#concerning diabetes nursing .
Know more about Diabetes Nursing at the 13NHPSUCG.
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propertyofwhitney67 · 1 month
So this may just be a me thing and no one else would want it but may I get some Headcanons of the LI's (maybe the teachers or some of the others if you feel so inclined) dealing with a PC with Diabetes, I have the type where my sugar gets dangerously low sometimes, I always have to keep a snack on hand in case it gets too low when I'm not at home.
I don't know much about diabetes but I will do my best to get this right. I googled a few things and I hope they're accurate <3 I had a hard time with some of the teachers bc I really only know Winter.
Whitney laughs the first few times till he realizes how serious it actually is. He always has some kind of candy or something on him. He says it's just extra he had for later but it's really for you. He's learned to spot when your blood sugar gets low and he tends to act fast, finding you somewhere to sit and give you what food he has or something you have.
Kylar probably already knows about your diabetes before you tell him. He fucking knows everything about you. He always has food and juice on him for you. Knows all the quiet spots he can take you to recover.
Robin knows intimately your struggle and is always prepared to help you. Keeps a stash in his room of food and drinks just for you, also makes sure to have some snacks when he's out and about. Not great at getting you to a quiet place outside the orphanage but still takes care of you.
P!Sydney finds out the first time your sugar drops in the library. They're so worried and take you to the nurse. After that, they are prepared with everything you would even need.
Alex finds you passed out in the field and fucking panics. Immediately takes you into the house and tries to call Harper but you come to and explain to him your sugar dropped and need to eat. He makes sure to always check on you when you're working and regularly brings you lemonade.
Avery only cares if you cause a scene. You have to take care of yourself because they won't do anything unless you're causing a scene. He has to play the part of concerned partner but will yell at you as soon as you're in private. He half's your usual pay at the end of the night.
Eden is worried as to why you're so dizzy/light headed and nauseous. He tries everything but you have to explain to him that it's your diabetes and need food to get your sugar back up. Now he makes sure to add snacks and certain food to the shopping list for you and keeps a closer eye on you.
All the teachers have been informed by the nurse of your diabetes
Winter keeps a close eye on you during class while also being discrete. Has a few snacks in his desk drawer for emergencies. Always checks in before he has you do a demonstration.
Sirris uses you for demonstrates on what signs to look out for and what to do to help someone when their sugar drops. Makes sure to give you food right after or sends you to the nurse.
River is very on top of your health during his class despite Whitney's usual distractions. Refers you to the nurse if your sugar starts to drop and sends another student with you just in case. 50/50 whether or not you get there unscathed
Mason panics a bit and makes sure to walk you to the nurse themselves
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nurgletwh · 2 months
Hey all! You’re about to see why this got so delayed when Tumblr ate my post. >.<
Remember how I’ve previously stated “I disappeared because I had issues, but no worries!”?
Not so much this time. Which has only sunk in with retrospect and time. (@grumpyoldsnake is gonna be “I told you so!!!)
It still doesn’t really feel that way, because the human mind is stupendous at deemphasizing how much danger you might really be in/were in.
Some of this might be covering ground I’ve already covered here or elsewhere. However, I think having it all in one place and all sequenced together will not only help me keep things straight but give it all perspective.
With that out of the way, let’s see if I can not only keep this all the fuck straight but remember what ground I need to cover. I’m putting the rest under a cut for a couple of reasons. It’s long, and it may be triggering for some people. Please let me know if I’ve missed a tag I should have added.
October 2023
I went back to the Dr. to get my medications adjusted, as my blood sugar had gone back up. (Side note: I hadn’t been properly and regularly testing my blood sugar. I was exhausted and sleeping what felt like all the time with no energy to do much of anything at all.) For whatever reason, my blood pressure comes back rather shockingly high (164/108!!), not in line with what it’s been at all. I comment that I’ve never seen it that high, and the nurse says to have the doctor check it after I’ve been there a while.
It doesn’t happen because I’m forgetful.
My cholesterol also comes back high, but that’s been creeping up for years, so no shocker there.
Diabetes medications are adjusted, one is added for the cholesterol. By the time I get home, there’s another one for my blood pressure. I shrug and add it to my pile, since my blood pressure had never come down as far as I thought it should in the first place.
November 2023
Back for a follow-up appointment. My sugar levels haven’t changed all that much, and my blood pressure still comes back as pretty damn high, and I make a mental note to test it at home more regularly, because it doesn’t seem right.
Warning: diet talk.
We talk about stuff and whatnot, and decide to try Ozempic (as its original purpose was for diabetes) as the next step to get my blood sugar down.
I was aggravated as he goes on about things like how I’ll feel better for losing some weight, and I half-assed express a few concerns because I have disorganized eating habits. I already don’t eat consistently, and I firmly believe my current weight “problems” are due to my disorganized eating patterns (as well as picky eating and just not really wanting to eat in general) in my youth leaving me borderline malnourished. Most of my teen years were spent trying to get me to gain weight. FYI: being significantly underweight for a long time is a great way to have issues with being overweight later.
I go home with a prescription for Ozempic. Fine and dandy, although I’ve been getting the impression he doesn’t really listen all the time.
December 2023
Christmas happens, travel happens, fun happens.
January 2024
Cute cat pic, just because. :-)
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Next appointment. My blood pressure still reads significantly higher than normal (156/92), and higher than it has been at home, but what with travel and all, I haven’t really been testing it to back up that assertion. The doctor tests it and gets approximately the same result.
I get another prescription for an additional blood pressure medication.
(Can you guess where this one is going?)
I woke up a few days later with a massive headache that wouldn’t go away. I didn’t connect this at the time, but based on what happened next, I think it was.
The day after that I felt a bit dizzy. When I wasn’t feeling much better by lunch, I took my blood pressure and got 94/68. I took it again and got about the same thing, so I had my coworker (who is also a volunteer EMT) test it. He got 100/54. I continued to check it throughout the day, but it wouldn’t stay consistent. I bugged out of work early, finally sending a… well, grouchy message to the doctor (after hours, unfortunately) firmly expressing my frustration that I wasn’t believed when I stated my at-home readings, pointing out I am also an EMT.
My reading was 96/74 when I went to bed.
I felt even shittier the next day. BP was 94/62 that morning; I stayed home from work. The doctor responded to my message when the office opened, discontinuing the most recently added BP med, sanctioning the choice I’d already made. :-P
Unfortunately, my BP continued to plummet throughout the afternoon and evening. I sent a message that evening and asked what to do, continuing my pattern of sending messages after the office closed. 🙄
I took my blood pressure using my automated cuff before going to bed. It errored out twice before I got this:
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Lovely, eh?
(The systolic generally reads 8-10 low, but the diastolic is generally bang on.)
I took it manually; 80/54. I send a follow-up message with those readings.
I felt awful the next morning. The act of sitting up made me dizzy. I stumbled out to the living room and called in to work again; I was in no condition to drive. My heart rate was elevated to around 100-110 (it normally runs fast, about 80-90 in the morning).
By late morning, the automatic cuff wouldn’t do anything but error out. I sent another message asking at what point I should go to the ER. I didn’t get a response from the doctor, but did from one of the nurses, who told me that anything under 90 systolic with symptoms qualified.
What. The. FUCK.
I basically decided that if it got worse, I’d go in. I told a friend to check in with me regularly and stayed in my recliner, drinking water and Gatorade to at least get fluid in.
The lowest reading I got on my manual cuff was 78/52. FYI: I should have been in the hospital the day before. This is “almost died” moment number 1. I was a fucking idiot. Denial is deadly.
I think this needs split up; I’m gonna post this now and keep writing, because I’m going to hit some sort of character limit sooner or later. O.o
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esouliie · 2 years
– pairing: natasha romanoff x reader
– synopsis: natasha sees a ghost of her past.
– warnings: angst, hurt/comfort
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To a stranger, she looked to be nearly whole again. Her laughter was loud once more, complimented by the dulcet tones of birdsong and chimes. Her hair blazing elegantly like the fire of her love, her eyes sparkling like the sky on a July day.
There were no words uttered about Wakanda, the blood and ashes of your loved ones lost. Life before was a fading memory, and the anguish was alleviated by each other's embrace. She'd hold you in her arms and shield you from the harshness of the new world, whispering words of comfort and praise in your hair. And she'd laugh and smile, dazzling and pure. Her purpose was gone; she didn't have the energy to hate anymore. She decided the red on her ledger was no more.
