#cordonian nights
tessa-liam · 9 months
Turning the Page  
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Now and Then
 - Chapter 9-
Choices, The Royal Romance, AU 
Series Premise: As Riley Brooks journeys through life as a single parent in New York City, an epiphany strikes as she contemplates the future for herself and her two-year-old son. 
Turning the Page Series Masterlist 
Main Pairing: Liam Rys x F!OC Riley Brooks 
All characters belong to Pixelberry Studios, except William Brooks (Rys) and Matteo Magro, who belongs to this series. 
Category: On-going series, contains angst/fluff/depression. Cross-over fic with Choices, Perfect Match. 
Rating: M🔞Warnings - Series will contain crude language, NSFW material – not Beta’d - please excuse all errors. 
Words: 2498
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Now and Then – 9 
Chapter Summary: Riley and William arrive in Cordonia 
Title & Music Inspiration: 
Now and Then, The Beatles                                       
When You Love Someone, Gretchen Peters, Bryan Adams 
Wherever You Will Go, The Calling 
A/N1: In this alternate universe, after King Constantine orchestrates two individual scandals to humiliate and entrap Riley Brooks and Olivia Nevrakis in shame, Madeleine Amaranth secures her position as the Queen of Cordonia. Riley, as the King’s mistress and Olivia, in self-imposed exile. Tariq is never found.  
A/N2: My submission for @choicesflashfics, Week#67, prompt #1 - “Nothing could ever change how I feel about you.” 
A/N3: My submission for @choicesjanuary2024, prompt Day 25 - ‘Remembrance’ #choices monthly challenge @lilyoffandoms #choicesjanuary2024 
A/N4: Damien Nazario has been assigned as William’s personal bodyguard. 
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In Flight, Cordonian Royal Jet, above the Mediterranean Sea 
Looking out over the vast expanse of water below her, and under the clear blue skies above the Mediterranean Sea, no clouds were in sight ... not a white cloud, nor a black cloud. 
Riley gazed out the large passenger window of the private jet, in solace, with her memories. Everything felt calm; almost too calm. The flight from New York to Cordonia was eight hours in duration, and even though they left early in the morning, they would not arrive at the palace until late in the evening with the change in time zones. 
Trying to and not getting any rest, her thoughts returned to the events over the holidays.
...Remembering when Liam arrived at her door, in New York on Christmas Eve, a short week ago. The expression of elation on his face as she opened the door for him... 
[‘Hello, my love,’ he tenderly smiled; He was standing there with an exquisite bouquet of long-stemmed red roses, as uniformed delivery drivers from the toy store waited patiently at a distance behind him, as the Royal guard performed a security check.��
Liam stepped over the threshold, leaning down to draw her in for a kiss on the cheek, as she accepted his gift. ‘Oh Li, these are gorgeous; thank you so much.’ 
At Bastien’s prompt, the delivery people entered the brownstone with prewrapped gifts and placed them under the Christmas tree, also filling the extra space in the living room very quickly. 
Chuckling, Riley watched as Liam thanked them with a generous tip, as he closed the door after them. 
“Our son will be so thrilled at what Santa brought him; wait till he wakes up tomorrow.”  
Liam laughed, moving quickly to put his arm around her, pulling her to his side. “Who says all these gifts are just for him? Hmmm?” Riley turned her head towards him, as Liam bent to capture her lips in a passion-fueled kiss. 
“Ah yes, your gift is right here.” Liam slipped his hand inside his coat to reveal a small box, wrapped in gold with a red ribbon. “This is for you.”} 
Riley breathed out, shaking her head. 
...Remembering wanting him so badly that evening ...as he kissed her forehead to say ‘good night’ before turning to the guest room; Leaving her feeling so confused, once again. 
...Remembering how excited LiLi was when he saw his father again Christmas morning ... and the look of pure joy in Liam’s expression as he watched his son blissfully playing with his new toys. 
...Remembering the look of adoration between Liam and his son; a private and sacred bond established between the two ... a bond only meant for them. 
Riley looked down at her phone and smiled fondly at the picture of William. He was proudly standing beside his gingerbread house gift for Liam, alongside Daniel and Matteo, to smile at the camera. Riley marveled at how unequivocally her son loved his father, so quickly. As if two loose puzzle pieces finally clicked into place. There was never a doubt in her mind that William needed to be wherever his father was. The connection between father and son was undeniable. 
...and with those thoughts, she agreed to return to Cordonia.  
And now, she found herself on the Royal jet headed back, leaving behind her New York world for the place that shattered her ‘happily ever after,’ again. 
Liam, being the new, ever-doting father was pointing out to his son the shores of Cordonia through the window. She saw the look of marvel in Liam’s eyes, as he watched his son’s reaction to seeing Cordonia for the very first time. They were sitting in seats across the aisle from her as she glanced over. 
Catching Riley’s eye, Liam responded with a wink and a smile. 
"Welcome home, love." 
Riley smiled in return, as her heart skipped a beat. 
It had been a while since she had felt this way about Cordonia. Another lifetime; so much has changed, and yet remained the same. 
Damien Nazario, the Interpol agent who was now permanently assigned to be William Rys's personal bodyguard, was reviewing the Crown prince's dossier, and his duties to the Cordonian crown, his new employer. Bastien took a seat beside the young agent to answer any questions he may have, as head of the Royal guard, at the rear of the plane's cabin. 
"So, Damien, any questions for me?" 
"No, sir. I believe I have a handle on the situation.” 
"Good, because you are now the official head of the security detail for Prince William, the future king of Cordonia." 
"Understood, sir.” Damien was well aware of the complexity of a constitutional monarchy. 
"Now, there's one more thing I need to discuss with you,” Bastien eyed the young agent. 
"Yes, sir?" 
"Madeleine Amaranth, the former queen of Cordonia. I have forwarded her updated dossier to you." 
"Yes, I've read it through.” Damien paused, waiting for more information. 
"Good, because she has expressed malicious intent towards Prince William and Lady Riley, should they return to Cordonia." 
"Understood. I'll ensure her movements are tracked and reported inside and out of the country, sir." 
"Thank you, Damien.” 
"My pleasure, sir.” 
Bastien, looking pleased, leaned back in his chair, checking the time on his watch, as he felt the plane begin its descent. 
Cordonia, Capital 
The jet touched down smoothly on the tarmac, as the engines powered down. The cabin door opened, and the stairs were lowered. 
Riley could feel the warm breeze blow past her as she stepped off the plane. 
Taking a deep breath, Riley looked around. The air was different here. It was fresh and clean. She closed her eyes and let the wind brush her cheeks. 
Liam followed, with William sleeping in his arms.  
"Is everything alright, love?" Liam’s brows were raised in concern, noticing her hesitation. 
"Yes, I'm just taking it all in." Riley, looked down, unable to keep eye contact. 
"Are you sure, Riley? You've been very quiet throughout the entire flight home." 
"I'm fine, Liam. It is just a lot to process. I'm just a little overwhelmed." 
"All right, I understand. Let us get to the palace, so you and William can get settled and rest ... okay?" 
"Yes, thank you, Liam." 
Liam glanced over at Riley with concern as he personally buckled his son into the car seat. It was quite easy for him to see and feel the apprehension in her mood. She could not hide her emotions from him as well as she always thought she could.
Riley had remained noticeably quiet during the ride to the palace as well, looking out at the passing countryside. Liam could not help but wonder if she was having second thoughts about returning to Cordonia, and/or to him. 
As they pulled up to the palace gates, Liam looked over at Riley, noticing a small smile on her face. 
"What is it, love?" Liam spoke softly, reaching for her hand. 
Riley returned his touch with a squeeze. "This place...it's beautiful." 
"Thank you, that, it is. Welcome home." 
“William will be so excited when he wakes up.” Riley glanced at a still sleeping William as the SUV slowed to a stop. 
"I can't begin to tell you how much it means to me.... to have you both here." Liam confessed. 
"You're welcome, Liam. It's the least I can do."  
Liam's heart sank at her words. He hated the distance between them. He wanted to take her in his arms and make everything right, but, for right now, he knew that was not the best strategy. 
He had to accept that things had changed, and their relationship was different now. He had to be patient and give Riley the space she needed. 
But he also had to make her see how important she was to him. He had to show her how much he had missed her ... that he wanted a future with her and William in Cordonia. 
As the SUV door opened for her, Riley felt a sense of Deja vu. This was where she had started her journey with Liam in Cordonia all those years ago. And now, here she was, back again. 
"Do you want me to take you and William to the guest wing, or do you want to stay in my chambers?" 
"I would like to stay with you, if that's okay." 
"Of course, Riley. I would love that." 
It was surreal for Riley as she walked the pristine palace halls towards the Royal Chambers. Liam carried William, who was fast asleep in his arms beside her. 
 The memories of the past times she was here flooded her mind and her heart ached as she pushed the painful memories aside. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. 
As they reached the large double doors of the entrance to the Royal east wing, the guards opened the doors for Liam and Riley to enter. 
Riley stepped inside; the same chambers where she had spent so much time before. The familiar scent of Liam's cologne filled the air, sending a wave of longing for a past time through her mind. 
Walking into her room ... it was exactly as she remembered it. Everything was in its place, from the elegant chandelier hanging above the bed, to the intricate paintings adorning the walls. 
Riley took a deep breath and sat down on the edge of the bed. She looked around the room, taking in every detail. 
 She felt a pang of sadness as she remembered those past times. 
After tucking William into his bed in the adjacent room, Liam came in and sat down next to her. He gently placed his hand on hers, and she looked up at him, their eyes meeting. 
"What are you thinking about Riley?"  
"I'm okay, Liam. I was just thinking about how much things have changed since I was here last." 
He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and held her close. "I know it's a lot, but I'm here for you, and I'll help you in any way I can," Liam whispered. 
"Thank you, Liam." 
He pulled away and cupped her face in his hands, staring into her eyes intently. "You're welcome, Riley. Always. Nothing could ever change how I feel about you.” 
He moved in to press his lips to hers, and she melted into his kiss. 
It was soft and gentle, and full of longing. 
He broke the kiss and rested his forehead against hers, breathing heavily. "God, Riley, I've missed you." 
"I've missed you, Li." 
He leaned down and kissed her again, deeper this time. 
His tongue swept across her bottom lip, and she opened her mouth to him. 
Their tongues tangled together in a dance that was familiar and yet new. 
They were no longer the same people they were when they had last been together. They were both older and wiser, and the passion between them burned even brighter. 
Riley pulled away and put her hand on his chest, feeling his heart beating beneath her palm. 
"Liam, I..." 
He placed a finger over her lips. "Don't say anything, Riley. Just feel." 
His lips found hers again, and the world disappeared. There was nothing but the two of them, lost in each other. 
She kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his neck. 
She moaned into his mouth as he slid his hands down her back and pulled her closer. 
He broke the kiss and buried his face in her neck, inhaling her scent. 
"Riley," he breathed. "God, I want you so much."
“Liam, I ...” 
Liam pulled back and looked into her eyes, “stay with me tonight.” 
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📌All fics & edits: @ao719 @txemrn @queenmiarys @sfb123 @twinkleallnight @alj4890 @differenttyphoonwerewolf @harleybeaumont @busywoman @karahalloway @kingliam2019 @imjusthereforliam @lovingchoices14 @kyra75 @tinkie1973 @emkay512 @malblk21 @kristinamae093 @charlotteg234
📌Liam x Riley, OC: @emersyn-in-cordonia @mainstreetreader @belencha77 @walkerdrakewalker @iluaaa @mysticalfangirl @queenwalton @bascmve01 @umccall71 @choicesfrog @amandablink @ownworldresident
📌Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @choicesflashfics @choicesjanuary2024
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angelasscribbles · 2 months
Behind Closed Doors Chapter 2: Arrival
Series: Behind Closed Doors
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings: None yet
Word Count: 524
Rating: PG
Warnings for this chapter: None
A/N: I don't know what happened. I started writing Riley, and Bertrand shoved his way to the front of the line! 🤣 I blame @harleybeaumont for this nicer, softer version of the older Beaumont brother. (If you haven't read Never Have I Ever, you're missing out!)
My other stuff: Master List.
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Riley’s head felt like it was on a swivel as the Beaumont limousine snaked its way down the long, twisting drive of the Cordonian National Palace.
She was bouncing in her seat and squealing as she took in the sights.
“She’s not going to act like this in front of people, is she?” Maxwell’s older brother Bertrand eyed the commoner skeptically.
“Be nice!” Max admonished him.
Riley Brooks had been a staple in the Beaumont household since Max’s kindergarten years, but never had they taken her to a royal event. He was simply worried about her manners; it wasn’t personal. Bertrand liked the girl just fine. She was good for his brother and that’s all that mattered to him.
Well, it wasn’t all that mattered.
This was a big year for him. He was turning thirty soon and his father was making noises about retirement. His parents had broached the subject of marriage a couple of times. They were trying not to push, but he could tell they were getting anxious about it.
In addition to heading the government of Ramsford and taking the reins of Beaumont Enterprises, he was expected to marry and produce heirs for the future of both the duchy and the business.
His eyes slid sidewise at Max and Riley, envying their carefree chatter and exuberance for what they saw as an adventure.
For him, the upcoming social season was a source of great anxiety. This was the first year that his parents weren’t attending. He was the representative of his house. His father had been clear on his expectations for the summer. Bertrand was to expand on his business contacts, take more of a prominent role in governance, and hopefully find a wife.
It was that last part that had him losing sleep at night.
The car rolled to a stop in front of the main entrance and the trio exited as servants appeared from nowhere to retrieve their luggage.
A gathering on the front lawn drew his attention. Scattered around the ornamental fountain across from the front door were several groups of nobility. The sound of multiple conversations interspersed with laughter drifted through the slight chill of the early afternoon air.
The most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on in his life caught his gaze and gave him a little wave. The smile that blossomed across her face sent butterflies exploding through his stomach. He returned the wave and then quickly dropped his eyes.
He felt an elbow in his ribs. “Want me to find out her name for you?”
His face flushed crimson as panic shot through him at Riley’s offer. “No!”
“No?” She arched an eyebrow.
Even though he tried not to, he couldn’t stop his eyes from finding her again. She had returned to her conversation, but as he watched, her head turned and caught him staring. Once again, she gave him a heart stopping smile.
Returning his attention to Riley, he amended his answer. “Okay, yes, but don’t be obvious about it.”
“I know how to be subtle!”
“Do you?”
“Of course!” She assured him as they followed the servants into the palace.
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alj4890 · 2 months
Can't Take My Eyes Off of You
(Maxwell Beaumont x Olivia Nevrakis) in a Choices The Royal Romance Crackship
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A/N Sorry this took so long. Life always finds a way to interrupt my plans with all my series. This chapter takes place the night of Liam's coronation ball.
Chapter 7
"Where is the appeal?" Madeleine hissed.
Olivia shrugged. She wasn't about to humor the countess with commenting on what was unfolding before them.
The press were swarming around Riley and Hana as they made their arrival in a horse drawn carriage.
"We've been top contenders this entire time." Madeleine furiously whispered. "How in the world did some random American win over everyone?"
Olivia frowned somewhat as Riley gushed to the press about how sweet Hana was in giving her a lift to the ball.
"She's nice." She observed. "People tend to like that in others."
"Nice does not mean you can effectively rule a nation." Madeleine reminded her. "It doesn't help you know the ins and outs of life at Court nor does it give one the finesse of dealing with foreign powers."
"Then you better hope that Liam agrees with you." Olivia taunted. "Or else, you're looking at our future queen."
Madeleine glared at her. "And that doesn't bother you? You who have pined for Liam since birth can watch him choose this nobody? Where's that infamous Nevrakis loyalty to our country?! Would you curtsy to someone like her?"
Olivia rolled her eyes over how dramatic Madeleine was being.
"If she is Liam's choice, then who am I to argue against him? He's our king now, Madeleine. Like every other Cordonian, we have to learn to accept the decisions he will make."
Gathering her skirt, she left the countess staring in disbelief.
Oliva went directly to her chambers shortly after dinner for a chance to prepare for what was still before her.
Once alone, she took a deep breath as she began to plan for how the rest of her night would go. She knew she still needed to give Liam his gift, then she'd be forced to mingle and be seen at the ball.
She would have to find a way to sneak out and meet Maxwell at some point from the beginning of the ball until Liam made his choice. Then, if things progressed like she planned, they might even meet up again after the ceremony.
A thrill went through her at the thought. She'd done little throughout the day except think of how she felt in Maxwell's arms. It surprised her how easily his touch set her nerves to singing. She actually wanted to see just how much he could make her burn.
She walked over to the window, gazing out at her chosen spot. Her brow furrowed with the sight of servants going about the hedge maze to light lanterns at each of the numerous twists and turns.
"That's out." She decided.
The last thing she needed was to be caught under one of the lanterns in an illicit embrace with Cordonia's most fun loving lord.
She twirled about and began to pace. She needed a more private spot, one either dark or barely lit to begin this affair.
She considered other hidden nooks in the palace. The conservatory was somewhat ideal, but it smelled too much like wet dirt and fertilizer. The music room was far enough away from the ballroom and even soundproof, but there was no lock on the door. The library always had people coming in and out to have a break from the crowded ballroom. Even the various dens and studies left little to be desired in terms of privacy.
Her eyes darted to the king sized bed in her room.
We will have to be careful coming up here. If anyone saw the two of us going into my room, would they think we were meeting for something else or for sex?
Did she really care what conclusion anyone came to? Liam was choosing Riley this evening. It wasn't like Olivia was being unfaithful to him. And where would be the proof, even if someone did see her with Maxwell? Once the door shut and was locked, no one would know what went on behind it.
"It'll have to be here." She said to herself. "There's nowhere else we can go tonight."
Once her mind was made up on any subject, she did not like waiting around for it. Her lack of patience combined with her innate determination made being with Maxwell a forgone conclusion.
She wasn't above admitting she wanted him. The question that reverberated in her mind was a simple one: did she want Maxwell for life or merely for sex?
She knew his feelings for her went beyond a simple affair...but did hers?
Wrinkling her nose over something she wasn't quite ready to answer, she turned on her heel to check her reflection one last time.
Movement out of the corner of her eye made her still.
Glancing at the door, she noticed a letter that was slipped underneath.
Jerking her door open, she looked up and down the hallway filled with various nobles and dignitaries going in and out of their suites.
"Bastien!" She called out to one of the guards.
"Yes, your grace?"
"Did you see anyone stop by my door?"
The guard's eyes briefly touched on the envelope in her hand.
"No, your grace." He nodded towards the mysterious letter. "Is something wrong?"
"No." She gave a brisk nod of farewell and shut the door.
It must be from Maxwell, she thought with a hint of a smile. He used to write letters to me all the time.
Ripping into it, she eagerly began to see just what romantic nonsense he'd come up with this time.
Her smile disappeared the moment the words registered. Line after line revealed information on her parents and their mysterious death. Every single traitorous activity they participated in was gone into great detail. Then, at the end, there was the threat to reveal everything if she didn't withdraw and leave before Liam picked his chosen queen.
"No." She clapped a hand to her mouth.
It can't be true! They were heroes! They loved this country! All they spoke of was making it and Lythikos better. Their loyalty was beyond reproach. They would never risk everything for a chance to rule Cordonia.
They'd never risk leaving me alone.
Her temper took over her initial devastation.
It's a trick! Someone wants to make me doubt them. Make me leave here in disgrace.
But who?
One of the suitors?
Madeleine's desperate to win this. She lost her chance to be queen once before. To leave a loser again probably weighs on her, but she's above blackmail. Penelope knows she doesn't stand a chance. She's too stupid to ever think of something this clever. Kiara's too intelligent to use baseless lies to get her way. Hana doesn't seem to have enough nerve to ever do something like this. And Riley...
She stilled.
Maxwell swore Riley was genuinely kind. Could she be the snake in their group, pretending to be all that is good in the world?
Livid, Olivia shoved the letter in the pocket of her dress.
