#conrart reynfrey
ariparri · 5 months
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Time to share some facts on Raina Rosare and Conrart Reynfrey, Rukka's parents.
Agh I cringe at my old art (╬ಠิ益ಠิ)
Old Post from 2019
Tagging you two again ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ @chrystabelleblaumferge @st4rryyaeris
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Raina's first love, Conrart, was a guard amongst Zaeneya's royal army. He was a calm and kind-hearted person who sworn to protect the Zaeneya Kingdom at all costs. He was often seen with a smile and usually spoke with a gentle voice. Conrart was the Captain of the royal army, and from a young age, he was raised among adults to be diligent and take care of military affairs. In fact, he will often put the safety of Zaeneya ahead of taking care of himself, so that he is so busy looking after the people and protecting the kingdom that he forgets about his own life and needs.
Raina earned the title of Zaeneya's Flower not only for her appearance, but also for her kind-loving nature. She was one of the few demons who accepted any race with open arms, and treated everyone with so much care as if they were her own children. Raina is seen as, the mother to all, often taking care of poor souls who were casted out of their homes, allowing them sanctuary into her nation until they’re able to get back onto their feet. She was admired by those around her, and although those who were against relationships with other species were vocal on their disagreement with her, they still admit to being attracted to the queen’s beauty. She also values having fun, and not taking life too seriously. She can laugh at her own flaws, and the silliest of jokes, even making a few of her own to help ease her subordinates or guests in her palace so they don’t feel out of place or nervous.
And so Conrart was very attracted to Raina's warmth. When he was around her, he turned into a normal man not burdened by the threat of war. And in turn, Raina fell for him. Despite their roles, Conrart and Raina got married and had two children, Rukka and Barius. After a war against one of the neighboring nations, Conrart never returned, and no one knows of his whereabouts. Even as the two siblings are older, both holding their own share of responsibilities to Zaeneya with Rukka taking after her father with the military and Barius handling politics, Raina still holds strong love for Conrart. She never remarried as she claims Conrart was her one true love. Her devotion to Conrart, and their beliefs for their children to marry the ones they truly love, was strong enough to abolish arranged marriages within the kingdom. She was truly happy with her husband and wishes her children to be happy too and find their own love the way she did with Conrart.
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ariparri · 5 years
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Something I drew for a contest in Amino.
The first image shows Rukka’s parents, Conrart Reynfrey and Raina Rosare having fun dancing in the rain. While the second image shows Francis Barcellas and Rukka Rosare slow dancing in the rain.
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ariparri · 3 years
I have made a header image for my Tumblr, now involving my main OCs from some of my favorite fandoms along with the OC that started it off right in the center.
It was originally supposed to be one banner, but me adding more work for myself, loves to make things complicated and made separate ones for all of them. Each OC’s banner has their name and the title or nickname they’re referred by.
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Rukka Rosare, the very first OC I ever made. In Azure Bloom, she's known by many names, one being the Crescent Moon Princess. Rukka is a princess of the kingdom Draugruya. The crescent moon plays into the name due to the moon pendant she wears all the time. The pendant was given to her by her father, Conrart Reynfrey, on the day she was born. Which was also the day a crescent moon would rise.
Besides the pendant, Rukka seems to make apprearances in the night rather than during the day. During the day, she's always hiding away in her own study working on reports and other things. At night, she's out on missions since the darkness gives her more leverage in her attacks. Rukka can manipulate shadows, so fighting at night gives her a major advantage against enemies.
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In Saian's banner, she has a wisteria theme. Her entire character revolves around the wisteria, in fact the name Fujino means wisteria field.
Saian represents the wisteria, a stunning looking purple blossom from Japan. Most had considered her to be rather harmless, but they were far from the truth. Saian welcomes anyone near her with open arms and a gentle smile on her face. But once they're close enough for her to touch, they're already caught in her deadly, sadistic trap.
