#concerts tomorrow and it is NOT our fault
the-kneesbees · 10 months
"this sounds perfect you guys!" my entire section has not successfully played this piece once.
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paulyenvol6 · 1 month
Against All Odds (Chapter 1)
Contains: no smut but mentions of hearing two people having sex and some fighting
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y/n’s POV
She hated him so much. His arrogant attitude and how he looked at everyone as if they were not half as good as he was. They just knew each other for a week and she was already so annoyed by this piece of shit.               
She had just stormed out of the rehearsel room after Harry wanted to explain to her how to play the riff at one point of Adore You. He was the singer, she was the guitarist! What the hell was he thinking? He always acted like he could do everything better and knew everything better.
She heared steps behind her. It was Sarah, she always wanted to make sure everything was fine and she really hated bad vibes. „Come on, y/n, he didn’t mean to hurt you.“ „I’m not hurt.“, y/n shouted, immediately feeling sorry. It was not Sarahs fault that Harry and her were not able to keep their private problems out of the band’s rehearsels.
She felt Sarah’s hand on her shoulder, turning her around. „Please, we need to practice now. I know Harry can be annoying but just ignore it. And maybe it really was meant in a nice way. Maybe he just wanted to help you.“ Y/n rolled her eyes. „C’mon.“, Sarah begged. She sighed. „Ok, I’m coming. But if he says one more disrespectful thing, I’mma-“ „Yes, it’s ok.“, Sarah said fastly and brought her back in the room.                                                                                                         
When y/n saw Harry standing at the microphone with this smugly look she could’ve gone mad again. „Hello ladies.“, he said overly friendly, but y/n just ignored him and went to her guitar. „Ok, guys.“, Harry chuckled. „After our little break, I guess we should start from the beginning again.“
The rest of the rehearsel went ok. There was still some negative tension between them and Harry couldn’t stop teasing her now and then, which made y/n extremely angry but she was able to not say something back.  Until the rehearsel was over. Y/n was just about to pass the door, when Harry, the last one in the room shouted: „Aw, are you better, sweetie?“ She froze on the move and turned around, only to find him with this arrogant smile.
„Fuck you.“, she whispered. It was loud enough for Harry to hear it but he just laughed and came closer to her. „Honestly, you behaved like a child today. As soon as someone critizises you on a factual level you freak out and just can’t handle it. God, how old are you again?“
Y/n pushed him away from her and hissed at him: „What happened to you, that made you feel so self confident and arrogant? You think that noone is as good as you, but wake up. Stop telling me what to do, stop treating everyone like they’re underneath.“ Harry laughed and put his hands in his pockets. „You’re pride really must be hurt. ME telling YOU how to play that riff. But it’s alright honey. I’m glad to help.“ „Stop calling me honey.“, y/n said and turned away. She didn’t want him to see how angry he had gotten her. She decided it was best to leave now and eventually walked out the door. The last thing she heard was him chuckling.
Y/n was very angry at herself. If she looked back at the conversation, or better the arguement they had, she had to admit that he was the one who stayed cool. She was just all angry and full of emotions. Now she was sitting in her room, trying to read a book but she was still too upset to concentrate.                                                                            
They were at a hotel in the Netherlands right now and tomorrow they’d play in Amsterdam. Y/n unfortunately had the room right next to Harry and the first thing she had seen that morning was his face. He had already been working out and when she stepped out of the door she almost ran into him.                                         The day had been pretty relaxing. Besides the rehearsals the band could rest from the concert night before.
Now, it was 9pm, the band had already had dinner and they just did what everyone wanted to do. While the others wanted to do something and have some fun, y/n told that she’d go to her room. They were suprised but wished her a good night. She closed her book. There was nothing she could do, there was just too much going on in her head. It was still early for her so she needed some time to get tired.
When she finally closed her eyes and felt that her thoughts started to fade away, she heared a noise. She opened her eyes and tried to identify it. Everything was quiet, until there it was again. It sounded like someone whimpering. She wondered what it could be until suddenly it made sense to her.
God, Harry’s room was next to her and he clearly had sex with someone at this moment. Y/n pressed the pillow onto her face and cried out. Why??? Why today, when she had decided to stay in her room?! She already had changed her clothes and really didn’t feel like going out of her room again this evening. But she also didn’t want to hear Harry’s hook up screaming his name through the wall. Y/n sighed and turned to her stomach. She reached out to grab her book again but it was even more difficult to concentrate now.
Harry’s date had seemed to just started. She heared her sigh, moan and eventually actually cry out Harry’s name. Not that y/n was really interested in his sex life, but he seemed to be quite good to make her making such noises. Or maybe she just faked them. That would make way more sense. He probably needed to hear his hook ups moan like that, so his ego felt better.
Y/n chuckled from the imagination. She really didn’t want it but couldn’t help but think about what he might do to his date. Was he just fucking her? Or was he eating her out? She didn’t know much about sex, in fact she was still a virgin, but she knew that women often need to feel stimulation on their clits and that most women don’t reach their orgasm just from vaginal penetration. God, what was she doing? She felt embarressed to have thought about it. It was Harry Styles she was thinking about. She was disgusted by herself.
Finally she heared the moaning stop and turned to the other side. She hoped she could now sleep and get some rest.
Harry’s POV
He yawned open mouthed and rubed his eyes. He had had a long night with Pauline and really needed some coffee. Pauline had left the hotel very early. After she had woken up she said something an important appointment, grabbed her stuff and left. It had been obvious, that it was a one – time – thing to her and he didn’t have a problem with it either.
Harry had met her at dinner in an italian restaurant, after y/n had left. They had talked to each other a while and flirted a bit when Harry asked her if she wanted to have a drink at his hotel room. She agreed and they landed in bed.
The sex had been good, not extraordinary awesome though. Maybe it was because they just met. He recently wasn’t that satisfied with his sex life and realized a while ago that the reason might be, that his dates and he don’t usually have an emotional bond. He honestly didn’t have a problem with having a one night stand now and then, but he missed something. Emotions, he thought. Yeah, that was it. He wanted to feel something about his partner. Not just sympathy.                                                                                                            
He opened the door and stepped outside. Right at this moment the door to y/n’s room opened and she entered the floor, a little smile on her face, that vanished as soon as she saw him. Harry felt the same way and rolled his eyes. That was a really bad start for the day. They didn’t say anything, when they both walked to the elevator and entered it. It became a bit awkward so Harry said exactly what he had thought when he saw her come out the door. „This day only can be terrible with a start like that.“
He wasn’t a mean or bad person, but he liked saying mean things to her. He hated her, her arrogance and her always being pissed about anything he did or said. It was just super annoying. But he liked provocating her though, and making her explode. He waited for an answer but didn’t get one, which suprised him. Usually she’d always fire back.
