#conan voice imitation
somewhatprofesional · 6 months
Hi it's me again with Conan voice imitation Among us stream.
This time it's the original vid of Hattori 416 Kudos. In this stream we have:
-Mitsuhiko bullying
-Yandere Hattori
-Amuro-san immediately go kill Subaru first round while innocently acting clueless about the game
-Conan being blamed for technical problem -> Conan being blamed for everything.
-Hattori spent the entire game finding Conan and then say that he's satisfied with being able to kill cone.
-Amuro-san licking the corpses.
No I will not elaborate. This is all you get.
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funtomfactory · 11 months
Headcanons for the Phantomhive twins
R!Ciel learning how to whistle so he can imitate birds for his bedridden brother. Said brother would try to guess which birds R!Ciel was portraying.
If they did something bad or made a mess, they would address the wrong using chess-related codenames in front of adults in the hope those adults wouldn't find out (which they would always do).
They would always try to fall asleep facing each other.
O!Ciel would firstly try to crawl into his brother's bed when he was scared, but his brother is a very deep sleeper, so if R!Ciel did not wake up, he would go to his parents.
R!Ciel once got attacked by a duck while eating his lunch outside. When he told his sick brother about the incident, he exaggerated so much that O!Ciel didn't dare to go near ducks for at least three months.
Where mystery and gothic authors such as Arthur Conan Doyle and Edgar Allen Poe are O!Ciel's favourite, R!Ciel actually prefers more romantic and lighthearted authors to read.
O!Ciel had a heightened sense of smell for food since a young age. R!Ciel was impressed by it and they decided to train the skill by blindfolding O!Ciel and holding different things under his nose, including tea boxes snuck out of the kitchen.
Both boys preferred their father reading their bedtime story, because Vincent would use "silly voices" for all the characters in the story.
The brothers often switched places unintentionally. They were so used ot being addressed to together that they would respond as one, making keeping them separate very difficult.
O!Ciel is proficient with horses, while R!Ciel doesn't care much for them.
O!Ciel once tried to ride horseback on Sebastian the dog. O!Ciel acts like he doesn't know why the dog doesn't appear to like him, but the dog simply never forgot.
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butter-pangcake · 5 months
Hello this is not for smol detco week, I'm just too shy to actually message you. But I want to ask, have you seen those Japanese voice imitation streams of Conan cast? I feels like you'd like them (especially the police squad videos) ^^;;;
Yes!! There're two channels that I have watch; スパルタch and るかわ (They voice imitate Hiro) I really love watching them! the sillies playing games together... (one time I almost choke on my lunch because of them lol)
and るかわ had released Chronostasis sang as Police school group too, made me emotional😭😭
I'm really looking forward for detco official to have an update on WPS so I can see them streaming again, we need more food😭
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kat-anni · 8 months
Oh can you do the dcmk curiosity killed the cat au for that WIP ask game?
Concerning this post
This is an AU where Ran finds out way earlier (the very night he is poisoned) that Conan is Shinichi, she sees it in fact. The first part of this story has been online and can be read here.
I have a few other parts planned and already started writing them-
Snippet! (I want you to know that this one's about Heiji meeting him and the chapter is called 'another freak in the club')
“Why are you looking for him, then? And who are you?” she asked, finally posing a question back at him. The Osaka-boy seemed to think for a minute but then he smiled, adjusting his ridiculous cap slightly. “I’m Heiji Hattori, High school detective from Osaka. And I’m looking for Kudo Shinichi because he’s constantly popping up whenever and being named in the same vain as I am and I’m sick of it without knowing the guy.” His grin turned lopsided “And knowing if he’s even worth the praise at all.” There was a short silence. Behind Ran’s legs, Shinichi had obviously decided that this was a safe situation and stepped to the side. “If you’re so famous how come I’ve never even heard of you?” he asked in his child imitation voice. Ran was torn between laughing and chiding him for being so cocky to an older boy. She settled for the last because it seemed more appropriate. “Conan-kun! Don’t be so rude.” She leaned down and drew him back slightly. Just then, Shinichi let go another miserable sneeze and Ran sighed, putting him on the couch right next to him. Maybe she should make him a tea? “And who are you little midget?” Heiji seemed annoyed by being downplayed by a mere kid and eyed the elementary schooler suspiciously. “Your little brother?” This did make Ran flush and stutter. She was a little taken aback and her eyes widened. “Um…no! No he’s uh.” Her panicked eyes found Shinichi’s blue ones and she desperately grasped for the cover story they had come up with. Somehow his momentarily also panicked gaze seemed to calm her enough to answer properly. “A distant relative. He’s staying with us while his parents are out of town.”
Thanks for the ask!! 🥰😘
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blueyisszy · 2 years
“Start copying what you love. Copy copy copy copy. At the end of the copy you will find your self.” —Yohji Yamamoto
It is our failure to become our perceived ideal that ultimately defines us and makes us unique.” Thank goodness.
