#considering that ik the interaction is very low
mydemonsdrivealimo · 1 year
please send me some asks of anything art or writing wise you wanna see from the priate au!! im trying to muscle through the last of the second chapter before the end of the month :)
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ravenbloodshot · 5 months
Jack Grealish (Soccer Player).... Personality Reading
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He gives off very introverted-extroverted vibes. When he's alone, he remains alone. But when he's around others, he interacts and engages wholeheartedly. I low-key feel like he's someone who doesn't make friends easily or at least doesn't consider ppl his friend easily. He's definitely more of a loner than others realize, probably bc of what I said above. He's not the type to be standoffish when ppl are around him, he talks and jokes around, but truly befriending others. Not likely.
This guy is very independent and in his own world/space. He's someone that can look quite intimidating if you see him chilling on his own (I saw a scene of him sitting on a bus with his headphones in and others, I assume soccer teammates, walking by him kind of afraid to sit by him). He could have resting bitch face when he doesn't smile or the type to look upset even when he's not.
There is something cool about him. I get a "ik who I am" aura from him. Although as cool as he is, this type of aura doesn't come from living an easy life. He most definitely has had a rougher childhood than most
When I first said his name while pulling cards, I "accidentally," said Drake. It reminded me of Drake Bell, the Nickelodeon child star that was assaulted and abused. Idk if Jack was a childstar himself or just had a really bad childhood, but I sadly see a similar situation.
Jack may be quite manipulative and play victim at times to get his way. Although, he may actually go through a lot and have shitty shit happen to him. He may use that to make excuses for himself, like "ik I drink too much and it's affecting how I practice and ultimately my teammates as well, but Im really dealing with a lot."
Wow...this guy has a VERY strong intuition, could be a strong manifester as well. He's the type of person to unintentionally predict or speak things into existence. You guys know how when you're calling off of work and you give an untrue excuse, he's the type to call in saying like "oh, my dad's in the hospital so I can't come in" and later that actually comes true. He can go quite far with this gift, but he can also cause a lot of destruction. I think he will use it carefully, if he was aware of it. It's possible he spoke his successful career into existence.
I looked it up to see if he has a girlfriend/wife bc I was picking up on some interesting vibes. Turns out he does, but unfortunately, he's not very faithful, and is likely very good at hiding his secret escapades. Even if his girl finds out, she's not the type to expose him, and neither are his secret lovers, so his public image will never take a hit (not for this at least). He does all of this sleeping around to fill some type of void. Definitely, a guy who needs therapy.
Princess Diana by Ice Spice is a song that fits this reading's energy
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diarygirls · 2 years
do u have any suggestions on how to . meet people? ive never been approached by anyone/never even gone on a date but im 22 and so lonely and scared of dating apps:(( any suggestions on how i can Put Myself Out There
<3 sending love & a sympathetic ear because i was in a similar situation myself in my early 20s and it felt so lonely even though from talking to others i know it’s actually not so unusual. sometimes i feel like the prevalence of dating apps has made dating this activity that’s entirely separate from the rest of your life / your social circle and it’s actually reduced the amount of casual dating we do in early adulthood. hmm anyway some suggestions:
for making friends in general: in my experience the easiest way to make friends is to pick an interest or activity + regularly show up where people do it. work or university are two obvious examples but there’s also rec sports leagues, online meetup groups for hobbies, trivia or open mic nights at local bars, bouldering/climbing gym or another specialized sports studio, martial arts studio, group art class, knitting circles, book clubs, volunteering … all good ways to expand your social circle + also valuable in themselves! it can feel intimidating to do things solo but people are pretty receptive to chatting especially if they’re also by themselves or maybe just 2 or 3 people. additionally bumble has a BFF mode that’s specifically for platonic connections & i have a very wonderful friend who i met from there so it might be worth a try.
and all of these ^^ situations (except bumble BFF) are good ways to meet people to date too! the only thing is for some reason in my experience, you rarely meet people to date when that’s your only goal from the interaction. like, i’ve been in social situations (outside of like bars/clubs where it’s the norm) where you can just tell that someone is only looking at new people as potential romantic interests or hookups and it just puts more pressure on every interaction. so like get out and do things and meet people, allow yourself to be open to them, if they’re cute + available feel free to flirt but don’t discount the interaction if it doesn’t turn romantic yknow?
oh also tell your friends you want to start dating! you might not want to date your close friends but they probably know someone who knows someone who you’d like to date. i’ve even been on a blind date that a friend set up for me and while it didn’t go anywhere it was still nice + less nerve-wracking than app dates because we at least had a common interest and a single shared connection. tbh in my experience NO ONE will support your dating adventures as much as your friends who have been happily partnered and in love for years, because they want everyone else to be in love, and they need the gossip.
finally ik you said you’re scared of dating apps but they’re not all bad! i think dating apps can be a good option for adults not in a university setting esp if you just want to meet a lot of people with low stakes. i think a lot of people (myself included) considering meeting someone on an app as less “real” than a cute meeting irl but the reality is a lot of single people you meet irl will also be on apps. i had a thing w this guy from an app and we ran into each a year later at a party and realized we had mutual friends and it was this nice realization like oh we would’ve met anyway. and i know a lot of people who are in relationships that started on apps! do what you’re comfy with of course but they’re always an option.
and of course goes without saying that there is so much love and romance to be had in life without a partner, that you can find so much joy and care and growth through friends family passions etc, that timelines are not real and that all experiences will come in time but you’ve probably heard that a lot, i know i did and do. but saying it again in case u need to hear it 🤍
hope some of these ideas resonate w u - ik it’s been a couple months since you asked so maybe it’ll just help someone else in a similar situation. good luck! <3
finally i know you said scared of dating apps but they’re actually not all bad and i think for adults who aren’t in university it’s a great way to just kind of dip your foot in the dating pool. plus i think a lot of us (me included) tend to romanticize irl meetings when the reality is a lot of people you’d meet in a cute way irl will also be on dating apps, i had a thing w someone from an app and a year later we ran into each other at a party and realized we had mutual friends and it was a nice reminder like ok well we would’ve met anyway, just on a later timeline. i know lots of people who are in relationships that started on them too. dating apps are also real life!!!
maybe some these ideas will resonate with you, ik it’s been a couple months since you sent it so maybe it’ll just help someone else in a similar situation. good luck out there 💗
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deceptive-daydreams · 11 months
so I just finished reading flight of icarus….spoilers below with my immediate thoughts that I just wanted to word vomit (please be nice🥲)
honestly when I first started reading I wasn’t vibing with it very hard but as I got further I loved learning about Eddie’s past (ik it’s not necessarily considered canon)
anyway I came here to say that my FAVORITE part was Eddie talking to little Will in the record shop. I was near tears dude
also….?? Eddie has been through so much shit?????? Like clearly we all picked up on that but holy fuck. I want to scoop him up into a giant hug and just love on him for the rest of his life cause it’s all he deserves
ALSO I think Ronnie was one of my favorite characters 🥹
WAIT AND THEN THE WAYNE INTERACTIONS I WANT TO SOB. That man has unconditionally loved Eddie through everything 🥺
I will say I was iffy about his relationship with Paige the whole time just because I constantly felt like she was going to do something shady. Which in my personal opinion, she kinda did? To me she kinda started using Eddie, needing him to be the next big thing and all and I think she genuinely did like him but there was just a bit of a power imbalance there and I think she low key used that to her advantage too. Other than she was a cool character, it was really nice that she paid Eddie’s bail.
overall I really ended up enjoying it and was so captivated by the storyline between him and his dad and the whole job they did together, I was like oh shit what’s gonna happen now
anyway I know there was a lot of shit going on and words being said about this book. I think we can treat it as any other piece of fiction and if you don’t like it, simply don’t read it but there’s no need to berate others for enjoying it.
