never came.
The next day I was back at it again with the sweets. A moment of relief from the pain of loneliness was far sweeter than anything the gym or healthy lifestyle had to offer.
Like a moth to a flame I was powerless to resist the sweet temptation, and I didn’t give a damn about my reputation!
Only after the damage was done and the sweets gone did I feel motivated to clean up my act. Motivation was never there in the moments I needed it most. Where had my motivation gone and how could I get I back!?
I’ve discovered that motivation was the last thing I needed. I never found the motivation to stop, and it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Motivation is trash.
Why is Motivation Trash?
I know we all think motivation is what drives action, but in many cases it’s the other way around—actions create motivation.
Have you ever felt like you didn’t want to go to the gym, but then once you put on your gym shoes and walked out the door you felt super motivated and ready to go? That’s an example of motivation coming after the action.
Motivation should never be the sole force driving your actions because it is a temporary emotion. Just like you can’t feel sad or angry all the time, you can’t feel motivated all the time.
Motivation was not going to save me from my cycle of binging and self-sabotage. My problem was I knew exactly what I needed to do (lose weight), but I didn’t know how or why I wanted to do it.
I needed to connect to the intention, or the why, behind my goals before I could determine how to follow through on them. It’s not what you do; it’s why you do it that will ultimately drive you to succeed.
I also needed something that required very little willpower or motivation; what I needed was a habit. 
The Power of Habit and Intention
Habits are at the center of everything we do; most waking hours are spent executing one habit after another without even thinking about it.
What do you do when you wake up? Get out of bed, make the bed, make coffee, drive to work?
These are all examples of habits that are essential for our daily lives to run smoothly. Because they are so engrained in our brain there is very little thought or resistance that occurs when executing our daily routine.
In my case, I knew I needed to create a habit to replace my binging and to get off the couch. I wanted to create a habit of a daily fitness routine and get back to the gym.
Before I could create a habit that would stick, I first had to connect with the intention behind it. A powerful intention is something bigger than just yourself, and is connected to a higher purpose that will have a positive impact on the world.
A habit infused with a powerful intention is what carries me through to get those workouts in even when I’m not feeling motivated to go.
How Intentions Can Give or Take Away Your Power
Intentions are so important because a poorly developed intention can actually drain your energy.
For instance, when I was stuck in the binge cycle my intention was: I want to lose weight because I don’t want to be a disgusting loser fat slob.
Surprise, surprise, this intention sucks! The issue is two fold:
The first problem is that it is not connected to a higher purpose. It’s all about ME ME ME!
Second, it’s framed in a negative way that reinforces the belief that I am a disgusting fat slob.
A negative intention like this destroys my self-confidence and willpower and actually makes me more likely to binge again.
How to Set a Powerful Intention  
I knew I needed a more powerful intention to carry me through when temptation rears its ugly head!
My new intention is simple—I want to get in shape to have a healthy life and age gracefully, and I want inspire others to do the same.
Notice how this intention is connected to a higher purpose, something greater than just myself—inspiring others.
With this new intention, it became clear how laying on the couch eating cinnamon buns hurts not just me but those around me as well. This new intention gave me the energy I needed to follow through on my goals and build the right habits into my daily life when motivation was nowhere to be found.
If you want to create a powerful intention, think about how to connect your goals to something bigger than yourself; this could be having the energy to take care of your family, to help your local community, to save the planet, or anything you want it to be.
There can be multiple intentions behind a habit; try to find the intention you connect with most and focus on that.
How Do You Stick to a Habit?
I found the best way to stick to a habit is first to understand what a habit really is.
Every habit consists of three parts: cue, routine, and reward.
Cues are the trigger for a habit to begin. For instance, my alarm in the morning is the cue that triggers my morning habit, and the routine kicks in. Having a routine is the best because it takes the motivation and decision making out of the process. No longer is energy wasted on the internal debate thinking about if or when I’m going to the gym. There’s no need to make a decision; I just follow the process.
After the alarm cue I get out of bed, put on my gym clothes, drink a huge glass of water, and then start walking to the gym. When I arrive at the gym I (usually) feel energized and ready to face the workout ahead.
The most resistance I find to starting a new habit is in this first stage. Remember Newton’s law of thermodynamics? Things in motion tend to stay in motion? Well this law also applies to habits!
Once you get started, you build momentum and it becomes easier to follow through.
The Three-Minute Rule
To encounter the least mental resistance to starting a new habit, the goal is to have the shortest cue time possible. A cue time of three minutes or less is my golden rule. This leaves very little time for willpower to falter.
Don’t want to exercise? Make putting on your workout clothes the cue that starts your routine. Once your clothes are on and you are in motion you’ll be well on your way to getting that workout in!
Start Small
The real secret to creating a new habit is to start out small in the beginning.
When I wanted to start working out, I told myself I would go to the gym and only exercise for five minutes. After that I would leave. I didn’t plan to exercise; I only planned to show up. I wasn’t worried about the benefits of exercise; I was focused on building the habit.
I recognized if I didn’t have the habit in place there was no point trying to stick to a routine. Build the habit first and let the rest come naturally.
The truth is, even today when I don’t want to work out, at the very least I’ll go to the gym for five minutes. Even if all I can manage to do is breathe, that’s okay because I’m keeping my momentum going and my habit intact.
Of course I almost always stay for more than five minutes; this is a psychological trick I use to get my ass to the gym even when I’m not motivated.
Importance of Routine
The second stage of a habit is the routine. This is the actual going to the gym and working out part. Once the cue is complete and the habit solidified in your daily life you can pretty much run on autopilot here.
Just think of all the times you’ve been driving home from work and arrived in your driveway only to realize you didn’t remember driving home at all. That is an example of a routine that runs on autopilot. Similarly this idea of autopilot can also apply to your workouts once it becomes a habit.
Reward Reinforces the Habit
The last stage of any habit is the reward stage. In the case of exercise, the reward for me is feeling energized and focused, and getting the rush of feel good endorphins that follow a good workout.
Brain activity spikes in the reward stage, and the link between cue and reward is reinforced. This is what makes habits so hard to break. Every time we complete a habit, it gets reinforced in the brain by the reward.
This means every time I go to the gym it becomes easier to come back because I reinforce the link between the cue and the reward in my brain. Resistance to the workout decreases, and executing my habit of daily exercise becomes easier and easier.
Pro Tip: Writing out a habit with pen and paper has been shown to dramatically increase follow through.
Try writing out this sentence (with pen and paper):
“I’m going to go to exercise on [DAY] at [Time of Day] at [Location]”
 By doing this, not only do you increase your chances of exercising, you also turn your time and space into a cue to commence your new habit. Getting started is the hardest part, so the more cues you have, the greater your chances for success.
How Working Out Changed My Life
After I replaced my unhealthy habit of binging with the healthy habit of working out, some rather unexpected benefits occurred in my life. I quit smoking, lost weight, and started making healthy diet choices.
A healthy diet increased my mental energy and willpower, making it much easier to handle the stress of life. Now, instead of opening a box of cinnamon buns when I’m stressed, I’ll open up my gym bag and head out the door. I now treat myself with the respect I deserve. And it all started by stepping foot in the gym for five minutes a day.