Nobody is born with a style or a voice. We don’t come out of the womb knowing who we are. In the beginning, we learn by pretending to be our heroes.
We learn by copying. We’re talking about practice here, not plagiarism—plagiarism is trying to pass someone else’s work off as your own.
Copying is about reverse-engineering. It’s like a mechanic taking apart a car to see how it works.
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We learn to write by copying down the alphabet. Musicians learn to play by practicing scales. Painters learn to paint by reproducing masterpieces.
Remember: Even The Beatles started as a cover band. Paul McCartney has said, “I emulated Buddy Holly, Little Richard, Jerry Lee Lewis, Elvis. We all did.” McCartney and his partner John Lennon became one of the greatest songwriting teams in history, but as McCartney recalls, they only started writing their own songs “as a way to avoid other bands being able to play our set.”
As Salvador Dalí said, “Those who do not want to imitate anything, produce nothing.”
First, you have to figure out who to copy. Second, you have to figure out what to copy.
Who to copy is easy. You copy your heroes—the people you love, the people you’re inspired by, the people you want to be. The songwriter Nick Lowe says, “You start out by rewriting your hero’s catalog.”
And you don’t just steal from one of your heroes, you steal from all of them. The writer Wilson Mizner said if you copy from one author, it’s plagiarism, but if you copy from many, it’s research. I once heard the cartoonist Gary Panter say, “If you have one person you’re influenced by, everyone will say you’re the next whoever. But if you rip off a hundred people, everyone will say you’re so original!”
What to copy is a little bit trickier. Don’t just steal the style, steal the thinking behind the style. You don’t want to look like your heroes, you want to see like your heroes. The reason to copy your heroes and their style is so that you might somehow get a glimpse into their minds.
That’s what you really want—to internalize their way of looking at the world. If you just mimic the surface of somebody’s work without understanding where they are coming from, your work will never be anything more than a knockoff.
At some point, you’ll have to move from imitating your heroes to emulating them.
Imitation is about copying. Emulation is when imitation goes one step further, breaking through into your own thing.
“There isn’t a move that’s a new move.” The basketball star Kobe Bryant has admitted that all of his moves on the court were stolen from watching tapes of his heroes.
But initially, when Bryant stole a lot of those moves, he realized he couldn’t completely pull them off because he didn’t have the same body type as the guys he was thieving from. He had to adapt the moves to make them his own.
Conan O’Brien has talked about how comedians try to emulate their heroes, fall short, and end up doing their own thing.
Johnny Carson tried to be Jack Benny but ended up Johnny Carson. David Letterman tried to copy Johnny Carson but ended up David Letterman. And Conan O’Brien tried to be David Letterman but ended up Conan O’Brien.
In O’Brien’s words, “It is our failure to become our perceived ideal that ultimately defines us and makes us unique.” Thank goodness.
-Steal like an Artist.
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beesarthur · 8 months
The X-Files are the Ultimate X-File, 1:12
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Season 1, Episode 12: Fire
What is the plot? Phoebe is Mulder's girlfriend from Oxford, with whom he may have once had sex on Arthur Conan Doyle's grave (sounds uncomfortable). Now an inspector at Scotland Yard, she appears in D.C. in the most terrifying way she could devise with a tricky, arson-related mystery for Mulder. While Mulder and Phoebe investigate, Scully does background research on arsonists and checks a lot of records, which enables them to catch the highly-flammable culprit and save a pair of non-evil, blazer-wearing twins.
What does this episode suggest about Mulder and Scully's relationship with each other? If the writers were trying to not set up MSR, they made some missteps here. Not only is Phoebe dismissive of Scully, which sets them up as rivals professionally, but Mulder is literally kissing Phoebe when Scully arrives with a key piece of information, and then they both end up in Mulder's hotel room while he's recovering from fire exposure and is very necessarily shirtless (/sincere). At the end of the episode, Scully does a good bit where she imitates Phoebe's voice as she opens the door to Mulder's office, tricking both Mulder and the viewer. Phoebe hasn't called since they cracked the case, but she did send a cassette tape, which Mulder hasn't listened to.
Where are the aliens? not setting members of the British aristocracy on fire (probably)
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I have to be honest - I don't really like Conan Gray's new song 😭 like it feels like he really wanted to imitate an 80s song so bad and like I'm all for experimentation but I don't think it works for his voice😭
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jasminelyoko57 · 2 years
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[ HypMic × Meitantei Conan ]
I've been thinking about it lately that... HypMic and Meitantei Conan crossover :)
Conan accidentally knocked out a mf yakuza to solve the case (because he was aiming for Iruma lol, but he noticed it right away) XD
Conan was in big panic, because he absolutely no idea how to imitate Samatoki's voice, but he tries by memory hehehehe.
