#computer programme optimisation
canmom · 2 months
Hello! I absolutely love your blog, everything from your festival recounts to animation analysis and programming (one of tumblr's recommended posts was the one where you made your own rasteriser, and I liked your attitude in what I've read so much that I'm gonna attempt to conquer my 3-year-long grudge against using opengl during college and do something similar now that I'm a bit older and have no deadlines :D).
But anyway, I have 2 questions (sorry if there's easily accessible answers, tumblr search is not helping): 1. During your animation nights, does the screen stay black while everyone watches their own video while you provide commentary? I haven't caught any yet but maybe someday! And 2. do you have any youtube channels or just one-off video essays that you like that also cover animation/directors? Or, even programming lol.
Sorry for the long ask have a nice day!
hiii! i'm very touched that you like my dorky eclectic blog <3
For the Animation Nights, I just stream the video over Twitch from local sources on my computer, typically by playing the video in mpv and recording it in OBS. This is obviously not ideal from a video quality perspective, but it's the easiest way to watch video in sync without making everyone download files in advance. Then we all chat in the Twitch chat box (in large part to crack stupid jokes, it's not that highbrow lmao). I've gotten away with it so far!
As for youtube channels, I can recommend...
anime production/history (i.e. sakuga fandom)
SteveM is likely the most sakuga-fan affiliated anituber. He makes long, well-researched and in-depth videos on anime history, usually themed around a particular director or studio.
Pyramid Inu might be my fave anituber - very thoughtful analysis of Gundam, obscure mecha anime and oldschool BL and similar topics. tremendously soothing voice too.
The Canipa Effect does excellent deep dives into the production of specific shows, both western and anime. I appreciate the respect he gives to the Korean animators of shows like AtlA in particular!
Sean Bires's 2013 presentation on sakuga is pretty foundational to this whole subcultural niche, and a great place to get an introduction to the major animator names to know and significant points in the history of anime. unfortunately a couple of the segments got slapped down by copyright but the rest holds up!
animation theory (for animators and aspirants)
I'm going to focus here on resources that are relevant to animation in general, and 2D animation. if I was going to list every Blender channel we'd be here all week :p
New Frame Plus is one of the best channels out there for game animation, describing in tightly edited videos how animation principles work in a game context and analysing the animation of various games. highly recommend
Videogame Animation Study is similar, examining the animation of specific games in detail
the 'twelve principles of animation' (defined by Disney's Ollie Johnston and Frank Thomas) remain the standard approach to animation pedagogy; there are various videos on them, but Alan Becker (of Animator vs Animation) has quite a popular series. I haven't actually watched these but many people swear by them! Dermot O'Connor expands the list to 21. Note that some of the terminology can be a little inconsistent between different animators - c.f. 'secondary motion'...
Dong Chang is an animator at Studio NUT, who produces a lot of fantastic, succinct videos on standard techniques in the anime industry, timesheet notations, etc. etc. Studio Bulldog, a small anime studio, are a good complement; they focus more on douga than genga and are generally a bit more traditional.
big topic here, I'm going to focus on game dev and tech art since that's my field. but also some general compsci stuff that's neat
SimonDev - graphics programmer with a bunch of AAA experience, fantastic explanations of advanced optimisations and some of the more counterintuitive aspects of rendering
Acerola - graphics programmer who makes very detailed guides to a variety of effects with a very rapid and funny 'guy that has seen monogatari' editing style. When he's good, he's really good. His video on water is probably the best one I've seen (though I can recommend a couple of others).
TodePond - the most charming, musical videos about recursion and cellular automata you've ever seen. less programming tutorial and more art in themselves.
Ben Eater - known for his breadboard computer series, a fantastic demonstration of how to go from logic gates up to the 6502 with actual hardware. worth watching just for how clean he puts the wires on his breadboards like goddamn man
Sebastian Lague, Useless Game Dev - both do 'coding adventure' style videos where they spend a few weeks on some project and then document it on Youtube, resulting in a huge library of videos about all sorts of fascinating techniques. great to dive into
Freya Holmér - creator of the 'shapes' library, makes videos on mathematical programming, with gorgeously animated vector graphics. Her video on splines is a particular treat.
There are definitely many more channels I can recommend on these subjects, but I'll need to dig into my history a bit - unfortunately I need to rush out right now, but hopefully that should be good to be getting going with!
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blubberquark · 10 months
Share Your Anecdotes: Multicore Pessimisation
I took a look at the specs of new 7000 series Threadripper CPUs, and I really don't have any excuse to buy one, even if I had the money to spare. I thought long and hard about different workloads, but nothing came to mind.
Back in university, we had courses about map/reduce clusters, and I experimented with parallel interpreters for Prolog, and distributed computing systems. What I learned is that the potential performance gains from better data structures and algorithms trump the performance gains from fancy hardware, and that there is more to be gained from using the GPU or from re-writing the performance-critical sections in C and making sure your data structures take up less memory than from multi-threaded code. Of course, all this is especially important when you are working in pure Python, because of the GIL.
The performance penalty of parallelisation hits even harder when you try to distribute your computation between different computers over the network, and the overhead of serialisation, communication, and scheduling work can easily exceed the gains of parallel computation, especially for small to medium workloads. If you benchmark your Hadoop cluster on a toy problem, you may well find that it's faster to solve your toy problem on one desktop PC than a whole cluster, because it's a toy problem, and the gains only kick in when your data set is too big to fit on a single computer.
The new Threadripper got me thinking: Has this happened to somebody with just a multicore CPU? Is there software that performs better with 2 cores than with just one, and better with 4 cores than with 2, but substantially worse with 64? It could happen! Deadlocks, livelocks, weird inter-process communication issues where you have one process per core and every one of the 64 processes communicates with the other 63 via pipes? There could be software that has a badly optimised main thread, or a badly optimised work unit scheduler, and the limiting factor is single-thread performance of that scheduler that needs to distribute and integrate work units for 64 threads, to the point where the worker threads are mostly idling and only one core is at 100%.
I am not trying to blame any programmer if this happens. Most likely such software was developed back when quad-core CPUs were a new thing, or even back when there were multi-CPU-socket mainboards, and the developer never imagined that one day there would be Threadrippers on the consumer market. Programs from back then, built for Windows XP, could still run on Windows 10 or 11.
In spite of all this, I suspect that this kind of problem is quite rare in practice. It requires software that spawns one thread or one process per core, but which is deoptimised for more cores, maybe written under the assumption that users have for two to six CPU cores, a user who can afford a Threadripper, and needs a Threadripper, and a workload where the problem is noticeable. You wouldn't get a Threadripper in the first place if it made your workflows slower, so that hypothetical user probably has one main workload that really benefits from the many cores, and another that doesn't.
So, has this happened to you? Dou you have a Threadripper at work? Do you work in bioinformatics or visual effects? Do you encode a lot of video? Do you know a guy who does? Do you own a Threadripper or an Ampere just for the hell of it? Or have you tried to build a Hadoop/Beowulf/OpenMP cluster, only to have your code run slower?
I would love to hear from you.
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nividawebsolutions · 1 year
Top 7 Challenges Faced By IT Industry In 2023
Within the rapidly growing universe of technology, the IT companies in India assume a crucial role, persistently adjusting themselves to cater to the needs of a perpetually shifting environment. Nevertheless, the advancement of society brings forth a set of obstacles that necessitate a deliberate approach to resolution. As the year 2023 commences, the IT industry faces a multitude of challenges that necessitate careful consideration and effective measures. This blog aims to explore the primary issues encountered by the IT industry in the current year, providing insights into their consequences and possible remedies.
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1.  Cybersecurity Threats:
The escalation of cyber risks has been observed as a consequence of the widespread adoption of digital technology and interconnected systems. The level of sophistication exhibited by cybercriminals is on the rise, as they deploy advanced strategies to bypass security systems. All the IT companies in Gujarat, India, in the year 2023 are confronted with the formidable challenge of maintaining a competitive edge in the face of cyber attacks, while simultaneously prioritising data protection and securing essential infrastructure. The implementation of effective cybersecurity safeguards, regular conduct of security audits, and provision of cybersecurity education to staff are essential elements in addressing and minimising this risk.
