#cos then he'll start acting like a normal person
rosesocietyy · 2 years
Modern Louis might be vampire of all time idk something about his cold, overly controlled mannerisms and house of concrete and stone is morbidly appealing to me sorry. He has his own wing at the airport, he has a blood farm, he shares the same private doctor as the prime minister, he has dozens of servants at his beck and call, he wanted to revisit the memories of his first marriage that destroyed every fiber of his being and his partner of 70+ years said yes of course baby let's do that, he's pyrokenetic, his walls are lined with stolen art, he's writing a novel-sized suicide note in purple prose, and most importantly, he wears matching blacks.
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dyslexic-mess · 2 years
So Tim comes home with a baby one day.
Obviously everyone's like o.o!!!!! O^o!!!! Baby!?!??!
Tim explains that he got cloned (happens to the best of us) and he couldn't just leave it and its a baby so he couldn't bring himself toooo...despose of it so he bought it home.
After his usual paranoid 'what if this is a ploy to destroy me' tirade and Tim's 'kons a clone and he's good', Bruce is actually pretty exited to have his first grandchild and everyone else dotes on there new nephew. New borns are difficult but Alfred is the biggest support and the kids host of aunty's and uncles are more than happy to baby sit when Tim needs a brake.
Plot twist.
As the kid grows he starts acting...weird. and not kid weird, just weird. His kainines are a little to sharp, his ears noticeably grow points, his eyes start glowing in the dark. Some of his nonsensical babbling starts to sound like a language, nothing anyone knows though, and Tims pretty sure he saw him float once. Obviously everyone's grown attached to the child and Tim's beside himself because what's going on with his son???
Then, one day, Tim runs into a man. He's got noticeably pointed ears and to sharp kainines and, from his place just behind the streetlights, his eyes seems to glow.
"Look...this is um. This is gonna be a little difficult."
He starts with and Tim blanches, hesitating but not moving. The man holds the back of his neck in an effort to self-sooth, braking eye contact for a moment. He trys again.
"A while ago someone tryed to clone me" a loud pause as a car thunders past. "I went to go and find them but when I got there, they where gone." his hand comes down from his neck to fiddle with his hoodie strings, deep blue eyes looking back at Tim. "I think" another pause, this one silent. "I think you have them, don't you?"
And Tim has his very worried suspicions confirmed. They had tested the baby to see if his DNA had been mixed with someone else's. There had been an indication it was but nothing solid and until the kid had started manifesting all there strange characteristics, Tim hadn't worried about it outside of the usual 3AM panicking.
The man explains that his name is Danny and he has a very...unique condition that certen people have been trying to replicate over the years. That they probably mixed his genes with a normal person's (Tim might have sniggered at that if he wasn't so scared shitless) in an attempt to make the clone more stable.
He apologises for getting him tangled up in this and says if Tim will just show him where the clone is, he'll get it out of his hair and take care of it. This is the point at which Tim puts his foot down. No one is getting his son 'out of his hair' and certnely not 'takeing care' of him.
Strangely enough, Danny seems relieved that Tim is so resolute about it, saying he's glad his son has been so well taken care of and assuring him that he has another clone who he loves alot.
They eventually figure the situation out with Danny explaining more about his 'condition' and even looking sad when Tim describes the boy and how grown he already is.
It turns into a really weird co parenting dynamic that gose through alot of growing pains.
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cactus-cass · 8 months
Name your headcsnons about our boi Kieran (Apologies if you have done this already)
I HAVE SO MANY. this is probably a fraction of my headcanons honestly but I don't remember them all lmao. HERE WE GO!
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• he has anxiety, the tism™️ and BPD (twinning 🤝)
• stims include tapping his foot, rocking his hand to the side of him, bouncing his leg (or foot) when sat down. He also has vocal stims, which usually come from tunes or phrases he hears; wowzers is one of them!
• playing with his hair is a big stim. He ruffles it, pulls at it, twirls it, strokes it, runs his hands through it, etc. He likes how his hair feels and that's why so many of his stims involve it :]
• he often mutters to himself, whispering his inner thought processes
• his parents left years ago. He has no idea where they went, only knows that they didn't care about their kids. When he was young he was told they'd died, to 'protect' him. You'd think Carmine and the grandparents would've learned from that incident during teal mask, huh? (This is also the case for villain!Kieran, but normal Kieran would likely avoid ever meeting his parents)
• he is terrible at video games. Still, he likes playing them on occasion; definitely more of a 'cosy game' enjoyer with a biiiiit of threat. He'd play Minecraft, Stardew Valley and Terraria for example
• he's short right now– shortest of the friend group– but he'll eventually be pretty tall when he's 17. Shorter than Nemona and Arven at that age, but still tall enough that it shocks people at first
• chocolate wafer bars are his comfort food!
• his grandma taught him how to cook, while his grandpa taught him how to make tea and to knit.
• despite the above, he's not very good at cooking... he burns things. A lot.
• during his emoism™️ he would kick things, punch things, slam things etc and every time, he'd act cool about it until he was out of the room. Then he lets out a little owie or a hiss of pain </3
• started cursing more the moment his hair was tied up. He was convinced it made him sound more mature. Even after everything's said and done and he's doing better mentally + friends with Florian and co again, he can't quite shake the habit and curses every so often in conversation
• resting bitch face + talks in a 'moody' quiet voice a lot, leading people to think he's annoyed when he's actually feeling neutral or even happy
• if cat person vs dog person exists in the Pokémon universe, Kieran’s a cat person. I guess this means he likes Pokémon that are more like cats, whether they actually are cats or not
• he likes flowers a lot. That's it that's the headcanon. I think he'd like sketching them and studying them, maybe his original pokémon team and the open fields of Kitakami made him interested? And, funnily enough, his crush's name means blossoming, flourishing flower....
• he still stays up late and sometimes doesn't sleep at all, but this is much rarer now. Normally it's because he has a good(-ish) reason not to sleep– at least, that's what he says.
• applin was his first Pokémon!
• when he traded Florian an applin, Florian traded back a shiny applin. He actually started this search right after he left Kitakami, and found it a week before heading to Blueberry; he was prepared and wanted a good way to apologise. Of course, he didn't expect what'd happened with Kieran.
• Florian has a shiny furret. It was on his team when he fought Kieran and won; after Kieran boxed his own for being too weak. Ouch.... (based on the fact I had furret as one of my last pokemon when his ace went down </3) this is technically a Florian hc but!! It made Kieran rethink a little, later on. It was also extremely devastating at the time
• Kieran naturally gets really good at battling. He could 100% be part of the elite four or even the champion when he's older, even with him slowing down and doing battles just for fun
• Kieran doesn't always enjoy physical touch, but he's also pretty touch starved. He likes hugs and anything gentle, and usually only from people he knows well
Feel free to ask for more headcanons about him or candyapple etc in future, I love doing these posts!
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theocseason4 · 21 days
so. I don't know if everyone is being dramatic and im being delusional but i feel like my boss (he's 40 years old, married, and I'm 23) wants me or at least is attracted to me. Since I started working there he would take time to talk to me and ask me a lot of questions about myself. To be fair, I am interesting person to talk to but I never met a middle age man who actually wanted to get to know and befriend a girl in her 20s. Also I should say that ive been told that he had an affair with a co worker at the previous store he worked at so that adds to the fishiness. Anyways I feel like whenever I walk into a room his eyes are on me and he'll talk about personal things with me, he will joke with me and even listen to me talk about astrology to him. One time I was showing him a picture of me and I looked really pretty and he got really quiet and stared at it very intensely. Also when my other co workers/friends watch from afar they say he looks like he is very obviously flirting with me and does not look like he's talking like a manager. A big thing was when we were opening up together alone and I mentioned something about why im wearing makeup and he said ''I thought it was just for me'' I was shocked and just said ''Okkkk'' and he quiety laughed and said ''just kidding.. haha'' and then acted normal after that. Since then he'll do stuff like ask to see more pics of me, joke with me on a personal level, and even texted me to ask how my second job is going and texted me that he hopes im having fun when I was on vackay (to be fair he was asking me about my schedule but then said that). I just feel whenever when we are alone together there is an energy there. Plus astrology wise we are a good match.
Ok sorry for all this just want other peoples opinion and you deserve a medal and if you actually read all this nonsense
He wants to fuck you yeah
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andguesswhat · 1 year
I normally don’t do this but here is the thing: Yes, of course it's his decision and yes, of course he's not forced to sign contracts, yadayadayada, but I still feel sorry for him, because to me it looks like he thinks he has to do that and unfortunately doesn't see any other option. And I think the main reason is that he lives in this bubble and is friends with a gay Hollywood star, whose advice he listens to, like you know how you shouldn't play superheroes and stuff.
Yes, I’m talking about fucking Leo!  He may be a nice guy, but come on, he has the creepiest image you can have, he doesn't seem to care, and he doesn’t stop doing that shit. He could risk it, he’s famous enough, and still, he somehow doesn’t.