Despite being tranquilized by Conan, Samatoki managed to regain consciousness midway and saw the boy imitating his voice with his bowtie :)
P.S: Suiri = deduction, Keiji = officer (well I was about to put 'keibu' aka 'inspector' lol)
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masterdetectivexx · 2 years
what's your opinion about last case of Wakasa?
File 1097-1099 Review
I thoroughly enjoyed it. Already by the first chapter of that case (1097), I was very excited and happy about the Subaru and Rumi development that I have been awaiting, and it's definitely one of my most favorite interactions in the story. I especially enjoyed how they both interacted without any interruption and that we got 3 pages worth of material that resolved itself by their own terms, and how we got a good amount of hints about Wakasa's past and knowledge from that interaction.
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File 1098 didn't have as much Wakasa development, but rather just teased Wakasa's awareness of Haibara's true identity.
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I did however enjoy Yokomizo's reenactment of Conan giving credit to Kogoro, while expecting that Kogoro is gonna show up. It was a nice comedic scene.
The resolution chapter however finally gave us our first hint to Tsutomu's direct confrontation with "a monster", Rum, post-Kohji case (17 years ago) that most likely lead to Tsutomu's disappearance, that Gosho recently teased in Oda x Aoyama interview. This was a long time coming, and it even went as far as to confirm Wakasa to have met and interacted with Tsutomu 17 years ago. This is further painting the scenario of what took place during Tsutomu's confrontation with Rum, that most likely lead to Rum losing his left eye by Tsutomu's JKD finger jab, as well as Vermouth's role in it that lead to her being able to imitate his voice and speech-pattern.
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It was enjoyable to also see Subaru and Wakasa handle the gang through their physical skills, JKD and (likely) Kick-boxing.
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The ending tease is very promising of an aftermath discussion between Conan and Subaru about Wakasa, which I hope is the File 1100 opener. Overall a very entertaining, and as expected, a very plot-heavy case and can't wait for the next DC 100-chapter milestone in September :D
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archester-creations · 2 years
Alright, lads, we’re doing this one a little differently because it got so long. I shall give you the first scene of my @kaishinbigbang fic and link back to my ao3 and my artist in a reblog. Here you go:
“What?! No-” KID tried to pull away, but Conan tightened his grip. It was a surprisingly strong grip. Or maybe it wasn't. Maybe KID was just too weak, too caught off guard, felt too lost to try any harder to pull away. He didn't know.
“Please, KID,” Conan begged. “You've disguised as me plenty of times before- you can fool Ran. Fool all of them, I know you can. Please. I don't want them to lose both versions of me.”
But they will. KID wanted to plead. I'll just be an imitation of you. A good imitation- but an imitation nonetheless. Wanted to assure Conan that he'd make it out alive, even though they both knew he wouldn't. Instead he tucked away the pointless words and adjusted his grip to hold Conan’s hand back. He'd chased him for this long, Conan deserved this much. Shinichi deserved this much.
“I'm Kaito. Kuroba Kaito,” Kaito told him, finally setting the final piece of his KID mask aside in front of the one person that he'd already decided would be the one person he'd set it aside for. Though he'd hoped it would be a happier time. Maybe a dramatic reveal. Just as KID warranted– just as he'd learned Conan couldn't always keep himself from. Conan looked at him in shock and Kaito smiled the best he could at him, glad he could astound his detective again. “I'm a high school magician and one day, I'll be the greatest in the world. Even better than my dad, Kuroba Toichi-”
He spent the rest of the time telling Conan all about Kuroba Kaito, and Beika highschool, and what Hakuba was really like, and the witch who constantly told prophecies and cast spells on him, and of Aoko, his best friend who he loved like family. He talked long after his voice went raw and the hand in his started to cool, but he refused to stop until he was done and the FBI agents found them and he refused to look over at Conan. Maybe it was selfish of him, but he wanted to remember sapphire eyes sparked with defiance and determination, like they were on every moonlit night. Not what he knew he'd find if he simply looked over.
Only when Kaito’s eyes met Jodie-sensei’s did KID disappear.
He left a note behind, letting them know Conan’s final wishes.
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marshmallowgoop · 3 years
I really do miss Heiji, though.
Right now, I'm slowly making my way towards the (current) halfway point of the series. The aspect ratio's just shifted from 4:3 to 16:9, the classic OST's been switched out, and while Kogoro's voice actor has yet to change, and there hasn't been a single drop of Bourbon, Season 15 still feels like a transitionary period of the anime for me, like a real push into more modern Detective Conan.
I mean, no more fullscreen formatting?
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The future is now!
But anyway, I'm bad at math, so maybe I'm wrong here, but a glance at the "Heiji Hattori Appearances" wiki page tells me that this point of the series is also the longest stretch in its entire run without the Detective of the West. From Episode 409 (towards the middle of Season 14) to Episode 478 (towards the middle of Season 16), the only Heiji you'll find is in the openings.
