#constellations will always be special to me for showing me what i /can/ do if i just start something
cloud-somersault · 6 months
i'm really glad i wrote constellations because i'm not afraid to write any of my other ideas anymore, either. the only way they get out of my head and into the world is if i write them, so i don't have time to be like "i can't do this" or "it's too difficult. i've never written that genre" like...i just have to start it and like figure shit out on the way y'know?
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pprodsuga · 4 months
never to keep | heeseung
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summary: heeseung was always a natural scene stealer, capturing the hearts and attention of those around him. it seemed predestined that he'd pursue a life that would take him beyond the cosmos and leave behind the constellations he once treasured. it's too bad that you were one of them.
warnings: angst and typos, probably.
word count: 8.6K (shorter than previous works, forgive me)
notes: ahahah. this is a therapy piece ... currently dealing with similar themes of a friend prioritizing work and people who don't care for her over people who do, and i feel veryyy conflicted as of late. i, like yn, am not a plaything. why not turn it into a fic. anyway, enjoy and happy reading! x
masterlist + taglist
*✧・゚─────────── *✧・゚
If you love someone, they will always come back to you. 
There’s no logic in love, only strong emotions that make people disregard all they know to chase the feeling of reckless abandon. Love is a wildcard that can catch even the most self-protective person off guard. You’ve read it in stories from childhood fairytales to watching strangers fall in love in your favorite books and television shows growing up. You believe the people who kiss on the screen must surely find an ounce of love, even if only for a brief moment. 
It’s no surprise that you’ve come to love Heeseung the way you do. To love him is to know him, even if he’s too tired to see you on the weekends or too occupied to sit next to you at the lunch period because of his days training to become an idol. What you know at this point in your life is that love is unconditional; supporting your best friend to pursue a dream he’s talked about since he could speak feels right. 
To love somebody doesn’t necessarily mean to devote oneself to the fullest extent, but somehow you feel as though this way of thinking never quite aligned with how you’ve come to love. Heeseung’s parents are a surrogate for your own, especially when it’s just you and your mother in the small, two bedroom apartment that sits on the edge of town and away from the city. They tuck you in at night during holidays and other special occasions when you’ve become too tired to drive back to your home. 
Minjun, Heeseung’s younger sister by four years, warmed up to you quicker than anyone had expected. The fierce girl had a protective streak over her brother once he grew into his height and learned that winking at pretty girls could get them to do whatever he asked of them within reason. Minjun doesn’t recall when she met you for the first time because she was likely too young to remember, but her sweet nature towards you speaks louder than you could’ve ever anticipated. 
Growing up with a single parent as an only child provides enough time to befriend loneliness. There are days spent idly in the apartment waiting for someone to keep you company, often wishing that the house was filled with people to keep the void full and lively. But now, because of the Lee family and how close you’ve become to their two children, it seems as if the idea of a central family is closer than you think. 
Heeseung didn’t expect for you to become a prominent fixture in his life when the two of you were partnered for a science project at the ripe age of thirteen. He’d experienced a growth spurt and acne for the first time simultaneously, growing insecure in himself with every day that passed by. Heeseung hadn’t anticipated you sitting with his family at the dinner table five years later, listening to a mundane story about his mother’s workday at a boring corporate-level position Heeseung doesn’t bother to remember. 
He never thought you’d be cooking with his father in the kitchen upon returning home from his training practices, talking about the art of seasoning as the meal preparations come to a finish. He doesn’t remember when you started coming over without the pretense of coming to see him either. Heeseung surely does not anticipate Minjun waiting for your arrival by the front windows just to insist on being the first person who welcomes you into their home. 
Naturally, Minjun becomes a recognizable face in your life because of how often she spends time with you and Heeseung. The young girl sets up her homework as the two of you begin yours, her schoolbooks significantly lighter than yours but you make conversation anyhow. 
“I think she likes you because you don’t treat her like she’s thirteen,” Heeseung says as he dries the dishes from dinner as you scrub them clean. “She hates it when people baby her.” 
“Sometimes I think I need to watch how I talk to Minjun.”
“No, you don’t. Minjun likes that you talk to her like a friend.”
“That’s what she is, no? A friend?”
“More than me?”
You flick water towards Heeseung. “Yes, if you keep teasing me.” 
“Seriously, though. Thanks for being nice to her. She complains that she’s the youngest out of everybody all the time.”
“I used to be like that.” You close the tap water and hand the last dish to Heeseung. “I hated being at the kids table when everybody else got to be an adult. Minjun’s at the age where she’s aware of it.” 
“God, we sound like her parents, or something.”
You bite back a smile. 
Caring for Heeseung is arguably the easiest thing you’ve ever done. He makes it simple when you receive a text from him hours before you wake up and just before you go to bed despite his busy schedule. You wonder at all how he manages to fit you into his life with all of his dreams and responsibilities, but Heeseung always tells you it’s because there’s room for you. 
Being so close to his family helps internalize the fact that you are a permanent fixture in his life. Mrs. Lee drops off baked goods on Saturday mornings most times because she knows your mother likes to eat a sweet treat with her bitter coffee. Mr. Lee goes out of his way to fix faulty ceiling fans or kitchen drains when he has the time to spare your income. Minjun gives you drawings from her art classes that sit on your refrigerator. Integrating their life within yours feels natural. 
Heeseung has always been somebody you’ve looked up to, poised for success after deciding he loved singing enough to make a career out of it. The eight-year-old boy who loved to choreograph dance numbers to famous songs carries this humble beginning when he talks about what life might look like for him when he’s crossed the threshold that separates his life from now. 
It seemed as though Heeseung’s dream of becoming an idol never seemed too far out of reach, even if he had his moments where he felt like giving up. Things always worked out for him in ways nobody could explain, like moving to a new city because of his mother’s job and making friends within an hour of transferring to a new middle school. Or the time when he’d auditioned to train under a management company and hadn’t heard back from them for weeks–Heeseung prepared to stop giving himself false hope for his future as an idol until the fateful email sat at the top of his inbox, welcoming him to the company. 
Life was always easier on Heeseung than it was for everybody else. 
You don’t see him much between classes because he’s on a special path created for people who are like him. People who are destined to debut as an idol are given certain exemptions to ensure quality education while having enough time to train in all areas of performance art. It took a while for Heeseung to get used to his new life and the new routine set in place for him but you were always there to remind him that this is what he wants more than anything in the world. All of the stress and frustration that comes with change, no matter how brutal or unnerving, will be worth it when he sees his dream to the end. 
You’re a young adult at this point in your life but it feels like you’ve aged beyond your peers because of circumstance. Spending time at the Lee residence when your mom’s at work or visiting her friends prevents you from feeling as lonely as you do in between four white walls that barely feel like home without someone else in it. Growing up quicker than your peers feels like something expected of you. Oftentimes, you wish you could maintain childlike innocence as Heeseung does, dreaming so big and far that everything seems like a possibility if you dreamed hard enough. 
Watching him dance and hearing him sing feels like a reminder that there’s more to life than what you know. Your best friend is your confidant and the person you see yourself in the most. The boys and girls who befriend him because of his good looks and potential stardom don’t matter much to either of you when the promise of lifelong friendship looms in the future. You can’t imagine Heeseung not being in it. 
Mr. and Mrs. Lee sit at the dining table over a cup of post-dinner coffee while Minjun scrolls through her phone by the couch with a Netflix show you’ve never heard of on the television. Their soft murmurs have become a familiar background noise. You sit next to Minjun and peer over her shoulder. 
“I like these shoes a lot,” she tells you as she turns the phone for you to see. “All the girls in my grade are wearing these.” 
“Do you like them because you like them or because everyone else does?” 
She frowns. “What’s wrong with liking what other people like?” 
“Nothing, but if you’re going to buy flats just for them to sit in the back of your closet, that doesn’t seem like a good reason to have them.” 
Minjun has approached the age you’re all too familiar with. When you turned thirteen, the impending doom of fitting in hit you like a truck when you realized all of the girls in your grade had expensive clothes while you wore hand-me-downs from your cousins. Your backpack, which you had been using for three years because the straps weren’t broken, felt like a burden to carry when everybody else had pretty satchels. You felt juvenile in your too-worn sneakers and the two pairs of jeans you had sitting in your closet. But you were thirteen and your mother made enough money to make ends meet and put dinner on the table. Clothing and new school materials didn’t matter compared to eating before bed. 
Part of this insecurity has always followed you throughout childhood, especially when you were old enough to be aware of the fact that you were one of the few people in your grade who didn’t have a nuclear family. The kinds of families you’d see on the television didn’t exist in real life because while these programs taught its audiences the value of a good, stable home life, you’d been watching them alone while you waited for your mother to come home from work. There would be no dinner at the table with both of your parents because you knew there would be just her.
Watching Minjun grow up with two parents who dote on her feels bittersweet. It feels like watching a version of what could have been if only your father had chosen to stay in the picture instead of abandoning his family for a promising career in entertainment. Minjun’s petulance often reminds you that you were not privileged enough to have this kind of grace because of how rapidly your circumstances forced you to grow up faster than your peers did. 
There’s a small part of you that envies her life when you think about what yours could have been if he had stayed. Maybe you wouldn’t have had to watch your mother slave away at odd jobs to keep the lights on before finding a good, stable job after years of searching. Maybe you wouldn’t have felt so lonely in your adolescence because he’d take you to ice cream after school. Maybe the hollowness that remains inside of you would have been filled with joy and laughter on the holidays. 
“You’re right,” Minjun sighs, pulling you out of your thoughts. “Seri told me my outfit would’ve looked prettier if I wore these.” 
“People should keep their opinions to themselves.” 
Minjun nods. “Agreed.” 
Heeseung emerges from the kitchen a moment later and sits next to you on the couch. The dip in the cushion and his thigh being pressed against yours isn’t a new phenomenon, but the heat that creeps up your neck can’t be helped when he looks like a model from the corner of your eye. You swallow until your mouth feels dry to keep both Lee siblings from asking why you look like you’re about to explode. 
It’s easy to fall in love with Heeseung. All of the girls fawn over him already, a promising sign that Heeseung will likely be just fine when he debuts as an idol. He’s always been good with people and speaks in a way that makes people root for his success even if it was unintentional to begin with. He’s charming in a way that seems humble. Heeseung has a skill for making you feel like you are the only person in the room when he talks to you. You’re sure it’s why people feel drawn to him and why everybody loves being around Heeseung so much. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t feel the same way. 
Sometimes, you grow envious of how easy it is for Heeseung to get people to like him. Career prospects aside, it’s almost as if he can convince anyone he’s somebody worth being friends with. Cashiers love him because he doesn’t make small talk awkward. He’s not afraid to talk to strangers and strike up a conversation with somebody while waiting for his coffee order. Heeseung is bashful enough to come across as sincere and it seems to reel people in. 
He inspires you in ways that you can’t fathom but simultaneously reminds you that you’ve got no future or prospect. It’s unfair to compare yourself to your best friend, but being in such close proximity where people praise him next to you are constant reminders that your life hasn’t begun and you don’t know if it ever will. Your life feels stagnant compared to his exciting one. While Heeseung spends his days and nights perfecting his dance techniques and vocal skills, you sit in your room and wonder what life would be like if you could touch the moon. 
There are days where you wish you could be as suave and charming as he can be. You feel awkward around people you don’t know and limit yourself to new experiences when it feels too intimidating. You’re not somebody who’s confident enough to start a conversation, let alone with somebody you aren’t familiar with. Where Heeseung excels in the socializing department, you find yourself playing catch-up every time you see him befriend yet another person you aren’t familiar with. It’s a wonder how you two became as close as you are.
Meeting him had been by chance. You knew him from friends of friends and saw him in the hallways between class periods but never had a reason to talk to him until the two of you were partnered for a class project. The newfound partnership felt oddly comfortable from the minute Heeseung introduced himself to you with that same charming smile everyone knows him to have. His wit and humor brewed the perfect potion for you to feel like caring for him as deeply as you do would become inevitable. It wasn’t a bet on if you would fall for him as hard as you did, but when. 
You’re inclined to believe you keep it hidden well. Heeseung is far too oblivious most times to see you as anything other than his best friend. You’ve treated him like a friend far longer than you’ve liked him romantically, so acting as if you don’t have feelings for him is easy when you remind yourself that having him in your life would be better than the alternative. Still, you have moments where you yearn to hold his hand and kiss him before he leaves for practice. 
“Do you want to come to the next showcase this weekend?” Heeseung asks, nudging your side with his elbow. You pry your attention away from Minjun’s phone to look at him. “It’s gonna be a small one in the company theater. There’s going to be a bunch of important people in the industry. Allegedly.” 
“Of course I’ll come, Heeseung. This is you we’re talking about. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” 
The smile he gives you is blinding. 
“I really appreciate you supporting me, you know that? I don’t say it often, but I should. Thank you for always supporting me.” 
Your heart bursts. 
“I wouldn’t be your best friend if I didn’t do at least that,” you tell him. 
“My parents and Minjun are gonna be there too so you won’t be alone.” He smiles at you like he knew you were worried about who to sit with, let alone if there’s going to be important people that could determine Heeseung’s career. 
“Thanks,” you mumble, an overwhelming feeling of shyness overtaking you. “It’s silly that you have to look out for me all the time.” 
“No, not silly,” he says immediately, pushing his head to your shoulder. You don’t imagine this position is very comfortable for him, but Heeseung seems keen on staying in this position. “We’re kids, Y/N. You don’t need to have your life together. I’ll always look out for you and walk you through it if that’s what you need.” 
You sigh. “You know, one day, you’re going to become so famous that you’ll inevitably be too busy for me.”
Heeseung shakes his head. “No I won’t. Who checks up on me every day after practice? Who do I come to when I need to cry? Who do I invite to my home when I’m not even here?”
“Technically, your parents invite me over when you’re not here.” 
Heeseung pinches your thigh. “I’m serious, Y/N. You’re not getting rid of me. It’s like, scientifically impossible to separate the two of us.” 
“Thanks, Hee.” You feel him nod against you before he lifts his head from your shoulder. “I just feel like I get in my own head sometimes. You know what you want to do for the rest of your life and I barely know what I want for breakfast tomorrow.” 
“We don’t always have to figure it out. I know saying that feels like bullshit because I’m training to become an idol but I’m serious. There are so many people we know who don’t know what they’re doing with their lives.” 
“It feels like my life could very well be over.”
“You’re being dramatic.” 
You make a face at him. “I know.” 
“You’ll find something for you, okay? You’re barely an adult anyway. You still have college and all of that shit to figure it out.” 
“You’re right.” 
“As always.” 
“Don’t push it, Heeseung.”
*✧・゚─────────── *✧・゚
Mr. and Mrs. Lee drive you to the showcase. They pick you up and the four of you have a quick dinner before heading over to the company’s theater and you feel somewhat like an important industry person when you’re given a badge with ‘VIP’ on it to signify that you’re part of the family and friends entourage. You see a group of people with clipboards and pens at the ready, dressed like they’ve just come from important meetings that determine the futures of each trainee. Perhaps that’s who they are. Some of these well-dressed individuals have younger people standing beside them, presumably assistants or something as such. 
It feels very formal and you’re wondering if the long skirt and long sleeve top you’re wearing is too childish. Everybody who looks important seems to be donning suits or dresses that make them look like they stepped out of a drama show. It doesn’t matter how many times you remind yourself that you’re young and not here to mingle with corporate executives. You still feel like the floor should swallow you whole and spit you out with a new wardrobe that matches everyone else’s. 
Heeseung’s parents chat with a few people they recognize and leave you and Minjun to fend for yourselves (or, rather, it feels that way). The young girl beside you hooks her arm with yours when you’ve been quiet for a moment too long and starts to lead you down the aisles. 
“Everyone in here looks so stuffy,” she whispers. “People working in entertainment should look like they’re having fun.” 
“I feel a little silly in this skirt,” you admit.
“You look great,” Minjun tells you as she bumps your hip with hers. “My mom made me wear this stupid dress that I can barely breathe in.” 
“I happen to think you look very cute, Minnie.” 
“But I don’t want to look cute,” she whines quietly. “I want to look like an adult.” 
“Yeah, well you can look like an adult when you are one. For now, just be happy that somebody finds you cute enough to do things for you.” 
Minjun wants to argue but doesn’t. In the time that she’s known you, there hasn’t been a reason for her to distrust anything you say to her because you’ve never had a reason to lie. It’s why she’s likely to listen to you over her own brother, a fact that Heeseung holds a mild grudge over. 
“I guess you’re right. I can’t even drive. I need people to drive me places.” 
You stifle a laugh. “Yeah, driving can be a pain sometimes. Enjoy your youth while you have it, okay?” Minjun rolls her eyes in a way that lets you know she’s joking. Being outwardly affectionate doesn’t seem to run in the Lee sibling genes, but you’d like to think you know them well enough to tell when they’re being genuine.
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say.” 
You try to tell yourself that, too. When everybody finds their seats and when the showcase begins, you’re in awe of how many talented people there are in the room when you hear their incredible vocal abilities and make performing in front of a crowd look easy. It’s easy to spot Heeseung when he’s dancing with a group of people you’ve never seen before. He always looks as if he’s floating on air, moving his body in ways you can’t fathom and he makes learning difficult choreography seem like a walk in the park. You’ve heard him sing before but not to this extent. The steady tone he delivers when he dances amazes you beyond comprehension and Minjun would later swear that she saw stars in your eyes when you watched her brother perform like this for the first time. 
What Heeseung neglected to tell you was that he secured a solo spot after months of impressing his coaches. He performs one of his favorite songs and moves across the stage like he was always meant to be dancing on it. From here, Heeseung looks like a celestial being with the lights cascading down his body. You hold your breath the entire time he sings on that stage and clap the loudest when everybody gives him a standing ovation. You peek to the side to see the same, stuffy executives nodding after his performance and write down things on their clipboards that you can only hope are praises and nothing but. 
Heeseung’s parents make their way to the front of the stage when the house lights turn on. They talk to people you don’t recognize and you find yourself following them instead of looking like an awkward mess, as everybody else has chosen to stand from their seats and greet the performers that have come out from backstage. 
Your best friend looks magnificent with his makeup and the outfit he last performed in. He looks like a real idol in this light and pride swells within your chest when people applaud him for his incredible performance before he reaches you. His smile turns bigger when he sees you and Minjun approaching him behind his parents and makes his way to engulf you in a hug. 
“You’re here,” he breathes. 
“I’d always said I’d be here for you, didn’t I?”
“I think this was the most important showcase of my life.” 
It would be hard to ignore Heeseung’s arm wrapped around your waist like he’s done it a thousand times before. It’s true that the two of you aren’t strangers to physical touch, but he never lingers on you like he is now. Still, you chalk it up to overflowing happiness and you can sense that Heeseung is genuinely pleased with himself. He isn’t pretending that he performed well like he does when he avoids going home after practice in lieu of spending time with you in your mother’s apartment. 
“You’re fucking incredible,” Minjun praises. 
“Language,” Heeseung chides, removing his arm from your waist to pinch her cheek. “Thank you for coming too. Where are eomma and appa?” 
Minjun points to where they are. “I think they were waiting for you to come out and started talking to the coaches.” 
“We should make our way there.” 
“You should,” you tell him, pushing Heeesung towards his parents. “I’ll be here when you’re done.” 
“Nonsense.” Heeseung shakes his head and grabs your wrist as best as he can with multiple bodies trying to squeeze past the three of you. 
When Heeseung pulls you away, you’re sure to grab onto Minjun’s hand so she doesn’t get lost in a sea of people either. Mr. and Mrs. Lee beam when they see their son approaching and Heeseung drops your wrist in favor of being smothered with affection by his parents. You can tell he feels embarrassed to be doted on in front of his peers because of how his ears are turning red, but you sit back and laugh with Minjun when she points it out loud. 
You let them talk and watch as people clad in business attire approach Heeseung and his parents. You're not sure if Heeseung knows them or not but he smiles and shakes their hands, going so far as to bow to their assistants as well. He talks to them like he’s been in this business for decades, making people laugh and remaining as humble as ever when people praise his performance skill. You’re not sure how Heeseung handles all of this attention and praise at the same time, or even what it must feel like to be talented enough to have people approach you. 
As you observe everybody else, it’s clear that Heeseung is the star of tonight’s showcase. The other performers did a fantastic job as well, but something about your best friend draws executives to him, and you’re sure everyone who hasn’t spoken to Heeseung is waiting for their turn. It feels exhausting to watch people socialize. You can only guess how exhausted Heeseung might be. 
Minjun joins her parents a little while later at their request, leaving you alone for the time being. You pull your phone out and text your mom that you’re still at the showcase and will let her know when Mr. and Mrs. Lee drive you back to the apartment. You use this as an excuse to look busy, replying to a few friends that you didn’t have time to respond to before coming to the showcase. But those conversations are dry and leave you without a distraction. 
“Y/N, come here!” 
Heeseung calls your name and your head snaps to where he’s standing. He beckons you over with a wave and you awkwardly waddle to where he’s standing. His family aren’t with him and you wonder just how long you’ve been looking at your phone for. 
“This is my best friend, Y/N,” Heeseung says as he pulls you closer to him. “Y/N, meet Kim Namjoon. He’s the president and founder of Big Hit.”
