coniangray · 10 months
Tw:// blood
When Will woke up again, the sun had already risen a bit. He assumed it was about six am, after bringing himself back to the reality he lived in. Confused from what he already faced, he checked his surroundings to make sure he was alive, and actually there.
The roof was empty and quiet. There were no screams, no running, not anything. He got up and tried to walk back inside, to see if Fred was there. Even though he was in extreme pain still and he just witnessed awfully horrible things, he hoped he was still alive.
He pushed the door, but it only opened about three inches; something was blocking it.
He pushed once more. And then froze in place due to the view he came by.
Fred's body was unrecognisable. It wasn't even considered a body anymore. It was a mass of broken bones, flesh and poked eyes outside their sockets. The skin was rotten, and the clothes were ripped due to the bone replacement. The only thing that stayed in place was the scar and the glasses.
Without knowing, Will made a few steps back, and he puked so much that blood came out of his guts.
He didn't know how much time passed. He didn't know if the Wheelers already woke up, if they noticed he wasn't there anymore. He didn't care at that time. He only wanted this to be over.
The police alarm was ringing from the other side of the block. Will waited there, relieved that someone was to appear, giving a sense of normality.
"Did you witness anything else before passing out? Like where the killer might have gone?" Chief Powell asked. Only then did Will realise he revealed part of the truth to the authorities, not the whole thing.
"Uh, no. I'm sorry." He replied with hesitation. Before passing out, the only thing he could bring up was Ghostface's mask and a rock. Nothing else.
As the chief headed to his team that was examining the body, he shooted a web on the nearest building and started swinging back home.
A small part of my fanfic "Leave no trace behind" (shiftingfics on ao3).
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