If you want to make fitness part of your daily life, stop relying on motivation this instant!
Get connected to the intention behind your goals and make it about something bigger than just yourself.
Once you have your intention, write down with pen and paper the time and place of your workout to increase your chances for success.
Create a habit of going to the gym or hiking or practicing yoga or doing whatever exercise you enjoy—the shorter the cue time to begin your fitness routine the more likely you are to follow through.
Start small and commit to exercising at least five minutes a day. Build the habit before worrying about the actual workouts.
After you have a habit of exercising, experiment to find a workout plan you find fun and can follow consistently.
And remember, things in motion stay in motion! Meaning even if you feel like being lazy and sitting on the couch, it’s very likely once you actually get started you will find the motivation for an amazing workout. Remember motivation often comes after the action and not before. Just get started already!!!
I’m not special. I struggle with my weight and self-image every single day. I have to constantly battle debilitating neurotic thoughts telling me I’m not good and I should just give up. These are some of the tips I used to pick myself up out of a depression and get in shape when I wasn't feeling motivated. With these tips I know you can do the same!
About Timothy James
Timothy is a health and wellness coach specializing in weight loss and lean muscle gain. Click here to receive his free self-care guide and instantly learn how to get your mind and body in shape with the easiest mindfulness strategies you can use today!
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The post How to Get Fit When You Feel Lazy and Unmotivated appeared first on Tiny Buddha.
from Tiny Buddha https://tinybuddha.com/blog/how-to-get-fit-when-you-feel-lazy-and-unmotivated/
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tortuga-aak · 7 years
3 reasons why we can't be trusted to set our own work schedules — and what to do about it
People tend to get in their own way, and it prevents them from making the most of a flexible work schedule.
Present bias, the planning fallacy, and social norms are three examples of how and why.
It's possible to overcome each one with some work.
  I am in the enviable position of pretty much setting my own schedule as the director of the work-life program at a think tank.
I’ve read the research showing flexible work eases work-life conflict and can enhance performance, so I’ve made flexible work the default for my team as well.
We have deadlines and high standards everyone is expected to meet. But where, when, and how you do that is up to you.
So why am I working on Sunday?
It’s not like I didn’t work long and hard from Monday to Friday. And while I like my work, I’m more than a little ticked off at myself that, instead of enjoying a beautiful fall day with my family, I’ll either be in my office typing away, or if I take time to go outside, I’ll feel a familiar tug of guilt that I should be back in front of the computer.
I’m keenly aware of the irony of the fact that I work on work-life balance and can’t stop working. And I also know that I’m not alone: Most studies show one reason why knowledge workers with flexible schedules are more productive is because they actually put in longer hours than those with strict schedules.
Turns out that flexible work can actually bring out some of the worst in human behavior.
In other words, we humans, when left to our own devices, tend to be too flawed in our decision-making prowess to make the most of flexible work.
Let me explain.
Behavioral scientists like Richard Thaler, who just won the Nobel prize in economics, argue that we humans are “predictably irrational” and consistently bad at making decisions that are in our best interests.
We tend to make decisions based on what we heard most recently or remember best, not necessarily what’s most important. And we so prize the notion of fairness that, in one of Thaler’s findings, we’ll refuse to pay more for an umbrella even in the middle of a rainstorm.
Flexible work with schedule control has been shown to be critical for helping people effectively combine work and life responsibilities.
But the science shows there are at least three reasons why human behavior can get in the way, and how we could design better systems to get out of our own way. Thaler calls them “nudges.”
Present Bias
Though we may have a hard time being in the moment—our monkey minds jumping from past regrets to future worries to lengthy to-do lists and ’round again—we humans are biased toward the present moment.
That’s what makes saving for retirement in the far-off, abstract future so difficult when the weight of figuring out how to make very concrete monthly bill payments takes up so much of our attention in the here and now.
And that’s why we can start the work week on Monday with every intention of being superproductive and having a sane work-life balance, like I did last Monday.
Yet, in the heat of the moment, with always more to do, we may decide we really need to send those 10 emails, make these five phone calls, finish up that one project, offer one more really exciting story idea (like this one, that hit me late Friday afternoon), and wind up staying late or taking work home.
So to protect yourself from losing track of your best-laid plans and getting caught up overdoing in the present moment, design a “pre-commitment” device. 
Think of it as a promise to your future self. For instance, behavioral economist Iris Bohnet consciously chose to put her children in a child care center with a strict 6 p.m. cutoff rather than hire a nanny. “That way, you actually have to go home,” she told me.
My kids are teenagers and no longer really care when I get home from work, so I have to think up other pre-commitment devices.
I once forced myself to make a deadline by making a bet with a colleague that I’d have to wear a “Make America Great Again” baseball cap to the office if I didn’t.
I met that deadline.
The Planning Fallacy
How many times did you size up a project, estimate that it would take you an hour or two, and find yourself still stuck in the middle of it hours and hours later?
We humans are sunny, overly optimistic creatures when it comes to how much we assume we’ll be able to accomplish in a given time. That’s called the planning fallacy. And I know it only too well.
In one study, college students were asked to predict best- and worst-case scenarios for how long it would take to complete their senior theses.
By the time the papers were done, only 10 percent of the students had finished by their most optimistic estimates. Most took 21 days longer than their best estimates, and fewer than half the students were done by their most pessimistic predictions.
The nudge here is to always plan for more time for things to go wrong, emergencies to erupt, and times you will be distracted and unmotivated—because you will be. One particularly effective nudge can be to schedule blocks of concentrated time for your priority work projects every week, even the things you don’t think should take much time.
And to add a block of unscheduled time—behavioral scientists call it “slack”—to account for your predictably flawed planning for the week.
Dan Connolly, a senior associate at Ideas42, a nonprofit that uses behavioral science to solve real-world problems, keeps his Friday free of meetings and schedules several hours of slack time to make sure he can enjoy his weekend by starting it with all his work done. (That is, in part, exactly why I’m working on Sunday. I filled my Friday slack time with email … again.)
  Social Norms
We humans are social creatures. We tend to be influenced by role models we see and by what everyone around us appears to be doing.
With most white-collar and knowledge work, we don’t have the visual cues and the easy signals, like the factory whistle or the sun setting over the fields, to know when work is done.
It’s one reason why most workplaces are still trapped in an older and easier method for measuring work—hours on the job, or what sociologist Phyllis Moen has called the “time cage” of rigid, traditional work.
But when longer hours are equated with better work and more dedicated workers at most workplaces, and technology like email can pour in at all hours and make it appear that people are working, flexible work will only make it easier for us to expand work to fill the time allotted, which is all the time.
I think of a study on mindless eating. A group of people were given tomato soup to eat. Some in the group simply finished their bowls of soup and stopped eating, satisfied by what they had.
The visual cue of an empty bowl signaled that their meal had come to an end. But some in the group had bowls connected to an apparatus that would slowly refill the bowl.
