#corporate medical fraud
if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"Alfred Hall Gets 5 Years And 5 Lashes," Vancouver Sun. October 16, 1943. Page 1 & 8. --- For the first time in a decade or more lashes were added to a penitentiary sentence when punishment was meted out in Assize Court today by Chief Justice Wendell Farris to seven prisoners.
Accompanied by a scathing denunciation of the "detestable crimes" of which he had been found guilty - two charges of gross indecency - Alfred G. Hall, 53-year-old self-styled psychologist and nutritionist, was sentenced to five years in the penitentiary and five lashes.
At the same time, Frederick Hathaway, 43, leader of the Aryan Astrological Occult Church of Christ, was given the maximum term for indecent assault, two years in the penitentiary.
Charles Willard Davis, 41, former New Westminster druggist who pleaded guilty to possession of drugs while he was staff sergeant in the RCAMC, was sent to the penitentiary for six years, with a fine of $1000, or an additional six months.
Other sentences given today, were:
Pte. George Donald Bowie, 27, two years from his arrest on May 29 for a statutory offense.
Ralph Prentice, 28, salesman, and Robert Morgan, 27, laborer, three years for burglary.
Robert Findlay, 21, fisherman, one year for burglary.
HAD FAIR TRIAL When court convenes at 10:30 a.m. Monday, Mr. Justice Stiney Smith will preside for the re-trial of two cases in which there were disagreements earlier in the assizes. They are Herbert Gordon Penny, false pretenses, and Robert Walter Millman, theft.
Hall, who is general director of the World Fellowship of Faith and Service and operator of its adjunct, the Human Adjustment institute, claimed he was greatly handicapped at his trials by lack of counsel. He told the chief justice also that there was a public movement to prevent the career which he had chosen as his life work in Vancouver.
"You had extremely fair trials and your ability in conducting your defense was such that I am satisfied it would not have been excelled by many lawyers," Chief Justice Farris told the prisoner.
LONG PERIOD "I think you have a contempt for the law and the decent things of life," he added, and then recited Hall's criminal record which began in Vancouver 20 years ago and extended to Toronto, Chicago, Seattle and back to Vancouver to pile up six convictions for false pretenses, theft, fraud, con-games, violation of immigration laws and non-support.
The chief justice said Hall's conduct in court indicated more than ordinary ability and a remarkable brain. It is too bad, he remarked, that science has not advanced sufficiently to correct the quirk which prevents his ability being of service to the community rather than a disgrace to himself. His Lordship said he could see nothing in the case which war ranted sympathy or leniency.
"Absolutely brazenly you defended yourself on this detestable charge, and I sentence you to five years with five lashes, as I believe that it is only by such means you may be brought to a realization of your position. Though the thought of the lash is to me abhorrent, in a case such as yours I see nothing else that will serve."
In making the sentences on the two counts concurrent, the chief justice stipulated that if the lashes are not given in the first case they shall be given in the second, within four weeks of Hall's admission to the penitentiary.
"COSMETIC SCIENCE" "In the second case you went into the box and your admissions were such as to my mind shows a completely perverted mind and a system of carrying on these perversions with your so-called institute to further what I might term your beastly desires," declared the judge.
Objections taken by G. V. Pelton in behalf of Hathaway of alleged prejudice at his trial by reference to cosmetic science instead of cosmic and the use of the name Hall instead of Hathaway, might be grounds of appeal; also his trial by jury on a lesser charge than the one on which he was committed.
"In these days, when people are seeking faith and religious outlet, those who profess religion and in the name of that religion, commit a crime, it becomes a very serious matter," Chief Justice Farris told the cosmic science lecturer who claimed at his trial to have visited Mars, Venus and other planets.
He was not unmindful of the suffering of drug addicts, the chief justice said after hearing a second impassioned plea by T. F. Hurley for leniency for Davis, the staff sergeant who admitted stealing morphine and cocaine from army supplies and substituting other medicines for a year.
But Davis' case was different to the ordinary drug case because he knew thed anger of going near narcotics; still he took a position of responsibility know- ing there might be serious consequences.
'KNEW WAY AROUND' His Lordship thought it remarkable that Canada has no institutions for the treatment of drug addicts.
He said he took into consideration the sorrow of his parents, wife, a son overseas and a brother invalided home; also the co-operation Davis gave in preventing the serious consequences there might have been. However, the judge said the Crown might have charged him under a section with a maximum penalty of 11 years instead of seven.
A strong recommendation by the jury for mercy was taken into consideration by the chief justice, he said, when he gave Bowie two years from the date of his arrest for an offense against a young girl. He said he also recalled that the complainant was "one who knew her way about" and that the soldier had been drinking.
Criminal records for 10 years and 13 years were confirmed by Prentice and Morgan respectively, when they appeared for sentence for a dairy safe-blowing.
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apricitystudies · 7 months
crimes of the elite: a deep dive
voted on here. (other editions) bold = favourite
corporate harms
behind the smiles at amazon
the long, dark shadow of bhopal (bhopal gas disaster)
how lobbying blocked european safety checks for dangerous medical implants
7-eleven revealed
who controls the world's food supply?
the true cost of tuna: marine observers dying at sea
how a big pharma company stalled a potentially lifesaving vaccine in pursuit of bigger profits
24 years after, some victims not compensated and still can't live normal lives (pfizer's nigeria vaccine trials)
the corporate crime of the century
uber broke laws, duped police and secretly lobbied governments, leak reveals (the uber files)
the baby killer (nestle infant formula scandal)
2 paths of bayer drug in 80's: riskier one steered overseas (hiv-risk contaminated blood product scandal)
global banks defy u.s. crackdowns by serving oligarchs, criminals and terrorists (fincen files)
the ultra-rich
eliminalia: a reputation laundromat for criminals
the fall of the god of cars (international fugitive carlos ghosn)
a u.s. billionaire took over a tropical island pension fund. then hundreds of millions of dollars allegedly went missing (cyprus confidential)
how the wealthiest avoid income tax (the irs files)
the haves and the have-yachts
madoff and his models (madoff ponzi scheme)
the imposter (blockchain terminal fraud)
the ultra-rich: (allegedly) stolen antiquities
crime of the centuries
stolen treasure traders
a hunt for cambodia's looted heritage leads to top museums (pandora papers)
an art crime for the ages
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mariacallous · 2 years
This story is part of a joint investigation between Lighthouse Reports and WIRED. To read other stories from the series, click here.
Mitch Daniels is a numbers guy, a cost-cutter. In the early 2000s, he tried and failed to rein in congressional spending under then-US president George W. Bush. So when he took office as Indiana governor in 2005, Daniels was ready to argue once again for fiscal discipline. He wanted to straighten out Indiana’s state government, which he deemed rife with dysfunction. And he started with its welfare system. “That department had been rocked by a series of criminal indictments, with cheats and caseworkers colluding to steal money meant for poor people,” he later said.
Daniels’ solution took the form of a $1.3 billion, 10-year contract with IBM. He had lofty ambitions for the project, which started in 2006, claiming it would improve the benefits service for Indiana residents while cracking down on fraud, ultimately saving taxpayers billions of dollars.
But the contract was a disaster. It was canceled after three years, and IBM and Indiana spent a decade locked in a legal battle about who was to blame. Daniels described IBM’s sweeping redesign and automation of the system—responsible for deciding who was eligible for everything from food stamps to medical cover—as deficient. He was adamant, though, that outsourcing a technical project to a company with expertise was the right call. “It was over-designed,” he said. “Great on paper but too complicated to work in practice.” IBM declined a request for comment. 
In July 2012, Judge David Dryer of the Marion County Superior Court ruled that Indiana had failed to prove IBM had breached its contract. But he also delivered a damning verdict on the system itself, describing it as an untested experiment that replaced caseworkers with computers and phone calls. “Neither party deserves to win this case,” he said. “This story represents a ‘perfect storm’ of misguided government policy and overzealous corporate ambition.” 
That might have been an early death knell for the burgeoning business of welfare state automation. Instead, the industry exploded. Today, such fraud systems form a significant part of the nebulous “govtech” industry, which revolves around companies selling governments new technologies with the promise that new IT will make public administration easier-to-use and more efficient. In 2021, that market was estimated to be worth €116 billion ($120 billion) in Europe and $440 billion globally. And it’s not only companies that expect to profit from this wave of tech. Governments also believe modernizing IT systems can deliver big savings. Back in 2014, the consultancy firm McKinsey estimated that if government digitization reached its “full potential,” it could free up $1 trillion every year. 
Contractors around the world are selling governments on the promise that fraud-hunting algorithms can help them recoup public funds. But researchers who track the spread of these systems argue that these companies are often overpaid and under-supervised. The key issue, researchers say, is accountability. When complex machine learning models or simpler algorithms are developed by the private sector, the computer code that gets to define who is and isn’t accused of fraud is often classed as intellectual property. As a result, the way such systems make decisions is opaque and shielded from interrogation. And even when these algorithmic black holes are embroiled in high-stakes legal battles over alleged bias, the people demanding answers struggle to get them. 
In the UK, a community group called the Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People is trying to determine whether a pattern of disabled people being investigated for fraud is linked to government automation projects. In France, the digital rights group La Quadrature du Net has been trying for four months to find out whether a fraud system is discriminating against people born in other countries. And in Serbia, lawyers want to understand why the introduction of a new system has resulted in hundreds of Roma families losing their benefits. “The models are always secret,” says Victoria Adelmant, director of New York University’s digital welfare state project. “If you don’t have transparency, it’s very difficult to even challenge and assess these systems.” 