But a melancholy enveloped her, perhaps she fantasised about one more mission. One last shot to prove herself. A silent vow made not to mention her sorrow.
Even though half of the population disappeared, the streets of New York were still busy. The two of you were hiding underneath caps, concealing yourselves from the rest of the crowd.
Her hand rested in yours, calloused from decades of combat, accompanied with a little squeeze every once in a while.
You got to know Natasha over your time as an Avenger.
Both having relatable history, you were drawn towards each other. Even though you were cycled into the Red Room after her departure, you had heard of the infamous Black Widow. The one that betrayed Mother Russia for the American dream.
You continue to walk in silence.
The sight of Imperia vodka amongst an array of different alcohols in a store window catches your attention. Alcohol was banned from the compound. A decision made solely by you due to Natasha’s incline to drown her sorrows in vodka. A liquor - familiar to you both- in more ways than one.
In your other hand, was a large soda. Black Grape. You introduced Natasha to the drink, letting her take a sip. Her face scrunched in disgust. Apparently, she could feel already feel the diabetes in her blood. But what was your favourite, soon became hers. Days where you and Natasha would hang out always ended with Black Grape. It was your vodka.
A sudden jolt tugs you from your memory. Natasha’s grip on you tightens. All the muscles in her body solid as concrete. She stares ahead, eyes wide open.
People begrudgingly move around you both, but not without a sigh, or a weird look. You ignore them.
“You okay?” Your voice soft, trying to hide the growing concern.
She remains frozen.
“Hey.” You slide over into her line of vision.
She blinks, diamond tears flutter across her lashes.
“What’s wrong?”
Her eyes dart to you before she extends her neck, standing on her toes to look over the sea of heads. She frantically searches.
She bolts, dragging you along as she weaves through bodies. Apologies tumble from your mouth as you knock into the sides of people.
“Hey, wha-, Natasha!” Your voice lost to the wind.
She stops by the corner, chest heaving.
“I saw Wanda.”
Before the snap, Natasha and Wanda were engaged. They were planning a spring wedding, being Natasha’s best friend, you were maid of honour. You even helped in the selection of the rings and the proposal. It was in Canada. The couple had spent the day visiting Niagara Falls and when night fell, they were engaged.
Wanda was among those that disappeared and Natasha suffered deeply. The rings now stashed deep inside her bedside table.
She was always nursing a coffee in the early hours of the morning because she hadn't slept the night before.
She’d lost muscle easily, refusing to keep active or do anything other than lay in her room. You couldn’t blame her though. Once again, she was alone.
Bereavement had been her companion these past few years, a shadow that in time lessened until gone. Because of you.
She was a ghost by the time you decided to say something. Obviously, confronting the grieving woman ended in a heated argument. She forced a slew of nasty names down your throat, but you never yielded. You needed her as much as she needed you.
Months passed, and a new flame of love was lit.
Natasha was hesitant.
Every time you touched, guilt flared in her chest. A part of her believed she had wronged Wanda by pursing this - for giving up on her. You could see it every time she let her guard down. The constant back and forth - pulling you in to push you out - was takings its toll. The anguish in Natasha's eyes began to reflect in yours.
The beginning was hard but you let set the pace. All the cards were on her side of the table. It was up to her if she wanted this.
And now, Natasha sleeps at night.
“Tasha.” You have no idea what to do. 
What do you even respond to that?
There’s no way whoever she saw was Wanda. You’d seen the witch turn into ash. Accepting her fate, she left comfortably. Natasha was holding her.
It’s been five years and no one has come back. If they did, you two would know.
The rest that remained left. There was no need for them to wallow in the vacant compound.
No hope. No duty.
Some had families to return to.
Some didn’t. 
Normally, Natasha would avoid talking about Wanda with you, preferring to keep her past and present separate. However, this time was different.
“I know it’s not her.” A moment passes. “My mind just wants to hurt me.”
You hum in acknowledgment.
“I miss her.” She whispers, her throat constricting.
“I know, baby. I miss her too.” You gently squeeze her hand.
And all of a sudden, everything clicked.
The urge to hold you close and kiss you endlessly overwhelmed the woman.
She wants to make this work. She's had enough of being what keeps her from being happy.
She’s in love.
“I...” She began unsure, goosebumps tingle up her spine. “The guilt is still there. Some days are better than others. But I’m tired of being uncertain of this - of how I feel about you.”
She screws her eyes shut, as if in pain, and tears roll freely. “You’re so important to me, and I want forever for us. I love you.”
A short gasp- only heard between you both- falls from your lips. Natasha’s eyes shoot open. Her head is angled down slightly; a soft vulnerability in her eyes.
She wears her heart on her sleeve, waiting for your reply.
With a newly found shyness, your reach, a thumb strokes a flushed cheek, guiding her chin forward to connect your lips.
The kiss was gentle and meaningful all the same. It meant everything. It was you choosing each other.
“I love you.” You confess, a warm palm still cradling her face.
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menlove · 7 months
the thing abt HRT and gender affirming surgery is that like... yes many providers do provide incorrect/insufficient information. a lot of providers DO downplay the risks or don't mention all of them. ignoring this reality and pretending that everyone who starts HRT/gets gender affirming surgery is completely 100% informed doesn't do anyone any good
this problem is FAR from exclusive to gender affirming medical care. it is a GENERAL problem in ALL aspects of medical care, especially in the USA (and I'm sure elsewhere but I can only speak on our healthcare system as I haven't lived anywhere else)
like here's a couple examples.
when I was 8 years old, I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes by a nurse practitioner. she however prescribed me a type of insulin for type 2 diabetes and instructed me to take it once a day and only check my blood twice a day. this is completely incorrect, as type 1 diabetics need to take short acting insulin every time they eat and long acting insulin once or twice a day and check their blood sugars at MINIMUM 4 times a day. I almost died. I had to be hospitalized about a week later with insanely high blood sugars. this was grossly mishandled by that nurse practitioner who had no idea what she was doing & she could've killed a child. does that mean no one should have access to insulin? or that we should start scare mongering diabetics telling them their providers are trying to harm them?
another example! when I was 14, I was having an allergic reaction to a medication and had to go into the ER. they didn't read my chart to see that I had type 1 diabetes, did not check my blood glucose levels, and gave me a steroid shot. that shot spiked my blood sugar (which was already high) so high so fast that I passed out and nearly cracked my head on the floor. it turned what would've been a quick ER trip to an overnight fiasco. does that mean doctors should never ever give steroids as treatment for allergic reactions?
or far more general than me- how many times are people prescribed birth control without the side effects being fully described? how many people get gastric bypass surgery without fully understanding what they're doing to their bodies? how many people have debilitating chronic illnesses but have no clue how they're supposed to handle them bc no doctor ever bothered to educate them (as I see constantly with other diabetics)? how many people have 0 knowledge about their own reproductive systems or have their concerns about their reproductive systems completely ignored until it turns lethal?
the issue isn't gender affirming care. the issue is medical professionals who don't care enough about their patients to make sure they're fully informed and fully consenting, or even that they themselves know exactly what they're doing. it's overworked medical professionals who skip vital steps because they've been working 15 hours in a row. it's the disregard for the health of people assigned female at birth (& the disregard for the health of people assigned male at birth if they decide to pursue gender affirming care). it's the disregard for poor people, for people of color, for patients in general who tend to get viewed with disdain for not having medical degrees and asking questions
like yes it IS something we should be talking about. but focusing the conversation on "we have to ban gender affirming care!!!" instead of "the medical system needs to take better care of its patients" is just stupid
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doberbutts · 1 year
Tbh at this point CPS needs to be destroyed and then remade from scratch. They either seem to:
Take kids from good homes for bullshit reasons (esp. if the family is poor and/or POC) instead of giving the family actual help and resources so they can afford food/water/clothes/etc.
Take kids from bad situations and then put them into an even WORSE situation because God forbid you actually pay attention to where the vulnerable human child is going or what they actually want.
Do fuck all when a kid is actually being abused, and then when the kid inevitably dies they go "Oh we made a oopsie, sorry lol :("
Like......... I cannot fucking fathom how it's possible to be that incompetent. It's like if someone started a car company but every car they made explodes when you're driving it. You'd think at that point you would put someone ELSE in charge of making cars.
That car company exists and it's called Tesla and for some reason people still act like it's the best car company ever to buy from and suck the owner's toes about it.
