#congrats babycorn
hqmillioncorn · 1 year
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FFXIVWrite Day Three (freeday): insomnia
"Slept well last night did you?" Hades asked Babycorn. He wasn't all that happy that he had to be the one to look for and then fetch their missing companion. "You must be her familiar. If you can sleep in such uncomfortable places like that." Babycorn yawned and kept walking ahead of Hades. Even if she did finally get a good nights rest yesterday she was still a little sleepy. "Thanks for finding me Emmy." she mumbled.
It turns out that there was not much of a difference between Elpis in the daytime to Elpis at night. Babycorn figured that most of the Concepts would be asleep by now but to her disappointment most of them were still roaming about, ready to attack her at any moment's notice.
“Does everyone work all day?” Babycorn asked no one in particular, “Sounds kinda boring…” 
Since she was all alone with no weapon on her, Babycorn made sure to avoid walking too deep into any areas with them. Which was surprising she was managing to do while not really paying to where she was going at the same time.
She had no idea how far she had walked but considering Babycorn could still see the little building she was offered a place to sleep in-she must not have walked that far. 
Babycorn let out a sigh and decided she didn’t walk anymore, she sat down onto the grassy ground and hugged her legs closer to her, leaning her head on them. 
It made sense, she was exhausted. So much had happened today. Traveling to the past, meeting Hades and Hythlodaeus, being tasked with the job of finding out what happened to Hermes. She was so tired. 
Before she knew it, or could do anything about it, Babycorn’s eyes began to close. 
Darkness slowly began to overtake her vision. 
Unfortunately like the countless other times she had tried earlier today, the peaceful silence didn’t last long. 
Visions of fire falling against a dark sky. The deafening sounds of people screaming all around her. Shadows all around her, calling her a monster over and over and over again. Her own baby brother taking hold of someone and slowly raising them up to their mouth and-
“STOP!!” Babycorn screamed, thrashing her body around violently, trying to fight back against the imaginary enemies in her head. They weren’t real. She knew this. Babycorn paused, just to end up almost crying again. “...Just stop it…Please just leave me alone…” She wanted desperately to close her eyes and drift off to sleep, to forget this whole mess even happened.
Something deep inside her just wanted to take her memory of the whole thing and rip it right out of her. 
“Wow! It’s a beautiful night out isn’t it?”
“WaAAaaAA?!” Babycorn let out a yelp and fell back in shock. “W-Who’s there?!” She was sure that she hadn’t been followed by anyone the entire time. Maybe someone had seen her walking around and decided to follow her?! Hopefully it wasn’t someone bad, she was pretty much defenseless…
To Babycorn’s sorta-relief it was actually someone she had briefly met before. “It’s meeeee!!” the doll said in a high-pitched tone, “Your best friend Sicily! At your service!” A burst of glitter exploded behind Sicily and Babycorn couldn’t tell if that was real or if she had hit her head just a little too hard when she fell. 
Sicily paused her introduction to bend over and help Babycorn sit up again. “Up and at em’! You don’t wanna get any grass stains on your pretty white robe!” She advised. Unfortunately it was a little too late for that at this point for Babycorn but the effort was still appreciated. 
Sicily took the time to dust Babycorn off. Poor Babycorn was too tired to tell her she didn’t really have to bother doing that. “By the way…” She walked all around Babycorn in a circle, examining her from head to toe, “Where’s the outfit me and Venice gave you? You looked sooooooo cute in it earlier!!” Sicily sniffled and though she was incapable of actual tears on account of being a doll, one look at her face at the moment would have you thinking otherwise.
Babycorn hesitated to answer. The truth of the whole thing was that she had taken it off shortly after parting ways with Sicily and Venice. Since they had both told her they would be leaving soon Babycorn had figured there would be no real danger to not wearing it. Besides people doubting her story of being Azem’s familiar but people seemed to believe it with or without the outfit.
“Umm…” Babycorn nervously looked around for anything that could help her in this situation. Ultimately it all came down to her. She nervously tapped two of her fingers together and looked down, “Its cause…These are my pajamas…? It wasn’t entirely a lie. Wearing this robe was really comfy and felt more like wearing a blanket than a usual robe did. 
Sicily’s eyes instantly lit up. “Ooooohh!! And since you’re out here you didn’t want to get your clothes we gave you dirty so you’re wearing pajamas instead!!! Ooooh!! Babycorn!!!” In an instant her ragdoll arms were wrapped all around Babycorn in a tight hug. 