And though I have to say that I love this shot of him and Shinichi from OP 15, "Hoshi no Kagayaki yo"...
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I also have to say that the sole Heiji case in which this opening was used, "Conan and Heiji's Deduction Magic," Episodes 406-408, is... not anywhere near my list of top DetCo stories. It has its moments—like Ran and Kazuha getting to have fun and share an interest in magic (at least for a little while)—but Heiji's jealous, irritated behavior across these three episodes, while certainly intended to be funny, comes across to me much more negatively. In my eyes, at least, it's enough to cast a sour, disappointing shadow over the entire thing.
I'd almost recommend skipping this case entirely, but you'd be missing some crucial character insight if you did. Because these episodes also reveal that Heiji... doesn't... realize he's in love with Kazuha?
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Yeah. I had the same reaction as Conan. What.
You're telling me that Heiji was seriously just buying time here (Episode 324)?
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Heiji: I really mean it, Kazuha... I really wanted to tell you before I die. I tried to tell you many times... When we were back to back, and I felt you trembling, I wanted to say...
You're telling me that he was seriously acting all super smooth without anything of substance behind his words?
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Kazuha: If we make it through, will you tell me what you were going to tell me? Heiji: Sure. I'll keep on telling you until you get tired of hearing it.
That, when he drops the ball in the after-credits scene and blubbers that he only wanted to complain about Kazuha's ponytail bothering him, it wasn't because he was being the typical DetCo tsundere who can't admit his feelings, or because he felt too flustered with Shinichi listening to the whole conversation over the phone, or because he wanted to confess in a more romantic setting, or because of really so many things, but instead because he seriously didn't realize that he was in love with her and was just making stuff up?!?!?!
I just. I don't even know what to say? I thought he knew? This is Detective Conan, isn't it? Where the characters are pointedly infatuated with each other but just never seem to say it?
I mean... I guess this confirms that there's no way Heiji would realize he's in love with Shinichi... and that he's probably not embarrassed about said love because no one around him interprets it as romantic... or at least don't after it's revealed that "Kudo" isn't Heiji's Tokyo girlfriend....
Long tangent aside—I swear all that was just supposed to be a side note!—one thing I do appreciate from "Conan and Heiji's Deduction Magic" is Conan's behavior towards Heiji in that early scene between them (Episode 406):
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Conan, imitating Kazuha: Guess who? It's me.
It's playful. Conan notices Heiji's irritation and how he's not being his usual upbeat, enthusiastic self, and though Shinichi goes about it in... not the best way, I do get the sense that he's trying to cheer his friend up. When Heiji responds with unexpected distress and exasperation, there is care to show that Conan's concerned—and if his blush is any indication, he's also flustered that his teasing didn't have the intended outcome:
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Conan, internally: Hey, Hattori...?
And it's really a little moment, I know, but Shinichi, being very much the typical DetCo tsundere, is often depicted as though he's unhappy and annoyed whenever anyone's affectionate towards him. (And with Heiji in particular, he's suspicious of said affection in the beginning, always thinking that Heiji has ulterior motives, but that's an essay for another day.)
Shots from the 59th ending sequence, "Kimi to Koi no Mama de Owarenai Itsumo Yume no Mama ja Irarenai," come to mind when I think about Shinichi's tsundere attitude, but probably more relevantly here, so do pieces of merchandise and artwork featuring him and Heiji, such as this rubber strap and this illustration that was made into an acrylic stand:
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So, I like that bit from 406. Conan's behavior is not meanspirited trolling but instead a lighthearted (intended) pick-me-up that says that, while he has a hard time showing it, Shinichi does reciprocate the affection given to him. He does like spending time with his friends, and he does want to see them happy. I'm reminded of other artwork, like Conan's "dream vacation" that @shirleykarasuma wrote about beautifully here, or the cover for this movie guidebook promoting The Crimson Love Letter that I've stumbled across while shopping for DetCo merchandise (with a bigger image found here):
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All of them—from Conan gleefully trying to get a smile out of his usually smiley companion, to eagerly dreaming of playing beach volleyball as himself with his friends, to unabashedly enjoying a piggyback ride from Heiji—are examples of honest, unconcealed emotion.
I can't say that I loved "Conan and Heiji's Deduction Magic" overall. But if the point I'm at in the series now truly is something of a transitionary period, I hope that Shinichi moves into outwardly showing his affection like he does there more often—concerning Heiji or anyone else! A shift in that direction matches what is arguably the thesis statement for the entire franchise; that is, to overcome the obstacles in his path, Shinichi must open up to and rely on others, as it was his refusal to do so that created Conan.
But also... it's just cute. I still haven't seen The Crimson Love Letter, so I have no idea if that cover image has any basis in the film, but I sure hope it does because wow. Adorable. Love to see people wholeheartedly love each other.