2.  Data Privacy and Compliance:
The increasingly stringent legislative framework surrounding data privacy poses a substantial obstacle for the information technology sector. Stringent regulations pertaining to data privacy, such as the General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR), necessitate rigorous adherence. In the year 2023, the IT companies in Vadodara, Gujarat have the challenge of striking a delicate equilibrium between adhering to regulatory requirements and efficiently using data for commercial objectives. IT organisations are required to allocate resources towards the implementation of compliance frameworks, provide training to their employees, and guarantee that data-handling procedures are in accordance with the prescribed norms.
3.  Talent Acquisition and Retention:
The acquisition and retention of talent pose an ongoing problem for the IT industry, as it continues to seek and keep qualified workers. The scarcity of highly specialised skills frequently results in a disparity between demand and supply, hence engendering intense rivalry for those with such talents. Moreover, the current trends in remote work and the increasing globalisation of the talent market serve to exacerbate this challenge. In order to tackle this issue, a reliable IT company in India like Nivida Web Solutions prioritises the enhancement of the skills of their current workforce, provides enticing remuneration packages, cultivates a favourable work environment, and creates avenues for professional advancement and personal improvement.
4.  Technological Advancements and Adaptability:
The expeditious rate at which technological developments are occurring has both advantages and disadvantages for the IT business. Although these developments present promising prospects, they also present a difficulty in terms of adaptation. Keeping abreast of developing technology and enabling a smooth transition to new platforms and tools may be a demanding task. In order to effectively adapt to emerging technology, IT organisations must allocate resources towards the implementation of continual training and development programmes, which aim to equip their personnel with the requisite skills.
5.  Resource Optimization and Scalability:
The optimisation of resources and the effective scalability of operations have emerged as significant challenges in recent times. The management of resources and the scaling of operations in response to varying market needs and the imperative of cost-effectiveness can provide intricate challenges. Cloud computing and intelligent resource allocation are essential solutions that can be employed to effectively address this dilemma. The utilisation of cloud solutions by Nivida Web Solutions - a recognised IT company in Gujarat, India, allows for enhanced flexibility and cost-efficiency, hence assuring the appropriate allocation of resources.
6.  Integration and Interoperability:
The IT environment is distinguished by a diverse array of systems and applications that necessitate harmonious integration. The task of achieving integration and interoperability across diverse platforms, legacy systems, and emerging technologies poses a significant challenge. The establishment of interconnectedness is crucial in facilitating an effective and productive IT ecosystem. It is imperative for the industry to prioritise the development of standardised interfaces, utilise APIs effectively, and implement integration platforms in order to improve interoperability.
7.  Environmental Sustainability:
Environmental sustainability has emerged as a pressing issue in various sectors, encompassing the field of IT. The IT industry possesses a substantial carbon footprint as a result of its energy consumption, generation of electronic waste, and operations of data centres. In the year 2023, the sector is faced with the task of identifying environmentally sustainable solutions and adopting practices that effectively mitigate their ecological footprint. The use of green technology, the optimisation of data centre efficiency, and the incorporation of circular economy concepts are positive measures in the pursuit of sustainability objectives.
Final Thoughts:
The IT sector encounters a diverse range of issues in the year 2023, necessitating the implementation of proactive and strategic methodologies. Addressing a range of difficulties, including cybersecurity risks, talent acquisition, technological adaptation, and sustainability, is necessary in order to establish and maintain a flourishing and sustainable information technology ecosystem. By adopting a proactive approach towards innovation, allocating resources towards skill enhancement, and placing emphasis on adherence to regulations and sustainability, Nivida Web Solutions - the most distinguished IT company in Vadodara, may effectively navigate the obstacles it faces and emerge with increased resilience. This will facilitate the ongoing growth and progression of the industry in the era of digitalization.
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vncglobal · 1 year
Payroll Accuracy: Tips for Error-Free Payroll Processing
The processing of payroll is an essential operational task inside an organisation, as it guarantees the accurate and timely compensation of personnel. Nevertheless, the intricacy of payroll computations and the dynamic nature of tax legislation might provide a significant challenge in undertaking this endeavour. Mistakes in payroll administration can lead to employee dissatisfaction, non-compliance with regulations, and potential legal ramifications. In order to mitigate such complexities, it is imperative to give precedence to the precision of payroll calculations. Discover the strategic advantages of outsourcing your payroll to VNC Global - an excellent Payroll management company in Singapore. Choose VNC Global for secure and cost-effective payroll management.
This blog post aims to examine key strategies that can facilitate accurate payroll processing and enhance search engine optimisation (SEO) endeavours.
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●    Stay Informed About Tax Laws:
Keeping up-to-date with tax rules is crucial for maintaining payroll accuracy due to the frequent changes in tax regulations. It is imperative to consistently assess and examine the tax regulations at the federal, state, and municipal levels in order to guarantee adherence and conformity. It is advisable to utilise tax compliance software or seek guidance from tax professionals in order to ensure the maintenance of an updated payroll system.
●    Implement Robust Payroll Software:
It is advisable to allocate resources towards the acquisition of dependable payroll software capable of managing intricate computations and streamlining diverse payroll procedures. These technologies have the potential to reduce errors that are commonly associated with human calculations and data entry. Some commonly used payroll software alternatives are ADP, Gusto, and QuickBooks.
●    Maintain Accurate Employee Records:
It is vital to ensure the up-to-dateness and accuracy of all employee information, encompassing tax forms, personal particulars, and bank account details. The presence of erroneous personnel data can result in payment inaccuracies and non-compliance concerns. It is imperative to consistently assess and revise employee records. Experience the peace of mind that comes with organized financial records. Connect with VNC Global - the most trusted provider of Bookkeeping services for small businesses in Singapore and transform your business together.
●    Use a Standardized Payroll Process:
Establishing a standardised procedure for payroll processing entails the development of a comprehensive framework that delineates the sequential stages involved, commencing from the first data entry phase and culminating in the distribution of the payroll. Ensuring uniformity in payroll operations can aid in mitigating the probability of errors.
●    Double-Check Calculations:
Despite the utilisation of sophisticated payroll software, it remains imperative to conduct a thorough verification of computations in order to identify and rectify any potential errors. Incorrect payments can occur as a result of a minor error during data entry or due to a software malfunction. It is imperative to conduct a comprehensive examination of each paycheck prior to initiating the payroll processing procedure.
●    Cross-Train Payroll Staff:
To mitigate the risk of excessive dependence on a sole payroll administrator, it is advisable to implement cross-training measures for the payroll staff. It is advisable to implement a cross-training programme for the payroll workforce, ensuring that multiple employees have the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively manage payroll tasks. Implementing this measure will effectively mitigate potential interruptions that may arise due to personnel turnover or absence.
●    Conduct Regular Audits:
It is recommended to conduct regular audits of the payroll system in order to rapidly identify and resolve any problems or anomalies that may arise. These audits have the potential to identify any potential concerns prior to their escalation into severe difficulties. Maximize your time and resources by outsourcing your Accounting services for small businesses in Singapore to VNC Global. Request a quote to simplify your financial tasks.
●    Seek Professional Help:
It is advisable to explore the option of engaging the services of a professional payroll service provider in order to outsource your payroll processing. These organisations possess expertise in payroll and tax compliance, hence diminishing the probability of errors.
Final Thoughts:
The maintenance of payroll accuracy is of utmost importance in ensuring employee satisfaction, adhering to tax requirements, and mitigating potential legal complexities. One can effectively decrease errors in payroll processing by acquiring knowledge of tax rules, utilising dependable software, upholding precise record-keeping practises, and adhering to standardised procedures. Furthermore, the implementation of routine audits and the utilisation of professional assistance, when deemed essential, can significantly augment the level of accuracy. Ensuring payroll accuracy is crucial not only for the welfare of employees but also for the prosperity of the organisation.
