vegehana-food · 1 year
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✿ アボカド明太のわさびマヨ和え
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The Restaurant of Many Ingredients (Much Meat)
As he strokes his red crest,
Fry Kitchen grumbles that he's covered
Head to toe in white hairs
This is the first time in his life
生まれて初めて 昔は
That he's ever ground flour with a stone mortar
This hadn't been his standing in life in the past
Though he'd stooped to the position of undead servant
Though his form had changed to that of livestock
It actually isn't all that bad
It was now that he realized
That stacks of money piled up on a desk
Don't really mean anything
The smell of charred meat wafts through the air
He prays that he isn't next
He'd always been so bored and fed up
So he finally bid farewell
To his 23 siblings
Pork Chop had set out on his own
This should have been a happy thing
But somehow it was a little lonesome
He cuts vegetables while snuffling and snorting
He's gotten used to holding a knife
Since he's chopped up countless people
He'd once been uncommonly stingy
But nowadays he can't even hold a candle
To those blockhead cousins of his
The bear's eyes are looking his way
He prays that he's not its prey
Chateau Briand had declared that
As long as it was by the one he admired
He wouldn't mind being eaten
He hadn't been able to speak to them that day
And so couldn't save them
His regrets linger even now
He'd become the 16th cook
Though he had mustered his will and applied for an apprenticeship
The mansion was already an empty husk
And now everything
Is different from the way things were then
Yet there are some things that haven't changed
He spies a listless looking red cat
It pats the meat of his belly
I wordlessly gaze upon
The sight of my pupils
Carrying out their clumsy cooking technique
I've forgotten most of my past
Even so, this kitchen
Has a scent that brings back memories
To go traveling with someone, and make food with them,
Wasn't that the life that I had once
Wished to have?
These guests from the parallel world bustling through the restaurant,
I reach for the new ingredient
That I've prepared for them
The flower of happiness is a lovely red
It'll be a perfect spice for the main dish
Again he looks towards his apprentices
He'll have to select
The main ingredient for the main dish
He isn't lacking in choice
This is Mister Dog's restaurant
Of many ingredients
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kaitou-archive · 11 months
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Otomedia June 2016
(Below is a cleaned up machine translation. Please note that due to the nature of machine translation, the text may not be wholly accurate or may read oddly. Japanese is included after English for reference. The text was lifted from the images using this site, and though there's been care taken to make sure everything is correct, there is a chance of unintentional typos.)
With the Only one prince + superb honeymoon in paradise♡
Only oneの王子様と+楽園で極上ハネムーン♡
▼ Spade offers a handkerchief to Joker, who is soaking wet from the rain. Phoenix is in a panic because of the rain, which he doesn't like!
Joker dressed up as a woman to participate in the World Bride Grand Prix. The exotic dress suits him ♪
世界花嫁グランプリ出場のため、ジョーカーが女装した姿。 エキゾチックなドレスがお似合い ♪
--Producer Mabuchi Yoshiki Interview
Joker and new characters such as Phoenix (Akai Tsubasa) and members of the "Devil Fang" organization led by President D continue their unpredictable adventures in "Kaitou Joker" Season 3. I'm sure your hearts are racing with excitement, but how about another thing that makes your heart flutter♥
This time, we have a fantasy of newlywed life with Joker and friends ♪ We also have special cooking tips for the future brides. Of course, the excitement will be even more intense in the full-length anime! We received the following secret information from producer Yoshiki Mabuchi of Shin-Ei Animation! The main highlights are Phoenix and Hosshi. Their mysteries will be gradually revealed during the 16 episodes between Season 3 and the upcoming Season 4. In Season 1 and Season 2, the story was rather complete, but in Season 3 and Season 4, the mystery will be solved by watching all the episodes. Also, the tricks this time were supervised by a real magician, RYOTA, who came up with the ideas for the tricks.
Let's explore the charms of Season 3 from various angles, such as the concepts of new characters and the event report manga, with Producer Mabuchi still with us. ♪
赤井翼ことフェニックスやプレジデントD率いる組織「悪の牙 《デビル・フ ァング》」のメンバーなど、ジョーカーと新キャラクターたちの予測不可能な大冒険が続く『怪盗ジョーカー』シーズン3。ドキワクの連続にみなさまの心は高鳴りまくっていることと思いますが、ここで一つ、胸キュンなトキメキもいかがでしょうか♥
ということで、今回はジョーカーたちとの新婚生活をたっぷり妄想♪未来の花嫁のために、ジョーカーたちから料理にまつわる特別コメントも入手しました。もちろん、アニメ本編でもドキドキはさらに加速!シンエイ動 画の馬渕吉喜プロデューサーからは、こんなマル秘情報をGETいたしました!!! 「要注目はフェニックスとホッシーです。 シーズン3の全16話と次のシーズン4 にかけて、彼らの謎が徐々に明かされます。シーズン1・2ではわりと1話完結に近い形で物語が進んでいきましたが、 シーズン3・4では全編を通して観ることで謎が解かれる仕掛けになっています。 また、今回はトリックもリアルマジシャンのRYOTAさんに監修していただき、 アイディアを出していただいています」
馬渕Pにまだまだお付き合いいただき、 新キャラクターの設定やイベントレポートマンガなど、さまざまな角度からシーズン3の魅力を探っていきましょう♪
--Character Question
Do you prefer to cook or to eat food cooked for you? 料理は作るのが 好きですか食べるのが好きですか?
Joker: "Of course I prefer to eat, Hachi makes the best curry~! My specialty is cup ramen! I'll treat you to some another time, okay?"
ジョーカー : 「もちろん食べる方が好きだな!ハチが作るカレーは最高なんだぜ~!得意料理はカップラーメンだな! 今度ごちそうしてやるぜ?」
Tsubasa: "Hm, I've never cooked before… Well, here's the question: if I were to cook, what would it be? 1. Super spicy curry, 2. Super spicy mapo tofu, 3. Konpeito Southern Cross style (very spicy). By the way, I like very spicy food."
翼「料理は作ったことがないな〜。 さて、問題。 僕 が作るとしたら何料理でしょう? 1激辛カレー、 2 激辛マーボー豆腐、 3金平糖サザンクロス風 (激辛)。 ちなみに僕は激辛料理が好物だよ」
Spade: "I guess it's hard to decide between cooking and eating. Dark Eye makes delicious food, so I leave it up to him, but when I'm stuck in a writing dilemma, sometimes I just make French food."
スペード: 「作るか食べる かの優劣はつけがたいか な。ダークアイが美味しいご飯を作ってくれるから任 せきりだけど、執筆に煮詰 まった時はひたすらフランス料理を作ることがあるよ」
--Mabuchi P (Producer Mabuchi Yoshiki) prediction
Mabuchi P big prediction★ What if you let the phantom thieves do your housework!?
馬渕P大予想★ 怪盗たちに家事を任せるなら!?
Joker "Likely has the ability to select good things, so it could be shopping."
ジョーカー 「良い物を選別する力 があると思うので、 ショッピングでしょうか」
Hachi "All the housework. He's the ideal wife that everyone wants (laughs)"
ハチ 「家事すべて。 もはや 誰もが欲しがる、 理想の嫁ですね (笑)」
Phoenix "He's sleeping all the time, so I feel like he's going to be a lazy house-husband (laughs)"
フェニックス 「ずっと寝ているので、 ダラダラした主夫になりそうです (笑)」
Shadow "He seems to take good care of people, so I guess it would be picking up the kids and taking out the trash."
シャドウ 「面倒見は良さそうなので、子どものお迎えやゴミ出しでしょうか」
Spade "He's also a novelist, so perhaps he might not do well with housework."
スペード 「小説家もやっている ので、家事向きではないかもしれないですね」
--Mini Talk
Reverse Proposal Tips! Phantom Thief Mini Talk ♪ What gift makes you happiest?
逆プロポーズのヒント!? 怪盗ミニトーク♪ プレゼントされて一番嬉しいものは?