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dnangelic · 11 months
dark is like. fine? like ik it's probably not even a big deal to 99% of other muses that he's not human but whenever i describe him in my writing as ugly or monstrous even though he's hottie mchottie to some people and (simultaneously [literally] an unimaginably gorgeous work of art,) that 'ugliness' is always his own feelings about himself coming through. dark is nothing but he wants to be someone. instead he's trapped as a curse on the niwa's line, and he hates the fact about himself. he knows he's always getting in the niwa's way, he knows they pretty much want him gone, if anybody ic-ly chews dark out or hates him for being a monster or attached to daisuke or being an 'awful person,' then he won't even deny or fight any of it because frankly, he agrees. (and so does daisuke have these sorts of guilty thoughts about his own self; they both know in the eyes of the majority what they're doing is wrong.)
BUT. i wanted to write a meta about dark n daisuke's feelings of responsibility especially and how dark, even though he COULD have just carelessly fucked off n around after his birth and the cultural revolution (aka when artworks started being destroyed bc they were deemed too dangerous) dark instead took responsibility (feeling like he personally set off the destruction of so much) and started trying to steal in an attempt to protect what he could. he doesn't EVER talk about any of this with daisuke, even though daisuke shares the exact same trait: when daisuke can't do anything to stop certain incidents, (or simply feels like he should be doing more) he still takes responsibility for them and often apologizes for his ineptitude, case in point:
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it's this same sense of incapability that also subtly slips into their helpless frustrations and occasional angry outbursts, (a la: why am i always so useless?!) but with dark in particular, the issue of his being something 'else' compared to the majority (that fundamentally can't intimately interact with them) does weigh on him as much as the fact that the very act of his being brought into existence had led to the destruction of so much. daisuke's very obvious with his sense of low self esteem calling himself a loser and a klutz, but dark's is subtle since he tends to present himself as arrogant and egotistical- and he is! but only, only when it comes to this theft and theatrical phantom thief image. outside of it, outside of his fame and his command of aesthetics, he genuinely does consider himself something ugly and meant to be isolated.
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i-call-me-clarence · 6 months
Thank you so so so much for the advice on how to deal with fibro!!! I really appreciate it!!! I am going to try out as much of that as I can asap. Um last question, if that's okay, should I be worried about any of the things you listed interacting badly?? Ik there can be outside stuff but just from that list?
Good question! I didn’t even think about that but I should’ve included it.
Okay so Benadryl and Kratom together could make you more tired. I’ve found one post just now that suggested it may even be fatal (I have no idea the doses of each they were taking but they had a serious drug problem, and as people take insane amounts of Kratom and Benadryl to get off other drugs I’m betting it was a lot of both. Also I can’t verify whether this post was genuine or not). I’ve personally taken benedryl and Kratom many many times and been fine, but I have a very high tolerance for Benadryl due to allergies (and now using it to numb my stomach) and I am very used to my level of Kratom. So mix at your own risk.
Don’t use arnicare or tigers balm or lidocaine patches with the TENS machine. You don’t want to numb an area and then electrocute it. Also you need the area your placing the electrodes on to be dry, tigers balm leaves a greasy gel film over the skin for a long while. Here is a site about the dos and don’t of TENS machines: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/transcutaneous-electrical-nerve-stimulation-tens/
Don’t use a heating pad on an area you have numbed. Though I suggest a cloth heating pad filled with rice or whatever and different herbs that you microwave to get warm, both that and an electric heating pad can cause burns, even if you can’t feel them right away. If you’re numb then the chances of being burned are greater. Make sure to check your skin at least every fifteen minutes and consider disuse after 10-30 min. Using the heating pad for longer (30 min) tends to help more with chronic pain.
Green tea mixed with a stimulate dose of Kratom can have adverse effects. Both stimulate you which can lead to heart palpitations, excessive sweating, restlessness, paranoia, sense of doom. You would have to drink a lot of caffeine (green tea) to have this effect with the small stimulate dose of Kratom. Make sure you know how green tea and the stimulate dose of Kratom will affect you and mix in small doses and at your own risk. Personally I have never had any adverse side effects even after several cups of green tea and then adding Kratom (helps with fatigue quite a bit actually). Just know your body and take it slow.
Don’t mix arnicare, tigers balm, and lidocaine. I’ve never done it but I know mixing topical gels can irritate the skin.
Cannabis and Kratom can interact by increasing the sedating effects and a ‘high’ feeling. I wouldn’t suggest edibles and Kratom unless you really know how it affects you and start at low doses of each. Kratom in high doses (higher than pain relief dose) can cause a high feeling. Mixing with Cannabis can be crazy. Personally I do this because my fibro is out of control. Just used it (edibles and Kratom) an hour ago to kill the flare up that happened due to the eclipse (idk why I’m guessing it has something to do with sundowning and my body being confused. How are you doing btw? Did you flare up too?) ALSO edibles can cause you to trip. Like an acid trip. I did not know this until my QPR partner experienced it first hand (he did take 200mg second time ever doing edibles, (and the first ones were weak)and fourth time ever using cannabis products, before had been flower and he was fine. So perhaps the dose played a part).
Benadryl and cannabis products can increase the drowsy effect of both products. Unless you’re one of the unlucky ones where cannabis causes paranoia, and the Benadryl does the weird thing where it stimulates you instead of puts you to sleep (rare but happens, very annoying happened to me last night and caused horrible restless legs) (btw Benadryl can cause restless legs), then the paranoia will be much worse.
Don’t exercise with a lidocaine patch on or while you’re still feeling the effects of it. You could easily injure yourself.
I don’t know if various mushrooms interact with Kratom, Benadryl, cannabis or even green tea. I bet it’s a case by case basis. Make sure to do your research before combining.
All that said this is only the advice from a dude on the internet who also deals with chronic pain. My experiences may not hold true for you. Make sure to do your research before combining or using any of the things I have suggested. I can only do my best in trying to warn you of things, but I may very well have missed something. If you want to talk more you can send another ask or say hi in my dms. Always ready to give another spoonie advice or an ear to listen.