Effortlessly manage your payroll with a tailored payroll system in Singapore. Reach out now to VNC Global’s accurate Payroll management system in Singapore and see how we can enhance your payroll processes.
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novumtimes · 16 hours
Intel Xeon 6 Processors and Gaudi 3 AI Accelerators With Ability to Handle Advanced AI Workloads Launched
Intel recently unveiled new hardware focused at improving artificial intelligence (AI) workflows. The company introduced the Xeon 6 processor with new Performance-cores (P-cores) and Gaudi 3 AI Accelerator for enterprise customers and data centres on Tuesday. The chipmaker claims that the new hardware will offer both higher throughput and better cost optimisation to enable optimal performance per watt and lower total cost of ownership. These devices were launched to enable enterprises to handle the continuously increasing workload demands from more advanced AI models, according to the chipmaker. Intel Xeon 6 Processor Launched  The chipmaker says that its new Intel Xeon 6 is equipped with Performance-cores. These processors are not meant for retail consumers and instead will power data centres for enterprises to help them run cloud servers. Intel claims the Xeon 6 processor offers twice the performance of its predecessor due to increased core count. It also offers double the memory bandwidth and AI acceleration capabilities. Since it is hardware-based acceleration, it can run support very large language models (LLMs) with ease. It can “meet the performance demands of AI from edge to data centre and cloud environments,” according to Intel. Intel Unveils Gaudi 3 AI Accelerators Gaudi 3 is a new-generation AI Accelerator from Intel. These are specialised hardware chips designed to help machines in speeding up AI tasks, especially those related to deep learning, machine learning, and neural networks. These include GPUs, Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs), Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), and Neural Processing Units (NPUs). The Gaudi 3 AI Accelerator features 64 Tensor processor cores and eight matrix multiplication engines (MMEs) which are designed to accelerate deep neural network computations. It sports 128GB of HBM2e memory for training and inference, and 24 200GB Ethernet ports that enable scaling up the servers. Intel’s new AI Accelerator is compatible with the PyTorch framework and advanced Hugging Face transformer and diffuser models. The company has already tied up with IBM to deploy Gaudi 3 for IBM Clouds. Dell Technologies is also using the infrastructure for its data centres. For the latest tech news and reviews, follow Gadgets 360 on X, Facebook, WhatsApp, Threads and Google News. For the latest videos on gadgets and tech, subscribe to our YouTube channel. If you want to know everything about top influencers, follow our in-house Who’sThat360 on Instagram and YouTube. Dubai’s VARA Announces Stricter Regulations for Crypto Marketing Source link via The Novum Times
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cciaustralia · 2 days
Innovative Applications of PLC Programming in Automation
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Automation is revolutionising industries worldwide, and at the heart of this transformation is PLC programming. Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) have become indispensable in managing complex industrial processes, enhancing efficiency, and improving reliability. In this blog, we'll explore some innovative applications of PLC programming that showcase its versatility and effectiveness.
Understanding PLC Programming
Before diving into applications, let’s briefly understand what PLC programming entails. A PLC is a rugged digital computer used for automating electromechanical processes, such as controlling machinery on factory assembly lines, amusement rides, or lighting fixtures. Programming involves writing code to instruct the PLC on how to operate these processes.
1. Smart Manufacturing
One of the most exciting applications of PLC programming is smart manufacturing. By integrating PLCs with IoT devices, manufacturers can monitor and control their operations in real-time. This combination enables predictive maintenance, where machines can alert operators to potential issues before they become serious problems. This proactive approach saves time and reduces costs, making it a win-win for businesses.
2. Energy Management
Energy efficiency is a primary concern for industries looking to reduce operational costs. PLC programming plays a crucial role in energy management systems. By automating energy use and monitoring consumption patterns, PLCs can optimise energy distribution across facilities. For instance, they can regulate lighting and HVAC systems based on occupancy, ensuring that energy is used only when needed. This lowers utility bills and contributes to a more sustainable environment.
3. Water Treatment and Management
In water treatment, PLC programming is essential for filtration, chemical dosing, and flow control. PLCs can monitor water quality parameters and adjust treatment processes accordingly, ensuring compliance with health standards. This automation reduces manual intervention, allowing for a more efficient and reliable water management system.
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4. Robotics and Automation
Robotics is another area where PLC programming shines. PLCs are often used to control robotic arms in manufacturing settings. Companies can enhance productivity and reduce human error by programming these robots to perform repetitive tasks precisely. Moreover, as robots become more advanced, PLC programming will continue to evolve, allowing for more complex interactions and automation capabilities.
5. Packaging and Material Handling
Packaging is crucial for maintaining quality and safety in industries like food and beverage. PLC programming is widely used in automated packaging systems to ensure consistency and accuracy. Manufacturers can streamline their packaging processes by programming PLCs to manage conveyor belts, filling machines, and labelling systems. This speeds up production, minimises waste, and ensures product quality.
Benefits of PLC Programming
The benefits of PLC programming are substantial:
Increased Efficiency: Automation reduces the need for manual tasks, allowing for faster production cycles.
Enhanced Accuracy: PLCs ensure precise control over processes, minimising errors.
Real-Time Monitoring: With the ability to monitor systems in real-time, operators can quickly respond to issues.
Flexibility: PLCs can be easily reprogrammed for different tasks, making them adaptable to changing production needs.
When Does Your Company Need PLC Programming?
Consider investing in PLC programming when:
You are Scaling Production: As your business grows, automating processes can help meet increased demand without sacrificing quality.
You Face Frequent Downtime: Implementing PLCs can enable predictive maintenance and reduce interruptions if equipment failure leads to significant downtime.
You Require Improved Quality Control: PLCs can standardise operations to enhance product quality if your processes lack consistency.
You Need to Reduce Labor Costs: Automation can lower labour costs by minimising the need for manual oversight in repetitive tasks.
The innovative applications of PLC programming are reshaping the automation landscape across various industries. From intelligent manufacturing to energy management, water treatment, robotics, and packaging, PLCs' versatility is evident. As technology advances, we can expect even more groundbreaking uses for PLC programming that will drive efficiency, sustainability, and productivity.
Incorporating PLC programming into your operations can lead to significant improvements, making it an investment worth considering. So, why not explore the programming world and discover how it can benefit your business today?
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pandeypankaj · 15 days
Why has Python become so popular? Is Python really that slow?
It has become the de facto language for data science up until today due to a variety of crucial reasons, including readability and simplicity. Python's syntax is clean and readable, hence very well understandable both for beginners and advanced programmers. This readability enhances collaboration and productivity.
Rich Ecosystem
Python comprises an enormous ecosystem of libraries and frameworks focused on data science. It ranges from NumPy and Pandas for efficient numerical computation and manipulation of data, respectively, to Matplotlib and Scikit-learn for visualisation and machine learning, and finally TensorFlow for deep learning.
Community Support
The community of Python users is huge and pretty active, including comprehensive documentation, tutorials, and forums. Online courses are also available. All these resources support learning, problem-solving, and keeping up with changes within the domain. 
It's not only a data science language; it is a general-purpose language
Python finds application in web development, system automation, and many other places. That would mean data scientists can reap the fruits of learning Python in several fields.
Is Python Really That Slow? Software performance bottlenecks, due to Python's interpreted nature, will sometimes arise when working in a compiled language like C++. Yet, consider the following:
Trade-off between Speed and Readability: Usually, Python's emphasis on readability and ease of use overshadows slight performance penalties in many data science applications.
Optimised Libraries: Most of the data science libraries, such as NumPy and Pandas, are hugely optimised by their implementations in C or Fortran, which really helps in giving a performance boost to numeric computational tasks. Parallel Processing-Distributed Computing: Python frameworks like Dask and Ray enable parallel processing and distributed computing, hence enabling a massive performance boost on large-scale data analysis and machine learning tasks.
Hardware Acceleration: Much functionality in Python can be accelerated with hardware; this is particularly the case when it involves deep learning or neural networks.