#detective conan#case closed#heiji hattori#shinichi kudo#conan edogawa#kazuha toyama#ramblings#shut up goop#blghhh i've been trying to write this for days and it wasn't supposed to be much but i always go off#i really envy people who can seemingly just write meta so effortlessly#and i say 'seemingly' because i don't know their process but. the way that beautiful sentences just seem to flow out of them#or that they're so easily funny#that's not the way it is at *all* for me#i stink at humor and being concise and quirky#i constantly have a thesaurus open so that i don't reuse the same word too many times#i try to mix up sentence structures to keep things from feeling stale#in the writing process the bottom of my document always has sentences i've scrapped or rewritten over and over again#i've gotten feedback that my work doesn't reach as many people because i format them boring without enough pictures#so now i load things with pictures (and *struggle* to fit that 10-image limit with that beta lol you see how i cheated here)#but then i wonder if that just makes everything look massive and thus even *less* appealing#blghhhhh i actually backed up my dcmk meta because i hadn't done that and it only amounted to like a little over 25k words#which... for a whole year? it feels like nothing#and like a quarter of that is all for one post about a filler episode from 1996 :p#i feel like such a... fake? i manage a writing group but hardly write anymore#i've become so scared of it#i guess that's why i've done 450+ dcmk gifs in the last year instead; it's way less scary to make a gifset and ramble in the tags#than to write a whole essay#maybe what i really need to do is let loose in my essay writing idk...#anyway tl;dr miss heiji didn't love his last case but it had its moments and i'm *really* excited for his upcoming big cases#because i haven't seen them before but i know they're noteworthy! i am so close to buying ski trip heishin mugs lol
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somewhatprofesional · 6 months
I've been watching Conan voice imitation streams of the Conan crew playing among us. There's these yearly stream where they sometimes invite Hattori vc and everytime he's on he's just automatically become a Kudo bot.
Like last year (2023) his kudos count is 155 compare to last last year (2022) with the count of 416 (thanks you the one who counted them in the comments). I swear his Kudos haunted me even when I'm sleeping.
Bonus content is when Heiji is being voted off he said something along the line of "There's no meaning if Kudos is already dead, just vote me off)(?) And my he goes full yandere sometimes while the Conan vc just keep trying to run away.
Conan even said once: "If I'm an imposter this guy right here would already been dead!"
Even funnier when Heiji and Kid surrounding lil cone and them both keep going :"Meitantei" "Oi Kudo"
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YouTube special: Diana's YouTube channel: Spaghetti Princess
Feels like - YouTube special
a peek into our favorite goofy brit Diana's YouTube channel
Story Masterlist
video is starting now
"Hey folks welcome to Genovia and your watching Disney Channel "
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*badly imitates the disney sound* "Bullocks" She looks up the stairs and shouts " Y/N " no answer "Y/N" " W h A t? " comes back y/n's voice. Diana looks to the camera a giggles
" YEAH! " "NO"
Diana Facepalms and looks at the camera sheepishly
" you guys have good imagination right? "
Camera cuts to her eating pickles with THE FRIDGE door open and then suddenly she stops. Then she starts belting out all too well.
She songs as though it's the national anthem
The door suddenly opens and Conan runs in and joins diana with the singing and dancing.
Camera cuts yet again to Diana cooking while talking to the camera
"So a lot happened this week ! my Best friend y/n FINALLY MOVED IN and guess what she brought the pictures I asked her too ! "
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"Which proves she loves me"
"......" "Then she didn't cause I broke her guitar"
Video cuts to Diana with a guitar in her hands and she looks up to the camera and grins and says " imma be a YouTube star "
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And promptly breaks a guitar string in the next 20 seconds
Camera cuts back to Diana cooking
"Yeah so that happened but then to cheer her up I took her to a handmade picnic"
"We had fun and we were all cute and adorable the way that everyone ships us but we like separate people way"
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"Credits to Riley from my class and I'm sorry again that I spoiled your Ganache by putting vinegar in it"
"IT WAS A MISTAKE" she screams to the ceiling "Talking about cooking, Mine didn't fail this week."
She says and then winces once again
" sorry again Riley "
"Anyways I baked a gorgeous state of the art amazing strawberry shortcake and I was so proud of my flour that i cried for some time and I even took a few pictures with it "
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"But I forgot the strawberries" She facepalms yet again "And when I drove up to the store for the first time in my life the parking was empty, so I thought I just have to take a picture of my self there but I can't with my car parked so I careful parked mine on the opposite street and I turn around and guess what? THIS BUGGER PARKED IN HE PARKING AREA" GASP "WHO DOES THAT???"