“It’s lovely to meet you.” The bow is almost automatic and you’re sure to put on a good first impression to help any reputation Heeseung has with Namjoon. You bow at an angle that’s deeper than a common greeting but just shy of ninety-degrees. 
Namjoon returns in kind. “Nice to meet you, Y/N. Heeseung’s a talented one, isn’t he?” 
“He’s the best at what he does,” you say earnestly. “I’ve never seen anybody work as hard as him in my entire life. Pardon if I’m overstepping, but I think Big Hit is incredibly lucky to have him.” 
He laughs at your politeness. “I feel the same. It’s not every day you come across someone who’s skilled at, well, everything.” 
“You know, when Heeseung and I were younger, we had this ongoing joke that he could master anything on the first try. I think it’s what makes him special, you know?”
“Guys, please don’t talk about me like I’m not here,” Heeseung whines. His cheeks are red but both you and Namjoon laugh in good fun.
“There’s a reason why I chose Heeseung to be tonight’s soloist,” Namjoon informs. “This showcase is meant for people in the industry and if I’m being honest with you, I think you’ll be getting good remakes on your review.” 
Heeseung beams. “Wow…I don’t know what to say.”
“He says ‘thank you,’” you answer for him. “I can’t imagine what training must be like but I do know that all of it has paid off. Thank you for giving Heeseung a chance to prove himself.” 
There’s a glint in Namjoon’s eye. 
“Have you ever considered working in publicity?” Namjoon asks you. 
“No, why do you ask?”
“I think you’d have a real talent for it.” Namjoon says it in a way that feels too casual for a showcase, especially if he’s the one in charge of the company Heeseung is training under. “You speak well for Heeseung.” 
“Oh…thank you.” 
He turns to Heeseung and claps him on the back. “There’s more to being an idol than training and performing. You need people who know you and know the business. It’s important to make your career thrive because you can be the most talented person in the world, but if you don’t have the right people around you, none of that will matter.” 
Heeseung nods. “Y/N’s always been my champion.” 
“I can see.” Namjoon smiles at you. “Entertainment is not for the faint of heart and there’s more to it than being photographed. You need to be in the right places at the right time and know the right people who can get you there. That’s what publicity does for you. Y/N’s already doing it and she’s not working in entertainment yet.” 
Somehow, his words feel comforting. “I haven’t thought about what I want to do with my life but that seems like something I could do.” 
“It’s important work. Heeseung can perform the shit out of his solo but it doesn’t mean anything if he has nowhere to perform it.” 
Namjoon smiles at the both of you before his name is being called from behind him. 
“Great job on your solo, Heeseung.” He turns to you. “It was nice to meet you, Y/N.” He bows once more to the both of you before departing. 
“I feel like I’m buzzing,” Heeseung says as he puts an arm loosely around you. “It was like I was the only person in the room when I was performing, you know? The dance with the other guys was amazing and all of that but I feel like I was on another level when it was just me up there.” 
“You were incredible, Hee. I mean that. I don’t know a single person more talented than you.” 
Heeseung smiles down at you. 
“You know, it means a lot that you come to see me. Sometimes I wonder if people talk to me because they know I’m training to become an idol but you never make me feel like that. It feels natural and genuine. So, I guess what I’m trying to say is, thanks.” 
You push him away from you, a giddy smile tugging on the edge of your lips. Heeseung is affectionate but less so in his vocabulary, choosing to tease you because it’s his way of letting you know he cares for you. Hearing him be so open and vulnerable tugs at your heartstrings and it makes you feel like you could achieve anything. 
“I’ll always be here for you, remember? You can’t get rid of me that easily.”
*✧・゚─────────── *✧・゚
Heeseung’s life changes for the better after the night of the showcase when Namjoon tells him he’s secured a debut spot underneath their brand new label, Belift. Happiness flows within the Lee household and you’re nearly in tears when you realize all your best friend has worked for has finally paid off. 
But with it comes uncertainty and your fears are slowly becoming a reality when Heeseung stops talking to you as frequently as he used to. 
It comes with the job and you’re more than aware of how much Heeseung has on his plate between preparing for his debut and trying to fit in with the industry. You can’t imagine what life must be like for him now that his dream is just a few weeks away of becoming a reality but part of you wonders if it’s too difficult for him to keep you hanging on a leash. 
He calls his parents and Minjun as often as he gets. You know because Minjun swings by your mother’s apartment with Mrs. Lee on Saturday mornings to drop off baked goods, updating you on the latest she’s heard from her older brother. You try your best to quell your jealousy because they’re his family after all, but part of you feels like you have a right to call yourself his family too after all he said to you during the night of the showcase and all you’ve done for him. 
You’re sure Mr. and Mrs. Lee can sense it too. Heeseung no longer lives at home, having moved into his own dorm in the heart of Seoul, thirty minutes from you. You aren’t a stranger to their household without his presence but you’ve gradually stopped coming by unless Minjun calls you from Mrs. Lee’s phone to ask you to hang out. 
Texts and calls slowly diminish with his new line of work. You went from hearing from him every day to every other day, to nothing at all.
Seeing the blue delivered messages without any indication that he’s acknowledged you, makes you feel like a second priority. But you don’t know if you get the right to feel like this when you know how busy he is and the weight of his debut. Heeseung’s got one shot to make a good first impression and the last thing you want is to distract him from achieving his childhood dream of being a successful idol. 
Still, the silence stings.
*✧・゚─────────── *✧・゚
Heeseung knows you’re waiting on him and ignores the pit in the bottom of his stomach that tells him to text you back. 
His new life has changed in ways he couldn’t fathom. When Namjoon told him the news about his debut and all of the details surrounding it, Heeseung felt as if the weight of the world was no longer a burden for him to carry, and that all he has ever wanted would eventually come to fruition. His new friends, namely the three guys around his age who have trained to become musicians, are people he gets along with more than he thought he would. Heeseung’s newfound excitement about the next chapter of his life takes him to new heights and he finds himself spending more time with Jay, Jake, and Sunghoon as they prepare for the debut showcase. 
Heeseung knows you’re waiting for him back at home but it’s so hard to focus on you when he’s wrapped up in his new life. Making time to see you is hard enough as it is and he knows you’re as patient as can be. In the years he’s been friends with you, Heeseung knows that your resilience knows no bounds and all that you’ve experienced in your lifetime has built the strong-willed, confident person he knows you to be. 
But his new life gets him caught up in the feeling of the present success. The three guys have known each other far longer than Heeseung has known them, only greeting each other in passing since all four of them were training in different areas of performance art. It wasn’t until they were living together that Heeseung started befriending them beyond practice and rehearsals. Jake’s the one who includes Heeseung the most on group outings or spending time playing video games in the living room. His entire life he’s been alone or with just you, seldom having a group of guys who just gets him. 
Heeseung tucks away the nagging feeling in the back of his head when he and Jay are preparing a meal for the four of them when he sees a text from you. 
hey hee, are you busy right now? it’s been a while since we hung out and i thought it would be nice to go get boba, or something. my treat !! <3
He shoves his phone in his back pocket before Jay can notice him staring at the screen. The message goes unanswered for the rest of the night as he basks in the company of his friends-slash-coworkers, the thought of getting boba with you far removed from his mind. Playing video games and getting to know the people he’ll likely be working with for the foreseeable future takes precedent. It’s what Heeseung keeps telling himself. 
After a while, the guilt no longer eats him alive. You’re busy focusing on graduating and preparing to attend university in the fall while he’s made his debut with his newfound best friends. It’s no surprise to anyone that Heeseung’s fanbase grows at a nearly alarming rate after he makes his debut. He grows popular with each day that passes and it feels like Heeseung has become the face of the newest generation overnight. 
He’ll wonder what you’re up to from time to time and let you know how he’s doing. Heeseung first sends a text to apologize, lying about not seeing your text sooner and that he’d love to get boba with you when he has the time. You tell him not to worry because you know he’s busy. He texts you pictures of his first performance and scenic pictures of the cities he visits because of his travel and promotion schedule. You update him on the end of the school year and how your mother is dealing with you moving away for college. 
The texts become sparse as the two of you resume your separate lives and Heeseung doesn’t realize that you don’t text him until the day of your graduation–the day that he was supposed to graduate if he hadn’t deferred to the trainee program–wishing him well and that you’re thinking of him. You send a video of yourself pulling your tassel over the graduation cap and he feels nothing for the lost time when he’s on his way to promote his first album overseas.
It’s for my career, he tells himself when he realizes how much time has passed since he thought of you. I’m doing what’s best for me and everybody else needs to get used to it.
It isn’t until Heeseung is permitted a few days off that he comes home per his parents’ request. He doesn’t tell them that he’s a bit homesick even though his dorm is a thirty minute drive, but it feels oceans away when his days are packed from morning until night. He tells his parents about his travels and what kinds of food he’s been eating when he’s overseas. Heeseung gifts Minjun all of the trinkets and souvenirs he bought from his time promoting his album, and what his future holds for him when he returns to his life as an idol. Mr. and Mrs. Lee applaud their son’s hard work, yet they can’t help but feel like there’s a piece of a puzzle missing because you aren’t here to celebrate with them. 
You make a visit at Minjun’s request. When you arrive, you’re stunned to learn that Heeseung is back at home and only has the evening until he needs to return to work. Heeseung can see the disappointment that festers in your eyes and the way your shoulder droops as you smile at him for his family’s sake, although he knows it’s false bravado because your grin doesn’t quite reach your eyes.
 He leads you upstairs to his bedroom when Mr. Lee insists that the two of you spend some time together after not having seen each other in ages. It feels awkward to be in his childhood bedroom with the door just slightly ajar at this moment, but it isn’t anything completely new.
What is new, however, is seeing that you’ve dyed your hair a different color and that you’ve gotten your ears pierced.
“You look good,” he says, lifting his hand to toy with the end of your hair. “It matches your skin tone nicely.” 
“Did you do it recently? It looks fresh.” 
You don’t note that Heeseung also has a different hair color than his natural jet black. 
“Two weeks ago. My cousin did it for me.” 
He nods. “Nice. It looks good. I see that you’re wearing necklaces too.” 
“Yeah. I decided it was time to stop being a child and get it over with.”
“You know, you don’t have to do things if you don’t want to.” You throw a pointed look at Heeseung and it’s an expression he’s unfamiliar with. 
“I know. But I like earrings and that’s why I wanted to get them pierced.” 
Heeseung wipes his hand on his pants at the awkward tension in the room. He knows he’s to blame. His schedule and priorities have pulled him away from you and the life he’s built prior to debuting, but can anyone blame him? Can anyone blame him for not being able to balance his life when he’s been given the keys to a new empire? 
“Well, it was nice seeing you.” You throw a cheap smile in his direction and motion to open the door until Heeseung grabs your wrist, causing you to turn around. 
“You’re leaving?” 
“Yeah,” you nod. “You have an early day tomorrow.” 
Heeseung sharks his head. “It’s fine. I don’t have to be back in Seoul until ten anyway. I’ve missed you and I want to spend time with you before I absolutely have to fall asleep.” 
You scoff. “That’s real funny, Heeseung. You missed me but all of my texts and calls go unanswered.”
He frowns. “You know that I’m busy most days.” 
“And nights?” 
“I’m with the guys back at the dorm.” 
You poke your cheek with your tongue. 
“See, I would know all of this if you bothered to talk to me at all but it sees that your new life is treating you just fine.” 
You make another move to leave his room but he closes the door, startling you with the loud noise. He apologizes quietly and uses his body to block you from leaving for the time being. 
“I’m sorry, I’ve just been so busy between promotion and rehearsal that it’s hard to keep track of who I keep up with and who I don’t.” 
“You’re talking to me like I’ve never seen you cry before,” you say with a disappointed sigh. “You act like I’m somebody you once knew in a past life.” 
“Not true. You’re my best friend.” 
“Best friends would bother to talk to each other. You know that, right? I don’t exist just so you can pick and choose when you need somebody to talk to. It makes me feel like you don’t actually care about me, Heeseung. It makes me feel like you’ve ever cared about our friendship unless you needed a shoulder to cry on and I was the first person who would listen to you.”
“That’s not true. I’m just busy.”
“I get that, I really do. But it’s been months, Heeseung. I know that I can’t have your attention all the time and I know I can’t see you as often as I did. But would it kill you to let me know you’re alive? The only time I hear about you is when other people talk about you or when I see you on billboards. That doesn’t feel like a friendship to me.”
His fists ball at his side and his frustration surfaces. Heeseung is frustrated at everyone–himself for being unable to say ‘no’ to his new friends, you for expecting so much of him, and his company for keeping him as busy as he is. But he doesn’t know how to communicate that, not when you’re standing in front of him, looking like he’s the villain in your life when he feels like he’s not. 
“Well that’s life, Y/N,” Heeseung settles. “Sometimes we need to learn when to prioritize things over others.” 
You laugh humorlessly. “Is that the hill you’re going to die on? You’re too busy to send a simple text back or let me know that you’re, I don’t know, okay?”
“You can’t be a priority all the time.”
“I know that. I’m not asking you to drop everything for me just because I called you. I’m asking you to treat me like somebody you care about, Heeseung. Is that too much to ask?” 
The anger Heeseung feels within him feels misplaced, but your inability to hear him about makes him even angrier. It’s unfair for you to demand such things of him when he’s pursuing everything he’s ever dreamed of.
“Yes, it is too much to ask,” Heeseung bites back. “You don’t understand the gravity of what I do for a living and it’s hard to appreciate it when you’re breathing down my neck. God, when did you become such a clingy person, Y/N? The world doesn’t revolve around you and I don’t owe you shit just because you can’t handle that I’m busier than you are.” 
“You’re kidding me, right?” 
“I’m being dead serious.” Heeseung steps away from the door. “You of all people know how badly I want this and now it’s like you’re not letting me enjoy what I’ve worked for. What kind of friend does that make you?” 
The words tumble out of his mouth before he can catch them. His need to be the victim in an uncertain period of his life causes him to misdirect his frustration with adapting to his new life and the proof is written all over your face. 
“Y/N, I didn’t mean–”
“Don’t,” you say sharply. “Just don’t.”
Frozen, Heeseung watches you open his door with such force that it nearly slams into him. He’s quick on his feet to follow you downstairs where he sees his family looking perplexed when you’ve opened the front door without saying goodbye. 
“Y/N, I didn’t mean it!” Heesueng yells when you’ve crossed the threshold of his household. “Please come back inside.”
“You made it very clear that I have no place in your new life. Congratulations, I hope you’re happy.” 
You walk away while the deep feelings of disappointment and uncertainty settles in Heeseung’s chest. He walks back inside and closes the door behind him to see Minjun and his parents in a deep stupor, trying to make sense of the scene that has just unfolded before them. 
“What happened?” Mrs. Lee asks. 
“Y/N and I…” his voice cracks. “I don’t think we’re friends anymore.” 
The room is silent, save for the ticking of the wall clock. 
“Maybe it’s for the best,” Minjun says without a smile. 
Heeseung wants to tell her that she’s wrong and whatever conversation they must’ve heard was a product of two friends having their first serious argument. Heeseung’s own frustrations towards his new life is something he doesn’t talk about often because he’s worked so hard to become the person he is, and it would be ungrateful to complain about what he has yearned for his entire life. It bottled up so much that hearing you accuse him of being a poor friend caused him to unravel and say things he doesn’t mean. 
Mrs. Lee beats him to speaking.
“Don’t say that, Minjun.” 
The young girl remains quiet and refuses to meet Heeseung’s eye.
*✧・゚─────────── *✧・゚
In the few years that follow, you resist rolling your eyes when you see Heeseung’s face in magazine ads and billboards across the city. Life takes you to university where you spend the next four years deciding on the rest of your life before you settle on something everybody said you’d be good at. 
Graduation approaches far sooner than you’d like and it becomes bittersweet when you see the Lee family, sans Heeseung, in the stadium next to your mom, who are all equally shedding tears as your name is called. Heeseung being absent feels hollow, like another reminder that people choose to leave your life without a moment’s notice but for the sake of keeping up appearances, you smile at the camera when you accept your diploma. 
It’s not a surprise to you when you find yourself working in entertainment like Kim Namjoon said you could all those years ago. 
A job is a job, but he was right when he told you this would be something you’d excel at. Day in and day out, your responsibilities differ as you begin working at Hybe, formerly Big Hit, to manage the profiles and public appearances of idols and other public figures alike. 
Heeseung doesn’t hear from you much. His parents update him on your coursework and send him photos of you at graduation. He cries every so often when he feels the urge to call you and tell you about his day, but doesn’t know whether he has the right to do that anymore. The years in his position has taught him what true life balance is, especially with the media and paparazzi taking an interest in his personal life. 
It feels so exhausting to have nobody you can depend on. These days, it’s just him and the three boys he met at the beginning of his career. Heeseung’s popularity has grown so much that he can’t tell up from down. It drowns him in a way he never anticipated and the politics of fame and the industry wasn’t something he accounted for when he began dreaming about a career in the performance space. 
Perhaps it’s why he spends his days feeling listless, like he’s got no real potential after achieving his dream. He knows his managers worry for his health and that the other trainees in the building can sense something has been off for a while. Maybe it’s why he roams the halls with headphones on to drown out the noise that’s become his everyday life, with talks of meetings and promotions and everything Heeseung wishes to get away from, if for only one day.
When Heeseung bumps into somebody on his way out of the company elevator, his first instinct is to lean down to collect the papers that have fallen haphazardly on the floor. He pushes his headphones until they rest around his neck and stands to hand them back to the person he bumped into. Only, he feels his body freeze when he sees who it is. 
Like Heeseung has always believed, if you really love someone, they will always come back to you. 
*✧・゚─────────── *✧・゚ 
potential part two ft. the rest of enha … this was a therapy piece lol
*✧・゚─────────── *✧・゚ 
taglist: @enha-stars @karinasbaby @baevsxii @lillotus17 @syzavxy @mrmld @nikilvrfvr @luvyev @notevenheretbh1 @wvnkoi @seungiesgf @kgneptun @judeduartewannabe @iheartjayke @wonsbubble @ilyjxdz @foggysfrog @oddracha @haechansbbg @tobiosbbyghorl @ryunjin0 @sharksandminhos @jungwoneez @alex-is-sleeping @minjaexvz @woninluv @engeneeee-168 @friendlyuser57 @moony-mari @trdhgg @sleepyhoon @sunghoonsgfreal @i02hoonz @riksaes @021894s @zeeloveshee @jwnghyuns @vhuteryh @cloudiesblog @awsome209 @fleurixzs @xiaoderrrr @marshwatz @aeripark0703 @bambangan @papichulomacy .
apologies to all tumblr wouldn't tag. :)
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0nlythrowharrybeaux · 24 days
A Chance - Part 5**
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Here it is! The final part of this series! I hope you guys like it!
Read the full series here
Warnings: mentions of a break-ins and the police. Sex (oral & p in v), fingering, dirty talk, slight dom/sub dynamic and degradation, choking, overstimulation, forced orgasms
WC: 6.6k
You were absolutely smitten with Harry, you were an absolute goner for him. After he’d stuck up for you and your budding romance you didn’t have the heart to hold back. You really were giving it your best effort to put aside your fears and let yourself show him just how much you cared for him.
The past two months had been wonderful and so much fun with him. You’d gone and done some touristy things in Hollywood, you’d been to see the L.A. Phil, you’d gone to the beach, and were now on your sixth date at The Highlight Room. The sunset was breathtaking and you couldn’t help but reach over to his free hand. He glanced up from setting his beer down and smiled at you.
“Nothing. Just…admiring you.” You shrugged simply. “Do you like the pizza?” You asked and he nodded immediately.
“Hell yes. This is delicious.” He emphasized and you smiled.
“Good.” You hummed in contentment. 
You had planned this date and you wanted to do something a little more special for him because he always did the most thoughtful things for you. And well…you were kind of hoping that you guys could progress a little bit more in the physical aspect of things at the end of the night. You’d truly been taking it so slow because of all of the things you felt for him, it was the first time in a while that you’d felt this way. Harry was great though, never expecting something more than just your typical steamy make outs and handjobs. You guys were going to go to the Griffith Observatory after dinner. He had never been before and they were going to have a star party that night. People from local astronomy clubs were able to bring their equipment as well and set up on the lawn so that others can also get a chance to see the night skies. Harry was loving it, as were you! You’d gotten the chance to see a couple planets and the moon in so much detail. You’d learned to locate some summertime constellations in the sky and also got to walk around inside the building. Harry did not miss his chance to ask if you could dance like in “LaLa Land”, to which you blushed madly before declining anxiously.
“I know, m’ just messing with you, baby.” He assured you softly before kissing the highpoint of your cheek.
You eventually made it out onto one of the ledges and looked out to the millions of little lights from the city down the hill. You now had his jacket draped over your shoulders as you curled into his side.
“Thank you so much for planning this. It’s been a really wonderful evening.” He hummed with gratitude, “I mean…this is just…spectacular.” He said softly and you smiled.
“I’m glad you’ve had a nice time.” You hummed  before kissing his chest and then resting your head against it again as you hugged him a little closer as a cool breeze started to blow softly.
“It’s always have a nice time with you.” He said lowly before kissing the top of your head.
“Yeah, baby?” 
