#computer programme
izicodes · 1 year
How to learn: HTML | Resources ✨
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Sunday 10th September 2023
I have come back with a new resource I've made! This time about how to learn HTML! I'm starting from the basics right now and working my way up of 'how to learn' info resources!😅
I've made a HTML resource in the past (one | two) but this one is a bit more detailed and has tips of how I studied HTML. I use HTML on the daily so though I would share my knowledge with more people. Again, just like my previous resource "Starting your coding journey", this is more targeted towards absolute beginners or for people who want to learn how to customise their Tumblr blog/Neocite! 👩🏾‍💻
Anyhoo, check it out and let me know what you think: LINK
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tetrameryxx · 1 year
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Animal trio
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mylasteverlution · 11 months
Disco Elysium has a lot of fascinating fictional technology but I have been rotating the radiocomputer in my mind for months now. From what I can gather, they operate in a way very similar to modern cloud computing. It doesn't seem like the mainframes we interact with have any processing capability. Instead, they use antennas to process "on air":
SOONA, THE PROGRAMMER - "Alright, well... All radiocomputers perform operations up on air, so in order to gain more processing power you need to invest in a *good antenna*."
The only information we get about what "on air" really means is from the same conversation with Soona:
YOU - "Wait, what's 'on air'?" SOONA, THE PROGRAMMER - "On the *front*. The unified front of radiowaves, licensed and controlled by Lintel in the East-Insulindic region." SOONA, THE PROGRAMMER - "It's all around us," she waves her hand, "that's what 'on air' means."
The nonspecific language used here really invokes cloud computing to me. I think there are two main possibilities for how this could work, one being much more likely than the other.
The more likely answer is that information is sent to and from the in-game equivalent of data centers, which would host massive computers with processing capabilities. I'm not sure what their processors would look like, but they'd almost certainly be analog (the lost Feld tape computers are most likely the in-game equivalent of early digital computers).
The significantly less likely (but more interesting) answer is that in-game radio waves are somehow capable of processing information on their own. I have no idea how this would work, and as far as I know there's no real-world analog. But it's clear the world of Disco Elysium has some crazy things happening with radio waves (see how they interact with the pale), so I'm not ruling it out entirely.
The filament memories are like hard drives, but my guess is they would function more similarly to an optical disc (CDs, DVDs), which use patterns in the disc to encode information that's read using lasers or light. The filaments glow inside the mainframe, so it's not a huge leap to assume they're read using light.
The amount of thought put into radiocomputers is so fascinating. As far as I can tell, their version of the internet has been wireless from the get-go, which makes perfect sense! Antennas and other wireless radio technologies would have to be pretty damn powerful to communicate across and force dimensions on the pale. And you have to assume huge amounts of government money has gone into funding their research and development for those purposes. The technology of radiocomputers is so tailored to the world of Disco Elysium, and it's been a lot of fun trying to untangle how exactly they would work.
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computer-nerd-girl · 2 months
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xiabablog · 2 years
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Exactly what I was talking about earlier 🙌🏾❤️
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Post #91: Pinterest, @usamaawan5752, Python Road Map, 2023.
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strixton · 3 months
yknow being a comp sci major who is also nonbinary makes half of the content on the exams really difficuly
at least sometimes the questions will ask about hexadecimal
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annienadel · 1 year
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When you have really complex bug and you need the help of true professional!
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packetpixie · 10 months
pro tip for programmers - how to alias
hey, so you know that annoying thing that happens when you're coding, and you need to run/test the same program 100 times in a row, so you end up typing "python3 testScriptWithASuperLongName.py" into the terminal about 80,000 times?
well, there's a better way! it's called aliasing :D
in your bash shell (or zsh, or whatever shell you use, but bash is the default on VSCode and most people on tumblr use VSCode, so I'm using bash as the default to explain this concept) you can set an alias, essentially a shortcut command, that runs longer commands.