“AAAuHHHauccK?!?!” Babycorn felt herself being lifted off the ground but weirdly enough it wasn’t too tight a hug. It must have come with the whole thing of Sicily being a soft ragdoll.
Sicily swayed Babycorn in her arms from side to side. “You’re so smart!! And so cute!!” she let out another squeal and finally set Babycorn down on solid ground, “I’m so lucky to have a little sister as adorable as you!!” 
“L-Little sister…?” 
Babycorn had heard both Sicily and Venice refer to each other as siblings but she must have somehow missed the part where they called her a sibling too. Maybe she had too much on her mind at the time?
Sicily grinned, “Little sister!! Maize all made us so we’re all family of course!! That’s what she told us!” 
“Oh, cool…” Sounds like something Cherry would-
“And families have to help each other when they caaaan! Which is why…” Sicily sat down and crossed her legs in between each other in a knot. She patted the ground next to her for Babycorn to sit down next to her. “Which is why I’m here to help you!” Her eyes sparkled with a hint of red to them. 
“Help me? With what?” 
There were a lot of things that Babycorn needed help with. But she couldn’t think of any way that Sicily could help with any of them. Unless this doll somehow was privy to some secrets about Hermes or something.
“You’ve been having trouble sleeping tonight!” 
“H-Huh…?!” Babycorn was so caught off guard by Sicily’s correct guess that she didn’t have the foresight to deny her accusation. 
Sicily covered her mouth and let out a loud giggle. “Don’t try to hide it and pretend everythings okay! We can tell! Because I’m having trouble sleeping too!” Sicily stood up from where she was sitting and rested her hand on Babycorn’s shoulder. 
“And we know it's because of you.” 
There was something chilling about Sicily’s voice. Babycorn didn’t like it.
“How do you-?”
“Oh, I can always tell.”
Babycorn heard another unfamiliar voice behind her. As soon as she had, Sicily froze and fell to the ground in front of her. Like a toy that someone decided they were done playing with. Babycorn let out a scream and stepped back, kicking Sicily away from her. Sicily did not react at all, her eyes were blank and she was as still as a corpse. 
Before Babycorn could turn around and run away she bumped right into someone, which caused her to fall backwards right onto Sicily. 
Babycorn panicked and tried to get away, only to trip over herself and Sicily over and over again. Until she felt someone grab her by her foot and lift her up. Even being upside down she could tell who it was that was holding her up. 
Even if they’ve never met before.
‘Azem’ smiled at Babycorn. Or did she frown? Babycorn really couldn’t tell from her upside down vantage point. 
“That’s my title! Don’t wear it out!” Azem grabbed hold of one of Babycorn’s hands in an attempt to flip her back up, when she did that Babycorn could finally tell that she was smiling. “But you can call me Maize! I don’t mind!” Maize lowered Babycorn onto the ground and gave her a small pat on the head.
Babycorn struggled to find the right things to say that wouldn’t get her exposed as being from the future and also a part of Azem’s broke of pieces of the future. “Um…? I thought you were supposed to be somewhere else? You know? Being somewhere that isn’t here?” It was something she had overheard Hades and Hythlodaeus talking about. 
That would surely raise no suspicions.
Maize laughed nervously to herself for a bit. “I-I was! But I heard word that there was a new familiar of mine roaming around Elpis! And helping Emmy and Hihi too!” Babycorn guessed that Emmy and Hihi must have been nicknames for Hades and Hythlodaeus. Maize leaned in closer to Babycorn until she was staring down at her, “A familiar of mine I have no memory of creating.” Her stare was pretty damning. 
“I-I-Is that so? Haha…” Babycorn’s days were numbered, she was so sure of it. This was the end. 
But in a move that could both be described as unexpected and a relief, Maize stood straight up and clasped her hands together in a smile. “And so I headed right back because I just needed to see the new cutie I made!! Don’t tell Emmy and Hihi though! They would never let me live it down! Teehee!” 
Creating dolls in her sleep was nothing new for Maize. It just so happened that most of the sleep created ones happened to be more of a nuisance for everyone involved in contrast to the more friendly ones. So when word had reached her of a new doll taking Elpis by storm, she couldn’t resist making the trip.
Babycorn’s relief was very short-lived as it was replaced by a mild panic when Maize suddenly rushed up to her and grabbed hold of her face.
