connieturnpenny · 5 years
Writeblr Intro
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Hello! Welcome to my writeblr! I call this blog my writeblr, but it’s honestly mostly full of literary memes and occasionally writing advice. I’d very much like to post more writing advice and some of my own work and be more active in the writing community!
About Me
English Lit major
Oscar Wilde enthusiast. My ambition is to someday lead a cult in his honor
What I Write
My writing is hard for me to summarize but the main thing you should know is that everything I write is dark, but it’s also hopeful (hence the pic I included at the top) by the time it gets to the end. My favorite genres are Speculative and Dystopian fiction. 
What to Expect
There will be at least one queer character in everything I write. I am not as dedicated to my gay agenda as @amapofyourstars​ but I still absolutely have one. (She is also the one who politely pressured me into making this post, bless her)
The world isn’t the kindest to everyone in it and I like to think of my writing as a thoughtful critique as to why that is and the effects it has on people.
There will be a character with some form of mental illness. I want to show the effects different mental illnesses have on people and de-stigmatize it
Plot and characters are equally important to me in my writing. I can’t write something I’m happy with unless it has what I believe are interesting characters and an interesting storyline
Works in Progress (& Completed Work)
I have one completed novella called The System of Sebastian Cole, which is about a boy who creates a computer world in an apocalyptic future in order to save humanity
A work in progress called Remedy Orbit, set in a dystopian society where a cure for death is created and everyone is required to take it until one girl decides she doesn’t want it and causes some trouble (which is an extreme understatement)
And finally, a story called Monster Made in Light, which is speculative fiction and involves an immortal man who controls who lives and dies, yet the decision is not his to make and he has to give his consent to every death in the world - even the ones of the people he becomes close to
I’d really love to make more writing friends on here! If you would like me to check out your writing or blog, give this a like/reblog and I will be sure to do so. My asks are open as well, or you can send me a message!
Happy writing!
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amapofyourstars · 5 years
Hi I'm here for revenge and to distract you from TRC feels. For the constellations game: Aquarius, Aries, Cancer (this is the revenge one), LYRA, Aquilla, and Pavo. I hope this keeps you busy for a while you're welcome. Don't send me more stuff about TRC that will frustrate me, you know why.
Thank you for the question, Connie! I LOVE MY RAVEN CHILDREN but fine I’ll stop texting you about them. For as long as it takes me to answer this ask at least. Which will probably be a long time knowing me. Well-played, Turnpenny, well-played. 
Connie is sending me questions from this ask game. 
Aquarius: Who’s your least favorite character to write?
My characters are my children. How could I have a least favorite? 
Aries: Share a line that you’re proud of!
From Summer Hours: 
It was as if someone had filled my mouth with dirt and it was falling down my throat. I couldn’t breathe. I pushed through the door and bolted down the hallway and outside the building. The sunlight was startling, my heartbeat leaping to the very edge of my skin as if I’d burned myself. I stumbled down to the sidewalk and hunched over the curb, my insides twitching and gasping.
Cancer: What are the names of the songs from the musical rendition of your project? (aka, have fun! come up with fun names)
Well the first song is clearly Connie is a Little Shit For Asking Me Such A Hard Question (20 minute version) I kid, I kid... (mostly) 
when will these boys tell each other they’re in love?
i’m kicking you in the balls
we should get drunk
did that drunken kiss just ruin everything?
i don’t want to fight
is this what a panic attack feels like?
you don’t know my sister
Lyra: Give us a few songs that fit your project!
I have A LOT OF THE FEELINGS about the songs I associate with my writing, especially Summer Hours. I had every intention of explaining why I chose multiple songs but then I wrote 250+ words on one song & decided to cut myself off 😅
Why Am I Like This? by Orla Gartland 
This is an Ivy Finch song through and through. I actually got shivers the first time I heard the opening. “Last night I smoked a cigarette My dad would have been so upset”.  It was like Ivy was singing in my ear. Ivy lost her father when she was only eight years old and she misses him desperately. She’s incredibly conflicted because she wants to stick up a middle finger to the world and do whatever the fuck she wants but she also hates the idea of disappointing her family, especially her father.