So what if everyone in your bubble tells you to do it and that it's okay, that it's no big deal, that you let them talk, etc? Kind of works for Leo, doesn’t it? (well….)
You can be intelligent as fuck and not see it. Or maybe even see it and still act differently because all the people around you are driving you to.
And not every action can be rationally justified. Especially not with such an emotional peach.
Because there is definitely an emotional decision behind it, whatever it is.
It's the hope of being as famous and successful and becoming an acting legend.
It’s the fear of not playing along with the studios and screwing things up.
And maybe it's even shame because you're not who the studio bosses would like you to be.
The shame of having dated a married family man who has had to endure kink shaming, whose kink you most likely share, who has fallen from grace.
It can be so many things and everything, in the end it's all human emotions that make you do something like that. 
You can be damn intelligent and still do wrong things.
You may know the damage you are doing, even to yourself, and still think you have no choice.
You do things that you know are not good for your health.
He is intelligent, but that doesn't mean he is in all situations in his life. It doesn't mean he knows what's good for him personally. He can’t even know what's good for his career. There are too many uncertainties and necessary coincidences at play for that. Only time will tell. It’s a game you can either win or lose.
The crux is that he started way too early with this shit, so soon, if he's not careful, he'll be known as a celebrity that can act. Because unfortunately I see that the same way as others: Paul Mescal and co. will be taken as good actors. He will be the actor who dated Kylie.
And it will dull him. Maybe he'll get his act together, but if he continues he'll keep losing his pureness. Because who knows: is he as tough as Leo or is he just hoping to be?
So there of course is always another choice but if you don't see it, what can you do? If you see it but nobody encourages you to take it, what can you do?
And even if ... As much as I would love to see him as a lower profile actor in small movies and on stage ... when I think about when I saw him happiest in the last year, the pictures from the shoot in New York come to my mind. Yes, from my point of view, a wrong choice, a stupid commercial shoot, driving him away to become an acclaimed actor, but look at him, he was so happy and proud to work with Scorsese.
And when I think back to the other happy moments that happened a year ago. He was so happy and proud to promote Bones & All, a movie he co-produced, and at the same time he was able to express himself with his stunning outfits and show the world who he really is, without having to define his sexuality.
Why would he want to give that up? Can’t you imagine how hard this is to give up? When nobody can tell you what happens when you leave the path?
So, in the end, he has all my sympathy even when I don’t think his decisions are good or wise, I’m still rooting for him that he achieves everything he wants to achieve and i'm hoping that at the end of the day he rests beside someone he loves deeply and very stubbornly.
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♡Kisses with enhypen ♡
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Warning: this post is slightly more mature than my other posts I hope you enjoy it and don't forget to follow!
1.1k words
Heeseung: Have y'all seen his lips? I'm going feral. ♡Anyways Heeseung is a soft kisser, likes to take his time with you. Slow and steady wins the race in mind
♡ He likes to grab your chin and lift it up only to brush his lips against yours softly, teasing you and testing your patience.
♡ Heeseung prefers to kiss passionately, sure pecks are sweet and all but he is more of a menace than you expect, he wants to really show off how talented his lips are
♡ Has and will use stupid pickup lines in order to get you to kiss him
♡ " I can't taste my lips, would you be able to do it for me? "
♡ I consider him to be one of the best at being romantic, that goes beyond kissing
♡ Even if he's a man of passion he's still only human so making out with Jay is a routine
♡ Jay is the type of kisser who enjoys you in his lap it gives him access to touch you everywhere
♡ He enjoys when his hands go to your hips not allowing you to move and hide your face when you start to blush because of him ( it really feeds his ego babe )
♡ Just as much of a menace as Heeseung, just in a different way. Jay much prefers to force you to tell him you want kisses.
♡ He'll intentionally be putting on his chapstick in front of you and smacking his lips together, knowing you'll start staring, wanting a piece of him for yourself
♡ " huh? You want something, well you have to tell me baby and then maybe you'll get it ~"
♡ Jake does not give a damn if a kiss is passionate or not. As long as his hands are on you than who cares? Any kiss is a win to him.
♡ He craves to kiss you it's almost unhealthy. He'll beg for a single peck from you and if course they make his day
♡ If you aren't around him be definitely kisses a photo of you on his phone and counts the days until you see each other. Every day you go without kissing him means you owe him that amount of kisses. It's the rules.
♡ Isn't afraid of kissing you around the members. Even if Niki throws out a little ' ew '. To Jake everyone's just jealous of the Happy and healthy relationship you two have built. Honestly, plenty of people are jealous.
♡ One feature he knows is beautiful on himself are his lips. I mean holy shit have you seen them?!? They're pillowy, soft and plump. People dream about kissing them✋
♡ He just hopes you know how lucky you are to kiss them, so go ahead and kiss them~
♡ " hey, what's the point of complimenting my lips if you aren't going to kiss them? "
♡ Acts like he doesn't want kisses...but when you give them to him he is all smiles
♡ Sunghoon likes to kiss your hands a lot, your his princess/prince and deserve the treatment of one too
♡ Sunghoon knows he's a good kisser, and it gets him out of trouble a lot too- your scolding him for something stupid, it's hard to talk with his lips on yours. He'll distract you from the problem immediately! Works great!
♡ Smiles into kisses a lot, Sunghoon has a huge goofy side and of course those moments can come out when he kisses you especially when you two are doing something a little bit risky- like kissing at the dorms. He'll probably be smiling like a crazy person- but you can tell he's scared shitless that a member is gonna walk in- he will never be able to live it down.
♡ Two words: Morning Makeouts.
♡ " you want to kiss me? Well what's stopping you, love? Kiss me. "
♡ Well yes if course you're getting a bunch with him. His favorite place to kiss those has to be your cheeks, he can squish them in his hand and give them plenty of kisses!
♡ For him he does not care if he is around the members when he kisses you, he sees no shame in being in love. It's completely normal to kiss after all!
♡ Contrary to popular beliefs I think he's a little bit more skilled in people act like he is. Sunoo may have that very innocent boy crush aesthetic sometimes but every once in awhile a sexy sunoo comes out- so I think he knows damn well how to lead his significant other while kissing
♡ Will intentionally try to tempt you into wanting to kiss him and then acts like he has no clue what you're talking about~
♡ " staring is rude you know. Why should you keep looking at my lips when you can kiss them? "
♡ Quick cute kisses
♡ They serve as his good luck charm he needs them!
♡ If you aren't around him it's ok, he can kiss his phone or look at the Polaroid of the two of you kissing to feeling lucky again ( lucky to have you )
♡ You want a kiss for him? Babe you gotta work for it, he'll lift your chin up...get real close and then say "maybe later" ( he finds it hilarious/ you do not. )
♡ Jungwon is the type of kisser who if things get 'heated' he'll pull away and ask if you were ok. He wants the feedback, he wants to please to the fullest!
♡ " Was I too rough? I know I grabbed your chin a little more than usual, was it ok? "
♡ I'm a firm believer Riki is a head/forehead kisser
♡ He's a bit embarrassed of skinship around the Hyungs but with him being so tall it's just so easy to kiss your head!
♡ If he's jealous? Head kiss. Comforting you? Head kiss. He just loves them
♡ you'll probably have to initiate most of the kisses with him just because he doesn't know if it's alright to just go ahead and kiss you
♡ If you think Sunghoon Acts like he doesn't need kisses, trust me Riki is worse. Will and has pushed you off him if you try and kiss him near the Hyungs
♡ Don't worry he makes it up with a lot of kisses after they are gone, he just wants private moments with you
♡ " sorry for earlier, but I'm gonna make it up, any kisses you want wherever you want them! "
I hope you guys enjoyed! Don't forget to follow xoxoxo
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silbeni · 4 days
My TSKRLA Kosaku body snatcher on the mind. Some thoughts abt it
Body horror/ animal death / biiiig warning for unsanitary stuff involving mucus
Same as in the show, Shinobu and Kosaku have a strained relationship.. they argue, and at best they simply coexist in the same household
This obviously sucks for Hayato, but it starts sucking more because he realizes his dad is not his dad
There's a noticeable change in his behavior.. it's like he's a completely different person. His parents are getting along which should be great? But something is seriously off
He has these strange habits... methinks he constantly keeps his skin lubricated. Some skin cream would be fine but he reapplies every 10 minutes- which gives him this glazed donut appearance. Wkdhskdh he looks wet most of the time (possible origin of the slicked back hair look)
He leaves grease stains anywhere he sits, it's DISGUSTANG.
He has a huge appetite... He'll ask for thirds, fifths.. grocery bill is SKYROCKETING. and Hayato spots him still going through the fridge at night
Weirdest thing is that Shinobu doesn't mind this at all. She'll happily cook more food for him and she doesn't even flinch when he leaves a wet spot on her cheek when he kisses her. (EUGHH)
This is accompanied by the other sketchy behavior he shows in the show- like practicing signatures
A couple weeks into this he also starts looking. Visibly ill. Cheeks and eyes r sunken in. He looks 20 years older because his skin is losing his elasticity- sagging and sallowing.