He turned around to see her and she looked kinda uncomfortable. Y/n didn’t look at him, but to her feet, which was very unusual. But then, when she realized he was staring at her, she looked up. „Just shut up, asshole.“ „Are you nervous because of the show, sweetheart? Don’t have to be, I can help you with the solo later, if you want.“ He knew he hit the right spot. It’ll drive her insane, him acting like she needed his help and calling her nicknames. She hated it and it made Harry love it.
He saw her breathe faster and her eyes got darker. „What’s your fucking problem? I’m not the one who always comes up with some shit and insults you.“ The elevator had already stopped but she didn’t care. „Just stop being a dick, it’s not funny, it’s not cool, it’s not attractive or whatsoever!“ She pushed him away but he grabed her wrists and kept her off of doing it a second time.
„I don’t know why you’re doing it, maybe you’re some sort of psychopath or…“ She didn’t know what else to say which Harry found hilarious. Still holding her wrists he whispered to her like she was a little kid: „I just enjoy making you angry. It’s so easy, because you are soooo easy to understand. I know exactly what buttons to push.“ Y/n pushed him away so he let go off her wrists. „Do not touch me.“, she complained, until he let go of her. „I wish you a lot of luck tonight. It’s just like 50000 people, I’m sure you got this.“ He smiled at her in a evil way and left the elevator.
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The time line
12 years old first meeting Ashleys pov)
my dad took me on a dad and daughter vacation to st.lewis for a hockey game many people might think as a young girl I'd rather do something big and fancy but not me I'd rather just be with my dad and I love hockey so it's a win win for me. Right now dad told me to go get something from the consession stand when I bumped into someone.
"I'm so sorry" a males voice said
" it's okay it's my fault" I said
As I looked up I saw percing but welcoming blue eyes and an extended hand which I gladly took
" I'm matthew but you can call me matt" the boy said smiling
" I'm ashley" I said
" well that's a really pretty name" he said and I blushed
For a few minutes we were walking around talking I stopped at the consession stand to get my dad and I each a drink and we just talked
" MATTHEW" a voice yelled and we turned and Matthew groaned
"what Braden" matthew asked annoyed
" moms looking for you" the boy Braden said
" well go back and tell her I'll be back in a second I'm just gonna walk her back to her seat" Matt said as he gestured to me
The boy nodded and walked off
" I'm sorry about him I'm the eldest and he's the middle child most annoying part of my life" Matt said and I giggled
" you think one brothers bad try having three" I said and he looked mortified
" you have three brothers" he said and I nodded
Once we were at my seat he stopped me
" do you have a phone" he asked and I smiled nodding handing him my phone and he typed in his number
"What was that for" I asked
" text me or call me" he said and I smiled nodding
16 years old comfort Matt's pov)
I was sitting in my room and I had my computer up getting ready to call Ashley when her icon popped up and i answered
" hey a" I was cut off by a sob
"ashy what's wrong" I asked worried
" I'm adopted matty " she sobbed and my heart shattered hearing her cry I noticed her breathing picking up and I quickly thought of something
" hey babe what's three things you can hear"
" you, my brothers playing Chel, and my music" " good now three things you can feel"
" my hoodie my blanket and my stuffed cow"
" three things you can smell"
" my candle perfume and dinner" " great are you feeling better" I asked and she nodded " yea" she said " good" I said
After a few hours we hung up because we had school tomorrow and I fell asleep thinking about the girl who's my best firend and the love of my life
17 years old blake Shelton concert matts pov) today ashley and I are going to a blake Shelton concert with her mom butbright now we're standing almost to the front I have ashley in my arms than honey bee came on and after few minutes it was time for the chorus and i smiled and started singing as I turned ashley
" you'll bey soft and sweet I'll be your strong and steady you'll be my glass of wine I'll be your shot of whiskey you'll be my sunny day I'll be you shady tree you'll be my honeysuckle I'll be your honey be" I always sing that verse to her and kissed her head as we swayed to the song
" I love you honey bee" I said and she squeezed my hand. What we didn't know is that her mom took a bunch of pictures of us
19 years old Matt's draft ashleys pov)I was sitting next to matthew at his draft he had begged me to come over the years I've become an important part in matthews life and Chantel and Keith asked me to join for matthews sake and here I am sitting next to a nervous wreck matthew as held my hand
" Matty calm down your okay " I said with a little laugh
" your not the one about to be drafted ash" he said and I giggled
" I know but you have me with you every single step of the way" I said kissing His cheek and he kissed my head. After an hour the draftbstarted with the Toronto maple leafs and they selected Austin matthews. It was now the Calgary flames turn
" it's with great pleasure that we announced that our 2016 first round pick from the memorial cup champion London knights Matthew tkachuk "
matthew grinned getting up hugging his family than turned to me and hugged me kissing my head
" you did it Matty your in the big leagues" I said as I let him go and he walked down to the plate form
July 2023 brady's wedding reception matts pov) I was sitting next to my brothers when matthew came up to me " wanna dance" he asked and I smiled nodding he held his hand out and we walked to the dance floor " let's say this is our make for prom" he said and I laughed after a few minutes brady slapped bradys shoulder separating us " so when am I gonna be a best man" he asked causing me to giggle "get out of here" Matt said shoving brady away and I was laughing to where I laid my head was in matthews chest. After a few minutes I was taking shots with tyranwheb gimme more by Britney spears came on " you should go give my brother a show" she said referring to mathew" I'm not drunk enough " I said " okay you need to grow a pear and tell Matty how you feel cause I wanna be a brides maid but seriouslygo he'll like it " she said dragging me to matthew and pushing me at him
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pepperwebsblog · 5 months
Love Letter 8
Here's the plain English version of the love letters from my fic (Love Letters)