“Maybe you don't really want me there at your birthday partyI'll be there in the corner, thinking right overEvery single word of the conversation we just hadSo why am I like this?Why am I like this?…Oh, it's like I'm looking down from the ceiling aboveNever in the moment, never giving enough”
The anxiety expressed throughout the song is also applicable to Aaron. Aaron and Ivy seem incredibly different and they are, but they have some stuff in common too: like how incredibly hard they are on themselves. “Let's go out and shout the words we never said”
After everything, after he gets through the worst of his grief, “go and shout the words we never said” is Aaron’s top priority. He’s learned that he needs to tell the people he loves that he loves them, he needs to honestly express how he’s feeling. Ivy didn’t get that chance, but Aaron does and he's taking full advantage of it. 
A few more songs I love that are very Summer Hours: Providence by Lisa Mitchell, Hiding by Florence + the Machine, and Tonight by Lykke Li (it is perfect for Aaron and Xavier). If you’re curious I have a playlist for Summer Hours on Spotify (along with more playlists for characters, relationships, and my other WIP Call It What You Want) 
Aquila - What do you do when you’re stuck in your writing?
Lately I’ve developed this bad habit of just not writing. I don’t suggest this! Breaks are good, obviously, but I’ll go days. In the past, I’ve found if I leave my house and take a walk I usually come back refreshed and with a clearer head. I also like to write out of order so I can write whatever scene is most speaking to me in the moment. 
Pavo: Where do you get inspiration from? 
I’m slightly weird and tend to come up with characters before my stories. So I get my inspiration from people. If I see someone on the street who I think looks interesting my brain tends to fall down a rabbit hole of discovering what their story is. Do they have siblings? Do they have secrets? Are they happy? Eventually I end up crafting stories around my characters. Usually. I do have some characters who I have yet to give a home. 
Thanks, Connie! 💕 
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maxgrayarchived · 4 years
Year-End Writers Round Up: 2020
Tagged by @maraleesquill​! Thank you <3 
Word Count: 
Oh boy. For the whole year? Oh god. Okay. I’m gonna spend a RIDICULOUS amount of time trying to figure this out but let’s see. 
Alright it took about 20 mins, what I did was go through my Drive and add up all the words for the things I haven’t posted, then went to my ao3 and added up the words for everything posted in 2020 and... 
260,032 words. 
Roughly. There’s some mistakes in there. But. Wow. 
That’s actually about 712 words a day, which I’m pretty proud of. 
New Things I’ve Tried This Year: 
Oh boy. Not too many things, I don’t think. I got into D&D. I’m trying surrealism in my writing, and playing around with genres and worldbuilding. 
I feel like this list should be longer bc of covid but honestly I just kept on doing what I’ve been doing. 
Fic I’ve Spent Most Of My Time On: 
Superkids. No contest. 
Fic I’ve Spent Least Of My Time On: 
Oh God, take your pic from any of the aus I started. There’s plenty of ideas I just haven’t circled back around to yet. 
I guess out of my current projects, probably What Do People Do After The World Ends? That one’s just been chilling 
Favourite Thing I Wrote: 
I feel like I should say Superkids... but I’m pretty sure it’s Panic Cord. I think I learned a lot from Panic Cord about writing for myself and no one else. I was a lot... bolder, I think. 
Favourite Thing(s) I Read: 
Oof. Honestly, I’m not sure what I read this year. I’m sure there’s some fanfic that really stuck with me but I just don’t know. 
Writing Goals For Next Year: 
Oof2. I don’t have any set goals right now? Which I know, I know, that’s the death of productivity or whatever, shut up. My mental health isn’t great and I like how I’ve been handling projects. I still try to work on something most days of the week, but I’ve embraced Shaelin’s “work on something when you’ve got the inspiration” and it’s done me well. 
I know when to be strict with myself, like the countless times I almost took a break on Superkids but didn’t, and I know when to give myself a break, like when I did decide to put Superkids down for now. We’ll just see what happens. 
Ideally, I’d like to get some short stories published, maybe get the first draft of one of my original novels out. And posting Superkids would be so great. I’m super super done with that book lmao. 