“Mmmmpppph?!?!” Just what was this lady doing?!
Maize ignored Babycorn’s scowl and simply continued to examine her. “Oooooh! Just look at you!! Your cheeks are so cute and full! And are those freckles I see?! How adorable! And your hair has the same color and consistency as Sicily and Venice.” She paused to laugh to herself about something, “I wonder if your hair would taste the same when boiled and covered in spaghetti sauce?”
“Excuse meeee?!”
Was she going to be the one being eaten instead?! 
“Never mind all that!” Maize waved Babycorn’s worries away and turned Babycorn’s head to the side. “Omigoooosh!! Look at your ears! They’re so different!! I wonder why?” Turning Babycorn’s head to face her again, Maize noticed something else. “And…Your eyes…They’re the same color as…!” She let out a loud gasp and covered her cheeks in embarrassment. 
Babycorn decided to ignore whatever her ancient was doing and rubbed at her face. 
“It wasn’t my imagination then…was it? This doll's texture feels like nothing I’ve ever felt before…” Maize continued to mumble to herself, all while walking in a circle. “Almost as if…as if…” 
Babycorn froze.
“As if…You’re not a doll.”
There wasn’t really anything Babycorn could say in her defense. And running away screaming at the top of her lungs wasn’t a viable option either. There was nowhere to run!
Maize looked down at her, though the ancient was considered short by this world’s standard it didn’t make a difference to Babycorn, she still towered over her. As most things did. 
Babycorn looked up to meet Maize’s one uncovered eye. It was a bright red. Which did not help in making this entire situation any less scarier. 
“You’re alive. A living concept. Just like most things here, aren’t you?” 
Babycorn remained silent. Mostly out of fear rather than necessity. 
“Which means…”
“Which means??”
“Which means you must be me and Emmy’s daughter from the future?!?!” Maize let out a maniacal laugh and twirled around in place, “Kyaaaaaaaa!! You’re even cuter than I imagined you’d beeee!!!!” 
“NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Babycorn let out a scream so loud that it was almost a shock that it didn’t wake up everyone in the nearby vicinity.  It did scare a couple of birds from their trees though.
As soon as Babycorn finished screaming Maize frowned. “Aww…Guess I was wrong…” She was more than a little heartbroken about the fact that she was not talking to her and Hades’ future daughter but she would get over it. Surely this didn’t mean that they weren’t any less destined to be together.
Maize knelt down to Babycorn’s level and brushed some of her loose hairs down. She noticed that her hair was a mess and the bags under her eyes were worse than her own. Not only that, her eyes were red and puffy, as if she had just been crying. Maize was more than familiar with that look.
Babycorn simply looked right at her. The rush of despair of being called Emet-Selch’s daughter still running through her mind. Coupled with the actual realization that she was face to face with her ancient who wanted a child with Emet-Selch had rendered her completely speechless at the moment.
“You must have been so lonely out there.” Maize gently set her hand on Babycorn’s head. “I’m sorry I created you and left you alone for so long.” Had she known she created her, Maize would have canceled her trip and stayed to shower Babycorn with gifts and affection as long as she could.
“It's a scary world out there. Isn’t it?” 
Babycorn was still quiet, speechless. Though this time it was because Maize’s hand was resting on her head. It was a nice feeling. A feeling that Babycorn always secretly wished that people would give her. 
A warm touch to hold her that everything was going to be okay. 
“To journey out there, to places you hardly know with people you can’t trust, I wouldn’t blame you for being so scared of it all.”
Babycorn raised her hands up and grabbed Maize’s wrist, just to make sure that she wouldn’t let go. 
“Losing people is never easy and it never gets any easier. Then to continue living on for them like nothing ever happened? You don’t know how to do that, do you?” 
Babycorn shook her head.
“Aww, sweetie I’m so sorry! I wish there was something I could have done. But I think it's a little too late for me to do anything…”
“It’s okay…”
Maize adjusted her hand “For now. I’ll just relieve you of your worst one!” 
Babycorn’s hands let go of Maize as her arms fell to her side. In an instant, Maize removed her hand, a long glowing thread was attached to the end of her index finger. It wasn’t too long of a thread but it glowed so bright it looked like it was almost on fire. Interlaced around it was another thread, much longer than the first. 
Maize wordlessly moved the thread around in the shape of a circle. From there she could see the memories stored inside of it, all from Babycorn’s point of view. It was a nightmare from what she could see, but the most confusing thing about it was Babycorn’s sympathy for the monsters tearing people apart. 