Swiping up Liam's gift, she stormed out of her room.
"I know it was you." Olivia hissed.
Riley whirled around, eyes wide in confusion.
"Excuse me?"
"I don't know what kind of game you're playing," Olivia glared at her, "but it won't work."
"What are you talking about?" Riley asked.
Olivia studied her and realized it couldn't be her. Riley had no idea about anything that went on in Cordonia, much less it's history. Why would she concoct some story about Olivia's parents when it was well known they were heroes? She already knew she was Liam's favorite. What would she have to gain in destroying Olivia's peace of mind and forcing her to withdraw out of disgrace?
"You didn't send it." She whispered.
Riley gently touched her arm.
"Send what?"
"Forget it." Olivia jerked her arm away and stepped up to Liam.
She somehow got through talking to him about her gift and then managed to calmly walk into the ballroom.
Her green eyes darted over the crowd, wondering who was out to get her.
She nearly flipped the person over her shoulder when she felt someone's fingers brush her hand.
Eyes narrowed, she turned around to see Maxwell.
"Hey." His tender smile appeared. "You look beautiful."
"Thanks." She mumbled.
"So?" He leaned closer. "When should we meet at the hedge maze?"
"That's not happening." She folded her arms, while glancing over his shoulder at the few nobles meeting in groups and pointing at each suitor.
They're either trying to figure out who Liam will pick or something worse. Am I the only one who received a threat tonight?
She then noticed the devastation forming on Maxwell's face.
"We're not happening?" He whispered.
"No, we are." She snapped. "Just not at the hedge maze."
Huffing in irritation, she hissed, "Meet me in my room in exactly one hour and ten minutes."
Before he had a chance to agree or say anything remotely how excited he was, she left him to mingle.
"You seem excited." Riley teased as she tried to remember the dance steps.
"I am!" Maxwell grinned at her. "Tonight's the night where all our dreams will come true."
"I know I'm dancing with our future queen." He squeezed her hand before twirling her. "You will have your happily ever after. Liam will be with the love of his life. Bertrand will calm down and make it to forty without having a stroke."
"You really believe that." Her smile grew over how his words never ceased in boosting her confidence. "I love how you never doubt that everything will turn out like we hope."
He sighed softly as he thought of the one thing that made him feel so completely happy.
And I somehow ended up with the woman of my dreams.
"Have I thanked you for, well, everything?" Riley asked.
Maxwell's grin turned bashful. "I didn't do much to be thanked."
"Only encouraged me every single second. You have been by my side the entire time and made time for me and Liam to be alone." She reminded him. "You were the only person to believe I belonged here. You gave me the chance to see if Liam and I could have something more than some flirtation."
When the dance ended, she hugged him.
"You'll always have my thanks, Max, no matter how tonight ends."
He hugged her tight then noticed the stares they were receiving.
"Come on." He pulled away and tucked her hand in the bend of his arm. "Let's go see what they have to snack on."
Between keeping an eye on the clock and discreetly interrogating the other suitors, Olivia's nerves were on edge.
There were times she'd stepped outside to reread the letter in an attempt to guess at who wrote this. One thing that bothered her about it was the amount of detail. There were dates and locations of where her parents had gone. This wasn't some simple threat that someone made up. There were claims of pictures and documents that would prove to the public the depth of her parents' betrayal.
Could it be true? Could they have done all this?
She knew her ancestors were notorious for doing whatever was best for themselves. A Nevrakis was known, not only for strength, but in using that strength to secure as much power as they possibly could by any means necessary.
Could her parents have been of that mindset? She recalled all the training they put her young self through. The speeches of how she needed to know how to handle herself if she was to one day rule.
Dear God. I thought they meant to rule as the Duchess of Lythikos. Did they really mean for me to rule as queen?
Her attention snapped from the letter to one of the outdoor bars. Sliding into the shadows, she hoped to overhear something that might point her towards a possible culprit.
Bertrand Beaumont was clinking glasses with, of all people, the former crown prince.
"It's been too long since we had a drink together." Leo added after taking a long sip. "How have you been?"
"Fine." Bertrand took a healthy gulp of his glass of bourbon. "I'll be even better once this night is over."
"I think everyone will." Leo snickered. "Liam is hiding it, but I think he's anxious."
"He has every right to be." Bertrand added. "He did just become king."
"It's not that." Leo rubbed the back of his neck. "It's about his choice. I think I might have ruined that for him."
Bertrand paused with his drink halfway to his lips. "How?"
"When I decided to abdicate, I thought Liam would have time to adjust. I didn't expect Father to make him immediately choose someone to marry, much less put him through this asinine social season." Leo grumbled.
"I understood why Father made me do it." He added. "I caused trouble everywhere I went." He downed the rest of his drink. "But Liam, he's always been the one to follow the rules. He never rebelled. Never gave anyone a reason to make public apologies on his behalf."
He sighed, motioning to the bartender for another round for the two of them.
"I worry that his sense of duty will deny him a chance at true happiness." He added.
"Perhaps not." Bertrand picked up his new glass. "King Liam seems to be rather fond of our suitor."
"Riley, right?" Leo grinned. "I've heard a lot about her these last few days."
"Nothing scandalous I hope." Bertrand shuddered. "House Beaumont can't afford even a hint of scandal."
"Nothing like that." Leo chuckled. "In fact, I think that..."
Olivia felt her heart drop. Bertrand's words echoed in her mind, drowning out their conversation, as she looked down at the letter in her hands once more.
House Beaumont can't afford even a hint of scandal.
If this letter ever got out to the public, her life would be ruined. No one would trust her. Any children she might one day have would be forced to hide in shame. Maxwell would be tainted by association.
He might even be forced by Bertrand to never see her again.
Gripping the letter that had the ability to implode her very existence, she quietly slipped back into the palace.
Maxwell did his best to walk both discreetly and as if he wasn't in any hurry to wherever he was going. He glanced over his shoulder every few feet to make sure no one was following. The few times he caught someone behind him, they paid him little attention and ended up turning down a different hallway.
His heartbeat picked up speed once he was a few doors down from Olivia's room. He wasn't exactly sure how far tonight would take his relationship with her, but he knew he was willing to go any distance she wanted.
Tonight would be, at least he hoped, the beginning of many, many nights together. His mind was filled with plans for their future. Dates to sweep her off her feet were considered. Special places from their past were thought of as possible backdrops to when he finally professed his love to her. Time spent in each other's home to think on which one to use for a possible wedding if he was lucky enough to receive a yes to his proposal.
All this and so much more was within his grasp. After all the years of yearning and trying to get her to see him, he'd finally won. The dream was a reality. He could at least relax and know that nothing stood in his way.
Pausing before her door, he took a deep breath, glanced once more around him, and quietly knocked.
Olivia opened it, grabbed his shirt collar, and yanked him inside.
He didn't have a chance to say anything. The moment the door shut, she shoved him against the door to kiss him.
His body instantly reacted, pulling her close and kissing her back with all the passion he had just for her.
She moaned in delight, hands quickly getting to work on unbuttoning his shirt.
She broke away from his mind numbing kiss to unbutton his pants. Her eyes closed the moment his lips touched her neck.
"Get those off." She demanded when he seemed to ignore her efforts.
"What's the hurry?" He kissed her again.
She bit down on her bottom lip. She knew why she was hurrying. This was probably their only chance to be together.
Her decision to leave before Liam announced his choice was made the moment she realized that scandal would ruin her chances with Maxwell. She needed to discover the truth about this letter, and unfortunately that meant investigating on her own.
She couldn't involve anyone else. If she did, she might have to stand there and watch them walk away from her. It was best for everyone if she left them. Then, her heart would be protected. She wouldn't have to face being turned away in fear or disgust that she shared a bloodline with possible traitors if she distanced herself from those she actually cared about.
But for now, she'd allow herself this one chance to see what life might have been like, if she was free to be with Maxwell.
"We can't stay up here too long." She explained, unzipping her own dress. "People will definitely talk if we aren't waiting on Liam's announcement with the rest of them."
Her shimmery red dress pooled at her feet. With the way the gown was cut, it was impossible to wear a bra. Since she knew what they would get up to, she'd also decided against wearing any underwear whatsoever.
She felt her skin tingle in anticipation. Maxwell's bright blue eyes had darkened as he gazed upon her form. He hadn't moved a muscle as her dress slipped down her body. He'd only followed its path, taking in every bit of skin revealed.
Without a word nor taking his eyes off of her, he slowly shrugged out of his clothes.
Olivia felt her desire notch even higher. The serious expression on his face took her by surprise. She'd expected him to practically rush into her arms once she was naked. This unexpected side of him made her be the one to move towards him.
She draped her arms around his neck, pressing her pale body against the toned, hard planes of his own. She stood on her tiptoes to kiss him.
"Touch me." She nearly begged against his mouth.
His hands cupped her face, thumb brushing against her lower lip. Silently he moved them down her body, only pausing when she gasped or moved restlessly against him.
The lower he went, the more she wanted. Grabbing his wrists, she pulled him over the to bed.
She sat down on the edge and tilted her head up when he remained standing. Her eyes met his.
"Say something." She pleaded, feeling suddenly nervous over his continued silence.
Swallowing, Maxwell knelt before her. His hands ran along her smooth legs, his eyes never leaving hers.
In a gravely voice, he said.
"I want you. I've always wanted you."
He surged up, pushing her down on the bed, lips crashing on hers.
She moaned, pulling him as close as she could. Her breath hitched when he broke away to kiss down her body. Scrambling back some to give him more room, she cried out in ecstasy when his tongue brushed against the tips of her breasts. The moment his lips closed around and sucked, she ran her hands through his hair, keeping him there as he sent desire through her veins.
His moans and whispers of how perfect she was made her heart ache as he continued to worship down her body. His determination to kiss and lap at every single inch made her writhe and scream his name in a litany that surprised her. Every touch of his hands, his lips, and body made her wish for the impossible.
She didn't want to have to walk away from him.
The moment he slid within her, she couldn't help but think how right it felt. It wasn't all supposed to clock this easily or this quickly. Shouldn't her experiment need more time? Had she been denying the truth in front of her longer than she first thought?
Unnerved by the realization, she cupped his face and kissed him more tenderly than she'd ever done with anyone.
The slow momentum he'd begun stopped the moment she wrapped her legs around his hips. She urged him on, moving faster towards what they both needed.
He harshly cried out her name when she clinched around him. A breathless whisper of his own name escaped her as she succumbed to the sensations he'd caused.
They laid there, still connected and holding tight to one another as their breaths began to slow.
Maxwell rose up some on his elbows to look at her face. A tender smile formed as he saw the brief look of wonder in her sated expression.
"Wow." He said, softly kissing her. "My imagination really, really sucks."
She snorted in disbelief that he could make her want to laugh at a moment like this.
"Does it?"
He nodded, lips brushing hers once more.
"Nothing in my fantasies could possibly live up to tonight."
"I take it you enjoyed yourself?" She couldn't help but smile while thoroughly enjoying the feel of him pressing her into the mattress.
"Couldn't you tell?" He eased off of her, rolled into his back, and pulled her on top of him.
"Oh I could." She settled more comfortably against him. "In case you are the least bit curious, I liked it too."
His grin blossomed in hearing that. A part of her was tempted to go into how much she loved being with him and in how she didn't want it to end.
She knew she couldn't. This would have to be a one and done experience.
At least until I finish my investigation and destroy whatever evidence I discover.
And possibly dispose the body of my blackmailer.
It was odd to willingly remain in his arms to bask in the afterglow. Normally she couldn't leave or kick her lovers out fast enough. She never wanted to talk or simply be held. They'd provided a service to her passionate nature and were no longer needed.
But Maxwell...
She wanted this. She wanted to hear any ridiculous thing that came to his mind. She loved the fact that he needed to touch her. His hands drifting down her back in lazy caresses was exactly what she needed while gazing at his handsome face. She loved seeing how perfectly content he was in this moment.
It reflected her own feelings with him.
Knowing he would insist on when their next night together could be if she didn't say or do something, she pressed a lingering kiss to his lips.
His arms wrapped around her with body already responding to her touch once more.
Moaning in frustration that they didn't have time for another round, she forced herself to leave his arms.
"We better hurry." She said while swiping up her dress on the way to the ensuite.
Maxwell hopped off of the bed and caught her before she made it inside.
He wrapped his arms around her from behind when she relaxed back against him and pressed a sweet kiss to her neck.
"Tonight meant everything to me, Liv." He admitted in a heartfelt tone.
Tears blurred her vision. She turned to respond with a deep kiss, holding him close for one last time before escaping.
Leaning against the bathroom door, she whispered.
"It meant everything to me too, Max."
A short time later, Olivia found Liam talking to Riley in one of the acloves along the outer edges of the ballroom. Preparing herself for the inevitable, she told him she needed to speak to him.
When he seemed reluctant to leave Riley's side, Olivia blurted out that she was leaving.
"Why?" He searched her eyes for a sign of why she would leave before the ceremony was completed.
"There's no reason for me to stay." She glanced at Riley, hoping he would think it was because of her she was leaving.
She couldn't tell him the truth, especially when she wasn't certain what the truth was.
Liam stepped closer, lowering his voice to a whisper.
"What about the person you told me about? Don't you want to see if it's love or--"
She shook her head. "That's not going to happen now."
Saying goodbye before he could question her further, she turned on her heel and left all while ignoring the couple calling out for her to wait.
She made it outside and down the steps of the palace before being stopped.
"Wait a second!" Riley breathlessly pleaded. "Are you okay?"
"Like you care." Olivia snapped.
"I do." Riley gripped her hand. "I wouldn't chase you down if I didn't."
"Why would you?" Olivia grumbled, wrenching her hand free. "It isn't like we're friends."
"I thought we were on our way to being just that." Riley argued.
Olivia rolled her eyes. "I don't have time for this."
"Yes, you do." Riley moved and blocked her way into the waiting town car. "Now what's going on?"
Olivia handed over the letter. She didn't know what possessed her to trust this woman with it, but she suddenly wanted someone to know the truth of why she was running away. For some reason, she believed Riley would keep this secret.
Either I'm a fool for giving her something to hold over me, or she really is all that Maxwell claims.
Without a word, Riley scanned the contents, her mouth dropping open when she got to the end.
"Who did this to you?" She demanded.
"That's what I'm going to find out." Olivia snatched the letter back .
"We need to find them and demand the truth." Riley said, her own temper snapping at the thought of someone blackmailing Olivia.
"We?" Olivia laughed without humor. "There is no we in this. I have to find them. You," she sighed, "you have to go be with Liam."
"You're going to need help." Riley insisted.
She reluctantly stepped out of the way so Olivia could get into the backseat.
With the window rolled down, the fiery duchess reached out and grasped her hand in quiet gratitude.
"I'll be fine on my own."
"Do you think it's true?" Riley asked.
"I don't know." Olivia went to let go and found Riley holding tight to her hand once more.
"I promise I'll help you. I won't tell anyone that you're being blackmailed. Just tell me what you need and we'll get to the bottom of this. You shouldn't have to--"
"Stop." Olivia pleaded. She was surprised by Riley's fervent speech to help and by her own temptation to accept it. "Thank you, but you can't."
Easing her hand away, she nodded towards the palace.
"Go be with Liam. He needs you more than I do." She lowered the privacy barrier and told her driver she was ready. "And Riley?"
"Watch your back." Olivia warned.
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HLAW 2024: Masterlist
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(so much love to @sazanes who made this poster for us!!)
Previous AWs: HLAW 2022 | HLAW 2023
Day 1: Character Appreciation/Throwback
Character Appreciation
A Very Happy Hana by @mxcameronrose/@atlasgoodwin
Lady Hana Lee by @sazanes
SpreadJoy Quote: Hana Lee by @storyofmychoices
My Top 5 Headcanons for Hana x MC by @uselessgay10101
Winds of Change by @unsettlingconclusions
"You Don't Have To Be Perfect To Be Loved" by @masked-alien-lesbian
an eulogy to perfectionism - Hana Lee by @inlocusmads
Hana at the Piano by @cassiopeiacorvus
A Blossoming Friendship by @lizzybeth1986
Day 2: Flowers/Fashion Design
Hana's Name by @sazanes
A Bouquet for An Angel by @masked-alien-lesbian
The Moodboard that Hopes to Give Hana Her Flowers by @lizzybeth1986
Fashion Design
Hana Wears the MC's Handmade Dress by @mxcameronrose
A Day with Marguerite Thorne by @masked-alien-lesbian
Day 3: Bookworm/AU
Sailor Vega Hana Lee! by @cassiopeiacorvus
A Cozy Night in Bed with A Book by @mxcameronrose
Reader Fatigue by @lizzybeth1986
Hana Lee as Annelyse Adair by @sazanes
Build A Bear Date by @masked-alien-lesbian
The Ranch Hand and the Ranch Owner's Daughter by @masked-alien-lesbian
Day 4: Competitive Hana/Culinary Love/Music
Competitive Hana
The Cordonian Bake-Off! by @masked-alien-lesbian
Culinary Love
A Hot Chocolate Embrace by @lizzybeth1986
Rockstar!Hana on the Piano!! by @mxcameronrose
Hana Singing to The Child in Her Womb by @sazanes
"Thank you for sharing your music with me" by @exbex
Day 5: Family/Friendships/Romance
Hana and Kiara's Three Children by @cassiopeiacorvus
Best Friends! by @jicklet (Hana & Riley (MC))
Hana Lee: Cordonia's Most Influential Courtier by @mand-delemonde (Hana & Kaela (MC), Hana x Kiara)
A Playlist for Hana's Friendships, Romance and Family! by @masked-alien-lesbian
Wives by @mxcameronrose (Hana x Krystal (MC))
A Kiss After Tango by @sazanes (Hana x Raelyn (@masked-alien-lesbian's OC))
Rose Gold by @lizzybeth1986 (Hana x Kiara)
Even though the week itself is over, HLAW will be open for entries all year round!! Please don't hesitate to send them in whenever you can 💖💖
If you'd like to reference the themes, here they are!
If we have missed anyone's pieces, we are truly sorry. Do let us know and we will put it up asap!