The rollout of automated bureaucracy has happened quickly and quietly, but it has left a trail of scandals in its wake. In Michigan, a computer system used between 2013 and 2015 falsely accused 34,000 people of welfare fraud. A similar thing happened in Australia between 2015 and 2019, but on a larger scale: The government accused 400,000 people of welfare fraud or error after its social security department started using a so-called robodebt algorithm to automatically issue fines.
Another scandal emerged in the Netherlands in 2019 when tens of thousands of families—many of them from the country’s Ghanaian community—were falsely accused of defrauding the child benefits system. These systems didn’t just contribute to agencies accusing innocent people of welfare fraud; benefits recipients were ordered to repay the money they had supposedly stolen. As a result, many of the accused were left with spiraling debt, destroyed credit ratings, and even bankruptcy. 
Not all government fraud systems linked to scandals were developed with consultancies or technology companies. But civil servants are increasingly turning to the private sector to plug knowledge and personnel gaps. Companies involved in fraud detection systems range from giant consultancies—Accenture, Cap Gemini, PWC—to small tech firms like Totta Data Lab in the Netherlands and Saga in Serbia.
Experts in automation and AI are expensive to hire and less likely to be wooed by public sector salaries. When the UK surveyed its civil servants last year, confidence in the government’s ability to use technology was low, with around half of respondents blaming an inability to hire top talent. More than a third said they had few or no skills in artificial intelligence, machine learning, or automation. But it’s not just industry experience that makes the private sector so alluring to government officials. For welfare departments squeezed by budget cuts, “efficiency” has become a familiar buzzword. “Quite often, a public sector entity will say it is more efficient for us to go and bring in a group of consultants,” says Dan Sheils, head of European public service at Accenture.
The public sector lacks the expertise to create these systems and also to oversee them, says Matthias Spielkamp, cofounder of German nonprofit Algorithm Watch, which has been tracking automated decision-making in social welfare programs across Europe since 2017. In an ideal world, civil servants would be able to develop these systems themselves and have an in-depth understanding of how they work, he says. “That would be a huge difference to working with private companies, because they will sell you black-box systems—black boxes to everyone, including the public sector.” 
In February 2020, a crisis broke out in the Dutch region of Walcheren as officials realized they were in the dark about how their own fraud detection system worked. At the time, a Dutch court had halted the use of another algorithm used to detect welfare fraud, known as SyRI, after finding it violated people’s right to privacy. Officials in Walcheren were not using SyRI, but in emails obtained by Lighthouse Reports and WIRED through freedom-of-information requests, government employees had raised concerns that their algorithm bore striking similarities to the one just condemned by the court.
Walcheren’s system was developed by Totta Data Lab. After signing a contract in March 2017, the Dutch startup developed an algorithm to sort through pseudonymous information, according to details obtained through a freedom-of-information request. The system analyzed details of local people claiming welfare benefits and then sent human investigators a list of those it classified as most likely to be fraudsters. 
The redacted emails show local officials agonizing over whether their algorithm would be dragged into the SyRI scandal. “I don’t think it is possible to explain why our algorithm should be allowed while everyone is reading about SyRI,” one official wrote the week after the court ruling. Another wrote back with similar concerns. “We also do not get insight from Totta Data Lab into what exactly the algorithm does, and we do not have the expertise to check this.” Neither Totta nor officials in Walcheren replied to requests for comment. 
When the Netherlands’ Organization for Applied Scientific Research, an independent research institute, later carried out an audit of a Totta algorithm used in South Holland, the auditors struggled to understand it. “The results of the algorithm do not appear to be reproducible,” their 2021 report reads, referring to attempts to re-create the algorithm’s risk scores. “The risks indicated by the AI algorithm are largely randomly determined,” the researchers found. 
With little transparency, it often takes years—and thousands of victims—to expose technical shortcomings. But a case in Serbia provides a notable exception. In March 2022, a new law came into force which gave the government the green light to use data processing to assess individuals’ financial status and automate parts of its social protection programs. The new socijalna karta, or social card system, would help the government detect fraud while making sure welfare payments were reaching society’s most marginalized, claimed Zoran Đorđević, Serbia’s minister of social affairs in 2020. 
But within months of the system’s introduction, lawyers in the capital Belgrade had started documenting how it was discriminating against the country’s Roma community, an already disenfranchised ethnic minority group. 
Mr. ​​Ahmetović, a welfare recipient who declined to share his first name out of concern that his statement could affect his ability to claim benefits in the future, says he hadn’t heard of the social card system until November 2022, when his wife and four children were turned away from a soup kitchen on the outskirts of the Serbian capital. It wasn’t unusual for the Roma family to be there, as their welfare payments entitled them to a daily meal provided by the government. But on that day, a social worker told them their welfare status had changed and that they would no longer be getting a daily meal.
The family was in shock, and Ahmetović rushed to the nearest welfare office to find out what had happened. He says he was told the new social card system had flagged him after detecting income amounting to 110,000 Serbian dinars ($1,000) in his bank account, which meant he was no longer eligible for a large chunk of the welfare he had been receiving. Ahmetović was confused. He didn’t know anything about this payment. He didn’t even have his own bank account—his wife received the family’s welfare payments into hers. 
With no warning, their welfare payments were slashed by 30 percent, from around 70,000 dinars ($630) per month to 40,000 dinars ($360). The family had been claiming a range of benefits since 2012, including financial social assistance, as their son’s epilepsy and unilateral paralysis means neither parent is able to work. The drop in support meant the Ahmetovićs had to cut back on groceries and couldn’t afford to pay all their bills. Their debt ballooned to over 1 million dinars ($9,000). 
The algorithm’s impact on Serbia’s Roma community has been dramatic. ​​Ahmetović says his sister has also had her welfare payments cut since the system was introduced, as have several of his neighbors. “Almost all people living in Roma settlements in some municipalities lost their benefits,” says Danilo Ćurčić, program coordinator of A11, a Serbian nonprofit that provides legal aid. A11 is trying to help the Ahmetovićs and more than 100 other Roma families reclaim their benefits.
But first, Ćurčić needs to know how the system works. So far, the government has denied his requests to share the source code on intellectual property grounds, claiming it would violate the contract they signed with the company who actually built the system, he says. According to Ćurčić and a government contract, a Serbian company called Saga, which specializes in automation, was involved in building the social card system. Neither Saga nor Serbia’s Ministry of Social Affairs responded to WIRED’s requests for comment.
As the govtech sector has grown, so has the number of companies selling systems to detect fraud. And not all of them are local startups like Saga. Accenture—Ireland’s biggest public company, which employs more than half a million people worldwide—has worked on fraud systems across Europe. In 2017, Accenture helped the Dutch city of Rotterdam develop a system that calculates risk scores for every welfare recipient. A company document describing the original project, obtained by Lighthouse Reports and WIRED, references an Accenture-built machine learning system that combed through data on thousands of people to judge how likely each of them was to commit welfare fraud. “The city could then sort welfare recipients in order of risk of illegitimacy, so that highest risk individuals can be investigated first,” the document says. 
Officials in Rotterdam have said Accenture’s system was used until 2018, when a team at Rotterdam’s Research and Business Intelligence Department took over the algorithm’s development. When Lighthouse Reports and WIRED analyzed a 2021 version of Rotterdam’s fraud algorithm, it became clear that the system discriminates on the basis of race and gender. And around 70 percent of the variables in the 2021 system—information categories such as gender, spoken language, and mental health history that the algorithm used to calculate how likely a person was to commit welfare fraud—appeared to be the same as those in Accenture’s version.
When asked about the similarities, Accenture spokesperson Chinedu Udezue said the company’s “start-up model” was transferred to the city in 2018 when the contract ended. Rotterdam stopped using the algorithm in 2021, after auditors found that the data it used risked creating biased results.
Consultancies generally implement predictive analytics models and then leave after six or eight months, says Sheils, Accenture’s European head of public service. He says his team helps governments avoid what he describes as the industry’s curse: “false positives,” Sheils’ term for life-ruining occurrences of an algorithm incorrectly flagging an innocent person for investigation. “That may seem like a very clinical way of looking at it, but technically speaking, that's all they are.” Sheils claims that Accenture mitigates this by encouraging clients to use AI or machine learning to improve, rather than replace, decision-making humans. “That means ensuring that citizens don’t experience significantly adverse consequences purely on the basis of an AI decision.” 
However, social workers who are asked to investigate people flagged by these systems before making a final decision aren’t necessarily exercising independent judgment, says Eva Blum-Dumontet, a tech policy consultant who researched algorithms in the UK welfare system for campaign group Privacy International. “This human is still going to be influenced by the decision of the AI,” she says. “Having a human in the loop doesn’t mean that the human has the time, the training, or the capacity to question the decision.” 
Despite the scandals and repeated allegations of bias, the industry building these systems shows no sign of slowing. And neither does government appetite for buying or building such systems. Last summer, Italy’s Ministry of Economy and Finance adopted a decree authorizing the launch of an algorithm that searches for discrepancies in tax filings, earnings, property records, and bank accounts to identify people at risk of not paying their taxes. 
