#considering watcher apologised as well
so was that legitimately fake outrage at Watcher being "greedy capitalists" that people are now gonna go watch the try guys who are doing the exact same thing?? where's the outrage at their wealth and how they spend their money? why does Keith get people just watching him eat at expensive restaurants, but it's terrible seeing Steven go to expensive restaurants to eat food? it's got nothing to do with "the try guys did it better!!!" it's the fact that you got so outraged because of how much the economy is in shambles and people can barely afford food, let alone another streaming service, and now suddenly it's a great thing seeing the try guys be able to improve their situation with one!! I thought the whole point was that we didn't need another one!! what is it???
it's just obvious that they've both done similar things, but people are taking more issue with the creators of colour for daring to grow and move forward. EVEN AFTER THEY ALTERED THINGS AND GENUINELY APOLOGISED even whilst being fucking eviscerated online. and instead of being helped and understood by their white friends, they get fucking shaded by their friends with a sofa joke and "not to name names" bullshit
what is it with people of colour being left in the dirt by their white friends and/or costars???
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Facts that don't change despite the apology:
First and foremost, Watcher is still a buseness. The employees might enjoy what they do, but the goal of the business remains the same as always
They're financially mismanaging the company into ruin, and if they won't cut costs (which they don't want to do) this situation will repeat (although considering all their income aspects it's likely that they are also lying on top of mismanaging their company)
Ryan and Shane are adult men who agreed to this and are just as "guilty" as anyone about this going through
Shane "eat the rich" Madej is still way better off financially than most of us, and the parasocial fans who absolve him of every and all wrongdoing are weird (not a crime, but mentally unsustainable)
(To my knowledge) Steven hasn't come out with any statement regarding his sexist/racist comments at any point, therefore it is reasonable to conclude he still enables bigotry (and by extent so do the people that still keep him around despite the red flags) Apparently he has apologised for it.
The fandom as a whole would be way happier with Steven and his shows gone, as well as the old style videos coming back, rather than overproduced impersonal stuff
Fans that sent threats, were making racist comments, etc. are still way out of line
Everyone is allowed to feel the way they feel (as long as they don't engage in the previous point) and it's nobody else's business
All these points can coexist with arguments such as "they really seem sorry" and "the fandom is full of hypocrites"
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iamthemess · 16 days
Hello, I hope you are well! I wanted to know your opinion about Shin Soukoku, I mean, do you see the possibility of them being "implicit"? Well, for me they didn't become canonical but Is there a possibility that they are implicit?
I don't know how long ago you asked this so I'm just going to start apologising. I am so sorry for not getting to you sooner.
And thank you for the question but unfortunately I don't have a definitive answer for that. If you had asked about soukoku I would say that they are implicit in a way that a show will tease a relationship to keep the readers/watchers entertained and interacting in fandom spaces. (Queer baiting.)
Shin soukoku on the other hand is a different case considering that Atsushi does have what you could call a "canon love intrest" which would be Lucy because of all the little blushing scenes and romance tropes etc.
That's not to say that Aku and Atsushi can't be the same as that but their roles as main characters leave a lot to be desired when it comes to romance.
Sskk is sadly a victim of anime that has two male leads with more chemistry than the "canon pairings"
Having said this, none of it really matters because, in the end, bsd isn't an anime that has or will have heavy romance because its Shounen, so it's unlikely any of the characters will canonically end up with anyone.
I guess the only answer to your question is that any type of suggestion is up to the reader as some people will find some gestures as romantic and others won't.
I keep almost changing my mind about this, but that's just because I see their growing relationship really endearing. To me, the trust they put in one another is something so profoundly romantic, and putting your life in someone else's hands have always been a gesture of love and deep trust.
I'll leave this here and we'll see if I come back to it later with more thoughts. The mind is always subject to change.
Thank you for the ask, lovely <3
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A birdie told me you like tma 👀👀👀 favourite entity???
Well this might turn into a ramble so I'm apologising in advance.
So, I really like the manifestations of The Spiral and The Stranger bc they're just so fun to listen to (weird doors? creepy circus music?peak entertainment imo). Also, I find The Vast very conceptually interesting (like I've never considered the existential dread that comes with the realisation of one's smallness to be a fear/phobia and that categorization helps me put some of my own thoughts in order yknow). The End just scares the fuck out of me. The Lonely after all the quarantine shit is just relatable tbh.
And I could continue the ramble outlining why every single one of those entities intrigue me to some extent but the one that just unlocks some unhinged part of my brain would be The Eye. Like the yearning for omniscience? The fear of being known? The idea of being the silent watcher, the detective who won't let anything stop them from discovering the truth? Just yes to all of these.
TL;DR: if curiosity killed the cat I'm a ghost cat with too many eyes ::)
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Machine Gun Kelly Fan Fiction - I'm A Demon In The Night, She's An Angel Dressed In White
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Prompt: Angel/Demon
Word-count: 1600 words
Warnings: none
Description: Angels and demons like Andi and Colson don't always get along...and when they do, that doesn't mean Colson doesn't still love teasing his angel. At least until another demon turns up, and Colson's suddenly reminded not all of his kind take kindly to having angels around.
‘I'm a demon in the night, she's an angel with the white…’
   Colson smirked as Andromeda blushed when she heard the lyrics. Like him, she knew they weren’t the original words he’d written, and he was pretty sure that - like him - she still heard what he’d first written.
 Even if she didn’t immediately think them, she certainly saw him mouth them at her across the tour bus when the refrain came round a second time, and her cheeks only got pinker.
   ‘I’m a demon in the night, she’s an angel dressed in white, told her keep on all the lights, you can show me what you like…’
   She was so fun to tease, Colson never got bored of doing it.
 At first, it had been an attempt to get her to fuck off. Those lyrics weren’t just lyrics; Colson actually was a demon, and Andromeda actually was an angel. Specifically, she was the angel assigned to him to make sure he didn’t wreak havoc on earth.
 Well, any more havoc than any of his human peers.
 He wouldn’t lie, at first it had chaffed to have an angel around him almost constantly. Like all demons, the presence of a being to inherently good was uncomfortable. Andromeda was a young angel, and he was a young demon: neither of them had really known how to reign their auras in, and it had been a steep learning curve for both of them. After a few years, it no longer hurt either of them to be around each other, even when they were at their least contained, and Colson actually kind of liked the angel. Especially since she’d stopped being so stilted and allowed him to call her Andi.
 She was still a little boring, but in a fun way. Instead of getting rid of her, now Colson involved her in all his shit because she was a welcome bit of calm in the chaos. He never would’ve thought he wanted any calm in his life, but when it was Andi, he really liked it.
 That didn’t stop him from teasing her, though.
 It was the best fun he could have with her considering she had no interest in him without his clothes on (or in fucking him with their clothes on, which he wouldn’t deny…he’d be into), other than the weirdly sincere moments they had when they were on their own that he didn’t like to think about because…reasons. It didn’t really matter; all that mattered was Andi was fun to be around, especially at parties where he just knew she was channelling all her discomfort into planning what good deed she was going to trick him to into doing tomorrow.
 Of course, when that slight unease turned into real distress, Colson stopped teasing and got out of his seat, crossing the space between them with every intention of getting her to tell him what he needed to fix for her - only to have it made painfully obvious by the sight of two newcomers to the bus party.
   An unknown demon? The fuck does he think he is, coming into my space uninvited?
   Colson felt his power strain against the wraps he had it under, the instinctive response burning through the nice buzz he’d had going to leave him clear-headed and focused on the intruder.
 The other demon didn’t seem bothered by the fact that he’d stepped into another demon’s territory…in fact, he looked ready for a fight, and it didn’t seem like his Heaven-appointed chaperone was going to be much use in stopping him. There was nothing the angel who accompanied the strange demon; he looked drained and weak, with none of the vitality Andi had to her…and if the way the other demon looked at her, Colson was guessing that the worn-down look was the result of a very deliberate effort on the demon’s part. It was clear the other demon had a certain way of dealing with angels in his vicinity.
 Colson didn’t hesitate, he pulled Andi under arm and loosened the hold he’d had on his aura.
 No-one was going to threaten his angel. Especially not some stranger who thought it was acceptable to walk into Colson’s domain and think about acting against his angel without so much as looking at Colson for permission.
 He wouldn’t get permission either way; but not checking with Colson, the demon who owned this space, was insulting - and more than worthy of the silent threat that was Colson allowing his aura, his power, to seep into the air around them. It wasn’t much: just a warning, really, but the other demon looked so offended it was as if Colson had outright slapped him. He bore in his teeth in what, to a human, should’ve looked like a smile, but was very much a threat when it was done in conjunction with him unleashing his own aura.
 All of a sudden, the full humans on the bus suddenly started looking uncomfortable, and a lot of them started to make excuses to leave or go to the back of the bus. Soon it was just Colson, Slim, Rook, and Andi, and this stranger and his angelic companion.
   “Who the fuck d’you think you are, asshole?” Slim asked, the Nephilim getting up in the other demon’s face without hesitation, his own power filling the space.
   More than used to each other, Colson’s power didn’t falter in the presence of Slim’s - or Rook’s when the fallen angel added his aura to the mix - but the other demon’s did…as did that of the angel accompanying him.
 Colson almost - almost - felt bad about it, but he could feel the tension that was running under Andi’s skin, and knew without a doubt that it wasn’t a result of him, Slim, or Rook. This stranger was fucking with his Andi…so Colson felt no remorse in anything that resulted in this cunt getting what he deserved.
   It was sentiment that was only strengthened when the Demon openly leered at Andi: “Heard there was going to be some fun at this party.”
 “Not your kind of fun.” Colson growled: “Keep your eyes off of our girl, dipshit.”
 Clearly lacking all good sense - as if Colson hadn’t already known that - the other demon just laughed: “Y’all claiming that strait-laced bitch? Damn, you lot are soft. No matter, though…I’m happy enough to go through all y’all to get her.”
   Rook was pulling Andi back even as Colson was stepping up to the stranger, ready to put his ass in the ground, when a wave of cool power washed over them like a wave…and was a lot less kind to the stranger.
 For all his bravado sneering at Colson, he was forced to look up at Andi from his knees - which was exactly where she’d put him. Because while angelic power felt like a cool breeze to Colson these days, it was clear the newcomer hadn’t allowed his angelic watcher to have any power in a while, and so Andi’s aura would burn him like the coldest ice. Ice that no demonic fire would melt.
 Andi was used to demonic auras by now…more than that, when he and Rook allowed it, she could take strength from them the same as any fellow angel’s.
 Colson got the sense Rook was just as happily lending her power as he was doing.
   Of course, Andi didn’t bother to address the demon directly, the sneer she raked over him was enough to get her feelings across - and, oh, Colson remembered that sneer - before she turned to face the other angel: “You have been remiss in your duty. Fix it.”
 The tired looking angel filled out suddenly - no doubt bolstered by the power Andi was giving him: “I apologise, sister, I shall escort him back to Hell immediately.”
 “See that you do.” Andi treated him to his own sneer, before banishing them with a wave of her hand.
   Even though Colson knew she didn’t have the strength to send them much further than the parking lot outside…he still fucking loved when she used her power.
 It was so fucking hot.
   So hot he just had to tell her about it: “Andi, baby girl, you are so goddamn hot - ”
 “You blaspheme again, and I’ll wash your mouth out with soap.” Andi threatened Colson, but all he did was grin;
 “Yeah, you get mean with me, baby girl; you know I like it.”
 Andi pulled a shocked face: “Colson! Don’t get turned on by people threatening you; you’re better than that!”
 “No, he’s really not.” Slim shook his head: “At least not when it comes to you, feathers.”
 “Slim!” Colson exclaimed, not enjoying his own turn at being shocked.
 “What?” Rook asked, looking confused: “It’s not like Andi doesn’t know that you’re half in-love with her, is it?”
 “What?” Andi shouted.
 Slim laughed: “Apparently she was just as oblivious as he was…”
   Colson knew he had two choices here…tell Andi he was absolutely not half in-love with her and have her fucking angelic abilities pick up on the lie, or take out his sudden frustration at his helpless situation on Slim and Rook…
 It was a pretty obvious choice, really.
   “You absolute motherfuckers - !”
 “I didn’t even blaspheme that time - ” Colson protested, only to be cut off by Andi’s hands cupping his cheeks and pulling him down for a kiss. A kiss he unashamedly took over, one hand on her cheek and the other on the centre of her back, pressing her close.
   After that, he didn’t have much attention to spare on Slim or Rook.