Without the visual cue of doneness, as long as there was soup in the bowl, they kept eating and wound up consuming 73 percent more than those with a single serving of soup. That sounds an awful lot like work creep on a flexible schedule, when there is always more to do and nothing to signal that you’re done.
The potential solution? Perhaps a good place to start is creating a work culture that discourages work email and communication in the evenings and on weekends so that even flexible work has some boundaries.
After a spate of what I thought were brilliant late-night inspirations that instead felt to my team like the workday extended into the wee hours, my team installed an app called Boomerang on my computer.
Now I can write an email and clear the cognitive load in my own mind but schedule it to go out during work hours so that I don’t create undue stress and impose on the cognitive load of the receivers.
But truly changing that overwork social norm, which stresses families, has been shown to disadvantage women, and leads to an estimated 120,000 excess deaths a year and nearly $200 billion in health costs, will take more than a nudge.
The shove? Stigmatizing long hours and burnout work cultures, valuing our lives and identities outside of work, making flexible work really work, and taking regular time off to refresh and recharge on Sunday or any day that works best for your work and life—well, that’s what we all need to work on.
  Brigid Schulte is the director of the Better Life Lab at New America, author of "Overwhelmed: Work, Love, & Play When No One Has the Time," and formerly an award-winning journalist at the Washington Post.
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jl-productions-blog · 7 years
386 Studio Logs
Studio Log:
1/26/17 Role: Director
Summary: For our class today I directed a short “entrance” scene with a full crew and a single camera. I wanted to film a cool looking entry scene. I was supposed to have a “story” to it, so I didn’t have one really. I had either or director or talent to choose from
Synopsis: I was a little unprepared, since I didn’t know we were trying to include a narrative to the scene, which set me back significantly, but I still think I achieved the look for the entrance I wanted, whether “the story” made sense or not. The dolly roll worked well, and I think the dramatic feel was captured. I think the lamp in the way of the characters face But it was hard to get all the angles with just one camera and I wasn’t able to shoot two shots I wanted. I know it would have been great to get at least one more reverse shot, but  The lighting worked well, except the bright light behind Chris when he enters I would have changed.
Improvements: Know what the story is. I thought I was shooting a few entrance scenes, not a narrative, (or if i’m another crew position, know what you’re trying to convey for the director/DP). Be more organized with a script and a good idea of how you’re going to block the scene.
2/1/17 Role: Camera “A” Operator (handheld with easy rig)
Summary: Shaneika used two cameras to shoot her short chase/fight scene, I chose “Camera A Operator,” and when I found out that one of the cameras would be a fast tracking, handheld shot, I happily volunteered for it. I used the easy rig to saved my back but still maintain the shaky handheld look.
Synopsis: Good workout, thats for damn sure. I really liked the blocking, at least from the operators perspective. I was a little rusty with the audio mechanics of the the AG-AF100, so I didn’t get any sound, whoops, it’s a cinematography class, right. I forgot to white balance too at first…tsk tsk I know. My shot was a little difficult to capture not just physically, but mechanically too, since we were moving my camera from a dark room too a light one. The turnaround move while the actor checked the locked door was especially hard and it was really underexposed, but it worked well when the second actor entered and they started fighting. The remote focus puller and screen was a cool touch, but the remote puller was a nightmare, and i’m surprised it didn’t strip the focus ring thing. A larger screen for me to see on-camera would have been better.
Improvements: I never thought about the scene as final product, about editing, and how my shot might not end up as a long take, and instead be cut up, in order to actually be able to see what the action was throughout the take. It would be too hard to see the actor in the dark portion of the shot if I exposed the shot so that the actor would be not overexposed in the light room as well ( and vice-versa). We should have had me first shoot the dark room at a proper exposure, and then shoot the whole scene exposed for the lighter room. I think, knowing the shot would most likely be chopped in post, that it would have been good to capture the dark part of my shot since it was the most important portion of the “chase” part in the scene, no pun intended. It’s soo hard for the DP to think about camera selection, lighting design/set-up, and how the shot actually looks once it’s shot that I think it should’ve been me to suggest this to Jonas, the DP, since I was actually the one focusing on that shot the entire time. Note to self I guess.
2/16/17 Role: A.D
Summary: Shaun directed a short suspense scene where the actor was dragged to a table and forced to play cards. I chose to be A.D, which was pretty easy to do since it was a 5 person crew including myself.
Synopsis: It was a completely different job than anything else i’ve ever done. It combined having to know the creative side of the project without having anything to do with it, besides helping to make sure that the director has what he needs to be creative. There was only one actor too, which meant that a couple people in the crew had to act. Austin had to leave early and was acting in two of the shots. So it was a little difficult to keep the timing of the set going smoothly. We finished with more than enough time to go which means I possibly could have been too pushy, but shaun said he got everything he wanted so I felt great.
Improvements: I guess just be the clock, and be louder.
2/23/17  Role: Gaffer
Summary: Anela directed a short scene focusing on “dramatic shift”. I had to colorfully light a hallway and the lobby at the media center. We used only four LED lights and two practicals.
Synopsis: Since I have never gaffed before, I wanted to gaff. I’m very hesitant to “grab a light and try it out,” usually I try to imagine the lighting entirely in my head, but that almost never works to my advantage, since I usually end up changing the entire layout I start with in my head. I liked having a defined “job”, the DP told me what lights and where they were needed, and I knew exactly what I needed to do. Since it was a short scene, my job was relatively easy, but I can see how a gaffer might be the most stressed out person on a large set, with multiple scenes to do, and lighting set-ups that would need turn-arounds, it would be quite a task. It was actually fun since the different CT’s (green, and magenta) looked really cool, and separated the foreground and background elements quite well. The only thing is that the colorful lighting was unmotivated and completely un-naturalistic, unless the story was set in a gay nightclub or something, there were way too many colors.
Improvements: There was one un-gelled LED light that was used outside and shined into the hallway, it went against all the colored LED’s in the hallway and ended up clipping on the wall of the stairs and on Kelsie, the actress. So, stay consistent.
3/9/17:  Talent Summary: Played the janitor in a short scene where I lock a student out of the room.
Synopsis: I wanted to try something new I guess so I decided to act. I have been acting in other classes but they were all highly prepared, theatrical performances that I never saw with my own eyes, so I wanted to try preforming something without much preparation, a minor improv of sorts.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Cannabis Coach Quit Smoking Marijuana Audio Program
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/cannabis-coach-quit-smoking-marijuana-audio-program/
Cannabis Coach Quit Smoking Marijuana Audio Program
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    From the desk of The Cannabis Coach: Date:
Dear Smoker,
Before you question it, the heading at the top of this page is COMPLETELY true! My program has a very high success rate, which helped me and many other pot smokers to give up for good! Since I released it to the public many individuals who were still struggling with marijuana has been joining my program.
The results have been ASTONISHING! Within just 2 months I had successfully helped many participants to stop smoking marijuana for a full 30 days. Coincidence? I don’t think so!
Now you can get your hands on the exact same system and material that I am using to help countless of people to quit forever.
Here’s what one of my happy customers had to say….
Thank you so much, Gary. Your audio program enabled me to build a new and better life and it allowed me to leave not only marijuana behind, but also depression and the abuse of other substances/ habits.