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chaos-and-cookies · 1 year
i finally saw the barbie movie yesterday with my bf and best friend
while cute and fun and i liked the plot a lot, i think it falls victim to something I've seen a few modern movies fall victim to, and that's very unnatural dialogue randomly thrown in in order to say/teach a message but it just always feels so unnatural when delivered (by no fault of the actors) and comes across as someone quoting a twitter post or lecturer's powerpoint. And with that said, i see why so many ppl were calling Barbie the feminism 101 movie. Because half of the dialogue feels like it was ripped straight from a feminist activist's twitter page rather than natural dialogue you could imagine coming from 2 actual people talking irl. Like i understand it's a movie so not every movie is going to have "natural" speech patterns, sure, BUT i also shouldn't feel like the characters are speaking like my old sociology professors giving a lecture from my women's studies courses lol.
I first saw this weird dialogue stuff happen in The Blackening, a black horror comedy movie, and didn't think too much about it considering it was an indie movie and all and it was only a few times, but when huge budget movies like BARBIE is having these weird twittery "chronically online" type of speech patterns thru the entire movie I think it's time to point it out and question it a lil bit. Because you know once a billion dollar movie like barbie did it it's definitely going to become a trend. I just? I feel like there's better ways to put a message into a movie without feeling like I'm in my college lecture halls again with how academic they talk. And this is ALSO why so many conservatives try to trash on things like this simply because it's low hanging fruit to pick apart because they're using terms they know they dont like and won't bother to actually learn the message being said because they used words like feminism and patriarchy thru the entire thing. So the ppl that need to hear/learn the feminism 101 messages will blalantly refuse to learn it simply because of the language used and the way they spoke you know?
Idk. Sorry for the rant. Barbie truly was a good movie but the dialogue just truly did bother me with how unnatrual and weird it was to me. And? Idk like ik they're dolls and a lot of the movie is supposed to give the "kids playing with dolls" feel, but once they're in the real world that doesn't rly apply i think? And also a lot of things felt like they were playing in jepoardy in a way? Like once barbie said "i feel afraid without any direct thing to be afraid about" and a random mom walked by and she said "that's anxiety!". Like what 😭 that feels like a jeopardy question not a human interaction! I understand she was only in the real world for a few hours at that point but still?? This was almost a repeating pattern of speech as well and i just??? Maybe its because i used to write a lot in my early 20s and teens and it was very dialogue based fanfics so maybe thats why its bothering me *especially* cuz it was a hobby of mine for so long but i just... i just rly hope this kinda speech pattern of dialogue doesn't catch on. I don't need movies to all feel like every human interaction came off twitter instead of genuine humans communicate irl 🥲
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theoculus124 · 1 year
I'm bored- No one asked but I'mma answer a bunch of questions from an ask game
0: Height - I think I'm 5ft 4
1: Age - 16
2: Shoe size - size 5, but mainly depends on the shoe brand
3: Do you smoke? - nope
4: Do you drink? - nope
5: Do you take drugs? - nope
6: Age you get mistaken for - 17/18
7: Have tattoos? - nope
8: Want any tattoos? - YESS, I have a whole pinterest board of tattoo ideas
9: Got any piercings? - Used to but now I don't
10: Want any piercings? - Kinda, but at the same time I'm terrified cause I have a stupidly low pain tolerance
11: Best friend? - I have many :) Honestly we could interact once on tumblr and I would consider u my bsf lol
12: Relationship status - single
13: Biggest turn ons - Idk if this means like relationship, or sexual way? But I'mma just take it as relationship way and say honestly being nice and I'll be happy forever
14: Biggest turn offs - being mean for no reason :/, or telling me to stop being sensitive or making fun of my weight, or making fun of my neurodivergent habits etc
15: Favorite movie - don't really have 1 movie that's my fave I love the greatest showman, I love the MHA movies, Ready Player One, Last Avatar, Marvel movies, Disney movies (Also I just saw there's a Bo Burnham movie so that'll probably be in the list once I watch it)
16: I’ll love you if… you're nice :)
17: Someone you miss - I moved house some years ago but I have some close friends where I grew up so I'll probably see them during the summer
18: Most traumatic experience - I have no clue, I also don't know if anything I've gone through counts as drama or if I'm being dramatic and catastrophising the situation. I'd say probably catholic camp that was awful
19: A fact about your personality - I'm unfiltered so idc what the topic of convo is about u can talk to me about anything and I won't judge you ever <3
20: What I hate most about myself - Being so sensitive. Ik I can't help it but still it still sucks so much, mixed with my constant need for hugs/physical affection is like the worst combo lmfao
21: What I love most about myself - I will be a massive simp for u platonically or romantically <3
22: What I want to be when I get older - I'll probably be an engineer, but I also want to be a therapist part time
23: My relationship with my sibling(s) - isn't horrendous but we don't talk much :/
24: My relationship with my parent(s) - it's been alr rn but it's very up and down, some things they say is really hurtful and it's hard to decide upon me being the overly sensitive one or not
25: My idea of a perfect date - Hugs and food and a gay show, and then staying up until late hours of the night just talking about ourselves etc
26: My biggest pet peeves - people who get mad at u for crying at how they've treated by saying "just chill" "you're overreacting" I hate it so much
27: A description of the girl/boy I like - Wilhem from Young royals. Not a desc but still I don't think I need to expand on that lol
28: A description of the person I dislike the most - bigots, terfs, racists -- those kinds of people
29: A reason I’ve lied to a friend - I don't remember the last time I've lied to a friend
30: What I hate the most about work/school - overwhelming pressure and work
31: What my last text message says - I love you
32: What words upset me the most - hearing the word fat triggers me, I understand it's used as a descriptor and that it's being reclaimed as something neutral not negative but because growing up I got called fat in a negative way I only have negative connotations with it therefore I just get so upset when people say that even if they don't mean it in a bad way (Idk if that makes sense but yh)
33: What words make me feel the best about myself - I love u, beautiful
34: What I find attractive in women - physically Idc at all, like I don't have a type of person I'll be into Idc what ur hair colour, body type, face structure/feature are I'll be into you if you have a great personality
35: What I find attractive in men - physically Idc at all, like I don't have a type of person I'll be into Idc what ur hair colour, body type, face structure/feature are I'll be into you if you have a great personality
36: Where I would like to live - probably in a city, but also I don't want anywhere too loud
37: One of my insecurities - My body image
38: My childhood career choice - I don't remember I think artist
39: My favorite ice cream flavor - anything chocolate <3
40: Who I wish I could be - Nick Nelson or Torii from heartstopper
41: Where I want to be right now - I'd love to see my friends and I'd also love to meet up with tumblr mutuals
42: The last thing I ate - coffee? If that doesn't count ice cream
43: Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately - I have no clue so many people are attractive
44: A random fact about anything - Boston marriages used to be a thing where two wealthy women would get married so they wouldn't have to share their finances with men :) Got shut down when people realised lesbians exist
There ya go I answered all the questions unprompted :)
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vtoriacore · 1 year
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WAAA IM GLAD U LIKE HIM!!!1 he quite literally skates throughout the lounge’s waiting area with little roller skaties, would probably try to cartwheel onto one
generally his interactions with Azul r either very affectionate or buggy, sometimes he’ll just linger around him or stuff, sort of like a barnacle or parasite that’s clutched on. Other times he’ll try to do things to catch his attention, such as causing chaos in the kitchen or lounge on purpose. When they were kids, I like to think that he used to knock on Zul’s octo pot until he got out or said hi to him :3
for the tweels he follows them around like a little duck waddling after it’s mother,
With Floyd he’s very rough housey!! As in ‘tackle hug at first sight, I will shove you onto the ground and give you the biggest squeeze ever’,,, definitely wrestle together but they’re generally good siblings! Lyn often tries to muck around with him during lounge shifts
With Jade, he mostly asks him to help him with his hand writing or speech, (as I’m a firm believer in the coral sea having a different language n such,,, clicky clicky Mer language makes the brain go yippee). Sometimes he’ll even ask to go hiking with Jade, or hunting for pretty shells.
