#confident video
lucabyte · 1 month
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heres your highly requested fluff you fucking animals
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thevirgodoll · 2 months
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Living the Doll Life ✨
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egophiliac · 1 year
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I've always wanted a plush of the cat from Ghost Trick! so when the Switch port was announced, I decided to go ahead and make one for myself! ...and then didn't think to post it until now, for some reason! I modified BeeZee Art's sitting kitty pattern to get the right shapes; he was made with many mistakes, but also much love. 🐈‍⬛
(everybody go play Ghost Trick, it is my favorite video game of all time! if you like unique puzzles and a really fun mystery, then you will probably also enjoy it! and as you can see, it has a cat!)
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(it was very hard to get a picture with Niko that didn't look like this:)
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abd-illustrates · 5 months
Mr.Illustrates how does it feel to know that arlecchino’s backstory and fatherly role aligns with your theory of the pyro archon?
Actual footage of me playing her story quest yesterday and hearing about the fucked up way Crucabena used to run that house:
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solargeist · 22 days
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY @tyrave i picked this fella ;'3c
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beraligatr · 7 months
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had a haircut and feeling kinda hot??
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rayjenkins · 9 months
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thejesterstears · 3 months
She's so cute and silly I'm gonna cry ;v;
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thevirgodoll · 2 months
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teairra mari in lottery ticket. (2010)
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zeestie · 9 days
ʚïɞ ⋆。 how I use psych k to reprogram my mind 。⋆ ʚïɞ
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hi everyone! today I am gonna talk about psych k - a combination of techniques I have been using to change any limiting beliefs I had and reprogram my subconscious to know it is limitless.
table of contents:
1. what is psych k & why/how it works
2. techniques to use
3. steps to follow in every psych session
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chapter 1: what is psych k & why/how it works
so psych k is a collection of methods used to reprogram the subconscious mind through releasing old patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving, it basically uses specific protocols to get you back to the super learning state you had as a child.
I find it quite great to use for changing beliefs around myself, my life, and my manifestations, also these techniques help you assess how strong (or real) a belief feels to you, which we will talk about later.
these techniques might take time to master as you get to know your body, but really you don't really need to be a pro to do them well. the practice is mostly about getting better at self-assessing your beliefs.
so why exactly does psych k work?
basically, as children until the age of 7, our brains engaged in a full-time mode of super learning. that meant that it was absorbing all kinds of beliefs, ideas, knowledge at such a fast pace, almost like our brain is made out of sponge. this meant that whatever environment we were put in affected our subconscious mind, directly rewiring new beliefs.
now where does psych k fall in all of this?
through psych k techniques, you are able to go back to the super learning mode of the brain we had as children, which in turn allows you to edit your subconscious beliefs directly w/o the conscious mind interfering. instead of going the long way with regular affirmations, you speed up the process with psych k!
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chapter 2: techniques to use
🫧 part 1: questioning/testing techniques
these techniques are used to test the strength of a belief or ask the subconscious mind 'questions' (in the form of affirmative statements, not actual questions).
so let's say I wanna test how strongly I believe, 'I am worthy of happiness,' if I truly believed it, I will get a strong response (depending on the technique used, more on that below) and if I don't believe it, I will receive a weak response. so basically, if you wanna receive insight to how your subconscious mind feels about certain statements, remember this point: strong response = yes and weak response = no.
now let's talk about some methods that you can use for testing, seeking permission, and asking the sub mind:
🦋 technique 1.1: arm lever test
this is my go to technique for testing a belief. you can find videos that demonstrated it in the sources at the end of the post, but here I will explain the steps of using it:
1. stand up, keep your face straight (don't lower your neck), keep your eyes open, and look down by lowering your gaze only
2. hold your arm out: extend one arm straight out in front of you. hold it a little upward
3. test with the other hand: use your other hand to gently press on the extended arm, kinda on the middle/wrist area
4. test statements: bring into your awareness a belief like 'I am worthy of happiness.' if the sub mind thinks the statement is true, your arm should stay strong and resist being pushed down (strong response), but if the statement is false, your arm would weaken and easily be pushed down (weak response).
🦋 technique 1.2: finger o-ring test
(never tried it but ig it is a more descrete and an easier way compared to the arm lever test, so if you decide to try it, lmk how it went!)
1. form a ring or O shape by touching the tips of your thumb and index finder together on one hand
2. test the ring: with the other hand, use your thumb and index finger to gently try to pull apart the O shape while saying specifc statements or affirmations. a strong response is the ring not breaking, a weak response is the ring formation breaking apart.
🫧 part 2: new belief integration techniques
now we will talk about the bulk of the work: reprogramming your subconscious mind. I will start with talking about the main technique I have seen being used and then some other techniques I have heard about, but I haven't really tested, now let's begin!
🦋 technique 2.1: the whole-brain posture (the "balance" position)
1. sit comfortably on a chair with your feet flat on the ground.
