#congrats to anyone who wrote this month
may-shepard · 10 months
Hey I completed nanowrimo! according to the site, this was my 10th win which I think is a big deal? Giving myself a gold star on this one!
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callsign-rogueone · 2 months
Brennan Sorrengail x chronically ill reader words: 2.5k 🏷: gender neutral reader, use of nicknames sweetheart and honey, implied past FWB-type relationship between reader and Bren. descriptions of pain and sickness (congrats, u now have my symptoms), downward-spiral of self-deprecating thoughts, reader shaming themself for being weak / ill, one (1) suggestion that reader wants to die but they don’t mean it, confessions of love, cuddles.  this may be the most self-serving thing I’ve ever written. I wrote it to process my grief and anger about my current situation, but I figured I’d post it for the Brennan girlies and anyone who feels like I do right now and could use a handsome mender boyfriend to make it all better.
The gentle movement of the mattress and the smell of smoke and soap and leather wakes you from your nap — Brennan is back. You roll over to face him, every muscle in your body protesting the movement. 
“Hi, sweetheart,” he whispers, brushing the hair from your forehead with gentle fingers. “How are you feeling?”
“Same old,” you murmur. 
He lays a hand on your forearm, and the pain dulls. You know better now than to let him block it off completely — he’d done that once before, but when he let go, it was unbearable. 
Better to sit with it, not get used to any relief — it’ll only hurt you further when it all comes back, knock the breath right from your lungs and leave you in a heap on the floor, a mess of knots for him to untangle.
He’s done enough for you already. He does enough for everyone. Never anything for himself. Or if he does, you never see it.
“Was worried about you,” he says softly, still stroking your hair.
The idea of him worrying about you makes you feel sicker than you already are, but a different kind of sick. Guilty, maybe. Disgusted — not with him, but with yourself, for being so fucking weak and needy and such a crybaby. You’re a dragon rider, for gods’ sakes. 
Or you used to be. You haven’t acted like one in months, and haven’t felt like one for longer than that. 
You’d accepted that you’d never fly again, or told yourself that you accepted it, three months ago.
“I can keep fixing the damage, but I don’t know if I can fix what’s causing it,” Brennan had told you in a whisper late one night in this same room, holding you as if he was afraid to let go, that you’d crack and splinter even further if he wasn’t pressing the pieces of you together. 
You used to be able to hold yourself together. You used to be able to do a lot of things. To spar with him, to run with your squad and mount a dragon, swim in the ice-cold streams of Tyrrendor with your friends on days off, to spend hours tangled up in bed with him after lights-out, exerting yourselves in other ways.
But then something came and ruined it all.  You still don’t know what it was — is. It didn’t come quickly — not one big wave that drowned you, not an assailant that shattered bone and sliced through tissue, but a gradual decline that you didn’t notice until it was too late. 
No, you definitely noticed. You just didn’t want to believe it. You made up excuses for everything— reassurances, placating remarks, designed to convince yourself and those around you that there wasn’t anything wrong with you.
You couldn’t sleep through the night, but that was because of the awful things you’d seen that day. But then they started happening even if you hadn’t left the barracks, even if you hadn’t witnessed any horrible sights in weeks.
You couldn’t hold on to your daggers tightly enough, struggled to grip a pen, but that was because you’d injured your hand — but that was only one hand, and months ago. Brennan had mended it for you within minutes of the injury.
Your entire body was aching, all the time, but that was normal with how much riders were required to exert themselves. You just can’t move like you did when you were younger. You aren’t a kid anymore.
But no amount of rest days, no ice or heat or elevation seemed to be enough to recover. That’s the worst of it, really. Being stuck in bed, not by doctor’s orders, not because you physically can’t get up, but because you can’t do anything outside of this room.
Not without pain, anyway, and not without pitying looks and whispered questions about what happened to you — the very same Captain that had rescued an entire squad from certain doom just last year, the most powerful air-wielder in two generations — and concerned words from your colleagues, who miss you, and tell them if you need anything, okay? They’re here for you.
But are they really your colleagues anymore? Is Deòir really your dragon anymore? He hardly speaks to you these days. He’s just too kind to admit that he’s just waiting for you to die, so he can move on, and find a new rider.
Maybe kind isn’t the right word, but you can’t think of a better one right now. It’s hard to think of anything other than how tired and uncomfortable you are.
You used to be top of the class, and now you’re struggling to form complete sentences.
“Talk to me,” Brennan coaxes, still gazing down at you, softness in his eyes.
“You don’t have to keep doing this,” you whisper. 
“I know we were… involved for a while,” you say carefully, “but you don’t need to do this for me anymore. You can’t keep worrying about me. It takes up too much time that you just don’t have. You’re running a revolution; you have more important shit to do than to play nurse.”
He furrows his eyebrows in confusion. “Where’s this coming from?” he asks softly. “What happened while I was away?”
“Nothing happened, Brennan. Nothing ever happens in my life anymore, because I spend my entire day, every day, laying here, wishing I was dead.”
You cover your mouth with your hand, but it’s too late. The words are out in the air, and he’s heard them. “I didn’t mean…” you whisper, “I don’t want to die, I just…”
Tears fill your already-blurred vision, but you can see him in front of you, the mass of his chest and shoulders, the slow movement of his arms reaching out to wrap around you and hold you close, to guide you up into his lap.
“I’m just so tired,” you sob, too-long fingernails digging into the black leather of his jacket, your hands too weak to hold on to him properly. “I’m so tired of being tired, and in pain, and feeling useless.”
“I know, sweetheart, I know,” he soothes. “I’ll keep looking. We can look together. We’ll figure out what this is, and how to fix it.”
“We’ve read every book in the library,” you sniff. “We’ve talked to every healer we know.”
“There are other libraries, and other healers,” he replies, as if it’s that simple, that easy. You suppose to him, it is that easy. To him, everything is easy. He’s not the one wasting away here, you are.
Wasting away. Crumbling. Deteriorating.  
“Why aren’t you giving up?” you ask quietly. “I’ve given up. Deò has, too. He hasn’t spoken to me in days.”
You know the answer, and it makes you feel sick, but you need to hear it.
Maybe that’s selfish of you, to make him declare it out loud to you, to your face, when you very well might not be alive this time next year to celebrate an anniversary — not that you’d be able to do much celebrating if you were. But that little part of you, the only part that’s left of the old you, from the reality where this could work, needs it — needs him. 
“Deò hasn’t given up on you. He went with us, as backup — that’s why he wasn’t responding. And I haven’t given up, either. I’ll never give up, because I love you,” he whispers. “I’ve loved you for years, and I’ll keep loving you as long as I live, and well into whatever afterlife I earn, if such a thing exists.”
You loose another sob, your nails scraping the leather as you cling to him tighter, your anchor in this storm, your lifeline, hiding your face in his neck and letting three months worth of tears continue to fall. 
“I’m not going to let go,” he soothes, laying a hand over yours, that’s still feebly clutching at the sleeve of his jacket. “Not until you ask me to.”
You release your grip, the ache lessening as you do, but your knuckles still throb with every beat of your heart; another reminder that even just existing is painful, that your body can’t even move blood around without complaint.
“There you go. Just breathe with me, honey. Nice and slow.”
You don’t know how long you spend there, trying to steady your breathing. Time has seemed to run together lately, somehow both fast and slow — that happens when you lose your routine, and spend half of a normal person’s waking hours asleep, and normal sleeping hours lying awake, enveloped in pain. He continues to murmur praises to you all the while; sweet, reassuring words that you don’t really process. 
“Do you want to lay down?” he asks after a while, his voice soft and gentle. 
He’s always so gentle with you. Endlessly patient, and endlessly caring.
You nod, thoroughly exhausted— the crying had zapped any energy you’d had left. You feel like a little kid again, soft and confused and small. 
You’re still in your pajamas, anyway, still in bed. You’d only gotten out of it once today, to use the bathroom, but you’d forced yourself to brush your teeth while you were in there, leaning on the counter for stability all the while. That’s your idea of success and productivity these days.
“Okay. Let me take my boots off, hm?” — You nod, pulling back to let him get up. — “Alright. Can I get you anything? Water?”
You shake your head. “Just you,” you whisper. 
“I can do that.” Jacket, boots, and pants off, he settles in with you, letting you cozy up to him in a position that feels the most comfortable— or the least uncomfortable, really. He starts stroking your hair again in soft, slow motions, the weight and warmth of his scarred palm soothing your headache.
It occurs to you that you’d never responded to his declaration — the one you’d needed so badly that you’d nearly asked for it outright — you’d just clung to him and cried, and he’d held you, even though you hadn’t said it back. He’d stroked your hair and calmed you down from your grief over the life you no longer have and can never return to.
He’s still holding you, still dulling the pain in your body and in your soul.
“I love you, Bren,” you murmur. “M’sorry I didn’t say it earlier.”
“It’s okay, sweetheart. I’ve known for a long time.”
He hums softly. “Oh, yeah. Years and years. Since you nearly broke my jaw in challenges and then insisted on personally escorting me to the infirmary.”
You laugh at the memory. “I felt so guilty about that. I didn’t want to hurt you at all. I was pulling my punches.”
It’s his turn to laugh. “It certainly didn’t feel like it.”
There’s a soft pause before he speaks again, hesitant, like he doesn’t want to bring it up again now that your tears have dried, but he knows you haven’t forgotten the pain. You’ll never forget this pain for the rest of your life, even if it goes away.
“When I was in Poromiel, I talked to a healer there who‘s seen something like this before. She wrote down as much as she could before I left, and she promised to ask around and send more information through the boys when they do their next drop-off.”
You cuddle into him closer, ignoring the ache in your back as you do. “Thank you, Bren. I’m sorry for snapping at you earlier. I guess… I’m just still not used to being taken care of. I know it’s dumb, but it makes me feel worse sometimes, even though it’s helping.”
“That’s how I felt,” he says quietly. You both know what he’s talking about— his recovery from being shot in the battle of Aretia, from dying and being brought back to life. “It was always me taking care of the girls when we were young. I was never the one who needed taking care of. It felt wrong, and I felt guilty, and mad at myself for needing the help. But you wouldn’t take no for an answer. You made an excellent nurse, if a little scary.”
“I was scared myself. Seeing you like that…” You swallow. “That’s when I knew that I loved you — you don’t know what you have ‘til it’s gone, I guess.”
“I am very much not gone,” he scoffs, offended. 
“Fine. Slipping away from you,” you correct. 
“Not doing that either. I’m staying right here.” He lays a kiss on the top of your head. “And we are going to have a nice long nap, and then I’m going to draw you a warm bath and make us some dinner, because I like taking care of you, because I love you, and because you deserve it. Okay?”
“Okay.” Another pause while you work up the courage. “Bren?” you ask softly.
“Yes, my love?”
The sweet name is enough encouragement to say it. “Can I kiss you?”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
He holds you in place with a gentle hand on your back, leaning his head down to meet you. You tilt your chin up, your noses brushing.
“This feels familiar,” he muses. “Very familiar.”
You roll your eyes lazily. “If you’re going to be all smug about it, then you don’t get a kiss.”
“Well, we can’t have that.”
You rest a hand on his jaw, guiding him closer. Your fingers twitch and shake, but he holds them steady, his hand pressing yours against the stubbled skin gently — a silent statement that he’s not going anywhere, and he’s ready when you are.
Endlessly patient.
The kiss isn’t desperate and hungry like they had been before your affliction had started, when surges of need and emotion had led you into each other’s beds two nights a week — you aren’t taking from each other now, you’re giving. It’s gentle. Sweet, loving, reassuring.
Each soft movement is a promise, a whispered oath — he’s here, and he isn’t leaving. He’s determined to figure this out and fix it, with you.
You don’t need anything more than that.
He takes your hand, moving it from his jaw to his mouth — kissing your palm. “I love you,” he repeats, pressing his lips to your knuckles. “You’re important to me,” again, to the back of your hand, “and we will get you the help you need. But for now we both just need to rest.”
“Thank you.”
“Always,” he responds, helping you tuck yourself back into his arms, and pulling the blanket up over you both. 
“Goodnight, child,” Deò says softly. “I love you. We will get through this together.”
You’re a little surprised by the declaration — he’s never told you anything like this before — but you return it nonetheless. “Love y’too,” you murmur.
Sleep comes to you easily, and this time, you have a good dream.
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teyvat-inks · 7 months
like you
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sia: hello again :3 lol i hope i didn't anger anyone with that angst. i've been under aventurine brainrot since january and can't help but fawn over the penacony trailer of him dancing with caelus and you can guess why i wrote this. also, this is inspired by never be like you by flume ft. kai. (i’d like to congratulate myself for writing a whole ass fic again)
content: college au. gn!reader x dance major!aventurine. dancae. mutual pining and jealousy. fluff with a tinge of angst if you squint. 3,017 words.