But as more governments adopt these systems, the number of people erroneously flagged for fraud is growing. And once someone is caught up in the tangle of data, it can take years to break free. In the Netherlands’ child benefits scandal, people lost their cars and homes, and couples described how the stress drove them to divorce. “The financial misery is huge,” says Orlando Kadir, a lawyer representing more than 1,000 affected families. After a public inquiry, the Dutch government agreed in 2020 to pay the families around €30,000 ($32,000) in compensation. But debt balloons over time. And that amount is not enough, says Kadir, who claims some families are now €250,000 in debt. 
In Belgrade, ​​Ahmetović is still fighting to get his family’s full benefits reinstated. “I don’t understand what happened or why,” he says. “It’s hard to compete against the computer and prove this was a mistake.” But he says he’s also wondering whether he’ll ever be compensated for the financial damage the social card system has caused him. He’s yet another person caught up in an opaque system whose inner workings are guarded by the companies and governments who make and operate them. Ćurčić, though, is clear on what needs to change. “We don’t care who made the algorithm,” he says. “The algorithm just has to be made public.”
Additional reporting by Gabriel Geiger and Justin-Casimir Braun.
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doomed-prophetess · 1 year
Big question: After reading manhwhas, what do you think should be the qualities of being an Empress?
I mean you seem to have vast knowledge when it comes to historical manhwhas and you know the nuances of these kinds of stories
Sorry if this is confusing since it's hard question
leadership skills: assessing people, being able to assess the situation, empathy, charisma, recognizing potential, ability to deal with criticism, diplomacy, time management (set deadlines, single steps that have to be fulfilled by a certain date), ability to maintain an overview, to reduce narratives to the essentials, compromise and balance without betraying own values
foresight: keep track of the consequences of the events of your own decisions over the years, which results and which resistances you have to pay attention to
moral recognition
become a role model to the younger generations
promote the arts and culture -> strenghtens social cohesion
be able to communicate a vision
centering power into a collective centre of power
gain credibility by keeping promises, holding yourself accountable for your words and actions
just in rewarding and punishing
formulate clear unambiguous laws that are really enforced for all, must abide by these laws themselves
write a constitution, protect fundamental rights that even a state ruler cannot cross under any circumstances
highly educated (STEM subjects + foreign language & culture + social science, understanding regularities of social developments)
generalist, business management
tough on property crime as it destroys the entire social structure
free healthcare
implenting educational reforms: free of charge, availible to children from all classes and any ethnicity, banning corporal punishment
build schools, train teachers, get kids off the streets into homes
fighting corruption, corruption in higher education such as bribery, embezzlement, fraud, extortion, favoritism, nepotism etc. etc.
don't lower the level of education and make cheating easy, this is how you get doctors who make diagnostic errors, professional negligence and medical malpractice.
a good spy-network (secret service)
win the respect of the military. It is much harder as a female ruler in a patriarchial country. There are extreme ways such as participating in the war by yourself just like a male ruler would, symbolic participation, power through father or husband, impress through a brilliant military strategy during meetings while also listening to the advice of the elders or arranging a clever marriage to the commander of your army/ a powerful man respected by the military
keep the peace while maintaining the strength of the army. involve the army in disaster assistance, send military observers / elite groups to certain hot spots in the world so that they won't miss out on real war experience, military drills will never be a substitute for a fight between life and death
create sophisticated infrastructure: a vast network of roads, aqueduct (water supply), public baths, sewer system
has ideally lived a while among the commoners to understand the soul of the common people and their most urgent needs
alternatively travelled
forms connections and maintains relations with allied countries: marriage arrangements, warding of foreign noble children, gifts, military support, trade, academic exchange...
protects legacy: mentor the heir + create a safety net of trusted advisors + establish social institutions that are responsible for specific structural tasks and operate independently of private interests. So that what you have created in your lifetime will not be destroyed in another lifetime. For example if there happens to be a tyrant born into your family.
the final long-term goal should always be to get rid of the monarchy eventually
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Tempest 2099 info dump rewrite
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Been thinking about Tempest's backstory a bit more...
and so far I'm sticking with the idea that she was a test subject for Alchemax but taking stuff from Kasey and giving her a criminal record with her being part of the resistance trying to take down Alchemax. She ended up getting caught cause someone sold her out and instead of putting her jail that ran gene splicing experiments on her, they experimented with Wasp DNA and they thought they killed her cause her body wasn't moving or responding and they just tossed her body where no one would look and just paid off people to ignore it but she lived her body was still in the process of changing...
Tempest came back to work at Alchemax as a janitor under a new name mostly just there to spy on them and find the people who experimented on her then left her for dead so she can kill them, working as a janitor is perfect cause no one really notices her.
Her relationship with Miguel as "Tempest" is that he was probably the only one there that was some what nice to her and even acknowledge her as an actually person, but aside from small talk that's just it for now.
As Spiderman and The Wasp is a different story, mostly because she keeps trying to recruit him her cause, she thinks Spiderman is the perfect thing they need to be stronger and actually make a difference, but he keeps refusing at first which annoys her which leads to her what not liking him and thinks he's just fraud so when people start to praise him she be the first to talk shit lowkey. Tempest lives in downtown old New York and his is their protector I like the thought of them being from two different worlds while Miguel probably lives up in the Nueva York he doesn't see how those people live while Tempest lives in the slums and knows how hard it is and it is she's very out spoken about how broken the system is and how disguising Alchemax is as a mega corporation explicating the working class and using the poorest people as test subjects cause they have no choice
I think she finds out that Miguel is Spiderman cause he gets badly hurt and she takes him to a medic to get him some help she ends up seeing his face
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kharmii · 20 days
So I got the idea to actually calculate the global human population myself, city by city, and guess what.
It’s not even 3 billion.
Not even CLOSE.
There are NOT 7 billion people on the planet. You can count yourself. The overpopulation hoax is the foundation of the globalist terror regime.
Whether it's three or seven billion, the global population doesn't matter. Overpopulation is a regional problem. There are starving children with distended bellies running around in Africa and India, and yet I suspect those places aren't handing out free birth control and running article after article about how "Cats are Better Than Babies".
The globalist terror regime is focusing that on first world nations while flooding every good place to live with problem people. Here in the US, every country south of us is clearing out their prisons and mental hospitals then sending them right up to us in large caravans of tens and hundreds of thousands of people. It's white privilege to have a job with a living wage, medical benefits, etc. We need to let everybody in so large corporations don't have to send their companies to China. The whole planet should be one huge sweat shop.
Speaking of white privilege, I have an OT beef. A few days ago, a fourteen-year-old student at Apalachee High School named Colt Gray brought a semi-automatic weapon to school and shot a bunch of people before being detained by police. According to the wiki, the school is in a town that's 58% white where half the students are economically disadvantaged. Colt Gray was one of these students. His mom was a low life drug addict who was arrested for "domestic violence, drug possession, property damage and various traffic violations, including driving under the influence charges. She also faced civil fraud charges over the purchase of a used vehicle and was locked up in Ben Hill County as recently as April."
Colt Gray ended up a Kamala Harris supporting trannie who was probably bullied at school on top of having a dysfunctional family. They tried to wipe his online presence, but it's being passed around.
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It looks like he lived with his dad who was also abusive, and now the dad is being arrested for giving the shooter the weapon he used as a Christmas present last year. This is the second time I've heard of this happening. The first time is when the parents of school shooter Ethan Crumbley were charged with manslaughter in April 2024 because they supposedly also supplied the weapon used.
Now I can see why people would think this was appropriate. Terrible parents who raise a kid wrong should be held accountable for setting a monster loose in the community, and yet this only seems to be a white issue. I've yet to see a black parent be held responsible for her child's actions. Black people have an 80% out-of-wedlock birth rate and fatherless household rate. They make up 13% of the population but commit 90% of gun crimes, 90% of adolescent gun crimes and most of the mass shootings. The news only focuses on the rare white person committing a mass shooting and acts like it's an epidemic, even though black people are shooting up every major city every day of the year.
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You aren't even supposed to question this. Black people problems are the result of white privilege and 'them evil colonialists who brought crop rotation and modern medicine to the third world' blahblahblah. Black people who aren't qualified to run a hotdog stand at a little league game are supposed to be able to lecture white people endlessly, and yet we aren't allowed to say, *lifts finger* uh um.....maybe if you waited until you were married to pop out babies, then maybe your atrocious crime rate would go down. Srsly, we're dealing with the problems of people in generational poverty who have like a 10% literacy rate, and the media keeps beating it into our heads that all the problems of the world are caused by white people, and it's only white people who need to have fckn dogs-cats-rats-smelly horses instead of babies.
Another meme they're always pushing in the media is that 'right wing extremism is the biggest domestic terror threat' and that all mass shooters are right wing (laughably ridiculous). Then when a radicalized Marxist trannie like Audrey Hale shoots up a white Christian school, it takes literal years for the authorities to release the manifesto. It's supposedly a danger to the public. When we finally get to read it, it's nothing but the ramblings of a mentally ill radicalized Marxist who complains over and over that nobody loves them, and that's why they have to kill a bunch of white Christian kids because the media beat it into their deranged mind that white Christians are the cause of all their problems.