In summary, Python is among the most popular languages for data science due to its readability, rich ecosystem, community support, and general-purpose nature. These advantages often outweigh the performance concerns, while considering gains in productivity with powerful libraries and tools.
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ukuniversityindubai · 1 month
MSc Legal Technology Programme Changing the Legal Landscape at Middlesex University Dubai
Join the newly launched programme starting September 2024, designed to align with rapidly advancing technological applications in the law field
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Advancements in technology have impacted every industry, and the legal field is no different. From online document storage and streamlined AI case management, to legal software systems employed to help law firms manage their daily operations, and accounting programmes that keep track of cash flow and appointment scheduling, there is an increasing demand for technology, and skills in how to optimise it, within the law sector.
Following Covid-19 the world saw a surge in law practitioners requiring the use of day-to-day technology such as video conferencing and virtual meetings to maintain proceedings. The introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) both enhances lawyers’ capabilities and poses ethical questions in a very new and complex arena. Knowledge of technology has become essential for staying competitive and efficient in the ever-evolving business and law environment.
Our newly launched MSc Legal Technology programme offers a unique combination of law and tech, integrating legal theory with technological applications. It is designed for law graduates, legal professionals and IT and computing graduates. This programme provides a comprehensive exploration of how cutting-edge technologies are reshaping the practice of law. You will be exposed to technical aspects of cybersecurity, AI, privacy, and data protection within legal settings and frameworks, and will acquire a holistic understanding of innovative applications of technology in different areas of legal practice and theoretical analysis of their fundamentals, as well as develop practical skills that will enable you to pursue successful careers in the legal space.
Legal professionals can enhance their research capabilities, streamline document workflows, and improve case management processes, ultimately delivering better outcomes for clients and stakeholders.
Graduates of the Middlesex University Dubai MSc Legal Technology programme will possess a distinctive skill that meets the increasing demand for technological knowledge within the complexities law and the advancement of technology offer various potential career paths for graduates of legal technology, including legal technologist, legal project manager, legal data analyst, and legal data privacy specialist.
MSc Legal Technology Programme Details
With a duration of one-year full-time, or part-time over two years, this programme is taught through a combination of lecture delivery, seminar discussions, small group exercises, lab sessions and an individual project. You are engaged in relating theory to practice through critical evaluation.
With the working professional in mind, classes are held at our Dubai Knowledge Park campus on weekdays between 6.30PM and 9.30PM allowing you to work while you study. Taught by qualified professionals in this field, you benefit from real-life cases and experiences. You will engage in developing inventive solutions for legal service delivery and practice management by using new tools and methodologies applied on legal technology landscape. The study of ethical legal challenges concerning privacy, confidentiality, and the responsible utilisation of legal tech helps your understanding of the legal implications of cybersecurity breaches and how to integrate risk management strategies into legal practice.
You will be introduced to several modules with topics including an in-depth insight into how technology is reshaping legal practice, dispute resolution and judicial proceedings. You will acquire an understanding of how technology is supporting legal practice and will be introduced to the various digital innovations that are transforming the legal industry such as augmented/virtual reality (AR) and AI, and the strategic implementation of these technologies within legal practice. You will also discover the critical importance of data security, privacy, regulatory compliance and maintaining high standards of ethical conduct in legal practice.
Dr Krishnadas Nanath, Associate Professor and Deputy Head of the Computer Engineering and Informatics Department said: “Enrolling in the newly launched MSc in Legal Technology will equip you with skills applicable to the practice of law, emphasising the integration of artificial intelligence. Taught by industry-leading experts, the programme covers a wide range of specialised tracks, providing you with a competitive advantage and opportunities to network with trusted partners. With a focus on practical skills, this comprehensive programme will prepare you for a successful career in the technology space within the legal and justice systems.”
Career-Led Education with Industry Exposure
At MDX Dubai we are committed to bridging the gap between academia and industry through trusted partnerships and industry collaborations. You will benefit from the University’s long-standing industry network connections providing valuable insights and career opportunities.
As an interdisciplinary specialism, you’ll learn from renowned experts and thought leaders from both the Computer Engineering and Informatics department and the MDX Law School, and our faculty will bring a wealth of industry experience and academic expertise ensuring that you receive a top-class education that is both relevant and engaging. Our experienced cohort will be made up of like-minded professionals who come from a wide range of countries and industry backgrounds, offering you the chance to exchange fresh perspectives, insights and ideas.
More Than Academics: Celebrating a World Class Learning Environment
You will study our state-of-the-art learning facilities in Dubai Knowledge Park (DKP) situated in the vibrant heart of Dubai. Our campus boasts dedicated spaces for workshops, seminars, and group discussions, facilitating hands-on learning and vibrant intellectual exchange, in a diverse, inclusive community.
As a Master’s level student you will have full access to our Careers and Employability Services, and our support adopts a more customised approach through one-to-one meetings. It is important to connect yourself with the CES department so you are fully aware of current events that will enhance your employment growth. We offer industry sessions with experts that accelerate your networking options, and a minimum of two career fairs per year where you can talk with actively hiring companies and firms.
As Dubai continues to evolve as a global business hub, the role of legal tech is set to become even more pronounced. The future holds exciting possibilities for the integration of artificial intelligence, blockchain, and data analytics in legal services, and we aim to help you be part of it, graduating from the University as 100% employable.  
Ensuring Accessible Education
At MDX Dubai we are committed to delivering a high-quality British education that meets market demands. Our students can qualify for various scholarships and professional study grants based on eligibility criteria. Flexible payment plans are offered to make a quality British education accessible to everyone.
Apply for our next intake at MDX Dubai and take the first step towards evolving your career aspirations with a degree that promises both academic excellence and practical industry experience.
Find out more detailed information about the MDX Dubai MSc Legal Technology Programme at MSc Legal Technology.
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sparticlem · 1 month
Canatec Pte Ltd - Chill Out! Prolonging Precision Cooling Lifespan 101
Precision cooling systems play a crucial role in maintaining the optimal operating conditions of computer room air conditioning units, ensuring the reliability and efficiency of critical IT equipment. Proactive and strategic maintenance is essential to protect your investment and extend the life of precision cooling equipment. With this, examine important maintenance advice and learn helpful suggestions for raising the longevity and efficiency of precision cooling systems.
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1. Regular Inspection and Cleaning
Maintaining precision cooling equipment requires routine inspections. Start by giving all the parts, including the coils, filters, and fans, a close inspection. Accumulation of dust and debris can obstruct airflow, reducing the system's effectiveness. Regular cleaning of these parts keeps obstructions at bay and guarantees reliable operation. Plan thorough inspections every three months to identify possible problems before they become more serious.
2. Airflow Optimisation
Precision cooling systems must operate with optimal efficiency in airflow. Organise IT hardware so that there is unimpeded airflow surrounding cooling units. This easy step contributes to equipment longevity by improving cooling efficiency and lessening the strain on the machinery. Additionally, consider implementing hot and cold aisle containment strategies to further optimise airflow within the data centre environment.
3. Temperature and Humidity Calibration
The fundamental function of precision cooling systems is to maintain exact temperature and humidity levels. Calibrate and modify settings regularly according to your data centre's unique needs. Sensor-equipped monitoring tools can guarantee that the cooling system reacts quickly to changes in the surrounding environment. This proactive calibration raises the system's overall reliability by reducing wear and tear.
4. Lubrication of Moving Parts
Precision cooling systems have several moving components, like fans and motors, which should be properly lubricated to function smoothly. Incorporate lubrication duties into your routine maintenance programme to lower friction and stop premature wear. Utilising premium lubricants for the parts of your cooling system guarantees peak performance and reduces the possibility of unplanned malfunctions.
ALSO READ: A Guide To Precision Cooling Systems: Why They Are A Necessity For IT Spaces
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5. Electrical System Checks
Electrical components are essential to the operation of precision cooling equipment. Ensure testing and inspecting of the electrical systems—including the control panels, connections, and wiring—regularly. Look for any wear, corrosion, or loose connections that might jeopardise the system's functionality. Resolve any problems as soon as possible to avoid electrical outages that could cause cooling systems to malfunction.