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The Department of Dance holds an annual dance recital, showcasing the talents of their students every year as well as a way of promoting the department itself, a tradition that hasn’t been broken ever since. This academic year, they decided to rank the students according to their performance, thus spicing up things. The students feel thrilled to finally have the rankings announced on this very day and chatters fill the hallway as they wait for the chairwoman to pull down the curtain off the large bulletin board. 
“A pleasant morning to every one of you, dear students. I’d like to congratulate each of you for successfully surviving the academic year,” The chairwoman smiles at the students, her gaze scanning the crowd to admire the anticipation written across their faces, “Ah, the look on your faces makes me feel more excited to finally reveal the exceptional students who took over this school year’s challenges.”
“Ready?” The chairwoman asks and the crowd cheers, she nods at them, pulling down the curtains to unveil the names on the bulletin board. She then walks over to Caelus, causing the students to erupt into a yell, “Congratulations, Caelus, you’ve done your very best and emerged as the top student this year.” The chairwoman offers him a handshake, handing him a certificate. 
Aventurine snickers beside you and whispers into your ear playfully, his breath lightly tickling your ear and sending a shiver down your spine, “Looks like I’ve won our bet. Told ‘ya he’ll dominate the rankings.”
The screams of the crowd break you out of your thoughts and you see the chairwoman heading towards you and Aventurine’s spot. “Is she walking towards us?” You turn your head to take a glance behind you and see no one. Aventurine simply chuckles as the chairwoman stops in front of you, “This is quite a surprise.”
“Congratulations to you too, for placing second this year.” The chairwoman extends her hand to you, which you dumbfoundedly take as she hands you your hard-earned certificate.
“Thank you, Madam!” You give her the widest smile you have and bow. The crowd cheers once more as the chairwoman returns to her spot at the front.
The chairwoman clears her throat to get everyone’s attention, “With that, I’d like to formally announce the dance recital we’ll be holding next month.” You hold your breath, waiting for her to continue with the announcement, “Aside from the group performances, the top two outstanding students this year shall be responsible for the closing act together. Thus, they won’t be participating in any other performances. They will focus solely on creating a dance routine together without the help of others.”
The announcement elicits various reactions from the students, some gasp in surprise, some squeal in excitement, and some frown as their hopes of participating in the closing act get crushed. “Just like every other year, you are given the authority to choose the songs. Those are all for the announcements. I wish you all a pleasant day ahead!” She smiles then points at you and Caelus, “The two of you, come with me.” 
The crowd whistles but all Aventurine hears is the loud thumping of his heartbeat. He feels something well up inside him, an unpleasant feeling that makes him scared and anxious. “Can you wait for me?” Aventurine hears your voice, breaking him out of his stupor.
“Definitely.” He nods, smiling as you follow the department chair into her office. He sees the silver-haired man shake your hand as he congratulates you for your hard work. He rolls his eyes at the sight.
Soon enough, the noise in the hallway immediately drowns from the sound of your mellifluous laughter. He raises his head from his phone and sees you walking with the silver hair. His eyes unconsciously roll again at the sight before him. Caelus catches the annoyed look on his face and widens his smile at you moreso, speaking loud enough for the blonde to overhear. “It seems that your friend has been waiting quite a long time.”  
The emphasis on the word ‘friend’ makes him sick in the stomach.
You simply chuckle in response, “Aventurine! Were you bored?” You jog up to him with Caelus trailing behind. “You see, the chairwoman is looking forward to this year’s annual grand recital. I guess we’ll be heading home together less often in preparations.” A frown makes its way to your face, feeling slightly disappointed about the reduced time with him, “Did you make up your mind on which genre you’ll participate in?”
“I haven’t. No need to worry about it though.” He smiles at you. Caelus notices the fond look in the blonde’s eyes and decides to push his buttons more.
“I hope you don’t mind them spending most of their time with me the following weeks.” The silver hair smirks at him with a glint of mischief present in his gaze. The tone of his voice makes him feel humiliated for some unknown reason and he bites back the snarky remark he wants to say.
“But of course, I know the two of you will do absolutely well.” He gives him a tight-lipped smile as he grabs your arm, dragging you to his side. “If you’ll excuse us. We already made plans today.” 
Weeks pass and Aventurine feels slightly lonely—terribly lonely without you since you barely see each other due to your busy schedules. With the recital being just around the corner, the only times you get to be together are during stage rehearsals with everyone and the texts gradually become less frequent. Aventurine would have been fine if it was merely a summer break, but no. It has to be you spending most of your days with another man. He couldn’t say he’s miserable without you, nor be upset at you for not texting him back. He’s worried about your health too, do you not think of how distressed he might be upon the thought of you pushing yourself too hard?
Aventurine thinks he’s selfish for wanting your time all for himself, how can he keep you away from the world, not when you’re born to be on stage? And so, wanting your eyes to be focused on him only is simply wishful thinking. He can only hope for the best as you take over the stage with your charisma and talent. 
He feels stupid. He feels stupid whenever he feels jealous as he thinks of how other people will surely fall for your charms on stage. Sleepless nights become more recurring as anxiety gnaws his flesh, trembling to himself as his insecurities get the best of him but he does not tell you. Aventurine notices the distance growing between the two of you, or is it simply all in his mind?
A loser, that’s what he thinks of himself. 
The sound of chimes echo inside the hall as the song plays and the crowd screams.
What I would do to take away this fear of being loved, 
Allegiance to the pain.
“I can feel your man burning holes in my back from the sidelines,” Caelus whispers as he twirls you to face him, smirking after seeing the annoyed look in your eyes.
“Stop distracting me.” You retort back with a straight face and continue with the next figure.
Now I’m fucked up and I’m missing you.
Aventurine does not miss the exchange between you and the silver-haired male; The way Caelus smirked as you turned your back on the audience and the way you lightly pinched him on his side made his skin crawl. Oh, how much more he needs to endure, it’s barely half of the song and the two of you already look like you’re about to devour each other. The lyric hits him harder than it should.
As much as Aventurine is mesmerized with each movement you make with every flick of your arms and the beautiful expressions painting your face, his body shudders every time you roll your body against Caelus. Your movements are graceful and alluring, a force that continues to draw him in, however, the sight of your dance partner makes him all jittery, balling up his hands into fists whenever he gets too close to you for his comfort. He tries to calm down by reminding himself that those are merely steps and mean nothing more. He can tell you enjoyed having the spotlight to showcase your burning passion for dancing. He feels his heart swell with pride as you capture the audience with your mystique and grace. The sight of you dancing to such a sensual song with somebody else, however, fills him with rage, jealousy seething inside his chest and consuming his insides nonetheless. He feels pathetic and utterly a loser. The rest of the song passes with the two of you teasing each other to see who’ll get in each other’s skin first. To the audience, it looks like you’ve been outright flirting for approximately four minutes and couldn’t help but squeal each time you smirk at each other.
It’s safe to say that he’s beyond upset. The closing act did take a toll on him, the crowd did not help but add fuel to the fire raging inside his chest. The backstage has been nothing but annoying to him too. He keeps on hearing his fellow dancers fawn over your performance, “How do they not fall for each other on the spot?!”, “Just kiss already!”, “That was crazy! Did you see the way they looked at each other?!” 
After the curtain call, everyone gathers at the backstage. You and Caelus share a knowing glance before erupting into bursts of laughter. The other students snicker at your reactions, “They even have a secret communication. I’m out!” You scan your eyes among the students and notice how the particular blonde guy is out of sight. 
“Hey, have you seen Aventurine?” The loudness of your voice falls on deafening silence as the students look at each other and shrug at you. “Ah, I see. Thank you!”
“I bet your man is sulking to himself, so make sure to kiss it better,” Caelus whispers and nudges his elbow against your waist.
“Oh, I hope your engineering boyfriend scolds you nonstop after I tell him of your overly devious plan of making him jealous!” You flick his forehead, “Don’t forget that we have known each other since high school.” 
“Ouch!” He yelps in pain, rubbing the sore spot. “Dan Heng definitely won’t be mad at me, andddd, You’ll thank me later for sure.” He winks at you which causes you to scoff.
“I’ll make sure he does, though.” You give him a condescending smile, “See you around, Caelus.”
“Yeah, yeah, go find your man already.” Caelus pushes you away and you both chuckle at each other’s teasing attitude.
You rush through the crowd, muttering a series of “Excuse me.” and “I’m passing through.”  as you make your way to the place you think Aventurine currently hides himself in. You sigh deeply, halting your steps as you settle into the uncrowded area, knocking on the dressing room for you and Caelus, “Aventurine, I know you’re there.” 
Without waiting for a response, you open the door and find Aventurine lying down on the couch with an arm over his face. A sigh of relief washes over you, closing the door behind you as you step inside the quiet room. I hope nobody disturbs us. You slowly walk over to him, pushing his hips slightly backwards and take a seat beside his torso, “You weren’t there for the curtain call.” 
He can imagine the frown on your pretty face from how you sounded, he simply sighs, “I’m tired, is all.”
“Let’s go home then,” You reach out to the arm covering his face. 
He does not respond. The silence makes you feel all stuffy and overwhelmed. Exhaling deeply, you try to remove the arm off his face and see him with his eyes closed, “I know you’re awake,” You pout, poking his cheek.
“I wish to be alone.” He replies in a monotonous voice in contrast to the cheerful tone he usually has.
“If you truly wish to be alone, you wouldn’t be hiding yourself away here. This is technically my dressing room.” You chuckle at his excuse, “You were waiting for me.”
“Why’d you ask the obvious.” When he finally opens his eyes, he shifts his gaze to you and finds himself taken aback by how marvelous you are in your attire. He has told himself that he’d act distant and he feels his resolve crumble upon the sight of you frowning.
“I want to hear it from you,” You lie your head against his chest while sitting, wanting to feel the warmth of his body, “Is that too much to ask?”
Aventurine adjusts himself for you to settle more comfortably on his upper body, his hand moves up to caress the back of your head, “I was waiting for you. There, happy?” He feels your body vibrate against his as you chuckle. Oh, how he wishes for you to only act like this around him.
Ignoring the blonde’s snarky remark, “You were so cool earlier. I wish I was dancing with you.” You press your weight on him further. Aventurine unconsciously holds his breath upon hearing your words, unable to give you a response. 
He clears his throat, shaking his head to snap himself out of the daze, “I wish I was dancing with you.”
Minutes of silence engulf the atmosphere, prompting you to get up, placing both of your arms on each side of his head, trapping his face between your hands, “Were you jealous?” You see the way his eyes widen at your blunt inquiry.
“What?” That is all Aventurine managed to utter, he takes a deep breath and feels nervous at the way you observe every fibre of his being at the moment, your intense gaze causes him to shiver.
“I asked if you were jealous.” You repeat with more conviction this time. The scrutiny in your gaze makes him fumble over his words.
“And...and if I was?” He admits, the worry finally displaying in his eyes.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you.” Your words shock him to the core. That is far from what he expects to hear. His body freezes and his breathing hitches as he simply stares at you with doe-eyes, “Caelus was just really eager to put up a stunt...” He snaps out of the trance as he hears the name of the person he currently despises, and his brows visibly furrow. 
“What for?” He asks in an annoyed tone and you wince.
“I guess his plan did work after all.” You let out a nervous chuckle, opting to answer his question indirectly.
“Ah, is that so?” Aventurine wraps his hands on both of your arms and removes them from his sides, sitting up in the process without letting go of the hold on your arms. He has this indescribable expression that causes your worry to spike up all the more.
“I hope you’re not mad.” You cast him a look of guilt. He feels himself gradually calming down upon hearing the truth behind the distasteful exchanges between the two of you during the closing act.
“Not anymore,” His thumbs rub soothing circles on your arms and you gladly welcome the warmth of his hand searing against your skin, “Not like I’m mad at you in the first place… I’m mad at myself rather.” He takes a deep breath before continuing, “I was so scared of feeling inferior to others when it comes to you.”
“I don’t want you to see me act brazen and uncool.” He breathes out.
“It’s not uncool to be jealous.” You raise your brows at him, “Knowing you, I know you’ll disguise your feelings into something else, there is no doubt about that. I’m glad you’re being honest with me right now.”
“I think you’ll have to thank your dance partner for that,” he rolls his eyes at the fact that Caelus actually helped him get out of his cowardice, “There’s no use being all sad and insecure when I could use the opportunity to tell you how I truly feel.” 
“I like you a lot, I’ve been trying to swallow these feelings due to the fear of losing you.” Aventurine feels nervous as hell as he utters those words slowly, his hands holding your arms quivering slightly, “You know how all my past relationships failed, right? I didn’t want that to happen between us. I cannot bear the thought of you being with someone else.”
“That won’t happen. I’m very certain.” You smile at him reassuringly, “I love you for all you are, Aventurine. I’ll never get tired of you. I know how hard you’ve been pushing yourself to become better and I wish to be by your side as you overcome your fears.”