 He’d deal with them later…
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prose-for-hire · 4 years
Secret Santa
12 Days of Christmas: Day 1
Pairing: Wesley Wyndam-Pryce x reader
Request: If you're still accepting winter requests could I have a wesley x reader where the reader tells wesley that they still stubbornly believe in Santa claus so he gets them a gift and they do the "Santa's handwriting looks suspiciously like yours" line? I love your writing btw and hope you have a good winter!
Requested by: @alltheangstmygifttoyou​
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You were sat in the library with your nose in a book. He had joined you again. The same guy, always sat two seats away from you. He never spoke to you, sometimes he glanced over when he thought you weren’t looking. You were relaxed in his presence, not many could do that. For some unknown reason in your soul, you trusted him.
You came here for fun, to find a peaceful place to read. Your apartment was full of roommates and you paid too much for very little personal space. So you spent a lot of your free time here. It was an escape from the mundane. You went on epic adventures, got lost in new lands. Met angels and demons. Read tales of good and evil. You could only dream of being a part of something like that. It was everything you wanted. Sometimes you read non-fiction. Wanting to absorb as much information as you could. You liked learning and you knew knowledge was important. The guy often noted what you were reading, he was fascinated by the array of texts you would read.
This man, a rogue demon hunter by night and a regular of the library by day was named Wesley. He had been travelling since his stint as a watcher in Sunnydale and had settled here for the moment. The truth was, Wesley had been building up the courage to speak to you for a while. He loved to sit in the library it had a great atmosphere for when he needed to focus. But since he had noticed you, the last thing he could do was focus.
He caught your eye often and sometimes you shared a smile. It was as if you were both holding your breath, seeing if the other would make a move first. But neither of you did. That was, until one day. In early December. Today. You had been to the market earlier that day and had decided to treat yourself by buying yourself some old trinket from the flea market on your way to the library. This had caught the man’s eyes and you smiled. But today, he didn’t smile back. He was staring from your neck to your face with concern. He paused for a moment, but he had to say something.
“H-Hello, could I, um, borrow that necklace?” he whispered and pointed at the chain around your neck. You blinked at him. Your frown now matching his. He never spoke to you before and the first thing he wanted was to borrow the gold chain around your neck. He hadn’t complimented it. Hadn’t said that he liked how unique it was. Just asked you to remove it.
“No, it’s mine. Sorry” you shifted away from him trying to get back into your book. But he persisted moving seats right beside you.
“it’s glowing and… leaking a yellow liquid that I know for certain is a concentration of yak’s blood and wolfsbane” He stated trying to get you to understand. The necklace had been dipped in the potion and cursed to hold something by his quick assessment of the situation.
“Sorry, you’ll have to get your own. Perhaps put it on your Christmas list to Santa” You offered unhelpfully as he looked at you aghast at the suggestion. Especially so when
“There is no such thing as Santa, now won’t you please listen to what I’m saying”
“I’ve seen you around here, you know… I had been hoping you would say something but you never did” You said slowly frowning at the way he had denounced Santa so easily, “Now I know why, you’re basically Scrooge McDuck”
“I assume that this is some caricature of one Ebenezer Scrooge and not a backhanded compliment” He muttered, shaking his head. He had imagined your first interaction going a lot smoother than this. He remembered what he was trying to do and focused on the threat instead, “I just think it would be wise for you to remove the chain and pass it over to me slowly” he said, his arms raised to highlight how serious he was. You got up to leave and he followed you out.
“But this was my Christmas present to myself, I found it on the market! And, even if I wasn’t attached to the chain, you just ruined my favourite time of year by denying Santa’s existence!” You hissed at him as you left the main room of the library and into the corridor leading to the exit.
“What are you talking about-”
“You know that the magic of Christmas, and more importantly, Santa only works if you believe” you insisted, your face deadly serious as you turned back to look at him. Stopping dead in the corridor.
“Don’t be ridiculous! Just- give me the-” he grabbed at the necklace and tugged it, breaking the clasp and pulling it from your neck. You frown, trying to snatch it back. You end up doing a crude tug-of-war with the gold chain.
This was when you both felt a white hot heat burning your fingertips. You both knew you had messed up as you yelped in unison and dropped the chain to the ground. A white light blinded you both momentarily and when it disappeared a demon was towering over you. Your eyes widened. You had never seen anything like it. You had a certain level of belief in the things you could not see or explain but you had never considered something like this. Never expected anything like the fantasy you had read in books to become a reality. But there was no other explanation than this was a demon. Perhaps it came from the books… or, oh, of course. The necklace.
“Who hath summoned me? Reveal yourself!” The booming voice echoed around the corridor as he shrugged off the tinsel he had knocked down from the walls as he had appeared. He stamped on it for good measure and scowled around.
A librarian came to tell the group to be quiet, her finger hovering over her lip ready to motion you to be silent. However, when she saw the identity of the one making all the noise she backed out of the hall and back through the double doors into the main library, shaking her head. That was more trouble than it was worth.
That left you, the Englishman and this unusual creature that kind of looked half yak, half Santa clause if he had spent the night passed out in a bush. He even had jingle bells on the lining of his cloth outfit.
“Speak, child! Who dares stand before me?!” the giant pointed at you. But Wesley stepped in front of you.
“Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, demon hunter” He recited, staring in his eyes and hoping nobody else saw his slight shaking.
“You wish to hunt me as sport? Do you know who I am?” he asked.
“Hogroth, warrior demon of the Land of Lap” Wesley stated quickly. Your eyes widened. This was too good to be true. Well, it would be if a demon who was tangled up in tinsel as if it was a web
Hogroth unsheathed his weapon and Wesley quickly started to fight against him.
After trading blows and dodging the sharp edge of the sword, Wes managed to knock the weapon from his hand. This appeared to even surprise himself. He grabbed the sword and pointed it at his chest before slashing at it. They fought against each other as you watched on like a spare part,  with the demon unwrapping the tinsel from its upper arm and used it to try and strangle Wesley.
You couldn’t let this happen. You needed a distraction. You shrugged, remembering something you had read in a fight scene. You might as well give this a go. If it was a dream you would just wake up and if it wasn’t, well, you tried to push that thought away. You ran up and jumped onto his back covering his eyes as he hit out wildly. Hogroth grabbed you and flipped you over his head leaving you landing hard on the floor. Wesley saw his chance and plunged the demon’s own knife into his heart. This left him sinking to his knees and disappearing in the same way he came. You managed to haul yourself up, breathing heavily and wondering if there had been something stronger than nutmeg in the Christmas cookies one of your roommates had given you before you left the house that day.
“Thank you, for helping me” Wesley said sincerely, “It means a great deal to me, and I do apologise about your, uh, jewellery” he motioned to the blackened scorch mark that had once been your nice chain.
“Don’t mention it” You shrugged, a lot cooler than you felt. You were still a little bemused. But of course you would help him even if you were still a little put out from the way he had so cruelly cut down your talk of Santa. You liked the magic of Christmas and if a Hogwarts demon, or whatever it was that the man said he was existed then why not Santa? It was hypocritical but you supposed it wasn’t really a necessary argument. You decided to just say your goodbyes although you did avoid the library for a while after this. You decided to have some space away from the demon you had watched die and also the self-appointed demon hunter who had insisted Santa didn’t exist.
Finally, you caved. It was the week leading up to Christmas and you had to go to return your books before the library closed for the holidays. You also needed some time out of the apartment, someone new had moved in and you had no plans over the holiday season not just because you expected your room to have been rented out if you left too far away from town. You decided the coast was clear and you stowed away in a corner to read with some peace. Time had passed and you had been transported to amazing worlds that were detailed on the pages. It made you think about what had happened. About the possibility there were real adventures out there. Real monsters to vanquish. Real heroes. Real people to offer your heart to.
“I wish to apologise properly” a familiar English voice spoke, pulling you from your thoughts. One that had been in your mind since that day. The day you met a demon for the first time. The day you met a man that you could see as a kind of angel. He sat down opposite you, a low table with a poinsettia between you.
“That’s okay, I think Santa’s the one you should be apologising to really” You say without looking up from your page, although you had stopped reading.
He just nodded once and slid a wrapped box towards you. It made you close your book slowly, looking first at him and then the gift. You cautiously reached out and turned over the note attached.
Dear y/n,
I hope that you can forgive Wesley he really likes you – it is the season of forgiveness.
He’s sorry.
Love, Santa
“Santa’s handwriting looks suspiciously like yours” You say seriously which actually made him smile wide. He was fond of you before he had even gotten to know you fully. One more look from your bright eyes or a smile from your lips and he was yours. Forever. It really was a storybook romance as you had been worrying about believing too easily. He couldn’t help but want to be with you, want to protect you. And he hoped this gift would mean that you forgave him and you could get to know each other better.
“You do not know what Santa’s handwriting looks like” He murmured, but you gave him a look as if to say of course you did. Your attention then moved to the gift. You opened the packaging slowly, savouring the moment. You had this feeling. Like this magic inside. You knew deep down that this was the man you wanted to spend the rest of your days with.
When you opened it, a perfect chain was laying on the velvet material. You gasped, trying to insist he didn’t have to do it. This was too much for an acquaintance to give.
“You lost your necklace, of course you needed a new one” He said simply, not allowing himself to gush the very feelings he had now started to harbour. It was too much to put on a person too quick. He had never believed in the kind of love in movies, much less love at first sight. But he truly understood it now.
“But I haven’t got you anything…” you say softly.
“I think, perhaps, you could do me the honour of going on a date with me? I am new here”
“Demon hunting keeps you on the road?” You say and he looks away a little embarrassed. You could see this meant a lot to him. He was lonely, “I can think of a better present” You offered, leaning in. Your eyes cast towards his lips and then back up to his eyes. He threaded his hand between the hair at the base of your neck, pulling you into him. Your lips met and a growing fever ignited inside the both of you. Your affections growing. The potential of this union a dizzying prospect. Your lips moved together softly, such feeling transferring between each other.
This Christmas was the start of a true adventure. Falling in love had been the easy part. But learning of the true extent of the demon underworld and meeting some of Wesley’s acquaintances brought more danger. You wouldn’t trade your place to be back in that cramped apartment without Wesley in your life though. For a start, he let you decorate the flat you shared in any way you liked for Christmas. He often helped and listened to direction with an adoring smile on his face when he looked at you.
Nothing ever took you away from each other. And nothing ever took Christmas away from you. Every year you celebrate with gusto and every year you can feel yourself falling more and more in love for your dorky rogue demon hunter. No matter what anyone else thought of him, he would always be your hero. Since the first day you properly met.
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sunflowersseemhappy · 4 years
main 6 with an apprentice who’s blind? also, i hope you have a lovely day!
Thank you anon for the request, sorry it took so much time but I was melting in the heat here and had a bit of writers block. Despite that I have had a lovely few days since I got your request!
I really hope this is alright, obviously take it with a grain of salt as I am not blind and have no clue what other people who are blind go through.
This is more based on an apprentice who wasn’t blind before resurrection but it could be either way. But I think it makes sense for the Apprentice (as the Fool) to be blind due to the classic card in tarot... (but I won’t get into that now!)
As always I hope you enjoy! REQUESTS ARE OPEN and up next is;
Main 5/6? react to an Apprentice who is trying to cheer them up about their histories by talking about their own history with Lucio. (A better title to come.)
Some of his travels involved looking for treatments, never really gave up looking for something or someone who could help you.
Begged the Magician to help restore your sight, it was hard enough you no longer had your memories but without your sight Asra didn’t know how you would cope.
Baby proofed everything, all the furniture is nailed down and the heaviest items are on the lowest shelves, he put railings on both sides of the stairs and did consider putting the bedroom downstairs.
Faust is now a guide dog snake, she takes her duty very seriously but her warnings can come a little late because snake’s vision is slightly different.
Placed magical runes around the city so you could find your way, it took him a while but they work well and act with your own magic
Hired a caretaker at some point, who was great but as you learned you didn’t seem to need the help as much.
Removed all the doors (except those that lead outside) so you wouldn’t walk into them, though you still fumble with the curtains he put up on them instead.
Enchanted a mirror to check in on you while he’s away, he can see and speak to you if needs be.
Hummed or sang songs when you were frustrated with your impairment.
Considered not teaching you magic, but couldn't bear to deny you that part of yourself - so he taught you to use it to strengthen your other senses.
Lets you know when he wants to touch/kiss you, because he’s so light footed he’s surprised you one too many times.
Was and still obsessed about you touching his face to let you know what he looks like, needless to say you are obsessed with how fluffy his hair is. The both of you just sit there opposite one another and he lets your hands roam over him, he was so pleased when you asked him if he wanted to do it to you.
Finds it hilarious that the clothes you wear often end up gaudier than his own and clash terribly. He always lets you know and helps out if you need it.