This past summer changed my life forever, and it never would’ve happened without your audio program.
Paul, United States
It’s time to get real – most traditional drug treatment programs just don’t work. In fact…
Alcoholic’s Anonymous Anonymous has a very low retention rate according to some of their own statistics!
50% of AA attendants leave within 90 days – and 95% don’t make it past their first year!
97% of drug rehab facilities and programs are based on the AA twelve-step program – a treatment model that just doesn’t work for the vast majority!
If you’ve tried unsuccessfully to quit smoking marijuana in the past, you’re not a bad person… you’re just like so many others who haven’t found the right stop smoking program to help them get off weed FOR GOOD.
I’m the Cannabis Coach, a former pothead now recovered and completely drug-free for 3 years. After trying… and trying… and trying so many different programs to help me quit smoking marijuana, I was once ready to just throw in the towel and resign myself to being a pothead for the rest of my life.
Convinced that nothing would ever be able to help me kick my cravings and turn my life around, I sat idly by, smoking myself into a stupor and watching my job, social life and love life go down the toilet.
I Knew There Had To Be A Way To Quit Smoking Marijuana… Forever!
But nothing seemed to work for me, until I took a new approach…
Did you know that Marijuana Anonymous (MA) and other 12-Step programs are based on the Temperance Movement… how is that supposed to help me, or you, or any other drug addict? I don’t think it does. Once I stopped looking at my relapses as a failure and realized that it was the treatment programs that were flawed, I began to explore other options.
What I discovered changed my life and since I created the Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program, it has also changed the lives of countless others from around the globe.
Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program is PROVEN to get you off weed by:
Helping you to reduce and eliminate marijuana cravings
Giving you back the passion and drive in your life that you lost when marijuana took over
Appealing to all different types of learners with multimedia – audio, visual, memory
Teaching you to recognize and overcome your reasons for failing to quit smoking pot in the past
Guiding you through what you may be feeling, thinking and struggling with, and providing REAL-LIFE solutions that work
Training you to train YOURSELF to make the changes necessary to ensure you don’t fall back into the trap
Using PROVEN strategies to teach you to not only quit smoking, but to improve the areas of your life that led you to become susceptible to addiction in the first place!
It IS possible to stop smoking marijuana and turn your life around. Maybe you’re on the verge of losing your home because you spend your mortgage money on weed. Perhaps your partner is ready to walk out that door if you don’t stop smoking pot RIGHT NOW. You might be walking an extremely fine line with your boss, who is tired of your unmotivated, uncaring approach to your work.
Whatever your reasons for quitting smoking marijuana – whatever your motivation – it’s time to put an end to your marijuana addiction and take your life back, just as I and so many others have done using Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program.
The unique audio components of the program are downloaded to your computer – listen to them, study them and make them a part of your life. Use the worksheets to track your progress and see your goals and accomplishment right there on paper in front of you, whenever you need a boost. Complete the training exercises…
Get committed, get motivated and Stop Your Marijuana Addiction FOREVER!
This program is designed to make the quitting process as SIMPLE and PAINLESS as possible. Together, we will train your subconscious to overcome your marijuana addiction – you CAN beat the cravings and turn your life around.
Imagine your life without having to smoke up every day – free of the depression and foggy haze – with the money you save by not smoking weed to spend as you wish. Don’t lose another second of your life to your marijuana addiction!
Get Started Right NOW and Stay Smoke Free Forever!
This one of a kind Stop Smoking Marijuana program contains everything you need to get off weed and stay off… for good! By ordering today, you will instantly receive:
The Easy Quit Marijuana Addiction 5-Part Audio Program – Almost 5 hours of Cannabis Coach instruction, guidance and support to guide you through motivation, getting ready to quit, what you may be experiencing, how to cope with withdrawal, making effective lifestyle changes and so much more!
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You’re ready, you’re able and with Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program, you have everything you need to kick your weed addiction.
Don’t take it from me… this is what some of the Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program users have to say about the program:
Thank you so much for your help. You know for years I’ve toyed with the idea of going “strait edge” I’ve quit Smoking Tobacco Years ago, Alcohol almost 5 months ago, and now I’m on day 36 with smoking no Pot! I really do feel the changes! Your Sessions really helped me by Inspiring me to continue with the positive changes that I’m going through. I just finished session 5 tonight!
I’ve always thought that I’m not living to my full potential, that I could do so much more! I Believe Pot created a False sense of security of thinking “ah things are just fine” I’m really excited about this Law of Attraction Concept, and definitely going to learn more about that. I could go on for hours about everything, so to sum it up, Thank You Again!
Kurtis, Winnipeg, Canada
After smoking marijuana for over 20 years I can say this program is the only thing I have found to actually change the thought processes that cause the marijuana addiction to take hold in the first place. It is truly a re-programming of the thoughts so that the desired actions can follow.
I would recommend this program to anyone who is ready to get on with their life and is finding that willpower is not enough.
KA, San Diego, California
From the comfort of your own home, you CAN change your life using the PROVEN stop smoking methods in the Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program. This is unlike any other treatment program available today, designed to work with you and for you to give YOU the tools you need to be marijuana free.
Together, we will FIX YOU – we’ll learn to identify and correct the factors in your life that led you to this harmful addiction in the first place! It’s time to turn your life around and to show my support, I’m offering this program at an unbelievable discounted rate for a limited time only.
Other Marijuana Stop Smoking programs are selling for $100, $150 – even $200 – but why would you pay such a ridiculous amount of money for a treatment program based on the same old, twelve-step programs that we know JUST DON’T WORK?
Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program is a whole body and mind treatment program delivered in a format that works with any type of personality, learning style and addiction level. This unique, proven and 100% GUARANTEED Stop Smoking Marijuana program is available now for Not $97, Not $59.95, just $39.95!
I want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase.
So I will make the following promise to you, if at any time in the next 8 weeks you should decide that this program is not right for you then simply send me an email and I will instantly refund your purchase.
No questions asked, no quibble, no hard feelings!
Don’t waste time! People already think I’m crazy for offering this program at such a low price, but I want EVERYONE to have a chance to turn their life around. And in just a few days of not smoking marijuana, this program completely pays for itself! Get yours now before the price returns to its normal rate and get on the road to pot-free recovery!
Best of all, we’ve seen such success with this interactive treatment program that I am completely confident and comfortable in offering my 100% Guarantee – if this program doesn’t change your life for the better and help you stop smoking marijuana, The Cannabis Coach will gladly refund your money.
The Easy Quit Marijuana Addiction Audio Program is a digital download product. Upon successful purchase you will be able to download the MP3 files and Adobe PDF files. Almost all PC’s are capable of playing MP3 files and we provide you with a free download link to get Adobe PDF reader – so you’re all set!
Ordering today gives you INSTANT ACCESS to the entire program! You will be directed to a secure ordering site and will receive the entire program via instant download immediately afterwards.
   Yes! Send me my complete Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program RIGHT NOW for just $39.95.
Pay by credit card, PayPal or e-check
Tumblr media
We guarantee that your purchase is 100% secure. Your credit card number is NOT being saved or stored anywhere. The order is processed through a 100% secure SSL server.