Aventurine frowns in response, brows furrowing, “I wanted to say the L word first. That’s very sneaky of you, darling.”
“Sorry, I want to monopolize you sooner. I couldn’t wait anymore.” His jaw drops upon hearing your words, his mouth agape. He is beyond shocked at how bold your statement was, leaving him flabbergasted. When did you get so audacious? Did Caelus do something to you during your practices? He is perplexed, to say the least.
“Why are you looking at me like that!” You lightly hit his chest, snapping him out of stupefied state. 
“Since when did you learn to use such scandalous phrases?” His brows furrow at you accusingly.
“Caelus told me to say it to you once.” You close your eyes, admitting defeat.
“Perhaps I have one more thing to thank him for.” Aventurine finally composes himself, the usual playful attitude he sports is back. He gives you a sly grin, earning himself a treat of your blushing face, “May I?” You nod in response, closing your eyes as Aventurine leans forward, closing the gap between you. 
Aventurine whispers against your lips as he pulls away to admire your face,
“I love you more.”
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reveluving · 1 year
Can you do one where Batmom loves doing ballet? Maybe with her in the ballroom dancing, and the kids come in. Cassandra immediately goes to join her and the boys want to try so batmom and cass try to teach them? And then at the end Bruce sneaks in and watches then fondly?
P.S. I love your work :)
a/n: to whomever sent this request last year (+ a couple of others), I am so sorry for only doing this now lol BUT! y'all know I love a fluffy batfam moment! 💗💗💗 changed it up a bit and also, thank you so much!!
warnings: fluffy fluff! (ballerina!cass !!!)
check out my batmom m.list !
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Cass is an expert of many things, but your absolute favourite has to be her love for ballet!
It was no surprise how much she's incorporated her ballet knowledge into her fighting style—not to the point where anyone could see the similarities between Cass and Orphan, but just enough to give her certain advantages that the rest didn't have.
The first time Cass gave you the invitation to her recital was when she stopped by the café as usual one fine afternoon.
You had expected a form for a trip that needed your permission but no, it was so. much. better.
Not only was Cass' name handwritten in gold ink, but she was going solo for that matter?
You immediately tackled her into the biggest, most bone-crushing hug you could muster. Nothing Cass couldn't handle, though, in fact, she reciprocated your own happiness, grinning and giggling as you wouldn't stop gushing about how proud you were and how you needed to call Bruce, even if it was still office hours.
And you did just that!
Bruce thankfully didn't have any pressing matter when you rang him up, picking up the phone in one hand and idly checking some reports with the other. He stopped caring for the papers in hand though, not when he could hear how excited you sounded.
"We're invited to Cass' first recital next month!" You squealed, the soft of giggles of your not-so-little girl didn't go amiss on the line, "You have to clear your schedule."
Bruce grinned, both at the news and your sudden seriousness. You didn't have to tell him and you knew it, for he immediately wrote the date on a piece of paper to be passed to his assistant later on.
Cass also took the opportunity to share the news with the rest of the family, with all of their congrats and compliments ranging from Alfred and Damian's detailed praises for her appreciation in such fine art, to Dick's chaotic but meaningful cheers in all caps lock, with a side of triple fire emojis.
All in all, it was almost overwhelming for her—no matter how subtle Bruce tried to be in moving the old, almost depressing paintings out of the manor's ballroom after learning about her hobby, or how you'd bring over a single chair in the middle of the room to watch her new move without hesitation, or how Alfred made sure the manor's ballroom was always squeaky clean for her own use, she would be in awe of how fate brought her here.
A place where she not only fought for the safety of others, but also a place where she could finally make a name for herself the way she wanted.
Despite your protests, Cass helped you around the café that day, too happy to just sit down when she could channel that energy by lending a hand. You were thankful for the extra pair of hands though, for you wanted nothing more than to celebrate with her at home.
It was only fitting to bring her to the ballroom, the person praising her now was Alfred, who had came in with tea to pair with the extra cookies you brought from the café.
There was really no other way to channel your own joy other than to dance with her—from pirouettes to a grand jeté together. You learned from the best after all, how could you ever say no when she once shyly offered to teach you how to properly plie once upon a time?
With the classical music paired with Alfred's claps and the three of you laughing, it wouldn't take long for the rest of your family, besides Bruce, to investigate as soon as they're home. Some readily came with gifts, others were ready to properly congratulate Cass as texting did little to no justice. But seeing how much fun you were having, they believe it was best to at least wait till the music ended.
But ever the perceptive child, Cass was quick to notice the newcomers and immediately waved at them. They all huddled around her, with Cass growing flustered by the sheer attention she was getting in one day. She did somewhat expect a positive reaction, but not to this extend, but she wouldn't have it any other way.
You and Alfred watched the sight fondly, your smiles growing bigger when one of them had asked her to teach them a thing or two. And just like chain reaction, almost everyone was trying it out. It was hilarious, to say the least, seeing them, ranging from tall, buff, serious and just almost out of place, glancing at one another as they sought the girl's approval for their plie.
"I wasn't aware of a party." You sucked in a breath, the unexpected arrival of your husband taking you by surprise, let alone when his arms wove around your waist and then kissed you on the crown of your head. You leaned into him, caressing the back of his hand before letting his intertwine his fingers with yours.
"It's only fair," You sighed, not wanting to tear your eyes away from the tooth-rotting moment before you. You felt Bruce's chest vibrate on occasion, no doubt amused to see some making it a competition to see who was best, "Our girl deserves it."
Our girl.
As if on command, Bruce's hand lightly brushed over your tummy. You didn't stop him, only to gasp when he proceeded to tickle you and shared a laugh. You threw your head to the side, giving him the opportunity to nuzzle into your neck and be in your own world just as your children was.
To say Cass was in heaven was an understatement, and though her life started rough, she had always thanked the universe for shining her to the path that actually mattered to her most.
With the people she was meant to be with.
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bteezxyewriter12 · 1 year
Fucking You Right
Pairing- Jungkook x Named Reader
Word count- 4.9k
Includes- Argument, sex, fingering, oral, pussy eating, cum eating, missionary, cock riding, tummy bulge, squirting, multiple orgasms, fluff, Jungkook is such a fanboy for his girl
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxxminee @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
@borntowalkaway @soulseobi05 @kpop-bambi @seokwoosmole @meowmeowminnie @realisticnotes @effielumiere @svnbangtansworld
Gif Credit- @jung-koook
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Masterlists 📝BTS Masterlist 📝Jungkook Masterlist
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Jungkook POV
She's bopping her head to the music, my headphones on her ears, sitting next to me on the couch, Bam's head in her lap as she absentmindedly pets him
She's the only one I'm letting hear the finished track before anyone else
I value her input and I also wanted her to hear this song
The explicit version
I see when she hears the part I want her too because her head snaps to me, her eyes wide as plates, her mouth dropped open
"Holy shit", she gapes
I just smile, waiting for the song to finish
Waiting to see if she gets it
Two minutes later she pulls the headphones off, her face blushing
"Jesus Christ Kookie", she says
"Do you like it? Is it good?"
She nods, "It's good. So cute and then... damn....that line..."
"Which one?", I ask nonchalantly
She rolls her eyes, "You know. The 'fucking you right' one? ARMYS are gonna go insane"
Yeah I know
But that's not why I did it
"Are you really gonna sing this live?"
I shake my head, "That's the explicit version. There's a clean one. Changes fucking to loving"
She raises her eyebrow, "Still can be taken sexually"
I shrug, "I don't care"
I really don't
I'm not a fourteen year old anymore
I'm twenty five and ARMYS have to recognize I'm a grown man now
"K-ARMYS might be upset", she says, "I-ARMYS not so much. They're used their artists dating. To them it's not a big deal"
"That's why there's a clean version", I answer
"Well, I really liked the song. Congrats on writing a bop", she smiles
"Thanks", I smile, somewhat annoyed that she still isn't getting it
She nods, cuddling Bam, "So movie? Or do you wanna keep watching the kdrama we started?"
I just stare at her, not believing that she's not going to say anything more
I mean I'm talking about fucking someone in the song
Something no BTS member has done and she's not gonna ask more about it?
"Kookie?", she asks, tilting her head, "Are you ok?"
No, I'm not
"Is that all you have to say?"
"Uh what?"
"About the song. Is that all you have to say?"
"Well yeah", she says confused, "I mean you asked for my opinion and I gave it. I don't know what else to say"
"You don't know what else to say?", I repeat, getting upset, "So you're not going to ask about the fucking part? Like is it literally or figuratively? Like is it an actual person?"
"Well I assume you mean a girl Jungkook", she answers, "But I don't know why you need me to ask about your sex life? Why do I have to know who you're fucking?"
"I'm not fucking anyone", I growl, angry this isn't going the right way
"Then what the hell?"
"You're not curious if I have someone in mind when I wrote that line? When I wrote this whole song which is basically a love song?"
"I don't need to know who you're pining for Jungkook"
"You should be asking because it's fucking you!", I yell, the shock on her face so fucking irritating, "The song is about you!"
I can't believe she's this oblivious
"What?", she gapes
"God, you're so fucking dumb!", I shout, standing up, starting to pace, Bam lifting his head and barking at me, "Jesus Christ, I've dropped so many fucking hints over the last few months and you don't get any of them!"
I've done everything I could think of- complimenting her, holding her hand, constantly hugging her, kissing her cheek
We fucking cuddle everytime we watch something
And she does all these things back to me and I don't understand what she doesn't get
I can't stand it when she introduces me as her best friend, when she constantly talks about what a good friend I am and all that shit
It infuriates me
And I'm angry at myself because I was too chicken shit to be direct
The fear of her rejection is massive
I have no problem getting girls to fuck, no problem telling girls my feelings for them when I did have girlfriends
But with her it's like I'm catatonic when it comes to talking about my feelings for her
I assume it's because I'm fucking in love
I've never went that far with any of the girls
It was never love
But with her it just fucking hit me in the face and at first I was terrified
I tried to deny it for awhile but being with her all the time, I couldn't
It was fucking obvious
To me anyway
I choked every time I tried to say something so I decided to drop hints
None of which she got
This song was the last thing I was going to try indirectly
Yes it's also for ARMYS but certain lines in the song I wrote when I thought of her
And I suspect the only reason why I'm saying anything at all is because I'm so heated
"Hints?", she asks
"Yes fucking hints! Goddamn Joanne, we fucking cuddle every time we hang out!", I yell, "I hate when you call me your best friend. I don't want to fucking be your best friend! I want to be your fucking boyfriend! I want to be the only fucking guy you want, the only guy you see, the only guy you love"
Her eyes are huge, blinking, as she whispers, "Love?"
"Yes love! I fucking love you! What do you think that line about giving all of me in the song is about? The devotion line? It's everything I want to give you!", I shout, "And by the way, you can be damn sure, I'd fuck you right!"
The look of utter shock on her face is insane to me
"I'm fucking stupidly in love with you!", I yell, to make everything clear
"Then why didn't you say that!", she yells back, standing up, making Bam yelp, jump off the couch and leave the room
"Because I was fucking scared! You fucking mean everything to me! I didn't want to lose you because you don't feel the same way!", I yell
"That's your fault! I never gave you the impression that you couldn't tell me anything or that I'd ever drop you, no matter what!"
"I was scared!"
"You didn't have to be!"
"Well how the fuck should I have known that?"
"You would have if you'd open your fucking mouth instead of dropping stupid hints like we're in high school!", she roars, "If you'd open your stupid mouth you'd know that you are the only guy I ever wanted! That I want to be your girlfriend for literally years! You'd know that I'm stupidly in love with you too! You fucking jerk!"
I open my mouth to yell at her when what she says sinks into my brain
She....loves me?
"And by the way, I love that your stupid song is about me and you better be damn sure you're gonna fuck me right", she yells, "And to start you better get your ass over here and kiss me right fucking now Jeon, Jungkook!"
My feet move immediately, practically running to her
Pulling her into my arms, I crash my lips against hers in an explosive kiss that shocks my entire body
I feel like my body is on fire, fireworks going off and I knew, I knew she's the one
Her arms move around my neck, her body pressing against mine as my arms wrap securely around her
My tongue finds hers, pressing together and shivers run up my spine
When we pull away, I smile, running my fingers in her hair, my eyes on her gorgeous brown ones
"I love you", I finally say
"I love you", she smiles, "My Kookie"
I nod, leaning my forehead against hers, "Always yours"
She kisses me again just as I was about to kiss her
I pick her up as the kiss deepens, heading right to my room
Bam is laying on the floor and he needs to get out right now
"Bam, out. Living room"
He whines but gets up and leaves the room
I close the door, sparks running up my spine as her lips press into my neck over and over again
I get her on my bed, kissing her passionately as I begin to undress her
I need her now
She helps me get her clothes off, pulling mine off at the same time, the clothing thrown all over my room
"Jesus Kookie", she says, gaping at me, her eyes widening when she looks at my dick, "That's...wow... very....huge"
I smirk at her, "Yeah. It's all for you baby"
She swallows hard as I get on the bed next to her
Pushing her down on the bed, I get my first glimpse of her, my mouth dropping
She's fucking amazing
Her stomach actually has some girl abs that I had no clue would turn me on
They're not cut into her like mine are but the faint lines are there
And now I noticed the small muscles in her arms and her thighs, muscles that were always covered up by clothes
Add the tattoos sprinkled all over her body I had no idea about and she's like my wet dream
"I didn't know you worked out", I say, touching her stomach
"Uh yeah. I don't go to a gym or anything, I just do it at home", she says, nervously, "Do....do you not like it? Do I look like a guy?"