Joker & Tsubasa: "A game!!" Spade: "You guys are so in-tune…" Joker: "No way! Okay, if you like games, let's play an action game!" Tsubasa: "That sounds fun!" Spade: "I'll pass. You really do like that sort of thing, you're like children." Tsubasa: "You just don't like losing, do you?" Joker: "Yeah, right!" Spade: "That isn't the case! Fine then, let's do it!" Wings: "By the way, what's an action game?" Joker & Spade: "Eh……"
ジョーカー&翼 : 「ゲーム!!」 スペード: 「キミたち気が合うね……」 ジョーカー : 「あわねーよ! よぉし、ゲームが好きだって言うなら、アクションゲームで勝負し 「ようぜ!」 翼: 「おもしろそうじゃないか」 スペード: 「僕はパス。 本当に好きだね、 子どもみたいだよ」 翼: 「そんなこと言って、負けるのがイヤなだけなんじゃないのかい?」 ジョーカー : 「そーだそーだ!」 スペード: 「そんなことあるわけないだろ! やってやろうじゃないか!」 翼: 「で、 アクションゲームってなんだい?」 ジョーカー & スペード: 「え・・・・・」
--Pg 58-59
Mabuchi P's Big Prediction ★ What kind of brides will the female phantom thieves be!? "Queen is rough around the edges and wants to do the housework but often fails. She will need someone like Roko to follow her through. Ai is versatile, and she also cooks when in her Dark Eye form, so I think she will make the best bride. Rose seems surprisingly caring; However, she has been asleep for a long time, so I think she will be studying and learning modern common sense."
馬渕P大予想★ 女怪盗たちはどんな花嫁になりそう!? 「クイーンは大雑把なので、家事をやり たがるけど失敗することが多そうです。 ロコのような目線で、フォローしてくれる人が必要ですね。 アイは多才で、 ダークアイの姿のときには料理もしていたので、一番良いお嫁さんになるのではないでしょうか。ローズは、 意外と世話焼き な気がします。 ただ、 眠っていた期間が 長かったので、 これから勉強して現代の 常識などを覚えていくのかなと思います」
--INTERVIEW Producer Yoshiki Mabuchi
What is the main theme of Season 3?
The characters are fundamentally the same as in Seasons 1 and 2, but we asked Miho Shimogasa to design them with a slightly more adult or "cool" look in mind. Phoenix, Hosshi, and "Devil Fang" became the main characters at the suggestion of director Yukiyo Teramoto and series director Dai Sato. Originally, the original author, Hideyasu Takahashi, had an idea for the Phoenix and the Divine Beast, and we pulled the concepts from a rough draft of that idea. There are still many mysteries about President D, but by creating an organization called "Devil Fang" and having rival thieves belong to it, it became easier to bring out various characters in the anime. There are many fascinating characters in the original story, and we want to include them in the anime as much as possible.
In Season 3, you seem to have included a number of concepts that are original to the anime.
Yes, that's right. The concept of Hosshi eating treasures and laying eggs, where key items of the story come out of, is also an original concept of the anime. On the other hand, Akai's three-choice questions are a concept that existed in the original story, and we decided to make use of it in the anime as well, so Akai always says the three-choice question every time he appears in the story. Mr. Sato raised the bar himself, saying, "I want the questions to rhyme nicely" (laughs). He had a hard time thinking about it.
Speaking of originality, Kaneko transformed into a murderous woman in episode 30. I was surprised because this was an idea that Director Teramoto had mentioned in the August 2015 issue of Otomedia.
It was an idea that Director Teramoto had been working on for a long time. The transformation scene was quite forced, but since it was a gag episode, I thought it would be okay (laughs). The next episode, episode 31, "Shadow and Eyes and Fakes" was also a gag episode, and everyone on the staff wanted to do it. Shadow also made an appearance for the first time in a while, and he too became more of a gag (laugh). We also introduced Fake Silver Heart and fake Roko, who were not in the original work. Fake-Silver is a robot and Fake-Roko is a skunk. In the original, Fake-Queen is the character who farts, but in the anime, we switched that concept to Fake-Roko. The cast is also spectacular, with Kenichi Suzumura as fake Joker, Toshiyuki Toyonaga as fake Spade, and Kaori Nazuka as fake Queen. The casting was done after asking Ayumu Murase, who plays Joker, who he would like to play a fake version of his character.
The opening and ending sequences were just as impressive as the previous and the OP was storyboarded by Takashi Otsuka, who also directed the previous season's OP, to match Arukara's "Miracle Shounen Boy 2" with an emphasis on coolness. Tasuke Inamura, the vocalist of Arukara, came up with the idea for the intro of the song, which includes the call "Hachi!" The ED is innovative, with Joker in red and the Hachi in blue, each running on a road in their image color. The ED is sung by Fuki Commune and fits perfectly with the song "Welcome to the Shining Night!"
What are the upcoming episodes and characters?
There are stories featuring DJ Peacock and Ali Baba. Stay tuned for a rendition of "Ali Baba and the Four Detectives." The story of Rainbow Justice will also involve the Devil Fang. In addition, watch for the original anime episode "The Sky Joker in Peril"! The story and tricks are completely original, and it takes place on Joker's airship, the Sky Joker. You will also see Joker's treasure room and learn about the inside of the ship.
INTERVIEW 馬渕吉喜プロデューサー
根本的にシーズン1・2と変わらない のですが、少し大人向けというか、カッ コよさを意識して、しもがさ美穂さんにキャラデザインをしていただきました。 フェニックスやホッシー、「悪の牙 《デ ビル・ファング》」が主軸になったのは、 寺本幸代監督とシリーズ構成・佐藤大さんの提案です。 もともと、原作者のたかはしひでやす先生のほうでフェニックスと神獣に関するアイディアがありまして、 そのラフ案から設定を引っ張らせていただきました。 プレジデントDに関してはまだ謎が多いのですが、悪の牙 《デビ ル・ファング》という組織を作ってライバル怪盗たちを所属させることで、いろいろなキャラクターをアニメに出しやすくなりました。原作には魅力的なキャラクターがたくさんいるので、できるだけアニメでも登場させたいと思っています。
そうなんです。 ホッシーがお宝を食べるとタマゴを生んで、中から物語のキーとなるアイテムが出てくるというのも、 アニメオリジナルの設定です。 逆に赤井が三択問題を出すのは原作にあった設定で、アニメでもそれを活かしてみようと思い、赤井が登場する度に必ず三択問題を言うようになったんです。佐藤さんが、 「きれいに韻を踏んだ問題にしたい」とご自分でハードルを上げていて(笑)。 考えるのに苦労されているようです。