Writeblr tag game tag list: 
@energydeficient @notwritinganyflufftoday @clarence-writes @amapofyourstars @connieturnpenny @alextriestowritestuff @smokedstorybara @fantasy-penman @emerysilvertonwriteblr @writingessance
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ofillyria · 4 years
First Line Tag
rules: post the first line of your wip, and tag as many people as there are words
I was tagged by: @novel-novelist
The first line of Night Twelve: 
The silky tones of a dead woman wafted through the gramophone and flooded the theater’s foyer.  
tagging my new mutuals: @antisocialbydesign - @aerissa - @apollosvotive - @cinnamonboba-writes - @lilacwillow - @wildswrites - @magpieandfae - @exceedinglysane - @piratewolfe - @writernour - @lighterandpaper - @throughwars - @hazedartisan - @indeliblewrites - @eloandrianos - @connieturnpenny
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sapphicnatalie · 5 years
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So I convinced my best friend @connieturnpenny to read The Raven Boys for the first time…
In case you were wondering, yes she has launched an investigaytion™ into who Ronan’s love interest is. It’s very thorough. P.S. This should go without saying but please don’t spoil anything for her!
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hyba · 5 years
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RE/CONSTRUCT is #27 out of about two-thousand stories that deal with disappearance! Thank you to those of you who have been reading and supporting the story, and I appreciate every single read, vote, and comment! ^^
I want to give a special shout-out to @kaatiba, @farrradays, @theforgottencoolkid, @clawhee-writes, @the-scum-initiative, and @connieturnpenny for your wonderful support so far. This is a big deal for me, and I really owe it to my lovely readers and those who have been so kind as to support my book! 
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madammuffins · 6 years
Emotional Cocktail Tag
Tagged by @vhum whom I love, also on the tag list so two-fer!! Cha-ching bebe.
Rules: Match from the list below one emotion from each taste to each character in your WIP and describe why.
I might bend this a little and do one post per character in my WIP just to keep it from becoming a block of text.
Sweet: Intelligence - Reason - Love - Hope - Confidence - Delight - Curiosity - Patience - Kindness - Courage - Peace - Humility - Awe
Salty: Fear - Anger - Pride - Obsession - Envy - Regret - Shame - Guilt - Disappointment - Cynicism - Naivety - Emotion - Contempt
Spicy: Dominance - Switch - Submission
Sweet: Intelligence Devon is Chelsea’s steadying hand and her biggest headache. Mischievous, taunting, prank pulling (all traits he inherited from his father, no doubt), but most importantly he is smart. Oh man does this boy think and think fast. It’s hard to pull this trait into just one aspect because it’s so multifaceted; the boredom, the curiosity, the destructive tendencies, the overthinking - but at his core he means well and genuinely is trying to save himself, save her, save the world.
Salty: Anger Devon is a grudge holder. This man has been carrying a torch against his own father for hundreds of years and will probably let it smoulder for a few hundred more. His emotions are strong and intense and he just can’t seem to cool that rage.
Spicy: Dominance Devon enjoys his control. Partially why he cultivated his skills to work people and other fae like he was playing a life-sized game of chess. He enjoys knowing what will happen and when. That’s not to say our boy can’t be vulnerable. There’s something almost sweet and entirely too human in having to step back and realize he can’t control everything, in realizing he doesn’t know everything. Especially when it comes to things like war, his father, his mother, and humans.
tagging: @deepestbelieverstranger @ourpasteldream @nova-on-standbi @whiteblack-raindrops @connieturnpenny @comfypitbull @sirinthebird
and anyone else who sees this and wants to play! Of course if you were tagged and don’t want to play there is absolutely no pressure at all!
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rogueity · 6 years
last line tag.
tagged by @hawksnbooks (thank you!) I tag @lady-redshield-writes @connieturnpenny and @dantedevereaux :^)
Rules: post the last line you wrote! (line from my wip “daughter of ash and light”)
“Either way, we could search for how many empty bottles lay strewn in her home and confirm the alcoholic theory for ourselves, hmm?”
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maxgrayarchived · 4 years
Self-Appreciation Tag
RULES: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5/10 favourite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works
tagged by @spacetimewraithwrites & @gloriafrimpong! 
I’m not in a super “loving yourself” mood rn so this might come off a lil lackluster, but let me see what I can pull up. 2020 was actually a pretty busy year for me, I think! 
1. Superkids 
Even though I didn’t get Superkids posted like I wanted to, I’d kind of be an idiot to not include this. It’s not done, but I wrote a 400 page fanfic. And some of it is actually good, so. Gotta include that. 
