#copiesofher / leah clearwater
aworldofyou · 3 years
Wanahton, would likely dance grass: [ link ] [ link cause we gotta appreciate old style and he would learn from Akichita ] Leah Clearwater would likely be Jingle: [ link ] , [ link for contemporary cause she would know  both ] Sean Wanahton, as a baby, cause he would love to be like his daddy: [ link ] John Junior Wanahton, a baby fancy dancer: [ link ] Daisy Wanahton, their baby girl would be a fancy shawl dancer: [ link ]
And of course, Harriet Clearwater-Wanahton, would jingle just like her mom: [ link ]
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duskwolf · 3 years
@copiesofme SENT : He’s got her in the baby sling - insistent to carry her no matter where they went. So with their approach back to the Uley house - the visiting of the family that brought them back to introduce their new addition to the rest of the family. Aunts, cousins, uncles and grandpas alike. John watches Jacob’s linger and then turns toward him, undoing the clips fastening their little girl to his chest ‘you want to meet our little grumpy devil?’ He turns her, kicking and making small noises of exciting laughter as he does, and lifts her toward Jacob. ‘Here is little Harry.’ / UNPROMPTED PROMPTS *
   “Yeah,” he beamed, stepping forward the moment the invitation was extended. He had to meet her, the newest member of the family. Because John and Leah ... They weren’t just his friends, but his pack, his family. And now so we was. Harry. The moment he laid eyes on her everything he could possibly feel in the same moment stirred like a storm in his chest. She was so tiny, so adorable, so alive. The emotion whipped through him unexpectedly. It welled in his eyes too, though tears did not yet spill down his cheeks. His smile was bright but flickering with everything he felt, expression compromised by sudden and overwhelming love. The joy he felt at seeing the little girl for the first time, the joy for her parents who brought her into this world. How happy they were, how happy this new little family was. But there was sorrow too. Sorrow, knowing how much Harry Clearwater would have loved to be there to see his daughter become a mother of her own, how wonderful he would have been as a grandfather. 
   But the man was there in spirit. Jacob knew it. He could feel it. He could see him in his granddaughter’s eyes.
   The bubble of noise that came from her, so joyful and delightful, warmed his heart to its center. He took her from her father as the man passed her over, nestling her in the crook of one arm. She was warm, and had that strange but wonderful smell, and his whole body relaxed and curled around her, an additional barrier of protection made between her and the rest of the world. 
   No one’s gonna hurt you as long as your daddy and I are around.
   “You have a very good name, Harry,” Jacob said when he could trust himself to talk, his voice coming out strong as he stooped a little to put a finger instinctively in one of the tiny hands that were sporadically gripping themselves into fists. “I’m your uncle. Uncle Jay, or whatever you want to call me. I’m real glad you’re here.”
@copiesofher gets a tag as well <3
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aworldofyou · 3 years
Wanahton to Leah, easily: if anyone can kick my ass it’s you.
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aworldofyou · 3 years
       He was happy she came back at all. There was no telling what would have happened, where she would have went, after she fled off into the night the day they lost Seth. The weeks had passed by like years and the healing process itself had slowed with John’s unwillingness to take his mind off the worries of Leah’s disappearance. Jacob was long gone with that little tic child, the one that they had all fought to protect - and through all their troubles. Through Seth dying, they hadn’t received a single ounce of gratitude. And here they were, preparing for their own end of this conflict, picking up the pieces after the remnants of the Cullen family had scattered to the wind to stand up against the Volturi.
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       “I told you it was fine.” He starts, seeing that expression flash across her features, feeling guilt twist in his gut for her to see the gaping scar of missing flesh in his healing arm. Wolves tearing into other wolves, always left the recipient to slower healing. Granted it was still quick by normal standards; but slow when compared to other injuries from other creatures. John himself was almost completely healed after the fight, now there was only his arm and the scars that remained would always be a reminder of that failed attempt in reaching through to Leah. “I’ve been doing it myself this whole time, I can do it a little more.” He finishes as he holds still, unmoving as she begins applying the new dressing to his forearm.
        @copiesofher​ / Leah Clearwater, asked for a starter from Wan’s twilight verse.
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aworldofyou · 3 years
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         He slides his hand along hers, the day was fast approaching when he had to return to his own to tell him of what had happened here, what he had seen, and what might come of this. John would also have to share with them that he had found his mate, the woman that would be his forever - he had come with the promise of war, and had imprinted and found a symbol of love. Now as he interlocks his fingers through hers, he feels his heart grow heavy with the prospect of leaving - despite promising he would come back to Leah as soon as he could.