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Abusive Sexual Contact
Advocating Overthrow of Government
Aggravated Assault/Battery
Aggravated Identity Theft
Aggravated Sexual Abuse
Aiming a Laser Pointer at an Aircraft
Airplane Hijacking
Armed Robbery
Assault with a Deadly Weapon
Assaulting or Killing Federal Officer
Assisting or Instigating Escape
Attempt to commit Murder/Manslaughter
Bank Burglary
Bankruptcy Fraud/Embezzlement
Bank Larceny
Bank Robbery
Bombing Matters
Bond Default
Breaking and/or Entering Carrier Facilities
Bribery Crimes
Certification of Checks (Fraud)
Child Abuse
Child Exploitation
Child Pornography
Civil Action to Restrain Harassment of a Victim or Witness
Commodities Price Fixing
Computer Crime
Concealing Escaped Prisoner
Concealing Person from Arrest
Concealment of Assets
Conspiracy (in matters under FBI jurisdiction)
Conspiracy to Impede or Injure an Officer
Contempt of Court
Continuing Criminal Enterprise
Conveying False Information
Copyright Matters
Counterintelligence Crimes
Credit/Debit Card Fraud
Crime Aboard Aircraft
Crimes on Government Reservations
Crimes on Indian Reservations
Criminal Contempt of Court
Criminal Forfeiture
Criminal Infringement of a Copyright
Cyber Crimes
Damage to Religious Property
Delivery to Consignee
Demands Against the U.S.
Destruction of Aircraft or Motor Vehicles Used in Foreign Commerce
Destruction of an Energy Facility
Destruction of Property to Prevent Seizure
Destruction of Records in Federal Investigations and Bankruptcy
Destruction of Corporate Audit Records
Destruction of Veterans’ Memorials
Detention of Armed Vessel
Disclosure of Confidential Information
Domestic Security
Domestic Terrorism
Domestic Violence
Drive-by Shooting
Drug Abuse Violations
Drug Smuggling
Drug Trafficking
DUI/DWI on Federal Property
Economic Espionage
Election Law Crimes
Embezzlement Against Estate
Entering Train to Commit Crime
Enlistment to Serve Against the U.S.
Environmental Scheme Crimes
Escaping Custody/Escaped Federal Prisoners
Examiner Performing Other Services
Exportation of Drugs
Failure to Appear on Felony Offense
Failure to Pay Legal Child Support Obligations
False Bail
False Pretenses
False Statements Relating to Health Care Matters
Falsely Claiming Citizenship
False Declarations before Grand Jury or Court
False Entries in Records of Interstate Carriers
False Information and Hoaxes
False Statement to Obtain Unemployment Compensation
Federal Aviation Act
Federal Civil Rights Violations (hate crimes, police misconduct)
Female Genital Mutilation
Financial Transactions with Foreign Government
First Degree Murder
Flight to Avoid Prosecution or Giving Testimony
Forced Labor
Forcible Rape
Fraud Activity in Connection with Electronic Mail
Fraud Against the Government
Hacking Crimes
Harboring Terrorists
Harming Animals Used in Law Enforcement
Hate Crime Acts
Hostage Taking
Identity Theft
Illegal Possession of Firearms
Immigration Offenses
Impersonator Making Arrest or Search
Importation of Drugs
Influencing Juror by Writing
Injuring Officer
Insider Trading Crimes
Insurance Fraud
Interference with the Operation of a Satellite
International Parental Kidnapping
International Terrorism
Interstate Domestic Violence
Interstate Violation of Protection Order
Lobbying with Appropriated Moneys
Mailing Threatening Communications
Major Fraud Against the U.S.
Medical/Health Care Fraud
Missile Systems Designed to Destroy Aircraft
Misuse of Passport
Misuse of Visas, Permits, or Other Documents
Money Laundering
Motor Vehicle Theft
Murder by a Federal Prisoner
Murder Committed During Drug-related Drive-by shooting
Murder Committed in Federal Government Facility
Narcotics Violations
Obstructing Examination of Financial Institution
Obstruction of Court Orders
Obstruction of Federal audit
Obstruction of Justice
Obstruction of Criminal Investigations
Officer Failing to Make Reports
Partial Birth Abortion
Penalties for Neglect or Refusal to Answer Subpoena
Picketing or Parading
Possession by Restricted Persons
Possession of False Papers to Defraud the U.S.
Possession of Narcotics
Possession of Child Pornography
Private Correspondence with Foreign Government
Probation Violation
Product Tampering
Prohibition of Illegal Gambling Businesses
Protection of Foreign Officials
Public Corruption Crimes
Radiological Dispersal Devices
Ransom Money
Receiving the Proceeds of Extortion
Recording or Listening to Grand or Petit Juries While Deliberating
Reentry of an Alien Removed on National Security Grounds
Registration of Certain Organizations
Reproduction of Citizenship Papers
Resistance to Extradition Agent
Rescue of Seized Property
Retaliating Against a Federal Judge by False Claim or Slander of Title
Retaliating Against a Witness, Victim, or an Informant
Robberies and Burglaries Involving Controlled Substances
Sale of Citizenship Papers
Sale of Stolen Vehicles
Searches Without Warrant
Second Degree Murder
Serial Murders
Sexual Abuse
Sexual Abuse of a Minor
Sexual Assault
Sexual Battery
Sexual Conduct with a Minor
Sexual Exploitation
Sex Trafficking
Solicitation to Commit a Crime of Violence
Stalking (In Violation of Restraining Order)
Stolen Property; Buying, Receiving, or Possessing
Subornation of Perjury
Suits Against Government Officials
Tampering with a Witness, Victim, or Informant
Tampering with Consumer Products
Tampering with Vessels
Theft of Trade Secrets
Trafficking in Counterfeit Goods or Services
Transmission of Wagering Information (Gambling)
Transportation into State Prohibiting Sale
Transportation of Slaves from U.S.
Transportation of Stolen Vehicles
Transportation of Terrorists
Unauthorized Removal of Classified Documents
Use of Fire or Explosives to Destroy Property
Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction
Video Voyeurism
Violation of Prohibitions Governing Atomic Weapons
Violence at International airports
Violent Crimes in Aid of Racketeering Activity
Willful Wrecking of a Train Resulting in Death
Wire Fraud
That’s the list of all of my crimes
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shesnake · 11 months
hi deah! how are you? I'm feeling nosy about your thoughts on industry hbo, please?
finished it minutes ago and I'm still in shock.... but I hope you're doing well ❤️
harper has SO many things wrong with her I can never guess what she's about to do she's so compelling I can't not be obsessed. I love academic fraud in non-medical fields she was so real for all of it
didn't realise how much I love stories that explore workplace/corporate/heirarchal abuse but when you add up succession mythic quest mad men the thick of it bojack etc... yeah I think industry is so PERFECTLY cynical about the realities of these experiences it may be my favourite look at this since the first season of the morning show
and so very predictably, harper and eric's dynamic is everything to me 💀💀💀💀 mayhaps I shall speak more on them at a later time when I'm not still reeling from that ending
all these characters are pretty excellent! of course they all fucking suck as people but there's no one that makes me feel bored/unwilling to focus on the screen. except dvd
yasmin is awful but she is so so cute and such a FREAK 🥴🥵 god bless. the shifting relationship between her and harper over the course of the series is soo interesting
I think Rob is very nice
love the genuinely meaningful symbolism of the use of cigarettes vs vapes. everyone's always handing harper a dart
the stylistic subtleties of the direction and editing of this show are really fun! the match cuts, the choice close-ups. brilliant. I keep thinking about that scene in the hunting episode when harper finds eric smoking outside and he's speaking directly into the camera like it's harper's pov and the hand-held makes it feel like ken leung is floating in the night, meanwhile myha'la is shot indirectly from the side. CRAZY blocking decision
I do not believe for a second that Eric watches succession but i loved the kendall mention regardless
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By: Dennis Noel Kavanagh
Published: May 22, 2022
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[ Above: LGB Alliance making a point no charity should ever have to make ]
Of all the many absurd frauds perpetrated by gender ideology/biology denial the most egregious is the audacious lie “This is just like gay rights”, or the common riposte from the hard of thinking: “That’s just recycled homophobia”.
Such phrases are normally uttered by some risible gender borg, more often than not in answer to an actual homosexual daring to voice even a mild objection to the increasingly eccentric and dangerous demands of a creed whose main aim seems to be the re-medicalisation of homosexuality by force of gender.
Paradoxically, of course, Gay Rights 2.0 is actually the fight against biology denial, not for it and, with unerring symmetry, homophobia 2.0 is of course the fight to seriously sustain the argument that children playing with the wrong toys (normally gay) require surgical correction. For the sake of practicality and utility if nothing else, I propose here to set out why biology denial’s claim to our history, heritage and social position as gay rights activists is a fraudulent and sinister mockery of what our movement is, and what it stands for. Gender is a fraud by abuse of trust, most commonly a linguistic sleight of hand or a superficially plausible mapping of one issue onto another.
It’s easy to be fooled of course. Biology denial is a sort of hateful gay rights re-enactment society for bored bourgeois kids, some no doubt genuinely believe themselves to be fighting for “trans rights”, famously, none can specify the particular right when pressed. None can or do deal with detransitioners or inconvenient facts like homophobia being raised by the head of safeguarding at the Tavistock as a concern. Biology denial is a voluntary cyclops with one hand covering an eye which might otherwise survey the human collateral damage of this strange and failed aesthetic flesh cult. But then the acceptable casualties tend to be gay of course. That alone should provide you with a telling clue as to what is really going on.