(yes you can just use the up arrow key to re-run the same command, but sometimes you're typing other things into the terminal too and you don't feel like hitting the up arrow key four times in a row, and also this is just a cool and useful tip to get comfortable with aliasing so shhhh)
so, in your terminal shell, just type this:
alias run="python3 testScriptWithASuperLongName.py"
now, you can run that entire super long command, just by typing the word "run" into your terminal. Here's a screenshot of an example on my computer to make it make more sense:
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in this example, i just created a simple python file that contains one line of code: print("it works!")
then, as you can see, by setting the alias to run, i can now run that file, runningatestscript.py, simply with the command 'run'.
the best part is, this alias is temporary - it only lasts as long as your shell session is open. so once you close the terminal, the run alias is cleared and you can set it again next time to any file or task you're currently working on, to save yourself a lot of typing, typos, and time.
so if you want to, you can get in the habit of always setting a run alias in the VSCode terminal for whichever file you're working with as soon as you get everything open. that way, when you need to run the same file 50 million times, you have a super easy way of doing it! you can even set it to a single letter if you want to go for maximum speed, but i prefer to use whole short words, because they're easy for me to remember.
note: if you do want to set an alias to work for all sessions, you can simply add it to your ./bashrc file. this is a common way to automate repeatable tasks, and simply to set easier-to-remember commands for terminal commands that are really complicated/confusing/hard to remember.
for example, i saved the alias checkboot="[ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && echo 'UEFI mode' || 'BIOS mode'" into my zshrc file (zsh equivalent of bashrc file). this way, no matter how many times i rebooted my machine, i would always be able to quickly check which boot mode was running by simply typing 'checkboot'.
yesterday i was updating my boot mode from BIOS to UEFI on my very old machine that is technically compatible with UEFI, but not configured for it by default. So it was extremely helpful and saved me the time and headache of having to remember and type that long-ass command a thousand times in between many different reboots and new shells.
if you have any tasks like that, or terminal commands that you know would be useful to you, but you can never remember them when you need them, i highly recommend getting comfortable with aliasing! it can be super useful to simply set custom aliases for all the commands you don't want to remember, so that you can automate things away and not have to worry about so much linux syntax all the time when you're tring to focus on programming.
i know this may seem like a simple tip to some, but i only learned about it recently and it's been extremely helpful to integrate into my workflow and customize my OS with! so i thought it might be worthwhile to some people if i share :) hope it helps!
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izicodes · 1 year
Debug Help | Resources ✨
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heart-ghost-studyblr · 2 months
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Some screen sharing of challenging backend Java code that I was testing, although it was quite basic, to be honest.
Additionally, my notebook contained a pretty basic code base for a producer class that I wrote by hand. I want to become very skilled in creating Java classes based on the producer-consumer pattern using Kafka.
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Still the wildest find at the computer science section of the library:
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same energy as this:
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Computer science people fascinate me so much, what kind of things are going on inside the terminal?
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(side note: this made me super excited about the next update of my saturation plugin)
The "software engineer to living off the grid in a cabin far away from society" pipeline needs to be studied:
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What was the name of that former Gameloft employee again who now makes Instagram videos in a cabin in the middle of the woods?
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computer-nerd-girl · 2 years
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xtekker · 11 months
This picture contains 4 GB of data.
Back in the 1930s computers were gaint machines, they worked on "punch card programing" and was mainly used to solve complex math problems, it wouldn't be until the 1950s that the one of the first "hard drive"s were invented by ERA, then called the "mag drum drive", IBM than brought ERA and refined the technology further.
This picture represents 4GB of data stored in punch card format, each row is 15 pallets long, stacked 2 pallets high, 45 boxes to a pallet, 2000 punch cards to a box, each card held 80 characters making this picture represent 4.3 billion characters of data.
Oh how far we've come in 93 years..
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trialn1error · 2 years
Python Notes and Resources
Hey! I made a bunch of Python notes a bit ago and decided to share them. They're really beginner friendly, and include a bunch of external sources that I used and continue using at the end. Hope this helps someone!
Notion Notes
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theinsaneapp · 2 years
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