#corvus dragon quest
azraels-eden · 4 months
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Please take these Corvus drawings as ads for dqix
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chubby-aphrodite · 5 months
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you ever dedicate yourself to the good of humanity but find yourself on the receiving end of humanity's absolute worst it has to offer
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whiskiijack · 1 year
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The fallen angel, Corvus.
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mirielsart · 1 year
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The sheer helplessness of that scene seriously freaked me out as a kid.
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digidead · 17 days
I am back! I got busy with work but I have been using my break to doodle more in a sketchbook. It's not much but I wanted to start with getting the three celestials' outfits figured out:
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Let me tell you I did not do Corvus any justice. His outfit is also a bit different piece-wise from the other two so I figured I would need to play around more with it.
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Turns out I love drawing his hair. The think with doing this on paper is that I can't fix mistakes as easily but it helps to know where I am struggling. More of the page is filled out but it's doodles related to other parts of the video I wanted to practice on.
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winxixia · 7 months
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DQ IX charms ideas I had while rediscovering the game with friends. Younger me would have LOVED having DQ IX merch... oh well one thing left to do!
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defunctfridge · 1 year
plot twist: corvus actually destroyed the painting in s4 ep3. his little song wasn't planned. why'd he bring his whole ass cello if he wasn't supposed to play somethin???? he brought it up because this new funky situation presented itself. I bet he made that title up, it fit way to well with ezrans speech. bro sabotaged world peace so he could play his cello for HOURS. it was full sun out when he started and full on night when he ended. corvus is in his own little cello world.
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dq-avenquire · 2 years
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corvus :) meant to post my merch today but got distracted perhaps 2morrow if i survive the dentists
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dark-blue-midnight · 1 year
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Some dragon quest 9 stuff including Corvus as the classical painting the fallen Angel and Alice a dragon quest oc
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azraels-eden · 4 months
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chubby-aphrodite · 5 months
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make the fanart you wanna see in the world.
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princess-josie-riki · 2 years
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Dragon Questober Day 16
Corvus + Dr. Jekyll and Mister Hyde = Dr. Corvus Jekyll and Demon Hyde
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sorinethemastermind · 13 days
Shared Memories
In which Corvus helps Soren reconcile his memories of his father, and they make a horrifying discovery. #Sorvus
 Corvus hadn’t meant to fall asleep. He’d been convinced that, if he did, he would awaken to an empty spot on the ground beside him. At best, Soren would be out in the camp helping Opeli or one of the other guards. At worst, he’d have set out in an attempt to single handedly slay the dragon that had destroyed Katolis. Corvus thought that the latter was improbable, but knowing Soren, not out of the question. His boyfriend could be rather stupid at times.
 His boyfriend. 
 Corvus didn’t know that a single word could make you both smile and grimace at the same time. Apparently it could also make you incredibly, exceedingly, enormously, worried. 
 The spot next to him on the ground was, in fact, empty. But he would never know whether Soren was about to set out on a stupidly dangerous and self-assigned quest or was simply going to get a drink of water, for he had yet to exit the tent.
 “Oh, uh, Corvus. Sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you up.” Soren said, his smile wide and guilty. 
 “I’m sure you didn’t.” Corvus replied, sitting up as much as he could under the low canvas roof. “But luckily you did.”
 “Is my absence already so unbearable?” he asked, but Corvus wasn’t about to let him get out of trouble that easily.
 “No. You’re just very bad at sneaking. Especially in full armor.” At least, that was what he assumed had awoken him. Given that Soren’s every movement sounded like someone clanging pots and pans together. “Are you going to tell me where you’re going?”
 Soren looked back out of the tent, the flap still held open in one hand. There was a long pause, and Corvus was beginning to wonder if he really had planned to go after the dragon - what else would he have known Corvus would disapprove of so much? - when Soren turned back to him, expression unreadable, voice low and serious.
 “I need to show you something.”
 Corvus didn’t ask, he simply followed his friend into the dark night. It wasn’t often that he got to see past Soren’s wide smiles and charming - infuriating? - humor. So when he did, he listened.