2. Panic Cord and some other fanfics 
I guess it was a pretty good year, fanfic wise. Panic Cord was based off the song by Gabrielle Aplin, and it was pretty different from most things I’ve written because I’m not usually so heavy-handed with “this main character did a really bad thing and there’s no getting around that.” I think it made my writing stronger because I’m less afraid to have that depth now. 
3. Plant Life 
I did a lot of work outlining one of my original novels, Plant Life, and I think it’s almost done. I’m excited to work on something original again, I haven’t in a while. 
4. Progress in my art 
This photo was technically posted in 2021, but it encapsulates all the work I did over the year and I think I made some real progress. 
5. YouTube Progress (Authortube and Otherwise) 
I’ve got a lot of stage fright and any time I think about my friends knowing I make videos I kind of want to lay down and die of embarrassment but. Idk I’m having fun and I posted semi regularly. 
I’m not really sure what else I could mention but, idk I worked really hard this year. Hopefully some of that starts paying off soon. 
Also I forgot I made a list a long time ago of writeblrs who want to be tagged in games so I’m gonna start using that now lmao. Let me know if you want on or off the list. 
@writing-instead-of-fighting @writinginslowmotion @energydeficient @notwritinganyflufftoday @clarence-writes @amapofyourstars @connieturnpenny @alextriestowritestuff @smokedstorybara @fantasy-penman @emerysilvertonwriteblr @writingessance
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maxgrayarchived · 4 years
Find The Word Tag Game
Tagged by @spacetimewraithwrites! I fucking love this tag game, so thank you <3 Since I already have Superkids open from the last tag game, let’s just go ahead and do that again 
Mild violence 
Divorce mention 
Transphobia/parental abuse 
Wh*re (name-calling) 
Virgil’s eyes flicked to Remus'. He hoped that was enough, but Remus quirked an eyebrow, challenging him. Dread settled in his stomach. He flicked his wrist and the tendril attacked, slashing a red line down Remus' cheek. 
Remus cursed and stumbled back. He held his cheek, and Derek and Virgil both held their breath. An apology was on Virgil’s lips— then Remus grinned.
He swallowed. “My, uh… It’s not a big deal, really.” He straightened his back. “My parents are getting a divorce.” 
“What?” Patton asked in horror. “Why?!” 
“They’ve been fighting for a while. A few weeks.” He kept his voice strong, unbreakable. “I guess they just… Can’t take it anymore. Dad’s been staying at a hotel. I expected this.”
“Are you ready, Valerie?” 
“Virgil,” he mumbled. 
He didn’t know why he said it. He was the only one who called himself that. When he tried coming out to his dad, he told him to ‘stop being an attention-seeking whore’ and they never talked about it again. But sometimes he mumbled it to himself when he was alone. 
“Okay.” Remus smiled. “Virgil.”
“I’m fine, nerd.” He smiled a little. “You need something?” 
[Logan] blushed a dark red, looking away. “Uh…” 
Roman faked a gasp. “You mean you’re actually just checking on me?” 
“You were worried about me!” Roman clasped his hands together, smiling brightly. “That’s so cute!”
“Don’t spoil it,” they snapped.
“We can’t stay up too late,” Logan panted, resting their head on Roman’s shoulder. “We gotta get back to work tomorrow.” 
“That’s tomorrow. Don’t think about it right now.” 
“Have you ever planned ahead in your entire life?”
“Nope. It’s why I’m never stressed.”
Logan smirked, pressing soft kisses down the side of his face. “Except when everything crashes and burns.”
“Mhm. That’s when you step in and fix everything.”
“And what do I get in return?”
“This.” Roman kissed them with a cute smile. “Sometimes dinner. Do you want more? Anything.”
seriously guys this is the best writeblr tag, i could do like fifty words and still be excited for more 
Writeblr tag game tag list: 
@writinginslowmotion @energydeficient @notwritinganyflufftoday @clarence-writes @amapofyourstars @connieturnpenny @alextriestowritestuff @smokedstorybara @fantasy-penman @emerysilvertonwriteblr @writingessance
Oh right, and your words, ummmmmmm: 
red (or synonyms), annoyed, any curse word at all, hurt, warm, laugh, and cinnamon (or something similar) 
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maxgrayarchived · 4 years
woo one more find the word
tagged by @spacetimewraithwrites! 
let’s go let’s go 
[Virgil] pulled away the pillow he had pressed to his face and brought himself back to the present. His room was always dim. There was one lamp in the corner. He kept it on his desk, because even though it didn’t illuminate his entire room, it gave him great lighting for drawing. He brought his arm up and pulled the shadows from around the room, careful to avoid the light. 