Onto that!! Lyn will sometimes wander back through the mirror after going for a few hours, completely sopping wet, there is kelp in his hair!!! Sand in his clothes,,, but look he got you a shiny thing!
IAODNAKKDF IM GONNA FUCKING LOSE IT THATS SO CUTE !!! BRO COMES BACK AFTER A DIVE WITH KELP IN HIS HAIR AND THEN YOU PULL OUT A STARCONCH OR SMTH FOR GOOD MEASURE. I'm adopting him by the way he's so precious he's so cute he's so wahhhhhhh crying crying crying he's such a little menace a little gremlin child I love lyn bro !!
AND HELLO HIM AND FLOYD LOW-KEY PLAY FIGHTING? THATS SO CUTE !! i can imagine the chaotic sibling intercations and Azul just being like "just don't break the tables . . . " Knowing he cannot stop them in the lounge and JADE TEACHING HIM MER LANGUAGE YESSSS (I also believe mers have their own diff languages and that they just adopted more commonly spoken human ones for trade reasons and such :3) and him coaxing a shy little azul out of his octopot because he wanted to say hi ??? TEARS IN MY EYES GOD DAMN IT THATS ADORABLE??? ik Azul would only be pretending to feel annoyed but considers lyn like an actual close person to him wahhhhhh !! until he destroys the kitchen maybe ? that'd be so funny. and oh my god esp if he teamed up w floyd to mayhaps cause some chaos ???
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harryfeatgaga · 8 months
omfg Paige ik you and your anons are probably the wrong ppl to ask/tell about this but oh well 💀 so basically i’m following a few new ppl on twitter and i low-key thought these new mutuals were shading me for something that, in my opinion, is not a big deal and a pretty fucking dumb thing to be mad about. i posted a couple of slight thirst tweets about an actor i like which a) were actually VERY tame all things considered.....like i have definitely thought worse tbh and b) it was also kinda about his character (but also the guy himself too cause he’s hot)..........ANYWAYS it was a few hours later that i saw these tweets so it could’ve just been a coincidence and had nothing to do with my tweets but i saw these mutuals saying that they thought it was “weird” to be “sexualizing” this actor and someone else said something about how “there is a difference between sexualizing the character and actor” or whatever like 😭😭 and i knowww it’s not a big deal cause twitter drama is always SO unserious and literally who gives a fuck but idk...........at first it made me feel kinda bad cause i was like “well they are clearly shaming me here” but then afterwards it was just like ???? again WHO GIVES AF i mean i definitely wasn’t trying to make anybody uncomfortable or whatever but there is a reason i don’t interact with or follow ppl under 18 (these mutuals aren’t btw) 😭 also like.....yeah some ppl with their nsfw jokes and thirsting can sometimes get out of hand imo but again i thought my tweets were pretty tame tbh and it’s not like i was commenting all of this shit under the guy’s insta or in his dms or sending it to his gf or whatever 😭😭 also idk how else to word this so i hope nobody takes this the wrong way but ???? the guy is a pretty famous celebrity and a very handsome one at that so like 😭 OFC ppl are gonna notice and point it out like i dont think there’s anything wrong with that at all and besides ppl are always posting crazy shit about his characters like ???? yeah it’s a little different but IT IS STILL THE SAME GUY!!!!!! LIKE.......THATS HIS BODY, THATS HIS FACE, THATS STILL HIM 😭😭😭 idk i just wish twitter could let me live in peace 😭💀💀
Im sorry bestie! I wouldn't let it bother like you said a few times is just twitter and twitter is very unserious lmao just block/mute etc and do your thing!
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hiraganasakura · 11 months
Haven't been online much recently bcus busy (and when I'm not I'm trying to do more productive things with my time than scroll Tumblr lol), but before I put out a fandom/OC post I wanna make, I first wanna put out this little PSA for my followers that I should've put out ages ago but for some reason it only just occurred to me to do:
Hi. If you support Israel rn then either educate yourself asap or unfollow me immediately (preferably even block me). I will not tolerate any interaction from ppl who are pro-genocide and pro-colonization. They fall under "bigots" on my dni. Them's the breaks
Ik I haven't been posting, reblogging, or even liking posts about the situation in Gaza, but that doesn't mean I'm not reading or not paying attention. It's just that there's genuinely nothing I'm realistically able to do about it in my current situation, irl or online, so putting it on my (escapist fandom) blog only works to stress me out, especially considering the fact that my very low follower count means that I don't help get those posts any traction (a fact I learned on my first, now deactivated, Tumblr blog a couple short years ago)
Therefore to completely clear the air and make my stance obvious, I'm just here to make this brief post telling you, my few followers, that I support a free Palestine, and if you don't like that either go do some digging to figure out what's rly happening or just leave my blog immediately
Due to the reasons explained above this will probably be your only post of this sort from me, but I just wanted to put this out there bcus it felt wrong to not do so the second I realized I probably should. I don't want to leave any ambiguity on where I stand here yk?
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coldvampire · 3 years
also while im at it. yes i have discussed this w my girlfriend before but re8 truly is just one nudge away from being the perfect sabbat setting. 
lady dimitrescu is a tzimisce bc like. of course she is what else would she be. 
i am tempted to say the same for her daughters but also they have the whole ‘turns into swam of flies’ thing going on so. gangrel maybe??
can gangrel do that. they can now. 
heisenberg is like beckett if he became completely unhinged. gangrel no arguments.
(actually i would love to see them just interacting. would love to study that.) 
(he might make a funny candidate for a ventrue actually now that i think about it. hm. much to consider.)
donna would be a malkavian. yes i am predictable yes i hc her as autistic yes i am projecting no i will absolutely not be taking criticisms. 
i also think she’d have a surprisingly low generation but generally prefers to do her own thing rather than get involved in anything that would actually show that. not for any real reason shes just. over it dfdgfhg
you’d think moreau would get tzimisce too right? yeah no my guy is just a very unfortunate nosferatu. i doubt a tzimisce would willingly inflict that sort of thing on themselves & have it cause them that much pain.
he does love his rat friends however i feel like he probably elects to feed on them before an actual human person and probably got some of them addicted to The Kiss fdgfhg
duke i flip flopped on a bit but ykw? toreador. he’s got an eye for quality. he seems like he would do well there.  
she’s no longer mother miranda but Archbishop Miranda. considered removing her from kindred politics entirely but a sabbat archbishop ruling over their domain Like That makes way too much sense actually. 
ik she’s got the wings but like. the traditional/non-antitribu lasombra idealogy seems to fit her well. 
ethan winters is once again either just Some Guy or One Very Unfortunate and Lost Thinblood. take your pick. 