6. Software and Firmware Updates
Keep up with manufacturer-provided firmware and software updates. Bug fixes, performance improvements, and new features that improve precision cooling systems' overall stability and effectiveness are frequently included in these updates. Regular updates guarantee that your equipment performs at its best while protecting against potential vulnerabilities.
7. Training and Certification for Maintenance Personnel
For precision cooling system maintenance to be effective, the maintenance staff must receive the necessary training and certification. Give your staff the know-how and abilities they need to recognise possible problems early on, solve them, and move on. The lifespan of your precision cooling equipment can be increased and downtime can be minimised with the help of well-trained staff.
Precision cooling equipment reliability is a must in data centres. You can greatly increase the lifespan of your precision cooling systems by following a thorough maintenance schedule that includes routine inspections, software updates, temperature calibration, airflow optimisation, lubrication, and electrical system checks. Remember, proactive maintenance not only prolongs the life of your equipment but also makes your data centre operations more sustainable and efficient overall. Precision cooling, the foundation of computer room air conditioning, necessitates a careful approach to maintenance; this investment pays off in continuous performance and extended equipment lifespan.
Visit Canatec to elevate your data centre's climate control to new heights.
Read More: https://mnbusinesssearch.com/chill-out-prolonging-precision-cooling-lifespan-101/
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engiiiiiii · 2 months
I'm the worst programmer ever, somehow I managed to get an equality condition to give a vector out of range error? it was two integers? (??)
it looked something like
int sx = castsign(dx, 1);
int x = 0;
if(x == x1){ break; } <- dumbass broken line!!!
x += sx;
there was a vector. but it was completely seperate!! and using print debugging it wasn't causing the issues! removing the equality removed the error?? I'm so confused... just changed the whole implementation to make it work 😵‍💫
(rewrote it to be simpler mathematically. still need to figure out how to cancel the velocity and it looks like MORE computation time per vertex. gonna multithread it but there's a lot of optimisation to do. it runs fine realistically I'm just scared... well as long as it runs better than hollow knight... still have to implement a softbody system btw 👀 but that's actually as mathematically intensive as collision.)
(essentially I have the base body, a body (of malleable verticies), and a set of springs. these springs all have a defined length that they prefer to be at (and the nodes they connect to). I think I just calculate the internal stresses by checking the stress on the spring and bouncing back that spring to be closer to the desired length. and then I use springs to form fit it closer to the intended shape. it's actually really simple and I'm kinda faking it so who cares.)
(gonna try and post a video tomorrow if I can get things working. if not tomorrow then a month.)
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govindhtech · 2 months
Huawei Confirms New Tri Folding Smartphone Development
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As technology rapidly increases the possibilities, Huawei is once more leading in creativity. A significant step forward in mobile technology, a tri folding smartphone was acknowledged as developed by Huawei. This reflects Huawei’s commitment to creative smartphone design and portends the direction of mobile technology, in which form factors will be more flexible and useful.
Smartphone Foldability Evolution
A Brief History
Foldable phones have been seen previously. Late 2010s saw the first foldable phones presented by Samsung and Royole. These phones folded inside or outward with a single hinge. Samsung’s Galaxy Fold and Huawei’s Mate X pioneered foldable technology‘s potential and challenges.
Initial models struggled with folding screen durability, bulkiness, and high production costs. Flexible screens were sensitive and easily damaged, while the folding mechanism increased weight and thickness. Due to the enormous cost of technology needed to make such complex displays, their retail costs were exorbitant, limiting their appeal.
Huawei Tri-Folding Innovation
Huawei’s tri folding smartphone advances foldable gadgets. Instead of a single hinge, tri folding phones have two hinges and can fold in numerous directions. This might make the user experience more versatile by allowing them to switch between a smartphone, tablet, and larger monitor.
Technical Specifications
The tri folding smartphone‘s specifications are currently unknown, but Huawei’s history and industry trends suggest many significant features:
Display Technology: Huawei may use leading flexible OLED technology for a seamless and durable display. The tri-folding technology requires the screen to survive numerous folds without affecting image quality or durability.
Durability: Huawei’s tri folding smartphone may use improved materials and engineering to strengthen the hinges and screen, addressing prior foldable model durability issues.
Software Optimisation: The UI must be very flexible to screen settings. Huawei is likely to use advanced software to smoothly switch modes, creating an intuitive and seamless user experience.
Performance: All high-end smartphones have powerful processors, adequate RAM, and advanced graphics to handle a huge, high-resolution display.
Possible Uses
The tri folding smartphone could change mobile computing:
Productivity: Expanding into a larger screen enables users do tablet and laptop tasks. Multiple programme multitasking, productivity software use, and creative work like graphic design or video editing are examples.
Entertainment: Larger screens make videos, games, and e-books more engaging. It’s a versatile entertainment gadget since the tri-folding mechanism lets users modify the screen size.
The tri folding smartphone can be folded down to fit in a pocket or backpack, making it as portable as a standard smartphone.
Market Impact Competitive Advantage
Huawei’s tri folding smartphone venture may provide it an edge in the saturated smartphone market. Huawei can attract tech enthusiasts and early adopters ready to try new things by delivering a distinctive form factor that rivals have yet to fully explore.
Pricing and Access
Pricing is crucial to the tri folding smartphone‘s success. Due to the complex technology, initial models may be expensive. As production expands and technology improves, costs may drop, making these gadgets more affordable.
Tri-folding smartphone release date
A significant advance in the sphere of mobile technology, the business Huawei formally admits it is developing a smartphone that folds in three. A firm spokesman claims that the new product should hit the later half of the year 2024.
Though Huawei has not yet revealed any details about the release date, the firm claims that this tri folding smartphone would provide unmatched adaptability and multitasking powers, hence transforming the market. As the date of release draws closer, additional details will become available, which will indicate that Huawei’s creative product range will receive an intriguing new addition.
Impact on Industry
The introduction of a tri folding smartphone could inspire other manufacturers to create similar models. This might spur innovation as companies compete in design, functionality, and user experience. Competition may lower prices and enhance foldable gadget quality over time.
Strategic Vision of Huawei
Innovation Central
Huawei has always prioritized innovation in its strategy. The company’s tri folding smartphone shows its commitment to mobile computing innovation.
Overcoming Obstacles
Huawei invests extensively in R&D despite geopolitical concerns and tech behemoth competition. The company’s endurance and commitment to tech leadership are shown by its capacity to innovate in difficult times.
Future Hopes
Huawei’s tri folding smartphone may inspire future foldable devices. More inventive form factors and features may blur the distinctions between smartphones, tablets, and laptops as technology and customer preferences improve.
Huawei’s announcement of a Huawei’s tri folding smartphone is a major mobile technology advancement. Huawei will revolutionize the user experience and set industry standards by overcoming the constraints of past foldable models and delivering a versatile new form factor. As we await additional details and the introduction of this innovative technology, smartphones’ future is more dynamic and versatile than ever.
Huawei is ready to lead this new era of mobile technology with its innovative approach and commitment to quality, bringing users unprecedented freedom and capability in a single device. This tri folding smartphone is a technological marvel and a glimpse into the future of digital interaction.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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tutorial-in-study · 3 months
Accepting the Cloud: The Route via an Internship in Cloud Computing Programme
Cloud computing is a key component of contemporary technology, transforming the way businesses, industries, and even societies as a whole operate. The need for qualified experts who can navigate this intricate and dynamic sector is growing along with the demand for cloud-based solutions. Introducing the Cloud Computing Internship Programme: an opportunity for ambitious tech enthusiasts to become hands-on practitioners, fully immerse themselves in the cloud ecosystem, and set themselves up for a bright future in this rapidly expanding industry.