They came to hug around his fingertips, all the way down to his elbow. They were a pulsing lifeform. It was almost pitiful the way they tried to keep him safe, when they were just wisps, barely covering his arm. They’d lose a fight with a butterfly. But, somehow, it helped.
“We’re really bringing him home?” Malus asked as they walked to where Remy was parked. Their fingers were laced with Ditto’s. 
“Have you given up on him?” Ditto asked. “I didn’t think that’d ever happen.” 
Malus didn’t answer. They really didn’t know. 
“I know him,” Cat said softly. “This isn’t him. I believe in him.”
Everyone huddled around Patton. The tablet showed a live news report, [REDACTED] and more superkids than they’ve ever seen in one place levelling buildings one by one— Burning them down, turning them to rubble, filling them with smoke, destroying them in any way they had available. 
Virgil watched in confusion. “What’s his angle? This is all… Random.” 
Logan shook their head. “Not random. He’s going for all the government buildings. That pile of concrete over there is a police station— Look, they’re bringing down city hall right now. We gotta go.”
“Hey.” [Janus] wrapped his legs around Remus’ waist and rested his chin on Remus’ shoulder. “Where you headed?” 
Logan awkwardly waved the paper he scribbled the address on. “Work thing.” 
Remus shuffled and turned around, leaning back into Janus’ embrace. “At ten pm?” 
“It’s kind of a, uh, on-call thing.” He played with the edge of his jacket, shifting his weight side to side. 
Janus and Remus looked at each other for a moment, twin grins. They looked back to Logan and Remus said, “Well you should blow it off, and hang out with us.”
Logan pushed an arm off his stomach, shimmied up on the bed, and slipped out of an entanglement of legs as he searched for his phone. 
“Damnit,” Logan whispered. 
He crawled over Remus and swung his legs over the bed. Janus grabbed his arm, black nails pressing into Logan’s dark skin. 
“You’re leaving?” 
“It’s my boss.” Logan pulled his arm back. “I’ll come back.” 
He looked Logan up and down. “You better.” 
Logan blushed. He pulled on the first pair of pants and shirt he could snatch from the floor— Remus’ green skirt, Janus’ leather jacket —and stepped into the hall.
woo okay same tag list as always: 
@writinginslowmotion @energydeficient @notwritinganyflufftoday @clarence-writes @connieturnpenny @alextriestowritestuff @smokedstorybara @fantasy-penman @emerysilvertonwriteblr @writingessance
And your words are claw, price, flip, cold, and nothing 
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maxgrayarchived · 4 years
Any Lines Tag
tagged by @spacetimewraithwrites <3 gonna do the same wip i did last time, let’s see if i can find something good 
Rules: Post any line or paragraph, regardless of quality and without context, just because you can, because you want to.
He brought Logan inside. The house was small, with cotton candy blue walls and clean wooden floors. Patton shuffled out of the kitchen, gripping a can of pepper spray at his chest. 
“Everything okay, Verge?” 
“Yeah. This is Logan, he’s actually an old friend of mine. He needs to talk about something serious, though, and it’s a little private…”
Patton was already nodding and putting away the pepper spray. “Of course! No, I totally understand, and I hope everything’s okay! I’m just in here working so please, take the bedroom as long as you need.” 
Virgil walked over to give Patton a quick kiss on the cheek and whisper something in his ear, then he dragged Logan upstairs. 
“You’re dating a human?” He asked once the door was closed, digging around for his notebook. “How does that work? Is it approved, is it safe?” 
“It’s none of your business, but if you want to waste your time reporting something already approved, go ahead.” Virgil pulled out his desk chair and plopped down, crossing his legs at the ankle. “Listen, I don’t know how much I’ll be able to tell you. You don’t fuck with another angel’s initiation.”
tagging my writeblr tag game list: 
@energydeficient @notwritinganyflufftoday @clarence-writes @connieturnpenny @alextriestowritestuff @smokedstorybara @fantasy-penman @emerysilvertonwriteblr @writingessance
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maxgrayarchived · 4 years
WIP First Lines Tag Game
Tagged by @shaelinwrites​!! And hers is right here, which you should read, because her writing is amazing and I can’t wait for this book. 