2. cross your legs and arms over each other:
there are 4 combinations in which u could do that: right ankle over left, right wrist over left / right ankle over left, left wrist over right / left ankle over right, right wrist over left / left ankle over right, left wrist over right.
the way you choose to do it is important since a side of your body holds the belief you wanna change over the other, I usually don't bother knowing which side is weaker (aka needs more reprogramming) & instead I do all of the 4 combination for like 5 minutes each (or until I feel that my mind has accepted the affirmations).
anywho, once you have decided which combination you will use for the next 5 minutes, extend your arms in front of you then interlock your fingers and bring your hands up toward your chest.
3. close your eyes, take in deep breaths to calm yourself down, and focus on affirming or visualising the belief you want to integrate for as long as you need (like I said, I usually do 5 mins).
4. once you're done, uncross your limbs and reposition.
5. save the new belief by placing your fingertips together in front of you (forming a pyramid shape) for a few seconds (if the sub mind is a computer, think of this as a safe command!)
6. if you wanna, rinse and repeat for all combinations.
🦋 other techniques:
2.2: cross-crawl exercise: stand up and march in place, lifting your knees high. as you lift your left knee, touch it with your right hand. then lift your right knee and touch it with your left hand. (this promotes integration of the two sides of the mind). continue for a minute or two, focusing on the positive belief or intention you want to integrate.
2.3: energy yawns: place your fingertips on your cheekbones and gently massage while yawning deeply. this relaxes the brain and enhances focus.
2.4: lazy 8s: trace a large figure 8 in front of you with your hand, moving from left to right. this exercise helps integrate both hemispheres and improve coordination.
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chapter 3: steps to follow in every psych session
next we are going to talk about some sort of procedure I have come up with for whenever I am doing a self-administered psych k session. you don't have to follow it exactly, but I hope it provides w the guidance you need to start immediately!
🦋 step 0: preperations
it is important for you to be in a relaxed, meditative state for the work to be even more effective so here are some extra stuff you can do before starting the session:
1. stay hydrated + keep some water beside you
2. sit in a quiet room all alone
3. use noise-cancelling earphones for more quietness
4. listen to some type of colour noise at all times to stay relaxed + focus inward instead of outward
5. keep some journal with you (or use the notes app) to record, reflect, and take any notes
🦋 step 1: establish the protocol
before starting anything I want you to have an idea of what exactly you wanna get out of this session, so sit down & write down the methodology for this session based on this chapter. so basically, you specify each of the following steps I will discuss in this chapter cos psych k has many approaches
you can also identify your why for carrying out this session and what affirmations/visualisations/etc. you will be using.
write that all down on a piece of paper or an online document, so you could refer back to whenever you need to remember the next step
🦋 step 2: prepare your mind and body
now you need to relax your body and mind, stop overthinking and stay present, for that I recommend breath work, I personally use the wim hof technique!
after you're done regulating your breathing, and with it your mind and body, take a moment to state your intention to connect with your subconscious mind, elevate any symptoms, and change beliefs using X affirmation (or any other technique), you can say this outloud or just in your mind.
🦋 step 2.5: identify what you want to work on
step 2 is built on the assumption that you already know what you wanna program, but if you don't you can use this stage before stage 2. here are some suggestions for how to pick a belief:
1. order beliefs and work on ones that are the most foundational, ones affecting multiple areas of life or your self concept
2. choose a belief that is urgent, that is it is causing you major stress in your life and it is what you mostly think of
3. layer your beliefs. what I mean is you can start with a general belief, such as 'I am capable.' and as you do more sessions, add more details to it, for example 'I am capable of succeeding in my career.'
4. google general limiting beliefs people have. you can even google specfic ones like 'limiting beliefs around love' and see which one resonates
5. journal, sometimes a quick journaling session can immediatly tell u what immediate obstacle there is in your thinking, which will give you a great idea of what belief you need to change
🦋 step 3: use a testing (permission) technique to identify where your beliefs are at, then test and establish baseline responses
like I said, psych k helps you understand how much you believe a belief, refer back to chapter 2 for some testing/permission techniques to use, but basically you will decide what technique you wanna use (I usually go for the arm lever test)
next, you will use the technique to establish what is a weak response for you and what is a strong one. you can use commands, such as 'be strong' & 'be weak,' or basic statements like 'my name is [false name]' & 'my name is [true name]' to understand what a true & false response feels like
🦋 step 4: ask question regarding the belief to test it & maybe revise intentions
so now that you know what a strong belief verses a weak one shows up in your body, it is time to ask some questions! basically you are gonna say your limiting belief (just like you'd say an affirmation and in present tense) and then test to see how strong (real) it seems + you will do the same for your affirmation to measure its strength
you can ask follow up Qs in the form of much specific statements to understand how your body truly feels about it. based on your findings, you can set new intentions if you think there's a better belief to work on rn.