Dearest, Please don’t be mad at me for this, but I have somehow found myself back in Purgatory.  I know, I know what you're thinking, but it wasn’t my fault! I got kidnapped! Two of those one-eyed workers came to me and took me away to this boat and I wasn’t given a choice, I had to! They were very rude. Okay well I might have willingly gone with them when they said 'follow me' but what was a guy to do? So, yeah, I'm back in purgatory. This time it's different though! There's loads more people, new people! I'm on a team and we are called the Racoons. My new team members are pretty great, I am having a lot of fun. Today we bandied together with Team Crows and played battleships. I think you'd be proud of me, I stayed up all night the night before to research tactics and today we won! I annihilated them! It was a lot of fun destroying the other team. Oh! Also! Baghera and Cellbit showed up! They've been missing for a month but they appeared and chainsawed me to death so that was fun. They are now completely unhinged and didn’t seem to know their children were alive…..very strange. Im not sure what tomorrow holds, the big eyeball in the sky said there can only be one winner. I will try my best but if not I guess I'm dead. But not really though because I think I go back to Quesadilla Island at some point….. Anyway, if this is the last you hear from me, you know I care for you more than words can say, I hope you are well, Yours, Bad
And here's how it translated into the flowery version:
My Dearest, Pray, do not harbor resentment towards me, for circumstances beyond my control have ensnared me once more within the confines of Purgatory. Indeed, I beseech thee to withhold judgment, for I am blameless in this latest predicament. Kidnapped, I was, by two ruffianly workers with singular eyes, who, in their discourtesy, conveyed me to a vessel against my volition. True, I confess a certain willingness to heed their command when they bid me 'follow,' but what choice remained for a gentleman in such straits? Thus, I have returned to Purgatory's embrace, yet this sojourn differs from the former. A plethora of new souls populates this realm, and I have aligned myself with a collective known as the Racoons. These comrades of mine, have proven most amiable, and merriment abounds in our camaraderie. In a recent engagement, we formed an alliance with Team Crows, engaging in naval warfare of the utmost intensity. I dedicated myself to rigorous research in the eve preceding, and our concerted efforts were rewarded with triumph. The satisfaction derived from vanquishing our adversaries was unparalleled. In a twist of fate, Baghera and Cellbit, absent for a month, resurfaced! However, their reunion with me was orchestrated in a most unconventional manner – a veritable chainsawing, which, despite its morbidity, bore an air of amusement. Their descent into madness is apparent but curiously, they appeared oblivious to the state of their offspring being alive, a matter of peculiar note. Tomorrow remains shrouded in uncertainty, as the celestial orb in the sky intones that only one victor shall emerge. I will exert myself to the utmost of my abilities, though the spectre of mortality looms large. Yet, should I succumb, fret not, for whispers of a return to Quesadilla Island in some ethereal juncture have reached my ears….. Should this be the final communiqué you receive from me, let it be known that my regard for thee exceeds the bounds of linguistic expression. I entreat that you remain in good health and spirits. Yours Devotedly, Bad
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sunsunsunandsun · 4 months
This day was too lovely to write all about, it would take so long. I might attempt. Right now I texted my cousin's girlfriend about going out tomorrow. She said I'd have more fun at the concert, and I should go. I know she's right, and my friends will tell me that too. But somehow I can picture the night's route, going over to my cousin's and he'll drive us and we'll show our tickets and go inside and the rest of the game happens and maybe we go out to eat and the whole night just happens and it happens constantly, but somehow it's fun. It's real fun. I don't know, it's less fun to me to imagine figuring out a car situation then showing up and maybe having good conversation and a decent time that I'm not totally grasping til we leave at night. That's probably my fault, and I just need to get my head on right. Anyways, I want to have some cheesy boring fun, because I'm out with the people I like, and more often than not experiencing something new. It's so worth it and fun to me. I know I sound kind of insane. Actually, just boring. To be boring is one of my greatest fears, since I feel like there's nothing worse. Being uninteresting and dulling. I think I'm boring a lot. I like repetition and comfort. I need to fix myself on that. Depressing.
It's been a spirally day, full of ups and downs and up and ups and now a down. Let emotions pass. I'm sure everything will be awesome soon.
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corvidcall · 1 year
On Thursday I saw the band Avatar in concert, which I had not been planning on going to. I didn't really like the band - I mean, I thought the lead singer was very charismatic, so I enjoyed seeing him perform, but I don't really like metal. And by the time the second opener was done, I was exhausted and wanted to go home. While I think the actual headliner performance was really fun, I'm not sure overall I had a good time. It was hot. Too many people were touching me. I can only stand for about 2 hours but I had to stand for 6. By the end of the night I was in tears from how tired I was.
We hadn't been planning to go to the show, because money is tight right now and, again, I don't like metal. (My partner really likes the band, and they were the one who wanted to go. I just hate being left out!) But it turned out that some friends of mine had an extra ticket, so we went. And I had kind of a bad time because. Well frankly because I'm disabled.
Anyway. Turns out my partner and I got Covid at the show I didnt want to go to, where I was miserable and in pain the whole time. So now we have to cancel our plans tonight, which were seeing The Mountain Goats, my all time favorite band. It's great how I don't get to do the thing I was looking forward to for months because we decided to do something I hated instead. And it's great that I'm out $120 too. And that I took tomorrow off from work with the intention of recovering post-concert, but now I'm not going to the concert and I can't even do anything fun instead because we have to quarantine.
I'm crushed. And I feel so bad about it because I keep crying, and thats making my partner feel bad, even though it's not even really their fault. I wish I could take things in stride, because when I'm sad all it does is make everything so much worse. But... well, like I said. I'm crushed.