“D-do you want to have sex? Like…with me?” You asked with a slight stutter and you felt his body start to tremble a bit as his chuckle worked his way up his belly and out his mouth. You playfully smacked his chest and sniggered.
“What kind of question is that?!” He asked and you shrugged in his arms.
“I just…I don’t know, like you’re so respectful that while I’m certain that it’s because you know that I just…need to take things a little slow, a little, insecure part of me likes to believe that it’s because you’re not so much in a rush to get there with me either.” You confessed.
“Oh baby, I want to! So. Fucking. Bad.” He assured you, “But like you said first, I just want to make sure that I’m not pushing you too much. And well, what we’re doing now for each other, that’s alright with me too. I quite…like that we don’t get too far. I love the longing.” He confessed and you slightly loosened your grip to glance up at him and he looked down at you at the same time and you both smiled at each other.
“Oh…okay.” You hummed timidly and he smirked.
“Do you like…want to do that soon?” He asked.
“I was thinking tonight…I mean, we’ve been on six dates now…”
“Is that the magic number?” He teased.
“Stop…” you giggled, “I’ve been thinking about this a lot.” You confessed timidly. He pulled you closer and kissed you gently. 
“We can go if you’re ready.” He mumbled against your lips and you giggled.
“Are you done looking at everything?” You asked and he nodded.
“Definitely.” He hummed and you grinned before grabbing his hand and pulling him along.
You were driving a little over the legal limit. And yes, you had driven, you had given him the full “princess” treatment that you had come to discover he liked. He didn’t really make a big deal of it, he acted very casual when you’d do something that was particularly thoughtful to him, but you knew that inside he was giddy about it. You liked how he was practically leaning over the center console to be closer to you. He kept kissing your shoulder and whispering things about how pretty you looked and how badly he wanted to taste your pussy. Your skin was tingling all over as he worked you up. He was very playful and teasing, it was making you even more impatient than you already were. 
“H, I’m driving.” You giggled as he suddenly nipped at your earlobe.
“Sorry, baby.” He hummed. It made you feel on fire from the inside when he called you “baby”. It made your heart flutter in ways that you didn’t know it could. When you finally pulled into your parking spot your muscles relaxed in relief. Harry immediately leaned in to kiss you and your lips met in a heated kiss.
“We should go inside.” You mumbled against his lips.
“Kay.” He responded and you both hurried out of the car and locked it. 
Next thing you knew, you were riding up the elevator, nestled in the corner as you continued to make out. When it came to a stop you hurried down the hall while rifling through your bag to grab your keys. His hands landed on your on your hips and squeezed gently as the impatience got the best of him. Finally, you were stumbling into your dim apartment with his body still draped over yours. One of his hands was sliding up your front and groping your boob under your top. You sighed in relief when he dragged down the cup of your bra and gently tugged at your nipple. You were loving this more domineering side of him, you wanted to see what he’d do if you gave him no direction.
“Where do you want to do this?” He asked as your hand reached back and scratched at the nape of his neck soothingly.
“We can go to my room.”
“Okay.” He whispered and grabbed your hips again as he guided you through your apartment and into your bedroom.
“Can I…have a couple minutes? Just to, you know…freshen up a little bit?” You asked him when you both stopped at the foot of your bed.
“Oh, of course, baby. Take your time.” He assured you before kissing your shoulder again. “Want water or wine?” He asked.
“Some water would be good.”
“Okay, I’ll go get the water.” He smiled and you nodded and turned around to kiss him gently. “You know…” he mumbled against your lips and you pulled back, “If you’re not ready we don’t have to.” He reminded you and you smiled.
“I know. I just ummm…if we did end up doing this I…had bought something t-to wear for you.” You said and his smile widened before his eyes narrowed as if your words were hurting him.
“Baby…” he groaned as his fingers squeezed into your hips and you giggled.
“Go on.” You whispered as you playfully nuzzled your nose into his and he kissed you again before hurrying off. 
You were soon just wiping down your bits quickly before slipping into the baby blue tie-front teddy. The bottom was a little long to allow some flounce to the fabric, so it made your ass look a bit more voluptuous. And well, the cut-out in the center of the piece exposed your mid back and from under your breasts to right below your navel. You moisturized a bit and then headed out of the bathroom to see Harry walking into the bedroom. He stopped and just bit down on his lip to suppress his smile a bit.
“Fuck…look at you.” He complimented you. 
“Like it?”
“Yeah, love. So fucking pretty.” He said before dipping down to kiss your lips. 
In moments you were helping to undress him. You couldn’t help but feel over his muscles over and over again, they were so firm. Your urge got the best of you and you dipped down and sunk your teeth into his pec and started to suck. His big hands grabbed your ass and kneaded your plush skin as you sucked your mark into his chest. Your need for him was making you feel like you were burning up from the inside out. 
“Are you ever going to undress me?” You asked as you smiled up at him and he smirked.
“Of course, but patience, baby-”
He was interrupted by your doorbell ringing and then some knocks on your door. You groaned but decided to leave it be until there it was again. You huffed in irritation and pulled back.
“Let me check who that is.” You said and hurriedly shrugged on your robe as you made your way to your front door. You peeked through the peephole and saw a familiar face, you’d seen the woman in the mail room before. She was looking a little anxious, you were a bit worried since it was nearing 10pm.
“Can I help you?” You called through the door.
“Hi! Oh my god, I’m Willa. I live around the corner, down the hall? Unit 412?” She said, “Someone broke into my apartment while I was gone.” She explained and you gasped and quickly opened the door.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry. Are you alright?” You asked the woman and while it was evident that she had been crying, she wasn’t right now.
“Yeah, just a little shaken up.” She said and you nodded.
“How can I help?”
“Ummm, I noticed you have a ring camera and since you’re near the elevators I figured maybe you have footage of who it was since they took quite some big items.” She explained.
“Oh, yeah of course. Ummm, I can take down your contact info and look through it.” You said and she nodded.
“The cops will be here soon, d-do you think you can get the footage if there is any before they go?” She asked and you nodded.
“Yeah, of course! Did it happen today?”
“I honestly don’t know, I’m sorry. I’ve been gone since Wednesday so it could’ve been any time in the last four days.” She explained.
“No need to apologize. My boyfriend is here so he can help.” You assured her and she smiled slightly.
“Thank you so much!” She sniffled. You gave her your phone number and she texted you her contact info before heading off to wait for the police. When you turned around you saw Harry leaning on the counter, it startled you.
“Geez! When did you get in here?” You asked with a small smile.
“After I heard you opening up the door.” He said and you bit your lip because that meant he’d heard you call him your boyfriend. You hadn’t talked about that yet but that’s how you viewed what you two had. Even if he hadn’t asked officially, it was the best thing to describe what he was to you.
“So you heard what happened?”
“You mean the boyfriend thing?” He asked and you felt your stomach flip with anxiety. 
“N-no the break in.” You shook your head nervously.
“Are you sure?” He asked with a small smile.
“Look, I’m sorry. It’s just the best thing t-to describe what you are to me.” You explained. 
“Oh, I’m not upset. I actually wanted to talk to you about that.” He said.
“Yeah, we’ve been dating a while now, huh?”
“Yeah, I think about two months…and 10 days.” He added with a little grin and your cheeks flushed at his precision and attention to detail.
“Technically nine days, s’only 10pm.” You said and he grinned, “I really like you, Harry. I want to be with you. I would be so happy if you wanted to be my boyfriend.” You said and he smiled wide.
“Yeah, baby?” You nodded with certainty as your face started to grow warm as the blood rushed up to it as your happiness and excitement swelled within you.
“Yeah, I want to take that step with you.” You assured him.
“Me too.” He said before pulling you into a hug and you relaxed in his arms.
“My boyfriend…” you hummed.
“My girlfriend.” He whispered before giving you a firm squeeze. 
You soon broke apart to sift through your Ring footage from the last week. Harry had the the great idea that maybe the person who’d broken in had visited before, so he started from the week prior and you worked your way from today back. Luckily for you, you’d seen that the break-in had occurred the day before, in the afternoon. There were three men, two had been dressed as movers and one in pretty plain clothes. You only saw them leaving with things, so they had to have come up to the apartment another way, probably the staircase where there weren’t any cameras. 
“Did you find anything?” You asked as you glanced over to him who was looking at the footage from your laptop. 
“Not really…yet.” He said.
“I just found them leaving with her things. They’re dressed as movers.” You explained, “They must’ve come up the staircase because they didn’t come down this way.”
“Jeez…” he frowned as he glanced at you and you nodded.
“I know…at least we can see their faces on the way out. Do you want anything?”
“Do you still have those little Trader Joe’s ice cream cones?” He asked and you smiled.
“Yeah, baby.” You said and stood to go bring him one. You were just about to open the freezer when he gasped.
“I found something! Well, I think. The only person who has come by with Willa is a guy, maybe a hook up. He doesn’t come out this way though…” he said at the end. You rushed over and pulled up your down loaded footage.
“It’s the same guy! The one behind the fake movers.” You said pointing to your phone and Harry nodded.
“Yeah, that’s him. Let me download this and you can send it over to her.” He said and you nodded. 
After a couple of moments you were sending over the information to Willa. While the sensual mood of the evening had sort of melted away with Willa’s unfortunate circumstance, the romantic feeling between you and Harry were still brewing. You’d opted to curl up on your couch and watch a show together, Bridgerton, when you admitted that you had not actually attempted to watch it yet. But just when things started to get saucy between you two there were knocks on your door again, this time there was an officer with Willa. He wanted to ask a few questions but that you were at work at the time of the break in so weren’t much more help than providing the video from your Ring camera.
“Is it a sign or something?” You huffed as you plopped beside him in the couch again and he smiled at you.
“Coincidences. There’s only been two interruptions. If there’s a third interruption I’ll take it personally.” He said and you chuckled. “But I promise you, I’m not in a rush, baby. I’m not disappointed.” He assured you.
“I am!” You said with a pout, “I wasted this perfectly adorable lingerie for nothing!” You reminded him, “Well…at least you got to see me in it, but the mood is gone.” You mumbled.
“I do agree that the moment has passed but I would like to see you in it a little more.” Harry said with a soft smile and spread his legs just a bit before patting his thigh and you smirked before taking off your robe and scooting up against him. You draped your bare legs over his lap and let him smooth his warm, soft palms up and down your smooth legs. He smiled at you before he dipped down to kiss you.
“Do you want to stay?” You asked him as he pulled back a bit to allow you both to breathe for a second.
“I’d love to but-”
“But what?” You grumbled before pecking his lips again.
“I don’t have a tooth brush.” He said and you kissed his lips again, “Or my skin care…” he said and you smiled. “Don’t you say a word. Self-care is important.”
“Okay.” You giggled before smooching his lips again.
“Or clothes.” He finished with slightly raised eyebrows.
“Arguably, clothes are non essentials.” You said and he smirked.
“They are if we’re going to brunch tomorrow.” He added and you pouted.
“But…if you pack a bag we can go to mine?” He suggested and your lips quirked up quickly. You were excited because you actually had only been to Harry’s apartment three times in all this time, including when you picked him for your date earlier. Your place was closer to work and downtown so you usually ended up here, but now he was asking you to stay over with him. It would be your first time spending the night with each other. With him. And it made you feel so fucking giddy. “You could stay tomorrow night too. We could drive to work together?” He added optimistically.
“Yes! I’ll go pack right away!” You said with excitement and hurried off to your room. 
You had an outfit in mind for brunch already so Harry helped pick your outfit for work on Monday while you gathered your toiletries and makeup. He had a great sense of style so you trusted his selection and on top of that, it was absolutely endearing that he put your clothes on a hanger instead of stuffing them into the large tote you had set out for the rest of your belongings. You picked your shoes, a pair you could wear Sunday and Monday, and then your phone charger before you both headed out of your bedroom.
“Have everything?” He asked you before you left.
“Oh, a pillow!” 
“I’m a grown up, baby. I have pillows. Four of them to be exact…” he chuckled.
“It’s a thing for me, it has to be my pillow.” You explained, “I’m particular.” You grinned.
“Of course you are…” he muttered as you headed back to your room.
“Heard that!” You called back with a grin. 
Soon enough you were locking up and riding down to your car before heading off to his place. You were really excited at this opportunity to be in his space overnight. From what you’d seen of Harry’s place it was pretty tidy and looked cohesive and aesthetic. Because his building was a bit older it had elements that made it feel more cozy, which you appreciated and were excited to see in more detail. As soon as he let you both inside you were taken over by a faint warm, woodsy scent…perhaps bergamot and sandalwood? Regardless, you were obsessed. You loved that as soon as you came in you could see the kitchen. The light hanging over the slate-gray granite top counter was on and casting a lovely golden glow to the entrance  of his apartment. It was a whole vibe.
“Sorry for the mess.” He said lowly as he held the door open for you.
“Are you one of those people who just says that and has an immaculate home?” You inquired as you slipped out of your shoes.
“Not necessarily.” He chuckled as he locked up behind you before doing the same, “I think a bit of mess is healthy.” He continued saying and you giggled.
“Give me an example…” you said as you set your pillow down on the counter and he hummed as you draped your hanger of clothes over a stool then set down you tote on top of it.
“Like…having a laundry chair. Or…a decent pile of junk mail…maybe some ketchup or soy sauce packets on the coffee table from your weekend, munchies-induced takeaway…” You laughed at his nonsense and turned around to look at him. There were literal hearts in your eyes right now. “What?” He chuckled boyishly and you smirked.
“Oh, I am so fond of you.” You hummed and Harry grabbed your face and angled you up to kiss your lips so tenderly. It made your heart leap in your chest and your hugged around him. “Take me to your room.” You rushed out and he nodded before pecking your lips a few times and then pulling away to guide you past the kitchen and living room and down the short hallway that led to his bedroom. There was a little bedside lamp on that gave his room some dim light. His room was tidy despite his previous comment about laundry chairs. You liked his bed, it looked so fluffy and inviting. Beside the small bedside table, there were four, rather stall stacks of books and you grinned.
“S’that your mess?” You mumbled against his lips and he chuckled.
“A bit, it’s more like my shame on display. I bought some shelves but I haven’t put ‘em up yet.” He explained and you hummed in acknowledgement before your lips met again. It was all quiet besides your increasingly ragged breaths and the sounds of your lips smacking together. Your hands where sliding down his chest and you got even more wet than you were from feeling over his sturdy pecs. 
“Can you get this off of you?” You asked quietly and he nodded and you pulled away so that he could slide out of his cardigan and then tear off his t-shirt. 
Harry just let the clothes fall to the ground and you immediately dug your nails into the tops of his pecs before scratching down them a bit. He groaned softly before grabbing around your throat and holding you still as he kissed you deeply. Your lips smeared feverishly as your lust started to seep from the two of you, making the atmosphere feel a bit hotter. You reached for his other hand that was on your hip and guided it to the hem of your shirt. He got the hint and pulled away to help you get out of your top. As he dropped it on the ground you reached around and undid your bra. As soon as you started to slide it off Harry was reaching for it and helping you out of it. 
“Fuck…look at you.” He groaned before grabbing at your breasts and attaching your lips again. You were kind of laughing because the way he was squeezing and groping at your boobs was almost juvenile. “They’re so fucking soft and warm and pretty.” He said to you and you sniggered.
“Such a boy…” you teased and he grinned.
“Can’t help it.” He mumbled and you smiled as you started to trail your hands down his abs.
“No, baby?” You asked and he shook his head, “Do you already have a boner for me?” You whispered and he groaned before kissing you deeply.
“Course I do.” He responded. You loved how reactive he was to you, it turned you on to extents you weren’t familiar with. “Please touch me, m’so fucking hard.” He confessed and you slid your hand further down until you were palming over the bulge in his slacks. Feeling it straining against his pants made your pussy clench and you gave him a little squeeze as you rubbed the heel of your palm under his tip. He moaned and you grinned at his reaction. 
“Like that?” 
“Yes, baby…fuck, keep going, making me so fucking hard.” He encouraged you. You added a bit more pressure to your rubbing until his hips were grinding into your hand. “Can I eat your pussy?” He asked breathlessly and you nodded quickly.
“Yes. Please.” You responded and he grinned and started to help you out of your skirt and underwear. In just a few moments you were on his bed, propped up on your elbows while he was getting on his knees. He held your legs open and kissed up your left leg, from your knee and about halfway up your thigh. He looked up at you with a small smile, it made your heart beat in your chest erratically. He glanced down again and smooched a kiss against your right inner thigh. 
“C’mon, baby…” you encouraged him softly and he kissed his way further up until he reached the apex of your thighs and kissed over your lips softly. He then nuzzled in a bit further and let his tongue roll out over your center before dragging it up to your clit and swirling around it a few times. You sighed in relief and let your head fall back when his lips wrapped around it and sucked gently, “Yes, that’s so good…it feels so good.” You muttered breathily. 
Harry’s soft groans against you every time you pulled on his hair made you squirm just a bit more underneath him. When you felt his finger sliding down and rubbing over your entrance your legs dropped open a bit further. Finally, he pushed it inside, to the knuckle before drawing it out and then pressing his middle finger in beside it. His long fingers rubbed against your front wall deliciously. And next thing you knew you were groaning in relief as his fingers pressed in as deep as they could and he pressed up against you g-spot. That, in combination with his tongue flicking at your clit had stars in your eyes and your slick dripping from you. You were going to come so hard. It was building inside of you and making your muscles start to tighten one by one. You were trying to take a proper breath, but then he started to finger-fuck you faster and you gasped as it started to bring you to the edge.
“Oh my god, Harry!” You gasped, “You-you’re gonna make me come!” You announced and he moaned against you and kept going exactly as he was. Your abs were so tense that you felt them start to quiver. You were right there. “Oh…I’m coming!” You whimpered before everything went white. Your mind went blank as your hips rolled in time with the thrusting of his fingers. His encouragement and moans being mumbled against your sensitive clit were driving you insane. Especially when his mustache would tickle over your swollen and throbbing little bundle. God…and the heavy petting at your g-spot was about to make you drool. The orgasm was lasting longer than you were accustomed to and you were running out of air.
“Fuck, you squeeze so tight…” he groaned as your walls pulsed around his digits. How he wished that was his cock getting strangled by your tight little cunt. “Gonna give me another one? Hmmm?” He asked you inhaled sharply and nodded.
“Yeah, fuck! A little harder…yes, just like that!” You gasped until you were withering in his hands again. You were a little lightheaded and when your eyes opened you saw colorful spots on the ceiling from how out of it you were. A soft chuckle bubbled out of your mouth and he kissed your inner thigh as he slowed his finger down.
“Fuck, you’re dripping down my hand.” He hummed as he pulled his fingers out slowly and you grinned as you propped yourself up again to see him reaching down and groaning. His fist started to slide up and down as he stroked over his stiff cock. “Fuck…” 
You bit your lip as you sat up further to watch it happen. He was a fucking sight…his face card was always on point. And well, his body was fitter than fit. 
“You’re so fucking hard.” You mused and he glanced up at you and nodded, “Squeeze a little tighter, right on your tip.” You instructed and he started to do just that. He started to thumb over his tip.
“Do you have a condom?” You asked and he nodded quickly. He got up and grabbed one out of his bedside drawer. You knelt up and waited for him to get on the bed. 
Finally, he was settling in and you hurriedly straddled him. You kissed him deeply, holding onto his face for a few seconds before kneeling up and reaching between your legs to hold him up against your entrance. Just feeling his thick head prodding at your entrance was enough to make your walls flutter. You needed to feel him stretching you open so badly. You wanted him to be so deep it made your breath hitch. You teased at him, letting him in just a bit before rolling your hips until he slid between your lips. He groaned as he watched his cock slipping between your swollen and sticky folds, just desperate to feel the heat of your pussy engulfing his achey cock. His balls ached too, he wanted to come so fucking bad but he also knew that he wanted to keep fucking you for as long as he could. 
“Please, baby. Get me inside.” He beseeched and you smiled up at him teasingly.
“Yeah? Can’t wait anymore?” you hummed playfully and he shook his head as he slightly glanced up at you. 
“Please, baby. Want you so bad. Need to feel your tight little pussy taking my cock.” He mumbled as you started to tease him at your entrance again. “Please.” He begged, holding perfectly still.
“You’re being a little pathetic.” You hummed and he groaned lowly.
“I don’t care.” He chuckled as he squeezed your hips hard. “Fuck, I’ve wanted you for so long.” He confessed and you bit your lip.
“Oh yeah?” You smirked inquisitively.
“Even when I was snappy with you?” You asked and he bit his lip for a moment.
“Especially then.” He admitted and you smirked and without warming you sunk down on his cock until he was sheathed inside of you completely. He moaned as his nails dug into your ass as you squeezed around his erection. “Fuuuuck…” he moaned with need.
“You’re so big.” You whimpered as you rolled your pelvis into his.
“Yeah, baby? Am I good enough for you?” He asked and you nodded.
“So good…you feel so fucking good!” You praised him as you ground over his lap. One of his hands came to your breast and grabbed it before sucking your nipping into his mouth. You yelped as he bit down for a second before sucking it eagerly again. 
When Harry started thrusting up slightly you became covered in goosebumps. He was filling you in such satisfying ways. He was doing so good for you and you loved that he had been lusting after you for so long. He was doing incredible things to your body, your brain was going fuzzy. You wanted to come so bad, you needed it.