寺本監督がずっと温めていたアイディアだったんです。 変身シーンはかなり強引でしたが、ギャグ回なので大丈夫かなと(笑)。続く第31話 「影と瞳と偽物と」 もギャグ回で���スタッフみんながやりたがっていたエピソードでした。シャドウも久しぶりに登場して、彼もだいぶギャグ色が強くなってきましたね(笑)。原作にはいない、二セシルバーハートや二セロコも登場させました。 ニセシルバーはロボットで、ニセロコはスカンクですね。原作だとニセクイーンがオナラをするキャラクターなのですが、アニメでは その設定をニセロコに持っていきました。 キャストも豪華で、ニセジョーカーを鈴村健一さん、二セスペードを豊永利行さ ん、ニセクイーンを名塚佳織さんが担当しています。これはジョーカー役の村瀬歩さんたちに「ご自身の担当キャラの偽物をやってもらうなら誰がいいか」と希 望を聞いて、キャスティングした形です。
本編と同じく、オープニングとエンディングの映像もとても印象的でした。OPはアルカラの「怪盗ミラクル少年ボーイ2」にあわせ、前シーズンでもOPを担当していただいた大塚隆史さんに、 カッコよさを全面にだして絵コンテ演出をしていただきました。 アルカラのボーカルの稲村太佑さんのアイディアで、 イントロに「ハチ!」という掛け声が入っているんですが、そのタイミングでハチが画面に登場していますよ。EDは斬新でジョーカーなら赤、ハチは青と、各イメージカラーの道の上を走る構成です。 Fuki Communeさんが歌う「輝く夜へようこそ!」ともピッタリ合っていますよね。
DJ・ピーコックがメインのお話や、 アリババが登場するエピソードがあります。 「アリババの4人の探偵団」の描写は、ぜひご期待ください。 レインボー・ジャスティスのお話には、悪の牙 《デビ ル・ファング》も絡んできますよ。 そして、アニメオリジナルエピソード「スカ イジョーカー危機一髪」にも注目です! ストーリーもトリックも完全オリジナルで、ジョーカーの飛行船「スカイ・ジョーカー」が舞台になってます。 ジョーカーのお宝部屋なども出てきて、スカイ・ジョーカーの内部が分かりますよ。
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ryotarox · 1 year
[B! 増田] 日本語では一つの名前で表されるのに英語だと二種類以上あるもの
亀 - Turtle (海亀)、tortoise (陸亀) ワニ - Alligator, Crocodile
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はてなブックマークがトリビアの披露大会になっていて、知識が集まってる。 逆パターンも 「英語では一つの名前で表されるのに日本語だと二種類以上あるもの」
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
聞く:hear, listen  見る:see, look, watch 海:sea, ocean, waters, marine(海の) 仮説:hypothesis, assumption 罪:crime, sin (「罪と罰」の罪は以外なことにcrimeのほう *)
Museum:美術館、博物館 Requirement:要件、要求 Space:空間、宇宙
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「総称だけ存在して、細かな違いを呼び分けない」ものと、「総称は無いが、個々の細かな呼び分けだけある」ものに分けられるかも。 総称:亀 / 個々に:Turtle (海亀)、tortoise (陸亀) 総称:皿 / 個々に:dish、plate、saucer 総称:brother / 個々に:兄、弟
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秋のAutumnとFallのパターンは、意味もニュアンスも同じで、言い方が違うだけかな。 Fallが「秋」「落下」の2つの意味。
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一番有名なのはネズミ(mouse, rat)だと思ってた。他にもphantom/ghost、coast/beach、house/home、college/university、space/universe、earth/globeとか。厳密には意味が違うんだろうけど。
言語とその話者の世界観が相関することは言語的相対論と呼ばれる。国がcountry, nation, stateに分かれるのは島国と多民族大陸国との違い。https://gijodai.jp/library/file/kiyo2011/yoshitaka_sato.pdf
ちょっと違うが、"将来に対する希望"と、"睡眠中の幻覚体験"を日本語でも英語でも「夢 dream」という一語で表現するのは全くもってピンと来ない。
麦は日本語でも大麦・小麦・ライ麦・エン麦は区別はしてるけど、英語ではbarley wheat rye oatで「麦」に対応する単語がないのよね
アプリ開発で Apple の審査担当とやり取りする際「修正」の言い方が複数あって fix, correct, modify, revise, alter などを使い分けてくるので毎回意図を汲みとれてるか不安になる。(まあ日本語にも修正の類語いっぱいあるけど)
「毒」 poison / venom / toxin
試験: 学力・知識を問う→examination,quiz,test 評価や実験→experiment 試みる→trial▼ただ「試験」で纏められるだけで日本語でも「考査」「実験」「試行」と分けて書くこともできるが。
足の指(toe)もfinger じゃない
馬車がとてもややこしくて面倒くさい / 辻馬車 cab, hansom 荷馬車 (horse)cart, wagon, (horse-drawn)carriage, horse and buggy 駅馬車 stagecoach 二輪馬車 curricle, tilbury ,jaunting car ,jinker 馬二輪戦車 chariot まだまだいっぱい…
政治家 politician / statesman たまご egg / spawn / roe ちなみに逆もあってegg 卵 / 玉子
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言語学で言うところの有標と無標も関係してそう。 作家:男女問わず作家の全般、女流作家:作家の中で女性の場合
標識 (言語学) - Wikipedia
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Ikkiuchi - Lyrics + Translation (一騎打ち)
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English title: One-on-one combat / Duel
Translator's notes can be found at the end and are marked with an asterisk.
Please do not repost/retranslate without permission.
【Re】 ヨーホー! ヨーホー!
誰もが恐れおののく 俺は海賊
コックのように フルコース
味わわせてみせよう 華麗な技を
【Ce】 イーハー! イーハー!
誰よりも誇り高き ボクは戦士
【Re】 笑わせるな
お前はルーザー 俺はクローザー
【Ce】 生きるか死ぬか 覚悟はできたか?
【Re】 生意気な若造 世間を知らない
口先ばかりで 恐怖も知らない
【Ce】 何を生き急ぐ? 驕り高ぶる大人よ
【Re】 死なない人間などいない
【Ce】 だからこそ譲れない
【Re】 「やるな……」
【Ce】 「そちらこそ!」
【Re】 「さぁ、決着をつけよう!」
【Ce】 「望むところだ!」
【Re】 知らないがゆえに 壇上を舞う強さ
【Ce】 知っているゆえの 盤上の駆け引き
【Re・Ce】 讃えよ
【Re・Ce】 海の藻屑となるがいい
【Re】 Yōhō! Yōhō!
Daremo ga osore ononoku ore wa kaizoku
Kono fukku ga chōri shite yarou
Kokku no yō ni furukōsu
Ajiwawa sete miseyou karei na waza o
【Ce】 Īhā! Īhā!
Dare yori mo hokori takaki boku wa senshi
Kono Taigā Rirī ga tatakai no yorokobi o oshieteageru
Senjō o seisuru rūrā
Tatakai no rūru wa boku sa
【Re】 Warawaseru na
Omae wa rūzā ore wa kurōzā
Omae no inochi o owaraseru mono
【Ce】 Ikiru ka shinu ka kakugo wa dekita ka?
Inochi ga mijikai no wa dochira no hou?
【Re】 Namaiki na wakazō seken o shiranai
Kuchisaki bakari de kyōfu mo shiranai
【Ce】 Nani o iki isogu? Ogori takaburu otona yo
Dōse shini yuku sadame na noni
【Re】 Shinanai ningen nado inai
Toki wa dare shimo byōdō de zankoku na no sa
【Ce】 Dakara koso yuzurenai
Kono mi o toshita ichigeki wa
【Re】 “Yaru na……”
【Ce】 “Sochira koso!”
【Re】 “Sā, ketchaku o tsukeyou!”
【Ce】 “Nozomu tokoro da!”
【Re】 Shiranai ga yue ni danjō o mau tsuyo-sa
【Ce】 Shitte iru yue no banjō no kakehiki
【Re・Ce】 Tataeyo kasaneau tsurugi
【Re】 Hana o chirashite
【Ce】 Hana o chirashite
【Re・Ce】 Umi no mokuzutonaru ga ī
【Re】 Yo-ho! Yo-ho! 
I am a pirate that makes everyone shake from fear
With this hook of mine, I’ll cook
A full course like a chef
I’ll give you a taste of my brilliant technique
【Ce】 Yee-ha! Yee-ha!
I am a warrior, prouder than anyone else
This Tiger Lily will teach you the joys of battle
I am the ruler who controls the battlefield,
The one who makes the rules of the battle is me
【Re】 Don’t make me laugh
You’re the loser, I am the closer*
Who will end your life
【Ce】 Are you ready to live or die?
Which of us shall have the shorter life?
【Re】 You’re an impertinent young lad, ignorant of the ways of the world
You’re all talk and no bite, and you don’t know terror
【Ce】 What’s the hurry? You’re an arrogant adult
Even though you’re doomed to die anyway
【Re】 There’s no such thing as a human who will never die
Time is equal and cruel to all
【Ce】 That’s why I won’t give up
The single blow I’m risking my life for
【Re】 “Not bad…”
【Ce】 “I could say the same.”
【Re】 “Now, let’s settle this!”
【Ce】 “That’s what I want!”
