#compulsive hair pulling
It’s amazing how dirty trichotillomania can make you feel. It’s like a deep pit you’ve fallen into that you can’t climb out of, and as you’ve tried and tried to climb out, your nails have scraped the walls, becoming rimmed with dirt. The pulled hair seems to surround you, filling your brain, pulling you down, down, down, until you’re disgusted with yourself and you can’t break out. It’s a prison I wouldn’t wish on anyone.
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garbagechocolate · 2 years
could you draw a y/n with trichotillomania?
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I'm in this image and i don't like it
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oldmanffucker · 10 months
Here, trichotillomania Izzy truthers, have an excerpt of a short stizzy hurt/comfort trich fic i just wrote bc my trich is rly bad rn
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Pretend all the grammar is correct and focus on the moment pleas rjfkskfjd
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cutemeat · 1 year
ok my HC is dee has trich. she like 100% has trich. and it started out as the kind where u like eat the hair too so as a kid she gets a hairball in her stomach and dennis NEVERRRR lets her live it down and so she starts pulling in more discreet places and like tweezing her leg hair off instead of just shaving it….. yeah
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the-ugly-ly · 3 months
i’m not a trickster i’m a trichster and i’m my own problem
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sirensskai · 9 months
Why do I have to get the fucking weird disorders that make me look unappealing to society 😭😭😭 (trichotillomania)
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for real i tried to re find this for like half an hour like almost immediately after reading it for the first time and just could not even a little bit find it but theres this part of some like full featured mini novel on the scp site where this guy is like in the middle of a supernaturally mediated break from reality and he describes bursting into a room that appeared to contain some facsimile of a normal human gathering but- with better wording than im abt to produce- the "people" were all gruesome lumps of silly putty with random arrangements of protuberances and orifices, wearing clothes that grabbed at their uneven mass in a sickening and exaggerative way, and then the twist clicks that nothing about these people was actually unusual for a human person and he & by extent the reader was just massively fucked in perception, and your imagination has to reassemble this grotesque and lurid image youve composed into normal people but the grotesqueness doesnt just go away. like i thought it was wonderfully well executed for like, how high the suspension of disbelief stakes are for any wordsmithing to overcome how goofy any scp concept is, but i feel like it hits on such a weird and fundamental autism i get about turning on and off culturally mediated perceptions that i don't ever see talked about. i used to* have like a really big thing as a kid about looking hard at a person and Choosing to see them as a man, or a woman, or a man, or a woman, and how the packages of priorities applied to either like straight up change what a person looks like beyond just your conscious assessment of their gender conformance and how freaky that is. also like i think this is a skill transvestigators accidentally trained themselves into and decided that instead of this being some weird but completely fucking useless artifact of human psychology its actually a proof of molemen alien pyramid 5g interference into the fabric of american society
*still compulsively do this but less because i think its probably like universally rude
**i also had/have a debilitating compulsion to inagine everyone around me naked especially older family members so i think im just globally malleable into evil forms & overwhelmingly prone to compulsion
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luna3141 · 6 months
Compulsion is so fucking wild because sometimes you just get a pair of tweezers and start plucking leg hairs and then next think you know 2hrs have gone by and you feel like you just woke up from a dream
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Wish I didn’t always have the urge to pick my body apart..
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Hi there! A nightly checkin for those with trichitillomania (or, well, it’s night as I write this, who knows what time it’ll be when it reaches you!) Yeah, I’m gonna baby you a bit, I wanna take care of you, dear one! —>
How was your day today? Did you have a good one? Or was it a bad day? Did you relapse, or pull a lot?
It’s okay if you did. Your mistake doesn’t define you, dear one. Bad days happen. I had one today, and I’m still here. <3
I know it’s hard to make it through sometimes. I still don’t quite feel like it’s gonna be okay, and maybe you don’t either, but we’re gonna make it regardless, I know we will.
Hair pulling is a beast to control. Sometimes it feels like it’ll never end. But you’re so brave, I know you are! We’ll keep fighting together, okay?
So if you’re gonna be staying up, maybe grab your fidget toys or other small things to keep your hands occupied, or wear a hat! You can do it!
If you’re going to sleep, put on a bandana or cosy beanie! I know they’re uncomfortable, we wanna let our hair flow free, but we gotta make sure to protect it, okay?
It’s hard to have to protect yourself from yourself, I know, sweetheart, I know it hurts.
But you’re so brave for trying! Keep going, okay?
Take care. I’m here if you need a friend. 🩵💜
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The day people stop calling OCD an anxiety disorder is the day I die happy
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oldmanffucker · 11 months
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finally grabbed some bad screenshots of this moment but 🫶🏼 this is Zheng trichotillomania canon 2 me
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doublesidedgemini · 1 year
this is so embarrassing to admit but I have a problem with skin picking and I picked a literal fucking hole in my scalp and of course I lost all the hair in that area and I was fucking devastated and horrified cos it’s like between the size of a nickel and a quarter BUTTTT the hair is starting to grow back thank fucking fucking FUCK I hope it all comes back in that area and none of the follicles are too damaged to grow 🥲🥲🥲
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himejoshiba · 3 months
haha oh shit this whole time i was assuming i was just developing extra special levels of crazy in spite of me going back on my full dose of lexapro , but i forgot that i havent been on pregabalin either for the entirety of this year so far. shit maybe that’s part of why i’m fucked up still
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littleporksausage · 2 years
Do you ever decide to look up a very specific behavior of yours to see if other people have some tips of dealing with it and accidentally discover an actual diagnosable disorder that fits you 100%?
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mortagesrants · 2 years
Trichotillomania, also called hair-pulling disorder, is a disorder characterized by compulsive urges to pull out one’s own hair, despite trying to stop. It’s a body focused repetitive behavior, and classified as an obsessive compulsive related disorder
People with trichotillomania may get more stressed trying to stop, and feel more relaxed after pulling their hair out. They might also have specific routines or rituals with the hair pulling, like pulling from a certain spot. Trichotillomania causes distress in multiple areas of life, and can cause skin damage
Trichotillomania is often linked to OCD and stress, but OCD and trichotillomania aren’t always comorbid
Having trichotillomania can make people feel ashamed, embarrassed, sad, frustrated, etc., so if you know someone with it, don’t make them feel worse for having it. It’s not a habit that can be easily stopped or lessened, it’s a mental disorder that needs treatment
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