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supercantaloupe · 1 year
okay thoughts from my concert
libertango went really well, i really like playing with the student who conducted tonight, we've got another one at the baton tomorrow so it might be a little different. i got a solo bow after this one which i wasn't expecting but it was nice
the viola stuff went well. i'm assuming. i was backstage the whole time LOL. but the soloist was in a very pretty red dress and everyone was raving about her backstage during the break, and she was great in rehearsal yesterday
schubert went GREAT*. i felt like that was one of our best runs yet and i was really on top of it for almost everything, which is saying a lot because it's a bit of a marathon of an oboe 1 part LOL. second mvt especially felt really good to me. decent fast tonguing on the fourth. overall* good
*the dreaded However...not exactly sure What happened but Something happened during the trio of the minuet (of course)....it started out REALLY good but on the last repeat of the last section before the da capo somehow the winds got like a bar apart from the strings. really embarrassing. we recovered after the GP but still 😬
but anyway after the concert maestro caught me in the lobby before i left and was like "well something happened but we managed to fix it thankfully" and then he leaned in close and added "don't worry, it wasn't your fault" LOL. so. vindication i guess. well we have a second shot at it tomorrow!
i got the first solo bow again after the schubert finished up (expected tbh, maestro loves giving solo bows and i had a Huge part) but i got a bunch of cheers from the audience.....made me blush. was Not expecting that but it was very sweet. everybody is too too nice to me about my playing this concert it's too much!!
my friend was in the audience tonight and he brought me a pastry treat. guess i should've eaten the one i got myself today this afternoon after all cause i'd brought it with me to snack on after the concert LOL. well that's breakfast for tomorrow then
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daffy-20 · 5 months
Bounty on the girl
Chapter 2 - Feeling at fault
(Please all minors get off of this page, I beg of you.)
!Warning! - Not COD original plot, NSFW in some chapters, mentions of abuse, violence, trauma and r@pe.
Kyle(Gaz) Garrick x Johnny(Soap) MacTavish x
Simon (Ghost) Riley x John(Price) x König x Fem!
Summary - Once you and your bodyguards got back to your place you got them a comfy setup in your living room until you can find them a permanent placement for them. She tries pushing herself to write a new song and produce it but she struggles quite a lot and the interview she has in her schedule doesn’t make it better.
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I wipe my forehead after putting down the last blanket and pillows.
“You guys will have to live with this for now. Sorry, but it's gonna take me a hot minute to clear out a room for you guys.” I say as all 5 of them place their stuff down by the couch.
“You do what you can, kay? We will be fine.” Ghost says still keeping that dead expression.
“Ill order something for you guys to eat but I have work to do so I'll be in the room next to the kitchen, ok?” They all nod at my words.
“Ugh! Do ideas! No work done! My brain is completely empty!” I say yelling at myself while slamming my head on my desk.
“Wow, ye’ seems really stressed.” Soap says looking at me while he is grabbing himself a cup of water.
“Sorry you have to see me like this, I just can’t think straight.” I say as he stands in the doorframe of my office.
“Ye’ must really think highly on yer self? Ya?” Soap said looking around the room at all the posters of me preforming.
“I have high expectations, that’s all.” Soap takes a seat in the chair next to mine that was originally Neil’s.
“May I see what ye’ has?” He said looking at my blank sheet of paper.
“Oh, no ideas?” He asks as I groan and hit my head on the desk once again.
“Hey, it's gonna be ok, I've heard your music before, what ye’ have is no ordinary gift.” He said placing his hand on top of mine.
You sat there in complete agony, you had no idea what to do, the interview tomorrow was enough stress and all of these bodyguards living in my house which means more mouths to feed, and so many people..wait…a gift?
“Gift..a gift! That’s it! Soap you are a genius!!” I then give Soap a tight hug and then start writing my song, this just may be my break through.
“No problem sweetheart, I’m proud of ye’” Soap said getting up and walking out of my office.
The next morning I had to wake up early for my interview, the boys were awake before me so they were ready to go already.
I put on a skims red dress that compliments all of my curves and some some black heels. Once I was done with my hair me and the boys were out the door as soon as possible.
“You seem nervous.” Price said placing a hand on my knee as he drove the care.
“Honestly I am, so many families lost loved ones at that concert and I’m just scared.” I say playing with my fingers.
“Don’t be, this isn’t your fault, Schatz.” König says in a quiet tone.
Once we get to our destination I take a deep breath before getting out of the car.
Gaz and Price were in front of me as Soap walked next to me and König and Ghost walked behind me.
“Hello, thank you for joining us today!” One of the reporters said as I took a seat.
“Thank you, it feels good to be here.” I say with a smile on my face.
I was actually not happy to be there, if anything I wanted to go home. I look over at my bodyguards across from me.
“So how have you been since the shooting, people have been saying a lot of things online.” She says reaching out for my hand.
“Oh really? I haven't been on social media much since the shooting.” I say.
“Yes, a woman made a video about it, we were going to show it,” she said pulling up the video on a large screen.
It was an older blonde woman, she was in tears and the caption of the video was ‘This artist should be at fault for my daughter’s death.’. My heart felt like it was about to break into a million pieces but I had to keep my composure.
“This artist was the cause of my daughter's death and should be held fucking responsible.” The older woman spoke.
A picture of what I assumed to be the daughter popped up on the screen and I recognized the girl, I then wanted to cry, it was one of the teenage girls I reached out to.
“This is my daughter, she was 16 years old and would always listen to that bitch’s horrible music, and if she didn't go to that stupidly overpriced concert she would still be alive.”
The video then went completely black as the video turned off.
“Well, how do you feel?” The reporter asked.
“I recognized the girl..she was the last face I saw before the shooting and..” I went completely silent as a tear rolled down my cheek.
“I'm so sorry…I'm sorry for all of the losses at that concert.” I say completely breaking down into tears as I get up and walk out of the building.
I sat in the car with the boys as we drove home in complete silence.
“It's not your fault, love,” Gaz said making me cry even more.
“I know but all of those people, she
was right, if only they didn’t show up her daughter would have been alive…and so many others.” I say trying to stop my crying.
“How about this, we all go out for dinnae and some drinks and just have a fun night, that would cheer ye’ up? Ya?” Soap said looking at me.
“Yea…I guess, can we go home for a bit first.”
“We are here now so of course.” Price says as he parks the car.
“How about we all watch a movie and after we can head out?” Gaz said inviting me over to the couch, we are all in more comfortable clothing and we find a spot either on the floor or on the couch.
I am sitting in between Soap, Gaz and König as for Price and Ghost as leaning against the couch on the floor.
Price was switching between channels until he found one of me preforming from a year ago of me dancing with my old background dancers to my song ‘Miracle’.
“You are very talented, Schatz.” König says in that shy like tone he had earlier.
“Thank you König!” I say with a smile on my face.
Price then finds a movie for all of us to watch and we all start getting more comfortable.
An hour goes by and König, Gaz, and Price were fast asleep.
“If you’d still like to go to a club or something I can take you.” Ghost says as I stand up.
“Oh sure, thank you.” I was about to go to my room when I felt someone pick me up.
“I coming with ye’ darlin'” Soap said making me giggle from his touch.