“Haha! Ew, gross.” was Maize’s only reaction to the whole thing. No wonder her poor little doll hadn’t been able to sleep. “Let’s take care of this!” With a flick of her hand the string collapsed right into her hand alongside the extra one.
Then in an instant and with a clap of her hand, Maize turned the memories into nothing more than dust that she mindlessly sprinkled into the ground. 
As soon as the memories were destroyed Babycorn broke out of her trance with a gasp, only narrowly missing hitting the ground again thanks to being caught by an awakened Sicily.  
“Got ya!” Sicily set Babycorn down on the grassy ground and stepped back. She held her non-existent breath until Babycorn took a breath of her own. Even if Babycorn wasn’t a doll like her it didn’t mean she didn’t care any less about her than before.
“Good job Sicily!” Maize gave her a congratulatory pat on the head and then walked over to inspect Babycorn. 
Babycorn was sleeping soundly on the ground. She had turned herself over on her side, most likely the position she slept in on her own bed. There was a smile on her face and a tear in one of her eyes. 
Maize smiled, “That should do it!” She brushed a part of Babycorn’s hair away from her eyes and stepped back. 
“I hope Babycorn won’t mind that you did that Miss Maize!” Sicily jumped onto Maize’s arm and wrapped her own arms around her. 
“She won’t mind! If she could-I think she would thank me now that she can finally get some sleep!”
“You’re so nice Miss Maize!!!”
“Oh, don’t say that!” Maize chuckled, “After all, I want to get some sleep too!”
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hqmillioncorn · 6 months
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Never look back (and don't look forwards either!)
If it were up to Babycorn she would have never gone back to Limsa Lominsa as long as she lived but things were different under her guise as an adventurer. She really had no choice but to board that airship and take off towards the place she had fled just a few weeks ago. As she boarded the nightmarish contraption known as an airship, an attendant handed her a piece of paper. When she looked down she noticed it was a missing poster. Babycorn couldn't drop it to the ground fast enough.
Lalapril 4/11 Endure
babycorn and cherrypit make their way to gridania after absoultely nothing of note happens to them.
Sorta a part 2 to this one Happens right after it.
As Cherrypit maneuvered himself under his blanket he poked his head out to see how his sister was doing. She hadn’t said a word the entire time since they had boarded the chocobo carriage. 
The reason for that wouldn’t be hard for the usual person to understand but Cherrypit was a little too young to understand what had just happened.
All he really understood was that something bad had happened, something really scary, and then Babycorn said they needed to go somewhere else now.
It made him a little sad. He liked living where they did. Their room was a little cramped but it was really nice to have somewhere to stay that wasn’t as cold as their home in Coerthas. It was a lot more comfier too. Cherrypit would also miss the people that lived with them too. He didn’t know a lot of their names but he knew their faces. They were all so nice to him, giving him toys to play with and snacks to eat.
When they had first arrived at the new place Babycorn had told him he needed to stay hiding, so no one would see him. Cherrypit hadn’t understood why but he was still happy to listen.
As much as he listened he was still very much a baby, so he very quickly got bored of hiding all the time.
That was how Stelala had found him roaming the kitchen in the middle of the night. 
Cherrypit looked over to his sister, she was sitting in complete silence as she had been for the past hour or two. Her clothes were torn and singed, there was a red color staining parts of it.
She was holding onto something, it looked like something torn. 
Ever since they first left the city Cherrypit had been trying to get her attention but all she would do was stare straight ahead at Limsa Lominsa, as it continued to get smaller and smaller the more they traveled. 
There was a plume of smoke rising from a small section of Limsa Lominsa. It was such a small part of the citystate that it might not have mattered at all to most people. 
To Babycorn, it was the only thing she could see.
Cherrypit felt a little scared. He really had no idea what was happening besides that they had to go away. Why weren’t the rest of their friends coming with them? He crawled up to Babycorn, dragging his blanket behind him. “Bebe?” He looked up at her, tugging on her dress. There was no response. 
“Bebe! Bebe!” None of that mattered. It didn’t stop Cherrypit from talking to her. 
Except his lack of sleep the past few months was finally catching up to him. Usually because of his unusual circumstances he never needed it. Not until he couldn’t resist it anymore.