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CFWC F/AotW - Feb 11 - 17, 2024
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✒️= Fanfic | 📱= Text Fics/Edits | 🎨 = Fanart Ⓜ️ = Mature Content 18+ | 🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+ 🏳️‍🌈 = LGBTQIA | 💘 Valentine's Day 🔹Submitted by creator
Derek Taylor x F!MC Fanart 🎨by @lilyoffandoms for @tveitertotwrites
Aerin Valleros x F!MC Fanart 🎨by @erixadraws
Happy Valentine's Day 🎨💘 | Aerin Valleros x f!human!mc - @artbyalz
Maiele Nightbloom Fanart 🎨🔹| BOLAS elf!MC by @storyofmychoices for @lilyoffandoms
Mal Volari x F!MC Fanart 🎨💘🔹by @cammarada (C: @storyofmychoices)
A Whitetower Festival of Friendship & Love ✒️🔹| Mal Volari x MC - @dutifullynuttywitch
Woven Threads and Winding Roads ✒️🔹| Tyril Starfury x f!human!mc - @aria-ashryver for @thosehallowedhalls
By Any Other Name ✒️💘🏳️‍🌈🔹| Kamilah Sayeed x F!MC - @thosehallowedhalls for @vampirkit
First Birthday ✒️| Adrian Raines x f!MC - @mynotsohealthyobsession
CoP Full F/AotW List Week Ending Feb. 17, 2024
Kieran x MC Fanart 🎨🔹by @gaiuskamilah for @lilyoffandoms
Whimsical Walks and Poetic Talks ✒️🎨🔹| Ernest Sinclaire x F!MC - @storyofmychoices for @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Distant Shores: An Alternate Path ✒️🔹| f!Charlie Smith x M!MC - @korgbelmont
Happy Valentine's, Hater ✒️💘| TFS MC - @choicesmc
Zig Ortega x F!MC Fanart 🎨🔹by @/artsbymena (C: @choiceswithmika)
Aiden Zhou Fanart 🎨 by @lilyoffandoms for @cadybear420
Rolling on Forward ✒️🏳️‍🌈 🔹| Aiden Zhou x NB!MC - @cadybear420
Cafe Whispers & Scone Kisses ✒️🏳️‍🌈🔹| Addison Sinclair x F!MC - @storyofmychoices
A New Chapter: A Valentine's Day Special ✒️💘 🔹| Stacy Green x M!MC - @korgbelmont
Dancing Queen ✒️🏳️‍🌈🔹| Original Characters - @aces-and-angels
Date Night🎨🏳️‍🌈💘 🔹| Gabe Ricci x M!MC - @choicesmc
Guess Where Magnus is From 🎨| Original Characters - @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
LOA OCs Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
That Place ✒️🏳️‍🌈Beau McGraw, Wind (NB!MC) - @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
The Tarmin Awdernviel Gala 🎨🏳️‍🌈| Multiple Characters by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Wind Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈🔹| LOA NB!MC - @storyofmychoices for @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Let Me Be Your Valentine, St. Valentine ✒️🎨🏳️‍🌈 💘 🔹| Donovan Navarro x/& NB!MC - @aallotarenunelma
Open Heart F/AotW Full Listing Week Ending Feb. 17, 2024
Sloane Washington Fanart 🎨by @sazanes
Sloane Washington Pajamas 🎨 by @sazanes
Sloane Washington Valentine's Day 🎨 by @sazanes
Sloane Washington x F!Hayden Young Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈by @sazanes
Women in STEM/Girl Power! 🎨| Sloane Washington - @cassiopeaicorvus
Written in the Stars 🎨| Sloane Washington - @cassiopeaicorvus
Written in the Stars: Queen Star 🎨| Slaone Washington - @sazanes
Cordonian Karaoke: Hana Take 3✒️🏳️‍🌈🔹| Hana Lee x MC, Drake Walker x MC - @angelasscribbles
Goodbyes Are the Hardest ✒️| Liam Rys x MC - @silvermillenniumqueenneptune
Marabelle: The Game of Kings ✒️💘🔹| Liam Rys x F!MC - @tessa-liam
My Lonely Valentine: The Agreement ✒️💘Ⓜ️ 🔥🔹| Liam Rys x MC - @angelasscribbles
Round Robin Chapter 1: Welcome ✒️🔹- @angelasscribbles
Anna Koishi x F!MC Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈 by @lilyoffandoms for @noesapphic
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bebepac · 1 year
Where Do We Go From Here?
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I am participating in @choicesflashfics​ prompt  week 28  using: “I saw this  and it reminded me of you, and  “Sometimes forever doesn’t necessarily mean forever”  and past prompt  “I don’t regret it... but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t a mistake.”  All used quotes will be in bold.
I am also participating in @aprilchallenge​ for  the over all theme Just want to be with you.
This is Part 8 of the Cordonian Arrangement.
The Book:  TRF The Series:  The Cordonian Arrangement Pairings: MC is widowed, Past Pairings Riley x Nico (Riley x M!OC) , Past Pairing of Liam x Riley Word Count: 2232 Warnings and Ratings: Mention of character death, grief.  Mention of pregnancy complications, profanity: / Teen Summary:  Riley and Liam try to deal with a very awkward situation.  
Original Post 04/14/23  at 2PM EST.
It was barely dawn and the sun was only creeping slightly through the windows. When she moved, his embrace tightened, pulling her back close to him, so that he could lean into her  to kiss her neck.  He sharply inhaled because her natural scent was so intoxicating to him.  He had missed sharing tender moments like this with her.
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  Riley was still waking from her slumber but to her, it felt like a typical morning, that she had lived every day when waking in his arms was commonplace.  
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She  moaned softly as he continued to gently dot kisses to the sensitive skin of her neck, her body responded naturally to his touch.
“Let’s stay in bed.  Don’t go…." she mumbled in her sleep. “Stay with me.”  
His voice made her immediately  leave that place of pre woke slumber to soberingly wide awake, quickly pulling away from him.
Fully awake, all the memories of the last few months, and from last night flooded back to her in a wave.
Observing the shock and almost disappointment in her eyes, Liam knew, as she shielded her bare body from him with the bedsheet.  
Liam’s voice was heavy with discontentment as he spoke.
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“That wasn’t intended for me, was it?”  Liam’s gaze was piercing, full of disappointment causing Riley to quickly break eye contact with him. She just couldn’t look him in the face right now, but she wanted to be honest with him; he deserved that.  
“No… I’m…. sorry….” She  murmured as she turned heading towards the door still draped in the sheet from the bed.
“Riley, we need to talk about this.  There’s a reason you came to me last night. It felt right for us to be together that way. We felt like us again!”  
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“For a brief second, this morning, I forgot the horror that has been my life these last three months.  Last night, I was lonely… I wanted to feel…. connected to someone again. I didn’t  mean to give you the wrong idea, and for that Liam, I’m truly sorry."
“Do you regret what happened between us last night?”
“No… I don’t regret it… but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t a mistake.  It was a mistake Liam.  We have way too much history for me to think that you would simply be okay with it. This is all my fault. I should have been clear with you what last night truly was….for me.”
“We made love last night Riley.”
“We… didn’t.  It was just sex, Liam.  I’m still in love with my husband.” She glanced down at the ring on her finger that she was still wearing. Nico's wedding band dangled from a gold chain around her neck.
“Your husband is dead.”  
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Riley gasped in shock.  Liam immediately wanted to take the words back, but it was too late; the damage was done. Riley shook her head in disbelief.  
“Who are you?”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like it came out, Riley. Forgive me, I didn’t mean it Riley. I promise you I didn’t.”
"Yes you did."
"I really didn't…"
“Get out of my house.”
“Riley….No… We’re supposed to take Angelo to the zoo together today.”  
"Riley please…."
She adamantly shook her head no.
"Nico was wrong about what you and I could be to each other. I need you to pack your stuff and leave now.."
“Riley, that's not fair for you to say that.  We’re still figuring all of this out.  This isn’t easy for either of us to navigate.”
“I need you to leave Liam.”
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“Not like this. I’m not leaving you like this Riley.”  
“Fine, then I’ll leave.”
Riley left his room and locked herself in the master bedroom.  
After a few minutes she heard the sound of Liam’s rolling suitcase on the floor, it stopping in front of her bedroom door.
“I’m going to say goodbye to my son before I leave.”  
"You should do that."
"For what it's worth Riley, I'm really sorry."
“Goodbye Liam.”  
A few minutes later Liam was gone.  Riley took a deep breath finally unlocking  her door.
Ruby One
“I was sure you said you were here until Monday, how the hell did I fuck that up?”  Leo asked when he got on the plane clearly confused and hungover.
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“That was the plan.”  
“Well what went wrong?”
Liam explained what happened with Riley.  
“You’re an absolute fool when it comes to Riley.  That woman is a walking red flag right now, and trust me I know a red flag when I see one.”
“It’s not her fault though, she lost her husband.  You ignored all the signs because you want her back, and Riley’s not there yet.  She can't be what you want her to be Liam…at least not right now. You have had a front seat to her grieving Nico.  
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You know how hard this whole ordeal has been for her.  When I saw her last, she was still wearing her wedding ring, and his wedding band.  Did she take them off?”
“That’s not a woman that’s ready to move on with you, no matter how much you want her to be ready.  She’s stuck in that place where she still desperately misses her husband, and wants him back.
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She was probably lonely, and let's be honest horny, and you were there, and she sought comfort from you, in that way.  You had to know what you were getting into when she showed up at your door last night.  Liam, be honest with yourself.  It wasn’t the beginning of rekindling of your relationship with her, and you knew that, but you wanted her so much, that you didn’t care. You just wanted her, any way you could have her.”
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“You’re right. I love her."
“Liam, you have to give her time. If the two of you are meant to be, she will come back to you.  But what you did, didn’t help the situation, you got mad with her and said something incredibly hurtful.  It was true, mind you, but hurtful. You do this to her, you know and you need to stop."
"Do what?"
"You impose all these things on her, expecting her to follow them, to be what you what, how you want it, when you want it. Then you get all surprised that she rebelled against you and ran, and put up every wall imaginable to keep you out, this not being the first time she’s reacted this way to you.  Does this sound familiar?"
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"I'm acting just like father would….."
“You are little brother.”  
“Give her some space, and she’ll come back around.”  
“If she doesn’t?”
“It was just never meant to be, and if we’re being completely honest here,  you lost her over three years ago; it might be time to finally let her go.”
Liam was in a deep state of contemplation the rest of the way back to Cordonia. He decided it was time to listen to his own message that was given to him by the late Nico Karahalios. Liam pulled his own envelopes out of his desk drawer. He had given him two envelopes one said "If it's working" the other one said "If it's not working."
He picked up the "If it's not working" video and began watching.
"Hey Liam. I can honestly say… I’m not surprised.”
Nico smiled. "You thought it was going to be easy, didn't you?"
Nico began to laugh.
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"You really did, didn't you?!!"
Nico abruptly stopped laughing. "I'm sorry. This is not helpful.”
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"Damn right it's not." Liam thought.
“I’m sure that you were expecting more from me.”
Nico sat silently for a few moments.
"Like what exactly? Did you think this was the part where I am going to tell you how to win my wife's heart back? How to get her to fall in love with you again? I'm not going to do that. I can't do that. She's not going to do anything because you want her to do it. She does things on her own time. That woman has her own mind, and she's not afraid to use it. Liam, she's a different woman than the one that came here a week after you met her in New York. None of the same rules are going to apply.  You have to get to know her again as the woman she is now.  She’s been a lover and a confidant to me, she’s been a faithful wife, and a beautiful mother. How I won her then, I  can’t even take credit for that, I didn't win her, but instead she chose me. 
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I think she chose me because I was patient with her.  I did what I said I was going to do.  If I told her, we were meeting at 6PM for dinner, I’d be knocking on her door at 5:50. She could always rely on me being there for her.   Comfort and stability allowed her to relax with me, because Riley is not a calm person. Her senses are always heightened, waiting for the other shoe to drop, because of all the hurt and loss she’s experienced in her life. I finally got her to relax with me…and then I died on her. I will never forget the look in her eyes when I told her I was dying. She was completely blindsided. The light after everything she’s endured that you see in her eyes so easily, disappeared. It broke my heart.”  
Nico shook his head.  
“Our marriage wasn’t perfect.  We had  our fair share of fights.  Our very first year of marriage was particularly tough.  We lived with my mother.  Can you imagine? Small house, with a newborn, while my cousins helped me build the house we were in now.  Our first really huge fight, after we moved in, Riley kicked me out of the house and locked me out.” 
Nico laughed.  
“From my house.  I slept in a tent in the yard for 3 days.  My cousins saw me, talked all this macho shit to me,  and so I got all ballsy and I went up to MY HOUSE.  MY HOUSE THAT I BUILT FOR MY WIFE…And insisted Riley let me back in.  You know what happened Liam?  Can you guess?”
Nico was silent for a few moments.  
“It was the equivalent of upsetting a bee hive. I spent a fourth night out in that damn tent. Day five, I left her alone. Day six, when I woke, she had brought me breakfast, and wanted to talk.  Was she still angry with me?  Yes,  but she had calmed down enough that she could talk to me without shutting down on me.  I hope you understand what I’m trying to tell you.
Riley put up with a lot to be in that arrangement with you, that experience changed her.  Now, yet again, she will be forever changed from losing me.  I don’t know if she’ll come around.  I hope she will, because I want her to be happy, Liam.  She’s had too much sadness in her life, to not be.  I wanted to be her forever, and sometimes, forever doesn’t necessarily mean forever.
So in closing,  whatever you did wrong… Make it right Liam.”  
Liam decided to take a page from Nico’s book.  He gave her space.  Finally after the most painful weeks of not speaking to Riley, he decided to send her a text.  Riley used to like a good meme in the past, so he decided to send her one.  
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“I saw  this, and it reminded me of you. Just imagine they are butterflies, and I remember how you feel about butterflies.”
Later in the day he noticed she had seen the meme, but she hadn’t responded. He decided not to push and maybe Riley would respond on her own.  During the night  while Liam was sleeping she sent a meme back to him.
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He took it as a sign she was ready to talk.  
He immediately called her and once she picked up he started speaking, not even waiting for her to say hello.
“Riley, I completely deserved the way you treated me that day.  I’m so sorry for what I said.  I never meant it, and I never meant to hurt you. Please forgive me.” 
“This isn’t Riley.  It’s Athena, we just got Riley to the hospital, she wanted me to call you.”  
“What’s wrong?”
“It’s the baby.  We’re really concerned.”    
“I’ll be there as soon as I can.”  
Staff had the Ruby One prepped for departure within the hour.  Leo when hearing the news decided to go with him for support. Within three hours they  were at the hospital.
"What room is Riley Karahalios in? I need to see her."
"Are you family?" The receptionist questioned, and when he didn't respond she countered with "Only family is allowed back in this wing."
"He is family. He's the baby's father."
"He's right. I am the baby's father.”
She’s in room 224.”
Leo followed as Liam walked briskly down the hall at an accelerated pace.  
“She’s going to be fine. Her and the baby are going to be fine.  They have to be.”  
Athena and Mama K were sitting outside the room when he walked up.  Athena immediately stood.
“Athena, what happened to Riley?”
“She was having pains, and there was some bleeding.  We were really scared.  It’s stopped now.  They have her calm and she’s finally resting.”
Liam walked into the room, Riley was snoring, the beeps of the multiple monitors didn’t seem to be bothering her.   Taking her hand in her sleep and gently stroking it, Riley still did not wake.  So he sat there quietly holding her hand.
He softly whispered to her. “I’m here.”  
Riley woke up a short time later.  
“What are you doing here Liam?”  Her hand tensing slightly under his touch.
“Athena told me you wanted her to call me.”  
“No I didn’t….”
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“But I’m glad she did. I told her not to, because, I didn’t want to worry you.”  
Riley’s hand relaxed in his again, her free hand rubbing her stomach.  
“I thought I lost her, and I can’t lose both of them.  I can’t handle that. I’m such a mess right now. I’ve never felt this out of sorts in my life.  I’m sorry I got so angry with you. I get that this isn’t an easy situation for you either.”  
Liam could almost hear the words of the late Nico Karahalios in his ear.  “You have to get to know her as the woman she is now.” 
“It’s alright.  I know.  How about this?  Let’s just start over.  Let’s forget all the missteps on both our parts, and start at the very beginning. I’m Liam Rys,  it’s a pleasure to meet you….”  
“I’m Riley.   Riley Karahalios.”  
And that’s the woman, she is now.
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sfb123 · 1 year
Hands Down
Chapter 2: "Waves"
Catch up here!
Pairing: Liam x Riley
All characters belong to Pixelberry
Summary: Can Liam and Riley still find their way to each other despite Riley turning down Maxwell's invitation to Cordonia?
Rating: G
Word Count: 3,304
Song Inspiration: Waves - Dean Lewis
A/N: Sorry it took so long to get this out, life hit me hard the last month (both good and bad), but here it is. I promise I'll be better about regular releases.
A/N 2: Thank you to @ao719 for the song suggestion, and helping me work through some of the made up in my head issues.
A/N 3: This was not properly beta'd, so please excuse the many errors.
Tags are below the cut/in the comments. If you'd like to be added or removed, please let me know!
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“His Highness, Crown Prince Liam Rys.” 
All conversations halted, and heads turned to the doors at the front of the room as Liam entered the ballroom. It was the final night of the social season, and he was only hours away from becoming the King of Cordonia. 
This also meant he was only hours away from having to announce which suitor would become his queen. 
He surveyed the room, observing each of the women, hoping for some sign as to who the right choice would be. He had spent the last few months with them at various events, spending one on one time with each woman, trying to make a connection or find a spark of something. He would always end up comparing them to her, and they would always come up short. 
But she wasn’t here. She rejected the invitation. 
Throughout the social season, his mind would drift to thoughts of Riley Brooks, memories of their night together. But that’s all they were, and all they would ever be. He had barely slept since the season began, spending his nights going over his options, trying to figure out who would be the best choice to rule by his side. 
Kiara Thorton, a polyglot with a natural sense of diplomacy. She would certainly be an asset in building relationships and alliances. But would she have the compassion and candor needed to win over the citizens? 
Penelope Ebrim, compassionate to a fault. However, her naivete would prove challenging during the more complex aspects of the job.
Hana Lee, a newcomer to Cordonian court. In the brief interactions Liam had with her, he found her to be kind yet incredibly timid and insecure. It was a toss up which one of them was least enthused to be a part of all of this. She was obviously there on her parent’s order alone.
Olivia Nevrakis, one of Liam’s oldest and dearest friends. She certainly cared for him, and he for her. But not the way a husband should care for his wife. Besides, she was a Nevrakis, a family with a checkered past in the Cordonian history books. She would be a controversial choice, questioned by many. 
And finally, Madeleine Amaranth, the top contender in the press and with the council, including Liam’s parents. She had been his brother’s chosen suitor, jilted when he made the decision to abdicate. It was an unofficial betrothal agreement when they were children, so she had spent her whole life in training to sit on the throne. Everyone was sure that she would be Liam’s choice. Everyone, except for Liam. 
While he did agree that Madeleine would be an excellent queen, there was something missing. He didn’t feel he could be the best king possible with her by his side. He needed a wife that would see him, and support him as a man, not just a king. He wanted to be able to retire for the evening and spend time as a family. He didn’t see that with Madeleine, her strength was also her weakness. He needed to be able to just be Liam sometimes, with Madeleine, he would always be the king. 
“Little brother!” Liam was startled out of his thoughts by the sound of his brother’s voice. 
“Leo? What are you doing here?” 
“I couldn’t miss your big night!” He clapped his brother on the shoulder. “So, have you made your choice?”
Liam sighed at the question. His choice would have been for Leo to live up to his birthright, allowing him to remain the spare and hold on to a small semblance of freedom. “You will see in due time.” He responded, not wanting to admit that he still hadn’t decided. 
“Oh, come on. Not even a hint?”
“How was the cruise?” Liam asked, diverting the attention away from himself. 
“Ugh,” Leo groaned. “It didn’t go quite as planned.”
“So that woman, the one Madeleine found in your bed?” 
“Yeah, she’s in someone else’s bed now.” He said nonchalantly. 
Liam’s jaw ticked, as his fists clenched at his side. The woman who had captivated Leo so much that he had abdicated the throne, and put all of this on Liam’s shoulders, was with someone else. Leo gave everything up for nothing. 
“Your Highnesses,” a voice interrupted before Liam could respond. The brothers turned to find a photographer holding up a camera to them. “Can I get a quick picture?” 
“Of course, my good man!” Leo threw his arm around Liam, pulling him to his side. Liam put on his most stoic smile, hiding all of the emotions that were flowing through him in that moment. 
Once the picture was taken, the photographer thanked the pair before bowing and stepping away. 
“I don’t regret a second of it,” Leo continued once they were alone. “Everyone comes into your life for a reason, she helped me to see that this wasn’t the life I was meant for.” He signaled to the opulence of the room around them. “I needed to step away and find my own path. I’m not there yet, but I’m figuring it out.”
Liam nodded, noticing the parallels in their situations. In that moment, it all clicked, and he knew exactly what his decision would be. “If you’ll excuse me Leo, I need to meet with father before the announcement.”  
“Of course, knock ‘em dead, bro!” 
As Liam walked across the ballroom, looking for his father, his mind began to race. Maybe Riley wasn’t the love of his life, maybe that night was just meant to be a sign. Perhaps he could have it all, be the best king he could be without sacrificing his happiness. 
“Excuse me,” Liam said, interrupting Constantine, who was deep in conversation with Madeleine's father. No doubt making plans for the impending engagement tour. “Father, if I may have a word with you, privately?” 
“You’re going to be making your announcement shortly, we can speak afterwards.” He replied dismissively. 