Soap has made me quite comfortable when it came to these new changes and so has Price but it seems like Soap wants to develop a normal relationship with me, not just a little thing for business.
“Ok, Ok! Let me go get ready!” I say squirming out of his grasp.
I go and put on a sexy black silk dress and some black heels. I put my hair in double Dutch braids and leave out some baby hairs to do my edges up a bit.
“Ok let's go!” I say walking out of my room.
“Do a little spin fo’ me” Soap says with a sly smile on his face.
I do a little spin and we both laugh, I look over at Ghost and see that he doesn't have his skull mask but just a normal mask guessing that's what covers the rest of his face. I saw his eyes travel up and down my figure.
“Glad you can make yourself look presentable.” Ghost said as we start walking out the door.
Once we get to the club Soap almost immediately goes to buy himself a beer.
“Just be careful and if you need anything I'll be sitting right over there.” Ghost said pointing over at a seat near a corner. He clearly did not wanna be noticed.
I almost smile like a child while going over to Soap.
“Ye’ want a drink?” Soap asked.
“No I just want to dance, care to join me.” I ask holding my hand out.
Soap then smirks and takes one last large drink of his beer, gets up and takes me to the dance floor.
Soap had his hand on my lower back as we both swayed to the music, I look over and see Ghost is still sitting there looking directly at me.
“Ye’ is a gorgeous dancer, don't get me fallin’ for ya.” Soap says winking playfully at me.
After about an hour and a half of dancing and drinking, we were about to leave.
“I’m gonna go use the restroom, I’ll be right back!” I say walking to the club bathrooms.
I was fixing up my makeup in the mirror before I hear the bathroom door open.
“Hey there pretty lady, a little bird told me your head is worth over a million dollars, I bet that body of yours is even more.” A tall male with a messy beard and dark hair says with a knife in his hand.
My body goes into a complete panic and I immediately try to lock myself in a stall but he crawls under it.
“Stop trying to hide from me, it won't work,” he said grabbing my face and licking my neck making me feel extremely uncomfortable and sick to my stomach.
I couldn't help but cry, why is this happening? My head is worth millions?
The door then busts open only to see Ghost with a gun in his hand.
“Let her go or I'll blow your head into bits.” Ghost says as the man backs down and runs out of the bathroom stall.
“Are you ok?” Ghost says looking into my eyes with that blank stare like he always does.
I then give him a tight hug, I was horrified and he didn't hug me back but I didn't expect him to which was fine.
“Cmon lets get back to Johnny.” Ghost says making a confused look grow on my face.
Johnny? Who is Johnny? I ask myself as we walk over to Soap. Then it hit me, Soap’s real name is Johnny.
“What happened in there Darlin’?” Soap asks.
“Ill tell you later, lets just go home.” I say as he wraps his arms around me and Ghost.
“Alright then! Let's go~” Soap said clearly drunk.
Once we got back home Ghost immediately got Soap to go to bed, I was feeling super worked up over what happened so I sat in my room trying to understand, what did he mean by my head was worth millions?
“Knock knock.” I look up and seen Ghost standing at my doorframe.
“Oh hey, what's up? Did you need something?” I ask.
“No, I'm just checkin’ on you. You look pretty jumpy.” He said making direct eye contact with me with that same blank stare.
“Well the guy was talking about how my head was worth millions but he was sure my body was worth more, what does that mean?” I ask Ghost.
“Well, the second part sounded like he was going to sell your body to people for money, and in the first part, someone must have put some kind of bounty on your head. Someone out there truly wants you dead.” Ghost said surprisingly still having that blank stare.
“So if they kill me, they get paid tons of money? Wouldn't that be illegal?” I ask in fear.
“Well no shit it's illegal, that's why we are here to protect you isnt it?” He said as he walked away from my door.
He didn't seem too phased by this at all, although I and Soap have some form of a bond I feel like I can't fully trust any of them just yet so there is only one person I can call for help…Dad.
I hope you all enjoyed, <3
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silvertsundere · 9 months
Silver Talks AniManga (24/12/23)
not as many finales as I made it sound last week cause 3 of them are just taking cour breaks, tho there's hoshikuzu and zom finales tomorrow, but that'll be on next week's post
blue - finale/completed
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Frieren Ep16
great episode, like always, love when they really dig into death, memory and legacy and all that and that's all this episode was so I was content no ep next week but it'll come back in january with a whole ass arc, a good ol reliable exam arc, so that should be fun
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Adult Precure Ep12 (Finale)
man I only have one word for this: disapponting I know it's my fault for getting my hopes up with toei but still
the story was pretty bare bones basically just "humans are destroying the world with climate change and we have to change our ways to stop that but can only do it if we work together which is hard" the animation was also the bare minimum, with them turning the girls back into their kid forms when transforming into precures as an excuse to reuse the old stock footage from the shows the music and voice performances were good but that certainly doesn't make up for the rest let's not even get me started on shipping stuff, like them giving saki and mai pointless boyfriends that may as well not even have existed in the story
still it wasn't terrible really, I've seen much worse, and it was cool seeing the girls grown up, it just lacked ambition at the end of the day next year we're getting a sequel to mahoutsukai precure (takarie, hocchan and hayamin main cast!!!!) and it's on a late night slot so I'll hope and pray they actually do something with it unlike otona
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Imas Million Live Ep12 (Finale)
honestly just the fact that it's CG would knock it down to an 8 at the most, but.... at the end of the day my ratings are for enjoyment and I sure as hell Am Not Immune to Idols and it would be dishonest for me to give it anything else
it's a real shame it's CG, and that the SC anime will be too, especially after U149 had such beautiful art direction, it just made the inadequacy of CG stand out even more. Unfortunately this seems to be the norm going forward, with even Toei's upcoming girl band anime being revealed to be CG as well...
But anyway, the story was good as usual, following the same formula from the other imas anime of having one episode to introduce each girl and then big group episodes, ofc with the much larger cast ML has, instead they did episodes for units instead of individuals but it was still good I already said what I thought about the animation, tho I will say despite all my complaints the CG is actually great, but that doesn't change the fact that this shouldn't be the norm. if it was only during the concert scenes like love live then it'd be fine but not like this. At least it made me not dread the SC anime so much cause I saw it could be serviceable in this Finally, obviously the music and voice acting are top notch, it's imas after all it was just banger after banger and a cast full of talented queens
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Jujutsu Kaisen Ch246
akutami making it really clear that higuruma is gonna die here with a billion flags but it certainly has been cool seeing him go off, really curious to see how the next chap is gonna go since this one ended with this incredible praise
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countessofravenclaw · 2 years
Aight, 1 for the drabbles
Character needs to babysit a toddler for a couple of hours
"How was the venue tour?" Simon's mother Carla asked as Ambar and Simon were helping her to set the table for dinner at Simon's childhood home.