Also he's RANK. no amount of cologne can hide his musty smell, even Shinobu seems to notice this.
Shinobu begins to get concerned calls from work. He won't do any of his office duties because he'll be in his cubicle applying and reapplying moisturizer. also the body odour, and the slime....
Hayato keeps trying to warn his mom, but his words go in through one ear and out the other. She doesn't even listen to the people at his job. she's just sort of... vacant
He's put on a leave bc the people at work think he's seriously ill, so he's home a lot more. Meaning Hayato has to see more of him.
Things get scarier when he catches Kosaku eating a dead animal one night.
OOOOUH I wanna get into the little gory details so I will... So this thing killed Kosaku after he ate it and it grew inside of his body. It is sort of like the tongue parasite but this creature is a lot bigger (it grew) and it's more like a slug. His skin started sagging cos it ate everything on the inside so now there's slack. only thing left of Kosaku is a skin suit and the essential structures of his body so it can maintain the shape of a human.
Very gross: it actually liquified his organs and slurped them up. It doesn't have teeth so that's how it eats things. After Kosaku's teeth fall out it starts having to do that with all its food too
Shinobu (and everyone except hayato) is under a sort of supernatural effect that makes him seem normal. but people can still smell him, see the stains he leaves around and know that hes acting strangely.
Shinobu is affected the most since she's around him the most.
So obviously he needs to get rid of this thang. Unsure how ATM? Maybe salt cos it really is a big wet thang. He makes a trap? I'll have to come back to this.........
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rebouks · 10 months
Having read/reread Somnium this past week/two-ish... I have some theories about Wyatt.
Every character we create has a bit of us, our experiences, and our biases. On that same note, I think every persona Wyatt has projected contained a bit of truth, but also a fair bit of fabrication. Of all the characters in Somnium, I think he had the worst childhood. It's really a miracle he's alive and not completely batshit crazy. And it's understandable why he learned to shut down emotions from a tiny age.
But Wyatt is AND isn't who we've seen. That nerdy, awkward doofus Courtney got to know, there a bit of truth there. But he exaggerated it for her. The absolute psycho that everyone shied away from... There's a bit of truth there, but I think also a fair amount of embellishment. If you're gonna be surrounded by homicidal thugs, then by all means, be the craziest one in the room. The one person that everyone is wary of. When he had his years alone in Mt. Komo (aka his purgatory), it was the first time his survival didn't depend on acting FOR someone else. He could just BE.
Wyatt says he isn't wired right and that he's emotionally faulty. But is he really as bad off as he thinks or is that what he's always been told? Obviously empathy is not his strong suit, but we've seen him: jealous/envious (others' relationships), selfless (letting Darien & Brynn go), appreciative (Oscar's help), petrified (to the point of throwing up), kind (to Ichiro, Mayo, and Brynn), and managed to (while sweating) mumble an ILY. All of which are normal emotions. He tried to make amends where he could. He adopted a cat ffs. A street cat that now has the poshest looking cat bed I've seen lol And the last time he choked someone was out of passion and (somewhat righteous) anger, not emotionless calculation.
I think who Wyatt was (and thought he was) is fading away, however damaged his past left him. I don't think he'll ever be a soft guy/touch to the world at large. Only a select few will be privy to that side if him. But I think his true nature is finally being revealed. Or am I reading him wrong? Enlighten me, Becca!
Ohhh you've read him remarkably well indeed! I truly love Wyatt's character, he's so complex and he really did have a nasty childhood.. on the surface I'm sure it looked like he had everything he ever wanted, but that's faaar from the truth.
I think he's only just realised that he's not actually a psychopath at all, he just kinda learnt how to be one as a coping mechanism when he was very young, so young that it almost seemed like reality in the end, even to other people! (There's a reason it seemed so genuine ⚆_⚆) I suppose in a way he lied to himself for so long it became reality. Ask Bruno.. he's still convinced he's a psycho! 😅
I rlly think smth shifted the moment he became suspicious of Oscar tho, and whilst at first he was intent on protecting the "family" and doing the "right" thing, the more he thought about it, the more he realised how done he was. No one listened to him, no one respected him, but he knew he was right! It was like he realised he'd never progressed from being a small child, pushed out of the way and ignored, even when they're begging to tell you something important! Arturo wasn't interested, so instead.. he had to pay. Wyatt didn't want to be loyal to him anymore! At the time, he didn't help Oscar n' co. just to do the right thing, he wanted to fuck his father over more than anything, so.. still pretty self-serving in a way but he's had a loooot of time to think since then and it's been so intriguing watching the slow shift in his mindset.
He's everything he's ever been, pretended to be and everything he never was, all bundled up into a ball that he buried deep inside; only when he was free did it all start to unravel.
I adore the examples of humanity you've picked up on tho, all those tiny hints we got that maybe he's not completely devoid of emotion after all... He's still Wyatt, but he's also Kaito too.. he's intelligent, he CAN be kind - to the right people, tho he definitely struggles with empathy - he's jealous, possessive, ambitious, confident, not confident at all 😆 he doesn't know, actually.. maybe we should check back in on him in a little while lmao
Hurray for the truly grey man!
Also.. I kinda started putting together a lil timeline of posts/moments that I thought were pivotal to his slow lil journey but this is long af as is so I'll work on that and post it separately 👀
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astarab1aze · 5 months
💙 for KAEDE and LUKA
muse relationship headcanons game
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who curses more?
i'm going to say kaede, going in blind, because he has an attitude and he's in permanent 'cornered animal' mode. but he can also be so unbearably formal and reserved and aloof and i'm not talking to you too. hmm. luke curses. r-right- yeah. but not more than kaede, who thinks in 'fuck'
who is more patient?
this'll depend heavily on context, but kaede has so little self-respect, he will tolerate anything for extended periods of time. but this is more him being submissive than anything. luka seems like he'd be more patient in a social sense. like he's not going to pop off like kaede will? they might trip all over each other too hmmm
who does the driving?
kaede should not ever be allowed behind the wheel of a car, so if luka's got one, he's driving.
who is louder? who is quieter?
it depends, but luka strikes me as more active, more like he'd get excited and hoot and holler. but kaede'll scream at god any time and tends to yell a lot. he just also clams the fuck up and relies on stoicism to escape uncomfortable topics, humm
who is more physically affectionate?
i'd imagine them both to be. kaede is very very physical in a similar fashion to vayn and loux crossed. down whenever but also a little there's a time and a place cos he's a private person. loves publec sex though and giving head is an act of love and affection for him, so hope luka's into that-
who is more likely to tease the other?
depends on where they're at in their relationship enormously. kaede's a huge tease, sexually-speaking, comes with him being a bit of a brat by default, but he also makes jokes and pokes & prods in that playful sort of way when he's comfortable enough to be normal with someone.
who is better with time management?
kaede, but not by much skjkjd i can't remember the last time he was punctual unless someone drove for him. he did used to be super weird about being on time though.
who wins the arm wrestling matches?
prooobably luka. kaede has severe nerve damage in his hands and also can't be assed. make it a competition and he'll go ham, probably win then
who controls the music in the car ride?
tbh kaede doesn't give a shit. luka could have full control all he likes. if he really wants to listen to something specific, he'll suggest it or suffer in silence
who covers dinner when they order in?
i feel like...luka would try, then kaede would tell him he already paid for it and not to worry about it. rich dysfunctional boyfriend-- no i mean this. kaede loves to share food and drinks and sometimes considers this kind of thing to be a date, depending on what they get, and for that reason just let him pay the bill dammit--
who is more outgoing? who is more shy?
hmmm. luka strikes me as an introverted extrovert ksjdfh and kaede is just an introvert to the max. luka comes across as shy? bashful. where kaede is less shy and more standoffish, leave me alone, aloof, etc. he can be goofy and friendly with people he likes though. luka's probably friendlier though, or at least nicer.
who has the more outlandish fashion sense?
of the two? kaede probably, but like. not because his outfits are specifically outlandish. just traditional japanese with modifications, sexy club outfits, and hoodies. luka's isn't all that out there either. idk this is tough and i got too stoney
who starts the tickle fights? who ends them?
kaede could never, but luka could all he likes. it's just going to end with kisses, suggestive comments, and laughter that sounds no different from a dying cat
who has the darker/more “edgy” sense of humor?
hmmm i'm gonna say kaede? but both seems like the more accurate answer to me in a way? it's not like their humors are specifically dark tho
who is more competitive when it comes to games?
kaede is very competitive, like loux, except he gets a little wild with it. if he feels he's been challenged, he feels obligated to meet it no matter how stupid or small it actually is. flirting? he'll commit to the bit until it's the next morning and he remembers they boned
who has the bigger appetite? the bigger sweet tooth?
kaede eats small things all day but luka seems like he either can't eat very much at all or also eats all day eternally. either way, kaede's sharing all his snacks with him
who is more likely to get in a confrontation in public?
