mmm thinking about joe hills' conecorp prank again. about how he built a giant (deformed) traffic cone around cub's entrance fountain in season six, convinced that cub wouldn't log in because it was thanksgiving, only for cub to log in halfway through, giggle and then log out to properly react to the prank later. it's just... conecorp... world's best wordplay
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Conevex? I think that's the name of the ship? (It's Joe x Cub x Scar) thanks!!
Joe: I think my base is haunted. My clothes keep disappearing and then reappearing in weird places.
Cub, wearing one of Joe’s hoodies: Wierd.
Scar, stuffing a pair of stolen pants into the freezer: Yeah you’re right it’s probably a ghost
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king-yao-i · 4 years
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He has the power of the magical crystals, my dude
Quote from @incorrect-hermitship-quotes, because why not and this is funny (o3o)
♧ KnightKingYaoI
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hermitcake · 5 years
:o could you do some Conecorp head cannons please?
hoooo boy, you've entered the favorite-ship-zone with this one...
Cub develops crushes easily and doesn't know how to deal with them at all
he catches feelings for Scar about 5 minutes after their first meeting and is lovestruck in the most obvious, visible way
he then denies it for so long everyone just kinda half believes him half gives up on trying to find out the truth
with Joe they just gradually start getting closer, in this playful way where they're pretend-enemies exchanging wits constantly and spending a lot of time together, and it feels really nice and warm and... oh
Cub will to anything to mask his feelings as he's embarrassed by them and doesn't want to impose himself on his friends with unwanted attention
they both can clearly see Cub's crushing on the other one but are oblivious to his feelings for themselves
and so Scar will roam around ConCorp singing "Love is in the air" and shooting Cub meaningful looks,
and Joe will talk to him (or rather in his general direction) about taking chances and following one's heart
Cub is SO CONFUSED by all of this and is dying internally whenever either of them is around
finally he gets cornered by Joe ans Scar (each thinking they're the other's wingman) and confesses that he does in fact have feelings for the both of them
all three of them are a blubbering flushed messed for a hot minute after that
they decide to screw everything and try to be happy together in a polyamorous relationship
there's a lot of playing golf together and pranking unsuspecting hermits
Cub loves both his boyfriends so much and is the happiest he's ever been
Scar and Joe will sometimes throw references between each other, they're from very different sources and don't match but they don't really care
they also sing terrible Disney songs parodies together, much to Cub's amusement
Joe tries to keep up his silly appearance but sometimes he'll say something that will make Cub realize just how smart he is and subsequently unleash kisses galore at him
Scar and Cub are very cuddly and, with time, Joe catches their fondness of hugs
Joe's like a cat: he's doing his own thing, usually away from the ConCorp grounds, so whenever his boyfriends see him they don't want to let him out of their embrace
Joe shamelessly steals from the Convex and calls it direct action; they don't mind cause he's cute and they DO have too many diamonds
Cub lets go of his usual stern demeanor around his partners and allows himself to have fun, often giving them piggyback rides and making stupid jokes with them
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shipmonster101 · 5 years
:eyes: 🖊 Conecorp(Joe x Scar x Cub)?
Joe staggered into the Ministry of Truth, stumbling into one of the corridors. His chest still heaved from outrunning all those creepers, and the wound from a zombie on his leg wasn't exactly helping.
He fell back and slid down the wall, trying to catch his breath and stop the bleeding from his leg, when he heard footsteps coming from down the corridor. He turned his head as Scar turned the corner. He stopped for a second, looking surprised, before yelling behind him. "Cub, c'mere!"
Scar sank down next to Joe. "Are you alright? What happened?" Joe couldn't find the words to speak, but Scar noticed him grabbing his legs and pulled his hands back. "Oh, gosh..."
Cub kneeled next to Joe - when had he gotten over here? - and splashed a healing potion over his leg. Joe sighed as the pain subsided, and leaned into Scar as Cub started bandaging it. Scar wrapped his arms around him, and Joe relaxed as Cub joined the hug too.
"You okay?" Cub whispered.
"I am now." Joe closed his eyes and smiled, content.
(send me a 🖊 + a ship and i'll write a ficlet for it!)