Everything is a mystery when it’s placed in your hands by Asra, a potion bottle? Tea? Faust? No matter how many times he does it Asra always forgets to let you know what he’s giving to you. You just stand there and try to work it out.
Knows that you use your blindness to get out of chores, but he just loves you too much to confront you.
She looks for possible treatments, but doesn’t let you know. She doesn’t want to get your hopes up, there’s nothing worse than false hope.
Nadia’s both a countess and a princess, she has some major pull so surely she could find something? However her efforts are as fruitless as Asra’s but she is determined to make you as happy as possible.
You can’t see her face but when she realised she could not do anything she cried right in front of you without you noticing.
Asks you if you wish to have a handmaid/foot servant as your guide/helper (like Portia is to her), if you say yes she will personally hire them and make sure they are the kindest person she can get.
Got all of the palace labelled by the doorways
Made your room minimalist and very cushy
Searched for braille books you could read, it was a nice gesture but you hadn’t learned it yet so the two of you learned it together.
Chandra became your silent watcher, at first she was very unamused at looking after you but after a few good pets she’s glued to your side.
Makes sure the palace is kept impeccably clean.
Do you want a guide dog? Because she’ll get you one or even three.
Some of the courtiers, not naming any *cough* “Valerius” *cough* may make some rude comments and Nadia may imply that if they don’t apologise their tongue may find it’s way out of their mouth...
She buys you delightfully tasteful clothes, but when she gets around to describing the colours you get confused because Asra just used the simple terms like blue. “There are egg-shell’s on this?!” She laughs and realising her mistake she takes the time to describe the variations of colours to you (like so).
At least her surprises for you always stay a surprise.
She finds it quite endearing that you wake up and never really have much care for what you look like, but she does insist she at least brushes your hair so it’s not sticking up in places.
When you ask to ‘see’ her by touching her face she forgets herself and nods (before realising you didn’t see that and saying yes), she is very flustered when you tell her she’s pretty. Other people have said it, but something about you touching her face and finding out in your mind what she looks like is different...
Very gentle when touching you, her hand often slips into your’s when you are unaware but it never makes you jump. A lot of the time it’s like you can feel her presence as she enters the room.
Guides your lips to where she wants you to kiss, always with a gentle touch.
He tried so hard to use his mark to take away your blindness, so much so he actually passed out from the effort. You were very scared and didn’t want him to try again, you lied about seeing him for a brief second.
In his own mind Julian wants so badly to heal you, he’s a doctor and that’s his job! But he can’t, it feels worse than when he tried to cure the plague.
He may not be able to heal you but he’s had experience with others who were blind, he makes your life so much easier.
Tried out giving you a white cane to figure out what was in front of you, you may have accidentally hit him in the shins a couple of times.
A lot of supervision, it’s not that he doesn’t trust you its just that he’s seen you pick up flour to put in your morning coffee one too many times.
Tries to cook (empathise on tries).
Lets you know what his expressions are when he’s talking about things, very good at communicating his thoughts and feelings.
Malak takes advantage of the situation, stealing any shiny objects when Julian’s out and you (obviously) can’t see. After a precious possession went missing Julian climbed up into the rafters to steal them back.
He shoulder bumps you, just to let you know he’s there if you need him. Although you sometimes get confused and apologise thinking he’s a stranger that just passed by.
Finds it adorably cute when you apologise to an inanimate object that you bumped into, his face just says ‘gods I love you’.
Very needy and wants you to touch his face all the time, he’ll just grab your hands and place them on his face. You’re very confused about the eyepatch. He loves it when your hands find his lips and trail down his chin, he just melts.
Within reason he jokes around a lot, his favourite thing to do is to stick his very cold hands down the back of your shirt and make you jump.
Absolutely loses his s**t when you make blind jokes to people who are completely unaware (ie. “Look at this!” “I would but my eyes don’t seem to be co-operating right now.”)
Muriel knows that Asra tried everything to restore your sight so he’s very aware that if Asra, the most powerful and wilful person he’s ever met can’t help you, then he can’t do much else.
He even says it outright to you. Sure he’d want to try and help you but that’s just not something he’s able to do, but you would appreciate his honesty.
He’d make up for it through all his actions, and to be honest that is all you could ask for (at this rate it’s a breath of fresh air not being poked and prodded and slathered in ointments and tonics).
Muriel found you smacked your head on the door frame/beams of the hut one too many times (he used to do it a lot but he came to expect it). For you he pads them with fur lining, or just does some heavy lifting and prop them up higher.
Gave you a rune that rumbles when you’re about to smack into something (kind of like echolocation but magic)
Inanna is such a doll, she lets you gab the fur between her shoulders and guides you wherever you ask. Often escorts you back to the shop if Muriel can’t
Speaking of which, although he doesn’t like it Muriel will brave Vesuvia’s streets to make sure you get back to the shop in one piece.
Whittled you a cane, he made sure he didn’t get hit in the shins.
Although he can get a bit flustered at physical touch, he’ll always hold your arm if you want him to. Heck he’ll carry you if you ask.
Makes a sound/word, taps you before touching you, he’s a big guy and although he knows you don’t mind he really doesn’t want to scare you.
Takes you out and describes the places in the forest you visit, he really likes to describe the animals to you because your reactions are awe-struck.
When you asked to ‘see’ him he was confused, but when you described it he was hesitant. It’s one thing people seeing him and another people touching him, but your face is so innocent and he knows you don’t mean to make him uncomfortable. So after mentally preparing himself he sets you on the bed and sits in front of you.
His eyes were closed as your hands roamed his face but he let out a sigh as you traced the shape of his face and ran your fingers over the stubble of his cheeks and chin. He actually enjoyed it. Until you let out a shocked sound at the feel of his scars, “What is this?!” He very stiffly answered what and why they were there You then apologised profusely.
He can be deviously quiet without meaning to be so it’s a shock when you realise he’s been behind you the past ten minutes.
Makes you carvings of animals when you want to ‘see’ them too, you gave them names and called the wolf Mini-Inanna and the bear Muriel, because of reasons...
Feels very much the same way as Muriel does, at the end of the day she’s a servant not a powerful magician, a wealthy count or a skilled doctor like her brother.
Her main focus is to make you happy despite your blindness, it doesn’t have to change anything about your lives.
That being said if she heard about a magical object from one of Mazenkalias stories that could grant wishes or something she’d be on the next boat out of Vesuvia with you to make an adventure out of it.
Quickly realised she needed to hide the good china after knocked a tea cup over and off the table.😂
Put a bell on Pepi’s collar so you don’t step on her.
Pepi picked up fast that if you were going to sit on the chair she was on she’d have to mew or get out of the way! She forgives you and has on a few occasions raced to meow at you to let you know you might trip over something on the floor.
Learned braille with you when Nadia sent you some books after Portia told her that she wished you could read the books she had.
She makes you tons of blankets and pillows that have embroidered accents for something to fiddle with while you’re bored.
Always has a first aid kit handy, her cottage is messy and full of odds and ends and unfortunately accidents happen.
Created safe spaces, the bedroom and the living area are both devoid of anything apart from cushy furniture.
When Portia’s working at the palace she and Nadia invite you to escort Nadia during her duties so you can ‘see’ Portia at the Palace but be watched after by the countess.
Very giggly when you ask to ‘see’ her, she can’t stop smiling and thinks it’s amazing that you can piece together an image of her in your head. She loves it when you press your fingers to her cheeks and makes funny sounds to make you laugh too. When she mentions freckles you are awe-struck, because you didn’t know people’s skin could have them.
Accidentally remodelled the cottage without telling you, resulting in you falling flat on your face after tripping over a stool when you entered.
Also loves the blind jokes you use on others, she’ll retell them to Julian and they’ll just laugh over your comedic genius.
She’s too loud to sneak up on you so you know when she’s coming, but she warns you all the same by saying what she’s about to do. If she shouts “HUG!” prepare to be squeezed by her deceptive strength.
Once blindfolded herself and tired to experience the world like you do, fell over and hurt herself. You couldn’t stop crying with laughter as she tried to explain.
Appalled at the thought! He feels very sorry for you and would probably try to make another deal with some demon, you have to drag him away by the ear while lecturing him on how bad of an idea it is.
It was really awkward having to deal with the healers, magicians, advisers, etc... he hired to ‘fix’ you. You actually had to give him a few stern words and ease him down, the determination is appreciated but you’d much rather have his attention than let him fuss over restoring your sight to you.
In the end he’s glad you did because it was only then he got to love and dote on you the way he wants to.
Tried and failed to train Mercedes and Melinchor into suitable guide dogs, those two are too headstrong and stubborn (kind of like a certain count you know).
Insists on escorting you to wherever you want to go before he goes to where he is supposed to be, does not care if he’s late for a meeting so long as you are where you want to be.
Mercedes and Melinchor are actually helpful, they keep their distance but if you’re lost you’ll feel them tug at your sleeves and guide you or they’ll guard you from possible foes (e.g the courtiers).
Commissioned paintings/sculptures you could touch so you could ‘see’ the exotic places he described to you.
Stopped wearing the sharp plates on his prosthetic arm as when you touched it you would get hurt by the sharp metal.
Tried to learn braille with you but he found it super hard with his prosthetic arm as it didn’t feel things like a normal hand, but you both took your time and succeeded together.
Can’t believe you can ‘see’ him by just touching his face but lets you and asks what you think about how he looks. Has never felt more self conscious than he does now. He sit’s very awkwardly but can’t help but mumble a little as you trace his nose and up to the ridge of his brow. “You’re very handsome.” That’s enough to make him splutter a thank you.
You ask at one point to feel his stump where his arm was and he’s pretty reluctant but lets you all the same as you find out about his scars and ask him about it. Afterwards he gets cocky and asks if you want to ‘see’ anything else, you smack him on the shoulder but laugh anyway.
Actually forgets you’re blind sometimes, he’s accidentally; smacked you in the face with several objects (pillows, hairbrushes, eyeliner...), asked you to pass him his dressing robe (you passed him yours and he got trapped in it), told you to look at the cool albino turtle he got and you just deadpan said “Wow.”
He’s seen you talk to statues after brushing past them and thinking they are people.
Sneaky like Julian will definitely scare you every once in a while, jokes on him if he doesn’t dodge your hand in time. But when he wants to touch you he’ll make his footsteps more pronounced and ask you if he can give you a hug or a kiss.
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waterfall-ambience · 4 years
Void Fog (Cosmic Horror AU), Part 3
Deeper, yet deeper still.
- A few days later,  Grian found an unfamiliar door in his base. 
As soon as he opened it, the truth was clear to him. He didn’t think it was possible, but as he peered into the darkness, he found himself in an all-too familiar library. 
He fumbled around for his communicator. 
- Joe and Xisuma received the message and immediately headed over to investigate.
- EX had passed out well into the afternoon, and Joe decided not to wake him.
- According to Grian, this library was part of the Infinite. The Watchers sometimes used it for research, and there was a section within the expanse that led to their archives, but it was unlikely that they’d find it, especially because the dimension was just so...vast. 
- Joe, Xisuma, and Grian ventured into the library and lit up their way as they went. They weren’t necessarily hoping to reach an endpoint- when they ran out of torches, they’d just head back. 
- Xisuma periodically checked their coordinates. The numbers started off stable, but they shifted and grew erratic as they wandered deeper into the library. 
- The rooms continued as normal, but deep within the library, they found a rift between worlds. Upon going through it, they found themselves standing in front of an unfamiliar portal frame.
- It stood tall, despite its incompleteness. Its frame was made up of layers of obsidian, crying obsidian, and bedrock. 
- X checked their coordinates again. This was where EX’s portal was. 
- They destroyed the frame, or at least what they could of it. Even with a brief dip into Creative Mode, they couldn’t break the bedrock. 
- They hid a camera in the area to monitor the portal. Just in case something weird happened.
- Xisuma went back to his base for the night. Grian and Joe went back to the vineyard to compare notes about the Infinite.
- They found EX sketching out what he remembered from his dreams. He drew some of the events in the hopes of finding a pattern, but wasn’t comfortable in showing them due to how several related back to...personal issues. He let Grian see the pieces that were more focused on the erratic landscapes, most of which Grian recognised as the Infinite. 
- They discussed their experiences with the Infinite, and what it meant for the server if it were to bleed into it. Nothing good. 
The Strait of Joebraltar saw no phantoms that night, but Joe dreamt of the Infinite. 
- A few days later, a server-wide meeting was scheduled. EX was apprehensive about attending, but Joe convinced him to go.