“Please, it’s urgent.” Liam insisted. 
Constantine excused himself from his conversation and followed Liam into his study, closing the door behind him. As soon as they were away from the eyes of the court Liam’s demeanor changed, he seemed anxious, pacing back and forth across the floor. Constantine attributed it to the changes he would be going through in the next hour, and was grateful that he was able to conceal those emotions when he was in front of others. 
“Godfrey and I were just discussing the engagement tour. We are going to begin in Fydelia, since it is the home of your future betrothed.” Constantine broke the silence in the room.
“I’m not choosing Madeleine.” Liam stated flatly. 
Constantine’s brow furrowed in confusion. “Well, there will certainly be some damage control needed, but it’s not the end of the world. Don’t tell me you’ve chosen the Nevrakis girl. I know you two are close, but she was only invited to participate out of obligation. She cannot sit on the throne.” 
“No, I’m not choosing Olivia.” Liam took a deep breath, preparing himself. “I will not be choosing one of the suitors.”
“But son, you need to be engaged to ascend the throne. You know I’m in poor health, I need to step down before…”
“That’s why I wanted to speak with you,” Liam interrupted. “I would like for you to make a change to the law. One final decree as reigning king.” He noticed his father’s trepidation, and continued speaking. “I just don’t think I can be the king Cordonia needs, or deserves, if I am married to one of those women. You know how important it is for a king to have the right queen by his side.”
“I do, that’s why I’ve been encouraging you to choose the countess. She has been preparing for this role since she was a child.” 
“So have I, I went through all of the same lessons that Leo did. I can be a great king on my own, until I find a queen that will be good for this country, and for me.” Liam pleaded with his father. 
Constantine studied Liam’s expression, he was steadfast and unwavering. “And if I refuse?”
“Then when I go up on stage tonight and I will announce my abdication. I believe the line of succession would then fall to the Nevrakis girl,” he mimicked Constantine’s earlier tone. “And you’ve made it quite clear how you feel about that.” 
The reigning king’s eyes went wide at Liam’s ultimatum. “You would throw thousands of years of tradition away over this?” 
“Over my happiness? Absolutely.” Liam’s expression softened in a final attempt to get his father to understand. “Cordonia deserves me at my best, and I cannot do that with one of these suitors, so I would rather step down than give them anything less.” 
“You are certainly a fierce negotiator.” Constantine observed. 
“I’ve learned from the best.” Liam replied, he smirked at his father, hoping to lighten the mood slightly. He was unsuccessful. 
“And where do you imagine you’re going to find this woman?” Constantine asked. “I will not have you plastering your personal information all over these dating websites I’ve been hearing about.” 
“No sir, I wouldn’t,” Liam assured. “I much prefer making a face to face connection.” 
Constantine stood in pensive silence, thinking about Liam’s proposition, but also studying his son. He was looking for even the slightest break in his expression, but there was none. Liam knew he was being tested and failing was not an option. 
“If I do this for you, you will make the announcement and deal with any of the fallout on your own.” He warned. 
Liam nodded in understanding. “Of course.” 
“Son, this conversation has shown me that you will be exactly the ruler this country needs.” Constantine placed a hand on his shoulder. “With or without a wife.” 
“Thank you, father.” Liam’s tone remained even, afraid his father might change his mind if he showed too much enthusiasm. Inwardly, he was screaming. 
“I will need about an hour to make the arrangements. You are to return to the ball, and keep this information to yourself. No one is to know until you step onstage and make the announcement.” 
“Yes sir,” Liam extended a hand, which his father shook briefly before pulling him into a hug.
“I’m proud of you, son.” Constantine said, patting him on the back before pulling away. “Now get out there and keep everyone occupied.”
Liam nodded with a smile, and returned to the ball feeling lighter than he had in months. 
As soon as he set foot in the ballroom, he was approached by Penelope, who asked him to dance. He obliged, and led her to the center of the floor. Penelope hadn’t stopped speaking once during their dance, but Liam didn’t hear a word she said. All he could think about was his announcement, and what this meant for him. He was one step closer to living his dream, and falling in love. 
Once the dance was over, Liam parted ways with Penelope and made his rounds through the room, his eyes intermittently flickering toward the door. As the time passed, his nerves grew, worried that his father may renege on their agreement. 
Liam was in the middle of a conversation with the Beaumonts when the music stopped, and a throat clearing over the speakers pulled his attention. He looked up to see his father standing on stage. 
Once the crowd quieted down, Constantine began to address them. “The moment we’ve been waiting for all season has finally arrived. It has been my great honor to serve Cordonia these last few decades.” His expression sombered as he continued. “We’ve had turmoil, but Cordonia has pulled together even during our toughest times. I couldn’t be more proud to have been Cordonia’s king.”
The crowd applauded as Constantine searched the faces for his son. When his eyes locked on Liam, he nodded. Liam took the signal and made his way to the stage. When he took his spot at his father’s side, Constantine continued. 
“I only now pass the crown to Prince Liam because I know he’ll carry on exactly as I have. I couldn’t ask for a better successor.” 
“Father…” Liam’s expression softened, touched by his words. 
“It’s true. I love your brother, but you are the king Cordonia needs.” He turned to smile at his youngest son before continuing. “You have more than proven that to me. Especially tonight. Today, I pass the royal signet ring to you. Cordonia is yours, my son.” 
As the crowd cheered, Constantine took a step back, standing beside Regina, as Liam took his place in front of the microphone. “Thank you all for being here tonight. This is an incredible honor and a responsibility that I don’t take lightly. I only hope that I can serve Cordonia with the distinction that my father did.” He turned to his father and step-mother, bowing to them before pulling them each into an embrace. 
“And now, the time has come, your prince will choose his bride.” Regina announced. 
“Actually,” Liam returned to the microphone. “In the interest of hitting the ground running, I spoke with my father earlier tonight, and he has put through one final decree as king.” Liam looked to his father, who nodded in approval. “I truly appreciate all of the ladies that participated in the season. Your grace and poise throughout the weeks has not gone unnoticed. Your unwavering support for this country is an inspiration. However, I will not be choosing a bride tonight.” 
The crowd immediately broke into gasps and murmurs as they took in Liam’s announcement. He looked out over the confused faces, taking in each of the suitors' reactions. Shock appeared to be the general consensus, until his eyes landed on Madeleine. Her expression remained impassive, but he could see the fire in her eyes before she abruptly turned and exited the ballroom. Liam did feel bad for her, this was her second time thinking she would become queen, and the second time the opportunity had been taken from her. 
Liam heard a throat clear behind him and he turned, locking eyes with Constantine. He didn’t have to say a word, Liam understood. He lifted a hand to silence the crowd. “If you will allow me to explain,” he said, once the noise had died down. “As I said, each of the suitors showed immeasurable grace and dedication to their country, all of which are crucial qualities for a queen. However, there was one very important qualification that I could not find. I was unable to connect with them in the way that a man should connect with his wife.” 
He paused for a moment, allowing a few whispers of confusion to ripple through the room. “I want to give this country my absolute best. To do that, I believe that I need to forge my own path, and find the right partner for me, and for this country.” 
Questions were shouted out rapid fire from the crowd, Liam once again raised a hand and waited for the room to quiet down. “I understand that there will be many questions and concerns, I will do my best to answer and address them all in due time. However, right now, we do need to proceed with this evening’s agenda. I appreciate your support, and look forward to continuing to guide Cordonia into greatness.”  
Liam ignored the lingering comments that were scattered throughout the crowd, and the evening went on as planned. He took his oath and was officially crowned the king of Cordonia. Despite the upset earlier in the evening, the tone for the rest of the event was full of cheer and hope. There were, understandably, lingering doubts about Liam’s decision, but the court had enough faith in him to be able to celebrate this moment for what it was, a new beginning for Cordonia. 
At the end of the night, once the guests had retired to their rooms, Liam sat on his throne, taking in the gravity of what had just happened.
“You know you don’t have to sleep on that thing, right?” The gruff voice of his best friend pulled him from his thoughts. 
“I know,” Liam responded. “I suppose I’m just letting things sink in.” 
“That’s fair,” he shrugged. “So what now?”
“Well, there will be a few interviews and photo ops with the press. I will need to be formally introduced to our allies and neighboring countries.” He paused for a moment. “I suppose we will need to rebrand what was supposed to be the engagement tour. I will work out the details in the morning.” 
“Yeah, let’s talk about that for a second,” Drake smirked. “What happened?”
Liam let out a humorless laugh. “Leo, of all things.” Drake looked at him curiously. “I was speaking with him earlier, and he was telling me about that woman from the cruise. It didn’t work out.” 
“Shocking.” Drake deadpanned. 
“Right? Well, he said something that resonated with me.” Liam explained Leo’s theory, and how it inspired him to stand up to his father, and forge his own path.
“That’s great Li, I’m really proud of you for standing up for yourself.” Drake congratulated his friend. “So when are you going to New York?” 
Liam’s gaze snapped up, meeting Drake’s. “What do you mean? Why would I go to New York?” 
“For the waitress.” Drake said with an arched brow. He knew Liam better than that. “That’s what all of this was about, wasn’t it?”
“Not quite,” Liam sighed. “Riley was my sign, not my soulmate. She made it clear that my feelings are not returned.” 
“What are you talking about? I’m pretty sure it was obvious to everyone but you that she was into you.” 
“Then why didn’t she accept Maxwell’s offer to join the social season?” 
“Seriously?” Drake slapped his palm against his forehead. “Listen, take a step back and look at it from her point of view. She has this whole life, a job, a family, friends, and you expected her to give all of that up and join this mess because of a couple of hours? Nobody in their right mind would do something like that.” 
Liam let out a deep breath, shaking his head. “It doesn’t matter, the moment has passed. I’m sure she’s moved on.” 
“Li, you literally changed history for this woman. You mean to tell me that you’re not even going to try?” 
“I changed history for myself.” Liam corrected him.  
“Fine, you changed history for yourself, but it was because of her.” Drake rolled his eyes. “You’ve got a couple of weeks before the tour starts, right?” Liam nodded. “Okay, so take care of all the press and that stuff now, once that’s died down, fly out to New York and find her. If she’s going to reject you, at least have her reject you to your face so you know for sure.” 
A silence took over the room as Liam considered Drake’s words. 
“At least think about it.” Drake finally spoke up.
Liam locked eyes with his friend. “Thank you, Drake” 
Drake nodded and took his leave, not wanting to push any further. It was a decision Liam would need to make on his own. 
As Liam walked to his room, the king’s quarters, he found himself more conflicted than ever. He thought that his announcement would leave him feeling lighter, more at ease with his new role as king. However after his talk with Drake, he had so much more to think about. Should he return to New York? Was it possible that he could still have a chance with Riley? 
He needed to start focusing on his duties as king, but once again, he couldn’t get her out of his mind. 
@3pawandme @alj4890 @busywoman @charlotteg234 @cordonia-gothqueen @cordoniaqueensworld @differenttyphoonwerewolf @emkay512 @foreverethereal123 @hopelessromanticmonie @iaminlovewithtrr @imashybish @kat-tia801 @kingliam2019 @malblk21 @mom2000aggie @neotericthemis @nestledonthaveone @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @secretaryunpaid @sincerelyella @tessa-liam @theroyalheirshadowhunter @tinkie1973 @twinkleallnight @txemrn
@amandablink @custaroonie @jared2612
@21-wishes @ao719 @bascmve01 @belencha77 @burnsoslow @imjusthereforliam @kristinamae093 @lovingchoices14 @the0afnan
Hands Down:
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lolablackwrites · 10 months
Guarded Hearts - Full Series
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What if The Royal Romance MC met Bastien the night before she met Liam?
Guarded Hearts Series
Part 1: The night before Liam’s bachelor party, MC (Alice) meets someone else from Cordonia. (NSFW)
Part 2: Alice ends up joining Liam’s bachelor party in New York, but her thoughts are elsewhere.
Part 3: Alice and Bastien spend what they think will be their last night together and Maxwell makes a surprising proposition to Alice. (NSFW)
Part 4: Alice flies to Cordonia with Maxwell before preparing for the masquerade ball.
Part 5: At the masquerade ball, Alice sees someone unexpected.
Part 6: Alice does her best at the masquerade and learns the truth about the stakes.
Part 7: Bastien and Alice celebrate her arrival in Cordonia. (NSFW)
Part 8: Alice gets a crash course in decorum and is off to the races.
Part 9: Alice attends the derby and meets the queen–and a possible new adversary.
Part 10: Croquet, cronuts, and smut, oh my! (NSFW)
Part 11: Alice and the others arrive in Lythikos and take a turn around the frozen lake.
Part 12: Alice skis the deck in Lythikos, learns more about Drake’s family, and has a private dance lesson with Bastien.
Part 13: Alice attends the ball at Lythikos, finds a private moment with Bastien, and babysits a drunk friend. (NSFW)
Part 14: Alice asks Bastien about the bachelor party photos and prepares to race in the regatta after a surprising announcement.
Part 15: Alice competes in the Royal Regatta and enjoys the beach party, but someone else might be planning something…
Part 16: The Apple Blossom Festival begins and later, Alice and the others head out to celebrate Drake’s birthday.
Part 17: The competition is on for the title of Apple Queen, but others are conspiring.
Part 18: Alice comes clean to Liam and attends the royal hunt.
Part 19: Bastien meets with the king and Alice has an unwanted visitor.
Part 20: Alice deals with the morning after.
Part 21: Alice helps the Beaumonts prepare for the upcoming party and receives a surprise visitor.
Part 22: It’s the night of the big Beaumont bash!
Part 23: It’s the night of the coronation and secrets come to light.
Part 24: At the airport and about to leave Cordonia forever, someone stops Alice from getting on her flight.
Part 25: Alice deals with some of her issues and heads to Fydelia with the Beaumonts.
Part 26: Alice talks with Liam and returns to Applewood Manor.
Part 27: Alice meets her new press secretary, attends the barn raising, and visits the spa with her friends.
Part 28: Alice attends the picnic and learns a disturbing truth.
Part 29: Alice attends the dinner with the statesman in Italy and tracks down the photographer before learning of a betrayal close to home.
Part 30: Alice attends Madeleine’s bachelorette party and secrets come to light.
Part 31: Alice and Bastien tell their friends the truth about the plot against her and they all attend the fashion show in Paris.
Part 32: Alice helps Drake solve another mystery while she tries to settle into some normalcy with Bastien.
Part 33: Alice attends Liam’s second bachelor party in Paris, but the party doesn’t go as planned.
Part 34: Alice and Bastien confront her trauma and find a way to spend some time alone before Regina arrives to attend the opera.
Part 35: The Cordonian Court arrives in Shanghai, Liam reveals his plan to deal with Constantine and Regina, and Alice and Bastien fully reunite. (NSFW)
Part 36: Alice attends a tea ceremony with the Cordonian court and supports Hana during a big moment.
Part 37: The engagement tour arrives in New York, Alice and Bastien make some big choices, and new information is revealed.
Part 38: Bastien goes to LA to retrieve Tariq while Alice tries to distract herself back in New York…and someone decides to take matters into their own hands.
Part 39: The nobles return to Cordonia, Liam makes Alice an offer, and Alice moves in with Bastien. (NSFW)
Part 40: The Homecoming Ball! 
Part 41: The aftermath of the Homecoming Ball.
Part 42: When Bastien is discharged from the the hospital, he and Alice return to the palace in time for the Five Kingdoms Festival.
Part 43: The Unity Tour arrives in Fydelia and Alice must play peacekeeper between Adelaide and Godfrey. (NSFW)
Part 44: The Unity Tour arrives in Portavira and Alice and the others participate in a celebrity polo match for charity. (slightly NSFW)
Part 45: The Unity Tour makes an unscheduled stop in Applewood and Alice is forced to revisit the past. (NSFW)
Part 46: The Unity Tour arrives at Kiara’s family’s estate in Castelsarreillan and Alice and the others sample wines from the vineyard.
Part 47: It’s the day of the art festival, with both tragedies and fond memories.
Part 48: The Unity Tour returns to the palace for the Costume Gala, with duels and disasters and the arrival of a mysterious figure.
Part 49: The tour arrives in Lythikos with unexpected guests and a rendezvous at an ice palace. (NSFW)
Part 50: It’s time for the Winter Festival in Lythikos! MC (Alice) is willing to use herself to lure out their attackers, but if she’s not careful, someone might just take the bait…
Part 51: After a harrowing escape from the Nevrakis vault, the Unity Tour finally arrives at Valtoria.
Part 52: It’s the night of the Lantern Festival (as well as Bastien and Alice’s wedding) at Valtoria!
Part 53: Everyone is headed to Vegas for Olivia and Liam’s stag/hen do–but Alice and Bastien still find time to celebrate their honeymoon. (NSFW)
Part 54: Back in Cordonia, MC (Alice) helps plan the royal wedding.
Part 55: An attack in town leads to new information and an intimate talk between MC (Alice) and Bastien (NSFW).
Part 56: After a serene morning spent with the wedding party, the afternoon devolves into chaos.
Part 57: MC (Alice), Olivia, and Hana are under siege at the bridal boutique. Will they make it to the wedding–or even out alive?
Part 58: They’ve reached the wedding reception, but someone has one more fight left in them…
Part 59: Before leaving on their honeymoon, there are a few more surprises in store for MC (Alice) and Bastien.
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wordwarriors · 11 months
Pacing and Scene Transitions
Thanks to everyone who attended today. It was another great discussion. There was a lot of things covered today, I hope this hits the highlights.
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Scene: The basic building block of a story. A story is comprised of many scenes strung together.
Chapter and story length: A very common question in writer’s groups is how long should my book be?
How long should a chapter be? The truth is that no one can answer that for you. Each book, short story, chapter and scene should be as long as it needs to be to accomplish what you need it to accomplish.
Chapter and scene length should vary. Chapters do not need to be uniform, nor should they be. Sometimes a short chapter can be an excellent set up for what comes next.
Pacing: every word should push your plot forward.
Slowing the pace can be used to give readers a break, to give your character and readers time to process previous events. This is the place to explore character motivations, backstory, etc.
Create slower pacing with detailed descriptions, longer phrases/sentences, and paragraphs.
Use heightened detail when you want to slow things down. Think of a slow-motion movie shot. This kind of shot amps up the focus on each visual aspect, allowing the viewer to experience a single moment in exquisite detail. You can utilize a similar technique and achieve a similar effect in your writing. (See example under the cut)
Create faster pacing with sharp, short sentences. Shorter paragraphs. Show don’t tell. (He wasn't nervous...his heart pounded). Limited amount of exposition. Action words. Keep the action going.
Use shorter words. Ex: Try not endeavor. Use adjectives and adverbs sparingly. Ex: The sharp sword pierced his delicate skin. VS The sword pierced his skin.
If you were looking for slow, say his perception slowed down at that moment. Then: The world stood still as the gleaming blade sliced toward him, the sharpness biting into his soft, delicate flesh as a blossom of red appeared across his chest.
So the fast one if mid-scene, but if you now want to slow the narrative and transition scenes the slow would be better.
When you want fast pacing, that is not the time to give the character backstory or explain why she has a fear of heights.
Some genres lend to faster or slower pacing overall, but your story should have both slow and fast-paced scenes generally.
Scene Shifting: When to scene shift and how; Scenes shift when there’s a change in place, time, or POV. Can also show a change in heart or frame of mind.
Ending a chapter, adding a break (the little stars in the middle or an extra blank line)
A cliffhanger is when a chapter ends in the middle of a scene, at a crucial moment.
The last line of the previous scene should set up the first line of the next.
Don’t teleport, don’t time hop, don’t have characters suddenly appear. Rather, show these things. It could be with a header.
At the Royal Palace Cordonian Royal Hospital Six months ago…
I use scene headers when jumping between multiple locations/POV in one chapter, but generally, you would use the narrative to show shifts.