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anon-shipblr · 5 years
some conecorp things, in no particular order
joe felt that cub and scar were kindred spirits because they were strange just like him
the three of them together is chaotic power couple
the vibe is "life may be temporary but god damn we're going to make it count"
scar and joe make the build (and also sing), cub adds cool redstone contraptions (scar provides the redstone for cub) and joe provides the lore
it started off as mere admiration of each other, especially in season five with everyone's mega builds - joe couldn't help but stare in awe at the skyscrapers, scar ooh'ed and aah'ed at castle ravenloft and cub, with his perfect view of everyone's bases, spent a good chunk of his free time admiring those two bases in particular
at some point it becomes staring at them working
joe doesn't really want to have any part in the business side of things because duh, so he gets no monetary shares in the profits earned from concorp
cub got tired of seeing joe broke so he made the buyback program just for joe
cub really did enjoy teasing Joe during demise, but he wasn't ever going to (on purpose, directly) kill him. (he would've done the same with scar but ren'd already demised scar by then)
more to be added in an edit, I have school and would like to post this before I forget
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rendiggitydog · 4 years
You realize we now need a fanfic on this concept, right?
(Referring to the convex being utterly confounded by Joe)
Maybe there is a fanfic in the works on this concept 👀👀
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frog-block · 5 years
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It’s ConeCorp time!
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cobradoesmcyt · 4 years
Opinion on cub/joe/scar?
Dear old Conecorp? Hmm, I find it cute. I might not personally be fully invested in it, but I still find it cute.
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i always find it so interesting to find out which project or episode or bit epitomises every hermit to other people. like the deep field pinball machine (season 9) is the Joe Hills-iest Joe Hills project to me, and Tortuga (season 6) is the most Cleo.
Without further ado, here's each hermit by the hermitcraft project/bit that defines them to me:
bdubs' demise castle (6), cub's canyon (8), doc's infinity portal and raid farm (6), etho's shade-es (7), falsewell museum (6), the 'gem is great' signs (8), grian's civil war water filter (6), hypno and horse head farms (8), impulse's itrade (6), iskall's ride of his life (6), jevin's button prank (6), Joe's pinball machine (9), keralis and R.U.N. (6), mumbo jumbo's perimeter (6), pearl's sandcastle (7), renbob (6), scarland (9), stressmonster is the ice queen! (6), tango's decked out (7), tfc and cleo's demise games (6), beef's tcg (9), wels' clay colour palette (7), xb living on another server (7), xisuma's professional minecrafters (3), zed's combrewter v2 (8), Cleo's Tortuga (6)
honourable mentions:
X's fish prank (2), Joe's rubix cube prank (2), Zed's 'is that sheep looking at me?' (5), Beef's Three Fox Hole (7), Scar's pirate islands (6), Ren's HRN (6), Cub's concorp (6), Joe's conecorp prank (6), X's netherhub map (6), Cub's Comet (5), Keralis constructions (7), Python's tower bay (6), Jevin's fidget spinner (6), Joe's castle ravenloft (5)
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Something for conecorp or team zit mayhaps?
Cub: Hey guys?
Joe: Yeah?
Cub: Do you think normal couples celebrate getting engaged with milkshakes and chicken nuggets?
Scar: If they don’t, I don’t wanna be normal!
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Joe: Look, you don't want Scar to die again. And I don't want Scar to die again. So let's work together to make sure Scar doesn't die again.
Cub: Good plan, but have you ever even met Scar?
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Scar: I guess I could say I've literally fallen for you.
Joe: You literally just crushed into the ground next to me from the sky??!! HOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE???
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hermitcake · 5 years
Assumption based on conecorp?
for real though, you enjoy a good frenemies dynamic, you make clever puns, chances are you're the mom friend in your friend group but don't realize it
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hermitcake · 5 years
Hi I’m shamelessly self promoting BUT I saw you were a fan of Cub/Joe, and I wrote a Cub/joe fic about a week ago called ‘You come around, I come undone.’ If you wanted to check that out!? :) (btw it’s 2nd chapter is Explicit so careful if you’re a minor)
WOAH thank you!!! I'll be sure to read it 💙
edit: here's the link for anyone else interested
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