 Soren led him away from the camp, sticking to the shadows until they were well out of sight. Neither of them said anything as they trekked through the quiet darkness; the only sound the occasional snap of a twig underfoot. Until Corvus saw it through the trees and let out a small, involuntary gasp.
 He and King Ezran had gone right to where they knew the encampment was, and this was the closest he had been to the wreckage. The roofs of most of the buildings had collapsed, charred beams sticking out at odd angles like the broken limbs of some mighty titan. Stones and bricks scattered the ground, thrown out into the middle of the road by the sheer impact of the dragon’s attacks. But far more devastating than any destroyed building were the remnants of the lives they had once held. 
 Corvus saw a stuffed toy, scorched and blackened, dropped onto the cobbles in the chaos. His tracker's instincts kicked in and he could practically see the child; running with one hand clutched in their parent’s grip, the other hanging on for dear life to their doll. A stumble on a loose stone, a split second’s shock, and the hand holding the toy released. No thought was given to it as they continued their mad dash away from the flames but, later, the child would sit in the small tent given to their family and wish they had something, anything to remember their home by. Their childhood. All of it stripped away so suddenly. 
 It took Soren’s hand on his shoulder for Corvus to realize he had stopped in the middle of the street, staring at the little doll lying there on the cobbles. Soren bent down and picked it up, brushing off some of the soot and ash that had collected on it.
 “It’s a little beat up,” he said. “but we can fix it. Give it back to the kid. I’m sure they’ll be happy to see a familiar face.”
 Neither of them said it, but Corvus was sure that both of them thought it. That perhaps there was no child to return this toy to. That maybe they were still here, buried in this rubble, forgotten along with their doll. Corvus blinked quickly, shoving the thought from his mind. 
 “You wanted to show me something?”
 “Yeah.” Soren tucked the toy away and began to walk, not towards the castle as Corvus had expected, but down the street and away from it. 
 He didn’t ask. Soren would tell him when he was ready.
 Instead he fell into step beside him, their strides quickly falling into rhythm as they made their way down the road and through the city. The damage wasn’t as bad down here, though few places remained unscathed. Corvus tried to keep his eyes on the road, but it wasn’t much better than staring at the scarred and abandoned buildings that lined it. So, instead, he found his gaze wandering to Soren.
 The steady set of his shoulders. The many days of stubble along his jaw that was beginning to resemble a beard. The slight saunter to the way he walked, even now. The way those steps came to an abrupt halt as they arrived at-
 Corvus gasped aloud, gaze traveling up the great skeleton that lay before them. The dragon. It had to be. But…
 “How?” he asked, voice barely more than an awed breath. 
 “Don’t know.” Soren said, voice suddenly raspy. “He was like this when I found him.” 
 Corvus took a few steps forward, gazing up at the great bones of the creature that had taken so much from them. It was no wonder they had evacuated the castle. How were you even supposed to take down a titan of this size? And yet, somehow, they had. Or, somebody had.
 “That isn’t what I wanted to show you, though.” Soren said, still standing a few steps behind him, not having moved. Corvus turned back to face him, confused.
 “Then what..” he trailed off, following Soren’s gaze. 
 A small mound of fresh earth. A pile of stones. A sword, struck into the ground. Soren’s sword.
 Corvus knew immediately what it was. Who it had to be. 
 “I- I know he probably shouldn’t be here.” Soren was already saying, cutting him off. “But I couldn’t leave him there. I- I couldn’t leave him. Not again.” 
 It only took a few steps to cross the distance between them, and then Corvus’ arms were around him. He didn’t say anything, just let Soren bury his head in his shoulder until his shoulders stopped shaking and his breathing had slowed. Then he guided the pair of them to a nearby stone bench and sat him down, his hand never leaving Soren’s. And he listened.
 Listened as Soren talked about… about things Corvus couldn’t even begin to imagine. About how hard it was to breathe. And about how much you took it for granted before you couldn’t anymore. About how his father would sit up with him long into the night. About how he was… how he was a good Dad. Back then. How Soren had wanted to be just like him. Looked up to him. Wanted to make him proud.
 “I owed it to him, didn’t I? He- he saved my life.” Soren said, voice thick with barely contained emotion. “I owe him my life.”
 “You don’t owe him anything.” Corvus said, squeezing his hand. Letting Soren lean heavily against his shoulder. “Your life is yours.”