“Lay back.” You panted and he settled back against the pillows behind him and you ran your hand up his abs and his gorgeous pecs. He was already slightly sweaty and it made you even hotter for him. Your hand slight up his sternum and then right beneath his throat.
“Do it. Choke me while you make me come.” He said and you smirked and slid your hand a little further up before squeezing a little bit as you started to bounce a bit.
The limited amount of oxygen he was able to breathe in was aiding in that floaty feeling he knew would make his orgasm come soon. You were a smug fit around his cock. So wet and warm. How he wished he could just blow his load deep inside your exquisite little pussy. 
“Oh you feel so good right there!” You whined as you tried your hardest to keep the same pace that was getting the both you there.
“Fuck, I’m gonna come…fuck, fuck…” he gasped before you felt him start to thrust up against you. His jaw was slightly slack as the pleasure coursed through him. You were getting so close… it was right within your reach. “Oh shit…” he gasped as he tried to slow your pace. 
“Just give me a little more!” 
“It’s…fuck, it’s too much!” He whined as he started to squirm beneath you from the overstimulation. He tried to sit up but you pressed him down by the chest.
“Please, just let me come! You can do it, baby.” You encouraged him. You could feel his chest rising and falling quickly and his thighs trembling beneath you. He was letting out the most desperate moans, it was pushing you to edge. You were so close! You started to bounce on his cock a bit harder, you could feel your walls fluttering around his cock so hard as he rammed into that soft spot in you that had you creaming around his girth. 
He hissed and his eyes squeezed tight because every time you dropped down his cock was colliding with such a warm and squishy part of you that he was making Harry lose his mind. He was the one seeing spots now. He was twitching and tense and the slight smack of his balls up against your butt added a delicious tingle to everything else that was going on. He was going to come again, he couldn’t help it.
“You’re going to make me come again…oh fuck!” He warned.
Before you knew it, Harry hugged around your waist and started to thrust up against you hard. You grunted with every sharp thrust, he delivered until that coil that had been pulled taut deep in your core finally exploded. You moaned in relied and hugged around his shoulders as your started to grind freely over him as your orgasm took you out like a tidal wave. You were covered in goosebumps as you shivered in his arms as you came undone. And then Harry was rolling you on your back and delivered three merciless thrusts until he was coming again. 
His body was shivering and his ears ringing as the pleasure peaked and courses through his veins. He lost all strength and dropped over you, kissing your neck and chest sloppily as you two shivered in each other’s arms as you came down from it all. It was a few moments before he had come down enough that he pressed himself up and kissed you lovingly. 
The tender kisses you were sharing started to deepen as the minutes passed. There was this feeling in your chest that was bubbling up and making it feel like you couldn’t breathe. It was making your fingers prick. You hugged him closer to you as your lips smacked softly. He was so warm against you. You hummed happily as he parted your legs and settled himself between them again, he wasn’t hard again, but he just wanted to be as close as possible and you did too.
“M’so lucky you’re mine.” He hummed against your lips and you smiled, breaking the kiss.
“I think I’m the lucky one.” You whispered and he pulled back a bit to properly get a look at you. 
“Oh, I don’t know, baby…” he smiled warmly. The way he took you in and the adoration you could see in his gaze, it made it hard to contain the feelings that were swirling in the pit of your tummy. You knew what it was…and well, you wanted to say it. You wanted to tell him that you loved him. You loved him so fucking much.
“Harry?” You asked softly.
“What is it, love?” He asked before pecking your lips quickly and looking into your eyes.
“I ummm… I…love you.” You said in a small and nervous voice. His eyebrows arched up and his lips parted in surprised before he laughed in relief and kissed you ardently for a second.
“Oh I’m so fucking in love with you.” He mumbled before kissing you again and you smiled.
“Hell yeah.” He mumbled before your lips met again for a few seconds.
“Good. I’m so fucking gone for you.” You confessed breathily before he moaned and kissed you hotly for a few more minutes before the kiss naturally started to slow down.
After another few minutes of kissing you were just cuddled close, basking in the love-filled atmosphere of the bubble you were in. It had been so long since you’d felt this way and it was even better to feel it and know that your heart was safe with Harry. 
“What’re you thinking?” He asked quietly as he fiddled with your fingers.
“Just that…” you giggled as he started to kiss your fingertips, “I feel really happy and safe with you.” You said and he smiled.
“Good.” He responded, “I feel the same with you. I haven’t had so much fun with anyone in such a long time.”
“Me either.” You smiled and then leaned up to kiss him again. As your lips met slowly you raised your leg a bit and gently skimmed your thigh over his cock. His lips twitched up in a grin and it instantly interrupted the kiss,
“You can’t do that to me.” He chuckled, “You made me come twice! I need a minute.” He laughed and you giggled.
“I was just playing.” You whispered and he smirked.
“No you weren’t…” he said knowingly and you giggled.
“Sorry, not sorry. That was really good.” You said and he hummed.
“A little fast but I mean, it was our first time. I’ll make it up to you during round two.” He assured before kissing you deeply again before he rolled over you, “We’ll see who’s being a little pathetic when I’m charge later…” He smirked. 
And well, if there was anything you could expect from Harry it was to do precisely as he said. In that moment you felt so relieved knowing that being vulnerable with him was alright. He was your safe space. He loved you, he had been showing you the entire time and you were thrilled to have let him in when you did. You were looking at him with so much endearment, he melted your heart. 
“What?” He asked with a smile.
“C-can you just hold me while we wait for later to come?” You asked and he smiled.
“Of course, baby.” He smiled and pulled you close to him for the time being. 
His warmth, his scent, the rhythm of his rising and falling chest…all of him, all of this was everything you had been so afraid to try for. But now you had it, you had him and you were so happy that you had just given him a chance because it had been so. Fucking. Worth it. 
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Lady Celestine: Navigator of the Constellations:
The Forgotten Hero of Yore
The Merlyn of the KBASW (AU) & the love of Arthur's life.
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Just to be clear Merlyn & Celestine are the same person it's just her disguise when she goes out.
For: @kirbyoctournament
Character Overview/Personality: She's the combination of Merlin from Disney's Sword & the Stone, Queen Eclipsa from SVTFW, Willy Wonka from (Wonka 2023 ), and Merlin from (the 2008 TV series).
She's an optimist... many of her peers mistake it for being naivety but in reality she's well aware of the darkness in the world... she sees it every day with her powers. Since seeing so many terrible things in the future she treasures the present and is always grateful for the things she enjoys in the now. (Also there's another reason for this....)
And finds the joy in the darkest of times...
She likes to be overly prepared... And tend to keep (*hoard) things they might need... Often tends to hold things she doesn't really need. With Arthus side eying her "You really need to keep that."
"Don't look at me like that Wart... WE MAY NEED THIS HARPOON ONE DAY WHO KNOWS & YOU'LL THANK ME LATER !" *proceeds to carry bloody harpoon home... with Arthur facepalming himself*
They actually did end up using that harpoon 3 months later & Celestine rubbed it in Arthur's face for an entire week. This constant hoarding led her to the first iteration of the Dimensional Cape, which started as a dimensional bag to store all her stuff. (LMAO).
This brings me to Celestine's wisdom & sass: similar to Merlin (the series & Disney) is filled with cleverness & comebacks. When she's doing her diplomatic work and out and about she knows how to do it "gracefully."But when she transforms into Merlyn, she lets loose exactly how Merlin is when he becomes Dragoon. Has no filter and becomes a chaotic old man throwing shade left & right
She hates' cursing so as resulting in hilarious, nonsensical words to place them: Fiddle sticks, biscuits, sweet butter crumpets, etc ~
Her future sight has made her a very empathic person... knowing the suffering of others in her visions. Creating a very kind, caring individual who wants the best for everyone, for them to be happy.
Keep reading for extra content & lore: (Which include spoilers for KBASW so tread carefully!) Other than that please continue...
Lore related content: (If you just want a short read)
In Denial (Oldest lore)
What Kind of King's in My Blood (Background info)
Celestine is Merlyn: (Most Current lore)
And fair warning I low-key wrote a novel... but there's a special prize at the end if you read all of it. (Extended Lore)
Lady Celestine serves as a catalyst for the anime Kirby series...
Now Celestine can't predict the exact future... only show potential paths. But her powers can guide people to the outcome they want and the path that constantly changing.
Absolom made Celestine focus solely on her future vision and trained her personally... He tried to paint himself as this kind saintly father figure towards her... but in reality, wanted to monopolize her ability.
He tremendous amount of pressure on the poor girl...(Mother Gothel Style "Mother knows best) Believing the only thing that made her valuable was her future sight. And one more thing about Celestine... SHE HATED HER FUTURE VISION! She didn't just see the future... she experienced it! Feeling all the raw emotions of the scene.
However, Absolum would guilt-trip her: "Oh you don't want to let everyone down... you're the only one who can do this... you're so special... you can't disappoint everyone..:
Causing her to grit her teeth and bear with it... Absolum was like a father to her she couldn't say "No." Plus it's not like she could let them down... One day she had a terrible vision foreshadowing the demise of Shiver Star...
The people of Shiver Star were infected by Dark Matter's essence... Nightmare & his demons robbed them and stole all the planet's resources... while the people were possessed and had their life sources absorbed by Dark Matter.
Celestine immediately ran to the other Heroes of Yore & Absolum.... for this and assured the worried child they'd take care of this... "don't worry we'll use this information and take care of it."
And they didn't just take care of it... THEY MADE IT WORSE! Seeing an even more terrible vision appeared before her.
Celestine: Wait I thought you said you'd-
Absolum: Oh but my child we did you said that planet was a goner anyway... they were already possessed.... it would be so wasteful if all those resources would fall to Nightmare...
Sir Uther: We cleared out the planet before Nightmare did. And killed all of those who were going to be infected & spread it throughout the galaxy... we prevented the problem before it even happened...*gives a wicked smile*
Absolum: Yes we couldn't have done it without you *gives a wicked smile*
Celestine couldn't help but blame herself for the downfall of Shiver Star... A few hours later Celestine's warpstar cracked-
"No problem... I think," Absolum
To remedy the situation, Absolum tried to fame concern for her but in reality was keeping her in the temple to hide that she was "broken." She could still tell fortunes just at random, they just had to keep her near the temple and store them whenever they came to her.
Absolum was still reeling at how could this happen... he didn't want to expose his little mistake. (In truth he knew he was working too hard and put her to work earlier than most, because of her ability... CHILD LABOR AM I RIGHT?!.) It was still too valuable, they can't risk having her break some more...
Thus, Celestine became a caged bird.
Uther felt that she was a failure unbecoming of a Hero of Yore and not deserving of her title. She can no longer do the ability properly and with her body always hurting how was she going to fight on the battlefield!
Along with that thought she be too emotional anyway... always trying to steer them to the future... the least amount of damage... HE WANTED PROGRESS! Often opting for the method that would get him results not caring about the collateral damage!
Icarus shares in Uther's sentiments, with the added notion that she got away with lazying around doing nothing. Just got to sit there waiting for the next prediction to come around. He & Uther were doing all the heavy lifting and she was still being treasured by Absolum... (he wasn't jealous of the attention or anything...)
Thus resulting in Icarus having the brilliant idea of sticking Celestine with all the political fairs (the paperwork). Which seemed like a good idea at the time (a decision they would all come to regret).
Unbeknownst to them... they had given Celestine all the diplomatic power in the galactic court. Managing to win over the galactic council with her charm and grace. Uther had always used his power to intimidate his ideals.
However, Celestine had a softer approach and was seen as far more likable in the... (this was before the council was corrupt and this was due to Celestine's influence...) Often resulting in the members to come to her for their problems. Uther couldn't beat her in this arena... being reminded all too well this was a political battle as well.
For Icarus, you see there was a... certain deal he wanted to part take in... a deal with Halacandra. Where did the GSA partner up with and believe that he could easily impress with his inventions... with their queen?! ( Minerva Mim - Magolor's great aunt)
What happened... the king was supposed to be here whys he spent an entire month sucking up to him who was this queen...
The queen was not impressed & ended up showing technology far greater than his... for the first time, Icarus was forced to eat humble pie... "How could this have, surely this is some sort of mistake shouldn't the king be here-"
"Oh he's dead... and unlike him, I'm not to be won over by pretty words and flattery now you offend me... why would I ever want to do business with a lowlife with you!"
Madam made sure to inform the GSA they would not be doing business with them & Absolum desperately wanted to get that deal. Then Celestine volunteered to remedy the situation & suggested inviting her here.
Absolum agrees seeing there is nothing to lose, Uther believes this was just a desperate attempt to try to be useful while Icarus is excitedly waiting for her to fail.
Meeting arrives Celestine takes care of everything personally and at the end of the day. Queen Minerva is all smiles and arrives with a contract, "Alright I've changed my mind, and I'll do the deal as long as I'm working with her."
Minerva wasn't interested in Icarus' inventions but Celestine's alchemic formulas were revolutionary. And just had to have her on their team.
Absolum was shocked and relieved... (maybe this girl had more than one use after all...) and was constantly praising her. And because of her connections with Minerva... she'll need a bodyguard now when she leaves the GSA base but what the why it was worth it.
And Icarus oh how badly he wanted to be part of the mixing pot, but he had to go through Celestine. Who was more than happy to reject his proposal and experiments. (Icarus never forgave her for this.)
She was becoming too influential now ... This resulted in Icarus scheming with Uther... to get rid of her.
Thus beginning the creations of the Ancients & the Halcandrans, with Celestine & Minerva leading the helm. Alongside Dairus Drosselmeyer (Minerva's right-hand man & Daroach's great uncle)... they created many of the legendary treasures... that were now scattered about the galaxy.
(These were kept secret from the GSA... Minerva knew the truth of the situation... for you see during the meeting she had hidden away Kirby's prediction not of him just defeating Nightmare, but the reawakening of Void Termina & Doomsday... and showed it to the Queen and she understood... that's the other reason why she said yes to her)
Minerva helps Celestine create the Kabu's across the galaxy and presents them as "safe houses for star warriors" but in reality, they were all preset guides to Kirby's prophecy.
And helped her create Triple Star... Thus the creating the vigilante Merlyn.... Her work as Merlyn didn't go unnoticed and the people of the galaxy started to recognize the hypocrisy of the GSA. Which made the Ancients & the other's blood boil.
This resulted in having Uther send in his send three of his best soldiers: Sir Nonsurat, Dame Morgan, and last but not least (you guessed it WART... I mean Sir Arthur.)
Kirby's prophecy spoke of "a match" to start the spark that would flame of a new era of peace...
Arthur- Match/ Meta Knight - Spark/Kirby - Flame
At the time she didn't know who it was; the prophecy was incredibly vague with which one it was. But she wasn't going to pass her knowledge to any of them without being sure. (She didn't want another Shiver Star incident to happen... not again...)
But how would she determine which one it would be... they all seemed the most unlikely candidates as "the match." How could she weed out which one... A TRAIL, A TEST, A GAME!
So like in tales of old, Celestine did these little tests of character... and would secretly tag along during missions. Giving them all a chance to see which one it would participate in... Giving them little riddles of the monster Nightmare would do. But she always gave them a choice... (breadcrumbing) and "can't force anyone to change."
However, three of them all seem annoyed at this except for... Sir Arthur was the only one captivated and interested. It takes a while for Arthur to accept Merlyn's but only after the events of:
What Kind of King is in My Blood:
That makes him actively ask for Merlyn (Celestine to help him change) and pretty much becomes Celestine's partner in crime. And as to become a willing student... merely wishing not to become like his master (Sir Uther).
However, their little sparring match still happening, with the condition that he should win... Merlyn's not allowed to be called him Wart... (Needless to say she fought him twice as hard.)
(This post-Celestine is Merlyn:) It goes into more detail about their relationship here but... I added a few things.
Romantic feelings only start after that...
Basically, before they knew they were head-over-heals for each other their love could never be in reality. Not just because of their positions but something else...
After her warpstar broke... she received a terrible vision of her body eventually breaking and her disappearing into star dust. Foreseeing her early death...
She had initially accepted but after all the friends she made (and falling in love with Arthur) she did everything she could to stay longer for them... Celestine tried to keep herself together as long as she could, and managed to keep herself alive a little longer (than she was supposed to) but now she could feel it... she was running out of time.
How was she supposed to tell her everyone... Minerva would be devastated, who was going to help Darius (& Minerva) with his creations, who would protect her followers, and stop Uther & Icarus from making the galaxy into a wasteland...
And worst of all she'd leave Arthur all alone & heartbroken. Who's supposed to tease him now, make sure he doesn't do anything reckless, keep that ego in check, make sure he isn't a prat, to remind him to smile and enjoy life... to laugh... oh her poor little Wart...
No there must be another way...she couldn't tell any of her friends... she wasn't giving up yet... However, little did she know that was the least of her worries...
Celestine was always careful with hiding her connections with her alter-ego... and Arthur, but there was one person who did figure this out. Sir Nonsurat; after Arthur had saved "Merlyn" from his grasp he started to see a pattern.
Thus, Celestine received numerous horrible visions (she got them all at once)... of Arthur being found guilty in a trial. And at the end of each, Arthur had refused to sell her out, remaining loyal to her, confessing his love for her, and dying. And then she saw her demise as well... her body finally breaking right after... poofing into stardust.
Being completely overwhelmed, she burst into tears. Desperately searching for a future where they could both live... (a future where she could be happy with him.) However, it was either that she & Arthur had escaped and her body would explode and Arthur would be captured (by the GSA) and executed right after for his desertion).
Celestine couldn't help but believe that she had destroyed Arthur's future all because she had gotten involved... (it was Shiver Star all over again.) Just like in the other futures... what could she possibly do...
Perhaps...she could solve one problem with another...
So, before the day Nonsurat was going to turn in his report of evidence... Celestine had stolen it away. And with the help of Darius, they manipulated the information to frame someone else...
Nonsurat was infuriated once he found his evidence to be stolen... But he didn't want to cause an uproar, so he demanded a completed search of every squadron. Under the pretext "there is a traitor among us, and they've stolen my documents..."
A complete search required every general to be accounted for. Nonsurat observed Arthur carefully only to find him especially giddy!?
Arthur: I do hope the search is finished soon... The sooner we finish here the sooner I can give Celestine this-
Kit Cosmo: Code red! Everyone needs to come to the Courtyard immediately! Were under attack!
Arthur: By who?!
Kit Cosmo: By... Lady Celestine...
(She had already known Icarus was trying to take her down... so using her Nonsurat's evidence, she had successfully framed herself... handing it in in the guise of one of Icarus' informants.)
With the information he had put together and received, Sir Icarus concocted a false trail that Celestine was leaking information and was secretly in cahoots... with Merlyn.
Since it was a trial that involved someone as high-ranking as her... she knew the trial would exclude a select few. And since she knew Nonsurat would warrant a search... she knew it would be the perfect thing to keep Arthur out of the trail.
Celestine: Well, if I am going to get locked away... I might as well make it worth the sentencing.
It was at this moment that Celestine unleashed her demonic owl (she had hidden away) and bit off his head Absolum; killing him instantly. (Madoka Magica style). Icarus tried to stop her but failed Celestine resulting in his wings being ripped off. And officially went on a rampage letting out all those years of unbridled rage & sorrow she had kept in.
Then she remembered quickly about Kirby's prediction... quickly she created her own army of Hydro Clones... to leave them all at bay.
She went into her lab and quarters and destroyed every piece of magical research and Alchemic formula. She wasn't going to let them benefit & use her research any longer and most importantly to keep Kirby's predictions... but one person who managed to get through the army... it was none other than Uther.
Uther: I always knew you were a little witch~
Celestine: That was a sham trial & you know it ... You forced my hand
Uther: You should; 've stayed in your place, someone weak as you, you are not worthy of your spot as a Hero of Yore-
Celestine: Well you are not worthy of your spot as leader! You never were and one day you'll fall you'll see *at that moment Celestine received another vision-*
At that moment Uther thought this was the perfect chance to lung at her but this backfired... he accidentally ended up seeing Celestine's vision too... And it visibly shook him to his core.
Being overwhelmed by the very visions that plague Celestine, (claiming before she was emotionally weak, was causing him to be paralyzed by fear...) It was a vision of his throne crumbling down& everything he built and it was being led by one astral... he couldn't make out the face... was... was it pink...
Celestine tried to pull away so he couldn't see the rest of the vision... and ended up striking his right eye to stop him... Uther was left frozen while Celestine could feel her body about to break and desperately made her escape... But as she stormed out...
Uther: Will make sure you're vision will not come to pass I will find that pink warrior if it's the last thing I do... And I'll- you'll die by my blade gah- *Still paralyzed because of the vision & couldn't get up
Celestine: Sorry Uther... but I'm afraid that honor won't go to you...*runs out to find Arthur* I've already selected my champion...