I scoff, "No Joanne, you do not look like a guy. Don't be dumb. You're fucking gorgeous baby. God, I didn't know I'd be this turned on by your muscles baby"
"Really?", she asks quietly
"Really baby", I assure her, "And this just means that now you have to come work out with me"
She raises her eyebrow, "You want to do that?"
"Definitely", I nod, "We can work out together and then I can fuck you all over the gym"
Her cheeks turn so red, making me grin
"I'm gonna fuck you against every wall, on every machine we use and in the shower", I tell her, lowering my mouth to her ear, changing to a whisper, "Then I'm gonna bring you home and fuck you all over my apartment"
"Fuck Kookie", she whimpers
God I'm so turned on and I can't stop my hands from roaming all over her pretty body
"Fuck baby, I'm gonna fuck you so good. Every fucking day, all day"
"Seven days a week?", she giggles making me chuckle too
"Damn right baby. Gonna fuck you right, eat your pretty pussy just right, make you cum over and over for me", I tell her, leaning down, pressing kisses to her chest as I grope her boobs, "Make you scream my name until I'm the only thing in your pretty head. Fill your tiny pussy up with my cum, watch it drip out of you"
"Fuck Kookie"
"Mmm baby", I whisper, kissing around her nipple, "Then after I'm gonna kiss you, hold you, cuddle you"
I stop kissing her, looking up into her eyes, "And I'm gonna love you right every day of my life Jo. You're my everything and I love you so much"
She smiles, her fingers running in my hair, pushing it off my forehead, "I love you Kookie. Always baby"
I smile, letting her love wash over me, making me so fucking happy
Moving to her lips, I give her a sweet kiss, savoring the feel of her lips against mine
Then I pull away and immediately attach my mouth to her nipple, sucking on the perfect bump
"Jungkook, fuck!", she moans, her hand burying in my hair
God, her nipple is so hard, easy to suck on as I squeeze her boobs over and over
Her tits are amazing and I know I'm gonna be on them all the fucking time
Switching between nipples, I suck and lick all the while trailing my hand down her sexy body
Getting between her legs, I slide two fingers inside
She's so wet she takes them easily, moaning loudly as I massage inside her cunt
Her pussy clenches tightly around my fingers and I can't fucking wait to get her around my dick
She's gonna feel so fucking good
Pulling my fingers almost out, I thrust them back in, listening to her wet cunt take them
Moving faster, I thrust into her again and again, trying to find her spot
After a few more pumps, she moans so loudly, clamping down on my fingers, her pretty body shaking
Found it
Making sure I hit there as I finger her, I spread kisses down her body, feeling her skin tremble under my lips
I like that a lot
Finally getting between her legs, I watch her wet hole take my fingers, creaming them as I kiss her thighs, mesmerized by the sight
"So pretty baby", I murmur
My eyes land on her throbbing clit and fuck me, I need it in my mouth now
Leaning forward, I give her bump a lick, making her shout in pleasure, then I suck it in my mouth
It throbs against my lips, sending bliss down to my hard cock and I can't stop myself, I start sucking on her hard and fast
"Jungkook!", she cries and oh man, I never loved hearing my name more than this second
I keep my fingers moving at a steady pace, pressing on her spot again and again, slurping on her perfect clit
Both of her hands move into my hair, gripping hard as she cries out in pleasure
Fuck, she's so hot
I swear I had to be fucking stupid to not notice her sooner
She's the most beautiful, sexy, hot, stunning girl I've ever seen
I'm so happy everything worked out and she's finally mine
"Jungkook! I....I'm...I", she trails off into a moan
Hearing her fuels me to go harder and I suck on her faster, loving the way her clit feels in my mouth
God, I'm so gonna eat her out everyday
Not only do I love making her feel good, I'm enjoying this so much too
Another tug on her bump has her screaming my name, her body arching off the bed as she cums, holding my head against her cunt
I don't stop sucking, making sure she feels the pleasure throughout her orgasm, her pussy pulsing so hard around my fingers, soaking my hand
Feels so good
When she finishes, I slide my tongue down as I pull my fingers out
Licking around her hole, her cum hits my tongue and I moan from how absolutely sweet she tastes
Opening her legs more, I run my tongue on her more, swallowing her creamy cum
God, she's so good
How is she this good?
When I get everything, I don't stop licking her, sliding my tongue up between her swollen lips then lavishing her clit again before sliding back down
"Kkk... Kookie..."
"Need more"
"Need more of you", I tell her between licks
My god her pussy is so soft against my tongue, so fucking wet
I love it
"You do?"
"Oh yeah baby", I answer, running my tongue along her slit, "You taste so fucking good baby. I need more"
"Jesus", she whispers, only making me chuckle
"I need you to cum in my mouth baby so I can swallow you're yummy cream"
"What?", she squeaks
"Oh yeah baby", I continue, swirling my tongue around her little hole, "Your cum tastes amazing and I need more"
"Gonna give it to me?", I ask, poking my tongue into her hole, wiggling inside her
"Yes! Yes Kookie!", she cries, her body arching again
God that sight it so fucking beautiful, it's burned in my memory
Pulling my tongue out, I lick up her cunt then plunge my tongue back in, her cries so fucking beautiful
Her fingers twist in my hair hard as I tongue fuck her, my own hands on her thighs, keeping her legs spread wide open for me
Her cunt throbs around my tongue each time I dive into her, the pulses going straight to my dick
I'm so fucking horny and I need to fuck her soon
I need to know what it's like to be inside her
Soon, I tell myself, soon
The next plunge in her cunt sends her over the edge, her pussy squeezing my tongue as she cums all over it
"Jungkook! Jungkook!"
I'm hit with her delicious taste, moaning as I keep swallowing until I'm sure I get it all
So good
I give her one long lick after she finishes, then move away
She starts to sit up, but I move over her, gently pushing her back down
"But don't you want-"
I shake my head as I get her legs around me, "Not now baby. I'm fucking dying to be inside you"
She smirks, moving her arms around my back, pulling me on top of her, skin to skin
Fuck, she feels so soft, so smooth against me
"Is that so?", she asks, lifting her head, kissing my cheek
I nod, "Want you so bad baby"
"Then it's good I want you just as badly"
"Yeah?", I ask shyly
I have been very vocal about wanting to fuck her and I'm glad she feels the same about me
Her hand moves between us, wrapping around my dick
"Fuck, so big baby", she murmurs, stroking me, pleasure entering my body, "Are you gonna fit?"
I nod, moaning softly, "Yeah baby. I'm gonna stretch you out so good. Make you fit around me"
"Promise?", she smiles
"Promise baby", I agree
She moves my cock to her hole just as her lips crash against mine
I push in, my head slipping inside her
She drenches me as I move in inch by inch, spreading her unbelievably tight pussy around my cock
"Jungkook! Fuck!", she moans, her pussy taking my cock so well
God she feels so good, sucking me in as I move
"Oh fuck, yes baby", I moan when I finally slide all inside her tight pussy, my body actually shaking
"Kookie, oh god, Kookie!", she cries, her body pressed right against mine, clinging onto me
"Fuck, you're even better than I imagined", I murmur
"Imagined?", she whimpers quietly
Smiling at her, I nod, "Yeah. If you don't think I fantasized about having your sweet pussy wrapped around my cock all the damn time then you're crazy"
Her entire face flushes pink and it's so cute
"Is...is it just like you imagined?"
"Better", I tell her, "So much better baby"
She smiles shyly, "You're better than I imagined too"
I smile wider, proud that she thought of us together
At least I wasn't the only one
Kissing her, I start moving, pulling back then plunging back in
"Oh my fucking god", I moan, feeling her spread open so pleasurably, pulsing hard when I'm all in, "Oh baby fuck"
Her pussy is so loud, the wet slippery noises of my cock fucking her so fucking pretty to listen to
I need more
I need to go deeper
Moving my arms under her legs, I push them to her chest, getting on my knees and pounding into her cunt at a rapid speed
I get in so much deeper, slamming into her spot, her screams getting louder and louder, feeling out of this world
When I look down, I see her cunt creaming my cock so much, it's fucking all over
I have never seen a pussy this creamy, not even in porn
And it's all mine
All fucking mine
Each pound into her cunt splits her open on my dick as I move harder and harder, the sound of our skin slapping mixing with the sound of her squelching pussy
Something I'm so excited to listen to every day
With each move inside her, I watch her stomach bulge, so turned on knowing my cock is that deep inside her
"Do you feel how we were made for each other?", I ask her as I fuck into her, "Do you feel how my cock was meant to be inside you? How your pussy was made to be wrapped around my cock and only mine?"
"Yes", she cries, her fingers gripping my arms so hard, her eyes closed, face in pleasure
"Do you feel how I was made to move inside you baby?"
"Yes Jungkook", she moans, "Yes baby"
"You were made for me baby. Everything about you, you were meant for me", I tell her, really believing that, "And I was made for you Jo. Just for you"
She nods in agreement, "Yes Kookie. Just for you baby"
"I love you", I tell her
Her eyes open and I can see the love for me in them
It's truly aweing
"I love you Jungkook"
Crashing my lips to hers, I soak in her words, her kiss and I'm utterly happy
Her pussy clamps down hard around me, pulsing at the speed of light and I know she's close
"Cum for me baby. Cum for my cock", I murmur, pressing kisses into her neck, listening to her moan my name over and over
This is something I can get used to every fucking day
"Oh my god, Kookie", she cries, her fingers digging into my arms as she clenches my cock in a death grip, coming so fucking beautifully
I watch her, mesmerized while unbelievable pleasure hits me hard
"Jungkook! Jungkook!", she cries, her small body shaking against me
Fucking hell, it feels so good
So goddamn good
I'm ready to explode but I push back my orgasm
I'm not ready to be out of her pussy yet
Thrusting into her, I fuck her through her orgasm, her body relaxing when she's finished
"Good baby?", I smile
"Amazing", she says, breathing hard as she struggles to sit up
"Baby-", I start
"Wanna ride you", she says and I nod, so down for that
Pulling out, I let her push me down on my back, watching her climb in my lap
I'm so fucking excited as I realize I get to watch her body as she fucks me
Oh my god this is going to be amazing
I watch her get my head in her hole, then watch her hole spread and strain as she slides down my cock
There's so much fucking cream pouring from her cunt, her pussy only getting wetter the more she takes me
She finally bottoms me out, sitting on me, her hips immediately rocking on me
The tight grip around my cock feeling absolutely perfect, her throbbing increasing the more she grinds on me
"Fuck baby, this pussy feels so good", I murmur, placing my hands on her hips and slowly moving them up her body
I love touching her skin, feeling her muscles underneath
Such a turn on
"Mmm baby", she whimpers, "Love your hands on me baby"
"Don't worry baby" I assure her, "I'm good to be touching you every single day, just feeling your pretty skin, your pretty body"
"Mm", she murmurs, leaning back on my legs
Her hips lift, sliding up my cock, leaving a glistening mess on my length
It's so fucking pretty
She slides down quickly, taking me all in right away and I can't help but yell in pleasure when I'm back inside her
She keeps moving, her bounces getting harder and faster with each one
I watch my perfect girlfriend ride me, her boobs bouncing in my face, a light sheen of sweat all over her, pleasure in her face
I'm so fucking lucky she's mine
So lucky
Gripping her hips, I fall into the feeling of her pussy engulfing my cock, the spasms, the way she soaks me, a pretty ring of cream forming around the base of my cock
I'm in heaven
"Promise you'll bounce on my cock like this everyday baby", I murmur
"I promise", she moans, riding me harder, her pussy clinging to my length in a vice grip
"I promise I'll fuck you everyday", I promise her, "I'll eat your pussy everyday baby. I promise"
"Yeah Kookie", she whimpers, her cunt so close to coming
"I'll fill your cunt with my cum everyday"
"Yes Kookie. Want that so much", she moans, "Fuck, wanna be full of you. Full of your cock, full of your cum"
"You will be baby. I promise", I breathe, sweat rolling down my face
She slams down, my head rubbing her spot and she screams my name as she cums
Her hands grab my wrists, my entire lap flooded
Looking down, I realize she's squirting on my cock and that sight sends me over the edge
"I'm gonna cum!", I yell
"Inside my pussy! Fill me baby", she cries
I grab her waist, pulling her down on me as ecstacy tidal waves over me, shooting my cum into her squirting pussy
"Oh my fucking god! Joanne! Oh fuck!", I yell, stars blasting in my eyes from the sheer bliss
I can't...it's never felt this good before
My body shakes hard and I'm just lost in the pleasure
Lost in her
I come back from that intense orgasm to kisses on my face and her voice murmuring, "I love you" over and over
I move my arms around her, hugging her to me, whispering, "I love you Jo"
She smiles, gives me a soft kiss, then moves off me, laying next to me
Turning to face her, I pull her into my arms, cuddling into her
She giggles, her arm wrapping around my body in a hug
Looking down at her, I smile widely
"What?", she asks
"Afterglow", I tease
She bursts out laughing, "You dork!"