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[ Above: The absurd reconceptualisation of gay people as privileged beneficiaries with no history of pain ]
The 10 reasons biology denial is not Gay Rights 2.0:
(1) Biology denial regards gender non conformity as a medical issue
Biology denial position: Playing with toys atypical to societal gender roles should be regarded as the diagnostic criteria for experimental drugs with known results (underdeveloped genitalia, bone density deficits etc.) and as yet unknown results such that Nordic countries and France have now banned/seriously restricted their use. These drugs lock children into medical pathways with studies showing 97%+ graduation from puberty blockers to cross sex hormones.
Gay Rights position: Let children play with whatever toys they happen to like. Gender non-conformity is perfectly normal in our community. Children should not face lifelong medicalisation because homophobia is not taken seriously as a safeguarding issue at facilities engaging in gay conversion by gender.
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[ Above: A mocked up satire on heterosexual MPs unwittingly supporting gay conversion by gender having not properly looked into the safeguarding of young gay people ]
(2) Biology denial is well funded, well connected and supported by left and right
Biology denial position: The profoundly religious and unevidenced suggestion that everyone possesses a gender soul enjoys huge corporate support and is also the de facto position of almost all trade unions in the UK. That consensus is largely mirrored in politics where the classic alignment of a political party is not a reliable indication of where it’s members stand on biology denial. While the right wing are in general terms more resistant to mass medicalisation of children, some of the most prominent gender borg acolytes in the UK are found on the Conservative benches. Ancillary to both is a monocultural charity sector where numerous “LGBTWTF” charities in effect act as proxies for one another. This leads to intellectual stagnation and discourse characterised by mantra like repetition of absurd phrases in place of arguments.
Gay Rights position: The gay rights of old and today is a grassroots phenomenon containing actual homosexuals. A comparison as between the funding arrangements for LGB Alliance, Gay Men’s Network, Lesbian Labour etc. and the leviathan biology denial outfits would be like comparing a local sports team to a televangelising mega church. Corporations and unions in the past had limited affinity with classic gay rights and support from both left and right was earned through open debate and discussion, rather than by diktat, shaming or dubious membership schemes requiring payment and adherence to a set of doctrines. Where BD is organised, lavish and entrenched in power structures the gay rights of old and today was and is a movement of private individuals giving up free time to fight homophobic hate.
(3) Biology denial rewrites science, language and history to appear organic
Biology denial position: Intersex/DSDs (Differences of Sexual Development) conditions should be dishonestly leveraged to argue sex is a spectrum despite such conditions being differences of either male or female development. Language control should become normal with a privileged class requiring forced/coerced language socially and in written communications. New words should be fabricated for an ever increasing range of biology denial identities and parties not adhering to new speech codes should be punished/ostracised/humiliated as “hateful”. Gay people may present a threat or object to the misuse of their movement as a vehicle for these aims so should be humiliated and demoralised by being told they owe all their rights to biology denial, their history should be extensively and audaciously rewritten to minimise/erase achievements by gay men and lesbians. History should further be raided and recrafted such that a claim to the long term existence of biology denial can be dishonestly made.
Gay Rights position: (Science) Human beings are not sequential hermaphrodites so cannot biologically change sex. Intersex/DSD conditions are not a debating prop nor is it fair or right to deploy these conditions when those with them loudly and repeatedly ask you not to. (Language) Coerced language is wrong and is simply a show of social power verging on bullying. In Gay Rights the advent of gay marriage was not accompanied by a demand that heterosexuals started saying “cis straight marriage”. Changing words is wrong and imperious. Homosexuals are not “homogendered”, nor is it morally acceptable to summarily redefine us in this way. The only language we’ve ever asked someone to accept is to get used to “his husband” or “her wife” and funnily enough most people are completely fine with that. (History) The achievements of lesbians, gay men and bisexuals should not and will not be forgotten. No social force/philosophy or cult has the right to rob people of their heroes. Our history should be accurately described according to facts, not rewritten to suit an oppressor class exploiting our movement and erasing our historical agency. Truth matters and gay history matters. We are a minority and minorities have more need of heroes that majorities. Children should not be taught lies about the Stonewall riots to suit the political objectives of biology denial and no movement should normalise the practice of trafficking in falsehoods.
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[ Above: A sadly accurate assessment of how biology denial repackages historic anti-gay hate ]
(4) Biology denial believes in cancellation, silencing and harassment
Biology denial position: Disagreement of any kind should be met with pile-ons, attempts to get people sacked/driven from their jobs through stress, doxing and dishonestly representing their positions in the worst light all the while simultaneously maintaining that “there is no such thing as cancel culture”. Women in particular, like Maya Forstater, Professor Kathleen Stock and Professor Jo Pheonix are to be particularly targeted as they will engage in a reasonable manner and attempt to show kindness. As many BD adherents are fundamentally cowardly by nature, they will just about be able to add to the voices harassing these women where they would likely steer clear of a biological male. Only in this field, paradoxically, will the faithful unerringly recognise the biological demarcation between male and female. These public humiliations should chill freedom of speech and people should be afraid to say what they want with accusations of “hate speech” or “phobia” being made at the least provocation and on a hair trigger in order to silence any dissent.
Gay Rights position: An equal age of consent, gays in the military, equal marriage and employment protections required precisely zero women to lose their jobs nor did they require that anyone who opposed these measures be cancelled. We engaged in freedom of speech and a debate which is healthy and proper in a democracy. We note two of the women (Professors Stock and Phoenix) named above are lesbians, that is no accident. Lesbians were the first target of the biology denial movement particularly in the form of the demand they stop being lesbians and start sleeping with male bodies persons. That is homophobic. Chilling freedom of speech more generally and harassing people brings the gay rights movement into disrepute and squanders the goodwill brave lesbians and gay men built up over decades as it recasts itself as a bullying, authoritarian enemy of free speech.
(5) Biology denial believes in legislative change by deception
Biology denial position: There is no popular mandate for medicalising mostly gay kids or introducing the concept of gender souls into legislation such that the concept of “woman” is reduced to a self-declared feeling. If the public are left with a normal functioning legislative process, most would be horrified about matters such as homophobia as a child safeguarding concern at gender clinics or the reality of female prisoners forced to share cells with male bodies persons. The democratic process should therefore be subverted and far reaching legislative changes should be snuck into the law by abusing the close and unhealthy connections biology denial lobby groups have with legislators. Speaking to the public or actual gay people should be avoided as gay people in particular are likely to recognise and highlight the homophobia of biology denial. A vivid example is Stonewall’s campaign for there to be no public consultation on the “conversion therapy ban” (in reality a charter for gay conversion by gender).
Gay Rights position: Legislation in a democracy should be made on the basis of evidence, not ideology and normal consultation processes should be followed. The public should know what legislation contains and debates should be open and clear about what is being proposed. When the Gay Men’s Network and many other organisations responded to the government’s consultation on the “conversion therapy ban” we made the case that it amounted to conversion by gender. This is what gay rights organisations should be doing - fighting homophobia wherever it threatens gay people. Any policy that has to be snuck through a legislative process is, by definition, a change with something to hide. Gay rights movements have nothing to hide and we have never had to lie or obscure our policy objectives.
(6) Biology denial targets children for indoctrination
Biology denial position: Despite there being no evidence for this proposition and its far reaching consequences, children should be taught at school that they have a gender identity and this spiritual belief should be reinforced across youth media and through as much mainstream television as possible. Children are pliant and impressionable and less likely to ask questions. They should get the impression biology denial is fun and fashionable and present in ever increasing numbers at gender clinics so this movement can sustain a moral civil rights / safeguarding claim. Any suggestions of social contagion or harm should be met with as per (4) above with the claim that such concerns are hate.
Gay Rights position: Teaching children unscientific pseudo-religious dogma about gender souls is morally wrong and tantamount to using education as a way of proselyting a new religion. It is no accident the number of children presenting at biology denial clinics has risen in the UK in one instances of 5000% and in Scotland 1000%. To imagine that this increase is purely coincidental with these matters being taught in schools stretches credulity far beyond breaking point. Many of the children targeted in this way are gay. It is homophobic to teach gay children that they have the wrong bodies because they do not fit a sex stereotype. This is thus simply another homophobic religious belief which has no place in schools and it amounts to a serious safeguarding concern.
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[ Above: The CEO of Stonewall equating lesbianism with a “societal prejudice”. ]
(7) Biology denial is racist
Biology denial position: Black people are a subset of the sex class to which they belong. The interests primarily of a group of white men with biology denier related identities come first. Countries that were colonised did not have a concept of male and female before white Western imperialism and were in a noble state prior to such corruption. What they now need is a new group of (mainly white) biology deniers to explain this to them and they should be re-educated in the ways of biology denial.
Gay Rights position: Allison Bailey was right to say in her keynote address at LGB Alliance conference that she had never known racism such as that emanating from biology denial / gender ideology. Her quote “if black women can be women, why can’t I” is a shocking illustration of the obvious racism of this movement. The targeting of Allison Bailey , Sonia Appleby, Kiera Bell and the public vilification of Baroness Kishwer Falkner is beginning to suggest that women of colour who speak out against biology denial face particularly harsh consequences. White men adopting biology denial identities seem to be at the forefront of this movement and many of them appear to be heterosexual.