Knowing the Programme for Cloud Computing Internships An organised programme called a "cloud computing internship" aims to give students and recent graduates hands-on experience with several facets of cloud computing. Usually, tech corporations, consulting firms, or specialized training institutions offer these programmes. The principal objective is to furnish the participants with the requisite information, abilities, and competences to flourish in the domain of cloud technology. Overview of the Curriculum A well-crafted curriculum for a cloud computing internship covers a broad range of subjects, from basic ideas to sophisticated methods. An overview of what attendees might anticipate is as follows:
Introduction to Cloud Computing: Comprehending the fundamental ideas and structure of cloud computing, encompassing deployment modes (public, private, and hybrid) and service models (IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS).
Cloud infrastructure management: Is the process of leveraging industry-leading cloud platforms like Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Microsoft Azure, and Amazon Web Services (AWS) to provide, configure, and manage virtualized infrastructure resources.
Cloud Security and Compliance: This section examines best practices, such as identity and access management, encryption, and legal frameworks (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA), for guaranteeing data security, privacy, and compliance in the cloud environment.
Exploring the fundamentals of serverless computing, microservices architecture, containerisation (e.g., Docker, Kubernetes), and cloud-native application development.
Using cloud-based big data platforms and analytics tools to process, analyse, and
draw conclusions from massive amounts of data is known as "big data and analytics
in the cloud."
DevOps and Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): Optimising software development and deployment operations in the cloud requires an understanding of the concepts behind DevOps culture, automation, and CI/CD pipelines.
Cost Optimisation and Resource Management: Acquire tactics to minimise cloud expenses, keep an eye on resource usage, and put money-saving measures into place to get the most return on investment.
Practical Experience An internship programme in cloud computing places a strong emphasis on hands-on learning. Interns are given the chance to:
Work on Real-World Projects: Gain practical experience in building, deploying, and maintaining cloud solutions by collaborating with seasoned professionals on real-world cloud projects.
Try Out Some Cloud Platforms: Take part in guided exercises, laboratories, and simulations to get practical experience with popular cloud platforms and services.
Troubleshoot and Problem-Solve: Address practical difficulties and resolve problems that arise during the deployment and use of cloud-based services.
Get Feedback and Mentoring: Get feedback and mentoring from professionals in the field to help them improve their abilities and navigate their learning process.
Professional Development and Networking Internships in cloud computing provide resources for career development and networking beyond just teaching skills. A intern's options are:
Establish Professional Connections: Interact with industry experts, invited speakers, and fellow interns to grow your professional network and learn about potential career options in the cloud computing space.
Get Career Resources Here: Attend workshops, seminars, and career development sessions to improve employability skills (personal branding, interview preparation, CV building, etc.).
Examine Employment Opportunities: A lot of internship programmes in cloud computing offer a route to full-time work; upon programme completion, employers frequently extend job offers to highly performing interns.
To sum up, the Cloud Computing Internship Programme provides an excellent opportunity for ambitious tech enthusiasts to start a rewarding career in cloud computing. Through a combination of practical experience and theoretical knowledge, networking opportunities, and career development tools, these programmes equip participants to succeed in the quickly changing cloud computing industry. Investing in internship programmes is a strategic step for organisations to stay competitive in the cloud technology market, as well as a way to develop talent. The Cloud Computing Internship Programme offers a road to success for anyone interested in learning more about cloud computing, be they a corporation seeking to develop tomorrow's cloud specialists or a student keen to explore the possibilities of this emerging field.
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coupdepoucefinancier · 3 months
Investir dans Amazon : Guide d'achat et conseils de trading
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Investir dans Amazon : Guide d'achat et conseils de trading
La plupart des plus grands traders recommandent d'investir dans les GAFAM, et donc, investir dans Amazon. Cependant, nous allons traiter Amazon et son action comme n'importe quel actif. Nous allons explorer l'histoire de cette entreprise, pourquoi il peut être judicieux de détenir ses actions, ses performances et où les acquérir.
Histoire d’Amazon
Date de création de l’entreprise et l'entrée dans la cour des grands Amazon a été fondée par Jeff Bezos le 5 juillet 1994. Au départ, l'entreprise n'était qu'une simple librairie en ligne opérant depuis le garage de Bezos à Seattle. Cependant, elle a rapidement évolué pour devenir un géant du commerce électronique, bouleversant non seulement le secteur de la vente au détail, mais aussi d'autres industries comme le cloud computing, le streaming et la logistique. En moins de trois décennies, Amazon a redéfini la manière dont nous achetons des produits et accédons aux services. Son impact sur le monde est immense. Le modèle d'affaires d'Amazon, basé sur l'efficacité, l'innovation constante et une approche centrée sur le client, a changé nos habitudes de consommation et a poussé d'autres entreprises à s'adapter ou à disparaître. Son fondateur et sa vision, sa stratégie Jeff Bezos est souvent décrit comme un visionnaire. Sa vision pour Amazon était claire dès le début : créer une entreprise centrée sur le client, capable de fournir une vaste sélection de produits à des prix compétitifs, avec une commodité sans précédent. Cette vision s'est traduite par une série d'innovations et de stratégies audacieuses. La stratégie d'Amazon repose sur plusieurs piliers : - Innovation technologique : Amazon investit massivement dans la technologie, du développement de l'intelligence artificielle à la robotique en passant par le cloud computing avec AWS (Amazon Web Services). - Expansion et diversification : Au fil des années, Amazon a diversifié ses activités. Outre le commerce en ligne, elle est présente dans des secteurs comme le streaming vidéo (Amazon Prime Video), la production de contenu (Amazon Studios) et les services de livraison (Amazon Logistics). - Orientation client : Chaque décision prise chez Amazon est pensée pour améliorer l'expérience client. Cela inclut des politiques de retour généreuses, des recommandations personnalisées, et le programme d'abonnement Amazon Prime, qui offre une livraison rapide et gratuite ainsi que d'autres avantages. - Optimisation des coûts : Amazon optimise en permanence ses opérations pour réduire les coûts. Cela inclut l'automatisation des entrepôts, la négociation de tarifs avantageux avec les fournisseurs et l'investissement dans des technologies logistiques avancées.
Historique de l’action Amazon
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Introduction en bourse, sa valeur initiale, sa valeur actuelle L'action Amazon a fait ses débuts sur le marché boursier le 15 mai 1997 avec une introduction en bourse (IPO) à un prix de 18 dollars par action. Si vous aviez acheté des actions lors de cette IPO, vous auriez réalisé un rendement exceptionnel. Au fil des années, la valeur de l'action Amazon n'a cessé de grimper, reflétant la croissance impressionnante de l'entreprise. Cette augmentation spectaculaire de la valeur est un témoignage de la capacité de l'entreprise à s'adapter et à innover constamment. Voici le cours de l'action Amazon aujourd'hui: Track all markets on TradingView Et le cours de l'action depuis sa création en 1997:
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Performance globale de l’action Amazon En regardant la performance globale de l'action Amazon, il est clair que l'entreprise a su naviguer avec succès à travers divers cycles économiques. Depuis son introduction en bourse, Amazon a enregistré une croissance annuelle à deux chiffres, dépassant souvent les attentes des analystes. Cette croissance peut être attribuée à plusieurs facteurs, notamment l'expansion dans de nouveaux marchés comme le cloud computing avec Amazon Web Services (AWS), l'acquisition d'entreprises stratégiques comme Whole Foods, et l'innovation constante dans les services et les produits. AWS, en particulier, est devenu un pilier de rentabilité pour Amazon, contribuant de manière significative à ses résultats financiers. La diversité des produits et services proposés par Amazon a également joué un rôle crucial dans sa performance. L'entreprise ne se contente plus de vendre des livres en ligne, elle est devenue un acteur majeur dans des secteurs aussi variés que le divertissement, la technologie et la logistique. Cette diversification a permis à Amazon de réduire les risques associés à la dépendance à un seul secteur et de profiter de multiples sources de revenus. L’entreprise verse-t-elle des dividendes ? Contrairement à de nombreuses grandes entreprises, Amazon ne verse pas de dividendes à ses actionnaires. La philosophie de l'entreprise est de réinvestir ses bénéfices dans des opportunités de croissance future plutôt que de distribuer des dividendes. Cela a permis à Amazon de financer son expansion rapide et de continuer à innover dans divers secteurs. Pour les investisseurs, cela signifie que la valeur de l'investissement dans Amazon repose principalement sur l'appréciation du prix de l'action plutôt que sur le revenu des dividendes. Cette stratégie a été très efficace jusqu'à présent, mais elle peut ne pas convenir à tous les types d'investisseurs, en particulier ceux qui recherchent un revenu régulier de leurs investissements.