In the days and months that followed, Clarissa and Sarah became closer as they bonded over their shared enthusiasm for horses. One morning in late April, Clarissa stepped out into the cool morning air to find Sarah was missing.
Thirty minutes later, they were in the car speeding toward the beach. The next day, they met in front of the fountain.
The posh hotel she found herself in…. As she stepped out of the limo….. Three days later…
That night,
We will talk about setting scenes/establishing scenes next month, but for now, remember to make it clear who is in the room when you set the scene or have a character enter later, but be sure to include it so the reader isn’t surprised when someone speaks when the narrative never showed that they were present.
Example of Slow vs. Fast Pacing:
A great example of using heightened detail to slow pacing courtesy of @karahalloway. This slows the action down and gets inside the character’s head, exposing backstory, personality, and motivation, immersing you in the sensory feel of the scene.
Arriving at the side of the pool, I peel my sweat-soaked clothes off, leaving only my boxers on for the sake of modesty in case someone happens to walk in.
Taking a breath, I step out over the edge and plunge straight in.
The sting of salt hits my nose — not the same flavour as the Med, but then no pool's ever gonna compete with that — as the water envelopes me and I let myself sink below the surface.
I hit the bottom and the echoey silence settles like a blanket around me, soothing my senses, taming my pulse.
Feeling my lungs start to itch from the lack of oxygen, I reluctantly open my eyes and kick back up to the surface.
But I don't feel like returning to dry land just yet.
So, drawing a quick breath, I stretch myself out and dip into an easy freestyle. Half-a-dozen strokes and I reach the edge of the pool. Diving down, I flip myself around to kick off the wall, resurfacing into a backstroke.
I repeat the pattern for about ten laps, enjoying the rare sense of peace that came with gliding weightlessly through the water, strokes moving effortlessly in time with my breath.
Eventually, though, I'm forced to call it quits as my body finally runs out of steam and my rhythm starts to falter.
Grabbing onto the edge of the pool, I pause to catch my breath, arms and shoulders tingling from the exertion..
Now contrast this to a fast-paced scene where we strip away all those details. You don’t need to know what the halls look like or what he’s feeling in this moment, the focus is on the action:
Men scrambled to their feet, grabbing weapons and scurrying down the hallway. The second the last man was through the door, Drake hauled ass across the room and swiped the keycard.
He sprinted up the stairs, making the first floor as he heard guards giving chase behind him. Footsteps pounded behind him and orders to halt rang through the hallways. He stayed far enough ahead of them that no one could get a clear shot off. Barely.
He knew where he was going and they didn’t.
He flew down the corridors and skidded around corners, weaving and twisting his way through the familiar halls until he found the door he was looking for.
He ignored the shouting as he hurtled around one last corner and dove into a small unused office, slamming the door shut behind him. He locked it and slid the desk in front of it.
By the time the guards got through the door, the room was empty.
“Where the fuck did he go?”
Drake was running through the secret passageways, on his way to freedom.
Please, if I've missed anything, feel free to mention it in the comments and I'll add it!
Also, check out these articles on Pacing and Scene Writing:
Writing Scenes
November Event:
Live Discussion on World Building and Establishing Scenes on Friday, November 17th, 2023 12:00 p.m. CST
Please note November and December discussions will be on the third Friday of the month instead of the fourth
Word Warriors:
@karahalloway @aussiegurl1234 @harleybeaumont @alj4890 @peonierose @petiteboheme @twinkleallnight @lizzybeth1986 @noesapphic @thedistantshoresproject
@ryns-ramblings @tate-lin @nestledonthaveone
@aallotarenunelma @kristinamae093 @coffeeheartaddict2 @memorias-depresivas
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phoenixrising0308 · 2 years
The day I watched you marry someone else.
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Books: The Royal Romance Book 3
Rating: M (Mature content and implied sexual activities)
Pairing: Liam & Jessica (MC)
The Arrangement -  This is the story of how Liam Rys and Jessica Garcia enter a Cordonian arrangement. This is a 4 chapter story arc and fits into a story in between called the Promise, which is in the Agent Phoenix A/U. 
Detailed disclaimer
Triggers: none identified by the author
Chapter Summary: Jessica's POV of the wedding
A/N: This is reposting an original chapter released in 2019/2020 under a previous blog name with new added content sprinkled in.  Im sorry it took so long to get back into the writing space life has been heavy.
Song Inspiration: The Arrangement Playlist
Word Count: 2,500 *As always, forgive my typos and grammatical errors*
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New York, One week prior...
Liam walked Jessica back to her hotel room and wiped away her tears.
“He just slipped away; we just missed him.” Jessica cried out on Liam’s shoulder.
“We will find him; this isn’t over for us. It will never be over for us.”
“I don’t know what I want to do, Liam. I can’t walk away from you.”
The tears he held back, trying to be strong, started streaming down his face. They rested their heads against each other. 
“I am expected at the wedding. I don’t know if I can sit there and watch you marry someone else. Maxwell and Bertrand did so much for me and I can’t have them look even worse by not showing my face. I need to think. But I’m not getting on that plane with the rest of the court. I don’t know what happens after that, I don’t know if I can enter into a Cordonian arrangement.”
I don’t know what to say. But if you come back and want to stay, we can solve this together.  Will you wait for me?
Ramsford - Jessica’s room
Liam’s Wedding day
 Everyone was in a frenzy trying to get ready. Jessica sat in a daze as the letter she read, hand-delivered to her by a footman in familiar cursive writing. When she finished she let it fall to the floor.
Lady Jessica, you should know that I have invoked on behalf of the Crown prince ‘Sex primis noctibus’ or the first six nights. As Cordonian tradition dictates, the King is to be in close quarters with the Queen with no outside interruptions to get familiar with each other and bed each other for six consecutive nights in hopes that they can produce an heir. In fact, the wedding date is chosen based on the future Queen's fertile window. Liam might love you but he loves his country more. I encourage you to move on and have your sponsor find you a respectable match and marry or return to the states before you waste any more time chasing a dream that simply can not be. There has never been a divorce or annulment in the history of the Rys line of succession, and we have held the throne for a century.
-Constantine Rys 
It would be the first royal wedding in Cordonia since Constantine married Regina. But this was a larger affair. It would be a first marriage, and that hasn’t happened in decades. The last time it did was Constantine’s marriage to Leo’s mother.
Maxwell picked up the letter and briefly read it; he crumpled it up in disgust and threw it in the trash before returning to her side and lovingly combing her hair. “I’m so sorry, blossom. I wish it didn’t have to be this way.”
Jessica held Maxwell’s hand stopping him and putting the brush down. “Me too.” He took her in his arms and they cried. 
Bertrand walked into the room with a large box and said, “Maxwell, I would like to have a word with Lady Jessica.”
Bertrand took Maxwell’s place in front of Jessica and said, “This will be a very difficult day. I thank you for doing this for us. You could have easily stayed in New York, but you came. Should you want to make a life for yourself, allow me to offer you my assistance. You are to stay here as long as you want. You are our sister, this home is yours as well to make use of. But it is my duty to inform you that a suitor has approached me and asked if you would consider a proposal.”
Jessica blinked her tears away in surprise at that before speaking again. “Thank you, Bertrand. But I don’t think I’m ready for anything. I know that it is your custom to arrange a match for a lady of your house, but would it be out of the ordinary if I don’t want to be married?”
“Jessica, it is your choice. I just don’t know how to mend a broken heart. I just thought since you came here to be wed that perhaps that could help.”
Jessica gave Bertrand a half-smile. “I came here for Liam.”
“Jessica, as you know, we have no lady of the house, and surely when I marry Savannah, I would like to commission something for her, but what I am giving you is a gift. You helped me find her, and connect with her and our son, and I could never thank you enough, but I hope this is a start.”
Bertrand placed the box on Jessica’s lap. “It would mean the world to me and Maxwell if you wore this and perhaps you can channel the strength of its owner.”
Jessica opened up the box and gasped, “Bertrand, do you mean it? I can surely wear it and give it back.”
“Maxwell and I insist. This is yours to have. We can offer you our name and our protection and we have given you our mother's ring but one thing remains that should be yours. As you know, a hat is customary at court functions when not at a gala. I was not always kind to you, yet you stood by us. Your loyalty was unwavering even after I doubted your ability to be a suitor. Please accept this as a gift as a sign of our gratitude and a welcoming gift to joining our house.”
Jessica pulled out the light blue fascinator hat with a birdcage veil; made of sinamay material that glimmered in the sun-like diamond dust. 
"Maxwell tells me you favor hats, and well, this was my mother's pride and joy. It serves no purpose locked away in a closet when it should go to an owner that wears it when called upon."
Jessica was awestruck as she softly asked, “This belonged to Duchess Annabelle?”
“Yes, it belonged to our mother. The world will be looking at you today, the press will look for you to crumble. They think you are alone, that you have lost, but in this, you have gained family and friends. We are better people because you walked into our lives. Jessica, you surprised me time and time again. Liam told me you were his choice. Had it not been for his father’s interference and the loyalist on the royal council, this would be your day.”
Jessica placed the fascinator on her head and said, “It certainly is beautiful. I will wear it with pride. Thank you.”
Bertrand’s lips trembled as he fought back his tears and said, “You honor this house regardless of title or status. Lady Jessica Garcia Beaumont”
Jessica looked at herself in the mirror as she placed the fascinator on her head and sighed deeply, trying not to cry again.
Bertrand gave her a soft smile and said, “Tungsten… impact strength determines how much energy a metal can absorb. Tungsten can hold the highest temperature even in a forge; its melting point is the highest of any element; it will not shatter or be broken. That's why all the items in our armory are made of it. This house is your shield. When you look at yourself, remind yourself of your resilience and strength. That will get you through this painful ordeal.”
Royal Cordonian Abbey
Jessica stepped into the Abbey dressed in the house colors of the Beaumonts. She wore an off-the-shoulder knee-length dress that coordinated perfectly with the late Duchess Annabelle’s hat. She held her head high as people snickered at her, but she walked with grace and class paying no mind to the hurtful remarks people whispered as she passed by. Reporters attempted to get her to comment and she declined to give a statement. She took her place in the pew next to Hana. 
Hana said, “My mother wanted me to sit next to the other ladies of the court, but my friend needs me more.” Hana took Jessica’s hand and squeezed it.
Olivia entered and was directed to a pew. “I will choose my own seat. I wish to sit next to Lady Hana and Lady Jessica, should the Queen take issue with it then so be it.” Olivia took her seat next to Jessica.
Jessica said, “Thank you, Olivia.”  
Olivia quirked a brow and said, “Why are you thanking me?”
Jessica lowered her gaze. “People hate me and you have enough problems. You could have sat anywhere and yet you sat next to me.” 
Olivia smirked. “I hate the word friend you know, but there is something that can be said about sitting next to someone with the courage you have shown throughout this. You have my respect.” 
Jessica smiled, “And you have mine.”
Olivia said, “Please know Liam opted for the Abbey as he said the Cathedral before God is reserved for his marriage to you. He won’t give up until that crown is on your head.” 
Jessica whispered, “I just want to marry him. Sure, being a Queen would be amazing, but being his wife... That’s all I’m concerned about. I would marry him anywhere and not care how fancy it is.”
20 minutes later…
Madeleine’s assistant walked over to the pew and said, “Lady Jessica, the future Queen has summoned you.”
“Do you know why?” Jessica frowned as she asked.
“I’m sorry, she wouldn’t disclose, but she told me if you refused to remind you that it is a direct order.”
Jessica sighed. She stood up and smoothed her dress. “Excuse me, Hana and Olivia.” Olivia stood up so Jessica could exit with a skeptical glare on her face at the summons.
Abbey vestibule
Jessica entered and saw Madeleine admiring herself in the mirror. A few ladies of the court including Kiara and Penelope fussed over Madeleine’s dress.
Madeleine waved her hand and dismissed them. Then, she turned her attention to Jessica and coldly said, “Exactly who I wanted to see. Liam refused the use of the cathedral, and I won’t even have a reception. I will just have a small dinner... How embarrassing. For a Queen not to have all the fanfare owed to her. I have been robbed of an opportunity to be admired on my wedding day. Not to mention this lackluster necklace. It seems I was an afterthought. I should be a priority but I'm not since your insignificant little feelings matter to him.”
Jessica rolled her eyes, “Geezus Madeleine, you sound so pretentious and entitled. Let’s not forget this is a forced marriage so Liam could ascend the throne.”
“Liam isn’t playing the part, and so I must remind him that I can still get to him. Despite him not giving me control of things, there are things that I can control, and he is powerless to stop me from doing so.”
Jessica lost her temper and finally snapped at the woman who ruined everything. “Madeleine, what do you fucken’ want!?”
Madeleine smirked, “I think you want to stay here, Jessica. Your visa can be revoked for crimes against the crown, and that means not following orders. There is a lifetime ban, and there is no appeal process. Liam cannot do anything for the next six days to help you thanks to our um... the bridal bed, which surely he will enjoy. So, for the next six days, if you so much as jaywalk, I will ensure you are in a position to be deported.”
Jessica frowned deeply at the mention of their honeymoon. “Fine. I will stay locked up at Ramsford. Happy?”
Madeleine hummed as she fussed with herself in the mirror. “Some people favor you, and if they favor you, that means they don’t favor me. I want people to love me, to know that I was the best choice for this Kingdom, and not sympathize with you. I want the security of being a Queen, and you are endangering that. You have Liam’s protection, but that won’t stop me from driving you out of the country.”
“Madeleine, why do you insist on making his life difficult?”
Madeleine turned to her with a smirk and said, “By my order, a senior member of the court, you are directed to carry my train to the Abbey. You will stand there and watch me and Liam marry. You will be allowed back to your pew when the coronation ceremony begins.”
The clicking sound of heels entered the Abbey vestibule from the end of the hall. Olivia’s voice echoed.  
Olivia growled out with  murder in her eyes. “God Madeleine, how low can you stoop? In the end, you are nothing. This day will be forgotten. I don’t know what you have done to get all this favor. First, it was Leo, now it’s Liam. Who are you in bed with truly?”
“Petty words from petty people. I have it, and I will use it.” Madeleine waved her hand in the air and said, “Love? Is that his little pet name for you? Well, LOVE, pick up my train.” Madeleine commanded with sadistic glee.
Jessica stood in defeat. Olivia stepped forward. “I outrank your little entourage.” Olivia walked over and picked up the train and said, “Surely a Duchess carrying the train of a future Queen is an honor. Especially the Duchess of an established house. Liam created a duchy for you reserving Valtoria for Jessica. That must sting. You seem to just want to wound her, to take for yourself, the things he is holding for her when he can rid himself of you." She huffed and continued. "How sad. How sad to be a Queen and have nothing. If you insist on this pathetic game with Jessica, just know she is not alone and never will be. The house of Nevrakis and the house Beaumont are loyal to each other. Jessica is under Beaumont's protection, and she is also under mine as well. My protection is worth an army.”
Madeleine sneered slightly at Olivia. “Fine. Have it your way, but she is still ordered and must comply.”
Jessica sighed and took the other end of the train. Forcing the lump in her throat to die down and to get it over with. 
15 minutes later…
The entrance song to the wedding began. Liam stood at the altar, never turning to look at  Madeleine. He just wanted the ordeal over so he can lock himself in the palace for the next six days as tradition dictated. Leo reminded him, although tradition stated he must be in closed quarters, it did not state he needed to cohabitate in the same room; just in the same wing. In fact, other than that tradition, he was under no obligation to live at the palace at all. Liam would remain in his room in the wing alone while Madeleine would remain in her room. That was his final verdict. 
Olivia and Jessica trailed behind Madeleine into the Abbey holding her train. The tears welled in Jessica’s eyes. She laid Madeleine’s train down and stood next to Olivia with their heads held high, even though she couldn't look Liam in the eyes without sobbing. 
Madeleine smiled coldly and said, “I received your message. I hope you received mine. If you listen closely, you could hear her poor heart shatter into little pieces.” Madeleine turned to Jessica and handed her her bridal bouquet, and hissed out low enough for only them to hear, “Hold this, LOVE. You will never get an opportunity to hold a bridal bouquet otherwise.” 
Liam made eye contact with Jessica as she stood by Olivia. She looked down at the flowers and averted eye contact, trying not to cry in front of the entire court, knowing that this was Madeleine’s intent all along. Liam, on the other hand, became emotional at the sight of what Madeleine forced her to do in public, humiliating her, and he was completely powerless to comfort her. 
Constantine presided over the ceremony and said, “I welcome you all here today as I am fortunate to marry my son to his Queen. It brings me great joy to unify them not only by law, but by love. Looking at Liam so emotionally over this day tells me he is completely in love.” Constantine smirked as he looked at Jessica. Then he returned his attention to the crowd. 
Constantine said, “Liam, Crown Prince of Cordonia, repeat after me:
 I, Liam Nathaniel Rys, Crown Prince of Cordonia, take you, Madeleine Elizabeth Amaranth of Fydelia, as my wife. I promise to be true to you in good times and bad times, through sickness and health. I vow to love you, honor you, and be faithful to you for all the remaining days of my life.”
Liam looked at Jessica as both of their hearts broke for each other. Tears in their eyes, and hope dwindling.
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tessa-liam · 1 year
Turning the Page  
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Chapter 3 – Regrets 
Choices, The Royal Romance, AU
Series Premise: As Riley Brooks journeys through life as a single parent in New York City, an epiphany strikes as she contemplates the future for herself and her two-year-old son. 
Turning the Page Masterlist 
Main Pairing: Liam Rys x F!MC Riley Brooks 
All characters belong to Pixelberry, except William Brooks (Rys) and Matteo Magro, who belong to this series. 
Category: On-going series, contains angst/fluff/depression 
Rating: M🔞Warnings - crude language – not Beta’d - please excuse all errors. 
Words: 2487 
Turning the Page 
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Regrets – Chapter 3 
Chapter Summary: Maxwell meets William for the first time as Riley continues to confide her truth to her Cordonian friend. Olivia attends a Royal council meeting at Liam’s invitation. Madeleine announces her pregnancy.  
Music Inspiration:  I Want to Know What Love is, Foreigner 
A/N1: In this alternate universe, after King Constantine orchestrates two individual scandals to humiliate and entrap Riley Brooks and Olivia Nevrakis in shame, Madeleine Amaranth secures her position as the Queen of Cordonia. Riley, as the King’s mistress and Olivia, in self-imposed exile. Tariq is never found. 
A/N2: My submission for @choicesflashfics, Week #51, Prompt 1 – "There isn’t anything that I wouldn’t do for you.” 
A/N3: My submission for @choicesseptemberchallenge2023, @midnightmelodiz, Day 30 – Home, Heart, “I’m here for you. Always.” 
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Brooklyn Heights, New York City 
The tapping sounds of rain pelting on her bedroom window startled her awake. Her eyes fluttered open as she tried to get her bearings. The last thing she remembered was crying herself to sleep after talking with Maxwell. 
Riley glanced at her clock on her bedside table, 2:30 a.m. She sighed and laid her head back on the pillow. She closed her eyes, hoping that sleep would take her, but it did not. Instead, her thoughts returned to the conversation she had with Maxwell the previous evening. 
‘He misses you so much. He is not the same without you.’ 
The rain picked up its pace, now pounding against the glass with intensity. Riley rolled over and gazed at the window, watching the droplets slide down the pane. 
‘You have no idea how much he loves you.’ 
Just like last night when speaking with Maxwell, her tears fell once again. 
‘He’ll be happy to know that you came back. That you want him too.’ 
Riley jumped when the thunder roared, and a flash of lightning filled her room with light. That is when she heard Li’s little voice from down the hallway; he was crying.
“I’m coming, Li Li.” 
Riley climbed out of bed and quickly threw on a robe before heading towards his room.  
Approaching his bed, she cooed, “Hey, little one.”  
“Did the storm wake you?” 
William sniffled and held his arm out to her; his other arm wrapped tightly around his Scooby-doo plushie. 
