crocgirl420 · 2 years
Meaghan Cophater what kind of planner would you recommend for someone who doesn't have a planner but would like one and/or would like to be a person with a planner
Honestly it depends on your schedule and your needs! I like the daydesigner brand at target and Erin Condren.
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msbriket · 3 years
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Thank you friendly neighborhood cophater
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xxmysweetsorrowsxx · 7 years
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2017 you have been so wonderful to me. Yes there have been some rough patches but just looking back over old photos and videos makes me remember how grateful I am for having this life <3 read more about learning ones own self awareness tonight at www.remigrowler.com. ...ps @mivbivncv you always drink like a boss. #props #loveyourself #loveyourlife #readmyblogbitches #remigrowler #vegas20162017 #wine #Germansarecrazy #dancingbuddy #cophat #goodtimes
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usatoday24x7 · 7 years
Hollywood Director Courts Cop-Hater Colin Kaepernick for Project
Hollywood Director Courts Cop-Hater Colin Kaepernick for Project
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Hollywood Director Courts Cop-Hater Colin Kaepernick for Project November 26, 2017 by Jim Hoft As if we didn’t have enough reason to hate the anti-American degeneracy in Hollywood. Hollywood is courting anti-Cop,…
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Sorry i havent been active here but guess i need to clarify this looking at my notifs!
Go fuck yourself if you 'back the blue' this is a cophating space, acab bitch
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pinkprettycure · 7 years
Patraranger knows im a cophater and that lupinranger is skinny so theyre trying to temp me by showing me a round boy and a cool black dude and its working but lupinranger is still skinny
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"The anti-discrimination discrimination argument”
First of all I want to get a few things out of the way..I’m not an idiot... Ok now here’s the deal...
“Black people are disproportionately the targets of police brutality and systemic racism”
Let's get one thing straight. This isn't a "hard question" People who say that are giving credibility to the deceit and half truth of it. It's a derailer statement followed by a false conclusion portrayed as fact. The falsely portrayed fact being that our country is full of systemic racism and racist police who, according to the Democrat party, make it dangerous for any black person to leave their house.
A lot of black lives matter tools will throw around the terms "disproportionate black death's by police" followed by "systemic racism" and despite the fact that you know that the picture of systemic racism is greatly over-exaggerated and that the "why" of disporportionate black deaths is a complex answer which you could spend hours on, debating all of the reasons behind that being true...and all the reasons why it doesn't make black people the only ones deserving justice.
 In our country EVERY life matters, not just black people who commit a disproportionately larger amount of violent crimes and cop killings. Every unjust death, unfair target and victim of excessive force matters...(of which I am one too, luckily, i lived to tell the tale!)..lol Just kidding! not the unjust death just the excessive force part...(hey just smack me in the head I am kind of a smartass sometimes!)
I blame the disproportionate amount of blacks killed by police on 2 things.1- The disproportionate amount of violent crimes perpetrated by the African American community and 2- on a more defiant attitude towards police than any other demographic, which has been on full display in the last few months. In my own personal experience I have been a victim of mostly black perpetrated crimes. I have never bullied or attacked or ratted out a black person in my entire life and I never will... Second is the attitude bullying defiant belligerent..a lack of respect in general..confrontational and hostile..pack.. gang mentality... which is essentially what black lives matter is..one big black power gang. They promote an attitude of blaming police and white supremacy for systemic racism, life destroying discrimination and for racistly targeting them for more police brutality than others all the while ACTUALLY ruining the lives of anyone who would dare speak out against their movement by making statements like "All Lives Matter". Well despite being a disproportionately small percentage of the population blacks also just happen to commit a disproportionately large share of cop killings..They commit disproportionately larger amounts of all violent crimes for their population than any other race. This coupled with a fostered greater cultural attitude of defiance and hostility towards the police lead to more police brutality incidents and murders. The truth of the matter is that attitude of non compliance and defiance of the police rooted in a greater failure to show any respect to police escalates sitautions like gasoline thrown on a fire when you combine it with an equally flawed police authoritarian "obey me" attitude. Black lives matter tells people who are defiant towards police that they are right to be..What society essentially did is act as an enabler to all black people who are hostile towards police and breed an entire generation of and recruit many many more to cophaters and white people haters..The attitudes towards police will certainly persist through any changes in police protocol to prevent brutality. So by making it about racism instead of about police brutality..we have taken the demographic who are the biggest part of the problem attitude wise and enabled them to be even more defiant and hostile..it won't end with good legislation..like the coronavirus this may be the new hellish normal in our country.This is why it makes me angry when people go around crying "disproportionate deaths...systemic racism..racist police" It creates an entitled beligerence that won't soon cease to color future interactions between law enforcement and african americans. By failing to define the problem as having two parties to blame. You have enabled the bad acting of one while expecting the other to exercise even more restraint and be the sole one held responsible by society. This ironically is a lot like another large group that experience disproportionate amounts of death among the white population. Mental health diagnosed people. The credible abuser blames the mental health diagnosed person, has them committed without a fair trial..forces them to be on drugs and then continues their abusive treatment of the mental health patient which has essentially been enabled by the psychiatric community. There are two sides to every story and a wise man knows that where there is a problem often both parties share the blame and both parties need to change to properly resovle the situation. That is what needs to happen with police and african american people. Both sides need to make changes.