kaede'll fight anyone 2/3rds of the time, but he's gotten better about picking his battles and conceding. it also depends on the context cos kaede'll still throw down and has killed people on principle before. this isn't to say luka wouldn't, just is less likely to
who hosts the parties/hangouts? who organizes them?
no they plan together. they're all over the place, but they do it together i feel like. that makes sense mhmm
who is better at cooking? do they ever cook for each other?
kaede can cook but he doesn't want to unless he has to usually. he will cook for luka, eventually. i don't know if luka can cook, but even if he can/can't/whatever, kaede is going to suggest hitting up the local restaurants
who is more likely to engage in dangerous and/or illegal behavior?
both of them. the sharpest lives unu
who is more likely to notice when something is wrong with the other?
kaede's hypervigilant but i kinda get the vibe from luka too, so both? he'd also obsessively try to 'fix' or remedy whatever's bothing luka. it kind of doesn't matter what it is either
who does the talking in public settings (i.e. to the waiter at a restaurant)?
motormouths, both of them. kaede's very don't speak for me, but i don't think that would be a concern. they'll just talk to each other the whole time, maybe quietly, maybe not, and take turns taking care of the bill
who is more likely to extend a helping hand & provide emotional support?
hmmmmmmmm. hmmm. i really want to say luka but i can't explain why it wouldn't be kaede
who is the bigger prankster? do they get the last laugh or do they suffer for it?
another one i really want to say luka on because kaede is so so serious. but he's also petty and competitive so if the prank way started, he'd do his damnedest to win. either way, luka suffers for it r.i.p. luka also gets to take a w cos...kaede will blow him. simple as
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sdxstudio · 1 year
FNAF re-writed AU
Heyy. So you may saw my story about FNAF AU (Original AU was made in 2014, re-mastered was made in 2020, by Reb). So it's my take on this AU (it's like AU for an AU that existed long time ago). I liked it very much, that's why I created my story for it.
So about AU world:
The Freddy Fazbear Pizzeria is located in Utah (mainly in Hurricane) (canon location from a book "The silver eyes"), so guards lives there too. It's very calm city.
About Characters:
Michael (Mike) Schmidt (26 y.o.) - a 6'0 bald man. Lives in a house with his wife Dollores. Mike goes on anger managment therapy. He have PTSD because of bite of 87 (in the party, he was bitten by Foxy). He acts like a dad to Jeremy (his co-worker). Plans to even adopt him. Mike loves rock. He secretly plays on a guitar. He's style is mainly comfortible clothes like hoodie or jeans.
Dollores (Doll) Schmidt (25 y.o.) - she's 5'6 blond woman. She's also married to Mike. They met when Mike left the college (he didn't like it there). They both clicked by his silly jokes. Then they got married after Dollores finished college. Doll works in a florist's shop in mall. She loves flowers. She usually dress up like Mike (in comfy clothes).
Jeremy Fitzgerald (18 y.o.) - he is 5'2 brunette man. He wears a "?" mask which hides his scar (he got it from years ago, when he still lived with his family). He left his family home to start a new life (he had bad family life). He have PTSD because of it and stuttering. Mike is like a father to him. He really likes anime. He's even big fan of Sailor Moon. His fashion is usually t-shirts with anime characters on it and cozy sweater. He is also a volunteer at a pet shelter (he's also a vegetarian).
Fritz Smith (24 y.o.) - he's 5'5 man with an orange hair. He can't see well (he have -6), that's why he have big glasses. He's very inteligent (even a computer expert). When Fritz finished college (he have PHD in IT), he couldn't find a job (job needed expirienced people). So he chose Freddy Fazbear's. He loves food, like really. He orders packages from Amazon to try food from all around the world. He also likes videogames. He dresses up in gaming t-shirt and jeans.
Scott (Phone guy) (Daichi) Cawtton (45 y.o.) - he's 6'4 man with dark hair. Scott was born in Osaka (Japan), but moved to US for education. He have PHD in engieering, English literature and mathematics. He knows English, Korean, Japaneese and French language. He is a manager at Freddy's. Usually working overtime, he drinks too much coffee. He have his phone mask, because of accident with Golden Freddy. His face got very damaged by it. He is 90% at work so he usually wears work uniform, but at his days off, he wears sweater and jeans. He likes Vincent a bit, but he'll not go into relationship because of Vincent's joking nature. Scott is more serious.
Vincent Bishop (42 y.o.) - he's 6'2 man with purple hair. In his younger years, he was a rebel. His family was rich and popular, so they made him play piano and do studies. But he's true love was making clothes. That's why his style is goth/punk. After years of pressure from his family, Vincent got another personality. He have 2 personalities/identities. One is chill and nice, other called "William", is more of a darker side of him (evil side). When he is himself, his eyes are white, but when he becomes William, his eyes are dark (yin-yang type of thing). Vincent lives is a house which from outside looks normal, but from inside looks pretty rich. His room is full of sewing machines and materials. He usually wears fancy/punk-goth clothes. He only teases for attention. He loves it. Also he's pan. Before he was in relationship with Mahogany (Boss's daughter), but they broke up. Then he started going after Scott. Vincent can also talk in Spanish.
Mahogany Brown (40 y.o.) - she's a 6'0 woman with long dark hair. Even if she's beautiful, she's also inteligent. She finished college and now works as a model. She loves fashion, but more she likes photography. She usually wears fancy clothes.
Byron (Boss) Brown (60 y.o.) - he's 6'0 bald man. By outside, he's very serious buissness man, but in inside, he's a loving father. He's a boss at Freddy's. He likes golf.
Chris Evans (22 y.o.) - he's 6'0 blond man. Chris is a trans man, so he have pins with his pronounces on his uniform. He also works as a janitor in Freddy's. He's the only one janitor there. He loves his job. It's very easy for him. He's also a younger brother of Dollores.
Patrice (Bishop) (20 y.o.) - my OC, yippee. She's a 5'0 woman with mid long brown hair. She like Mike, never finished college, but also left her country to try something new. She's very introverted, but if you'll know her more, she becomes open and energetic. She loves desserts. She's very talented in making them. No matter if it's cupcakes, cookies, cake or waffles, she can make it. She 1st lived in small poor apartment, but then moved in with Vincent. They became BFF. He sometimes even helps her in work. Patrice loves suits. A gentleman, awww. That's why people thought that she is man (after some time they knew that she's a woman). She can't stand crowded places, and when it's too much going on with sounds, she puts on her headphones with music. Vincent is like brother to her.
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truly-morgan · 1 year
[Dark!Reigen meets Dark!Mob, murderous duo]
MobRei | Mob Psycho 100 Dark AU 09-01-2023
mobrei but with Dark!Reigen and Dark!Mob
Where Reigen isn't actually as good a man as canon is. he's a  fox, scamming and lying to get his way with everything and everyone, to make money as easily as possible with no guilt or remorse.
So when lill' Mob comes to him he thinks he could find great use for the boy.
And slowly but surely he twists and warps Mob's moral compass, the kid malleable under his careful hand and words. So trusting of his shisho, he'll do anything he asks him to do.
This causes Mob to maybe act a bit oddly, creating an even bigger gap between him and his school peers, which leads them to be harsher on him, which then leads Mob to seek out Reigen even more.
Shisho is so nice to him, he'll stay by his side.
Then as he grows up darker thoughts start to come to his mind. Darker and more violent, where he wishes to use his powers not necessarily to help people.
Shisho is more than happy to give the little pushes in the wrong direction that Mob needs.
He gets some sick pleasure from seeing Mob cause destruction around him, something in him vibrating when Mob kill his first none-human living thing.
It is also easy to reassure the young teenager when some guilt suddenly falls on him, telling him how much shisho is proud of him and how great he did.
They are each other's descent into more madness, bringing out the worse in each other.
The more his shisho encourages and praises him, the farther Mob goes.
The farther his cute little Mobu goes, the more Reigen encourages and praises him.
and in all this Mob starts developing feelings for his shisho, which easily turns into obsession and possessiveness towards Reigen.
Of course, the man notices and.
He let it happen.
Because Reigen has also developed a twisted type of love for Mob. It's nothing pure, but it's not purely sexual either. He wouldn't be able to put his finger on it though.
He knows that he's a lying and manipulative Fox, ready to do anything to get his way.
But Mob... Mob is off-limit for this in a way he would have never thought he'd feel for anyone in his life. He wishes to keep the boy by his side until the day he dies, wants to keep him happy.
Plus he knows, no one else would accept either of their twisted minds.
Then the first person Mob kills is a client that kept doing advances on Reigen despite the man clearly brushing off any offers. Despite the dangerous energy coming from where Mob is standing near the entry to the room.
Then the man dares put his hand on Reigen.
(cw: graphic-ish violence🦴)
Before Reigen can even react, the man is wanked away by a familiar blue and purple hue, sounding like he's choking on air.
Then the sound of bones popping, cracking and snapping can be heard through the pained scream of the man, limbs contorting and twisting in ways it shouldn't be able to do.
The sound of flesh ripping and more bone snapping as the offending hand is being thrown far away into the abandoned room, the thumping soft compared to the noises the man is making.