A fairly significant portion of the problem is that CPS is A: a law enforcement program, not a social services program and B: human-made and thus filled with human problems of bias and bigotry. It is not made to help. It is made to enforce the law. Since kids occupy a weird space between "property" and "person", and since laws regarding raising kids are deliberately vague to allow for a broad range of cultural and religious sensitivity, we get a lot of interpretations of the law being wildly different depending on who is enforcing them.
Children playing in their quiet cul-de-sac while the parents work from home inside the house with the windows open so they can hear what's going on... is that an "unattended child" or not? How about the toddler that learns how to let themselves out of the playpen during mom's shower? The teenager that sneaks out while dad is asleep? The ten-year-old that got left home alone with microwave meals and some toys because auntie got called into work and couldn't say no?
You're a teacher. You're a mandated reporter. You notice that one of your students is constantly coming to school hungry in the morning. You put in a call. Is this student being provided breakfast by the parents? Is this student simply refusing breakfast and then showing up hungry as a consequence for not eating before they left (me)? Is this student diabetic or hyperthyroid or taking steroids for a health concern and thus is constantly hungry anyway? Is this student neurodivergent and tends to eat as a coping behavior?
Mom shows up to the hospital with a broken cheek and a black eye and two kids in tow. She swears the dog headbutted her, her husband isn't even home. Both kids verify the dog headbutted her, dad's not home, and he'd never do such a thing anyway. You're a doctor or a nurse, you're a mandated reporter. Do you call? You're the CPS agent who showed up at the house. You looked into the family's record and you see that dad's had the police called on him a couple times within the house with neighbors citing a disturbance, and once the kids called 911 due to a fight between them getting out of hand and actual blood spilt. The kids seem fractious with each other when you arrive. Mom's face is black and blue. What do you do?
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rainbowbeanart · 5 months
I'm gonna rant about something that sucks because its late and I can't stop stressing about it.
I have type 1 diabetes. I was diagnosed at 9 years old. There is currently a nationwide shortage of insulin. I have been dealing with this personally for a few months now.
This is a shortened list of the bullshit I have been dealing with. Keep in mind every time I say there was a phone call, I had to call minimum 3 times and talk to 3 different people for anyone to figure out their shit.
A few months ago i had to FIGHT with my pharmacy because I had a script available until August for insulin and they insisted I didn't. I asked my doctor to send over a new script because they just couldn't fucking find it and a few days later that was through. I can get my insulin now right???
Then there was an issue with insurance. I'm on government insurance. My doctor prescribed ✨️name brand✨️ insulin and insurance said NO and completely denied my prescription. Call insurance and they say "you need to take the generic (Insulin Aspart) for a trial period until its proven it doesn't work" so days later (again) I finally have a script to fill. I can get my insulin now....RIGHT???
Its been over a week at this point. I was trying to get ahead of the game but my supplies is dwindling and i desperately need to pick up my insulin. Pharmacy says they are on backorder and won't have insulin for at least a week OR drive an hour to a completely different town. So i drove an hour and I finally got my insulin.
Next month, I call a few days in advance. Insulin is still on back order and won't be available for 2 weeks OR I can drive an hour to another different town and pick up half a months worth because that's all anyone in my whole fucking state even has???? So I drive an hour (AGAIN) and set a reminder in my phone to call over a week in advance to see if insulin is still on backorder.
Surprise! Now we are to this month and I called WELL OVER A WEEK IN ADVANCE. Insulin is still on back order and won't be available until END OF MAY. So I set up an amazon account and ask them to transfer the script. My doctor calls me a couple of days later to make sure I'm not getting scammed and want my script sent to a different pharmacy. I confirm and say I haven't been able to access my insulin from my current pharmacy. Please send the script.
Amazon lets me know a couple days ago they weren't able to contact either my provider or my pharmacy and I should try having my doctor just send a new prescription. So i call my doctor and I leave a voicemail with the nurse (because not even ONCE has she EVER picked up the fucking phone and she's a bitch and doesn't do her job and I hate her) and nothing happens. I call after hours today and am surprised to learn there is a doctor on call after hours for emergencies. The person I spoke to was very nice and said she'd mark it urgent for me and to keep my phone on me because I might get a call back from the on call doctor. I did not recieve a call back and as far as amazon is concerned I still don't have a script.
I'm okay right now. I still have two vials of insulin on hand (which lasts me about 10ish days) and I'm gonna call my doctor again tomorrow and keep fighting until someone does what I need.
But on top of all of this, not knowing if I'm gonna get another month of supplies every fucking time, I have looked at my backup options and I literally do not have any.
Eli Lilly does not allow you to sign up for their affordable insulin program if you are on government insurance.
My doctor does not have "sample vials" because of the shortage (and it would last me 6 days MAXIMUM)
And there is a specific law called "Kevin's Law" after a guy who died unable to contact his provider for a refill that allows pharmacies to do an emergency 72 hour worth fill in the case that a doctor cannot be contacted. Here's the kicker. It's active in my state! But it doesn't apply to vialed insulin because the amounts in them are predetermined and they can't take out the appropriate doseage and GOD FORBID they give you a little more insulin than you actually need.
Closest thing we've found is an RX coupon that makes a single vial of insulin, five days worth of living, $100. It is an absolutely worse case scenario.
I'm so sick and tired of all of this. My diabetes anniversary was in April. 20 years. I did not celebrate it. I don't feel like there is anything to celebrate right now.
Thanks for reading.
EDIT: Nurse finally got back to me today after a 3rd call to claim she had already sent the script on the 25th and was gonna call amazon to see what was happening. Not even a MINUTE later I get a text that amazon has it now. If you don't remember from above, I fucking hate this nurse and I guarentee she lies to my face constantly. Anyway, amazon is also out of stock, so I get to call back tomorrow and have it sent to my old pharmacy again just to see if I can make a 1-2 hour trip out of town just to get 1 or 2 vials. Wish me luck 🙃
EDIT 2: Just for anyone who finds this in the future, things are better! I got switched and approved for one of the only insulins that isnt on shortage right now, so I'm not currently struggling to access my insulin. Can only hope things stay good 🤞
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skippyv20 · 3 months
Our Prayer List🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Prayers and good thoughts for Princess Anne. We pray for quick recovery and quick healing.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s mother who is in the hospital fighting an infection. Also, for our friend who is going through a difficult time.
Prayers and good thoughts. @sandiedog3 posted this. (So using her words. )My husband has been having extensive tests which show he has several kidney stones and also Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease which has damaged his liver quite severely. Blood tests also indicate he may have cancer lurking somewhere so the doctor is monitoring him quite carefully as he has developed some skin lesions in the past week so we are expecting another referral to a skin specialist when we finally get to see his GP face to face next week. The liver problem is also a major concern in relation to his blood tests. He will be having more blood tests in 3 weeks and is to see a Urologist hopefully at the end of July (he has so far had 3 appointments cancelled due to staff shortages in the NHS we are mbeing told) He is at times in pain particularly over his liver area. Neither of us are sleeping too well at the moment. In addition my Mother in Law who has Alzheimers disease has now developed a diabetic ulcer which has become gangrenous. Last week the Home Manager rang to inform us that the visiting District Nurses had said the only solution to prevent septicaemia is amputation of her lower leg. The other option was to commence Morphine and later end of life care so we had a lot to take in lately and deal with.
Prayers and good thoughts for Kylee who is missing. It has been months since her mother and grandmother have heard from her. Today is Kylee’s 18th Birthday. We pray Kylee is safe. We pray for her mother and grandmother as they are so worried. (This will remain until we hear Kylee is home safe and sound) June 15 Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s 22 year old nephew who is struggling with anxiety, depression & panic attacks.
Prayers and good thoughts for The Princess of Wales as she continues her battle. We pray for The Prince of Wales and their children, and Catherine’s family during this time.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s mother. She is battling gall bladder and liver cancer and had an ischemia that obligedi the surgeons to remove 70% of her intestine. She will have to live with a colostomy bag permanently. The doctors are waiting for her to be strong enough to submit her to chemo and immunotherapy to reduce the liver tumors. She is still young (78 years old) and also because she spent her life taking care of her children and their father who now has Alzheimer's
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s friend Kim and her brother Darren and their families.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is in the hospital. She has edema in her lungs and sluggish left heart valve issues. She is meeting with her cardiologist.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is suffering from ringing in her ear. It is constant and she can’t sleep. Neither her doctor or dentist can find the cause.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s husband who is in the hospital with a blockage, he’s been there for 2 days, and his wife is hoping he’ll come home on Monday. She will has had her surgery and is in terrible pain. Her husband is losing his job at the end of June, and her heart doctor said to be prepared for heart surgery once she heals from her foot surgery. She has a leaky aorta valve.