Cherrypit yawned and curled up in his sister’s lap. He pulled the blanket closer to him and wrapped it around him. He tried to get as close as he could to his sister. He didn’t want to leave her side. The rocking of the chocobo carriage moving was finally enough to lull him to sleep.
Babycorn instinctively put her hand on Cherrypit’s head. 
“Happy Nameday to me…” 
The only money she had to her name had been a present from M’yusa a week before. Babycorn had considered keeping it and never letting it go but it was the only way she could pay to travel out of Limsa Lominsa.
“Happy Nameday to me. Happy Nameday, dear Babycorn…”
Babycorn sang quietly to herself. 
Though they were so far away, Babycorn could still hear the crackling of the fire around her. Everything was burning up. Everything was gone. 
“Happy Nameday to me…” 
It would be okay. She didn’t love them anyway. Not at all.
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hqmillioncorn · 7 days
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True love will NOT bloom on the battlefield
“Bull’s eye!” Oleo pumped a fist into the air and let out another holler.  Another dot had pierced their dartboard and even though Oleo had far less points than Butter at the moment he was still glad to celebrate every little victory that he got. “Do you think Momoka would believe me if I told her I hit a bull’s eye?” Oleo asked his best friend Butter.  “I think she’d believe you!” That was just like Butter to say, ever the optimist.  “Ha! Knew it!” Oleo smiled and watched as Butter got ready to take his turn. “Yeah! Get em’ Butter!” Truthfully Oleo had no idea why there was a drawing of B’ig Nunh on Butter’s dartboard but if that’s how Butter wanted to play then who was he to say no to it.  Maybe it would explain how good Butter was doing this game as opposed to the rest but who could really know?
ffxiv write day 19: taken with @windupnamazu 's lunya and @windupiceheart 's vertical and (sorry) b'ig nunh
babycorn practices her reading in what perhaps is the worst way possible
The sound of someone knocking about a million times per second was enough to knock Lunya out of her weaving. “Babycorn.” There were only two people in the mansion that ever knocked on her door like that. One of them was Coco and the other was Babycorn. 
And since there was no more than ten seconds of uncontrollable wailing on the other side of the door–the more likely it was that it was Babycorn. 
Lunya stabbed her sewing needle in its cushion and hid it away just outside of Babycorn’s view. “Coming!” She yelled back, hoping that would get Babycorn to stop hitting her door so hard. It did not. 
“Lunya! Lunya! Lunya!” 
Babycorn was knocking and saying Lunya’s name in a rhythm now. It was almost impressive how long she was able to keep it up. 
The knocking finally came to a stop when Lunya grabbed her doorknob, swinging her door open not long after that. As Lunya had correctly guessed, it was Babycorn on the other side of the door all along. “Hi Lunya!” Babycorn innocently waved at her. Almost like she hadn’t been knocking on Lunya’s door like a maniac. “I have a question!!” 
Lunya watched as Babycorn wiggled her raised hand around all over the place. “Hi to you too Babycorn!” 
“Lunya I read a book!” Babycorn smiled. 
Of course Babycorn had forgotten about her earlier question. Lunya figured she would ask again when she remembered. As always. “Oh! Congrats!” Lunya knew Babycorn was slowly learning to read and had even started to practice her writing too. 
She was making progress according to the writing Lunya had seen on the walls earlier that week. “You’re not writing on the walls anymore right Babycorn?” 
“Nope!” Babycorn shook her head. “I’m writing on the ground now!”
“You what?” 
Before Lunya could ask Babycorn to elaborate more on what she had just admitted, Babycorn remembered what she had come to Lunya’s room to do in the first place. “Oh! That’s right Lunya! I wanted to ask you something super duper important!!” 
Things that were super duper important to Babycorn often ranged from either the most mundane thing ever to asking Lunya what she was supposed to do when the kitchen was on fire.
While Lunya tried to smell the air for any sign of smoke let Babycorn know she could ask whatever question she had burning in her mind. Which hopefully was the only thing burning. 
“Lunya! Am I dating B’ig Nunh?”
Suddenly Lunya started to wish there was smoke in the air instead. “...C-Can you repeat that?” By now there weren’t too many things Babycorn did that would surprise or shock Lunya, having known the girl for years now. But every now and then something would happen that reminded Lunya she could never keep her guard down.
Surely she hadn’t heard Babycorn right. Right?
