#corrupt DNC
icubud · 1 year
The direction that this country is going (very quickly now) really has me concerned. What the supposed DOJ is doing to DJT is unethical and in some cases illegal. Meanwhile, yet again, those who should be indicted, found guilty and punished are getting away with it. I have suspected for a long time that elections for state positions were often fully compromised. I point at states and cities with…
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mysharona1987 · 1 month
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Shameful, yes. Surprising, not at all.
But the guy literally woke up and people were breaking into his home with no warning? His sleeping girlfriend is right next to him, and he grabs his gun to protect them both?
I thought this is how most gun owners justified relaxed gun laws.
You know, a burglar might come in and you have to protect you and your loved ones.
Oh, right. But his explanation doesn’t count because he isn’t white.
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nando161mando · 1 month
▶️ Pro-Palestine protesters rally on the Democratic National Convention final day in Chicago
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reality-detective · 1 month
The DNC is nearly empty.
The crowd is scattered and uninspired.
The speakers are incompetent and cringy.
All the internet and media hype is fake. 🤔
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relaxedstyles · 1 month
CNN did what???
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simply-ivanka · 2 months
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These pieces of shit, above, are emboldened by the Biden/Harris Administration penchant for hiring perverts and others who groom children, either directly or indirectly. Now with the Village Idiot out of the campaign and his woke, imbecile surrogate at the helm of the Democrats all hell will break loose!
Now, more than ever, do Americans need to get off their collective asses and get involved. Support Trump and let's restore American traditions and principles.
You're a Democrat? Who gives a shit. If you love this country, love your job and your family, put a pit bull in The White House for 4 years and let him clean house!
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undergroundusa · 2 months
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Moving Forward, It’s Alinsky Rule No. 8: Keep The Pressure On
"The Right side of the aisle has been miserably delinquent in utilizing Alinsky’s rules against their opponents. For whatever reason, Conservatives have chosen to die on the hill of political morality, even as the far-Left plays by the code of moral relativism: the ends justifies the means…"
ORIGINAL CONTENT: https://www.undergroundusa.com/p/moving-forward-its-alinsky-rule-no
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their-name-is-fake · 1 month
Just learned a DNC member assaulted a Muslim woman, a dnc delegate, at the convention, and there has been no condemnation from any one. This is who you want me to vote for? On top of their party platform including the normalization of Israel and the continued sending of weapons?
Yeah ok let’s see how that plays out
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time4hemp · 3 months
This short video by Russell Brand is witty and informative. Please share if you agree.
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nickfowlerrr · 1 day
i love chappell roan 🫶🏻
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icubud · 2 years
these will not be “diminished”, “squelched”, “blocked, etc. by FB/MV or Twitter. collusion = conspiracy ??
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This video is an excellent 2022 election primer for those who reside outside of the United States.
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reality-detective · 1 month
Listening to this DNC Convention in Chicago makes me wanna stick my head in a hornet's nest and I was stung many times at once by hornets. So bad I spent 3 days in the hospital and was off work for 14 days, but I think it would be better than listening to this shit show of moronic treasonous actors.
I have a strong feeling after the fake Joe Biden speaks tonight we won't see him anymore. It's just a feeling I have, if you do see him it will be a video from the past.
August is going to heat up... Something BIG is coming. Please Standby! 🤔
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immaculatasknight · 1 month
Battleground Chicago
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simply-ivanka · 1 month
The Vice President was vigorous and confident in her DNC acceptance speech, but her lack of substance leaves a large opening for Donald Trump to win the hearts, minds and pocketbooks of everyday, hardworking Americans..
Last Thursday night, Kamala Harris at the DNC spoke to the main business at hand, which was to make a strong case that the real risk for Americans is re-electing Donald Trump.
Her attack was a mix of truth and falsehoods—truth about his effort to overturn the 2020 election, but falsehoods that he intends to cut Medicare and Social Security and that Project 2025 is his agenda. Trump has repeatedly disavowed cutting Medicare and/or Social Security and has shown no plan or interest in touching entitlements despite their looming bankruptcy.
The largest distortion by Harris concerned abortion, claiming that Mr. Trump wants to pass a national ban on “reproductive rights,” which is the euphemism Democrats now use for abortion. Wrong. Mr. Trump has stated time and again that abortion should be a state issue and he won’t sign a national ban. Ms. Harris said Thursday that she is the one who wants a national law reimposing a nationwide abortion right.
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undergroundusa · 2 months
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"From open borders to the expansion of Executive Branch power to balkanizing our society by race, gender, and economics to destroying the worth of the US dollar, everything the Obamaites of the Biden administration have instituted has been destructive to our Republic…"
ORIGINAL CONTENT: https://www.undergroundusa.com/p/is-biden-keyser-soze-ing-the-constitution
Is Biden ‘Keyser Söze-ing’ The Constitution On His Way Out?
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