Shockingly  HALF of police shootings involve people with mental illness! The difference in risk comparing mentally ill white to other whites is greater than the difference in risk between whites nad blacks! Many times wellness checks are called on these people and are not handled properly by police who only escalate the situation. There needs to be changes in protocol and involvement of actual mental health advocates on the scene. Police not only don't know how to handle people like this. They almost always escalate the situation. Remember this slogan...We always have more time to save a life...How many lives would be saved by slowing crisis situations down? Incorporating mental health people and a mental health advocate for the person as a first line communication and police only as a back up in dangerous scenarios.
We have data on a total of 2,699 fatal police killings for the years 2013 to 2015. This is 1,333 more killings by police than is provided by the FBI data on justifiable police homicides. When either the violent crime rate or the demographics of a city are accounted for, we find that white police officers are not significantly more likely to kill a black suspect. For the estimates where we know the race of the officer who killed the suspect, the ratio of the rate that blacks are killed by black versus white officers is large — ranging from 3 to 5 times larger. However, because the media may under report the officer’s race when black officers are involved, other results that account for the fact that a disproportionate number of the unknown race officers may be more reliable.
Bottom line with this is..how can you claim systemic racism by police when black police kill black people as often or more often than white people?!!! Another fun fact...more police officer are killed by blacks than black people are killed by police...Of course you aren't going to see a worldwide outrage over their death. After all they're only police officers who risk their lives to keep the country safe. In all likelihood these officers who are killed are not the type of bad actor police BLM movement is making the general case against (and neither are 90% of the officers involved in the high profile cases in the media today). The truth is that in cases like Jacob Blake the victim was not being profiled or targeted racistly and it was the black girlfriend allegedly being sexually assaulted who called the police after which the police treated Blake no different than a white man. The excessive amount of times he shot him was yes extremely out of line and not even 1% motivated by the cop being “racist” The cop who choked George Floyd did not do it because he had racist anger at Floyd! He was just a bad cop. Another common denominator in all these incidents is the suspect trying to taze, shoot or possibly stab the police.
The sad fact is that they are propogating an untrue narrative about these incidents and politicizing these poor people's deaths. I mean seriously! Were the officers that killed George Floyd flashing clan signs? Did the officer have any history at all of white supremacist ties? How is George Robinson's death any less important than George Floyd's? I'll tell you how..he doesnt support their sick politicizing of tragedy. The party that supports their reverse racism movement not too ironically just had a nomination event full of the same politicizing tragedy tactics.
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duckbehindthewheel · 5 years
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I try so fucking hard to appease Instagram's shit cropping & it never pans out like I need it to. Anyway, the last of the How to Get A Head Cast, the three remaining Full House Bandits, as the Tres Horny Boys! That's Spala the Ace as Magnus, the ever fabulous but insane Q as Taako, and the tiny crackhead Dot as...the tiny crackhead Merle. It isn't rocket science. These guys never showed up in the comic, but they existed, & were part of that five-man crew led by Dice & Vegas. They have their own misadventures in Crown City, where all the object heads live. They're often foiled by the relentless officer Cophat. I do want to return to their story someday. LINKS: HTTPS://www.patreon.com/jackmcalisterart ko-fi.com/jackmcalisterart TAGS: #jackdraws #HowtoGetAHeadComic #HowtoGetAHeadinlife #q #spala #dot #treshornyboys #theadventurezone #tazbalance #theadventurezonebalance #magnusburnsides #taakothewizard #taakotaaco #merlehighchurch #fullhousebandits #objecthead #halloweencostume #happyhalloween #halloween #originalcharacter #inktober #inktober2019 #lazyinktober #cartoons #cartooning #penandink #inkandpaint #artistsofinstagram #artistoninstagram #instaart https://www.instagram.com/p/B4GWTuvAT7k/?igshid=ieecximplpha
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xanaxforthepanix · 6 years
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paraphraze615 · 7 years
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Basically. #CopHater #Police #Cops #CopsBeLike #PoliceBeLike #PoliceMisconduct #PoliceBrutality #LawEnforcement #CrookedCops #CrookedOfficer #BlueLivesMurder #BlueLiesMatter #BlueLivesMatter #PoliceAccountability #PoliceCorruption #PoliceCriminality
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theflesheater · 8 years
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la fleuj 2010
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