- Several Hermits reported that the errors were back. Chunks they were working on unloaded and reloaded. They found rooms they hadn’t built. Maps didn’t update. Items went missing. Scar lost his gear to flames when he died, despite only dying from fall damage. Grian’s doorway to the library disappeared. 
- Other admins like X, Cub, and Tango also reported vivid dreams in what Grian, EX, and Joe believed to be the Infinite. 
- The server was becoming near impossible to live in. The season was going to have to end early.  
- They originally planned to travel to the next season through a portal, but that put them at  risk of getting separated if it got corrupted.The proposed solution was to build a starship- an ‘ark’ of sorts. They could sail it out of the world and open a stable portal from there.
- EX considered the facts- the errors started with his arrival back onto the server. They got worse when his nightmares grew more vivid and the voice from the Infinite grew louder. The Infinite was bleeding into the world, and it was corrupting itself. 
…This was all his fault, wasn’t it?
- Joe woke up one night to the sound of shuffling in the hallway. 
- After some investigation, he found EX wandering through the winery. Joe tried to lead EX back to his room, but he swatted him away without a word. 
- EX made his way to the front door and teleported out of sight. 
- Joe searched the surrounding area, just in case EX was still nearby, but he was gone.
- Joe checked on EX’s portal, and found him building it up. He tried to stop him, but he reacted violently when Joe tried throwing whatever blocks he had onto it to disrupt the frame. 
- ‘EX’ teleported away again, leaving Joe behind.
- EX woke up in a distant field the next morning. Stress found him hopelessly lost and led him back to a more familiar part of the server.
- EX thanked her for watching over him when he first arrived. He apologised for ‘being a hassle’, and for anything ‘weird’ that happened while he was unconscious. Stress smiled and told him that it wasn’t a problem. 
- EX made it back to the vineyard. He was clearly possessed the night before, and they had to do something about it before the portal was finished. Joe broke the obsidian, but the bedrock remained.
- EX recounted how Xisuma freed him from the Wither back in Season 5. He killed him in the mindscape, and it left. 
Surely, it couldn’t have been that simple.
- According to Joe, to get to the mindscape, X had to use bedrock, which he got from Ren in ‘Creative Mode’. 
- The server was already under strain, and entering ‘Creative Mode’ had the possibility of making the errors worse. However, if EX’s connection to that…’Entity’ grew stronger, it could corrupt the server into oblivion in a matter of days. If it remained once they left, it could continue to follow them. It’d better to sever the connection for good.
- They met up with Xisuma and Grian that night. Xisuma briefly went into ‘Creative Mode’ to get the bedrock. He was to monitor the server and watch for errors. Grian tagged along to help navigate through the Infinite.
- EX didn’t want anyone to see his mindscape. Only Joe and Grian would see it, and while he didn’t entirely trust them enough to let them see inside his head, they could save the server.
- If severing the connection to that...Entity meant redemption, he’d take it.
- EX’s mind, to put it lightly, was a cluttered mess. 
- It somehow managed to be empty and full at the same time. Flashes of colour and obsidian pillars filled what should’ve been the sea. What should’ve been stable ground was instead made of arrays of potted plants, scissors, and villainous looking masks. The sky hung above them, deep orange from the smoke. Red strings littered the ground, seemingly pointing to...somewhere. 
- They decided to follow them. 
- Grian told them not to worry about getting injured. While they were in the Infinite, everything was, at its very core, all a dream. They should be more careful of making deals with things that wanted to bring themselves into their world.
- EX figured that he made a deal with the Entity at some point, but couldn’t exactly remember when. 
- The string that they followed led back to the remnants of the town that EX built during his exile. His old rustic house stood tall in the middle of it, ever-expanding, encompassing the town.
- Grian and Joe pointed out how it was similar to Grian’s Hermitville house from Season Six, only for EX to look at them in confusion.
- As they approached the house, they realised that it was covered in vines. They grew over the doors and windows. Grian, Joe, and EX managed to break down the door, and found that the interior of the house was relatively intact, were it not for the vines creeping down the stairs. 
- They followed the vines. The hallways twisted and turned, and open spaces became narrow passages. Joe found himself ducking under some particularly low arches and spaces where the roof jutted into the house. 
- Eventually, they came to a door to one of the towers. EX mentally kicked himself- this was the way to his old room. The vines grew thicker as they climbed the stairs to the platform. The door to his room was sealed shut, but after tearing the vines away and some effort kicking it down, it swung open. 
- Beyond the door was a dark void. Through the darkness, they saw something bright in the distance. As they walked, it became clearer.
A body lay on the bed. It was covered in the same vines that swallowed the house. EX crept closer to try to see if he could identify it.
        It was himself.
        He should’ve known. 
- Joe and EX tried to cut the vines in an attempt to free this version of EX, but they just grew back thicker. From the way this EX slept through all their grabbing and pulling at the vines, EX thought that he could just be dead. While trying to free this EX’s arms, Joe caught a glimpse of what looked like- what, a tattoo?
It was definitely a symbol of some sort. Vaguely circular, with some sort of detailing to it- holes and lines, something that looked like infinite eyes. Joe got dizzy the longer he looked at it- were the patterns shifting? Growing outwards? It was impossible to tell. 
- Grian stared into the darkness. Something was off about this space. Empty voids existed in the Infinite, but more often than not, they weren’t this...blatant. 
- The void opened up, revealing its countless eyes. The vines turned to shadowy tendrils, tightly gripping the sleeping EX. He didn’t stir. They looked up- some of the larger eyes turned blank, and similar to a tv screen, a projection played. 
- Old memories, ridden with pain and sorrow, jealousy and anger. Scenes of destruction, fire, and storms. Nightmares from the past week and months of exile spilled onto the screen, all part of some twisted, pathetic story that kept repeating.
- The last nightmare that played wasn’t a recent one. EX only had vague memories of it. This one showed him crying out in desperation as something crept through the walls of his lonely tower. Eyes. Darkness. A mixture of laughter and pained screeching from what sounded like millions of people. Shouting. At the end of it, a promise. It was a promise of belonging somewhere, no matter how dark. 
- EX started shaking. His weakness brought the server to its knees yet again. No matter how hard he tried, he was still trapped in an endless cycle of failures and destruction. He didn’t hear the dark tendrils squeeze his sleeping form even tighter. 
- Joe tried to calm him down. After all, EX hadn’t intentionally caused harm to anyone, and while his methods of stopping the Entity were far from efficient, Joe saw that he was at least trying. The Entity latching onto him wasn’t his fault, and he was even trying to save the server by entering the Infinite head-on. 
The void started to crack and break apart, even if it was just a little bit.
- Of course, a cosmic, nigh-incomprehensible Entity couldn’t be defeated with love, but it could at least dispel some of the fear it preyed upon. The destruction of the server was imminent. Joe hoped that the Entity would sever its connection to EX once it was done, but he’d still need the time and space to recover. 
The void’s infinite eyes fell away, and the trio found themselves back on the Hermitcraft server. 
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worstloki · 5 years
hi i have a prompt: the hulk smash isnt enough to free loki from the mind stone, thanos/the other die with the chitauri. loki is still under the stones influence but his boss is dead, and being enthralled to No One In Particular is stressing him out so the stone decides to make the avengers his New Boss™ (bc while the tesseract is his one true love, All Infinity Stones Are Friends Of Loki (AISAFOL)). the avengers are Very Confused by lokis sudden and inexplicable desire to please them.
(This post got quite long, so I’ve put a barrier to stop unwanting eyes from having the travesty take forever to scroll down. You’re welcome.)
He suspected there were only two beings currently in the vicinity to toss him around like a ragdoll, and the mean green fighting machine was definitely the one he would prefer.
When the Hulk grabbed hold of Loki’s ankle he was hopeful that the Other’s hold on him would break, after all, hadn't ‘cognitive recalibration’ broken Barton from its influence? He did not try using magic to soften the blows as he was hit against the ground. 
Loki felt the connection break, felt as the watcher’s eyes were pulled away and he could finally breathe without scrutiny. Which was fine, until he did a basic physiology check (to make sure he wasn’t hit too hard on the head) and found the mind stone still holding on to him. It was urging him to serve a commander he had no contact to and the irony of this was not wasted on Loki. The sceptre’s touch would soon fade. Probably.
He lay on the ground, savouring his victory: The Chitauri were mindless and would soon be easily defeated, the mind stone left near the portal to close, the fact that he would soon be back on Asgard, but most importantly, that Thanos was far far away from him. Loki would not be so easily captured again. 
When he tried to pull himself out of the ground, (and yes, there really was a body-shaped hole were he had been left which was honestly impressive even for himself) he found the Avengers standing over him. Show offs.
This was fine though. Thor would not leave his brother on Midgard and wouldn’t have any way to get back to Asgard since Loki was the one with knowledge on how to use it. He would likely stand trial and be sentenced to death. Which was also fine (he knew several loopholes that he could exploit to avoid a death sentence). 
Stark was the first to talk, “Alright you Ben Solo knockoff, get in the fancy handcuffs” he said. Perhaps not your best analogy, Loki was about to say when he felt his exhausted back straighten and found himself actually walking towards the man - something that he had in no way decided to do. 
The fact that he had followed the instructions calmly just left everyone else more confused, if all 6 Avengers tensing up was any indication. So, it appeared the sceptre’s touch would not, in fact, be fading soon. 
He felt himself hold his hands out for Tony to attach the handcuffs. They were Asgardian and would surely restrict his magic, which would definitely not be the best thing for him right now since he was trying to cut the Mind stone off. 
The handcuffs were put around his wrists and, feeling his magic start to suppress as they touched his wrist he jerked his hands back out. He told me get in the handcuffs, he smiled at the thought, but he did not specify for how long I would have to keep them there. 
He noticed after the Widow had caught onto his neck and slammed him to the ground that moving too fast would be seen as a sign of hostility, and was too busy figuring out how long he would survive on loop-holes before Earth’s heroes realised he was at their command, to resist being pinned to the ground. Thor placed Mjolnir strategically on Loki’s sleeve to keep him down - his sleeve, as if ripping through it wasn’t an option - the oaf either didn’t consider him a threat anymore (which was good) or hadn’t wanted to place it elsewhere and risk injuring Loki (which was also good), This amount of good luck was awfully suspicious.
“Why, brother?” Thor asked, as he stared down at Loki. Loki couldn’t exactly ignore the only thing he could see other than the ceiling and decided to give him an answer for the apparently sincere concern Thor had on his face.
“Because, Thor, I would rather he at least took me out to dinner first-” 
Loki couldn’t see them but he knew at least Tony and Romanov would find the remark enough to smirk at despite the circumstances and Bruce and Steve would also find it amusing (even if they would not admit it). Barton’s sense of humour was a bit less dry but he could try something for that later. To Thor’s credit, all he did was act confused and turn away. He didn’t really care about Thor’s reaction. In fact, thinking about it, was finally being free putting him in a good mood, or was it the stone that was still doing something in his head? He was almost certain his sudden interest in what the Avengers thought of him was not natural… but he couldn’t say for sure, so mulling over it was pointless.
“I apologise for my brother, it seems his sense of humour took a hit in the fight” Thor told his team, “If one of you could hold his other hand I shall bound his wrists and mouth myself -” 
“I don’t think you’ll need to do that,” Tony stepped forward, coming into view, which was awfully kind of him since Loki could literally only see Thor and the roof as he laid on the ground and wasnt bothered to get up, “He’s Loki, right? I read up on him a bit and he mostly avoids stuff because of the wording people use… combine that with the fact that he walked over to me when I asked, but then didn’t let me tie him it seems he’ s actually a pretty chill guy and wouldn’t object if I ask him to hold still long enough for me to put them on”. No one answered. 
“That is a crazy outlandish theory, even for you man…” Hawkeye said, probably to break the silence. Loki considered his options and they were to either a) Not do anything and let Tony test out his theory (which would be true and then the Avengers would realise that he will do whatever they wanted happily and not end well for himself) or b) say something now that could convince Tony not to try it (which, considering Tony and his curious streak, would be pretty hard to pull off…). 
He found an uncomfortable position in which he could hold himself up and face the Avengers while keeping his left arm pinned down. He settled for option b and hoped the norns were feeling kind today. 
“Hello, I’m Loki, I don’t think we’ve been formally introduced but long story short I was tortured and then forced into trying to subjugate your planet - sorry about that by the way - but I’m mostly back now and would rather not put the handcuffs on for the previously stated reason but also because I’m healing up a serious head injury at the moment and those cuffs restrict the healing.”. The injury part was a lie of course, he just didn’t enjoy his magic being meddled with (and was trying to get rid of the mind stone which refused to leave) and Thor wouldn’t leave him at the mercy of Midgardian healing knowledge… the rest of it was true enough, with the omission of Thanos, a threat Loki would only mention to the only one probably able to do something; the Allfather.