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greywindys · 3 years
...who do you think has more chemistry in romantic sense with Bakugo? Midoriya or Kirishima?
Ooooo dangerous territory, anon. I say this because you're referencing, at least to my current knowledge, the two most popular Bakugou ships, and afaik, the communities are not on good terms lmao. I don't think anyone on this blog is that intense or even really cares, but in case someone does, I want to say that I come in peace. I just like talking about the potential dynamics between characters I like while I wait intently for chapter spoilers. These impressions are also subject to change because I'm still learning.
Okay, so the tl;dr is: It's a tie. The reader's preference is the tiebreaker.
Kirishima and Bakugou: Their dynamic, to me, is almost the perfect recreation of "the main character and their best friend who was there all along" that you see in a lot of early 2000s teen comedy movies. Idk if this is a hot take, but Kiri was Bakugou's first real friend. Like, I'm open to debate, but I feel like that's an objective fact. He's similar to Midoriya in that he holds a lot of admiration for Bakugou, but unlike Midoriya, he doesn't idolize him to the point of putting him up on a pedestal. He actually, iirc, doesn't like Bakugou very much at first, but we see him get to know and care about Bakugou as a person - not as a rival or a personal symbol of victory or subject to analyze/copy - over the course of the series.
And in response, Bakugou embraces him as a friend (wow, imagine that, you take the time to get to know someone, and not their reputation or your imagined version of them, and they like you!). Kiri's the only person he trusts enough to accept help from and spend time with outside of class (hiking, studying etc). And, ik I've said this before, but that's pretty significant for a character like Bakugou. My impression of Kiri is that he's honest, fearless and has a sensitive soul. And I think Bakugou respects that. This leans a little fanon, but I imagine he's had a lot of experience with people who give him disingenuous compliments with ulterior motives over the course of his life, so meeting Kiri, someone who's so open and patient with him, must have been a breath of fresh air. They are good for each other!
Unfortunately, from the Hori interviews I've read and seen referenced, their friendship was meant to be a stepping stone to get Bakugou closer to the class, specifically Midoriya. That bums me out a little because I think their dynamic comes so naturally, and it's so wholesome. Bakugou is a lot less stressed with Kiri, though their relationship isn't perfect, but it's mostly typical relationship troubles (communication, insecurity on Kiri's end, insensitivity on Bakugou's end). I have my fingers crossed that they'll interact more in upcoming chapter since they're at Kamino currently, but I'm not getting my hopes up since well...see the first sentence of this paragraph.
Midoriya and Bakugou: Ahh yes. The turbulent one...which is weird to say considering how wholesome Midoriya seems to be on his own lol. But that's what's so compelling about their dynamic - you start reading and get a superficial impression of what they are, but the further into the series you get and the more you think about it, the more you realize how complicate it really is. And actually, Midoriya isn't much of a cinnamon roll at all.
Like 2Doc, there are varying levels obsession and codependency here. Midoriya's low self-esteem compounded with his idolization of heroes and hero society contributes significantly to how he views and interacts with Bakugou. I feel like he's already thinking of Bakugou as a pro-hero as far back as in middle school, and treats him as such - someone he wishes he could be like but also wants to beat, but also someone he wants respect and friendship from. In turn, Bakugou responds harshly, not only because he can't quite figure out what the hell Midoriya truly wants, but also because he recognizes his selflessness and determination to save others very early on in their lives. He recognizes that Midoriya has qualities that make a good hero, qualities that he also lacks (initially). Midoriya's selflessness scares him, and I think he admits that out loud somewhere before the war arc (and oddly enough, we're seeing that perhaps he had a good reason to be scared in the current chapters...but that's a different discussion). As as result they start off in this volatile relationship where they don't understand each other, but can't get away from one another.
That being said, this story is about them and they are both very important to one another. That's indisputable, imo. You'll see different takes as to whether or not the build up to their impending reconciliation was well-executed. I'm of the opinion that overall, it was. Despite the odd ways he's expressed it, it's clear Midoriya has always cared about Bakugou and that he would do pretty much anything for him, and Bakugou over time, has realized how he misinterpreted Midoriya's attempts at friendship when they were younger and is trying to give him a chance to be a friend. There's no room to go over it all here, but they've been learning from each other over the entirety of the story, and will continue to learn from one another until the bitter end lol. Currently, their roles are essentially reversed, and we see Bakugou repeating lessons Midoriya used to try to teach him, back at him. That's some nice character development an angst right there. Bakugou is exponentially more stressed with Midoriya, but the feelings are also more intense, there's more drama...I'm still low-key hoping they fight again. Heh.
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violetwolfraven · 4 years
Some Kind of Disaster
A song fic that is part 2 to this. Basically, it’s an angsty sprace fic to Some Kind of Disaster by All Time Low. Mostly cause I felt guilty for breaking Race’s heart a little bit. Enjoy, y’all.
I'm a liar, I'm a cynic. I'm a sinner, I'm a saint. I'm a loser, I'm a critic. I'm the ghost of my mistakes. And it's all my fault that I'm still the one you want. What are you after? Some kind of disaster?
Spot felt numb as he walked back to the Lodging House.
It was Race.
They both had to be the stupidest sons if bitches who ever lived, because they’d known each other since Spot was 13 and Race was 12 and it had never registered in Spot’s mind that he knew most of his friends’ soulmarks, yet Race was his best friend and he’d never seen his. Never even considered that it might say his name.
I woke up from a never-ending dream. I shut my eyes at 17.
It had been 4 years.
How were they just finding this out now?
Probably because they were stupid. They were goddamn idiots and now everything was messed up.
I lost every moment in between. I felt the sun rise up and swallow me, yeah.
Replaying every interaction they’d had in the last 4 years, Spot guessed he wasn’t particularly surprised.
He’d started spending time with Race because he found him intriguing. No one else risked crossing a King of Brooklyn if they didn’t have to—even one who hadn’t been king very long—and then here came this cocky little shit who’d apparently been selling at Sheepshead for years and somehow managed to talk every Brooklyn kid who found out into not reporting him to whatever king happened to be in power.
When Spot did find out about him, he hadn’t been scared. Not even a little.
Even Jack Kelly, three-time Refuge escapee and all around badass (Spot would never say it to Kelly’s face, but he actually respected his fighting skills.) had a healthy respect for the Brooklyn crown. He knew that Spot could kill him if he needed to, and was understandably wary, even as the best fighter in Manhattan.
Race hadn’t shown any respect beyond the normal kind decent people showed other human beings.
And it's all my fault that I'm still the one you want.
So, Spot had always figured that was what had drawn him to Race. What had kept him running back to this gutsy Manhattan kid no matter how annoying he was sometimes or how many other friendships Spot had ended for his friends’ own sake.
And Spot had ended many friendships over the years. People close to you were just people for you to cry over when they inevitably left you, one way or another. Or they were people who could be used to manipulate or hurt you, and either way, it wasn’t worth it.