Riley smiled and scooped him up, cradling him close to her chest. 
“Don't worry, I’m here for you. Always.” 
Riley rocked him in her arms, gently swaying side to side as he laid his head against her shoulder. Once William fell back to sleep, she tucked him back into his bed. 
“Mommy loves you very much,” she whispered.  
"There isn’t anything that I wouldn’t do for you.” 
Riley once again felt tears stinging her eyes. 
“I love you, Li,” she breathed, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead.  
Thinking of Liam, Riley crumbled to the floor. The memories and guilt overwhelmed her once more. 
Cordonian Royal Palace, Capital, Cordonia 
It was early Wednesday morning when Liam sat down with Regina for an early breakfast in the dining room. Today, the Royal council was set to meet with a new member; which will be an interesting surprise for the members. 
Liam smiled to himself as he stirred sugar into his black coffee and looked across the table at Regina. He could sense that something was on her mind and was surprised when she told him that Madeleine wanted the press conference re-scheduled for Friday afternoon. 
“Friday, why so soon?” Liam challenged his stepmother. 
Regina looked at him with a stern expression. 
“Liam, the sooner you and Madeleine make a public statement, the sooner the rumors will stop.” He was aware of the rumblings at court. 
Liam scoffed. “The rumors? We are not having a child!” 
The final time he told Madeleine that he would never consummate a child with her, she decided to conceive a child with her lover. As per the Cordonian arrangement that was legally agreed upon, any child born outside of the Royal marriage would become the heir under the Queen’s guardianship. 
Madeleine was well aware of the one stipulation that the King had added to this contract. Liam had the definitive authority to legally name his heir.  She also knew he would also be expected to abide by his duty as monarch and produce an heir. 
“Liam, I understand that this is a sensitive topic for you. But it is imperative that you perform your duty as King and husband. Regardless of how you feel about her, the rumor has already spread through the nobility that you are unwilling or unable to produce a child. With Madeleine now pregnant, the two of you need to come forth through the media to the people of Cordonia. We need to put a stop to the rumors before it gets out of hand.” 
Liam squared his shoulders with a warning expression. 
“I am the King; my birthright. If I say the rumors are false, they are false.” 
“And the people will believe you, but the nobles will not. They will continue to question your ability to produce an heir.” 
“Then let them question. It is not their concern.” 
Regina sighed and folded her hands on the table, “Liam, please. This is important and...” 
“Enough!” Liam slammed his fist down and stood up menacingly. 
“If you are concerned about the image of the crown, then I suggest that you recommend to Madeleine that she must address the nobles at court herself. Let her explain the decision she made; let them see her for what she is for themselves.” Liam spat. 
“I am not concerned about the image of the crown, Liam. I am worried about you. Ever since Riley disappeared, you have been miserable.” 
Liam didn’t reply. Preferring to remain silent, he knew she was right. 
“I have spoken to Drake,” Regina continued. “He agrees with me. The only time you smile is when you talk about Riley. It has been almost three years. You need to let go of her and move on. You have a kingdom to rule.” 
Liam’s jaw tightened at her words. 
“Regina, I know you mean well, but I cannot do that; I will not do that. Now, if you will excuse me, I have a meeting to attend.” 
Liam bowed to Regina and turned towards the grand staircase. Climbing the staircase two steps at a time, at the third level, he turned to the right towards his study. 
Brooklyn Heights, New York City  
Cracking another egg into the bowl of ingredients, Daniel began to quickly whisk the pancake batter while the griddle got hot. Looking up to see Riley carrying William into the kitchen, he stopped stirring to rush over to pick up his Godson. 
“Good morning, buddy. How are you today?”  
William laughed excitedly, “dan dan!” As he wrapped his arms around Daniel’s neck, Riley sat down at the kitchen table after pouring herself a cup of coffee. 
“Are you going to watch me make pancakes?” William nodded and let Daniel seat him in his booster seat next to Riley. “How is Mommy doing, buddy?” 
Daniel looked over at Riley who sat looking out the large kitchen window next to the table. She was in deep thought and when she heard the familiar voice greet Daniel, she turned towards William. 
It was past midnight when the trio arrived back at the brownstone after walking home from the pier. Daniel had invited Maxwell back home to stay and crash, instead of him having to cab back to his hotel. 
Considering there were plenty of words left unsaid, Maxwell agreed quickly in the hope of learning more about his friend. She was clearly struggling; he was genuinely concerned about Riley’s state of mind. His heart broke watching his friend last night; she looked so defeated. Her ‘bright light’, snuffed out. 
“Good morning,” Maxwell sing-songed, but stopped abruptly in the doorway upon seeing the little blond-haired boy sitting beside Riley. 
“Hey, Max. I hope you are hungry.” Daniel acknowledged and invited him to sit. 
“Thank you... yes, I am starving.” Riley slowly raised her eyes to meet his; “would you like some coffee?” 
Maxwell answered, “please and thank you, little blossom.”  
As Maxwell looked at the little boy once more, time stood still. He was frozen in place staring at the little boy drinking from his sippy cup. Max's mouth open... he was speechless. 
“This is Liam’s son. His name is William.” Riley whispered, her voice trembling. 
The resemblance was uncanny – the same piercing blue eyes, the same hair color, the same expressive features. 
The boy was undoubtedly Liam’s son; a mirror image of his father, back in time. 
Maxwell’s heart skipped a beat. He remembered Riley’s heartbreak as he held her in Bossina cathedral as the newly married King and Queen passed by, walking back up the aisle.  
Liam, his childhood friend, had devastated Riley’s world the night he chose another. 
The scandal and shame she had to endure during the engagement tour.
He remembered the pain in Riley’s eyes when she announced that she would stay in Cordonia as his mistress. Just to remain in his life and to live as a secret; she would be bound by a cordonian agreement. 
And now, standing in front of William, he understood why Riley disappeared; leaving Liam and Cordonia behind.
William looked up to Maxwell with those familiar eyes, a mixture of curiosity and uncertainty in his gaze. 
Maxwell knelt beside William at eye level and smiled warmly.  
“Hey there, William. It's a pleasure to meet you.”  
William hesitated for a moment, but then gave Maxwell a tender smile, mirroring his father's charm.  
Riley went on to explain her dire situation to Maxwell. That Madeleine, if she found out about William, could and would threaten to take him away from her.  
That was why she called upon Maxwell for help, knowing that he was the only person she could trust to keep her secret and remain a connection to Cordonia.
Maxwell's mind raced as he tried to figure out a solution. He could not bear to see Riley go through more pain. And he could not ignore the innocent child who had unknowingly become a potential pawn for Madeleine.  
“We'll find a way, Riley." Maxwell assured his friend.  
"William deserves to know his father. And you deserve to remain part of his life and Liam's.” 
Maxwell sat beside Riley and wrapped his arms around her as more tears flowed. 
Maxwell couldn't help but think that William was not just a split image of his father. But also, a reflection of the love that will always exist between Riley and Liam. 
Royal Council Meeting 
The silence was deafening. 
Then, the murmurs began. 
As Olivia Nevrakis confidently strode into the boardroom and settled into her seat on the left-hand side of the King, she exuded an air of self-assurance. Her posture was erect, and her green eyes held a determined gleam. Olivia was known for her ambition and determination, and she was unapologetic about her presence in the room. 
When Queen Madeleine walked into the room, her regal presence commanded attention. The murmurs circulating the room were at once silenced as her gaze swept over the attendees, her expression initially neutral but with a discerning eye. 
When her eyes settled on Olivia, a storm seemed to brew within her. A flash of irritation crossed Madeleine’s features and her brow furrowed. It was clear that something about Olivia's presence had struck a nerve. In a moment of tense confrontation. Queen Madeline 's voice cut through the room.  
“You," she spat. Her tone sharp and commanding.  
“Leave this room at once.” Madeleine glowered unabashedly. 
Olivia, never one to back down from a challenge, met the Queen's demand with her own fiery resolve.  
“I have every right to be here, your majesty,” she retorted, her voice unwavering. 
“I am a member of this council by royal decree, and I will not be dismissed.”   
Liam watched with his hands steepled, seated with a stoic demeanor; observing the unfolding drama with keen interest. As king, and husband to Queen Madeleine, he had his own role to play in the proceedings. His impassive expression gave little away, but his trained, watchful eyes took note of the reactions of each council member to the unexpected clash between the Queen and Olivia. Notably, his queen’s subtle glances with her father, Godfrey, the Duke of Karlington. 
Clearing his throat, everyone turned to their King.
"Thank you all for your attention. The Queen has a statement to declare concerning her 'situation'. "
Madeleine spun around and glared at Liam. "Yes... yes I do."
Speakeasy, Duchy Domvallier, Cordonia 
In the heart of Duchy Domvallier, hidden behind an unassuming facade, lay the notorious Speakeasy known as the ‘Midnight Reverie’. It was a place where the world outside faded into obscurity, and where secrets were exchanged amidst the smoky haze of jazz-filled nights.  
A perfect getaway for King Liam and his trusted childhood friends, Drake and Rashad. The three of them had grown up together, forging an unbreakable bond that transcended their differences in station. Here, beneath the flickering candlelight, they could shed their titles and be ordinary men. 
Rashad started off the conversation. “Why did Beaumont fly to the States?” 
“He mentioned that he was going to a concert in Madison Square Gardens,” Drake responded. “He sends his regrets, though.” 
“Gentlemen, tonight feels like a night for confessions. Let’s start with our own regrets. Drake?” Rashad questioned. 
“My biggest regret is not completing my degree at University.” 
Rashad nodded in understanding, contemplating his own. 
“For me, it’s the time I spent chasing wealth and status instead of cherishing the moments with my family. Those are years I can’t get back.” 
Liam took a slow slip sip of his scotch, his eyes distant. 
“Regrets. I have many, but there is one that haunts me above all others.” He paused; his voice filled with melancholy.  
Drake and Rashad exchanged curious glances before urging him to continue.
“What is it, Liam?” The question asked even though they already both knew the answer.
 Liam's gaze was fixed on a distant point beyond the dimly lit room.  
“My greatest regret is not proposing to Riley on the night of my coronation; scandal be damned.”  
Drake and Rashad again exchanged knowing glances. 
“I thought I had to put my duty before my desires, so when the scandal was broadcast the night of the coronation. I chose another when I had already given my heart to Riley just as she had given her heart to me. When we couldn’t find Tariq to clear her name before the wedding, I listened to my father and the advisors and went ahead with the wedding. Instead of letting her go, I selfishly asked her to stay. But every day since, I have regretted that decision. I should have let her go."
Liam breathed deeply, "then she ended up leaving anyway.” 
Rashad offered a reassuring hand on Liam’s shoulder. 
“Regrets are heavy burdens, my friend. But perhaps it’s not too late to mend that old wound. Life is unpredictable.” 
Drake added, "perhaps, one day, you will get the opportunity to find her again, and be given the chance to re-write that story."
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Thanks for reading⚘️
📌@ao719 @txemrn @queenmiarys @sfb123 @twinkleallnight @alj4890 @differenttyphoonwerewolf @harleybeaumont @busywoman @karahalloway @kingliam2019 @imjusthereforliam @lovingchoices14 @kyra75 @tinkie1973 @emkay512 @malblk21 @kristinamae093 @charlotteg234 @jared2612 @irisk12 @thesvnsins @walkerdrakewalker @emersyn-in-cordonia @mainstreetreader @belencha77 @iluaaa @mysticalfangirl @queenwalton @bascmve01 @umccall71 @choicesfrog @amandablink @choicesflashfics @choicesficwriterscreations @choicesmonthlychallenge
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angelasscribbles · 8 months
Cordonian Karaoke: Hana Take 3
Series: Cordonian Karaoke
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Characters: Drake Walker, Liam Rys, Riley Brooks, and the rest of the gang
Rating: Fun                                                                                  
Warnings: Depicts drunkenness generally
Word Count: 341
Everything else: Master list.
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It’s karaoke night in Cordonia and everyone is drunk. Even Hana who normally doesn’t let herself get past the tipsy stage.
She’s tired of watching Drake and Liam tripping over themselves to get Riley’s attention.
She stands on the stage, microphone in hand, eyes trained on her best friend as the music starts.
She sings Jenny by Studio Killers with perfect pitch.
When she’s done, she replaces the microphone as red flares across her face. She makes her way back to her seat with her head held high.
Liam: “Wait…Hana….and Riley….”
Max: (rubbing his shoulders) “I’m here for you, Liam…”
Drake: (leaning toward Riley and lowering his voice) “All I’m asking is can I watch?”
Madeleine: “No, no, no, no! If she’s into women, then she’s mine! Riley already has every fucking body else!”
Kiara: “Yeah, I don’t know how to tell you this, but I’m pretty sure she’s just not that into you.”
Riley: (to Drake) “We’ll see.”
Riley: (to Hana) “What are you doing later tonight?”
Hana: (to herself) “Finally!”
Hana: (to Riley) “You. Let’s go!”
Hana: (rises from her seat and pulls Riley out the door with her)
Riley: (waves to everyone) “Bye!”
Drake: “But—”
Madeleine: “Remind me again why I can’t have that bitch executed?”
Kiara: “Because you’re not the queen?”
Madeleine: “Right. This sucks. I’m outta here!” (tosses the umbrella from her drink on the table as she jumps up and storms out)
Penelope: “Hey, Kiara?”
Kiara: “Yes?”
Penelope: “I want to ruin our friendship…”
Kiara: (shrugs) “Alright. Let’s go.”
Max: (watches Kiara and Penelope leave together) “Hey, Liam? I want to ruin our friend—”
Drake: (slamming his drink down on the table as he pushes away and stands up) “Okay, that’s enough drinking for one night.”
Liam: “Where are you going?”
Drake: “To check on Riley and Hana. Make sure they don’t need any…help… Yeah. Yep. Okay, bye!”
Liam: (to Max) “What were you saying?”
Max: “How many drinks would you say you need to try new things? I mean….never mind.”
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dcbbw · 1 year
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This is just a thought that was in my brain, and I finally decided to write it out. It’s not even a full fic; at under 700 words, drabble is the only way to describe it. Not sure if it’s part of an existing AU or something new; for now, it just is.
If you read this, THANK YOU. Your likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated more than you realize. Please excuse any and all typos, missing/extraneous words, and/or grammatical errors. MS Editor rates this 100% error-free.
Contains my version of PB characters
Song Inspo: 4am, soft siren/CASHFORGOLD/Sidewalks and Skeletons
Word Count: 635
Riley Brooks poured herself a cocktail. It was 6:30 am, far too early for alcohol but she justified her actions by telling herself that the orange juice made it breakfast. Besides, day drinking was a thing now. As she mixed her ingredients together, she reflected on how every major milestone of her Cordonian adventure had been punctuated by a drink.
The night of the Coronation, when she returned to Ramsford with her mind and soul filled with confusion and hurt, Maxwell had brought her a whiskey sour filled with cherries and garnished with wedges of lemon and lime. A boozy fruit salad. The sweetness of the cherries blended with the tartness of the citrus to soothe the burn of the sour mash and numb her heart.
The night in France during the Engagement Tour when Drake took her to the billiards hall. He suggested drinks and that she have a mojito: a blend of sweet and minty muddled to allow each ingredient to assault her tastebuds with every swallow. But Riley neither needed nor wanted muddled. Her emotions were enough of a mess. Liam’s words were a complete contradiction to his actions. No, Riley Brooks needed straightforward and blunt. She chose a whiskey neat. And felt the need for another one after Drake leaned her over the pool table, his hardness pressing invitingly through the denim of his jeans and into her ass cleavage.
Sitting along the darkened banks of the Siene River, enjoying rustic bread and aged cheeses with Liam as he waxed poetically about their future, even though the chances of finding Tariq were growing slimmer with each moment that passed. Riley drank deeply of the French red wine, letting it warm her insides and wrap her in a hazy comfort. Perhaps she and Liam weren’t meant for open daylight; maybe he wasn’t protecting his father for the most fucked-up fuckery she had ever been subjected to. Just maybe, Liam was protecting her and their love, keeping them tucked under the cover of night and away from prying eyes and wagging tongues.
The sloe gin fizz the night of the wedding party had tasted of bittersweet victory. Her name had finally been cleared to Cordonia’s satisfaction, but the disingenuity and boot licking towards her by the nobility and elite merely because their King had ordered it, made the victory a hollow one. They were only sorry to be wrong in their assumptions and gossip, which made them dislike and mistrust her even further. 
There was no liquor at the Statue of Liberty the night of the proposal; Riley chose to make her coffee Irish at breakfast the following morning. She knew her answer would hurt people; the announcement before the meal was served confirmed it. While her intended grinned broadly and gushed eagerly over her, Riley sipped the strong beverage, avoiding gazes and offering a wan smile when she did catch someone’s eye.
On her wedding night, tepid champagne sat in a bucket filled with melted ice. The bubbles that had fizzed and hissed in their flutes when she and her husband toasted each other were now flat. Their bodies were slick with sweat, their breathing labored as the bride and groom lay in each other’s arms, whispering promises and sweet nothings to each other.
The sparkling cider when she told her husband they were pregnant; with a loud yell of happiness, he had picked her up and swung her around, prompting her to throw up all over his shirt and the carpet.
And now this morning, vodka and orange juice. A screwdriver. She needed the sharpness of the vodka to strengthen her resolve and solidify her courage. The orange juice would make her tears not as bitter and her words sweeter. Not that it would make a difference. 
Because five years, two children, and a trail of lies, failures, and broken promises later, today Riley Brooks was going to ask her husband for a divorce and sole custody of their children.
Tagging:  @jared2612​​​ @ao719​​​ @marietrinmimi​​​ @queenjilian​​​ @indiacater​​​ @kingliam2019​​​ @bebepac​​​ @liamxs-world​​​ @mom2000aggie​​​ @liamrhysstalker2020​​​ ​ @twinkleallnight​​​ @umccall71​​​ @superharriet​​​ @busywoman​​​ @gabesmommie1130​​​ @tessa-liam​​​ @beezm​​​ @gardeningourmet​​​ @lovingchoices14​​​ @mainstreetreader​​​ @angelasscribbles​​​ @lady-calypso​​​ @emkay512​​​ @princessleac1​​​ @charlotteg234​​​ @queenrileyrose​​​ @alj4890​​​ @yourfavaquarius111​​​ @motorcitymademadame​​​​ @queenmiarys​​ @walkerdrakewalker​
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alj4890 · 1 year
Can't Take My Eyes Off of You
(Maxwell Beaumont x Olivia Nevrakis) in a Choices The Royal Romance Crackship AU
A/N The Ball at Olivia's has always been one of my favorite chapters in TRR canon. I love how Riley gets special time with everyone, we see the feelings between each character begin to change and become more intense, etc. And with everyone's reaction during the Cordonian Waltz, how could I not include it in this AU?
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Chapter 3
Olivia's Ballroom...
"Why are you acting so weird?" Riley asked. "I don't think I've ever heard you speak this formally before."
Maxwell held his phone up to her ear and hit play.
She could clearly hear Bertrand's numerous reminders that Maxwell needed to be on his best behavior. He was a representative of not only their name but their very position in society, and that Bertrand would find out if Maxwell stepped one toe out of line manner wise.
Bubbly laughter escaped her lips.
"How many messages did he leave for you?" She asked.
"That makes fifty-three since this morning." Maxwell muttered.
"So what I'm hearing is that you and I can't cut loose and just have a ball at a ball?" She teased.
"Not tonight." He grinned at her. "Not if you want your favorite Beaumont to be your escort the rest of the season." He pointed to the windows, leaning even closer towards her to whisper. "I bet Bertrand knows where the best spots are to hide my body if I don't act like the proper spare to a dukedom."
Riley giggled some more. "We can't have that. I wouldn't survive without you!"
"Then I better be the best behaved noble here." He straightened his posture, bowed before her, then ruined the effect with a wink.
"I'll find you ladies later for a dance. I need to go to my table."