In the commotion, Arthur manages to find her, desperate he reaches, Celestine:
Arthur: We have to... you need to run-
Celestine: Graduation time Wart *sees a cast of other soldiers & on-looker watching* - Let's see what you're made of! Just treat it as one of our sparring matches and we'll be fine-
After all the losses in their sparing matches, Arthur finally manages to beat Celestine... "Well done, Arthur- you've finally done it, you've w-" * Visibly starts to break... and falls- and Arthur catches her
(Celestine pulls up a smokescreen so no one can see them... however, three people manage to sneak in)
Arthur: Celestine, what's happening to you-
Celestine: I've come to the end of my time- due to my condition my body was bound to break... I didn't mean to hide it... I really thought I could beat the odds... I'm sorry War- Oh I guess I can't call you Wart-
Arthur: NO! If that's the case you weren't in the best condition- *starts crying* I didn't really win-, you have to stay *sobs profusely* You have to stay and call me Wa-Wart!
Celestine: Figures *chuckles...* it takes you this long to finally admit you like the nickname ... Thank you Arthur you made my life short all the worthwhile... I hope you can forgive me
Arthur: There's nothing to forgive Cel- Celty, *cries* I love you, please there is always something... There's always, you told me that... You're the greatest mage in the galaxy... there's got to be...
Celestine: I surely hope that light of you doesn't get snuffed out *smiles warmly* it's going to be hard Wart but remember this...
Keep your eyes open and beware of the bad in the world... but also hold on to the good as well... you don't have to look, just know that it's there... it'll keep you from falling...
(the quote that Meta Knight said to Kirby originally came from Sir Arthur... that was told from Celestine...)
And even should you lose your way I know you'll find it again... you'll always be a worthy king to me. I love you too Arthur... and I always will.... (*they share one passionate kiss*)
It was a kiss Arthur had so longed for, but it was laced with so much sorrow and joy all at the same time...
Arthur: I don't wanna let you go-* Gets knocked out by Minerva...
She had informed Minerva before the trial (and of course was devastated but was willing to fulfill her last request). And who stood behind her were Darius & Kit the only three witnesses to what really happened. Kit realizes that Celestine is Merlyn... She then handed off and knocked out Arthur to Darius & Kit Cosmo.
And made sure they promised to paint Arthur as the hero who defeated her. And fled the scene and Minerva went to her best friend and hugged her one last time... and fled with the others.
When they had all left to safety... she lifted the smoke screen only to see a hoard of Ancients led by Uther try to arrest her. She flew into the air Celestine had her Gravity wicked moment... as her body finally was about to shatter into pieces.
Celestine: I curse you all, *putting one final spell cursing the Ancients* (basically she's the reason why they all disappeared)
As her body started to implode they mistook it to be a suicide bombing and she was planning to take them all down with her... thinking quick the Ancients Crystalized to prevent the explosion...
But in that moment she has one final vision of Arthur taking the seat as leader of the GSA. She smiles and says "I always you could do it Wart *starts cry* It's just too bad I'll never be able to see it in person".
Arthur woke up in the hospital wing hearing... Darius & Kit recount the story of the incident. With the way Kit & Darius spun it was Arthur who saved the day... (Arthur realized this was all part of Celestine's plan: to give him a title that would protect him even when she was gone...) Arthur * began to weep* with Kit trying to comfort him the best he could...
Making Arthur (to the Ancients) irreplaceable... being able to take down a Hero of Yore when they (Icarus & Uther) could not. Being extremely grateful (and needing a new holy figure), gave him the title of "Holy Knight," and said they owed him one favor...
(So basically he got credit for defeating the love of his life & took her place as the GSA's holy figure...)
So in summary:
Before being detained, she managed to rip off Icarus' wings, blind Uther in his right eye, and kill about 500 Ancients. She was trying to escape only to be stopped by Sir Arthur, who defeated her in battle. But tried to escape only to be cornered by the remaining soldiers... and seeing she had nowhere else to run...
Despite the efforts of the Ancients to paint her as wicked, people could not believe in the shame of a trial. Especially Minerva, when she heard this false slander on her best friend (she had enough of it)... she declared Halcandra's formal separation from the GSA. Cutting them from Halcandra's advanced technology caused an even bigger scandal. And had put her down to silence her as well... removing her...
(What happened to Darius... well that's a story for later)
Ruining their reputation even further... destroying the pristine image they had built up until now. And those who were at the trail were split in the middle... On one hand, it seemed like she had gone on a rampage because of her unfair judgment and merely reacted because she was pushed into the corner. On the other hand, she had always been hiding away her true nature & hatred for all of them, and once she had been found out... she unleashed all of it.
Were both true...
As a result, the Ancients tried to erase her from existence... from the galaxy, with only the remaining Ancients & the Heroes of Yore remembering her... Celestine had become forgotten.` Basically, she was described as (by the Ancients) the unspeakable third who tried to destroy them all & maliciously take them down with her. And she had to be erased...
However, this did not remedy the situation... Uther was still haunted by Celestine's vision he must hunt down the pink warrior... he will not have his reign end. Icarus was all too happy to take over the Halcandra projects... however, was always constantly reminded of being reduced to flightless astral and still hates her to this day.
While everyone had forgotten Celestine: they all remembered Merlyn. But even though, "Merlyn" had become a legend, many doubted the actual existence... of this supernatural being.
However, there was one person who managed to remember her... and that's where her story ends...
Or maybe not...
Her crystallization saved her preventing her from exploding... So she was still alive in there. They tried to hide her crystal in a cave and seal it off so no one would find her... Little did they know that the cave held one of the dark portals of Morpho accidentally ending up in the underworld...
And guess who ends up accidentally winds up there.
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BTW they got married in the Underworld
I actually planned this out to be a tragedy, but I ended up making them have a happy ending... (that I can't reveal just yet how it happens in the story)
And if you read this long thank you for reading! <3
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k0r3s-smu1 · 1 year
​🇦​ ​🇸​​🇹​​🇦​​🇷​​🇷​​🇾​ ​🇳​​🇮​​🇬​​🇭​​🇹
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Summary: You and the boy you've been crushing on for years, Muichiro, go stargazing together.
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff
Reader: Female (But you can block some stuff out and pretend its gn)
A/N: I know this is supposed to be a smut account, but I couldn't help myself. I really like this one, and I hope you Mui simps do too :) Tell me what you think!
I held his hand as he led me through the night.
The air was chilly and I could hear the faint chirping of crickets in the background. 
His grip on me was firm but gentle, and he kept his gaze forward. 
I smiled warmly as I watched him, the way his long, silky black hair glided behind him in the wind.
He took time out of his busy life to stargaze with me, so I couldn’t help the butterflies in my stomach as I pondered why.
I’d been friends with him for such a long time, it wasn’t uncommon for him to do something like this… But I still felt incredibly special.
He never paid attention to other girls, or anyone, actually.
He’s always been so forgetful…
Except when it comes to me.
It’s like he actually listens. He actually cares. 
Sometimes it seems like he zoned out during a conversation, only to later surprise me with the dress I eagerly told him about earlier.
He’s an interesting boy, and I often feel like I, a regular village girl, have no right hanging out with such a high ranking slayer. I don’t know why he’s with me.
I don’t know why… but I’m so grateful.
The grassy hill we stood atop was illuminated with the moonlight. Wild flowers grew everywhere, and they danced with each passing breeze.
But the most beautiful thing of all was the boy in front of me. His blue eyes watched the stars above him in awe.
I really wished it was me instead.
He sat down gracefully and looked at me expectantly. 
I crouched next to him and watched the sky as well.
It was so clear tonight, almost no clouds obscuring the view. I tried to make out some constellations with him, pointing and tracing the sky.
He always had such a calming effect on me. I should’ve been nervous, sitting with the boy I’ve liked for years, but I felt completely at ease.
Completely safe.
I turned my head to look at him, and saw that he was already watching me.
I asked, heat rising to my cheeks.
He blinked at me before murmuring, 
“You’re so beautiful, Y/N. How come you don’t have a boyfriend?”
I jumped at his response, backing away a bit.
My face must’ve looked so red at the time.
“H-huh!? Ummm… I-I don’t know… I guess uhhh…”
I searched for words and panicked, confused as to why he would say such a thing.
It wasn’t unlike him to say random stuff right out of his head, not bothering to check whether it was appropriate, but this was a bit different.
His gaze stayed glued to my face before continuing. 
“The boys in your village must be blind if they can’t see what I see.”
I faced him, a blushing mess.
“What do you see…?” He stayed silent a moment before responding, his hand on his chin thoughtfully.
“An artist. Someone who sees beauty in everything. Someone pure, with a smile that radiates warmth. You’re strong and hardworking, cheerful and captivating. You’re understanding and kind, showing respect to everyone… even those who don’t deserve it.”
He ended it in an annoyed tone before continuing.
“Everything about you is so beautiful, your skin, your eyes, your lips,”
He eyed them as he spoke that last word in a way that made me tense up.
“The stars above us can’t compare to you, Y/N.”
He kept almost the same factual expression, the only indication that he was embarrassed was the light pink hue in his cheeks.
I don’t know if time slowed down or if I was just staring at him for a weirdly long amount of time, that he didn’t seem to mind, but I couldn’t take my eyes off of him.
I think a part of me was expecting him to just turn away and act as if nothing just happened, but he didn’t. 
He was serious.
I almost wanted to cry, and I didn’t know why. But the deep happiness in my chest was undeniable, and I didn’t even mean to but it just came out;
“Muichiro… Can I kiss you?”
I asked him, begging with my whole heart that he wasn’t just being friendly and that the speech meant nothing.
I realized what I said but I didn’t take it back.
His eyes widened and his blush darkened, but he simply replied, 
It was my first kiss. I didn’t know how exactly to go about this, but I awkwardly scooted nearer until I was right in front of him.
I gathered my courage to lean forward, insecurities suddenly popping up.
What if my breath smells bad?
Did I wear lip balm today?
What do I do if it's not a simple peck?
what if… what if…
what if….
Before I could think further, Mui moved forward and captured my lips with his.
It was gentle, and soft, and I closed my eyes and immediately melted into it.
He held my hands and tilted his head a bit.
My mind was blank. I wasn’t worrying about anything.
The sensation of his lips, and his hands grounding me into the moment was all I could comprehend.
I wanted this moment to last forever, but alas, he pulled away.
A cheeky grin spread across his face.
“You were too slow, so I had to take the lead.”
He told me playfully.
I blushed realizing what just happened.
I turned away bashfully.
“So…does that mean you’re… My boyfriend now…?”
He smiled at me warmly.
I laughed and hugged him, breathing in his fresh scent.
We cuddled on the hill that night, watching the night sky and the twinkling stars, just the two of us.
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2tyongs · 11 months
[3:45 AM] stars . . .
bf!doyoung x gn!reader
genre: fluff, established relationship,
warnings: none other than it's not really proofread!
a.n. first post oh em gee kinda nervousss! i don't see a lot of 127 fluff on here anymore so i guess i gotta do it myself 😒/hj. requests are open and feedback is always appreciated! i hope you enjoy <3 happy halloween btw 🙏🏾
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doyoung never knew what love was supposed to feel like until he met you.
you were like a breath of fresh air in his life. taking his normal, mundane tasks like going grocery shopping and transforming them into something more thrilling, or making him experience new things that he would never do on his own. you had made his daily routine into something new, something beautiful.
he will always love learning more about you no matter how long you have been together; your hobbies, your favorite places, and what your favorite shows are. everything about you intrigues him and compels him to familiarize himself more and more with everything you consider to be part of yourself — past and present.
he will always listen to what you have to say, holding onto every word. even the little things that you thought never mattered or were worth remembering yourself, he remembers. he remembers the names that you had wanted to name your pet years ago, the way you don't care for certain holidays like valentine's day (he will always still make the effort to show that he loves you on these days anyway; bringing you flowers and cooking your favorite dishes so you have something to look forward to, even on the days you typically hadn't expected to before.), and the books you said you wanted to read but never got the chance to purchase. he notices when your gaze lingers on an item for too long when you're out shopping together, making a note to himself to come back and buy it for you for a special occasion coming up.
one night while the two of you were lying on the couch, you mentioned that you had always loved going stargazing when you were younger after seeing the two main characters of the movie you're watching sitting under the stars, sharing their dreams.
doyoung had made a mental note of this former interest of yours, which led the two of you to where you are right now: sitting on a soft blanket and staring at the warm night sky. you were seated in front of him, resting your back on his chest with your head on his shoulder, enthusiastically guiding his vision to all of the constellations and stars you could remember as you pointed them out the best you could.
“...that's the big dipper, but if you look closer you'll see that it's part of a constellation called the great bear," you point to the left, tracing out the pattern with your finger. "not many people know that the big dipper isn't considered a constellation." you explain softly, never taking your eyes off of the view.
doyoung doesn't mean to get distracted from your explanation, but he can't help it when you look so excited. reliving your childhood with the stars above brings you so much joy that a smile makes its way onto your face as you share your knowledge with him. he admires your beauty as you talk about the things you're passionate about, trying to etch the sight of you into his memory forever. looking at you is something that he will never get tired of. the soft curve of your lips, the way your lashes cast shadows onto your face, the beauty marks that adorn your complexion.
you start to talk again until you feel his eyes gazing at you instead of the stars above. you turn to him, momentarily dazed by the amount of fondness that you can see in his eyes as he looks down at you. you smile softly, “what? why are you looking at me like that?”
doyoung smiles back, “no reason. i'm just happy.” he can tell you're not exactly pleased with his answer if the way that you raise your eyebrow at him is anything to go by.
"'just happy?' i need you to elaborate a little more, doyoung." you tease, nudging him, and glance back up at the sky.
he rolls his eyes with a smile still gracing his features, holding you closer, "i just really love being with you, hearing you talk about the things that you love, that's all." you turn to him again. you can hear the sincerity in his voice and see it in his eyes and it makes your heart melt. you're too flustered by the love you can almost see and feel exuding from him to say anything back, so you decide to continue looking at the view ahead of you instead, tracing patterns on the back of his hand.
there's a short silence until you finally break it, staring up at the sky, "i love you." you tell him, leaning your head onto his shoulder once again.
he knows that you love him. you show it every single day in the way that you make time for him and the way that you've let him become a part of your life in a way that no one else has, letting him see parts of yourself that no one else could.
"i love you too. so much." he replies, kissing the crown of your head and rubbing your waist with his thumbs.
he always thinks to himself that even if he were dealt a different set of cards in his life, the stars would always align to give him the grace of being here with you. and he's more than certain that no matter what those cards looked like, there's no way he could love you any more than he does now.
doyoung knows that no amount of words or physical affection could ever be enough to express the love he feels for you. but for now, you just being there with him, letting him hold you, this will suffice just fine.
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lelanida · 2 years
In light of the fact that the theory that Aurora is a Megabird has become popular in the fandom, I came to express my own opinion on this. I am not questioning that Aurora is a deity (this is obvious), I am only questioning that she is powerful enough to be a force that rotates the universe. And so let's figure it out in order:
1. ORBrora
Our brains all exploded when suddenly Aurora covered the Colosseum with her power and transported us to some other place. It also exploded for me, but when I put it back together by the middle of the song, I began to think about how she did it. And the game itself gave us the answer. Bubble.
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The same bubble that she creates before the start of each song.
Her power is limited on the outside, but inside the orb built by her voice, she creates reality herself. So during "Runaway" she showed us the Isle of Dawn even before it became a desert, because this is how she saw it, and this is how it looked in the time of Alef. In fact, we did not leave the Colosseum, otherwise how can we explain that we never moved during the entire concert, although it would seem that we flew half the world. Aurora only takes our mind on a journey while the body remains in still.
Inside the bubble, she is god, and this smoothly takes us to the next argument.
2. Color theory.
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Someday I will explain how such a distribution of colors goes into the roots of the lore, and explains the reason why the Storm started and why Skykids are powerless in front of it. But we have come to talk about Aurora and her divine origin.
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Yellow is the color of light, the color of a Megabird. And everything that came from her has a yellow accent on it. Well:
What color is Aurora in her bubble?
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Boom. Megabird.
What color is Aurora in reality?
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Boom. Classic spirit.
What color is Aurora in its true form?
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Yellow is not completely gone. Only half. No other spirit has a yellow color (and a divine form). So Aurora stands above simple spirits. Even above the constellations guides. But then who the hell is she???
Here is my answer:
Aurora is a guide for us Skykids.
No, well, you judge for yourself.
1. The symbol of Aurora is golden wings. What does it mean? The symbol of the season always has a special connection with its participants. But no one except Aurora has wings.
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And now remember where else we have seen similar wings.
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Does it look similar? But that's not all.
2. Aurora can talk to us.
In all of history, only the Little Prince could talk to us. Because he's our friend. Does this mean that Aurora is also our friend. That's what it means. But what distinguishes her from Prince is that she seems to be able to understand us. She calls the Skykids to dialogue. And if she really understands our speech, then that makes her the ONLY character capable of it. It seems she has a special connection with the Skykids. She knows who we are, about our mission and how it will end. She has seen the Orbit and is able to rebuild it in her simulation. Moreover, it takes us to the real Orbit. She is the voice that greets us at the beginning of our journey and she also guides us to its end. She is our guide. It is not for nothing that we are told this phrase at the beginning of the game:
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3. The essence of the Skykids.
Skykids are sensitive to sounds. They do not know how to write, read, draw, but they know musical notation from birth and are able to use various musical instruments. That's why we follow the ringing of the bells, and Aurora calls us with her voice (both in seasonal quests and at a concert). Skykids love music. And Aurora seems to know that.
And that we have:
Mega Bird is the patron saint of nature and animals.
Aurora is the mentor of the Skykids.
"But how is that? We can't have two gods of light!"
How not? How can it not be, my dear ones?! When in the season of Shattering we were confirmed that there were TWO MEMORIES on the side of the light!
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It was right under our noses, and we didn't pay attention to it! And if you look at the trees of the essences of light from the season, you will notice that one of them is longer than the other. So one of the entities is more powerful.
That's my verdict. Aurora is not a Megabird, but an ally of Megabird. She also has a certain power, but she is weaker than the main god of light. And she's also a great singer. It's all. Thank you all for reading this.
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sidekick-hero · 1 year
You know I'm a show off (I would let you get some)
(steddie | explicit | 6.4k | AO3)
And so begins the longest ten minutes of Eddie Munson's life.
He's standing there, the sun beating down on them, but he's sweating for a completely different reason as he watches Steve contort himself to reach every last inch of his precious BMW. His shorts are riding dangerously high, just barely revealing the curve of his round ass more than once. There are moles all over his skin, like constellations waiting to be explored by adventurous hands and lips. The hair on his legs looks soft, so light it's almost blonde, and Eddie wants to run his fingers over it, scratch the creamy white skin of his inner thighs and leave his mark on that perfect body.
Or: Steve washes his car just for Eddie to get it dirty again.
Eddie was going to die. Death by sexual frustration. Or spontaneous combustion. Maybe a heart-attack. No matter how, his neighbor would be the death of him.
He and his best friend Chrissy just moved into the duplex three weeks ago, but Eddie was already on the brink of insanity. Just last week he had to witness said neighbor — Steve, the most boring name for the most exciting creature he ever laid eyes on — water his garden in nothing but red swimming trunks, his skin glistening in the sun like that creepy vampire Chrissy was so obsessed with. Eddie had wanted to lick every drop of sweat from his body, soothe the blooming sunburn on his shoulders and nose with his spit, and ask him to water something else with his hose.
And to add insult to injury, the guy was not only gorgeous, but nice. Like, super nice. He's always polite, always handing out smiles like candy on Halloween. He never stares at Chrissy in that sleazy way that too many guys do. There are no loud parties. Hell, the guy even separates his garbage. Eddie's pretty sure he also rescues kittens from trees in his spare time.
When they had moved in, Steve had come over and offered his help, just like that. Being a little overwhelmed and a lot exhausted from moving both of their belongings in one day, they had gratefully accepted. Steve had carried box after box, his biceps straining against the sleeves of his polo shirt. Despite the heat and the sweat running down his face and neck, he smelled heavenly every time he walked by Eddie. He would brush up against him or press in close as they both tried to lift something from the moving truck, and Eddie had to close his eyes and will himself to calm down. He was sure he'd get a hard-on every time he smelled Steve's cologne from now on.
Today's special torture was Steve washing his car in front of his garage. Wearing nothing but a white tank top and the shortest jean shorts Eddie has ever seen in his life, which is saying something considering his best friend is an ex-cheerleader. What the fuck was this guy thinking? Does this count as assault?
The top and shorts were already soaked, clinging to Steve's body like a second skin and leaving little to the imagination. Not that Eddie's imagination didn't still run wild with what it was given. So wild, in fact, that Eddie doesn't even notice how he all but drops the groceries he was trying to carry to the house back into his van, and walks over to the godlike creature, who is acting out a scene that could have come straight out of one of Eddie's wet dreams.
He only realizes what he's doing when Steve looks up from where he's been scrubbing the hood of his car with a soapy sponge and asks him, "Uh... can I help you?"
"I noticed you're washing your car," Eddie says dumbly.
The corners of Steve's lips twitch like he's hiding his amusement. "Yup," he says, popping the p. "Want me to wash yours? I already have everything out.”
Eddie glances at Steve's crotch before he can stop himself and thinks, I wish you would.
"Yeah," he says dreamily, licking his lips. He can't remember what Steve asked, but the answer would always be yes, as long as he could stand here and stare at him.
"Great. I'm almost done here, then we can start on your van. Gimme ten."
And so begins the longest ten minutes of Eddie Munson's life.