Rules: Share the first line (or first few lines) of each chapter of your current manuscript! Feel free to skip chapters to avoid spoilers, and you can do as many chapters as you want!
It makes the most sense for me to do this for Superkids! So let’s go
Virgil couldn’t breathe.
Patton yawned as he shuffled down the school’s hallway. His tummy rumbled. He usually ate breakfast with his dad, but woke up late and didn’t have time.
Virgil stood stiff as Derek and Remus got him ready. 
Remus fixed an earpiece on him, bringing his long hair down to hide it. Derek grabbed his shoulders and shook him hard, mumbling for him to loosen up. 
“Okay,” Remus took a step back to look him over, “your dad and I will be there the whole time. I hacked into their security cameras, so I’ll be able to let you know if anything goes wrong.”
“It’ll be easier next time.”
Virgil lied awake, staring at the ceiling. His hair was still wet. Instead of going to school, he went to a barbershop to get his hair cut. Instead of the thick, long waves that reached down to the small of his back, the hair he’d been growing out all his life, it was shaved on the sides and his bangs fell in his face. Then, he came home and bleached the rest of the purple out, and dyed it black.
At the end of homeroom, Patton came up to Virgil. 
They hadn’t actually talked since the first time, but occasionally, Patton would shoot him smiles or giggle in his direction, and Virgil would shyly wave back. When Virgil cut and dyed his hair, Patton squealed about it for about five minutes straight, telling Virgil how much he loved it and how much it must have helped his dysphoria. Virgil didn’t feel comfortable enough mentioning he didn’t really have any to begin with, just smiled and agreed.
When Roman and Patton got to the house Nightmare was hitting, a police car was outside and all the lights were on.
After walking Patton back to her house, Roman wandered around the neighborhood.
He liked going on walks. He always had. He popped in some headphones and just let himself wander. There was nothing like a walk alone at night to get his thoughts back on track.
Virgil stared at himself in the mirror. 
His costume wasn’t nearly as expressive as the others were. Ditto and Catastrophe actually turned themselves into characters, like Virgil thought he was supposed to. Ditto looked like he stepped out of a Disney movie, with a high white collar, a maroon half-cloak, big stompy boots, and a golden crown. It was one of the most extra things Nightmare had ever seen, and he almost felt stupid fighting him. Catastrophe, on the other hand, wore a pastel blue unitard, a pink tutu, ballet flats, and a fuzzy white cat mask. Virgil wondered if he made it the trans colour on purpose. 
Even Malus, they didn’t have all the flair the other two did, but they were at least unique, like some punk motorcycle driver that really liked apples for some reason. They were vastly accessorized compared to the other two, but the black fingerless gloves with the motorcycle helmet, Virgil could admit, was really hot. Virgil wondered if Malus, the real, non-hero Malus, drove a motorcycle.
Virgil watched with a grimace and a black eye as Remus finished installing their new T.V.
“I’m telling you, Ro, it’s not gonna work-”
“Just try!”
At this point, nightmares were expected.
Virgil woke up around 4am, panicked and short for breath, guilt sending his head going miles a minute. Then, he looked up at the dreamcatcher swaying above him. He counted under his breath and traced the patterns of the string, the colours of the feathers. He remembered the warmth of Patton’s hug, his kind smile, his soothing voice. 
It helped, but not by much.
Roman tiptoed out of his room, stopping at the end of the hall to listen. 
With any luck, Ophelia wasn’t wearing her hearing aid.
Derek wasn’t happy when Virgil got home.
Virgil still had money leftover from what Remus gave him. 
He was already taking the longer route home from school, so he tried not to make any stops. Derek hated him being late, and had just gotten accustomed to Virgil’s new schedule. But as he passed the cookie shop for just the millionth time, knowing he had the money, he decided to take the risk. 
Some days, risking Derek’s anger for a single cookie was the dumbest idea. Some days, it was worth it.
“Shh, shh!” 
“I didn’t say anything!” 
“You kicked the wall!” 
“Shut up, Roman.”
Patton pushed around treats on one of the plates, as she had been the last ten minutes, trying to make everything look perfect. Roman watched with a fond smile on his face.
Patton almost didn’t believe him.