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(8) Biology denial is misogynist
Biology denial position: The word “woman” has no fixed definition and anyone who says they are woman is one, except adult human females who may only say that they are “menstruators”, “cervix havers” etc. Women should have no sex-based boundaries at all from toilets to bathrooms to prison cells or rape shelters, women who challenge this position at rape shelters should be called “bigots” who should “reframe their trauma”. The concept “woman” should primarily be understood with reference to sexual stereotypes and the performance of a particularly porn-based understanding of femininity. Women in particular who dissent (see (4) above) should especially be targeted for cancellation and silencing.
Gay Rights position: A woman is an adult human female. As homosexuals, same sex spaces and boundaries are not just necessary, they are the existential framework of our minority community. It is demeaning and morally wrong to existentially acid strip meaning from the word “woman”. The male Gay Rights movement has no interest in, or desire to compromise, female sexual boundaries or spaces. The lesbian Gay Rights movement has no interest in, or desire to compromise, male sexual boundaries or spaces. That is what makes us gay. The fact biology denial is preoccupied with this quintessentially heterosexual endeavour makes it a straight rights movement, not a gay rights one. The open harassment and abuse of women that goes on in the name of biology denial should be a source of shame to it. The fact it is not demonstrates aptly the contempt in which it truly holds women.
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[ Above: A statement so utterly homophobic of course the author wasn’t cancelled ]
(9) Biology denial is homophobic
Biology denial position: Gay people are second class members of the movement who lack the determination to embrace one of biology denial’s ultimate goal, the surgical transformation of homosexuals into ostensible heterosexuals. Gender nonconformity should be medicalised. Lesbians and gays who disagree with this should be cancelled and excluded from their movement, charities and any social spaces where they might organise. Those who go along with this should be rewarded and encouraged to engage in woke conversion therapy propaganda.
Gay Rights position: Homosexuality is not a medical problem, our same-sex attraction is in fact a protected characteristic pursuant to s.12 of the Equality Act 2010 in the UK. Gay people owe it to the next generation to speak up in the face of our political vehicles being taken from us and we must make our own new organisations where necessary and form such groups/alliances as are necessary to protect our community. Biology denial is an existential attack on our minority community and it regards us as second class citizens. We must challenge and defeat it. We have to.
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(10) Biology denial makes only pornography, not art
Biology denial position: As this in an inorganic, top-down movement it stunts creativity and blunts free thinking because both are threats to cult-like religions. Self-expression is limited to pre-designed identities and flags, each of which constrain and categorise human creativity while giving the illusion of choice. Biology denial produces a vast army of adherents who check and double check each other’s language/adherence to the core doctrines so will produce endless videos as to categorisation (what one can and cannot say without causing offence for example) and identities. This will keep followers in a state of fear where the primary concern is regulation of thought/language all the time purporting to celebrate authentic expression while completely annihilating that by the bureaucratic allocation of people into pre-approved conceptual categories. Because adherents will be in a state of fear and incapable of art, they will have less sex than the generation before so pornography and anime should be deployed to fulfil such needs as obtain.
Gay Rights position: Every era of gay rights has produced artists, poets, playwrights, singers, etc. who have produced world-changing art, music and prose. Gay Rights has never encouraged or been of a mind which makes or recycles mediocre memes. The free expression most gay people treasure from their first ever trip to a gay bar is mirrored in the free expression many treasure in our words, paintings or music. We have nothing in common with a bureaucratic allocation exercise endlessly obsessed with labels and we are very far away from a world view which deprecates or diminishes the perfectly normal appetite for sex.
It should be unsurprising that the Gay Rights position mirrors liberalism, while the Biology denial position is explicity anti-liberal.
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battleangel · 1 year
Third Eye Realizations
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🧿Climate Change
🧿Protecting the Earth & the environment
🧿Banding together
🧿Pooling our resources
🧿End child hunger & poverty
🧿Eradicate homelessness
🧿Universal medical care
🧿Universal college & coding education
🧿Bodily Autonomy + Womens Rights
🧿Ancient Egypt
🧿Decolonizing the mind
🧿End paternalism + patriarchy
🧿Toxic masculinity
🧿End corporate America
🧿Restoring communities not policing crime
🧿Legalize marijuana & psychedlics
🧿End prison sentences for non-violent crimes (exception financial manipulation where people & families lose life savings like securities fraud)
🧿End school to prison pipeline
🧿End criminalization of normal childhood behavior of black & brown boys in elementary school that leads to juvenille halls, early prison records & sets them up for a life of crime for something they should be getting detention for
🧿End overmedicalization of black women by psychiatry & disgusting abuse of power through misdiagnoses, forcible drugging & forced hospitalizations
🧿Remove Protestant work ethic from public consciousness
🧿Strengthen unions & labor laws
🧿Stop prioritizing profits over people
🧿End preventable deaths from starvation, homelessness & curable illnesses and diseases by providing a universal living (not "minimum") wage, affordable housing & medical care so people stop dying needlessly in the "richest country in the world"
🧿Remove organized religions influence from laws, education systems, public sphere & culture at large as it has caused hatred, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, racism, persecution, genocide, unjust laws, oppression, suppression, indoctrination, brainwashing, forced baptisms, trauma, upheld patriarchy & paternalism, reinforced bullshit feminine ideals, subjugation of women & their forced submission to the "head of the household", dogma, blind faith, zealotry, corruption, grift, theft, "tithes & offerings", sex abuse, emotional abuse, psychological coercion, child abuse, hypocrisies and wars.
🧿Societal realization that feminine doesnt equal women, masculine doesnt equal men, anyone can wear makeup, heels, dresses, business suits, tuxedos, grow facial hair, not shave their legs, have acrylic nails, etc. and it has nothing to do with genitalia, sex or assigned gender at birth and everything to do with Spirit (as the Native Americans know with 2 Spirit), energy and how Source has divinely chosen to manifest itself in each individual soul and that expression of Source is as unique and individual as our fingerprints and if that expression is through gender affirming transitions, surgery, medical care, facial feminization surgery, changes in physical appearance, hormones, drugs then that is how that persons soul has chosen to express themselves in this temporal, corporeal, temporary and physical plane of existence -- the soul, our energy, Source, the divine is what truly matters and noone should question anyone elses unique soul expression which can be expressed and communicated in literally millions of different ways, through body art, body modifications, tattoos, piercings, hair adornments, permanent makeup, the list is literally endless and gender identity expression and gender affirming care is just one of these millions of ways and should not be demonized, hated, feared or legislated against.
🧿Opioids like fentanyl, percoset, oxycontin, etc. are dangerous, harmful and addictive. Millions are addicted and millions have lost their lives for no reason other than to enrich pharmaceutical companies. We can be healed with plants and herbs and we can be healed with our selves and our own inner healing power. We dont need these synthetic, unnatural, harmful & deadlydrugs. They should be made illegal.
🧿Cancer is nothing but a cottage industry and a money making tool -- with all the trillions and trillions donated and decades upon decades of research, where is the cure? Same with arthritis, lupus and other autoimmune diseases. Prescription drugs exist to make pharmaceutical companies richer, thats it.
🧿Satan was made up for Christianity, which is a bastardized & stolen form of kemet, Mary is a bastardized Isis & Jesus is a bastardized & fake ass Horus. There is no hell, hell is never mentioned once in the Old Testament, it was made up later for the New Testament to control and enslave. We are in hell, thats literally where we are now, what else do you call millions of children dying every year of starvation, from homelessness, from completely preventable & curable diseases when Apple is a trillion dollar company? What do you call the Earth dying because of profit and greed and capitalism? What do you call pointless wars over inside government jobs? What do you call genocide, systems of oppression, police killing unarmed Black men with absolute impunity, prison industrial complex, military industrial complex, school to prison pipeline, corporate amerikkka working people to death into literal early graves, money being valued over living human beings with unique souls, forests being destroyed, colonialism, colonizers, government experimentation, MK Ultra, minders, greys, the Bohemian Grove...youre in hell literally now.
🧿Decolonize your mind, heal yourself, commune with nature, unplug and disconnect, exit the rat race, stop treating yourself as a machine when you are a beautiful soul, stop overworking, stop hustling, stop overeating, stop overdrinking -- ethanol is a poisonous depressant, so how do you "drink to have a good time"?, stop overspending, stop overconsuming, stop retail "therapy", tap into yourself, tap into your soul, stop endlessly scrolling and tapping your phone, tap into Source, we are all infinite beings and they treat you like you are an inconsequential cog to be replaced -- if you die today, your job will replace you tomorrow i was a corporate recruiter and saw it happen more than once, listen to ocean waves, float weightlessly in a dark pool, stop listening to 24/7 news, stop being 24/7, youre not 24/7, you have a natural circadian rhythym, replenish your depleted melatonin levels, they treat you like a 5 below knock off when you are expansive & divine, stop killing yourself to make a CEO that doesnt know who tf you are and his shareholders richer they will brush your ass out the door this fall with the estimated 2 million more people being laid off, stop making yourself a number, stop being a statistic, stop being plastic, stop playing their game, be an individual, be yourSELF, know the Self, know Self, know thy Self, cant run away from Self forever, look inside because thats where all the answers are and thats the only place they dont want you to look so you google it but baybee what did people do before google, stop shortening your attention span, you are more than a Tik Tok, read a book, fight the power, fight the machine, take a slow leisurely walk to nowhere to do nothing, stop existing and curating your entire existence for social consumption on social media, you are not a thing to be consumed, you were wonderfully made by Source, you are Source, realize who you are and open your eyes...🧿
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originalistideas · 2 years
The history of CRIME and fines coming from Pfizer between 2002 & 2009
2002 = $49 million
2004 = $430 million
2007 = $34.7 million
2009 = $2.3 billion for MEDICAL FRAUD
This shows Pfizer considers fines as a part of doing business. How else can a corporation with this many and amounts still be in business?