Prayers and good thought for our friend’s brother who was just diagnosed with terminal stomach cancer, secondaries in his liver and lungs. We pray for our friend and her sister to have their trip go smoothly as they plan their trip to be with their beloved brother. Also, we pray that their brother will be pain free and that he will be at peace.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s BIL who has passed away. Praying for his family.
Prayers and good thoughts for my cousin’s 3 yr old granddaughter Maize who is battling cancer.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s mother who is feeling a bit confused at this time.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is having suicidal thoughts, and having difficulty finding employment. Praying she finds employment soon.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s son and husband. Her son has spinal fractures and they don’t know why. Her husband is having issues with his back as well. Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s husband who has just had surgery. We are praying for good results, and quick healing. May 8
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who still suffers from effects of having Covid 19, and struggles. May 3
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend whose husband had a mental breakdown and they are now facing financial hardship. He is bidding on numerous jobs and needs prayers.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s niece who is five months pregnant. She fell and hurt her hands and knees, to protect the baby. She is only 22 and having severe migraines
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is caregiver to her husband. Praying for them both. Praying for her to have extra stamina as caring for a loved one is so hard both physically and emotionally. Apr 10
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s oldest daughter. Her daughter is on dialysis now. She did test positive for drugs, and her boyfriend is a known drug dealer. This is of great concern. Mar 27
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is mourning the loss of her beloved father.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is trying to find the right maintenance dose of medication. Without it she is susceptible to many different illnesses. We pray this appt brings good results. Also, prayers for her mother who is still recovering from surgery. Mar 24
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s FIL who has been diagnosed with cancer. Still waiting on results as to what type of cancer. He has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Mar 11
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s treasured son-in-law. He has been diagnosed with esophageal cancer with mets to the liver and lymph nodes throughout his abdomen. He has a very poor prognosis - less than a year, probably just a few months. He is only 48 years old. Our friend is heartbroken, her son-in-law has been in the family for 17 yrs, and he is so very loved. He is scheduled for a PET scan next week. Mar 05
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s mother. She has had brain cancer, bladder cancer and the cancer had already grown into the muscle layer and also the uterus so what they planned is a cyctectomy and hysterectomy combined with a chemotherapy afterwards. Mar 24 UPDATED
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s husband who will be having surgery. The waiting list is one month long. Also prayers for our friend to feel God’s loving presence during this trial she and her husband are facing. Feb 26
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s beloved husband. Due to a recent bout of illness he has been having investigations. He had his Prostrate removed due to cancer and all has been well for 5 years. The investigations have shown some abnormal blood results and it has been suggested he be referred back to the Urology department. He also has raised liver enzymes too. So obviously he is not 100% health wise and the obvious concern is that the cancer may be back. Also, prayers and good thoughts for our friend to feel peace and God’s loving presence. Feb 13
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s nephew who is struggling. Feb 11
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who needs to have re-surgery to repair her broken femur bone, which has not fused. She was told that it was surgery failure the first time, and she would have to travel to back to Singapore to have the re-surgery done. Feb 5
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s nephew who has been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. Feb 3
We pray for our friend who for 36 years has suffered from a progressive, painful, debilitating neurological illness that has her housebound, and she is tired.  Jan 19
We pray for Princess of Wales as she recovers after major surgery. We pray for her recovery to be quick and without any issues. We pray for Prince of Wales and children as they go through this trial as a family. Jan 17
We pray and send good thoughts for our friend and her daughter who is going through some things. Jan9
We pray and send good thoughts for one of our Tumblr friends who has stepped away and we await her return. Jan6
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jeanniebug623 · 8 months
🕸️🕷️ Weaving the Web 🕷️🕸️
Chapter 6: The Diagnosis
Spider was bored. But that was the least of his problems…
Two weeks in a hospital room with nothing to do except NOT go crazy. Well, crazy as in not let out his new unpredictable side. Quaritch checked on him daily as well as a very limited staff of doctors. After those two weeks with no sign of Miles, the colonel felt secure enough to reintroduce Ja. The teen didn’t say anything when the team medic came into the room, only readjusted his arms wrapped around his knees and nodded awkwardly as a greeting.
Ja reassured Spider there were no hard feelings and that his presence was purely professional. He wanted to help the boy understand what he was experiencing. Quaritch theorized that Spider would be more comfortable in the presence of the recoms due to his upbringing. Yes, he’d grown up with other humans but those traitors could barely call themselves that due to their loyalties.
”It’s called dissociative identity disorder.” Ja said as he sat at Spider’s bedside. Quaritch stood at the foot of the bed, arms crossed and gauging the boy’s reaction. The colonel hadn’t even known his genetic predecessor's son was on Pandora and he’d thrown him into the lion’s den without a second thought. A sixteen-year-old boy versus the ruthless might of the RDA. He had to ignore the regret and focus on the present…
”Sounds like a fancy way to say I’m fucked in the head…” Spider said quietly. His voice was sad and empty.
”No, not at all.” Ja reassured him, putting on a small smile for a brief moment before continuing with a more serious tone, “But it is a serious mental health disorder that we can’t ignore. It’s also known as multiple personality disorder. I’m sure you can guess why.”
The colonel felt his brain reeling at the memories of his interactions with Spider’s new personality: Miles. He couldn’t even feel proud that the kid chose that name so proudly. ‘Miles’ was strong, immovable, and highly defensive of Spider. But he was also violent and unpredictable. Miles didn’t care who got in his way; he would destroy anyone he deemed a threat to Spider. But Spider’s safety wasn’t completely in the forefront of Miles’ mind as evident by how he acted without concern for his physical condition.
”So I’m just fucked in multiple ways……awesome.” Spider said, pulling his legs even tighter to his body. So many thoughts rushed through his head. Physically, he felt fine. He’d been in the hospital with lots of rest and solid meals for a couple weeks. He even mentioned a headache, he was quickly rushed to a CT scan and given pain meds soon after. But emotionally? He was terrified. He was still not fully understanding this diagnosis.
”Spider, it’s not about being fucked up.” Quaritch said, his tone equal parts firm and caring. Unlike when Ja spoke and the boy avoided eye contact, he looked up to the colonel when he chimed in. “It’s about knowing and understanding this condition. And acting accordingly.”
”Will it go away?” Spider asked quietly. Quaritch looked at Ja, prompting Spider to do the same. “Like…you can cure it, right, doc?”
Doc was certainly a nicer nickname than ‘wet nurse’ as Miles had called him. Ja wished he had a better answer…
“Spider, I’m sorry. Even with where medical advances are, the brain is still too complex to just ‘cure’.” Ja said, wanting to sound more comforting as the kid visibly deflated and buried his face in his arms. “But the brain is an organ like anything else. Mental health is just as important as physical health. And when you know the problem, it’s easier to control. Do you know what diabetes is, Spider?”
Spider didn’t lift his head up, but he did shake it from side to side in his arms as a ‘no’.
”Diabetes is a condition where a human’s blood sugar level is not properly regulated by their body’s natural process. A medicine called insulin is administered to control it. Modern medicine has discovered ways to permanently control it with implants but not everyone can afford it back on Earth so a lot of people still have to take insulin every day. It doesn’t go away but they can control it.” Ja explained.
”So, is there medicine I can take to control this?” Spider asked, lifting his head a bit and sounding hopeful. Taking medicine every day for the rest of his life sounded like a pain but he would at least be able to live his life. Maybe, escape this circle of hell called Bridgehead City someday. But he wouldn’t feel safe trying to run away…even if he did pull it off, how would he react to his friends? Would he be violent towards them or the science guys or the rest of the Na’vi? That terrified him more than anything…
Ja went quiet and looked to his commanding officer for assistance on this one. The medic had given the entire squad the quick version of what dissociative identity disorder was. The conversation that followed was a free speech conversation but it didn’t go anywhere.
They were on a mission to find Jake Sully. The kid should be left with the medical staff and scientists now. He wasn’t their problem since he hadn’t given them any useful info on the enemy. He was a liability now. Maybe it would be better if the RDA just locked him up for good.