Virgil walked through the front door, and immediately felt like gouging his eyes out. 
Gross, gross, gross.
They didn’t talk much anymore.
Virgil sunk low in his seat, his mask pulled over his face. His stomach churned as Remus drove them towards Hampton. He wouldn’t tell Virgil what they were doing.
It was cold outside. Even though the days were passing, and Christmas was a full month ago, the season clung to the Winter. It still snowed a few times a week, a light dusting falling to the grass and concrete and barely sticking. Roman rested his hands on the wet, cold wood of the railing of Patton’s back porch. 
That’s where Logan found him, after everyone had gone to bed and the two of them laid there pretending.
Patton got to school extra early the next day, texting Roman before he woke up saying that he had to talk to a teacher. 
It wasn’t too hard to find Virgil.
The storage shed was fairly small and narrow, just enough room for them to push the dusty boxes to the sides and tie Nightmare to a chair down in the centre.
Sidenote: can’t really tell if that excerpt is a spoiler but? I think it’s fine? wish we had spoiler text like discord lmao 
Virgil spent the 20-minute drive asleep in the passenger’s seat.
Logan didn’t remember the last time they were this excited.
The moon had risen a few hours ago, and after an extensive while of talking and trying to get a plan together that wasn’t absolute shit, the heroes decided to go to bed.
Virgil set his tray down with a huff, exhaustion making his movements heavy. 
“What’s got you in such a bad mood?” Lei asked in amusement. 
He scowled. “What’s got you in a good mood?”
Patton couldn’t help but smile.
Okay so that’s only half of the chapters I currently have written, page 206/422+, so if someone tags me again I’ll do the last twenty nine. Some of those chapter starts are kinda weak but I fucking love my chapter titles so whatever. 
Writeblr tag games tag list: 
@writinginslowmotion @energydeficient @notwritinganyflufftoday @clarence-writes @amapofyourstars @connieturnpenny @alextriestowritestuff @smokedstorybara @fantasy-penman @emerysilvertonwriteblr @writingessance
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maxgrayarchived · 4 years
more find the word tag game <3
tagged by @spacetimewraithwrites
Ishanvi looked around, panting, for something to raise, but she couldn’t imagine the tenth story of a five star hotel would have many corpses to choose from. Catastrophe’s body moved with every emotion he had; sweat, flurrying stomach, headache, trembles. Anything he fired off would have to be an area of effect- He couldn’t pinpoint the exact spot [REDACTED] stood. 
Fear? No, everyone would be stunned at once and no progress would be made. 
Sadness, anger? Too much of a wildcard, no way to predict how [REDACTED] would react. 
Catastrophe could only think of one thing that might do more good than harm. 
He stepped back into the room and drew in a deep breath. His fingertips and palms tingled with energy. He closed his eyes. He blocked out Ditto and Pyro’s struggling, the flames crackling, [REDACTED]’s taunts… 
A wave of energy, a powerful shiver, chased up Patton’s body and shot out his fingertips.
With the stars flung across the velvet sky, not many people were out to question Logan’s rickety pickup truck cruising down the road. He counted the houses under the breath until he found 33 Pomegranate. It was the right side of a pastel blue duplex with planter boxes in the windows, purple orchids barely clinging to life. The left side had a sign planted in the brown yard: 
As Derek was about to exit the hall, light blossomed inside the closet, the colour of a peach. It curled out from under the door in rose gold tendrils, reaching for the knob. 
Derek stared with wide eyes, chest heaving. He took a small step back and stuttered out, “Caroline?”
“Do you even get paid?” Remus asked. 
Logan blinked. “Of course I do. They took care of the apartment for me.” 
Janus scraped some food onto a plate and slid it over to Remus. He held up his hand. “Wait, they’re paying your rent? Did you pick this place or them?” 
Logan wandered back towards the bed and searched for his clothes. “My boss did. Why?” 
Remus and Janus glanced at each other. Mouth full, Remus snickered and asked, “Why the hell would she choose this place?” 
“Uh.” Logan frowned as he pulled on his pants. “Is there something wrong with this place?” 
“Of course not. I run the perfect building.” Janus put a finger over Remus’ lips. “Eat, Remus.”