Your purchase is completely safe, secure and 100% private. You WILL NOT see any details of your purchase on your billing statement!! Your billing statement will show a charge from CLKBANK*COM.
Our product is sold though ClickBank.com. Clickbank is a trusted online retailer.
Congratulations! You’ve taken the biggest step in overcoming your addiction – you’re seeking help, and with the Cannabis Coach on your side, you’re more likely than ever before to successfully overcome your marijuana addiction.
Let’s get started!
Tumblr media
Gary Lewis The Cannabis Coach ™
P.S. Don’t waste another day in a cloud of smoke – if you are SERIOUS about quitting, today is the day! Click here for instant access to the entire Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program for just $39.95.
P.P.S. You have absolutely nothing to lose! Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program is 100% guaranteed to get you off of marijuana addiction for good, or I will refund your money – no questions asked!
P.P.P.S. If you smoke even 2 marijuana joints a day, Easy Quit Marijuana Addiction Audio Program will have paid for itself in just 5 days!!! What are you waiting for? Click here for instant access!
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Cannabis Coach Quit Smoking Marijuana Audio Program
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/cannabis-coach-quit-smoking-marijuana-audio-program/
Cannabis Coach Quit Smoking Marijuana Audio Program
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 Buy Now
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    From the desk of The Cannabis Coach: Date:
Dear Smoker,
Before you question it, the heading at the top of this page is COMPLETELY true! My program has a very high success rate, which helped me and many other pot smokers to give up for good! Since I released it to the public many individuals who were still struggling with marijuana has been joining my program.
The results have been ASTONISHING! Within just 2 months I had successfully helped many participants to stop smoking marijuana for a full 30 days. Coincidence? I don’t think so!
Now you can get your hands on the exact same system and material that I am using to help countless of people to quit forever.
Here’s what one of my happy customers had to say….
Thank you so much, Gary. Your audio program enabled me to build a new and better life and it allowed me to leave not only marijuana behind, but also depression and the abuse of other substances/ habits.
This past summer changed my life forever, and it never would’ve happened without your audio program.
Paul, United States
It’s time to get real – most traditional drug treatment programs just don’t work. In fact…
Alcoholic’s Anonymous Anonymous has a very low retention rate according to some of their own statistics!
50% of AA attendants leave within 90 days – and 95% don’t make it past their first year!
97% of drug rehab facilities and programs are based on the AA twelve-step program – a treatment model that just doesn’t work for the vast majority!
If you’ve tried unsuccessfully to quit smoking marijuana in the past, you’re not a bad person… you’re just like so many others who haven’t found the right stop smoking program to help them get off weed FOR GOOD.
I’m the Cannabis Coach, a former pothead now recovered and completely drug-free for 3 years. After trying… and trying… and trying so many different programs to help me quit smoking marijuana, I was once ready to just throw in the towel and resign myself to being a pothead for the rest of my life.
Convinced that nothing would ever be able to help me kick my cravings and turn my life around, I sat idly by, smoking myself into a stupor and watching my job, social life and love life go down the toilet.
I Knew There Had To Be A Way To Quit Smoking Marijuana… Forever!
But nothing seemed to work for me, until I took a new approach…
Did you know that Marijuana Anonymous (MA) and other 12-Step programs are based on the Temperance Movement… how is that supposed to help me, or you, or any other drug addict? I don’t think it does. Once I stopped looking at my relapses as a failure and realized that it was the treatment programs that were flawed, I began to explore other options.
What I discovered changed my life and since I created the Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program, it has also changed the lives of countless others from around the globe.
Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program is PROVEN to get you off weed by:
Helping you to reduce and eliminate marijuana cravings
Giving you back the passion and drive in your life that you lost when marijuana took over
Appealing to all different types of learners with multimedia – audio, visual, memory
Teaching you to recognize and overcome your reasons for failing to quit smoking pot in the past
Guiding you through what you may be feeling, thinking and struggling with, and providing REAL-LIFE solutions that work
Training you to train YOURSELF to make the changes necessary to ensure you don’t fall back into the trap
Using PROVEN strategies to teach you to not only quit smoking, but to improve the areas of your life that led you to become susceptible to addiction in the first place!
It IS possible to stop smoking marijuana and turn your life around. Maybe you’re on the verge of losing your home because you spend your mortgage money on weed. Perhaps your partner is ready to walk out that door if you don’t stop smoking pot RIGHT NOW. You might be walking an extremely fine line with your boss, who is tired of your unmotivated, uncaring approach to your work.
Whatever your reasons for quitting smoking marijuana – whatever your motivation – it’s time to put an end to your marijuana addiction and take your life back, just as I and so many others have done using Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program.
The unique audio components of the program are downloaded to your computer – listen to them, study them and make them a part of your life. Use the worksheets to track your progress and see your goals and accomplishment right there on paper in front of you, whenever you need a boost. Complete the training exercises…
Get committed, get motivated and Stop Your Marijuana Addiction FOREVER!
This program is designed to make the quitting process as SIMPLE and PAINLESS as possible. Together, we will train your subconscious to overcome your marijuana addiction – you CAN beat the cravings and turn your life around.
Imagine your life without having to smoke up every day – free of the depression and foggy haze – with the money you save by not smoking weed to spend as you wish. Don’t lose another second of your life to your marijuana addiction!
Get Started Right NOW and Stay Smoke Free Forever!
This one of a kind Stop Smoking Marijuana program contains everything you need to get off weed and stay off… for good! By ordering today, you will instantly receive:
The Easy Quit Marijuana Addiction 5-Part Audio Program – Almost 5 hours of Cannabis Coach instruction, guidance and support to guide you through motivation, getting ready to quit, what you may be experiencing, how to cope with withdrawal, making effective lifestyle changes and so much more!
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You’re ready, you’re able and with Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program, you have everything you need to kick your weed addiction.
Don’t take it from me… this is what some of the Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program users have to say about the program:
Thank you so much for your help. You know for years I’ve toyed with the idea of going “strait edge” I’ve quit Smoking Tobacco Years ago, Alcohol almost 5 months ago, and now I’m on day 36 with smoking no Pot! I really do feel the changes! Your Sessions really helped me by Inspiring me to continue with the positive changes that I’m going through. I just finished session 5 tonight!
I’ve always thought that I’m not living to my full potential, that I could do so much more! I Believe Pot created a False sense of security of thinking “ah things are just fine” I’m really excited about this Law of Attraction Concept, and definitely going to learn more about that. I could go on for hours about everything, so to sum it up, Thank You Again!
Kurtis, Winnipeg, Canada
After smoking marijuana for over 20 years I can say this program is the only thing I have found to actually change the thought processes that cause the marijuana addiction to take hold in the first place. It is truly a re-programming of the thoughts so that the desired actions can follow.
I would recommend this program to anyone who is ready to get on with their life and is finding that willpower is not enough.
KA, San Diego, California
From the comfort of your own home, you CAN change your life using the PROVEN stop smoking methods in the Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program. This is unlike any other treatment program available today, designed to work with you and for you to give YOU the tools you need to be marijuana free.