【Re】 The strength to dance on the stage because of ignorance
【Ce】 The ability to use tactics on the board because you know them
【Re・Ce】 Praise be
To the overlapping swords
【Re】 Let us fight fiercely
【Ce】 Let us fight fiercely
【Re・Ce】 Until one of us dies at sea
Note: (クローザー) Closer- “In baseball, a closing pitcher, more frequently referred to as a closer, is a relief pitcher who specializes in getting the final outs in a close game when his team is leading.” [Wikipedia]
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dbfandom · 1 year
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作品を作っている準備段階のことCooking(料理中である)あるいはin the kitchen(台所にいる)という場合もあります。cooking の短縮形cookin'が使われているかもしれません。
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例) I’m cooking the next panel now.  (いま次の漫画の原稿描いてるところ。)
Hungry (腹ペコ)を使って、
I hope you're hungryというと、「あなたがお腹が空いているといいな」つまり「(今制作中のものについて)楽しみにしていただけると嬉しいです」「乞うご期待」といった意味になります。他にも、
I'm preparing good food, y'all hungry? (良い作品を準備中なのでお腹を空かせて待っててね)という表現は、クリエイターが現在準備しているものについて、フォロワーやファンをからかうときによく使われます。
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例えばサイヤの日(3月18日)が近くなったら、"Prepare for the feast!"みたいな感じで伝えると盛り上がります。
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R18(英語ではNSFWの表記が一般的)のコンテンツに感想を言いたい時は、spicyやhotが使えます。スパイシーと聞くと辛口評価を連想するかもしれませんが、そのような否定的な意味はなく、自分にとってキャラクターやシチュエーションが魅力的すぎる時に使う用語なのです。”It’s hot(spicy) food, I’m so thirsty now" などと言って、口渇を覚えるほどホットであると表現することもあります。👄や👅や💦などの絵文字を使ってもいいです。
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例えば、公式ストーリーやキャラクターがちょっと理解し難かったり予想外だったりすると、以下のように「ちょっと待て、俺に料理させろ」と言って、ファンならではのアイデアで二次創作することがあります。hollup は hold up の短縮形で、「ちょっと待って」"という意味です。
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絵師: Uhmmm, I want to do a Cell-but-human design… (うーん、人間ぽいデザインのセル描こうかな)
フォロワーA: Oh, noooo! lol Don’t do it!(マジかw やめてー)
フォロワーB:  No, wait, let him/her cook. (いやいや、描いてみたらいいじゃん)
その他、WIPという表記とともにプレビューやドラフトを投稿しているのを見かけることがあります。これはwork in progress、つまりクリエイターが、作業中の内容をフォロワーに見せている場合です。フォロワーは、待ち切れないということを伝えるために、よく以下のようなリプをすることがあり、これは英語圏では全く失礼なことではありません。
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"I'm at the table. Smells delicious!" (テーブルに着席中。おいしそうな匂いがするわー)
"I'm starving (hungry), serve me!"(お腹空いたんですけど、何か出してー!)
“Serve the food!" や "Cook faster!"といったバリエーションもあります。
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"What is Toyotaro cooking?!"(とよたろう先生は何を作っているのだろう)
"SDBH's food is delicious this week!" (今週のSDBHのエピソードはおいしいよ)
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これは、ラムゼイが残念な料理をさんざん食べさせられ失望し嫌気がさしていたところへ、ついに超絶品料理にありくことができてホッとしている様子を表しています。外国人はよく、「Finally some good fucking food」と言って長い苦しみからついに解放されて得た喜びを表現することがあります。
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momokuri-sannen · 1 month
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nihongoseito · 2 years
vocab pt. 4 from 夜カフェ!
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hi friends! this is going to be the last 夜カフェ vocab list, since i just finished the book!! stay tuned for what book the seitokai discord chooses next :)
苦笑い(にがわらい) = bitter smile, forced smile/laugh
ブランコ = swing (on playground)
ガリ勉(べん) = studying hard, cramming; person who studies hard
修復(しゅうふく) = restoration, repair
物分かり(ものわかり) = sympathy, wisdom, perceptiveness
沈黙(ちんもく) = silence, hush
八つ当たり(やつあたり) = venting one’s anger, taking one’s anger out on
発散(はっさん) = letting out (feelings), venting
張り紙(はりがみ) = poster
猛練習(もうれんしゅう) = very intensive training
息遣い(いきづかい) = breathing, respiration
作り笑い(つくりわらい) = forced laugh/smile
興奮(こうふん) = excitement
募集(ぼしゅう) = recruitment, taking applications; raising (funds, etc.)
食卓(しょくたく) = dining table
兄弟喧嘩(きょうだいげんか) = quarrel between siblings (n.b. rendaku!)
間際(まぎわ) = the point just before, the verge of happening
悲鳴(ひめい) = shriek, scream
怒鳴り声(どなりごえ) = angry voice
ショウガ = ginger
ニンニク = garlic
甘味(あまみ) = sweetness, sugary taste
中火(ちゅうび) = medium heat (cooking)
調味料(ちょうみりょう) = seasoning
ふくれっつら = sulky look, sullen look
シュシュ = scrunchie
ろうそく = candle
拍手(はくしゅ) = clapping, applause
封筒(ふうとう) = envelope
内緒(ないしょ) = secrecy, confidentiality
半泣き(はんなき) = about to cry, on the verge of tears
見開く(みひらく) = to open one’s eyes wide
しかめる = to screw up (one’s face), furrow (one’s brow)
すくめる = to shrug (one’s shoulders)
たまる = to collect, gather, accumulate, save up
ごく = to swing (a swing); to pedal (a bike)
へばる = to be exhausted, worn out
項垂れる(うなだれる) = to hang one’s head
平らげる(たいらげる) = to eat up completely
はしゃぐ = to make merry, frolic
ひがむ = to be jealous, envious; to have an inferiority complex
からかう = to tease, make fun of
張り切る(はりきる) = to be in high spirits, eager
ふるう = to muster, rouse up
グレる = to stray from the right path, go wrong
街並み(まちなみ) = townscape
生ぬるい(なまぬるい) = lukewarm; half-hearted, vague
偉そう(えらそう)な = self-important, pompous, conceited
生意気(なまいき)な = impertinent, cheeky, impudent
積極的(せっきょくてき)な = active, proactive
照れ臭い(てれくさい) = embarrassing, awkward
慎重(しんちょう)な = careful, prudent, deliberate
切ない(せつない) = painful, heartrending
甘辛(あまから)の = sweet and salty
得意気(とくいげ)な = proud, elated
恐る恐る(おそるおそる) = fearfully, timidly, gingerly
ドキマギ = flustered, embarrassed
ぼそっと = absent-mindedly, idly; in a whisper
しげしげと = frequently; fixedly, steadily
がっかり = to be disappointed, dejected; to feel exhausted
ズバリと = decisively, boldly, once and for all
ぼーっと = in a daze, vacantly
ウキウキ = cheerfully, buoyantly, in high spirits
たまたま = accidentally, by chance
ガバッと = all of a sudden, emphatically
ジメジメ = damp, humid, muggy; gloomy
じっとり = damp, moist (negative nuance)
ぼんやり = indistinctly, vaguely
トボトボ = totteringly, trudgingly
ほんのりと = slightly, faintly
胸(むね)を張る(はる) = to throw out one’s chest
当て(あて)にならない = unreliable, not to be counted on
〜まくる = to do over and over again; to do with reckless abandon
〜につれ = in accordance with
〜済み(ずみ) = arranged, taken care of 
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somacruising · 2 years
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I was initially going to upload these yesterday morning, but some personal life stuff came up and I had to delay it. Here is the Luke side of the skit released with the debut of his xMA \ Dual Mystic Arte with Asch. 
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Luke: Guy told me that you’re interested in Abyssman, Hubert. That true? ガイから聞いたぜ。ヒューバート、アビスマンに興味があるんだって?
Hubert: Guy, you didn’t have to…! …I’m just interested in trivia, that’s all. It’s not like I’m a fan of Abyss Red or— ガイさん、余計なことを……!……こほん、あくまで雑学として関心があるだけです。アビスレッドが好きだなんてぼくは一言も——
Luke: Abyss Red? Wow, Hubert, you actually know a lot about it. All I did was mention Abyssman. アビスレッド?なんだ。ヒューバート、意外と詳しいんだな。俺、アビスマンとしか言ってないのに。
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Hubert: …Tsk! Luke, you lured me into a trap. ……っ!はめましたね、ルークさん。
Luke: Whoa, that’s a scary face! That’s not what I was trying to do. But, I’m sorry if I offended you. My bad. 顔、こわっ!そんなつもりじゃねーよ。けど、気を悪くしたなら謝る。ごめんな。
Hubert: …No, I apologize for getting worked up. But if this information spreads around and reaches my brother’s ears, it’ll be troublesome… ……いえ、ぼくの方こそ熱くなってすみません。しかしこの話が広まって、兄さんたちの耳に入りでもしたら、面倒なことに……。
Luke: Do you have a problem with Asbel? About heroes? アスベルたちは嫌いなのか?ヒーローもの。
Hubert: I don’t think so. I simply don’t want to be treated like a child by people just because I happen to like tokusatsu superheroes. * 嫌いなわけではないと思いますがぼくが偶像ヒーローを好むことで、いたずらに子供扱いされるのはしゃくですからね。
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Luke: Ah, I think I know what you mean. I get it. あー、なんとなくわかる気がするよ。そういうの。
Hubert: By “I get it”, do you mean you understand what it’s like to be “treated like a child?” そういうの、とは『子供扱い』のことですか?