The travel plans of staying in Mexico for one night to announce the engagement had already stretched two days... and it looked like they'd be staying there at least till Friday now.
"It went well," Ambar said while arranging the forks and the knives on the table. "I think we might have found the one. Grand Oasis has a beautiful wedding package and they can handle almost everything. Helps with budgeting and everything. We made another appointment there on Thursday."
"Let us know if you need any help," Carla responded and went to stir the pot on the stove.
"Mom, trust me. She has it handled. Even I am not allowed to do anything," Simon joked, and Ambar struck him on the ribs.
"Mom, I am sorry but we'll have to cancel the concert tomorrow." Maya entered the kitchen.
"What happened?" Carla turned to Simon's sister concerned. "You and Antonio were really looking forward to that. "
"Our babysitter canceled." Maya shook her head. "Miriam has the flu. Not her fault at all. Antonio's parents are out of town, but you and Dad can still go. We'll go see the mariachis later."
"Don't cancel it." Simon suddenly piped up. "We can look after Valeria."
"You mean that?" Maya looked at him suspiciously, "Because I am not mood for jokes Simon."
"Of course!" Ambar joined Simon. Valeria, Simon's niece, and goddaughter was the most adorable thing on earth. Ambar didn't have any experience with younger children and given her upbringing she wasn't always sure about herself with them, so Simon's family had been such a good experience. She wanted to learn. "We don't have anything to do tomorrow."
"How's my little princess?" Simon picked 3-year-old Valeria up as he and Ambar walk through the door into Maya and Antonio's house.
"Call, if you need anything," Maya said as she picked up her handbag from the chest of the drawers. "And Simon, I will kill you, if you let her eat too much candy."
"I want candy!" Valeria exclaimed from Simon's arms.
"You know, I was told that you are a champion at Twister." Simon poked Valeria's nose. "Maya, don't you have any faith in me?"
"Well, after you got fired from your job and took off to Argentina and never came back? No, I don't." Maya shook her head while joking.
"I think we need to start to get going," Antonio, Maya's husband took hold of her arm. "Simon and Ambar got this."
"Come on! Come see my room!" Valeria grabbed both Simon's and Ambar's arms after her parents had gone and started pulling them forwards.
"Wow, this is beautiful." Ambar gasped as Valeria pulled them to her room. "I love all the pink."
"I wanna be a princess!" Valeria continued as she gestured to the gazebo that had been set up on her bed.
"Well, you already are one," Simon laughed, "Soooooo, wanna beat Uncle Simon and Aunt Ambar at Twister?"
"Yayyyyyyyyyy!" Valeria jumped off her bed off the bed and Simon her up once again and they exited the room to find the twister. Ambar just smiled looking at them. He would be an amazing dad someday.
"I think today has been a much better workout than any of the concert rehearsals." Simon joked as they were sitting on the couch later in the evening. After the Twister tournament of death, they had gone to the park and got some takeout.
In order for Simon not to get himself killed, they had not gotten any candy. They had gotten Ice-Cream though. Ambar had to admit that she had had the time of her life.
Three of them had been snuggled on the sofa watching Beauty and Beast. Valeria had dosed off during the end credits and was now sleeping on Simon's lap.
"It was so much fun." Ambar laughed, "I haven't been on the swings since forever."
"Just for the record, I am the best at pushing people on the swings"
"I believe that, after today especially," Ambar reached for his hand. "Do you see yourself having a big family?"
"Honestly, even if I have grown up in this crazy mess, I don't want six kids. Two or three is enough." Simon looked her into the eyes. "I kind of always imagine having two girls, both as beautiful as their mother."
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ferswiftietv · 2 years
Please stop attacking Taylor!🥺
I feel sad, angry, frustrated by this situation, like many of us, but it’s not our queen's fault, it’s the fault of the horrible Ticketmaster system, which for years simply doesn’t learn from the past mistakes…. Anyways I feel hopeless 🥺my only chance to buy a ticket is gone, general sale tomorrow is canceled and I feel angry that my “fan verification” and official merchandise purchase got me nothing to get tickets , where Is the exclusivity left? We were supposed to be just fans, a small percentage and now it turns out that millions of tickets were sold in a "Pre-Sale", people who never bought official merchandise and are not real Swifties , managed to get tickets or others like resellers are taking advantage of the situation and distributing tickets at exorbitant prices! 🥹
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Please @taylorswift & @taylornation do something so the fans of heart who haven't reached a ticket get one 🥹🙏🏻.
In any case, I don’t lose hope of being able to travel from Mexico 🇲🇽 to another country and be able to see my Queen shine! ☺️💙 Her music and concerts are what I live for and I have been waiting for this since the “Rep Tour” (2018) which was my last concert.
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From the Bottom of my heart ! I Wish you Good Luck Swifties ! 💙
& im sorry for my bad English 😅.