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Analyse de l’action ***ATTENTION: Ceci n'est pas un conseil financier*** Analyser l'action Amazon nécessite une compréhension approfondie de plusieurs aspects de l'entreprise et de son environnement. Premièrement, il est essentiel de considérer la position dominante d'Amazon dans le secteur de la vente en ligne et sa capacité à maintenir et à renforcer cette position. Amazon a su créer un écosystème où les clients peuvent trouver pratiquement tout ce dont ils ont besoin, souvent à des prix compétitifs et avec une livraison rapide. Cette capacité à attirer et à fidéliser les clients est un avantage concurrentiel majeur. Deuxièmement, l'importance croissante de AWS dans le portefeuille global d'Amazon ne peut être sous-estimée. AWS est devenu une source majeure de revenus et de profits pour Amazon, offrant des services de cloud computing à des entreprises du monde entier. La croissance continue de ce segment est un indicateur clé de la santé future de l'entreprise. Troisièmement, il est important de surveiller les initiatives d'Amazon dans de nouveaux domaines comme la santé, les épiceries, et les technologies avancées. Ces initiatives montrent la volonté de l'entreprise de diversifier ses sources de revenus et de devenir leader. Par exemple, l'acquisition de Whole Foods (pour 13,7 milliards de dollars) a permis à Amazon de s'implanter dans le secteur de la vente de produits alimentaires, tandis que ses efforts dans le domaine de l'intelligence artificielle et de la robotique visent à améliorer l'efficacité et la rapidité de ses opérations logistiques. Les efforts dans l'intelligence artificielle et la robotique visent à améliorer l'efficacité et la rapidité logistiques. Enfin, les investisseurs doivent également être conscients des risques associés à l'investissement dans Amazon. La réglementation accrue, les défis de la concurrence, et les changements des comportements des consommateurs peuvent impacter l'entreprise. Les récentes enquêtes antitrust et les préoccupations sur la protection des données montrent les défis réglementaires pour Amazon. Et l'évolution des préférences vers des options plus durables pourrait obliger Amazon à adapter ses pratiques commerciales. Investir dans Amazon peut donc être une opportunité lucrative pour ceux acceptant une certaine volatilité avec une vision à long terme.
Comment acheter des actions Amazon ?
Acheter des actions Amazon est un processus relativement simple, surtout avec l'avènement des plateformes de trading en ligne. Voici les étapes à suivre pour acquérir vos premières actions Amazon : - Choisissez une plateforme de trading : Il existe de nombreuses plateformes de trading en ligne, comme BitPanda, TradeRepublik ou BoursoBank. Ces plateformes offrent une interface conviviale et des frais de transaction souvent plus bas que ceux des courtiers traditionnels. - Ouvrez un compte de courtage : Une fois que vous avez choisi votre plateforme, vous devrez ouvrir un compte. Cela implique généralement de fournir des informations personnelles, telles que votre nom, votre adresse, et une pièce d'identité. - Déposez des fonds : Après avoir ouvert votre compte, vous devrez y déposer des fonds. La plupart des plateformes acceptent des dépôts par virement bancaire, carte de crédit ou PayPal. - Recherchez le symbole Amazon : Amazon est listé sur le Nasdaq sous le nom "AMZN". Vous pouvez utiliser ce symbole pour trouver les actions sur votre plateforme de trading. - Passez une commande : Vous pouvez choisir d'acheter une action au prix actuel du marché ou de placer une commande à un prix spécifique (ordre à cours limité). Une fois votre commande passée, vous deviendrez propriétaire d'une ou plusieurs actions Amazon.
Combien investir dans Amazon ?
La question de combien investir dans Amazon dépend de plusieurs facteurs, notamment votre situation financière, vos objectifs d'investissement et votre tolérance au risque. Il est important de ne jamais investir plus que ce que vous êtes prêt à perdre. Les actions Amazon, bien que potentiellement lucratives, peuvent aussi fluctuer en fonction des conditions du marché. Une bonne règle de base est de diversifier votre portefeuille pour ne pas mettre tous vos œufs dans le même panier. Si vous êtes un nouvel investisseur, il peut être judicieux de commencer avec une petite somme et d'augmenter progressivement votre investissement à mesure que vous vous sentez plus à l'aise et que vous gagnez en confiance.  Par exemple, commencer avec une somme que vous pouvez vous permettre de perdre sans impact significatif sur votre situation financière personnelle est un bon point de départ. Un autre aspect à considérer est d'investir régulièrement, plutôt que de tout placer en une seule fois. Cette stratégie, connue sous le nom d'investissement périodique ou DCA (Dollar-Cost Averaging), permet de lisser les fluctuations du marché et de réduire le risque global. Investir dans Amazon, ou dans n'importe quelle action, aide à capitaliser de manière disciplinée. Car en investissement, le temps et la régularité sont très importants..
Où acheter des actions Amazon ?
Pour investir dans amazon, de nombreuses plateformes existent, mais nous vous en recommandons deux. Bitpanda : Une Plateforme Moderne et Intuitive
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Bitpanda est une plateforme de trading basée en Autriche, qui a gagné en popularité grâce à son interface utilisateur conviviale et ses nombreuses fonctionnalités. Elle est très simple d'utilisation et la vérification d'identité se fait en quelques minutes. Vous y retrouverez l'action Amazon, mais également d'autres actifs intéressants, comme  des cryptomonnaies, des actions fractionnées, des métaux précieux et des ETF. Les frais sont transparents et inclus dans le prix affiché, ce qui évite les surprises lors de l'exécution des ordres. Fortement recommandé pour centraliser tous les actifs de son compte courant. Vous pouvez vous inscrire sur Bitpanda en cliquant sur ce lien. Cela va vous permettre d'être parrainé, vous donnant droit à des avantages. BoursoBank : Une Banque en Ligne Complète
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BoursoBank est une banque en ligne française qui offre également des services de trading. Elle est connue pour ses frais bancaires réduits et ses outils de gestion financière avancés. L'un des avantages de BoursoBank est qu'il ne s'agit pas seulement d'une plateforme de trading, mais d'une banque complète. Vous pouvez gérer vos finances personnelles et vos investissements depuis un seul endroit. BoursoBank propose des frais de courtage très compétitifs, en particulier pour les traders actifs. Les tarifs sont dégressifs en fonction du nombre de transactions, ce qui peut réduire considérablement les coûts pour les investisseurs fréquents. La plateforme de trading de BoursoBank offre des outils d'analyse technique et des données de marché en temps réel. BoursoBank permet de trader une large gamme de produits financiers, y compris des actions, des obligations, des fonds d'investissement et des produits dérivés.  Vous pouvez avoir des réductions en utilisant le code de parrainage PACH6920 sur BoursoBank.
L'entreprise a démontré une capacité exceptionnelle à innover et à s'adapter aux changements du marché, et il est probable qu'elle continuera à jouer un rôle dominant dans l'économie mondiale. Actuellement, ce sont donc ceux qui recherchent une croissance à long terme qui seront les plus enclins à être intéressé. Cette action est également intéressante pour la diversification de son portefeuille. Cependant, comme pour tout investissement, il est crucial de faire vos propres recherches et de consulter des conseillers financiers avant de prendre une décision. L'action Amazon, bien qu'elle ait une histoire impressionnante, n'est pas exempte de risques. Read the full article
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Streamlining supermarket transactions with advanced POS systems
In the fast-paced and competitive world of retail, shop systems and supermarket equipment are essential components in optimising the performance of grocery store appliances in terms of both their functionality and their effectiveness. These systems encompass a diverse set of technologies and solutions that help to streamline a variety of different processes that are carried out within a retail setting. Shop systems, such as point-of-sale (POS) systems, inventory management systems, and customer analytics systems, have fundamentally altered the manner in which supermarkets conduct their business. In the following paragraphs, we will discuss the significance of shop systems in contemporary supermarkets, as well as delve into the primary characteristics and advantages that they bring to the table.