Luke: Oh yeah. I mean, what’s with the way people who act like big brothers treat everyone slightly younger than them like they’re little kids? そうそう。なんつーか、年上の兄貴風吹かせてくる奴って年下のことをすぐ子供扱いしてくるよな。
Hubert: Luke… It seems that we have an understanding. In your case, might I ask who is giving you this “big brother” vibe? ルークさん……。あなたとはわかり合えそうです。あなたの場合は一体誰が『兄貴風』を吹かせてくるんですか?
Luke: Ahh, well, Guy used to be the loudest, but lately it’s been Asch… I guess it might be because we pretended to be twins for a while. ああ、昔はガイがうるさかったんだけどよ、最近はアッシュがさー……。一時期双子のふりをしてたからなのかな。
Luke: Sometimes, I get pretty annoyed about how Asch’s lectures are starting to sound more like he’s my father than my brother. Or, well… 小言の内容がいちいち兄上っつーかむしろ父上っぽくなってきてムカつくことがあるっつーか。まあ、だけど……。
Hubert: …But, you don’t feel sorry at all? ……悪い気はしない、と?
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Luke: Exactly! You know exactly what I’m saying! Just what I’d expect from a fellow “little brother”! そうそう!俺の言いたいこと、よくわかったな!さすが『弟』仲間!
Hubert: …I understand. No matter how old I get, no matter what world I go to, I will always be his little brother. ……わかりますよ。きっと何歳になっても、どの世界に行ってもぼくは兄さんの弟なんでしょうね。
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Hubert: …Anyway, Luke. Didn’t you dress up as an Abyssman once? ……ところでルークさん。ルークさんもアビスマンの格好をしたんですか?
Luke: Oh yeah! I did! I’m Abyss Red. Guy is Abyss Orange, and Asch is Abyss Sil— ああ、したぜ!俺はアビスレッド。ガイはアビスオレンジで、たしかアッシュはアビスシル——
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    [ Asch enters ]
Asch: —I wondered where you’d wandering off to, and here you are, talking nonsense. ——どこをほっつき歩いているのかと思えばこんなところで無駄口を叩いているとはな。
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Luke: Why are you putting it like that!? It’s not like we’re gossiping or anything. Your name just came up. So, what do you want? なんだよ、その言い方は!つーか、噂をすればなんとやらだな。ちょうどアッシュの話をしてたんだ。で、なんか用か?
Asch: Were you born with sawdust for a brain? You’re on shopping duty today, Luke. And don’t you dare push it off on Guy! 貴様の頭の中にはおがくずでも入ってるのか?今日は貴様が買い出し当番だろうが。ガイに迷惑をかけるんじゃねえ!
Luke: Ah—oh, that’s right! Thanks for coming to get me. I’ll be right there. あ、いっけね!そうだった!呼びに来てくれてありがとな。すぐ行くよ。
Asch: Of course. If you’re late, the one who cooks will be in trouble this time. You need to start thinking ahead more! 当たり前だ。貴様が遅れると今度は料理当番の奴が困るんだからな。少しは先のことまで考えて行動しろ!
Hubert: …Luke, you’re completely right about him. ……ルークさんの言ったとおりですね。
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Luke: Hehe. Right? へへっ。だろ?
Asch: …What are you talking about? ……何の話だ。
Luke: It’s nothing. All right, I’m off to go shopping! 何でもない。じゃ、買い出しいってきまーす!
Asch: Listen up. Don’t take a detour, but make sure you still get back quickly. And don’t buy unnecessary food so you can eat it. Understand!? いいか。寄り道しないでさっさと帰ってこいよ。余計な買い食いはするな。わかったな!
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Hubert: …Fufu. Have a pleasant day, Luke. ……ふふっ。いってらっしゃい、ルークさん。
* Tokusatsu is a genre of Japanese live action film or television show that makes use of lots of practical effects. Hubert is a fan of shows that are like Power Rangers or Kaimen Rider. Abyssman is a nod to these types of shows.
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marusuaok · 3 months
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《あまりもの野菜とシーフードの塩麹炒め》(cook pad)参照
《くせになる!きゅうりのわさび漬け》(DELISH KITCHEN)30kcal
#男の手料理 #節約レシピ
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vegehana-food · 4 months
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✿ ブロッコリーのわさびマヨ和え
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Twin Rabbits Come and Play their Flute (Rabbit Rampage)
If you find a pair of twin rabbits
You mustn't chase them
For there's surely no Wonderland
In the hole they've jumped down
God decided on this rule
Where you lose your memories if you're reborn
If you don't
You'll start to break
そう パパとママのように
Yes, just like Papa and Mama
そう パパとママのように
Yes, just like Papa and Mama
The demon's flute starts to play
Only children who have no parents
その音 聞くことができる
Can hear its sound
We're sizing them up
Those with lonely hearts are our
If you're an ordinary child
You'll lose your worries and your memories
If you're our master, then you're our
ラヴィ!ラヴィ!ウサギ 来りて
Raviii! Raviii! Rabbits come
Raviii! Raviii! And play their flute
Raviii! Raviii! Twins come
Raviii! Raviii! And play their flute
ひび割れたガラスの小瓶 もう道は示さない
The cracked glass bottle no longer shows the way
影のパレード その行く先は誰も知らず
No one knows where the shadow parade will go
If you find a candy mansion
You mustn't be drawn in
For there are twin rabbits inside
Who carry along the dog cook's meals
Our master's determined to get a body
She needs as many candidates as she can get
This endless journey
Will continue
そう パパとママのように
Yes, just like Papa and Mama
そう パパとママのように
Yes, just like Papa and Mama
The demon's flute begins to play
Today again the restaurant's a success
As the rabbits carry out each dish
We're sizing them up
Those with wicked hearts are our
The guests keep eating their meals
And so we steadily fatten them up
It's eat or be eaten
One day you too will be a
ラヴィ!ラヴィ!ピエロ 来りて
Raviii! Raviii! Pierrot comes
Raviii! Raviii! And plays his flute
ラヴィ!ラヴィ!メイド 来りて
Raviii! Raviii! The maid comes
Raviii! Raviii! And plays her flute
この道がどこに続くか いまだにわからない
We still don't yet know where this path will lead
明けない月夜抄 辿り着けぬ僕らの家
In this Tale of an Endless Moonlit Night, we have yet to reach our home
All are enticed by the timbre of the flute
And so tonight as well we've got a full house
We're sizing them up
Superb ingredients are our
When they're engulfed by the scorching fires of hell
Tonight's dinner is complete
Our special for today is grilled meat
You are tonight's
ラヴィ!ラヴィ!ウサギ 来りて
Raviii! Raviii! Rabbits come
Raviii! Raviii! And play their flute
ラヴィ!ラヴィ!双子 来りて
Raviii! Raviii! Twins come
Raviii! Raviii! And play their flute
ラヴィ!ラヴィ!ピエロ 来りて
Raviii! Raviii! Pierrot comes
Raviii! Raviii! And plays his flute
ラヴィ!ラヴィ!メイド 来りて
Raviii! Raviii! The maid comes
Raviii! Raviii! And plays her flute
Wake up...Hänsel...
Evillious Chronicles
Crime and Punishment World
気が付いた時にいたのは あの森の真ん中
When we came to, we were in the middle of that forest
A Tale of Abandonment on a Moonlit Night
We'd always dreamed of this until now...
...Or so we dreamed
Arte Ente Conchita
Pollo Gnese Conchita
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four-loose-screws · 2 years
Could you possibly translate the Yuri/Ingrid ending in Azure Moon?
It seems English somewhat gutted the ending by making it seem like Yuri had to *convince* Dimitri to build orphanages in the slums, while machine translation (yes ik, not reliable) tells me it says Yuri worked with Dimitri to make it happen. Also English seems to have omitted the fact that Ingrid visited the slums to help out.
Could you potentially clear this up?
It's so unfortunate that I didn't get to answer this one sooner, because it's a good question! I love when even people who know little to no Japanese can pick up on when something seems to be off in localization, and do a basic investigation themselves! It's like you can tell, even without knowledge of the original Japanese, that a different writer dropped their own scene in the middle of someone else's story.