Historically, Wisteria symbolizes long-life and immortality. Wisteria can live up to 100 years or even older. It’s no wonder this plant has gained such illustrious symbolism. It is a magnificent plant with impressive growth, high longevity, great beauty and intoxicating fragrance. In Japanese Kabuki theater, the symbolism for the Wisteria is Love, Sensuality, Support, Sensitivity, Bliss and Tenderness. Wisterias may be beautiful, but they can be quite toxic. All parts of the plant are poisonous, but it is most often the seeds or seed pods that are ingested.
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Although she wasn’t the first oc I made in Samurai Warriors, she instantly became my favorite because I like ninjas. Ninjas are cool.
She has two banners due to her last name changing from Mizuno to Katō after her marriage with Katō Kiyomasa.
For Kana, she was given the nickname Viridescent Cyclone. This is mainly due to her aura and color being green. And the cyclone part of her nickname comes from her weapon, the three in one windmill blades. With her weapon, and ninjutsu, she is able to create a giant green vortex to attack her enemies.
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In Haruna’s banner, her nickname is Lethal Beauty. Her name gives off a soft and sweet sounding tone, which makes people believe that she is harmless. She can appear to be sweet and loving to people, including her enemies, though that’s usually a facade she puts on to keep conversations going in the middle of the fight. Haruna actually can be an aggressive person, especially in a fight as she doesn’t fight fair.
While Haruna does keep up a sweet and cheerful persona, she isn’t one to hold back when the time comes. As mentioned above, Haruna can be aggressive, being a Bleach OC and all Haruna has immense strength.
Haruna is highly experience with kidō and so all her attacks can be infused with kidō to add more force to the impact. She can even infuse kidō into her hands to create a huge impact by flicking someone in the head.
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In Veruca’s banner, her nickname ‘The Wolf’s Shadow’ refers to a number of things within her character. The wolf represents the Mac Uáid family, most specifically the family patronus. Each member of the Mac Uáid has a different wolf as their patronus.
In regards to Veruca’s nickname, the Shadow part refers to Veruca being in Coby’s shadow throughout her beginnings at Hogwarts with how everyone constantly compared her to Coby whether it was good or bad.
It also refers to her patronus. Both Veruca and Coby have the Arctic Wolf patronus, where Coby’s is the alpha and Veruca’s own is the shadow of the alpha Arctic Wolf. The shadow can be seen more in a negative or sensitive side compared to the alpha.
You can read more about Veruca’s patronus in this post here!
MC Patronus
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In Airong’s banner, her nickname is The Red Hornet. Airong’s theme and symbolism is based off actual red hornets. The red is not only Airong’s aura and color, but the color of the kingdom she serves in.
Airong is known as the red hornet due to her quick speed and agility, along with her fast and deadly strikes. Like hornets, the one underlying factor which makes Airong so dangerous is her ‘stings.’ Getting struck by Airong can be fatal, especially when her blades are coated in poison. Being an assassin, Airong is also pretty fast and stealthy. Outrunning her may be near damn impossible.
There’s an alternative to her nickname being ‘The Tiger’s Hornet.’ A reference to being the personal guard and assassin for the Sun Family in the Kingdom of Sun Wu. Sun Jian, was known as the Tiger of Jiangdong.
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ariparri · 6 years
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Rukka Rosare is one of the main characters in Azure Bloom, or Konpeki no Hana. She’s the second child to Raina Rosare and Conrart Reynfrey, and the sister to Ari (placeholder name) and Raizo. Rukka is one of the dedicated members to Grim Watchtowers, and the love interest to Francis Barcellas.
Rukka holds an emotionless expression majority of the time, making it seem like she isn’t a caring person. She’s very straightforward and assertive, not taking any person's actions so lightly. There are times when she can be a bit dull, making her allies feel awkward when they try to make a joke and she’s hardly laughing. Whenever she does show any sort of emotion, it’s gone as soon as it came. But, Rukka does have a heart, although she expresses it in a way that isn’t exactly comforting.
In spite of her expressionless demeanor, she is prone to react passionately about threats to those few she deeply cares about such as Spike, Pheabe and, later on, Francis Barcellas. She even goes as far as to shed tears openly after seeing Spike's body laying amongst the ruins during a battle.
One of the official artworks for Azure Bloom is finally done!
I got a whole lot more to do, however I need to give all the other OCs new designs before I can work on theirs.
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