“I’m calling BS,” Clint said, barely after Loki had closed his mouth. Rude. “The guy is literally infamous for lying, and he also had that sceptre that he used to mess with peoples brains, and he was trying to bring an alien army through that portal thing, and he has no proof that he isn’t making this all up. So.” he finished off eloquently. 
They all shufted to the other side of the room and lowered their voices, presumably arguing over whether or not to trust him. Typical. This is what good telling the truth does.
Thor still stood with him though, and was trying to attach the handcuffs. Loki decided to store them in his pocket dimension just to make sure Thor didn’t accidently succeed. Thor pulled out another pair. Loki neatly placed those in the pocket dimension too. Loki could do this all day. 
The Captain, (their semi-leader? Loki was unsure how Tony and Steve had split the responsibility but it seemed to lean either direction at random) cleared his throat and addressed him, “We’ve decided the handcuffs… won’t be necessary since we don’t want to submit you to a hospital- ” 
“And because you wouldn’t be able to eat without your hands,” Tony cut in, presumably inviting him to the dinner Loki had mentioned, and got matching glares from Steve and Natasha in returned.
“But, we have also decided to test out Tony’s theory on how you lie because there’s no harm in not trying. After that you’ll be questioned by SHIELD and sent home.” Steve continued. He failed to mention what would be happening to the tesseract or mind stone which Loki thought was funny; as if Odin would let them keep three infinity stones on this planet. The thought that Odin may not even know what the sceptre and tesseract actually were crossed his mind but he dismissed it. 
Clint stepped forward and said, “Do a backflip,”. There was an expectant silence that followed as if they all thought he would obey the absurd command.
“You realise I am stuck to the ground, do you not? Even if I could do a backflip, I wouldn’t be able to like this.“ When the silence grew heavier and Clint’s ears had turned as red as they could get Loki decided to continue, “Also, I can’t do backflips.”  
The silence grew even heavier than before - if possible - and Loki watched as Barton received glares from basically everyone. 
He decided he should take advantage of this to suggest something that would be useful to himself and them. “How about you ask me not to attack any of you as we leave the tower?” He prompted. 
Natasha decided to speak instead, “Do not attack any of us indefinitely. In fact, while you’re at it, why don’t you magic me up some coffee.”. 
The request was simple enough. He hadn’t planned on doing anything to harm them anyways. All he wanted was to get on Asgard and wait for the mind stone to wear off. “Done.” Loki said, then, holding out a cup of coffee that appeared in his hand (it was from the café across the road, where ‘Nick Fury’, some guy whose lack of an eye reminded him of Odin, had been about to take his first sip) he offered the cup to her. He even winked and added a pleased to be of service thinking she would actually accept the coffee. Of course, she did not. 
“I’m afraid I don’t like the way the Director takes his coffee.” she said, a dangerous shine in her eyes, “Why don’t you drink it instead? I’m sure you’d love to drink the whole thing in one go.”. Natasha smiled nicely, as he said “whatever you say” and did just that. He hadn’t had coffee in a while so he might as well take the chance to taste it while he had some on him anyways. It was hot, sure, but he could use magic to prevent it from burning him. He drank it in one go.
There was no sugar in it. Loki hates coffee. He knows he hates coffee but its not like he had much of a choice. It was fine though. As long as he willingly does everything they asked the stone wouldn’t have to come into play and take over for him. To hide their control he wouldn’t just have to do everything happily and for the purpose of ‘because I wanted to do it anyways’ but he would have to do it convincingly. 
That’s not too hard. He was a good liar after all. He could easily answer SHIELD’s questions then get to Asgard without them figuring it out…
“I cant explain how but it appears your theory was right, Stark, he’ll do whatever you ask if he is physically able to do. Good job on figuring it out.” Natasha said, winking at Loki when she was finished.
If he manages to get away now they’ll stop believing the true story he told them before. If he confirms that the stone is still affecting him they’ll know for sure that he has to do whatever they say. He watches each of them as they go through the stages of confusion, awe, disbelief and then settle on ‘confusion but with an attitude that says we are going to take full advantage of this discovery’. He stares at them in silence because he knows the only action he could take that won’t change any ridiculous demands they make will only confirm him as guilty for the crimes he (technically didn’t!) commit. 
Well, #$&*, he thinks.
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theficpusher · 5 years
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Naked Attraction by glitterlarries | nr | 4723 It’s just… It’s just that Louis recognises those feet, he thinks. And those long legs. And the thighs, too. And… okay, yeah, he definitely recognises the- Louis goes on Channel 4's new dating show which involves choosing a partner based on how attractive you find their naked body. Harry just so happens to be one of the contestants. Harry also just so happens to be Louis' ex boyfriend.
Play the Part (Win his Heart) by LadyLondonderry | T | 4929 Louis Tomlinson has always dreamed of being on Come Dine with Me (not that he would admit it because all things considered being on the show isn't that impressive of a dream). Now that he's finally gotten his chance, he's going to show the world just what he's made of. Or at least, that's his plan. It'd be a lot easier of Harry Styles, certified Cat Person, didn't keep distracting him.
sugar, butter, flour by EmmyLouWho | T | 5838 Louis watches Harry start to pour icing onto his half-raw, still hot cookie, and tries to hold in his groan. He isn't sure if they’ve ever had a contestant on the show who tried so hard…and yet completely failed at every single step. You can’t rig the show to help a contestant, he tells himself. Even if they’re adorable. Or - a Nailed It! AU
Walk Away, You're Messed Up by green_feelings | G | 21303 AU, in which a jobless model, a retired footballer, a struggling singer-songwriter, an underrated actor and a failed popstar move into a house together for a new Reality TV format. They don’t know each other, but living in each other’s pockets, as well as overcoming ridiculous challenges every week, they become friends. They figure that they work better as a team than as individuals and in the end, it maybe isn’t about winning the show anymore. Or: They are all second-class celebs, participating in a shit reality show, screwing over the producers and ruling the show, although they lose on every single challenge.
Playing To Win by jacaranda_bloom | E | 36732 Big Brother UK alumni Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles are selected for the UK vs Australia All Stars series with a massive one million dollar prize in the offing. They’re both fit and smart and would make a great alliance... if only they can stop their feelings from getting in the way. OR the one where Louis really doesn’t want to like Harry, Harry is struggling to quell his growing fondness for Louis, but sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you just can’t fight fate.
Blockheads (Building a home with you) by bitter_leaf | E | 37764 “Niall,” Louis groaned down the phone line, exasperated. “It’s only been four hours and he’s already doing my head in. He keeps interrupting to ask stupid questions during the safety briefings, he can’t walk past a camera without doing this ridiculous hair flick, and I swear he spent ten minutes out of our insane schedule trying to get himself a pair of the pink work boots the girls have. A producer had to apologise and tell him they hadn’t thought to order them in a size 12!” -- Louis is a no-nonsense contractor with a score to settle. Harry is an idealistic interior designer who just wants the world to be beautiful. When they decide to go on The Block, a reality TV show about renovating, they’re not prepared for what else they might build together…
you came into my life by disgruntledkittenface | M | 57180 They stand around talking for a minute and then Jonathan starts to ramble, “Has there ever been, like, an unrequited gay love story in here? Like a Brokeback Mountain moment where, like, someone just fell in love and they didn’t mean to?” Louis feels bile rise in his throat as Jonathan’s eyes sparkle, pleading for a yes. He manages to look around and see thoughtful looks on his coworkers’ faces before their heads shake no. “Not here,” Liam says finally. When the Queer Eye cast and crew sweep into Louis’ small town and fire station to make over his best friend and coworker Liam, Louis’ carefully constructed walls start to fall down and he has to face his fears – and the only guy he’s ever been able to see a future with.
leave it to the breeze by hattalove | E | 81459 Louis couldn’t be prouder of his bake, but there’s something—there’s something. Something about Harry Styles and the earnest way he measures, pours, mixes, scrapes. Something about the tip of his tongue poking out of his mouth as he knocks the air out of his batter. or a great british bake off au in which louis cares about winning and winning only, harry is made of sunshine and rainbow sprinkles, and niall sticks his nose into other people's business. also featuring liam as louis's best friend-slash-concerned mother, and zayn as a macaron connoisseur.
Spirit to a Dove by alienharry | M | 97021 For as long as it’s been on the air, Harry’s been an avid watcher of Trivialities. He’s always imagined what it’d be like to compete on the show himself, and when the opportunity arises, he’s fast tracked to join the new cast for the show’s eighth season. Alliances are formed, strategies are planned, and Harry finds himself with his very own nemesis. Between trivia and physical challenges, Harry’s making the most of his time in the house, but nothing could’ve prepared him for Louis Tomlinson.
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dingoat · 4 years
Relationship Asks for Ahuska and Five: 2, 4, 7, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29.
OH BOY OH BOY *cracks knuckles* time for another round of BEST GIRL VS WORST BOY.
Obviously this one needs a ‘read more’ (or ‘stick it behind a cut’ as my old school livejournal brain still thinks of it) because it’s gonna be a looonnnng one ahahaha. Some of these I’ve answered already but I’m just gonna copy-paste the responses here to keep it all together, especially since I’m gonna go through question by question for the sake of fun comparisons/contrasts rather than character by character!
2.  ♥  When they have a crush on someone, how do they let them know?
Ahuska finds ways to be around them as much as possible and offers rapt attention to everything they say and do, showing interest in every part of their life, even the things she’d never given a second thought for beforehand. She’ll initiate physical contact, often in that ‘accidental’ sort of way- a hand touch that lingers, sliding down a bench a little ‘too far’ and winding up pressed together at the hips, feet bumping under a table, but sometimes more overt things like snuggling down and resting her head in a lap while staying up late watching holos might happen...
Five does not crush, he’s not twelve years old. When he has an interest in someone he may spend a period of time testing for compatability, pushing and pressing for reactions, and if he finds himself still interested (but for whatever reason nothing has naturally escalated in the meanwhile), he will quite simply and overtly request private company.
4. ♥ Do they spend a lot of time in the courting stage or attempt to get to first base as fast as possible?
Ahuska likes the thought of a long courtship, being wooed and pursued, teasing and flirting and yearning... but though she doesn’t actively try to rush her way to ‘first base’, precedent definitely suggests that once the option is there, no matter the time frame, she doesn’t really hesitate.
Five considers ‘first base’ (if you must phrase it in such a juvenile fashion) to be a starting point.
7.  ♥ How do they feel about polygamy?
Ahuska’s intial gut reaction, when asked, is that it’s vastly preferable to having an affair! She thinks it’s a perfectly acceptable style of relationship, but it’s not something she’s ever related to herself- the thought that she might ever find herself loving and desiring more than one someone so deeply as to want them in her life to the same degree seems so beyond the realms of possibility that it’s just never crossed her mind. (Yet.)
However; she is incredibly committed and loyal in her relationships, and if she did find herself in such a place, she wouldn’t be able to handle sneaking behind backs or lies or secrecy; the guilt and misery and betrayal of trust would be the end of her. She would have to either leave one forever unrecognised/unsatisfied, or give polygamy some long and serious thought and very open discussion.
Five doesn’t really care what other people do, but it’s irrelevant to him because it suggests any kind of committed relationship at all. He simply sees who he wants, when he wants, and if anyone gets jealous of anyone else then that sounds like a them problem.
16. ♥ Do they have at least one bonding activity they devote to doing with their partner exclusively?
Aside from the obvious, I’m not sure Ahuska makes a point of keeping any particular activity exclusive? Sweet, potentially romantic activities like stargazing and long moonlit walks might naturally happen far more with the love of her life, but I don’t think she’d ever turn down the chance to do so with a close friend either (there’d just be less... hand-holding and cheek snuggles).
One might have thought that Five had a whole host of bonding activities exclusive to a single particular person... but what with that being more of a Watcher-Cipher thing, rather than a partners thing, that ‘exclusivity’ no longer exactly completely applies, whoops. (Granted, the new Cipher is not likely to ever experience the push-off-a-building trust exercise.) That said, it’s very likely that Thirteen is actually the only person who gets to experience Five in the context of completely casual, physical, and dare I say... affectionate company.
17. ♥ What sort of characteristics or quirks draw them to someone?
Ahuska needs to see the capacity for kindness, even if it’s wrapped in a crude, brash or sharp-edged package- or maybe especially so, because she is a little bit hopeless for a show of snark, cheek, and sharp wit (provided it’s not at her expense) and someone not afraid to draw blood to protect what they care about. She loves unexpected talents like dance or musical ability being sprung on her out of the blue, and she’s weak for demonstrations of confident competence.