And no worries on using a machine translation for a rough idea - I gotta be fair and say that it's gotten way better over my years in the fan translation world. In particular I remember one day several years back, when I read that Google was revamping their Japanese translator, and when it went live... it was like flipping a light switch. In short, Google translate went from just translating word-by-word, to gaining an honestly impressive ability to understand longer phrases and some context.
Anyway, to the actual question at hand!
I don't have any notes to add, honestly. The machine translation gave you exactly the right impression. While sometimes a small factoid will have to be removed from a character ending in English due to word limits, this one did make those couple of distinct differences. I don't think they had to save space in this case, so it's anyone's guess as to exactly why.
And a note for context - these changes are only in the Azure Moon ending. The Ingrid / Yuri ending for the other routes is translated pretty directly.
See my translation, with the localization side-by-side, under the cut!
My Rough Translation:
Azure Moon
After the war, Ingrid flew home, went to the capital, and served as a knight to the royal family. Yuri, on the other hand, disappeared to the underworld of the western Kingdom, and after that, never once appeared on the front stage of history.
However, in the memoirs left behind by a certain knight of the Holy Kingdom, it was recorded that through communication with the King of Faerghus, Yuri worked tirelessly to found establishments such as medical clinics and orphanages; and to aid him, Ingrid visited the slums of the castle town on many occasions, and so on.
According to one rumor, after they left the frontlines, they opened and operated a post station* together, where the cooking was famous among a wide variety of people.
Yuri disappeared into the underworld of the western Kingdom and faded away into obscurity. The only account of him after that comes from a Kingdom knight's journal, uncovered many decades later, which tells of Yuri's efforts to win the king's support for an orphanage and medical clinic to be built in the slums of the castle town. It is believed that the journal belonged to Ingrid, who had declined to rule House Galatea in order to serve House Blaiddyd as a knight. According to local rumor, Ingrid eventually retired from knighthood to become the owner of an inn. There, it is said that she and the man she wrote about cooked dishes loved by rich and poor alike.
My Rough Translation:
Paths other than Azure Moon
Ingrid petitioned to inherit the Galatea territory, and became its new ruler. The eyes of the people on her, as one who had previously abandoned her house, were cold at first, but aside from her rule, everything progressed smoothly. She saw the people in the castle town, especially the lower class, side and cooperate with her ongoing policies. Knowing that, she went to the castle town, and there reunited with Yuri, who had unified the people living there.
With the people’s cooperation, the Galatea territory achieved steady development. It is said that what became the relaxation of its busy ruler was Yuri’s presence, who, with the people’s blessing had become her spouse, and the home cooking he made.
When Galatea territory was seized, Ingrid argued strongly for the preservation of its borders. Her request was granted, and she was appointed to rule. Though, since she had previously abandoned her noble house, she was not well accepted by the people. Despite this, she found that the commonfolk carried out her policies with unexpected enthusiasm and efficiency. She soon discovered that it was Yuri who had convinced them of her wisdom. The two were reunited and eventually married, and under their stewardship, Galatea territory flourished. It is said that, after a busy day of governance, Ingrid yearned for nothing more than a home-cooked meal prepared by her husband.
* See exactly what a ‘post station’ was in Japan here - link.
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Ukogi Rice (Cooking)
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At the beginning of spring, pick the sprouts of Eleuthero(ukogi) that have grown, chop them, and mix them with freshly cooked rice to eat. Eleuthero is a small shrub belonging to the Araliaceae family and a fellow of Ginseng. The bitter taste whets the appetite. During the Edo period in Japan, Yozan Uesugi, the feudal lord of Yonezawa, is famous for having eleuthero used as a hedge to prevent famine, and as food in times of emergency.
Sci: Eleutherococcus Maxim.
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chouhatsumimi · 2 years
Vocab from Yoru Cafe, vol. 2!
Fewer crafty words this time, but lots of onomatopoeia!
目の敵にする, 目の仇にする, 目のかたきにする めのかたきにする to hate the very sight of, to hold a grudge against, to treat like an enemy, to bear constant enmity, to be gunning for, to have it in for
じゅうじゅう, ジュージュー sizzling (of cooking meat, fish, etc.), frizzling
お高くとまる, お高く止まる, お高く留まる おたかくとまる to assume an air of importance, to be self-important, to put on airs / creerse por encima de los demás, darse aires, actuar ex-cátedra, hacerse el importante, mear colonia
じりじり, ジリジリ, ぢりぢり, ヂリヂリ slowly (but steadily), gradually, bit-by-bit, irritatedly, impatiently, scorchingly (of the sun), sizzling (i.e. sound of frying in oil), sound of a warning bell, alarm clock, etc., oozing out (oil, sweat, etc.), seeping out / acabarse la paciencia, avanzar lento pero sin pausa, ser implacables los rayos de sol, sonido de alarma del reloj
手際よく, 手際良く てぎわよく efficiently, skillfully, cleverly / hábilmente, eficazmente
繋ぎ つなぎ, ツナギ link, connection, tie, bond, contact, filler, stopgap (job, budget, etc.), thickener (e.g. in cooking), thickening, liaison, hedging, hedge, overalls, coveralls, boiler suit, intermission (in kabuki), interval
咄嗟に とっさに at once, right away, promptly, on the spur of the moment / al acto, al instante, al momento
臆する おくする to be hesitant, to feel timid / acobardarse, arredrarse, temer
吹きかける, 吹き掛ける, 吹掛ける ふきかける to blow upon, to breathe on, to spray, to pick (a fight), to force (unreasonable terms), to exaggerate, to overcharge
鈍感 どんかん thickheaded, insensitive, dull, thick-skinned / insensibilidad, impasibilidad, apatía
装う, 粧う よそう to serve, to dish up, to dish out, to dress (oneself in), to attire oneself in, to adorn, to decorate
物の ものの only ..., no more than ..., a matter of
育ち盛り そだちざかり growth period (in children) / crecimiento (niño, etc.)
調子者, 調子もの ちょうしもの person who gets easily elated (when praised, etc.), person who readily chimes in with others, person who gets carried away easily
立ち込める, 立ちこめる, 立ち籠める, 立込める たちこめる to hang over, to shroud, to enshroud, to envelop, to screen