I chuckle, nuzzling into her neck, giving her soft kisses, "That's your dork"
"Yeah mine", she giggles, "All mine"
"Fuck baby, you have no idea how happy you make me when you say that. I never thought you'd be mine Jo"
"I am", she assures me, "And you're my Kookie"
"Always baby", I promise, gently pressing my lips against hers
After the kiss, she snuggles into me and I'm having the best fucking time, holding her tightly
"Cuddle time", she says so adorably
"Yeah baby. All cuddles all the time"
Her musical laughter fills the room and I know I'll never tire of hearing it
"Nap time?", she asks, making me laugh
"Yeah baby but first I have to ask you something"
"Mm what is it?"
"Well it's about the song"
"What about it?"
I've been thinking about this since I recorded the song and I really hope she goes for it
"I want you to be in the music video"
Her eyes shoot open, her mouth dropping, "What?"
"I want you to be in the music video with me", I repeat, "The managers, director and I were talking about the video and we all agreed that there should be a girl in it with me"
"But doesn't the director already have someone? An actress?"
I nod, "Yeah, he does but I asked him to hold off on contacting the actress. I told him I had someone in mind but I had to ask first"
"I...I don't know what to say"
"Say yes baby", I ask, "I just, I want you in the video. It's a song for you, about you baby. I don't want to pretend to sing it to an actress. I want you"
She bites her lip hesitantly, "But Kookie, won't ARMYS ask you who I am? Who the girl is in the video? I'm not a well known actress that they will recognize. I don't want it to cause problems for you"
I know why she's worried
I know ARMYS would get mad about a girl in the video
I see the ridiculous comments some leave about how they'll stop supporting me if a girl is in the video
Or how upset and hurt they would be
It's ridiculous
I'm not allowed to have someone special but they can?
It's not fair and to be honest I don't care if they're mad
I'm not sixteen anymore
I'm not a sheltered baby
And if I want my girlfriend in my music video I damn well will
If she agrees of course
"Baby, when they ask me that I'm going to tell them the truth"
"The truth?", she gapes
"Yes", I nod, "I'm going to tell them you're my girlfriend and that I'm ridiculously in love with you"
"Kookie, you can't-"
"Yes baby, I can", I say gently, "I don't care if they get mad. I'm not going to lie to them either. They either support me or they don't. But I'm not hiding you. Not a chance in hell"
She doesn't say anything, shock over her face
"So will you be in my music video?"
A small smile forms on her face as she nods, "Yeah baby. Ok"
A huge relief washes over me
"Thanks baby", I say, then give her a kiss
"Just don't blame me if you're career tanks after this", she mumbles
"I won't", I laugh, "Don't worry so much baby. As long as we're together, everything will be fine"
She giggles, nodding, settling into my arms, "Ok Kookie. I love you"
"I love you too baby"
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writtenonreceipts · 19 days
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Rowaelin Month Day Seven: All Dressed Up @rowaelinscourt
Month Masterlist // Part One // Part Two // AO3
Doesn’t fit in with today’s prompt, but, I did finish this story one year later so...I think that counts for something.
Warnings: nothing major, ~3.5k words
The Words We Share--Part Three
Rowan Whitethorn grew up on the stories of his homeland.  Little myths and legends that fueled his imagination since he was a child.  It hadn’t taken him long to learn how to create his own stories, how to twist tales and give a voice to his musings.  He just never thought it would get him to where he was now.
He stared at the projected numbers for his new release, already there had been two calls for reorders and the official publication date was still a month out.  It was set to be his biggest release yet.
And still he felt…unsettled.
If that was even the right word.  He could spin a villain’s origin story that could chill anyone’s blood.  He could paint the Scotland highlands with vivid accuracy and enchanting detail.  He’d won awards and been featured on dozens of sites and bestsellers lists.  He’d even been offered an adjunct professor position at the local state college to teach creative writing.  But he couldn’t put a name to this emotion roiling through his chest.
Nothing came.
His phone buzzed with an incoming text on the table beside him and Lorcan’s name flashed on the screen.
>>u see this?
A link to the comment section on a website followed.  Aelin’s website.
Rowan’s stomach dropped as his thumb hovered over the link.  He tried to imagine just what he was getting himself into.  He’d experienced his share of feedback in the form of book reviews and he’d seen plenty of other comments from other shows he’d been a part of.  But this…this felt different.
He clicked the link before he could second guess himself.  And he opened himself up to hell.
It ranged from the usual notes from his fans, those that kept up with his books and how he wrote.  And then he found the comments from Aelin’s fans.  Which was where he found the crazies.  The TikTokers, the influencers, the people who absolutely devoured any form of content with their theories, their headcanons, their passions.  Rowan never begrudged a person their hobby, in fact, he encouraged finding something that brought you joy.  But this…this…
xxgalaCREWfan99xx: ok but was no one going to tell me ROWAN WHITETHORN HAD A SEXY VOICE?? Do I have to change my reading habits now??
Readingbaebe: Does he write romance at all?? I refuse to read anything else.
TheMidnightBookClub: to much historyyyy YAWN
BOOKS4LIFE: but y wuz there banter so on point?? Talk about sxxxyy!
Letsreeeeead: @BOOKS4LIFE: I KNOW RIIIIGHT? Tlk abt meet cute??
Jdashbywriter: would love to hear more of your craft Rowan! Thanks for your books.
Some of the commentors were not as crazy as others.  There was a reason he refused to get a TikTok account no matter what Dorian tried to tell him it would do for his sales.  And there was a reason he’d hired an assistant so he didn’t have to deal with any of this.
He reached for his phone, fully prepared to call Aelin and see if she’d seen any of this.  He stopped himself.  He couldn’t let himself do that.  Not after everything that had happened.
Just as he pulled his hand back from his phone, the screen lit up.  His heart made an uncomfortable leap until he saw the name.
“What, Fen?” he demanded.
“Dude, I didn’t know you were dating Galathynius,” Fenrys said from the other line. “Congrats!”
Rowan pinched the bridge of his nose. “Stop reading random comments on the internet.”
“But they’re so entertaining!  Probably doing my job better than I can,” Fenrys replied.
Indeed, Rowan had made the remarkably stupid decision to let Fenrys be his media manager.  It wasn’t that Fenrys couldn’t do a job properly or was stupid himself (an idiot, sure, but that was different) he could.  It was only that Fenrys had a different vision for just about everything when it came to his books.
“Please don’t let the TikTok win,” Rowan said.
“It’s just TikTok,” Fenrys said.
Rowan cursed. “I hate you.”
“I’m just saying,” Fenrys continued, utterly unaffected by Rowan’s disdain, “you’re getting more hits on your recent Instagram reels and followers.  This whole thing will be good for you.”
Rowan wasn’t sure about that. “Is that the only reason you called?”
There was a pause from Fenrys and Rowan felt a distinct rise in dread.  Nothing good came from a silence like that.
“Remelle St. Moore wants you on her podcast,” Fenrys said, the words coming out in rapid fire.
“Oh for shits-sake,” Rowan muttered, “no.”
He remembered the last time he had interacted with the book influencer at a launch party for one of his fellow writers.  Between the alcohol and suggestive comments on her part, he’d barely made it out alive.  Really, it was because of that experience he preferred to keep to his own group of fans, or too himself.
“That’s what I thought you’d say, but she’s got a lot of viewers,” Fenrys said.
“Which is why I agreed to the podcast with Aelin,” Rowan groused, “at least she didn’t try and grope me at a party.”
“No, you just tried to play hero and save her from being stood up.” Rowan could practically hear the grin growing on his friend’s face. “Which must have worked out really good for you based on some of these comments.”
“I’m hanging up,” Rowan said, “no more podcasts.  Or interviews.”
“What if Aelin’s the one asking?”
He hung up before answering.
Leaning back in his office chair, he tried to ignore what Fenrys had said.  Especially the bits about him and Aelin.  He knew that nothing had happened between the two of them.  And nothing ever would.  He’d known it even before he stepped in to help Aelin save face after being stood up.  That hadn’t stopped him from stepping in though. 
He didn’t know what had come over him that night at the restaurant, only that he couldn’t believe someone had stood her up.  He hadn’t known it was her, at first.  Only that Lorcan and Fenrys were commenting on the fact a woman was dining alone and they were taking bets on what she would do.  When he had finally grown tired of their antics, he’d turned to find Aelin swirling a glass of water in her hand looking utterly dejected.
It was a far cry from the Aelin he’d gotten to know over the years.  Headstrong and stubborn, wild and untamed, charismatic and independent.  Something had shifted over the last eight months, though.  He’d been sure to keep his distance, relying on the illusion of finishing his book.  It was mostly a lie.  His book was going along well, remarkable even.  But then Aelin had gotten a boyfriend.  And from the sounds of it, it had been everything she’d wanted.
Pining after women had never been something Rowan did, but after Aelin and Sam had gotten together it felt like that was all anyone ever talked about at the office.  The only response Rowan could think was to take his work elsewhere.  He went back to Scotland to visit his mother, he travelled the continental U.S. He did everything in his power to put some much needed distance between him and Aelin Galathynius.
Which did absolutely nothing.
She had already wormed his way into his manuscript.  And like a fool, he’d insisted she read it.
Maybe he shouldn’t have been surprised she never caught on to his rather blatant illusions.  She didn’t like him, made it clear.  Which was another reason his stepping in at the restaurant was psychotic. 
But she was Aelin and there was something about her that he couldn’t ignore or let go.  And seeing Sam stand her up?  Hell, it made him angry.  And Rowan didn’t even know Sam.
Rowan shook his head and shut down his computer.  He was being foolish.  On so many different levels.
He knew he wasn’t going to get any writing done.  Instead, he grabbed his jacket, keys, and wallet.  He needed to get out of his apartment even if he didn’t have a destination in mind.
The manuscript stared innocently up at her.  The Times New Roman font was evenly spaced, paper fresh and crisp from the office printer.  She’d used Dorian’s own code to print all these pages out so no one would trace the mass printing back to her.  Technically she shouldn’t have done this.  It was a lot of paper and she wasn’t even on the editorial team for this author.
But Aelin never did like listening to rules.
I thought it was obvious.
Rowan’s words from earlier that afternoon rang in her head.  They bounced around in a relentless beat and refused to be dismissed.  Because they meant one thing and one thing alone: she had missed something while reading his book.  And she didn’t miss things.
So, red pen in hand, fresh coffee on her desk, and a newly printed manuscript before her—Aelin set to work.
Just like with the first time reading Dead Man’s Game, she was drawn into the world immediately.  The setting, the characters, the subtle tones of magic all worked to create a plot that gripped her by the throat.
During this reread, Aelin focused more on Celaena.  Celaena who was reckless and selfish.  Celaena who put her life on the line too many times.  Celaena who loved fiercely and didn’t let anyone hold her back.  Celaena who killed witches and broke curses. 
She stopped reading somewhere around chapter five when something started to prick the back of her mind.  Something she’d tried desperately to stamp down all these years.  Even the past few months.
Though, it had been easier as of late because Rowan had disappeared into whatever writers’ nook he had.  That night at the restaurant had been one of the first times she’d seen him since learning about his new book.
She took a long drink of coffee before she fired a text off to Elide.  She needed someone to rant to about this because she had no idea what was going on or how to put into words what she was feeling.
When her phone rang a few minutes later, she picked it up on instinct. 
“Elide, did you see what I sent you?” she demanded, still staring at the cliff hanger of chapter five.
Unfortunately for her, it wasn’t her friend on the other line.  It was Sam.
“Aelin.”  He sounded relieved, which only made her blood pressure boil. “I’ve been trying to get a hold of you, baby.”
Aelin glanced at the Caller ID.  He must have gotten a burner phone and she’d been too distracted to make sure she knew the number.
“There’s nothing to talk about,” she said.  “I broke up with you, end of story.”
“You didn’t even let me explain—”
“Explain what, Sam?” Aelin demanded.  All the pent-up anger she’d been trying to ignore and push aside rose too quickly to the surface. “That you stood me up again without bothering to try and call, hell, even text me?  Instead, I was left alone. Again.”