But he’d never been able to bring himself to push Race away, because Race treated him like he was any other kid. Because Race laughed when Spot asked him if he was scared of him. Because Race could be annoying and sarcastic at all the wrong times, but he also could be so considerate and caring when something was genuinely wrong. There was no one else Spot trusted enough to talk about feelings with.
I'm a liar, I'm a cynic. I’m a sinner, I’m a saint.
And yet he’d never thought of Race in the way a soulmate bond was supposed to imply. He’d never daydreamed about what it might be like to kiss Race, never thought about how nice it felt just to hug him. Never. Because being queer was dangerous when you weren’t leading the bloodiest borough in New York and besides, Spot didn’t have time for any relationship.
He’d never thought about it. Never. He couldn’t.
Because even if he had, there was the fact that Spot was a killer, he was objectively a terrible person, and Race deserved someone good. He deserved someone who it wasn’t dangerous to be with, and if he couldn’t want a girl, he deserved a nice boy who could give him an easy relationship. Or, as easy as two boys could be.
I'm a loser, I'm a critic. I'm the ghost of my mistakes.
That would never be Spot. He could never give Race what he deserved, which was why, despite the look on his soulmate’s face when he pulled back from that kiss, he had to do it. He had to push him away—had to finally force himself to push Race away—because if he didn’t, Race would end up stuck with a broken, complicated killer who didn’t deserve him.
And it’s all my fault that I’m still the one you want. So what are you after?
That didn’t mean the pain on Race’s face hadn’t been agony to witness. It was Spot’s fault, he knew, for not pushing him away sooner.
He kept all his other friends at arm’s length for a reason. It was his own damn fault that Race was hurting right now, because if he’d just pushed him away when he should have, Race wouldn’t have developed any kind of feelings for him.
Some kind of disaster?
And he knew that Race did have feelings for him, because Spot knew Race, and Race wasn’t the kind of dumbass to kiss someone just because they were soulmates.
God, Spot wished he could wish that never happened. In truth, he couldn’t stop thinking about it, because it had been full of uncertainty but it was good. He totally hadn’t imagined kissing Race before, but if he had, it still would have been better than anything he could imagine. He hadn’t wanted to stop even as he pushed him away.
I crashed down from a high that felt so real.
Spot was fighting a smile over the fact that Race had kissed him, which was stupid because he wasn’t a goddamn teenage girl.
I never knew how much it would hurt to feel.
Thinking again about how hurt Race had looked when he pushed him away, it wasn’t hard not to smile anymore.
Even without the fact that they were soulmates, even if you disregarded them being best friends, Racetrack Higgins was one of the few genuinely nice people in the world. Spot genuinely couldn’t imagine wanting to hurt him.
You gotta hurt sometimes to learn to heal.
He would recover. He’d pick himself up and find some other boy and Spot could pretend it didn’t ache to even think about seeing him with someone else.
Well, imagining Race happy with someone else was better than imagining him hurting.
You gotta get back up and learn to deal. Yeah.
And Spot would be fine. Love wasn’t something that had ever been in the cards for him. He would be lucky if he lived to 20 as it was, and honestly... well, he couldn’t imagine what his life would look like when he was anything other than a Newsie. He knew he’d have to move on eventually, but...
Well, wherever he ended up, Spot was sure it wouldn’t be with a bouncy boy with a blue-eyed smirk that could melt anyone’s heart.
Nope. It hadn’t melted Spot’s. It definitely hadn’t. He couldn’t think about that.
And it's all my fault that I'm still the one you want.
“Why do you look like someone spat in your sandwich?”
Shit. Spot hadn’t expected anyone to be waiting up for him, but a couple of his friends had.
Or maybe Hotshot and Joey just felt like playing cards in the common room at 9:00 at night when they had work tomorrow. Who knew?
I’m a liar, I’m a cynic. I’m a sinner, I’m a saint.
“I’m fine, Hotshot,” Spot mumbled, heading for the stairs.
“That ain’t super convincin’, Spot,” Joey remarked, “If you’s gonna lie, can ya at least do it well?”
Hotshot slapped her in the arm, “Spot, what is it?”
Screw it. Spot had to talk to someone about this, and Hotshot was his second. He trusted him more than just about anyone.
“Hey, Jo, can you go upstairs?”
Joey looked up from her cards, registered that Spot was serious, and put the cards down, standing up and heading for the stairs.
“Guess I can kick Hotshot’s ass in poker tomorrow,” she said, “Have a good talk, boys.”
I’m a loser, I’m a critic. I’m the ghost of my mistakes.
Spot sat down in the seat Joey had been in, waiting until he heard her get to the top of the stairs to untie the fabric covering his wrist.
“You remember this, right?”
Hotshot nodded, untieing his own, “So, this is ‘bout Anthony?”
“I guess.”
“Wait, did ya find him?!”
“Did you find Isaac?”
Hotshot hesitated.
“Wait, did you? When?” Spot demanded, “Did ya find your soulmate and not tell me?”
Hotshot laughed nervously, “Maybe?”
“Um...” Hotshot looked at the floor, “It’s... it’s Ike. He’s a Manhattan boy. We found out maybe six months ago. We’s been meetin’ up in secret for a few months, but... well, so far it’s workin’.”
Spot realized that... well, Hotshot was an angry, defiant 12-year-old when he first came to Brooklyn. Now, he was an angry, defiant 15-year-old. He ran hot. They called him ‘Hotshot’ for a reason.
But a few months ago, he’d started cooling down a little. He was calmer. Happier. He still was a bit too confrontational for his own good, but Spot hadn’t had to bail his little brother (because Hotshot was his little brother, blood be damned) out of a fight in a while. He’d noticed the smile that came out more often, but just... hadn’t asked about it.
“That’s...” Spot forced a smile, “That’s great. I’m happy for ya, kid.”
“So, what’s the story with Anthony?” Hotshot asked, “I takes it by the look on your face, whatever it is didn’t go well.”
“It... it’s complicated.”
“Well, what is it?” Hotshot urged, “What happened?”
Spot’s instinct was to not tell him. His instinct was to just run away and talk to someone he was more comfortable with talking to.
But he wasn’t comfortable with anyone more than Hotshot. No one except Race. And his head was still a little hazy from the alcohol, so he could blame it on that.
“I pushed him away.”
Hotshot nodded, “Okay. I did the same thing.”
Spot didn’t expect that, “Wait, what?”
“I pushed him away when I found out—relationships are messy and dumb, right? Only the little shit wouldn’t leave me alone. He kept findin’ any excuse to come see me. It took him gettin’ sick and finally stayin’ away for a few days for me to realize I didn’t want him to.”
Well, that wasn’t Spot’s problem. He wasn’t pushing Race away because he didn’t want him. He was pushing him away because he knew that confident, funny dumbass deserved better than him.
Spot took a deep breath, “It’s Race.”
“Oh, shit. Wait... haven’t ya known him for—“
“Years, yeah,” Spot admitted, “And we’s just figurin’ it out now. We’re stupid. I get it.”
“Still... Race is your best friend. Why would you push him away?”
Spot scoffed, “Hotshot, ya know what kind of person I am, right?”
“Yeah..?” he looked confused, “This is a problem because..?”
“I don’t deserve him.”