"Any ways I somehow convinced that guy to pull out by telling him how how get Taylor swift tickets and he agreed and He finally took my picture"
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"And then when he gave me back my phone and asked me how to get tickets and I told him to download ticket master and get it and I ran for my life back to my car. And I'm pretty sure he was looking up to the sky and questioning his life when I looked back." "Kinda rude" "Eh" "But it was worth it"
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Editing Diana : " I eventually did get the strawberries later but I went home and felt so guilty that I named a plant after him" she holds up a pink cactus and says meet strawberry
Brief intermission : lobby music plays
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She screams into her pillow She gets up normally and picks up the ravioli she just made "So you might have noticed the flurry of cat pictures on my social media accounts if you didn't I hate you"
"I really don't" She said smiling once again "Anyways me and y/n had a housewarming party for our new apartment"
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"And there were a lot of people" "Famous ones" she whispers "But apparently I will be choked to death by a federal agent if I tell you guys so …" camera cuts once again to Diana shouting "TAYLORSWIFTWASTHERE"
"But as always if any of you guys know me My day ended with me in bed listening to the moment I knew........Sobbing"
"Ok goodbye and your welcome for the clip coming ahead" Clip shows y/n hugging a pumpkin and saying " I don't want it to go hysterically crying noooo" Finneas comes and pulls it out of her hands dropping it by mistake causing the pumping to split apart. AHHHHH someone screams from the back ground. "Y/n no!" Taylor screams "Beat his ass y/n" screams Billie
end of video
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msclaritea · 3 years
Retrospect: Older interviews of Ben
"The splendidly named 33-year-old actor Benedict Cumberbatch looks absolutely dreadful. He is known to have "interesting" features – sloe-eyed and snub-nosed, with a sort of startled-meerkat-meets-a-Magimix look about him – but today he is also pasty-faced, with bottle auburn hair and a nasty, shiny cream shirt. His suit looks one size too small for him. It's a wet February morning on the Cardiff set of Sherlock, the BBC's modern adaptation of Arthur Conan Doyle's classic. Cumberbatch, who plays Holmes, twists and shifts about in his chair. He sits on his hands. He does impromptu imitations and funny voices. His eyes jag from side to side. Mark Gatiss, who co-wrote the screenplay, says, "Oh, he's always like that. You should hear him in the car on the way back to the hotel in the evening. Does impressions of everyone. Hilarious."
Months later, Cumberbatch is sitting on a balcony in London being grilled by a hot midday sun and three journalists. From behind a glass partition, I wait my turn and watch. He's a smoker. No wriggling now. He's talking fluently, gesturing, smiling, elaborating. It's soon clear that I got him wrong last time. He looked so odd because he was in costume. His clothes fit him now. And so, rather strangely, do his features. The face is interesting, and appealing, with changeable slants and angles. It is also, thanks to the sun, rather pink.
Most humans might want to leave this scene to take a rest in a cool, darkened room. But not Cumberbatch. He goes clomping off to the bathroom in an enormous pair of black leather biking boots.
And then, a minute later, he's back. He is not tired. And, he says, he's not hyper. He tells me he has had two coffees, five cigarettes, quite a bit of water, some juice. He's fine.
Cumberbatch has a reputation for playing odd, brilliant men very well, and his Holmes is cold, techie, slightly Aspergerish. He talks 19 to the dozen and is forever coming up with lines such as, "From the tiny scratches on your mobile, I deduce that your brother is an alcoholic and that you don't get on with him."
Sherlock was, he says, a very enjoyable part, even if he did end up with pneumonia from the strain. "There's a great charge you get from playing him, because of the volume of words in your head and the speed of thought – you really have to make your connections incredibly fast. He is one step ahead of the audience, and of anyone around him with normal intellect. They can't quite fathom where his leaps are taking him. Zip zip zip. But you catch me in the car on the way home after and I am, 'Whoahhh!'" He does a theatrical wilt in his chair. I repeat what Gatiss said about him. "I do what? God! How exhausting. How fucking awful. I don't like the sound of myself at all. Well, mimicry is what I do, and a big part of what Holmes does, too. I love doing impersonations of people."
Did he learn any new skills for the part? "A bit of violin work – how to hold the bow, do fret work. And what he does. You can't help but cast an eye round you and think about people and the explanation that might lie behind the exterior show..."
Surely he can't believe that tosh? He shrugs as if admitting a vice. "A couple of times on trains... you can't help it. That indentation where a wedding ring should be, the dynamics of families. People in a moment of isolation, certain things do stick out. It's an achievable superpower."
Sherlock Holmes, Cumberbatch says, "makes you look at the world in the way you do anyway as an actor – as a rich canvas for observation. One of the fears of having too much work is not having time to observe. And once you get recognised, there is nowhere for you to look any more. You can't sit on a night bus and watch it all happen."
Until now, Cumberbatch has never been a household face. He has had small parts in big films – he played Paul Marshall (confectionery magnate and rapist) in Atonement – and big parts in small films, notably as the young Stephen Hawking in a BBC2 drama about the physicist, and in 2008 starring as a troubled mathematician sucked into a global conspiracy in the mini-series The Last Enemy. But Sherlock, created by two Doctor Who writers and probably destined for a larger primetime audience, could propel him into street recognisability.