He's standing there, the sun beating down on them, but he's sweating for a completely different reason as he watches Steve contort himself to reach every last inch of his precious BMW. His shorts are riding dangerously high, just barely revealing the curve of his round ass more than once. There are moles all over his skin, like constellations waiting to be explored by adventurous hands and lips. The hair on his legs looks soft, so light it's almost blonde, and Eddie wants to run his fingers over it, scratch the creamy white skin of his inner thighs and leave his mark on that perfect body.
The tank top is also see-through, revealing spectacular tits that Eddie is dying to get his hands on, and a tantalizing patch of dark chest hair that he needs to bury his face in.
Steve absentmindedly wipes the hair plastered to his forehead away with the hand that’s not holding the sponge. His muscles move under his wet skin, and Eddie thinks back to the easy way he picked up his amp from the moving truck and carried it up the stairs to Eddie's room. He could probably lift Eddie as well and the thought does nothing to relax the situation in his pants. They are getting uncomfortably tight and he prays to whoever is listening that it will go down fast.
"Okay, all done. Looking gorgeous again, sweetheart." Steve says, petting the hood of his car and Eddie chuckles.
Steve looks up at him as if expecting Eddie to mock him, so Eddie raises his hands in a reassuring gesture and says, "Hey, no judgment from me. I got my own sweetheart hanging on my bedroom wall, I get it."
"Oh, your guitar, right?"
"Yeah, it was my first electric guitar. I wrote all the songs for my band’s album on her. She holds a special place in my heart."
Steve smiles at him, his hazel eyes warm and open. "I know what you mean," he says as he watches his fingers dance over the gleaming metal one more time before looking back at Eddie, his gaze wandering along his frame, his eyes subtly widening at the sight of the probably still very obvious bulge in Eddie's pants.
Eddie can feel the heat creeping up his body, embarrassed at being caught, but Steve only swallows once, Adam's apple bobbing, before clearing his throat and throwing his thumb over his shoulder. "Just need to put it in and we're good to go."
"Put it...in?" Eddie chokes out, trying to subtly adjust his pants at the mental image.
Steve smirks at his reaction, and Eddie starts to think that his neighbor isn't such a goodie-two-shoes as he originally thought.
"The car? It needs to go into the garage so we can put your van in my driveway to clean it."
"Oh yeah, absolutely. By all means, put it in." Eddie cringes at his own words. Good God, what is wrong with him?
Steve nods, his appraising eyes still lingering on Eddie for a moment before he gets into the car. He waits for the garage door to slide open before he drives the BMW into the spacious room. Eddie is watching, his brain is still not back online after the show he just witnessed, so he doesn't question it when Steve gets out of the car and calls him over to come in; he has something to show him. He just steps into the garage and walks over to where Steve is standing in front of the hood.
Suddenly, the garage door slides back down, shutting out the outside world and leaving them alone with Steve's car as the only witness to Steve pulling Eddie into a heated kiss.
At first Eddie is too shocked by the firm lips pressing against his to react. Steve's hands are fisted in his shirt and his mouth moves insistently against Eddie's, coaxing him to join their dance, and Eddie wonders if he's dreaming again. Because the last time Steve had kissed him like this, hungry, wanton, perfect, Eddie had woken up hard and lonely, with thoughts of his unattainably gorgeous neighbor.
A sharp nip to his lower lip convinces him that this is real, because it stings, in the best way, and Eddie's breath catches. His eyes open — when did he even close them? — to find Steve looking back at him, the lovely hazel of his eyes almost entirely consumed by the black of his dilated pupils. He licks Eddie's lower lips apologetically, soothing the sting his teeth have caused, before leaning back and watching him intently.
Eddie blinks at him, still processing but already missing Steve's lips on his. "Wha- I mean, why- uh, y'know —" He stumbles over the half-formed words in his head, searching for the right ones, preferably in the right order, but he's never been an overachiever, so he settles for the next best thing. "You kissed me."
Steve snorts. "What if I did?" he asks, looking up at Eddie from under his lashes, and he shouldn't be able to pull this off, they're the same height, but somehow he does. Eddie briefly wonders if his neighbor was designed by the government to eliminate their enemies by rendering them useless with lust. If so, he thinks it definitely works.
"Why? I mean..." Eddie trails off, thinks for a moment before he shrugs, "Yeah, no, I wanna know why."
"Well," Steve begins, suddenly sounding shy, even though the words that follow are anything but. "I noticed you couldn't keep your eyes off me today. In fact, I think you haven't been able to keep your eyes off me for a while now, huh?" His eyelashes flutter and it should look ridiculous, Steve is not one of Chrissy's girlfriends who often come over and flirt with Eddie like they can't believe he's gay and really not interested, batting their long eyelashes and curling their manicured petite hands around his arm.
No, Steve's face is all angles, strong jaw, broad face, prominent nose. His hands aren't petite, they're big and strong. So when he acts all shy, it should look silly, but when he puts his hand on Eddie's chest and bites his lips, Eddie's heart starts racing underneath. "But you never made a move, you just... kept looking. Which is fine, I mean, I like to be looked at, but a guy does have his limits, y'know. Had to take matters into my own hands, just to see if I was imagining things."
It took Eddie three tries to graduate high school, but he’s not dumb. He could basically hear the puzzle pieces fall into place in his head, but his voice is still full of disbelief when he asks, “You- you put on a show? For me?”
Steve snorts again. "Yeah, dude. I could just go to a car wash and get this beauty cleaned up in no time. It's just so much more fun to watch you get hard for me." His hand on Eddie's chest slides down, stopping just short of where Eddie wants it so badly, and he feels the remaining blood leave his brain at a rapid pace. "So what do you say?"
Eddie gulps, his mouth running before his brain can give any input, "You're not afraid of staining your sweetheart?"
Steve just shrugs and flashes Eddie a wolfish grin. "Well, I guess I could just wash it again then. Maybe lick it off. You wouldn't mind watching that, would you?"
And that's it, the thing that makes Eddie snap. He throws an arm around Steve's waist, pulls him close to his chest and grabs his ass with the other to lift him off the ground to lay him down on the hood of his car. "Stay," he almost growls, the hunger in his veins turning to greed as he leans back to take in the sight of Steve all laid out for him.
His hair is fanned out around his head like a halo, the vast expanse of sun-kissed skin ready to be marked and devoured. Eddie can see how turned on Steve already is; the surprise manhandling only adding fuel to the fire between them. His stiff nipples are visible through the now soaked white top, the red flush of arousal staining his chest and throat, and his chest is heaving with his ragged breathing. Eddie sees his hard dick straining against the wet material of his denim shorts and he thinks it must hurt to have the sensitive head rubbing against the stiff material with the way Steve’s hips keep squirming, mindlessly grinding his ass against the heated metal. Eddie wants to ruin him.
Steve seems to be on the same page because he spreads his legs wider and wraps them around Eddie's waist to pull him closer, ignoring Eddie's earlier order. Eddie comes tumbling forward, catching himself with his hands on either side of Steve's head and Steve pulls him down in another kiss, this one even more heated than the first. Steve licks into Eddie's mouth like he owns it and Eddie's head is already spinning from how fast they're going. It feels like the last three weeks have been one long foreplay and they can't wait a second longer. So when Steve starts sucking Eddie's tongue into his mouth, Eddie's arms give way and he crashes down on Steve, never stopping their kissing or the constant grinding of their hips against each other.
Not wasting another second, Steve takes advantage of their new position to get his hands under Eddie's shirt, nails scratching along his back. They're practically dry humping on the shiny hood of a BMW. Eddie's younger, non-conformist, capitalism-hating self would roll his eyes before applauding him for getting down and dirty with the hottest guy he's ever laid eyes on. He begins to put more force into the roll of his hips, pressing Steve harder against the metal beneath him, and Steve wrenches their mouths apart with a loud, drawn out moan.
He starts tugging at Eddie's shirt, grumbling, "Off. Get it off," against Eddie's mouth, and Eddie complies, leaning back just enough to pull his shirt over his head before coming back down to capture Steve's mouth in another kiss. The wet material of Steve's top is nice against Eddie’s heated skin, but he wants to feel Steve, only Steve, so he slips his hand beneath him and pulls him into a sitting position.
His hands make their way to Steve's waist to slip under his top, his fingertips touching Steve's stomach and Eddie feels the muscles flutter against them. He presses his hands down harder and begins to slide them up Steve's body, his eyes drinking in every inch of newly exposed skin. There are more moles underneath and Eddie thinks Steve should be shirtless all the time so he can trace them with his fingers or his tongue whenever he wants. Steve giggles when Eddie's hands reach his rips and it's an unexpectedly delightful sound. Ticklish, Eddie notes on his mental list of things he knows about his neighbor. Cute is already there, so he doesn't have to add that one.
"Lift your arms for me, sweetheart," Eddie rasps, his voice already affected by the little they've done so far. Steve obeys easily, pleased to get what he wants, and Eddie has to kiss him. Just a quick press of lips, there and gone.
The gasp that comes from Steve's mouth is music to Eddie's ears as he slides his hands further up, his thumbs grazing Steve's nipples along the way. Steve is so responsive, so obvious and giving with his desire, and if that isn't the hottest thing ever, Eddie doesn't know what is.
He stops the upward slide of his hands at Steve's wrist and twists the material of his shirt around them, effectively tying them together, before placing his hand on the thick patch of dark hair on Steve's chest and pushing him back down onto the hood. Steve looks at Eddie with a dazed look in his eyes, his arms resting on the windshield above his head.
"What —" is all he manages to say, his former cockiness gone for the moment.
Eddie takes his time to look at the beautiful man laid out in front of him. Steve hasn't moved his hands, silent surrender in every line of his body. He's perfect. Steve is perfect.
"You're perfect," Eddie purrs. "Putting on such a hot show, just for me. So let me enjoy what you're offering, yeah?"
With that, Eddie leans down again and bites Steve's jaw, just below his ear. It's such an unexpected move that Steve gasps loudly, his hips shooting up as if Eddie had electrocuted him. He licks the bite mark soothingly before scraping his teeth down the column of Steve's throat to his collarbone, sucking the thin skin just above the bone into his mouth and worrying it between his teeth. As much as Steve tries to hold still and let Eddie explore his body, the need for friction seems to become too much, because Eddie feels the hard, thick line of his cock rubbing against his own crotch in incremental thrusts.
"Eddie, please, please, please," Steve begs, and Eddie thinks he doesn't even know what for. It's intoxicating, almost addictive, and he hopes this won't be the last time he gets high on Steve.
"So impatient," Eddie chides him, biting the firm flesh of his pec in warning.
Steve squirms under him but still manages to sound defiant as he says, "Oh fuck you, been waiting weeks to get your hands on me, I deserve a reward for my —" his words are cut short by a low fuck as Eddie sucks his nipple into his mouth and lets his tongue play with it.
"You deserve a reward for your fuck? I dunno, Stevie. We'll have to see, won't we?" Eddie smirks up at Steve, his chin digging into the nipple he just abused with his mouth.
"How about you get a move on so I can show you?"
Eddie resumes working his mouth down Steve's torso, biting and licking his chest, tracing the constellation of moles and freckles with his tongue, memorizing Steve's body by taste and smell alone. When he pulls his lower body away from Steve's to get a better angle, Steve whines at the loss and Eddie takes pity on him, offering his chest for Steve's dick to rub against instead. The hot flesh feels big, even through the jeans, a thick length that Eddie can't wait to get his mouth on.
"You can't wait to get my mouth on you, huh, big boy?"
Not waiting for an answer, Eddie slides further down and dips his tongue into Steve's navel, relishing the sounds that fall from Steve's mouth. It's like Steve can't keep them in, his body forced to be still, so he has to use his voice to let some of the overflowing feelings out of his body. Eddie decides to test how much longer Steve can keep his hands to himself.
His tongue leaves Steve's belly button and follows the tantalizing trail of dark hair down to the waistband of his shorts. He sucks the tender flesh into his mouth as well, leaving another mark. Looking up at Steve's torso, Eddie thinks he may have gone a bit overboard, because his skin is covered in bruises and bite marks, and something tells him that Steve is going to bitch about it later. For now, they both seem to be enjoying Eddie's more possessive side.
While his mouth is still busy sucking on Steve's skin, his hands begin to work on undoing his pants. The button is a bitch, the wetness makes it hard to move the material enough to pop the button free, but once that's done, he gets to hear the satisfying sound of the zipper going down. Next, his hands hook into the waist and slide the shorts off Steve's long, muscular legs, the material clinging to him and Eddie can't even blame it. They are gorgeous legs and Eddie would never want to be parted from them either, wants to have them around him all the time.
When he's finally pulled them all the way off, Eddie has to pause for a moment to take in the sight before him. He's almost dizzy with want, but frozen in place because there are so many things he wants to do to Steve right now, it's overwhelming. Steve lies there, miles and miles of golden skin, Eddie's marks like new stars born into existing constellations, adding to the sheer beauty of him.
Steve's hands are still above his head, the muscles in his arms bunching with his restraint to keep them there, his broad swimmer's back pushing his torso up in an arch that even Michelangelo could not have done justice. It tapers into a sturdy waist, his hipbones framing his dark crotch hair like a canvas. The thick thighs underneath quiver at the unnatural angle and Eddie wants to wrap them back around him. And he will, any second now. As soon as he is done burning all of this into his memory.
"Take a picture, it would last longer," Steve snarks, and Eddie is honestly impressed by the attitude. Apparently Steve Harrington is a little bitch, even with his cock dripping pre-cum and his hips writhing.
He does have a point though — it would. So Eddie pulls out his phone and snaps a picture.
"That better go in a private folder," Steve bitches, an embarrassed blush rising to his cheeks, but Eddie can tell he's turned on, too, by the way more pre-cum drips down on his stomach. Interesting.
"Top of the spank bank, baby," Eddie promises as he drops to his knees in front of Steve.
He takes a second to slide his phone away to keep it safe before focusing all his attention on the cock right in front of him, mouth already flooded with saliva. Placing both of his hands on Steve's hips to hold him in place, he mouths up the hard length, starting at the base, all the way up to the leaking head. With his hands busy he has to use his tongue to lift Steve’s dick from where it's resting against his taut stomach to get it all the way into his mouth.
Eddie doesn't waste another second, sliding down and taking Steve into his throat.
Steve shoots up, his upper body lifting off the metal into a sitting position in one swift motion, his hands sliding out of their confines to bury themselves in Eddie’s hair.
Fuck, if that wasn't the hottest thing Eddie had ever seen. Hot enough that he decides he's done playing for now.
So instead of pulling off and putting Steve back in his place, he just increases his efforts, bobbing his head and making sure to swallow and moan around Steve whenever he hits his fluttering throat. It's uncomfortable with how big Steve is, almost painful, and Eddie loves every second of it. It makes him feel alive, powerful with how he can take Steve apart with just his mouth. There's something so rewarding about choking on a dick, pleasure that hits in a different way.
It's with regret that he pulls off after a few more minutes of indulging himself with the pleasure of Steve's weight on his tongue and the thickness filling his throat. But he has plans; wants to have Steve as addicted as Eddie already is. He needs him to come back for more, because now that he has had a taste, Eddie is not sure he can go back to being just neighbors waving hello to each other.
He kisses the spit-slick flesh down to Steve's balls, full with his need to come, sucks one into his mouth and rolls it around before doing the same to the other.
"You're a fucking - ah - fucking tease, anyone ever tell you that?"
Eddie drops the heavy sack from his mouth and bites into the tender flesh of Steve's inner thigh, earning himself a yelp and a hard yank of his hair from Steve's hands.
"They're usually not coherent enough for that. Looks like I'll have to work harder on you." To make his point, he pushes Steve back into a lying position. "Now hold still and let me ruin you, okay?"
"Fuck. You're going to be the death of me."
Right back at you, Eddie thinks. "But what a way to go."
With that, he slides his hands down the inside of Steve's thighs to his knees, spreading them wider and using the leverage to pull Steve closer to the edge of the hood. That way Eddie's face is exactly where he wants it — level with Steve's rim. He'd planned to give it the same devouring attention as his dick, using his tongue and lips until Steve was a quivering mess above him. Then he would have added his fingers, stretching him on them, fingering him until he came without anything else.
It's a good plan. A great plan even. What isn't part of the plan, though, is the sight of something already spearing Steve open.
"Jesus Christ," Eddie breathes out as he sees the base of a black plug in Steve's ass, his eyes wide in disbelief. If being here in Steve's garage, ready to fuck each other senseless, feels like a fever dream, then this is like being dropped into a porn version of the Twilight Zone.
His eyes are glued to Steve's rim clutching a fucking buttplug, but he doesn't need to see it to hear the smirk in Steve's smug voice. "Cat got your tongue?"
That snaps Eddie out of his stupor and he looks up at Steve, who's leaning on his forearms, actually smirking down at him. "No, but there's a big ass plug where my tongue should be."
The picture Eddie just painted seems to hit Steve exactly where Eddie wanted it to, as he sees him squirm, nudging his ass closer to Eddie's face, wonderfully unashamed in his need. "So do something about it."
Eddie slowly moves his hand up Steve's leg again, letting it follow the same path as before, starting at the knee and working up the inside thigh to the crease of his groin until his thumb can trace the outer edge of the plug. The skin still has traces of lube on it and Eddie smears it around the rim, wedging the tip of his thumb between the silicone and muscle, causing Steve to hiss under his breath.
Eddie watches his finger circle the plug in amazement, consumed by the overwhelmingly hot idea of Steve prepping himself, maybe even bending over the car in his garage, one hand on the hood while the other works in the plug, his dick hanging heavy and neglected between his legs. Let him be smug, Eddie thinks, he deserves it,. Because Steve Harrington just keeps on blowing his goddamn mind.
Still, he has to poke the bear a little, because the cocky, confident side of Steve is really, really working for him.
"Were you really this confident that washing your car would get me in here?"
"If it didn't work, it still made washing it a hell of a lot more exciting," Steve counters, and doesn't that add fuel to the fire that's burning in his veins.
Eddie has no trouble imagining the way the plug would move inside Steve; its heavy weight pulling at his rim, so Steve would have to clench his hole to hold it in place. Steve’s mind would be constantly aware of it, all his senses focused on the thickness inside of him, every little movement igniting sparks of arousal. Eddie can imagine Steve moving just enough to push it against his prostate, his muscles working to suck it in deeper, tightening around it so the pressure against his inner walls would be even more intense.
Eddie is pulled out of the fantasy he's lost in when Steve tells him, "Lube and condoms are on the bench over there," nodding toward the workbench where, among tools and equipment, Eddie sees a bottle of lube and some shiny packages of condoms. He has no idea how he missed them earlier and can only blame the siren call of Steve's body.
Eddie presses a final kiss to Steve's thigh, just above where he bit earlier, and wastes no time getting up and grabbing the things he needs. Before making his way back to where Steve is waiting impatiently with hooded eyes, Eddie makes quick work of taking off his own pants and boxers. Steve's eyes turn even darker at the sight of Eddie's hard dick and Eddie can't help but give it a few tugs, putting on his own show just for Steve.
"If you don't get your ass over here in the next five seconds, I'm doing this without you," Steve almost growls, his hand already moving between his legs.
Eddie is over there in three long strides, slapping Steve's hand away and wrapping his own around Steve's dick. "Uh uh, sweetheart. That's mine today."
He puts the lube and a condom on the hood of the car next to Steve with his other hand and pulls Steve in for another open-mouthed kiss. But as Steve grows impatient, his legs wrap around Eddie's waist again, tight enough to pull him in and urge him to get on with it.
But instead of giving Steve what he wants, Eddie decides to stick to his original plan, adding the plug to torture Steve even more. He grabs Steve's knees to entangle himself from their demanding pull, and drops to his knees again. Who says he can't put his mouth on Steve with the plug still inside him?
So he does just that, bringing his mouth to Steve's rim and licking a wide strip across it before letting his tongue trace the edge of the plug. As he nudges the tip of his tongue under the edge and inside, Steve gasps as he presses his ass more firmly against Eddie's face. It's hard to smirk when your face is buried in someone's ass, but Eddie manages it anyway. Two can play this game.
Eddie brings his fingers into the mix next. He grips the plug and tugs on it, just a little, just enough to watch Steve's rim cling to it as it slowly slides an inch or two out of his ass. "Look at you, so desperate to be full, your ass gripping that plug so tight. I can't wait until it's my dick you're gripping."
Steve squirms at his words, his hips now moving relentlessly, seeking the pleasure Eddie has so far denied him.
"More. Fuck, Eddie. I need more. Come on."
And Eddie gives him more, sort of, pushing the plug back in before tugging again, this time pulling it out even further, twisting it back and forth as it slides out of Steve, glistening with lube. As he pushes it back in, his finger joins, worming its way in as well. It’s a snug fit, the pressure against his finger intense. He slides the plug and his finger in and out a few more times before finally pulling it free, going deliberately slow and reveling in the whine that leaves Steve's lips as he does so.
The plug is dropped on top of Steve's discarded shorts before he dives right back in, fastening his mouth to Steve's empty, twitching hole and pushing his tongue deep inside. Steve yelps in obvious surprise, but it soon turns into a loud, shameless moan.