         “You could come with me,” he starts, lifting her hand up so he can press a tender kiss against her knuckles then turns his eye back to her. “You could leave all of this, and just come with me.”
        @copiesofher​ / Leah Clearwater.         random small starter cause he’s feeling mushy.
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aworldofyou · 3 years
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Rose tinted. Wan. 8] childhood memories / @copiesofher​
         “Once when I was little, my sister came to me.” the little look to Leah with the interlock of his fingers together. “You haven’t met her yet, but you will don’t worry. But I was sleeping, it was late.” His eye drifts form her as his gaze wanders forward. “I was excited to see her, she had been gone for so long - always busy and always taken off by the others then. I hadn’t realized what exactly was going on behind the scenes - not for many years later. But that night was different, that air was heavy. I could see the stress in her eye, I could see that she had bruises on her face, and the limp in her walk. But she kept telling me things were alright, that I didn’t need to worry about anything. Then she turned on one of my favorite movies on my little tv and sat with me. I remember being so excited because here my sister was, asking me all these questions about my favorite movies, and my favorite music, how school was going. It was the ultimate hang out night, I thought. Just me and my big sister, making up for all the time she was gone.”
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          His hands part briefly in a questioning gesture before he sits up and then rests his hand along his own thigh. “I realized years later, that she came to me because she didn’t want me to see something. I learned, after, that our mom was dying in the kitchen. Bleeding out on the dining table because a group of leeches had tried to attack the pack at it’s heart. She came to me to protect me from seeing something I could never forget...” He sniffs and then moves to hold her eye, a small smile offered then. Falling silent for a moment before he finishes his story. “Turns out, as they found out, they only made us angry.”
          “It was mom getting hurt that turned my sister.”
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aworldofyou · 3 years
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           Would it have been easier to go around? Surely. But that was not the reasoning as to why long fast strides had her going past those reservation lines. The boundaries that the wolves had called their own, she wasn’t worried - no not when she knew that she could outrun them. Not when she knew that she wouldn’t be on this side of the lines for long; these wolves were ghastly creatures. All brute, all feral ferocity and not a single ounce of viable thought in them. Animalistic virtues were never her thing, nor had she an inclination toward keeping this pitiful sort of lifestyle where these poor excuses for vampires lived in squalor. 
            No she would shun her exile or die trying.
             And just on time, no sooner did she pass that boundary there came the snarling snap of teeth that followed when one fell right behind her. Oh, oh she knew this one didn’t she.
             This was going to be fun.
          @copiesofher​  /  Leah Clearwater, I left it vague as hell because this is just, a starter for our fight. cause yes, we love character conflict.
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aworldofyou · 3 years
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      Between Leah Clearwater who is 5′10 (only 2 inches short than him), who literally flexed on him and very much commands the household, Anne Bonny who is 5′0-5′1,but is a ball of fire and fights everything, and Antoinetta Marie who is a literal blood thirsty assassin who is very dedicated to her murder religion.
      Wanathon has a soul deep appreciation for angry women who can kick his ass.
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aworldofyou · 3 years
Appreciative moment for the fact that Leah and Wanahton are a tol couple. Between Wan being at 6’1, and Leah being at 5’10.
…. Tol.. couple.
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aworldofyou · 3 years
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all of them for leah and Wan. Lay them on me xoxox A MEME ASKING FOR THINGS / @copiesofher​
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HEADCANON ME: Leah Clearwater & John Wanahton
The little wolf stuffed animal with the heart shaped nose? is the first toy that their daughter Harriet ever has. Because hours after she is born, John brings it in to put with her in her area in the hospital, or little bed. And it’s something that is always with her after that.
Harriet takes a shine to the squeak monkey some time after when she’s almost one year old because she discovered that it squeaked.
John and Leah bring Harriet often to visit Sue, in the case that Leah leaves with John and Sue doesn’t come with them.
In the AU in which John dies, Akichita takes Leah into his place back in their original home and hands her the keys an tells Leah that John would have brought her here, to thrive with their baby. Literally everything that is John’s? Becomes Leah’s.
Okay but we talked about all three verses in which either one die, or they both live, or both die. But have YOU considered a verse in which Leah thrives as that vampire hunter once the all our species war is declared on the vampire?
Hannah, I’m REALLY in love with the verses we already developed with them are you REALLY gonna put me on the spot.
we need more aus.
Wanahton says more children.
Romantic, in that realistic way where couples bicker and have arguments and in the case of wolves had small nippy bites at each other. OH WAIT-
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aworldofyou · 3 years
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“Fuck your white knight act! I didn’t need you to save me!” - from leah @copiesofher​ wants pain.