"Where are we sitting?" Riley asked.
"About that..." He winced while leading her to a seating chart. "Olivia put me at her table. But you and Hana are over here." He pointed at a spot on the very opposite side of the ballroom, tucked away in a corner.
"Hey look!" Riley pointed at another name. "At least we'll have Drake with us."
"I think Olivia meant it as a slight." Hana explained. "She must not think too highly of us to sit us way back there with him."
Riley shrugged it off. "I'm just happy to be here instead of a dungeon. I mean, look at this place. It's gorgeous!"
Maxwell and Hana shared a smile as Riley went on how exciting it was to see another ball. Her infectious optimism could lighten up any situation and he was grateful for it. No wonder he'd seen Hana and Drake hanging around her more and more as their days in Lythikos dragged on. Who wouldn't want to?
"I think our table will be known as the fun one before the night is through." Riley declared. "Sorry, Max."
"Don't be." He squeezed her hand. "I wish I could sit with you guys."
He sincerely did, not just for a chance to relax and cut loose, but because he dreaded what the next few hours would do to him while being forced to have an up close and personal view in Olivia's dogmatic pursuit of Liam.
A man could only stand for so long to see the one he wants most want someone else.
Dukes and duchess are always invited to the head tables. Why couldn't my ancestors suck at being a noble? Then maybe Bertrand would be a viscount. OOOH! Or a baron! Baron Beaumont. Baron Bertrand Beaumont. That has a nice ring to it. Alliteration is always awesome.
"We'll find a way for you to have fun too." Riley reassured him.
When she noticed some guests staring at them, she curtsied to him, keeping her hand in his. The sparkling ice blue gown she wore twinkled in the light, catching everyone's eye.
Maxwell chuckled softly, then pressed a kiss to her knuckles once she stood up.
"Thank you, my lady."
"See ya," she replied in a thicker than usual Brooklyn accent to make him smile, "My lord."
Olivia's lips thinned in a line as she observed Maxwell and Riley's behavior. She didn't think it cute the little parting they had before Riley was banished to no man's land. Her eyes remained on Maxwell until he turned towards her.
She then directed a charming smile towards her approaching prince.
"Good evening, your grace." Liam lifted her hand to his lips for a brief kiss. "You've outdone yourself once again in hosting the court."
"Thank you." She gestured to the place towards her right. "Won't you sit down?"
Liam did so, his gaze sweeping the number of guests mingling and finding their tables.
"I know as a prince I shouldn't have favorites, but I've always preferred your ballroom to any of the others in Cordonia.*
"You can thank my ancestor, Theodosia, for this." Olivia explained. "She was the only hopeless romantic in the family and deemed that a ballroom be constructed over one of the fighting pits at Lythikos."
"I think I would have approved of Theodosia's way of thinking." Liam's attention settled on Riley once he found her.
"From what I've read, she was an annoying woman who was obsessed with falling in love." Olivia rolled her eyes. "I doubt I could stomach her for five seconds. No true Nevrakis could be that soft."
"I don't believe falling in love or longing for it makes one soft." Liam argued, his attention unwavering upon the lady he believed he'd lost his heart to. "In my experience, it makes the person better in every single way."
Olivia studied his profile quietly.
Does love really have that power? I suppose it would if the person one fell in love with was someone like Liam. I don't know if the world can handle it if I become better than I already am once married to the love of my life.
She was snapped out of her musings when a familiar shadow fell over them.
"Your highness" Maxwell greeted with a bow, "your grace."
Liam's welcoming smile held both delight and a great deal of relief. "Are you sitting with us?"
"Yes." Maxwell cleared his throat. "Lady Olivia was gracious enough to sit me at your table in Bertrand's absence."
"Hmm," Olivia mused, "so formal, Lord Beaumont."
"I believe formality is required at these events. Do you disagree, your grace?" Maxwell sat down across from the pair.
She narrowed her eyes at him.
It seems the snack cakes didn't work on bringing the old Maxwell back. I'll never get anything out of him in the current state he's in.
"Surely, my lord, you will relent on propriety so that we can talk as old friends." Olivia summoned her most charming smile. "The three of us share so many memories."
"Four," Maxwell corrected. "You forgot Drake."
"I think one should do all they can to forget him." She replied.
"I think you managed to pull it off with where you decided to sit him." Maxwell mumbled under his breath.
Her eyes narrowed once more upon him.
Liam's chuckle reminded them both that he was at their table.
"Some things will never change." He explained when they both looked at him curiously. "Though it might be nice to see you and Drake finally bury the hatchet that's been between you for years."
"I'm more than happy to bury that hatchet in his thick skull." Olivia quipped. "Once I find where I left it."
Maxwell snorted. "There's some better weapon choices in your armory."
"I've always been partial to a flail." She added, genuinely smiling at Maxwell for the first time in days.
"It leaves an impression like no other." Maxwell grinned at her. "Literally and figuratively."
Olivia laughed, launching into a tale of one of her ancestor's prowess with that particular weapon.
"Perhaps we could change to a less gruesome topic of conversation." Liam cut in once bowls of steamy lobster bisque was set before them.
His companions eyed him in surprise. He had to suppress his laughter over the thought of how long these two could talk about weapons. If not for the lumpy, orangish red substance in front of him, he would have allowed the conversation to continue in graphic form.
He didn't need a visual representation of what a flail could do along with their added commentary.
Course after course was set before them. Olivia redirected the conversation each time to find ways to flirt with Liam. Though she had managed to catch a brief glimpse of the old Maxwell she once knew, he'd reverted back to being quiet and proper. She did her best to ignore him for the most part.
Liam, on the other hand, was doing his best to not only deflect her flirty comments but to also drag Maxwell into every new subject that was discussed.
Why, Maxwell silently cried out to the heavens, am I forced to have a front row seat for this?
Every touch Olivia gave Liam, every glance, every single compliment cut Maxwell to the quick. He knew before he ever sat down that this night would be the hardest of his life. He just hadn't anticipated it being this difficult.
He longed to interrupt them. He wanted to draw Olivia's attention back on himself. He needed her to look at him the way she did Liam. He knew the prince was handsome and practically perfect. The man deserved her attention because he was such a great guy.
But still...
Is it too much to ask to have one lady of the Court, one specific lady, be this way over me?
It might be. Who knew why he was so unlucky in love? He only knew his heart had been foolish enough to fall for someone who had fallen for someone else.
He eyed the cutlery when a plate of Olive Wagyu steak was set before him. The knife was looking more and more tempting as a means to ending his torment. Accidentally on purpose cutting himself would allow him a chance to escape.
Worst case scenario: after bleeding everywhere and freaking people out, he would have a cool scar to remind him of tonight.
Liam, being the epitome of politeness, pulled Maxwell's attention back from different body spots he could causally drop his knife on and survive when he complimented Olivia again on her choice of menu.
She lit up with pride each time the prince said he enjoyed something.
Maxwell did all he could to not simply stare at her.
His mind was refusing to work and help him find ways to keep his cool and with topics conversation. His imagination alone should have kicked into high gear and helped him out, but no, everything was against him tonight.
With a white knuckle grip, he cut into the perfectly prepared filet and did his best to ignore the pair in front of him.
When Maxwell heard the beginning of a Cordonian Waltz begin, he softly groaned. There wasn't a dance created that set the mood, romantically speaking, more so than this particular one. His nation would do something like this to him. Give the perfect chance to hold the one he desires close, yet have her ask someone else.
"My prince?" Olivia stood and offered her hand to Liam. "Shall we begin the ball?"
"I would be honored to, your grace." Liam led her to the middle of the ballroom.
"Who wouldn't be?" Maxwell muttered, tossing his napkin on the table.
He rubbed his hands over his face then forced himself to join the other nobles along the edge of the dance floor. Instead of watching Liam and Olivia, he sought out Riley.
"Hey!" She smiled at him. "How's it going?"
"Great!" He lied. "May I have the honor of your first dance this evening, my lady?"
Her lips trembled with a giggle she was fighting. "It is I who is honored, my lord."
Maxwell grinned at her. Taking her in his arms, his eyes widened over a thought.
"Umm," he swallowed nervously, "do you know the steps to this?"
"I do, thanks to Hana." Riley whispered. "A heads up from you would have been nice."
"I am so, so sorry." Maxwell moved her through the steps. "I guess I had other things on my mind."
"It's okay." Riley squeezed his hand. "Just, help a girl out next time, okay?"
"I will." He grinned at her again. "You're doing great, by the way "
"I know." She winked at him. "The word flawless comes to mind when I spin."
To prove her point, she twirled elegantly within his arms.
"You're right. Absolutely flawless." He told her. "Even Bertrand would be struck speechless with your gracefulness."
"I would have loved to have seen that. Remind me to do this dance in front of him one day." She teased.
"Will do." Maxwell promised.
"You know," Riley added as she rocked back and forth in his embrace, "this seems a little scandalous for your people. I didn't think nobles touched anything other than hands."
"All that pent up frustration is probably what caused this dance to become a hit." He joked. "A hand can only do so much for one's libido."
"Only if you're not using it right." She teased.
Maxwell bit back his laughter. "Ready to change partners?"
Riley glanced over at Liam. "You mean?"
"Yep." Maxwell twirled her into her prince's arms.
And ended up with Olivia in his.
He felt a jolt of electricity shoot through his body the moment her curves briefly brushed against him.
Olivia tilted her head at an angle as she looked at him.
"Is, uh, is something wrong?" He asked.
He could feel the sweat building up on his forehead.
"Yes." She replied. "I don't know what it is, but there is definitely something wrong here."
"Sounds vexing." He mumbled.
"Good lord, Maxwell!" She snapped. "Why are you still talking like this?!"
"Like what?" He asked.
"Like everyone else in our society!"
"Isn't that how we're supposed to act?" He grumbled. "Aren't we trained to mimic each other?"
"They might be prone to act that way, but you and I never once caved in to that type of thinking!" She pointed out. "You have been the only noble I could depend on to be an individual, like me, instead of part of their hive minds."
He twirled her into his arms, almost cuddling her close to his chest.
Olivia's gasp was involuntary. She tried to recall the last time she'd danced the Cordonian Waltz with him and came up blank.
She couldn't remember ever doing this with Maxwell, which had to be the reason she was noticing everything being this close to him.
She could feel the restrained strength of his muscular arms. She could smell the light splash of his Fragrance Dubois Heritage. It was almost intoxicating the clean, woodsy aroma mixed with his body heat. His warm breath grazing her lips while those ocean blue eyes of his stared into her own made her heart stutter.
I didn't feel like this in Liam's arms.
That stray thought snapped her back into why she was hosting this ball in the first place. It was for Liam. All she was doing was for a chance to be with him.
No matter how odd she felt in Maxwell's arms, there was only one goal tonight: get closer to Liam.
I would probably experience the same reaction if I danced with Tariq or some other person here, she argued with herself. I shouldn't be surprised to feel this way around Maxwell. I'm sure it's normal to notice every little detail when this close to someone.
"I don't think I'm that bad." Maxwell said.
"Huh?" Olivia wondered what he was talking about.
"I don't think I'm like the other nobles." He reiterated.
"The other nobles?" Her eyes focused on his mouth.
"You said I'm acting like them." He reminded her.
"Umhmm." She noticed the beginning of evening stubble darkening around his mouth and jawline.
He must have shaved this morning.
His lips began to curve, causing her to look up once more. She saw amusement in his face which made her pull away some from him. Her eyes narrowed upon his in parting then she twirled back to take her place in Liam's arms. Her temper was teetering on boiling over at having been swept away momentarily by Maxwell and in now seeing that Liam and Riley were completely lost in the other.
"Excuse me," she cleared her throat. "I believe Liam's my partner now."
The couple reluctantly let go of the other. Olivia watched as Riley returned to Maxwell, frowning even more so at their easy smiles of greeting. One would think they hadn't seen each other in a while the way they acted.
It was grating on her already frazzled nerves to see their closeness.
"I think your ball will be the hit of the season." Liam said, noticing all the nobles enjoy themselves.
Olivia looked up at him. Her frown eased hearing what she knew to be true.
"They usually are." She boasted.
The moment the complicated twirl within his arms came, she knew the time was right to finally make her move. Without any hesitation, she closed the few inches of distance and kissed Liam.
All color drained from Maxwell's face the moment it happened. His jaw dropped. A strange, buzzing sound filled his ears. He couldn't tell what Riley was saying to him. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her turn to see what had put him into shock.
She somehow remained quiet. Her brow furrowed in thought as she watched what had drawn every eye in the room.
Kiara's gasp of outrage nearby helped bring Maxwell out of his stupor.
He wasn't certain how his mind cleared enough to act with precision. Somehow his body moved Riley away from the heart breaking spectacle, and into an empty corner.
Riley's attention was still on Liam and Olivia. She seemed to breathe a touch easier once Liam gently but firmly pushed the duchess away. Once the two left to talk privately, Riley turned towards Maxwell.
"You okay?" He asked.
"No. Not really." She mumbled. "It was stupid of me to think I'm the only one he's kissing. Liam's probably making out with every woman here."
"He's not that kind of guy." Maxwell gently grasped her arms. "Trust me. He isn't the kind to kiss every girl he can. Now if Leo was still the crown prince, then it would be a different story."
He lifted his eyes towards the door that Liam and Olivia disappeared behind.
"Olivia was the one to initiate that kiss."
"So?" Riley folded her arms. "I usually do the same with Liam."
Her brow furrowed with both anger and self loathing.
"Dammit! I'm going to stop throwing myself at Liam to see if what we have really is special. I bet he's been laughing at me every time I leave."
"Hey!" Maxwell grasped her arms once more and gave her a little shake. "Don't even start thinking like that! Liam doesn't do those kinds of things. If he's meeting you in private, you can bet you're the only one."
Riley bit down on her bottom lip. "I hate this competition."
"It isn't a competition." He lowered his head until he was eye level with her. "Not with you in it."
Her lips eased into a grateful smile. "How do you always manage to turn my doubts into hope?"
"It's a gift." He shrugged, grinning at her. "Now, how about we do some strategizing?"
"You mean, grab Liam and make out in front of everyone once he comes back inside?"
Maxwell started laughing. How often had he thought of doing something outrageous like that with Olivia?
"Maybe we'll put that as Plan B. Plan A is to gain you some needed support amongst the other ladies of the court."
He nodded towards where Kiara was furiously whispering to all who would listen about Olivia's behavior.
"Oh. But why would she support me? We're competing for the same man." Riley asked.
"Kiara's the kind who uses logic. She knows her chances aren't as great as others, so she'll want to get in the good graces of Cordonia's future queen. She has plans to be used in diplomatic endeavors for Cordonia more so than to win Liam." He explained.
"I see." She straightened her shoulders and did her best not to look like she'd had the rug pulled out from under her. "Okay. Here goes nothing."
Maxwell watched with pride as Riley made her way over. Seeing Kiara's frown leave in the midst of their conversation let him know all was going well.
He was finally able to allow his shattered heart to take over.
He slumped against the wall and lowered his head in his hands.
She kissed him. How can I possibly compete with Liam after this?
Maxwell straightened from his spot. He decided to do some more observing once he saw Liam make a beeline for Riley.
He dropped his hands and let his head fall back against the wall while failing to see a way forward. All his plans seemed pointless now that Olivia knew what Liam's kiss felt like. As great as the prince was in everything he did, Maxwell was pretty sure that he excelled in all romantic endeavors.
He was one of the first to notice when the pair return. Liam's features were in a carefully, calm mask while Olivia's expressive face revealed confusion and was that...disappointment?
A few hours later...
Olivia had never been more thankful to finally be alone in her room. It surprised her how tired she felt once the ball ended. She knew the reason why she was exhausted, yet couldn't quite accept it.
Why did Liam refuse to see they were meant for each other?
As she began to pull the pins out that held her hair up, she replayed their conversation after she kissed him.
"Olivia, I don't quite know how to say this," Liam began.
She beamed at him. She knew this was when he would say he'd been in love with her for years too. He'd only been waiting on the proper moment to tell her. He would probably say he was grateful she'd taken the initiative.
"But we shouldn't kiss."
"What?" She blinked at him.
He hesitated.
"Olivia, I am supposed to give every lady here a chance."
"Come on, Liam." She rolled her eyes. "Are you honestly telling me you're giving serious thought to making someone like Penelope your queen?"
"I have to." He told her.
"Look, I understand you believe you have to, but we both know I'm your only choice. The best one, to say the least."
"Olivia, you're one of my oldest friends." Liam tried to find a way to make her understand without hurting her. "I care greatly for you and I would never want to hurt you, but..."
"But?" She prodded when his voice dropped off.
"But, I've only ever felt friendship towards you." He admitted.
She waived that off. "This is the first time you've allowed yourself to think differently. I'm sure you'll soon come to feel as I do."
"Olivia, I--"
"Besides, it is past time that everyone else sees our potential." She added. "No need for them to have their hopes up."
He shook his head. A muscle spasmed in his jaw as he tried to find a way to make her see he had no desire for her.
"You cannot kiss me again." Liam stated in an unusually hard tone. "Not in public nor in private."
"Liam, don't you see--"
Her jaw dropped as he bowed his head to her, offered his arm, then declared that they needed to return to the ballroom.
"No need to draw more attention to ourselves by lingering out here." He told her. "We will not discuss what happened on the dance floor again."
Olivia took his arm and quietly returned to the ball.
She hadn't particularly liked him deciding they wouldn't talk anymore about it.
Maybe he needs time to get used to the idea. If he has only seen me as a childhood friend, then it might take him longer to see me as a woman.
A knock at her door made her heart leap. She knew it must be Liam. He would want to check on her after all that happened. Maybe even tell her he had a change of heart.
She opened it, her smile disappearing at the sight of Maxwell standing there.
"Hey." He swallowed. "I, um, I..."
"You what?" She demanded.
"I wanted to check on you."
"And why would I need to be checked on?" She asked, folding her arms. "Tonight was a success. Surely, even you saw that."
He slipped his hands in his pockets, propped his shoulder against her doorframe, and lowered his eyes.
"Liv, I saw the kiss."
She stilled. She had a feeling she wasn't going to like what else he saw.
"And I saw what happened once you two came back to the ballroom." He lifted his eyes to hers. "I wish..."
She cocked an eyebrow in silent question.
"I wish you hadn't gotten hurt." He said softly.
"Hurt?" She scoffed at the notion. "Why would I be hurt? I kissed the man I loved tonight."
Maxwell's eyebrows drew together.
"How did it feel?" He asked.
"Excuse me?" She snapped.
"How did it feel?" He repeated. "Was it everything you'd imagined?"
Her lips parted as she thought about it.
While she'd infused every bit of her heart in the kiss, Liam's lips had remained firm and unyielding. There was no response, not even one of curious desire.
It was nothing like the many daydreams she'd spent years on.
Maxwell sighed softly. "You deserve to have a kiss that makes your knees weak."
She snorted in derision. "That's not real."
"It is!" He argued. "When you're kissed by someone who loves you, who wants you more than he's ever wanted anyone in his life, every part of your body comes alive. Your heart feels like it will beat out of your chest. Your mind seizes with the thought of how much you want them. You can't pull them close enough. You feel like you could kiss them forever and you're certain if you stop for a single moment that you'll probably die. You need them, their touch, the feel of their lips, like you need air."
He lifted his hand to her cheek, catching her off guard.
"That's what it's like to be kissed by someone who loves you."
Maxwell leaned closer while dropping his hand, his eyes locked upon hers. "So did you feel any of that when Liam kissed you?"
Olivia refused to answer.
"I didn't think so." Maxwell mumbled. "I knew something was up when you came back to the ballroom. You should have been on cloud nine after that kiss if it had been done right."
"So what, are you some kissing expert all of the sudden?" She snapped. "Who are you to assume it wasn't all that and more?"
His eyes narrowed.
She stepped closer, poking her finger in his chest. "Trust me. It might not be perfect now, but it will be. Once Liam chooses me, everything will line up with your version of a kiss."