The anger burned away the tears she might have shed.  He didn’t deserve her tears; he didn’t deserve anything from her.
“You’re blaming me?” Sam scoffed. “I have a job, Aelin.  I’m a lawyer, I don’t get to sit around all day reading books—”
“Lose my number, Sam,” she said, eyes squeezed shut, “or I swear I’ll give your lawyer ass something to work over.”
She ended the call before flinging her phone across her office where it clattered against the wall.  The pain that ripped through her chest was more than just anger, but sorrow and pain.  She’d wasted so much time over Sam that coming out of it she felt like she was drowning.  She was barely treading water, she was—
“Why am I not surprised to find you here?”
Aelin nearly jumped out of her skin at the deep, careful voice coming from the doorway.  She spun in her chair, nearly careening out of it at the force, and found Rowan standing there.  How much had he heard?  How would he laud this over her head?  Did he judge her at all for the things she’d said?
“Rowan,” she said, far softer than she meant to.  Her skin was blazing over the phone call with Sam and she felt the flush deep in her cheeks, horrified that she was actually on the verge of crying now.
He jerked his chin over to where she’d tossed her phone. “Bad call?”
Aelin huffed a breath. “Sure, if you wanna call it that.”
Rowan stepped into her office, slow and careful as though he expected her to toss him back out.  He was dressed far more casual than Aelin had ever seen him.  With a pair of dark washed jeans and gray sweater, plain leather jacket—he seemed relaxed and at ease.  Not at all how she’d imagined him on a regular week day.
And then, because he seemed to know her so well, he made another comment. “Your boyfriend really seems like a keeper.”
“Not my boyfriend, not anymore.” Aelin didn’t look at him as she grabbed her coffee.  It was shocking how good it felt saying the words, like a weight was lifted off her chest. “Just doing some late-night reading, right now.”
Rowan frowned glancing at the manuscript.  The title page was tossed to the side so it was obvious what book it was.
“You already gave me your edits,” he said.
“Yeah, but I thought I was missing something.”  She shrugged and set the coffee aside.  “What about you?  Why bother coming here?”
Rowan ran a hand through his hair, messing the easy style it had settled into.  He didn’t answer her question immediately, choosing instead to fall into one of the chairs before her desk.  The movement was so easy, as though he’d practiced it a hundred times, as though he belonged right in that chair.
“Did you see those comments on the podcast?”
Aelin’s brow furrowed.  Then, startling not just him, but her too—she laughed. “Oh, Whitethorn, you don’t actually read those comments.  Those people are insane.”
“A warning might have been nice,” he grumbled.
Another laugh tore through her, dispelling the sick feeling roiling in her gut. “Oh, poor little buzzard.  Are you traumatized?”
Dissolving into another fit of giggles, Aelin clutched her stomach.  She couldn’t catch her breath as she kept laughing.  It didn’t help how affronted Rowan look, how confused.  It was…it was actually cute.  Not that she’d tell him that.
“What’s the madhouse got to say this time?” she asked once she’d gotten a hold of herself.  She also reached for one of her desk drawers and pulled out a bag of chocolate she only saved for rainy days.  She popped a truffle in her mouth and shook the bag at him.
Rowan declined the chocolate.  “It doesn’t matter.”
“You’re blushing,” she said, leaning towards him. “Oh, I’ve got to see these.”
“I’m not—no—” he tried protesting but Aelin was already motivated to see what had gotten him so riled up.
It didn’t take long to get the gist of what he’d gotten so riled up over.
“Oh, these people need to touch some grass,” Aelin muttered.  Many of the insinuations and comments were…out there.  Far worse than when she’d interviewed an audiobook narrator known for his smut and spice scenes.  And that was saying something. 
“You deal with this a lot?” Rowan asked.
Aelin looked at him. “And you don’t?”
“Fenrys filters a lot of them,” Rowan said absently, he paused just a second. “You think I get a lot of these types of comments?”
“I—” Aelin only then realized what her comment sounded like. “You’re a famous author, the crazies exist everywhere.”
She fought down the heat rising in her cheeks while Rowan only smirked.
“That’s it?” she asked, tightly, “you wanted to compare notes on comments?  You could have called.”
“Seeing what you do to your phone, I don’t think the call would have gone through.”  He met her gaze, green eyes intent.
Hell.  He must have heard more of that phone call than she’d have liked.
“Yeah,” she said dryly, “I guess I don’t like phone calls.”
They sat in silence together for far longer than Aelin would have thought possible.  She couldn’t help but shake her head at the fact.  Drawing a finger over the last few lines she’d read of Rowan’s manuscript; she snatched another truffle.
“So,” she said, “can I ask you something?”
Rowan raised a brow. “As long as it’s not gonna make it on another podcast.”
She rolled her eyes. “No need to fear, buzzard.  This is off the record. It’s about Celaena.”
Rowan shifted in his chair. “Why?”
Was he annoyed?  She couldn’t quite tell.  He wore a frown, that charming shit-eating grin long gone.  It was replaced by something guarded.
Aelin drummed her fingers on the manuscript, wetting her dry lips. “She’s based on someone close to you.”
“Close enough,” he shrugged, but Aelin had long ago learned how to read people.  He was tense, worried. 
“Does she know?  The woman she’s based off of?” With far more bravado than she felt, Aelin rose from her chair and came around the table.  She leaned against the desk, facing him, and crossed her arms.
“Or is she just supposed to figure it out along the way?”
She wasn’t mad, really, she wasn’t.  More, shocked than anything.
“To whatever end,” Celaena said, pointing the sword to the horizon where the ship holding her captive lover could be seen retreating. “I will find you.”
And Aelin remembered the last time she’d reviewed Rowan’s book.  Where she’d told him to raise the stakes, to let his characters face the unspeakable, to let them be reckless, to let them love.  And here was Celaena.  It wasn’t just that, but Aelin had shared those exact words with Rowan. That had been eight months ago.
Romance, Whitethorn, should be consuming for a character.  Let them have a purpose, let them have a duty to fulfill, to whatever end.
“To whatever end, Rowan?” she asked.
“I’m not allowed to find inspiration in real things or people?” He was still sitting, looking up at her the almost perfect picture of innocence.
She nudged his foot with her own. “Rowan.”
“Why does it matter?” he insisted.  He rose from his chair and it struck Aelin then how big Rowan was.  He was practically a tree—broad shoulders, thick muscles, at least six feet, probably six-four.  Aelin had never really felt small before, delicate, or breakable.  But next to Rowan? 
She lifted her chin to meet his gaze.  She didn’t want to hedge around this question, this tension brewing between them anymore.  She would wait out his answer no matter how long it took.
Rowan leaned closer to her, close enough that Aelin could smell the pine and salt on his skin.  He was close enough that she could see the flecks of deeper green amid the light in his eyes.
Her heart rate picked up.  It would have been embarrassing if she thought about it a little more.  But now, all she wanted was for Rowan to answer her.
He shook his head, just barely, and muttered something under his breath.  It was something in Gaelic if she had to guess.
“You really don’t get it,” he said.
“I want to hear you say it,” she insisted.
“You really are impossible, you know?”
“So I’ve read.”
A small smile quirked his lips and before Aelin could say anything else, he reached out to run a thumb down her jaw.  A shiver ran down her spine with anticipation. 
“I like you, Aelin,” he said, thumb still tracing her skin, “and I have for a while.”
Something clicked in her mind at those words, an understanding of sorts and she furrowed her brow.
“Is that why you disappeared for seven months?  You were here practically every day and then you just weren’t—” she trailed off slowly as the pieces fit together. “Sam.”
Rowan shrugged as though her words had no effect on him, but she felt the barest hint of pressure as his fingers tightened along her jaw.
“I had a manuscript to finish,” he said, “didn’t help that you hated me and then you were happy with someone else.  So, yeah, I left.”
As if on instinct, Aelin reached out and fisted a hand in his sweater.  Somehow in the last twenty-four hours since the podcast, the last week since the pseudo-date—she’d gotten attached.  Which was both hilarious and terrifying.  But was she surprised?  No, no, she really wasn’t.
“I was going to tease you for writing romance into your book,” she began, head tilted to the side, “but I think being the brilliant inspiration behind Celaena will be a lot more fun to hold over you.”
Rowan cursed, shaking his head. “I’m never going to live it down, am I?”
They moved at the same time, coming together in a kiss that Aelin would later describe as the best first kiss she’d ever had.  One of Rowan’s hands delved into her hair, the other dropping to her waist to pull her closer.  Aelin wrapped one hand around his neck, just as desperate to keep him close. 
His lips were hard, bruising against her own, but Aelin couldn't find it in herself to care. All she could think about was the fire burning within at the feel of him, the taste of him.
“You gonna take me on a date first, Whitethorn?” she gasped, breaking the kiss.  She shivered as on of his hands slid along the bare skin of her thigh. Wearing a skirt did seem to have its perks.
“Already did that,” he replied.
She gaped at him, ready to tell him off. He cut her off with another kiss, which Aelin supposed was just as well.
In the end, no one would get the real story about what really happened that night or how it happened.  But maybe, along the way, a future book would hold some of the details.
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romanarose · 1 year
howdy congrats on 1000 (mona too!) Could i ask for either fluff 46: “nothing else matters except for you.” or 47: “we could run away.” with either Poe Dameron or young/pre-MK Marc Spector? Thanks!!
Born to Run
Poe Dameron x fem!reader
Summary: After the war ends, Poe is thrust into a position of power he never really wanted. Leia is gone, most of the leadership for the New Rebublic is either dead on not trusted, leaving Poe in charge of a lot of things. He's not a senator, not anything very high up, nothing flashy... but the people love him, so he's the face of many things. Problem is, Poe just wanted to save the world. He never wanted to be a politician.
A/N: I havn't written for Poe since before really joining the Oscar fandom. Only time I wrote for him was he was a side character for several chapters of this han solo story i never put out (i always loved oscar bc i loved poe, but han was my main focus) so anyway I hope ya'll like. I really like this concept and might turn it into a longer fic some day but for now heres a drabble.
***************** Poe was never cut out for this sort of thing. It wasn't that he wasn't a leader, he knew he was good at leading, people liked him, he had a natural charisma that made many people ask 'how do you do it?' but it wasn't something he did intentionally. Poe tried to just be genuine. He was a happy person in general, he saw the best in people and situtations, was empathetic, and people liked that.
People also liked to use that charm of his for their own gain. Thats how he was feeling now.
Poe had become the face of the resistance, he knew. He didn't want to brag, but he didn't think it was incorrect to say that by most planetary beauty standards he was somewhere between peasant looking and porn star material, and at the very least he had a look that put people at ease. This, coupled with his high rank and hot shot pilot skills, he quickly became known. He never felt like Leia used him, but he felt used now.
The resistance won, but Leia didn't live.
Han was dead, Luke was dead, Rey wanted nothing to do with any of this, so as the politicians from before and rising stars of recent started forming a government, those who had made a name for themselves in the war were thrust into positions of power. Kaydell, Finn, Jessika, Wex, Joph, and Poe among others were given stations and some were more fitted for it than others. Kaydell did well, and Joph seemed to enjoy his work. Finn thrived.
Poe felt like he was sinking.
"Hi baby." You greeted, managing to pull him out of his thoughts just briefly like you always did. He met you doing his stupid political work a few months ago, and had recently found a reason to stay with your family once again. The princess of a small planet, 7th daughter out of 14 kids, you too found yourself stifled. You watched your brothers and sisters get married off and had refused fancy arrangements yourself, not willing to be a pawn in a political game.
"Hi" He looked up at you on the couch he laid on, watching you saunter into the room in a pretty dress, hair all done up... you looked so good like this, but you also looked good dressed down running around in the woods with him, messy hair and pj's in the morning, or naked in his arms... he had missed you while he was away, and dreaded having to leave tomorrow.
How could he leave you for a life he never wanted?
You crawl into his awaiting arms. "You seem down lately, what;s wrong?" The concern in your eyes is genuine.
"Don't wanna leave." He went to kiss you, but you regretfully push him back.
"I'm supposed to be fetching you for dinner, Dameron. Can't let anyone get suspicious" You wink and smile, but he only returns it sadly, not his usual youthful grin.
"I guess not." Pulling you back close, he nestles his face into your neck, breathing your scent in. "Just... give me a minute like this, please." He was happier with you, freer with you...
You grant his wish, taking a moment to just exist with him, not daring to let go, even as you whispered. "We could leave."
It took a moment before Poe looked up at you, confused. "Huh?"
"We don't have to be here. We could run away." You clarify.
"But... I have my job, you have your duties-"
"And we just quit." You state like it's obvious. "We don't have to do what we're doing."
Poe stood up, pulling you to stand with him then taking your face in his hands, but his eyes are tightly closed. "Don't joke, please, if you're saying this... you gotta be serious because I can't..." He shakes his head. "I can't get my hopes up..." A life with you, away from all this bullshit...