Five is drawn to someone who can give and take as well as he can. Intelligence, attractiveness, skill. Wit and snark quite specifically at his expense so he has the opportunity to fight back; he wants to be challenged, but not beaten. His heart thunders for someone more physically capable than himself who he can, nonetheless, bring to their knees.
18. ♥ Do they have a ‘type’?
I thought Ahuska had a type, but I seem to have discovered that her heart is not quite so specific and compatability can come in more than one shape and size. She has a lot of love to give and can find it in very unexpected places.
Five definitely goes for people who demonstrate one very specific physical characteristic.
19. ♥ What was their first impression about their partner/person they are courting?
When Ahuska first saw Crow, she was struck with the fact that he didn’t carry himself with the alpha-dog machismo she’d come to expect from fellow Mandalorians of his particular demographic. And when he turned his grin her way, he very very firmly snared her attention.
When Ahuska first met Blakk, she simply thought he was a delightful, feisty, dear little fox, and was absolutely besotted with him, if not in the way that she eventually became (after the wildest possible ride of misunderstandings and twisted events and broken trust and reforged faith).
Five, I think, would have made a very swift and completely superficial assessment, found it very pleasing (provided there was no fashion disaster occurring at the time), and opened himself up to learning more. It wouldn’t have taken long to be drawn into that personality, either.
21. ♥ What was the most romantic time they had with their partner?
Ahuska’s most romantic time with Crow would almost definitely be their space-walk through the ice fields of Saleucami, followed by some slightly less life-threatening zero gravity playtime within the safety of their ship’s cargo hold. They’ve had a lot of terribly sweet moments but I’m not sure that any compare to that honeymoon trip.
With Blakk, Ahuska has experienced a number of wonderfully romantic moments... in their shared dreams. It can be hard to compete with a world where auroras and starlight of your own creation dance to the beat of your hearts as you discover just how real you are to one another, but in many ways that last morning they spent together in person before parting, before anything between them was properly admitted or understood, waking to the warmth of the sun and sharing a long breakfast together full of soft yearning and denial of the inevitable separation to come ranks very high on the heart aching romance scale.
Five understands ‘textbook romance’ perfectly well and has probably walked through all the steps with great success a number of times when seducing marks back in his Cipher days. But when it comes to his own actual desires….. it really is hard to apply the word ‘romantic’. Granted, he does enjoy the finer things in life and takes great pride in being a very good cook, and a certain someone knows exactly how to push his buttons to get most exactly what he wants out of him when he feels like it. So there probably have been some almost ‘nice’ evenings of home cooked meals and fine wine and bath oils, at least to begin with….?
22. ♥ Tell us about a sacrifice they made for their significant other.
Ahuska gave up Clan life, the chance to rise through the ranks and be the Mandalorian she never thought she could, and a lot of her innocence, to be with and stay with Crow.
For Blakk, Ahuska broke off her current romance, turned her back on her safety net, and basically gave up everything she had... just for the hope that they might find away to actually be together.
Five gave up a significant measure of control on two distinct occassions, both of which were considerably big deals for him.
23. ♥ Do they apologize to their partner even if it wasn’t their fault?
Ahuska will readily and even pre-emptively take on the blame for almost anything. If something is genuinely her fault, she will apologise profusely and genuinely, probably through tears, and feel bad about it long after forgiveness has been given. She will offer apologies even when not directly at fault if she thinks it will help to calm down or diffuse a situation.
Five, though, doesn’t do the ‘accepting blame’ thing and certainly won’t shoulder somebody else’s. The one occassion where he has accepted responsibility, he’s never actually said the word sorry aloud, and he’s not even come clean about the real circumstances. But his guilt over the matter is expressed still to this day, through actions and gifts that are never actually directly linked to the event in question.
27. ♥ Have they had dreams about their partner/the person they are courting?
Ahuska most certainly has; dreams are a significant part of every reality she experiences, and often a way that binds them together, so naturally the significant people in her life feature prominently. She’s leery of anything that has a sense of being prophetic, but does believe she’s witnessed possible futures in her dreams and the ones that suggest a long and full life with Crow are her favourites.
Through her Force-bond with Blakk, she’s been able to actually share dreams with him, which have been very profound experiences... but at the moment her dreams are only dreams, and any real senses she gets of him vanish the moment she tries to focus enough to actually reach him. It hurts.
Five dreams as anyone does, and there’s no doubt Thirteen would feature in them regularly. Nothing magical, nothing profound or prophetic, just good old fashioned disjointed images that the brain strings together in a loose approximation of a plot. What’s most disconcerting is if he makes any sort of appearance in his recurring nightmares.
28. ♥ Do they understand their partners/person they are courting’s feelings without them having to say anything?
Ahuska becomes very attuned to the people she cares most about; she’s naturally a very sensitive person who wants to understand her partners’ feelings, and her desire to understand and do the best for the people she loves is only ever enhanced by her connection to the Force. She’s connected to Crow through all their years and shared experiences together, and being tuned into the beat of his heart definitely helps her know his feelings despite what he might show on the outside. With Blakk she has the benefit of being literally bonded through the Force but... well. Hopefully they wind up back in a position where understanding one anothers’ feelings is a legitimate thing they can do. ;_;
Five is quite astute, if not completely fool-proof, and when he puts the effort in can do quite a servicable job of knowing where someone’s feelings are at- manipulation is one of the tools of his trade, after all. Just how much he actually cares to do so is a different story, but, well... stranger things have certainly happened. He might try to claim that Thirteen is an open book to him, but that might just be what Thirteen wants him to think.
29. ♥ How do they express their love to their partner?
Ahuska gives freely and openly, her time, her energy, her patience, her body and soul. She will share anything and everything, she will take risks for her partner and forsake all the rest of the galaxy for them. She will find little tokens to gift them; she will feature them amongst her sketches regularly, she will listen to them and back them up and walk beside them on the most foolardy of pursuits. She will find what matters to them, she will discover what they react and respond to best, and she will make it so. Ahuska doesn’t know how to love in any way other than giving it her all.
Five would never use so soft and loaded a term as ‘love’. That is for a completely different caliber of people, people he cares little for. Allowing someone into his apartment, into his personal space, is a reasonable demonstration fo trust. Giving someone his time outside of and completely unrelated to work is a monumental demonstration of fondness. A willingness to touch and be touched outside of immediate bedroom activities is a grand display of affection. Offering financial assistance/security is an unspoken indication that someone matters to him. Lump it all together and he’d still sooner shoot himself in the foot than admit aloud that he cares.
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helenofsimblr · 5 years
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Not too much later in the morning, the Cops arrived... A familiar duo to the family to say the least, Det Morris was not that happy to be there...
Det Morris(Right side, brown hair): Why the fuck did dispatch send us? They must have some fucking cruel sense of humour if you ask me.... Watchdamned family... They’re so fucking odd! They’re little daughter got away with murder, nothings gonna alter my opinion to that. 
Det Barker: Look, never mind your ramblings and rants partner, just lets go and get this done huh? I know these people aren’t your favourites...
Det Morris: Understatement of the fuckin’ year! Don’t you think its odd? You go on the national database and you look up her dead husband, what can you find about him? You can’t find shit!! When Rita Kapoor got bumped off, Sanjay Kapoor, Old Man Robinson’s friend, and our chief suspect,  we’re told to drop the case. Doesn’t any of that get on your fuckin’ nerves Scott at the very least?
Det Barker: Yeah it does, but, what do you want me to do Morris? Grab a shotgun and start blasting? Come on, lets just get this done.
Lyra made her way to the door and her heart sank as she peeped through the spy hole. It was those two, a pair of faces she’d never forget, they came and dragged Judith away that night. Lyra had, more or less, made peace with that and in fact she knew they were right. But still, despite what Judith had done, what she had become, Lyra still considered her a daughter, and as such these two in a strange way represented an enemy almost... She turned to Guy and pointed.
Lyra: Don’t you disappear, the cops may want to talk to you. In fact I hope they do, maybe you’ll tell them what happened to you because you won’t me.
Guy: I already told you mom, I got jumped. 
Lyra *quiet*: Oh Watcher help me... its those two motherfuckers! 
Despite reservations the two detectives were admitted and they moved into the living room to discuss. Guy stood behind where his mom had sat still feeling a bit sorry for himself. 
Det Barker: so clearly we don’t need to go looking for young Mr Robinson, he’s right there.
Lyra: We had a disagreement and he ran off for the night. I was dreadfully worried, and I apologise for the misunderstanding, I hope I didn’t waste police time.
Guy: Yeah sorry about that.
Det Morris: Well sorry is all well and good, but in future if this happens again, phone the precinct and inform them that the matter is resolved and he’s home after your little tiff. I’m sure as you can appreciate Mrs Robinson, the SMPD has plenty of work to do these days. 
Lyra: I’m sure you do, there must be other innocent teenage girls who you can come and arrest and drag from their homes in the middle of the night. 
Sensing imminent escalation Scott thought he would try and deflect the conversation. 
Det Barker: What happened to your face Guy?
Guy: I, uh, got jumped a day or two back some guys wearing hoods on my way home they knocked me down and put the boot in, I... didn’t see who was there...
Det Barker: Ok... well, if you do remember anything, I’ll leave my card here, give me a call alright?
Guy: Sure. Thanks Detective. 
Det Barker: Your uh... lodger... Mr Callard is down at SM General We will be round later to take a statement concerning his attack of course. In the meantime we’ll leave you to it. Thanks for your time.
Detective Barker gave the hot headed Morris a stern look as they left. 
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Hello! I've been reading different blogs, yours particularly, about the finances issues with what The Sussexes want to do and how there's precedent or not for BRF member making money of their own. And it's got me thinking.. If a succesful published writer married someone on the position of William or Harry (heir and/or in line to the throne), she would have to stop publishing any books as it would be considered she get benefitted from the royal connection even if she was succesfull before? (1/3)
I think I’ve seen that Charles has sold paintings and even books? Was that for charity so it’s considered ok since the profit is not personal? And what would happen to the royalties this theoretical writer would still rightfully receive from her work, would it be ok since she’s no longer publishing anything or ould it still be considered that her royal connection benefits her books sales even if she doesn’t promote it? (2/3) I don’t know if I’m making much sense or just rambling haha. But this whole thing and all the talk and blubbering got me thinking, and since you seem quite level headed and knowledgable in your answers I decided to come to you. I know is a hypothetical question, so feel free to delete it ofc. Greetings from a fellow republican royal watcher in Spain, where we know how fucked up a monarchy can be. LOL [Sorry if my english is not that great.] (3/3)
Hello :) That is a really really specific scenario lol. There’s really so much specific information that would need to be known in order to establish that, there are likely contracts in place with publishing houses as well which would complicate matters. I would guess Meghan continued to receive residuals from Suits but wasn’t able to actively promote it so I expect a similar thing would happen with an author but as I say, it totally depends on the specific context. I don’t know what Charles has sold so I can’t comment on that but generally speaking working with a corporate organisation to receive support for a charity is not unacceptable. The Royal Foundation had corporate supporters, Charles sells Duchy Originals to make money for charity. I think there’s this idea being promoted that royals can’t ever work with for profit organisations and that’s not the case. We have things like the Royal Warrants and so on which are well established, the royals all have investment portfolios. It is not the case that royals can’t ever be involved with corporate organisations. The difficulty comes firstly when there’s no due diligence so the organisations being endorsed are not appropriate and most importantly when they are using the monarchy for commercial enterprises. Ultimately the royals can’t use- or be seen to be using- their position to make private money for themselves. They can’t release a calendar of themselves for pocket money, say. 
Haha greetings!! Hola :) Your English is wonderful, you never have to apologise for that. My parents live in Spain. I’m not sure if it’s the same everywhere but they’re having one of their 17,000 “let’s burn stuff” festivals this weekend haha. Saint Anthony? They only set Christmas trees on fire, I’ve heard of other stuff but they don’t do that in their village!
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Felix Fierce (Buffy and Angel Fanfiction) Season 1
Episode 2 - The Intake
Warnings: I do not own or claim to own the original content to “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”, “Angel”, the comics or any of the original characters from the “Buffyverse” all rights belong to Joss Whedon.
15 plus, displays of Violence, Gore, Torture and Sexual Innuendos, M/M, F/M, F/F.
Into every generation there was a chosen one until a powerful witch called Willow Rosenberg changed the rules forevermore.
No longer would Buffy Summers stand-alone against the vampires the demons and the forces of darkness.
She was the slayer that changed everything but now it’s his turn.