His squad, aside from his old friend Lyle, didn’t understand Quartch’s feelings on the matter. He didn’t have to give his opinion for the corporal to know his bland tone was forced or that the way he ground his teeth while squaring his jaw was very much a ‘human colonel’ cue that he was upset. Even if these squad didn’t have a connection to the kid, they should be respectful that their commanding officer did.
”No, tiger. There’s drugs to control symptoms but not the DID itself.” Quaritch said, those big brown sad eyes looking back at him. It was like looking at a puppy begging for scraps. He leaned forward on the side rails of the bed, creaking under his weight. “But we’re gonna figure this out. Mental health…stuff…it can be handled in its own way. Right, doc?”
”Exactly!” Ja said, finally able to have a genuinely hopeful tone. “YOU are in control, Spider. You are the core identity. ‘Miles’ is an alternate personality.”
”He was always there…wasn’t he?” Spider asked, sounding unsure. Scared even.
He thought back on all the times he was scared or angry as a young child. When he wanted to hit someone or throw something in rage but didn’t due to the consequences.
Ja sighed and shrugged a bit, “I can��t say for sure. I’m sure the trai-…people who raised you kept track of your medical history growing up?”
Spider shrugged and it made Quaritch’s blood start to boil. Did those human traitors not care enough about the humans being born on Pandora to keep track of those things? Their growth, their health? Wouldn’t the kid have at least been a good ‘experiment’ as the first human born on Pandora?
“We only have five months worth of medical records for you in RDA archives.” Ja said.
”What?” Quaritch and Spider said simultaneously.
The good medic opted to look at Quaritch to explain but Spider listened just as attentively.
”Monthly checkups when Paz went in for postpartum care. Despite the backlash from the initial pregnancy announcement, a lot of people changed their tune when Spider was born completely healthy and Paz recovered faster than most new mothers.” Ja explained.
Spider felt a new warmth spread through himself hearing about his mom. She sounded like a tough woman. Made him proud and a small smile pulled at the corners of his mouth.
”Paz was an amazing woman.” Quaritch remarked and, though he only knew her reputation, Ja nodded in agreement.
Ja looked back to Spider, “You might have had preexisting signs of this condition. The fact that you can remember when Miles is in control to some degree is even rarer than the condition itself.”
”I can’t say I remember…” Spider said, finally letting one arm loose and put his right hand to the side of his head, fingers slipping in his locs, “…it’s more of a feeling. Like…something’s off. Like I know I did something wrong…”
”You haven’t done ANYTHING wrong, Spider.” Quaritch said firmly, ear pinning back, “You understand me?”
”I bit someone’s face…” Spider said flatly, giving the colonel an unconvinced look. He hadn’t seen the guy who’d made the mistake of trying to fasten a strap across his chest when Miles was on the loose. But he heard plenty of rumors how savage he’d been in the strike. Miles had managed to sink his teeth into the man’s cheek and lower jaw, tearing a flap of flesh off that was barely hanging on when it was stitched back into place.
“I’m not saying bad shit hasn’t happened but you’re not at fault.” Quaritch elaborated. Spider was a feisty one, but he didn’t have the heart to hurt someone for no reason. THAT much Quaritch had learned about the boy in the short few weeks.
”Did all this happen because of that demon machine?” Spider asked suddenly with a growl. He gripped his head a little tighter, closing his eyes. He could feel a headache starting behind his right eye when he thought about the neuroscanner.
”It’s a possibility…” Ja said cautiously, glancing at Quaritch.
It was more than a possibility in Quaritch’s mind, probably in Ja’s too. They’d seen the brain scans after each session in the neuroscanner. They physically saw the changes in brain activity. Ja explained that the scans focused on probing the frontal lobe where memory is stored. However, he also explained that this is the brain’s primary storage for personality traits. If they were forcibly prying into that part of the brain, it was inevitable that cracks would spread.
”Soooo…” Spider started, closing his eyes tightly and turning into his own hand, “You kidnap me…torture me…break my brain…and NOW you want to help me?”
”None of this was planned, kid.” Quaritch said weakly. “I would’ve put an end to it.”
”Before or after the torture?” Spider spat out, moving his left arm down to grip the starchy fabric of the sheets. “Maybe a little torture would’ve been ok? As long as you got what you wanted, right? But you let it go too far and now I’m broken. Useless to you and dangerous to others! Awesome…”
Quaritch stared at the boy, unable to respond. Yes, he’d been on board with the neuroscanner. But not the four sessions he’d been subjected to. He’d been present at two of them, including the last one he’d stopped when his concern for the boy’s wellbeing surpassed following orders. It would be a poor excuse to divert blame and he knew to say he didn’t agree to all the sessions wasn’t enough to make up for the damage done.
”You’re not useless.” Quaritch said instead, “The team still needs to learn what insults you’re spittin’ out in Na’vi.”
Spider scoffed and rolled his eyes.
”I’m workin’ on it, Spider.”
”On what?”
”Gettin’ you back out in the field.”
Spider looked up at Quaritch, a strange look in his eyes. He looked excited at first but tried to hide it. He was worried it was just an empty promise.
”First, I want to get you out of this room. Sound good?” Quaritch asked. Not that he intended to stop challenging Ardmore on this, but he wanted the boy to be in the loop and have some say in it. If he didn’t want to leave the hospital, he’d accept it with grace but still move forward with the next step in his plan…
”I don’t wanna go back to a cell…” Spider said quickly, his voice cracking in an embarrassing way. The hospital room wasn’t exciting but it was better than a prison cell with four plain white walls, a hard metal platform with barely a padded mat to sleep on, and a toilet in the corner for those perverts behind the cameras to watch him use.
”Not a cell, I promise. You’ll stick with me.” Quaritch said. He put on the most reassuring smile he could, even though he still had a massive obstacle in the way of General Ardmore. “I don’t make promises I can’t keep, kid.”
This promise was nonnegotiable.
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prosewithpurpose · 7 months
Ozempic: Dying To Be Thin
I have recently been following a few stories and commentators as they have reported on the side effects of Ozempic. My typical literary niche is mental health, inspiration and motivation for self-development. While I don’t follow the latest trends in any area I had followed the Ozempic one for some reason.
I think the part that interested me the most was many of the people who interviewed were willing to buy the drug on the black market, unverified websites and the like. Don’t read what I’m not writing I think it’s important not to point fingers but to have a holistic view of the Ozempic side effects issue.
As I researched the stories I found most of the cases were in the United States and the UK. In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, understanding the implications of medications is paramount. Most people are aware who follow Ozempic know it’s used for type 2 diabetes.
It gained prominence for weight loss in the last few years. I reviewed some history and current lawsuits due to the side effects. I was not aware that the side effects can affect vital organs and cause other unsettling concerns. Some may not be aware that drugs can be researched and more information can be reviewed on the FDA’s website.
Another thing that consumers can do is explore if there are current lawsuits or recalls on drugs before they start taking them. I know most people trust their health care professional but we should do our due diligence as well.
Ozempic, a member of the glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist class, plays a pivotal role in regulating blood sugar levels. However, like many pharmaceutical interventions, its therapeutic benefits are accompanied by a spectrum of potential side effects. These side effects vary in intensity and occurrence, impacting individuals in diverse ways.
I’m a therapist, not a physician or a nurse. I have treated many clients who struggle with weight loss or menopausal weight gain. Most of the clients I have served have found it difficult to lose weight as they have gotten older.
I have referred them to their primary care doctor. With that said some people want a quick fix for whatever reason and I can see the frustration and all the concerns that go with trying to lose weight and obtain wellness.
My concern with the latest trend of those on Ozempic is the side effects and the those that may not be informed enough on those who are dying as a result of using Ozempic or the generic form of it.
Commonly reported side effects of Ozempic encompass gastrointestinal disturbances, with nausea and diarrhea being prevalent among users. These effects are often transient, diminishing over time as the body adjusts to the medication. Concurrently, injection site reactions, another common occurrence, may manifest as redness, swelling, or itching.
While these side effects are generally considered mild, their prevalence underscores the importance of patient awareness and proactive management. As I listened to story after story most of the people had other chronic illnesses as well.
Beyond the scope of common side effects lie more serious complications that demand heightened attention. Instances of pancreatitis, though rare, have been associated with the use of Ozempic. Pancreatitis, characterized by inflammation of the pancreas, necessitates immediate medical intervention and underscores the need for vigilant monitoring during Ozempic therapy.