It's not really long before the sounds of screaming turns into some gurgling and choking, blood coming out of his mouth.
The last sounds coming from the man are from his neck being snapped, then the body falling to the ground with a heavy thud.
Then the place is deadly quiet, the only thing disturbing it being Mob's somewhat ragged breathing as they both watched the sorry sight of their now ex-client.
Neither of them says anything at first, Mob still not fully recovered from his previous rage.
meanwhile, despite his rather calm look, Reigen is reeling on the inside, absolutely thrilled by what kind of horror and violence Mob is capable of. Sick pleasure still runs through his veins as his own breathing comes back to normal.
when he comes back from the high of the situation, something seems to come back to him, making him click his tongue. "You could have at least waited for him to pay us, Mob" he comments only half-annoyed. He's not really mad that the bastard is dead though.
He sees Mob look back up at him, the feral look on his face slowly fading away for some distress instead, panicked at the idea that he might have caused problems for his shisho and that the man will now be mad at him.
Reigen's expression softens at that, the way it does only for Mob, making his way towards the teenager while carefully avoiding the blood on the ground.
He doesn't hesitate to pull the young man into his arms, despite how his hair is still somewhat sticking up, usually a sight of him being more unstable and easy to trigger again.
He keeps Mob close to him, a hand carding through the soft black strand of hair. "Don't look so stressed Mob," he says softly, "He may not have paid us in money, but he sure gave us something interesting and unique regardless". He hums at the memory of the horror caused by Mob, a slight shudder running through him.
"You did very good tonight Mob," he says more softly this time, lips leaving a little kiss on top of his head.
They stay like this for a while, not that Reigen would have been able to go anyway with how tightly Mob's arms are hugging him, burying himself against his torso.
Then after a while, he gently pats Mob's back, "Maybe we should do something about the body" Reigen points out.
"If you do a good job without leaving any trace of us behind I'll let you have extra pork in your ramen, how does that sound". He cannot help the smile on his face at the happy looks this gets out of his little disciples.
and so Mob gets to work, finding somewhere near the abandoned building to dispose of the body, using his power to hide him underground. Of course, first he pull the man's wallet out, fishing out the money they were due in cash. He even manages to clean the scene as best as he can with his power, leaving barely any trace of them behind.
"Good job Mob, you did very good like usual" Reigen grins as they make their way to get dinner after all this.
and this isn't their last murder. It takes a while before it happens again, reigen planning and coaxing Mob into doing it once more (he's worried at first because this is more illegal than killing animals), that if he follows everything his shisho says everything will be alright.
of course, Reigen decides to keep clients out of it (only because it would be a too easy tie to them, not because he cares about these people).
Instead, they try to find people neither of them knows and that seems like interesting prey.
Reigen is the lure. The bait. Out of either of them, he's obviously the one who has more ease with charming people. Plus like this, he'd also do some work into it, especially seeing that he has no other participating in the killing aside from watching Mob play with flesh puppets.
He also realises it makes for good stress relief for his little Mob, the teenager seemingly letting go of something that simmers under his skin all week long as he deals with everyone else in his life.
Every time Reigen puts on some kind of disguise, knowing that otherwise, his blond hair would be a little bit too easy to recognise. It's also pretty funny playing dress up, watching the way Mob seems to quite enjoy a lot of these outfits. He didn't get to see him outside of his usual office suit that often after all.
Maybe he should finally let Mob more into his personal life, he deserved it after being such a good and loyal boy. He can easily see how much Mob loves him, as stoic as he can be at times, that's something easy to read in his everything. From the way he looks at Reigen to how he acts with him and how he will listen and follow every one of his words as if it was gospel.
That love for him is also why sometimes Reigen decides to spice things up. He loves seeing Mob's possessiveness and obsession with him.
Always disguised he'll find someone to flirt with and lure away from the bar, promising a nice night with him.
What a surprise all of these people have when they are met with Mob, some giving him a disgusted look as if misunderstanding the situation (as if HE would ever let anyone put their hands on Mob when he has yet to do more himself).
Mob is always more passionate when it comes to people he brings back like this, knowing that sometimes he sneaks into the bars, erasing himself in the background with ease despite looking way too young for these places.
It is just even more thrilling to see how feral Mob can get when someone was especially being handsy with him.
Once someone even slipped him some actual alcohol and despite being very light-weight, Reigen remembered the carnage Mob made when he met them, away from their usually more isolated and safer space.
The alcohol does make him more sluggish and tired once the adrenaline of the show is over, slumping over Mob like a ragdoll, knowing the teenager can hold him easily. He can't keep in his giggling and praises for Mob.
He remembers Mob bringing him home (which he chuckles when he remembers he never gave Mob his address).
His memory is even hazier from there, but he remembers Mob taking care of his drunken shisho. Mob is actually pretty good at taking care of him, nice and loving.
The next day Reigen regrets not having been careful enough with his drink, feeling his head throbbing like crazy. Then he remembers what happens and some panic does raise in him, something unusual.
Mob appears at his bedside with tea and some medication for his headache, looking the same as usual.
"Mob, yesterday was a bad idea in the middle of the city, what if--"
"Shisho doesn't need to worry, I went back a cleaned up everything... and anything that could have seen it" Mob assures him.
This makes Reigen immediately relax, a smile growing on his lips at Mob being so diligent about their little game. He pulls Mob closer, leaving a kiss on his forehead as a reward, ruffling his hair as he speaks again "Why did I even worry, of course, my little Mob would have already taken care of it" he boasts, smiling some more when he sees the blush on his little disciple's face, clearly looking pleased to be praised like this and even receive a new type of reward.
after that night Mob comes to his place more often. Actually, he's probably then as often as he's at his own house. It easy for Reigen to use his silver tongue to find reasons for Mob to stay at his place like this.
It is surprisingly easy to convince his parent actually.
Maybe the way Reigen had been shaping Mob for years now was scaring them. Not that he cared, he thought Mob was perfect like this.
And like that they continued on this routine, trying not to do their little game of prey too often. Missing cases and unsolved and weird murders keep adding up in the city, but no one seems to be getting anywhere close to them, nor make link between all these events.
But doing all of this in Season's City gets boring, especially after how long Reigen has been there. He wants to travel around the country a little bit. Maybe he could make his service less local and just go wherever people seem to need help with spirits.
Plus, he feels like at some point it would get too dangerous to keep doing it here.
But he doesn't want to leave Mob behind...
"I'll go wherever shisho wants to go!" Mob assures him as he's cleaning and disposing of their latest prey like he usually does, turning back to Reigen. He had just mentioned his latest worries and the older man is more than happy to see Mob so eager to follow.
"Then why don't we wait until you've graduated?" Reigen offers as he walks back to Mob, wrapping his arms around him.
He's pleased with how their relationship has gotten, how casual and more intimate touches like this are now perfectly normal and routine between them.
He also takes satisfaction in knowing that he's the only one touching Mob like this, seeing of the young man doesn't like to let others touch him in general (not that Reigen is overly fond of touches from others either).
"Like this, you will have your diploma and be an adult already, no one will be able to stop you from doing whatever you want" Reigen points out.
"I want to follow you," Mob says, arms wrapping around his waist. "I want to stay by your side always" he then continued.
this makes Reigen chuckle, a grin drawing itself on his lips, looking pleased to hear that. "I wouldn't have it any other way, I'd love to have my little Mobu by my side forever".
And that confession seems enough to bring even more joy into the young man, Reigen feels the both of them floating slightly off the ground, making him laugh as he hugs Mob closer to him so he doesn't float away. "I see someone is eager to be stuck with this old man 24/7" he teases him.
"I've been waiting for that for so long," Mob says bluntly, barely taking Reigen aback. He knew that pretty well, he nearly had to force Mon back to his parent's house just so they wouldn't get too suspicious of their relationship.
And so after that, Reigen feels pretty impatient for Mob's graduation, helping him study for his finals even. It takes time away for them to be able to play their little game, but it only means they can have an even more exciting one after Mob's graduation ceremony.
Both as a graduation gift and a goodbye to Seasoning City (or at least, for a little while).
It barely takes a week before they hit the road with what is needed for their travelling spirit and such office.
And more than being free from school, Mob's family and the restriction of local prey, now Reigen can have Mob all to himself.
And he's sure ready to let all of himself to Mob, who takes everything without hesitation.
As they travel around the country, scamming and lying to people during the day and doing murders at night, Reigen realises that he has never made a better choice in his life than pulling Mob into it and bringing him down into the darkness with him.
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justmybookthots · 1 year
The Contortionist
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My biggest feat this month is not DNFing this.
Quality is never guaranteed with anything, but even then, I didn't see this coming. To be fair, it hasn’t been trending on Booktok at all—I don’t think I’ve ever seen it on there, tbh—I knew of it mainly because of Reddit. All I can say is that that subreddit has taken a huge hit on their credibility (I’m half-joking).