うっとり, ウットリ ecstatically, spellbound, with rapt attention, abstractedly, absentmindedly, absorbedly, vacantly / estar encantado, contentísimo
ぼそっと, ボソッと, ボソっと, ぼさっと, ボサッと, ボサっと absent-mindedly, vacantly, idly, lazily, in a whisper
目がない, 目が無い めがない being extremely fond of, having a weakness for, being a sucker for, having no eye for, being a poor judge of, lacking insight, having no chance (of succeeding) / estar muy encariñado con, tener debilidad por, tener buen ojo para, no tener posibilidad
梔子, 巵子, 山梔子, 梔 くちなし, クチナシ, しし, さんしし Cape jasmine (Gardenia jasminoides), Cape jessamine, gardenia
どんより dark, gloomy, overcast, gray, heavy, leaden, dull, lackluster, glazed
矢先に やさきに just when (one is about to ...), just as, the very moment when, on the point of
ぞろぞろ, ゾロゾロ in a crowd, in droves, in a stream, in succession, crawling (of insects), swarming, dragging (e.g. along the ground), trailing, stretching out / en filas, arrastrando
たじたじ overwhelmed, recoiling, cringing
意味深 いみしん, いみぶか with profound (often hidden) meaning, pregnant with significance, meaningful, suggestive, interesting / con profundo (frecuentemente oculto) significado, ser sugestivo, significativo
蹌踉めく よろめく to stagger, to misconduct oneself, to have a love affair, to waver, to feel some inclination / tambalearse, bambolearse, caer (en una relación extramarital)
的中, 適中 てきちゅう hitting the target, striking home, proving to be right, coming true, being on the mark / dar justo en el blanco, acierto, atino
木べら, 木ベラ, 木箆 きべら, きベラ wooden spatula
中火 ちゅうび medium flame (cooking), medium heat, medium fire
書き足す かきたす to add to, to insert
萼 がく, うてな calyx / cáliz (de una flor)
合い挽き肉, 合挽き肉, 合いびき肉, 合挽肉 あいびきにく (mixture of) ground beef and pork
ぽろぽろ, ポロポロ in large drops / llorar a grandes lágrimas, a lagrimones, en migas, desmigado y seco
煮崩れ, 煮くずれ にくずれ falling apart while cooking
笊 ざる draining basket (traditionally made of bamboo), colander, strainer, sieve, something full of holes, zaru soba, strong drinker, someone who can drink like a fish
ブイヨン bouillon / caldo
ひらひら, ヒラヒラ fluttering, flapping, waving, flickering (light, flame, etc.), frill, piece of thin material / revoloteando, parpadeando
形見 かたみ memento (esp. of a deceased person), keepsake, heirloom, remembrance, souvenir / recuerdo (objeto), suvenir
紛らわす まぎらわす to divert, to distract
御河童, お河童 おかっぱ, オカッパ bobbed hair
もぐもぐ, もごもご mumbling, chewing one's words, chewing (food), squirming, wriggling
笑み えみ smile / sonrisa
早とちり はやとちり jumping to a wrong conclusion
カッと, かっと flaring up, burning hotly, suddenly becoming bright, flying into a rage, losing one's cool, opening suddenly and widely (e.g. eyes, mouth), acting resolutely
不束者, ふつつか者 ふつつかもの incompetent person, ignoramus
すっぽり, ずっぽり, ずっぽし entirely, completely, cleanly, snugly
あっけらかん quite indifferent, looking blank, looking as though one has nothing at all to do with what is going on
吸い寄せる, 吸寄せる すいよせる to draw in, to attract
クロックムッシュ, クロックムッシュー, クロック・ムッシュ, クロック・ムッシュー croque-monsieur
ダボダボ, だぼだぼ loose (of clothing), loose-fitting, plenty (of pouring a liquid), sloshing about (e.g. of water in one's stomach)
鏡台 きょうだい dresser / cómoda, tocador, vestidor
名目 めいもく, みょうもく name, title, appellation, (something) nominal, (under the) pretext (of), pretense / nominación, pretexto
大事, 大ごと おおごと serious matter, major incident, matter of grave concern, crisis / importante, valioso, asunto grave
げんなり, ゲンナリ to be weary, to be worn out, to be tired, to be fed up (with), to be sick of, to be dejected, to be dispirited, to be disheartened
こき使う, 扱き使う, 扱使う こきつかう to work (someone) hard, to push (someone) around
戯ける, 戲ける おどける, たわける to jest, to joke, to play the fool, to act indecently, to be silly over, to talk foolishly
見せびらかす みせびらかす to show off, to flaunt / lucir, presumir
ほくほく, ホクホク soft and flaky (pie, potatoes, squash, etc.), fluffy, crumbly, fresh-baked, fresh from the oven, being pleased with oneself, beaming happily, chuckling to oneself / caminar en silencio, desmenuzado, deshecho, cara de alegría, rostro risueño
頬張る, 頬ばる ほおばる, ほうばる to stuff one's cheeks, to fill one's mouth (with food)
先っぽ さきっぽ tip, end / punta, final (e.g. parte final)
ふっくら fully, luxuriantly, fluffy, plump, soft and full
炭火 すみび charcoal fire
熱々, 熱熱 あつあつ piping hot, scalding, madly in love, passionately in love
追い打ちをかける, 追い打ちを掛ける おいうちをかける to attack a routed enemy, to sink the boot into, to pour salt on a wound
黒焦げ, 黒こげ くろこげ charred, burnt black, scorched black
宥める なだめる to soothe, to calm, to pacify / calmar, apaciguar, seguirle la corriente a alguien
到頭 とうとう finally, at last, ultimately, in the end / después de todo, al final, finalmente
ぶつぶつ, ブツブツ grunt, grumble, complaint, mutter, pimples, spots, eruption, rash, cutting into small pieces, simmering / quejas, inconformidad
プリプリ, ぷりぷり, ぶりぶり angrily, in a huff, in anger, high on marijuana, tender (to chew) / estar enfadado, estar de mal humor
ぷりぷりして in an angry mood, in anger, angrily, in a huff
ぐいぐい, グイグイ without hesitation, with great optimism, vigorously, with great vigor, positively, (pushing or pulling) strongly, (drinking) heavily
うじうじ, ウジウジ irresolute, hesitant
素っ気ない, 素っ気無い, 素気ない, 素気無い そっけない cold, short, curt, blunt / frío, indiferente, apático, indolente, poco amable, rudo, brusco, breve, seco, lacónico, displicente, desabrido, soso, frío, seco, de trato frío, frío, indiferente, apático, indolente, poco amable, rudo, brusco, breve, seco, lacónico
淡々, 淡淡, 澹々, 澹澹 たんたん uninterested, unconcerned, indifferent, dispassionate, matter-of-fact, detached, plain, light, simple, bland, flowing gently / desinteresado, despreocupado, indiferente, franco
もやもや, モヤモヤ hazy, misty, foggy, murky, fuzzy, hazy feeling, uncertain feeling, feeling gloomy, feeling depressed, pent-up feelings, ill feeling / poco claro, vago, turbio, atontado, borroso, neblinoso, difuso, apasionarse, excitarse
しかめっ面, 顰めっ面 しかめっつら frown, scowl, grimace / mueca, gesto
尖った, 尖がった, 尖んがった とがった, とんがった pointed, sharp, sharp (e.g. voice), on edge (e.g. nerves), outstanding, cutting edge, superior
ムカムカ, むかむか feeling sick, feeling queasy, feeling nauseated, being angry, being offended, being disgusted / con náusea, con disgusto
合わさる, 合さる, 併さる あわさる to join, to be put together, to combine, to unite, to fit, to close (e.g. of a wound) / aunarse, acoplarse, armonizar
敢えて, 敢て あえて purposely (of something needless, unexpected or seemingly counterproductive, etc.), daringly (doing something), deliberately, intentionally, not necessarily, not particularly, not especially, definitely not / si me permito (hacer, decir)
靴底, 沓底 くつぞこ sole (of a shoe), sole (fish)
予鈴 よれい bell signalling that work, class, etc. will formally begin shortly, first bell, warning bell
血相を変える けっそうをかえる to change facial expression or color (due to anger, embarrassment, etc.)