        “You would have died!” He retort comes just as quickly, he knew she felt guilt over what had happened. What she did in her grief. It wasn’t her fault, and time and time again he had tried to show her. Share that he knew that she was going to bite him, expected it even, and that he hadn’t cared at the time either. He had just wanted her to know that she wasn’t alone, she would never be alone. But alas he always felt that spike of guilt pour from her anytime time she saw his arm, anytime his shirt was slipped from his shoulders. And in some ways he saw mentions of Sam, of Emily, and the way that he had hurt her too.
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         “Leah,” he starts again. “You don’t have to punish yourself like this with these thoughts. I know you are because I feel it too okay. You are my pack now. I feel it all, everything longing, every reminder of Seth, every imaginging you have of letting yourself fall. And I will tell you right now, Leah. Seth’s death wasn’t your fault, and he wouldn’t want you blaming yourself.” And then he comes up to her again, hands lining along her jaw to pull her eyes up to meet his. “You don’t deserve to die in his place, and I will never regret saving you. Never. You could rip me apart from the inside out, tear me to shreds, and pull my flesh from my bones. And you know what Leah?” He holds her tightly, not too hard but enough to keep her focused on him. “I would only reach into these ribs and pull my heart out with my own hands and give it to you. Because I love you, entirely and completely, and I am not going anywhere. Not now, not ever. And you won’t suffer this alone, not while I breathe.”
          And then he says it one more time, softer now, in case she did not hear him the first time. In case she did not feel the warmth of affection pool from his chest and the heartache that twisted in his belly for her pain. One more time, for his grieving beloved: “I love you.”
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aworldofyou · 3 years
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         Leans over and presses a kiss on Leah’s cheek, and before she can look he ducks behind her and presses a kiss onto her other cheek. Then quickly he slides his arms around her and moves his head forward just to press kiss at the back of her neck.
         “hey you.” John turns now, molded entirely to her back, and then rests his chin on her shoulder. “I love you.”     /    @copiesofher​ - Leah Clearwater
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aworldofyou · 3 years
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       “That’s hot.”
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aworldofyou · 3 years
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Leah, wiggling her butt at him @copiesofher​ / leah is being norty.
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       Wanahton, watching her roll her hips and wiggle her bottom at him. He’s watching still, and it takes a moment or two before he realizes she was doing this on purpose.
        He grabs her butt. And press himself against her.
        “You, are teasing me.”
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aworldofyou · 3 years
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👥 leah and wan @copiesofher​  / headcanons between our muses - accepting
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The second John got home the first person he told in person was Andrea. Thought it mattered little because the second he got into range everyone knew exactly what had happened and who Leah was. He just needed his time with his sister and to enjoy the fact that he found his someone.
It’s not until Leah is pregnant with their second baby that it occurs to him that he should probably ask her to marry him. When he does ask her, it’s a night of him spoiling her. He takes Harry and tiny Seth to hang out with Grandma Sue (or Grandpa Rick depending on where they are). Then he takes her for a drive to her favorite place, or the place they shared their first kiss. And as they’re talking he asks her to marry him. When she says yes he brings her back and cooks her, her favorite meal. (or takes her out to her favorite place, the choice is hers.)
In the verse where John dies, at some point if Leah puts her hand into his jacket pocket (the one he wore all the time), she would find the wedding ring stowed away - it would also occur to her before the big battle happened in Breaking Dawn, she would catch him staring at her with this hands tucked into these very pockets. It would occur to her that he was building up to nerve or searching for the right moment ot ask her to marry him.
Everyone should know that in wolf form, that while their Daughter Harry looks every bit like Leah? In wolf form she is a mini-Wanahton.
Before they had their first kiss there is a moment where Wanahton holds his hand to hers, palm to palm, and he smiles and says something along the lines of ‘look-.. a perfect match.. it’s like my hand was made to hold yours.’ to which he will interlock his fingers through hers. Might even kiss her hand too while he’s at it.
 John has learned his lesson with Harriet, he doesn’t leave the state when she’s pregnant again and stays until the babies are born. Which gives him a perfect excuse to make a family trip back to introduce his babies to everyone again.
Andrea visits a lot, and she brings her two boys on one of these trips to introduce them to their new Auntie Leah. James is 12, and the other is Henry, who is 16.
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aworldofyou · 3 years
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Leah giving Wan a little nip on the cheek on the way past. With her teeth. She chomped him. Monch. @copiesofher​ / woW r00d 
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       When she moves against him, he thought she was going to give him a kiss on the cheek. Nope, instead she saw fit to mold against him on the way past just to give his face a good long nip. He stares. Then reaches to grab at her hips on her retreat and tries despite expecting to miss.
        And miss he does, so John steps forward again to send his palm right into her butt.
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