Hotshot was silent for a second before banging his head on the table.
“Ya think I deserve Ike?” he asked, rolling his eyes, “You had to pull me off a Harlem kid before I killed him, once, Spot.”
“Yeah, but—“
“I ain’t a good person, either. Hell, most of Brooklyn ain’t. But do ya see the rest of us mopin’ ‘bout not bein’ good enough for our soulmates? Do you actually know what ‘soulmates’ means?”
“Yes,” Spot growled, “It means fate made a goddamn mistake, cause Race is so good, and he deserves better than me.”
“But you’re his soulmate,” Hotshot argued, “That means nobody can make him happy like you can and... dammit Spot, even if ya don’t deserve him, he deserves to be happy. So if ya really care, just... the best you can do for him is to suck it up, accept you’ll never deserve him, and love him, anyway.”
“I.... I don’t...”
The words stuck in his throat. He couldn’t say that he didn’t love Race.
He couldn’t say that he did, though, either.
“I thought you was supposed to be the wise one,” Hotshot muttered, “Bein’ leader and a couple years older than me. Thought you’s supposed to have more figured out.”
Spot shrugged, “I probably am.”
And it’s all my fault that I’m still the one you want. So what are you after? Some kind of disaster?
Spot stalled until the next day, waiting until after selling time and then hurrying over to catch his soulmate before he left for Manhattan.
Race looked like... like someone had blown out a candle inside him. Sad didn’t quite cover it.
When he saw Spot, he froze, somewhere between afraid, angry, and hopeful, but thankfully not trying to run as he watched him approach.
Spot took a deep breath, “Can we talk?”
Race seemed to be pondering the options before he nodded once, jerking his chin towards his usual hangout place under the stands.
Well I've sung this song a thousand times.
“So, what is it?” Race asked, kind of annoyed-sounding.
Spot knew him well enough to know that he was using faked anger to cover up his real feelings, though he wasn’t sure what said feelings were. He decided not to point that out.
“What?” Race asked again, an impatient edge in his voice as Spot struggled for words.
He had no idea what to say. This was... he usually knew what to say to Race. Race was his best friend. Things were easy and safe with Race.
Race was his soulmate. He didn’t know what to say about that.
I wore the crown, I sold the lie.
“I think I owe ya an explanation,” he said finally.
Race snorted, “What’s there to say? Soulmates ain’t always a guarantee. Sometimes fate makes mistakes, and I ain’t gonna try to make you want me, Spottie, so—“
“I do,” Spot interrupted, “Or... I don’t... not.”
There was hope and fear in that word.
I lived the life and paid for every crime, yeah.
Spot took a deep breath, shoving down his nerves. Race deserved the truth.
“There are things I can’t say, Racer, but don’t think for a second that I pushed ya away because I don’t have... feelings. Believe me, it’s frustratin’ that I do, but... I don’t deserve you. Plain and simple. I’ve got more blood on my hands than you should have to deal with.”
Race looked at the ground as he took a step closer to Spot.
“Ain’t that my decision to make?”
His voice was softer, now, but Spot still knew he needed to choose his words carefully.
It's all downhill 'til it's a climb. Through blood and tears, but I don't mind.
“I can’t give ya everything you deserve,” he said, “I can’t. It’s a fact. You deserve someone who isn’t a damaged killer who’s angry all the time.”
“I don’t give a fuck what I deserve,” Race said quietly, “I already know everything you’ve had to do to survive, Spot. I ain’t ran yet and I ain’t gonna. If ya don’t want me, you can just say so. But if you do, you need to say it right now.”
“I don’t know if I can,” Spot admitted, “Race, I push everyone away because it’s... it’s safer.”
“So let me be the one person you don’t push away. Ya never have before we found out ‘bout this.”
“This is different. Havin’ a friend is one thing. A lover... a soulmate... that’s different.”
I'll just keep singing on and on and on.
“I don’t care,” Race insisted, “Spot, it’s my choice what I want to take on. And I know bein’ with you, I’d be takin’ on danger and a whole lot of complications, but I don’t care. I’ll take it all on if you’ll let me.”
Spot took a deep breath. He replayed Hotshot’s words in his head, knowing that he didn’t deserve Race, but Race deserved to be happy. He was terrified to let someone get that close to him, but...
Well, to be honest, Race already was that close. Race had been breaking down his walls since he was 13, and if they got together, not that much would actually change because they already knew every part of each other.
And it's all my fault that I'm still the one you want...
“I don’t deserve you,” Spot said slowly, “And there are things I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to say to you, but... I’m willin’ to try. I want to try.”
Race smiled, “Is that the truth?”
I’m a liar, I’m a cynic.
Spot realized right then how close together they were standing.
Maybe it was still annoying to him how he had to look up a bit to look Race in the eye. It wasn’t fair, considering Spot was actually a little under a year older.
I’m a sinner, I’m a saint.
“Yes,” he mumbled, “That’s the truth.”
It was. Because even if it was hard to admit it to himself, Spot did want Race, and he was glad he was his soulmate.
I’m a loser, I’m a critic. I’m the ghost of my mistakes.
Race looked around, checking that no one was around. It was late enough that no one was. They probably wouldn’t be walked in on here.
Spot was a little nervous about what that meant, but a little excited, too, as Race turned back to him with a cheeky little smirk.
“May I?”
And it’s all my fault that I’m still the one you want.
Spot nodded, grabbing the front of Race’s shirt, himself, to pull him into a kiss like the one he’d been too scared to return last night.
Yeah, it’s all my fault that I’m still the one you want. So what are you after? Some kind of disaster?
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homoose · 4 years
hey moose sorry if this is a lil srs
but would you go back to school for 5 days with all the students without a vaccine?
teachers in SC are protesting bc the governor wants them to and my family thinks they are stupid/ill informed. I think they are right to demand a vaccine personally but ik you’re a teacher and I just wanted your opinion!! Love you so much, stay safe, and keep being amazing!! ❤️❤️
my district is currently fighting over this exact issue. they want to send us back into buildings with VERY little concrete plans for keeping people safe. it’s basically “wear a mask and stay six feet and you’ll be fine.”
my opinion on this is that the people making these decisions have never spent more that 15 minutes in a classroom, or with children at all for that matter. I teach primary— I am sick WITHOUT FAIL by the end of September every single year. we clean constantly, wash our hands, use hand sanitizer, etc. and it doesn’t matter. kids are germ factories. period.
I think everyone agrees that remote learning is not as good as in-person learning. but remote learning is better than being incredibly sick or dead. I keep seeing these think pieces about how kids’ mental health is suffering— imagine what their mental health will look like when a family member, teacher, or friend gets sick from covid and dies.
far and away, the people advocating for a return to in-person learning either have not been affected by covid, or have had a very mild reaction to covid. as such, they don’t see it as a big deal, even though half a million Americans are dead, and countless others have lasting negative health effects.
generally speaking, there are places that have returned to in-person learning relatively safely. those schools have ensured the following:
1. there is low community spread in the community where the school is located. if the positivity rate in a community is high, asymptomatic children carry that virus into their school buildings and create outbreaks.