“Am I dating B’ig Nunh?!” Once she asked the second time, Babycorn pulled up the book she had been holding under her arm the entire time. “This book said I went on a date with him!” The book she held up had a picture of B’ig Nunh on the cover along with the very concerning words of Go and date and with. Not in that order. 
The aforementioned catboy was mysteriously shirtless and posing on a beach looking straight at the person looking at the cover. There was a sticker on the cover that gave Lunya all the answers to the newly born confusion in her head.
“Y slash N…” Lunya stroked her chin. She didn’t want to look at the cover any longer than she had to and pushed the book down and out of sight, Babycorn didn’t seem to mind, she thought it was fun. 
“Babycorn what did I say about reading books with B’ig Nunh on the cover?”
“Not to…” Babycorn held the book up, trying to use it as a shield between her and Lunya. “But I didn’t read it! Someone else read it for me!” 
Lunya thought she also made sure to tell everyone she could to not read any books with B’ig Nunh on the cover to Babycorn. The mystery of how Babycorn could have read the books wouldn’t stay unsolved for long. 
A sprinkle of green cookie magic started to come down from the ceiling. Until it all came to a head when Airy landed on Babycorn’s head without a care in the world. “Hey.” Airy greeted Lunya in her own callous way. By acting as if Lunya wasn’t even there. 
Of course. “No Babycorn. You are not dating B’ig Nunh.” Lunya didn’t even want to imagine a world where that even had the slightest chance of happening. 
“Are you sure??” Babycorn sniffled. 
“Yes. Very sure!” 
“Really sure????”
Lunya knew where this was going. “I’m. Sure.” No matter how many times Lunya would tell her the opposite of what Babycorn was afraid of, she wouldn’t take her for her word. Even if Babycorn lived by the singular life rule that Lunya knew everything. No matter the topic. “Alright you know what-” 
Lunya grabbed Babycorn’s hand and spun her around towards the outside. She was sure that B’ig Nunh was home and if even she couldn’t convince Babycorn of the obvious, then surely hearing it from the mouth of B’ig Nunh himself would. 
If not then, Lunya would just have to kill him. 
“Woah where are we going Lunya?” Babycorn smiled, her worries of her dating B’ig Nunh had probably blown out of her head by now. 
“We’re going to go find B’ig and talk to him!” Lunya hummed. She of course was just a very normal lalafell and there was absolutely no danger involved in B’ig Nunh talking with Lunya Lanya about this. 
“And you-!” 
Lunya grabbed one of Airy’s wings and tugged on it. “OW?! Watch the wings!” Airy tried to shake herself out of Lunya’s grasp but her struggle was in vain. 
“You’re grounded.
“You’re not even my MOM?!?!”
Regardless, Airy flew all the way back to Babycorn’s room and spent the rest of the day there. Something about Lunya Lanya specifically scared her out of her wits. 
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Outside of the mansion B’ig Nunh and Vertical Height were playing fetch with Cherrypit. Throwing cans at him to watch him catch them and eat them. It was enriching for the tiny little normal baby lalafell and also entertaining to watch. 
“okay cherry catch.” Vertical threw a can way up in the air and watched as Cherrypit caught it, biting down on it. “cool.” Cherrypit crunched the can with his very sharp teeth like it was a soft sugar cookie. 
“Again! Again!” Cherrypit cheered. This was way funner to do than whatever b’oring book his sister was reading. 
B’ig Nunh picked up another can from the pile and threw it in his hands. “Alright I’m gonna put all my strength into this one! Get ready!!” Cherrypit showed him how ready he was by running around in a circle very excitedly. 
“Go!” The can flew upwards! Just as B’ig Nunh had warned, it went really high up!
Just as Cherrypit got ready to leap after it, he heard something. It sounded like a door opening. He turned to see the front door of the mansion opening. Out from the inside of the house came Lunya followed by Babycorn, who was practically being dragged outside. “Bebe! Lulu!” Cherrypit cheered and ran over to hug them both.
Which was entirely possible with the way his arms worked. 
Cherrypit extended his arms out wide and grabbed both girls in a great big hug. “Hi Cherry!” Lunya managed to squeeze her arm out and give Cherrypit a little pat on his arm. “Are you having fun with B’ig and Verty?” 
“Yeah yeah!” 
“How much fun?” Babycorn rested her head on Cherrypit’s arm to ask. Cherrypit nodded and stretched out his arms wiiiiide open, dropping both Lunya and Babycorn to the ground. While one of them gently floated to the ground the other fell flat on her face and no I won’t say who did what,  it should be so obvious by now. 