This reads in some part like an edgy thirteen-year-old wrote this. There is so much telling, not showing. It feels… I don’t know how to explain it, but like I’m reading a high school composition / essay. I am constantly told things, like how “insane” Simon is, like how close the main character is to Trent, but I’m never really shown that, especially the latter. 
Let’s talk about Trent, her gay best friend and the driving force of most of the story. He’s supposed to be dearest pal and the person she wants to protect, and I’m like… Why? He acts nothing like a friend. He’s just a selfish, conceited person who only cares about his own interests. She tells him she was molested, and this—this monstrosity—is what he says:
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 I… I don’t even know what to say about this. Firstly, what kind of friend advocates for fucking sexual assault? Secondly, this is a horrific caricature of how a gay person is portrayed. It's an insult to gay people. All this character thinks about is fucking hot men. The heroine, Cora, his best friend, is very clearly distraught because of the circus but he has never once noticed—never once cared beyond going there to get dick from someone at the circus:
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And then later, when he’s in danger, she thinks: 
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Ah, right. The good old flashbacks. Because other than flashbacks to remind us how supposedly close these two people are (which are just shoe-horned in and not convincing at all), Trent has never done anything worth risking her life to save him. 
Anyways, enough about Trent. Let’s talk about Simon, whose characterisation makes me puke.
I’ll start with the obvious—he’s insane. Don’t worry, you won’t forget this, because he reminds you of this every chapter. He’s insane. His smile “reeks” of insanity, whatever that means! He lost his sanity a long time ago! He is bonkers!  (These are phrases all written in the book)
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This is the cheapest way to describe a crazy person to me. My petty pet peeve is that I hate an overload of adjectives—show me he’s unhinged through his actions. And him constantly thinking to himself that he is insane made me cringe; can he… not? I have nothing against crazy people in fiction (if anything, they’re hella interesting if done right) but reminding me over and over again as if ‘crazy’ or 'evil' is his main personality trait is... a choice. And if he’s not reminding you of this, his circus co-workers are: 
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I... laughed, and I think I wasn't supposed to laugh. This story is supposed to be about a creepy, spooky circus, but other than Simon, everyone else just acts like normal people, save for the barker, who was creepy at first then had a personality transplant and became a normal, decent guy the next day. And them calling him “a dangerous, murderous piece of shit” had me in pieces.
I have to add that I read the “Unseelie Prince” by the same author and DNFed it, and it confirms to me that she writes the same type of male lead that is not for me. Why is he constantly cackling? Once or twice is… fine, I guess, but every time he cackles I envision a crazy witch-hag. And he gives big granny vibes too because he keeps calling the main character “cupcake”.  No, I'm not kidding:
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(Of course, we gotta be reminded that he is a psychopath. Can’t forget the reminder!) Also, he'll sometimes go on long rants when he’s angry, and the abrupt switch and the way the dialogue is written is... not done well. It's hard to put a finger on it and say exactly why, other than it didn't work for me.
There’s a lot more issues with this book that I don’t care to go into, because I’m not continuing this nonsense. Cora constantly going back to the circus when she’s traumatised by it yet and yet again makes no sense, and the horrible characterisation of everyone is another step down. Even “Hide” by Kiersten White did a better job setting an eerie atmosphere for a circus than this book did. I think a part of me did compare this book to “Hide”, and it falls awfully short. 
Buried underneath this bilge is a plot that could actually work with the right execution. The puppet thing is honestly kind of interesting, but with their puppeteer being some man that talks like an edgy grandma, it is just not working for me. Goodbye, and good riddance. I've decided to write this author off once and for all.
- 29 July 2023
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Hiya Bestie! 💕 For the director's cut game, I've been dying to know about Joe's relationship with Alix's friend group. There was a little mention of him interacting with them while Alix was gone, and I'd love to know more about their dynamic if you're down to share :)
Ooh this is such a good question!! It's gonna be addressed much more in later chapters too bc I'm a sucker for psychology!! 🤭
Liebgott + Skip + Don Relationship Psychoanalysis below the cut!!
So Joe is an interesting case bc he grew up SURROUNDED by family & we see him assume the role of Caretaker multiple times throughout the show, most notably with Tipper, when Tab gets gored, when Alley is wounded, & at the concentration camp later on.
The caring side of him is automatic-- it derives from being the oldest of so many siblings, the man of the family when his dad's at work. He's always been the Protector, the Caretaker etc.
He is as fierce a lover as he is a fighter bc both come from the same place: his compassionate heart! He can't help but care about people and as Eugene Sledge wrote in his book, it's the ones with empathy that suffer the most during wartime.🥺
As the war progresses, we see Joe starts to go against his own nature. We see him learn to shut the kinder side of himself down. He has to-- As Winters wrote in his book, Joe was one of Easy Company's "designated killers".
Imagine for one second the weight of that label on a person. You need someone executed, you call Joe. Joe is the one Resistance members use as a threat during interrogations-- he's the attack dog, he kills on command.
What does a normal human being have to do to become psychologically okay with that? How much of himself did he lose? What does a job like that do to a person over time?
Alix & Joe are very similar but they fork in that regard:
Alix lets her emotions lead as an act of rebellion against a system that has tried to rob her of them + tries to pull away from that label of "Killer" whereas Joe shuts down & leans into it. He does what he has to do. He is a good soldier.
He lets his anger (which is really just compounded self-loathing) drive him, becoming a bit of a Lone Wolf in the process.
The angrier Joe becomes, the more he lashes out.
The more he lashes out, the more he hates himself.
And the cycle just continues.
He knows it & he HATES it. There's a reason he abandons his old name in favor of an old family nickname, tries to avoid the Easy Co. reunions at all costs, & refuses to talk about the war until he's practically on his deathbed.
Joe DESPISES the person he used to be, the person the war made him.
So Skip starts in a similar position but ends up in a VERY different place!
Like Joe, he grew up as the Caretaker figure in his family. He didn't face any discrimination growing up tho-- which obviously had a major effect on Joe-- but there's no doubt Skip is upset about the suffering he sees throughout the war. Any decent human being would be, ESPECIALLY someone with a heart as big as Skip's.
BUT unlike Joe, we never see Skip angry or upset for long.
Skip's outlook is UNFAILINGLY positive bc he knows if he allows himself to sink into that place of rage even for a moment, he'll never get out.
And as an NCO, Skip feels a responsibility for the morale of his squad. He knows people are depending on him, he knows the younger guys are watching him, so when he feels down, he makes the choice to lift others up instead.
Even in his letters, when he writes about feeling down, it's very quick mentions here & there. He refuses to let himself have more than a second or two of anger or self-pity BUT at the same time, does not allow the war to strip him of his humanity or compassion. He's been an optimist his whole life & even in the worst of times, he refuses to let the war take that from him.
Subconsciously, when Joe looks at Skip, he sees the person he could have been, if life had been kinder. If he had made the same kinds of choices instead of hardening his heart to survive.
"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood", so to speak.
And he wants to protect that in Skip at all costs.
In a similar vein, subconsciously, with Don, I think Joe sees his little brother -- This carefree, mischievous, bright spark of a boy with adventure in his soul. Joe's younger siblings got to have a childhood-- he never really did. So he sees the same light in Don that he sees in his younger siblings, & as he did growing up, Joe will shoulder whatever burdens he needs to in order to protect that.
Thank you so much for the Ask, my Dovely!! Sorry this kinda turned into a book lol💖
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your-lovely-rose · 2 years
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Request from Alphabets: Relationship Alphabet
𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦: Boku no hero Academia
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Shin Nemoto x Reader
⚠ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: None || NOT EDITED
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫’𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: Hey, sorry it took so long and I hope to do more requests with Nemoto in the future (and he didn't come out here too much OOC).
> Shin Nemoto Masterlist
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A = Activity  | What is their favorite activity to do with you?
I expect that to be something simple, like walks or general spending time together: watching a movie or staying near each other, you can even do completely different things - your presence is enough for him.
B = Beginnings  | How do they act in the beginning of a relationship?
He'll be hard-faced to you and seem unkind. He won't outright insult you, but sometimes (when he's having a particularly bad day) he might overly criticize you.
He won't trust you because of his belief about others - about how unreliable they are and how they lie all the time. He definitely has a trust issue.
C = Communication  | Are they good communicators? How do they normally talk about their problems or solve issues?
Shin doesn't have a problem with communication - he doesn't stutter, isn't embarrassed talking to someone he likes nor is he afraid to talk. On the contrary, in conversations he is confident.
But he won't go talk to a newly met person about his problems and frustrations. However, if he likes you, you can get what's bothering him.
At first, he'll still be reluctant to say, acting more cold than usual, then, when he lets it out, he'll feel better (but he'll still be little nervous).
D = Drunk  | What are they like when they’re drunk?
He doesn't usually drink enough to get totally drunk, however, if this ever happens he is very talkative and fractious - if you're his victim (you'll be the only one around him then), you'll have to listen his jealousy about Chrono and boss, what has gone wrong, what upsets him or his praise of Overhaul.