持て余す, 持てあます, もて余す もてあます to be too much for one, to find unmanageable, to be beyond one's control, to not know what to do with / ser demasiado para uno, encontrar inmanejable, estar más allá del control de uno, no saber qué hacer con
上擦る, 上ずる うわずる to sound shrill (of a voice), to sound high-pitched and excited, to sound hollow, to get excited, to become restless, to be thrown too high, to come in high
取り柄, 取柄, 取りえ, 取り得, 取得 とりえ worth, merit, value, good point, redeeming feature, saving grace / virtud, cualidad
副音声 ふくおんせい second (supplementary) sound channel
沸々, 沸沸 ふつふつ simmer, bubble out, flow out
刺々, 刺刺 とげとげ, トゲトゲ sharply, harshly, stingingly
刺々しい, 刺刺しい とげとげしい sharp, harsh, stinging, thorny, snappy
立ちはだかる, 立ち開かる たちはだかる to stand in the way (esp. with legs spread out), to block the way, to stand in the way (e.g. of progress), to obstruct
すやすや (sleeping) peacefully, quietly, soundly / plácidamente
はけ口, 捌け口, さばけ口 はけぐち, さばけぐち outlet (e.g. for water or gas), market (for something), outlet (e.g. for excess energy), vent (e.g. for emotions)
叩く, 敲く たたく to strike, to clap, to knock, to beat, to tap, to pat, to play drums, to abuse, to bash, to flame (e.g. on the Internet), to insult, to consult, to sound out, to brag, to talk big, to call, to invoke (e.g. a function) / golpear, dar palmadas, desempolvar, tocar tambor, ofender, insultar
ゴタゴタ, ごたごた trouble, difficulties, dispute, quarrel, discord, dissension, confusion, disorder, mess, muddle / liado, confuso, embrollado, desordenado, en desavenencia, con disputa
言いよどむ, 言い淀む, 言淀む いいよどむ to hesitate to say / vacilar
思いを馳せる, 思いをはせる おもいをはせる to think about, to send one's heart out to, to give more than a passing thought to, to think of something far away, to think nostalgically upon (esp. one's hometown) / pensar en alguien lejano, traer a la mente recuerdos o pensamientos de alguien o algo lejano, añorar
追い返す, 追返す おいかえす to drive away, to turn away, to send away, to repel, to repulse / mandar de vuelta
バクバク, ばくばく thumping (heart), banging, pounding, racing
とぼとぼ totteringly, trudgingly / caminar sin ánimo, andar afligido, caminar con cansancio
かぶり付く, 噛り付く, 齧り付く, 齧りつく, かじり付く, 噛りつく かぶりつく, かじりつく to bite into, to sink one's teeth into, to stick to, to cling to, to hold on to / morder, aferrarse, agarrarse
曇らせる くもらせる to cloud, to make dim or dull, to frown
ポタポタ, ぽたぽた, ボタボタ, ぼたぼた, ぼとぼと, ボトボト, ポトポト, ぽとぽと dripping, trickling, drop by drop, in drops, wet and heavy (snow, clay, etc.), (moving) slowly / gotear constantemente, gordo, rollizo, sonido sordo al golpear algo, gotear, caer grandes gotas, gordo, rollizo, pesado, a gotas, goteando
プンプン, ぷんぷん (smelling) strongly, pungently, furiously, indignantly, fuming, in a huff / estar indignado, estar furioso
ぶるぶる, ブルブル trembling (with fear, anger, etc.), shivering (with cold), shaking, quivering / temblor, sacudida, temblar, afección, agitación
赤らめる, 赧らめる あからめる to blush, to redden / ponerse colorado, ruborizarse
かき鳴らす, 掻き鳴らす かきならす to thrum, to strum
思い立つ, 思いたつ おもいたつ to set one's mind on doing, to get the idea of doing, to make up one's mind / idear, planear, tener una ocurrencia
週明け, 週あけ しゅうあけ beginning of next week (usu. Monday), early next week
きんきん, キンキン shrill, strident, piercing, tinkling, metallic-sounding, sharp (pain, e.g. headache, earache), ice-cold, very cold / ruido metálico molesto, voz aguda y estridente, dolor agudo, punzada
くしゃくしゃ, クシャクシャ crumpled, rumpled, wrinkled, creased, tousled, disheveled, dishevelled, to be annoyed, to be irritated, to be upset, noisily (chewing) / arrugar, fruncir, rizar
鍵盤ハーモニカ けんばんハーモニカ melodica, pianica, blow-organ, keyboard harmonica
ボコボコ, ぼこぼこ, ポコポコ, ぽこぽこ with a burble, hollow (sounding), holey, full of holes or dents, lumpy, bumpy, viciously beating, hitting and kicking repeatedly, here and there, (sound of) walking slowly / que suena a hueco, burbujeante, espumoso, agujereado, abollado
音階 おんかい scale / escala musical
積む つむ to pile up, to stack, to load (car, ship, etc.), to pack, to acquire, to accumulate / intensificar, apilar
号令をかける, 号令を掛ける ごうれいをかける to give a command (e.g. in a loud voice), to give an order
頑な, 頑 かたくな obstinate, stubborn, mulish, die-hard, bigoted / obstinado, terco
揉みくちゃ, 揉み苦茶 もみくちゃ jostling, being jostled, being mobbed, (in a) crush, crumpling
突進 とっしん rush, charge
我武者羅 がむしゃら, ガムシャラ reckless, daredevil, frantic, foolhardy
放く こく to let loose (e.g. a fart), to utter (e.g. a lie), to do
調子こく ちょうしこく to be elated, to be excited, to be caught up in the moment, to be carried away, to get cocky
鉢合わせ, はち合わせ, 鉢合せ はちあわせ bumping of heads, running into, coming across, encountering
ふとした impulsive, unexpected, accidental, casual, inadvertent, on a whim
絃 げん string (of a shamisen, etc.), stringed instrument / cuerda (de instrumento musical)
鉄琴 てっきん metallophone, carillon, glockenspiel
せっせと diligently, assiduously, industriously, beavering away / con diligencia
強張る, 強ばる こわばる to stiffen, to become stiff / endurecerse, atiesarse
素振り, 素振 そぶり behavior, behaviour, manner, attitude, bearing
伴奏 ばんそう (musical) accompaniment
波打つ, 波うつ なみうつ to dash against (of waves), to billow, to roll, to wave (e.g. in the wind), to heave, to pound (of a heart), to undulate
耽る, 耽ける ふける to indulge in, to give oneself up to, to be obsessed by, to be engrossed in, to be lost in, to be absorbed in / abstraerse, enajenarse, extasiarse
いても立ってもいられない, 居ても立ってもいられない, 居ても立っても居られない いてもたってもいられない unable to contain oneself, itching to do something, cannot sit still / no poder parar quieto, estar nervioso, estar intranquilo, estar muy ansioso
駆け下りる, 駆け降りる, 駈け降りる, 駆下りる, 駆降りる, 駈降りる かけおりる to run down (stairs, etc.)
せめぎ合う, 鬩ぎ合う, 鬩ぎあう せめぎあう to fight each other
刻々, 刻刻 こっこく, こくこく moment by moment, hour by hour / momento a momento, hora a hora
甲斐がある, 甲斐が有る かいがある to be effective, to be fruitful, to be worthwhile, to be worth, to be rewarded, to pay off / merece la pena
出だし, 出出し, 出々し でだし start, beginning
変梃, 変てこ へんてこ, ヘンテコ strange, weird, odd, strange thing, strange person
サビ, さび hook (high point of a song), (at a sushi shop) wasabi
あたふた, アタフタ in a hurry, hastily, in feverish haste
締めくくる, 締め括る しめくくる to bring to a finish, to bind firmly, to superintend
濛々, 濛濛, 朦朦, 朦々 もうもう dense (e.g. fog, dust, etc.), thick, vague (as in being unable to think clearly), dim / ensombrecido por la niebla o el humo, distraído, despistado
愚痴る ぐちる, グチる to grumble, to gripe, to complain
書き下ろし, 書下ろし かきおろし writing something on commission, newly written text
If anyone ever wants a list to dump in a flashcard making program, I also have this list in an Excel sheet so I can grab just the Japanese very quickly, let me know and I can send you a copy!
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mikiton02 · 1 year
※★は「美しいがゾッとする感覚。」の両方か、片方の感覚の近さ Hanssen Karin(カリン・ハンセン)★★ 光と質感を極力抑え、立体とシルエットのみで描かれた作品が多い。この頃見た事がない印象を受ける。粘土の様な造形感がある
NIGEL COOKE(ナイジェル・クック)★★★★★ 美しさもあるが、なんだかよく分からない怖さ強め。結構感覚としては近いがややグロテスクすぎる。生首や石ころをモティーフに取り入れている作品が多い。
Gustav Kluge(グスタフ・クルーゲ)★★ 怖いと感じる。頭の大きな子供をモティーフにした作品が多い。色彩的には明るめだが起きてる事象がグロテスク気味。
MAXLIEBERMANN(マックス・リーバーマン)★★★★ 美しいと感じる。全体の作品は明るい風景作品(特に植物がある作品)が多い。モノをカタチとして捉えておらず、筆跡を強く残しボヤッと見るととてもリアリティのある風景を絵描いている。印象派?
LEVITAN(レビタン)★★★ 少しだけ怖くて美しい。風景作品がほとんどで、リアルな表現を追っている印象。光があまりなく、作品に少しだけ暗さがある。
DALI(ダリ)★★★★ 今で言うコラージュのような幾つかのものが画面に混在する作品が比較的多い。描写表現に空気感はあまりなく、美しいとはあまり思わないが、モノの混ざり方や造形表現が少し怖い。複数のものが混ざっている物事としてヒントがあるかもしれない。
Manet(モネ)★★★★ 比較的写実的なタッチと程よい筆跡で、空気感、立体感を表現している作品が多い。人や風景など作品は様々で、テーマとしては明るい作品が多いが、強い光が描かれることはほとんどなく、程よい暗さで重厚感があるのでその辺りに美しさは感じられる。
Millet(ミレー)★★★ 比較的写実的だがマネと違い、筆跡をあまり残さずコテコテした表現が多く、またライティングも強めで空気感が少ない。空気感の少なさはイタリア美術と似ている。絵のモティーフ選びからか、童話を感じさせる様な作品が多く比較的美しい。
アントニオロペス 作品資料不足 良さそうな作品が多いが、資料が少なく判断がつかない。
ANDREW WYETH(アンドリュー・ワイエス)★★★★ 美しい。水彩をベースとした空気感のある写実的描写が多く、筆跡や光での表現が殆どなく物思いに耽っている様な印象を受ける作品が多い。作品から切なさの様な死の香りがする為、美しくほんの少しだけ怖い。
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