Additionally, concerns have been raised regarding the potential association between Ozempic and thyroid tumors. Though the risk is deemed low, healthcare practitioners and users alike must remain vigilant, emphasizing the importance of regular health check-ups and communication between patients and their healthcare providers.
It is essential to recognize the symbiotic relationship between healthcare education and the communication of potential side effects. In the digital age, individuals often turn to search engines for health-related information.
I will say most of what I found were researchers on YouTube and science journals that are talking about the side effects of Ozempic a little more now. Thus, effective communication becomes a conduit for informed decision-making. Utilizing search engine optimization (SEO) strategies ensures that information about Ozempic’s side effects is readily accessible to those seeking it.
I’m a news buff and enjoy all things science and this story was disturbing because people were and are dying from one thing but the root cause was from taking Ozempic. I hope people will do their due diligence so not one more person has to die to be thin.
For those who may be interested in strategic keyword integration, such as “Ozempic side effects” or “Ozempic complications,” the dissemination of valuable information becomes more efficient and widespread.
Thank you for reading
Be Well!
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dragoon811 · 7 months
I have had a shitty week. Can someone manifest me some good vibes?
Sunday started nice. Monday was a holiday (Family Day) so I got some extra weekend. I was looking forward to it - then Elder Child crawled into my bed just past midnight with a fever.
Monday she stopped eating after lunch (two bites of banana), but was drinking water.
Stayed home Tuesday to help her combat the fever. Wednesday morning she had no fever so my daycare lady was able to take her and I went to work. She kept me updated etc all day.
My gut didn’t like how much she was sleeping so after work I decided to take Elder Child to the children’s hospital. Convinced my husband to pack me a bag, thinking they’d throw Tylenol at us and we’d sit in the waiting room for 8 hours to be told it’s an ear infection/sinus infection…. But I got home to her and her fever returned. (And my period started. JOY.)
Loaded her into the stroller, threw myself in, and off we went! Waited in line at triage.
Triage called us, we weighed her, we talked. And I said I was concerned because she hadn’t eaten, the fever was back, my sister was diabetic and I was starting to worry because when she was sleeping I couldn’t rouse her easily, and her breath smelled and basically asked them to check her blood sugar.
So they did. (This was NOT an enjoyable experience for Elder Child.) it was at 2 - new to how Canadians measure shit, I’m really glad the little screen added in red: “CRITICAL LOW”.
The nurse made a phone call and stressed, surprised, that Elder Child was alert.
Upon the second attempt at a reading because it was low, Elder Child was more prepared. She kicked, she fought, she puked all over herself, and bolted for the emerge doors.
Ok. Skip a second test. (Note: I did not pack spare clothes.)
We were taken right back to a room in the emergency wing. Unsettling.
Then a flurry of people - a lady trying to help Elder Child adjust and calm down. Nurses. Doctors asking questions. (Another note - I have not slept well in 2 weeks, am hearing impaired, and now overwhelmed and scared. Not a good combo.)
Gave Elder Child a nasal spray to calm her (this resulted in another bolting for freedom, also thwarted), another blood check….and once the spray started to work, we tried to prep her for an IV/blood draw.
This was ALSO strongly disliked. More holding her down. I did a lot of crying.
We went through the symptoms - tummy hurting, drinking some water but hadn’t peed in like 6-7 hours, fever, sleeping constantly, not eating. Ended up doing ultrasound, X-ray. Ten bottles of blood (and she FREAKED). Finally got her to pee. Yes, she peed on me.
Refused food. Refused popsicles. Refused juice. Started IV - first sugar bolus. Then hydration. We named the IV robot Frank. Elder Child, loopy from the spray, patted it and told it it was doing a good job. Also, during our walk to ultrasound, said she was Frank’s pet puppy and he was taking her for a walk, see her leash? 😅
Spent the night. (Another note: my daycare kept her sister until bedtime. And we arranged to take her as soon as she woke up because we cannot trust my husband with her care.) Lots more holding her down and blood checks.
Also please note: Elder Dragoon wails and screams when distressed. She was very distressed. I felt really sorry for the staff because I couldn’t calm her.
In the morning she managed to eat a bit! Yay! Tried to disconnect the iv - sugar went down. Hooked her back up. Spent the day trying to get her to drink 100ml of apple juice.
Ended up discharged at almost 4pm - diagnosis: fever, causing hypoglycemia. Apparently kids don’t have as much stores as adults and the fever was burning through what she DID have.
So I spent today waking her every 4 hours and getting her to eat or drink. It took her an hour to drink half a juice box. But by dinner today she was improved and actually had food. And accepted popsicles.
Still have to get her eating or drinking again in about 20min. Then set the timer back.
I just want a full REM cycle of sleep. I am SO fucking tired.
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oathkeptroxas · 9 months
Anyway I'm really annoyed by fatphobia by medical professionals. I have pcos so I'm prone to weight gain/inability to lose weight as a result of a medical hormonal imbalance that is literally not my fault and incurable.
Another side effect of pcos is irregular, heavy and painful periods. Which I take a contraceptive for to stop the periods.
But the contraceptive can raise blood pressure in some people. So I have to get my blood pressure checked every 6 months.
And the nurse is always noticeably surprised that I have never had my blood pressure be outside of a healthy range. The last nurse audibly gasped and checked it again.
I recently had a blood test done because I thought my immune system was compromised (I was getting ill a lot). Turns out I have a vitamin deficiency from lack of sun exposure. But you bet the doctor made sure to assure me entirely unprompted that I didn't have diabetes before sharing my ACTUAL results.
Literally none of my health concerns have been related to weight except for the actual medical condition that causes the weight in the first place, yet every medical professional keeps expecting to find something or dismissing actual concerns because of that expectation
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clatterbane · 22 days
I am feeling greatly vindicated about now, in a way that I am very aware is probably verging on bitchiness on this end too. But, some people just affect me that way.
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What do we have here, through the portal? Starting cortisol levels toward the lower end of normal for that time of day. And also well within the normal range? The cortisol-stimulating hormone which is what goes screwy and gets overproduced to make your adrenal glands pump out too much cortisol, if the problem is on the pituitary end.
The point of this overzealous testing?
The dexamethasone suppression test is used to diagnose endogenous Cushing syndrome by assessing the lack of suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in response to exogenous corticosteroids.[1] The first use of dexamethasone for diagnosing Cushing syndrome was in 1960 by Liddle; he developed a test based on the non-suppressibility of endogenous cortisol production in Cushing syndrome versus the physiological suppression in nonaffected individuals achieved by dexamethasone.[2]
So yeah, if you give someone even a single dose of dexamethasone (never mind the sledgehammer 8-dose multiday protocol they hit my endocrine system with!), their body should cut way back on its own cortisol production to compensate. If the regulating mechanism is borked, it will just keep pumping out the ACTH and then a bunch of cortisol anyway.
What happened in this case?
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Straight down within the expected time frame, from totally fine levels starting out. The usual low single-dose test would have more than done it, without fucking my blood sugar up or giving me its own version of the Prednisone Crazies to anywhere near the same extent. They are apparently looking for at least a 50% reduction in levels, and we have more than met that goal!
(Yeah, they are close enough drugs to have similar effects. I've unfortunately had to take courses of prednisone multiple times, mostly for particularly nasty allergic skin reactions. But dexamethasone is stronger stuff and the effects apparently last longer. 👿 I am very relieved to be done taking the shit as of like 6:30 this morning. Probably a few more days of lingering fun to look forward to.)
It was a dramatic enough drop during that first day, that the nurse actually went ahead and reassured us this morning that things were obviously perfectly fine there when I went in for the second steroided-up blood draw.
Gotta say the lab was quick! They drew the samples just before 8:30 again today, and the results were up on the portal when I logged in somewhere around noon. That clinic is right in the university medical center complex, but still.
They took so much blood the first time because the endo also decided to throw in All The Tests while she was at it. Including a bunch of the diabetes-standard ones that she already ordered before the recent routine check-in appointment where she sprung this xenophobic concern-trolling bullshit on me in the first place. Also got expanded kidney and liver panels, what seemed like every other major hormone in my body checked, and a whole new battery of tests prompted by the chronic anemia. A lot of those repeats of what primary care just recently ordered (and she could see the results of) after she kicked that over to their side. At least it was just two tubes for the cortisol and ACTH today.