So, too, could his next film. Cumberbatch is to play Major Stewart in Steven Spielberg's War Horse, based on the children's novel by Michael Morpurgo. After this interview, he is off for a riding lesson. He says, with great enthusiasm, "I charge in, Charge Of The Light Brigade-style, on this massive Spanish stallion with a sword out. I have a gladiator moment." He holds his arm out in front of him and does a jerky little swivel. "There! Horrible! That's how to disengage with what you have on the end of your kebab skewer."
Cumberbatch is one of the few British actors you might reasonably expect already to have a passing acquaintance with horses and things military. Like the Light Brigade's hapless Earl of Cardigan, he went to Harrow public school: his parents, the actors Wanda Ventham and Timothy Carlton (a stage name; he's a Cumberbatch, too), were very keen to give him the sort of high-octane education that might encourage him to consider not going on the stage.
''Having your adolescence at an all-male boarding school is just crap,"
Cumberbatch says, though he also seems to have been a model pupil and threw himself into extramural activities. He went paragliding and abseiling. He had an arts scholarship and painted huge oil canvases in a disused squash court. And, of course, he acted. His school drama teacher, Martin Tyrell, calls him "the best schoolboy actor I've ever worked with".
Cumberbatch went on to study drama at Manchester University. "I needed to be out of the danger of tying a cashmere jumper round my neck," he explains. "I wanted something a bit more racy, a bit more different, a bit more egalitarian. I had a thoroughly healthy – and unhealthy – mix of friends."
He overdid things – he often does – and contracted glandular fever. But he had a ball.
After that, he did a one-year course at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art, and by the time he finished there he already had an agent. He has worked steadily ever since.
Cumberbatch is widely recognised as a stage actor, covering a repertoire from Ibsen and Shakespeare to the theatre of the absurd. But his big-screen breakthrough came in 2004 when he starred in Hawking and was nominated for a Bafta. It was such a startling performance that other odd geniuses, such as Van Gogh and Holmes, have since come his way. He also does a pretty good line in costume toffs – he played Scarlett Johansson's pompous husband in The Other Boleyn Girl and the vain young Edmund Talbot in a BBC adaptation of William Golding's seafaring epic To The Ends Of The Earth.
He says the impression people have of him is that " I just play neurotic, fey people who would have died with a cold compress to their head. But I do work on the variety. I do try. At the moment, I am playing a 38-year-old man whose chest is fucking huge," he says of his role as David Scott-Fowler in Terence Rattigan's After The Dance at the National Theatre. "He thinks in very predatory sexual terms. He is a child, like a lot of alpha men, but there is nothing of Van Gogh or Hawking about him."
Cumberbatch has multiple agendas. There is so much he wants to do. He is desperate, he says, to paint again. He and his girlfriend, the actor Olivia Poulet, would like to have children. He wants to write. He really is the ultimate thirsty young man.
Even negative experiences are grist to his mill. Asked about the time he was carjacked in South Africa with co-stars Denise Black and Theo Landey while filming To The Ends Of The Earth in 2004, he lights up a cigarette, fixes his eye on a point on the table and he is away.
He sets the scene – he's been on a shoot and it's night-time on a highway near the Mozambique border. A tyre blows and they have to stop. The juggernauts whizz by in the freezing African night. The grassland stretches out seemingly for ever. Then six men appear. Cumberbatch and his two colleagues are held up against the car. The men utter terrible threats and tie the trio's hands behind their backs with their own shoelaces. There follows a very intense sense of death being close by. He describes the running commentaries in his head and the strange moments of calm. He remembers the Radiohead song playing on the car sound system and recites the lines.
Then things get worse. He is thrown into the boot of the car, and later on to the ground. He can feel a trickle of blood from the side of his head and insects scrabbling away. Even though they are bound up, he can squeeze Denise's hand. And he keeps thinking, "I wish I knew morse [code]" then he thinks, "Hmmm, that would be fucking irritating and useless if she didn't know it, too."
And so on and so on and so on. He isn't just telling, he is reliving the experience. The car-jacking lasted two and a half hours; this is a mere 26 riveting minutes. Finally, we reach the aftermath, when Cumberbatch went on an "adrenaline junkie drive", skydiving, hot-air ballooning and generally "looking over the precipice".
Now things are calmer. "I ride a bike, but I am not seeking man thrills on that level, no. There is a sense of impatience and a yearning for a life less ordinary, which is destructive, as it leads you away from harnessing the true value of things. But it also gives you fantastic knowledge. I know I am going to die on my own, which is something you don't realise until you are faced with that. You leave this world as you come into it, on your own. A sobering but profound thought to realise early in life."