"Fuckfuckfuckfuck," he curses, his hips undulating against Eddie's face, "you don't - hnng, yes there, fuck - have t- that's what the plug was for," Steve complains, but there is no heat in it. Or believability. Not with the way he tries to sit up and shove Eddie away, only to clench his hands in Eddie's hair, pulling his face even tighter against his grinding hips as he leans back down. Steve is greedy in his lust and Eddie has never been more turned on in his life.
Eddie keeps eating Steve out like he’s his favorite meal. The thighs clamped tightly around his head tremble and Steve sounds like he's almost crying, his voice reedy as he begs Eddie to just fuck him already. And as much as he loves reducing Steve to this wanton, needy mess, Eddie's dick is so hard it's bordering on painful.
Still, before he plunges into the tight heat that’s waiting for him, Eddie wants to make sure the plug has done its proper job first, so he coats his fingers with lube and rubs them together to warm it up. He sinks two fingers in at once, watching Steve's face intently as they slide in with ease to the last knuckle. There's no sign of discomfort, just a fucked out expression looking back at him. The third he adds is met with a little more resistance, a tiny wrinkle between Steve's eyebrows telling him it stings, but Eddie still thinks it will be fine if he goes slow. At least as slow as their desire-drunk bodies will allow.
As if reading his mind, Steve looks him in the eye and says, "I'm not made of glass, Eddie." It's not bitchy like Eddie expected, but almost soft, reassuring.
He curls his fingers inside Steve one last time, drinking in the whimper Steve can't seem to hold back, before pressing a kiss to the tip of Steve's dick. "Okay, okay, I got you."
Eddie reaches for the condom, tearing the wrapper open with his teeth (Steve's not the only one who likes to put on a show, okay) and puts it on his dick before generously coating it with more lube. It's cold on his overheated flesh, sending a shiver down his spine, but he figures it'll soon warm up once he's inside Steve.
Placing one hand next to Steve's head, he uses the other to line himself up. As he nudges against Steve's entrance, Eddie leans forward to catch Steve's lips in another kiss, sliding his tongue into Steve's mouth at the same time his head breaches Steve's rim. He swallows the gasp from Steve's mouth and pushes forward, sinking deeper and deeper into the tight clutch of Steve's ass.
They both have to catch their breath when Eddie finally bottoms out, Eddie's forehead resting against Steve's, the moment unexpectedly tender.
"Perfect," Steve murmurs, his eyes closing in pleasure as Eddie slowly draws back to thrust again. He's quieter now that Eddie's finally fucking him, little gasps and breathless ah ah ahs escaping him as Eddie's hips pick up speed. Eddie's so close, but he wants Steve to come first, had planned to make that happen without a hand on Steve's dick, only it looks like that won't happen before Eddie loses it himself. But as he reaches down between them to take Steve in his hand, Steve's own hand catches his, lacing their fingers together and placing their hands next to his head.
"So close, don't - don't need it, just keep going, keep going."
Without both hands to hold himself up, Eddie sinks down onto Steve, and Steve squeezes his hand as Eddie fucks into him. He's not prepared for the way this simple, sweet gesture shoots through him, his orgasm taking him completely by surprise.
"Fuck, no- oh, fuck," he moans, his pleasure too intense for words as he spills into the condom, his hips still working as aftershocks run through him.
Eddie buries his face in Steve's neck, his body still twitching but his mind starting to race. He fucked up. He had a plan and he blew it, coming too soon like a teenager just because his crush was holding his hand. Steve went out of his way to get them here, prepped himself, plugged himself, washed his car in the most indecent outfit he could find - washed his car.
Eddie remembers Steve talking about licking his cum off his car and he's struck with an idea.
He gingerly pulls out, all the while kissing Steve to distract him from the sting (and to apologize for seemingly leaving him hanging). As soon as his softening dick slips free, he stands up again, pulling Steve upright with their hands still clasped and an arm around his waist. Steve stumbles against him, catching himself with a hand on Eddie's chest. "What —"
"Oh, we're not done, sweetheart," Eddie purrs, turning Steve over so that Steve's back is to him.
He thrusts three fingers back inside Steve without warning, his other arm still wrapped around Steve's waist to keep him pressed against Eddie. His hand reaches down to grab Steve in a firm grip, spreading the copious amount of pre-cum that has pooled on the head with his thumb before he begins to slowly pump Steve. It's probably too dry, but the wounded sounds Steve makes are only one third pain and two parts pleasure, so he doesn’t stop.
Eddie's fingers fuck Steve relentlessly from behind, pumping in and out, prodding along his walls until he finds that one spot that makes Steve whimper and hump Eddie's hand. Once he’s found it, Eddie keeps his fingers there, massaging the spot until Steve comes with a hoarse scream all over his precious car.
Eddie keeps going until the sounds Steve keeps making become pitiful, the overstimulation obviously turning painful. Only then does he pull his fingers out of Steve and lets go of his dick.
Steve turns around in his arms, his weight sagging against Eddie, who happily holds him against his chest and kisses him.
They're both sticky with cum and lube and sweat but they couldn't care less about it right now. It's a sweet kiss, the softness a stark contrast to what they just did, and Eddie can't get enough. Every time one of them starts to pull away, the other follows for another kiss. It is only when Eddie feels that they are both beginning to shiver that he stops Steve from following him again with a hand that cups his cheek.
"We should get cleaned up."
"Hmmmm," Steve agrees, "we should." But he doesn't make a move to do so, just presses himself closer to Eddie. It's adorable, and Eddie can't help but kiss him on the nose for it.
"Come on, Steve. Let's go inside and clean up. Put on some dry clothes and —"
"Fuck again."
"Jesus Christ."
"Nah, you can call me Steve." Steve winks at him and Eddie wants to reaffirm his earlier thought. His neighbor is going to be the death of him. "And don't worry, we can work on your stamina next time," Steve adds, a mischievous twinkle in his hazel eyes.
Eddie can't wait.
A heartfelt shout-out and thank you to my two favorite enablers, @legitcookie and @yournowheregirl for their endless support and cheerleading. This story wouldn't be what it is without you. You're the best 💜
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illegiblehandwriting1 · 2 months
HI! :D
Do you have any Four/Sky headcanons you have yet to share that you would like too?
*cracks knuckles* Do i ever. (a bunch of these will be just. straight from some of my fics but eh whatever i love them)
Four absolutely heard stories about Sky, particularly as a child. Sky was probably a cross between George Washington and, like, Odysseus to his era. Someone legendary, a hero just toeing the line between history and myth. No one's 100% certain he's real, but Four believes it. (So does Dot)
In Four's era, there is a constellation known as the Godslayer constellation. Enough said.
Sky's love of flying and his experience in piloting parallels Four's ceaseless examination of minute details. Four likes dealing in the little things that make big results, so he ends up being really fascinated with how exactly Sky's Loftwing can fly and how it evolved. And hey, giant specimen that won't eat him? Big win.
Four gets along so well with Minish engineers and scientists. It's scary.
Sky took up woodcarving as a meditative art. He couldn't focus for long enough (inattentive ADHD) so woodcarving became a way to learn to focus and complete tasks, and he just sorta fell in love. He probably learned with Gondo.
Speaking of, Gondo is probably his favorite shopkeeper at the Bazaar. Sky was totally the type of kid to pester him with questions and stories and anecdotes while he worked, and Gondo was kind and patient enough to let him. He also liked the company.
Sky and Four both seem pretty chill (one's a mom friend and one's pretty smart/inquisitive/has common sense?), which is why no one ever suspects them when they team up and pull the most ridiculous pranks. (Wild knows, though. His best friend is Flora. He knows how absolutely insane scientists are, and he and Sky regularly drag each other around on misadventures. When there is a prank war, Wild only makes Four's and Sky's favorite dishes. They scare him.)
Sky's soul doesn't display his physical scars. In Silent Realms, you can only see cracks and impacts where Guardians have gotten him. They glow.
Sky likes listening to Four ramble about cool stuff he's learned. He has no idea what Four's talking about half the time, but Four is always so excited to have someone listen that all of his walls come down and you can see the Colors more clearly. Sky adores it so much.
Speaking of, after Four Swords, i think Four came back together, but rather than being four people piloting a meatsuit together or just a single person again, he's more like a granny square blanket. He's one dude, but different characteristics will show more overtly depending on the situation, and when put under stress, the seams begin to rip until he has to use the Four Sword to split. Otherwise, he gets a super migraine and just can't function. Also, magic fucks with him.
I read a fic where Four had a stutter and that's canon to me now. Like. yeah.
Sky much prefers the application of things to the theory. He's a smart guy for sure, canonically breezed/slept through all of his classes and did well while Groose had to work his ass off, but while he was able to absorb the information easily, it just didn't engage him and he wasn't all that interested. His favorite classes were in the Sparring Hall and in the air on his Loftwing. As I said before, real ADHD guy.
Sky's Loftwing is named Bird. Sun's is Blue, and Groose's is Fast. I'm sure some kids made up cool names like Felicia and Arnold, but I love the idea that they were childhood friends before, like, middle school years, so they probably shared a single braincell.
Four ends up teaching Sky metallurgy and stuff when they get a chance to chill at the forge. Sky teaches Four woodworking/carving.
Sky is good at physics.
Four is like. SO autistic to me, what a guy, and the Chosen Hero is and has been a big special interest, so meeting Sky is like the best moment of his LIFE. He was probably trying to do some detective work with the other Links as subjects when he meets Sky and he just gets SO excited, it's adorable. Sky sees him, learns he's his successor, and immediately loves him forever. They are besties your honor.
also any version of FD!Sky
thanks for the ask!!! these two are my favorite dudes, i love them :D
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web-novel-polls · 5 months
ORV Constellations Tournament Submissions
Last Checked: September 20th, 2024 - Please check the original post for updates
Submissions Close Date: TBD
Must be from ORV / Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint or an ORV-based OC. They do not have to be from canon 
One constellation per response. Submit as many responses as you want
Constellations listed within examples/questions are not already included nor do they have priority
If unsure about anything, just write "unsure" or something like that. Submissions won't be rejected if there's missing info; I just need something to call them at the very least 
Lying is allowed because it’s ORV, and I think dishonesty is a virtue (<-lying)
Tournament Tag: #orv constellations tournament
(Major spoilers below!)
Cheok Jungyeong / Goryeo's First Sword 
Cheok Jungyeong gazed at the night sky through my eyes. I could feel the explosive emotions mixed in the silence. Cheok Jungyeong's rage and sadness. His grief… And… his decision.  [You can feel proud.]  Cheok Jungyeong spoke to me.  [Those who are at the highest point in this damn world are afraid of you.]  "…What is pride worth when I am going to die?"  [You won't die.]  They were just words, but they were words spoken by a constellation.  As if putting a buoy against fate, all the stories built by Cheok Jungyeong were rooted in my existence.  [I won't let you die.] - Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint, Chapter 176
Nebula: Hongik
Submission 2: The one who always has kimcom's back, from very early on. He puts himself on the line for those incarnations while others turn away 
Submission 3: he shows up to look broody, kill on Kim Dokja's command, then dip 
Director of the False Last Act 
Nebula: Kimcom / Kim Dokja’s Company 
Submission: This is my favorite OC!!!!!!! She's really cool and powerful and swag and is friends with Kim Dokja Company. She can command Yoo Joonghyuk to do her bidding and even was engaged to him once :) 
Galileo / Another One Bites the Dust
No propaganda submitted
Kim Dokja / Oldest Dream
Nebula: Kimcom / Kim Dokja’s Company
Submission: I love the concept of Oldest Dream so much that if I had a physical copy of ORV i would be biting the novel right now <3 
Lame Trickster
Nebula: Unknown
Submission: I just think the one legged swift horse stigma is kinda funny. Imagine you're basically like a god and your special god skill is you can run away super fast. You bestow your super skill onto the human that has earned your respect and favour (now he can run away super fast too). Amazing
Loki / Constellation Who Likes to Change Sex
Nebula: Asgard
Submission: [The constellation who likes to change sex is changing your sex] 
Master of Steel
Submission: a quiet supporter died also rather forgotten death. sacrificed himself for kimcom ;-; 
No Stranger to Love
Submission: He just wants to turn everything into a romance, and I think that's beautiful
Samyeongdang / Bald General of Justice
Nebula: Hongik 
Submission: haha. bald
Sigmund Freud / Discoverer of the Subconscious
Submission: it's funny what more could you want
Image Link
Surya / Supreme God of Light
Nebula: Vedas
Submission: he's so cool tbh, i hope his design will bang 
Uriel / Demonic Judge of Fire
Nebula: Eden 
Submission 1: she loves so much, so bright, so burning. 
Submission 2: I want to make sure my girl is in the brackets. She is really really cool and also very powerful. She also canonically mixed up the metaphor about calling followers "sheep" and she just brought sheep in Eden.
Submission 3: She's just like me fr 
Yoo Junghyuk / Secretive Plotter
does an outer god who was assumed to be a constellation for majority of plot counts? either way, he's one of the OGs four of kdj's channel
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star4daisy · 1 year
Tw: teasing and implied threesome
I wrote this on my phone at a family barbecue lol god knows why but it's more than I wrote all holiday so yay
Regulus lay down on his belly, feet up in the air as he pretended to read a book, occasionally letting his gaze travel to the bed in front of him where his two best friends had been snogging for a while.
He used his curls to hide his eyes, allowing them to fall on his face as he peeked behind them, admiring the way Evan's hands slowly ran down Barty's naked torso. Over the roses tattoo he had on his neck, over Evan's name on his chest and then squeezing when he passed over the Regulus constellation on his right shoulder.
Regulus's breath hitched, he loved that Barty had a tattoo in his honour, none of their other friends did except for Evan, but well they weren't just friends. So it made him feel special to always be close to Barty, even if he wasn't the one who got to kiss it.
Now he had to restrain himself from humping the bed while his friends kept working each other up. Perhaps he shouldn't have been there for it, but Regulus had gotten there first, they saw him when they climbed into Evan's bed, and they purposefully didn't close their curtains. It wasn't his fault that they had chosen to give him a show, it was only polite not to deviate his eyes.
When Evan's mouth reached the waistband and Barty let out a loud groan when he bit into his side, Regulus had to put his fist in his mouth to stop the sound that was threatening to come out. Fuck. They were trying to kill him. He wondered if he should leave, but there was no way he would manage without them noticing his obvious hard-on.
Surely they wouldn't take their trousers off while Regulus was right there. Even Barty wasn't that much of a show-off, Regulus was sure. Except Evan started unbuttoning slowly, palming Barty with one hand as he got the zipper down. Regulus stumbled out of the bed so fast his book fell, he quickly grabbed it and pressed it against his crotch as he tried to make a hasty exit.
He was sure he heard a chuckle behind him. "Oh, we didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," Evan said quickly. "You can stay, we won't kick you out of your own room."
"It's okay. Maybe I should-"
"Come on, Reg." Barty sat up and Regulus finally allowed himself to take a peek at them.
They looked like sin, their hairs standing on end, pink mouths swollen, Evan's eyes were half-lidded with desire while Barty's twinkled with mischief.
"We're amongst friends." Barty's green eyes travelled slowly down Regulus's body. "No need to be shy."
"I'm not shy," he barely managed to speak, his mouth felt entirely too dry.
"Then why the hasty exit?" Evan questioned with one eyebrow raised in challenge.
"I didn't want to make you uncomfortable."
"You could never make us uncomfortable," Evan reassured him.
Barty grinned, his eyes settling on the book Regulus held glued to his front. "What were you reading?"
Regulus had no idea, his eyes widened, his heart beating so fast he thought it might jump out of his chest. "Pride and prejudice."
"Oh," Barty said delightedly. "Let me see." He extended a hand in his direction. "This is the one you're always trying to convince me to read, isn't it?"
Regulus held the doorknob. "Maybe, later. I should go."
Evan chuckled. "Relax, Reg." he slapped the bed by his side in invitation. "We don't bite."
"Unless you want us to, of course." Barty raised his eyebrows mockingly while he settled on his elbows and forearms, his arms straining beautifully.
Regulus coughed. "I mean I thought you guys were-"
"We can," Evan said unbothered, voice dropping sensually when he kept talking. "If you want us to." 
Regulus froze. "What?"
"How many times do we have to snog in front of you for you to get the hint?" Barty asked impatiently.
"What?" his voice came out way too breathy.
Evan quickly stood up, coming in his direction and stopping only when he was close enough to take the book out of Regulus's hands. His gaze travelled south slowly, a smirk growing on his lips when he saw the bulge in Regulus's trousers.
"The question is how much do you want us?" Evan pressed a thumb against Regulus' bottom lip in appreciation, completely enthralled by the way Regulus flicked his tongue over it, sucking his finger into his mouth automatically like it had been ingrained in him to do so.
Barty groaned from behind them. "Hopefully half as much as we want you."
Evan's fingers popped out of Regulus's mouth as his eyes finally opened again, their chest almost touching from his irregular breathing.
"I've never wanted anything more in life," Regulus admitted.
Evan dropped the book carelessly and Regulus couldn't even find it in himself to protest, following him instinctively as Evan went to the bed where Barty lay waiting for them with a wicked grin on his lips.
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lovecanbesostrange · 1 year
ouattober2023 Day 6: Fav Rarepair
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Red Warrior (aka Mulan Rouge, fandom, it was right there, come on)
The gif speaks for itself already, Do I need to say more? No. Will I? Absolutely.
Back in S2 I was very happy. I had Sleeping Warrior to ship and also Red Beauty. Two good ships. But over the years there was the question "what if Mulan and Ruby ever met?". It seemed like a fun constellation. The honorable warrior, serious, focused, happily doing her duty. And the werewolf waitress who effortlessly talks to people, who can be mean if need be (and the full moon is out). Imagine Ruby showing Mulan around Storybrooke. She'd have her start her own gym so fast. (After being teased for so long, somebody should have taken Mulan to Storybrooke and let her watch a film already.)
I watched S5 spoiler free. No promos. It's fun. But there is always the guest cast list and seeing the names Jamie Chung and Meghan Ory when The Bear King started? EXCITEMENT! I was then mesmerized by the Mulan&Merida scenes, I almost forgot I was waiting to see Ruby again. And oh boy, THE WOLF! Once again foiled with magic, but that was okay. When Mulan arrives at the Witch's Hut next? A different kind of magic happening indeed...
Meet Cute noun; (in a film or television programme) an amusing or charming first encounter between two characters that leads to the development of a romantic relationship between them.
Yep, I'd say Mulan almost getting attacked saying "you're not a wolf" with a big smile "you just need a little help remembering who you are", then splashing that potion to reveal Ruby, now sorta sitting above her? Perfect meet cute you can talk about for ages. It calls back a pivotal point from Mulan's past and we get to see a mostly decent CGI wolf (in broad daylight). Especially because we know that Red has killed people before and it's so unclear how much control she has, what exactly the Witch has done to her, ending it with her all smiling as well, is great. Of course I have to cry about "My name's Ruby. My friends call me Red." (Sorry, Mulan should have called her Red later on, to hammer that home.)
Mulan has hearteyes from the get-go, Ruby sits there panting. Frame this and put it in a museum. A clashing meeting that is definitely cute. I mean, there's a sword and fur involved.
It's funny how Mulan forgets to even introduce herself and Ruby has to ask her name later on (because suddenly it's night, how long did they sit like that?). And for somebody who likes to overanalyze it's hilarious how they do manage that Mulan mentions Aurora - with the sad music swelling in the background, to remind us all how their last meeting went - and then we cut to Ruby saying goodbye to Snow. In my mind a good reason this pairing works is, that they can get drunk together and lament how terribly in love they both once were with a princess. It's a fun thing to bond over.
Mulan is clearly the rare holder of the braincell, she also brings in a lot of training, so a good fighting form. Ruby is the muscle, but especially for the EF she has a special kind of wit thanks to the curse!persona. The Bear King allowed us to see a darker side of Mulan, hitting rock bottom, being selfish and looking for a fight.So Ruby is a great person to have her enjoy life and find a balance between duty and fun. This is kinda the promise at the end of the ep, finding a path for Mulan, while Ruby searches werewolves.
Obligatory Doylian rant: Red Warrior was the plan. Whatever you wanna say about the writers, they knew this episode was a romantic set-up. There was a cryptic tweet, some drama and so it's all speculative, but I have made my peace that this came down to studio interference. The live action Mulan film was in the works already, it was coming, Mulan is an official big Disney princess and even though everybody with a bit of media literacy understood that Mulan was very much in love with Aurora, there was this plausible deniability and she wasn't like... that gay. Oh no. And this is why Dorothy got squeezed in, Mulan left with nothing. Clearly not what was promised to Jamie Chung. I have no proof, but it is the best explanation how we went from The Bear King to Ruby Slippers (zero hate for that episode or the Red Kansas ship!!).
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I want to know what kind of adventures they had together. How did they go about this search? Any rumors about wolves? The maddening thing is how they managed to end up in Oz at all. I know there's a mysterious BTS pic for the ep. But nevermind, what we do get in the beginning is a duo with a routine, complete with a badass back-to-back protective stance. I always pictured them together in Storybrooke, Ruby showing Mulan around. But I guess what I needed was them out in the woods alone, traveling realms and kicking ass (I'm a simple girl, with simple needs).