Together, we will FIX YOU – we’ll learn to identify and correct the factors in your life that led you to this harmful addiction in the first place! It’s time to turn your life around and to show my support, I’m offering this program at an unbelievable discounted rate for a limited time only.
Other Marijuana Stop Smoking programs are selling for $100, $150 – even $200 – but why would you pay such a ridiculous amount of money for a treatment program based on the same old, twelve-step programs that we know JUST DON’T WORK?
Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program is a whole body and mind treatment program delivered in a format that works with any type of personality, learning style and addiction level. This unique, proven and 100% GUARANTEED Stop Smoking Marijuana program is available now for Not $97, Not $59.95, just $39.95!
I want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase.
So I will make the following promise to you, if at any time in the next 8 weeks you should decide that this program is not right for you then simply send me an email and I will instantly refund your purchase.
No questions asked, no quibble, no hard feelings!
Don’t waste time! People already think I’m crazy for offering this program at such a low price, but I want EVERYONE to have a chance to turn their life around. And in just a few days of not smoking marijuana, this program completely pays for itself! Get yours now before the price returns to its normal rate and get on the road to pot-free recovery!
Best of all, we’ve seen such success with this interactive treatment program that I am completely confident and comfortable in offering my 100% Guarantee – if this program doesn’t change your life for the better and help you stop smoking marijuana, The Cannabis Coach will gladly refund your money.
The Easy Quit Marijuana Addiction Audio Program is a digital download product. Upon successful purchase you will be able to download the MP3 files and Adobe PDF files. Almost all PC’s are capable of playing MP3 files and we provide you with a free download link to get Adobe PDF reader – so you’re all set!
Ordering today gives you INSTANT ACCESS to the entire program! You will be directed to a secure ordering site and will receive the entire program via instant download immediately afterwards.
   Yes! Send me my complete Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program RIGHT NOW for just $39.95.
Pay by credit card, PayPal or e-check
Tumblr media
We guarantee that your purchase is 100% secure. Your credit card number is NOT being saved or stored anywhere. The order is processed through a 100% secure SSL server.
Your purchase is completely safe, secure and 100% private. You WILL NOT see any details of your purchase on your billing statement!! Your billing statement will show a charge from CLKBANK*COM.
Our product is sold though ClickBank.com. Clickbank is a trusted online retailer.
Congratulations! You’ve taken the biggest step in overcoming your addiction – you’re seeking help, and with the Cannabis Coach on your side, you’re more likely than ever before to successfully overcome your marijuana addiction.
Let’s get started!
Tumblr media
Gary Lewis The Cannabis Coach ™
P.S. Don’t waste another day in a cloud of smoke – if you are SERIOUS about quitting, today is the day! Click here for instant access to the entire Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program for just $39.95.
P.P.S. You have absolutely nothing to lose! Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program is 100% guaranteed to get you off of marijuana addiction for good, or I will refund your money – no questions asked!
P.P.P.S. If you smoke even 2 marijuana joints a day, Easy Quit Marijuana Addiction Audio Program will have paid for itself in just 5 days!!! What are you waiting for? Click here for instant access!
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Cannabis Coach Quit Smoking Marijuana Audio Program
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/cannabis-coach-quit-smoking-marijuana-audio-program/
Cannabis Coach Quit Smoking Marijuana Audio Program
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 Buy Now
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    From the desk of The Cannabis Coach: Date:
Dear Smoker,
Before you question it, the heading at the top of this page is COMPLETELY true! My program has a very high success rate, which helped me and many other pot smokers to give up for good! Since I released it to the public many individuals who were still struggling with marijuana has been joining my program.
The results have been ASTONISHING! Within just 2 months I had successfully helped many participants to stop smoking marijuana for a full 30 days. Coincidence? I don’t think so!
Now you can get your hands on the exact same system and material that I am using to help countless of people to quit forever.
Here’s what one of my happy customers had to say….
Thank you so much, Gary. Your audio program enabled me to build a new and better life and it allowed me to leave not only marijuana behind, but also depression and the abuse of other substances/ habits.
This past summer changed my life forever, and it never would’ve happened without your audio program.
Paul, United States
It’s time to get real – most traditional drug treatment programs just don’t work. In fact…
Alcoholic’s Anonymous Anonymous has a very low retention rate according to some of their own statistics!
50% of AA attendants leave within 90 days – and 95% don’t make it past their first year!
97% of drug rehab facilities and programs are based on the AA twelve-step program – a treatment model that just doesn’t work for the vast majority!
If you’ve tried unsuccessfully to quit smoking marijuana in the past, you’re not a bad person… you’re just like so many others who haven’t found the right stop smoking program to help them get off weed FOR GOOD.
I’m the Cannabis Coach, a former pothead now recovered and completely drug-free for 3 years. After trying… and trying… and trying so many different programs to help me quit smoking marijuana, I was once ready to just throw in the towel and resign myself to being a pothead for the rest of my life.
Convinced that nothing would ever be able to help me kick my cravings and turn my life around, I sat idly by, smoking myself into a stupor and watching my job, social life and love life go down the toilet.
I Knew There Had To Be A Way To Quit Smoking Marijuana… Forever!
But nothing seemed to work for me, until I took a new approach…
Did you know that Marijuana Anonymous (MA) and other 12-Step programs are based on the Temperance Movement… how is that supposed to help me, or you, or any other drug addict? I don’t think it does. Once I stopped looking at my relapses as a failure and realized that it was the treatment programs that were flawed, I began to explore other options.
What I discovered changed my life and since I created the Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program, it has also changed the lives of countless others from around the globe.
Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program is PROVEN to get you off weed by:
Helping you to reduce and eliminate marijuana cravings
Giving you back the passion and drive in your life that you lost when marijuana took over
Appealing to all different types of learners with multimedia – audio, visual, memory
Teaching you to recognize and overcome your reasons for failing to quit smoking pot in the past
Guiding you through what you may be feeling, thinking and struggling with, and providing REAL-LIFE solutions that work
Training you to train YOURSELF to make the changes necessary to ensure you don’t fall back into the trap
Using PROVEN strategies to teach you to not only quit smoking, but to improve the areas of your life that led you to become susceptible to addiction in the first place!
It IS possible to stop smoking marijuana and turn your life around. Maybe you’re on the verge of losing your home because you spend your mortgage money on weed. Perhaps your partner is ready to walk out that door if you don’t stop smoking pot RIGHT NOW. You might be walking an extremely fine line with your boss, who is tired of your unmotivated, uncaring approach to your work.
Whatever your reasons for quitting smoking marijuana – whatever your motivation – it’s time to put an end to your marijuana addiction and take your life back, just as I and so many others have done using Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program.
The unique audio components of the program are downloaded to your computer – listen to them, study them and make them a part of your life. Use the worksheets to track your progress and see your goals and accomplishment right there on paper in front of you, whenever you need a boost. Complete the training exercises…
Get committed, get motivated and Stop Your Marijuana Addiction FOREVER!
This program is designed to make the quitting process as SIMPLE and PAINLESS as possible. Together, we will train your subconscious to overcome your marijuana addiction – you CAN beat the cravings and turn your life around.