His mobile phone rings. It's his driver telling him he's waiting down below. Must go. He shakes hands. He is off. Zip zip zip."
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lavenderlostfog · 4 years
Some Dark/Light Academia Recommendations
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Books and Literature (Fiction) - The Sherlock Holmes canon (56 short stories + 4 novels) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - Agatha Christie's mystery novels - Emily Dickinson's poetry - Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler - Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia - A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket - The Inkheart Trilogy by Cornelia Funke - The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas - House of Leaves by Mark Danielewski - Nightbooks by J.A. White - The Girl with the Louding Voice by Abi Daré - Woman on the Edge of Time by Marge Piercy - Utopia by Thomas Moore - The Picture of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde - Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs - Faust by Goeth - The Bartimaeus Trilogy by Jonathan Stroud - I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou - The Island of Dr. Moreau by H.G. Wells - The Woman in Black by Susan Hill - A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik - Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro - The Necromancer by Ludwig Flammenerg - fairy tales and old folktales from any culture - books about beekeeping - Dragonology
Nonficiton Literature - Silent Spring by Rachel Carson - Let's Explore Diabetes With Owls by David Sedaris - Walden by Henry David Thoreau - The Utopia Reader, edited by Gregory Claeys and Lyman Tower Sargent - The Art of War by Sun Tzu - The Communist Manifesto by Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx - The Best American Science and Nature Writing - annual essay anthology published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt - The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander - I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai - Lab Girl by Hope Jahren - The Wages of Sin: Sex and Disease, Past and Present by Peter Lewis Allen - Poison: The History of Potions, Powders and Murderous Practitioners by Ben Hubbard - Monster, She Wrote: The Women Who Pioneered Horror & Speculative Fiction by Lisa Kröger and Melanie R. Anderson - Conversations on Writing by Ursula K. Le Guin
Films - Young Sherlock Holmes (1985) - Snowpiercer (2013) - Hugo (2011) - An Education (2009) - Never Let Me Go (2010) - Mr. Holmes (2015) - Little Women (2019) - Dead Poets Society (1989) - Maurice (1987) - The Addams Family (1991) - The Imitation Game (2014) - Road to Perdition (2002) - Matilda (1996) - The Shape of Water (2017)
Shows - Sherlock Holmes - the Granada series (1984 - 1994) - A Series of Unfortunate Events (2017 - 2019) - Penny Dreadful (2014 - 2016) - The Haunting of Bly Manor (2020) - The Curious Creations of Christine McConnell (2018) - Beauty and the Beast (1987 - 1990) - The Twilight Zone (1959 - 2020)
Animation - Over the Garden Wall (2014) - Gravity Falls (2012 - 2016) - The Owl House (2020 - ) - Jack and the Cuckoo-Clock Heart (2013) - Howl's Moving Castle (2004)
Anime and Manga - The Ancient Magus Bride by Kore Yamazaki - The Promised Neverland by Kaiu Shirai and Posuka Demizu - Gosick by Kazuki Sakuraba - Princess Tutu by Mizuo Shinonome - Little Witch Academia by Yoh Yoshinari - Violet Evergarden by Kana Akatsuki and Akiko Takase
Music - soundtracks from any of the above - dark cabaret - classical music (my favs are Vivaldi and Tchaikovsky) - modern classical - anything composed by Joe Hisaishi - Postmodern Jukebox
Podcasts - Lore - Faerie - Serial - The Magnus Archives - Hardcore History - The Penumbra Podcast - Baker Street Babes - The Bright Sessions - Unwell, a Midwestern Gothic Mystery
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detshin · 4 years
I really hope that at the end of this arc, Ran will find the voice changer and finally find out about Conan/Shinichi. I think it's time to end these cat-and-mouse games. I also hope that Heiji will finally confess to Kazuha. Although I wouldn't be surprised if Kazuha makes the first move herself. I don't know, maybe I'm just already tired of waiting... I can't even imagine when we'll be able to admire the adult Shinichi again 😞
Hmmmm, honestly, I don’t know about the confession, it seems too rushed for it to happen now tbh, I had hopes before for some development for them, but now I’m almost convinced that it won’t happen in this case. Maybe sooome development, but definitely not the confession.
As for the voice-changer thing tho, I do agree with you. I think it’s weird that they make Ran be suspicious of Heiji first and that she was able to recognise him in spite of him having a different voice to then have that not have any sort of relevancy. Maybe it won’t mean an immediate suspicion arc on her part, but I do think that she will at the very least have that information stored for a possible suspicion later on. Maybe she will even put two and two together and relate that to what Shinichi said in Kyoto (”It was my voice but it wasn’t me!” when Heiji imitated him). Who knows. I have to say, I do think that at this point something a little juicy has to happen, with how things have been going on the latest files, some sort of drama always happens. Maybe it’s just me being stupidly hopeful again (probably lmao) but yeah, I think we’ll get a lil something. 
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