rudekenny · 2 years
Episode 103: Exposing Conspiracy Theories
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octopustronaut · 7 years
Also parcheesibis fake and anyone whose said they played it is part of a big conspricay
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soothsayerai · 4 years
Does our suspicion that the Warren Report was used to silence questions around JFK open up the idea that our government is illegitimate when it releases findings? Sadly, the answer is that we’re falling into 3 types. Conspiracy deniers, Conspricay nuts & a tiny third group.
Does our suspicion that the Warren Report was used to silence questions around JFK open up the idea that our government is illegitimate when it releases findings? Sadly, the answer is that we’re falling into 3 types. Conspiracy deniers, Conspricay nuts & a tiny third group.
— Soothsayer (@bipolar_yinyang) January 9, 2020
from Twitter https://twitter.com/bipolar_yinyang January 09, 2020 at 12:30PM via IFTTT
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zyrex3 · 10 years
Very wise words being spoken 🎶✌ @kylesbent #mindcontrol #kylebent #conspricay
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Disaster Survival Magazine Weekly Radio
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looking-for-my-home · 11 years
Truth undiscovered
If childhood is a kingdom 
where nobody dies,
how come when things get rough
your parents run and hide.
"Times are changing!"
They shout from rooftops.
But no one would look twice
if one of us were to drop.
The ways of this big blue sphere
are set in stone.
That's why our generation
feels so alone..
"There's a reason for everything."
Stop preaching to the choir!
Everyone of us are hurting.
So may I inquire?
How long will this tyrany feed on us?
Is hope a lost cause?
Children are bleeding, 
lets stop the applause.
Your babies are lost,
and find this world dark.
Grab someone's hand
and make your mark!
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mischievousmiddletons · 12 years
I can't wait for the next conspiracy to hit the Royal fandom
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