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1. Point-of-Sale (POS) Computers and Networks
The point-of-sale (POS) system is the essential component of any grocery store. These systems give merchants the ability to process transactions quickly and accurately, which in turn provides customers with a streamlined checkout experience. Barcode scanning, integrated payment processing, and real-time inventory updates are just some of the advanced features that are included in today's point-of-sale (POS) systems. The checkout procedure is sped up thanks to these functionalities, which also improve accuracy and cut down on errors caused by human error. In addition, the integration of customer loyalty programmes and other tools for customer relationship management makes it possible for supermarkets to collect valuable customer data and provide individualised service through the use of point-of-sale (POS) systems.
2. Management of the Inventory
It is essential for supermarkets to have efficient inventory management in order to keep their stock levels at the optimal level and avoid both overstocking and stockouts. Store systems and shop systems provide comprehensive inventory management solutions, which allow supermarkets to track stock in real-time, automate reordering processes, and generate insightful reports for informed decision-making. Store systems also enable customers to place orders online. Utilizing these systems allows supermarkets to improve their overall operational efficiency while simultaneously optimising their supply chain and cutting down on waste.
3. Analytical Methods for Customers
It is essential for supermarkets to gain an understanding of customer behaviour in order to personalise their product offerings and increase customer satisfaction. Supermarkets that have store systems that are equipped with advanced analytics capabilities are able to collect data on the purchasing patterns, preferences, and demographics of their customers. The analysis of this data enables supermarkets to recognise trends, divide their customer base into distinct segments, and initiate more focused marketing campaigns. In addition, customer analytics enable grocery stores to enhance sales and strengthen customer loyalty by optimising store layouts, product placements, and promotional strategies.
4. Labels for the shelves that are electronic (ESLs)
The days of manually updating price tags and labels on supermarket shelves are long gone. Those days are now a thing of the past. The introduction of electronic shelf labels, also known as ESLs, was a game-changer for this component of supermarket equipment. ESLs are digital price tags that display accurate product information, prices, and promotional offers. They may also be referred to as electronic shelf labels. Because these labels are wirelessly connected to the shop system, supermarkets are able to instantly modify the pricing information displayed on their shelves. ESLs get rid of the inconsistencies in pricing, cut down on the labour costs associated with manually changing labels, and make it possible for grocery stores to implement dynamic pricing strategies, which leads to an increase in profitability.
5. Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs)
In today's world, where ease of use is prioritised above all else, self-checkout lanes have become an increasingly common sight in grocery stores. Customers are given the ability to scan and pay for their own purchases through the use of these systems, which helps to cut down on waiting times and improves the overall shopping experience. Store systems make it possible for supermarkets to deploy self-checkout systems in a seamless manner, ensuring the security of financial transactions and reducing the likelihood of theft thanks to advanced security features. Self-checkout systems not only improve operational efficiency but also cater to the preferences of tech-savvy customers who value the freedom and control offered by these automated solutions. These customers appreciate the fact that self-checkout systems improve operational efficiency.
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Store systems have fundamentally altered the landscape of supermarket equipment, giving retailers access to a plethora of tools that can improve operational efficacy, simplify business procedures, and provide an improved level of service to customers. These technologies provide a multitude of advantages to supermarkets, ranging from electronic shelf labels and self-checkout systems to point-of-sale (POS) software, inventory management software, and customer analytics software. Supermarkets have the ability to improve their operations and profitability by implementing store systems, which enables them to maintain a competitive advantage in the extremely cutthroat retail industry. It is essential for supermarkets to invest in flexible store systems that can adapt to shifting market demands and open up new opportunities for growth as technology continues to advance.
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training-institute1 · 5 months
The Future of Front-End Development: Trends and Emerging Technologies
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Front-end development is at the forefront of innovation in the ever changing field of technology. It shapes user interactions and experiences by acting as the face of web and mobile applications. Future trends and developing technologies have the potential to completely transform front-end development, pushing the boundaries of creativity, productivity, and user engagement.
PWAs, or progressive web apps Progressive Web Apps provide a smooth experience across devices by fusing the finest features of mobile and web applications. They make use of contemporary online capabilities to offer experiences akin to those of apps, complete with push alerts, installation prompts, and offline functioning. PWAs are becoming more and more popular because they can offer dependable, quick, and interesting experiences without requiring app store installs.
Adopting a mobile-first approach and responsive design Due to the widespread usage of mobile devices, responsive design plays a vital role in providing the best possible user experience on a range of screen sizes. The emphasis on creating for mobile devices rather than scaling up to larger screens is what distinguishes the mobile-first strategy. Through the customisation of websites and applications to the increasing number of mobile users, this technique improves accessibility and usability.
Conversational user interfaces and voice user interfaces (VUIs) Voice user interfaces (VUIs) are becoming more and more common in front-end programming as voice technology advances. With voice commands and conversational interfaces, apps may be used hands-free, improving accessibility and user convenience. Creators are looking for novel approaches to include voice recognition in order.
Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) AR and VR are becoming more and more popular outside of the entertainment industry, and front-end developers are embracing this. With AR and VR, there are unique opportunities to enthral viewers with captivating content like interactive narratives and fully immersive product experiences. Front-end developers can create interfaces and immersive experiences that blend the virtual and physical worlds by using these technologies.
Architecture for Jamstack and Static Site Generators (SSGs) The creation and use of websites is being completely transformed by technologies like Static Site Generators and Jamstack Architecture. SSGs provide considerable performance and security improvements by pre-rendering pages at build time and providing them as static files. The JavaScript, APIs, and Markup architecture, or “Jamstack” design, separates the front end from the back end to improve scalability and loading speeds. This strategy is becoming more and more popular among developers looking for scalable and effective solutions for contemporary web development.
Architecture and Design Systems Based on Components Component-based architecture divides user interfaces into smaller, independent components, which encourages modularity and reusability. This methodology optimises development processes, promotes teamwork, and guarantees uniformity throughout projects. This is further improved by design systems, which offer a common repository of reusable parts, patterns, and rules. This promotes a unified and expandable design language inside an organisation.
Wasm-based WebAssembly A binary instruction format called WebAssembly makes it possible to run applications on the web with great speed. WebAssembly opens up new opportunities for front-end development by enabling languages like C, C++, and Rust to run in the browser. These possibilities include the ability to port pre-existing programmes, create games, and speed up computational activities. WebAssembly has the potential to become a fundamental component of contemporary web development as browser support for it keeps growing.
Accepting the Future To stay ahead of the curve as front-end development develops further, it is imperative to embrace these trends and emerging technologies. Developers can create front-end experiences that are future-proof, accessible, and engaging by utilising progressive web technologies, adopting modern development architectures like Jamstack and WebAssembly, exploring immersive experiences with AR and VR, and embracing responsive and mobile-first design principles.
Front-end developer course has a bright future ahead of it, full with limitless chances for creativity. Through curiosity, flexibility, and teamwork, developers can confidently navigate this dynamic environment and shape the digital experiences of the future.
Are you prepared to take a deep dive into the dynamic field of front-end development and maintain your lead? Come learn the skills you need to succeed in the digital age by joining us at LearNowX. LearNowX offers extensive courses and practical training in the newest front-end technologies and trends, regardless of your experience level as a developer. Don’t pass up this chance to improve your abilities and influence web development in the future. Enrol today with LearNowX to take the lead in the rapidly changing technology industry.
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playtimesolutions · 5 months
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