Two wonderful interactions at the end of TBK are when the Witch arrives at the coronation. Ruby is ready to go on the offense, but Mulan holds her back. Just a few frames, but it's perfect. And then there's their little banter Ruby: "I might not be the best person to ask for dating advice. I kind of ate the only boyfriend I've ever had." Mulan: "Yes, that disqualifies you." [...] Ruby: "It's better than wallowing in self-pity." Mulan: "I don't wallow!"
THEY ARE ALREADY PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER! Endless teasing and running head first into enemies (don't worry, Mulan has a plan; Ruby dramatically takes off her cloak... sometimes even when there is no wolf moon, just to distract enemies).
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starlost97 · 1 year
— a night to remember.
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summary: It's your fourth year in Hogwarts, and Fred Weasley has asked you to go to the Yule Ball with him. He swore to transform it into the prom you couldn't have, and he kept his promise.
tags: fluff, fourth year, yule ball, hogwarts, f!reader.
characters: Fred Weasley, Luna Lovegood (mentioned).
warnings: reader is a muggleborn, reader is a ravenclaw, reader wears a dress.
a/n: tooth rooting fluff! also yes I purposely used the darcy-holding-elizabeth's-hand-for-the-first-time™️ pic, sue me.
word count: 1,076.
requested?: no!
< also posted on archive of our own >
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You didn’t have any expectations for the Yule Ball. It was your first, and Luna, one of your only friends, was too young to attend. So you were trapped with the fourth-years.
Your plans were to stay back at Ravenclaw’s common room with Luna and watch some muggle Christmas movies, but Fred Weasley for sure didn’t think of that when he surprised you in the middle of the night with enchanted white roses — your favorite.
You still vividly remember seeing him down on one knee, holding your hand, kissing it, and asking you to “prome”, which was an unsuccessful attempt to say “prom”, a muggle event you dreamt of going to but lost hope after your first year in Hogwarts.
You ended up playing a little, acting like you were hesitant to accept his proposal — which made him extremely nervous —, but said yes. 
The shiny eyes, rosy cheeks and beautiful smile that covered his face after that was your assurance that you made the right choice. 
You made sure to try to match the beauty in his happiness when choosing your dress. And you did get very close.
Your dress was blue and silver, to match your house. It was long, and if you didn’t wear high heels you would probably trip over the fabric. The off-shoulder cleavage showed your collarbone and also brought attention to your necklace, which had a moon pendant on it that matched the silver constellations on the gown skirt perfectly.
As you went down the steps, your eyes immediately searched for Fred. Only to find him running to the end of the stairs and offering you his hand, which you happily took.
His eyes traveled through your curves — that you never knew could mesmerize someone so much. He seemed to attempt to memorize every inch of your body, which was something he always did, but you were too oblivious to notice.
You looked up at him as you stepped out of the stairs. He was so much taller than you. The — almost — thirty centimeters difference caused you to be the height of his chest, which you couldn’t really complain about. His hugs were great because of it.
“You really are the brightest star in here, darling.” Fred murmured in your ear, grabbing you by the waist and pulling you closer. You could feel his breath hitting your neck, which caused you goosebumps.
“I believe I’m not the only one who is grabbing attention, Weasley.” You said as you caught the glimpse of some Gryffindor fourth-years looking at you two. 
“They are just jealous I have all of you to myself tonight.” You giggled, now looking at his eyes. Your lips could feel the heat of his, even without making contact.
“Not yet.” You said, putting your pointer finger against his lips and gently pushing his head away.
“Yet?” He smiled, biting his lower lip. “Can I hold on to this promise?”
“What do you think?” You answered, making him giggle. You grab his hand, pulling him to the middle of the ballroom. His eyes never left you since he first saw you tonight.
“I didn’t know you were a dancer, darling.” Fred said as you put your free hand on his shoulder. 
“I’m not. But I couldn’t lose the opportunity to dance with such a pretty boy like you.” Fred smiled and laughed, not knowing how to respond. 
You felt like every single smile he gave you was too precious. The way that the simplest of things could make him giggle like a kid was special, and you felt honored to be one of the lucky people that can hear his genuine laugh.
Suddenly, you hear the music changing, and you recognized almost immediately Elvis Presley’s “Can’t Help Falling In Love”.
Fred pulled you closer, making you feel the heat of his body. One of his hands was on your waist, and the other one was holding your hand. You felt his grip tightening, causing a wave of shivers to go down your spine. 
“Such a possessive wizard.” You said, making Fred smile.
“If you knew the value of what is in my hand right now, you also would be very scared to lose it.” His words made you melt. You never really met the feeling of being perceived as precious.
“I can guarantee you that you won’t lose it.” You murmured. Fred's eyes were shimmering as he looked at you. 
“Darling, so it goes. Some things are meant to be.” He said, singing to the song, not once taking his eyes off you.
“Take my hand. Take my whole life too.”
“For I can’t help…”
“Falling in love…”
“With you.” You both said, smiling at each other.
When the music ended, you two still held each other for a moment, until Fred appeared to remember something.
“Come with me, my love.” Fred said, pulling you outside.
You followed Fred to the back of the castle. You could see two chairs and a little lamp beneath the starry night, and your heart melted.
“Do you like it?” Fred asked, excited to finally show you the little place he prepared for the both of you.
“Of course I do. It’s beautiful…” You sat in one of the chairs, admiring the sky.
“Wait until you see what I have prepared for you.” Fred said, grabbing your wand and commanding something.
All of sudden, you saw bright dots flying to the sky, only to explode in something that you thought would be fireworks. But you were wrong.
The dots multiplied and became colorful, and all of sudden you were seeing very realistic northern lights.
“I heard you saying to Luna that you missed seeing these, so I brought them here for you.” Fred said, with a proud smile. “Is it any good?”
“It’s perfect.” You said, looking at him.
You grabbed his neck, pulling him closer to you and smashing your lips against his. He immediately held you, kissing you passionately. You felt the "butterflies in the stomach" that you always heard about, and for the first time in your life, you were a hundred percent sure about something.
And that was Fred Weasley.
“Love…” Fred started saying, as soon as the kiss ended. “Would you do me the honor of making me your boyfriend?”
You smiled. You were at a loss for words, so you just kissed him again.
“Yes.” You said, transforming your first Yule Ball to be a night worth remembering.
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lotusarchon · 27 days
𐙚⭑ 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐦𝐬 .ᐟ.
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⋆ Ether
⋆ May 26th
⋆ Velum Caeleste
⋆ Suraya (Trinidadadian 🇹🇹)
⋆ usagiiribbons (prev. on Tumblr, now on AO3 only)
⋆ lotusarchon (prev on Tumblr)
⋆ @tomoeffect (Tumblr + rp account)
⋆ @dragonboyanon (Tumblr)
⋆ divider by @plutism
Special Dish
⋆ Stormbreaker Jalebi
Name Card:
⋆ Ali Celestial Radiance
⠀⠀ ⠀the akash archon of the nation of suraya ⠀ׂ 🏵️ ♡ ִ
welcome, welcome! the stars and I are pleased to have you. what can I do for you under the vast expanse of our skies?
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I'm Ali! Or Usagii, honestly, whichever is easier for you to remember and use. I'm just a dude tryna write in my free time to cope with my crappy life. Yeah, I know a lot of you like to stalk accounts and bring up the topic of "my life is better than yours", but I don't care. This is my safe haven...until I'm forced to delete it again because of assholes.
Uhhh...what do I say....ah.
I'm 18 years old (26.05.2006), I use masc pronouns (he/him)―(however, she/her and they/them are fine, but they're uncomfortable when strangers use them, because I'm used to be referred to as a AFAB in a disgusting way by people that dislike me), a proud Trini (a bit) and I like writing. I hope to one day further pursue this silly hobby into a career if my motivation stops killing me all the time. Currently, I have a few characters for an original story that I want to edit, but I also have OCs for the fandoms I'm in, depending. Currently, my biggest hyperfixation is Lego Monkie Kid, so that is what'll flood my account the most.
Warning; this account does reader inserts, discussions of self shipping and oc x canon. If you don't like that, leave. Also, it's not spoiler free!! NOT SPOILER FREE!! BE CAREFUL CAUSE I'M NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOU GETTING SPOILED!!
I don't believe in zodiac signs, but they're funny to listen too. I've been told I show traits of autism and bipolar disorder, and I do relate to a LOT of the symptoms however I am not diagnosed and I am not self diagnosing myself. Furthermore, I also will not use this as an excuse for any inappropriate or awful behavior. This is simply a warning for anyone that visits my account; I do have a weird set of moods that are...bad in one way.
Additionally, I rant. Sometimes I have a lot of peeves about character portrayals, fanon vs canon, and certain things. I am tone-deaf and I am also passionate and write as I think when rambling, so I've been told it "offends" certain bitches. However, that isn't my attention when rambling. I do understand people are comfortable writing (incorrect) character portrayals, and my rambling is not to hurt or make anyone feel insecure about their writing. Write what you want, I don't care. I'm not going out of my way to hate on you for what you're doing. I express an opinion and furthermore I always avoid content I hate.
If you're from my old server and go by a specific six letter name or four letter name, fuck off, why don't ya? And, for others; if you have a problem with me, I promise you can say if. No need to be like Six-bitch and Four-fuck and go hiding like highschool children. I'm an adult, and hopefully, you are an adult on my account. I do understand my behavior can be bad, and you can tell me. As a human being, I do want to change. Don't be like Six-bitch and Four-fuck and hide and lie, because surprise; that means I'm better than you, because I'm not hiding like a pussy.
Finally, yeah. I do tend to be blunt with my words. I also tend to overexplain, so my apologies if I ever come off as an annoying or offensive.
...do I have anything else to add?? No idea.....
Ah, okay.
I specifically write on three websites only; Wattpad, AO3 and Tumblr.
My Wattpad account is lotuseios. And I haven't posted there for a while, but majority of my oc fanfics were usually posted there.
Currently, I only have AO3 and Tumblr, of which is already mentioned. I only do reblogs on there though. Well, for one. The other is for roleplaying so hey, go hit me up there, I'd love to meet new roleplayers. My AO3 is usagiiribbons only. I have no alternate accounts for AO3, so if ANY of my fics from Tumblr, AO3 and Wattpad are posted on any account or other social that is NOT stated here, please let me know. Like, I'm honored you'll steal but bitch you have bad tastes and fucking get a life and a soul cleansing. (I stole that line from Four fuck heheh).
Ummmmmmmmm. Hmmm I don't think I have anything else....?
Ah, wait. TW.
I am a victim of grooming and sexual abuse/assault and child abuse. This isn't to explain any behavior, however, I'd rather not have people bring up any topics related to this on my blog. I also much prefer no one makes requests like these. As a writer, I do cope by writing with similar themes, but please understand that I'm not romanticizing or glorifying these topics. They're uncomfortable and gross, and when I see proshippers using their trauma as an excuse while being a victim myself, it sickens me. If you think it's okay to glorify this shit because you were a victim, seek better therapy, because your therapist is not working well for you. Aka, proshippers, fuck off my account.
additionally: my theme and current persona may contain elements of genshin impact but I'm clueless on anything new. I like spoilers though, so don't be afraid to share them. Additionally, the entire theme of my Genshin persona right now takes heavy inspiration from my own culture in the Caribbean and my East Indian descent, and also because I am still pissed at the lack of melanin in Genshin. Consider my fake land of Suraya to be filled with POC characters because fuck this.
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“oh, you’re leaving? well, safe travels! I’ll be here, watching over the skies and waiting for your return!”
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ryker-writes · 8 months
Jaxon Crowley's Birthday Interview
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(Image made with this picrew)
Jaxon Crowley's masterlist
Happy Birthday!
You look nice! It's not often we see you dressed in white.
For good reason. It's not my color. I much prefer darker clothes, but apparently you have to dress like this if it's your birthday.
Is someone making you wear it?
Not exactly. If I was being forced, I simply wouldn't do it. But...Riddle and Deuce were hounding me about it being necessary for my birthday.
So you wore it for them?
I wore it so they'd stop hounding me about it. Clothes hardly matter to me anyway. I could wear scraps and I'd be fine.
But doesn't it feel nice to be dressed for your birthday?
I've never particularly cared for my birthday. It might as well just be a normal day.
Do you normally not celebrate your birthday?
No. I've never seen much of a point to it. Though I usually don't have people who want to celebrate it with me either. Even when I was younger, my birthday was never a big deal.
I would've thought Crowley would've thrown a big party for you.
When I was really young, he did. Though the parties got smaller as the years went by. Can't say I mind it too much.
Has he said anything to you today?
He not-so-discreetly shoved a card under my room door that had some guitar picks inside with some designs on them. Leona caught him trying to sneak out of Savanaclaw.
That was nice of him. Have you gotten any other presents?
Deuce got me some sunglasses for the bright lights, Leona got me some new golden earrings, Silver got me a star projector that even shows constellations, and Riddle managed to transfer a bunch of books, including textbooks, into audio form for me.
It sounds like each of them put a lot of thought into their gifts.
It's good. I much prefer things I'll actually use rather than stuff that will just sit around.
That makes a lot of sense. Now...I do have a few questions to ask you for the interview.
Go ahead.
If you could pick any student from Night Raven College to be your sibling, who would you choose?
That one's not too difficult. I'd pick Deuce. We're already similar enough, and he's not annoying. We get along pretty well and he's already similar to a younger sibling to me. If not Deuce, I'd pick the little fighter.
Little fighter?
Epel. He's the little fighter. Tiny, but he's got bite to him.
What's your favorite food?
Sushi. I generally like all kinds of seafood, but sushi is the best. Especially nigiri, even more so if it's shrimp. Anytime I go to the Mostro Lounge, I get some type of shrimp.
What about your least favorite food?
Avocados. They taste disgusting. My mother used to try and get me to eat them all the time when I was young. I guess hating avocados is one of the things me and my dad have in common.
Can you tell us more about what your parents were like when you were young? Perhaps a different side to the Headmage?
When I was really young me and him used to get along. But I was so young that I hardly have any memories of it. I spent most of my time with my mother or the ghosts of Night Raven College.
You know the ghosts well?
More like they know me well. They've known me basically my entire life. In fact, I spent a lot of time in Ramshackle. It was a nice area to just relax. I had hoped I could relax in it again when I returned, but then I found out about you and the cat...
You're always welcome to come over!
I'll keep that in mind.
I only have one more question for you. If you were to join any dorm other than Savanaclaw, which dorm would you choose?
Probably Ignihyde. Those guys know how to keep to themselves and they aren't very demanding. No one there is going to try and boss me around. Ignihyde students barely talk to me now anyway.
Alright! Thank you for the interview! And happy birthday again!
Yeah, thanks.
Bonus Special Ryker Facts About Jaxon!
Jaxon is probably my favorite oc out of them all. I have many ocs in many different universes, but I carry Jaxon with me to almost all of them. There's a Genshin Impact Jaxon, Honkai Star Rail Jaxon, Legend of Zelda Jaxon, DnD Jaxon, and so many more! He originally started as a vague concept of an oc, but developed into a full fledged oc about a year ago! I thought I'd share some little facts about Jaxon that we didn't know, or I haven't fully dived into yet!
Jaxon's original design was much different than he is today. In fact, he was originally made for the DC comic universe. His first design looked a bit different, but still had the core parts of his personality and his delinquency arc. His early design actually had wavy black hair and light blue eyes. In his early designs, he actually had a sister named Sophia who also had black hair, but brown eyes instead. She often tried to set him on the right path and was very stubborn, but was one of the few people he cared about.
Another thing I wanted to mention about Jaxon is his struggles with schoolwork. This is something that's very consistent regardless of what universe he's in, and there's actually a reason why he struggles so much. Jaxon has dyslexia, but teachers in the past just sort of gave up on him or found him too difficult to work with, and he pushed them away. Because of this, he never officially got tested and still struggles with it sometimes.
Jaxon's character is one that I've always felt works best in my favorite dynamic of light and dark, or the good and bad dynamic. While Jaxon isn't all bad, he certainly has a lot of negative traits and a lot of trauma weighing on his mind. While he's capable of functioning on his own, he wouldn't do well with someone who is equally as negative as him. That is why Jaxon leans towards people who are seen as good or more positive. It balances him out well.
He's by far my favorite oc and I will forever be grateful for all of you for supporting my writings about him, and loving him just as much as I do! It always makes me so happy to see you guys enjoying him, talking about him, or even making artwork of him! It really makes me feel so special! And we've made it to a year since Jaxon's official creation! It's odd because I almost feel like he's my son and he's growing up so fast. It's amazing to watch how he's developed in this past year, and I'm very happy with him!
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atonalginger · 2 months
Snippet Sunday
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I was tagged by the lovely @eridanidreams and oh hey, Goose found something to read even as everything feels thrown to chaos. Let's see what he found...
Ah, another snippet of Lyssa and Constellation!Del in the lab on Kreet. This particular storyline is nearing it's conclusion behind the scenes. Not 100% on how I'm going to publish it yet, whether I'll release it like Unmistaken Identity as a stand alone or if it's the start of something longer...we'll see.
I think Eri managed to tag just about everyone so I'm going to extend a more general tag. You see this and you got something, join us and share. No pressure, as always!
anyway under let's see what Lyssa and Del are up to in this snippet Goose found...
“This puta had a pretty nice drum beat,” Delgado knelt down and pulled the gun out from under the dead pirate with the broken ripshank clutched in the mangled hand pinned to their neck, “large magazine and fully loaded.”
“And he wanted to dance with a toothpick?” Lyssa spat the words as she walked over, “has to be something wrong with it.”
He looked it over, slowly shaking his head as he aimed at the far wall away from them and fired a test shot, “no, everything looks good. Looks newly modded too.”
“Their loss,” Lyssa reached out to accept the gun from her handsome adventurer.
Delgado looked at her hand, then the gun, and stood up without handing it over, “what do we say?”
She narrowed her eyes at him. Part of her wanted to snatch it from him; she could tell he didn’t have a tight grip on the drum beat. But instead she played along, answering in a sarcastic sing-song manner, “thank you for the quality find, hand it over por favor.”
He handed it over with a chuckle, “you’re just full of surprises, mi tesoro.”
Yours? She wondered as she raised an eyebrow. It was the second time he’d called her that, her Spanish just rusty enough for her to know he was paying her a compliment but not good enough to know what it meant. Other than the fact that he called her ‘his’. “You get this way with all your potential recruits?”
He shook his head as he carefully made his way across the broken glass, shattered countertop, and slick viscera toward the metal stairs, “no, eres especial.”
Lyssa stood there, watching him climb the stairs, the creaking wheels in her head piecing it together. It felt simple enough: ‘no, __ special’ with the blank likely being ‘you’re’ but that just made an error sound in her mind. She was not, never had been, never would be special and nothing this smooth-talking adventure boy said would change that. You think you can say a few flowery words and make me melt? You really think I’m that easy?
“You aren’t having second thoughts about meeting with your old friend now, are you?” Delgado teased from the upper level. He leaned against the safety railing, looking down at her, the light dancing in his amber eyes.
“He is not a friend,” Lyssa snarled.
“Okay, okay,” Delgado held up his hands in surrender, “I just thought you were in a hurry.”
She snapped the drum beat to her boost pack and stormed up the stairs, closing on him quickly, hissing her words as she got in his face, “cut the shit.”
“All right,” he looked apologetic, the playfulness gone from his face and tone, “I didn’t mean to strike a nerve.”
“You didn’t?” she held firm, leaning him back on the safety rail, “been plucking it this whole time.”
“I was asking questions,” he reached out and touched her right forearm, “and maybe being a bit of a smart ass.”
“Just a bit?” she she angled her head to the side as she leaned closer.
“Do you want to kill the prick now or fuck around here until his buddies show up?” Delgado leaned forward, bumping his forehead into hers.
The warm cloves and vanilla hit her nose again, his lips tempting her. Delgado was infuriating to her: irritating to no end with his prodding questions, constant sneaking up on her, and incessant flirting. And yet he was charming all the while with an authenticity that felt like a true breath of fresh air for Lyssa. She lingered in the moment, breathing him in, feeling his closeness, yearning for more.
He touched her left cheek with his left hand and leaned in to kiss her again, an underlying hunger in the tenderness. The urge to shove him away surfaced but was ignored as she sank into his arms, allowing him to lead her back away from the safety rail and against the glass window, his right hand on her hip as her back touched the wall, his hips rocking into her once more.
Delgado kissed up her jawline to her ear, nuzzling her lobe with his nose before running his tongue up her sweat soaked neck and planting a love bite on the lower part of her neck, just under her suit’s neckline. Lyssa closed her eyes and let her head fall back, feeling simultaneously panicked and at ease. Something about this man made her melt like putty when he got his hands on her and she didn’t know how to handle it. Not even those wild blue eyes could do that to her, as much as he tried.
A metal creak around the corner caused them both to freeze, both heads perking up at the noise. They looked at each other with alert, anticipating eyes. A voice bounced down the hall and around the corner, clearly speaking to no one in particular, beginning in a mocking tone, “‘go see what’s taking so long. If Eddie and the others killed them they would have radioed’. Yeah, no shit, Bro. Just send the one rook in to check on whether Eddie and his flunkies managed to stop that bloodthirsty bitch and whatever shadow she’s got now.”
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