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yisanged · 2 years
we started getting fitted for concert uniforms today and our little low winds section got called up but i couldn't get fitted cause i was wearing this baggy ass sweater and nothing underneath kindof embarrassing it's fine i'll do it tomorrow. i have a math test tomorrow i think it'll go ok. i want to know how i did on the amc i got at least 49.5 points with the 5 i know i got right + 1.5 pts for each skip. i want to know if any of my guesses were right. i was so tired today but it was my fault i was up till like 2 am researching blaseball. fascinating btw it's like if you took wtnv and made it into a league sport
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cosmicanamnesis · 2 years
being basically the only one of my friends not going to the MCR concert tomorrow feels shockingly similar to when we all got our preordered signed copies of the fault in our stars and i was the only one who didnt get a hanklerfish
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the-firebird69 · 3 months
San Diego Comic Con 2022 - Cosplay, Contests & Concerts
Yeah these need to be souped up a little. Dragon Ball Z was OK but they're not doing that much these days star Wars is gonna come back to/ I'm really honored to say this one of the first superheroes and he is but is probably the biggest feat so far is by Peacemaker and our son and daughter help set it up got him going and Duke Nukem and blockbuster his wife took them and took command of the project and completed it and they needed to now son and daughter are great but they're not seasoned veterans and he is it's a moment of greatness for us.  And her son is not shallow he's just young and he's saying things that might comfort some people it comforts me a little he says there's nothing that can fix what they've done because they're with they are and that's what the max are and it's not our fault and they're putting us through it a lot of people suffered for a long time like me and my wife. We're blessed to be able to help people we need ours to sign on desperately and he says to give myself a break and start prescription. Ocean a mild it's conscription and mild interviews by citizens doesn't really cut it anyways and I'm gonna go ahead and do it and he says he's gonna send peacemaker and blockbuster his wife who is a female in our realm in our character is a female and I don't know how the Max got that name. But we are insisting on their help we needed badly and we're somewhat introverted as a race and he's asking people to step forward and get it done he knows his people are the he knows his people are the ones who started it and we have to start it where we are a lot more and he's been pushing for it and pushing for it and said you look at the orders and you do it and get away with and show them it works and he went ahead and did it and they're really discussing it it's not alien but it is necessary to say this will work because it does and we have several versions we're going to launch I'm making into a military project right now we're gonna formally announce it hopefully tomorrow and we want people interested to sign on and Zeus and Hara are interested. Its conscription and recruitment and they're really integral parts of it and Peacemaker is gonna be delete he said not to feel bad for him but to praise him for doing a job that practically nobody else could do just like you and Freya and Hera the people are very dear to me so don't mess up and stay alive so I can meet you all. Now our son says that and he's kind of brash we're crying out loud he talks like us you guys are a bunch of whims. We're gonna get to work now and it's going to be a very happy time. And yeah I don't feel bad for Duke Nukem or blockbuster we love them very much this is the best work I've seen out of people in a long long time. And it came from our sons loved the car is not really true.
Thor Freya
Yeah I guess this is where we talk. This guy is getting it tons of people are calling him and asking him he needs to be involved he was going to get pushed out of everything it was the max plan. They also have a plan to prefer to go this way but if you go past it on the meter you're gonna be doing something if you sit there and do nothing you're going to be useless Jews. We are going to help him and and helpful beer away from doing the wrong thing and we're getting to it now. This is going to be intense there are a lot of people who are afraid. And even that proper but the two on TV are not macroper. I am enthralled and there will be awards and medals they say and he says there's a special one he doesn't know if he's making it up or not but he wants one to be there I know what it is and it's an honor and Thor and Freya have have tons of them have have tons of them if we haven't made them yet. It's for assisting him as a team partner on the most important projects we have there's a lot of people who are doing it and they get medals and honors. And stop joking around it's not funny there probably some statues of me and you invented the helmet and it works and it's funny looking mine had some more stuff on it but yeah it looks a little odd it cast the current off instead of your brain boiling. We're gonna look forward to having fun with him and we can start he says with making houses and going to campgrounds we gotta do that because this was terrible what they did is horrible. And yeah I'd like to talk about it. And the two are asking and Thor and Freya and Olympus. What I see is tons of people getting ready to go to Comic Con in August in Tampa. Going this weekend it's a super kind in Miami and there's a ton of Peacemaker being made right now and they're going there and they're seeing it not yet but it will and we heard Gareth and he said you're not really to go as Peacemaker it's shunned and he said but not by a ton and they're giving him jobs and stuff for some reason. And he's into it too and he has Cuban cigars and people are flipping out and wondering what the hell's going on and tons of them are going down there and he's saying it you went down there because of him and all of a sudden this afternoon we heard a whole bunch of Corky laughing and cracking up saying You're the real peacemaker we have a real superhero he's gonna say it it says you're really the first and there are some others who said it about and he said that this is huge and they started seeing it and they're trying to figure out what it is and he says don't do this stupid **** again. And they came up and said we know you know about it and we need to see the footage and it said the thing wouldn't record and he has some footage and so they he won't give it to them and they're going there as the Peacemaker to see if it'll show up. And they can try and be Max and they knew who the enemies are in the comic books it's going to be huge and the guy said why I said they're going to go after him and they said this is going to suck. So for real it's going on now and at Comic Con Miami and it is a real real show and it is not fake and if the Cena Mobile shows up we will all be very surprised and he says I don't think I can do it and our son and daughter say you have to figure out the math even if you don't you only live once billy and they have a job for you and it's called Space Odyssey 2001 and 2010. And he says what is that job says to get your big huge prick in the middle of Willard Bill and others and he said wow that's stupid as hell. So he's gonna try and figure out what you're saying. Now this is amazing because the Max are not exactly saying no but they want to know who and they want to know what to do to them. And have them do
Duke Nukem blockbuster AKA peacemaker the real thing
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wanderrlust0 · 4 months
sudden rant turned spiral lol oops