But the drunken Shin doesn't just talk about it. You can ask him what he thinks about you or your relationship with him. He will answer you completely honestly without the filter of inhibitions that his brain creates, when he is sober.
He may forget about it later, but if he likes you he will say right away that he is glad he finally told its you.
Even if he forgets this later.
E = Emergency  | How are they in emergency situations? You get hurt, they get hurt, someone is dying, etc…
You/Somebody gest hurt or is dying. | If it's someone close to him, he will panic. At first he's not sure what to do - he wants to help you, but doesn't know where to start. Better let someone else help you.
Him | He wouldn't care so much about himself. You could find him in a pool of blood, limbless or badly bruised, but he wouldn't react as strongly as when someone else is injured. He knows Overhaul will help him, and even if Chisaki doesn't, he would be happy to be able to help him somehow - even if it got him killed.
F = Free Spot  | I’ll give you any headcanon I come up with
[Honestly, I have no idea what I could put in here. I'm sorry...]
G = Gifts  | What kind of gifts do they give? What kind of gifts do they get?
Giving | He'll give you something that you like or will be related to your interests. Giving it may seem indifferent and he didn't spend too much time picking it out, but believe, he did. He won't admit it (I believe he is a tsundere) and he won't show you how much he wants you to like it, but inside he's still worried you won't. When you tell him you like it, he'll be relieved, and when he sees you using his gift (or carrying it around) he'll smile subconsciously.
Getting | He won't feel comfortable with an expensive gift - he will then feel compelled to repay it somehow. He's better off with the little things you might associate with your relationship.
H = Hugs  | How do they show affection/cuddle?
Don't think that he will show you affection at work or in front of other co-workers - the most you can get is praise for a well done job (not always, don't get used to it).
Privately, when no one can see you, he can pat you on the shoulder or head or/and give you a little hug - he's not very emotional.
I = Irritation  | What is something that irritates them? How do they show their irritation?
When something doesn't go his way, when no one obeys his orders, when you ignore or don't listen to him. He then feels undervalued and insulted.
How will he show irritation? You won't see his face through the mask, but you'll hear his voice getting louder and louder. You can also feel a dangerous change in his tone and see how he squeezes the things he holds in his hands.
J = Jackpot  | How would they spend their winnings if they won the lottery?
If Overhaul had asked him to give it to him, he would have done so without hesitation - he'd probably try to help him achieve his goal.
I'm sorry, but you're second to his boss - he was the first person, who was completely honest with him and trusted him despite his quirk. He doesn't love him like you, but deeply respects and admires him.
K = Kryptonite  | What is their ultimate weakness?
Praise. He's not used to being praised, but don't overdo it because he'll think it's fake. If he gets to the point where he uses his quirk on you, and you say you really mean it, he'll melt down. Although he will try not to show it too much, inside he'll be a totally mess.
L = Laughter  | What makes them laugh?
Stupid failures of others, however, which won't affect the success of Overhaul's plan.
If the incompetence of others interferes with the achievement of their (Chisaki) goal, then he will be mad.
M = Morning  | How do they wake up in the morning? Are they a morning person or a morning grouch?
He is very meticulous and ready for anything at any time, so I believe that getting up in the morning won't cause him a problem. In the yakuza, good organization is essential - everyone there works as one organism, so he must be like that.
N = Needy  | When do they feel particularly needy? How do they show it?
After some time you'll sense it - he'll be quieter. He won't comment on your failure or mistake, and his praise (if any) will sound forced, so at frist you might won't notice the difference in his mood.
O = Oasis  | Where is their happy place? Where would they go if they didn’t have anything holding them back?
Before Chisaki, he had no one he could trust, so he would follow him anywhere - even to the other end of Japan. So, this will be his workplace/office.
When you become friends, he might sometimes for the sake of peace (and a break from work stress) show up at your apartment, after he learning that you accept him and don't mind his presence at your place.
It won't be frequent (at the beginning) nor he won't be already inside when you come in, waiting for you, but sometimes he might come after work - don't ask then what happened, just suggest spending time together like a movie or dinner.
But for that to happen, he has to trust you, and that will take a long time. Then he'll become an increasingly frequent guest until finally (you don't know exactly when) he'll be your tenant.
P = Pain  | How do they handle pain? How do they handle when you are in pain?
He'll bear his pain - he won't scream or cry, but yours will bother him. He will try to do everything to help you.
Q = Quote  | What’s a quote that fits them and your relationship?
❝The course of true love (friendship?) never runs smooth.❞ // ❝The quarrel of lovers is the renewal of love.❞
R = Reunion  | How do they celebrate seeing you after a long time of being apart?
I'm sure he'll want to take you somewhere just the two of you. He'll want to hear from you everything that happened while you were away (although I'm sure you texted and called each other on the phone).
S = Stress  | What stresses them out? How do deal with stress and how do they relieve it?
He is irritable - when he is needy or uncertain he is quieter, but when stressed, he'll try to unload it on others. Of course, he won't hit anyone, but his taunts will be more vicious and more frequent.
What could lead him to do so? For example, seeing Chisaki spend more time with Chrono (he feels threatened then). From the moment he met Overhaul, he believes he is the only person Kai is honest with and whom he trusts. Seeing how close he is to Kurono makes him jealous.
If you're close to him, don't make friends with Chrono - spare him that.
T = Terror  | What are they afraid of?
Losing what he has now - that which gives him Shie Hassaikai and the rest of the Eight Bullets members (although he won't mostly show it to them and he doesn't like everyone equally). The yakuza is the only place where people trusted him and who didn't lie to him. It is his home.
U = Unique  | What is a quirk that is unique to them?
Checking how you feel and selfless help with things unrelated to Shie Hassaikai's goals.
Forgot your lunch from home? Have half of his bento. Did you miss the bus or is it very late? He'll give you a ride home.
It'll be so unusual for him that everyone will notice.
Chrono and Tengai won't comment on this, they don't care; Setsuno, Hojo and Tabe will only look at you two surprised each time, but understanding what is going on. The only one to comment on this will probably be Deidoro teasing Shin or Overhaul, being glad to see how he finally get along with his co-worker/assistant.
V = Violence  | Do they fight a lot? Are they a good fighter? What is their fighting style?
As a member of the yakuza, he must fight, but he won't do so at close range - he will keep his distance from the opponent and try to shoot him/them.
Unfortunately, he's not very good at hand-to-hand combat and as a shooter, he's average.
W = Wow  | What do you do that really surprises them? What do you do that they really like?
The first such thing (at the beginning of your relationship, when he is just starting to open up to you) could be an invitation to spend time together, go out to lunch or a small gift - whether on the occasion of some holiday (Valentine's Day, Christmas) or without as a token of gratitude for help at work.
X = —  | Explicit headcanon (for all you degenerates)
He'll use Confession to hear how good he makes you feel. He wants to hear how well he's doing and it'll make him even more aroused.
Y = Yucky  | Is there something that grosses them out so badly that they can’t deal with it?
I don't know what could possibly disgust him, but I'm sure he can't bear all the rude behavior and the insult given to Chisaki - the one person, who was the first to be truly honest with him, which relies on him and makes him feel needed.
Dirt, blood, guts, torture, child abuse, death - doesn't move him, but insulting his boss? It will move him to his core.
If that's you, who insults or makes fun of Chisaki, you'd better run.
Z = ZZZ  | What are their sleeping habits? (Both with and without you)
He doesn't give you a lot of hugs, but you can wake up in the morning with his one arm wrapped around you (although you could have fallen asleep and the one doing the hugging was you).
He had no problem falling asleep, until he got use to sleeping with you - when you aren't there he feels it is strangely empty and cold in the bed. As if something (someone) is missing.
Your presence by his side at night is pleasant and comforting. After getting used to having you next to him it's hard for him to sleep, but he won't admit it.
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mystery-salad · 2 years
gimme ❌ 🧡🍋🌳🌀💜🌺 for Matthias
I always love a good Matthias all and I can be SO MEAN in some of these questions >:3c
❌ What kind of things would end any relationship for them? Is there a history behind why these things bother them? Could they ever take someone back despite this? If so or if not, why?
First thing's first. If a relationship ends for him, it's never coming back. He will never take you back. If you ruin things with him, ruin his trust in you, that is it and there is never going to be any rolling that back ever.
That being said, it also takes a lot to really truly ruin a relationship with him once it's build. Well he get mad sometimes? Yeah, couples and friends all have fights that's normal. He'll get past those, they wouldn't negate any relationship. To ruin a relationship you have to genuinely ruin his trust in you. Which is hard won in the first place, I can count the people he trusts on one hand and two of them are his eventual partners.
Things that would break his trust: pulling off his shirt after he's made it clear he hates removing his shirt, fraternizing with large criminal groups (bandits/shining blade/white mantle especially), revealing any of his secrets to anyone else at all even if they're trustworthy. He is a very very private guy, his past is a source of so much trauma in his life, and if you step a toe out of line in that direction, you are gone. No warnings, no chances to apologize.