Sometimes Virgil had dreams about his mom. She looked different in each one. Occasionally there was a petite blonde with a mug of vanilla coffee, sometimes a bold woman with purple hair. He didn’t always recognize who was currently modelling her, but sometimes it was teachers he’d connected with, women picking up his classmates. She always had the same voice— Soft, a little scratchy, firm. He could never understand what she was saying, but it was soothing. 
“I’ll be right back.” 
Logan frowned and straightened up. “Where are you going?” 
“Just for a walk.” He shut the door behind him.
wow those are some big excerpts i picked, sorry! anyway, tag list: 
@writinginslowmotion @energydeficient @notwritinganyflufftoday @clarence-writes @connieturnpenny @alextriestowritestuff @smokedstorybara @fantasy-penman @emerysilvertonwriteblr @writingessance
And your words are dream, rose, brain, voice, heart 
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maxgrayarchived · 4 years
find the word tag game hell yeah
tagged by @spacetimewraithwrites <3 
my words are very interesting, let’s see where i can find these lol. 
Inside was cold. A broken bell clinked above the door, doing nothing to raise the head of the supposed receptionist. 
He was a lanky white boy made of all angles and bones. Logan cleared his throat three times before he looked up.
“Fight them,” [Remus commanded.] “Fight them until you can get to the door.” 
Nightmare bended a long strand of shadow into a sword. As he swung at Ditto, Ditto jumped to the side and shifted into a butterfly. He zoomed behind Nightmare and shifted back into himself. 
“You missed!”
The doorbell rang. 
Roman trudged down the stairs, knowing Ophelia had her hearing aid out. He hoped it wouldn’t be anyone he would be too embarrassed by seeing him in his Beauty and the Beast onesie. 
It was Logan. 
He tried to ignore his face growing hot as Logan stared at him in surprise, then confusion. They just shook their head. “Can I…” They cleared their throat. They were carrying a backpack. “Can I stay here for a bit?”
“You never told us what happened with Nightmare,” Roman pointed out after a moment of silence. Logan’s heart lurched. “Did your powers fail or something?”
Logan focused on the warm of Roman’s arm around them, doing so little against the cruel cold that it was funny. But they still felt protected, still felt important. Still a little excited. 
So, they lied. “Yeah. They failed.”
Janus leaned on the desk with his chin in his hands. Logan’s eyes widened, his breath hitching. 
“You really have a lot of faith in me, huh?” 
Logan’s face flushed. As much as he tried to stop himself, his eyes drifted down to Janus’ mouth— his lips were painted gunmetal gray. 
“Uh-huh,” he managed. 
Janus grinned. “Big mistake,” he whispered. He pulled away and headed into his office, calling, “Be ready in five!” 
The door clicked closed.
these were super weird and specific words and i loved it lmao. 
tagging the people on my writeblr tag list: 
@writinginslowmotion @energydeficient @notwritinganyflufftoday @clarence-writes @connieturnpenny @alextriestowritestuff @smokedstorybara @fantasy-penman @emerysilvertonwriteblr @writingessance
And your words are: coffee, gray, ghost, storm, and bruise 
And because of the very specific vibes of those words, I’m also tagging @shaelinwrites
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maxgrayarchived · 4 years
Last Line Tag
tagged by @spacetimewraithwrites! This is a good tag, thanks for thinking of me <3 
I’m currently drafting another fanfic project, an angel/demon au that should be nine chapters long. Here’s what I just wrote in chapter two: 
“Keep it shut ‘till I cue you in.” Janus smiled and waved to Marie before they headed up the stairs. 
Logan went to knock, but Janus covered his hand with his own. He brought his finger to his lips and pressed his ear against the door. 
He stared at Janus incredulously. “Seriously?” He whispered. 
Janus waved him off. After half a second, Logan followed his lead. 
Councilwoman Curie’s voice— sharp, with the lightest touch of a French accent —snapped between fits of typing. “No, I’m not arguing with you anymore. Just move the date, Jasmine. If you don’t, then I guess it’ll just be a no-show, because I’m unavailable that day. I mean it.” 
“She’s in a bad mood,” Janus murmured. “That’ll make this harder. Don’t step in ‘till I tell you to.” 
He straightened up and knocked on the door. 
tagging my writeblr tag list: 
@energydeficient @notwritinganyflufftoday @clarence-writes @connieturnpenny @alextriestowritestuff @smokedstorybara @fantasy-penman @emerysilvertonwriteblr @writingessance
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