joanofarc · 2 years
dreams, emily in love feat. bisexual cyborg (2007).
so in love with the things that you do
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waw-mart-blog · 4 months
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opucsoffice · 1 year
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treefultreehouse · 2 years
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📣採用情報アップデート TOEICスコアにより給与が変わるように致しました🎉 投稿シェア拡散頂けたら嬉しいです😊 ◆ポジション: リゾート運営担当者 ◆ 仕事内容: 名護市源河にあるリゾートでのアクティビティ発案と実行、イベントプランニング、リゾート内の川と滝でのネイチャーガイド、ゲストへのバトラーサービス、東村アドベンチャーツアーのツアーガイド、リゾートやツリーハウスの使い方のマニュアル作成、物販設備管理など。世界中のVIPのゲストの皆様に会いお話が出来たり、ツリーハウスやエアロハウスに寝泊まり出来たり、普段経験の出来ないことが沢山出来ます✨
 ◆給与: 【TOEIC860点以上の方】月給270,000円 【TOEIC730~859点の方】月給251,812円 【TOEIC730点以下の方】月給 241,812円 ◆ こんな方歓迎します ツリーフルの理念「自然との共存」コンセプト「ツリーハウスサステイナブルリゾート」に共感頂ける方。沖縄に移住又は在住で、自然が好きで、運転免許保持者。 ◆社宅有り。福利厚生や有給など詳細は「マイナビ ツリーフル」で検索すると1番上に出てくる求人広告をご確認ください。又はウェブサイトTreeful.netの「募集」をご確認ください。 ◆応募方法 インスタでDMを送付お願いします。質問のメールも受け付けています。ウェブサイトTreeful.netのhiringページからご応募も可能です。 ◆リンク👇 https://job.mynavi.jp/23/pc/corpinfo/displayEmployment/index?corpId=263552&recruitingCourseId=44570 📣Recruitment status update The salary is now updated, depending on your TOEIC score. ◆ Position: Resort Operator ◆ Salary: [with TOEIC 860 points or higher] Monthly salary 270,000 yen [with TOEIC 730-859 points] Monthly salary 251,812 yen [with TOEIC 730 points or less] Monthly salary 241,812 yen ◆ You would be a good fit if you; - resonate with our philosophy "coexistence with nature" and the concept "treehouse sustainable resort" - can move to or live in Okinawa - like nature - have a driver's license ◆ Housing for workers available. For details on other benefits and paid leave, search for "マイナビ ツリーフル" and check the job post that appears at the top of your search results. Or go to HIRING on our website Treeful.net ◆How to apply: DM us here please. Please feel free to ask questions as well. Or apply from the page Hiring from our website Treeful.net ◆Link👇 https://job.mynavi.jp/23/pc/corpinfo/displayEmployment/index?corpId=263552&recruitingCourseId=44570 (Okinawa|沖縄) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdVXlwVvcqW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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myfontz · 4 years
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It ranks at position 83 among The 100 All Time Best Fonts.
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dangerhorsedesign · 7 years
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Another look at a neat logo we did for SolarElec some time ago. Check out Danger Horse on Behance for the full project!
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glassofteajlc · 3 years
Nation Resolves Not To Forget Lessons Of Corpid-19
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NEW YORK—Declaring that the only way to prevent a similar tragedy in the future was to learn from the experience, the nation reportedly resolved Tuesday not to forget the lessons of Corpid-19. “If we don’t stop to reflect, to really reflect, on what we’ve all been through as a country, we’re never going to prevent the…
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inspire-by-desirec · 3 years
Nation Resolves Not To Forget Lessons Of Corpid-19
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NEW YORK—Declaring that the only way to prevent a similar tragedy in the future was to learn from the experience, the nation reportedly resolved Tuesday not to forget the lessons of Corpid-19. “If we don’t stop to reflect, to really reflect, on what we’ve all been through as a country, we’re never going to prevent the…
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jack-davvson · 3 years
Nation Resolves Not To Forget Lessons Of Corpid-19
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NEW YORK—Declaring that the only way to prevent a similar tragedy in the future was to learn from the experience, the nation reportedly resolved Tuesday not to forget the lessons of Corpid-19. “If we don’t stop to reflect, to really reflect, on what we’ve all been through as a country, we’re never going to prevent the…
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kristablogs · 3 years
Nation Resolves Not To Forget Lessons Of Corpid-19
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NEW YORK—Declaring that the only way to prevent a similar tragedy in the future was to learn from the experience, the nation reportedly resolved Tuesday not to forget the lessons of Corpid-19. “If we don’t stop to reflect, to really reflect, on what we’ve all been through as a country, we’re never going to prevent the…
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myrinae · 3 years
Nation Resolves Not To Forget Lessons Of Corpid-19
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NEW YORK—Declaring that the only way to prevent a similar tragedy in the future was to learn from the experience, the nation reportedly resolved Tuesday not to forget the lessons of Corpid-19. “If we don’t stop to reflect, to really reflect, on what we’ve all been through as a country, we’re never going to prevent the…
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seitrack · 3 years
Nation Resolves Not To Forget Lessons Of Corpid-19
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NEW YORK—Declaring that the only way to prevent a similar tragedy in the future was to learn from the experience, the nation reportedly resolved Tuesday not to forget the lessons of Corpid-19. “If we don’t stop to reflect, to really reflect, on what we’ve all been through as a country, we’re never going to prevent the…
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baby-ace-kitten · 3 years
Nation Resolves Not To Forget Lessons Of Corpid-19
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NEW YORK—Declaring that the only way to prevent a similar tragedy in the future was to learn from the experience, the nation reportedly resolved Tuesday not to forget the lessons of Corpid-19. “If we don’t stop to reflect, to really reflect, on what we’ve all been through as a country, we’re never going to prevent the…
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opucsoffice · 1 year
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eugene-v-dabs · 3 years
Nation Resolves Not To Forget Lessons Of Corpid-19
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NEW YORK—Declaring that the only way to prevent a similar tragedy in the future was to learn from the experience, the nation reportedly resolved Tuesday not to forget the lessons of Corpid-19. “If we don’t stop to reflect, to really reflect, on what we’ve all been through as a country, we’re never going to prevent the…
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myfontz · 4 years
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A font and typography design bureau set up in 2000 by Luc(as) de Groot, and based in Berlin, Germany.
His fonts include the Thesis family, which is probably the most comprehensive typeface family ever produced, containing three distinct letterforms, TheSans, TheSerif, and TheMix, each in 8 weights (extra light, light, semi light, normal, semi bold, bold, extra bold, and black), and each weight in 6 variants (plain, italic, small caps, small caps italic, expert, and expert italic), making a total of 144 different fonts.
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website - myfonts
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