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Felix was training within the backroom turned training room within the Scorching Scorchville store as he continued to punch and kick his punchbag, his hits growing harder and harder as he found himself within flashbacks of his vampire ex before until his last hit made the punchbag come of it’s hook and flew across the room harshly hitting the floor as Trix walked into the room.
“If only that punchbag was a vampire although it looks like you may have been picturing it as one particularly a very recent vampire.” Trix said as she walked over to her slayer. “I guess we’re still dealing with the fallout from that.”
“I was thinking maybe I don’t have to kill him I mean there must be some other way Trix something that doesn’t involve me killing the first guy who ever loved me.” Felix replied to his watcher.
“He’s a vampire you’re a slayer enough explanation needed there.” Trix explained to him. “I get when some people first kill someone they know they find it rather difficult but what you got to remember is Thorn isn’t the man you knew he’s nothing more than a monster who will keep killing people until you stop him.”
“I get that I really do I mean I looked into his eyes and the man was gone nothing left but the monster, but he still has the face of the man I love.” Felix admitted. “I never asked for this gig and I certainly didn’t ask to be the guy hunting down my ex just to dust him.”
“Nobody asks to be a slayer, but they would never be called as one if destiny itself didn’t believe they were fit for the job.” Trix told him.
“I best get ready for my other calling,” Felix said, changing the subject. “The one where I go to a school run by my own father now that’s a whole other level of forces of darkness working to screw my life!”
“Are you always going to be this dramatic?” Trix asked while laughing at the eighteen-year-old boy.
“Always.” Felix admitted.
“Look I’m not saying I knew things were going to end badly but I kind of did.” Bryce told Mercy as the two walked down a busy hallway within Scorchville High.
“Well I liked him so I’m still holding up they wind up back together.” Mercy replied. “Besides Felix has been moody distant and very secretive during their split he’s clearly either missing Thorn or began a top-secret torrid affair.”
“Maybe it’s with a teacher that would explain his A in chemistry.” Bryce guessed as the two stopped at Bryce’s locker.
“Please that’s so cliche he’s probably just trying his hardest to hide heartbreak speaking of which has Malerie spoken to you since New Year’s?” Mercy asked Bryce as he opened his locker and pulled out some schoolbooks.
“We decided we’d see other people or that she did one hour into the party.” Bryce revealed. “Now back to Felix if he was going to have a secret romance who do you reckon would be the prime suspect?”
“God, we need to get you a girlfriend.” Mercy laughed at Bryce before they noticed Rick walking towards them both.
“Weird it looks like Mercy and Bryce, but it seems to be missing their third part of the world’s most unhip throuple.” Rick taunted them.
“Rick do you have nothing better to do than go around school looking the next target of your bitchiness?” Mercy asked her high school nemesis.
“Not really no,” Rick admitted before taking a deep sigh. “I kind of need your help in my history class.”
“No chance in hell.” Mercy cackled.
“My parents said they get me a car if my grades started to improve but turns out studying is incredibly dull and draining so I figured considering you have nothing better to do with your life that you could tutor me.” Rick replied to her.
“You do realize when asking for favors your supposed to not be mean right?” Bryce asked Rick.
“I was being as nice as possible hence my restrain in mentioning your god awful taste in clothing it’s like we get it Bryce Kane you’re a straight but it’s 2020 and even straight guys are expected to style themselves with the light on now.” Rick snapped at Bryce before turning his attention back to Mercy. “I really need your help Mercy.”
“What’s in it for me?” Mercy wondered.
“You get to see my stunning smile after I get my dream car.” Rick said before realizing Mercy wasn’t sold. “I’ll pay you.”
“Now we’re talking.” Mercy replied with a smile as Felix made his way over to them.
“Guys I thought we didn’t play with trolls anymore.” Felix said to Mercy and Bryce while delivering a death glare towards Rick.
“Hey Felix, I heard Thorn finally saw sense and dumped you I guess that means he’s single now I wonder if he’s looking for an upgrade.” Rick replied, winding up Felix.
“By all means Rick please do go out with him in fact take him for a bite to eat.” Felix told him knowing nobody but him knew what he meant.
“Please liked I’d ever date somebody called Thorn it’s almost as bad as Felix don’t worry though Felix, I’m sure you going to be dumped many times in future.” Rick mocked him.
“Rick it’s time for you to beat it before I beat you.” Bryce warned him.
“I could take you.” Rick replied getting up in Bryce’s face.
“Rick stop being a prick and leave before I reconsider helping you.” Mercy threatened her redheaded enemy.
“Very well I’ll see you losers in class.” Rick said before walking away.
“Someone please remind me why we let that bitch breathe?” Felix asked Mercy and Bryce.
“How are things on your front?” Bryce questioned Felix. “Have you heard from Thorn?”
“Exes don’t tend to talk.” Felix snapped before realizing he was being harsh. “Sorry it’s been rough.”
“Yeah we figured since you’ve been avoiding us.” Mercy replied.
“I’ve not been avoiding I started working at Scorching Scorchville.” Felix lied. “And trust me when I say the job isn’t pretty.”
“What? No fair I should get to work with the Lance lady.” Mercy moaned.
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“So, what inspired this sudden need for getting a job?” Mercy asked Felix as they studied at a desk within the Scorchville High Library.
“Needed a job got a job now I work that job.” Felix replied.
“Okay what’s with this distant and secretive attitude suddenly have Bryce and I done something to piss you off?” Mercy wondered.
“No, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to be secretive it’s just my life has kind of got complicated lately and I can’t really explain it.” Felix apologised to his best friend.
“So, what you’re not telling me has it got something to do with how you and Thorn really broke up?” Mercy questioned him.
“Yeah.” Felix admitted.
“Okay you deal with your hangover whatever way you want to but try to remember we’re here and not going anywhere.” Mercy promised.
“Thanks, I love you.” Felix replied.
“I love your shady secretive ass too.” Mercy declared.
“I just hate having to lie to them I mean you said that slayer told her friends the one who changed practically everything so why can’t I tell them?” Felix asked his watcher as they walked down a shady looking street within Scorchville.
“Here I never said you can’t tell anyone we don’t live by the old rules of the watcher’s council anymore I simply said don’t be getting any troublesome teens under my feet because I may just squash them if they become too much of an annoyance.” Trix replied before the two stopped outside a boarded up and run-down house. “Sure, looks like a vampire’s nest.”
“I get their undead and everything but being house proud doesn’t have to die just because you do.” Felix said as he pulled out a wooden stake from his jacket, walked over to the door and kicked it down. “Let’s get this over with.”
“Remember light is your friend right now try to get as much of it in there before you start staking everyone.” Trix shouted as Felix walked into the run-down home.
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“Felix isn’t home…again.” Fyre said after opening her front door to find Mercy and Bryce on her doorstep.
“He’s working already, when does he finish?” Bryce asked Felix’s sister.
“Felix doesn’t have a job dad would never allow it he’s archaic in the sense he thinks we should be all school even when we’re not there and fitting in a job between studying is just too radical for the old man.” Fyre scoffed. “He’s just been spending a lot of time with the boyfriend lately.”
“Thorn and Felix broke up weeks ago.” Mercy revealed to her.
“I did wonder why he never showed up for New Year’s Dinner,” Fyre admitted to them both. “So, he’s hiding his breakup to hide his job that makes no sense unless there’s something else he’s hiding.”
“Okay I’m really beginning to think there is another guy on the scene.” Bryce admitted.
“Wouldn’t you guys be the first people to know about that?” Fyre asked Mercy and Bryce. “It’s got to be something juicier than that like an addiction or escorting.”
“I think we’d know if he was having addiction problems and Felix is way too much a romantic to make people pay for escorting services.” Mercy told Fyre before turning to look at Bryce. “What if he’s seeing someone we don’t like?”
“Rick Star,” Fyre guessed. “They two were way too close before they became bitter rivals maybe they’re hooking up and that’s why he dumped Thorn. Nah, that would make no sense because one of us would’ve heard from Thorn by now.”
“True.” Mercy agreed. “Why haven’t we heard or seen Thorn since the breakup?”
“Okay consider myself intrigued I say we go to Thorn’s house and interrogate him until we find out what the hell’s going on.” Fyre said as she walked onto the doorstep closing her door behind her.
“We should probably respect Felix’s privacy.” Mercy reluctantly suggested. “He won’t be happy with us.”
“He’s never happy with me anyway so I’ll go do the snooping.” Fyre said, volunteering herself.
“Well see you’re the bad cop and interrogations also need a good cop.” Bryce replied. “I better come with you to complete the dynamic duo.”
“If you two are going to go I guess I’ll have to follow suit you know for damage control or whatever story Felix will buy.” Mercy decided.
“What took you so bloody long?” Trix asked Felix after he walked out of the rundown house covered in dust with his clothes stained with blood that wasn’t his.
“It was like a very violent game of hide and seek with the undead.” Felix replied as he walked over to the watcher. “Add a little bit of light and they act like hairy assed children.”
“Thankfully your done now,” Trix said while looking up in the sky towards the sunset “As we don’t have much daylight left.”
“I guess this means you want me to go patrolling at the local cemeteries and other vampire hot spots.” Felix guessed correctly. “I’ll go home and change soon don’t ask me how I’m going to explain blood stained clothes to my father but I’m sure I’ll come up with something.”
“Speaking of patrolling have you seen the vampire ex since that night?” Trix asked her slayer.
“Thankfully that’s a big fat no!” Felix revealed.
“Have you check in on his relatives and friends they tend to be the vampire’s main targets after first turning?” Trix questioned him.
“No but that kind of information would’ve been useful when he first turned now, I’ve got to go check up on if my ex killed his parents.” Felix moaned. “I’m sure that won’t be awkward either they’ve not seen or heard their son in weeks or I’m about to find their dead bodies and considering I’ve not heard from them or the police I’m going to go with death bodies.”
“On the bright side at least, you won’t have to make awkward small talk.” Trix replied.
“Aren’t you supposed to care more?” Felix asked her.
“Being a watcher is simply just a job for me as is running Scorching Scorchville although one definitely pays better than the other caring about people makes it too personal and why bother when your shelf life is as short as a dog’s.” Trix admitted. “Don’t get me wrong you’re a great kid and I expect we’re going to do great thing’s together but I’m not going to tear up because some people I don’t even know are dead.”
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“Oh well here goes nothing.” Fyre said as her, Bryce and Mercy stood in front of Thorn’s front door as day was now night, before Fyre knocked on the door only for it to open by itself.
“Hello!” Bryce shouted into the house only to hear no response.
“I mean is it really breaking and entering if the place is open?” Fyre asked Mercy and Bryce.
“Yeah I’m pretty sure it is.” Mercy replied. “However, if there’s a computer, tablet, laptop or even a phone left inside to have a quick look at searching history nobody would even have to know we were snooping.”
“Providing we don’t get caught and end up in jail.” Bryce told them, clearly uncertain of what they were about to do next.
“It’s Scorchville County Jail how bad could it really be.” Fyre scoffed before walking into the house, Bryce and Mercy quickly following her in.
“Has Thorn’s house always been this spooky or am I just being para?” Bryce asked to no answer as the three of them walked into the living room of Thorn’s family home only to be left terrified by Thorn’s parents’ lifeless and bloodied bodies lying on the floor with the entire room covered in their blood.
“Okay I’m beginning to think we should stop snooping now.” Mercy said to them both before turning around only for all three of them to scream to see Thorn now standing in front of them.
“Thorn what the hell happened here?” Fyre asked her brother’s ex-boyfriend. “Are you okay? I’m so sorry about your parents.”
“Don’t be sorry after all I’m the one who killed them.” Thorn laughed before turning his face into vampire mode. “But it’s okay as you guys are next.”
Fyre, Bryce and Mercy stood there frozen by their fear until Felix came smashing through the window shattering the glass in the process as he landed on both feet once more and quickly put himself in front of his friends and sister, protecting them from his vampiric ex.
“I told you guys not to snoop!” Felix snapped at Fyre, Bryce and Mercy before turning his attention to Thorn. “You really aren’t the same person anymore.”
“I’m not even a person.” Thorn cackled before charging towards Felix who quickly swung his fist and punched the vampire in the face before delivering several more punches and jumping mid air to kick him in the face sending the vampire flying into the hallway and crashing onto the floor.
“Okay Felix what the bloody hell is going on?” Fyre screamed in both fear and confusion.
“Thorn’s a vampire now and I’m a slayer.” Felix answered his sister before running into the hallway to find Thorn had vanish. “Damn it I guess dusting that vamp will have to wait for another night.”
“What exactly is a slayer?” Bryce asked as he, Mercy and Fyre followed Felix into the hallway. “And how long have you known your boyfriend was a vampire.”