“hey lunya hey babycorn.” Vertical raised her hand to greet her good friends, while still looking up at the sky. 
B’ig Nunh also got ready to say hi to his friends but happened to be stopped right in his tracks by Babycorn running up to him, crying her eyes out. 
If that wasn’t bad enough the next words out of her mouth were almost shocking enough to kill him.
“B’iggy are we dating?” 
Babycorn was sobbing, snot coming out of her nose.It was very dire. 
B’ig Nunh froze like a statue. “What? What? What? What????” His situation was also very dire. “NO???!!! NO WE’RE NOT???”  What kind of question was that?! Where did it come from!? Why was Babycorn asking him this?! 
B’ig resisted the urge to run away and hide because if he did that he couldn’t explain to Babycorn how wrong she was. Then that would lead to her to actually think what she said was true. Which it obviously wasn’t!!
All of this was hitting B’ig Nunh at once like a…like a…
“like a can from the sky?” 
“Well actually I was going to say like a ton of bric-”
Then a can from the sky bumped B’ig Nunh on his lovely moogle cap, right before tumbling to the ground, free for Cherrypit to bite and run off with. His current plan was to bury it in the backyard for later. 
Lunya let B’ig Nunh gather his bearings before talking to him. “See Babycorn? If B’ig Nunh says you’re not dating, then you’re not dating.” There was a very threatening aura around Lunya,  “End of story! 🤗” 
Babycorn looked down at her book. She didn’t understand a single word on the cover or on the back. All she knew was that her good friend B’iggy Nunh was on the cover and he would never lie to her. “But my book said…”
“If a book told you to walk off a bridge would you?” Lunya asked.
“Babycorn Corn!” 
“No! I wouldn’t!” She was scared of heights! 
Vertical looked down at the book Babycorn was holding in her shivering hands. There was something about it that she recognized. “is that the book that told you you were dating b’ig nunh?” 
Babycorn nodded, tearfully. 
Now Vertical remembered. “i saw b’ig carrying a pile of those books. he said they were advanced copies made to sell later.” Vertical also remembered seeing B’ig Nunh reading one of them from the time she went to bed to when she woke up early the next morning.  
“They’re part of the B’ig Nunh self shipping collection…sniffle…” B’ig Nunh cried, sobbed, whined, all of the above. There were currently around ten books in the collection. They were best sellers for some reason. 
(the reason was that babycorn always bought half the stock. Something nobody but tataru knew yet) 
“Yeah. I figured.” Lunya huffed. “No more reading those kinds of books. Okay Babycorn?” Otherwise they would have to have this conversation more than once and once was already enough for Lunya. 
“Okay…” Babycorn sighed, “Do I also have to not read the other thing too?” 
Everyone was afraid to ask. Especially B’ig Nunh who was basically already dead. 
“what other thing…” Vertical finally decided to ask. 
Babycorn opened the B’ig Nunh takes you to the B’each book and pulled something out, it somehow looked larger than the book itself. “This!” She turned it around and showed her friends the Sexy B’ig Nunh Calendar for the current year she had. It was a costume edition, featuring B’ig Nunh in all sorts of different costumes for the different months!
“woah.” Vertical said while she also noticed B’ig Nunh dissolving into dust and blowing away in the wind. 
Without even taking a second to ask why she had that, Lunya grabbed both the book and the calendar from Babycorn. “NO! You cannot read either!!” She also made sure to grab Babycorn and carried her back to her room with Cherrypit following right behind her. 
“Aww…” Babycorn sadly sighed. 
“Don’t worry Verty! I’ll get the broom and you can sweep up B’ig when I get back!”
“thanks.” Vertical gave a thumbs-up.
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hqmillioncorn · 1 year
congrats on finishing ffxivwrite!! it's been a lot of fun reading your entries. i find your characters fascinating, any chance you'd want to explain what babycorn and cherrypit's deals are? either way, good work!
thank you!!!!!!!!!! aww that means a lot and ummmm
well babycorn corn is a lalafell that's sorta the same character from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Ring of Fates and was killed by a dude who traversed univereses to get to her but its ok cause cherrypit saved her life by giving her his aether but that left him kinda undead (stuck as a 2 year old) also cherrypit is scary and spooky and can transform into things
if you wanna know more check out my unfinished and compeltly chaotic google lore document
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