 “But it isn’t, really.” Soren whispered into his shoulder. “He gave it to me.”
 There were a million things Corvus wanted to say and a million things he still didn’t understand. That he probably never would. He couldn't imagine living a life that you thought really belonged to someone else. But he did know one thing. 
 “That’s right. He gave it to you. It’s yours. He did everything he could so that you could have it. So that you could live it to the fullest. So… do that.”
 Soren looked up at him, that familiar determined look in his eyes. The one that Corvus loved so much. He straightened up and the two of them stared across the valley at the grave of… of a father. Of a king. Of a man.
 “I think the worst part is that… that on some level I still want him to be proud of me.” Soren said quietly.
 “He would be. He is.”
 As they watched, a butterfly, its wings so thin as to be nearly translucent, its bright colors like a beacon in the dark, fluttered over to land on the pommel of the sword. It stood utterly still for a moment, like a painting, before it opened its wings again and flitted into the dark. 
 Soren released a long, slow breath. “Don’t tell anyone he’s here. Please?”
 “I won’t.”
 Soren leaned against his shoulder again and wrapped an arm around his waist. Corvus tucked an arm around Soren’s shoulder, resting his cheek atop his head, and they sat like that until the night sky began to pinken and the clouds turned a beautiful blush color. 
 As the sun began it’s slow climb across the sky, it’s light caught on something just at the corner of Corvus’ vision and he turned to glance at it. 
 “Soren, what is that?” he asked, straightening up to try and get a better look.
 Soren looked up at him, expression bleary as he was pulled out of a half slumber. He followed his gaze, and Corvus saw his eyes go wide, his weariness forgotten in an instant as he shot to his feet.
 “What-” he tried to ask, but Soren was already running. Corvus followed him past the body of the fallen dragon and up the steps of the dais. Scattered on the ground was an empty bowl, a knife, a burnt out candle, and…
 “No.” Soren was on his knees, lifting up the round object. It was a dull gray orb, perfectly smooth, its surface faintly mottled. “No, no, no.”
 “Soren, what is that?”
 “She wouldn’t have. She couldn’t have-” Soren looked up at him, eyes wild. “It was with Callum, wasn’t it? I should have gone back to check. But I thought-”
 “Soren!” Corvus grabbed him by the shoulders. “What is it?”
 “He’s out. He’s out, Corvus. Aaravos is free.”
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thebroccolination · 2 months
that I started season 6 of The Dragon Prince last night and only got up to episode four and now I’m at work with two and a half hours left before I can go home and binge the rest and I’m in PAIN.
Soren!!! And Corvus!!! Runaan maybe??? Finally??? JANAI!!! AMAYA!!! ZYM AND HIS MOM!!! EZRAN!!! I am having such a great time. I want to have more great time.
Like, I’m enjoying every aspect of the show more in this season. I’ve been pretty ambivalent about Rayla and Callum’s relationship from the beginning, but now with the whole episode about the Startouch elf quest, I’m starting to feel emotions! I always liked their characters individually, I just wasn’t enthusiastic about their romantic dynamic until this season.
Viren’s arc progress last season was great, and I’m really enjoying it so far this season. Pretty sure he’s gonna croak, but I loved the scene on the bridge.
“Are you asking for mercy?”
“Good. Because you don’t deserve any.”
Signs you’ve enraged the nicest character in the show.
Claudia’s arc is also really engaging, but her romance with Terry isn’t hitting anything for me.
Well that killed ten minutes.
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raayllum · 1 year
what type of princess do you think Rayla might be when she and Callum get married
I don't imagine Rayla will ever hold much of a tangible role at court. Not only would I not be surprised if Callum leaves the high council by the end of the series to pursue teaching magic / more studies in Xadia, we see that this duties are (seemingly) exclusively that of being a High Mage > crown prince.