But yeah, at least nothing out of that huge battery of tests came back looking weird in unexpected ways! I am still slightly anemic, my sodium and potassium levels are still running just barely under range, and a couple of kidney indicators are still looking borderline wonky in a very diabetic way.
(Which seems to be staying pretty stable for years now, not even far off enough that anyone has seemed to feel like it's needed treatment--and it's frankly a miracle that my renal function isn't way more thrashed than that, after the number of years of earlier negligence and uncontrolled blood sugar. Ruined kidneys was honestly one of my big nagging worries while all of that was still going on.)
Anyway, one thing I WAS actually glad and somewhat relieved to see while scrolling through that huge mess of reports:
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Because it was primarily a pituitary prolactinoma that I got removed back in high school. And especially with the healthcare mess back in the US? I am not aware of that ever having been checked again within the past 30 years. My family ended up uninsured within a year or two of the surgery, and the last follow-up probably happened in 1992-93. The symptoms thankfully did go away over time--along with the freaking cortisol side bonus staying distant history!
(None of which was the endo aware of when she decided I looked weird enough to constitute a medical problem, I just can't restrain myself from emphasizing again.)
The little fuckers do have a distressing tendency to come back sometimes. But yeah, BTDT and I am pretty confident that I would have noticed if that were causing problems. But, I am still glad for the confirmation that my prolactin levels are fine now.
This whole thing was, indeed, uncalled for. And I am still perversely gratified to be proven right about this, when it's been taking up so much rent-free space in my head. (Thanks, PTSD!) And also to see that I am honestly looking healthier across a whole slew of bloodwork measures than I was half-afraid I might.
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ausetkmt · 24 days
The fundamental concern as we look to reform health in America is the known reality that most chronic diseases that afflict Americans are predominantly lifestyle induced; and the belief is that the vast majority of heart attacks and strokes could be prevented if people were willing to adopt healthy lifestyle behaviors. In addition, healthy lifestyles would impact a significant number of cancers which are also believed to be related to lifestyle exposures, especially to obesity, cigarettes, and other toxins.
Over the past 50 years, the health of Americans has gotten worse, and now 71% of Americans are overweight or obese—not 66%, which was reported 5 years ago.1 That means a staggering 100 million people in America are obese. Today, eating processed foods and fast foods may kill more people prematurely than cigarette smoking.2
Authorities determined the 71% figure by classifying people with a body mass index (BMI) over 25 kg/m2 as overweight or obese. Yet in long-lived societies such as in the “Blue Zones” (Ikaria, Greece; Sardinia, Italy; Okinawa, Japan; the Nicoya Peninsula of Costa Rica; and Loma, Linda California) and wherever we find groups of centenarians, we observe a healthy BMI below 23 kg/m2, not 25 kg/m2. If we use above 23 kg/m2 as the demarcation for overweight or obesity, then we find that 88% of Americans are overweight. And out of the approximately 10% that are of normal weight, the majority of those so-called “normal weight individuals” are either cigarette smokers, or suffer from alcoholism, drug addiction or dependency, autoimmune disease, occult cancers, inflammatory disorders, autoimmune conditions, digestive disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, and other illnesses that lower their body weight. Therefore, perhaps that only about 5% of the American population is at a normal weight as a result of eating healthy and living a healthy life. A recent study documented that only 2.7% of Americans adopt a relatively healthy lifestyle by combining exercise with healthy eating.3 The Standard American Diet (SAD) is clearly not a healthy diet.
I use the term “Fast Food Genocide” because most don’t understand the depth and breadth of the harm as a large segment of our society eats a diet worse than the dangerous SAD. Many people recognize that junk food, fast food, processed food, white flour, sugar, maple syrup, honey, agave nectar, and all the junk people are eating contribute to in obesity, diabetes, heart attacks, strokes, dementia and cancer, but many don’t realize the strong causative role an unhealthy diet may have in mental illness. Currently, 1 in 5 Americans suffers from a psychiatric disorder. And many people don’t realize the harm that processed foods have on Americans living in urban areas where they don’t have easy access to whole, fresh foods.
These unfortunate folks live in what we call “food deserts,” with reduced availability to fresh fruits and vegetables. Because of the limited access to supermarkets, they eat more unhealthy fast and processed foods and end up having 7 times the risk of early-life stroke (before age 45), putting people in nursing homes in their 30s, 40s, and 50s.4-7
The vulnerable poor in these areas also have double the risk of heart attack, double the risk of diabetes, and 4 times the risk of renal failure8-10; Unfortunately, the decrease in life span due to food inequality is shocking but rarely discussed. A substantial proportion of people in these urban environments are overweight, prediabetic, or fully diabetic. Researchers determined that compared with other areas in America with easy access to supermarket food, that the YPLL (Years of Potential Life Lost) for an overweight diabetic living in a zone classified as a food desert was a shocking 45 years!11,12
A link may even exist between fast food, processed food, commercial baked goods, and sweets and destruction of brain cell and a lowering of intelligence. Candy and sweetened baked goods may even stimulate the brain in an addictive fashion, which can lead to more serious illnesses.
The nutritional fundamentals accepted by the World Health Organization and most nutritional authorities today include vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, and fruit as healthy foods; and salt, saturated fat, and excess sugar as disease causing. Excessive amounts of animal products may lead to premature aging, increased risk of chronic disease and higher all-cause mortality. Multiple studies have been published on hundreds of thousands of people, followed for decades showing that the objective endpoint of death is increased with higher amounts of animal product consumption.13-17 Furthermore, refined carbohydrates may not just lead to being overweight and diabetic but also contribute to dementia, mental illness, and cancer.18-21 There is considerable evidence today that heart disease is not only promoted by saturated fat and increased animal products but also by refined carbohydrates, including white rice, white bread, sugar, honey, maple syrup, and agave nectar.22-25
Research has shown that excess calories shorten lifespan, whereas moderate caloric restriction slows the aging process and protects the body and brain. Americans consume more calories than any other population; and they consume foods, many of which have minimal or no nutritional value (soda and alcohol as examples). So let’s consider the individual who is consuming 50 excess calories per day. What will be the short- and long-term result? Fifty excess calories per day, over and above your basic metabolic needs, over a 10-year period, adds about 50 pounds of extra body weight. The excess weight increases the risk of multiple chronic illnesses, cancers, and also takes many years of life away from the individual simply as a result of consuming only 50 calories a day too many.
Conversely, if an individual consumed 50 calories a day less that their metabolic requirements what would happen then? Would he or she become too thin, anorexic, and unhealthy? Would their bones fall apart? Obviously not! When you moderately caloric-restrict, even a small amount such as 50 to 100 calories a day, weight remains about the same, the person is slim, not too thin, and healthy. He or she will have a lower body fat percentage, and the skeletal mass, bones, and muscle mass are strong. In this scenario, the metabolic rate would slow down accordingly. The respiratory quotient, (the number of calories lost through respiration) would decrease, the body temperature would lower, and thyroid function would decrease slightly, all lowering the metabolic rate, which overall may result in a slowing of the aging process. The secret to a long life and freedom from chronic disease may be simply to moderately reduce calories in order to slow down our metabolic rate. The only behavior proven scientifically to dramatically increase life span in every species of animals, including primates, is to lower caloric intake while maintaining an environment of micronutrient adequacy, assuring that we have exposure to every micronutrient humans need. The American diet is also deficient in antioxidants and phytochemicals that are needed for normal immune function, for maximizing brain health, protecting against dementia, chronic illness, cancer, and premature aging.
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kayvanh123 · 2 months
Understanding Elderly Depression: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
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As our population ages, understanding the mental health challenges faced by the elderly becomes increasingly important. Depression is a significant concern among older adults, affecting their overall well-being and quality of life. In this article, we will explore the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for elderly depression, providing valuable insights for caregivers, family members, and healthcare professionals.
What is Elderly Depression?
Elderly depression is a mental health disorder characterized by persistent sadness, loss of interest in activities, and a range of physical and emotional symptoms. It is not a normal part of aging but a medical condition that requires attention and treatment.
Causes of Depression in the Elderly
Physical Health Issues: Chronic illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis can contribute to depression. The physical pain and limitations these conditions impose can lead to feelings of hopelessness and despair.
Loss and Bereavement: The death of a spouse, friends, or family members can trigger profound grief and loneliness, increasing the risk of depression.