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asummerofstories · 9 months
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When I was a kid, I desperately wanted to be an archeologist and adventurer discovering lost ruins across the world. I also wanted to be a librarian, a police officer, a writer. The list was inspired by the books I was reading and the television I was consuming at the time, changing almost every other day as I acquired new information.   
What’s striking when reading ‘Bad Blood’ is that when Elizabeth Holmes was asked the question about what she wanted to be when she grew up, the answer was not about a particular field or job role. She wanted to be a billionaire. The term doesn’t describe much about what a person with this status would do day-to-day but when we think about the term there are a few obvious names that come to mind.  
Inspired by Steve Jobs, Elizabeth set out to change the world with an idea that would revolutionize the medical field.  
Theranos was the next Silicon Valley “Unicorn” - experiencing a meteoric rise gaining attention and investments from the rich and powerful. Everything was in place for Elizabeth Holmes to realize her dream of becoming a billionaire, the only problem? The technology didn’t work.  
‘Bad Blood’ is the triumph of investigative journalism – it was John Carreyrou’s articles in the Wall Street Journal that exposed the fraudulent claims made by Elizbeth Holmes and Theranos. This book is fast paced and breathtaking, after each chapter you will find yourself asking why no one had caught on as the years went by.  
Even though the heart of the book is one case, the story points to a much bigger issue with attitudes and investment within Silicon Valley. In an attempt to chase the next gold rush from new technology corners were and due diligence forgotten while real patients were put at risk.  
As a side note, I’d also highly recommend ‘The Smartest Guys in the Room’ by Bethany McLean and Peter Elkind if you enjoy reading about corporate fraud!  
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Umbrella Corporation file #7456231109
Subject: Unlisted.
Author: [REDACTED]
(Note: the file contains the topic of cults and warped religious beliefs. If you are uncomfortable with such topics, please avoid this file.)
Dear reader, the file in which you are about to review is a written transcript of a visual recording interrogation.
On Jan 7, 2016, Agent Leon Kennedy fell into a coma after an accidental overdose of medications. There is a one-hour gap between medical staff rotations. A nurse enters Agent Kennedy's room to find him conscious, but acting abnormal.
In her statement, she says; "I found the patient conscious and responsive despite his file stating he was in a coma. He was calm, but something about him made my skin crawl; he was smiling a little too much, and he spoke like a overly-charismatic pastor, calling me "my child" and such. I felt physically sick, it was like he trying to get into my head."
The nurse goes on to say that she managed to leave the room and call for assistance, after which she stated having a migraine. CT scans reveal minor damage to frontal lobe. The nurse soon became mutated under unknown circumstances and was neutralized.
Written below is the interrogation. Both Alex Wesker and Albert Wesker took charge, as they are capable of withstanding the effects of the Plagas.
[Alex and Albert Wesker both enter the interview room, greeted by the Plagas controlling Leon’s body.]
Alex: “Do you know where you are?.”
[the Plagas looks around the room before looking back at Alex]
Plagas: “a base under control of Umbrella, from what the host’s memory recalls.”
Alex: “you would be correct. Now, you say ‘Host’, are you not Leon?.”
[the Plagas falls silent, as if thinking, before responding]
Plagas: “No, I am not the host. I am what you call “Las Plagas”. The h- I mean, Leon, fell unconscious from an outside force, giving me a chance to take over.”
Alex: “I see. But my question is why?.”
[the Plagas figits in their seat, giggling softly]
Plagas: “Well, it was easy. You see, Leon’s mental state is unstable. I was smaller than my brethren, meaning I was weak. I was injected into Leon’s body. He tried to remove me, but since I am smaller, I managed to remain by hiding in his brain.”
[they point to the back of Leon’s head, where the skull meets the neck]
Plagas: “I embedded my legs into his brain and wrapped my tail around his spinal cord before hibernating, only to rudely woken up by a metallic object. Despite being dormant, I’ve grown attached, literally and figuratively, to Leon. I couldn’t let him die, so I saved him. I reattached his arm, I fixed his body; making him stronger. Saddler thought I wasn't special, just another drone. But I, I made Leon who he is now; he is stronger, faster, smarter.... all it really cost was his sanity, but are we really ever sane in the first place?"
[The Plagas then devolves into a fit of giggles, grinning like a madman.]
Plagas: "Saddler was a false prophet, a liar; a fraud! He thought he was a God! Of course, we all know where that got him. But Leon, He is stronger, he is better; better than Saddler! He-."
Alex: "Please calm down, it will only add more stress to Leon's body. Remember; he is still recovering."
[The Plagas does as told]
Alex: "Now, the nurse that came into contact with you, her brain was damaged. Afterwards she mutated into a zombie-like creature and had to be neutralized. Do you know what caused the damage to her brain?."
[The Plagas remains silent, before grinning]
Plagas: "It's simple; my Vectors carry a virus; The Las Plagas virus, and my voice activates it. When Leon speaks, there's no effect. But when I'm in control and speak, my voice is as dangerous as radiation. Overexposure will cause damage to a human's brain, allowing the Plagas virus to activate and take over. If it spreads, those infected will form a hivemind of sorts; with me at the center. That is what Saddler was trying to do, but failed. That is why Los Illuminatos fell; because Saddler couldn't create a perfect hivemind in order to have complete control."
Alex: "if that is the case, then why have you not taken control of the facility?."
Plagas: "Respect."
Alex: "For who? Leon?."
Plagas: "Well, yes. But also you and the man accompanying you. Your viruses; your creations, they have voices. I can hear those voices. They think humanity is weak, which I agree. They want to make humanity either stronger or replace humanity altogether. I can help them; help you. You both see yourselves as Gods, well every respectable God as an Archangel. Or a beast like Fenrir from Norse Mythology; I could be your Archangel, your Fenrir. I could help you make humanity better! I can help you achieve your vision of a better world!."
[The Plagas stops, taking a breath. Their hands tremble]
Plagas: "of course, as you stated before; Leon is still recovering. So I understand if nothing can be done at this point. But as humans say; "perfection takes time". And I am willing to aid Leon's recovery however long it may take. But don't be surprised if he comes out a little insane; it is an unfortunate, permanent side effect. I hope you will understand."
[Both Alex and Albert exited the room and the Plagas is returned to holding. After a month Leon regains control but has no memory of the incident.]
It is suspected that when the Las Plagas takes control, it is able to cancel out Leon's psychic abilities in order to use one; his ability of Mind Control. By doing this, the Plagas creates a "Hivemind" through a series of actions:
•uses the Vectors to "Tap" an individual's brain, damaging the cingulate gyrus and causing migraines.
•After the migraine has subsided, the Plagas will use Leon's Mind Control ability to weaken the infected individual, normally through vocal suggestion.
•once this has been done, the infected individual will be psychically bonded to Leon, becoming a drone that he can manipulate.
•if the connection is weak or has been interrupted, the infected individual will devolve into madness before physically mutating into a zombie.
The Las Plagas parasite currently inhabitanting Agent Kennedy's body is docile, cooperative and overall well-behaved. However if provoked, it will become what many would call a "Living Nightmare", turning Leon into a killing machine. But the Plagas has stated that it will not harm anybody associated with Umbrella unless it deems someone "Unworthy of the cause".
The Plagas sees Alex and Albert Wesker as "Gods in mortal flesh" and wishes to be their "holy man of blood", saying that Los Illuminatos will rise again and serve the Oroburos as well as Umbrella.
Despite the contents of this file, Agent Kennedy does not have a "Split-Personality", but rather the Plagas possesses a complex, yet eerily human personality, capable of independent thoughts and emotions. But it also retains the mindset of the Los Illuminatos cult ideals. Again, Leon does not share the same ideals and views of the Las Plagas parasite, nor does the Plagas attempt to force its views on Leon. They are two entities that share the same body.