🧡 Who is your OC’s favourite person? Why is this person the top of their list and have they actually met them (an idol or rolemodel or celeb can be someone’s favourite after all!).
🍋 Does your OC act petty and jealous easily? What sort of things make them feel like this and do they experience guilt for getting so worked up? How do they deal with these emotions when they get them? If your OC doesn’t feel like this often, why not?
In general he's not the jealous type! And he's very good at noticing and schooling his own emotions when necessary. Except! Except when it's tied to live because he has buried that emotion so deeply he doesn't recognize when it becomes relevant!
There is one case where he has truly gotten jealous, and that was when Aildyn ( @ascalonianpicnic ) got a girlfriend after lws4. The two had been growing so much closer, with hilariously neither of them really noticing what was happening. And since neither of them noticed, Aildyn thought they had unrequited feelings for Matthias so they tried to move on with a noblewoman who asked them out. Matthias thought there were no feelings between the two of them at all and was blindsided with the sudden jealousy he felt when Aildyn showed up to work with a girlfriend on their arm. He naturally quickly started trying to bury those feelings and stomp out the love that he didn't realize he felt until now, but the jealousy still clung to him as he distanced himself from Aildyn. It was a...trying time, in the two's co-commander situation that neither enjoyed.
🌳 Compare your OC to themself from 10 years ago. How has their mental state changed since then, how have they aged and grown up? Would they say they’re in a better place than they were back then or do they need help? What advice would they give their younger self? What advice would their younger self give to them now?
He has mellowed out quite a metric fuckton compared to when he was young! Getting out of an extremely volatile abusive situation, having to run from it for years, and then finally getting into a stable and relatively safe position with no ties to his past, will do that for him. He's still on edge though and has a hair trigger reaction to danger. There's a bag in his office that's packed and ready for if he has to suddenly leave this life behind and start running again. He'll never feel fully secure in this life. But he settles, as much as one can in his situation.
He's happier. He's calmer. And for the first time in over 10 years, he's got someone he loves and trusts who will watch his back for him. His younger self would hate this, accusing him of leaving his old love behind and forgetting her. He shouldn't be stationary he shouldn't be finding new happiness, he should be running to make sure he's never caught and that she didn't die in vain! But he'd give his own advice now to that younger self, that sometimes running doesn't have to be literal. Hiding is good too, and loving someone new doesn't lessen the love for an old flame. There's room for more here, and Morgan would've wanted him to live a better life than he'd had while alone.
🌀 Where is your OC from? Where were they born? Do they still live there, if not why did they move? If they still live in the area how has it changed since their childhood? How many places has your OC lived in and where has been their favourite?
He was born in a bandit camp, to a mother that did not survive. His life growing up was cruel and abusive, and he was molded into the perfect little tool for easy rules. A beautiful child that could be tossed into any town seeming lost, and lure people into dark secluded areas. Eventually he didn't even need older bandits along for the ambushes, he was terrifyingly capable of killing a small group of unsuspecting people on his own. The only light in all this was an eventual friend he made with a runaway who joined the bandits. And she is why he eventually found the strength and determination to leave.
He's lived all across tyria since then, ten years on the run, never staying in one place for more than a handful of days. The Pact Commander position was his first time he's stayed in one place since he was 15. And due to that, it is also his favorite though he would never admit it. His actual house though still moves every two weeks. No one knows where he lives outside of his office.
💜 Music or Silence? Swords or Spells? Cities or Nature?
Silence, sword, and neither he prefers small towns.
🌺 Does your OC have any tattoos or other body art? Does their body art have any specific meaning behind it? Do they have any scars? How did they get those scars? Any birthmarks?
Tattoos: he had one which he got as a matching set with Morgan. It was removed when discovered back home, painfully, and is now a scarred over patch on his shoulder. Hardly noticeable next to other scars though.
Scars: he is covered in scars, too caring degrees everywhere except from the neck up. He keeps his face spotless, sometimes to the detriment of other injuries. It's crucial for him. And in that scarred mess, he has a couple of special note which are both always hidden away under a shirt.
There's a smooth spot on his chest, left side and circular with a radius of about 6 inches. This is where he personally scraped off a brand of the crest his bandit camp used, shortly before his first escape attempt. They didn't take kindly to discovering that when he was caught in his escape, which leads to the other notable scar quite nicely!
Spanning the entirety of his back is a mess of scars from a very prolonged and thorough turn at the whipping post. And interrupting those ragged lines is a much larger version of the bandit camp's crest hollowed into his back. He never lets anyone see it, doesn't let anyone know it exists. He doesn't have the reach to remove it like the one on his chest, and doing so would cause severe damage to his back with how deep the scars run.
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callme-pako · 3 years
First of all this episode FUCKING rocks. The animation was so perfect and the lighten/shading or composition was absolutely perfect I FUCKING love it.
Blitzø is afraid of intimacy and drives other away from him. That's the short answer to this blog. But it's more complexed than that...
Moxxie quotes this very important sentence: "I believe your subconscious is trying to tell you that you simply cannot fathom proper intimacy but also crave it as well, it's rather unfortunate, sir, considering it's often how you treat those that stand by you such as myself. Are you worried I may have enough of it one day as well?"
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It's the fact that Blitzø's subconscious know that he can't understand proper intimacy but he is also craving it. How can you crave something that you can't understand? Blitzø doesn't understand proper intimacy because in his eyes the only thing that is close to intimacy for him is sexual intercourse (sexual relationship). And Moxxie said that he doesn't understand proper intimacy which; The closeness between people in personal relationships. It's what builds over time as you connect with someone, grow to care about each other, and feel more and more comfortable during your time together. It can include physical or emotional closeness, or even a mix of the two.
That's what Blitzø's doesn't understand he doesn't know what's the closeness in personal relationships are, he never stayed long enough to build it over time and connect with someone. We don't know how close he and Verosika were when they were dating we just assume because that they had a very sexual relationship because one of them is literally a s*x Demon and by the way that Blitzø didn't show any sympathy of what he did (stealing her credit card and driving away to the Wraith Ring and spending all the money on horse riding lessons).
Not only did Moxxie said that Blitzø is treating other with what he thinks is intimacy, he also stated that Blitzø is afraid of what if the people that he treats that way might have enough of it and leave him behind. There is currently one character that treat Blitzø with love...
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Stolas, Stolas loves Blitzø and doesn't treat him like a plaything, the fact that he came to the human realm and saved him is an act of true love or proper intimacy. In Blitzø's dr*g trip Stolas ask him if he was afraid of loving and Blitzø still kept walking towards him while chains are appearing. I think that one of the reasons why Blitzø keeps running towards him is 'cuz if he doesn't do it then his past will start to haunt him even more and sees Stolas as his escapism, he may also keep going to Stolas 'cuz he is giving him what he is craving, Intimacy. Stolas is the only one that gives it to him, he should be happy that he finally found what he was always craving. But there is something that he doesn't fully recognise with Stolas.
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Normally when someone shows him intimacy he drives them away and claim that he's better off alone. (Robotic) Fizzarolli is saying that he's trying to say that to everyone but he knows that it doesn't work that well. Verosika is saying that he keeps shoving everyone away until they resend them for being a SELFISH SHITTY SHIT FUCKER. They're both saying that Blitzø isn't better off alone and that he can't accept anyone's help.
But it's different now with Stolas and the others, he is in chains because he searched for Stolas himself. At first he saw Stolas and IMP as an escapism for his past thought that he could just leave them all once he feels better but he didn't. He got attached to them even though they don't always wants him but they still stay with him.
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Blitzø got attached to them but Stolas got attached to him, how the table have turned. Now that Stolas got attached to him it is much harder for him to just leave him behind. He don't need to worry about the possibility of Stolas leaving him, so he has nothing to worry about, except the fact that he still is afraid of proper intimacy that Stolas gives him he has no other choice than staying with him. If Blitzø leaves Stolas then he was no way to continue his business he will likely loose Millie and Moxxie, because without a business how else will they pay the bills and the food, how else will he take care of Loona, 'cos no Stolas means no Grimoire, no Grimoire means no IMP, no IMP means no money and no money probably means no reason for M&M to stay.
That is why he is in chains and that's why Stolas is the holding the chains, if he cut off Stolas of his life, he will also automatically cut off the new life he me made with IMP.
Blitzø's biggest fear is cutting off Stolas and that's why they portrayed it like that with a fancy stare case and wings, wings that symbolise his escapism. He finally found what he was searching for and now he can't leave it behind.
'cuz if he does then he'll die alone another thing that he fears
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Ending up all alone is another thing that he fears and that will happen if he cutt Stolas off his life. Without Stolas he is alone that's why he was worried that Striker may kill the only thing that keeps him from being alone.
This episode also showed that Blitzø actually fell in love with Stolas, even though this was mostly a Moxxie X Blitzø centered episode, they did a great job showing that he fell for him.
Overall this was a great episode and I can't wait to see what The SpindleHorse Studio has in store for the last 2 episode of season 1. They really out done them selves for this masterpiece.
See you next time
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