You coax him to look at you. "I'm serious." You smile at him, his face lighting up into the dopey, childish grin you adored so much. "Let's run away."
Anyway this drabble may become a full fic idk no promises cuz i got so much to write lololololol
Romana's 1000 follower celebration
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nicosraf · 11 months
tomorrow 7th is going to be a year since ABM was published isn't it? how do you feel about it and all you have achieved? and also I think I read some time ago that it's also your birthday, happy birthday! :) hope you can celebrate it in company of your loved ones y que cumplas muchos más, and congrats also on finishing writing A&M!!!! ilysm <3
(now is when it's not your birthday and i just dreamed it)
Agh it's already November 7th. Yes, it's my birthday ! It's also a year since the original ABM release ! Wow wow wow
How do I feel about ABM.... Hm. I'm reading A&M and eating right now and... hm.
My life has changed really radically in a year. Things are a mess ! Real life relationship are strained, I've had people online invade my privacy and harass me, others take advantage of me. I never liked bookish spaces too much and now I feel extra unsafe in them. Writing used to be my only safe, personal space. Now it's exceedingly public. It was one of the worst things that could have happened to my mental health; I can't stop being paranoid and self-destructive. I have more responsibilities now that I ever imagined. The couple months I spent in publishing limbo were also... well, terrible. ABM itself is like a ticking time bomb; I can't hide it forever. When I get exposed to my real life family and friends, I imagine the worst.
ALL OF THIS SAID, (!!!!!!!!!)
I've received more love than I ever have before in my life.
I'm really grateful for anyone who's ever reached out to me. And I'll always be happy with Angels Before Man as a book. It's what I always wanted it to be, and it's a good portrait of my heart when I wrote it.
Sometimes, I wonder if I should nuke my online presence, but I like being here for people. I like talking about my book and its angels. So! Here I am!! And I'm really really happy. I'm terrified and very sad sometimes but I'm also happy. Knowing there are people that like my book (and those who feel seen by it or even healed in some sort of way) makes up for all the scary feelings associated with it. So I'm glad :) Happy birthday, ABM .....
Thank you for the birthday wishes!!! Mando abrazos y angelitos también
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bohnsky · 1 year
I am not happy at all. No I am but also I'm not. I did not wake up at 6:30 in the morning on a sunday just to watch my favorites dnf and listen to Ralf Schumacher rant about my love Checo (at least he knows that Checo fans dislike him). Only the McLaren double podium makes this race okay (not really but I'm happy for them) and Ferrari didn't fuck up which is good.
So anyway here are my favorite drivers 4,5 months into liking f1:
Because he was in the paddock this weekend, I have to include Seb again. My one and only. I love him, he deserves the world, protect him at all cost. When he said it hurts to watch instead of driving himself because Suzuka is his favorite track. Emotional damage.
But he seemed so happy to be back in the paddock and to teach the grid about bees. He's so passionate, it's beautiful. And we got Sewis content.
1. Alex Albon
This (hopefully) won't change as long as I put Seb in a different category (the Seb category).
Just today I saw a comment saying that you simply can't hate Alex and that he is the least disliked driver and I love that. He deserves all the love.
My heart broke when he retired. I am not okay with how things turned out here. Everyone said they love Suzuka, why is it so mean to me?
2. Sergio Perez
I hate to admit that I almost put him on third this week because I wasn't as obsessed with him as I was during the last few weeks, but omg did I get mad when Ralf Schumacher started ranting about him, which made me rethink that decision. I love Checo my precious. This whole race was a disaster for him (and me) and yes some of it was his fault, I realize that, but I refuse to think about it. Just as I refuse to think about his seat. And I refuse to talk about it with anyone who doesn't agree with me. (I don't mind people who don't agree with me, I just don't want to hear it, not when it comes to Checo my love)
I just hope he is okay mentally and can enjoy the celebrations with the team.
Also I usually drink a red bull for every race but I didn't want one at 7 in the morning, so that race must have been the punishment for me not drinking my racely red bull.
3. Charles Leclerc
My man, again on 4th must suck. So close to the podium. But honestly I'm just happy that Ferrari didn't actively try to fuck up his race again.
4. Lewis Hamilton
Sewis content yay :D
Lewis always seems so happy when he's with Seb and that makes me happy. These two are my f1 comfort ship, they never fail to make me smile.
But also unecessary Merc bitch fight, I hope they are civil about it off track.
5. Lance Stroll
This time I had to put Lance here. I just adore him and it literally breaks my heart that he has such a bad season. To me he seems like he always stays true to himself even with all the bullshit he constantly gets and I love that for him. And even if I want more Lance content I love that he stays away from media as much as he does.
He was doing really well this race and I thought this could be a good one for once, for my little Lancy shaped heart, but no. Everything went wrong today just kill me already.
Honerable mentions:
Lando. I'm so happy about the McLaren double podium and that Lando has so many podiums lately. Also I've been watching a lot of Quadrant lately and I'm totally digging it.
Oscar. Obviously, I'm so happy for him. He is an amazing driver and a precious little baby. Go McLaren!
Valtteri. He's really gone through it today. I like him a lot, he might even be in the top 10 and I just want him to be happy. This race was not it. Also it took me ages to learn how to spell Valtteri. I always wrote Vallteri or Valterri. But now I know.
Max. Congrats my guy. I was thinking, I'm a little sad that I joined f1 during his peak. I wish I could've watched him grow and become the driver he is now. Also his fucking hair. Please I just want to touch it.
Hulknussen. I just want to talk about them because it seems like no one else does. To me they are peak enemies to friends (to lovers). But I don't like Haas the team. The drivers are great.
The Alpha Tauris. Listen, I am not okay with the whole seat situation in Alpha Tauri or even all of Red Bull. I love that Yuki and Danny get to drive next season, but what about Liam? He is literally outperforming Yuki. He should get a permanent seat. Why aren't they giving it to Liam? What are they planning? Please don't scare me and my Checo heart. Why can't everyone get a seat? Why did I get into a sport where there are only 20 fucking seats? Why does everyone have to be so lovable?
George. I was thinking about George getting Alex this his seat and I am thankful. That's why George is here on this list today.
The 2nd William seat. Is not a driver but it stresses me out. I don't think that Logan will get it again. I want Mick to get it. Please give me your opinions. Who will get the 2nd Williams seat next season?
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autumnslance · 1 year
LynMars FFXIV Write 2023 Master Post
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This year's challenge completed! Congrats to everyone who wrote anything at all this month, even if just one prompt! Thanks again to @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast for 7 years of this!
Previous Years Master Posts: 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022
Anything wolcred ship-related is marked by an asterisk* as usual. Commentary and stats for anyone interested below the Read More.
01. Envoy: ARR; Aeryn makes her Grand Company choice. 02. Bark: Dark has the wrong pie thief suspect. 03. Free Day! 04. Off the Hook: EW; Lucia & Maxima explore their new HQ. 05. Barbarous: HW; Aeryn's frustrated by the land of her birth. 06. Ring: EW; keepsakes & memories of Aeryn's mother. 07. Noisome: Dark & Iyna contend with ubiquitous seasonal flavors. 08. Shed: EW; Aeryn answers Zenos at the edge of everything. 09. Fair: EW; Azem's brother tries to ensure the future has his aid. 10. Free Day! 11. Once Bitten Twice Shy: ShB Bozja; unwarranted concerns. 12. Dowdy: Backstory; Aeryn's always had Opinions about fashion. 13. Check: Iyna discovers C'oretta's personal business. 14. Clear*: ShB; semi-poetic sweetness of coming together. 15. Portentous: Backstory. Zaine speaks to Tanzel about a decision. 16. Jerk: EW; Aeryn meets an old friend as the Final Days loom. 17. Free Day! 18. Fish Out of Water: Shb: G'raha gets used to his new life. 19. Weal: EW; Vrtra sees to his people and their home. 20. Hamper: In a possible future, Iyna answers academic questions. 21. Grave: Legacy; Zaine Striker returns to his childhood home. 22. Fulsome: C'oretta sorts through her parents' old promos. 23. Suit: ARR; what the Scions wore that most fateful night. 24: Free Day! 25. Call it a Day: Pre-ARR; Iron Summer contemplating his daughter. 26. Last: EW; a final conversation between ancients. 27. Sole*: Post-ShB; Thancred vs the perils of Aeryn's flip-tastic jobs. 28. Blunt: Post-ShB; working with Gaius, like it or not. 29. Contravention: EW; "In from the Cold" violates laws of nature. 30. Amity: EW; Varshahn & Aeryn discuss Thavnair & Garlemald.
Only 2 short shippy prompts all month! All 4 modern girls got a couple spotlights, various family cameos and backstories, a future prompt as is tradition, Zaine had a few posts, a few NPC-only scenes, a LOT of Endwalker, and even Ancient Icarus got a story, tying into 2021's "Destruct" prompt and how/why the siblings' souls have been connected through time and reincarnations.
A few of these are alternate takes on scenes I've touched on before, but it's interesting what a new prompt at a different time can get one to say, how we change as writers in what we focus on and how we say it.
This comes in roughly 300 words shorter than last year, at 18,493. The week of the 18-22 I had off work for my birthday, and that had the most 1k+ prompts, with a word count nearly double the other 3 full weeks. While the longer prompts are good, I'm really happy with how so many of the short ones turned out!
I was again trying to be realistic about my time, energy, not pushing free write days...and also working on an original writing project on the side, so I actually did do more writing over the month, just not FFXIV related!
(Also why some of my responses were in just under the wire...)
But this was a good break and exercise from that other writing, and let me try a few new things.
And comparing to earlier years--especially 2017 and 2018 when I was getting back onto the writing horse and feeling out my OCs--I feel like my growth as a writer, especially to be more succinct yet still evocative when needed, is evident. I've gotten a lot of practice in over time, and this challenge is one of the things that helped me get to where I can write an original story on top of my fanfic!
Breakdowns for funsies: Longest: 21 Grave; 1,652 words Shortest: 14 Clear; 106 words
Between 100-500 words: 1 Envoy; 2 Bark; 4 Off the Hook; 5 Barbarous; 7 Noisome; 8 Shed; 14 Clear; 15 Portentous; 26 Last; 27 Sole. Between 500-1000 words: 6 Ring; 11 Once Bitten, Twice Shy; 13 Check; 16 Jerk; 18 Fish Out of Water; 22 Fulsome; 23 Suit; 25 Call it a Day; 28 Blunt; 29 Contravention; 30 Amity. 1000+ words: 9 Fair; 12 Dowdy; 19 Weal; 20 Hamper; 21 Grave.
I didn't look at the totals until the end; I only checked some of the shorter ones during the challenge to see if they hit my personal "500+ words" cut off for adding a Read More to the posts.
"Grave" honestly could have been a lot shorter; I started the plot too early, and much as I like Zaine making one last visit to his childhood Nana, for the purposes of the challenge, I could have just focused on going to the lichyard to save myself time and energy, and wrote about the visit on my own another time. On the other hand, it's done now!
Not sure which is a favorite; there's a lot I like.
As usual, these will be revised at...some point (some more than others, probably) and added to Ao3, in my various series and threads.
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scun-gilli · 2 months
your fic is 4 months old??? congrats????
thats as long as ive been in this fandom lol
Wow! Thank you so much. I actually didn't realize it was that old. I appreciate all the love and support from the people who read and comment, they literally keep the story going with their support.
I love when people send me theories, ideas and general thoughts on the story, it really motivates me to keep going. plus the fanart??? The one-shot that was gifted to me??? I can't believe it!
I even have a friend that is writing a reverse TRT.
940 kudos, 501 comments and 21k hits? I am so flabbergasted, this was the first fic I wrote after a 7 year hiatus so I really wasn't expecting anyone to read it.
I really appreciate all the support and love for my little fic :) it makes my heart so full.
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em-dash-press · 2 years
How Do You Know When Your Manuscript Is Ready to Query?
You just wrote the last sentence of your novel—congrats! That’s an incredible accomplishment that took hours of your unpaid time and effort. You poured so much of your creative energy into that manuscript, so you’re ready to query it. It should see the light of day and reach the hearts of readers.
But should that happen now or after more detailed work?
These are a few ways to know when your manuscript is ready to query.
1. You’ve Finished Your Manuscript
It’s no longer your WIP! Call it what it is—it’s your beautiful, hard-earned manuscript. It should have a completed arc with tied-up character development points to conclude your theme and plot twists.
2. Ask Someone to Read It
You can re-read your manuscript for weeks and still have errors that your eyes naturally skip over. It helps to ask a fresh pair of eyes to read through your work. They’ll read every sentence closely because it’s all new information. They also won’t know what’s coming in each chapter, so they’ll point out if plot twists surprised them or if the character development felt natural.