Imagine your life without having to smoke up every day – free of the depression and foggy haze – with the money you save by not smoking weed to spend as you wish. Don’t lose another second of your life to your marijuana addiction!
Get Started Right NOW and Stay Smoke Free Forever!
This one of a kind Stop Smoking Marijuana program contains everything you need to get off weed and stay off… for good! By ordering today, you will instantly receive:
The Easy Quit Marijuana Addiction 5-Part Audio Program – Almost 5 hours of Cannabis Coach instruction, guidance and support to guide you through motivation, getting ready to quit, what you may be experiencing, how to cope with withdrawal, making effective lifestyle changes and so much more!
Tumblr media
You’re ready, you’re able and with Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program, you have everything you need to kick your weed addiction.
Don’t take it from me… this is what some of the Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program users have to say about the program:
Thank you so much for your help. You know for years I’ve toyed with the idea of going “strait edge” I’ve quit Smoking Tobacco Years ago, Alcohol almost 5 months ago, and now I’m on day 36 with smoking no Pot! I really do feel the changes! Your Sessions really helped me by Inspiring me to continue with the positive changes that I’m going through. I just finished session 5 tonight!
I’ve always thought that I’m not living to my full potential, that I could do so much more! I Believe Pot created a False sense of security of thinking “ah things are just fine” I’m really excited about this Law of Attraction Concept, and definitely going to learn more about that. I could go on for hours about everything, so to sum it up, Thank You Again!
Kurtis, Winnipeg, Canada
After smoking marijuana for over 20 years I can say this program is the only thing I have found to actually change the thought processes that cause the marijuana addiction to take hold in the first place. It is truly a re-programming of the thoughts so that the desired actions can follow.
I would recommend this program to anyone who is ready to get on with their life and is finding that willpower is not enough.
KA, San Diego, California
From the comfort of your own home, you CAN change your life using the PROVEN stop smoking methods in the Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program. This is unlike any other treatment program available today, designed to work with you and for you to give YOU the tools you need to be marijuana free.
Together, we will FIX YOU – we’ll learn to identify and correct the factors in your life that led you to this harmful addiction in the first place! It’s time to turn your life around and to show my support, I’m offering this program at an unbelievable discounted rate for a limited time only.
Other Marijuana Stop Smoking programs are selling for $100, $150 – even $200 – but why would you pay such a ridiculous amount of money for a treatment program based on the same old, twelve-step programs that we know JUST DON’T WORK?
Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program is a whole body and mind treatment program delivered in a format that works with any type of personality, learning style and addiction level. This unique, proven and 100% GUARANTEED Stop Smoking Marijuana program is available now for Not $97, Not $59.95, just $39.95!
I want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase.
So I will make the following promise to you, if at any time in the next 8 weeks you should decide that this program is not right for you then simply send me an email and I will instantly refund your purchase.
No questions asked, no quibble, no hard feelings!
Don’t waste time! People already think I’m crazy for offering this program at such a low price, but I want EVERYONE to have a chance to turn their life around. And in just a few days of not smoking marijuana, this program completely pays for itself! Get yours now before the price returns to its normal rate and get on the road to pot-free recovery!
Best of all, we’ve seen such success with this interactive treatment program that I am completely confident and comfortable in offering my 100% Guarantee – if this program doesn’t change your life for the better and help you stop smoking marijuana, The Cannabis Coach will gladly refund your money.
The Easy Quit Marijuana Addiction Audio Program is a digital download product. Upon successful purchase you will be able to download the MP3 files and Adobe PDF files. Almost all PC’s are capable of playing MP3 files and we provide you with a free download link to get Adobe PDF reader – so you’re all set!
Ordering today gives you INSTANT ACCESS to the entire program! You will be directed to a secure ordering site and will receive the entire program via instant download immediately afterwards.
   Yes! Send me my complete Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program RIGHT NOW for just $39.95.
Pay by credit card, PayPal or e-check
Tumblr media
We guarantee that your purchase is 100% secure. Your credit card number is NOT being saved or stored anywhere. The order is processed through a 100% secure SSL server.
Your purchase is completely safe, secure and 100% private. You WILL NOT see any details of your purchase on your billing statement!! Your billing statement will show a charge from CLKBANK*COM.
Our product is sold though ClickBank.com. Clickbank is a trusted online retailer.
Congratulations! You’ve taken the biggest step in overcoming your addiction – you’re seeking help, and with the Cannabis Coach on your side, you’re more likely than ever before to successfully overcome your marijuana addiction.
Let’s get started!
Tumblr media
Gary Lewis The Cannabis Coach ™
P.S. Don’t waste another day in a cloud of smoke – if you are SERIOUS about quitting, today is the day! Click here for instant access to the entire Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program for just $39.95.
P.P.S. You have absolutely nothing to lose! Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program is 100% guaranteed to get you off of marijuana addiction for good, or I will refund your money – no questions asked!
P.P.P.S. If you smoke even 2 marijuana joints a day, Easy Quit Marijuana Addiction Audio Program will have paid for itself in just 5 days!!! What are you waiting for? Click here for instant access!
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Cannabis Coach Quit Smoking Marijuana Audio Program
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/cannabis-coach-quit-smoking-marijuana-audio-program/
Cannabis Coach Quit Smoking Marijuana Audio Program
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 Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
    From the desk of The Cannabis Coach: Date:
Dear Smoker,
Before you question it, the heading at the top of this page is COMPLETELY true! My program has a very high success rate, which helped me and many other pot smokers to give up for good! Since I released it to the public many individuals who were still struggling with marijuana has been joining my program.
The results have been ASTONISHING! Within just 2 months I had successfully helped many participants to stop smoking marijuana for a full 30 days. Coincidence? I don’t think so!
Now you can get your hands on the exact same system and material that I am using to help countless of people to quit forever.
Here’s what one of my happy customers had to say….
Thank you so much, Gary. Your audio program enabled me to build a new and better life and it allowed me to leave not only marijuana behind, but also depression and the abuse of other substances/ habits.
This past summer changed my life forever, and it never would’ve happened without your audio program.
Paul, United States
It’s time to get real – most traditional drug treatment programs just don’t work. In fact…
Alcoholic’s Anonymous Anonymous has a very low retention rate according to some of their own statistics!
50% of AA attendants leave within 90 days – and 95% don’t make it past their first year!
97% of drug rehab facilities and programs are based on the AA twelve-step program – a treatment model that just doesn’t work for the vast majority!
If you’ve tried unsuccessfully to quit smoking marijuana in the past, you’re not a bad person… you’re just like so many others who haven’t found the right stop smoking program to help them get off weed FOR GOOD.
I’m the Cannabis Coach, a former pothead now recovered and completely drug-free for 3 years. After trying… and trying… and trying so many different programs to help me quit smoking marijuana, I was once ready to just throw in the towel and resign myself to being a pothead for the rest of my life.
Convinced that nothing would ever be able to help me kick my cravings and turn my life around, I sat idly by, smoking myself into a stupor and watching my job, social life and love life go down the toilet.