🦋 step 4.5: ask for permission to change the belief using a testing/permission technique
for this you can use the same technique you used in the step before to test the belief. you basically set your intentions using something along the lines of, 'I request permission from my subconscious and superconscious mind to proceed with this belief change.' you can get more specific or change the wording to your liking
the reason this is step 4.5 is because I don't see it always being used, though I think it is good practice to ask for permission before trying to do something that might be too traumatic to do at this stage.
basically, a strong response = yes & a weak respone = no
if you get a no, you might wanna reflect (through your journal) on why this happened and how can you change that, maybe this is not the belief to change for today or maybe you gotta approach it from a different angle.
you can continue to test your sub mind through different statements and asking for permission, when you're satistified with the results you may continue!
🦋 step 5: choose a belief integration technique to integrate using the balance position
now for the bulk of the work! you're gonna decide on what technique you're gonna use to reprogram and what supplementary techniques you will use (affirmations, visualisations, aff tapes, etc.),
like I said before, I typically use the whole-brain posture. and ofc, once you're done you will just save it as discussed, and then repeat it if you wanna
🦋 step 6: test the belief again
repeat step 4 & use a testing technique (like the lever test) to identify how your beliefs have changed
🦋 step 7: solidify your belief over time
give yourself a couple of weeks or a month and then, retest the belief again using a testing technique (after relaxing and getting into a meditative state of course).
then you can try to anchor them through visualising. another good way to solidify them is to set goals and actionable steps for yourself to challenge the old belief
& ofc pay attention to how you feel and if it feels like you need another session, go for it!
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andddd that's all!! thank you sm for reading and good luck reminding yourself that you are limitless! these techniques on the newer side for me so let me know your experiences and thoughts on the topic cos I am always open to learning more about it <3
p.s: here are my main source that I reccomend watching as a beginner + if you wanna see live demonstration of the techniques:
。⋆。˚ ʚïɞ ˚。⋆。
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inkedberries · 1 year
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the passion and love for this series..... imma cry
read more here: https://www.japanaradio.com/node/98
text under read more
How much involvement did Nightow-sensei have in the production of the show? You mentioned in your panel earlier that he just gave a green light and said to just have fun. Can you elaborate further?
K: It started with Nightow-sensei, myself, the director Muto, and also producer Takei. So four people altogether, just talking to each other for quite a long time. We heard from Nightow-sensei about what kind of a person he is, what he was thinking about when he was creating Trigun, and what he wanted to cover in that story. And that's where we started. Building on that, we moved on to the concept stage. We had two main staff members working on that.
We had Kouji Tajima, who worked on the concept art, and Takehiko Oshiki, who worked on the setup, writing the text that would describe the overall concepts of the world. Oshiki-san is a huge Trigun fan, a fan of the original anime and the manga. And so, he gathered together for us a bunch of design documents, set up documents, describing the themes that were covered in the original manga, and also the themes that were hinted at, but not really ever explored. Then, based on the text that he had pulled together and written for us, Tajima-san started creating concept art. His goal was to create concept art that would show the overall feel of this world and help us with world building, to envision what kind of a world the planet is, and he took over a year working on all the concept art.
During all of these conceptual design parts, we were continually checking in with Nightow-sensei. So, even before the usual pre-production process, we're showing him the setup text and the concept art, and he gave the okay to all of that. After being deeply involved in the concept design, he told us, "Everything, from here on out, the scripts, the character designs and so forth, the regular stuff of pre-production, you can do as you wish. That's because I'm confident now that you fully understand where you're going with this, and I've signed off on all the pre-pre-production concept designs that you've done."
It's not like he gave us completely free rein to do whatever we wanted. However, because we had actually that much deep, intense collaboration at the very start, he thought that we knew where we were going with this, and he's also good with where we chose to take this.
M: Usually, when you're adapting a book, a manga, to anime, you'd just be facing the book itself. But, in my case, I really wanted to face the person who created it first.
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kacievvbbbb · 2 months
Was watching a YouTube video about the theory that Mihawk was initially the first mate of the red hair pirates, called “The greatest Mihawk Theory Ever Made” by the Hidden Island.
And it’s a great video and a pretty solid theory with fun evidence. But what’s pertinent here is that the creator suggests his own take on how Shanks and Mihawk’s story could be resolved or explored more and that’s by having Shanks win Mihawk in a straw hat, red hair pirates, cross guild wide Davy Back fight. and hit him with a “Good to have you back Hawkeyes”
I can’t tell you how unwell this scenario makes me I think about it once a day and I might die if I never get to see this but will actually die if it does happen.
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gelatinousrabbit · 13 days
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was assigned to do smth for storyboarding class with a character of our choice so i chosen bb but i gotten too carried away with how fun she is to draw
+ each of these things seperately
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shineemoon · 15 days
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—ONEW, "MAESTRO" (2024) 🌊🎶💙
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pepperpixel · 2 years
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“the lightening’s not frightening when u r w me, oh cuz love is not always what u think it’ll be!”
CROMA!!!! Croma art!!!! Cuz I forever and ever adore these two together….. they’re so good…! 🥺
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kehlanifenty · 4 months
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