"You think so?" He asked.
"I know so." She huffed. "There's no one like Liam."
"That's true." He swallowed. "Still..."
"What?" Olivia glared at him.
"Perhaps you should kiss someone else, just to prove that Liam is the one." He offered.
Her laughter held a bitter edge. "I don't need proof. I've known he was the one since I was five years old."
"Have you kissed anyone, other than Liam?"
Olivia rolled her eyes. "Of course I have."
"And did those do anything for you?" Maxwell hoped she said no.
"Not particularly." She replied.
He released a relieved breath. "Good."
"Good? Why is that--"
Olivia gasped when he slipped his arm around her waist. Her eyes widened when his free hand slipped into her hair. She knew in the back of her mind that she could easily escape this simple embrace. Lord knows, she knew at least ten moves that would have him flipped over her shoulder lying prostrate on the ground.
Something though, she supposed it was curiosity, kept her from doing so. Instead of reacting in her usual manner, she waited to see what he would do next.
Her eyelashes fluttered closed with the first tender brush of his lips on hers. The almost uncertain coaxing for them to part and allow him to truly kiss her sent a brief jolt to her body.
Feeling like she ought to at least allow him to do this to prove him wrong, she opened her mouth and ended up sinking against him.
A low moan escaped her as his tongue tangled with hers. Her hands moved up his chest so that her fingers could slip into his hair.
One of his hands moved to grip her hip, pulling her even closer. He wrapped a few of her loose, red locks around his fist, keeping her head at the perfect angle.
His moan followed hers as he dipped down to kiss along her neck.
Her breath caught in her throat when he returned back to her mouth with intense purpose.
Each suck, nibble, and full exploration of her lips made her restlessly move against him.
"Maxwell." She mumbled against his mouth before he pressed her against the wall.
Her eyes widened as his blatant desire for her notched hers beyond what she'd experienced before. She knew it was crazy, but she wanted more, more of him, his touch, everything.
"Do you have any idea what you do to me?" He asked, breathing heavily against her mouth.
She shook her head, leaning forward to kiss him.
He moaned, reaching down to lift her leg over his hip.
"Don't st--" she covered her mouth when she heard the click of a door being opened.
Maxwell pressed his face against her neck, willing himself to be silent.
The two watched Tariq, oblivious to them in the shadows, head towards the stairs.
Olivia sagged against Maxwell, nearly falling to the ground.
"That was close." He whispered.
"Too close." She placed a shaky hand on his chest to keep him from kissing her again. "It's late. We should probably turn in."
Maxwell nodded, his throat convulsing as if holding in his denial.
"Sleep well, Liv." He forced himself to step away from her.
She watched him until he returned to his room. She stood there a little longer afterwards to try and calm her racing mind in the dark hallway.
When she moved towards her room, she realized her trembling legs meant one thing that she absolutely refused to accept.
Her knees had gone weak.
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CFWC LGBTQIA Masterlist Feb (2/2)
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✒️ = Fanfic | 📱= Text Fics/Edits | 🎨= Fanart Ⓜ️ = Mature Content 18+ | 🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+ 🏳️‍🌈 = LGBTQIA | 💘 = Valentine's Day
Bad Liar ✒️Ⓜ️🏳️‍🌈| Marcus Sharpe x M!OC, Other OCs - @saibug1022
But I'm tired 🎨🏳️‍🌈| Martin Vanderweil x NB!MC - @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Chillin in Central Park 🎨🏳️‍🌈 | NB!MC, F!OC, M!OC by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Come Morning Light ✒️🏳️‍🌈| Marcus Sharpe x M!OC; M!OC & NB!MC - @saibug1022
Dancing Queen ✒️🏳️‍🌈🔹| Original Characters - @aces-and-angels
Date Night🎨🏳️‍🌈💘 🔹| Gabe Ricci x M!MC - @choicesmc
Don't Let This Be the Last Time ✒️🔹| LOA MC - @choicesmc
Guess Where Magnus is From 🎨| Original Characters - @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
How Magnus Became Partner ✒️🏳️‍🌈| Gabe Rick, M!OC, NB!MC - @aces-and-angels
LOA OCs Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Morning Commute 1: Rain 🎨🏳️‍🌈| LOA NB!MC - @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Morning Commute 2: Enid🎨🏳️‍🌈| LOA F!OC - @oh-so-youre-a-nerd (@aces-and-angels OC)
Morning Commute 3: Magnus 🎨🏳️‍🌈| LOA M!OC - @oh-shoot-posts (@saibug1022 OC)
A New Start ✒️🏳️‍🌈| M!OC, NB!MC - @saibug1022
Pick Your Fighter Lawyer 🎨🏳️‍🌈| NB!MC, F!OC, M!OC - @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
That Place ✒️🏳️‍🌈
The Tarmin Awdernviel Gala 🎨🏳️‍🌈| Multiple Characters by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Wind Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈🔹| LOA NB!MC - @storyofmychoices for @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Let Me Be Your Valentine, St. Valentine ✒️🎨🏳️‍🌈 💘 🔹| Donovan Navarro x/& NB!MC - @aallotarenunelma
Any Other Day ✒️🎨🏳️‍🌈💘🔹| F!MC x F!OC - art by @callmebeem fic by @jerzwriter
A Beast on a Chain ✒️🏳️‍🌈| Bryce Lahela x M!MC - @mydemonsdrivealimo
Conversation Hearts ✒️🏳️‍🌈🔹| Bryce Lahela x M!MC - @mydemonsdrivealimo
lipstick, quick wit, and a dirty mouth 🎨🏳️‍🌈🔹| OH M!MC - @mydemonsdrivealimo
Positive Reaction ✒️🏳️‍🌈🔹| Casey MacTavish (F!MC) x Jessica Phillips (F!OC) - @jerzwriter
Rafael Aveiro, Vincent Valentine (M!MC), Bryce Lahela Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈 - by @hydn-jpg (C: @griffinsboyfriend)
Valentine's Day Fanart 🎨💘🏳️‍🌈| Bryce Lahela x M!MC - @lilyoffandoms for @mydemonsdrivealimo
when you really love something, then it loves you back, in whatever way it has to love ✒️💘🏳️‍🌈🔹| Bryce Lahela x M!MC - @mydemonsdrivealimo
Sloane Washington x F!Hayden Young Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈by @sazanes
Cordonian Karaoke: Hana Take 3✒️🏳️‍🌈🔹| Hana Lee x MC, Drake Walker x MC - @angelasscribbles
Three of Hearts ✒️🏳️‍🌈🔹| Eli Sipes x Zoe Rivera (F!MC) x Troy Hassan - @jerzwriter
Anna Koishi x F!MC Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈 by @lilyoffandoms for @noesapphic
CFWC LGBTQIA Feb 2024 - Part 1
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bebepac · 1 year
Garden Party Photo Op
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I am participating in @choicesflashfics prompt “ Say that again.... I don’t think I heard you right the first time which will appear in bold
I am also participating in @choiceschallenge-may2023  prompt for vacation.
Without further Ado and it’s been a long time coming since the last update on this series The Life of Riley Book 2:  This is chapter 8 in this series.   
This chapter also contains a companion chapter in Heroes and Villians  called Arch Nemesis
The Book: TRR
The Pairings: Liam x Riley
Rating:  PG
Warnings:  Adult Language
Word Count: 2428
Mood Music Monday Submisson: "When You Believe"  by Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey
Summary:  Riley  attends a garden party with a challenge involved to see who will be crowned Cordonia’s Most Photogenic Couple, the prize a weekend vacation to Greece.
Original Post: 05/14/23  at 7:14PM EST. 
A/N: As mentioned any chapter of Life of Riley carrying this callsign 
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will have a companion chapter in Heroes and Villains.  The chapters will be similar in plot, but different subjects and perpectives will be focused on, the two chapters together tell a complete story from different vantage points. 
AN2:  I hadn’t planned on updating LOR yet, but I did get a request from the lovely @queenwalton​ as she is a fan of this story line, and it’s a late birthday gift.  So happy belated birthday friend, late but I made it. LOL. 
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She smiled when she woke up, stretching out her body while still nestled in the soft plush covers and mattress that felt like she was sleeping on clouds.   Opening her eyes, she glanced around the ornately decorated room. Waking up there every morning, always felt like she was in a dream.  She jumped up, from her bed running  over to the balcony, throwing open the doors, as if she expected the gardens below not to be visible.
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  But it was, every single morning.  She had been in Cordonia a little more than three weeks; the ending of the second week at the palace where she was participating in Prince Liam’s social season.  She was living her own Cinderella story thanks to the crown prince of Cordonia Liam Rys, who after spending the night with her in New York, asked her to come visit him in Cordonia for a week, and then asked her to stay. Now this was her life. 
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Balls and garden parties, and vying for the hand of a Prince that honestly had already made her life different, and she hadn’t even said the words “I do” yet.
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Riley Brooks was not the only one living their own Cinderella story that had Liam to thank.  A young Nicolas Karahalios had everything he owned packed in a duffel bag slung over his shoulder and was standing at the palace gates waiting for entry to live at the palace for the duration of his training. This was different. Previously he was only visiting the palace for training,  now he would be actually staying on site.
“State your full name, and what your business is at the palace.”  
“Karahalios, Nicolas A. I’m beginning level two training for the Kingsguard.”  
The sentry took out a clip board and scrolled through the names.  Nico sighed in relief when the guard picked up a pen and checked his name off the list.
“You're early. Head through those double doors there to take your photo for your level two identification, and from there, you’ll go to uniforms for your cadet training attire.”
“Thank you.”
“Good luck, kid.”  The guard nodded to him, opening the gate.  
“Thank you, Sir!”  Nico slid the strap of his bag up higher on his shoulder and stood in amazement as the palace gates opened for him. He took a deep breath and stepped forward.
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Nico was officially one step closer to becoming a part of the KingsGuard.  Nico stood tall in front of the wall with the Cordonian Crest
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 to take his photograph for his badge.
“Look straight ahead.”  The person instructed him.  Nico smiled.
“Don’t smile in this photo.”
“Oh, sorry.”    
Nico quickly made his face serious and level once more.
“Your badge will be ready in a few minutes.  Since you were the first one here, it won’t be so long,  you can go to uniforms and get settled in, in the cadet dorm, and  don’t look so shell shocked.  You made it this far.”  
“Thank you sir.”  
When Nico finally made it to the cadet dorms, he finally decided to call his mother.
“I made it mama! I’m the first one here.”  
He panned his phone around the room. The first side of the room housed the bunks for sleeping,  the other side  had furniture,  desks, and a huge wide screen television.  
“This is nicer than where you were previously sharing an apartment.”
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“And Mama, when I become a guard, I’ll have my own quarters here, in the palace.”
“You can do it Nico.  I know you can.  Thank you for the money you’ve been sending us.  I was able to get Athena a beautiful dress for graduation.”  
“You don’t have to thank me for that, Mama.  It’s what I’m supposed to do.  I’ll be able to take care of you someday.”
“You already do that Nico.  I’m proud of you.”  
“Thank you Mama.  I’ve got to go now , some of the other cadets are here now.”
“And you can't be on the phone with your mother, I understand.”  She chuckled softly.
“It's not that. I love you mama.”  
“Go make friends. I love you too, my sweet little Dianooúmenos." (Egghead)
Nico laughed,
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 "Goodbye Mama." disconnecting the call.
His mother didn’t realize this was serious, that no one would really be making friends.   People wanted positions in the guard, and everyone had legacy advantages but him.  He was considered to be the outsider that didn’t belong;
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 the only one who didn’t treat him that way was Demitri who preferred to be called Dima for short. Dima was the closest person to a friend he had of the cadets.  Nico had already claimed a top bunk for himself. Dima decided on the one next to him. Nico worked twice as hard as the others, and Dima was at his heels.
After Nico had unpacked, he changed into his workout clothes.
“What are you about to do?”  
“Take a run around the wall.”  (The Palace perimeter)
“Want company?”  
As they walked out of the dormitory room, Dima looked at him.  
“You know, you’re not the only one with something to prove, Nico.”
“Say that again... I don’t think I heard you right the first time.”
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“It’s easy to ride on someone’s coattails, but making your own path is a lot more difficult.  More people should try it.  You and I are really more alike than we are different, you know.”
“Good to know.”  
“Come in Maxwell!”  Riley said when she heard his knock.  
Maxwell smiled as he walked through the door.
“You know, we have to stop meeting this way.”  
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Maxwell laughed  but the door remained open for Bertrand to walk through.   Riley tried to hide her annoyance.
“Yes Bertrand, what did I do wrong now?”  
He looked her over.  
“Nothing that I can tell as of yet, but you did just wake up, which already means you have a late start.”  
“Still getting used to the time difference.”  
“That didn’t matter last night when you were at the dive bar drinking with Drake Walker acting like you’re still a college student.”  
“You’re acting like Maxwell wasn’t there too.”
“Little Blossom! Way to throw me under the bus!”
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“I feel like I'm the only one taking this whole arrangement seriously, keeping you two in check is like herding cats.”  
Maxwell chuckled.  
“Do not encourage her Maxwell.”  
“Don’t encourage me Maxwell. You know how that antagonizes him.”  Riley imitated Bertrand’s voice.   Bertrand eyed her, shaking his head.  
“Today’s itinerary is simple.  You will be having lunch in the garden.   All suitors must wear white dresses for the suitor photo shoot.”
“Good thing I’m not surfing the crimson wave this week.”
“The crimson what?  Lady Riley if you are referring to feminine concerns…”  
“Or the monthly monster.”  
“RAWR!!!!!!”  Maxwell yelled, causing the both of them to break out into fits of giggles.
“You two!!! Stop it! I mean it.”  
Maxwell cleared his throat.
“We are very sensitive to those types of things, right Bertrand?  It’s a part of life women must deal with.”    
“This is true Lady Riley, if there is anything you need in that department,  I’m sure Maxwell can handle that for you.”
Bertrand straightened his tie taking  a deep breath to continue his conversation.
“Getting back on task, the purpose of the suitor photo shoot is to upload your candid photo with Prince Liam to the Crown’s social media website so the people can be part of the voting for Most Photogenic Couple.  You need to head to your appointment in the boutique.”
“It’s not needed, I have a  dress for the event, Bertrand.”
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Betrand laughed out loud.  
“With all due respect Lady Riley, I’ve looked at your social media, and I seriously doubt anything you brought from New York with you, when you were and I quote ‘living my best life YOLO club hopping with my bae’  would hardly suffice for a upscale luncheon with His Royal Highness and the King and Queen. Maxwell, talk some sense into her.”  
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Once Bertrand had left, Maxwell peered at Riley.
“Little Blossom….”  
“Trust me Maxwell, I have the perfect dress for the garden party.  I just need to get a steamer, and I can steam it myself to remove any wrinkles it has. I promise, I will look amazing.”
“I trust you.”  
Even though Liam had offered the Beaumonts funding for Riley’s social season expenses, she always felt if she could avoid spending Liam’s money, she would.  She did have the perfect dress.  It  was snow white and ethereal, gently clung to her curves in the right places, and flowy in all the others. Once steamed and after she had straightened her hair but used her curling iron to create loose waves.  Since it was almost time for her next batch of white roses from Liam to be delivered, she decided to use the current ones to make a garland of roses for her hair, making sure she saved one for something special for Liam. She wanted the whole world to know that she belonged there too.
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Liam was absolutely awestruck when he saw her walking towards the party, heading in her direction, him stopping her at  the garden archway.  
The way he stared at her made her feel special and desired.  Liam never gazed at anyone with the level of intention in his eyes.  
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After speaking for a few minutes, and the Prince pulling her close to him for a few moments, she continued on to the gardens,  meeting up with Hana first.  
“I’m so glad you’re here Lady Riley.”
“You know me,  fashionably late but always in fashion.”  Riley giggled. “I really like your dress.”
“Yours too! Where did you get it?  There was nothing like it in the boutique.”  
“It’s actually a dress I brought here from home.”
“It’s really pretty, I would have never known. You’ll have a really pretty picture with Prince Liam, with your dress and hair blowing in the wind.”  
“That’s the plan!”  
“Shall we go and grab a seat?”  
“Lets, my dogs are barking!”
“Okay Penelope.” Hana commented with a giggle.
As they turned  to take the first steps to start heading towards the suitor’s table, Olivia passed in front of Riley stepping on her foot.
Riley could not contain the curse words that tumbled from her mouth.  She was afterall A New Yorker through and through.  She was able to use curse words just as fragrant as a painter could make a picture on canvas come to life.  
“And that’s why you should be wearing heels and not dollar store sandals.”  
Riley decided not to engage the Scarlet Diva anymore at that moment, but the reckoning was coming.  She had to wait a bit for the crowd to calm down and It was time for lunch, and time for a little payback.  
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She decided to survey the serving tables before she enacted her revenge, and let’s be for real, Olivia had it coming.  Riley strategically started heaping food on her plate in a haphazard fashion.  Anything soupy with a sauce made it to her plate, and to drink? The biggest glass she could find was filled to the brim with red wine.  
Target acquired.  Riley made her way back to her seat with her plate that was heaping with food and her larger than life glass of red wine, when she passed by Olivia, she feigned slipping dropping the glass of wine over her head.  
Direct Hit!
“Whoops!”  Riley exclaimed.
Olivia gasped, jumping up, grabbing her arm.  Riley again slipped as if the ground where the wine had fallen off of Olivia had made the grass slippery and her plate of food somehow left her hands, landing all over Olivia’s dress.  
Flawless Victory!
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“My apologies, Duchess Olivia!!!!  It looks like I got your whole dress there. Clumsy me!!!”
She leaned into  Olivia with a smirk.  “Must be those cheap dollar store sandals not providing much traction on the grass.”
The Scarlet Duchess’s face was in fact scarlet and she left the garden party humiliated.  
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Riley went back in line and got her actual plate of food, finally making it to her place next to Hana once more.
Hana’s eyes were wide and unblinking.  “I really wasn’t expecting you to do that. But I’m glad you did.  She gets away with so much, I’m glad you stand up to her and for yourself.”
“Don’t let her.  All of you guys could stand up for yourselves too, and not let her get away with the things she does.”  
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“That’s just not how it’s done here.”  
“Well, it is now.”
Riley glanced across the way, Liam was smiling, shaking his head at her.  Riley smiled back, shrugging her shoulders resulting in Liam’s smile to widen even more.  
Photo Op Time
As Liam posed and took pictures with the other suitors, there were some nice photos in the bunch but they all lacked something special.  Riley went last, and as she walked in the Prince’s direction 
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his smile brightened and his eyes twinkled. His world stopped.
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“Natural chemistry has  finally entered the chat.”  
Riley fell into a deep curtsy looking up at Liam as she held out one of the roses she had clipped. 
“A matching rose for you Your Highness for your lapel, for our picture together.”  
“That’s a lovely gesture Lady Riley.”  
After placing the rose, Riley straightened it.  “Perfect.”
Riley faced the Prince for her photo as all the suitors before had done.  But once their eyes met, there was no denying the electric sexually charged energy of the two together.  Neither heard the snap of the camera until Ana De Luca spoke.
“Wow, that was a great picture, but I don’t think the people are ready for a photo with this much raw heat to it.”  
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“I request a copy of that one Ana.”
She nodded.  “You two don’t even need to face each other to create chemistry, it happens on its own.”  
Before Ana could actually direct them Liam and Riley fell into a pose different from all the suitors before.  
“There it is.   Perfect.  This picture displays " The Royal Romance.”  
All the suitors' pictures with Liam were touched up and uploaded to the Crown’s social media website for voting.  
Riley’s picture with Liam won by a landslide, meaning she would be going to Greece with Liam; the man she loves. The girl that had come from lowly beginnings being adopted, and losing everything she had to  meeting a kind attractive stranger was now around the world getting stamps on a passport she never thought she would fill, living her best life.
Cinder - fucking - rella  in the house or should we say castle?
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Just Breathe....
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