I Knew There Had To Be A Way To Quit Smoking Marijuana… Forever!
But nothing seemed to work for me, until I took a new approach…
Did you know that Marijuana Anonymous (MA) and other 12-Step programs are based on the Temperance Movement… how is that supposed to help me, or you, or any other drug addict? I don’t think it does. Once I stopped looking at my relapses as a failure and realized that it was the treatment programs that were flawed, I began to explore other options.
What I discovered changed my life and since I created the Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program, it has also changed the lives of countless others from around the globe.
Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program is PROVEN to get you off weed by:
Helping you to reduce and eliminate marijuana cravings
Giving you back the passion and drive in your life that you lost when marijuana took over
Appealing to all different types of learners with multimedia – audio, visual, memory
Teaching you to recognize and overcome your reasons for failing to quit smoking pot in the past
Guiding you through what you may be feeling, thinking and struggling with, and providing REAL-LIFE solutions that work
Training you to train YOURSELF to make the changes necessary to ensure you don’t fall back into the trap
Using PROVEN strategies to teach you to not only quit smoking, but to improve the areas of your life that led you to become susceptible to addiction in the first place!
It IS possible to stop smoking marijuana and turn your life around. Maybe you’re on the verge of losing your home because you spend your mortgage money on weed. Perhaps your partner is ready to walk out that door if you don’t stop smoking pot RIGHT NOW. You might be walking an extremely fine line with your boss, who is tired of your unmotivated, uncaring approach to your work.
Whatever your reasons for quitting smoking marijuana – whatever your motivation – it’s time to put an end to your marijuana addiction and take your life back, just as I and so many others have done using Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program.
The unique audio components of the program are downloaded to your computer – listen to them, study them and make them a part of your life. Use the worksheets to track your progress and see your goals and accomplishment right there on paper in front of you, whenever you need a boost. Complete the training exercises…
Get committed, get motivated and Stop Your Marijuana Addiction FOREVER!
This program is designed to make the quitting process as SIMPLE and PAINLESS as possible. Together, we will train your subconscious to overcome your marijuana addiction – you CAN beat the cravings and turn your life around.
Imagine your life without having to smoke up every day – free of the depression and foggy haze – with the money you save by not smoking weed to spend as you wish. Don’t lose another second of your life to your marijuana addiction!
Get Started Right NOW and Stay Smoke Free Forever!
This one of a kind Stop Smoking Marijuana program contains everything you need to get off weed and stay off… for good! By ordering today, you will instantly receive:
The Easy Quit Marijuana Addiction 5-Part Audio Program – Almost 5 hours of Cannabis Coach instruction, guidance and support to guide you through motivation, getting ready to quit, what you may be experiencing, how to cope with withdrawal, making effective lifestyle changes and so much more!
Tumblr media
You’re ready, you’re able and with Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program, you have everything you need to kick your weed addiction.
Don’t take it from me… this is what some of the Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program users have to say about the program:
Thank you so much for your help. You know for years I’ve toyed with the idea of going “strait edge” I’ve quit Smoking Tobacco Years ago, Alcohol almost 5 months ago, and now I’m on day 36 with smoking no Pot! I really do feel the changes! Your Sessions really helped me by Inspiring me to continue with the positive changes that I’m going through. I just finished session 5 tonight!
I’ve always thought that I’m not living to my full potential, that I could do so much more! I Believe Pot created a False sense of security of thinking “ah things are just fine” I’m really excited about this Law of Attraction Concept, and definitely going to learn more about that. I could go on for hours about everything, so to sum it up, Thank You Again!
Kurtis, Winnipeg, Canada
After smoking marijuana for over 20 years I can say this program is the only thing I have found to actually change the thought processes that cause the marijuana addiction to take hold in the first place. It is truly a re-programming of the thoughts so that the desired actions can follow.
I would recommend this program to anyone who is ready to get on with their life and is finding that willpower is not enough.
KA, San Diego, California
From the comfort of your own home, you CAN change your life using the PROVEN stop smoking methods in the Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program. This is unlike any other treatment program available today, designed to work with you and for you to give YOU the tools you need to be marijuana free.
Together, we will FIX YOU – we’ll learn to identify and correct the factors in your life that led you to this harmful addiction in the first place! It’s time to turn your life around and to show my support, I’m offering this program at an unbelievable discounted rate for a limited time only.
Other Marijuana Stop Smoking programs are selling for $100, $150 – even $200 – but why would you pay such a ridiculous amount of money for a treatment program based on the same old, twelve-step programs that we know JUST DON’T WORK?
Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program is a whole body and mind treatment program delivered in a format that works with any type of personality, learning style and addiction level. This unique, proven and 100% GUARANTEED Stop Smoking Marijuana program is available now for Not $97, Not $59.95, just $39.95!
I want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase.
So I will make the following promise to you, if at any time in the next 8 weeks you should decide that this program is not right for you then simply send me an email and I will instantly refund your purchase.
No questions asked, no quibble, no hard feelings!
Don’t waste time! People already think I’m crazy for offering this program at such a low price, but I want EVERYONE to have a chance to turn their life around. And in just a few days of not smoking marijuana, this program completely pays for itself! Get yours now before the price returns to its normal rate and get on the road to pot-free recovery!
Best of all, we’ve seen such success with this interactive treatment program that I am completely confident and comfortable in offering my 100% Guarantee – if this program doesn’t change your life for the better and help you stop smoking marijuana, The Cannabis Coach will gladly refund your money.
The Easy Quit Marijuana Addiction Audio Program is a digital download product. Upon successful purchase you will be able to download the MP3 files and Adobe PDF files. Almost all PC’s are capable of playing MP3 files and we provide you with a free download link to get Adobe PDF reader – so you’re all set!
Ordering today gives you INSTANT ACCESS to the entire program! You will be directed to a secure ordering site and will receive the entire program via instant download immediately afterwards.
   Yes! Send me my complete Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program RIGHT NOW for just $39.95.
Pay by credit card, PayPal or e-check
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We guarantee that your purchase is 100% secure. Your credit card number is NOT being saved or stored anywhere. The order is processed through a 100% secure SSL server.
Your purchase is completely safe, secure and 100% private. You WILL NOT see any details of your purchase on your billing statement!! Your billing statement will show a charge from CLKBANK*COM.
Our product is sold though ClickBank.com. Clickbank is a trusted online retailer.
Congratulations! You’ve taken the biggest step in overcoming your addiction – you’re seeking help, and with the Cannabis Coach on your side, you’re more likely than ever before to successfully overcome your marijuana addiction.
Let’s get started!
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Gary Lewis The Cannabis Coach ™
P.S. Don’t waste another day in a cloud of smoke – if you are SERIOUS about quitting, today is the day! Click here for instant access to the entire Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program for just $39.95.
P.P.S. You have absolutely nothing to lose! Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program is 100% guaranteed to get you off of marijuana addiction for good, or I will refund your money – no questions asked!
P.P.P.S. If you smoke even 2 marijuana joints a day, Easy Quit Marijuana Addiction Audio Program will have paid for itself in just 5 days!!! What are you waiting for? Click here for instant access!
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