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hirokiyuu · 2 years
ok when i started lobocorp i was like. im not gonna get attached ot my agents and make them into ocs. tehyre just gonna die. adn now i have played myself.
anyways roundup under the cut solely so i dont lose them. im only on day 25 and abt halfway thru most of the sephirot missions so if i am wrong abt anything do not tell me. if these are disproved later i will just repurpose these ocs for something else LMFAO
xavier (they/them)
safety team captain, takes the position very seriously
fortitude iii, prudence v, temp v, justice ii
serious, responsible, level-headed. the type to volunteer to take care of the aleph class abnormalities during qliphoth meldowns.
child of a single mother, who grew deathly ill. when she passed away, her medical debt did not go with her. wound up at the corporation to try and pay it off
hannah (she/her)
safety team member
fortitude ii, prudence v, temp v, justice iii
playful + light-hearted prodigy. fucking nuts also
madly in love (?) with xavier. managed to survive blue star solely bc she views xavier as her god and therefore was unswayed by it.
joined lobocorp bc she was bored of everything else around her. too easy, too boring. wanted to do something interesting with her life, and tends to look down on ppl who bemoan being there
void dream sheep horns. Very Fitting.
gabriella (she/they)
safety team member
fortitude iii, prudence iii, temp iv, justice iv
serious and sharp-tongued. "security guard" of the safety team during breaches/ordeals.
long-time friends with xavier. joined the company at the same time. thinks hannah is fucking nuts.
gambling habit.
basil (she/her)
safety team member, former control team captain
fortitude iii, prudence ii, temp ii, justice ii
anxious, Does Not Want To Be Here
well aware she's only part of this team to fill out the numbers. tends to cling to xavier and/or gabriella. Deeply Afraid of hannah, who hates her also
couldn't find work outside for one reason or another, wound up at lobocorp as a last resort. Regrets This.
tim (he/him)
former training team captain, current control team member
fortitude iv, prudence v, temp iv, justice v
quiet, laid-back but takes his job seriously. seems normal but actually a blueberry shot kind of guy
formerly in charge of dealing with der freischutz. they are Somewhat Homosexual. still uses that awful pipe given to him by the guy
orphan. fought Very Hard to become a member of Society despite this, managed to land a white collar job at a semi-decent small company. thought life was looking up, until he found out his boss had used his name for loan fraud and he was now in a fuckton of debt he couldn't contest. joined lobocorp as a last resort.
juliet (she/her, any pronouns)
control team member
fortitude iii, prudence iii, temp iii, justice iv
a little tetchy. generally patrols for ordeals/suppressions
charged with assault. lobocorp was one of hte only places that would hire her as a result.
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hasufin · 2 years
Game Theory
I firmly believe companies need to have a serious disincentive for violating agreements and contracts.
Like, back last year when my father-in-law was recovering from his accident, we had to use a medical transport company to get him to his appointments. The cost was something like $75 each way, and you could either call when you’re done and they’d pick you up when they could, or pay $50/hour to have them wait. After one three-hour wait, we paid to have them wait.
Buuuut.... the simple fact is, they didn’t wait. Ever, I think. What they did was, they parked where we were dropped off, and if they ever got a call for a pickup and that vehicle was the most convenient, they headed off immediately. Once that was over, they would head back to our location. If they weren’t back by the time we wanted a pickup, well, they’d refund us the fee we paid to have them wait.
So, consider: pickup is $75 for maybe half an hour. Waiting is $50/hour. They were never going to wait, there was no reason to. It just meant they got $50 for what they might be doing anyway, and if they didn’t wait, they were out nothing. There’s no reason for them to actually honor the agreement.
Here’s an example altogether too many of us have experienced: we go in for medical treatment. The doctor’s office submits paperwork to you insurance. The claim is denied. Why? “Not covered”. Buuuut.... your policy absolutely says it should be covered! You submit an appeal. Appeal is denied: United Healthcare has examined the issue, and determined that United Healthcare has acted appropriately. You may appeal in writing with United Healthcare.
In the heinously unlikely circumstance - after many, many months of fighting them - they admit it is covered, do you know what you get? Best case, the initial claim. That is, they’re out exactly nothing from denying a valid claim. Odds are many people will give up somewhere in the process - but United just has to sit back and do nothing, and they’re better off. Of course they’re going to routinely deny valid claims. There’s no reason not to!
And that’s pretty fucked up. Try doing that with your bills an watch those late fees rack up. We, as real people, have all sorts of disincentives to be careful, pay our bills, and not, y’know, defraud companies.
It really should be the other way. Companies need to be afraid of the consequences of pulling that shit. On the lower end, that could be financial (as determined by an objective 3rd party which is accessible without a huge outlay of money... companies get away with a whole lot because the bar for engaging the legal system is high enough that most people can’t pursue that kind of petty fraud). At the higher end... look, if an insurance company denies treatment which affects quality or duration of life, that should be equal to them inflicting that harm on the person: someone* should see jail time.
Would companies whine and moan about it? Yes, absolutely. Do I give a single fuck? No, no I do not. If they want to avoid punishment, they need to stop committing theft and fraud.
* Who, you may ask? Well, in theory C-level employees of a company explicitly do not enjoy liability protection for the actions of their companies. That’s actually the point of corporate officers: to have actual people who are - and can be held - responsible for the actions of the company. The rank and file folks are largely indemnified: company makes it your job to open the sluice to dump toxic waste in the river, you personally will not be paying $500 million dollars to the EPA. The CEO, however, could be. In theory. This is seldom pursued, and it really should be.
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blogchaindeveloper · 3 days
What are the 5 benefits of artificial intelligence?
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a game-changer in several areas in our fast-paced world of rapidly advancing technology. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has several advantages that are changing our lives and businesses, from improving customer service to improving medical diagnosis. The top five benefits of artificial intelligence that are changing the world will be discussed in this article, along with the importance of AI certification for professionals and individuals.
1. Automation: Simplifying Processes
The automation of AI is its main benefit. Industries like communication, transportation, consumer goods, and services have all changed due to this technology. Automation aims to accomplish jobs more effectively rather than expedite them. It increases productivity and production rates while utilizing resources more effectively. This results in better safety, shorter lead times, and higher-quality products. Artificial intelligence (AI) helps businesses grow by automating routine chores and freeing valuable resources for more critical work.
2. Knowledgeable Choice-Making
Businesses can make more informed decisions thanks to AI. It resembles having a knowledgeable helper by your side. AI makes large-scale data processing and analysis, trend detection, data consistency assurance, forecasting, and uncertainty quantification possible. This results in more informed decisions. Artificial intelligence (AI) is impartial, insensitive to human feelings, and helps to streamline corporate processes.
3. Improved Client Relations
AI-powered technologies have transformed customer service. Conversational AI and natural language processing power chatbots, which humanize consumer interactions. Their prompt resolution of questions and issues improves the clientele's experience. Customers are satisfied, and customer service personnel can work less, which increases productivity.
4. Progress in Medicine
AI is progressing remarkably in the healthcare industry. Through remote patient monitoring, medical professionals can diagnose and suggest therapies without making in-person visits. AI has the power to transform healthcare procedures by tracking the course of diseases and forecasting their effects in the future. This technology could enhance both patient outcomes and lifesaving capabilities.
5. Effective Data Analysis and Research
When processing and analyzing data, AI and machine learning shine. They can produce prediction models and algorithms to comprehend various events and trends. Furthermore, the remarkable computational powers of AI accelerate data processing for R&D, saving a great deal of time and effort in the process.
In addition to these advantages, AI is excellent at:
Resolving Complicated Issues
Thanks to its progression from simple machine learning to sophisticated deep learning models, AI can address complicated problems in various industries. AI offers practical solutions for different issues, including fraud detection, tailored customer interactions, weather forecasting, and medical diagnostics. This improved efficiency in tackling problems results in more productivity and lower expenses.
Continuity of Business
AI makes Business forecasting easier, which helps firms plan and make crucial decisions. AI tools support preemptive crisis response because of their solid data management and analysis foundation. AI and machine learning can also be used to model situations and assist firms in creating efficient disaster recovery plans.
Managing Repeated Activities
Employee productivity may suffer from time-consuming, monotonous, repetitive jobs. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) driven by AI streamlines laborious HR, IT, marketing, and sales procedures by automating interactions between disparate corporate systems. By simulating human behavior within digital systems, this automation removes the need for manual intervention and speeds up activities.
Reducing Mistakes
Using AI tools to automate normal commercial processes lowers the possibility of human error. Beneficial is robotic process automation, which effectively handles data input and processing duties and reduces the likelihood of data-related problems. This is revolutionary for companies where accuracy is critical.
Increasing Organizational Effectiveness
AI provides constant daily performance and is available around the clock without becoming tired. AI relieves employees of monotonous chores, allowing them to concentrate on more challenging and valuable activities. Thus, total business efficiency is improved.
Realizing the Promise: The Importance of AI Certification Programs
The importance of AI certification in this age of superior AI cannot be emphasized enough. Its benefits are prominent because AI is revolutionizing several industries and businesses. However, experts and individuals must know its nuances and applications to utilize AI fully. Here's where taking AI certification classes is essential.
AI certification programs equip students with thorough knowledge and functional abilities in the subject, enabling them to fulfill the expectations of this rapidly evolving industry. Passing an AI certification exam demonstrates proficiency with AI technology and applications, making one a desirable asset in the current employment market. Furthermore, obtaining an AI certification guarantees that a person can effectively contribute to the growth of AI and all of its benefits. It also shows that a person is committed to staying current and relevant in a constantly developing field.
In conclusion, a promising future for AI
Artificial intelligence has several advantages outside of the corporate world. AI has many applications, from enhancing defense systems to space exploration. Even though AI's future is unknown, there is no denying that it positively impacts people and businesses. We anticipate more intelligence and utility from this technology as it develops further.
The Blockchain Council's AI certification programs are the key to opening doors for individuals who want to explore the field of artificial intelligence and take advantage of its disruptive potential. These courses give students the knowledge and abilities they need to succeed in the rapidly changing field of artificial intelligence in a setting where staying ahead of the curve is crucial. Thanks to artificial intelligence's transformative potential, people and businesses may prosper in a constantly changing technological context. To advance your career to new heights, take the risk, investigate AI's advantages, and consider enrolling in an AI expert or AI developer certification program.
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