2. masks are STRICTLY worn at all times, no exceptions.
3. social distancing is STRICTLY followed, and in some cases this means hybrid learning (ie the kids only come half the time) because realistically, 12-15 kids is the absolute MAXIMUM that should be in a classroom in order to be properly socially distant. ideally it would be less than 10.
4. regular testing is conducted, and positive cases/pods are immediately quarantined to prevent further spread.
I really think if local governments and schools districts want to consider teachers essential workers, then they need to be prioritized for the vaccine right behind healthcare workers and other essential jobs. because teaching isn’t a quick interaction. you are in close quarters all day long. also, they NEVER actually ask teachers their opinions on how to make things safe, which is part of the problem. also, if most of the kids are opting to stay remote, then what the fuck is the point?
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mochi-marie · 4 years
hello! I would like to request a haikyuu matchup please :D (I apologize in advance if I write too much aksjk hopefully it'll make it easier to match me up?)
1) I'm a straight female and use she/her pronouns
2) I'm about 5'6", have straight brown hair (my friend says it looks orange-ish in the sunlight??), brown eyes, and I've been told that I'm kinda pale (but unfortunately flush easily lol).
As for things that make me stand out, I have patches of eczema littered all over my skin. I have a few on my hands and wrists and even though ik they're not a good thing and of course would much prefer not having eczema, I kinda like that it makes me unique. I also have round glasses (my eyesight is extremely bad ㅠㅠ), wear a lot of black, and recently have been wearing this tan overcoat everytime I go out bc it's big and comfy. oh, and I've always loved black low-top converse!
I'm overweight so I'm kinda insecure about my physical appearance, but I've been dealing with it for so long that ig I've come to terms with it and have just accepted that this is how I am (but I have been trying to exercise... >_>)
3) I'm a gemini, istp-t, and enneagram type 5. I think I treat people how they treat me; if someone doesn't talk to me, I probably won't talk to them unless necessary, and if someone is very friendly and nice to me, I'll be a bit more open and talk more. I'm usually pretty reserved and go with the flow, but around people I'm more comfortable with I can be very sarcastic and playful. I'm kinda a mom/therapist friend. I'm very lazy and an expert procrastinater (I do what's necessary in the most efficient way possible, unless it's something that I enjoy).
Some things I enjoy: cooking & baking, arts & crafts, reading, sketching, 80s music, watching anime/tv/movies (especially crime, mystery, and thriller), and photography (as far as taking scenic photos with my phone goes lmao). idk if this counts as interests, but I'm planning on majoring in business administration and accounting. and as for my clothing style, I currently dress for comfort bc I'm always inside, but if I get a chance to redo my wardrobe I'd like to dress in a style more like dark academia/comfy casual? I have no idea if those are the right words to describe it 😅
4) I'm pretty sure my love language is physical touch, but I also really enjoy receiving spontaneous gifts or stuff I've been wanting (and money lmao I'm a big saver)! I've never been in a relationship, but I know I would definitely have to be friends with someone before even considering a serious romantic relationship, so I would ideally be comfortable around them already. I have a tendency to bottle up my emotions and I'm honestly a bit of a tsundere, so I think I might be shy in voicing my wants/initiating things. as for my type, I would prefer someone tall, mature but able to be playful and can take a joke (I sometimes use "idiot" as a term of endearment sksj I can be kinda mean sometimes tbh), patient since I'll take a while to open up, and ideally ambitious and willing to take initiative (bonus points if they're able to keep up with my sarcastic banter!)
5) I definitely like to sleep in, but if I need to wake up early and I can do so relatively easily. ig you could say I'm more of a night owl. I'm in a constant state of tiredness (possibly fatigued but idk) lol. I could technically live without music but would 100% prefer not to. my favorite song is "eyes without a face" by billy idol. I've never really thought about what my ideal first date would be, but I would like if it was well thought out and personal instead of the typical movie and dinner I suppose.
thank you so much for taking the time to do this!! I apologize again for writing so much 😅 hopefully you'll be able to have some fun writing, and I hope you're doing well! and no worries if you're unable to get to my matchup; please prioritize your wellbeing <3
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𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲𝘀: i had such a blast reading through this entire thing!!! thank you for writing this much, seriously — i love it, it makes it so much more interesting and easier on my part to find a match!! <3
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♡ . . . REASONINGS : filtering through the information, i have decided that, in my personal opinion, you are best paired with kuroo tetsurou!
starting off, the trench coat? comfy and casual dark academia fashion style? from looks alone, you seem like a pretty good match-up with kuroo. on the outside look in, i feel like you both would look like a really smart, cute, and sensible / mature couple! in all honesty, i think that kuroo would find your big glasses adorable ( and if you're prone to loosing them, he would find it sickeningly cute if you cling to him while you both searched for the glasses ). i imagine his breath hitches whenever his eyes lay on your figure in the setting sun, turning your hair into a pretty orange-brown shade that makes his heart beat a little bit faster. kuroo is used to being around more reserved people ( as he was once reserved, and now his best friend is rather reserved as well ), so becoming a friends-to-lovers dynamic would be easy. your playfulness and possible sarcasm seems to perfectly interact with his own, and considering some research about your enneagram and personality type, i think that your ( possible ) creativity and curiosity really intrigues him and keeps him curious and attentive with you. i feel that he might always be wondering what's going on in that pretty head of yours, curious to know what your next wonderful idea is or what your mind is thinking about. as an obvious friends-to-lovers trope, i think your relationship with kuroo would be very cute! i have a feeling that he'd love that your love language is physical connection, and would pick up on any ques if you're feeling cuddly and can't get the words out to ask for soft intimacy and cuddles! sarcastic banter? mature yet playful? i think your ideal type seems to perfectly match up with kuroo -- he would most definitely be able to take whatever playful insults you have to throw at him, and be able to throw some back. he knows when to be playful and understands if he ever goes too far, and will own up to any mistakes he may make. considering your hobbies and interests, i think your interest in crime shows / mystery and thriller movies / anime may really pique his interest, and he'd eventually be hooked right along side you. and he may not be the best in the world, but imagining the both of you together, baking or cooking something ( possibly late at night because of midnight cravings ) could be really cute!
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♡ . . . staying up late at night and ending up heading into the kitchen together to make a midnight meal doesn't happen too often, but sometimes all you both need is a look at each other as your stomachs growl after a food-related ad on tv. ♡ . . . would absolutely make you feel like a queen all day and everyday if he can help it! will exercise with you if you would let him, and would celebrate all achievements with you; big or small! ♡ . . . kuroo is surprisingly one of the most thoughtful boyfriends, in my personal opinion! i feel like the dates would be well planned, memories eagerly waiting to be made! ♡ . . . the banter between you both is so cute!! it can be sarcastic, but it's never hostile, always playful and light, a smirk plastered onto his lips in a charmingly charismatic way! ♡ . . . stay-at-home-and-watching-a-show-dates!! whether it be wide-eyed and open-mouthed concentration on crime shows, or close-cuddling while watching some thriller or mystery shows / movies / animes!
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♡ . . . akaashi keiji, iwaizumi hajime, miya osamu, daichi sawamura
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