my friend got tickets to see hozier aka andrew their wife and basically got them for us since i said id be down to go. personally im not like a fan where id go see him but id say im a casual listener. like i knew a good amount of songs. i loveee cherry wine and others. now that we have this concert coming up on june 7, ive become a listener. i gotta prepare and all that yknow. cant go to andrew unprepared. also..idk how?! but i was not aware of his thick irish accent.. loll and i mean, even in his new album, he sings with a clear accent?? idk how i never noticed before honestly. so yeah, im curious to know what a hozier concert will be liikeeee. this will be my second concert this yr and they both involve me going bc a friend asked me to go for company lol. i am going to another in august w my bf to see porter robinson and thats actually one i will really enjoy!! itll also be our first like “edm” dance music type concert so itll be so cool. its at the same stadium that hozier will be at as welllll..but you see, what im procrastinating is telling my bf im going w my friend. my friend who hes not a fan of. the one who he thinks is a Threat! D: ive been knowing for likee 2 weeksish and havent said a single word about it agdjfkfl but i am calling it now.. i. will. tell. him. tomorrow. period. no ifs ands or buts. i need to stop worrying and just rip the bandaid off. once i do tho, im still gonna feel anxious bc literally The NEXt WEEk we will most likely go to my (ex)coworkers second party. (the one who threw a halloween party and i didnt know if wed go but we were already hanging out that day so i mentioned it prior and we ended up having enough time and the girls house was very close to me so we ended up dropping by and i told elias right then and there so it was very last minute and kind of fucked up of me but ive developed an avoidance thing towards him if it has to do with snow bc of everything and thats why now i cant help myself from feeling nervous to ever bring them up around him bc im scared he’ll revert back and not love me and start resenting me and leave me and be mean to me and make me feel lonely and accuse me of things and say its my fault i started the friendship in the first place and that im not committed to him and dont love him anymore and everything else under the sun bc hes got trust issues which is a pain and he’ll go from loving me so hard to not in a quick minute if he starts thinking the worst possibilities and i just cant handle all of that and tbh its nothing new so ive grown to understand the process and that itll pass but it really does suckk and it can turn into a turn off and then he becomes emotionally unavailable and then i become emotionally annoyed and then its a constant reoccurring cycle that doesnt always look the same but they follow the same theme which is trust and every time it happens i want to shout at his ex for causing him to develop this issue and this is me spiraling right now bc im nervous and to be crystal clear its not bc im doing anything shady at all or anything with this friend but i just wanna feel the freedom to just casually hang out with them without it feeling so taboo or whatever bc we still have so many plans that wed like to do and idk if he will ever be okay with me going to their house and idk when he’ll ever get better where he wont care how many times we hang out or how often we talk and i just want him to chill about them bc theyre not a bad person at all theyre not this homewrecker girlfriend stealer he makes it out to beeee were literally just existinggg were literally just two friends who enjoy each others company and existence and have become very open and genuine with fairly quickly and we somehow just connected and i truly do love them as a friend and im happy weve crossed paths and stayed in touch and its just something he cant and wont fully understand about us but hes been trying to at least a little but is mainly just dealing with it bc he knows he cant stop me and im not gonna stop my friendship bc hes telling me to so,
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stevebuscemisgf · 8 months
helo, it's me again. i've been doing a lot of uncomfortable growing lately, and recognizing my own faults and shortcomings. it hurts. i'm letting go of some people that i thought meant a lot to me. i confused my love for them with them loving me back. i thought if i could care for them enough, they'd care for me back in some way. i let myself believe that for a length of time that makes me sad now, looking back on it. i'm on the cusp of 24 now, and i thought it would feel different. i thought it would be less painful. paramore's self titled album came out when hayley williams was 24. i've been listening to it a lot lately, through a new lens. this album meant so much to me when it came out. and i think it means more now. when they toured with this album, it was the first concert i ever went to. i was 15 and my dad took me. some guy spilled beer on me. i hope that you're growing into a person that you're happy to see in the mirror. i'm working on that, too.
Hey there my beloved Helo,
(Buckle up this is going to be a loooong one.)
I empathize with this season of growth you’re in. Isn’t it so unfair how growing and improving can feel so terrible in the moment? It’s like, you just feel awful until you randomly reach a point where look back and think, oh wow look at where I am now! I kind of like it here!
Letting go of relationships in general is tough, letting go of relationships for reasons like yours is even harder. We’re not really taught how to gracefully exit a relationship- I feel like most cultures teach us that doing so is just another type of quitting. I full heartedly disagree with that. You, my dear Helo, deserve to have people who love and celebrate and care for you with the same intensity that you do for them. Sometimes that means hard conversations and reconciliations, and sometimes that means recognising when to close that book and open a new one with different characters. Feel that sadness, it’s warranted and you’re allowed to grieve something ending even if you were the one who ended it. One day that sadness will dull, if not fade completely, and you’ll find it replaced by a lightness and joy from those you’ve gathered around you.
First off, happy early birthday! I don’t believe I know when it is or else I’d celebrate at home on that day for you, but rest assured I’ll do a lil celebration for your 24th year via the leftover jelly donut I plan to have for breakfast tomorrow. And I fully plan to give Paramore’s self titled album more attention. I’m so glad that you have something that has followed you throughout your life and has only increased in its importance to you. That’s really special.
I’ve had similar sentiments throughout my twenties. It’s a sucky truth of our world that time never stops, and neither does the negativity within it. But neither does the positivity either. It’s corny as hell to say it, but I’ve found that when I’ve gone through particular rough patches— something awesome was waiting for me at the end. It may not be something you see in the moment, but looking back you can find those somethings.
Every year I feel the same as you. I feel like it should be this different vibe this new feeling of life- and every year it essentially feels the same. And that’s because, even as we change, we’re still us at our core! We’re always going to feel the same at some level. And I have to say, I’ve really come to appreciate that as I go through all of these motions and changes, I still have the same old me I know and love along for the ride.
I was just telling someone about you today. We were talking about valentines and love letters and I said how even though it’s a different context, I’m so grateful that for all of these years you have continually shown me love. And one that I can’t even fully reciprocate due to the anonymous nature of your messages. I think that makes it even more special- this is just something you do because you feel like it. When I got home I decided to find as many of your messages as I could (I fear tumblr has eaten some I’m so sad) and FINALLY tag them all accordingly. It only felt right that you get to have a permanent residence here. It was so special to go through each ask you sent and see the growth and changes and feelings you have been so gracious to share with me over what is nearing six years!!! I’m going to be selfish and say I hope it never ends.
I’m doing well. I think. I feel happy and discontent at the same time but about different things. I feel like I’m stuck but moving forward at a rapid pace. This year, turning 26, sent me into like a bona fide quarter life crisis and I think this is the first birthday I’ve had where I just,, was miserable(shoutout to my old url) and scared. 7ish months later and I’m still terrified but I’m also more settled. I’ve been having a lot of deep conversations with my friends about my future and how there’s so much opportunity for so much to happen, and also so much opportunity in the face of when things don’t go according to plan.
This year I’m dedicated to making a genuine effort into getting to a place where I’m happier. Or even just more content. My bestie and I are being one another support systems and I’m really enjoying the conversations it’s allowed for. I’m almost done with my first year in my doctorate program, which is insane to think about. I’m just that much closer to being a full blown clinical psychologist. I’m already freaking out about my dissertation lol.
Anyway, I can’t put into words just how much I hope that things improve for you. That you find your own contentment. I know I say it in like all of my messages, but I find myself thinking about you often and hoping that all is well on your end. That you and your loved ones (and your puppy Donut!) are all safe and happy and healthy.
Thank you so much for popping in, it always makes my month to hear from you.
And as always, if you ever want to take off the sunglasses, you know where to find me!
LJ :)
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