Your beta reader should feel free to point out what works and what doesn’t work about your manuscript. Those aren’t the same thing as what they like and don’t like. When something works, the reader will understand what you’re saying and feel what your characters are feeling. If it doesn’t, the reader will be confused. They might become emotionally disconnected too.
Encourage your beta reader to give specific feedback. They may point out things that need more refined wording or a re-write in a second draft of a chapter.
3. Find a Critiquer
There are various ways to find a professional fiction critiquer and pay them to comb through your newly edited manuscript. Although their advice will be top-tier, you don’t need to pay someone to check for line edits.
Ask your friends and family members to see who feels confident with grammar and punctuation. Anyone who rarely got edit notes on their school essays can provide some helpful line critiques to polish your manuscript.
4. Pinpoint Your Audience
Agents need to know who’s going to read your book. It’s an essential part of your query letter, so don’t send anything unless you know your target audience. There are a few ways to indicate who’s going to love your book within your query letter, like:
Naming the genre (Children’s, Young Adult, New Adult, etc.)
Naming comparative titles (“Readers who loved Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games will love the action-packed arena fights in my manuscript.”)
Talking about why you wrote your book (“I wrote about this coming-of-age perspective to reach middle schoolers who are learning how to accept their changing identities.”)
If you’re unsure who your audience will be, ask your beta readers for their input. They might point out certain themes, scenes or points that are better suited for specific ages.
5. Research Your Agents
After drafting your query letter—which I wrote about in this post—you can’t send your manuscript to every agent you find on QueryTracker or various publishers’ websites. You need to find agents representing your genre. 
To do that, you have to know your manuscript’s genre. Give it some thought while considering factors that will point you toward one genre or another, like:
The time period your book takes place (historical fiction, futuristic sci-fi)
Your protagonist’s age (child, young adult, adult)
The presence of magic (fantasy)
The presence of science or technology (sci-fi)
Dark or scary themes (horror)
A mystery that drives your plot (mystery)
It's okay to take your time editing and revising your manuscript after it crosses that initial finish line. Sometimes it takes writers months or years to get their work to a point where they feel confident and comfortable enough with it to query.
Give yourself time to work through these points and your editing process. The publishing world will be waiting for you when you're ready.
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joels6string · 10 months
I came here because it is not normal what is happening and how many hate exist in these asks.
Thanks to your fics I overcame a difficult period with the final year of medical school and passed the residency exam in my country (future anesthesiologist here, yaay).
Anyone who has the audacity to blame you for not writing about HBO Joel, they are not different from those who claim that TLOU2 "was a masterpiece and you are ignorant if you don't see it like this". I was guilt trapped into believing this, you were my safespace that it's ok not to support the majority opinion.
For those who have a problem with you not writing HBO Joel: there is an unfollow button, you can NOT READ. We all have the privilege of freedom of choice, and yet, some of y'all choose to be ignorant.
Lots of love! I can't wait for new chapters with our pixel man!
Ahhh! Congrats on passing your residency exam!! That’s amazing!!
It’s not normal, but it is fairly typical for that fandom lol. When I wrote for his characters for a few months last year I had friends who had been on tumblr awhile try to talk me out of it because of his fandom here even then and clearly it was for good reason. It’s a shame because even though I don’t like his Joel, I had nothing against him, since it was mostly Mazin who made the terrible changes. Then his fandom just…*waves hands*, and now I could care less about anything he does and get the ick when I see him 😂.
I only play video games and watch anime now though, so it makes no difference to me lol.
The way I’m going to try and get 15 and 16 out quick so the trio can also have their Christmas along with anyone else who celebrates!
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bayleaf-2 · 1 year
Drew some art of the progression of Lyra's feelings about Ioun
But it's like 11 PM and I should sleep so I'm gonna post the art and make barebones captions/context, go to bed, and might just remake the post if i wake up, look at it, and go "voci. voci...voci thats not enough buddy"
With that in mind!
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This is when Ioun apologized to Lyra after they were resurrected (they died in the Zehir fight) and (in my mind) the start of Lyra having. A closer relationship with her, or seeing her as more than just. (Because we legally cannot call Ioun our boss) the person in charge, hense why it's labeled "beginning." Their thoughts in that moment are general feelings of appreciation, surprise, and relief. Debated putting warmth in there as well. Probably too soon. Maybe. Idk!
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Transcript: Lyra's dialogue reads "Tough!" which is what they said to the goddess of prosperity trying to offer them deals. Description reads "Loyalty to Ioun after she apologized."
Ioun apologizing combined with Emily inviting Lyra to stay with her once all of this was over (AUUUUUUUGH) pulled Lyra out of their mortality crisis, hence the design change! They're wearing old (aka Elion's) earrings and actually put effort into styling their hair :)
Transcript of the bottom one: Nerd <3 "I love her" (Connotation: I just think Ioun's neat :) ) "I need to apologize to her if we fail"
Nerd refers to this being the time where Lyra starts researching and interacting with the library. "I just think she's neat" is a reference to that one Marge meme. Point being the "I love her" is a casual declaration with no deeper feelings attached. "I need to apologize to her if we fail" is referencing this:
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Now a disclaimer on that: I wrote that months ago and while the og idea still holds in that I was planning on doing it, I would absolutely tweak the wording now. Also that's from my writing server so the wording is mostly for me. in terms of what "today" and "everyone else didnt follow orders" means I think that was the Tiamat fight? Timing indicates it's Tiamat. I do not know what "orders" past Voci is referencing. It might be the deals thing. ANYWAY!!
General summary for that point: Closer but still not quite friends. That being said Lyra's more cheery around Ioun and seeking out talking to her just cause.
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Transcript: Lyra thinking to themself "God I love her she's so cool" Description reads "Whale convo, which is almost directly post Vecna" (So Lyra is thinking that as Ioun's talking to them) and then the bottom one starts with "After Ioun leaves and they're just thinking" Lyra's thought reads "...Oh." with the description "Means [I love her] in a different way than before"
Squish! :) Congrats lil guy! You love her and now you gotta hide your feelings so you don't pressure her because that'd be really fucked up of you! Yeah that includes your thoughts! Good luck suppressing those! (HE FAILS. HE SLIPS UP SO MUCH I'M DYING TO TAKE PROPER NOTES ABOUT THAT SHIT YOU HAVE NO IDEA)
"Voci why is the 4th heart in the scale grey instead of black in the top one" Uhhh I'm not sure. I think it has to do with Lyra not really knowing what their feelings are?? Like it's vague and then once they're actually reflecting on it, they realize it's something more than just thinking Ioun's neat. Btw it's not clear in this shitty photo but Lyra is blushing.
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Transcript: Ioun saying "I do care, by the way." Lyra verbally keysmashing in response, which is cut off by the tiny tiny page. Description reads "right after the trial".
We had a trial where Emily was trying to make a case about the wording of the curse so we wouldn't have to kill her and only temporarily banish her (and Ioun. And possibly the Raven Queen. And anyone else who ascended) outside of reality. It was a really formal court though so everyone was in like. Proper boring formal wear and Lyra went the safe route of going in a suit yes I know that collar looks scribbly I was drawing in front of a campfire okay
I??? This is hard to describe, but by this point, Lyra's feelings are deeper, like they weren't...flustered by Ioun before, at least not to the same extent, and now they are, if that makes sense. I hesitate to say their feelings got? Deeper or more intense, because the timing makes this extremely fucky. And also feels like I'm in the danger zone in terms of possibly using aphobic wording. So I'm just gonna hold off for now.
And there's another art I drew of. The dream conversation where Ioun and Lyra ended up holding hands for an enTIRE FUCKING HOUR but it wasn't finished and I think? That moment kind of speaks for itself? So I'll just. Leave that there and sleep now gn <3
Again apologies if huge chunks of this don't make sense this is one of those moments where the hyperfixation is just Taking the God Damn Reins and I Have To Show People This
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holllandtrash · 1 year
Congrats on 3K followers! Very much deserved. I'm a new follower and was curious to know the story behind your blog (how long youve had it for and how you started out/transitioned into f1) only if you want to share your story of course (:
sit down and get some popcorn babes, here is my life story
Back story, I’ve been writing fanfiction since 2011, I started on quotev (If anyone remembers that) and it was solely 1D fanfics also i was way too fcking young to be writing fanfiction
I started this blog in like mid 2016 and it was mainly an mcu blog (cough cough Tom Holland/Peter Parker) and I wrote a lot of one shots and more on here, but that where the name ‘holllandtrash’ comes from :’)
I took a break from writing fanfic from like mid 2018-2020 bc I started school, moved across the country, dropped out of school, moved back home, went back to school, thought I was in love yadda yadda but I sort of fell out of writing during that time or if I did write, I would never post it
Oh but what happened in 2020 ??? Pandemic !!!! AND the 10 year anniversary of one direction so I actually started to get back into 1d fanfic writing (didn’t post any of it) but I fell back in love with fanfiction while I was stuck at home
I also fell in love w Harry Potter again and then I started a wattpad like mid 2020 and wrote a few HP fics on there that are horribly long and one of them isn’t even completed yet BUT that was most of my 2021, hp, tik tok, wattpad and school
That leads me to falling in love with F1 early in 2022 (I’m a new fan) and honestly for the entirety of last year I was still writing my Harry Potter fics, (shoutout to Elusive & Burn) I was in school up until May, had a full time job after that (still have it), broke up w my ex 💅 decided to save up to move across the world (still working on that part) but everything was going good up until December of 2022
I stopped writing because Christmas is always chaotic for me and my family and work was stupid busy and i was planning a 3 week trip for January and then I got back from that trip and suffered from a burst fucking eardrum of all things so I couldn’t work and i was stuck at home I was lonely and had no motivation
And then one day in February, still with the HP fanfic on hold bc I just couldnt bring myself to write it, I decided to log onto my good ol tumblr and what do I see but some F1 stuff and I’m like oh this is lovely (bc the season hadn’t started yet and i missed the drivers) and one of the first things I saw was a social media au and I was like hey wait…I could do that...
So I did and the Pierre smau (worlds collide) was my first ever piece of f1 writing- if you can even call it that, but then I was hooked. I stuck with the smau’s for the most part for the first few weeks but it was a really good transition to actually writing one shots and eventually back into chaptered fics
I wish I had liked or reblogged that first social media au I saw because it really jump started me back into writing after taking almost three months off
anyway now I am writing when I can, splitting my time between Tumblr and trying to write a real book. My Harry Potter fic on wattpad is still on hold and I would like to go back to it but it’s hard. But this platform really pushed me to just focus on what i love and all of the kind and supportive messages from followers like you remind me why I love to write, I want to write for other people, I want people to feel the things that I feel, even if just for a short amount of time
i'll try to publish a book one day but man writing is fucking hard so who knows
if u made it this far, thank u for reading all of this xoxo
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ricksoo · 2 years
Does anyone got some minute to spare?
You can scroll down or check other stuff if you want
Yea? You got minutes to spare? Nice!
Ok so
Even till the end of 2022 there were times where we had both positive moments and negative moments
But do y'all know what do they have in common?
We mostly get our motivations there.
Yes you heard it, we get our motivations from BOTH positive and negative moments
I mean... without it, how are we supposed to find motivations?
It would be like having equipments without the knowledge to use it
Honestly that sounds kinda sad.
Straight to the point, I'm thankful for everyone who gave me moments regardless of whether it's positive ones or negative ones.
... Screw it I'm saying it.
Especially you @crepetwo
You told me how stupid I am
You told me how clumzy I am
But even though I assumed that is a joke... (hopefully)
I take that personally.
I'll keep that in mind and I'll try to improve my mistakes or habits that I've made.
I know this really sounds cap and fake
But believe me
Without any insults from her,
I'll never realize my mistakes.
And just so happens I realized that 3 months after we became friends lmao
Again thank you everyone for giving me moments that I usually never experience without tumblr
Before I finish let me just say one last thing:
"Don't change your prime-self."
Hope y'all have a nice year for 2023!
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... Oh you're still here?
That's funny, I thought everyone left the post already.
Oh well you can stay here if you want.
But idk what to say so suit yourself
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... Huh.
You really have nothing else to do eh
Either that or you're just here to read something secretive.
Secrettive? Secreteve? Idk how to spell ae.
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... Ok I really gotta go now
Have fun staying here without me.
Though... in the meantime,
You can follow @mewtales blog if you want
That is the main reason why I wrote all that stuff.
Ok I really got nothing else to say
Follow it or just leave.
Don't say I didn't tell ya to leave.
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Ok this is getting ridiculous.
What do you want from me???
I know I'm patient but not THAT patient.
Ok would you leave if I tell you a fun fact?
Ok you better leave after this.
Crepetwo is my best friend in both tumblr and roblox.
There you happy? You can leave now.
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Ok I give up.
You win.
You stayed here longer than me congrats
Are you proud of yourself?
Heh, I can bet you really do.
After all I am a patient person.
Not guaranteed btw.
Anyways have a nice 2022 year and
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What do you expect from me
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