“Since New Year’s which is also when I learned about the slayer business it’s been a whole thing.” Felix replied.
“This is so not what I was expecting your secret to be why can’t you just be sleeping with a teacher or god even Rick Star.” Mercy complained to Felix.
“Rick Star?” Felix laughed.
“So, vampires’ demons and the forces of darkness really do exist.” Bryce said in shock while he, Mercy and Felix sat at the end of Felix’s bed.
“And slayers, witches, werewolves the lot.” Felix replied.
“Kind of makes sense what doesn’t make sense though is Thorn killing his own parents.” Mercy admitted to them both.
“I know,” Felix said with a sad tone in his voice. “But he has no soul anymore he’s just a bloodthirsty monster that sooner or later I’m going to have to put down.”
“Why has it got to be you?” Mercy asked him.
“Because I’m the slayer albeit not the only slayer in the world but the only slayer in this town and it’s up to me to protect my home.” Felix answered. “Besides despite hunting my ex being the slayer kind of feels right like it’s what I’m supposed to be doing which my watcher Trix says plays into that whole destiny part of being a slayer.”
“Hold up so Trix Lance the owner of Scorching Scorchville is in on all this too?” Mercy said with excitement. “I knew she was awesome from the first time I saw her, but this is a whole new level of wacky.”
“Yeah,” Felix laughed.
“So, you’re the slayer, we’re friends of the slayer and your ex is a vampire.” Bryce told Felix. “Where do we go from here?”
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A few hours passed and Bryce and Mercy eventually went home after full out interrogating Felix about all things slayer related and Felix found himself sitting on his bed by himself looking through the photos of him and Thorn deleting them one by one as tears began forming in his eyes till he heard a knock at the door.
“I’m just going to bed!” He shouted before Fyre walked in. “Look I’m all talked out about slayer stuff I’ll fill you in come morning.”
“It’s okay I’ve watched enough horrors to get the rough idea of what’s going down and the rest I’ll either google or hit you up for later.” Fyre replied to her older brother as she walked across his room to sit down next to Felix. “I’m here to check up on you I know you loved him.”
“I really did.” Felix cried. “But I’ll be okay.”
“I know you will.” Fyre said before giving her brother a hug. “But for now, it’s okay to not be okay.”
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theshapeshifter100 · 5 years
(Day 29 of @thewatchau‘s Annual Prompts)
Gus shifted awkwardly, looking over his shoulder as he waited for Ivy to show up. It didn’t take that long to get to Mulladún and back, she should be here soon!
He clenched his hand around his tankard and tried to relax the rest of himself, with little success. Part of him knew it was stupid, but…
He, a Knight, was sitting in Runner’s Haven, surrounded by Green Cloaks.
He was enemy territory, even if the Haven was the least militarised Watch outpost. The only reason no one had picked anything with him was because he wasn’t wearing his tabard.
Gus snorted to himself, ‘militarised’, yeah, because the Watch was even a patch on the Guard. These people were just civilians, they didn’t have the years of training a Knight had.
Finally he spotted Ivy weaving her way to his table. She didn’t exactly stand over the crowd, but her sun bleached blonde hair was easy to spot. He passed her the now room temperature mead as she sat down, and she just nodded thanks.
“Everything good?”
“Yeah,” Ivy took a swig before putting the cup back on the table. “I had to offer to collect all of Glenbeg’s messages didn’t I?” she still half smiled at that, finding it a bit funny.
Gus rolled his eyes. “Of fucking course you did! You really are a messenger.”
“It was fine, it’s what you do. I got paid for it so no real complaints from me,” Ivy raised her eyebrow at Gus. “Although maybe have a word with your aunt about sending care packages.”
Gus groaned. “She didn’t…”
“She did. Had to tie it to Firefly’s saddle and she was not impressed.”
“Damn, you apologised. That’s rare.”
“Shut up,” Gus groused, taking a drink. “I just know what she’s like, it just hasn’t been a problem before.”
“I suppose, Firefly’s just not used to it,” Ivy folded her arms onto the table and leaned forward. “Also, interesting note, before you spotted me you looked as uncomfortable as a rabbit in a fox’s den.”
“How do you know I’m the rabbit? I could be the fox!”
“A fox in a rabbit’s burrow would be having the time of their lives and dominating the room. You looked like you wanted the floor to swallow you up.”
Gus leaned back and ran a hand through his dark hair.
“It’s fine.”
“Really? Or are you just saying that because feelings are not for the likes of the Guard?”
“Shut up,” Gus hissed, leaning back in again.
“Oooooh, you just don’t like being surrounded by Green Cloaks,” she raised an eyebrow at him.
“If they knew-!”
“That you’re a lone Knight talking someone most people recognise the face of by now then I think you’ll be fine,” Ivy took a sip. “Or is the big bad Knight afraid of untrained civilians?”
Gus was about to throw his tankard at Ivy’s head.
“No!” he insisted through gritted teeth.
“Then what’s the problem?” Ivy looked incredibly smug as she calmly drank her mead.
“There is no problem.”
“Good. Anything interesting happen in Glenbeg?”
“Not really. Had to stop Ciara from skipping post.”
“Ah, all happening there then. Doesn’t sound boring in the slightest.”
“Are you deliberately trying to wind me up?” Gus grumbled.
“Yes. Is it working?”
“I’m about to tip this ale over your head.”
“That’s fair,” Ivy was smirking behind her drink as she took a sip. “You want to spar later? One of the patrol groups will head out in an hour so they’re just warming up a little bit.”
“Fine,” Gus sighed. “They better be prepared to lose,” he added, downing his drink.
 Ten minutes later he was lying on his back with a training sword at his throat. His sparring partner, a Green Cloak at least ten years his senior, withdrew the wooden blade and held out their hand for Gus to help him up.
He strongly considered not taking it, but he could feel Ivy glaring holes in his head, so he took the offered hand.
“Pretty good,” the Green Cloak noted. “Knight? Ex Knight?”
“Still with the Guard,” Gus sent a pointed look, and the Green Cloak nodded.
“I see I see. Well if ever change your mind, we can always use more swords.”
Gus let out a short bray of laughter at that, but the Green Cloak wasn’t concerned, even has Ivy stormed over.
“I know I know, but there’s enough of us ex Guard and ex mercenaries to whip the normal folk into shape.”
“Yeah, and how do you take? Days? Weeks? You know the Guard takes years.”
“We don’t have years,” the Green Cloak flicked their eyes over at a glowering Ivy. “Stand down Paris, I’ve got this,” they looked back at Gus. “I know you don’t trust us-”
“You’re trying to do the Guard’s work without the same level of training, so no I don’t trust you to do this properly!”
“Gus!” Ivy interjected, but the other Green Cloak held up their hand.
“He has a point. That’s why we have Knights and mercenaries as Watchers. They do a lot of the training and organising.”
“So, the cheap way out.”
“Maybe, but it works.”
“Okay, maybe that’s enough for today,” Ivy stepped in. “Gus do you have to stand post or something?”
“Yes. I think I do,” Gus was rarely this irritated, but this whole thing tended to get a rise out of him. “Thanks for delivering the package Paris. I’ll see another time.”
With that he walked off at what he assumed was a reserved pace.
(This is only a few days after this one, so late 1610/early 1611. Gus comes around, eventually)
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norrlandboy · 5 years
Showing some love for Looking
First text post ever and it’s a long one!
 I just finished watching Looking on HBO and I wanted to share my thoughts and feelings about it, primarily because I really loved it and also, I don’t hear people talking about it when they discuss TV-shows that they like or have watched.
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It only aired for two seasons between 2014 and 2015, totalling of 18 episodes with a 85-minute film as a series finale, so the lack of hype or popularity is somewhat understandable since it was so short-lived. But this is a little gem that needs to be discovered and talked about a whole lot more. I will focus here on why I personally fell in love with the series and why I think it still matters today.
One of the main things I like about the show is the way it portrays gay lifestyle. The complete lack of stigma surrounding homosexuality is something that feels so refreshing and I welcome it whole-heartedly. I have always been a bit disappointed when homosexuality is brought up in films or TV-shows since so often whenever the subject matter is addressed it is shown in a way that (usually) everyone (or at least most people) makes a big fuzz about it. Sure, oftentimes it is written in a way that it will stir some feathers, as the saying goes. (English is not my primary language so apologies for any errors or inconsistences in my text.) The setting can be in a conservative environment or that the closest people (parents and the community as a whole) may be against homosexuality and the plot then centres around the protagonist struggle for acceptance and the freedom of living life on his or her own terms. And yes, that is a battle that is not be made lightly of. There is a lot of people suffering from the fact they can’t live and embrace their sexuality because of their upbringing and the rules or values of their family and/or local community. There are even countries where one may suffer death penalties just for being of the wrong sexuality. So, all that being said, I don’t want to be considered insensitive when I try to make a point here because I am aware of the battles that are yet to be won around the world for gay people.  
 But as a movie watcher and TV-show consumer, I just wish for once that gay people could be portrayed as living normal stigma-free lives where their sexuality is nothing to be ashamed or shunned upon, but instead being considered as nothing more out of the ordinary than say being left-handed, or something of the sorts. And that is where my love for Looking really hits home. Being gay in San Francisco seems to be considered the norm, if I’m not mistaken. At least the way it is being shown in the series it seems to be perfectly normal. One scene that illustrates this point is when a female clerk says to the main character when he brags about how brave he is to be trying anal (if I remember correctly) is: “Oh honey, do you even know where you live?”. It’s like not being gay would have been more shocking than the other way around, and I love it! For once the gay lifestyle is portrayed as something close to the standard of normal living. I have so sorely been missing that when watching movies and TV-shows in all my life.  
 The other big reason that I really love Looking is simply because of Jonathan Groff in the lead role as Patrick Murray. He is soo cute it is almost criminal. I mean he is like a human puppy with those eyes and that face. So perfectly casted in the role as a naïve young gay man. He is like the embodiment of the “I’m not cute, I’m a man!”-guy that only looks cuter when they actually say it. Now I don’t think he actually says that sort of thing out loud in the series, but you get my point.
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The series as a whole can be criticised for lack of plot and sure, the main thing driving the series is simply the lives of the characters and how they all strive for their own happiness and success, whether it be career-wise for Dom who tries to open his own restaurant or in terms of relationship with Patrick or maybe both as with Frankie who struggles with finding a job as a down-on-his-luck artist and who simultaneously sabotages his relationship with his boyfriend. Like with Mad Men, another favourite series of mine, the main thing isn’t the plot or even the story, but instead it is the setting, the environment and the characters that feels genuine and draws you into their world that makes you want to keep watching it and follow their stories.
 If I would try to dabble with some sort of analysis, I would say that Looking deals with a late form of coming-of-age in the way we follow the characters’ lives and how they try to live with the responsibilities that comes with adulthood. Maybe it is because of the promiscuous lifestyle of gays that (oftentimes?) tends to lean towards irresponsibility as a whole which then inevitably seeps into their ordinary lives (apologies for that highly generalising hypothesis), but a main theme in the series as I interpret it is how one can be more in control of their own life. It seems to be the main goal for the three friends; how they can stop being stuck in a permanent loop of partying/working and start living their lives fully as they each respectively wants it to be. It is like they all want to at least try to make their dreams come true before it is too late. But with Grindr so close at hand there is always the temptation of giving into one’s cravings of sexual pleasures, corrupting the discipline and the will power to make a steady effort of a consistent meaningful and responsible lifestyle, which is the actual pathway of achieving one’s dreams and goals. Maybe I’m wrong here, but at least that was one of the conflicts that I saw repeatedly throughout the series: the longing to create long lasting happiness and the difficulty of making that happen with all the short time pleasures that is so easily available everywhere they go. Maybe it isn’t so much of a late “coming-of-age” theme as it more of a universal existential conflict of the human condition. The art of how to balance the act of sacrificing the short-term happiness to achieve long term happiness.
 I’m not sure if my analysis makes any sense and if I come across as insulting to the gay lifestyle and gay communities I sincerely apologise. It is not my intention to be insensitive but simply an attempt from my part to discern one of the themes of the series.  
  Is Looking totally free from stigma though? Well, there are some scenes where it comes up as an elephant in the room, but they are few and to conclude with what I stated at the beginning of this text it doesn’t bother me as much as when homosexuality is generally addressed in movies and TV-shows. Usually it is handled more or less as a plot device for stirring conflict with the stigma surrounding it. Here however it is almost 90-95% free from stigma, and because of that I salute it. All that and with the ultra-cute Jonathan Groff in the lead role is the reason why I loved every minute of binge-watching Looking.
 Thanks for reading this and I hope you have a great day!
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