Social Isolation: Reduced social interactions due to retirement, mobility issues, or the loss of loved ones can lead to feelings of isolation and depression.
Medication Side Effects: Some medications commonly prescribed to older adults can have side effects that contribute to depressive symptoms.
Genetics: A family history of depression can increase the likelihood of developing the condition.
Life Transitions: Major life changes, such as moving to a nursing home or adjusting to a new living situation, can be stressful and contribute to depression.
Symptoms of Elderly Depression
Recognizing depression in the elderly can be challenging as symptoms may differ from those in younger individuals. Common symptoms include:
Persistent sadness or anxiety
Loss of interest in activities once enjoyed
Fatigue and lack of energy
Changes in appetite and weight
Difficulty sleeping or oversleeping
Feelings of worthlessness or guilt
Difficulty concentrating and making decisions
Physical symptoms such as aches and pains without a clear cause
Thoughts of death or suicide
Treatment Options for Elderly Depression
Psychotherapy: Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and interpersonal therapy (IPT) are effective in treating depression by addressing negative thought patterns and improving coping strategies.
Medication: Antidepressants can be prescribed to help balance brain chemicals. It’s crucial to work closely with a healthcare provider to find the right medication and dosage, considering potential side effects and interactions with other medications.
Lifestyle Changes: Encouraging physical activity, a healthy diet, and regular sleep can improve mood and overall health.
Social Support: Maintaining strong social connections through family, friends, and community activities can help alleviate feelings of isolation and depression.
Support Groups: Joining a support group for older adults can provide a sense of belonging and understanding.
Medical Care: Managing chronic health conditions and ensuring proper medication management can reduce the physical factors contributing to depression.
Preventing Depression in the Elderly
Stay Connected: Encourage regular social interactions and participation in community activities.
Promote Physical Health: Encourage regular exercise and a balanced diet.
Provide Emotional Support: Be attentive and supportive, recognizing the emotional needs of older adults.
Monitor Medications: Be aware of potential side effects and interactions of prescribed medications.
Seek Professional Help: If signs of depression are present, seek the advice of healthcare professionals promptly.
Remember, if you need further guidance or support, don’t hesitate to reach out to your mental health professional or contact us for assistance.
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stargazer-sims · 11 months
Fox + Delusion + Shame + Moon
Here's another one @dandylion240. This one is connected to a previous one, which was suggested by @cawthorntales
Fox steps onto the balcony and gazes up at the moon. The air is warm for an October night, but still cool enough to make him glad that he thought to pull on a hoodie before coming outside.
The balcony is one of his favourite features of the house. A set of French doors leads directly onto it from his and Takahiro's bedroom, making it easy for them to slip out after all the kids are in bed. Fox likes to think of it as their private sanctuary. They've spent many evenings out here together, sometimes discussing weighty things, sometimes chatting about something inconsequential, and sometimes just sitting in companionable silence and gazing at the lazily-flowing creek under the pale silvery glow of moonlight.
Fox is acutely aware of his husband's absence tonight. Takahiro's chair is conspicuously empty, the blanket he'd brought out here a few days ago folded neatly on the seat. Fox reminds himself he’ll have to bring the blanket inside when he’s ready to go to bed. It’s Taka’s favourite. He wouldn’t want it to be ruined in the event of rain.
Fox wishes Takahiro were here. He's not sure if they'd talk, even though there's a lot he could say. Mostly, he wants the comfort Taka's presence would give him.
Takahiro is at the hospital, staying with their older set of twins, Camellia and Forest. Fox had been there with them all day while Taka took care of their other kids, and after dinner they'd switched roles. Forest in particular hadn't wanted Fox to leave, and walking out of their hospital room had been hard, but he was more sad than worried. He knew they'd be okay for the night, even if they missed him.
The person Fox is most worried about is actually Takahiro. He's already struggling to grasp the reality that Forest and Camellia both have type 1 diabetes, and they haven't even been released from the hospital yet. The diagnosis is only the beginning of their journey, and he doesn't know how Taka is going to cope with what comes next.
As for Fox himself, he can't say he's really surprised at the diagnosis. As much as he wishes none of this were real, in the back of his mind, he'd half expected it to happen to at least one of his kids sooner or later. He's taking it way more calmly than he ever imagined he would, and perhaps that concerns him more than the fact of his children's illness.
Shouldn't I be scared? he asks himself. Shouldn't I be more anxious about all the changes we'll need to make? About regular medical checkups and blood glucose tests and giving my kids shots two or three times a day?
He has scattered recollections of the early days of his own diagnosis. He'd been six years old when he and his family found out about his diabetes, not much older than Forest and Camellia are now. They'll turn six in January.
Fox's most vivid early memory of the experience of his illness is of being in the hospital and learning how injections worked, and of his father crying while sticking a needle into his thigh. He remembers Dad's face getting so red that he could barely see his freckles any more, and how tight the muscles in his jaw and neck looked. Dad had managed to give Fox the shot, but he ran out of the room immediately afterwards, and hadn't quite gotten into the hallway before totally breaking down.
Fox hadn't understood the sound of an adult sobbing, and it'd scared him. He'd wailed in fear and screamed for his father to come back, and nothing the nurse did or said could calm him. He didn't stop crying until his father returned. Dad might've been gone for two minutes, but to Fox's terrified six-year-old brain, it'd seemed like an eternity.
When Dad came back, he and Fox clung to each other for a long time. Fox kept saying he was sorry, although he didn't quite know why he felt he had to say it. All he knew is that Dad had cried because of him, and he felt really bad about it and wanted to fix things somehow.
Now that he's a parent himself, Fox understands what really happened that day. He knows it wasn't his fault and that he personally hadn't made his father cry. He comprehends why giving him a shot was so upsetting for Dad, but he also has the perspective of understanding what Dad's reaction had done to him.
For the longest time, the shame of that moment did not go away. Fox's young mind hadn't been able to process the situation nor the emotions that went along with it, and for years after that, he would feel guilty and scared every time Dad was even the slightest bit upset. As a consequence, he'd tried his hardest to do everything Dad wanted him to, afraid to disobey or to do anything at all that might cause a metaphorical ripple in the otherwise calm water of their lives.
The shame wasn't limited to his relationship with his father, either. As a young child, he developed the idea that his diabetes itself was something to be ashamed of. He'd reached the conclusion that it was a source of discomfort and distress for others, and that if he revealed to anyone that he carried this terrible disease, he'd be responsible for whatever negative feelings they might have about it. Then, they wouldn't want to be his friends or even be around him.
It makes him sad that he'd laboured under that delusion for so many years, and even more so to realize that his parents never once tried to address it. He used to be angry about that, but since having kids of his own, he’s learned to let his anger go because he sees how deeply the things that affect him also affect them.
He thinks it's possible that his parents hadn’t helped him work through his emotional and psychological challenges because they’d let themselves fall into a delusion of their own; one in which they convinced themselves their family’s problems would not exist if they ignored them. And the companion to that misguided belief seemed to have been the equally damaging notion that if they shielded Fox from absolutely everything, he'd never be hurt by anything again.
But, they'd been wrong, and he thinks they probably still don't know how catastrophically wrong they'd been.
Fox resolves that he won't repeat his parents' mistake. He wants to be honest with his children and open with his husband. Yes, the next few weeks and months are going to be difficult, and he doesn't doubt that both he and Taka will cry, possibly even in front of their kids, but Fox is determined that he won't allow the truth of any of their experiences to to be hidden.
He wants his kids to know that there's nothing shameful about their illness, and that it won't stop them from doing whatever they want to do with their lives. They can still play and have fun, go to school, make friends, have careers and fall in love. The whole world is open to them, and he needs them to know that as much as he loves them and wants to keep them safe, he'll never try to hold them back.
If a day comes when he can't keep his tears at bay, he'll make sure his children understand it's in no way their fault. He'll tell them he loves them, and that it's okay for anyone — kids or grownups — to cry if something makes them feel scared or sad. He’ll tell them they shouldn’t be worried about saying how they feel, nor to be ashamed about asking for help.
And he'll let Takahiro know that anything he's feeling is valid too. He wants Taka to be comfortable sharing whatever he needs to, so they can find solutions together. It may not always be easy for Taka to share, but the offer will always be there. Fox's heart and mind and arms will always be open to comfort and reassure him.
We can do this, he tells himself. We’ve survived all of our worst days so far, and we’re strong enough to get through this too.
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