He's allowed to pursue whatever magical projects he wants regardless of whether they produce applicable results (him researching the mirror for 1.5+? years); he has a welcoming role for political stuff with Ezran's invitation to Zubeia that was 1) established without consulting him or seemingly anyone on said council and 2) Callum doesn't even show up for on time; when Ezran does embark on a potentially risky questing adventure that's all the go ahead Callum personally needs to come with (4x03) even though there's no one else left in line for the throne; when Ezran does embark on something that is strictly political in S5 with his dragon mission, his crownguard, not his brother, go with him *
[ * This is because of technical internal story reasons, of course, with Callum needing to be freed up to go to the Great Bookery, but rather than letting him mill around the library only reading Ocean poetry, they could've had him be acting king in Ezran's absence, or hint at Callum dealing with any political issues while Ez was gone. Instead he decides and is able to leave in the early morning within one (1) night of making the decision to leave with zero fuss from Opeli, and zero reservations from himself, which even Ez had back in 4x03, hesitating to leave his kingdom even upon announcement of a global crisis: "Go with her." "But Katolis needs me." ]
Callum is also only crown prince and heir until Ezran has children (which means probably until Callum's around 30 maximum?) cause then they become the heirs.
All of this to say I think Rayla would be an advisor on the council, probably work with Soren in training the crownguard, do reconnaissance with Corvus when the occasion calls for it, offer a unique Xadian perspective of course, and at more upppity political functions/galas primarily be an ambassador standpoint, but I don't think she'd ever care to be much more than a princess in name and like being Crown Princess even less ("I don't care who's Comma-bore or First Whatsits!" / "'Oh I did what the queen told me and sat on my hands'"). While her position as princess is important and will probably help smooth over Xadian-Katolis relations, I don't think it'd ever be much more than that, and I don't think strict politics will ever be what her and Callum devote their lives to, per se
(But of course, she'll be kind and a lil bit flustered and witty / charismatic if uncouth in her own way wherever she goes, lmao. Princess'ing included)
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limnsaber · 1 year
tell me about your interpretation of din djarin
Oh my gosh oh my gosh ok so the thing about this guy. And one of the best things about this guy in my opinion. Is that he’s never more himself than when he’s serving others
Just in the first episode, the first real acts that we see him do that illustrate his larger character beside the scary stoic business-minded bounty hunter are providing for the tribe, dedicating a portion of the bounty he returned with to the foundlings, and saving Grogu. He’s the covert’s sole provider, Paz Vizsla says they only go above ground one at a time and he is the sole person to do it. He dedicates himself to his community and the foundlings. When he is quested with returning Grogu to his people, he stops at nothing to do so.
He didn’t have to go back for Grogu. If we believe as much of the business-minded bounty hunter that we saw in the first episode, he didn’t have to go back at all. He did. At every moment we see him turn around and help people and it’s not because he has to, or because he’s been commanded to, but because there’s something inside of him that’s the root of all this. This is who he is
Sure, sometimes it is for money or something in exchange, but that’s part of his arc too. He goes from being the wordless lone wolf to someone that goes out of his way to help people. He learns it from Kuiil, who is the first to help him along his journey, but not the last.
He brings peace to Sorgan. He helps Nevarro. He frees Calodan on Corvus. He he kills the krayt dragon on Tatooine and brings peace to two peoples. He swears himself to Boba Fett in return for an act of kindness he can never repay. This is why he swears himself to Bo in season 3, if you’re so inclined, because he sees the good Bo is trying to do and wants that for himself and his family and his community.
This is why he’s the wandering knight. And this isn’t some code he’s sworn to like a medieval knight, dedicated to kindness or a code beside his Creed, but something that’s just him. This is him deciding to help others.
(And that’s why even as he’d excel as ruler of Mandalore even though he’d hate it lmao. Because he doesn’t want to be someone people look to, except for Grogu, he just wants consciously or unconsciously to do the right thing. He keeps accidentally putting himself in positions that frame him as a leader to his people. He keeps stepping up to do the right thing.)
Din dedicates himself so deeply to the Creed and his culture and the foundlings and his community. Duty to his faith and being under service are a core part of him!!! The journey that we go on with him is all about serving Grogu, about caring for him and keeping him safe with the end of goal of returning him to his people. And through this Din learns about himself! And about his world! And about how he loves! There’s this undercurrent of deep deep kindness he serves everything he believes in. It’s loving Grogu. It’s the kindness. And being dedicated to an ideal. He’s so fucking cool
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